Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1884, Image 1

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Fonnfl in Smith's ' Sonnd ,
Seven Out of a Party of Twenty-
five Eesouod Alivo.
The Struggles and Privations of
the Party Touohingly Dotailodi
The Value of His Explorations to
[ the World ,
Heroic Struggles of the Eesouinc
Party With the Elements
Dangers Braved and Death Defied
For Humanity's ' Sake ,
'The ' News as Eeceived by His
Mother at His Home.
Sllscellancous Notes of tlio Expedi
tion Gathered by the Press.
The Greoly Party Found.
WASHINGTON , July 17. The nctingiBocrota-
ry of the navy received a telegram from St.
Johns , this morning , slating that the Greely
relief expedition had found the survivors of
Gruely's party. The survivors number seven
men in all. The names aso Lieutenant Groo
ly , Sergeant Braiuard , Sergeant Fredericks ,
Sergeant Long , Sergeant Ellison , Hospital
Steward Beidonbeck nnd Prlvnto Council.
They wcro found by the relief ships , Thetis
; dnd Boar , five miles off Capo Sablno iu Smith
Sound , Sergeant Ellison was very badly
frost bitten , and dlod at Godhavon , July Oth ,
undergoing surgical operation. The relief
ships , Thetis-and Boar , with the survivors are
nowntSt. Johns , N. I1' .
The following telegram was received at tha
navy department this morning :
ST. JOHXM , N. F. , 9 a. in. , July 17. To
Hon. II. B. Chandler , Secretary of the navy ,
Washlnton : Thotes , Bear and Lock Garry
Arrived hero to-day from West Greenland.
All well separated from the Alert one hundred
and fifty miles north during a gale. At 0 p.m.
-Juno 22dfiva , miles off Capo Sabino.ln Smiths
sound , the Thetis nud Bear rescued alive ,
Lieut. A. W. Greoloy , Sorgt. Brainard , Serpt.
.Frederick , Sergt. Long , Hospital Steward
.Beidonbeck , Private Cornel and Seret.Eliison ,
the only.survivors of' the Franklin J3ay expe
dition. Sergt. Ellison had lost both tands by
frost bite and died July.Gth , nt Godhavon ,
throe days after the amputation , which had
become imperative. Seventeen of the twenty-
five composing the expedition perished by
starvation at the point where found. ' Ona
was drov od while seeking to procure food.
Twelve bodies of the dead wore rescued and ,
.aro now on board the Thetis and Bear.
. One , .Eskimo , Twovevik , was buried
1 sA , . Disco , in accordance with
ci ItUirn ot the Inspector of Wejcorn Green
land , t
Five died on the dates following' : Sergeant
Cos ? , January 1st , 1881 ; Wederick , Eskimo ,
April B ; Sergeant Linn , April G ; Lieutenant
Lockwood , April 9Sergoant ; Jewell , April 12 ;
tprivato Ellis , May 11) ) ; Sergeant Jtaistrom ,
May 23d. Too bodies were buried in ice at a fort
near the camp , but wore swept away to sea
by the winds and currents before my arrival
and could not bo recovered. Private Henry
died Juno Cth ; private Schneider , Juuo 18th.
'The names of the dead and buried In the ice
fort with the date of death , whoso bodies were
not recorded , areas follows : Sergeant Kico ,
April Oth , 1884 ; Corporal Salen , June , 3d ;
private lierden , Juno Gth ; assistant surgeon
Pary , Juno Gth ; Sergeant Gardner , Juno IL'th ;
drowned by breaking through newly formed
ice while sealing , Jens Edwards , Eskimo.
.April U.
L would urgently request that the bodies
now on board bo placed in motallc cases hero
for safe and bettor transportation. Tills
appears to mo imperative. Grooly abandoned
Fort Uongo August 9,1883 nnd reached Band
Inlet September 29th following , with his entire -
tire party well. Ho abandoned all his boats
and was adrift thirty days on nn ice flee in
Smith's sound. His permanent camp wns es
tablished Oct. 21st , 1883 , at n point where he
was found. Dining the iiina months
bis party had to live upon a scant allow
ance of food brought from Fort Conger ; that
cached at Payer harbor and Capo Isabella by
Sir George Norto it ) 1875 but found much
damaged by lapse of time ; that cached by
Bcubo nt Capo Sablno in 1883 , nnd a small
.amount saved from the wreck of the Proteus
in 1883 nnd landed by Lieutenants Garllng-
ton and Colwoll on beach near where Gree-
ly'H party was found. When those provisions
were consumed the party was forced to liyo
upon boiled sealskin utiipped from the sialskin
clothing nnd lichens and shrimps caught In
good weather , when they were strong enough
to rnako exertions. As It took 1,300 shrimps
to fill n gallon measure tha labor wan too
exhausting to depend upon them to sustain
life entirely.
The channel between Capo Sablno and
Littleton , Island , did not close on account of
violent gales all wlnterso that the 2-10 rations
at tlio latter paint could not bo reached.
All COroely'i ) records and all instruments
brought by him from Fort Conger are recov
ered aud are on board. Fiom 11 are [ aland to
Smiths Sound I had n constant nnd
furious utrugglo with lea in impas
sible floes. Solid barriers were
overcome" by watchfulness nnd patience.
No opportunity to advance a mile oacapod mo
and for several hundred miles the chips were
forced to run their way from load to lend
through ice varying in thickness from 3 to G
feet und when rafted much greater , The
'Thotlsfaml Boar roadbed Capo York Junu
15 , after a passjgo of 21 days on Melville
bay , with two ships of the outside whaling
; i et , and continued to Capo .Sablno , returning
7 days later. Full In with fovon others of
that fleet elf Wostenholrn Island nud an
nounced Groely'H rescue to them , that they
might not ho delayed from their fishing
grounds nor bo tempted into
the dangers of Smith's Sound in
view of the reward of § H5OCO offered by con-
grew , lleturniiig across Mel villo Bay , fell In
with the Alert and Lock Garry off Devil's
'Thumb struggling through heavy Ice. Coin1.
muuder Coffin did admirably to get along with
tlio transport BO early in the season before the
.opening had occurroj , Lieutenant Emery
with the Bear , has supported mu throughout
with great skllfullness and unflinching teadi
ness in accomplishing thu great duty ot relieve
ingdreely. Too Grooly party are very much
improved since the rescue , but were critical In
the extreme when found and for several
days alter. Forty-eight hours delay in reaching
them would have been fatal to nil now living ,
The season north is Ute and the closest for
year ? . Smith' * Sound wad not open when I
left Capo Sablno , The winter about Mell-
villo Bay was the most severe for twenty
Tin' " Treat result Is entirely duo to the un
wearied efforts of yourself and the becrotary of
war in fitting out tlil.i expedition for the work
It hns had the honor to nucomplUh.
( Signed. ) W. Ii. SCHUV : , Commander.
The Nortljiuost I'olnf ,
WASHINGTON , July 17. General ) Har.en ,
chief of the signal cervice , has received the
following telegram !
ST. JOHNB , N. F , , July 17. For the first
tlmo in three centuries England yields the
honor of reaching the furthest north. Licit-
tenant Lockwood and Sergant Brainord , May
13th , reached Lockwood Island , latitude 83 °
21" longituo 1 ° fi . They saw from a 2,000
elevation no land north or northwest , but to
the northeast Groi&lnnd vet extended until
lost to view In capo Hobert Itincolu , lutitudo
83 ° 35 , longituUo.'lS0. Lieutenant Lock-
week was turncod back in 1883 by open water
nn the north ( troonlnnd shore , the party bare
ly escaping a drift into the Polar ocean. Dr.
1'avy in 1881 ! , following the Mnrkham route ,
vas adrift ono day in the 1'olar ocean north of
capo Henry , i-scaplng to land , abandoning
nearly everything. In 188 I made a spring
mid , later , a summer trip into the Interior of
the Grluncll Land , discovering Lake llazen ,
some sixty by ton miles In extent , which is
fed by an ice capo of north Grinnoll Land and
drains Huggles river and Weyprocht Fiord into -
to Conybearo bay and Archer Fiord. From
the summit of Mount Arthur , 5,000 feet , the
contour of the land west of Conger mountains
convinced ma that Grinnoll Lnml tends di
rectly south from Lieutenant Aldrich's farth
est point In 1870. In 1883 Lieutenant Lock-
wood and Sergeant Brainerd succeeded in
crossing Grinnell Land , and , ninety miles
from Beatrix Bay , the head of Archer's Fiord ,
struck the head of a Fiord from the western
sea , temporarily named by Lockwood , Greely
Fiord. From the center of the Fi'ird ' in lati
tude 80 minutes and 30 seconds , longitude 78
minutes and 30 seconds , Lieutenant Lock-
wood saw the northern shorn terminate some
twenty miles west and the southern fhore
extending somu fifty miles , with Oapo _ Lock-
wood some seventy miles distant ,
apparently separate land from Grinnell
Laud. I have named the now land
Arthur Land. Lieutenant Lockwood
they followed , going and returning , an ice
capo averaging about 150g feet of perpendicular
face. It lollows that Grinnoll Land interior is
an ice capped belt of country some sixty mtjoj
wide , between the northern and southern ice
cape1) . In March , 1881 , while Sergeant Long
was hunting , ho looked from the northwest
oldu of Mount Caiey to Hayes sound , seeing
on the northern coast three capes westward of
the furthest seen by Nar B in 1876.
The sound nxtends some twenty miles fur
ther west than is shown In the English charts ,
but is probably shut in by land , which showed
up across the westtrn end. The two years'
station duties and observations , all explora
tions and the retreat to Capo Sablno were ac
complished without lots ot life , disease , se
rious accidents , or oven severe frost bites. No
scurvy was experienced at Conger and but one
death occured from it last winter.
( Signed ) GliKELKr , commanding.
iV second dispatch from Lioutouant Greely
is ns follows :
ST. JOHNS , July 17. Chief Signal Oflicer
Washington : Brainard , Uierdorhick , Connell ,
Frcderickc , Long and myself , solo survivors ,
arrived to-day , having been rescued at the
[ loint of death from starvation by the relief
ships Thotis and Bear , Juno 22.1 , at Carry's
Ulay , northwest of Capo Saline. All now iu
good health , but weak. Sergeant Elison rea
med , died in July. Cross died Ijst January ,
Uhriatensen Linn , lllco , Lockwood and Jewell
n April. Whisler and Israel in May. Kin-
iugburg , Sator , Henry , Bender , Pavy , Gard
ner , ami Schuieder in July. _ Abandoned Fort
Donger A'-gust 9. Frozen in pack oil" Victoria
lead August 29. Abandoned steam launch
September 11 , eleven miles northeast of
looked Hat Island. When on the point of
anding were throe times driven by southwest
stormsjinto Kanos sea ; fina ly landed Septem
ber 29th in Baird Inlet , learning by
scouting parties of tlio Protons disaster ,
ind that provisions had boon left for us
rom Capo Isabel la to Sabine. Moved and es-
.abllshed . winter quarters at Camp Clay and
jalrino and Cosked-Hat. An inventory showed
, hat by a daily ration of four and cue-third
ounces of meat , seven ounces of bread and
log biscuit and four ouacoj miscellaneous the
jarty would havb ten days full rations left for
massing Smith's sound , t6 Littleton Island ,
Unfortunately Smith's sound' remained 'open
the entire winter , rendering ; crossing impracti-
r'lilc. f.xx'ii ' aespita tinny iiunting
'rein early in February. Before tlio sun ro-
; urned only 500 pounds of meat were ob-
; ained. This year shrimps , seaweed , Hassafras ,
ock lichens and sealskin were resorted to for
bed with results as shown by the number of
survivors. The last regular food was issued
May 14. Only 150 pounds of meat loft by
Jlarllngton. Compelled to send in November
our men to obtain 141 pounds of English
neat In Isabella. During the trip
lilizon froze solid both his hands
and feet and lost them , surviving ,
lowevor , through the terrible winter and
ipriiig until July 8. The survivors owe their
ivcs to the indomitable energy of Captain
schloy and Lieutenant Emory , who , preceded
) y three and accompanied by five whalers ,
orced their vessels from Upernavik through
Melville bay into north water at Cape York
with the foremost whaler. They gained a
, -ard whenever possible and always neld it.
Smith Sound was crossed aud the party res
cued during erie of the moat violent
; ales I have over known , the boats
jolng handled only at the imminent risk
of swamping. J''our of us were unable to
walk , and could not have survived 21 hours.
1-2very care and attention was given in , and
wo were saved antlbrmig | back copies of meteor
ological , tidal , astromomicel , magnetioc , pen
dulum and other otsnrvntions , also pendulum ,
Yale and standard thermometers , forty-tight
icgatives , collection blanks , and photogrphic
> roofs , Eskimo relics and other things neces
sarily abandoned. The Thetis remains hera
ivo days , probably.
( Signed , ) GnKEiW , Coinnndiiig. .
The following dispatches were Eont Lieutan-
ant Groely to-day : SIGNAL SKIIVICK. WASH-
NUTON , July 17. Lieutenant A. W. Greply ,
St. Johns : Our hearts ara overflowing with
gladness and thanks to God for your safety
mil In sadness for f.hoso who without fault of
yours are dead. Your family are well and in
jail Diego.
( Signal ) W. B. HA-/.K.V.
Lieutenant Greoly , St. Johns : Your dis-
> atchcs are most satisfactory mid show your
expedition to Invo boon in the hiehent degree
successful In every particular. This facis
lot alfectod by any disaster later.
( Signed ) W. B. HA/.E.V.
WK.HT POINT , N. Y. , July 17. The follow-
ng dispatch was forwarded by Secretary
1/handlcr : To Captain Shelly.
St. Johns , N. I1' . Jteceivo my congratula-
.ions and thanks for youraolf and your whole
command , for your prudence , persovcranco
and courage in reaching our dead and dying
countrymen. The hearts of the American
> ooplo go out with great affection to Lieu
tenant Greely and the few survivors of his
deadly peril , Care for thorn unremitting y
and bid them bo cheerful and hopeful on ac
count of what life yet has in store for them.
I're ervo tenderly the remains of the horolo
load. Prepare them according to your judg
ment and bring them homo
( Signed ) W. K. OaANDi.Kit ,
Secretary of the Nu\y.
WAHHIKUTO.V , July 17 Mr. George Kor
nan , of this city , aud a well known Arctic
traveller and author , who has taken an active
Interest in the iccent attempts to relieve
Lieutenant Greely's party , and who wont
fore the Arctie relief board last spring to
urge the offering of Mich a reward as would
Becnro the co-operation of whalers in the
search , was asked by nn Associated press re
porter to-night what ho thought of the nonu
secured from St. Johns. Ho replied , "It's a
mnarkahio story and heroic achievement In
the field , clouded by disaster , duo to incom-
potency in Wo&hington. If Lieutenant ( jriso
ly und his party had all returned in safety to
tlio United State * , us they 'might have tlone
had they been properly purported their Arc
tic record in point of tklllful management and
success would have been unparalleled. No
other Arctto expedition has uvor spent two
consecutive winters and pirc of the third iu
feuuh high latitude uud achieved bitch results
without a casualty or n uinglo caii of terlous
giuknius. If Lieut Greely hid found the
month of Smith's sound nirl tliu shelter and
food ho hud a right to expect there , ho could
probably have brought his entire party back
to the Unltwl States in perfect health , after
thrco winters In the highest northern latitude *
that over have been reached and niter a series
of sledging campaigns which for boldness and
skillful execution have rarely , if uver , been
surpassed , "
"Could the disaster which befell his parly
lint o bran averted with the knowledge avail
able at the time the relief exhibition were
litti-d out ? "
"Unquestionably , and that n the pity of it.
It doubles the grief which must bo felt in the
face of such a terrible catastrophe , to think
thnt two ships on successive ywira and proba
bly a third were In a po. ltlon to land stores
which would have saved the lives of those
eighteen men , Boobo , in 188'J , anchored in
1'nvor harbor , just north of Capo Saline , with
n ship full of stores , ( inrlington , the nrxt
summer anchored In the same place , and also
with a ship full of stores , and a few day it later
the Yantic , with four months provisions on
board , was only thirty miles away. Any one
of thcso three sh'ps might have landed stores
exactly where Greoly afterwards made his
winter camp and have carried the bravo party
through , but their commanding oilicors wore
not ordered to do go , and they did not think
of it. "
"Wore Greoly's movements these which it
was anticipated they would be ? "
"They wore precisely such as I
anticipated. It was thought at
signal ollice , ho would remain at his statio.ii
until September 1st , but ns I pointful out in n
letter to tlio Now York Herald on the 17th
of last September , If ho remained until Sep
tember Ixt ho could not got away at nil that
year , on account of the impracticability of
sledging operations along that const in the
full. 1 therefore thought ho would abandon
his station in July or August of 1883 and
eomo down to the north of Smith'd sound , In
boats , ns he was , in fact , doing at the very
tlmo my letter was written. "
"How important are the discoveries made
by Lieutenant Greoloyl"
"From the point of view of nn Arctic ge
ographer they nro of first-class importance ,
Lieutenant Greoly has not only taken away
from Commander Mnrkhnm , of the British
navy , the blue ribbon of Arctic discovery lor
the highest latitude over attained iu any part
of the world , but ho has greatly extendud the
limits of Nnros explorations , both in Green
land and Grinnell Land. The fact that two of
Greeloy'ssledgo parties were stopped in open
water in the Polar bisin and that both were
at ono time adrift Iu strong currents , which
threatened to carry them helplessly away
northward , would seem to show tlut the Po
lar basin is not a solid sea of ancient , immova
ble ice which Nares described , and which ho
declared was "never navigable. " Lieutenant
Groaly's explorations extend over three de
grees of la itudo and nearly forty degrees longi
tude. Ho has virtually ascertained the true
outline of Grinnell Land , and hos crossed it
from cast to west , and on the northern
coast , Greenland has . gone one
degree _ of latitude and ten degrees
o longitude beyond the farthest point reached
by Captain Nnres , accomplished sledging olli-
eur. Lieutenant Boaumout.
These achievements alone reflect the highest
credit upon Lieutenant Greely und his men ,
but to them , of course must bo udded the
great mass of scientific knowledge gathered
by the party durhiy their two years nt Lady
Franklin Day.
Incidents ol'tlio
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , July 17. On the arrival
at anchorage of the relief squadron to-day an
Associated proas correspondent interviewed
Lieutenant Grculy and other survivors of the
Arctic e.ilony and the following foots were
disclosed. After passing two winters nt
Kort Conger in scientific research Lieutenant
Greely , with his whole party intact , broke up
encampment and commenced a southwest
descent. This was accomplished amid great
penis from gales of wind , ice nips and other
casualties. Capo Sabine having been reached
a temporary homo was erected , built of
stones and covered by the boat's
sails brought along , by the party
on the ! 2'Jth ' of-Senteinbor ; winter quarter !
wcra ostaMishM nt'Capo R&himThe ; et-m-
mtfsariitt had Cccaino very moagro , nnd n
cache of provisions left by the Proteus last
your ; but poorly supplemented it. The steam
launch had become fast in the ica a few
weeks previous and had to bo abandoned dur
ing the whole winter. The first havoc in the
ranks was early in Januarv , when ot thu men
dropped off with scurvy. On the Oth of April
Lieutenant Lockwood and Mr. Kico , photog
rapher , succumbed after an heroic attempt to
secure for their starving comrades about 200
pounds of moat supposed to 1)3 cached
at a place named Bad creek , distant
about bftceu miles from the encampment.
Israel , the astronomer , perished May Ii7tb.
Lieutenant Kishlingbury died Juno 1st , and
Dr. Pavy , naturalist , slept in death Juno iGth. !
Not one of the victims realized that death was
near. Two Esquimaux also perished , ono of
starvation and the other drowned In his
kayak , being pierced by Homo newly
Formed ice April 17th thus cutting of | all hope
of getting any supply of seal meat for the
starving explorers , The Eskimo were moat
faithful and devoted followers nnd helpers of
Lieutenant Grculy. Ellison was repcued and
safely brought on board the fctoarnehip
Bear , where ho died a few days subsequently.
This is an extraordinary instance of human
endurance. While away some ten miles from
his hut last winter , the temperature suddenly
fell to 43 degrees below /.cro. His hands and
feet wcro frozen to the very bone and ho was
dragged by his companions in nlmoata dying
condition to hij hut. His foot and hnnili
were literally amputuated by ( jtho incisive
frost nnd in this terrible fctato h- >
lived through the dreary months that inter
vened. The rescued bodies of twelve of the
victims have boon brought up by the steamers
Boar and Thu tin. embalmed iu tank ] filled
with alcohol. The survivors are nil doing
well nnd are rapidly gaining llo h
and strength again. Lieutonaut Greely ,
who was in an exceedingly critical condition
when transferred to the Thetis , Is now able to
move about. This morning ho drove out for
an hour's riilo to got country air , nnd came
back resuscitated. The rescue took place on
the 'J2d of Juno under circumstance * of great
difficulty , Tlio Thotls nnd Boar lay off
from blioro about three hundred yards.
There was a terlflio gala blowing from
southwest and n heavy BO.I was running and a
formidable Ice nil ) was apparently inevitable.
Lieutenant Groely und the other six survivors
had to bo transferred from their camp to n
steam laupch and whale bout in their bleep-
lug bag * , and while tteaming from
land to the ships the destruction of the whole
party at ono tlmo seemed certain. The coa
swept furiously over them nnd the fury of the
wind threatened to cagul/.o them. At length
they were safely placed on board the rescuing
squadron , where every possible prepara
tion wnH made to insure their re
covery and comfort. The lireoly party
reached a higher latitude thah over reached by
polar explorers , namely , 83 degrees and iifi fi-UI
minntofi. Thocoantof Greenland waHcnrrhsd
up to83 degrees and 35 minutes by observation
and mimed Capo Lincoln , The hteaimhlp
Alert parted company with fhit squadron. yes
terday elf Tunic Islands find iiai not yet
reached port. ,
NKW BunvrouT , .luly 17. The nowaof finding -
ing of Greeys ] party was received at tlio
lioneo of the famous commander with profound
joy. Ills career from childhood to the present
tlmo has been watched with Intense interest
and thu great fame which ho han galnad Is
proudly felt by nil hero. Ho resided with bin
brother nnd mother , and when the glud news
WIIH conveyed to them they were almost over
come. Mm Grenly , while joyful at her sons
safety V/UH deeply directed nt the loss of so
many of hia party ,
I ho Bodies.
WFST POINT , July 17. Secietary Ch.tmllor
said thi ) evening ; "I have in accordaaco with
imvKoition nmJo by Cornmodora Schloy In
Ms dtipntch , issued instruction to have tlio
remains of tlio dead preserved , and the whole
party will corno homo goon. " When asked if
there would bo any more Artie researches ,
Mr. Chandler said : "I don't deslro at thU
time to cuter into that matter. " Ditpatches
were pouring Into the secretary oil afternoon ,
congratulating him upon the bncceiH of thu ex
pedition , and in company with a few friunds
liu ww budy perusing them ,
They Moot in Convention and
Adopt a Platform.
And Eosolvo to Support Blaine
and Logan With a Will ,
They Justly Donounoo Land and
Corporate Monopoly ,
And Belabor Governor Gliok for
Using the Pardoning Power ,
Tim NomlimlloiiH for'Stato Olllocrs
Completed and They Adjourn.
Toi'KKA , July 17. The convention assem
bled again this morning. Judge J. 0. Strong
chairman. Committee on resolutions present
ed thu report with the remark that It was the
unanimous action of the committee , and had
been arrived nt through harmony nnd In n
spirit of concession. The. rqjolutions endorsed
and ratify the nomination of James G. Blnlno
uud John A. Logan , the first citizen of the re
public nnd the bravo nnd gallant union sol
dier , and pledge them the largest majority
ever given to national standard bearers. The
platform continues ns follows :
Kesolved , That the national republican
platform moots with our hearty and enthusi
astic endorsement ns the I'ust statement of
living principles over presented to the Ameri
can people. Its firm udhcronco to the protec
tion of Amrrlcau industry. In demanding the
enforcement of the iualeniablo rights of man
In opposing land monopoly and corporate mo
nopoly meets with our cordial approval , f
Iteaolved , That prohibition hns'by a vote of
the people , without dUlinqtion of party , been
adopted as the organized law of this state.
Itciolvcd , That wo favor this faithful en
forcement of the constitutional amendment ,
that the successful efforts of prohibition may
bo realized ; that the declared wish of the people
ple bo respected , and the majority of the law
bo vindicated.
llosolvcd , Thnt as under the constitution
nnd laws of the state , all errors
and irregularities of thu inferior
courts may bo corrected by proier proceed
ings in thu supreme court , a tribunal now
composed of members of both great political
parties of the stalti and the recent action of
Governor Click in exercising the pardoning
power to roliuvo guilty _ parscus from their jiiit
penalties of law breaking , tololy on grounds
of alleged wrongs and irregularities existing nt
thu trials when they have nut sought n review
of their cases in the supromu court , is an un-
warnmtod assumption by tl ) 3 chief executive
of the judicial power of the ntato and is an at
tempt to destroy the cquflduucu of the people
in the courts , thereby inciting lawlessness and
disobedience to public authority and such con
duct on the part of a ( jovernDv under solemn
oath to obey thn constitutiuiVmid enforce the
laws , merits nnd deserves tr ) < condemnation of
all citizens irrespective of p.wty ntUHation and
regardless of personal viewtuil to thu policy of
Corporations derive ; nlh.v" UJr powers from
the etatoj.and nro respond' . ci.tho etato for
the manner in whirtfiihayM VKO nsch pow-
era.V Wo demand'that VrTn a t * allrcai !
law bo so strengthened and amended as to remove -
move its cumbersome features ami to unequiv
ocally vest In the board of railroad commis
sioners all necessary power to accomplish
the good that ought to be obtained and i to
compel compliance with the reasonable imlers
of the board mndo with reference to thoju
matters as to which , under the provisions of
said laws , such board has but nn advisory ju
risdiction. The railroad companies of the
state nro entitled to a fair and reasonable re
muneration for services performed by thorn ,
but they are not authorized nnd should not bo
permitted to establish rates for the purpose of
obtaining Jovenuo to be applied in payment of
dividends on illegal and excessive issues of
stock or interest upon fictitious indobtodnesi.
The report of the platform committee having
been received , Col. A uthony offered toamoiiU
by inserting this resolution : " That wo favor
a constitutional convention. "
This led to a lengthy dnliato , in which the
whole subject of prohibition was discussed.
Filially n votoon thu amendment vraa taken
and it was defeated yuan C'2. nnysUU ,
Thu platform was then adopted without
Albarf. II. Ilorlon was then nominated for
chief justice by acclamation and W. A. John
ston lor associate justico. Colonel John A.
Martin , edltorof thu Atchlnson Champion mid
lilu : secretary of the republican national com
mittee , w8 nominated for governor by a rising
vote , and three sheers were given for which
Colonel Mait n returned thanks In graceful
The ticket was tlmn completed _ as follows
For lieutenant governor , A. P. Riddle ; Bocro-
tary of state , E. B. Allen ; auditor , Edwin P.
McCabe ; Treasurer , H. F. Howe , attorney
Runcral , S. B. Bradford ; Buperiiitotidoiit of
public instruction , J , H. Lowhoml. Thu
htalu central committee wna then chosen and
thu convention adjourned.
Henry "WalterHonKvpoiindH IhoDom-
urntU ; iMcinmlH nnd 'XIoKCt.
LOUISVIU.B , July 17. Louisville democrats ,
to the number of 5000 , ratified the national
ticket last night. Henry Wutterson wno ono
of the spankers. Itoferrlng to the tariff plank
ho said that the national committee lost the
election of 1880 by running away from the Is-
HUO of revenue rotorm. That thnt committee
was still in the hand * of the protectionists ;
that Its power "directed by the tine Italian
hand of Kamlall , wns sent forth to pack plat
form committees In the Into convention ,
Through it agency artfully employed the
democrats of five southern states were mis
represented on that rommlttoo , Hence the
disproportion which appeared In congress between -
twoon the followers ol Uandall und thu fol
lowers of Carlisle nnd Morrhon wai not main
tained in the committee. " Thu committed
was in point of .fact nearly equally divided.
Hut U Is fair to say It ii truu to Day , that
after the two extremes had stripped tlio ipiofi-
thm of mirplusago and had laid
down without dUguUo the full inoaturo
of their do-tlro and extent their demand ,
it appeared wu wcro not uo far opart un wo
had Imagined wo wero. And there came
about n bettor feeling undulontr with It a pro-
epect of agreement" . MrVnttornon wont
on to ray that platform AH muda by the nub-
committee the hearty approval of nil members
except Butler.
The speaker asserted ho wan fatlufiod and
that so were Carlisle nnd Morrison , Huwitt ,
Kurd und Morton , nnd these who acted with
the free traders , In 1680 a falsa Issue as to
the tailff was precipitated by thn republicans
late In the canvass , The democrats ran away
and wore beaten , In the coming canvass thu
Jlnuj are clearly laid down. No faint ) ismm
or now lesuo can bo sprung upon us and wu
nro not going to rim away , wu nro going to
stand nnd tight Intelligently and unanimously
nnd when thu battle in over and won wo nro
going to reduce the war taxtm at loatt § 100-
000,003 and rorUo the tariff and rodiico
it to pence hauls under a wisa
and just application of the principles unfolded
and specified by the platform adopted by the
national convention , which put Cleveland und
liondrlcltB liithu field. Confident of thu plat-
f rni 1 urn equally confident of the ticket ,
Cleveland has allied hlmwilf with all that in
clear und nober , upright and elevated in our
public lifo. llu In not u plumed knight , ho is
not n Uttood man , huis not n leglelutUu prlzo
lighter , uor u diplomatic pay actor , He never
In his life wrapped the American ling around
him nnd marcnod down the hall ) of the Amor *
icnncongro.13 to throw his shining Inuco In the
fnca of anybody. Ho i n plain nnd solid citi
zen who hivi dona his duty nlwnys without nny
fu s or fuMoii. nnd who has the ntrongth nnd
nerve to handle the broom which It to nwoop
the public fiorvlca clean. Ho Imi In the person
of llondrlckft joined to him , nil thnt remain *
of the old ticket. My belief U , tlmt ticket
will bo elected , nud for my port I enter the
cnnvnss without n slnglo reserve or regret. "
Tlio Tonulict-H Uont'mio lit Kcnnloii nt
MndiHon ,
MADISON , Win. , July It ! . The work of the
national teachers' association continued with
Uionddrt'ss of Hon. Thomns W. Bicknell ,
president of the nsiociitlon , of Boston , on de
partment ri'ixirU , dlscusulng the elementary
nud normal , nrt , musical and ( loaf mute In
struction , with the meeting of the Frochol In *
atituto of North America , nnd thu deportment
of superintendents.
F. Louis Soldou , of St. Louis , president of
the ulomontnry dupartmont , referred to do-
nienUry Instniction as the bash of nil higher
Miss CiimuiingR of the Now York training
school discussed form , color nnd design ,
The normal doparlmotit WAS nddrossod by
Prof. W. H. Payne , of Ann Hnrbor , nud
Prof. Hunter.
U. W. Stevenson , aupcrintnntlonl of schools ,
Columbus Ohlo , addressed thu convention on
thu supervision uf city schools.
Art education wns discussed by S. L.
Thompson , president of Perdue univursi'y.
MttR Josephine C. Locke , supervisor of
drawing , St. I.ouin , presented n report on the
condition of drawing in the United Status ,
subinitting n critical comprehensive courao of
study on nn improved plan.
Approving discusalonsfollowod by Profowor
Otto FucliK , of the Murylniid Institute , Haiti-
more ; Profcsior Woodwnrd , of th St. Louis
rain 1' ' c school ; Anna 1' , Kautfus , of thu
Louisville hlirh school ; nud other * .
A discussion In the deaf mute department
wns made by John A. Gillesplo nndGrnham
Bell , of Washington , nud Proftvsor Gordon ,
of the deaf mute college , of Washington ,
A popular paper on "Tho Conlllctof the Ton
Ideals was given by Colonel F. W. Hnrkor ,
of Illinois ,
Thu evening session opened with nn nddrosi
in capitol building , nml Congregational church
discussion on ' 'Education nt the South , " drew
a crowded nudinnco.
Uov. A. 1) . Mnyo , of Boston , in the open
ing ml dress xpuko on "Tho Gospel of Self
Help. "
Hubert Bhighnm , of North Ciuoliua , con
tinued thn subject with n paper on "Educa
tional Statin nud Needs of the South "
A paper on "Tho Educational Outlook in
the South" wns given by Prof. V. B. Wash
ington , of Tuskegce , Alabama.
_ Albert Salisbury , superintendent of oduca-
tiun of thu American Missionary association ,
followed with a paper on "Tho stipplemonting
of the wnr. " The subject wan further discuss
ed by the state superintendent uf Georgia ,
Hon. G. J. Orr , nnd Profmsor A. H. Crog-
man , of Georgia ,
Addresses weru made on the World's Indus
trial and Cotton Exposition by Hon. John
Eaton , U. S. commissioner of education , nud
Dircctor-Ciouurnl A , E. Burke ,
MAIJIHON , Wis. , July 17. The National
Teachers' association continued iln proceed
ings with the announcement of committees by
Prof. Bickuell , following which thu conven
tion opened with the discussion of Indian ed
ucation by Albert L Itlggs , Santco ngoucy ,
Neb. In tha nrt department , resolutions com
plimenting the work of Miss Josephine Locke ,
director of drawing , St. Louis ; W. . Perry ,
Worcester , Mnss. nud Ii. LV'Thompson , pres
ident Perdue university. , In a mectlnp of the
iduEtri l'slojArtintnt' | ) , < ugu3uiucobzift. ; . . uf
Chicago , on the subject : "A Layman'ii View
of Manual Training , " ably chnmptonod the
general introduction cf manual training In
public school * . Education in our public
school discussion followed and political i-clonco
In our college * was presented In paper by Dr.
W. W. Folwoll , of Minneapolis. President
JolmBaKcom followed discussing "Language
in a Liberal Education. " President S. A.
Knapp , of Iowa Agricultural college , con
tinued the subject.
MADIHON , Wis. July 17. In thoovonlng
session "Nueds in American Education , " wcro
discussed by Mrs. Evn D. Kellogg , of Boston ,
and Miss Clara Conway , ably followed. ' 'Wo
man's Work in Education , " concluded the con-
vontlon'fl work with a pa pur upon the subject
by Mrs. May Wright Sowell nnd Mrs. Lnimo
Hopkins. A grand reception and collation
to thu convention was given by Govcnor Husk
nt thu mansion residence.
CU1J.\ .
How tlio GucrrtllcH Dnniornlizo ilio
Goveriimoiit , Troops ,
NEW OJU.KANS , July ! ( ! . Private advices
via. Jamaica from the huadqiinrterri uf the
Cuban insurgents stntu that thu Inxurgonts un
der Immudiatu command of Aguro undertook
nn expedition ogulnxt the plantations of cer
tain persons known to favor the government.
Although opposed by a stiong detachment of
regular troops , the Insurgents after a ldrmili
of two bourn , drpvo back the forcui and
burnt nil thu building * nnd machinery on thu
SanU Mnrin and Lamercndos plantation * .
At tliosnmu time a band of Insurgunts In thu
ftugtir district were attacked by n strong forcu
of the government troopH known as thu Sun
Domingo division. Thu iubiirgonU buing In
trenched in an nlmost impregnable position ,
repulsed thu troops with n IOHH of threu killed
and several wounded , The catmnltiex of the
insurgents was ono slightly wounded , Thu
captain general of Cuba ban called h. meeting
of ofliccrs to concert on n plan for successfully
encountering thu enemy in the field , A largo
number of troops were lost or domcralizod by
guurllla war-faro , The insurgents dividu into
tminll bands , scatter over n , largo territory nnd
demorali/.o the regulars by falsu alarms and
forced marchcH through swampx to find no
The formal pniiuntatlnn of the Hog sent to
thn At < calon divinion of Knights of Pythias by
the Fort Denrhurii division of Chicago wan
celebrated by a full dress parade nnd bull in
the Spanish fort.
The Now York democratic state committee
moots at Albany , July ' . ' 3.
Tliero haH boon fi7H deaths from cholera nt
Marseilles since the appearance of the plnguu
The board of health of Pnrls have ordered
a thorough cleansing of the city to prevent the
cholera securing u foothold.
The authorities of Vienna luvolesnodn war
rant for thu Arrest of Thou. Lelslngor , n mr.r
moil missionary from America. LcUliigor has
skipped the country for the country's good.
Thu national prohibition convention which
meets at Pittsburir nuxt week will bo largely
attended , over liOO delegates having been
elected already , It will bo a strictly delegated
body , Arnnla arrangements have bcon made
to ontnrtuln the delegate * with pure Ice water ,
A dispatch from Now York , July 10 , suyn :
The long contested tight between the Bruuh
Kloctiic Light Co. and the United States
Electric Light Co. , regarding validity of put-
cut * has been decided by Judge Shlpman in
favor of the United State/3 Electric Light Co ,
Thu testimony and briufd covered four thoim
mid printed pngou
Senator Pandliiton expresses hia pleasure nl
the declaration of tha democratic ] convention
fur civil service reform. Ho said both Cleve
land nnd Ilnndrlcktt were strongly committed
to the reform of thu civil service , and nxkoJ ,
"who could doslro more ixbsolutu committal to
the doctrines of rotorm than the autsofliov
ernor Cleveland und the declarations of Governor
ornor HondricU' ; "
Crop Outlook ,
INDIA.N.M'OI.IH , Ind , , July 17. General
Manager Henderson , of thu Indiana , Bloomington -
ington & WoBte.-n railway , has been gathering
Information u ? to thu condition of corn , wheat
nnd onto , nlonrrnrloimdlvlMoniof Unit y -
I em in Ohio , Inillnm nml Illmoln. Reports
hnvo just bcnn received from nl unit seven ty-
fivn pointi. The condition i > f wheat In Ohio
nnd Indiana Is nl-oiit tinnvrrogo both in
cuantity ] nnd quality. In Illinois there IB
ncompsrathcly Miinlf ncronjo , but the condt-
lion l good. The corn 'crop h uniformly
gcixl , nt twenty points very good nnd nt nome
itomU promlsoi to bo the largest over rnicoil.
It in rouortwl poor nt only ono point , which Is
not n corn growing locnllty. The onts crop Is
nlmvo the nyerngo in ncri'.igo and condition
and reported poor nt only ono point.
nnd Bulky.
CiiiOAoo , .July 17. Mid-summer races nt
thculnviiig park.
First r.c < novcn furlongs-Joo Murray
I " } " 'I'011 ' second , Floyd July third ; time ,
Second race throo-quartor mlln Exile
won , HhodAiua HSCOIU ! , Wandn third ; time ,
Third rnco-ono nud ono-quartor miles
Topsoy won , Chantilly tecond , Athlono third ;
tlmo , 2:10. : } .
Fourth rnco mlle heal Breechloader won
the first hent , Edwin A. the second nnd third
nud race. Breechloader second ; tlmo , 1:431 : ,
1i- : > , l.'ii4.
The filth race seemed like n put np job ,
iionu of the jockey * apparently trying to win ,
Tim judgw hnvo not yet decided the rnco.
The judgoi finally g. > vo thu rnco to Scalper.
No tlmo tnkon. It was a steeplechase over
Lho full courno.
MON.MOITTII PAIIK- , July 17 Hnudicap
sweepstakes throo-qunrter milo Queen Es-
thur won , Hicas second , Duplex third ; time ,
1:15. :
1:15.Tyro strikes two-year-olds thrco-qunrtor
mile Wnndn won , Clinluln second , Gonno
third ; time , lllt.
Buriignto stnkOT-threo-yoar-olds milo nnd
n halt bt. Saviour won , Duchess second , Turk
third ; time , 2:101. :
Hnudicap Bweepstiketf milo nud n quarter
Aranza won. Itoyal Arch second , Mlmi Colt
third ; time , 1:5 : < 1J.
Fiftb race selling allowances seven fur
longs--Sister won , it.iskn ( favorite ) second ,
Patapsco third ; time , 1:31. :
Hnndicnp steeplechase Gleiiarm won ,
Huchra. and Compromise ran a dead heat for
second place. No time taken.
BmuHTOX BKACII , July -Non-winuors
throo-quarter mlle Liltlo Buttercup won ,
Cnthcnrt2d , Quixote 3rd ; tlmu , l:18J. :
Selling racu mllu and a furlong. Wood
craft won , Lodford 2d. Perilous Hd ; time , 2:00. :
Mntihattnu hotnl stakes- mile nnd a ipmrtor.
Mnggio 11. won. Wandering 2il , Fnughaballagh
3rd ; timu.'IU. ' .
Handicap rncu all ngen mllo. King Fan
won , Tonmiko 2d , Karuwoll 'trd ; tlmo , l-tli. :
All agiH-Huvon furlongs. King Lion won ,
nttlorl'd , .Tesalo D. 3rd ; time , 1:111 : J ,
riTTi.nuiin'H HI-OUT.
PlTTHlit'iio , July 17. Thu event at thu
Homuwood rnco track to-day was thu trial of
Westmont to beat his Chicago record of
mcing full milo with running mate in 2:01 } .
I Iu failed by .i second Time 2:02. : The fastest
quarter was thu last , iu 2i. ! ) In thu second
trial bo broke badly nrm cut himsulf In six
( ilneeH Tlmo 2:17. : Thu time In the third
trial was 2:20. : The purse wns S2.5CO , with
$300 ndded to bent his own record.
Other events were also interentiiig. The rnco
Tor the 2:2.'l class was won by Harry Wilkoa in
straight hentH , Tom Kogers 2 > l , A. V. Pout-
land 3d , Mnmbrlno Sparkle -Ith Time 2:18.1 : ;
2:11) : ) ; 2:18J. : Thu winner is comparatively un
known ,
Free-for-nll pacers PUMO Sl.COOlUchbnll
won , Billy S. 2d , I < 'ullcr 3d , Joe Bowers -Ith
Tlmo 2:13 : ; 2:1G : ; 2:17 : ; 2l i.
'I'ho Our.
; , I'A. , July 10. Th'o consolation
rores of the recratta nt Connonut Lako. were
pGatjiouul until tu iiiorrJr. ' , onaccoaut 01 thu
rotigu water.
CIIICAOO , July 17. A Dally News Moline ,
Illinois , special says the seventh nnnual ro-
gatla of the MIssisaiipI Vnlloy Amateur
Kowing association , comprin'ng nil thu lending
rowing organizations in thn valley of thu
father of waters , from St. Paul to Now Orleans -
leans , opened hero to-day. The racu for junior
singlu saulls , rowed in heats of onu mllu nnd
return. The first trial heat was won by J.F.
Corbott , of Pullman , Illinois , in 15:09 : ; E , A.
Bakpr , Giilvoston , second ; Ji. P. Allen , St.
Louis , third , Thu second heat was won by J.
P. Donahuu , of Davenport , in 11:32 : ; F. G os
trich , St. Louis finished second , but was ( Un
qualified for turning the wrong stake , giving
Hiicoml place to John Karf , of Chiongo ; W. T.
Kowlnr , of Chicago , third. six will
start for thu final neat to-morrow.
At Plttsburg Alloghanys , I ) ; Wauhingtons ,
At Now York Athletics , C ; Metropolitans ,
AtSt. Paul St. Paul , -I ; Grnml Unplds , 0.
At BoHton Bostons.I ; Providuiicc , 5.
At MinneripollH Minneapolis , 0 ; Turro
Haute. 2.
At Buffalo Buffalo , 1 ; Chicago , 2.
At LouiavilluLouisvlllu , " ; Cincinnati , 1 ,
At l'hilndulhia Unions ! Cincinnati
| ) , KuyBtono , ;
cinnati , 0 ,
ifAtMUwnnkuo , Wis. Milwaukee , 0 ; Sagl-
naw , C > .
At Qnincy Qiilucy , 2 ; Bay City , fi.
At Boston UnioiiH , St. Louis. 8 ; Boston , C.
At Cleveland Clovolaml , 3 ; DotiiiltH , 3 ,
AtStlllwnter-Stillwater ; Fort Wayne ,
At Pcorla-Peori , 12 : Muskegon , ! .
lllllllUlH ill JMillCH.
NKWOSVII.I.I : , Ohio , , Tiilyl7. This vian thu
qulotout day tlnco thu Italians were put Into
thu mines. A carload of twenty-fivo Hjlians ,
all ( ixpBrluncud minorc , nrilvod tu-uay , nnd
operator. * claim that they can get 3,000 more.
Thu miners In Hovornl districts have promised
ono dollar woukly for a relief fund until the
trouble IH ended. The actions of President
MuBridu , of the State Minus association , nro
watched as the fifteenth was thu day ho wnx
to order a general strike in the state , if opera
tor/i / hud not acceded. lteport < nro that the
Italians nro dissatisfied nnd nnd willloava if
tlio Pinkerton men will remit. In view of
this a detachment of coimtnble1) was sent from
Carbonhlll to Koothnt thu men go out If they
wixh , Operators claim dllTerontly , and say
tlioylinvu ordered now nmchlnoa nnd willput
moro Italians to work ,
Allnu > i > tud Killing.
GAI.VIWTO.V , July 17. A Nuws HIchmond
special nays that 'Web ' 1 lotion , rapist , wnu
overhauled in thu' woodn nuur thu hceuo of thu
outrngu thin nf tornoon by a crowd of indignant
citizens , They tied him to a treu and shot
fifteen timoH at him , when ho foil apparently
dead. They took thu rene off and left him
for dead , After the pnity left Helton got up ,
went homo , drtnuod his woundu , nnd left this
morning , 'Thu coroner wont out to hold an
inquest , but thu remains disappeared uud ofli-
corn are now hunting for thu corpse ,
Ilurncd to llcntli ,
Special Dispatch to THU Bill ! ,
KKAIINKV , Nub , , July 17. Two boys of
MM. Vnnco , aged nix and nine , weru burned
tlilH ovoiiliig by the uxplosimi of n keroiuuu
can Thuy wuru kindling a fin1 , and poured
oil on to iiiuko It burn better , 1'ho older can
not livi- and the recovery of thu younger is
doubtful ,
11' C'nllapHO.
CIIIOAIIO , .fuly 17 , Thu Cairo , ( Ilia. ) Dally
B' private advlcos from .Murphyaboro ,
. , report the fnlllng of the Minors' savings
bank at thnt place. Liabilities not sUted ;
nominal assetd SfiO.OOO. Thoeitizunsnroexultod
on account of thn bank rifolviiiir dupoalt * up
to the hour of closing , and trouble in appro-
AV'orld'H KviioHlllon ,
CniCAno , .1 illy 17. Director Gourral Burke ,
of tin ) World's Exposition , Now Orleans , met
a number of loading citizen * to-night und
gave mi oxplnnntlon of thu work In hand ,
jtcfohitlonH were puseil ; oudoroIiiK the ox-
tiositlon , It wan dt'clditd tooi2n _ | an ollicu
liera for thodUwmliiation of information nut ]
upjillcatioua for upavo ,
_ - j
Wheat Is Strong andi y nowhat
Higlier ,
Oorn and Oats Are , 3. iout at
Nominal Prid
Oattlo Dull and Loj" " Under
Largo Keooipts ,
The IJullfl nnd Boars Struggle tor tlio
liond onVnll Street. . .
Special Dispatch to the BEK.
CIIICAOO , .luly 17. Grnin opened strong"
under nu nctivu demand from short" , and ml-
vauccd Jo on wheat and nearly Ic on corn.
There were nlso some biiyiiiB orders nn flour ,
froln the north nnd southwest , where the
wuather was reported to bo shuwory. English
markets were nlxo quoted firmer nud lighter
receipts were reimrtod on winter wJient mar
ket * . The advance In corn was attributed to
largo shipments and small receipts. Corn is
said to 1m ncarcu nil throughout the west nnd
in Now Knglnnd , nnd shippers nro forwarding
now becnusu freights will bu Co higher next
week to the tenboard points. After shorts had
covered freely , mnrkuts weakened and ruled
dull , but rallied Inter on receipt of n fro'll
kitch of buying orders nud closed nt the high-
eat figures of the session. Cash or duly wheat :
was nbout le under August. Vessel room
wns ongnged for nearly 200,000 bushels of
ivlinnt , must of which wns bought before to-
ilny's advance. Cash No. 2 corn eold nt 153(5) (
SJc , nnd rejected -17(3-l7ic. ! . Cash or July
) ats sold up to SOJc , and Inter 30fc was bid ,
, hu domnnd being from shorts. Lard nml
meats followed corn , with modornto trading ,
chiefly in tha former , which closed 12J@lJa
lilghor , nud ribs --1) higher than on WoJnes-
dny livening. Pork wns quiet. Wheat sold
nt 85jc | , down to 8 I Jc , nnd closed nt Site.
August sold off to 83J@84c , nnd October
opened nt Sdc , closing at about Siic. The
shorts appealed tu havu covered , and efforts ,
wcro made to broik thn market. Com sold nt
DIIJfaMc for September , closing nt the nut-
'uo. August sold ntf > 3J@5Ic , and cloiod nt
it c , nnd October was relatively stronger , sell-
Itur nt Ci2 (5)5Uc ( ) ! , nnd closing nt 03c. Oats
wcro quiet nt 2G.j@2GJo for September. Lrd
nt S7 35 and short rib * nt 87 77i for Septem
ber mid pork nt § 11 90 for thu year.
Market dull under very heavy receipts nnd
descriptions of cnttlu sold lower. There Is nil
incro.180 of noirly1,000 over this time last
week , nbout It,000 of which arrived to-day.
The best fnt cnttlo wore slmv and strong at 10
( SJlfio lower. Among thu arrivals were several
droves of prime fnt natives , and n laiyo num
ber of fair to KOCH ! grass cattle. Thcro was
also n Inrgo number of poor grassers and other
common nutivo stock that sold 30ffi40c ( lower
than at the opening of the week. There wcro
nbout-100 cars of Texans , -10 or fiO cars of Col
orado nnd Indian Territory cattle , which with
odds aud ends , would inako nearly 2 JO cars oE
western , northwestern and southwestern stock
on , the market. Texnns were 10@1C lower ,
making iv. .decline of 25@4flc for tlio week..OId
cows , common bulls and all sorts of scrubby
native stockyere 10@1&s liiwer , mnking the
decline for thoSvcuk pO'far SO.BSOBtduk. . n t.
nnd fecdtrs uiilot , 'with little or no clmbgu' ' in -
prices. 1,450 to 1,550 Ibs export ( nades , SG GO
(3G ( 85 ; good to choice chipping , ? G 1B@G C5 ;
common to medium , 1,010 to 1,350 Ibs $5 40@
( I 00. Grass Texans nvoraglntc 710 to 970 Ibs
sold 10vBl20c lower nt 83 C0@4 GO. There was
n keen demand for riuo assorted light , nnd tha
best of these sorts sold 0@10 higher. Heavy
sorts wuro only barely steady on nn average ,
thu general market cloving rather tamo. There
was only a limited demand fur skips , culls ,
light throwout ? , aud prices were almost nom
inal. Choice assorted light sold at from 85 00
@ ! > 70 , mainly at ? 510' 5 CO , and choice
liuavy at § 5 00(25 ( ( ! 5 , mainly between $510
nnd S5 DO. Light , 1GO to 210 Ibs , 85 00@5 05.
Special Dispatch to TUB BEE.
NKW YOHK , July 17. It has been dull and
comparatively de.ul in the stock market all
day. In thu Grangers St Paul is up 1 per
cent from lowest prices , but only jjo better
than last night , and is about the name below
the opening. Lurlingtnn is thu same as yes
terday. Illinois Central is 1 per cent better ,
Hock Island is off Ijc , and Northwestern jc
lower. Thu Vnmleibilt stocks nro dull , uilrop
f 1 per cent in the Michigan Central nml
only n ° fractional chnngo iu thu others , includ
ing Now York Cuntrnl. In connection with
the latter it may bo stated that Micro _ is snmo
pressure to sell Trunk line stocks this after
noon , and a report of thu cutting of rates by
"Nlckiil-Pmte. " A shorts
the - good many were
willing to cover on thubreak. Gould Blocks havu
been lot nlonu. Thu only noticablo variations
were in Missouri Pacific , which sold off over 2
per cent , nnd is now 1 per cent better than thl
bottom prices.Vetitern Union varied less ,
but is fractionally weaker than yesterday.
Monuy on good stock collateral to-day is
offered freely at 1 per cent. Abnormally low
funds are awaiting confidence in market and
peeking call loan Investment , Thcro was
Homo soiling early In the day , on reports of
further bank troubles in the west , with direct
reference to Indianapolis , but up to this hour
there are no confirmations of the alleged con
tinuance of the troubles. Numerous reports
of failures in banking and commission circles
continue to bo circulated.
llallrond Appoint moil tH ,
fir. LOUIH , July 17. James Smith , general
trallio manager Wabaxh railroad , thu morning
appointed M. Knight general freight agunt ;
II. B. McClullan , goriend eastern agent : W.
H. Smith , commercial agent , Kansas City ;
K. O. Hudson , commercial agent , St. Louis.
Ifnlutii ornnylujurlous tuliMaiiecaciin bo found
In AnilrowB * Jponrl Ur.klnc Powder. Is pr -
' .IvelyPURE. Ucli cnilot cilBnilt tlmonlaU
rt'ccJviMlTrom eucli chemists lit B. Italia Hays. Jlos-
fjii ; M. Dclafontulnc , oft'Iilcaijo ; nud
llode , Milwaukee. Never sold In bulk.