Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1884, Image 1

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-The Qncstioii of the Irish Defection S (
rionsly Affecting Democracy ,
All Butler's ' ! Backers Olaim Ho i
on the Track ,
The Mugwumps Drumming u ]
DelegatosS for August 2d ,
A Gentleman Named Shivolei
Pretending to Boom Butler ,
Demooraoy Somewhat Divided ai
to the Campaign Chairmanship ,
{ Jlevolanel Wanln Mannlntr Uut AVal
Inco Probably the Ulan.
CiiiCAOOJuly { 1C. The convention of the
labor reprcsenfcitiv33 Is to bo hold in Chicagc
July 30th , and Mr. Shivloy says that Genera
Butler's refusal to make a public statement l (
prompteel by a dcsiro to sso what this convoii'
tion does. "But his course will not bo altered
if the labor mon do not endorse him , " said
M r. Shively , secretary of the anti-monopoly
committee. "Ho will bo a candidate If the
labor convention requires him and ho will go
in to win or make the campaign uncertain.
"With the two nominations ho already has ,
those of the grecnb.ickers and anti-monopo
lists , you do not believe ho will he elected' de
you ? "
"It would bo making a bold statement to
say that I do , " replied Mr. Shivoly. "Thero
have , however , ( stranger thinga than this hap
pened. Butler's candidacy would intro
' duce
( : *
the democrats have decision of matters. "
"No. Congiess would vote by states ,
Michigan , I believe , has decided the vote and
the grecnbacker from thnt state has In htm
the deciding vote in that delegation If But
ler is not elected , ho will bo no unimportant
qfiantity in the campaign as you can seo.
And in the event of suclra condition as I have
described , ho could turn the election to Cleve
land or Blaine as ho chose. "
"Thero is
in the campaign. If ho runs , wo expect him
to carry Michigan and Iowa and parhnps
Massachusetts , thus qiving him the lowest
possible estimate , and with these \ve might
bo able to throw the election of president into
the house of representatives "
"IIow could you do that ? "
"If Blaine received 10(5 ( electoral votes ,
Cleveland 103 nnd Butler 10 , that would do it.
The prospect of a very close lace between the
democrats and republicans is good. It is not
posaiblo that Blainenud Clevelaudraay receive
190 nnd 193 respectively. The total number
of clects is 401 , and 201 is necessary to a
choice ; , if neither receives 201 and the elec
toral college cannot agree
Suppose Blaine or Cleveland should cither of
them receive 203 or even 230 votes in the elec
toral college ? "
'In that event Butler would not cut a very
-conspicuous' figure. My calculations were
V- ' based on the possibility of neither being able
to do so. If Butler runs , with his greenback
and labor strength , I say it is possible such n
result as a tie iu the electoral collega may be
brought about. Butler will run , I am abso
lutely certain ; hence the first step in this re
sult is not iu question. "
NEW YORK , Jnly 1C. The following circu
lar is issued from the headquarters of the re
publican national committee :
DEAH Sin. The pending presidential cam
paign is of unusual importance to the country.
Kvory republican is deeply interested in its re
sult. The national committee- behalf of
the republican party desires to make it justly
viqorous and effective , and success certain in
November. For the funds required , however ,
to meet the lawful and proper expenses of the
campaign , and to provide the 8.11110 , the committee
mitteetmda itself dependent upon the liberali
ty of republicans to make such voluntary con
tributions ns their moans will permit , as they
feel inclined to give ,
You nro therefore respectfully invited to
send , ns soon as you conveniently may , by
draft on New York , or posrol money order , to
the order of B , 1\ Jon 8 , chairman of tha re
publican national committee , 212 Fifth avenno ,
New York city , such gum as you may desire
to contribute for the objects yeforo mentioned
A receipt for the Bamo will bo sent by return
mail , The committee cheerfully calls the nt-
tontion of every perron holding any olfice ,
pLico or employment under tha United States
or any of the departments of the government ,
to the provisions of the act on congress entitled
"An act to re'gulato nnd improve the civil ter-
vice of the United States , " approved January
loth , 188.1 , and states that Its itilluenca bo ex
erted in conformity therewith ,
Kespectfully , B. V. JON-US.
Chairman ,
WASHINGTON , July 10. The Starsays : The
impression Keems to bo that Kx-Sonator Wal
lace will bo elected chairman of the national
democratic committee. It Is thought Cove-
nor Cleveland prefers Manning of .Now York ,
but the understanding Is that ho ( Manning )
docs not want the position , Ila has promised
to devote his time to the canvuBS and to aid
the committee to the full extent of his ability ,
but does not want to be the responsible head.
From good authority it is learned that Han-
dull forbids the use of his nama. Ho will not
ftand in Wullacu'ujway. At Chicago Itandall
was ably supported by Wallace and It is said
the former will do nil ho can to have the latter
mndo chairman of the committee.
TOI-KKA , Kansas , July 10. The re-publican
state convention for the nomination of a can
didate for govcrne.r and other state oflicers
met in the scnato chamber of the fittito house
at 4 p. ni. with a full attendance from all the
counties of the state. J , J. A. T. Ulxon , of
Itnssell county , WBB choccn temporary chair-
mm. I' . J. 1'erry was made temporary secre
tary , Bublne-si committee1 * were then chosen
and the convention adjourned till 8 o'clock.
SAV FiiANCibco , July 10. The national ,
anti-monopoly , greenback , labor and national
union parties met in joint state convention
to-day , ItoHolutlons ( supporting Butler were
unanimously adopted , Klght Butler electors
will be placed in the field ,
BOSTON , July 10. The independents hero
liavo chojen fifty-two delegate * to thn nation
al iiide. ! > eudont conventlor at Now York , on
tho'Jnd met , Sympathizers of other parties
have boon asked to bend representative * of
their own. _ _ _ _ ,
INDIANAPOLIS , July 10 , The republican
state central committee decided to open th
campaign iu Indiana In this city the lost wee
of August. John A. Logan will bo the prlii
cipal speaker ,
A SLIM nuoicixa.
CoLUMiifs , Ohio , July 10. At n meeting
o { the Franklin county Cleveland nnel Hen
ilricks club , the first organized in the state
( John G. Thompson , president. ) telegram
were sent both Cleveland nnd Handrlcks thai
a big effort would bo made to give them thi
electoral vote of the state , and that they wil
advise the organization of dmllar clubs li
every county in the stato. Judge Thurmai
took part in the organization of the club am
delivered an address. There were only scvci
members present to attend the meeting. The
dissatisfied clement of the democratic part o
the state central committee were absent. No
business was done for the want of n quorum
T. J. Cogan , chairman of the central com
inittoe , agreed to call a meeting for July 21
when , it la stated , 11 differences will bo ad
justed. _
CHICAGO , Jnly 1C. Information has been
received from close friends of General Butler
by B. F. Shivoly , "secretary of the anti-mo
nopolist committee , " dispelling doubts regard
ing Butler's candidacy for the presidency on
in independent ticket , and stating , definitely
\ml positively , that ho will I run. Shivoly ,
who Is at the Briggs house , In this city , ex-
irosaod to-elay the mobt absolute certainty
.hat . Butler will bo a candidate , with the en
dorsement of the grfonbackprs , nnti-monopo-
ists , nnd , probably the laboring men. Butler's
cfusal , nt present , to make a public statement ,
Shive'ly says is prompted by n desire to first
eo what can bo douo by the con-ruiition of
nbor representatives , to bo held in Chicago ,
Jnly 30.
How a Woman Unities to Undo the
AVork ol Women.
The enforcement of prohibition , so quickly
.nil effectively inaugurated hero July 3d , when
, bout half of our twenty-eight saloons retired
rom the business nnd the other half continued
n the sale of light drinks , cider , buttermilk ,
! tc. , has taken quite a different turn. Com
mencing Saturday n German woman named
Mrs. Mary Blank , keeping a saloon on Third
.venue . , started selling beer , doing an immense
msiness. Her place was a sight worth seeing
> y every temperance worker or any ono else
"Saturday evening. The crowds were larger
han iu the afternoon , and aporpotual struggle
was kept up to get near the bar. Men were
[ ton noticed taking
u their greed to get it nnd to get ahead of
heir numerous competitors , who were crowd-
jig and surging to the front. Ihero was some
ittlo excitement , as was natural. A by-stand-
T says that ollicer Miller came in during the
ivouing , and was rudely interrogated by tha
: rowd as to his business , and was informed
hat ho could have a glass of beer if he want-
id , but if ho didn't he ought to get out. The
illiccr explained that ho was in merely from
juriosity , and did not stay. The rush was
cept up all evening , and before closing twen-
y-two kegs of beer were sold. Marshal Satia
topped in during the evening and asked Mrs.
Jlack jf the would obey the city ordinance aa
o closing at 11. She said she would close nt
1 , and also stated that the place would bo
closed all day Sunday , as the city ordinance
Describes. At ton minutes of 11 Mrs. Black
dosed up , and the place , PO far as wo could
earn , was kept scrupulously closed dining the
Sabbath. Early in the evening a Times-Ie-
lublican man followed the
on the hillside that leads to the back door and
lammered a half dozen times on the door ,
mt finally concluded no one was about the
There was a eood deal of speculation as to
.ho . motive of this _ attack on the new law , a
; oed deal of surprise at the suddenness and
solated character of the attack , and still moro
wonder that the temperance loaders did not
> ako steps to cut the presumptuous offenders
iff ehcirt in their career of opposition. No in-
ormation was filed during Saturday , and but
or Mrs. Blank's respect for the city ordi-
iancetitho Sabbath mlghf.have been desecrated
> y a mob of all classes ,
The belief that Mrs. Blank had been put
orward by the proprietors of
ilessrs. George nndJFrcd Bowman , ns a test
: asa gained ground and was confirmed by both
hese gentlemen's statements. George Bow
nan , Sr. , who is not now a parnerin the brew <
ry , said that ho was at Barrett's circus in the
afternoon and did not know boor was being
old until his return in the evening. Ho said
twas ndoubtedly for testing the constitu-
ionality of the law. Ho thought it was quite
iroper the law should bo tested at onco. It
ras a matter ofital Importance to the owners
f the brewery. If beer could not bo manu-
actured and sold hero they wished to know it
s quick ns possible , BO they could make ar-
angements to go tojeomo state where beer
ould bo manufrctured nnd sold ,
, nd the amount of money taken in Saturday
vss no object to the proprietor. Tlioy ad
mitted they diel not euro how much or how
ittle was Bold the test was what they wore
ifter. A gentleman who was at the valoon
aid Mrs. Blank was foolish becaiiEo she did
lotchaigo ton cents a gla s and eoll in pony
; lasscs. She could liavo sold just as much
jeer , nnd would have thus mudo some money
nit of it. But money was clearly not the
A ten o'clock this morning a Times-Hcpuli *
lean reporter stepped into Mrs. Blank's
> lace on Third avenue and looko.l around.
? ho bar room was moderately filled with
Irlnkors , many of them farmers , and all ap-
larently uorkingmen. Mrs. Blank was the
nily ona behludtho bar and was industriously
landing out
The reporter stopped up and laid down a
mlf dollar , and mug * of the fluid were set
own for himself and a gentleman from up
.own , The liquor had the peculiar whang of
Jowman's lager , without question , Butuny
oubt as to its identity was speedily dispelled
iy the cntery of ( ieorpo Bowman himself.
The reporter Introduced himself as a Time's
tepubHcan man ,
' 'Yes ' , I know yon are , " replied Mr. Bow-
nan."I understand you nnd Mrs. Blank hero bean -
; an selling Saturday and nro keeping it up
norely with a tiuw to tebt the prohibitory
ivw. Isn't that the idea ? "
Well , there are a good many ideas going.
Vo are going to neil beer , however , to Mrs
llfink , and the will sell as long a'lthecao , and
vo will furnish the boer. Wo nro going to
oil beer until uo are stopped , Wo have too
nuch property hero to ho idle , nnd wo propose
o manufacture ami sell If It can bo done.
The reporter's mission was fulfilled ,
The eillcers and loaders of the temperance
alliance , and others prominent In the cause of
imbibition , were noon aware of the violation ,
, ud began to secure uvldenco for the proper
ogalBteps. They went at it in a careful man
ner , taking the names of nome 20 or 30 men
whom they thought could be relied upon to
ontify truthfully nnditbout attempt at
vaHion , From tin be names foven were select-
d upon the Hamo principle , nnd the papers
otten out. Dr. Watnin llnbnrts swore to the
nforinatiou befcro Justicu JJuradon ,
rftli BoHInrf boer to the parties named , nnd nt
2'M : on Monday a warrant wns isiued anil
ilaced in the hands of Sheriff McCord for
ervico. The first count In the Information
lieges that M try Blank the defendanr , did ,
'on or about the 12th day of July , A , I ) , 1881 ,
ell ono Klafa of bacr , tha same being Intoii-
atlnc liquor , to ono U. I ) Clark , contrary to
ho form of thu utatuto in such case * made
wid provided mid agalmt the iioaco and dig
nity of the state of Iowa , " The other mx
counts are the same except that the names ol
0. 11 , rinktiam , FrodT. Wells , Henry T ,
Uhem , Perry W. Woodruff , ( Joorgo W ,
Gimler and \VlllIam Hrnst , nro substltutoil
rejpectivoIy.ii.UiHlor the statute ! ench count
constitutes n eopnrato offense1 , and each is
separately punishable.
served tha warrant , and appeared nt the jin >
tico's ollico nt 1:10 with the defendant 0 ,
Caswell , < ] . . appeared for the stato. Quito n
n little watt then occurred , but nt - o clock J ,
H. Blair , csq. , appeared ns counsel for de
fendant , and liy this time quite a crowd ol
spectators haef gathered , Counsel conferred
together for a few minutes , and Mr. Blair
then asked for a week's postiwuoment In order
to prepare for trinl. Mr , Caswell eibjcctod ton
lengthy postponement , Inasmuch ns defendant
was engaged in open violation of law. After n
little-wranglinp , Justice Haradon continued
the case until U o'clock Saturday morning ,
holding the defendant lo SitTiO bond to appear
at that time. Chris Gerat going em the bond.
Immediately after the close of proceedings ,
Mrs , Blank returned to her homo on Third
avcnuo , and began dealing out the boer
to a largo and thirsty crowd , new recruits
from up town constantly arriving. Another
information was BOOH sworn out , warrant Is
sued an Sheriff McCord entered the crowded
saloon to make the arrest. It is snld that
Madam Blank drew a pair of navies and re
fused to bn arrested. The sheriff retired to
procure asslstanc , returning directly with a
number of deputies , mndo the arrest dcsplto
the terrible resistance on the part of both
Mrs. Blank and the mob which had gathered.
Uovolvors were drawn , stones thrown , auel
A 1I10T
seemed foe a time imminent , but the sheriff ,
covered by his deputies , placed his prisoner in
jail. The mob gathered round the jail and
dircntcucdlo tear it down unless ( ho waa re-
eased. She was hold , however , till necessary
jonds had been given. When she was re-
cased she was carried times around thu
mblic Bfiuaro by the yelling , howling mob ,
ifter which the crewel gradually dispersed. It
s paid there were many threats made ngninst
, ho lives nnd property of Informers. It Is 10-
icrted that n citizens meeting will bo held
, o-idglit at which steps will bo taken to btop
any lurthor proceedings of a riotous chnrac-
That Milwaukee Failure.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
MILWAUKEE , July 1C. Coi slelerablo excite
ment was caused to-day by a rumor that the
receiver of the collapsed Manufacturers' bank
vns ready to make a report , and that the
showing was bad. The report was finished
ast night , but it will not bo made public un-
.11 next Monday , It is asscrteel it will ehow
.hat the bank was most woefully man-
iged , nnd that thonssotsnro 5200,000or _ S300-
short of the liabilities , The bank , it will be
emembe-red , failed some weeks ago for nearly
inlf a million , while the report will show that
, ho failure was not brought about by frauds of
my kind. It asserted the mismanagement of
; he bank's affairs amounted almoit to criminal
cnrelcssnca. It Gcems to bo the opinion that
, ho asBetts will not pay the depositors fifty
icnta on the dollar. Creditors generally bo-
lava that the picsidont , Albert Conro , will
nake good all the doficioncica , and out of his
irivato fortune pay dollar for dollar.
A Defaulter Arrostcil.
ST. PAUL , Miunl Jnly 10. Swan , the de-
aulter in the Northern Pacific treasurer's
ollice , was arresteel at White Boar , wlicro ho
vent in n carriage and secreted himself in
ho woods. Ho had attempted suicide by an
overdose of morphine. The amount of the do-
ault was discovered by nn examination of the
looks to-night to bo a fraction ever S.'i.COO ,
lo will ba brought hero to-morrow for exam-
nation and bo prosecuted to the full extent of
.ho law. Swan waa once wealthy , but lost his
noney by default in the Now Jersey bank.
[ lo was speculating In Wall street , by which
10 lost the company's money.
A Triple prenvnlng ,
HENRY , 111. , July 1C. Ilev. L. p. Thomp
son , in company with his son Sidney and
Freddie Bishop of Medina , Now York , laels
about 12 years of ago , wore out boixt riding
nnd fishing on the Illinois river nt this point
.his afternoon. Nearlng the darn across the
river , their skiff was drawn to the eddies , cap
sized and all three drowned. Mr. Thompson
was pastor of the Presbyterian church hare , a
) opulaa pjrcacher , author and scholar. The
ivcr is being dragged in search for the bodies.
Three hats and an upturned boat wore rocov-
irod , and all identified. The calamity is felt
> y the entire community.
An Tnjurcel Nebraska Briikomnn.
Special Dispatch to Tus lir. .
OAKLAND , Neb , , Juno 10. Frank Moody ,
irnkoman of the couth bound freight train
caving hero a little past noon , fell from the
, op of n box car striking upon his head and
houlders , and from present appearances Is
considerably injured. The train had started
loutli but could not make the grade and was
lacking at the time. Fortunately ho fell at
ho side of the track , lie seems to suffer ecu-
iderablo pain. Dr. J. O. Moore at this writ-
ng is making nn examination mid the uhoul-
ler proves to bo dislocated.
' Western Piirnlturu Men.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
MILWAUKEE , July 10. The western associa-
.ion . of furniture- manufacturers met in annual
CH-ion this afternoon. The convention will
ast a day or two , and is for the purpose of so
uring and maintaining uniform prices , nnd to
irevont unbuflnessliko competition , Hopio-
entatives cf all the largest firms In Chicago ,
St. I'nul , Minneapolis , Omaha , St. Louis , ( Jin-
innati , Louisville , nnd other Important west-
rnaud southern cities are in attendance.
Shipping Gliolcrn. In 1'nper Itat8 ,
WAHHINOTON , July 10. The treasury do-
mrtment has been _ informed by ono of its
igentH in the Canadian border that paper rags
upposed to bo gathered In the cholera in-
ected district of Kgypt , Turkey and South
'ranco nro being imported into the United
Hates through Canadian ports , They are do-
cribcel as low prada and likely to contain the
; erm of the disease , A largo lot was recently
hipped to this country from Liverpool.
Tlio Second Nolirnwka Concessional.
IlASjTiNeiH , NEIL , July 10. The central
ommittce of the second congressional ills-
rict met In thin ci ty to-day. It was called
ogetherby J. B. McDowalf , chairman , The
all was made for a convention to bo held nt
fastings , August 20th nt 7 p. in , , for a con
vention to nomlnato ono cnndhlato for con-
fres ? , ono presidential elector , and to elect a
entral ; ominlttee' .
Drimktin Aniliurat Kinele.'iitH.
SrniNOFlEl.l ) , Ma s. , July 10. Half adoien
Lmhorflt college Btude-nts havn been arrested
urlng commencement week for causing u
rimkcn disturbance and destroying private
roperty. They pleaded ( jnllty at Amherut to
runkennoBa nnd riot and were fined $11 and
osts oah ,
Only a Deuel
AfGUSTA , GA , , July ! ( ! . A dispatch to the
Chronicle from Athens Hays that 1'eille.o Lieu-
-cnant Arnold shot dead Ham Taylor , colored ,
existing arrest. A largo crowd was in town
nd trouble was foan-d. Thu jury returned n
verdict of justifiable homicide.
A Scilulla BiiBponsion.
KANHAH CITV , Mo. , July 10. Tlio Journal
f Hedalia , Missouri , saya : Thomas & Haddeo ,
f this city , wholetulo and retail hardwaio.
lie largest dealers in Central Missouri , placed
licir stock in the hand * of a trustee to-day ,
neuibers of tha firm will pay all liabilities.
Tlio Weather To-ijuy ,
WAHHINOTON , July 10 For the Upper
ilhslsalppl and Missouri valleys : Local
howerd , pirtly cloudy , cast to uouth wlneln ,
tntionary tempeiuturo.
In IlllnolH for
OEvaLU , ILLS. , July 10. The re-
mbllcani of thu Sixteenth 'district to-day
lomiuatud Jaa. M , McOaity for
Tlie Lalest Sensational Deyelopcnls
Against Groyer Cleveland ,
A Ohargo that Ho is a Libertine
and Liooutious.
That Ho Euinod Ono Girl and
Tried to Bum Others ,
Mr , Elaine's ' Letter to an Irish
Doiuooratio Bolter ,
The Latest Story of How Hon-
drioks Played McDonald ,
Other 1'olltlcal Jfattcrn of More or
IJCBS Importance.
A. BOLD 13AT > MAN. '
Special Dispatch to TUB BKB.
ClUCAiio , July 10. The 'follow ing letter
was received by the llov. Dr. West , editor of
the Advance , a Baptist paper of this city ,
BUFFALO , N. Y. , July 10. Dear Advance :
It may bo too late to do you an- good , and it
may not bo needed , but 1 feel moved to warn
you against mylng much to the credit of 0 ro
ver Cleveland ,
No Christian should condone lii ? crimes , BO
for ns to commend his candidacy. About
Roven yo.irs ago ho seduced the head of the
cloak department in Flint & Kent's , lending
incaiclmntshorekidnnppodtha woman after the
boy vyns boru , sent her to the Catholic insane-
asylum , and took the child from her. She escaped
capou , ( jot Milo O. Whitney esq. , to help her ,
ho finally settled nnd gave up the child for
§ 5000 , Thla I know to bo true , for I liave it
confirmed by Flint & Knnt , by Mr. Whitney ,
lier attorney , and by Mrs. William Baker ,
where the woman boarded , Mr. C. has the
reputation hero of the
Judge James Sheldon , of the superior court ,
told mo this week that ho had direct proof of
his recent attempt to seduce a young lady of
excellent character , but she becoming aware
of his intent , repelled him BO spiritedly that
he beat n hasty retreat. I have written to the
Independent and the Chriatinn Union , and
they v ill play shy of him. though they did
speak of him na irreproachable1. Having BOOH
nothing in the Advance to alarm mo , I did not
write you. but it will do no 1mm for you to
know the facts. Yours , GKO. II. BALI , . "
Hov. Ball IB pastor of the Hudson street
Baptist church , Buffalo.
NEW HAVIN , Conn. , July 1C. Ex-Auditor
Edward McCarthy , a local democratic leader ,
who bolted Cleveland's nomination , received
to-night a personal letter from Mr. Blaluo ,
thanking him for his pledge of support ,
Blaino'a letter is as follows :
AUOUHTA , Maine , July 11 lid ward Mc
Carthy , Dear Sir : Accept my , , 'mcero thanks
for your kind letter of congratulation. I regrol
that I can make but this Informal "cltnowlodg-
incnt just now. I can qiifstion"Wrightoi' IK
maa o : body to votu na tney ciouf , butvl .il !
say that I am heartily grateful to have found
new friends in your bountiful city. With the
the best wishes , believe mo to bo very truly
yours. JAMI-.S G. BLAINE.
Washington Dispatch ,
It is now definitely known thot Thomas A.
Hendricks entered deliberately into the con
spiracy in Chicago to secure his own nomina
tion for the presidency in the place of Mc
Donald whom ho had been directed to nomi
nate to the convention , and had already nom
inated , and whom ho has twice betrayed , The
conference held ! In General Butler's room
and the scheme originated with Butler and
Kelly. The plan was to spring the name of
llcndricku on the convention , and to attempt
to make n stumpedo In the manner already
known to the public. Thu conference lasted
a cooHi'dcrablo portion of the nlfht , and Uov.
Hendricks was himself present and a party to
it until o'clock in the morning , General
Butler thought ho could control the solid vote
of Massachusetts for him , although the result
showed ha could not control ono half ot it ,
and Honiicks gave hia outlro consent to the
scheme , A gentleman now In Washington
who attempted , to conveso with Hondrieks
pending the excitement of the Hlnmpedo in the
convention nays that Hondrieks WUH HO over-
coma with the thought thought that he pos
sibly might bo nominated t'rnt , althoiig his
lips moved , no bound came from them , nnd
that ho was absolutely speechless from ex
citement. General Butler nays the schema
failed because , the Indiana men lost their
head" .
or.ciANiy.iNa rou TUB CAMPAIGN.
Special Dispatch to THE BKK.
MILWAUKEE , July 10. The campaign in
Wisconsin Is being vigorously prosecuted. At
the headquarter of the republican state com
mittee there is great activity , nnd over two
hundred Blninu & Logan clubs have nlroady
beun organized ,
Why the IloyAl" in the Best.
Tlio improved method by which it haa
boon mtulo possible to produce pure
croain of tartar , haa had an important
bearing upon the manufacture of baking
powdor. Ky the proceed heretofore gem-
orally employed , it has been found im-
poBslblo to remove all impurities , mpro
particularly the tartrato of limo , wliich
remained to nucli nn extent aa to greatly
impair the quality of the croain of tartar ,
and to interfere seriously with the
strength nnd wholoBomcnoAH of thu bak
ing powders into which it. entered.
In ttm now process , which is owned by
tho.Ilnyal Baking Powder Company of
Now York , nnd exclusively employed in
its extensive tartar works , the imported
cruelo * grape acid is so treated as to re
move all vestige of taitrato of limo or
ether impurities , giving a product before
unknown a chemically pure cream of
artar ,
] 5y the omyloymont of thoao nuporior
'acilities , the Uoyal Baking I'owdnr Com
pany has made the J loyal Baking Powder
is the chemists all certify , of the highest
[ lODsiblo degree of strength , "absolutely
auro" and wholesomennd with an always
uniform leavening power. It is for these
reasons that the "J loyal" never fails to
[ iroduco broad , biscuit , oakes , etc. , that
ire light , utroot , digestible , and whole
some ; the eating of which is never fol
lowed by indigestion , or any of theme
physical dUcornforUi attendant upon thu
partaking of improperly prepared food.
In rendering possible the production of a
baking powder possessed of these qualili-
cations , the improved method of refining
cream of tartar becomes at once a matter
of material importance to the culinary
world ,
Chicago Times July 15 ,
The democratic in.MiaRoM nro not n little
puzzled by the unexpected attitude of a con. .
sldcrable portion of the Irish element against
the democratic ticket. At first they were1
happy in the belief that only the "dynamite1' '
lrihmon who labor under the impression thnt
Illiklne's accession to llio presidentialclutlr will
bo Inaugurated by > Igorous
were conce'riird iu the revolt against thn drnv
ocrntic nomination * , but the few dnys that
Imvo e'lnp'oel since the adjournment of the
deiuocratic convention have nulllcod to bring
forth unmistakable signs of n not Incoimldor
alilo disaffection nmong the Irish resident * ol
this city , which i * nit the moro surprislnc tn
the democratic managers ns it is largely based
on that powerful , ntul not easily to bo neutral
ir.ed factor , national prejudice.
Avoiding nlteigothor the Irishmen of Klchr
lieu Hoblnsoii typo , who denim to have the tall
of the British hen twisted nmkcs them hardlv
good judges of ono who should bo the iiros ( <
dent of this country , a roporte'r e > f The Times
yesterday made it his business to Found the
opinion of ninny of tlio Irish re-slile'iits of Chicago
cage on the democratic ticket , and found thnt
the Irishmen nrn in no mood , at least not nt
present , to pull eilf their coats for the election
of the democratic national ticket. The re
porter's investigations were confined lo people
who wore found in the down-town streets nnd
resorts , but ho conversed with men In nil sta
tions of life , nnd was careful to talk only with
people about whoso affiliation with the demo
cratic party ho had no doubt.
Many vv ere ilemncratlc officeholders , nnd for
that reason no name * can bo given , ns olllcc-
holders elo not like to appear in print when
making state-ineiiU unfavorable to the pros
pects of their party.
An olliceholder vtnmling high ainonp the
Irish people iu this city nnd occupying n
position which gives him ovcollsnt opportuni
ties to obtain correct Information about the
feeling of hi * cojntrjmen , snld , nfter having
exacted the promtso that his nauio should not
bo divulged : "Thero is no use talking about
It , the Irishmen in Chicago nud Cook county
nro largely
Were the election to bo held within n week
the Irish vote cast for the democratic national
ticket would not amount to ns many hundreds
ns It used to thousands. And the worst about
it is this , that the le-ollng against the ticket
has a double reason a lingering hope and belief -
lief thnt Mr. Blaine will provo the best friend
the Irish over had in the presidential chair ,
nnel n vety strong fe'eling that Mr. Cleveland
has no sympathies for the Irish raceami ie
anything but the wvrkiiigninn'a friend. Now
this feeling is not confined to the ultra-Fen-
inn and dynnmlto Imshmon. I would , lu
fact , pay no attention to it were so confuted.
On the contrary , according to infoiniation I
have from all uarts of the city ami country
is strongebt with that portion of our people
over whom the politician has the least Inllu-
once , who make up their inlnds at homo and
can not be talked out of nu opinion once
formed I menu that largo data of thrifty
Irishmen who own their own homo * , attend
closely to their work , mind their own Imsinesa
and are seldom Been in public , except on St.
1'ntrick's day ; lu the funeral procci-Moii of de
parted friunels ; in church , or nt the colohrn.
lions of the orders to which they belong. The
majoiity of these people never \otcel anything
but the dcmocn'tic ticket slnco they acquired
n right to vote , and my only hope IH that the
old habit of voting our ticket will assist us in
our efforts to prove to them thnt Mr. Bluine
will disappoint thorn , nnd that their prejudice
ngaiust Mr. Cleveland is entirely witluul
busls or justification. It will bo very hard in
deed to hold a largo mass of Irish voters te
the democratic ticket. "
The eoutlcman who Raid this is miemocratii
officeholder and a trusted co-worker of tin
"machine. "
Another Irishman , prominent In republicni
politics , look u fur moro conservative \iow o
thn Irish defection In the democratic ranks
"The dissatisfaction with the democratic call' '
didates"liOHahl , "is widespread among the
Irish , and wo shall certainly got a considerable
number of
But the influence of the city administration
will prevent anything like an Irish landslide
in our favor , except , perhaps , lu thu steick-
yards district , where official Influences arc
not of much account , nnd whore the Irishmen
nro as a rule , very independent and also very
Irish. "
An Irish politician from the Bridge-port dis
trict admitted that just at present there was
loud talk against the ticket among the ' -wear-
on ! of the green. " "The fact is , " he said , "the
boys have nothing against Mr. Cleveland , but
they have got the Idea into their heads that
Mr. Blaine will do gro t things for the Irish ,
nnd it is hard to talk them out of It. But wo
liavo four months'time lo talk the matter over ,
and when election comes around tno Irish will
vote the straight democratic ticket. The fel
lows that kick loudest liavo the least inllwnco ,
nnd I believe that nothing will bring our Irish
people quicker to their B6iifce' than the howl
ing of thu dynamiters fur Bhitno. A'good
many Irish workiiiKinen who belong to labor
organizations Imvo becomn projudiceel against
Cleveland through the talk of some of their
lenders about Mr , Cleveland's ollicial nets.
But I believe that , nlso , will wear awny jn
time , nnd that in tlio end the 1 Hub vote will
bo ns Bolidly dcinocra lo ns over it WUH. "
Another Bridgeport btatesmnn ventured the
remark that ho enjoyed the
ngalnst the tlemocrnlic lickel immi'iifioly bo-
eauao it would make n lively campaign in the
Irish wards all the moro nece-ssarv and the
workers nil the morn Important. All the talk
would bo Hilence'dbeforooloctlun-dny , however ,
nnd nn Irishman voting any but the democrat
ic ticket would bo looked upon n n traitor.
In conversation with a number of Irishmen
who claim no political influence talk for
themselves , only , nnd seemed to bo guided by
what they lead in tholr newspapers-tho re
porter gathered the following to be about the
present fooling nmong the Irish democrats :
They sympathize strongly with Kelly , Orady ,
Cockrun , and the ether Tammany chiefs who
opposed Cleveland in the democratic conven
tion , and considered the defeat of Tammany
In the light of a snub for the Iiiih element.
The objections made to Cleveland by Tarn-
is very obnoxious to the Jiihhnit'iiim account
of IU tendency to Anglo-mania , Uu ldoa the
lilah element In strongly lillod with
nnd the chaigo that Cleveland , whllo gover
nor of Now Vork , vetoed bills ngninst heavy
corporations , has therefore moro weight with
the average Irishman than It WPH given in the
democratic convention. On thn other hand.
Blnino stand * Mgh In the estimation of n good
many Irishmen because he In Hupliusod to bo
full of fight nnd a great ( leal of nn Anglo-
phobe. Ot course , they dulllio very much to
vote the republican ticket , but neither do
they want to vote fur n candhUta nominated
ugalnst the protovtx of Irishmen , nnd suspect
ed of strong anti-Irish proclivitleti.
O. Jl's.
Niw YOIIK , July 1C , The utato greenback
convention fu calod for New York city , Aug-
unt liT li _
Tim Financial Flurry nt IrullunniiollH.
iNDiANArouH , July 10 , Thu financial situ
ation U much Improved to-day. The run on
I'etHinger & Klotcher'ii and Cu > hman continu
ed this morning. The number of people de
manding tlieir money wnu nmuller thai yester
day , ami the runa entirely cca ed by noon.
It was feared thn country banks might bccomu
danced nnd draw the bulancui hold by bunks
in the city , hut nil ( earn of danger from this
uourcu uro now alUyod. l.uttoru have been ro-
On lli UHdtli nnllnl.
I'toiilA , III , , .limo 10 , lu the rainiblican
congresutoiial eonvention at Canton to-day ,
lion. JiilniB.S. Ktorof i'eorlit , wan uomiuntvu
on thu HSUth ballot
col\edfromo.'ll irs of country banks
tlieir bnlnnres lirrp , mprc ! ing the titinos
cniifidenro in lhu security of tlw city bnnkc
nnd ntntlng that Miry would draw nn lightly ni
postibln on their bnlancrs. While the fooliiif
u still \ory nervoiiif , confidence In oteadilj
growing , nnd from tf present outlook there
Is nothing to warrant Ao apprchcnsioiiB of nnj
further trouble with tin tt'ty bnnko.
Cnnn tn'H Tolltlcnl Corruption.
TonosTO , July 10. The Uoyal cnmnitMt n
took ndditinnnl trstimonj to day , in the
matter of the alleged bribery to eocuro ft
change In the timber pollov of the govern-
ment. II. B , Dwlght , Ren . \l innnngor of
the ( irent Northwestern Telegraph corapnny ,
tf * ilicd ho had destroyed the pnpers nskud w
( irodiico before the inngtotrnto. It wn cus
tomary to destroy mich pai > orK nfter six
months. In this cn o ho mndo 311 exception
nnd destroyed them himself about tlirooecks
ngo. 11. Monk , niembor ot Parliament , testi
fied there was n ooinorvAtlvo whip fast oosiion.
Ihroo cnutuses were held , no pptoial com-
mittccs were nppointexl , no minute reported.
Mourner IwArd Klrklmid'n or WilliiiiBon's
names broilght up nt the caucuses.
I'lnlccrton MOIJ ArrcHtnil.
Coi.OMliL'H , Ohio , July 10. At Now
Strnltsvillo to-day the entire Plukorton police
force wns arrested , half for riot nnd the others
nnlnwfully nnsurpliig thoollico of conitnhlo.
There was great excitement ilurimr the prelim-
Innry hearing. At the request of the defend
ants the case wns continued until Friday , the
men giving fifty dollars bond each. At the
close of the trial an attempt was made to cot
possession of the nrms , but it was UHBUCCOM-
lul , thu I'inkertou men agreeing to discard
tlieir guns pending their trial.
Olllco I'rocurors.
A'omc , July 10. The mayor to-day
l > egan an investigation into the charges pre
ferred by the morning newspaper against the
Hoveml kooperH of the. Intclligenco olllcos of
procuring girls for disreputnblo purposes. The
newspaper nrticlos were wiitteu mm the char-
gen made by Mrs. 101 izi Archer Connors of the
Cincinnati Commerci'il tinzolto. The lady
tcstltiod to the tnith of thn statements In the
newspaper aillclos. The koepom of vovcrnl
intelligence ollicea denied the charges were
true. _ _
The Ktceiilr.oliUHer Oliii IMcGoxvnn.
NEW Yoiuc , July 10. The Ktooplechaser
Jim McGowau was Hcizeil by sherilf , pending
n settlement In the court of the clnlnm of
rival owner * . W. C. Daly and ox-Mayor
Nolnn , of Albany. The latter claims to have
bought the horse from l ) < dy forS 1,700 , making
a deposit of $100 , and that Daly refutes to
surrender the horse upon the tender of the
purchase money.
IMIlwnnlcco'H Sowor.iKOy Siphon.
M'lMVAUKKE , July 10 The work of laying
n hugo iron Htphon under the Milwaukee rivet
will bo completed In 4 fuw days. The fiphon
in part of thn special suwerago system , nnd I >
the largest Btibmergod nipo in the world , be
ing f > - inches in dinmoler. The Bystom when
completed will drain a largo portion of tin
city out into the lake and will have cost
BeD Cook , : t Yearn , Holla for Jj'-V-OO.
Ciui'ARO , July It ! . Twenty-five young
thoronghbieds , btilonging to General Itowott ,
of Cnrlinvitle , Illinois , and the Wlhlwond
Htnblo of Pittsburgh , sold nt nuction to-dny.
( Jeorgo Uico , of little Hock , Ark. , paid
Sl,20l ! ) for the thrce-yonr-old colt Bob Cook ,
by Tonbrock , out of Jennie C. Book Cook
ran third for the Illinois Derby. [ SJA
Hungarian lllolerp.
PKHTII , July Hi. The trial of four hundred
and twenty peasants for complicity in tin
nnti-Magyr escutcheon riotnln September las' '
resulted in convicting S1IO , the romaindei
being nctniittcd. Those convicted were sen
tcnced to imprisonment from II days to II
years. _ _
NEW OJILKANH , July 30. A dnol ujlh shorl
su-ordu took plnco to-day near Grntna botwcoi :
Captain J. 1C. Itrou nnd Karisto Poche , brotlr
er of JuBtlce ioclio , of the atato supreme
court. Pocho received a flesh wound in the
thigh nnd the nlfalr wns settled.
An Irish "Murdorur" Bontcneoel ,
HI.KIO , July 10. Michael Muldownoy , ox-
coiiHtablo , has b"en sontonccd to death for
nsslsting In the murder of Doherty , a farmer ,
In 1881 , who was guarding the residence of
Thomas Henry Bnrko , under secretary for
Ireland. _ _ _
A Corner In Oil.
BiiADFOiin , PA. , July 10. Them was n
sharp advnnm in crude oil to-day. The united
| iipo line certificates opened nt 02V nnd cloned
olOiy , the highest prices of the day. A cor
ner in oil IH suspected ,
Ht uk Donin.
DKS Momr.M , Juljr 10. The formal opening
if the W. I. & N. railwav to Cedar Kalln wan
cplobrnted to-ilny by a dinner given by the
cili/.oiis of Cedar J'/dlrt to the wholcualo hnsi-
ncKH men of leu M'olnon.
llo Ijpnves a AVIfo and Olillil.
PliOHlA , ll.U , July 10. Kgbert Schell n
Gorman UOycarnold Hiilcldud to-dnyby drown
ing , lie took n boat mid rowed to the mid-
llo of the river and jumped overboard , lie
leaves a wife and child.
BlrlkcH Kndril.
PlIH.ADEl.l'HlA , I'n. , , luly 10. The strikes
of the journeymen plasterers and Knapp &
( Jo , "H KlioCH hiindri have ended. The plaxterorH
; ot the nilvanco usked , The uhocmakcrs com-
[ iromlsod ,
IJonorH to K
LONDON' , July 10. The prince of Wales
preaonted Captain .lames B. ICads , the well
known American Kngmoor with thu Albert
modal of the Kticloty of arts for 1681.
A Wirr-Miirderer'H AVI/.zc \VruiiK. .
NATOIIKMisi. . , July 10 , Albert Milon ,
colored , WUH hanged for the murder of his wife
in Dead Mun'rt liend , .September , 1832.
Now Ilainimlili-o Ilopubllcaiio.
C'ONCOIIII , N. H. . .luly 10. The republican
state convention will beheld hero September
StOOOn Oivenr
ffnlnni or an/injurious uibstiiiiee's can bo founa
In Andrews' Pearl linking 1'owelor. , Is jwj-
lively PURE. llelnueiiUorbed.aiiiltiktlmoiilnU
rccc'fu'd iroin nucli chumUts tmB. Dana Hays. Itos-
ton ; M. Dvlufuntivlnc , of Chicago ; and Uubtuvm
llodo , Milwaukee. Novcrkold iulmlU.
UlW7Vi W
They Seem to Agila/c / Chicago Markels
toNoIficonsitolilGEitent ,
All Speculators Somc what Oau-
tious Just Now
Increasing Number of Oa-ttlo Eo-
coipts at Ohioaco Oowl'ard'w
'w '
Hoga High for Light and
for Heavy i
The How York Stock MariY
Dull and Few Changes , '
TlioImllnnapollsIJntikTroubloBccm ,
Ijittic Effect.
Special Dispatch to THE BKE.
ClllCAao , July 1C. Grain opened stronger ,
but soon eased off , with Ilttlo trading. Thcro
were no outside order. " , and the local crowd
were afraid lo do much. They sold wheat
down nearly Ic and corn about ge , on the fine
crop-prospect , and reports of moro failures in.
the oast. Subsequently corn rallied , the ear
ly sellers being nnxtous to buy everything :
back again , and closed nt the top prices of the
Wheat wns stronger Inter in sympathy with
porn , but closed easy under rather free offer
ings , with Httlu demand.
Oats were quiet.
Ca'h corn solel at flljbeing in request for
July wheat was about Ic under August.
July oats were quiet at 2fJc.
The first cars of new rjo _ and barley arrivcel
and we-ro of excellent quality.
There were HOIIIO trading in l rd nnd short
riln nt lower prices.
1'ork Bold in settlement , the price being put
up on the shorts 50 to 75c a barrel ,
2:20 : i' . jr. Corn advanced on reports that
vessel room had been taken for 300,000 bushel ;
the market wa-i fairly active , the demand ba
ing chiefly from shorts , September sold nt
up to ftie nnd August nt 623 to Gfc ! , both clos
Ing at the outside.
Wheat was moro active and firmer , Belling
at 83i { to 81.1 for September , closing at 84J.
Short ribs wcro quiet nt 7 E5 to 7 75J for
September , nnd lard at 7 22i rollers for saino
mouth. Tear pork sold at 11 UO.
which came in to-day was from Nebraska.
There were about 2OCO Texans among the
now receipts. There won a larger per
cent , of good natives among the animals to
day than for any day this week , anil the do-
muud was active , with prices strong , some
chotcu droves soiling nt at G 80 to 7 UU ; grass
cattle when in anything like doont condition ,
sold for nil thov were worth. The receipts of
TexniiH Indcluded about 100 cars , or about 100
cars leas than yesterday For the past dav or
BO they arrived in rather bad condition hip *
lacerated , many with horns and libs broken ,
with a largo per cent , biulsed ,
The gene-rul ruu of canucraepld at 4 UO to-
125 , mostly nt the latter prices. A few lots
that suited the city butcher trade sold at 4 60
to 4 80. Jftio bulk of the Texans were held tow-
high fortJJnnors , nnd were not good enough
for the dressed beef trade ; so they were slow-
to sell. Old cows and other rough nntivo
stock is 10 to 30o lower than last vrecir , nnd
hard to sell. Thcro is a fair business In stockers -
ors mid fcodcrx at steady prices. Export
grades , 1,400 to 1,603 pounds , 0 05 to 7 00) )
good to choice shipping steers , 1,2CO to 1,41V
pounds , 0 20 to G 70 ; common to incdlnm ,
1,050 to 1,250 pounds , 5 35 to G 10 ; grass Texans -
ans , 700 to OCO pounds , sold at 3 85 to 4 80.
Tlio market gencrjlly opened rather quiet at
EC advance on light and Da decline on heavy.
Light sorts scarce and In active demand , sell *
ing ns high as 85 DO for choice fine pigs of ISO
to 208 Ibi. Heavy sorts were slow from first
to last. Shipping orders were light , and the
packers did not seem to want na many as yes
terday. No hogs arrivcel to-dny from Kansas
City for packer * . Sales at SI 005 00 for
skippers nnd throwouts , S 10@5 GO for as-
sorteel light , nnd SO 005 GO for packers nnd
shippers. Light , I GO to 220 Ibs , S5 00@5 CO.
Special Dispatch to TUB BEE.
NEW YOIIK , July 10. The stock market
to-dny has boon dull , but marked with somu
very vharp changes , owing to reports of busi
ness failures. The opening was strong for the
general list , and prices later were still better ,
with a Biibsequont reaction. But there was
little business , and the reports that wont the
rounds of the street showed that there was
no confidence. The fact Is , that the actual
falluit-s in business circles tronerally so far as
announced nro regarded ns indications of the
future , and moro aio expected to follow ; and
trust companies are asking I ! | > or cent for time
money , nnel do not como to make call loans.
There have been reports of trouble with local
banks ; but they are unfounded thus far , es
pecially ns concerning n prominent uptown
savings bank. The present , prices are about
the same us yesterday for the ( irangers nnd
Could stocks , except Missouri 1'ncllic , which
is lie lower. Vnndorbllt and Michigan Cen
tral closed last night at 01 , and opened thin
morning with nn offer at BU , and Is hold nt Gil
with a peg , nnd substnnlla'ly ' no transactions.
The reported tun em certain Indianapolis
banks has had a bad effect in stock circles to.
day , coupled with the assignment of the Iron-
ton ( Ohio ) worku , and the Knglish failures
consequent upon the assignment of hdmund
Yard & Co. , of tliU city , largo dealers in
while goods , nnd with liabilities upward of
STiO'i.f ( JO. This firm is an old and supposed
wealthy one.
CINCINNATI , Ohio , July ! ( ! . A dispatch ,
from Iron ton , Ohio , announces the failure of
Hiiam Campbell & Son , Iron manufacturers ,
and place the liabilities at $309,000. Nu
state ment of ateots. Basinets men hero eay
Lho fuiluro has been expected , and that Camp
bell's Mount Voinnn nnd Sarah furnace * have
been running during the recent depression In
the irwn trade.
1IANK1NII HUMS. ) , July 10. llocelvcr Wallace ,
in charge of the suspended banking house of
Fletcher & Him pe , in busily at work straight
ening out I fairs of thu firm , but It will bo
several days before n detailed ( tntement of
the ausoU and liabilities can bo inndo.
The Pcudleton Banklug company at Pun-
dloton , Mndlaon county , closed it * dooru to-
duy , the BiispenHloii being the teault of
Fletcher & Hharpo'a failure.
Disbarring Tom Campbell , or Cincin
CINCINNATI , July 10-Tho case of tlw dis-
baiinent of T. 0 , Campbell wan called in the
district court to-day and the charges read.
Judge Buckwalter , ono of the J"dgw , Imving
formerly been a law partner of Campbell , de
clined to Bit In the case , The other two Judges
applied to the supremei court for the assign
ment of a judge to Buckwaltcrtf i.laco ,
The vituosaes were dUmlased till Monday.