Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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trsn RKUKDT. An
\ unfailing euro foi
Seminal Weak
ness , Spcrmatorr.
hoM. , Itnpotonoy ,
and all Disease *
that fohow M a
sequence ot Sell-
Abuse ; M loss of * _ _
U ORE TAKiHo."iS0TtuJor7in AFTTrTTYiino
InlhoBnok , Dlmujs S Vision , ITema AR
and jnany other diseases that lead to | on.
lumptlon and a Premature Grave.
BiwAftx of advertl omcnU to refund tmney , when
druiTRKita from whom the medicine Is lieu do nol
refund , but refer you to the manufacturers , and the
requirements are such that they are it Worn , ( J ever
compiled with. See their written Ruarantee , Atria
ot one staple p\ckage of Gray's Spoclflo will convince
the most skeptical ot Its reM merits.
On account o counterfeiters , we have adopted the
Yellow Wrapper ; the only Ronuln ) . .
XSTFull particulars In OUT pamphlet , which wode-
lire to send free by mall to every ono. f-CThoSpe-
dfla Mcdl Ine is sold by all druujlstii t 11 per pack
fre , or six packages for f5 , or will be sent free by
mall on the receipt of the money , by addressing
gold n Omaha 1 J. . Jy 19m *
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
inlSiimmer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 00 milts west
of St. I'auL Three trains dally on the N. P. 11. It. ,
with 30 Day Excursion. Tickets at about ono-half
An elegant house with accommodations for 200
guests. R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
Will euro Nervoucncfs ,
LumbagoKhcumatliim , l'ar >
nlt'll , Ki'iitnlKlli , Hclnllra ,
I Kidney , Hplno nn > l I.lvcr
j ( Ul > ca6tiiOout.Astliinajllinrt
1 tllFrafC , lyFiiptn | , Const ! '
, f , - - pallon , r.r > iifllo | ) , Cntnrih ,
"yinriles. . Epliriwr , liniiotrncy ,
Dumb Artie. I'roliJptmii Uteri , etc. unly rclpntmcKlio
tno licit InMncrlcn tlmt ronilx the Klwlrltltynml mmr-
nf tUm tliroiiKli tlir body , olid can bo recharKt'd In an lir
Ct&nt by the nntlrnt.
5I.OOO Would NotBuv It.
DK. nott ! < K I waa amictod with rhoumatlsm and
cared by tula ? a belt. To any ono afflicted with
that dlieaso , I would say , buy llorno'a Kloctrlo Holt ,
Any ono can confer with mo by writing calling
I my etoro , 1420 Douglas street , Omaha , Nob.
MAIN OFFICE Oppotilto pogtofflra , room i Fren
cor block.
CarForialeatO. F. Goodman's Drugstore' mo
krnam Ut , Omaha.
Orders flllod 0.0 D
KTo these Kuflrrlncfromtna
IcfloctB of youthful errors ,
. . . , . . . . . . w0nominal voakiieiM. early decay
cay , lost manhood , etc. , 1 wll 1 nond you jisrticulnr of a
simple and certain nieani of mil' euro , free of charco.
B ndyoutaddroMtoIf. 0. JTOWLllU , Moodus , Oonn
Will purify Iho DLOOD.Tcpn.
latoi the LIVER nml KIDNEYS ,
anil lliiKToiiii Till' HKA-Ll'lf
and VIOOR of YOUTIt. lyi
pepsin. Want of Aiipc'Utc , In *
dlKustldii , l.nck or HtruiiRth ,
cured. Hones , muscles nml
iicrvr-areci'lvoiiBW force.
. l nllvcns tlio iiilncl aim
KUiHilk'd llruln I'mviT.
! fiim'oi liiL-lrolii cuinplalnti
nmt &t / u Outfit peculiar to their sex will
find la Ell. UAJITEH'B IRON TONIO u rufa nnd
t > pccilycuro , ( llvcaurlvar. hciillhy compluxlon.
1'rcquunt ntlcinptn lit coiinUTfcllliik' onlynild
to thopopiilarltyuftliu orlxlnnl. Uu nutvxpurl-
incilt PUttlluOlllOINAI. ANDllKST.
rnurmldr ( > R8to'lbnIr. HarlwrMod Co.
lit , Louis , Mo. , for our "muAM HOOK. "
1'nllof bUuucu&iid ueiful lnformutloDfn .
r <
t < < XJiCTJlO-VOLTAIO Iir.LT nnd other KLEtrnio
.I1 ' ] i AITUANCFB nro tent nn O ) Days' Trial TO
MEN ONLY.OU.SO Oil OLD. who nr suffer.
| n from Ncuvoua DKIIILITT. last ViTiurr ,
JJ'ABTI.tO WK1KNCESH ! , mill all lho O dlKWCS Of n
rtLuuixiLi. NATUKI : . nMwlilnjr tom ABUEKS ana
Ornin CJiDSE * 8i'dy | toilet und rnmplcto
reiteration to Ilril.TIi , VKIOH nnd MANHOOD
uuAiuHTKRii. tciui ut ouco lor Illuitratcd
I'ainpultt f rcn. Address
VOI/TAH1 nr.I.V UO.jJrtrujhnll. Mich.
When 1 IAV lure I ur nui mean uiorciy tn .top ibem lur
4 time and thenlmo them return again , I luuim nrui.
calcnre. I h v rn J tin dl e e uf I'lTK. Kl'Il.myr
or JULUNU HICKNES9 * IHeougf.utj. . I w.n.ottij
IS dt to euro the wont caiei. lltcauio otheri hT
4 li no reawn for nut now receiving H cur * . Mtalri
( or a treHUo and l'r Uotllo ot inr IniauuM
irUlra Kip and rout OMIce. U < w u r *
E for trial , nJ I will ruro Tffi.
Dr. 1L U. HOOT. Ill rnirl SL. . - * "
Taken no uthrr
ft ff wrltiw a ino'lh.
" I M m er. 1 Hind rvdn of
. . mn m KlmllartfHtlmo.
nlals , ax well t tbOM ) Irom mpnUblo phi ulcUim
tliroturhmit the hole t ) . H. , twitlf y to the worth of
Ihxiulrui rjo cnoklux. llcxt fool lu health or lck.
Iinui. 4 < jiiiil76ctn. liynlllriiKid t * . Uookneiitlrtw.
IIOUI.IC'K'.S I'OOI < ; < y. , Iti.fli.t , Win.
Jtjf-tttul by mall on rucvljitof price tu vfiiup > . * ( tO
Imported Beer
Erlangnr , . . . . * . . . .Havana
Culmlmcher , . t . Bavaria
Pilrmer . , . . . Bohemian.
Kaiser . . . . . . .Bremen.
Budwnser . St. Louis.
AuhauBer . - .St. Louis.
Best s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MilMraukep.
Sclilitz-Pilsner . Milwaukee.
Ertm's . . . . . . . . . Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and llhiae
Wine. | ED. MAUUER ,
0. A. POTTER ,
, Neb.
Elc. , fttUn-
The Most Desperate Pistol Practie
Ever Know in the West ,
Extraordinary Nerve of n Couple o
Wounded llorso Thlcvce.
Hullo Jntor-Mounlnln , July 12.
At Cotlonwood , In Moaghor county , n
few days ago , ono of the most dcspornto
nflrays over recorded in Montana took
plnco. For several weeks two auspicious
characters wore in the vicinity of the
settlement , who wore Buppoaod to bo
horse thlovoc. They woio known as rat-
tlosrmko Joe , the terror of the west , nnc
his partner , O'l''n11on. ' The ranchmen
in tlio vicinity determined to watch
them. On July 4th the two desperadoes
were on Dig Springs crook , and had a
misunderstanding with aomo half-broods
more particularly with ono by the name
of Jackson , From words it came to
blows. Ilattlosnako Jake dealt Jacksot
a blow with his pistol in the mouth , am
made him Ho down on the
ground , face downwards , under
penalty of death. After Jackson got up
ho ran to his cabin , n short diatancu
away , and ariniug himself with a Win
chester , ho prepared to defend himself.
In the meantime , the two desperadoes ,
seeing nome half-broods in front of T. 0.
Power t Bros' store , walked up in front
of the store and told the whites to got
out of the way , that they were going to
clear all the half-breeds out. Firing
commenced almost at once , rattlesnake
shooting at a half brood , who returned
the shot with good effect , hitting him in
the hand , and knocking ofF a couple of
his fingora. The desperadoes then said
they would clean out the town , and com
menced shooling at everybody
in sight. There was only three
guns in the town , and they were placed
in the hands of men of undaunted cour
age , who used them with such good effect
that both of the supposed horse thiovcs
were run down in a short time , O'Fallon
being sliot first through and through with
a Winchester rifle , and Rattlesnake ser
ved in a like manner a short time after
ward. Both men showed great pluck.
O'Fallon , after being shot through , rode
back to his partner and asked him If ho
was hurt. Jake said that ho was. "Well"
said O'Fallon , "I am shot , and I am a
dead man , but I will stay with yau. " At
that moment ho fell from his horse , then
raised himself upon his knees , took
deliberate aim with his Winchester at a
young mau named Smith ( an outsider
who was trying to got away from the
fracas ) and shot him through the head ,
killing him Instantly. The citizens saw
that there would bo inoro men killed if
the thing was not ended fjuick , andshoot-
ing from pistols of all sizes commenced
in earnest. O'Fallon ' took five shots in
his body before ho fell the second time ,
and then ho raised himself on his side
and continued shooting until ho had not
strength Inft to support himself , and after
lying down ho kept shooting as long
as there was life in him. Ilattlo-
simltu Jake , after ho was shot
through the body , kept shooting ; then
his right arm was broken by a ball , and
ho changed to his loft had and kept shoot
ing : another ball broke his log , and sup
porting himself by the other , ho kept
shooting another ball struck his chiu ,
carrying away half of hia jaw , when ho
fell on the ground raised himself on his
side , and kept shooting. From weak
ness ho could not support himself any
longer , and ho fired lying flat on the
ground. There were nine balla in him
before ho gave up. Just before ho draw
his last breath ho made an effort to raise
his pistol again , bilk had not strength
enough , and it fell by his side.
The Voice of the 1'coplc.
The people , as a whole , seldom make
mistakes , and the unanimous voice in
praise which comes from these who have
asod Hood's Saraaparilla fully justified
; ho claims of the proprietors of this great
nodicino. Indeed , thosa very claims are
based entirely on what the people say
Hood's Sarsaparilln has dono. Send to
0.1. Ilood & Co. , LowellMaaa. , for book
containing statements of many cures.
Xho UoorjrlftJWomlervnonoiincctl as n
Now York Sun , July 0.
A tall gentleman , with a pink in his
coat lapel , hnd been on the stngo [ of Wai-
lack's Theater ] from the first , and had
been among tlio moat unsuccessful in his
efforts to defeat Miss Hurst. The man
who felt electricity in his foot even lic
ensed him of being uti accomplice. But
ho was not. When the third or fourth
guntlomnn had been thrown from the
chair ho walked to the otlgo of the atngo ,
and , while trembling with excitement ,
said :
"This whole business is a fraud from
beginning to und. Anybody hero can do
anything that uho has dono. I can do all
tliuao tricks myself. Why don't ' eho hold
a cano still , or press u chair to the floor ,
if ahu lias this wonderful power ? I'll
hold the clmir mid let her try it. "
The tall man tried to say more , but
everybody wus yelling at once. The
allm mini was screaming in his ear and
waiving his arms , and the very blonde
man began to .look dangerous. For at
least live minutes n perfect uproar
reigned. Everybody who had a voice
used it , and Miss Lulu alone stood calm
and Bolf-possosscd in the midst of a wild
uproar , in which everybody yelled , whist
led , stamped , uhouted and groaned , and
which seemed calculated to shako the
nerves of an unsophisticated Georgia girl.
Finally the sUin young man , whoso shirt
front was now rulllod and whoso hair
was tumbled , succeeded in obtaining a
moment's silence.
"I wish " said voice that
, a scorn
ed rather nervous , "that the audience
would toll mo what they want. "
The audience was entirely willing , and
did ey for fiyo minutes more. The only
words the slim young man could distin
guish were 'uudoo , " "chair , " "cano , "
and "Sling her out. " Then the tall man
who had became calm , and who proved to
bo Dr. W. E. Forrest , began to speak.
Nobody heard him , but at the end a fat
man was sitting in the clmitand the doc
tor was getting ready to do what the
wonder had done. lie did It. He put
both hands against the sides of the
chair. The ono toward the spectators
was passiro and idle , us had boon that
of the Wonder , but the other , not in
sight , grasped the chair with a firm grip ,
and with great ease throw the fat nmn
an the floor just as Misa Lulu'n right hand
had dono. Then the crowd yelled inoro ,
and the slim man nmdo a motion to retreat -
treat , but was prevented by the men on
the ataie. ? Ho walked dejectedly back
and Haiti : "Lot him hold a chajr and
keep men from forcing it to the floor. "
A. man In Ilia balcony constituted himself
umpire , and said everything must bo fair ,
ind the tall man must grab the chair the
tray the girl did. When ho had done BO
ialf a dozen men , including the ulim ono ,
jitcho'.l for the cbuir , but could not force
it to the floor. When the crowd came tt
for the last time the lipjhU were turned
down , and the Georgia Wonder , the slim
young man and the very blonde young
man had disappeared.
While some were looking for them
others had a little Hot on the stage. The
doctor received an ovation from admiron
who pressed around him to congratulate
him. A man who was varisusly called
"Wright" and "Sanford" by the crowd
around him menaced the Doctor and
called him hard namos. The Doctor , no
m tch for him phyalcially , stood by like
n man and the crowd backed him voci'
fornusly. The man called "Wright" and
"Sanford" did not last as long as the
Wonder. Ho disappeared suddenly.
jtarDlninnml Dyes Will Color Any.
iltiK nny color , nud never fall , The easiest
nml best wny to economize. lOo at all drug.
Rials. WolU , KIch.inlBon & Co. , liurllncton ,
Vt. Sample card , 32 colors , and book of dl <
ructions lor 2 cent stump.
The Progress of Go-opornUon.
Springfield Union ,
The Sixteenth annu&l congress ol
workers who are interested in various
forms of co-operation was recently hold
at Derby , England , and the discussions
were chiefly upon the practicability of
extending the co-oporatlvo principle to
production. Distributive co-operation
lias already reached a remarkable devel
opment. The Ilochdalo experiment was
started about forty years ago by a few
workmen who decided that they could
just as well buy groceries for themselves
it wlioloaa'o and put the retail profits in-
; o their own pockets as to pay thereto
shopkeepers. Their capital to start with
was about § 150. Now there are in En-
'land Scotland and Ireland 110 , ! co-op-
irativo stores , with a share and loan
capital of nearly § 50,000,000 and a mom-
jorship of 700,000. The attempts to in-
rocluco co-operation into manufacturing
lave not boon so successful in England ,
hough there are conspicuous exceptions
iko the Oldham cotton mills , but in
Trance a modification of the system has
worked admirably and is being rapidly ,
extended. It is called the industrial
mrtnprship or profit-sharing. The cor-
( oration is organized of capitalists in the
isual way , but a portion of the not pro-
its are distributed among the employes
is an addition to their wages. Mr. Sod-
oy Taylor , president of the congress
bovo mentioned , in describing the plan ,
hewed by statistics that the capitalists'
profits were not diminished by it. The
imployos by their increased interest , ac-
ivlty and fidelity croatp moro wealth ,
nd it is that which constitutes
heir share. Industrial partnerships
ro springing up hero and
hero in the United States , though not
ot numerous. They are just and wise
n principle , and for that very reason rp-
[ Uiro just and wise men to conduct their
Hairs. Lot them become general and
very little will bo hoard about strikes
and trade union conspiracies. General
irospority would bo furthered by them ,
lot only because the enormous waste of in labor disturbances would
ease , but bocauao the larger the income
> f the working classes , the greater will
> o the demand for agricultural and man
ufactured products.
Wet do Dlojrcr.
It It now undisputed that Wlo Die Moy-
ir'B Cntnrrh Giiro la the only treatment
hat will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or
'hronlc. "Very efficacious. Saml Gould.
Vooplng Water , Nob. " One box cured mo ,
Mm. Mury Konyon , Bismarck , Dakota. " "It
OHtcrod mo to tlio pulpit , llov. George E.
lols , Cnblovlllo , N. Y. " "Ono box radically
urod mo , llov. 0 , II. Tnhlor , 140 Noble
" "A after 30
troot , Brooklyn1" porfmt euro
yonra snlTorinc , J. D. McDonald , 710 Broad-
ray , N. Y. , & & , &c. Thousands of tostlmo.-
nlals are received fromnil , uartn of the worldl-
Jollvorod , 81.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Iby
UBtratiid Treaties , " with statements of
ho cured , mailed froo. D. B. Dewey & Co. ,
12 Pulton Street , N. Y
tuo-t.hurs & gat-m&Som
Feeding Oolts.
Iowa is turning its attention very largo
yfrom frowlng cattle to horaoa , both
raft and roadsters. The rage is now for
icavy horses and largo roadsters ,
The agricultural press has for years
icon urging early maturity and the largest
> oasiblo growth in a given time , Doth for
logs and cattlo. This in wise counsel ,
> ut the danger is that farmers will carry
ho aamo practice into the roaring of colts
md greatly damage the reputation of
ho state for raising oound horses. There
a a very great difference between the
objects in view in raising cattle or hoga
and horeos.
In the first , weight is wanted. The
irppor food is therefore fat-formers , and
chief of these is corn. In the latter it is
nuBcle , and about the poorest food that
can bo given a young colt ia corn. Of
course , you can , with corn , shove it for
ward and mnko aatoniahltig weights and
josaibly sell at a big price ; but let this
mictico become universal as it threatens
o bo , and the people who use horses
vill not touch tlioeo from Iowa at any
irico. Cattle and hogs are bought for
at , liomoa for muscle. Tlio difference Is
as wide as It can possibly bo. There
mist bo different feed and different
What the colt wants is plenty of oxer
: lae , a clean place to sleep , shelter from
) ittor storms , plenty of good glass of
different varieties , good clean hay without
lust and good sound oats. Colts raised
n this way will not look BO well nor win
as many premiums , nor sell to fools for
is much money , but they will last. If
! owa can establish a reputation for horses
hat have sound limbs and eyes , great
induranca and weight , and speed enough
or their various purposes , aho will have
a bonanza that will last for generations.
The above from the Iowa Homestead
a aa applicable to the whole west ns it is
ru'e. Feed your colts and horses .for
nuoclo , energy , vim and vitality. Oats
and grass will develop these valuable
Ilcnllli Is Wealth ,
It is worth moro than riches , for with
out it riches cannot bo enjoyed. How
nany people are without health who
night regain it by using KidneyWort. .
t acts upon the Liver , Bowels and Kid-
leys , cleansing and stimulating them to
loalthy action. It cures all disorders of
hose important organs , purifies the blood
ind promotes the general health. Sold
> y all druggists. See advt.
'lilladelphla Call.
Irate PHtsbunj Parent "This thing
iaa got to stop. "
Sweet Sixteen "What , pa ? "
"You have boon allowing young Nice-
ullow to kies you. "
"Oh , pa. "
"Yes , you have ; you need not try to
eel mo. "
"But , pa , why do you think - "
"I don't ' think , I know. llo kissed
on all over your mouth and on both
hooka. "
"Why , pa , you were wet there , and '
"No , I was not there , bat I am hero ,
BOO that there isn't a bit of Boot loft on
our face below your forehead. "
OF N , 0 , Tobacco finest In the
Married nnd Parted , but Ito-unltcO
After Jinny Dnyti.
Sun Francisco Chronicle.
A romantic sequel to n sensational se
cret marringo that took place in this city
about a year and a half ago , occurred _ in
Oregon A few days sincewhen the parties
were re-united after a separation that
followed close on their first union. The
husband is Maurice Hagoman , and hia
now twice wife was a Miss Ballou , a
daughter of Mrs. Acldio Ballou , who has
achieved notoriety in this city in the
various roles of lecturer , artist , spiritual
ist , woman suffrage advocate , etc. Hago
man is managing the Tivpli Theatre in
Portland , ana at the time of mooting
Miss Ballou , about three months prior
to the first wedding , was employed in ono
of the theatres in this city. It seems to
have boon a caao of love at first sight ,
and the lovers progressed rapidly with
their billing and cooing , until ono day
Mro. Ballou became suspicious , and evi
dently not desiring Hagoman for a son-
in-law , she forbade his further visiting
her daughter. As usual in such cases ,
however , the lovers did not despair , but
arranged for clandcstino meetings and
the exchange of notes through a third
It was thus that they were enabled to
arrange and carry out plans for n secret
marriage , which took place soon after.
The girl surreptitiously loft her mother's
homo at night , and , without being ham
pered with a weddinc trouoscau , mot the
waiting Hagoman. An obliging clergy
man married them , and , after kindly no
tifying Mrs. Ballou of their change of re
lation from lovers to husband and wife ,
the pair sottlcd down to enjoy the honey
moon in a quiet way. The girl's mother
did not receive the news pleasantly , but
immediately wont into hysterics , and on
recovering herself started out to tear her
daughter' from her husband's arms and
take her homo. In , this aho was not suc
cessful , at least not then , but two weeks
after the marriage aho obtained posses-
slsn of the girl wife again , lit ia said by
chloroformng the couple. However that
may bo , Hagoman awoke from a deep
sleep ono morning to find hia bride miss
ing. A search failed io disclose her
whereabouts , and detectives were called
in , but nothing availed , and after several
weeks of worry and search the husband
gave up all hope of over seeing his wife
again and wont to Portland , whore ho
has since remained.
About two months ago Hagoman was
most agreeably surprised by the receipt
of a letter from his wifo. informing him
that she was still in custody of her
mother and desired to hear from him.
The letter contained the further intelli
gence that she had been divorced ,
through the efforts of her mother. Hag-
oman lost no time in answering the letter -
tor to the address given but ho hoard no
moro from his lost love until .about two
weeks ago , when she telegraphed him
that she would leave on the Oregon
steamer and join him , when they could
bo married again. In the meantime
Mrs. Ballou , probably from the happy
appearance of her daughter , again grow
suspicious , and sot a watch over her.
She did not watch closely enough , how
ever , and the true state of affairs was not
known to her until too late. Tlio day
that Addio sailed to join her lover the
mother became aware of her intentions ,
and made all speed to the steamship
dock. Her mission was fruitless , how
ever , aa when she reached the dock the
vessel bearing her daughter away was
just clearing the Golden gate. Then
Mrs. Ballou telegraphed to the Portland
chief of policp a description of the girl
with instructions to hold her. She also
tolegraplipJelniiliar directions to a gon-
tlomnn friend to do likowiso.
When the vessel arrived at Portland ,
Hagoman was not on hand to receive his
love , but the chief of police and gentle
man friend woro. Addio declined to ac
company the chief , and ho had to recede ,
as the telegram was not authority enough
to warrant his taking the girl Into custo
dy. She consented , however , to go with
her mother's friend , and was installed in
his house. When Hagoman found that
Addle had arrived and ho had missed her ,
his consternation was great , and ho lost
no time in trying to find her. In the
meantime ho procured n marriage license ,
and then calling at the gentleman's house
whore Miss Ballou was staying , explained
the whole thing to him , and was permit
ted to BOO his loved ono. The mooting
was most affectionate , anu instead of fol
lowing Mas. Ballou's directions , her
friend called in a clergyman , and after n
separation of over a'yoar , during which
a divorce had boon granood , Maurice
Hngoman and his former wife wore re
A UuiitlHtjMlniHtcr'a Experience.
"I am a Baptist minister , and before I
thought of being n clergyman I giaduatcd In
medicine , but loft a lucrative practice for my
present profession , forty yeais ago. I wna for
many yoaia nsufraror from quinsy. Thomas'
Kcloctrlo Oil cured mo. 1 wan nlso troubled
with hoarseness , mid Thomas' 3-IcIectrio OH al
ways relieved mo. My wife and child hod
diphthurin , and Thomas' Kcloctrlo Oil cnrod
thorn , and if taken In time it Will euro eevon
times out of tun. I am confidant It la a euro
for the most obstinate cold , or cough , and if
any ono will take n small teaspoon and half
fill it with Oil , and then place the end of the
apoou in ono nostril and draw the Oil ant of
the spoon Into ( the head , by snulliug aa hard
as tluiy can , until the Oil falls over into the
throat , and practice it twice a week , I don't
care how of foneivo their head maybe , It will
clean it out and cure their catarrh. For deaf-
Dean nnd earache , It has done wonders to my
certain knowledge. It la the only modlcluo
that I have over felt like recommending , nud
I am very anxious to BOO It In every place , for
I tell you that I would not bo without it lu
my hoHSO for nny consideration. I am now
ulfarliiR with pain like rheumatism In my
right limb , and nothing relieves mo like
Thomas' Jiclectrio Oil. " Dr. K. 1\ Crane ,
Corry , I'o.
BOIMO Wondorftil Guinea Played by
the Dead ChnuH-lMaycr ,
The late Paul Morphy'fl father -was fond
of the game of chess , and wai accustomed
to ploy occasionally with hia brother , Mr.
Earnoat Morphy , and his brother-in-law ,
Mr. Lo Carpontior. The boy Paul waa
wont to watch these encounters with so
much apparent interest that hia father in
1817 , when Paul waa 10 years of ago , ex
plained to him the powers of the pieces
and the laws of the gamo. In leas than
two years ho was contending successfully
on oven terms with the foremost anm-
turos of the Crescent city. Ono pecu
liarity of Paul's play during the infantile
ttago of his choHs life , while his father
and hia brother were his chief advoroa-
rioe , used to create considerable morri-
input among the circle of chess lovers
with whom ho was brought into contact.
His pawns aoomod to him a hindrance ,
iuid his firat work upon commencing a
iawo vfts to oxchnngo or cmcnlieo them
nil , giving free range to his pieces , after
which , with his unimpeded queen , rooks ,
knights , aud bishops , ho began n fierce
attack upon his opiranent'a forces , which
waa often valoroualy maintained until it
resulted in mate.
| J.\t the American cheas congress , which
mot In Now York , Oct. 5 , 1857 , ho
achieved great fame. Ho defeated an
tagonist after antagonist with the groat-
cat ease , until none was loft to dispute
hia superiority. At that time Paul
Morphy was but twenty years of ago , and
his wonderful intellectual powers , in con
nection with his youth , naturally created
the greatest enthusiasm. Out of a hund
red games , with moro than a score of the
strongest players in the United States ,
ho lost but throe. His deeds were hoard
of In Europe. Everybody admitted that
ho was moro than a match for any oppo
nent within the United States. His
southern friends wcro in oxtaclcs , and
the faith of the men of Now Orleans was
exhibited in a practical form. They of
fered to back their champion to any
roaionahlo amount , and thought it not
Impossible to combine an international
hospitality end a national competition.
Immediately after the congress they sent
forth a challenge to all the world to enter
the lists against Mr. Morphy for 1,000
pounds , or § 5,000 of American currency.
The challenge was sent to Mr. Staunton ,
and that gentleman was assured if ho ac
cepted it , of a reception every way worthy
of lils talents aud position. But Mr.
Stauuton's engagements would not per
mit him to cross the ocean , and * so the
idea of an engagement between the ma
ture Englishman's judgment and the
young American's genius must have been
abandoned if the chess-players of Eng
land had not brought the cham
pions into closer quarters. The
British chess association invited Mr ,
Morphy to attend their annual mootin
in 1858 , and ho was glad to mnko ac
quuintanco with the European lights
the chess world.
His first formal match was with Low
ontbal whom ho badly boat. The scon
stood : Morphy , 9 ; Lowonthal , 3 : drawi
2. This decisive victory united to hi
courtesy and placidity [ rouse
the greatest admiration for the youn
American. At the Birmingham tournament
mont ho displayed extraordinary powen
by [ conducting blindfolded eight game :
aimultanoualy against strong players
Failing to "got on a match with Mr ,
Staunton , an old opponent of Stanley's ,
Morphy wont to Paris where his recep
tion was of the most enthusiastic charac
tor. Ho was the lion of the day.
repeated his blindfold play to the ad
miration of thousands , and then entered
the lists with Herr Harrwitz whom he
conquered. Herr Andersson , the victo :
in the international tournament of 185 !
emerged from hia retirement in the Unl
versity of Broalau to become the nox
antagonist of Morphy. The ploy wai
brilliant and at the conclusion of thi
match the acoro stood : Morphy , 7 ; An
dorsaen , 2 ; drawn , 2. Europe could
furniah no other celebrity the equal o"
Andersaen , Harrwitz and Lowenthal whi
could bo induced to try conclusions will :
the American prodigy , and so Pau
Morphy was loft , like Alexander , withou
ajworld to conquer.
Ho remained for several years in Paris ,
but returned homo just before the war o
the rebellion. Strange to Bay , when hi
reason began io desert him , ho took c
sudden disllko to the game of chess. Ho
however , had many lucid intorvals. In
1882 , having been askc'd to furnish
materials for a biographical notice in a
proposed volume , ho wrote The Now
Orleans Boo that his father having left
him an estate "ample enough to allow
mo to decently defray all my expenses ,
I have followed no calling and have given
no causes for a biography. I have re
ceived a diploma as a lawyer. " His daily
routine of existence in Now Orleans in
volved a walk on Canal street every
morning , where his dapper little figure
always scrupulously well dressed bucam
as well known , and as regularly lookpi
for as the noonday boll. After his dail.
promenade ho retired from public gaz
until evening , when ho appeared in hi
box at the opera , where , it ia said , h
never missed a night. It is further ro
Inted that ho permitted no friendly
acquaintance ; ho vraa never known t <
associate with anybody but his mother ,
and persistently repelled advances from
thoKO who , having been friends of hit
early youth , desired to renew their asuo
ciations. Ho lived a strange life , fine
waa a strange , moody , and peculiarly
mournful man.
AVhsif Wo Can Cure , loot's not Endure
If wo can euro an ache , or a sprain , or i
pain , or n InmouoBa , or n burn , or n bruise , o
n bite , by using Thomas' Kcloctric Oil , lot's di
It. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil ia known to bo good ,
Let's try it.
_ _
No Beet Tliore.
A long-haired , long-legged gentleman
wearing a duster , a tall hut and gold
bowed spectacles , recently approached
the ticket window of Causeway streo
depot , whnn the following dialogue took
place :
"Is this the ticket office ? "
| 3"Yo3 , sir. "
"Da you soil tickets to Poolvllle ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"What is thoprico of a ticket too Pool' '
villo1' '
"One dollar and seventy-five cents. "
"H'm ( paudo ) . Do you have tickets
for clergymen ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"H'm. What's the price cf these ? "
"One dollar nnd seventy-five cents. "
The louy-lmired stranger glanced stern
ly at the irreverent railroad nmn over his
spectacles , purchaaod n ticket und de
'Tor several months I endured n dull pain
through my imga nnd shoulders : lost m :
spirits , appetite nnd color , nnd could wlti
difllctilty remain from my bed. My present
healthful condition U duo to Burdock Blood
IJIttefB. " Mrs. K. A. Hall , Blnghampton ;
. i .
Do EKKB I'ny Now !
Exgs pay at this season , oven if the
price is low. In proportion to the coat
of production eggs are very profitable
and if prices are down so is the cost o
feed and labor. This is the period o
the year when the little Leghorn is val
uablo. It ia too late for her chicks , and
no ono desires to loao time endeavoring
to "break1 ' a hen from sitting and hence
the non-alttlng honaaro busy when othe
hens are gettlnsj fat and lazy. The
prices of eggs are uaually.low in summer ,
but yet not so low as to roudor then :
unprofitable. In this section they seldom
dom got below 18 cents per dozen , and
if wo compare that price with tlio prices
ot twenty years ago it is quiet n largo
sum. Wo think eggs are low in summer ,
not because they are really so , but by
reason of comparing thorn with the Ugh
prices obtained in winter , when the sun-
ply is unobtainable. To obtain eggs in
winter requires much labor , cue and
judicious management , while in summer
fowls partially provide for themselves.
Wo should therefore consider the coat of
production , the prices realized , and sub
tract the difference with a view of de
termining whether the profits are really
ow or not. [ Farm and Garden.
Mn s. , April 10,1883.
"For ditoaaes of the kidnnya , liver ,
dodder , and urinary organ * , I received
; reat benefit from HUNT'S [ kidney and
Ivor ] HKMKPY. I pronounce it the best.
QT. W , Payne , Manufacturer Harncsaea ,
etc. , 447 Main street.
VM ill
' " " V
GOULD atco's ,
Royal Havana Lottery !
Drawn nt llnvann , ' 'uba , Every 12
to 11 Days.
TIOKKTS , 82.00 , HALVES , $1 CO.
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled hy the
parties In Interest. It Is the fairest thing In the
nature of.chancaln existence.
For Information and particulars apply toSHIPSEY
CO..den. Aecnts , 1212 Ilroadnar , N Y. city.
E. KAUn k CO. , 417 Walnut street , St. Louis , Mo. ,
or Krank Lobrano , L. U , , 20 Wyandotte , Kan.
JylZ-m&o & wly.
At Hustings , Nebraska , I will ofTcr a choice lot of
I'ollcd-Angns and Galloway
Bulls , Cows and Heifers !
from ono to llirco joars oM. All In flno
breeding condition. For catalogue address
A. B MATHEWS , KannasC ! ty.
O. M , DKUSi : Lincoln , Nob. djy 12-10 iw
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
Dr , Amelia Ourrougiu ,
1617 St. - Omaha
Dodge. . . , ,
Science ot Life , Only $1.00
Kxhantted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline In Mail , Eirora of Youth , an the
untold mlsoilca osultlnj from Indiscretions or ex.
ocsscs. A book for every man , young , middle-sped ,
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute
and chronic dlseaeoa each ono of which Is Invaluable
So found by the Author , whoso experience for 23
years la suoh as probably never before fell to the lot
of any physic an SOU pages , bound In boautlfa
French muslin maossedoovera , full gllc.guarautood
o bo a flnor work n every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work eold In
this country for (2.50 , u the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Price only J1.00 by mall , poet-
paid. Illustrative sample 6 oonts. Send now. Oed
medal awarded the author by the National Uodlcal
Association , to the officers of which he refers.
The Scloueo of Life should bo read by the young
Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. II
vrtll bonoflt alt London Lancet.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Ltfo will not be useful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Instrnctoror clergyman , Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
U. Parker , No. i DulQncb Street , Boston Masn. , who
may be consulted on all diseases requlr < ng skill and
oiporlenoo. Chronla andobstlnatedlsoaijsthat have
hauled the skill of all other phya-HFA I clang
t epoololtyi UuOi treated LHL fully
without aa Inntanro failure.
xnlir&tr THYSELF
In April , May aud Juno , 18S4. 1'ASSAGE TICKETS
by all ATLANTIC STKAMEU9. Special facilities for
travclorsln KUKOI'M , by a'l ' routes , nt reduced rates.
COOK'S i\CUKSIONIST , with mapi nud full par-
particulars , by mull 10 cent ? . A'Mresrs
TIIOS ( JO-IK * f.Orf. ' . ' v d4. . N ro
f'A Cha > terse ! by tnsStateof 111' .
; ncin for thucxprc-ispurpOBs
of Giving immediate rcltetln
all chronicunr.aryand ytl-
' complicated forms , nUo oil
disease ! , of the Skin nnd
Hloocl promptly rellcvcdnnd
pcrmanentlycurcd by reme-
. dicSgtestedln aFort/years
, . ZfipirtaU'raetlce. Seminal
\Vcakn M. Losses by Drcama.Pimrlcs on
theF ceI.ostM.inhood- " - - ' '
l' Ths appropriate rt.r.edy
autonce uacrt In each case. Consultations , perl
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. f/I-d-
Idnes sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
[ lacxacc to indicate contents or sender. Address
UKJAIillES.No. 204Wasningon ! Gt.CMcagolll
rori THE cunn op AU DISEASES OP
I/ntV ,
TO , : TWESTV TAIIS irnmrlirpys' Ilnmro.
Palhlc i rtrrlnnry Hprrlflcn Imto IM-CII iivd l > y
I'lirnu-rs , rjlock IlrrodrrH. I.lvrryHlnlilnnnil
I urfinr'ii. llornn Itnllrondn , MnniirnrnriT | ,
l.nnl .Minn ( .iimponln , Trnv Illiinudriiino
anil .MriinRi'rlri , nml others uuiiulliii ; cluck
tt Ith | .rf ct buct'cen.
lluiniihrrys' Vrtrrlnnry Mnn.inl. ( SO MI.
f < - t fn o by mill on receipt of price. u > centu
'ainphlrts ecnt free onnppllcnilon
10i ) Fullou fatrcct , new VorU.
M v mMt p u f *
11 Vital Weakness and rroi-
HUMPHR I trntlnn from overorl > 01
oailpromptlr lii'lljcrotlon , EOPATHin ft
-uVhvMirwr iiwJS1. drcuiriii HU. u
tinrpniHlyknoini. I'rlfofi prrTluflor.lvlal uw
in'tHVlnl of powder for V > , * nt post frraonr *
[ , t of price. Iluiiiplirryu' llniiiro. Mrd. < 'o.
BUU Xtc , J 1091'ulluu St. . ft. VJ
( Julck. t rr .
Wlde-AwAko Agents Wanted Every where Tor
I } i\mtt r rt n , HIM pronlctt blocraplirr of tinnirc. .
nrliKAiit viiluini'Of cvTiuurr < . SI full imuullliiilnilloufc
rlreuulr J.lo. DcKTlbi.Wdiarai-li'iJ. A ImnltfoFiiBry
wuiin. J. IU UUM-lbui jr(31 ( i SO JlaUUou bt. , ChlcoBO.
lw uff rrr . Adilreii.
i 11 MJjJYZ * f * thwr St , N :
> . f I ;
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Hr Edwin Daviswho f
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' ' have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
313 South 14th St ,