Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    ri * OMAHA DAIL * BEE SATURDAY JULY in 1884.
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars sec our next
F'ir M n Qolefc. ior * , tr . Honk fr * ,
OltUU Altne ; , IM Fulton Kl. , N w York.
Science of Life , Only $1,00
Exhausted Vitality , Ntrvotu and Physical Diblllty ,
rrematnro Decline In Mao , Errors of Youth , n the
untold miseries MUllln ; from Indiscretions or iix-
0089C9. A boot : for tvoiy man , young , middle-aired ,
and old. It contains lit prescription i ( or all atnto
and chronic diseases cacliono ot which Is Invaluable
So found by the Author , whoio cjpcrlcnco fcr 23
yean la inch aoprobably never before fell to the Kt
of any physic an 200 pnget , bound In beantlfu
French muslin mdoesed covers , full Rllt.iruarautood
0 to a finer work n every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , thivn any other work sold 1
this country for 12.10 , or the money will bo relnndo
In every Instauoe. Price only $1.00 by mall , pen )
paid. Illustrative sample E oents. Bond now. Oo
in-vlal awarded the author by the National lledlo
AMiclatton , to the officers of which ho refers.
The Sclonso of Life should bo read by the young
Instruction , and by the ainiotod lot relief. II
itUl bcnefli alt London Lancet.
There la no member of society to whom The Sol-
tnje of Llfo will not be useful , whether youth , par
ent , gnardlatj , Instruct or or clergyman. Argonaut.
AddroM the Peabody lledloal Institute , ot Dr. W ,
n. Parker , No. t DuIOnch Street , Uoiton Mass. , who
may tie consulted on all diseases roqulrl-iRskill and
experience. Ooronlo andobstlnatodlaoai , istbat have
baffled the skill of all other phys-MPB I dam.
a , specialty Buon trotted sucocfls-uCHL folly
without an Initanio failure.
rattfrw THYSELF
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , SOO mlloi wctt
of St Paul Tireo trains dally on the N. P. U. U. ,
with 30 lay Excursion. Tickets at about one-half
An elegant house with tti-commodatlona for 200
R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
Will euro KcrTounnors ,
I.uinbagfi.lUieunmtlnni , l > ar.
fl > M , NiMirnlKlu , hclnllra.
kidney , hplno mil I.Ivor
ilUeai i . ( JoutAi.tliliialle rt
tllM'axf , lljriKMwIa , Coimtl-
' ' - . ' " . ' ,
yrf' 'J , n. M.II . Catanh ,
. . 'i C 7 ' " ' " ' Ki'lfrpKT , Imimtcncy ,
DumtiAiriiF. rinlanmii Uteri , etc. Only tclvntirla Kl M
tno Hell In .VmiTlrii Hint remix the KlocfrlcItT nild lnUK >
notliini thronirli the body.uml caiiborKcbawdlu an In-
SI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
* D . TJOR.YR I was atniotod with rhonmatlum and
cured by using n belt. To any one afflicted with
that dieoMO , I would ay , buy Home's Kloctrlo Belt ,
Any one can confer with mo by writing calling
I my store , 1120 Douglas atreot. Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OmCE-Oppoelto POrtoffloo , room i Fren.
i ciblook
CVForsaleatO. P. Qoodmui'i Drugstore1 1110
arnam Ht , Omaha.
Orders filled 0. O D
James Meal Institute
Chartered by theStateof III' .
jnols for Uiccxireusr | > urpoK < !
Jof Givlnclmmediatc relfclir.
toll chronic , urinary and pri-
Jvuto dlsccses. Gonorrhoea ,
, Vr > Qlcctandbyphills In all their
! xr complicated forma , also ul'
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
perirmncntlycured by reme.
. dics.tcotctllnn J'W//lY ( < ir *
, - A/'W/nUVMrUcf. Seminal
Weakness , NiRlit LOSECO by Dreams , Pimples on
the J-jce. Lost Manhood , jmalltfrlirnrt il iJicrt
I'l tinr-jrjHrfmrrdtii'/ appropriate r.r.ea
10 ut once used In each caie. Consultations , tier'
fonal or by letter , Lacredly confidential. Med.
iclaru bent by Mall and Express. No marka on
to indicate contents or tender. Address
i n./AMESNo.204Wa3iinflloriSi.Chiugoll ! ] ,
' i n. i im.i im i . .mi. , i .1 nil '
% VI1I purify tlm CLOOD.'rppi.
l.itu tha LIVER uim KIUNCVQ ,
mill JIHKIIIK ! : 711 K HKiU.TlI
und vicoii of YOUTir. Drv
pi pain.Vnnt of Apiivlllo , m-
, l.ntk DI NtrciiKlli.
IUTVCS i eccl u new furi'o ,
J'-iillicin tliu iiilnil ami
" "I'lillc-s llruln 1'owir.
| '
Pjx'i-uMurtci thrlrtcx will
nnd InDIi-lrAllTEH'SIllOU TON10 unit nod
( pvcuy euro , ( lives a ( Irnr , licallhy fonipli-xluii.
truiiuuut attumptH ut ciitiiiUTft'llliiK iinlyatbl
to llioiioiiiilarllyunhu urlKlnnl. Du nut uupcrl-
UlCUt KVtllluOlllllI.VAl , ANIIllHST.
xN nd > our ddrr > iitirrb l > r. HurlnrMoii Ho. '
, fSl.lxjuIi , Jto.for our"DllKAM JiOOlC. "
V Tli'ullof fctranua andi uwiul lalumuUoa , tioa.y j
KOli.\Si'S ; HLOCK ,
Corner 1' ' lh and Capitol Avemio ,
la all their forms.
TOUNO MHH.wlio are nufleMnu from the rflocta
of Youth'ul Indltcntlonii , would do w ll to Avail
themielvi'D of thin , the Kr'aU-nt Icwn t ver laid at tliu
altar of tulferlnhuinuilty. . Dr. Tanner wll Kiinr-
antce to forftlt fM'J for every caio of UemlatlVcak -
notii or Private Dlwue , of any kind or character
which lie uiiderUkciand falli toc-uro.
JIIUUI.K AGED IIKN llany men between the
aire of SJ anci 60 , are trembled with a too frcquont
rieilre to evacumto tlKllvldcr , o.'ten aoroinpanlutl
liyailleht * ma'tln anil turnioK MUMtlon , and a
wealcnluir of the ovstvui lu manner that the | ia-
( lent cannot account for. On cxaralniiiK the urliury
dru lt * a ropy loJIment U1 often be fount ] , and
louietlima to all lurtlclea of Mluuvn will appear ,
nr tl.e color will be of a thin , tnlUlililmeagain
rriirjirli L'to a ilaikand torpid ft | praraucu. There are
tnaity n i n * ho tile of thin dlttlculy , lunorant ot the
rau < . It \ the tecond ta > ; B of luniinll weakneui
Dr Ttunir will ciurar.tto rrlect euro in a1 ! euch
caw , rd alicalthy rottoritlon of the Qviilto uiluuy
" - tall craiidwu anBboTe , Pr , Tamer. _
view < 5f tne co t
A Dinner nnd n KIsB.
"I li.ivo bronglit rotir tllnncr , fnlhcr , "
The blucki'iiilth'fl tlnughtcr said ,
A hn took from licr nrmd n licttlo
iiol nny pto or i
So I will plvoyou UIB | , "
Ami titinti M ti il worn fonhcml
Mio left n childish kiM.
Tlio Ii1nrl ; intli ! took off lit * apron
And dined In Imppy mood ,
\VomlotlnR much i > t the fAV r
Hid in his littmblo food.
hllu jilnying nbout him were vuiorw
1'tdl of prophetic Mli !
Utit ho nnvor thought of the moglo
In liii llttlo dmifihtor'fl klsf.
lii'd ' fho , with lior kcltlo swinging ,
Merrily trtidfjod nwny ,
Stoplng ) ftt * lght of n niulrrol ,
Cfttfhing Bomo wild hlrd's Iny.
And I thought how mnny n chrulow
Of llfo nntl fnto wo would miss ,
If Rlwnyo our frugal tllnnera
Weroee.voned v/lth fluch n klna.
Olovcfl with nn cmbomod gnuntlot MO nov
nold , of every postlblo color.
Mlns Apnrn Wonodlct will nttempt to swim
the Knglldi Chunncl in Aticust. *
] { ock trystala sot in i-ilvor to Imitnto dla
inonda are the nowcst fancy trinkets.
Un tendy young men nro often ntondj
atlend.itico upon their bent girls. Wnttrloo
A writer In PATI | hints n Chlca ? "
girl wag the mudol for the Dnrthohll statuo'a
uplifted foot.
Accordion nklrts nro now In ntylo , but BO
long nn they don't go to making cabinet-organ
flldrU wo won't complain.
Ladles may once moro Bwatho their throaU
In thalio \ whlco muslin nccktioa without
fonrof being contlderud tinfashlonnblo.
The sailor hat Is f.Vit gaining In popularity ,
and It Is certainly very jaunty A-lion Bur-
mounting a pretty face and stylish figure.
A novelty In skirts IB known as the " 'Crlno-
lotto skirt , " which In mndo of a now kind of
hair cloth , very light and soft , yet clastic.
'Washington women have taken to tricyc
ling , nud It IH propopod to form a club of well
known nocloty women to bring the nmcliltit
nlo fashion.
White doltod Swis shows printed floral
sprays scattered over the surface. Thli ) it
very effective , and good qualities can bo had
nt 1(5 ( conta per yard.
Great Improvements have been made In tin
manufacture of MI rah ; although it romalm
l lit and flexible , it has huccmo n handdouu
hick and firm sllk.j _ B 7-
All notes of any formality should bo soalfd
vith uax , and as a certain doftnofH of touch
B necessary to nccomplteh it well , a littln pre
imlnary practlco isuuggoatod.
Small brooches In the shape of boos , flics ,
spiders , etc. , which can bo mcd to fasten tin
jonnnt strings or to place about the bodice of
, ho dross , are greatly admired.
Craiio grenadines , with larfo bouquets of
printed flowers in old tapnstry colors , prodtioi
chnrinlng offoct. There aru _ also Wnttoav
andjcnpoa and birds' nctts design.
What can ho moro "altogether lovely" thai
i dross of apricot tnutliu with figures of sweet
brier roses , made tip over apricot surah ant
won't Its wearer "look just too sweet for nny
thing. "
Tha fomlnino handkerchief should rrmlcl
, ho gown In coloring and doxign , BO that if tin
gown is trimmed with rosebud embroidery
oceHids "hould appear in the border of tin
Hhuot nro to IID mora worn out of doors I > ?
ndlei than over , nnd fortunately for thai ,
comfort , the rounded too has tnkun the tiluci
> f the sharply pointed abomination which ha
icon the cause of so much inisi < ry.
Newport hello ? are rigidly excluding ovorj
mrticlo of laeo and jewelry from their sittii
jodicis , nnd exhibiting an untrimmcd corpngi
nnocont of any ndmimont eave n cluster o.
softly tinted blu h or cruthod roses.
Apinkand white gingham dress in trimmet'
with graduated rows of flat white braid
and accompanied by a rough-and-ready atrav
with narrow brim trimmed with mull , ana
branch of hawthorn placed upon the front.
A mahogany satin drees Is trimmed will
coffee-colored luce and a shell-liko pnmenieri
torlo iimtchlnp In color ; and n lavisndor sath <
morveilletix is combined jwlth pliik , nnd l.iv
ender brocade with Siianinh lace overdrcff
and xleovcs.
Necklaces of Florentine and clolssonu bead >
showing a sutfaco of pale inauvo , rose and
; ronn , shot with g > ld , are very popular. Homi
if the most expensive kindf , are encrusted with
tiny dots and stars which ; parklo like gem *
under the gaslight ,
A panto ban been created in Peoria , III. , b ;
ho moro unujuncoinent that Ice cream will
nako the mtmtacho row. The young woman
that started the report ban much brnln , but
flio his not mndo up her mind yet which \
noiit nverworkod thu ice cream uoalorsof the
hide's pockotbookR. The last named will
irobnbly bo the thlnntst in the long run. -
Ynrkorn StutoHiimii.
"I've said often that I would take meant.
Ui prevent young man from coming around
my house , " said n Sumorvlllo father the nthfr
dnv , " .ind I'yo iloim It. IMy daughter Is tw
young , anyway , to think of marriage.1'
\Vn.ii have > uii tlonii ? ' axkcil n neigh jor ,
"bought u diigV" "No , 1'vo bought mj
daughter a piano. " Soniprvillo Journal. _
Mr. TliDiuiu Koiiiu'dy of St.-imford"Cium ,
haa devised an ingenious , though , pcrli.-.VH ,
not very ( ifft'ctlvo mnaim for subduolng the rn
liolliinu spirit In his 17-year-old daughter.
The father objected to her kucph.g couiinii >
with voting moil , but hts eximstidatloiiH hull
no olU > et on the gill. On I'liiluy htst lh >
quarrullnd , and the parent iti a ro o cei/.od 11
tmirof nhoars mid cut off his daughter' Innt-
tlful black hair , giving as a roamm for doing
it that ho believed it would kcop her nwa >
from the boyg.
A complete revolution ban been effected In
the trimming ncd oven in tha mnking of the
waulrobo , in consequence of the improve
ment uffoctod in thu production of lace am !
embroldi'rcd trimmings. Thin has boon go'uiK
on now for some , but the ttopn lu ad
vance have been eo gradual that tow cnild
rimlizn tha nxtont of thu transformation dun-
lined to bo wrought. It U but recently that
a lace dii'.n overnilk or satin , wide ombrold-
orril flounces and tlk embroidery In colon *
vvoro unhe.ird of luxuries for any but th rich
the latter , especially , only to bo bttalned 1 > >
hikiiilwork of the most expensive kind , Now
WB h ivo nil these things brought by improved
mtichlnory and nkillful metliods within the
runch of the most ordinary ptirs ; and there
mod ho no logger a desire , ui'vor natlntied , fur
pictty thttigs , as everywomanvhosn labor IK
fnirtv well remunerated citn obtain tboia foi
Cniinnnt n
Thny walketh n-down the pavement
In the root of the aftornoiiii ,
And lol In thu MIU there fl.mntoth
The sign of the crcum saloon ,
Ho fecloth in all Ids pocknts ,
I'eeloth and lixikcth n d ,
l''or , In spitu of all bin poardJug ,
Only tlirca cents ho had.
So whnn thny pauiol liy the doorway
Shattered vuu ouo bright dream ,
And n oixiloahb are o butwoen them
Which cams not from the cream.
lloatou SUr.
I'atrlottsm ha ] boon put In a pickle for an
other yoar.
A front finonclfrlfl a thief who Micceods. A
thief h u great nuantlcr who fails. Tux.tst
Chicago \vlll now rum mo IU normal fuiic-
tloni as an ullcgfld tnmmvr resort for weary
speculators In grain.
A Biloon In Mtt'catlno drupol In mourning
uliuwod the Insnlptlon : "Tho good din jouiig , "
ikuioug the crape ou the door.
A Now Ycrk dtido habrgnn suit against n
Ijar'ier for shaving off his nmntnclm wlthnnt
ordure. I'uthajm the barber did uot ton
"Which ildu thould n person nlop onV
inks a currt'spomlcnt. If yi'ii refer to tlm bed
rovern , we ihottld , considering the weather , .
rccotumeiid thu top , |
An Invention , certain to korp neckties In I
/aw ) , in annuuticDd. Ono tlni'g ' moro , and {
i1men ! will ho huppy. Au ilivontiiui that.
M 111 hunt collar buttons. [ CourierJournal. . I
A. small \vhltky bottle and homo humun hair
\vi'in found In the t ( mncli of ft dead shark re-
rrntly wnf'hcd M-htto i > n the California cnait.
lly I ho wny , has MI ) thing Lccn teen of Wen-
nin , IntelJ7
A IXikota storm recently travelled100
miles In five hours , but a book agent kept
nhcad of it all the w y , umler tha impression
that It wns a cloud of dui > t kicked tip by the
exasperated populace In his pursuit.
A man mky hoar nmo < qnlto burr at n dis
tance of twenty fc-ot , nnd the very next day
next dnv fall to hear the whUtlo of a locomo-
tlvn as It pafsoc. All flesh Is grass , dearly
Imlo'-cd , and it h n prnat pity that the loco-
inotlvo doesn't bnr.z like the mosquito , and the
mosquito whittle like the locomotive.
" ( Jo for Bomcl > ody , quick ! There's n bug
down my back ! " cried n young girl to her lov
er In tlm park on Wednesday evening ,
"Jladnst I bolter go for the bug ? " ho suggest
ed. Then she fainted dead away , nnd when
she liad tmswoonml the bug had finished its
nvsnlng troll nnd gene homo. Baltimore
"Yes , they are excellent boots , " Bald Hit
choo-doaler to the young lady pncrhaser !
"they , will wear like lion. " "Jo you think
the btittona atn sowed on sccmoly'eho ? asked.
"They are ; the boot * are supplied with the
'old maldV wedding' button , n now Invent *
Ion. " "Why Is It called the 'old mall's wed -
ding' button ? " "liecanso It never cornea
off. "
' Whftl'ii the matter wlthyour face ! " risked
a'farrncr of n Irnmp whoso hard chtok'wns
badly splintered nnd whoio now looked like a
pnathcd egg sprinkled with'popper.
"JMIsplacbd confidence , " growled the ani
mated Hcarccrow.
"How did yon do U ? "
"I tried to smoke n flrscrackcr under the
impress ion that It was a cigar. "
Ajoiirg gentleman from Illgboo , will !
calling on his girl here , aikod for her hani
itid heart nnd v an accepted , He told hoi
Imthohnd Fomolhingon Ills mind for n long
, bno , but wa.1 nfrald slip would gut mad. Sh
wanted to know what it wan then , and h
nado her promise not to get mail. Says ho ,
'I have two brothers In the penitentiary , '
'That's nothing. " replied she. ' 'I have twi
nothurs In the Arkansas legislature. "
IJotli 1'crloctly
If I tdiould ri llttlo kisn ,
Obi would pho vecp , I wonder ?
I tromblu at the thought of bliss !
If I should ttcal a Ilttlo klsa
Such pouting llns would never miss
The dainty hit of plunder.
If I should steal n little kisr ,
Ohl would she weep , I wonder.
Ho longs to steal a kiss of mlno ;
Ifu may , if he'll icturn It ;
If I can road the tender sign ,
Ho longs to stool n kita of mine ,
"In love and war" you know the line ,
Why cannot ho discern ilT
Ho longs to stonl rt hiss , of mine ,
Ho may if he'll return It.
A llttlo klfswhon no ono eooi ,
Where is thu impropriety ?
How swcot amid the birds and bees ,
A little kiss when no ono see ? ,
Nor is it it wrong , the world agrees ,
If taken with sobriety ,
A little kisa when no ono pees ,
Where is the impropriety ?
Frank Mayo plays "Nordeck. "
Frank Furrcll Is gene to San Francisco.
Lotta has bought the Boston Park theatre.
I lonry Irving announces that ho will produce
'King John" ut the Lyceum next sea-
on , with Mr. Lawrence Uarrott in the title
Mr. Theodora Thomai haa been engaged
onduct the Ciiiciunntl Memorial Festival of
1880 , and it is understood that ho will make no
concert tour du ing that year.
Thin is the last week of Mr. Frederick
tVarde's nngagement at the Standard Theatre ,
ian Francisco. ] lo is said to have made n
jroat success there as ' 'Virginim. "
There ii au nttross in Germany named
Vnmmla lioUina Kreuzwungcr Itosalio linker-
/witikohufT. . Her name on forty sheet
troitmcr is said to cause a riot whenever it in
lostod up.
Anton Dvorak has promised to return to
ilugland in the rutumu , nnd conduct at the
vVorcsBtor Festival his "Stabat Mater" nnd a
low setting of thu Bohemian poet. Victc r
lulok'n Czechish odo"Dio Krbcn des Wolssen
Jorges. "
Mifs Alice Neytna will make her debut in
rand opera in Paris In October. Another
Vmorican singer , Mrs. JUmmoliiburg , of Cin-
iniiati , will make her lint appearance under
ha stage naino of Mtno Monti. She i ) said
o bo very handsome , and possofseo a very
ovvnrfnl voice. Tlie voice of Miss Noyma is
delicate , flexible , light soprano.
Mary Anderson will open her London soa-
on at the Lyceum theater , London , on Sept.
.playing in W. S. Gilbert's "Comedy nnd
'rupody"and "Pygmnlion and Galatea. " In
ho fall she will play in Edinburgh , Glasgow ,
Birmingham , Liverpool nnd Dublin. Subto-
uently nho will rotuin to America under the
nannifptnaiit of Mr. Henry 13. Abbott , nnd
will open In New York Oct. IB , 1885.
Mlsi Obor , the manager of the lioaton Ideal
) pora company , has boon in London for some
imo making arrangementa for the coming Bca
on of her orKatilz.ulon in America. She will
ail for Now York on July1. : ! ) . While in Paris
ho bought thri'o now operas for the Ideal * .
'ho has engaged Agnes Stone , of the Comedy
.heater . , Loudon. MIIH Stone id n mo7zn , and will niiig second parti to bur
intur , Ml - < M.trio Stone , the present prinm
ouua of the company ,
Milllu. Ma io Aimuo will make her first np-
loaianco in JCnglish fomidy at the Fifth Avt-
uuu theater , Now York , .Sept. Ifi. She will
jn Biipportod by her own comiinny , which
ill accompany her on n tour of Ihu Urit il
ttatcH iioxt Bu.ii > iii | anil which includoi Mi 4
jiiuni Wiillnco , MIHS Charliuo Wcidmun , W.
V. Whltccar , J. O. Harrows , mid ntliorp.
'ho iiluco in wSiIch Mdllo. Aimee will nmh'r-
ako this now deptituro was writtim lor the
harming ciimmodlnnno and vocnlint by
I < sirs. Joisupuud Gill , and is called "Mam-
ello. "
Tlio Patis Flgsro nmiounccs thnt Mmc.
'atll has hlgnud it contract \\ithM.Viotor
\la\irel. \ manager of the PjiiKltnl onn , for two
otles of pcrforiinncoc. uhiuli vvill lo-ipectlvtly
naiipiifato nnd clnto tht > fall and winter B AII n
f It'dl n ipor.i In tbo Frt-nrh nipititl Mine.
'itttl will lif ln thu t-oahou botwoiin Ociobur
-Ti nnd Nnvembi" 1 opening in "Lu Trnvia-
n , " with Ignor Nlcolini n Alfredo ntul M.
Miiurol as Germont How many nights who
vlll hlng thorcaft'r is n it set furlh in the Fi-
enru'd notice ; It Is mentioned , li'iwover ' , that
hti will wii > n after depart fnr America to fill-
ill her iiiigngBinont with Mr. Maplcson , re-
timing to Purls in tlmu for the final perform-
uices of the Hcason.
fi. Materim , just bcforo her departure
or IUiroH | ) , raid in regard to German opera :
'Th ppop ! of America , I inn sure , under
stand German mu iu m d Ilkn It. 1 have
vatchod tlm faccnof the audicnrrB nt our cnn-
cortH , and I niii omvlmvd tlmt I rmil aright
uhen rroad Interest , nbauroanil kuowlof'ge '
l plctud tin thrm , Of courrn it will take
nonoy , but money ID always forthcomltig for
tull.ui optT.t ; Why not for German ? with
vn Italian open company you htvo a great
irlnm dona , uiul peih.ipi a gtrat tenor , an In-
IIIfi > rcnt company , poor Bconcry. nnd chnsp
costuinoi , In German opera all are nrlinta
dike , thoFcgnory i < vroaiUrfnl In IU bounty
and mechanical clforts , nnd the costumu- ) are
nuffnlly und lutlutlcly doslgnrd , Tlm people
if Amerlr * are waiting for high cl.ina German
oj ioi a , and Iti BtroiiKuut support , too , will
come from Ainrricann nnd not from IrCrmatu
Alfrml M acofonot Jem Mace , thn pngil-
nt , held uvitngolUtlo Borvicou in Montreal on
Sunday lust.
An Imitation hiu boon rocrlvod by Mourn
Moody nnd atikoy froi. . the evangelical of India to vicit that country ,
Th < j Prosbytudan botrd U planning JarRO
hiiiHH for the u'xnlng ' year , having already tip
irupliatid 7 0,0(0 ( lor IU foreign work , whllo
u careful eHtlnmtn nf the real need valla for
io ) c a tlun $ SOO,000 ,
HUhop Alfred Lee , of Delnwaro , snccrds
ho Into Kight llcv. Konjaniin lii vvorth
Jinltli rs pnvlill ng hirhop of the Kpiticopal
hurch In tha United Stuti'i. Dlthop Lee Is
ovt'iity-Kovon > e niof ngo. He w elected
to the blshoprlo of Delaware In 1811 , and of
thaonu huudrul and tldrtv-twa bl'hopa con-
iefjMted dmlrg Ihs pio'vnt century , lie isj (
inly the tl litU who has lived to bo the senior ' "
bUbop. 11
The property of the Trluity Church corpor e
sratlon , New York , l sild to resell tha Im
mense figure of $200.000 000. lle idcs the immense -
monso tcnU cfiining in from jiroperty In the
city the church corporation holds mortgages
by rovoral hundred jipiscopal ( , 'hurch edifices
all over the country , on which there la an
avcrsgo of nouly seven per cont. Interest pay
able qn&rtorly. The fund N under control of
of a Ixisrd of trii'tecf ) , relcctod from tbo
vestrymen of old Tiinlty and St. 1'auli.
An old monk died recently In ono of the
Greek monasteries of Mount Athos , whom
' 'tho monk. "
foreigners called mjiteriotia .
No ono over found nut his namn , At his
entry into the monastery , at thongoof twenty
yearn , ho took the name of Alpha , the first
letter of the Greek alphabet , and retained
that name all hia life. Nobody know to what
country lie belonged , Ho spoke Greek , Km-
tlnn , Itelglan , Servian , And Italian. Ho
never received nUt ! from anybody , nor any-
loiters nnd never spoke of hli fitmily. Ho
loft nothing that could reveal his secret.
An intcr-ecclcMifttical congress , composed of
clergymen from different denominations , will
bo hold In Now Haven , in May , 1885. This
movement took form Juno 1C , nt I'lttafiold ,
Mam , a meeting being hold in response to a
circular Issued by the clergymen of that place ,
A committed , composed of Dr. J , H. Seely ,
Kl ht Kov. Thotnai M. Clark , U. D. , anil Joseph -
soph AndcHon , of Wntorhurr , reported rec
ommendations , which were adopted , to thn ef
fect that thn now organization should bo ' 'Tlio
American Congress of Churches , " nnd Ita ob
ject to promote Christian union , and ndyanci
the kingdom of God by free discussion of th
great religious , moral , social questions of tli
time , and tint It should nsscmblo nt Interval
of two years. This movement is regarded as
significant in showing thnt the differences ii
doctrinal points , which formerly served n
complete barriers bitwoen the different denominations
nominations , have keen to a great extent re
moved by a Infer toleration and a moro unite * '
spirit in working to promote the essentials o :
Christian faith.
AVondcrH or Kdticntlnn.
' 'So , John , you'rn done with the college ,
And are back on the farm once more ,
With your head as full of I'nruiiig
As n knarly apple of euro.
It's cost n heap to learn jou nil
To cipher and ligtiro anil speak ,
And it's d ITerunt work a-hocking corn
111 in digging in Latin nnd Greek ,
Sots It law , or is it pills
You chooto for your occupation ?
Or , better still ! como , settle down ,
And incept n D. D.'s station. "
"Well , Dad , I have thought of the law ,
But they say it's all overdone.
As for pill < ! why , every ono knows
It's the hardest work under the sun.
A parison'i ) robe would never fit
On a man that Is built like mo ;
For hovt would it look on a ho&t short-top
That plays in the B. B. C. ?
So I'm encaged nt two thousand n year ,
And signed the papers , too ,
To stand behind the bat and catch
For the club from Kalamnroo. "
"Twothousand a yonrft Thoold manstires
It makes his heed to eing.
And ho just 1m sense to mutter aloud :
"Kduca'.iou'ua wonderful thing ! "
MAT , in Puck.
Continuo to send your old shirts to tin
A crnnk Is a man who will give $10 for nn
old Bible when he can gat a much better ouo
for forty cot.ti. Now Orleans Picayune.
Missouri Valley Times : A rather uncoutl
friend of ours \\.ii describing to ono of our
ministers thssmhlan death of u neighbor , whou
the minister at-kcd :
"Did ho die in Jesus ! "
"Oh , no , " paid our frioud , "ho kicked out
in the granary. "
The sotvta in \Vestorn Church are set on
pivots , like those in a dry goods store. Thi
miablea the fair wonhippar , Vthn sits pretty
well up front , to turn around nnd conut th
number of new boi nets iu tha house without
Kcrewing her head oil utmost , and poi
homo with a stiff neck. Norristowu Her
Parson Glenron made a pastoral call nt Col ,
Percy Yirgcr's matuion , on Austin avenue
last week , nnd th conversation turned on tha
vanity of all earthly thing- .
"Ye ? , and ho gets it when ba patronizes
church fair , " remarked young Sam Yerger ,
who happened to ba In the room.
A vociferous ttilenco sceired to pervade the
vicinity for about tou minutes. Texas Sift-
Opening the proceedings of political conven
lions with prayer la an observance of which
lecency will aeon require the abolition. The
irocccdingg , the passions nnd thoughts of
; hose encaged , often the temper in which they
isten , make the ollerlng of prayer a mockery.
\t a convention held two or three weeks gen
n Indiana como good hits in the prayer wcro
'rooted by loud applan'o , which probably did
lot altogether satisfy the clergyman when ho
: amo to think It over.
"You ought to belong to a oLurch
iholr. "
"But I can't sing. What j > ut the idea of
ny belonging to the clnir into your
load ? "
"O nothing , except that I was reading the
ither day that u San Fr.incuco church t ro-
HMO * to introduce harp music into the choir ,
mil there U not much difference , you know ,
lotweou n harp und a lyre , sol thought I'd
ust inalio Hid sug < uition , Texas SiftiiiKS.
"How's dat ar hey ob mim comin' on in do
Sunday-school ? " nked Sun Johusing of thu
tovnonil Aminidtd ] Elilechon of the liluo
-i lit Colored t.ilierniclo. "Ho comes up
ntahty slow with the collects" ' 'Fo.ih God ,
[ 11 tan IIH black hide. I gibs him n dime cb-
iry Sunday to pit In Jo pinto. " Pvm > n Bled-
100 cxplainocl the dlfTorcnro betwon the iv col-
( * ( .t nud a collection , whereupon Sitm s-v d ,
'Dar'w no uin crowdiu1 the boy , I neb-
tor bad no talent for 'Hgioiivhcnlvvna a
) oy , "
Ijriht July.
Jho's bnrely twenty , and her eyoa
Ani very soft i ud very blue ;
; Iur lipt eeom made for Bvveet replies
IVrhapH tholr in.idn for ItitwCH , too ;
Her lltllj teeth arti vvh'to as pearl ;
Her IIKHU aspires to thu tly ;
} ho really U n charming girll
At.lJ [ udorid her last July.
iVo danced end swam nnd bowled and walked ;
Shu lot ia > ) brpio- her liimor tips ;
I'ntraiicod 1 llntonoJ vvhtMi eha talked ,
And trash socmod wisdom from her lip.i ;
[ runt bur loses purse
Was drained , 1 found , completely dry ;
[ longed to slug her charmes in vor o
But all thU vat ) last July.
Df course , nt last wo had to pnrt ;
I fuw rv tfiir drop on her check ;
[ loft ho wltu nn aching honit ,
Au < l dreamt about hur for a week ;
Hut out of mtht ; is out of mind ,
And somehow , na th'itimo went by ,
Much fidnti'r I bi > gan to ( iuil
The tncuiory of last July.
Inly haa coma Again at ln t
With siitmnor gowm the rocki are gay ;
[ t Hoemcd nn echo of the pist
To n.ciit her on the besch to-day ;
jho's even f/virtr / than of yore ;
And > tt I c'oiihl not tell you why
[ find tlm girl an awful bore
So long it U rinco lu-it July.
Ono of Commodore Garrison's daughters if
mid to lie cnsagad to Mr. Ch.inilon , nf the
: hamp3lgu firm of Moot & Ch.mdun ,
0. P. Huntlm.'ton , tlio mlllionairo rnilroad
aing , wns qulslly married ti > Mrs , A. D. Wor-
< hum at Now Vork Saturday inomlntr , Kov.
Henry Wurd Boucher ofllulatlnt' ,
It U an open secret at St. Putcnburg that
t U intcndiil , In prcco < i of timi ) , to aiiango i >
iiftnlagobatweon the Czar witch and 0110 ( f
ho younger daughter * of ttivCrowu Prince ol
Tliu nevvly-ai > nolntocl ir.lnUtcr to Gennuny
Ion. John A. IVIKVOII , long lisa been n * oiri !
or for tlio lumd if Mr. FrolinRliuydunV
laughter , whose main objection , possibly no
t'imivml ' , haa been going to live with him ft'
ho wiut ,
Girln , vvhoii you marry , ba sura to wed a big
trorg , heMthy mini. While in ulna cartu on
if ten ho won't luliig ; up tha oo | , ho'll com
u liandf In the fall to sit on all b'o filled wi 1
Uitmnn Ixavea to preea thorn. lladclphu
TTho latest po lp nbout Mrs. Senator Fnl
t that elm it about to nuiry tha bocloty oJItit
f a Ban FrnucUco journal , She In sti'l ' com
parntlvely young , and has solid charms In the
shape of $3,000,000 , received from tha senator
at the time of iicr divorce.
A Delaware young man whoso glil wont
back on him and yet refused to glvo up the
engagement ring , sued her for It , whereupon
her father sued the young man for the iuol ,
light , and moali that were connnmcd during
the courUhlp , as well no the fodder and corn
for his horse , and the case was decided in the
old man's favor ,
CoU'MiiU , H. C.Tnly 13. Ilov. J. O. Lind
say , D. D , , performed the marrlago ceremony
In n novel manner nt Mt , Cnrmcl , In Abbo-
villo county , S. C. , in the marridgo of Miss
Lucy ICogets , of Abbovillu county , to Mr.
David Fl w , of Moclonburg county , N. C.
The contacting parties are mutes , nnd could
neither hear thojiroAchor nor answer him ex
cept by tlghs , The manner of conducting the
ceremony was In this way : The questions for
the groom and brldo wcro written on foparato
sheets of paper , and at the proper tlmo each
read the slip on which was written the ques
tions which the prorichor asked before tlio au
dience in the usual manner. The rosponces
were signalled , and a sister of the brldo spoke
for the preacher by lgns In the request to join
hands , and the benediction was pronounced
upon tha loving couple , who heard none of it.
The contracting parties are both lilahly i duca-
ted , and their misfortunes will likely bo for
gotten amid their joys ,
It la said that the winga of the common (1 (
vibrato at the ratn of , ' 130 strokoa pnr second
and these of the mosquito nbout 2000 time ? .
From Tillls have boon received particular
of nn extraordinary hall storm in the dletric
o ] F.rlwan , The average weight of the hall
stones wai a pound , and In xlza they were ni
largo as tha cgg of goo-o. Their number wai
sn crrert as to obstruct the courea of streams.
Forty lives were lost nnd 70 houses completely
ruined by the torn pest. The damage is esti
mated at 300,000 rubles.
About f > J miles west of Teheran fell a mcto
orlto five years ao , oancornlng which the cliia
doctor of the shah haa just mada n report ,
The fctona belongs to thu family of the Syss !
doras , nud identical with the < o which full at
Bare < v , In Spain , in 1812 , nnd nt K thorvillo ,
Iowa , in 1879 , and with these which were
found in Bolivia nud Wsstulnlia lu 1855 and
iu Novvtou county , Ark. , iu 1SGO.
In the northeastern island of Terra dc'
Fuego the Un people ) , who iutcrmtrrv frequently
quontly with the moro southern Ynh < ana ( as
they are called by the English inlssioiiarios )
nro the tallest race m the world , according to
thu Froncii Mission to Cupo Horn report , pre
sented t > the Academy of Science , Paris , by
Dr. Halm. In Btnck and fpeech this tall poo-
pi o appear closely relatoJ to the Patagonians
of the continent.
A curious chicken is on exhibition at Den
vcr , Col. This small anomaly la doscribsd as
being Covered with down of n yellowish character -
actor , and having a Hat beak resembling n
coaling or young duck , ono foot being webbed
like that of n water-fowl , whllo the otVer I
not. Tall feathers of n soft cnaracter are ou
about an inch and a half. But the must
Htrlking features are the complete nbsanco o
uyes or any formation indicative of Ihotn , and
the occuUrity of the wings , if they may bo
so called. Tbo left ono la not jointed , but
curves down the ride , terminating nt the
broDBt bone ; the right ono is simply a stump ,
nbout half an Inch long. The little freak of
nature ia evidently healthy , ia guided alto
gether by the parents "cluck" anil in feeding
takoa its position close to thimothor'r head.
An Egyptian Mummy was dissected nt
Cornell university recently. It wai uiven to
President White by Consul General Pomoroy ,
who obtained it nt the necropolis iu upper
Egypt. A French eciontiht translated the
hieroglyphics on the case and found that tha
body enclosed was tlutof a man named 1'enpl ,
who lived in the 23d dynasty , nbout SOU
years B , C. Tha bandages about the body
were of a yellowish color , about 10 feet Ions'
nnd four iuchea wide , anil were made of linen
and fringed nt the ends. They were but ou
very symmetrically , ono laver being crosswise ,
the next up and clown. The head was found
to bo iu a good state of preservation ; the
hair had been shaven closely , but on the baik
of the nead a little could be teoia , which was
of a sandy color ; the board also could ba re
cognized. The face was of a medium size
with a low forehead , a lloman nose and
rather high cheek bones , nltogethor n good
looking face , taking the man's uyo into con
sideration. As the unwrapping was going ou
n grain of wheat , well preserved , waa found.
Between the legs parts of the viscera , which
had boon t.ikcu from the body , were found
carefully wrapped in linen cloth. The body
was hard nnd of dark brown color , five fuot
and tivu inches in hight , and the naila of the
fingers and toes were as perfect as when the
body was placed in its narrow limits A num
ber of small beetles that had bored their way
through the case were found among the
bandages. _ _ _ _ _ _
rho Growth nml Ocncrnl Prosperity
of the SluiiiHso Towim ut'
vorrespomlonco of Tim BIB. :
SOUTH AUIIUUN , July 17 , 1834 Wo
: ontinuo to receive and road your
3xcolluiit paper , and , without attempting
; o tl.Uter , or make comparisons , "which
ire odiua" voica this community and
, ho intelligent reading public oE the
itato , by sayhiij you publish the par ox-
: ollonco journal of this atato , in this ,
, hat it moro nearly reflects the real
lontlmonts of our people , and other live
luostions of the day , than any other
> apcjr in the atnto.
The crops in this portion of the atnto
ire moro promising than Ima boon wit-
icsaod for years ; especially corn , which
3 our backbone of wealth.
The liny crop ia largo , nud with n full
realization of the present prospect for
; orn , wealth must teem into thu pockets
} f our thrifty nnd industrious fanners.
Our small fruit crop was never bettor.
Our apple crop in fully equal to that of
my previous year This and adjoining
soimtio ! ) will bo able to furnish largo
iiuautitics of the vary beat quality of
: \ppu3 ! for export this season. It would
bo well for your fruit denlora to boar this
in mind whou ordering their auppliea ,
Our town boom is rather quiet at pro
mt , especially the north end , or Auburn
u wo call It. Several reasons might bu
ijlvoii for this. Ono ia particular which
ivo may bo critblsed by our own pcoplo
for mentioning , but tt remains a fact ,
nevertheless.Vo refer to the Bullish
courau piirjuid btlio assumed guardian
uf this town the Post. The COIKKO of
snid journal is aovertdy condemned by
Dttr puopln when it challenges tlio mo-
tires of any mm : or not of men who
Invent iu this or the south aide. It is
not our protinco o ruiect money and
men , if ihuj aid iu bnlldlug up either
end nf our common center , whether they
\ro Church IIowo men or not.
And in alluding to our champion ,
Ghurch Howi * , permit mo to say tlmt
iho prominence ho has assumed iu
national politics makes us fool proud and
built up , nnd it teems now to bo con
ceded on all hands that Mr. llowo CHH
wdwill take the delegation from thn
xmnty to the congressional convention ,
in hia inlcroitB for rongrrsaman.
Why should this uot bt ? What has
Mr. Woivcr done ? Whora is ho. und
vho vcould know accept they should
ook at the coiigrceslonRl diructory that
io wnsour congressman ?
On the other hand if Church succeeds
10 would bo a national character , known
Tom IMnino to California , as ho is to *
lay. Some ofjdhuroh'a moro politic friends
anile this public announcement of hia
imposes not wise , but wo know no good
an coaio of "hiding our light under a
mihel , " and vro are dotorminud to bo
ecu und hoard nt the Beatrice convonj j
ton , August , 20 , 1834. I
YJUTJ for Hirtino nnd his Kobraska
Manager ,
' * '
'CTOE31 By Uio use of thla
ALL MMEDT , the Btom-
aoh nnd Uowoto
O5" npecdlly regain their
otronrrth , and the.
inn blood Is purified. 4
It Is pronounced bv' '
I LIVEB I hundreds of the beit
BLADDER doctors to bo the ON *
I AND I LY OTJHJ3 for all
klniU of Kidney Difl-
I OBOANQ It Is purely
I DHOPOV table , and cures when
CJIIAVEL other medicines fall.
It is prepared ex
BRiorcr-a pressly for thece dis
DIBEABB eases , and has never
PAINS been known to fall.
IN Ono trial will oon-
THE vlnco you. Tor oalo
by aU druBKisto.
on Send for 1
BIDE Pamphlet
of Tooti. i
BIQEASCa menials. .jj
CO. ,
4 Profldonco ,
It. I.
Health andJHappiifess
Are your Kidneys disordered ?
"Kldnoj Wort brought me from inj urato. on It
wprc , nf ter 1 hAxl been clren p bj 13 beat doctors In
Detroit. " 41. W. Dev truui , ilechanlc , Ionia , Hich.
Are your nerves weak ?
"nidney VTort cured me from nervous wfafc
< tc .nftc'r I vva not exported to Hv / ' Mrs. )1. U. D.
Uoodvrln , Kd. Chrtitmii Monitor , ClercUud , O.
Have you Bright's Disease ?
"KMnoj Wort pnrrd mo when mr nater wasjust
like clulk anil then like blnoil. " Wilson , r
Suffering ? from Diabetes ?
"Kidiwy-Wort Is tl.s most sucivsf ul remedy I ban
ever usod. Qirefl almost Immcdlato relief. "
Dr. 1'LUlIp C. llallou , iluuLton , Vt.
Have you Liver Complaint ?
"Kidney-Wort cured mo vt chronic Llcr Illscast s
after 1 mixyod to die. "
lU-nry VVard , lati Col. cJthKat. GuardN.Y.
Is your Back lame and aching ?
* 'ludney-Wort , (1 ( bottle ) cured me whcu 1 vtoaso
uno 1 hod to loll out ot bed. "
p. M. TiUlmage , Mllivanlico , WIs.
Have you' Kidney Disease ?
"ICidney-Woit mndi mo sound milter and kidneys
-fter years of una iccesaful floctorinff. Ita worth
$ Wabox.-Sam'l Uodgc" , VVIlllamstown , West Va.
Are you Constipated ?
"Kidney-Wort causes ea y c acuatIolls anil cured
no after 10 jcors u o ot other inrdlclnc * "
Kelson Tali-child , bt. Albans , Vt.
Have you Malaria ?
"Kidney-Wort LM done butter than nny other
remedy [ have cvor used In my practice. "
Dr. It. K. Clark , South Hero. Vt.
Are you Bilious ?
"Kidney-Wort haa done mo moro good than any
other remedy 1 bavo ror taken. "
' Mrs. J.T. ualloti ay , Elk Flat. Oregon.
Are you tormented "with Piles ?
"Kidney-Wort ittniianmtly curttt mo of bleeding
piles. Dr. vV. O. Klttio recommended It to me. "
Qco. II. Horut , Cuhlor il. Ilank , Jler town , Ta.
Are you Rheumatism racked ?
"Kldnvy-Wort curoa mo. af l r 1 wan Klven up to
die by physicians and I hid suffered thirty j cars. "
Uhrldge llalcolm , West Uith , Italne.
Ladies , are you suffering ?
"Kidney-Wort cured me of peculiar troubles of
nereral jearBUndlnir. llany frlemls use anil praiw
U" Kri. IL Ivunorcaui , Isl La llotte , Vt.
If you would Banish Disease
i and gain Health , Take
Spa-ins , Eclampsy and
Nervousness arc
The Honorariums are due
only after success.
Treatment by Correepontlonco
VwanlcdtbollntclMR C' ' > M Jlcdil for
murlta b/ the "Sodotio S lonUlliiit | > fraucaUo , '
( the French Sclontlflo Hocloty.
O Plauo dtt 'i'l-one. '
, . O. l'AHIS.
In nan 31 yoin. Each number Ihn ipc ' nl pr >
KTliulmi of nil ninliioiit | iii5 > iii Inn ihn oily
hiiujilc. Hifunlld Hiiro Mc-il iluc rurtliu p m le
USV 1 llIMirAL M)9 , CUIlCd , I'UICE.
I. | ' " " > pr < , Congestionlnll mntlon 'in
f. tlnrini. nurmhnvpr , Wnrinlollo. . . ,2.1
! > . { 'r liu f'nllr.or'rrrtlilneiirinluiiis .2.1
I. Illnrrlirn n ( i lilldri'ii orilnli u. %
ft. ll ) pntnrv , Griping HUllon" ullc , . . .S3
tl , < < hol r&MiirliuoinllliiK . }
I. CniiilH. full. Ilninfhllli yn
\riimlKli , 'Inotliaohc. I nwarlir. . . , a.l
! l Ilonilnrhri.f-U'lc llendaehpn.tillKn , 'iH
tit. Djtpciuln. Illlllntis Mnnini li 25
Jl. Miiiiircd | or I'aliifii ! I'rrlnd * ' 'ft
12. Ulilln. tooI'rnfiMo I'cilmln . 'jn
J'j liroiin. Cough , Dimcult llrenlhlnaft
II. Kn | | Ilhrnin , Krrnlpt'lai , ! rillI long , , jft
1.1. Itliviini.illiiii. lUicuiiniil.i J'ulim. . . ! .2.1
in. I'nrrrunit AciifI hillKorfr./EIIPS .SO
17 I'llri. tllliiilurlilcnllnR . . . .AO
in. ( 'nrnrrli. aontnorvbroiilci ] nniirnz no
J't Vvhiioplnf : Conili , ilolvntccitiRhv. . .no
21 Ucucrnl lirhllltv , riij lcal Wt > akn
27. Ridnej Ili > rn > i > . . . . . . . . no
"H , lervoin llpbllllr , l.'HI
.11) . Urlnnrv Wi-nlmrl * . WettliiRliifilicd .no
: U. IMionroorilio llnnrl. ralplmilon. 1.IIU
-oM h/ilniRgUt" . nrfent by tha CRUP. orsln-
rli Mv , frcn of rhnrRc. on receipt or price
Hi-iict for Ilr Iliminlirnv * Rnnlion | ili-n"i ftci
( UliaKf > > inUnllliiitrntri1 CnlnliiRiie t'lff.HT
Addri , JlmiMilii ry ' Ifniniiujinllilc Mud.
- I'm , mil Fiiltnn Hiroi-i Srw Vnrk
17 St. Chnrlcs S < . , St. Louis , Mo.
rrcultr crftdoAto of IH Mrdirnl Ciillrfct , ijti I ei n loortr
untgrJlQ lh ll-fCUIIICHUueiit of Cmtomr Ntitoii BKIN
st.O lluooji Pi.ittivtbBa ftor ulher rklilflia la fat Louli.
u ellj | | n lie n4 > ll ull i , > i.lrmi tauw
Nervous Protlrallon , Dtbliliy , Mental nnd
Physical1 Weakness i MercurUI and other Alice ,
tlons of Throat. Skin or ( Jones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , ro irr tt < t iu , unr > r > u < i ]
aaM ioaliu > iifl uaa.rlDci | ! < l i i-telj - nii.iilr.
' 8"'e * D ' ° m ndlscrollon , Excess.
. - , t ii \VHIVI u
j ir | ) tir | LIQu
rUm.cnr. ' F Improper or unhappy .73
. ' " ' " > " * l' phl lSil ( i .jt , | on Ibt UrV s
. i .S4 " "n'y"1 ' ' " * . ! ' "TnWri i. Couiultmlonnet.
.ecrtiyunnfre , niotliea | IfrlM farijuullom.
A Positive Wrhten Guarantee
tlreiln > ll cirtblt ctiet. U Jlelotnnl .tetj.h.r. .
Vamphlati , EnalUh or Oorman. el P J < II. d
criblog bov dUtaiet , in dale or femalt ,
ICO fun , Oc < rUtts. llluitrUrd | g cloth > l > < ! ( lit tlidlm.
Kf.vaiHjfl poiuui HUP. i f r micri , J5o. TtU l.ol
coDUlu H tki curltui , duutiful cr luunl.ltlu D | u
JOG. . A txok otrcti LI I to ill , llctUiL
jr Bittl IU tJrlst ,
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased lists ,
of property. We ask lIT
those who' have desirable - |
rable property for > 4 %
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th St ,