t „ OMAHA DAILY BEE OURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORNING , JULY 19 , 1884. NO. 27. BLAINE'S LETTER , The Next President of me Unite States to the People , Ho Reviews the Prominent Ques tions of the Day , Favoring the Oontiauanco of a Strong Protective Tariff , And Olaimine ; that It Has Not Injured Our Export Trade , He Shows Wherein It has Bene- fitted Agriculture , And Declares Free Trade Disas trous to the Workingman * Our Foreign Eelations Favor Our Domestic Development ! He Favors Closer Eelations with Other American Powersi Notes a Growing Eeoonoiliation Between North and South , His Views on Civil Service Eeform Clearly Expressed , Mormonism , Currency , Public Lands and Shipping Interests , A Free Uallot tlio Safeguard of Ilcpubl Icnuls in. AUGUSTA , MB. , July 15th , 1884 , The lion. John B. Henderson and others of the committo , etc. , etc. GENTIEMRN : In accepting the nomination for the presidency tendered mo by the repub lican national convention , I beg to express a deep sense of the honor which is conferred and of the duty which ia imposed. I venture to accompany the acceptance with some ob nervations upon the questions invoh cd in the contest questions which may affect the future turo of the nation favorably or unfavorably for a long aeries of yeara. In enumerating the issues upon which the republican party appcala for popular support , the convention has been singularly explicit 1 felicitous. It has properly given the leading position na to the industrial interests of the country aa n ( Tec ted by the tariff on imports. On that question the two political parties arc radically in conflict. Almost th * first act of the republicans , when they came th power in 1801 , was the establishment of the principle of protection to American labor nnd to Americin capital. Thfa principle the republican party has over aincu steadily main tained , while on tbo other hand the democrat ic party in congress has for fifty yeara per \istently warred upon it. Twice within that period our oppouenta have destroyed tariffs arranged fir protection , and since the close of the civil war , whenever they have controlled the house of repreaontatlvos , hostile legisla tion lina been attempted never more con- epiculoualy than iu their principal measure at the late session of congress. TUB TJLIIIirV yUIVTIO.V. Revenue laws are in their very nature sub ject to rev iaion in order that they may bu adapted to the changes and modifications of trade. Thu republican party is not contend ing for thu permanency of nny particular Btatuts. Tlio issue between the two parties does not have reference to nny Hpeclfic law. It is far broader and tar deeper. It invoh es a principle of widu application nnd bonificont influence , against a theory which wo believe to bu unsound in conception and hurtful in practice , In the many tariff levision ? which bivo been neeeasary for the pa t twenty-three years , or which mav hereafter bacomu neces sary , thu republican party has maintained and will maintain thu pjllcy of protection "to American industry , while our opponents In- uist upon n revision which practically destroys that policy. The isnio is thus distinct , well uelined and unavoidable. The cumin ? doc. tion may determine tbo fate of protection for a generation , Thu overthrow of the policy r > -moans it Urt'o and permanent reduction in the \vlbreH of thu American laborer , besides involv ing the lo a of v.iit amounts of Americon cap ital invested in manufacturing enterprise * . The value of the present rovenuB system to thu people of the United State ! is not a matter of thojry , und I shall submit no argument t. ) sustain it. I only invite attention to certain facts of official record which seem to constitute it demonstration. In the census of 1850 an effort was madu , for the first time in our history , to obtain n valuation nf all thu property in thu United .States , The attempt WAS in large degree un- Hiiccofsful , _ Tartly from laskof time , partly from prejudice among many who thoiuht the inquiries foreshadowed u nowschemu of Ux nti n , the returns were incomplete and un satisfactory. J.lttlo more waa done than to consolidate the local volntatlou used in thu States for purpiioj of aisesMiiont , nnd that , as everyone kiuvvs , differs widely from a complete exhibit of nil the property. In the eensiu of 18UO , however , the work VV' < H done with great thoroughnesa-tho dis tinction between ' unsusHtd" vnlmaud "true" vuluo being creful'y ' oluerved. The grand ro ult was that tha ' trim value" of all tin property in tha rft ites and Territorial ( uxclu- jling slaves ) amounted to fourteen thoiiMnd million * ) of dollnra ( SH.OOJ.OOD.OOO. ) ThU nggregato wai thu net result of the labor und the n. vini , ' of all the people wlihin thu nrt > .i of tha United .States from tlin time the first jiritiuh colonist landed In 11107 down to tlio year IHflO , it represented the fruit of tin toil of two hundred olid fiftyyuam. ' After 1M10 the bimncsa of thu country wa ? encouraged and dovuloped by n protuttivo tar iff. At the end of twenty yours tin total , i property of thu I fnltud SUt < n , M returned by f the centiH of 18X0 , auiountud to Uiu enormous ' < uxgrezatu of foity-four than itnd milliona of dollars WIIOX,0',0pOO. ) ' ) Thu great result was attained , notwithiUndinj ; thu fact that cnuntlfug millioua had in the interval been wasted iu the pro rtwa of a bloody war , It thin appear ) that while our population be tween I8 X ) and 18SO incr i ud sixty per cent , the azgrcgati proj arty nf thu country in- crua c'd two hundred and fourtuan par cunt showing a viutly enhanced wealth per capita among thu i "ouf ( > . Thirty thoumnd millions of dollan ( fcW.O'W.OO ' ' , IKX ) ) had Iwen added during thufe twenty jeatu t the perma nent wealth of tbo imtlon. Tlisio results are regarded by the older na- Uona of the world an phenoinonal. Tliat our country should surmount tlio tioill am the cost of n gigantic war nnd for an entire l > eriod of twenty yoirs nuke an nverago gnii to its wanltli of ono hundred and twcnty-llv < million dollars per month surpasses the ex perlcnco of nil other nations , ancient o inodorn , Kven the opinmcnU nf the proven revenue system do not pretend that in tin whole history of civilization any parallel cai bo found to the matori&l progress of th ( United States , since the nccfcssion of there publican party to power. The jierioil between 1SCO and to-day has no been one of matoiiij prosperity only. At no timu In tlio history of the Unttod Stntea 1m there been > tch progren In the moral ntu : philanthropic field. Itcliglous nnd charltablo ImUUiUons , nchool < , scminnrlrs nnd colleges have been founded nnd endowed far more generously than at any preUuui tlmo in our history. Grenter and moro varied relief has been extended to human sulTciing and the in tire progttMi of the country in wealth has been accompanied nnd dignified by a Broaden lug and oloxatiou of our national character as n j > oople. Our opi > ononts find fault that our roxenm system produce * n MtrpltH. lUit they shoult : not forgot that the law h.ii KINOH n speclRi purpose to which nil of the surplus Is protita bly nnd honorably applied -tho reduction ol the public debt nnd the consequent relief o the burden of taxation. No dollar has beet wasted , and the only oxtravaganca with whlcl the party htindi charged ii tlio generous pen sionmg of sokliors , sailors nnd their families nn o\trnvaganco which ouib idles the hlghcs' ' Form of justice in the recognition and pay inunt of n sacred debt. When reduction o taxation is to bo made , the republican party can bo trusted to nccomiiHsh it In such fern ns will most effectively ivid tha industries ol , he nation , OUIl KOllKIGN' COMMKIiCi : . A frequent nccusatlon by our opponent * I1 that the foreign commerce of the country ha < steadily decayed under the inJlucnco of tin protective tariff. In this way they Hook to nr- ray tlio importing interest ngninsttho re'pubfr can party. * It is n common nnd yet radica : error to confound the commerce of the aotin- ; ry with its carrying trade-an error often committed innocently and sometimes do igni'd < "y but an error ao gross that It does not dis tingitiHh between the ship nnd the cargo. Foreign commerce represents the exports nnd mportrf of n country regardless of thu nation nlity of the vessel that may carry the uoinino ditios of vcbango. Our carrying trade has 'rom obvious causes suffered many di couraso- ; nenti slnco 18CO , but our foreign commerce las in thu same period steadily and prodigious- y increased increased indeed nt a r.V.o and to nil nmouut which absolutely dwnrf nil iravious devolopements of our trade beyond ; ho son. From 1800 to the present time the roreign commerce of the United States , ( di vldeel with approximate equality between fix lorta nnd imports ) , reached the astounding opgrcgnta of twcoty-four thousand millions of dollars. Thu balance in thin vast commerce nclined in our favor , but it would have been much larger if our trade with the countries of America , nlsowhere referred to , had been more wiselvadjusted. It is difficult oven to appreciate the niagni- ; ude of our export trade since 1800 and we can gain a correct conception of it only by comparison with preceding results in the sanio ield. The total exports from the United States from the declaration of independence nl77iid < > 'ii to the day of Lincoln's election n l UO , added to all tlmt had preuoualy be n exported from the American colonies f rom their original settlement , amounted to less than nine , housaud million of dollars. On the other xand our exports from 180 ( ! to the close of the Mt fiscal year exceeded twelve thousand mil- ions of dollar * the whole of it being tbo pro luct of American labor. Evidently a protect- vo tariff has not injured our export trade when , under its illuenco , wo o.xnorted in twen ty-four years forty per cent more than the ; otnl amount that had been exported in the entire previous history of American commerce. All the detail * , when analyzed , correspond with this gigantic rcsuh. The commorciil citieH of the union never had such n growth as hey have enjoyed since 1 SGO. Our chief em- uorium , the city of Now York , with its du- lendoncie.i , hns within that period doubled icr population nnd increased her wealth five fold. During the same period the import ? nnd ixports which have enteied and left her har- > or nro more than double in bulk and value ho whole amount imported and exported by ler between the settlement of the first Dutch colony on the island of Manhattan nnd the outbreak of the civil war in 18GO. AOHICULTUHE A.VI ) THE TABII'l' . Tlio agricultural Interest is by far the lira- eat in the nation , and is entitled in every ad- ustmcnt of revenue Jaws to the nwt consider ation. Any policy hostile to the fullest do elopment of agriculture in the United States must be abandoned. Hi'.ili/.iinj this fact the ippnnents of Llia present system of revenue lave labored very eirnestly to persuade tin- armerd of thu United States that they nro obbcd by n protective tariff , nnd the effort is bus mode to consolidate their vast influence n favor of free trade , liut happily the farm- ru of America are intelligent und cannot be nided by Hjphistry when conclusive facts nro jeforo them. They see plainly that during ha past twenty-four yoirii , wealth hns been acquired in ono tectiou or by ono interext nt ho expense of another fcoction or nnothnr in- crest. They see tliat the ngricultur.il state j lave madu even rnoro rapid prugieiis than the naimfncturing staten. Thu fiirmers see that in 18GO Massachusetts ud Illinois had about the mini ) wealth bo- wocn eight and nine hundred million dollars ach and that in 1880 Massachusetts bad advauceij to twenty-nix hundred millions , rhilo Illinois had advanced to thirty-two bun- red millions. They see that New Jerney and Iowa were ju t equal in population in 1800 ml that in twenty yearj the wealth of Now Jersey was increased by the sum of oijjht mndrod and fifty inlllinis of dollars , while he woilth of Iowa h i increased by the sum > f fifteen hundred millions , They xco that no nine leading ngricultnral stntes of the west mvo prown so rapidly in prosperity that the ggregatx ) addition to their wealth idnca 1800 s utmost as great an the wealth of the entire ountry for that year. They see th t the onth , which is almost exclusively ngricultur- I his shared In the general prosperity and hat h wing recovered from the low nud do- natation of war , his gained KI rapidly that ts total wealth is at le ist the double of that vhich it poweswd in I860 , exclusive of sla\oi , In theje extraor.liniiry developments the armors too the helpful Impulsa of n homo nurkot , and they no that the financial and ovonuo pystcm enacted since tha republican lirty cniuo into power , lus CHtablieliod and onstantly expanded the homo market. They eo that In the cms of wheat , which la our hlcf cerdal export , they have sold in thu nv- r.go of n yearHlnca the close of the war , lirue bushela nt homo to ouo thay hava Hold broad , and in the case of cjrn , tha only otli- r cereal which wo export t > any great ox , ont , due hundred buuheU lutvo been used nt lomo to three nnd a half biiHheU ex'p.irtt'il. In onio yearn the disparity ban boon HO great i at for every peck of corn exported one him red bushels have bovn consumed in tli'J mine market. Tlio furmorn H i < tlmt in tlie ncroaHing competition from the grain fields f Hmsl.i and from ( ho district pkinu of In la , the growth of tin hnit ) nurkot bocornsi tlly of groitor concnrn to them and tint its mpairmencwould dopcociito the value * of very ncre nf tillable l.tnl in tlio union. OUIt I.STEI1.VAI , COMIICUUI ! . Such factj ax thtw toiicliing the growth nnd insuniptlim of cereals nt homo gi\ouHHom ight d/nceptlon of tlin vastnessof the Inter- al commerce of the United Ktitos. T/iuy uggoit a'Ko that in addition to tin ud vantages hich the Amurlcan people unioy from pro- cctlon against foreign competition , they en- oy the advantages of absolute fr B tradu overt t larger area und with n greater popuUt on ban any other Nation. Tin * internal com- larca of our tttlrty eight States and ulna Writories ia carried on without let or hin- rance , without tax , detention or governmen al interference of nny kind whatever. It ) rn ds freely over nn area of three and a half lillion tquare milns almost equal In extent o the whole continent of Kiirono. ltd prolita ro enjoyed to-day by fifty-six million ) of \morican freemen , nnd from this enjoyment o monopoly Is created , According to Aler- nder Hamilton , when he ditcmned the same ubjcct In 171W , "the Internal competition which takes plajo dw ; ; ) away with every thing llko monopoly , and by degree reduces the prices of articles to the minimum of n reason able profit on the capital employed. " 1th Impossible to iniint to a single monopoly In the United States that has been created or fostered by the ituliifttrini system which ia upheld by the republican pnity. Comp\red with our foreign commerce thejo domestic exchanges nro inconceivably great in amountrequiring merely ns ono Instrument ality ns largo a milongo of railway ns oxiits to day in the other nations of the world com blued. There internal exchanges atu eitim atcd by the RUtialical human of the treasury department to be annually tw cntytlmcs ns gront In niiionut ns our foreign commerco. It is into this vast field of homo trndo nt once the crantlon nnd the heritage of the American people-that foreign nation1 ! nro striving by every device to outer. It is into this field tlmt the opponents of our present revenue nyntem would freely ndmit tbo countries ol Kuropo countries Into whoso internal trade wo could not reciprocally enter ; countries t > which wo should bo mirreiidflritig every advan tage of trade ; from which wo should bo gaining nothing in return , I'l'ON THE MECHANIC AND HIE LAUOKCR. policy of this kind would be dUislrous tha mechnnicJ und worknigiren of the United Slates ) . Wnges uro unjustly reduced when nil Industrious man Is not nblu tiy bis earnings to UNO in comfort , educiito his children , nml lay by nn oHiuieiit nmouut for the nce bslticu of ngo. The ri duction of wages inovitnbly con. uqitfnt upon throi > ing our homo market open to the world , would deprive thorn < f the power to do thlp. It would prove n gient cal unity to our country. H would produce a cnullict between the piornnd the rich , nnd in the Horrou fill degradation of Inbor would plant the feeds of public danger. The republican party has steadily nimod to maintain just relations between labor and capital guarding with care the right * of each. A conflict between the two has always led In the p.ist nnd will nlwnytt le.idintho future to the injury of both Labor is imlisponsnble to the creation nud profitable use of cnp t d. nnd inpitul increases the efliclunuy nnd value of labor Whoever arm ) H the ono against the other is an unemy ol both. Tlmt policy is wis est und best which harmonizes the two on tbo basis of absolute justice. The republi can party has protected the free labor of America ao tint ita compensation is larger tbnn is re.ilioil in uny ether country. It has iimled our p nj.lo ng dust the Unfair com petition of contract l.ibor from China and may bo called upon to prohibit the growth of n similar evil from Kuropc. It Is ooviously unfair to permit opitnliats to nrnko contracts for che p labor in foreign countries to the hurt and disparagement of the _ labor of American citizens. Such n policy ( like that which would leave the time und other conditions of home abor exclusively in the control of the em loyer ) , is injurious to all parties not the east so to the unhappy persons who lira made the subjects of thu contract. The inbtttutioiib of the United States rest upon the intelligence nnd virtue of nil the people. Suffrage is made uuivcrsal ns njust weapon of sell-protection to every citizen. It is not the intero.it of the republic that nny economic system should bo adopted which involves the reduction of wages to the hard standard prevailing olso- wln re. The republican party niiim to elevate nnd dignify labor not to degrade it. As : isubstitute for tha tndu tiial system ivhich under republican ndminietrntioiu has developed such extraordinary prosperity , onr _ opponents offer n policy which is but n series of experiment * upon our system of revenue a : > olicy whoso end must bo harm to our manu factures nd greater harm to our labor. l'\- iierirccnt in the industrial and financial HJH- iem Is the country's srroatest dread , an stabil- ty is its groutcft boon. Kven the jticcrtalnty resulting from the- recent tiriir agitation in congress has hurtfully affected the business of ; bo entire country. Who can measure tbo larm to our phopsand our homes , to our farms md our comnioica , if the uncertainty of per- l > ottial tirlff ngitntion is to bo inlticted upon iho country ? Wo are in the midst of nn abundant harvest ; wo are on tbo eve of revival of general prosperity. Nothing stands in our way but the dread of n change in the indus trial system which ba $ wrought such wonders in the last twenty years and which with the jowor of increased capital will work etill jroator marvels of prosperity in the twenty ( earn to come. come.ODJl ODJl FOREII1N I'OUCV. Our foreign relations favor our domojtic de velopment. Wo are at peacp with the world at peace upon n Minn t bauis with no unset- led question * of sufficient magnitude to em- tarrass or distract us. _ Happily lemoved _ by jiir geographical position from participation or interest in thosa questions of dynasty or jouudory which so frequently disturb the leaco of Kurppe , wn nro loft to cultivate rlcndlv relivtioiiB with all , nnd are free from KHjible entanglements in tlio quarrels of my. The United States has no cause nnd no desire to engage In conflict with any power on earth , and wu may rest in assured confidence hat no power desires to attack the United StnteH. With the nntions of the Western Hemisphere wo should cidtivuto closer relations and for our common prosperity nnd advancement wo hould invite them nil to join with us in an agreement that for thu futurunll international loublea in North and South Amoiica thall ba adjusted by impartial arbitration and not by inns. This project was part of the fixed polly - : y of President Garfiold's ndministrntion nnd c should in my judgment be lenowed. Its accomplishment on this continent would favor ably affect tha nations beyond the uca , nnd bin powerfully contribute nt no distant duy o the nnivernal acceptance of tlio philanthropic a d Christian princlplo of arbitration. The ffect , oviin of sujfgesting it for the Spanish American states las boon most happy und ban ncreased thu confidence of these people in our riondly dlsponitlou. It foil t > my lot as tec- etary of state in Jium 18S1 to quiet apjiru- ien ioii in the Kepublic of Mexico , by giving iho asHiiranco in an ollicul illspatdi that , 'thero is not the falntott desire in the United itatea for territorial extension nontli of the { io Orando. The bo md iriea of the two ro- inbllcs hive been established In conformity vitb the b ° Et jurisdictional intorcuti of both. Clio line of demarcation is not merely convon- ional. It is more. It toparatoa a Spaniuh- American people from n Saxon-American pco- > lo. It divides ouo great nation from another vith distinct and niturnl finalltv * " POI IN THE PASTRY IF Yiinllln.I.ciiHin.OruiiLT , rlclnvnr f'nkri , ( 'reuiii > , I'iiililliiir > , < ( . ! > , , ui di-llfiilclyniKl iiul > ii-uKyutlkolVult fritm ulilch Iliey urc 111 nde , FOlt STllEXOTJI AND TKUIJ FKUIT FLA.YOK THEY STAND ALONE. FKIfiBIO or THI Price Baking Powder Co. , ClilcoBO , III. 61. Loula , Mo. form or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder -illO Dr. Price's LiipuHn Yeast Gems , IU l Dry 0 | . Yen.C. OTOZI CJ.A.3UE : XJ1T- \Vo eek the conquest of pence. Wo to'oxtend our commerce , nnd In an especl tl degree with our friends nnd neighbors on thl continent. Wo have cot Improved our rola tloni witli Spanisli-Aniericn a * wisely nnd ns pernlstcntly ns MO might hnvo dono. Per more than poncrntlon the sympathy of those countries his been Allowed to drift nwny from in. Wo should now mnko every ellort to gain thwr friendship. Our trade with them ia already largo , liming the lost year our exchanges In the western hemisphere amounted od to tlireo hundred nnd fifty millions nf dul lara near' ) one-fourth of our entire fnrolpu commerce , To these who seem disposed t > underrate iho vnluo of our trndo with the countries of North nn J South America , it may bo well to ntnto that their imputation is nearly or quito fifty millions nnd that , In proportion to nggreg.vto numbers , wo Impart nourly double ns imeh from them nso do from Knropj. Hut the result of thahnle American trade is inn high degioo unintivfae- tory. The imports during thu past ye r ex ceeded two hundred nud twenty-five millions while the exports iiinoiiutcd to less thhii ono hundred und tweuty-livo millions showing a balance against us of mire than ona hitiulrjd millions of dollar. ) . Uut the non : y does note ; o to Spanish America. Wo FOIH ! largo stuns to Europe in coin or Its equivalent to pay Kurtipoan inanuf kcturora for iho goods whlcn they cnd to Spanuli America. Wo are but piymnstorH for this enormous nnumnt annual ly to 1'nri pean factors -an amount which Is it serious draft , m every linnuclul dcjiiVHslou , upon our ro.soiiic H nf specie. Cannot this umdllinn of trade in fre.it part bo changed ? Cannot the market for our pro- ducU bo gro itly enlarged ? Wo IISMI iiitido n be lnmu ianurelfort to improve our trade re- latiom with Mnxicoiiml wu sh mid not bo con tent until similar nnd mutually advantageous nrr.iugementa have hocn succusiively undo with every nation of Xorih and South Ameri- oa. While tlio grout powers of JCurooare | ) steadily enl \rging tlieir colonlol domhun ! | in ABI.I and Alnoiit is the t special ) ) rl\hico of this country to improve nnd expand its tr.idu with the nntiLiis of America , fs'o fiolii.t > rom. itoi to mucli. No fiuld has been cultivated to little. Our foreun policy in ita broadckt and moat comprehensive sense n policy of i > eaco , of friondsliip. of commercial enlargement. The name of American which belongs to IH in our National c.ipncity must nlvvnjs exalt Lho just pride of patriotism. Citizamlnp of tbo u'publlc , must be the panoply nnd vnfc- giurd of him who wa.rs it. Tlio American citizen , ri h or poor , natlvo or uatur.iliml white or colored , imut everywhere , walk ne > cnro in his personal nnd civil rights. Thora- [ inblic shoul 1 never accept n leaser duty , it ctn never ni-unio n nobler one , than the piotoction of the humblest man who jwoj It loyalty pro- action at bomnnd protection which snail 'ollow htm nbroid , Into whntover land ho may ; o.upon a lawful errand , THK BOUTIIKHN STATK8. I recognize , not without regret , tLo neces sity for speaking of two ncctiona of our com mon country. Uut the regret diminishes when I see that the elements which separated them ma fast disapp nrlug , I'lejudices have yielded nnd are yielding , while a growing cordiality wnrms tno Southern nnd thu North ern heart alike. Can nny ono uonlit that ) ctween tha sections confidence nnd esteem ire to day more marked than nt any period u tha sixty yonr.s preceding the election of I'rcsident Lincoln ? This is the ituult in , > art of time and in part of republican prin ciple * applied under tha fnvarable conditioiu of uniformity. It would La a great calamity , o change these influences under which Southern commonwealths are learning to vindicate civil rights , and ndapting themselves .o the conditions of political tranquillity nnd ndustrinl progress. If there bu o.casionU and violent outbreaks in tha South ngalnst this peaceful progrc K , the public opinion of the country regards them as exceptional nud 'lopeful trns : tliat such will prove the hat. 'Iho South needs capital nnd occupation , not controversy. As much ns nny pm of tbo North , tbo Souths needs the full protection of the revenue laws which the republic in patty offers. Some of the Soutbcfl Sutos iuvo already entered iipon.iou ) "r.nf indus trial dovelopmoul nnd prcapurit licse , at least , thould not lend their o cctoral votoi to destroy their own future. Any effort to unite tbo southern state ? upon issues that grow out of tha memories of the wnr , will summons the noithtru states to COI IMIO In Uio a-Herlioucf that nationality which was th. ir Inspiration in the civil strug gle. And thus gront energies which should uo united in common industrial development will be wasted in hurtful strife. The demo cratic party shows itbelf n foe to- southern prosperity by always invoking nnd urging ioutborn political cjnsolidntiou. Such a pjl- cyquoncous tliB rising ms.i ict of patriotism in tlio heart of the southern youth ; it revives nud stimulates prejudice ; it substitutes the spirit of barbaric vcnecanco for the love of > oice , prugrcts and harmony. TUB CIVIL SERVICE. The general character of tlio civ it scrv ice of ,110 t'nited ' States under ull administrations IOB boon honorable. In ono supreme test collection nnd dicburceincnt of revenue tha ccord of fidelity bis never been eurpasecd in any nation. With tba nbaot-t fabul ma Bums which were received aim paid during the Into war , , hcrupulouB integrity was the prcvailug illic . IncleoJ , throughout that trying period , it can ; be said to the honor of the American name , that unfaithfulncKJ nnd ( liehone-ity among civil ofhcerHwernas rare as misconduct md cowardice na thu field of baltlo. Tbo growth of tbo country lia-i continually and necetsarily enlarged the civil service , uu .11 now it included n vast body of ollicern. | { iilen and methods of appointment which pro- vniltd when the number was smaller have been made to sopainto the great nuns of niln- Bterial officers fiom luitioan influence and personal control. Impartiality in thu mode of ippointment to bo based on qualification , und security of tenure to bo based on faithful dla- charge of duty are the two ends t ) bj uoooin- plisbed. The public butinc s will be aided by separating tbo legislative branch of thu gov ernment from nil control of appointments nnd the executive department will bo relieved by subjecting uppointmeritH to fixed rules ami thus icinuvIiiK thorn from tbo caprice of fav r- itltni. lint there should be rigid observanca of the law whichgivos in nil cafes of cquiil competency the preference to the xoldiern who risked their lives in defense of the union. IJi'ntorcil oongrobH in IBIi.'l , anilin , n Homo what prolonged service I never found it expo diunt tr > reijuoit or rucnmmend the removal of n civil officer except in four initancen , arul then for non-political roaxons which were In utantlv conclubivo with tbo appointing powei , The olIicorB in tha district , appointed by Mr. Lincoln in 18U1 upon the rocomundation nl my predecetuor , served a a rule , until dc.it ! or lusigiiation. I adopted nt thu beginning ol my tervUo the test of competitive examina tion for appointments toVo t Point uinl maintained it us long us I had thu rigbt by law to nominuto a racltt , In the cose of many officers I found that the present law whUl nrbltruiily IlmlU thu term of th4ajininii-ion offerol a tonbUut temptation to changes fur inero political IIOSOIIH. I have publicly o\- pri > H-cd th belief tint the nnseniiul modifi cation of that Uw would be3 in many rod- IJOJ'H uvai tjgeuus , Myob ervntion in thai department of Btito confirmed the conclusions of my leglslutlvi oxptiiouce , and impress.d . mo vviththeonmic tion that the rule of imp'-itinl nppointmi-iit inUlit with aifvuntngo In curiiod beyond nn ; exiuting provision of the civil neriieo law , 1 thonld boupji < iui to appointmentH in thu con hillir nervicy. Consuls Hhuiild Iw comniHrcfa Hentini'ls enciicling tlio gl < be with wutchful IIIKH for their countiy's interiHts. Their Intel lif'inice and competency become , tliiTtforc inattcm nf great jiubliu concern. No mat xhi'iihl bn apixilntod to mi American conmilati who IH not wnllliiHtructixl In tbo hlntory am resources of his own country , arid In the te quircmeiiU and language of lommtrce In the country to win * ho JH ent , The nunuinli Hlniuld bt-nppliod iivpn more rigidly to becru tariea nf legation in nur d'plomatloKcrvIco Thu jieop'o have the right to the most elllciun vgentii in the discharge of public buHinoKit am the appointing p wcr should rcguid this as the piloi and ulterior coiiHlduratlon. TIIK MOllilON qUKHTIOH. ltoliioin | liberty iHtho right o ( ovtry clti/wn of thu republic , L'ongriws ia forbidden by the constitution to make any law "j-ffpictlng thu i-Dtubliuhmeiit of religion , or prohibiting tha frntoxercUtithereof , " Fora ci tury , under tills guarantee , 1'rotontanl and Catholic , Juw und Ueutllo , have worsbipod Cj il according to tha dlclatca of conscience , liut religious liberty must not prevertcd to the juktificatlon of olFeiices agftliiBl the law. A religions tuct , Ntronnly Inlnmcliod in ono of tbo territories of the union , nnd spreading rapidly into four other torrUorlen , clidma the ri/ilit / to destroy the great safogturd nnd muniment of social order , nnd to practice ns a religious privilege that which ( sa crlmo puninhcu vvitluftovcro . ) oiittlty In every utato of tbo union. The s.v crodni\s nnd unity of the fi mily nnst bo [ reserved nn the foundation of nil civil govern- nont , na the source of orderly ndmiuisirntlon , s tlio s'iret gunrntiton of moral purity. The claim of the Mormons that they nro livinoly authorized to practise polygamy hould no more be admitted limn the claim of certain heathen tribes , if they should come imong us , to continuo the rite of human sncri- ico. The law does not Interfere with what n nan boUiUTji ) ( t tnkof cognisance only o ( what 10 does. As citlienf , the Mormons nro en- itlod to the sumo c vll rights as others nnd to licve they must bo confined. Polygamy ran lever receive national sanction or Uilorntion ty admitting the community that upholds it . - . a nUto In the union. l < iko others , the Mormons must loam tlmt the liberty of the ndividilal ceases where the rights of society begin. Ot'Il CJUIUIKNOT. Tbo people of the United States , though ifteu urged and tempted , hnvo never sen- nisly contemplated tha recognition of any other money than gold and silver nnd cur- tuny directly convertbio ! into them. They i ivo nut done BO , they will not do HO , under my neces lty leas prot-ning than thatofdos- > orate war , Tlio ona Bp ci.il nquisito forthe omplotiou of our monetary > > tem is the IK- ng of tlin lolativo values of silver and gold 1'ho Inrgn unit of silver nsthomonoy of account vmniig Ani.itie nations , taken in nmnectioli vith iho incicnslng coimuerco of Iho world , nvestho weightiest roisons for nn interim- tonal ugreamont In the premises. Our gov irnment should not co'vso to mga Ibis meiH ire until common standard of vuluo sbill bo Moched nnd established- stiudiril tint t.hnll enable the United States to iso the silver from Its mines as vu auxiliary to gold in rattling the ImlaucoH of commercial oxdmngo. THK I'UIIUU I.ANIH. The strength of the republic is increased by , ho multiplication of Intid-ownorH. Our lawn hould look to thu judicious oncourngemont of Actual settlers on thu public domniu , which ihould henceforth ba held an n imcreil trnet or the benefit of these socking homes. Thu endency to consolidate large tracts of l.tml in the owneiahip of individuals or coipoia'.ioiu hould , with proper regard to vested rlgbtH , bo llHConrrged. Olio hundred thousand acres of and in the bands of one man is lark si profit- U > lo to the nation in every vvny than when Its twnershlp ia divided among ono thousand lien , Tuo evil of permitting largo tracts of ho national domain to Iw cnruolidiitod nnd sontrollod by the few nguinst the m-nylHoii- iauce.1 when the persons controlling it are nliens. It in but fuir that the public land bould be diapoiodof only to actual settlers tud to these who are citizens of the republic , r willing to become so. OUK HIIllTI.NQ INTSIIK8TH. Among our national mtorcsta ono languish- a tbo foreign carrying trade. It was very erlously crippled in our civil war , nnd nnnth- r blow wna given to it in the general substi- ution of st-jani for sail In ocean trnflia. With i frontage on tbo two great oceans , with n icichtngo larger than that of any ochir nt- i > n , we hnvo ovorv inducement to restore our utvlgation. Yet the government has hitherto ofustd its help , A small aharo of the en couragement given by the government to ailwuys and to mntiiifucturos , nnd n tmmll baioof tlio capiUl nnd tha zeal given by our itlr.ons to thosa outerptfsus would hnvo car- led our Eliips to every BUI and to every port. v. law just enacted removes HOUIO of the bur- [ ona upon our navigation nnd inspires hope hat this ( Treat intcro-t inny at last recnivo UH luo slrire of uttantion. All efforts in tills di rection bliouUl rdcoivo aucourago'nont , BACHHDM1--S3 OF THU IIALLOT. This turvuy of our o.mijitlon a , n nation reminds us 'that material prosperity la but n iivekry If It duoa not tend to pri'Cj-v ' * - - ibcrty of the paopla. A free ballot h tlio safeguard of republican institutions , withcut vhieh no national welfare is nnsnrod. A pop- ilar election honestly conducted , embodies -ho - very majesty of true government. Tun nilllons ofolera doiirn to take part in tbo lending content. The safety nf the lepublic osti upon the Integrity of thu billet , upon In ) security of suffrage to the citi/.en. To loposit u fraudulent vote ia no worse a crime igulnst cimstitutional liberty than to elm riitt deposit of nn honest vote , Ho who corrupts iiilfingo striken nt the very root of froa govorn- nont , Ileirtthonrch-onemy of thorepublic. Hoe o gt > ta that in trampling upon the rights of of others bo fatnlly imperils Ilia own rights. 'It is a good land which tlmliord our God doth give us , " but wo can niainUin our hori- igo only by guarding with vigilance the source f jiupulur power , I am , witli grat reapuot , our obedient servant , J A SIKH I ! . Bi.Aisi : . 1'cdnjjoKncH In Council. MADISON , July 18. At the last day of the convention of the national toacherd associa- ion , thu committee on nomination roc-oni- nended the renominntion of T. W. liicknell , of Boston , who declined the honor. V , Louis .omlou , of St. Louis , wan then recommended as Hicknen , tuccessor , with W. K. Sheldon , of iluHton , as semetnry. Tbo following roaolu- , ion was olfored by S. C. Currignn , of the Mascachii'ottH board of ( ducntion , xocondcd ly SlaluSiiperlntendetit Orr und othern , nnd vvaH uimniininisly ailopted , ] { ( Molvid , That the thanka of the convon- .lon bo tendered to Senator Dlnir , nf Now Humpahiru , for his siiceasfnl laborj in behalf cf federal aid fur the common schools of the country , Sinierintondnnt Smart , of Indiana , WJH conpratiilutud for his successful uducalion- d exhibit , being tbo greatest of thu kind over t-ceii in America , The Jlilllsli FrnnolilBO nil ) , LONDON , July 1 ! ) , The pncosiinn nt the tradux ilemontratlon atlfydo Park , Monday , In favor of the franchise bill will march six nbrnast from the Thames ombuikmnnt ti IFydp 1'nrk. Thora will bo eight HOttlona ol political clnba , epaaking nt the park until ( from Hoven different platfo ins. Tlin puttine nf resolutions favoring the franchixo bill will bn tnnouncod eiinultaneaii.sly by a bnilowlicn ; It ia expected they will bo adapted nnani- mnuiily , The eldest daughter of Mathovv Arnold I engaged to be inmiod to Frederick Whiter Idge , u New York lawyer. Rheumatism \7o doubt If thrrn Is , or ran be , a Hpcclflo remedy for rlieumatlsm ; hut tlioiisandi who have miftered Its pains have been greatly ben- cntctl by Hood's Bar.saparllla. If you h.i\o failed to nnd relief , try this great remedy. "I was ullliclcd with rhuuinatlbm twenty years. I'icvloiis to 188J I found no icllcf , but grow worhe , and at ono tlmo wus almost help- lei. ; Hood's Harsaparllla did mo morugooil than all thu other incdlelno I ever had. " JI.T. UAI.COM , Shirley Village , MUSH. " I had rhcnmatUm three yearn , nnd grit no relief till I took Hood's Karmiparllla. It has done great things for mo. I icnimmcml It to other * , " I.UWIH fluiiliANK , IllilUcfoulMe , Hood's Himapnrllla It clmraetorlzcil by tlireo peculiarities : Ist , the cotnlilnitllnn of ruineillal agents ; I'd , thu proportion ! : iiltho proems of securing thu acllvo medicinal ( MialltlcB , Thu result Is a incdlelno of unusual Atrciigth , riri'ctlnc euro a hitherto unknown. Hcnil for book confainlnj , ' adilltlnnal uvldcncu. "Hood's Haraaiiarllla tones up my fystein. pnillles my Mood , hh.irpcns my : iiietlte | | , anil K'uniH to inako mo over. " .1 , I * . nuiU'HUN , Jteglsternf Durils , Lowell , Mass. "Hooil'a Hirsaparllla beats all nllierfi , and IN worth UK weight In until. " I. IlAJilil.Mno.S , 13U IlauU titrcct. New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold by all druggists. $1 i Hlx for $ 5. Made only by 0. J. HOOD ft CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO"Doso8Ono _ Dollar. KINO CIIOI.F.KA. Nrw YOIIK , July 18. The Bl > ollco unnltary Inspectors are Invpatlgating fiyo cases of re- Dortod cholera In n tenement hoiiso on Spring street. MAUSFII.UN , , ldy 18.-Ieaths hero from cholera during the past twenty-four hours nnmiKT twenty right. Tortov , July 18-SIxleen deaths have oc curred from cholera tinco 10 o'clock this morn- ing. NKW YOIIK , July 18-Later Investigation of the alleged cholera cases proves them to bo children's summer complaint. PANAMA , 'July IS.-There ia much' sickness lure. In ona boxpltnl there are over n dozen iMpsof ; jellowfovcr nnd n hundred of dysen tery. tery.Sr. Sr. PjtTKUStiuiii ) , July 18. phguomndo itanppoar.uicont Ivlmra nnd other ntatons ! in Caucasus , brought form Perjia , A sanitary cordon nt Ilntup proved usolcsn , eigbthundrcd parsons having died nt Uedrn during May. 1'rinco Dondonknk Korsikalf baa Interdicted thu Moslems of CnncnsiM from making pil- giinmges to holy places. LONDON. July -Health officers hi.ro nro "runtdzIiiK hospital service , in ovrntof cholarn making iu nppoarnnco. A hospital for cholera - era patients vv.i * formrd nt Chlnasc , Switzer land , and Lulno , Italy. TOUI.ON , July 18. M deaths last night. Tlio mayor Is Improving. The deputy mayor in also ill. The pauiu continues , and the uxodua Increasing. MARSEILLES , July 18 , 'X\ \ deaths last niphL The Lbolerik nppearod nt Arles , -I I miles from here. Three death * theio MAUSKLI.S , July 18. Noon. Sir deaths hlnco iiiuo Ibis moiidng. loVKll , July 18. The municipal council la piepiirlng anti-cholera muasurei' . Vossola will bo iKivudiiod befuro entering the hnrbor. OITAWA , July 18Tho department of agriculture baa issued iiutructtona to quaran tine nil trillions of the Dominion , also tn cus tom collectora who mo ox-otllcio qnarantino officer' , calling attention to the necessity of extra vlgiUvnco mid caruful Inspection of all \eaanls Iro-n MaiHotllox nnd Toulon , LONDON July -Thostcnmor Saint lus- tan , from Marseilles , arilved In Mersey to il ly. There were two deaths from cholera dmlng the voyage. The steamer wna ordered placed in nn Isolated position nnd all commu nication with shore forbidden. TOMB. Th At Ita Oonatrnutlon IH Grossly Dcfcotlvo. ClUCAOO , July 18. A staff correspondent of the Inter-ocean baa boon investigating the condition of tlio monument , nt Springfield , HI. , over tha remains of the Into President Lincoln , and that paper will , to-morrow , pub- Mali four columns of sensational matter na to Its condition. It will charge thu grossest dis- iioncsty in thu performance of tbo work , nud will give n detailed account of the defects in construction , the nggregatu of which threaten the caving in of tbo toiraoa in which the crypt la situated , if not the overthrow of the monument ment itself. The correspondent finds that tbo inner walla are of noft brick , uhich is already rotten and in many placei : wood and granite chips are thrown in to fill the rpacca which should have been Kolid masonry. In I'oburary ono of the nrcbon running the ontlw length off the terracd full and ( IngHtorioi which form the floor of tbo i"r."CBar < JlirM up by tliubim put in by the custodian. Tills arch hud been keyed , ill with pine wedges nud chnnkH of mortar In places whore granite blocks of the terrace floor were not long enough to reach the wall ; their inner ends voro mipported by inch ilno bonrda. I\Vhoro henv granite columns for statuary rest on the terrace , they are leveled up with pinu wedges mid tbo stones are broken by theiinequul weight. The inner walls are louse , and are held up by lor g ! iropn , now rotting. The heavy stone ov or the : rypt in which tlin remains of Lincoln rest , are supported on pinp boardswhich terrace un , ho Honili and east sides 1ms boon taken out to [ iroyent the heavy stencH from falling on thu ; oflin below. THE IjKTTKIl OA.IUUHU9. Circular From the PoHtinaRtor- ; Genurnl With ItcKiird U ) Their Vacation. WAHIIINOION , July 18. The following cir cnlar has been sent to poMtmastorH at all free Jelivory offices : You are hereby authorlzud to grant letter c.trricra at your office leave of abnonco not t < exceed fifteen days each year with pay , ami to fill their places during such ubsouca will Hiibstituto carriaru , whom you will pay at thu rate of SfiOO per nnuum. You will grant lonvu ofnbianco to Hilch numbara of carrion ) nt ono time nnd at such times during the yoai na will work the least inconvenience to the public. A strict account must bo kept will each carrier and certified to the auditor ol this department quarterly with your carrier pny rolu on nuparnto fhcet. If you have no n Biilliclont number uf substitute carrierH to fill the places of carriers absent on luavu , yoi should at once select as many nilditiou'd oneu an will bu required for thlx ] > urposo and nomiii ate them to thu first assistant postmaater foi appointment. Authority to onqiloy substl lute carriers under this act is granted on ! ; when noceajfiry to eniiblo the postmaster ti allow carriers the Icuvo authorl/ed abuvo , If then fore , you can arrange your Horvlco so n to grant the leave herein authorised witbou the employment of HiibntltutOi , ) ou will nebo bo justified In the employment of mibstltutu under theuo instructions , Voura He < ) iKctfiilly ) , ( Signed , ) WALTKII ( } . UIIEHHAM. Ilutlor AVIII Probably Hun. NKW YOIIK , July 18. General Kunjamln V ISutlor wan at thu Fifth Avenue hotel , am wascallnd ujion by John P , Henry , presiden of the national nnti-monopoly organization I' . 1) ) . Timber , nnd othera. After his intnrviow Mr. Henry aaid to it Trlbunu reporter. "I Haw General llutler and had a conversation wit ! htm for about half an hour. He had not ye found timu to go to Ida homo in Mausaclmsott to rest and think matterx over. My opinioi after that con vermilion in that in thu Interest o tlin anti-monopoly und laboring classes and It eider tokuup the progiessiva element togethe ho will rim for prcshlont und will main thu ho < t li ht ho can In the utaten vviiero ho car lijht to the best udvantagi1. Much of vvlut the gflneral mild must for the present romali confidant ! il. " OlnrlndnCniitiircH ihn IIIKUIIO asylun Dit MOINICS , Iowa , July IS.Tho itato commUulun to locate thu insane axylun ordered to bu erected by the la t kglblntuie which has been in uf Hslon hero tlireo days dls- cuHiing the ( lliriTont points of location , to-d > docidud in fnvor ef Claiinda. It was etatei yesterday that tha question had norrovvtxl down to cholci' between Clarlnda and Atlan tic. _ Bnrofula diseases tnanifuet tlioinaolvou in the warm woathur. Hoods Sarsapnr- ilia cloansoa tlio blood and romovoa ovury taint ofBcrofula. THE BULLS CONTROL Tie Chicago Grain Hartet at the Present Time , A Eising Tendency in All Kinds of Oeroals , But Cattle Generally are in Lit tle Demand , And the Prices Remain Station ary or Fall , V. llrlnk Demand lor Certain Grades of Hogs. MAUKI-7TU 11Y Special Dispatch to the UEE. CIIICAUO , July IS. Under atrong bull with the bo.ir < forced to cover , wheat tu-d.iy \\ontupUcabuihel. Demand from shortH continued. Among the heavy buycra were Schwartz nnd Unpee , Hilly Comstock , Nnt .Toiion , J.T. Lester nnd Norman Honm. The market fluctuated uncertainly. Shortly nftor the opening out under a call from shorts , it uispoiulod firmly and advanced , closing at top pricea of the day , from an opening nl SIJc , jolower limn Thursday's. Closing prices'- September options advanced to 8jj ( ! , then by gradual singes to 80 , and nt ono time to 8GJJ. It then dropped back to SliJS , nnd closed nt 80 , figure 4 being asked. October wheat opened nt 85Jrf8i ( ( ! , nnd closed nt SfijJ , 87naked. Au- mist wheat opened nt 81 nnd closed nt 80. Thu name bullish tondoucy pervaded efJItN. Corn opened f.t Mj , ran up ta 60 nnd .n-u ) nt ftSfj. Scptcmbsr opened nt 61 , and losed nt 535 , October opened nr 53J and loaod at 65. 1'iirthor advunco la apprehended mil tboprospoct is for even n stronger mar- tot to-morrow. 1'ricea , brokers say , have > ocn abnormally low , and thurlRo Is iu the ntional order.of thinga. The market owes itu trcnpth to the demand for Milpmont nnd In .lie disposition of fnrmcrs to Bell on an HUu roiiK itood steady at 23 . ' .0 , but I.Altl ) vat In sym [ > ithy with the general tendency , md wna active nnd firmj August opening nt " 18) nnd closing at the same , tfler having . .DUO up to7 2) ) , riontomber 7 ! > 0 nnd clonim ; it tha Himu , though it sold nt 732 } : October " -I' ' ) nnd closed nt 7 42 * On the afternoon "board , markets were airly active for wheat and corn , and price * rreg'ibvrnnd cloned i to | lower on wheat , iu corn , OATH Mid provisions w 010 quiet but whorl riba 2Jo ilgher. CATTLE , Thu market wna dull nnd weak from first to .int. on ull etCKcriptions of cattle. Not s CIT- end of shipping cattle wna sold and only a iow were tnkou by doalerH In droesed beef. Good cattle wetu 20 to 23o lower than nt thu oponinz of tlin weak. Common natives 40 to fiOc low or with little or no demand. To-day many loin of fair fleshy steere of 1000 poundi und thereabouts , too good for feeders and not good enough fonjdronacd beef dealers , Hold M low ai 4 0 I to 4 75. There were only nbout 75 loads of Toxnnx on the market nnd they' weru nlmuit nimalnblo. J'ricna on Texnns nro 20 to HOe lower than lant week , and in aomo crises-I0o lower. The market Ia overstocked with void calves , arid pricea mo 20 to50c low er than the first of the week ; the best are not iringin ? over C 7t > , nnd from that down .to "i 50. The milk cow maikot vvu dull , with [ ion i crowded full with fair to good cows , for which there is little or no demand ; xood to choice KftO to 1100 pounds , 0 00 to ( i DO ; com- non to good 1050 to 1250 pound , B 80 to 5 75 ; butchers' 1 ! 10 to125 ; atockerw 3 00 to-J 00 ; feeders } 00 to 4 fiO ; grasa Texana 700 to ! I50 iiouuda 3 7C to 4 75 ; extra i ) CO to 1000 pounds I 75 to 5 00. 1100 B. Thorn was a brisk demand at the opening for light aorta , and there \vcro rumored salcu nt 5 70 , but D 05 was the highest , and toward the chuo 0 Ml to f CO was about the market. Heavy packing and shipping woru rather slow all the morning and nverngodfi to lOo lower than yesterday , market closing rather weak , witli n good many lots left , unfold. Skipa and throwoutx weru selling fnirly well nt ( 00 to I 80 ; choice assorted light , 5 10 to fi C5 , and honvy O.r > to 0 55 ; light 1 00 to B 10 ; pounds , 5 00 to 5 70. MM. FOREIGN AFFAinS , TIIECIIINESK WBAKKNINO. CTJSllANOllAl , July 19. The situation at 1'okiu Is critical owing to the stormy disputes be tween Li Hung Chang nnd THO Taung Chang , in regard to what action will bo taken on Franco's attitude. Admiral Courbut with the Kronen Hoot la threatening Fee Cliow , PAHIH , July 18. It la oflicially announced that China has given Franco the first measure of satisfaction The Clilnoao Imperial Oazotto of tbo Kith , publi'hod n decree In occordanco with tbo turuia of the convention of May llth. In thin decree the emperor orders the Chinese troop ) to evacuate Lao K' ' , Langaon nnd Coo Hung , and withdraw to this sldo of the passed Inadlne to Ynn Nan , Kwangton nnd Kwang- 81. The evacuation will bo completed within a mouth. SiiANfliiAi , July 18. The npponrnnco of the French Hoot In Chinese waters had the ef fect of Htrongthening the peace party nt I'o- kin , The question of granting tlio indemnity demanded by Fraucu U being discussed. ANDREWS' ARSNOUS RYINCTOHOIDDOWN EARLCAKIND POWD ITAMOOUNOTORISC PURE CREAM SIOO.O. Given . . . Ifnlumcriinyinjurloiu tnliStanri'scun L-o found In Andraws1 Pearl UakinK Powder. , I P > s- tlvi-lyPURE. JlcfiieiHlor.odiiiiillitlmoiilttU ( recefvixl ironi such clieiulsUaaS , Dima lla > s , lifts- ton ; M. Delafontalno , orciilcaKo ; and Ilodc , llllwuiikec. Keverfcolil In bulk.