Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday Morninc ; , July 16
Vieit Bushman's now torolCtb'3lougl
The city jail , unJor the direction
Jailor Gorman , It being whitewashed n
otherwise Improved In npiwaranco and bogl
to look qnito inctroH | > 1IUn.
Tlio Kanaaa City Turners lott for hoi
yMtcrday They [ marched through t
BtrooU headed by a dnim corps and follow
l > y llio usual number of small boys.
A tnlitako was made in the report th
Thomas Gibson was discharijoJ by ! ud |
Dcneko upon the charge of keeping a l
Ranoo. Ho was lined $ . " and cotta.
0. A. Gardner , as "Karl the Peddler
will nppoar at the Academy of Music Frlda
and Saturday evenings and a Saturday ma
inoo. Hols a first-class Dutch dialect col ;
Tlio paving In various parts of the city
now being rushed along oa It should bo nr
there Is a good prospect of all the work whU
was laid out for this season being accon
pllslicd ,
Kavanangh , the catcher for the Hoc
Inland ball team , has aikod to play ball wil
the Union 1'aclGca , Manager Garnoau wi
give him n opportunity to earn $100 a monl
with bat nod ball.
Ttonoko Rays that olnco ho hi
boon police judge of Omaha he hai never lit
an large a day'a business as that of Mondn ;
Ho was kept busy from oaily in the mornir
until Into nt night.
Last niuht burglars attempted to got In )
Deputy Sheriff Grebe's house , but did n <
accomplish tholr designs , Thrco big ntror
bays wore lying in bed waiting and wlshln
for the intnidora to make their nppoarancc
I-'ollowIng the St. Louis Urowns thl
week , the Kvansvillo , ( Ind. ) club will play.ii
this city next week. The liaso ball huslnoi
Is just opening In Omaha for the season ani
aomo excellent gamoi will bo playod.
It was roi > ortoil on the street
afternoon that n Swudo had boon confidonced
out of $800 Ton the corner of .Klovonlh antl
JIarnoy. Diligent Inquiry in [ that vlclnltj
failed to find anyone who know anything con
cerning the matter.
fins Stephan and Andy Monyhan ulll
open this otcning tlicir now oahion on Six-
tcenth Htroot in McIIugh'ri old placu. These
gentlemen me well-known throughout tlio
whole city , aud hereby extend an imitation
to nil thdr fricnda to bo present nt their open
Sexton George Modlock says that In the
twonty-iivo years In which ho baa had charge
of the Prospect Hill cemetery ho has never
buried as many cnlldren In the snme length of
time ai ho hai in the present month of July ,
The past fifteen days have boon filled with
dhoaio nnd ( loath for the children.
S. P. Morse Si Co. desire to call particu
lar attention to their Table Linen Department
an the goods now aihortisod Cream and Gen
uine lUrnsIuy at 22 Jo. worth GOj. Ul
inch Bleached Damaska nr 15 c , reduced from
7fic ; anil ICic Table Linen worth $1.50 to $2 ;
Tlio sale this tnornint : takes rank as the most
triumphant t > uucoss of the yoar.
An interesting programme htw hcen nr-
ranged for the Bocinblo to bo held nt thu resi-
deuce of Mr. J. H. lUchardson , on the corner
of Gtnco nnd Seventeenth aired1) , on Thura-
' day evening next. Miss tonoi\o ! Ingorxoll ,
the elocutionist , will recite , and MORSIH. Frank
Smith and Clinton N. 1'owull will furnish the
musical attractions.
IIcnloyHnynos & VnnAradalo , wlmlaialo
notion man , who moved to this city n few
months since , have become sick with the suc
cess they have mot with and are moving their
Block of goods back to Indianapjlio , Indiana.
Thoylnd big expectation * which have not
boon fully roalued nnd they have become dis
Mrs. A. A. Thomson was pleasantly BUI-
prised by n number of friends gathering at her
liouso Saturday evening , on Twenty-first and
Clark Directs. Dancing waa indulged In un
til midnight , then after n delightful supper
had been served nil returned to their homes
thanking tholr hoHtoss for the ploatant oven.
tng spent.
At the Tivoll boor garden there Is n would-
l > o musician who makes the forenoon of each
day hideous with his futile attempts to bring
music from an old violin of which ho Is the
possessor. Music may have charms to uootho
thesavngo breast , but the kind of muMo which
this young fiddler makoa would make a moro
Rontlo breast than lhat possessed by the writer
extremely Bavngo. May , or quit sawing.
The bank of earth nrimnd the now court
liouso is being lowered. The main BOJIS | , to
the cojiirt liouso have been changed from the
original plan. It was Intoudod to have n
htralght broad stairway leading down to 1'nr-
nam street , but ou account of the grade It will
bo necessary to tavo n landing about halfway
down aud tVcn a stairway on cash ahlo of the
landing , east and west , to the atroot. TlioRO
who pretend to Itnow nay It will not look
nearly so well ns if the original plan was car
ried out ,
A ball will bo hold in Cunnlngham'ri hall ,
Thirteenth nnd Jackson Htreut , to-morrow ,
Wednesday evening , the ICth IDHC , , the proceeds -
coeds of which nro to be donated to n very
charitable and praiseworthy object. The com
mittee I * A charge of the arrangements nro do
ing all m tholr power to make it n very uuc-
oOBuful affair , nnd hope any ono who ran come
will show by thalr presence their ullllnguciuj
to assist in a good work. The ttckotj arunnlj
HO cents , The best of music will bo furnlshotl
and good call guntantooJ , The A , 0. H. baiul
have kindly promised to attend and furn1nl
anmo of tholr excellent music , The commlttei
in charge nro members of the A. 0. II , am
they will sea good imler maintained.
The Gumlilcrs licforo Oonolco.
Thirtceon of the fifteen gambler
placed under arrest appeared in the po
lice court yesterday after noon. Die
trict Attorney Godwin oppcnroi
for the atato and said ho doairei
to prosecute the defendants on th
charges preferred against them , butatatci
ho was cn oged before iho grand jury
The cases were continued to August Dili
The proprietors vruro placed under bond
of 8200 each and tha deulera under bond
of § 50 each.
Olimcli I'lonlc.
* The FirJt Congregational church Sun
day school and eocioty will picnic ut Han
acorn Park , Thursday. Cara lonvo th
church in the morning promptly at hul
past nine and ten o'clock. Refreshment
may bo cent to the church any time be
fore ( lie last cw leave * , nnd ull baskoU
dithio , etc. , will be suMy returned toth
church. W.O.TAVWII ,
tf School.
A Resolution to Proyifle for Regnlalii
IntrOuHcc ,
Ordnance Authorizing Bonds fi
This Season's ' Paving Passedi
Oilier BtiBltiCRt ) of IrnportMTico Trixn
At the regular meeting of the conni
lost evening roll call found meinbo
Bohtn , Ford , Furay , Uascall , Hodfiol
Woolworth , Thrano and Murphy pr
sent. The minutes of the previous moc
tig were road and approved.
From the acting mayor , giving notic
that ho had approved certain ordinance
passed at lint mooting. Filed.
From the bricklayers' union and twot
ty other persons , n protest against lottir
of the contract for city printing to Til
BEE Publishing company.
During its reading , Mr. Andorso
moved to lay the communication on th
Mr. Hascall called for ita reading an
said there were names of respectable mo :
signed to the petition.
Mr. Thrano asked who introduced th
communication , and Mr. Loedor , arising
nskcd hin' what ho was kicking about
and said ho would sign his name to i
and father it.
Mr. Ilodfiold said Mr. Thrano had n
right to ask the question and had a right
to know.
Mr. Anderson said ho did not think
Mr. Turtle oror framed the potitlon , but
, vas approached on the street corner ana
isked to sign it , which ho did. The po
rtion was referred to the committee on
From Dan. 0. Hordy , stating ho had
lone all in his power to carry out the or-
linanco regulating his duties as pound
naslor , but had mot with opposition
'rom the city attorney , llofcrrcd.
The bond of City Attorney Council
ras approved.
From II. Williams and others , asking
hat a nuisance on Seventeenth and
Hark streets bo abated. Referred.
A number of bills were referred with-
ut reading.
From 11. Farrell and others , asking
hat the B. & M. 11. 11Co. . bo compelled
) build a bridge ono hundred foot long
cross Fourteenth street , , whore that
Dmpany is now grading for the purpose
f laying a track. Iloforrcd.
From .Tohn F. Lehman and others , ask-
ig the nuisance caused by the nail works
urning coal oil bo abated. Referred.
From Xonas Stevens and others asking
liat the grade of Ixard street between
finoteonth and Twenty-first streets bo
liangod so 0,1 to bo straight , lloforrod.
From McShano & Schropdor and others
retesting against the closing up of Four-
jonth street by the 15. it M. II. R. Co.
From J. M. Watts , offering to aottlo
is suit against the city , providing it will
11 up his lots to urado. Referred.
From Jno. Corrigan , a&kinrr that the
roper parties bo directed to drain the
a'or ftora vho pond on Twelfth and Casa"
From John M. Thuraton and others ,
sking that the grade of Farnam street ,
otwooti Jefferson and the alloy just west
f Twenty-fourth street , bo changed ,
From H. Yoduka and others , protest-
ig against the proposed change of grade
t Hickory street between Sixth and
onth stroeta. Referred.
From James Croighton , prpsonting
itimato of city engineer for paving the
leys is districts ! ) and 10. Ruforrod.
From same , stating that Jonkinson
id Archibald are entitled to the ro-
irvod 20 per cent for paving alloy in
wing district No. 27.
By Loader , that a report ha inado on
10 rules regulating the gambling houses.
A motion to lay it on the table was
> st by vote of 0 to ! .
Mr. Loodcr then took the floor and said
p had been charged with ad-
islng the marshal , but ho had
ion him loss ainco ho had been
i that olllco than over boforo. Ho was
illing to show whoru ho stood upon the
ucstion , and ho wanted their acU rogu-
1 toil ,
_ Mr. Hascall stated ho could not give
in support to any such measure. The
iw made gambling illegal and an illegal
usinoss could not bo regulated. What
o was in favor of was to leave- them to
10 good souse of tlio marshal and when
10 gamblers became obnoxious wink
lorn out.
Mr. Ford opposed the measure. Ho
nd introduced a measure to run out of
10 city all pimps and loafers and it was
it down upon.
Mr. Anderson said if ho were marshal
o would oruah the gamblers and wipe
icm out , ao help him God.
Mr. 15ohm said the banks were the
iggest gamblers in the world and they
ore allowed to do business. Ho waa in
ivor of allowing the gamblers to run
ntil 12 o'clock at night.
Loader said ho had boon charged with
dvising the marshal , but when it was
> iid that he was leading around a man
2 years old ho was given greater credit
ban ho was entitled to. Ho thought
hey ought to bo regulated and whan the
iiarslml undertakes to carry out the or-
linitnccs , the city council nhould cither
ako the burden from his shoulders or
lay "Atnon" to it.
Rodlicld said the council had nothing
o do with the marshal and it hud no
ight to uivo " him these weekly curtain
lectures ,
On motion of ITascall the resolution
was indefinitely postponed.
By Woodworth. that the atroot com-
mitsionor bo instructed to remove the
nUlowalkou the west end of lot 4 In block
B51. Adopted.
By Bahm , that the city marshall bo in-
atruotui to notify the property owners on
Loavenworth street to take in thoit
fonco3. Adopted.
By Anderson , that the gas lamps on
Suuudorj , Caldwell and Hamilton streets
bo located ao that they will properly ul-
ortuto. Referred
By TJiruno , " that the mayor bo autlo--
izod to uinploy Charles Weet , as special
policeman , to take care of the garbage al
the foot of Jotira street , Went to bo employed <
ployed until Soptumbur 1 ut 815 pel
month. Adopted.
Strcota and grades , recommending flu
Bccoptanco of Hillside additions Noa. 1
2 and 3. Adopted.
A quit claim deed from A. E , Touzalit
to the city waa accepted ,
Streets and grades recommending tin
acceptance of Hickory Place odditioi
Special committee , consisting of Hai
call , Behm and Rcdfiold , to which wt
referred the matter of damages onauin
from the change of grade of Farnat
street in cases appealed to the DIatri *
Court. The following Is the report (
the committee of the damages allowed :
Eilwnrd Hnnoy. lot 1 , U < ck U2 ? 10' '
T. W. Hichlmrdf , lot 8 , block 115 11K
.Tano M. Porter , lot 7 , Mock 110 2 <
Atldlo 0. Ambrose , lot 5 , block 14 f *
Julia A , Holtorf , lotC , Capitol odd. . . . M
C , 0. Schaflcr , lot 2. Capitol add 1C (
C. li. Hnrt , lot 0 , Koyo sub. div 25 (
The committee recommended that th
city attorney bo instructed to confoi
judgmonta for these amounts in the dii
trlct court. Adopted.
By Rodfiold , appropriating 81,290 ou
of the general fund in favor of McGavoc
& Gibbon. Passed.
The amended ao called Kaufman liquo
ordinance was taken up on second reading
ing and passed.
An ordinance providing for the issuance
anco of bonda to pay for paving Thit
tconth , Dodge , Farnam , Cummlnga
Eleventh , Twelfth and Fourteenth street
was read three times and paused.
The ordinance provided for $120,001
in bonds.
An ordinance amending ordinance No
488 , levying a special tax to pay the hai
cost of grading Farnham street from 25tl
to 2th. ! ) Passed.
An ordinance to cover * ho half cost o :
grading Cummings street from Whoator
to city limits. Passed.
An ordinance ordering Capitol nvonui
graded from 13th to 18th streets. Passed
An ordinance changing the grade ol
Wheaten atroot. Passed.
An ordinance creating aowor diatric
STo , 22 in the city of Omaha. Passed.
The council then adjourned.
A. J. Wright , of Tecimnaeh , is at llio
F. 1) . linker , of Creaton , In. is at the Met
opolitan ,
Simla Kmitxnmn , of ICdgar , is rogintorcd a <
ho Metropolitan.
R.TuUus Her , of Helena , Montana , Is In tin
ity on a brief visit.
Willlnm Ijainb and son , of Columbus , art
t the Metropolitan ,
14. K.Townsond , of Randolph , Nebraska , ia
t the Metropolitan ,
Mr. Gcorgo Drexel , of Klkhorn , is in the
Ity visiting with frlonda.
T. I i. Murphy and wife , of i'lattimouth ,
ro registered nl the Metropolitan.
L. 1 fatten ; and 0. A. Molchor. of Atlantic ,
' , are stopping at the Metropolitan.
15. II. McCain , of DCS Moines Is in the city ,
id is quartered at the Metropolitan.
Mrs. Tom Pioronot and son will leave to
* y for Atnboy , 111. , to bo gene six weeks.
Mr. J , 1) . Hkarawoda , of Chicago , is in the
ty with a view of locating hero in some busi-
Misies Mattie and Tnttio McLean , of Glen"
owl , Iowa , are visiting at Dr. Armstrong's
i this city.
Mr. JamoaStophonson ami daughters , BOB-
0 and Mlldrod , loft yesterday to BOO tha
ghta in Chicago.
Mr. Samuel Shears , of the Mlllard , and wife
; artod for Canada last evening. They will
3 absent nbout one month.
Mr. C. D. Woolworth , a fonnnr citizen of
'malm ' , is visiting with hia brother , Hon. J ,
I. Woolworth , In this city.
Mr Frank Murphy loft Itst evening for
[ ml ! on , Wls , , accompanied by his mother
nd elator. Thtladleu will spend the summer
t that placo.
Mrs. Mary and Thomas Morinrlty , mother
id brother of K. F. Moriarlty.lcft this yoster-
V for Holyoke , Mass. , to meet relatives and
remain during tha summer.
William Flynn , the efficient officer of the
) lice coutthan boon quite ill for several days ,
iving boon overcome by the lioat. Officer
Igwatt performs his duties while absent from
B post.
I. Tyler and wife , SterliDgG. ; M. Lambert-
II , Lincoln ; B. C. Smith and uifo , ISontrico ;
. II. Clark , Ulalrj Hon. Church llowo , Au-
irnj and A. S. Paddock and family , Beatrice ;
gtstcrodat the 1'axton ycstorday.
Mr. T , 1C. Sudborough and wife loft fo t , 13is-
n last evening where Mr. Sudborough will
loud the KxprosHiuan'H Mutuitl lionofit AH-
elation convention. Mrs. Sudborough will
innln In the oaxt during the summer.
Mr. II. L. Chamberlain , of the firm of
mmborlain , llowo & Mnrnhall.tho Sixteenth
reel fiirnltimunon , left yesterday , occompan-
1 by [ liis wifu and child , furMeadville , I'enn
Ivauia. Mr , C. will ho absent nbout ton
> ya and Mrx. Cliaiubeilaiu and baby will
nil tliuro dining the real of tlio summer.
> , Jj. Uilson nnd II , F , Cady , Nebraska
ty ; ( Joo. Wildith and A. J. Kittonhouse ,
irora ; K. 1) , Bristol , John Stion nnd Irn
hnsou , Wuhoo ; C. M. Lcighloii. T. AV-
iWfoy , Lincoln ; M. C , Spie , Dattlo Crock ;
hn L. Moans , Cirand Inland ; Patrick I'nhy ,
Neillnnd J. NowtonWeeping Water , nero
o.sts of the Mlllard yrstorday.
Union 1'nollU ) OlUcinla ,
JiiBaa City Journal , 14th.
The loading officials and directors of
, o Union Pucigo arrived via a apodal
am from Omaha at 8.JO o'clock last
ght , and will remain in the city until
nosday inspecting tlio company'a pro-
> rty in this city nnd Armstrong. The
irty travel in four privnto cars , the
lost elegant belonging to the road , and
miprisps the following well known mag-
utos , via : Charles Francis Adams , jr. .
F Boston , president ; S. 11. Colloway , of
hicngo , assistant president ; Frederic L.
nies , of Boston , and Hugh Riddle , of
hicago , diroctora ; S. II. H. Chirk , gen-
ral manager and T. L. Klmball , nuaia-
int general nianngor , of Omnlm ; S. T
mith , of Kansas City , general auporiii-
'tideiit of the Kansas division ; J , II.
antiuld , nrivato a crotary to Mr. Adams ,
ud Fred Ames , jr. , just from Hnr-
urd college and out on a recreating
> ur.
The party is making an official tour of
ispootion over the entire Union Pacific
yatom and nftor looking over the compa-
.y'a . property will go to lt > nvor over the
Cansaa divisinn and thence to Ohoyonno
nd O don. Thoj have boon over several
if the branches already , and before their
oturn east they will go over every foot
if road that the Union Pacific owns or
'poratos. '
Mr. Adams and Mr , Callowny took
ooins nt the Co\ ( ' ( , where they vroro ap.
iroaohi'd by the Headlight. Mr. Adams
lecliucd to otl'ur any opinion or informa-
ion , iniiocoiitly inquiring if tboro had
icon any nominations htoly , AJS to the
umors of the Union Pacific being placed
u the hands of a receiver ho said hu
mow no reason why auch should bo clone
my more than in the case nf hn Now
i ork Oontral. Aa to hia visit hero , it
tad no reference to hia private interests ,
ilthough ho would visit tlio workshops of
he road to-day ,
Relnrnof ttcNalionalRepnliUcanCo ]
mittaan ,
What Ho Hnsto Say ConccrnltiR tl
Outlook In tlio East ,
Hon. Church Howe , member of I
nntlonnl republican committee , return
to Nebraska yesterday , after an abson
of five weeks in the east. Ho attend
the national committee mooting on t !
20th of Juno in Now York , and waa a
pointed A member of the executive cot
mittco. Mr. J. S. Clarkson of D
Moines , and Mr. Howe were appointed
special sub-committoo to visit M
Blaine and consult about the campaigi
Mr. llowo spent considerable time i
Massachusetts , Maine , Now York an
of Tun BE
Indiana , and a representative
interviewed him regarding the aituatio
In the east Mr. llowo , who consultc
Qonry Cabot Lodge , chairman of tli
Massachusetts state central committci
uid other leading republicans , fools aatii
lied that the grand old commonwcalt
will roll up her u ual largo ropublica
majority. Ho is ( [ uito contidont that tli
republicans will carry Now York. A
: ho labor associations of Now York wil
lie forced to bo against Cleveland and fc
Blaino. There is no disputing the fat
; hat Blaine has a very largo followin
unong the Irish and the Catholic !
not only in Now York , bt
ill over the country. Mr. llowo is als
latisfiod that the republicans will can
Indiana , as Uondricks has not added an ;
strength to the democratic ticket. Th
reports received from Virginia , Wet
Virginia , North Carolina and Florida nr
? ory encouraging. Since the nominn
.ion of Cleveland the republican commit
; oo fool greatly encouraged. If it coul
lave named the democratic candidate , i
iertninly would have selected Clovolani
is the man who could bo most caail
joaton by Blaino. The democratic sol
liors everywhere are everywhere diasat
sfiod with the ticket because the soldio
ilomout was ignored. They wantci
ioBccrans in place of Ilondricka.
Mr. Howe will devote nearly all hi
imo between now and November to tin
nterosts of the campaign in Nebraska
A General Kotv.
Monday night a general row occurred a
ho corner of Fourteenth and AVobato
troots. An old gontlman by the nam
f Huff rents the lower part of his house
o a man by the name of Holland. Las
tight Holland and hia wife got into ai
Itorcatton with the old man , Hull
nd wont up stairs and proceeded to giv
im a good beating. They had the eli
lan upon the floor and wore poundin
im in good shape , when Frank Case am
Imory Winn , who live next door , cam
0 the old gentleman's assistance and tool
lolland and his wife down stairs. IIol
ind then blow a police whistle and hai
oth Case and Winn arrested. While th
flicors wore on their way to the plac
lolland drew a revolver on Winn am
lireatened to shoot him. A number o
omplointa were filed on both sides i ;
plico court yesterday and bail wa
iven by all paitics for appearance in tw
Yesterday It waa reported , on who
aema to be good authority , that the pros
cutioij of the gamblers is not to con
: iontiouslyfcnforco the city ordinance
ut it is in'furthoranco of the orders c
r-Mayor Chase. It is reported tha
[ arshal Cuminga made iivo different call
pen Mr. Chase Monday , after whicl
10 warrants against the gamblers won
vorn out and placed in the hands of ai
licor to servo.
Mayor Murphy says that the marsha
acting in this matter without any or
srs from him.
Wo have no means of knowing whetho :
LO reports about the visits of the mar
tal to ox-Mayor Chase are true , but tin
port gives coloring to the suspicion thai
tore is an attempt being make to rut
10 witnesses against Chase and Guchrii
it of town ,
A good deal of comment has been caus
1 by the open intimacy of Marshal Cum
ings with Frank Walters , who has boor.
his company night and day since he
w appointed. It is notorious thai
rank Walters was moro or loss a go-bo'
reon for Chase and Guthrie , and it ii
spocted that ho is now trying to ma kc
tool of Uummings in the interest of ( hi
iposcd mayor.
Tlio Now School House ,
At the mooting of the special commit-
B consisting of Messrs. Parker , Con-
iyer , Gibbon and Ltvisoy , of the board
oducationtho question of the accept-
ice of the Loavouworth and King
root school houses was discussed. It
us finally determined to havotho differ-
ces Hottlod by exports who should ro-
irt to the board. The committee
ilms that the chimneys , black-board ,
ska and other minor items do not cor-
apond with the plans and spciiicatljns.
was carried to invite architects to pro-
lit at the mooting of the board ,
ixtRIcnJay night , their plans for the
diuoii to the Hartmnn street school
d for the West Omaha school b uilding
bo built.
Absolutely Pure.
llilipowder oivcr varies. A marvel of purenou ,
rongf-nil uholMtoneueu. JIoio ixjoiomlcoil than
oirdln ry klnJi , ndcaiinatlw > ld In competition
th tlio multltndoof low toit , nhort weight alum 01
> o > phata i jwder _ HoU.oily 111 cam. UOYAt
will Foaltlvtlynot be Insert !
nnleaa paid in advanc .
TO toAN-iiontr.
KENT A flvo room ootUge , cor. Shuldi
' street &nd Ponnleton avenue , $10.1.0 pot moot
Itarkcr vt Jl > 457-tl
n O LOAN From 1200 to $1,000 on good Mcurlt
JL Atl'licM "I ! 1' " nco olllco. 603-lPp
to loin In sums ol t.WO uncl npwurils i
MONEV DouKlMCo. tarms. n 0. t' tter i
& Co. , llcl csUto and loan &K ° ut , 13th and Farnfti
ONKV lo.inoj on ch&ttcls , notes boiuht , cut r
M tickets S. W. A. Forraan , 213 S. 13th St.D381m
TO LOAN Th lowest tatet ol Uit re
MONEY ' Loan AITIDOT. th * Doofla ! Si-tl
"Vf ONKY TO LOAN In snnu ot $300. and upwan
itl O. r , Davis and Co. , Heal Eetato uid Ix > i
Agentn. 1608 Farnam St. _ 808-t
A Rood girl for general housoworl
2510 SU Jtary'u avenue. 620-17p
T\7ANTKD-Kilty men for St. Paul , 217 Norl
T r Sixteenth itroot , 610 ITp
W ANTKD Oooil KlrM for general houneworl
217 North SlUocnth treot C3-17p !
ANTED-Oood Baker , 217 North SIxtoenI
street. 841-ltp
WANTED-Olrl [ to cook , wash and Iron. All
girl to take care ot children and do up-stal
work. Good wages. 014 ISouth Seventeenth itrce
WANTBD-A girl at 81.00 per week In a family c
two. 1310 Farnam ut. 825-tf
WANTKD A girl for housework at 022 Dou < rli
street. 009-16"
WANTED-Good washer and Ironor.
once at 1418 Howard Street.
WANTED A good girl In small family for houfi
work at 613 S. 14thstrc t. 017-lOf
WANTED- for general housework , CIS sout
18th street. . 010 21
AAfANTED A competent girl for general housi
I t work In smill family of adults. Call at 45
Pleasant attest- 014-tf
) Colored girl for general housowort
Good wages. No. 1151 South llitli street.
VyANTED A woman to do general housework I
I * a family ot two. ( ! oo d ages paid. Applj sout
est corner fitliand Pine ttroUs , South Omaha.
WNTBD A joung man to canvass city and se
gocds on commUslon. Address with rcfcrcnc
my "Merchant , " Omaha 1'ost ofllco. 013-lOp
V1JANTED ( llrl to do work of smafll amily. Ca
Tf at 1D10 Douglas. .1 , B. Smith. C02-1C
\T7"ANTPl > A few persons to learn book-keeping
f f Situations In September , 1518 Douglas streel
I. II. .Smith. 803-15
T'li-A g od kltchin girl ; wages good , a
HOP Pier str ct , north Omaha. OC4-lCp
TyANTED A good female meat cook at the Ai
ft cade Hotel , 1215 Douglas street60310
1 IVK Agcnti for bcs'lucent campaign medals
-t I'orftct likeness. Write at once for excluslv
Territory. 0. N. Buzby & Co. , 017 Market St. Plillt
\\7ANTED. First clais cook at Treraont House
I f corner 18th and Hurt. . 681-16
YyANTED A girl to cook and wash for a famil
If of two. Light work and steady place. Waije
; ood. Inquire 2415 Davcdport St. 57-15
IV ANTED-Good clrl o gcneial houeo worli
If Only three la family , \\ogen 85. rcr week
112 South 12th St. 652-15p
WANTED Glrla atS aven Hotel , south lOthSt.
635-17 ]
V\"rANTED A first-class barber. None other ncei
V > apply. Call at 1410 Chicago St. Cossley.
611 lap
SD A good butcher. No. other need ap
ply , corner 14th aud Howard. 616-lOp
\\7ANTKD-A good girl at 2514 Douglas street.
If 401-tf
f\7ANTnO-A sM for a family of four , that under
i btands how to cost , wah ami Iron. > o othe
need apply. Apply at once to 1400 Park Wilde ave
Urn. JohnW. Bell. tOO-tf
WANTED-QIrl ( at 1510 Sherman avenue. Mre
J. M. Counsman. 048 tl
country , to take nice , light and pleasant work a
tholr own homes ; J2 to ? 5 a day easily and quletl
made ; work sent by mail ; no camassinz ; no stami
( or reply. Please address llellablo JIan'l 'g Co. , I'll ]
odolpbla , Pa. 149 Imo
WANTED A situation. Young man 23 , Scotch
man. Oood writer , bookkeeper , ealcaman
Strictly temperate ; small nalart , Willing to bo use
'ul. ' Address , ENEIIQETIC , BKE office.fllO17
W 'ANTED By a good responsible man a posUibt
as Porter In grocery store or dolhcry clerk
rVIll work cheap , taking part in provisions for faml
y. Is well ac < | uaintcU with city. Wages nut si
iiuch the nbject as a pcrrcanent place. Address fo ,
en days , W. P. , 001 Center struct. 015-15p
ITT'ANTKD A situation as clerk by a joungman
Tf Itai had oxporlcnco In Dry Goods , Clothlnj
ind Groccrbusiness. . References girun. Addres :
'J. S."neo oIJlco. fll2-)5p
IVTANTED SUuatiou by a druggist of ix years
T T oxpcrl nco Can keep books Clnod refercn
es. Address P O , Box 746 , Omaha , Neb. 5Sl-10 |
I IfASTlU ) Portion as go\crno s lr > a private fam
T f ily , by a young lady who has had experience ic
, slrr position lleit of references given Ad' '
Ircn "G 8. " care Bee olllcc , Council Blufln. 003-K
WANTED Situation by ayoung man who has had
1 years experience In the grocery business. Ad
rcta "G M W. " lieu otllce _ SOO-ISp
IX7ANTED Situation by a Henchman ol Paris 2E
VI ofagospuak Kiisllsh German , Trench and Hal
\n , a situation In a prit ate family or hotel. Addrrct
. DcUtnir , fur 3 dujsthljotllco 6C3-16) ) :
A Ijxdy ft rcfincritnt and beat of references would
! i like a situation anamaiinonels , orti docopvlnp ,
iddressfor ono week , JI W. " BJO olllco.
A Lady w Itli go < xl references would like to act a
\comimtiloti In some o'dcrly , or Invalid lady Ad.
ress "II. W , " Bee olllco for ono week. 623-17p
ITlTANTED-Sltuntlon by an expeilfnced horse
man and llrst-clau coachman. Brst of icfcr-
ncea. Apply at Rev. Jorgeson , corner Hamilton and
l r Sts. 632-15p
A loung married man wants situation as book-
.i. l-eoiwr , In wholesale establishment In Omaha.
ddrcbj"0. " can Bee. 808-tf
niTANTKI * To sell my eoufectloniTy and icc-
f V cieim Business In a town of 3,000 InlmbitintH ,
locounty teat , abnut 76 miles from Council BlulTa
i lo < a. 1 he only ice cream Parlor In the pla o and
oliig nn cMri line busnibis. Soda Fountain ,
to ton tiiUlta and everything In line shape. Ad-
rew , 11(1. JI , this olllco. 037 18p
[ XTANTED-Soineoiio toadapt a boy baby Smooths
ff old. Inquire at Poor Houue. 607-17p
r\7ANni : > To buy a good horse. Address R.
If Bco ottlco. 60516
L\7K offer In 1 U to suit iUrcba er , eight hundred
II choice Iowa etofrs. One half tear oldn , balance
AO and three > ear * eld , and a good smooth bunch.
21 l ! ! ! _ HTUANuB 11110'S. Hlpiu t'lty lgvv .
.V'/LNi'KD . Hoarders to know the bt , Clurlea llo.
I I tel on Harnuy St. , between 12th and 13th will
t up the bent table board for $4 00 per week of any
ouse In the city of a corroapondlr" nrlec. 2S8-tf
von HBrtT Honsen Una Lots.
nice rooms " CunningVam
block , Thirteenth tticct. 0 S-21
RENT 10-roomtd houeo. 8 minutes' walk
1 from postolnce , $ J5 per month. Also 4TOomed
imio , Nlutccutli and Cumiulngs street * ; 118. fo tier
loiith. MOUSE tL IlKUNNr It ,
t-9 10 1401 Frnam street.
| 7 < OR RENT A istore on Curamlnits trcet A
L' pl ndld opening for a bakfrv. shoe tore. butcli
r hou or an ) thing Use. MORSE & URUN.VEII ,
1404 Farnam stieut.
. . . . .lENT-SUblo lor rent ttalU for 4 hones
. . tl 00 pur inunth , 1S18 Farnam strict.
6 7'tf
[ 4H"llKI'l N8roomluuw | Inquire Mm K.
L1 RoddU , 25tn bttvv ecu lav t nport and Chicago SU.
I OIl lliNT-A uplondldly furnl lied parlor bd
L room , with l > y wlndow.ud gaj,2003 Ca < . tticet.
[ 7/OR RENT-IIouii five loomi and lltchi-n. ISiB.
L1 Dtlmreot tin-17p
[ 7011 RlCNT-KIfgiiit'y ' turnUhed parlor andTedT
I1 roouifJJ ODU Ioutla St AUo 4 rojiui for
ou o kveiiliii ; . luqu r ot W. F. Clark , corner 16th
ud Dou.Ian. Jl-17p
[ 70liRENT Nlcily furnished room without
L1 boar d 1SH D vet > i > oil bt. lOi-Zlp
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
1515 Dowlas siruRl , Omaha ,
Are prepared to do wo
In any branch ,
On Short Notice
with am. Absolute
P tee of l > eiag ] the Finest anfl , H
Perfect s
tfoeir jkiaid Evey Made. ,
1318-320 S. I3th St. , near Farnam.
tCjBIanufacturod by the Michigan Steve Oo. , Detroit and Chicago * . '
KENT A nicely furnished room for ono 01
two gentlemen , at 421 1'leisint street CS7-1 !
"T70H KENT T o unfurnished front room . In
JL1 qulro at No. 1013 Mason street , Let. 1'itb and llth
Six room cottage , fine location , by S
T. Peterson , S. K. cor. 15th aud Douglas. 517-t
TTWltUHNT l'leaeant furnished rooms to rent t
_ L } , 1707 Cass street.
T710R IlENT Pleasant furnished room , 1611 CaF :
C Sticct , 697-10 |
FOP. RENT CHEAP A new brick cottage , f > rooms
city water , aud modern Improvementscoiner fltl
and Hickory. 503 18p
17011 RENT Nicely furnUhcd front roam , Fiiitabli
JL1 for two gentlemen , 2521 Davenport St. 509-15J
FEU RENT Basement , two roome , 1815 Chicago
TJ'OR RENT -With board , largo front room witt
JP bay window , gaa and bath room , at No. 171 !
Dodge street. 4fl10p
RENT Two unfurnUhod rooms , suitable foi
FOR hoiiiekecijirg , 1013 Howardstrect. G08-18i
ItrNT House and stable. 2Cth and Harney
FOll . Win. L. Mnnrto , flthand Douglas. 601-lOf
FOR RENT A now store and dwelling above , In o
first-class location. Inquire northeast corner 1711
and Nicholas etroet , near ol works. 572-15p
RENT A furnished front mm , suitable foi
FOR gentlemen , at 1417 Howard St. 673-10 ]
FOll RENT Furnisln d room at fS per month. ;
R. C. Patterson , 13th and Farnam. 670-16
FOR IlKNT Two new 0 room houses , very com
plete ono block from Park ave. cars. AMES ,
1607 Farnam , 650 tf
77 > OR RENT No. 01S N. 17th St. between Web'tcr
_ L' and California Address bo\712 city. 553-15 ] ,
KENT A pleasant furnished room at 1300
1 Capitol ave. 650-18p
FOR RENT House and large barn , s'alia for 0
horses. Aure lot. Wm. L. Monroe , Oth and
Douglas , telephone 331. & 51-18p
OR RENT Furnished rooms 1818 Dodge Street.
( j'Oll RENT Thrco rooms , 3 closets , city water.
1 ? luquiro at 003 North 13th St , 6G4-18p
rpo RENT House of eight rooms , birn etc. In-
JL qulra at 1012 Capitol ave. 660-16
It RENT Furnished rooms , 1021 Capitol avc >
KENT A furnished room. Inquire at No.
810 21st and Lcavenworth St. 62S-15p
IOR KENT FurnUhod rooms 105 N. IBtliSt.
_ . . RENT Three unfur Uho rooms nnd 1 sin-
JLulo room furnished 1817 Chlcign. 600-tf
F IlENT Rooms In Crounse's Block. O. M.
1 Hitchcock. . 613-tf
"ITIOR IlKNT A back parlor tlegant.y furnished
JC1 and adjoining bed room , with usu of bath room.
Also bed room up utalrs , xaitablo for onoor two con-
tlcmcn. Bist location In the city , 520 Pleasant St.
T7VR RENT-Furnlshed rooms at 2227 DoJgo St.
I ? 497-lmp
Jil RENT In Shlnn'gStl addition , now house , 4
_ J rooms , part of double home , full lot , $1100 per
month. Apply room 24 Omaha National Bank Build
lug , 4fiB-tt
IjiOll IIRNT. A fumlthed back parlor for two per-
I1 sons at 1811 Dodge street ,
luly 7 , tf.
1U11N1SHED roonu 17 JI Douglas Ut.
j88-tf _
FOR RENT One grand square piano. Inquire
otr/lliolmaiulKiick on. 440 tl
T7 OR RENT Now hotiso suitable for h"tel or fain-
1' Ily boarding hou a,25 roonu. Dcdlrable location
llark' r & M.j no , ISth and Farnam. 428 tf
IlENT Ono rood six rovim house ? -5 ! per mo.
FOR . Hitchcock " SSVtf
RENT House 6 rooms good repair. Nice
FOR , cistern water. Rent 9-'b tier month 1111
iWrk WHda avo. Apply to Jno. W. Bill , Druggist ,
,0th St. U5-tt
FOR RENf Plauo. Inquire at Edholm & Enck-
OR HKNT Rooms 111 Nebraska Nulonil Bank
Li 1 IlutMlng. Host desirable ollbes In the city ,
nipplled vv 1th hydraulic olcvatorand heated by ( tram
Vpply at Bank Bid tf
17/011 lUM' ( turutthc4 rooim un llu nottli'Wwt
1 cor. 13th and Capitol avenue , formal ) Crchth-
on lluuee. 139 tf
IT > OR SAM : Two lot * lOOxUS one a corner , on
L' Dodge etreet , with J300 Improvements , at the ox-
r-ordlnaiy law mice of t'i.ZCO.
8JO-10 not Faruara.
I7IOU SALE A full lot with two mall houittt.
I1 Very cheap at JiOO. MORSE It BRUNNCII ,
831-10 HIM Fft'iiam Btreet.
| 7 OH 8AI.E-A [ neat Parlor Set , an 'oval 'marble.
I1 top Itiblo and a line largej Trunk. MS South
leventeunth itreet. 634 < 17p
t\OH 8 LE Maru with colt and two tlnroughbrul
1 Jn cv cahn. . Apply , "Ul Pierce § t. BJ2-II
Py,8A.t ! " "l Ameiloln Home , South Bend ,
Neb. 'Ihultadlnrfhoulof tha town Will eli
ilth or without furnlttiro. Good bmlncnj. Good
C-SOIK given for at Hint ; Call im or addrexf ,
3H35-VS1' OKO. H. vicOAIN , IVop'r.
17 > ORHLKM.wimll lit nurth-w t Neirfc a. A
rure tlunca an health will not permit me to hau.
lie It. Adcl , s.V.U.M.&Co.n CluJron , 6loux ,
X ) . , Nab , or tiox f 0 ) lar halltoi > Iowa. Mi-Hi ,
ITt R SALB-Sp oUI b rg ln , corner 1 '
V car llae.lRth and Greco , 2In > uc . .uCOifkol
utenda > i , N. Itumil. COo-lSp
10011 SAU : House ot tievcu rooms aua lot auxlt )
1 feet , north 15th. nurBpruco ttrvct
FOll SALE A line fnloon property , with good
tradeat Watcrloi ) , Neb. O'od ' flxturea andov
m thing coinpkto. Address C. II. I'/Iday , Waterloo.
Neb ! 5S3.17p
Oil SALE A nice gentle liorjo , now buggy , Sim
pson's make , harness saddle , etc. , claap. In
quire ot 2U7 Davenport St. 64l-15p
TJIORSALE Achoicodalry and stock farm of SOO
JT acres , 203 acres under cultivation , 2J miles from
Silver Creek , Neb. , on U. P. Riilnay. Hood house ,
Ci earn and Icehouses , barns , corrals , etc. , or dairy
ing and stock raising Land is well watcicdand all
choice grass and grazing Itnd , tvltli plenty ol range
adjoining. I'or sale cheap. Potter & Cobb , 1615
Faruaui street. 571-tf
FOR SALE Ono store and bulldmir
worth 82,000 block vvillinvolce 32.000. In a lit o
town , two railroads. Reason for selling , going to
Callfotnla. Address or call on Walter Cutforth ,
Louisville , Neb. 578-13
FOR SALE Lots nlong Shcrmin avo. ? 850 each.
These are very cheap. 11. C. Patterson , 13th and
I'jrnam. 677-17
FOR SALE New 7 room cottage very deslrib.
location , $2,000 Terms easy.
House good lot south Omaha , § 1,350 monthly piy-
Very desirable half acre lot near Sounders St. , In
side city Halts SOOO monthly payments.
Acre loU in Glses addition north Omaha , $750 easy
Lots In Thornburg place , facing on T.civcnworth
street , 8280 cacli on monthly payments. The bell
road alreodygradodto this additlonandwllleruss ono \
rorncr These are the most dctlrablo cheap lots V
cCeicd. We have prerorty In every part of the cfv/ *
andean supply any want in our line. Call and see
ua. Barker & Majne , 18th and Farnam. 687-16
R SALE Desirable lots $5. down , $5. per mo.
1. C. Patterson , 13th and.Farnam. 675-23
FOll SALE-Engincs new and second hand 10 h p.
15 h. p. and 20 h. p. portable and stationary ; also
boilers of any size and stjlo. Richard k Clarke. U , P
R. Y. bet 17th and ISth Sti. Omaha. 040-tf
JjlUK BAI/i At a bargain , If sold this month , , jP \
JL1 house of 0 rooms on i lot In good locality In firstif w
class repair , 1223 North 10th St. 65S-10p 7
E 011 SALIC Boarding nou3ofurmturo and Uxturea- ,
all complete. Inquire at 210 8. 10th St
_ 626-17p
FOR SALE At a bargain , ono pool and onobllllardl
table , both In good order. Appl > at 012 S. ICth
St. _ _ t43-17p
FOR SALE Good , reliable horse , suitable fo
family or dralt purposes Inquire betw en 10 an
12 a. in. , or addresj M L. Smith , 200 N. 16th street
B OH SALE 135 acres Sarpy county lands la miles
fiom Omaha. Will take Omaha property in part
payment. Call on or address SI M Parish , f aplllion.
363-15p _
FOR SALE A pilntlng olllco suitable ior n small
newspaper or job olllcc. Will soil for cash or 01-
: hango for Omaha City property. Address ' X. 2. O"
Pee olllcu. _ _ 4B& tf
FOR SALK A few choice youni buirgy and work
horses , llajuo & Banter , St. Marj'H 'avenue
* > " ' _ 458-tf
FORSALII Largo lot on Park avenue. Alaohouso
end lot near bt. ilary'a avenue. Inquire 422 Con-
rent etreet. 4 17-lmp
OR SALE Three of the best lots In Hanscom
place at a bargain If sold toon. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Farnam _ 031-tf
If OK SALE hlicep , a lot of line Colorado grades
1 containing ol SOO ones. 2,3 and t joirs old ,
tboutCoO vcarllngsatd 60u lambs. The cvvoa will
; hcar about 0 pounds For further Information ad-
Irtsa illday Co. , Uaigler , U. t M. R. R , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ PM-lmp
FOR SALE A nice cottage an full lot , hall block
south of Milton Roger' * residence , on 10th street.
nqulro ol M. Leo , Grocer , 22d and Leavonworth.
_ _ _ _ 017-lm
FOR BALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
Potter's addition , S rootLu , we.l.SOO barrel ols-
ern , on two lots , 100 feet front by ISO lost deep , lor '
2,050. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam stieet. 468"C'
FOR SALK Cheap lots In Shlno'i 2d addition.
KlrkvvooilaiidPlalnvlew. Potter li Cobb , 1616
'amam ' street 4'iS-tf
FOR SALE Two aooond hand pUnos , at Edholm
li Ktlckaon'n Mnxlo Store on ICth St. 800-tf
f7/OR BALE Two open sccond-nind buggies and
F ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Barney at.
( OST A blaok leather pocket-book containing
J J74 oo In money , A liberal reward will be paid
lo finder by rttumtn ; , ' to Cumlujji ttreit Car Barn.
_ _ _ _
f OST A red covered memorandum book , ton.
i taliilnt ; two railroad ticket * anil some JUtcrs.
r mo ami addr 9 on Intido of cover. Thu finder
I.I o. nfcr a favor by leaving at tliU olllce ,
JTRAYKDOllbTOLIi.N' A block hoiso , blind In
JrU'htejc. Ary notice cf Ills whereabout ! will ba
lankfuli ) received by Henry Horubcrgcr , In > uai
reot. fl21-17i )
} ] IRENOLOaiCAL-MlM li N. lloben , C012
- 1'iircu street. Compotes with the best talents
i the field and from ) > ait cncouiagementu will re-
aln anuthu' week to ylve phrcuuK glcal ciainlnu-
onfj ,742-lp
_ . P-Last April , red and white josrllinj
L heifer. Owner can htvoiameby calling at M.
clhaus , cor. 24th and Mason , and pas ing chaigcs.
TnilST-CLAHS table board I.OO per week , N. W.
. ' corner 17th aud Capitol ave , 614-lBp
[ 1AKEN UI'-Miy 21th , 1SSI , at my place. 1 liorw , \
Lsonel color , and one pony bay uiaro , black tall , \
mnd mark on blp. Owner can Iiave sa vo by prov- * r
n' projorty and pajlug charges. Phillip Casaldy. \ I
B03-6W.COW j I
l > i.URRAYhugOs > di > aaturing , BprUigwater. V
HA KEN UP-On he 21th ln t at Pries' Lake , near
L Horence , a light baymtie white on face tud legv ,
) ear old , lightly shod , branded oo left quarter.
ner can recover by pajing for thli advertuwmeut
id othoi eUargcs and proving ownerttilp. I'rta !
ro . Florencv , Nub
"iRIVyjvaultf , lnk , anil cct pools cleaned vvitb
- sanitary cleaner. Hatlifactlon guarantecil by V
. Abel , ( bucce or to i. M. Builth , ) box 373 ,