Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning. July 18.
The now onfrlno house nt the corner o
Eleventh find Dorcaa slroots , was started yes
toodny Thowork will nil ba done by the
paid fire department , as there nro mechanics
of utmost ot cry class In the department.
g A row took i > Uco yesterday nt the corner
nor of Twelfth and Dodeo streets between a
woman named Caddlo Hulls and Al. Dillon.
arrested them both
Officer Buckley promptly
and lodged thorn In Jail. Altar being placed
in iv cell the woman was taken with BOIDO kind
around all right Inn abort
of n fit but came
In regard to the man who was robbed In
Council Bluffs a few days nines of 8280 , the
proprietor of the Pacific homo says that ho
was not robbed near hlshousoand that ho was
never near the house. The man who was robbed -
bed wai Imbibing quito freely , and in the
course of his wandorlnir ho got down Broad way
near the dummy depot , ft very appropriate
spot for him , and sitting down on the edge of
the sidewalk , dropped into n slumber. When
ho was awakened by n policeman ho found ho
had boon robbed of his money , about 9280.
M. 0. Ilyan , of Blair is registered at the
Kd. L. Kly , of Bradshaw , is otopping at the
W. P. Smith , of Grand Island , is at the
II. Whaolcr and wlfo , of Chicago , nro at the
Francis Holler , of Wisnor , is registered nt
the Metropolitan.
Mrs. M. W. Price , of Fremont , is a guest of
the Metropolitan.
John W. Uhl. of Stromsburg , is registered
at the Metropolitan.
J. M. Wood and D. M. Buttler. of Oacoola ,
are stopping at the Metropolitan.
D. fAndorson , of Columbus , is In Omah
and whllo hero will look over our now Block
yards cntorpriso.
.T. K. Vnndomard , Valparaiso , Neb. , is in
twn , just returning from Chicago , where ho
attended the democratic convention ,
33. Llndormnn , Button , Mr. and Mrs. John
55ohrung , Lincoln , Charles G. Proax , U. S.A.
Mrs. A. Caetollar Mary Castollar and 1 < \ M.
Castsllar , Blair , registered yoitorday at the
Poxton ,
W. 33. Wilcox , of Hock Crook , Ohio , ono of
the finest and most gentlemanly of the traveling
mon who make Omaha in their rounds , is in
the city representing n largo paper manufac
tory In J'rio , Pennsylvania.
J. 1 $ . Mcservc , McCook , A. 33. Cady , St.
inul , W. KIloy and wife , Jackson , 31. P.
Ilolinoa and vvifo , Beatrice , George Marks ,
Hastings , and 0. J. Storrell , Aubum , wore
the gucsla of the Millnrd yesterday.
Auburn Estof , of St. Paul , Minn. , is in
Omaha on a visit to his nephew , L. II. Wob-
ttor. IIo reports that politics In St. Paul and
MlnnojpoUstslikoa jug hnnulo all on ono
dido , for Blalno and Logan , end that MInno
Kota will double her ropublfcan majority.
An Effort Mntlo by the B. & M. Con.
tractor to Obtain his JJost
A novel snit waa begun in the county
court yesterday afternoon , reviving the
recent notoriety of the Kinknid-Lonnon
affair. It will bo romornborod that Kin-
kaid , a B. & M. contractor , came to
Omaha and fell in with Lennon and
slept with him in his room. On awak
ening the next morning Lennon , who
had taken possession of Kinkaid'a '
purao and money refused to give them
up to their owner. After
couple of days had qono by the contractor
had Lennon arrcotod , who uubsoquontly
died In jail of dolirum tromona. A vig
oroua search was made for the missing
money , and part of it , § 100 was after
wards found in Lonuon'o bed between the
mattresses , Lennon claimed iho money
was his , which finally came into the pea
session of Judge lionoko in his oflicinl
Yoftorday a writ of replevin was sued
out from Judge McCulloch's court by
Kinkaid , eotting up the right of owner-
ohip and immediate possession to the
money , and making the police judge
the party defendant. Judge Bonoko
vrent before the county court nnd stated
the manner in which ho came into its
pOBcnaion. The plaintiff was unable
to give the required bond aim the money
Is still in the hands of the defendant.
Replevin may bo a very correct way to
got into the possession < f money , but the
proceeding is certainly a very novel ono ,
Off for Cool Minnesota.
Deputy United States Marshal Allen
started for Stillvrator , Minnesota , yester
day afternoon with Larry Iloldon , the
man who pleaded guilty to the charge of
robbing the poatoflico at Ainaworth in
April last. Holdon'o term of imprison
ment is ono year , dating back to the time
ho was taken into custody by the United
States marshal. The United Slates
prisoners from this district convicted of
felony are now taken to SHllwntor In
ateadof the Nebraska penitentiary , as the
latter institution now haa room for atato
felons only. _
Klnny'H Oaeo ,
In the district court yoslordny the case
of the otato against Kmiiy , the coloroc
boy charged with ehooting witJi intent to
kill was in trial all day before Judge
Novillu. The testimony was quite- con
flicting and was closed early in the of
tornoon. The court adjourned after the
Arguments * to the jury hart been made
Kinnay is defended by Ejqs. I'erguson
nod Moriarty.
DWBOTOUY to bo ( wiled in July
8b4 , pricw $4 50. J. M WOLVJJ , pub-
Iior 120 S. 14th St. . OmnKa.
Dalrnlu l\riml < T > rn lift Frro.
GuAn VonKH , July 17. Tha p-nxi-ntlon
tlili winning movwl tlio dlemis-al of tliu in
tlictmentii nxaliut Cal I/line oiul t-Iovcn other
charfjo'l with kU'ii'g the Wtird twilion. 'fh
court In grantfiiK thu motion nuld lii rcgreltoi
( lie item noco-ii'iy ' required In euch action
Iwtcuuld BCO no iithfr alternative. With tli
acquittal of Jrflni'xl the confc ! on of Tiir
t > in that f/a'r kil'td ' Cbar'cs and lie hmi el
Fred \V nl , w the proiecution wa M
iifriwlera nt to the oilier * . 3)r. Wan ]
of tbo murdered boys conceded th
view of ( cot. .
Tells the BraDu Jnry what ho
Knows About the Crookedness ,
Ho lays the Blnino nt Ex-Mnyor
Clmso'fl Door ami Says tlint
lie Tut Up the Tob.
Ever since ex-Marshal Outhorio was
convicted of bribery in the district court ,
liis friends have been laboring with him
and begging of him to make a full and
free confession in regard to the affair and
not shoulder a majority of the blame in
the crooked transactions for which ho
and ox-Mayor Ohaao were indicted and
upon which charge ho waa convicted.
Wednesday Mr. Guthrie was taken bo
'ore ' the grand jury as a witness against
3hnso and while there made a clean brcmt
of the matter and told what ho know.
It has boon impossible to procure the
ull statement but it was in substance as
bllows :
Shortly after Gulhrio was appointed
marshal by Chase , ho was approached by
the mayor and told to got all that ho could
out of the gamblers and that the mayor
and himself would "whack up. " This
10 did and paid over to the mayor , at
different times , about § 175 , which money
md boon obtained from the keepers of
gambling houses in this city.
The evidence of Mr. Baldwin and Mr.
Biggins was taken , after which an indictment -
dictmont was returned against Champion
S. Chase , stating that between July 15th ,
83 , and April 15th , ' 81 , Chase did take ,
accept nnd receive , indirectly , from
Jharlca Branch , Jumos E. Smith , and
othorpartioa to the grand jurorsunknown ,
hrough the hands of Roger 0. Guthrie ,
ho sum of § 470. "
Upon the fnco of this indictment ap-
> eared the names of Roger 0. Guthrie ,
) . S. Higgins aui Seth 0. Baldwin aa
Mr. Guthrie further stated bcforo the
; rand jury that when the peoples eyes
) pgan to bo opened to the fact that there
was corruption among the head officials
of the city , that Mr. Ohaso came to him
i ml urged him to tnko the blame upon
lia own shoulders tocloar himself ( Clmao )
nd that if ho ( Guthrie ) was
vpr brought to trial that the beat legal
bility in the city would bo procured ,
nd that ho would certainly escape con-
iction. Mr. Ohaao represented that if
ilr. Guthrie would do as requested in the
latter that ho ( Ohaso ) would not bo in-
ictpd and eventually both would escape
lunishmont. Mr. Guthrie said that nil
if his movements , while marshal of
) maha , were directed by Ohaao and all
ho plana for extorting money , were con-
oivod by the mayor and carried out un-
or his directions.
Mr. Guthrie will bo used as a witness
or the atato in the Ohaso trial , in the
noantimo ho is awaiting the decision of
ho court in regard to allowing him anew
now trial ,
lie Will Ilonialn in Omaha as Secre
tary of The ORallala Iianil mill
Cattle Company
A tow days ainoo an annonncomont
ras made in THE 15m : that Air. John H.
Donnelly had tendered his resignation as
ccrotary of the Union Stock Yardo com
pany end that his successor had boon
iloctod. The announcement woa correct
> ut gave rise to the idea that Mr. Don
nelly had covered all business connect-
ons in Omaha and was going to move
away. This is erroneous , Mr. Donnelly
returned yesterday from a visit to hia
children in the east , end stated to a Bin :
oportor that ho had found that ho had
00 much to attend to and that hia du-
.los as secretary of The Ogallala Land
md _ Cattle company and his own private
mainesa demanded all of his attention
and it was this that led him to tender his
resignation of the oocrotaryship of the
Union Stock Yards company.
This will bo learned with joy by the
largo number of friends which Mr. Don
nelly has made during his residence in
Dmnlw. In order thut the matter may
jo fully understood a correct copy of the
resignation is appended ,
OMAHA , Nun. , July 12th. 18SI.
To the Board of DlrootorB of the Union
Stock Yards company :
I hereby tender my resignation ns secretary -
rotary of your company to take ellcct
this dny.
Ill this connection I take great pleas-
ire in expressing that I sincerely hope
liat the utock yards enterprise , which
starts out under suoli favorable auspices ,
will always bo n pride to Omaha , and re-
nimcrativo to its enterprising founders
and to that end it shall have my support
and influence.
Very Respectfully yours ,
To maUo a salad that is certain to
ileaao all tastes you need only use Dur-
foo'fl Sulad Droasing. Nothing equal to
1 was over altered , and none so popular.
It is a superb tablosauco.
1'olleo Court ,
In police court yesterday , there
were but three cases for trial.
Anton Thompson , an old man , vrns
charged with being drunk. IIo pleaded
not guilty and said ho had not made any
disturbance and had not spoken a word
to hia wife in over a year and a half.
Oflkor Desmond was put upon the ntand
and eaid the man was drunk and ho waa
called to arrest him.
. Ollicor Ililand wus
also sworn and aiid that defendant waa
drunk. After hearing thia evidence the
judge finnd him $10 and coata.
Peter Anderson , who Ims become quite
a frequent viaitor in police court , we a
charged by his wife with boating her.
Anderson _ denied the charge and said
that his wife wau keeping a house of ill-
fame and that ho has been trying to
break it up. Ilia wife said that he
ttruck Jior'and tlion van under the bed ,
Anderson finally admitted that ho struck
her and the judijo sentenced him to
twenty days in the county jail and to
pay the coata of prosecution.
Iloliort was nrrcatodVodncoday
nipht by Oiptain ODoimhoo. Frank wni
iu Ihnicy McGinnia'tJaloonafterthoplaco
waa cloned up , and when ho was taken
to the station , u charge of burglary was
net opposite his name. In police court
ho eald that ho hud been full during the
day ( and had gene down in the oaloon
callar and foil aulcop , When hu awoke
the place was closed up and tlanc , end
while waudnriuu ; around iinido ho WAI
arrested , The a-Id thtt the
man was evidently locked in and did not
make any attempt to steal anything and
did not go behind the bar. After nearing -
ing this ] the prisoner was discharged.
Frank HI ley and Frank Moore waa
each lined $5 and coats for disturbance of
the peace.
Joseph Hodman filed a complaint
against William Iko for dumping refuse
from privy vaults on Nicholas streets between
tweon Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
Uho Stand ot Grain Never Better-
General Growth oftlio County ,
CorrpsponJonco f TUB BKK.
FAIIIMONT , Nob. , July 14. The BEK
well knows that Fillmore is "noted for
her shrewd politicians , her industrious
farmers , and her handsome women , and
why should wo not bo noted for our
big crops , for that is what wo are going
to hare this year.
If the BKI ; man should make a trip io
Fillmore county now ho would BOO her
at her best and no doubt would write a
letter from hero that would astonish the
natives. But for fear ho haa no time to
pay us a visit nt present , wo take oui
"pen in hand" to lot the people of the
outaldo world know how wo stand.
The first thing to take your eye is that
the largo groves , sot out and cultivated
'or protection from the sovoto storms
hat sometimes awoop , across our prairlo
country have mostly obtained a largo
growth and can bo soon for miles.
Wo say that the good people of this
county are prospering bccauao wo BOO in
every direction * now buildings of every
dcacriptionnow houses , now barna , now
sheds nnd fences ; wo BOO cattle : tnd hogs
at every farm house and lots of them ,
which goes to show that they are turning
heir attention towards stock.
The now-comer is hero with Ills hard
lollnro and laying it out with a lavish
land , chewing that ho has faith in the
uturo of our county.
The old settler , not to bo outdone , la
aying out his surplus cash in improve-
nonta which ho most needs.
The prospect for corn with 113 was
never bettor. The stand ia good , the
voathor haa boon favorable , and the
'armors ' have worked their corn well , and
sin co the late rains it haa shot ahead in
; raud ( style and is now tassollng out.
Harvest has commenced. Wheat is
low being cut and is of good stand. Fat-
mora put their crops at from fifteen to
.wonty bushels per aero. The oats and
nirley are short in straw , but the farmers
ay that the crop will bo up to the aver
Already the republicans and democrats
are coming out of the woods , anxious to
orvo the dear pooplo. But wo have
ilonty of time to write of these follows.
Allen's Brain Food botanical extract
trongthcr.9 the Urnlu nnd positively cures
xorvoua Debility , Nervousness , HoiuUchos IOHBCS , nnd nil weakness of Genera
ivc System ; it never fails. 51 pkg. ; 0 for § 5
At druggists or Allon'a Pharmacy , 315 1'ira
Avo. N. Y.
Ilcnl lust ill o Transfers.
The following trannfors were filed for
record in the county clerk's oflico July 10 ,
and reported for the Bun by Amea' real
estate agency.
J. H. and Elizi.T.D. Peabody to Jacob
Mortlik wd , lot 7 , block 25'J , Omaha ,
§ 550.
Great Western Carbon company to
3malm and S. W. railroad company wd ,
737-1000 A , in BOO 35 , 15 , 13 , S7-10.
State of Nebraska to John Hanoy jr.
deed , w " \ , nw . } , sec 30 , 15 , 10 , § 010.
Byron "Rood nnd wife to Thos. Me-
jovorn wd , lot 3 , block 10 , Rood's 1st
add. , § 500.
South Omaha Land Syndicate to U. P.
Ry. Co. part of E A of S W pt W i S E
and pt S W , N E 33-15-13 , w. d. § 1.
A > H. Swan ot al. ( trustee to Omaha
Bolt Ry. Co. pt E i 33-15-13 , deed , gl.
Goo. E. Barker land wife to Theroaio
and Joa. Lcdoror , lot 9 , Barker's allot
ment , Q 0 D , § 500.
A. II. Swan , ot al. ( trustee ) to Omaha
& S. W. Ry , Co. Rt. of w. d. pt lot 3
BOO 4-14-13 pt lots 1 , 3 , and 5 sec. 5-11
13 pt lot 10 see 33-15-13 , § 1.
John 0. Howard to John F. Blivon
lot 5 , block 5 , Kirk wood , w. d. $ iOO.
Emory A. Cobb to John F. Blivon ,
ot 10 , block 0 , Kirkwood , w. d. § 100.
Arnold Burroll and wife to A. J Ramsey -
soy , w d , ek " sub-lot 3 of lot 4 , Ragan's
add , § 900.
laaao S , llascall and wife to Jos ,
Lieah , w d , 80 fcot oft' south side lot 03 ,
Okohoma by Rogers , § 2,000.
Patrick Carroll to 1. Brown nnd A.
Martin , w d , wA lot 0 , block H , Omahii ,
§ 2,250.
A. E. Touziliu to The Public , plat
[ lillaido addition. No. 1 cost 1 ! ) ncrea of
ot 5 in no nw 'Jl-15-1 ! ! and all lot 30 in
so sw 1G-15-13.
A. E. Toumlin to the public plat ,
[ lillaido add * No. 2 , lot 17 , pt. aw BO 10-
15-13 and lots in Pork Place , lot 1 , 2 , 3 ,
J , 15 , 10 , 17 , 18 , block 1.
A. E. Tou/.alin to the public plat ,
tlillsido add. No. 3 , buing aub division
block 4 , LJWCB 2d add.
A. E. Touzalin to John F. Ooad. wd.
lots D , 0 , 7 and 8 , Uillaido add. No. 3.
§ 1,300.
A , E. Tou/.alin to Ellen M. Coad , wd.
lots 21. 22 , 23 and 24 , block 3 , Uillaido
add. No. 2. § 3 050.
lUttnrMtaiv household word
all over tlio worhl. For over DO yoara it has
advertised itself by its merits , It 'H now ad.
. ortluoil to warn the inbllo against counter-
'cits , The gcmiluo article 1s manufactured by
Dr. J. U , 1) , Hlcu'ort & Sons ,
Two weeks ago last Tuesday night , a
young man in ttio employ of the Key
stone wringer company mysteriously dis
appeared. IIovas slightly intoxicated
when last aeon , Ho loft all of his cloth
ing in hia room on Maroy atroot.
A man living on the bottoms says
that on the night in question ho heard
three pistol ahotn. IIo trot up and wont
out doom , and saw throe mon carry a
fourth man toward the river and return.
The question now arises , was it thu young
man who disappeared at that time ?
Ladies should reflect before uaing any
preparation that Isappliudto BO delicate
sumco as the ukin. Any crmnotio will
at first impart a beautifying oil'ect and not
apparently injure the skin , but in a very
ehort time little blotches and diacoloao
lions appear on the fuco which ccnclu
Bivoly show Iho poisonous drugs in that
composition. It can bo safely said the
moro than two thirds of the face powder
contain thuto injurious ingredients. Poz
zoni's medicated complexion power is not
only absolutely free from all dolotoriour
matter , but \ prlnopnl ingredient ia an
active curative for all dieeauea of the
akin. It has stood the test of years. Sold
i by all druggists. mo-eodyl
His Views on the Political Situation ,
IIo Predicts an OvcrivhclmntnR Suc
cess lor the Republican 1'arty.
Senator John P. Jones , of Nevada ,
who arrived in the city yesterday on
his vft-y homo from the cast , was mot at
the Paxton hotel by a representative of
TUB BEE , who took occasion to interview
him on the political situation :
"Ilavo you any objections , Somtor , to
giving THE BEE your views upon the po
litical situation ) asked the reporter.
"Nono in the Icaat , " ho replied. Wo
are L'oinp to carry every northern state
for Blaino. This is not my opinion alone ,
but the opinion of some of the ablest mon
in the party. Our boys in Now York
are bolting that they will rarry the city
for Blaino. This is certainly something
remarkable. "
"What do they base their calculations
"Thoro is a wholesale bolt from the
democrats. Nearly all the workingmen
in Now York and Now Jersey are against
Cleveland. A great many will vote for
Blaine directly , and a largo number will
give their votes away to Butlor. "
"Then you think that Butler vrill
run ? "
"Ho can hardly do otherwise , as ho
has accepted the nomination of the anti-
monopolists and groonbackors without
reserve. That is not all. Wo expect to
carry two ov three of the southern states
where there is a chance for a fair count.
Wo expect to makp a very aggressive
light in West Virginia , North Carolina
and Florida , and there is a fair show for
us to carry two of the three states any
way. "
"How about the disaffection in the
republican party ? "
There is always moro or loss dissatis
faction where you have largo majorities ,
as in Iowa or Kansas or oven in Nebras
ka , but the republicans will experience
very little trouble in the so-called doubt
ful states. "
"How about the independents in Now
York , Massachusetts and Connecticut ? "
"Well , they are mostly high-toned
free-traders and well-to-do people , and
nro not as numerous as you may imagine.
They will bo offset ten to ono by the
Irish democrats and working men , who
have always heretofore voted the demo
cratic ticket. "
"What is the outlook on the Pacific
coast ? "
"Wo expect to carry the three states
this fall without very much trouble.
Cleveland is almost unknown out there ,
while Blaine is very popular. I am con
fident that next November the domo-
crrtic party will want , a receiver. Of
course 25 years is a long time for any
party to control the government , but
the mon that want to cut loose don't care
about joining an old party and take a
back seat on probation. If they go out
they will go into a now organization un
der a now name. The time for. such a
movement will not bo very distant , but
this year the fight is squarely between
the two old parties. "
Fort Notes ,
Lieutenant Wm. II. Coffin , Fifth artil
lery , has pone to Leavenworth in charge
of fifteen United States military priso
Chaplain Lewis is very zealous and has
now a splendid choir at the Post , con
sisting of Lieutenants Lomia and Coffin ,
of the Fifth artillery , Mrs. Charles W.
Mason , Miss Bcsaio Price , Miss Besaio
Gowles , and Mrs. Theodore Froio.
An cnjoyablo'picmo was given at Pries'
Lake on Monday , under the management
of the Missns Mary Iling , Mary Coady
and Maggie McGarvoy. Among the
guests were Quartermaster George In-
ghram , Commissary Sergeant Stonoy , U. S.
Army , Professor Havotti and wife , Mrs.
Storey and children , Miss Clara Eochlo
and a great many others. The full brass
band , Fourth infantry , furnished the
music and boating. Dancing and vari
ous pleasures ruled supremo. Our Post
Commander , Colonel Wm , P. Carlin , and
Post Quartermaster , First Sergeant , H.
E. Robinson , Post Quartermaster Fourth
infantry , go in to give the Post folks all
the enjoyment possible. In this instance
they kindly furnished all available trans
AbsoSytoly Pure.
Thlinowdernevervarlca. A marvel of pureness ,
trength and w holesomenvtd. More ccocomlcal than
the ordinary klnds.aml cannot bo void In competition
with the multitude ot law tcdt , short vt eight alum or
phofphato po derd. Sold [ .only iu cans. ROYAL
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
N. E. Oor , 10th and Pacific SU.
will Poaltlvelynot be inserted
unioan paid in advanco.
TO LOAM-Monev.
"I70H HKN N-A flvo room ootUfro , cor. Shrrldun
JL1 Htrcct and 1'opplcton nvenuo , 810,60 per month ,
Darker A M ) TiB 457-tf
LOAN From 1200 toSl.OOOon good security
JL Ad.lrtM . "K. 1' . " Bco olllco. M3-l [ > p
MONEY to loin In sum ) ol $500 And upwards on
Improved Douglas Co. fArim. 11. 0. 1'attcraon
& Co. , licit cstito nnd loan B > nt , 13th and Farnntu.
Tl/fONEYTOrXAN-Th / lowe ( t toi of lnter s
1TJL Ii inn' ! Ttota Aeoncv , 16th fe Dnnfl * tM-tf
"VfONinr TO MAN In sunn of 1300. tnd tiiiworil
IVi. 0 , F , D vl9 nJ Co. , EoUte nd Loin
Agcntn. 160ft K rnnm bt. C0tl. .
' \\7 ANTED A ro pcct" blo boy for clg r ttAnd In
> \ the now Cricket lUrk. Applv to Manager.
WAVnD-Cbambcrimld : at the Occidental bate
Immediately , C30-U
° V\7"AN1EI > Una first-class licml laundroas and two
TT nsflstants. Also two ecrub | { ! rl . Apply at
the Cczzcns , 070 tf
T o first clam ehlrt makers it Can
field's Otcrnll factory , llth and DougltB , 4th
floor. Apply at onco. tSO-l7 )
W ANTED A nurao girl 1015 llarney street.
WANTED A first class uoman cok forroatau
rant.JlOper week , AdJrcssDoi EOI , Omaha ,
Neb. 082tf ;
WANTED Three experienced canvassers. City
work , llofcroncos , Address "J , II. II. " care
Bw office. 074-21p
WANTED A BOOC girl to cook at T. 0. Melum'a
restaurant , 220 North 10th street. OS9-18p
Wi ANTED A Rood girl for general housework.
S610 St. JIary's avenue. OSO-lOp
WANTED Olrl for general house wr > rk at South
ern 1'rult Market , 13th St bctnccn Jones nnd
Tfl Ycmvoth. Dick Scnnartz. 010-lSp
Ijiborfr for flanlen work. Gil Mar
tin , 103 3. llth St , ( up.stalrs. ! 054-If
WANTED Fifty mon for St. I'aul , 217 North
Sixteenth street. 010 17p
WANTED Good girls for general housework.
217 North SUtecntlvitrcot CSl-Up
TTTANTED-GIrl [ to cook , wash and Iron. Also
I T girl to take care ot children and do up-stairg
\\ork , flood wniros. Oil ! b'outh Seventeenth strict.
W ANTH D A elrl at ? l.OO per week In a family of
Uo. 1310 Farnam lit 025-tt
WANTED A good clrl In email family for hou = o-
ork at D13 a. 14th strc t. 617-lBp
TX7ANTED- for general housework , 010 south
W 16th street 010 21p
A competent girl for general bouse ,
work In email family of adults. Call at 421
I'lcasaht otrcat- 014-lf
W 'ANTED Immediately , CO Canvassers at 003 N.
13th tit , G03-23p
Y\TANTFD Colored girl for general housework.
> > Oood WBCCS. No. 112 South 12thstreet
WANTED A woman to do general housework in
a family of tuo. ( ! oo dwaccs paid. Apply south
west corner 6thand rinoetreets , South Omaha.
T 1VE Agent ) for best ID-cent campaign medals.
.LJ I'erfect likeness. Write at once for c\clu i\o
Territory. G. N. Uuzby &Co. , 017 Market St. 1'hlla.
i\rANTED-Clrls : at S o\cn Hotel , south lOthSt.
VV 635-17r
wANTED A good girl at 2511 Douglas street
fX7"ANTED A girl for a family of four , that under'
f elands how to cook , wash and Iron , r-o other
need opplv. Apply at once to 1409 I'ark Wilde avo.
Mrs. JohnAV. Bell. toott
Girl at 1610 Sherman a\cnue. Mrs.
J. M. Counsmaii. 043 tf
Vi country , to take nice , light and pleasant ork at
their ov , n homes ; § 2 to ? 5 a day easily and quietly
made ; vvork sent by mall ; no canvising ; no utainp
for reply. Plcaso addiess lleliablo Man'f'g Co. , Plll-
adclrhla. Pa. 149 Imo
tV'ANTED Asltualonas clerk by a young man.
VV Has hid experience In Dry Goods , clothing
and Grocery business. References given Addrrps
"J. S. " lioo cilice. 057-17p
WANTED Situation by a young drug clerk of
two jcara experience In a retail drugstore.
Speaks Suodlah and Enelishucll llcfcrcnees given.
Address "C. W. " Bee olllco. 051-lOp
WANTED Situation by a young man as coach
man In private faTilly. Can give good refer
ence. Address "A.V. . " Uco offlco. 052-22p
WANTHD Hy steady young man of 20 joars ex
perience situation oa first or second bread or
and cake baker. State uages. Address -'B" this
ollleo. 015-17p
" \T7ANTED A situation. Young rnau 28 , Scotch.
i t man. Good writer , bookkeeper , ealesman.
Strictly temperate ; small ualarv , Wldlng to bo use
ful. Addrjes , ENKllQUTIU , Ilruollice.
610-17 *
A.Vl'ED Situation by a druggist of i-ix > ears'
oxperifnco Can keep books flood referen
ces. Address I' . 0 , Box 710 , Omaha , Neb. SSM9p
AIj > dy f retmctncnt and best ot rclorcnccsvnuld
llku a situation as amanuensis , or to docopvlng.
Address for ono neck , M.V. . " liao olllco. 0217p
A Lady with good rclcrencos would lIVe to net as
companion to eomu o'dcrly , or Invalid ladv Ad
dress "M. W , " Bf o olllco for cue week. E23-17p
A Voung married man wann situation an book
keeper , In holesalo retabllshuiout ia Omaha.
Addrcs.1 " 0. " care Boo. 800-tf
"VX/ANTEO Hy a > tenographer and operator on
V ? tin tvpowiltcr , cmplosmcut In thu ovcnlugs/
Adortaa' II. H. " Uco olllco. CM-lOp
"lAfANTED-l'artnor ttlth 600 to91COOnnd some
11 Lnnulcdgo of shoes to join mo In lout and snoo
bunlneks , thld citv. Address or call on Taompson ,
DSiDlllsion St. , North Omaha. WU-lSp
"IX/'ANTED-Socend hand canopy phaeton. Ad-
T T dresa "A , / , " Boo oflico , civ Ing price , etc.
05H7p !
W ANTEP-Soino ono to adapt a boy baby months
old Inijulro at I'oor llouso. 007-17p
WE offer In lota to suit purchaser , eight hundred
eholce Io a steers. Ono half year olds , balance
t\\o nnd thruo joars old , and a good smooth hunch.
210-lm bTUANOE DUO'S , Sioux City , lo a.
"WANTED Boarder * to know the St. Charlea Ho
tcl on Hartley m.lwUeon 12th and ISth will
611 up the 1'i'st table lioird for 91 00 per week of any
house In the city ot a correspond ! ! ' " urlco , 3itf <
FOR RHHr nonaen una Lota ,
I rTMJll RENT Furnldhcd room , vvlth board , 1812
1 Dodge otrcct. ifft.23p )
FOU RUNT Homo and birn at 2403 Cnicogo St.
Apply et 2407. 071-lOp
lllUthsT Flvo rooiucuttage vvi.h line ground * .
JL1 bas H. 17th street. 07tM9p
ITtOUUIiNT " Anlecly furnished room for one or
J" two genlleuien , at21 I'loasint street , 6S7.1D
| 70lt REST Two unfurnished front rooms. In-
1 ? quire t Ni ) . 1018Jlason trot , bet. 13tb and llth
IriOIl HKNT Flvo rooms. 1610 Douglas. J. B
1 Dailth. 703-lOp
TTt'll RKNT I'urnUhod rooms at 1211 Davenixirt
JL' ttreet.near 13th , 0:3-10
T7 [ < ( ) U RENT Renting hou e' and collecting rents ,
JL1 made n specialty by Mono & Brunuvr , ( lid-Si
\\7ANTEO-Filty houses for lent by Morw
Brunuer , tl'i-22
IJIER 1 KENT Basement , t o rooms , 1015 Chicago.
I7M1II HkNl' AnleolyfuriiUhcd trout rooui , .uita
L1 1 le for two gentlemen. Reasonable r < nt to right
" Inquire 101'J Doilgo utrett. ( I'8.ii3
F OR U ENT- House oed t ble , 2flth and Itirnty ,
15. Win , L. MKDrcxi , Bth and DoufUj , COl-ltfp
FOU RENT A five room cottt eriorth-woot cor.
o ( GViiltol ate'iiuoaud-Sth Street. City water.
Iiiureat2lSCiltolnvo. ! ! | 137p
RENT Two nice roouu iu
jock , Thirteenth itiect.
OH RENT 10-roomcd t.ctne , 8 ir.lnute ' wilk
F from ; jtoetoffico , 83i per tuouth. Alw 4 roomed
hou e , Nlutvcnth aud Camielng * etrcoti ; 118 60 per
month. ,1IOR3K ; BUUNNIR ,
14911'urmm ttieet.
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
1515 Donalas sircet , Omaba ,
North-Western Electric Light
if1 Arn ] TiinpinflociPDiit Tinrlitol
lb Hib dull lllbuSluubbulll LliUllb !
Adopted by the U. S. Government and monk of the loading steamship companlci
and Ilotola. Regarded oa the
For Rntca Inquire at ofiice , N. W. Cor. Fifteenth aiid Fnrnam Streets
FOH KENT A fstoro on Cummlngs street. A
pplemlld opening ( or a bakery , shoo store , butch
er fhon cr onj thlug else. MOUSK & BUUNKEH ,
028-17p 1401 Tarnam street
OH UENT-SUblo lor rent , etftlls for i horses
$4 00 i > cr month. 1310 Farnam ttrcct
lOll KENT Newsroomhouso Inquire Mrs K.
IloddU , 25tn bctnccn Davenport nnj Chicago Sta. '
FOH HUNT A splendidly furnished jiarlor bed
room , with bar window and Raj , 2003 Cass street
[ TlOll RUXr Uouso IU 01 coins and Utchon , 72JS.
I ? letli street. 010-17p
"C1011 KENT Elegant' } ' furnished parlor and bed-
JL1 room M nnd Douglas St. Also 4 r031113 for
house-keeping. Inquire of W. 1' . Clark , corner IBth
and Douglas. 021-17p fl
pOli" RENT Nicely furnished rooms without
1 boar d 1811 Da\euport St. 182-Slp
TTlOIUtnNT Six room cottage , flno location , by S.
JP T 1'cterson , 8. E. cor. 15th and Douglai , 617-ti
HKNT 1'loaEant furnished rooms to rent to
joung gentleman , 1707 Cass street.
FOH UENT-WIth board , largo front room with
bay window , gas and bath room , at No. 1718
Dcdgo etroet. 4ft"-19p
"I7IOK KENT A now storeanddncllinp ab3 > e , In a
jL' first class location. Imiulro nurthoabt corner 17th
and Nicholas street , near ol works. 672-lOp
FOll HINT Two new 0 room houses , \cry com
plete ono block from P.ul ; luc. cars , AMES ,
1G07 Farnam , G5J tt
A pleasant furnished room at ISO/1
1 Capitol a c. BtOISp
FOR KENT House and largo barn , s'nlls for EO
horses. Acre lot. Will. L. Monroe , Cth nnd
Doughs , telephone 391. I 551-lSp
FOR KENT Furnished rooms 1810 Dodge Street.
j'OU KENT Tlirco roomi , 3 closets , city water.
J1 luiiuiront 003 North 13th St. 604-lSp
OH KENT Furnished rooms , 1C.1 ! Capitol & \o >
J10R RENT Three unfurnlgho rooms and 1 sin
1 u-le room furuUhod 1817 Chicago. KW-tf
.Oil . RENT Rooms In Crounso'H Block. O. M.
Hitchcock. 613-tf
FOU IlENT A back parlor elegantly furnished
and adjoining bed room , with use of bath room.
Also bed room up stairs , suitable for onoortuo sen
tlcmcn. Best location In tlis city , 620 Hoasant St.
490 tf
iioll IlENT-FurnUhod rooms at 2227 Dodge St.
FOR RENT In Shinn's 2d addition , new house , 4
rooms , part of double house , full lot $11.03 per
month. Apply room 21 Om.ha National Bank Build
Ing. 4CO-tf
JJIOR RENT. A furnished back parlor for two per-
J,1 eons at 1011 D/Jgo street
July 7 , tf.
TJIUUNISIIED rooms 1724 Douglas St.
± 4SS-tf
F RKNT Ono prrand snuara piano. Inquire
of EdhoImnudErickson. 440 tt
KENT Now house suitable for h"tcl or fam
lly bearding house , 25 rooms. Desirable location
Barker & Ma ) lie , 13th and 1'aruam. 428-tf
; KENT Ono rood six rosin house $25 per mo.
FOi '
O.lI.Illtchoock. aS5-tt
FOR RENT House 5 rooms Rood repair. Nice
jard , cistern water. Ilont Sib per month 1411
I'ark Wilde avo. Apply to Jno. W. Bell , Uruirglet ,
10th St 185-tt
FOll HUNT Piano. Inquire at Edholra & Erlck-
ion's. 003 tf
HKNT Rooms in Nebraska Natlonil Bank
ifOIl 1 . Host desirable otliccs In the city.
Supplied u Ith hydraulic clev ator and heated by steam.
Apply at Eank. 828 tf
KENT Furnished rooms on the north w > ut
FOll . 13th and Capitol avenue , formerly Crolirh-
ton Houso. 139 tf
FOIt SALE A tlno driving horeu , sound and kind.
Any lady ran drho him. Also a Daily k Meatliin-
licr lop hiiKgy and a Cor cord llirnoss. Will neil to
aether or separate , at 217 S. 13th St. 08t-tf
IpOIt 8\T.E Ornccry business In ( rood locality ,
1 pijlni-will. Will require napital of about 3.1,001) .
Tor particulars address ' -W. W , " tiilsolllco. 030-lm
FOIt HALE A good double buggy barriers. Moreo
& Brunner. 077-iOp full loti , v\ltb three first class
houses hi good repair , on S W. err. 18th and
Carltol iiu'iiuo. llcnUi for $2(00 per vear
07J-tf Cl. U. UOANE .t CO
TjlOUSAl.K Boarding houso.turnituro and llxturee
L1 all complete. Inqu ro at 210 K , 10th St
17VMHALU Woh vo fomaloatow thoutand dol-
' lars wortli < > ( first class seven per rent school
Louse bonds : and alto sonic county binds
I poll HUE Iho stab con the lot corner of 13th
1 and Douglas btrtcU. .Must be co d.
002-10 A. PAU.VUKRS A , CO ,
FOU SALE Two lota lOOxllS-onea corner , on
Dodge street , with $300 Improvements , at tbo ox-
traoidluary low price of $3,200.
030-10 HOI Karnam.
FOll SALE A full lot with two small houses.
Very cheap nt 8.00. MOUSE & BUUNNEK ,
031-10 1101 1'aruam strict ,
FOR SALE A ( neat Parlor Set , mi 'oi l tmarble.
top ( table and a line largo ! Trunk. B3S South
Seventeenth street. 03M7 | >
77(011 ( SALE .Miiu with colt and two thoroiuhbred
Apply , 22JI 1'lorco st. ( U2-if
FOU SALE The American Hoiuo , Seutn Bend.
Neb. The Uadlns houl of the town Will eell
wither uitlioiit furniture. Good bu liicsg. Good
rcaroiiH clvcn for nclllng. Call on or uddrenn ,
) S J5-28p QUO , H. WcOAl K , 1'iop'r.
Ir\01tS LU .Skwiiiillliinortli-wvat NebianKu. A
' rare clunco a health will not perml ; mo to liau *
ulelt. Adaies3"N. 0. ft Co. , " Chalron , MDIIX ,
Co. , Neb , or box to Miuihallton Iowa. ffll-lfp
FTll SVLE Spochl bargain , corner lot 09x11 ! .St.
cor Hue , ISthaml Qr.u.0 , iliouJuJ , .OCUIfiold
In ten da } t. N , Rumel. Mo-ISp
| , 11)11 H\Li ; lluubO of ven roiiiiiu and lot OUX14U
JD feet , nor th 19th. marSpruco street
IiMiltbALU A line mloon proptrt ) , illi guod
' tradeat Waterloo , Neb. Quol lUturcs andov-
rr > thing complolu. Address U. II , 1'iiday , Waterloo
Neb. 6&a.l7p
FOll SALE A choioodairy and stock farm of boo
acrci , 0) acre * under cultivation , 2i miles from
.SHUT Creek , Nfb. , on U , 1' , Hallway , ( lool homo ,
acamand U-ohousenbaru , corral * , eta , or dalrv'
ii'i ; and itock ra'sfng ' Land Is well wateicdand ull
choice grass and grazing | nd , with plentr 01 range
adjoining. Tor Bale cheap. 1'ottcr & Cobb , 1615
Kuruam street.
IflOH SALE-Onu htrdwuro store and building
1 vvoith < 2oco block Mllllmclcs 12.000. Inallvil
tp p , two railroad * , llsanon for ( ' . ! log , colngto
t ! ! lfoin a , AdJrew or cell on Walter Cutfortu.
Loulnvillo , Nib. 678-18
1P " SALE L' ts Hlong&heraun avu , aju cuch.
-I1 Three are very ehcap. R. o. 1'attuson , ISIli and
' " " ' " 677-17
! ' M'f/r1 > eslratiloloti5'dovt" ' * 5
It. 0. 1'atteriioii , littli and Faru rn. J7S-23
lj < OUSALf.-hiiKliiu uew and nuoond Iwii'1 " > h p j
i\ \ li. p. uid ui h. p , portable an4 t j , 1 '
boilers of any tlze and stjlo. Richard & Clarke. U , 1'
R\ _ bet 17th and 18th ttt. ) Orauit. WO tf
ipOll tf&LK At a barxaiu , ouupool aiidouobilliard .
, ' Ullo , both tu K'OoJ crocr. Apply at 012 B. ICth |
Are prepared to do vv
In any branch ,
On Short Notice /
| "IT'OK ' SALK A liilctlng olBco suitable lor a small
J1 nonepapor or job offlco. Will Bell for cash or ox-
I change for Omaha City property. Addrcs3"X. Z.Q"
468 tf
FOR SALK A few choice younz buifgy and work
nonet , llajno & Barker , St. llarv'a'avonuo
t"- S-tf
FOU SALL Largo lot on Park avenue. Also house
and lot near bt Mary's aveauo. Inquire 422 Con.
\entstrcet. 437-lmp
FOll SALE Three of the boat lotn In Hanseom
place at a bargain If sold soon. Potter & Oobb ,
1E1C Farnam. 831-tf
FOll SALK Sheep , a lot of line Colorado grades
containing of SOO owes , 2,3 and 4 joars old ,
about COO jcarllmrsacd 600 limbs. The cwcs vlll
ohcar about 0 pounds. For further Information ml-
dress Jllday Co. , llalglor , B. & 1L R. R , , Neb.
039-1 mp
FOU SALE Cheapest house nnd lot In Omaha , In
Potter's addition , S rooms , well , SOO barrel cis
tern , on two lots , 100 fett front by 130 feat deep , for
$2,050. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam stiect. 488-tf
FOU SALE Cheap lots In Shinn's 2.1 addition.
Klrk oodandPlainvlow. Potter & Cobb , 1615
tarnain street. 423-tf
FOR SALE Two uoOTOd hand ptinoa , at Edholm
i Eilckson'x Mnalc Store on 10th St. S90-U
FOH SALE Two open Rccond-nand bujrglea and
ono delivery wagon , cho p , at 1310 Harney St.
SIUAI'EO OR .srOiiEN From City H itel , ono
roan cow , flvo jtnrs o'd , right horn ha'f ' broicn
elf A liberal reward will bo given for her return.
Fred. Wlrth , proprietor City Hotel. 078-23o
Mil. ALKX WALLACE , btato agint for N. U.
Stieetor&Go's. , combined Polishing rnd Flut
ing lion ! , has opened an oillco In the citv at 008 N.
)3tli St. ncd U offering unlimited inducements to
canvassers. Hai just eomplolcil canva sln the ptato
nf Io n , where , with the nts.stanco of his agents
ho has acid 819,000 combined sets insldo of 2 3 ears.
Any cncigotlo agent can maku from ? 1 to SO per day :
d It-wkljlt
LOST A black leather pocket-book containing
274 00 In money. A liberal reward will be paid
tha'flnder by returning to Cumlngs street Cor Barn.
014 10'
OT11AYED Oil STOLEN A black hoise , blind In
Orlghtejo. Any notice cf his whereabouts will bo
thankful } received by Henry Hcrnberger , Douglas
street. 024-Up
T > HRENOLOGICAL Jllsa E. N. Hobcn , C012
J. 1'ierco street. Competes v\ith the best talents
In the field nnd from past encouragements will re
main another week to give phrenological examina
tions ; 74'MSp
rpAKEN UP List April , red and hito jearllng
J. heifer. Owner cau hivosanioby calling at H.
Mclhaus , cor. 24th and Mason , and pajlngchaigcg.
rpAKEN UP May 24th , 1831 , at my place , 1 horse ,
JL eoncl color , and ono pony bay rnaro , black tall ,
brand mark on hip. Owner can hava sa-no by prov
ing property and pajlng charges. Phillip Cassidy.
> SIUllllAY has good pasturing. Spring water.
rriAKENUP On ho 24th Inst. at Pries'Lake , near
JL Florence , alight baymare.whito on face and legs ,
4 years old , lightly shod , branded on left quarter.
Owner can recover by paing for tbli advertisement
anil othei charges and proving ownership. 1'rlts
Bros..Iorence' ! , o'ob . 203-low6w
"TItl\'Yvnult , sinks , and cesspools cleaned with
JL sanitary cleaner , ttotlsfaction guaranteed by F.
0. Abel , ( succotsor to JM. Smith , ) box378.
The Pioneer and Still Ahead.
* * * * \J
* ! * M
fe 'fc
. .X.-
S rfe UsM
100,000 NOW IN USE.
I'ost superseding the larjrat o'd fashioned stoves
andranitea. Ithaittho simpleat nnd most ollicioot
eto o burners In tlw world , i > nd witli new improvn *
incnts the caslent to operate. Absolutely cafe with
itn patent reiorvolr , now In mo the bvcond ecaaon"
without a elnglo accident.
id for Catalogue , Prlco Llat , Etc ,
Clamlcal , Scientific , Commercial mid Art Depart
menM. Bath sexes admlttid Tuition low , hi
Ing cheap , beutof ootietv Fully equip ] od faculty
git'Addrc s for particulars , Uev.V. \ . W. Hartlia
D 1) . Prmlilcnt , ur Prcf. O M. Doa Inlets , Socreurr
of the Kacuty | , Bellov o , Nob. Jy .mo 2ra
The Bcholaetlo ) ear commences cu the
First WCuBEsflay in Seplomlier ,
The course of Instruction embrace ! all the Kiemcn
taryand higher brandies of a flnUhed education.
Inference of lUllglori In no obnta-lu to the odmU-
fbn of youn ; laulcj. 1'uplU are rccchcd at any
t 'Koftnejear. '
I icludlni ; Uoard , Waaliln - , Tuition In Kn lUh au
nucli , use ot booka , 1'lauo , per svtslon of
Sl\o Months ,
ILXTRA CnAlldES-Drawinjr. VtiMcg , Germ *
U rp , Violin , UulUr and VotAlliuile.
required from all pcrdoni unknan
to the Inttltutlvu. For luttber Information * pn Jta