OMAHA DAILY BEEFEIDAY JULY 18 , 1881. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS We truirantoo the euro of the following named dl COMJ , or no p y : Khcumatlsm , SorotuU , Ulc r8 Catarrh , all Blood andiklndltcoica , DirtpetwIa.Uve Complaint , Kidney and DUdder Diseases. Gout , Nci lfrla and Asthma , Thcsa Springs are the favorite ceort ol the tired an.l debllltatad , and arc the KKEULE LADIES BEST FIUEND , Good hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly plcturesqu and healthy. Accessibleby Wabmh railway , a Krona.or 0. , B , 6 O. , at Albany. Corrcupondeno elicited , 11KY. M . M. THOMPSON. UantRor. Albany , SUoam Spring , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Speclflo Gravity . 1.003 reaction . Netitra Carbonic Add Oas . . . . . . . ! fl In. per pallo Carbonate Calcium . 85,621 Uraln Carbonate Iron . 7,041 ! Sulphatollacncsla . 8Z3S Sulphate Calcium . 1U8 Chloride Sodium . 7,2flO Sllllca . 1.6M Alumlim . . . . . , . , .0,010 Organlcand Volatile matter and lees . 1,4(9 alollds per gallon . 67,174 Chemists N. SCHURZ. Wee oftle Peace OFFICE OVBK ASIRUICAN EXPUKSS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA BOOGE'S ' SIOUX 01TY 1IAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant Ma .83 Pearl Strcot Council Muds , Iowa As there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Sureeons In this city , who are practicing their quackery on our people , I deem It but Justice to ( ay that I defy any ot them to produce a diploma , or credentials ndicatlng that they are graduates ot any \ctcrlnar ; nstltuto , and I do hereby caution the jmbllj agalnj eucn quacks , a ! I am the Only Known Gradual e IN WESTEKN IOWA. Office & 125 ' Pharmacy , B'dway , AT BLUE BAKN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. At -well-known Establishment OF ( " D R r n B " tr * v * . P. F B L BERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the Of Council Jifufla. Notlco our reduced Prlco List. Wo give IS pounds Extra C Sugar for ? 1 00 12 pounds Granulated Sugar 1 00 25 pounds Choice Oatmeal 1 00 5 pounds Navy Beans 100 23 pounds Best Bulk Starch 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Rico 1 00 12 pounds Choice Prunes 1.00 ' 25 bars Buffalo Soap 1 00 Extra LakeTrout , per pound.- . 09 Lorriliard's Plug per Ib 40 1 dozen Mackerel 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 DO 10 pounds Ginger Soaps 1 00 < 0 pounds hcmloy 1 9" B gallon keg Syrup 1 TC Whlto Fish , per kll 80 Mackerel , per kit 10 Dates , per pound 10 10 S pound cans Stindaril Tomatoes 1 00 All kinds California Fruits pound Lusk'a Standard i for 1 00 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , 15a to EOo per pound. Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and Children's One Shoes and llcn'i Fine Boota at very low prices. Also ft full line 01 Tinwaro and general merchandise. Call on us and bo convinced thai you can save money ty dealing with us. Goods delivered free lu any part of the city. In m word , we are bound to eell and challenge all audaole competition In this county. J. P. rlliUEIvT' S09u .or , Broadway Oomice AND MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , 7/// , IRON AND SLATE ROOFI HO , PATENT METALIO BKYTJanT , uroetlngs , llaJUBtradefl , Verandas , Office and Back KuUlutru , Window and Cellar Guards , Kto. flO O. ANIlflth 8TBKKT. WNCOIiN NF.B. DISEASES OF THE Ifla SI J 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until offices are repaired from result of flrc , offl with Di. Parker , Iluom E , Crelitbton Block 16th uid DouKHalatr eeb > . " I. W. WAITE M D . . , , , , Physician & Surgeon ( Formerly of Mercy Hospital , Chicago. ) Nervous Diseases and Diseases of the Eye nnd Ear n Specinlty. Fellows' Block , N , W. cor. Htb And Dodge streets , Onuha , Neb. Ollico hours 10 12 . m . 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 12 a. TO. All calls promptly attended. Bee Hive Photograph STTJIDICX 218 North 10th Street. Uomembprthatmy Photogrtphs are impeded l-efora Icing c e vered from the UiK : HIVE PHOTO- OltAPH STUDIO assuring every body perfect satisfaction. PHOTOGRAPHER Pineal rooms In the city. Centrally located and near Horw ) railway lt-15 Douglas St. , - OMAHA , NEU. TKUH3-K to f iW per day , as per room , 0. C. OAMI'IIELL , Proprietor. * DE , SWETNAM , oMTico ICth street , first door north ol n in Boyd's opera houso. Leavi at office or Saie'a dru atoro. TcMephone 150. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. , WOKE FOR WOMEN , Two Mnlvoru bullion Start n Silk Manufactory. A novel enterprise hixs been nddod to the interests of Mnlvorn , two ladies Mrs , L. T. Ball and her daughter , Mrs Lotlio Gray , being the originators nm proprietors. It may bo properly c.illoc a silk manufactory , and the details of the business aa given to a representative o the Malvorn Loader by Mrs. Gray canno but provo interesting , especially to the many ladies who road the BKK , Last spring the ladies sent to Phila dolphin and obtained 120,000 silk worn eggs. They then fitted up three room in the second story of their milliner ; building for a cocoonery. About the first of May , when osage loaves ha < started , the eggs hatched and the worm wore placed on trays covered with tarlo tin , made for their accommodation. The ; find 2-10 trays , each about 2k foot square The young worms were fed on osage leaves flvo times a day , the last foot being given about 10 p. m. During the Qrst six weeks of their existence the ; change their suits or cast their ekin foil times , when they are ready for business and begin to spin. They first spin n web similar to a spider's , except that is of silk and stretching themselves upon this they proceed to envelope themselves solves in a silk cocoon , which whou com pleted Is about the size of a peanut. After commencing to spin they cat no thing , and within three days have sput themselves away , completed their coon and ended their earthly career. A sufli clout number of the firmest , most solic cocoons are selected for brooding pur poses and laid away for hatching time , which will bo next about the first of Au gust. The cocoons intended for market are steamed about twenty minutes utos to kill the chrysallis inside , and then thoroughly dried. They are worth in foreign markets , where Mrs. Gray in formed us they would sell them , $1.25 uor pound. The color of the cocoons is cream , that being the highest priced anc most sought after. Each cocoon con tains from 200 to COO yards of throat silk. They are dropped into hot water , which loosens the end of the silk , whor t Is reeled into a ball or on a spool tine s ready for use. It keeps three boys jusy gathering osage leaves for Mesdames - dames Buoll and Gray's little army ol a ilk workers. Real Estate Trnnsfora. The following transfers were Clod for record in the ollico of the county clerk , July 15 , 1884 , and reported for THE BEK > y P. J. McMahon : Jonn F. Handley to John Roano , lot and 8 , block 2a , Noola , § 975.00. G. H. Hopkins to A. H. DeGroat. part ninwJ-13-74-44 , $300.00. J. II. Burroughs , lot 5 , block 1 , Mc Mahon , Cooper & Joftori's add. J. D. Edmundson to John D. Olark , ot 12 , block 15 , Burns' add , $40.00. Total sales , $3,315.00. OOMMEKOIAU. COUNCIL BLUFFS MABKET. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , July 19 , 1884. Wheat No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 70 ; rejected 50. Corn Local purposes , 40@45. Oats For local purposes , 3.r40. H y S10 00@ll 00 per ton ; baled , CO@GO Rye 40@45o. Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yarda , G 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'a , wholesaling at SSc. Flour City flour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVE STOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa 3 50@4 00 , Butcher stoern , none in market. Sheep 3.HO. Hogs 1 00. I'UODUCE AND . Quotation * by J. 31. St. John & Co. , coin- ntssion merchants , 538 Broadway , Poultry Live old lionn , 7c ; spring chickens , 2o@3 00 par doz.j live turkeys , Uc. JVachcB-ft bus. bcx , 1 00 , Oranges fi 0 < ) @G 00 per box. Lemons G 00 pel box. Banuius 2 Otog3 ( ; 00 per bnuch. llutlor Creamery , 20e ; rolls , choice D@10o. Efgs 14 pot dozen. Vegetables Potatoes. 150 200 per bbl ; nlous , 7fic ; cnbuago , 50o per doz. ; eating pplcB , 1-3 bit box , 7nc@l L'Scooklng 1 00 per ul ; beans ; lSO@'J.aipor bushel. Prospects. from the American Architect. The Now York Evening Post 1ms con- ainod of late some timely editorials upon , ho waste now going on in tlio pine crests of the northwest , which has in- ruased BO rapidly within the last two , or hroo years that the predictions of speedy xlmuation of the supply , which were iltnost laughed at two years ago , are now bought by many to have fallen short of ho truth. Ono of the worst indi- ationa of the future of pine imbor is noted by the North western Lumberman which says that ho average proportion of lumber rated s first quality , which ten years ago was wolvo per cent , of the product , is now only two per cent. , and this in the face f an onormoas extension of lumbering porations , which now penetrate in very direction districts that were until within a few years thought to bo far too omoio from transportation to bo profit- bly worked. As all the now districts re , of course , virgin forest , the only ex- tlanation of the decline in the proportion f good lumber must bo in the fact that ivorything , largo and small , good and > ad , is now taken ; saplingH , which twenty 'ears hence would bring twenty times lioir present value , being cut down with lie rest , and sold for the lowest price. 'ho most discouraging part of the matter coins to bo that the lumbermen , instead f growlngcaroful as thostockdiminishos , 50 1 moro and more reckless and dostruc- ivo. The profits of the business nro inormous , a ainglo establishment some- iraes paying its owners not far from a nillion dollars a year ; and the toinpta- ion to kill the geese that lays the golden gga by sawing up everything that can bo old Booms to bo too great to bo resisted , As the Evening Post suggests that the arid" , which imposes a duty of two dol- ara a thousand foot , cqaivalont , proba- ) ly , to thirty-five or forty per cent. , per- mps does something to increase the evil , oth by encouraging the construction of nllla , and through the fooling , which ivory mill owner must have , that as the mpost may bo repealed at ny time , it is nporUnt to sell us much lumber as pen- bio to secure the artificial profit while t Jatt. ! , A GKOKGIA WEDDING. Society nnd Iilfo In the llnoJcwootle- Betsy llnintltou'a Neighbors , Betsy Hamilton , In Atlantic Constitution , It hnd boon whispered around that , Jack Loftis had flirted Malindn Jauo Trotman , and was a hitchin' of his ridii nag up nt our housojbut they didn't know that when Jack's crittorwns , n chawln' on fence , Malluda Jane was iuginnorly i the liouao. The Trotmaua is not the sort tha sounds n horn and tolls their business t everybody , and for that reason some folk trios to find out their affairs. Mnlindn Jauo she kop' her sowin * hit nnd never lot none of the neighbor gali but mo nnd Calodouy BOO It , and Jake h cot so ho taken the nigh cut , and gin oh Miss Froshours nnd old Arminty th dodge when ho wont to soother , and the ; sot It down that ho had quit gwino , am that it was nil busted up betwixt 'om , or "Mobbo"says old Arminty "alter all ho hain't never co'tod the gal. " But when the Trotmans let in to white waahin * their house and fence , nnd thoi lot in on the trooa around the house they kuowod in reason it meant n wed din' ; but thar wasn't nothin' like fmdin out for enrtin. So Arminty tuck it on horscf to go over thar and stay the live long day. She hinted nnd hinted , but all she gothorod from Malindy Juno's maw was that the dock 'lowed lime was healthy. Crflodony was n tollln * it at our house , and she 'lowed that when pranmnmmy Eve was n loavin * so much cu'oslty to ole Arminty she never forgot ole Miss Trot man. She loft horsonsp enough to como ahead of her. They didn't only white wash , but they scoured and fix up to they didn't skasoly know their own place , but Malindy Jauo was the onlicst gal the old folka had and she didn't ' git marriet every day. To bo aho if they'd had thor own sosso about it , they never would have picket out Jake Loftis ; but who in all the lane could they have picked out for a husbaut for thor gal , Malindy Jane I The day was sot , nnd she axed mo ant Calcdony to wait on her. Cal she como over to our house , and wo all went to gothor. She fetched yor yallor buff mua lin , ( mine's ofl'n the earuo piece ) and 'lowed mo and her could fix nnd dross alike. So wo wheeled in nnd starched our yallor buffs so still * they'd stand alone and ironed 'om slick enough to see your face in oui , and wo tuck the artificial offn our last summer hats nnd stuck 'em whar the overskirt was tucked up to ono side , and wo tacked a row of cedar all around the bottom of the frock and put a piece under our breastpins and n piece in our liair , nnd I wisht you could have saw us I toll you wo was fixt. Aunt Nancy 'lowed : "Gala , for all you do , don't out- ahino the bride. " Buddy ho hitched the ateeJs in the waggin , and wo sot in the cheers , nnd wo all went , oven to wont soon so an to ho'p Malindy Jane fix , and bloas you when wo got thar the house and yard was plum full. I won't bo sartin , but I think that everybody that como fetched a. baby and a bench-logged fico and a Hop yoercd hound. "Wo'una allors fastens "Old Scourge" and "Trip , " and never lots 'em follcr. After I fixt the artificials in the fashion on Malinda Jane's head and lent her my neck ribbon , ( it's good luck to marry In sump'n borrid ) why I takod a poop in th < settin" room to BOO who all was thar , < am beheld the o sot the Simmonsos big as who but they , and I know in reason tha they was neither axed nor wanted ; am who should bo piked upon a bench all in a row but them toro down Freshours' : hlllun grand as you please , and still for the first time in they lives , and their : aces was rally so clean I didn't akaaoly mow 'cm. They had shorely boon put to aoak the night before. Their skin was as shiny and slick as a pooled injun , and thar liar plastered down tight with saff soap , and they looked plum satisfied. Over in the corner sot the three old maids , Miss Bunch Beasloy , Miss Patience tionco Potter nnd old Arminta Ponder gress. Miss Bunch is as broad as she Is long , and as good as she's broad , Miss Patlonco is as lorn ; as a bean polo , and as good as aho is long , and is funny enough to make a dog kill hisself a Inuf- fin" . She wears a short frock to try to niako her look short , and alf the colors of the rainbow to makp her look young. Pap'lows she looks like Joseph's coat. Ole Arminty was a sottin' right sldo of 'om. jNow there was three old maids as different ns the elephant and the monkey and the tiger. So folks needn't say ole mnidti is all alike. And widdcrs lacks n heap of bein' all alike too. The widdor Comings was thar , and you wouldn't have kuowod she waa n widdor. But the wid- der MoAliBtor played liahin' for love , nnd put on n sight of airs. She took keer to lot everybody know she picked the turKey - Key and baked the tntor custards and half moon pies. Jake ho was the last ono to como. Ho had his head drippin' with lard and scented with cinnamon draps , nnd his now shoos were BO tight that ho couldn't Bkiwoly walk. I wonder if n feller over got married without having o.n tight boots or shoos ! Somojtown boys was out in ' the entry n gigllu * . Cal 'lowed if she'd boon Malindy Jane , they shouldn't er been axed , ono of 'om in perticklor , I dlaro- member his namo. She 'lowed ho thought kaao ho lived in town that was all ho needed. ITo hnd the onshoranco to laugh at the country boys with their homo made jeans and all ho was fittlon fur was to wear fine Sunday clothe * that wasn't ' paid for. Ho strutted around mighty bigoty , nnd smoked and chawod tprbackor nnd took his sweetened dram , tied his cravat in the fashion , pulled his moustache and played with his watch chain , and when ho laughed nt them boys ho laughed at his bottors. Ono good , honest , hardworking country boy like Iky lloborson , Cap Dewberry or Jake Loftis Is worth enough of his sort to build a fcnco from hero to town. Yes , everybody knowcd when Jake got thar by the cinnamon draps. Bro ther Cole was axed to marry 'om , and as many couples as ho has joined ho don't ' know his piece ; ho had to read it , and tdoy holt a candle and dript the taller a inch thick on the po' old man's coat alcove , and then after all ho como nigh marryin' 'em by the wrong names. Calodony nnd iky Iloborson stood to gether , and I nnd Cap Dewberry , nnd i when wo tuck our stands , Malindy Jnno t she ot on tothersido of Jake , and JJroA thor Cole ho wiped his specks and not in ] to readin and spollin * out his words. "Tho couple which now stands afore us 1 for the occasion andbenofit of being jincd I in wedlock , willpleasa to jino they right 1 hands. " Old Miss Patience Potter squeaked out in a loud whliper : "Lindy Jauo you air on the wrong aide of Jakoy. " Then Brother Cole holt up his paper and read on : a "Mil you , John Loftis " "Jacob , not John , " euyn Miss Pa tience. "Well , then , we'll ' proofed to contiu- ued. Will you , Jacob Loftis , take tin 'oman , Mallssy Ann " " Jane " Miss Patience "Ma-lin-dy , says a little louder. Then in ft loud whisper "For the laud's sake don't git 'om mar ried wrong. " "Well , " says ho , "flinst on n piece o light-'ood or hold mo n torch , for 1 can * soo. " Some of 'om grabboel ft torch and hoi it high. Then jist ns fast as ono won could follow tolhor , without stoppln' to git his breath , ho wont on : "I pronounce you man and wife fur bettor or fur wussor salute your brldi and if any present has any rejections lo 'om speak now or forpvor nttorwanl hoh thar tongue you'ro dismissed amen ar. ' Then old man Trotmau slept out am "lowed " ; "flit yourpardnors nnd go Into thor house to supper ; the old 'onion's go a bite to oat in thar , nnd filch ns It ii you'ro welcome to it. " So wo lockoc nrms nnd marched in to supper. The Uiblo wn plum full , nothin' wasn't skaco nor skimpy. The brido'fl cake was sot in a block of wood that was kivorcd over with letter paper cut in fringe to hang nl around the nigo of it. It had a thin white wash over it , and was dressed oft" with little sprigs of cedar stuck in a row all around , nnd n long stick of pep permint candy stuck right up in the mid dle , nnd 1 toll you it sot the tnblo of ] powerful. They had n taller candle nl jacli oond of the tnblo nnd n pine lii > hl in the fireplace. After supper wo sot to [ ilayln1 kissin' games. Ole brother Cole liad done nil ho could ho had jinod 'om in wedlock and ho had ot his supper. The games was gwino on , and all was a laughin' nnd havin' fun , some playin' "William with lee " " n trimbling , "Clap in anu clap out , " "All around Iho mul berry bush , " nnd some \ras "Flshin" for levi > , " whou Brother Cole knocked for silence. "Brothoring and sistoring , " says he , "lot us unite in pra'r nnd bo dismist ar. " Alter ho was gene Aunt Nancy 'lowed : "Thoro nir n time fur all things , and that ar prayer was very on-timoly. Brother ilngin wouldn't have done sich a on- timely thing as that. " _ t But they soon got in playin' and laugh in" loudor'u over and haviu' a power ol Fun , and all looked happy 'cept Miss Trotman. In coso she vras fuolin' bad about Malindy Jane n marryin' . The women folks all had oump'a to say to her about it. Ole Arminty 'lowed in n religi ous tone : "Ahl I toll you , Miss Trot- nan , I hain't never married , and all of om can marry that's a mind to. but mar ryin' air a mighty solomu thing. " "Yos , " aavs Miss Trotman , with tears n her eyes , "it's n solemn thing to mar ry. " "Yes , " says Calodony , "but it's a heap solemner not to marry. " "I bound for Cal. " says pap. Aud that aot 'om all to lauhin' . SNAKE 'CATCHING. "I'rofBflsor"VIi6 Holds the Vcn- oiiioiis Kuptllcsiii Contempt The New York Dial. In a ramshackle dwelling like a bush man's cabin in the secondary stages ol decay lives John Snolling. John claims , o bo the son of a baronet , nnd follows .ho occupation of snaka catching. Ho is tall , soniowhat gaunt , very round-shoul dered , and ageing into the sixties. Snoll ing talks through his nose , like a Yankee koo , interlarding his speech with many sf the slang phrases peculiar to the in habitants of the great ronublic. "You have had many narrow escapes , probably ? " "Yes . I've been logons. fanged eigh teen times seven by pizanors but np plied remedies and pulled through. "How do you act with a snake biio ? " "Tio a ligature between the wound and the heart to prevent the poiaon being taken into the circulation. Once it gets nto the blood there's not much hope. NTcxt suck the wound ; keep sucking for at least two hours , or as long as the latient can boar it. Apply n poultice of > ruised onion , and , if possible , tie an other ligature a little further from the wound , releasing the ono first used. In nest cases this will euro. If faintuoss comes on give n glass of brandy and then all the nearest doctor. " "Can you tell by the appearance of a wound whether it was inflicted by a ven omous or innocuous reptile ? " "Yas ; poisonous snakes invariably eavu two marks , harmless snakes four or ix marks. This is worth knowing , ns most persons when bitten imagine the wound fatal and become demoralized , Mid in some cnscn dying of sheer fright. " "You don't kill your snakes ? " "Not if I can help ; you BOO , I want om alive for specimens , nnd hero's where hu difliculty 1ms ; I have to only stun the optilo and while stunned make it H pris- nor. Killing snakes outright is moro hild's piny. " "How do you proceed ? " "Well , I hit the snake a rap with my lick ; if it's coiled it will straighten out , ud when uncoiled it cannot strike. Vhilo stunned I hold it firmly by Hie iack of thu head with my cano , then slip woolud cloth like a hood over its head , tnd tie it securely. The snake is then larmlcss , although it generally does n > oweiful sight of squirming nnd strikes icbusly. " "After thnU" "I chuck the rittor into a box with a front of ] > late lass , where it usually whips around in a orritio state of oxcitomunt for several lours , then culms down and takes its mprisonmont philosophically. " "When nro snakes most venomous ? " "In summer , when they shod their kins ; you kn < .w they nir blind then and onrfully sensitive. Whatever comes vithin sinking distance at that time is uro to gut nipped. Even a horse's fot- ock is not Allowed tor pass , though ns a uln all Borppnls , oxcobtboas , hare a hor- or of anything hairy. " "So I've hoard. " 'It's fact. When I was prospecting n Arizona , whar snakes literally Bwarm , wo always laid n hair rope 'round the amp , The siukos would crawl all 'round , but would never cross it , The hair 001113 to fret their skins , I reckon , about lie same as nettles do oursanyhow ; , they Iwnys keep on the outside of the lariat. " "Queer ! " "Yas ; but snakes air queer. In win- or they hibernate lay up In their ro- ' reals almost without life , and , of'course , ro comparatively harmless. In the pring they come put and start in for nlno months' akirmishing. From this time out they are pretty sassy , especially when they ara looking for parluors , Jn December , when they cast oft' their old coala , they are fearfully touchy. Being blind , they curl up anywhere , nnd know ing their tender condition nir on thu lockout to protect themselves , biting at uvorj thing within runch. That is why BO iniuiy persons are billon ut that sea son. " "Do snakes evorchaso people ? " "Nnvor. They uro cowardly varmints , and when disturbed make for their holou. Jf n person happen to be between the unitko and ils holu , it will run that way , consequently the parson will fancy the critter chased him , whereas it was only nuJdi # for covtr , bidecart ! , " A Iilfo3Snvcl by n San Frnnctsco 1'ost. Bob Ingorsoll tolls in private , though a good story at his own expense , bill ono which wo see no reason should notbo enjoyed by the world at largo. It scorns that while Ingorsoll was in Cleveland , soon after his successful fight for the star routers , n sort of anti-tobacco crusndo had boon started in that city nnd n well- known Boston scientist was delivering nightly lectures against the use ot tin soothing weed. The speaker invited others to nrguo the quslion with him , bill although the smokers wcro largely in the majority , the Boston man invariably proved too clover for the debaters brouglr ngninst him. Availing themselves ot Ingorsoll's presence some of his friends bogged the great orator to take up the cudgel in behalf half of the tobacco users , which ho con descended to do , moro ns n joke than for any serious reason. That evening the hall was jammed , and when the prohibitionist requested an answer swor to his argumentsHob solemnly nroso and said lie would reply to the statement mont of his eloquent friend by the rela lion of n simple incident ; lie said : "I was once attending to n mining case in ono of the wildest nnd most Inwlos ro- dons of Utah. A murder had recently been committed by n most notorious thiol and n committpo of local vigilantes were watching for him nt every cross-road , Just after nightfall 1 was riding back to the town ftom the miuo mounted on n white horse. The vigilantes had received information Hint the desperado in question would pass the vnry road tlio samp evening , also riding on n white horse. The posse had nmbushcd lliomsolvcs in aomo chaparral , nnel ns 1imo down Iho bridle path they ijot ready to lire altogether for Ihoy wnjto no time on trials in tlutl section. Entirely unconscious that half n dozen shot guns were nightiug my shirt front , 1 stopped my horse , struck n imvtch , nnd proceeded lo light my cigar. Thinking that the light would give them a still bettor mark to shoot nt , the concealed party hold their fire for a second , lu that second the blaze of the match ro fleeted on my features , revealing .they wcro not these of the man they awaited , and stopping out on the road , they coiv ; ratulatod mo on my narrow escape And so , ladios-and gentlemen , if 1 hadn't ! iad the good fortune to bo a smoker I wouldn't bo hero now. " 'And you call that fortune ? " grimly asked the anti-tobacco lecturer , nftor the applause had subsided. "Wasn't it ? " inquired Bob , with n ilnintilF smile. "I don't see It , " thundered his oppo nout. "If it hadn't boon for that miser- tblo cigar , there would have boon ono , css lawyer in the world. " 017 St. Charles SI. , SI. Louis , Mo. A rriulir graduate or to Wcdlciil College * . baf lifrn longer encased ( n the i | > eelnUrcatincut of CnnonicKii.\oUi.HKIM and ULCOD Diiiiiwlbftti any otlier 1'hjkleUnta fit. Loult , M cttjrr I4cn itiow nnd nil old tnMenti know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental ana Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice- tlons o ! Throat , Skin or Doncs , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , ro treated iih unrataiioica m puon Intuit eleutillo ] > rltieli'lc . Bt'ply.l'rlTMelj , Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion. Excess * Exposure or Indulgence , * ttrh rroJuco none or ui ftllowlne ctlcelit iifrtoniQeii , dcbtlily , dlranefi of ilfht aad defective turmorj. iiliunlri on Hie incefh > ilftldfcny , ftrerilon to the toelet/ f fernnlei , confurl of Idfa , eU ) . , rendering MarrJnpo improper or unhappy , ar- laiealed cniclopc , frroto DJ adilrrm. Coniultatlonfttof * flee orb/ mall free , and IDT ! ted. Wrtto for qucitloui. A Positive Written Guarantee plrca In all eurlil eaict. llrdtclnc * icnt everywhere. Tamphloti , Encllih or Qorman , 04 pagea , de * crlbiiifi : nbovo diseaaco , in maloor foinalCPll < . MARRIAGE CUEDE ! JCO rneci , fine plate * . ItlaitrotrJ In eloitiaod ( lUblodlnff. Wo , tnoneyar I'oitagej ifcnje.jni'cr ' corcri , 2 ! c. Tlili l ok eoutftloi all the eurloui , Oouttru ) or luijuUiilTo ont to know. A took : or grml lutcrrbt to all , UkalUi4 lieautj , Zlorplne i are iwuoud \ Hi atiTJca. PRINCIPAL LIFE 1 IIOM CHICAGO , PllOIl F A & ST. LOUIS , nvvr oi' OLIAEA AUD LIHGOLH TO DEHV23 , Oil VIA EA17SAS CITY AND ATOICBOK to DE1IVSH oiinicliiiK In Union DopolH lit K Oiiiiiha unil Dfiivoivllli tliioiiKh tiuiiiH i And till jiDlnls in Hit ! ( > icit : Wcsl n ( iiiind Union Dupul ul C'lllcu o ivltli tla-oiiKli tiulim lor NJ2W YOJiK , It ON TO XT , And nil JCuHlurn ( Mtlcx. Atl'corlii with tlnouuli tniliiH lor Indlaim ; ) . ollHJlnliin > m , Columbus , unil nil poiutx in tliihlitll.iast : , At .St. Loull with thujuuh tmln for nil jmlnlH Soutli. Klciiiiit Day Coiichi" ) , I'm lor Ciirtt , with Itn. . din In ; ; Chairs ( HcutH lieu ) , .SinokliiK C'nrx with Ituvolvlni ; UliuliH , I'ulliiinii I'lilacu Hlct'iihi ) ; ( 'arn nnd tlio fuuioiiH C. II , All. DlntiiK Carii niiiilully toiuul fninlikn/c : : / > nnel h'uiiHus Oily , ( JlilciiKOiiml Council Illullii : ( Jlilcntjo nnd DCH MolncM , ( JlileiiKO , St. Jimepli , AtchlHon mill Toiltu | ) without cliuiiK" . only tluoiiKh line iiinnlnir tlidlr own tiiilnx hntwt'un UhlciiKo , Lincoln unit Douvur , unil Uhk'iiKO , KUIIHIIS [ Jlly nnd DOIIVIM'I'lnouuli CRIS hutwcon Inilluniipollv nnd Council llhiirn , via 1'uorla aIINO IVOltTJI ANI > SOUTH. Solid Tinlim of Kl < > iiiiit Day Coauhc.s nnd rnllinan I'liluciiHloiiiiliiK C'nrnaii nm daily to nnd from St. I.oiiln ; via Ilunnlliul , ( jiilnuy , Koolftik , IIiiilliixKin , Ccdur UaiildBuiid Alliuit I.culoHt. 1'aul und MlnnciiixillH ) I'm-lor C'III-B with ItccllnliiK ClmlrH to nnd fioni tit. Louis nnd I'miria , Only nun cliaiiiii ; ofcui-H bctwciin St. I.oiilfluiiil DvHjioinci , ] own , Lincoln , Nu. UniHkit , nnd Dunvrr , Colonulo. It IN also thu only TluoiiKh I , I nil littweun ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Hln known ns the Krrnt 'J'llltOI ( ,11 ( Mil I..JNI3 of Ainurlcn , nnd in univcmUly udinlt in ! lo ho the Finest Equipped Railroad In ths World for all classes of Travel , Through TIckclH via tills linn tar Mtln lit Hi' II , tlcliutujllucalntho Unlltilhtatos hnd Canada , T. J. I'OTTKK , 1'KHOKVAI Vke-J'fu. Hit a , AUmccr Otn ILLIPS , Has ono o ! the lartrini ami linett aeaortmciit ol ) | > rluir and Nuiumcr Unoda for bultiniM and Tronnur. nk'i. All trarmi-iitd Kaarauta < d to lit and trlininod wltli thu llo t Trimming WVl'UICB-J AltlU-OWKIl i a toy ileruhuut Tullor in tha city. tlfCt , THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN IMAHA TO BUY U lift fill Ml ITHRIM One of the Best and largest Stocks in'tlio United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER , ELEVATOB , IT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE I Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! And all of the good and plensnnt things that go to make up a com plete and hnppy existence. Tito town o South Omnlm is situated south of the city of Omaha on the line of the U. 'P. llnilwny. and it is less than JJ miles from the Omiiha post oflice to the north line of thu town site. South Omahn is nearly 1 miles north nnd south by 2 i east nnd west , and covers an nroa of nearly four square miles , The stock yards nro at the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold i\ud the demand is on the iucrefiae The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 beef packing house is progrcssincr finely. The § 30,000 Water Works nre keeping pnce with the other iin ' provements , and the Hotel and Exchange Building will bo erected at once The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have n large force of men fit work and will , in connection with the TT. P. Railway , have a union depot near the park nt the north end of the , town. Suitable grounds will be furnished for Church nnd School purposes. Now is the time to buy Jots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they nro to-day. nttho Company's office , cor. of 13th nnd Douglas [ streets over the OinahniSaving'B Bank. Assistant Secretary , TJ , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MELLAED , President. WM. WALLACE Cashier. Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO , Flro and Bur lftr Proof Safoj foe Rant nt fromJS5 to 50 pnr annum. M' J013BEH OF .11 II EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FAKNAM STREET , - . OMAHA , NEB Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimminga. Mining Mnchinory , Bolting , HOBO , Brass and Iron team 1'nckinK nt wholosalu and retail. HALLADAY WIND-M1LLS , OHD110H AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. DKHAM HflflTFI imrlfilvl OOI UL Tlio Palace Hotel of Denver. Oor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts Koonm 7fc to $2.00 per day. 8) ) > clil Hates liy the Month. Till' ' : FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Conducted on the Amoricnn nnd European Plana. Hoard § 7 per wook. S , OONDON , - - PEOPE JETO 0 , F. OMAHJ ! , NED Hi SKA