Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1884, Image 7

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    UMAJtUi JL/JJJLJU t JJD/JDj---VVJDjJL Jl/OJLUi.1. tUJJUX JLU , 100 * .
We guarantee the curt of the following named dl
leases , or no pa > : Hheumatlsm , Scrolula , Ulcen
Catarrh , all Blood andiklndlteaiei , Dnpepsla , Mve
Complaint , Kidney and Dladder Diseases. Ooul , Nei
algia and Asthma , Thesa Springs are the larorlt
wort ol the tired an.l dcbllUaUd , and are the
Oood hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon bet
winter and lummer. Locality highly plcturcsqu
and healthy. Accessible by Wabas'h railway , a
TCTma , or O , , B. * Q. , at Albany. Corrcspondcne
olldtod , KKV. U U. THOlirsON.
Albany , Slloam Springs , .Dontry Co. , Uo.
Bpoclflo Gravity l.OOJ
Reaction Ntutri
Carbonh Acid OM SO In. per Rallo
Carbonate Calcium 85,921 drain
Carbonate Iron 7,041 !
Bulphito Magnesia SS8 '
Bulph\te Calclnin 1,148 '
Chloride ScKllum. . . . 7,280
Sllllcii lS8fl '
Alumina . . , ,0,018
Organloand Volatile matter and loss 1,459 '
alollds per gallon 67,174 '
Chemist !
Commission Merchant
No , S9 Pcurl Street - Council BluITs , IOWA.
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Council Jilnffr.
Re&l ostita collection agency , OJJ Fellows Block
o\or Sning Ilinli.
nios. ornciu , n. u. rciir.
Council Binds Ia.
Establisfiea - - 1856
Dealers In Foreign and omcstlo Exchange an
Urn * Seourltt
As there are many
So-Called Veterinary Surgeons
In this city , who are practicing their quackery on
cur people , I deem It but Justice to my that I duly
an. ' o ( them to prodico n diploma , or crtdentla's ' ,
nrticatlng that they are RIoduatcs of nnyetcrinar ;
imtitute , and I do hereby caution the publli againa
euch quack ? , ai
i am the Only Known Giaduat e
Office & Pharmacy , 125 B'dway ' ,
T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S.
At the well-known Establishment
209 Upper Broadway , the
Ot Council Blufls. Notice our reduced Prlca List.
We Rive
IE pounds Extra O Sugar for . $1 00
11 pounds Granulated Sucar . UO
25 pounda Choice Oatmeal . . . 00
25 pounds Navy Beans . 00
20 pounds Bst Bulk Starch . . . 00
12 pounds Carolina Klco . 00
12 pounds Choice Prunes . 00
25 bars Buffalo Soap . 00
Extra Lake Trout , per pound . 09
Lorrlliard'B Plug per Ib . 40
1 dozen Mackerel . 16
Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 BO
10 pounds ainger Saapd . 1 CO
40 pounds h .mloy . 1 00
( gallon keg Syi up . 1 70
White Fish , per kit . 80
Mackerel , per kit . 10
Dates , per pound . 10
10 3 pound cans Standard Tomatoes . 1 00
All kinds California Friilti .
pound Ltiak'u Standard 4 for . 1 CO
T a T"
All grades , according to quality , 139 to SOa per
Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladle1) ' and
Chlldrcii'd flno Shoes and Men' * Kino Boots ntery
low pricun. Alm > a full line 01 Tinware and general
incrchandloo. Call un us nnd be couvuiml thv v u
cantmomoiiny 'i > y do.-vlinc with m. Hoods delhcred
free In any nartof the ctty.
lu k noril , wo are bound to pell and challenge all
atiduolo competition In this conutv.
j. P. i iLBnar
Zulu , < > rBroaduay
Railway Time Table.
The following are the time ? of tlio arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leava transfer depot tcu miu (
u es earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
t:35pm : ChlraRO Express ; 8.00 am
9:40 : a m Kant Mall. 7:00 : p m
6:15 : a m I'Mall and Kxpresa , 7 ! ' ) p m
12:30 : pm Accommodation. 2. 0 pm
"At local depot only ,
)0:06 ) : a in Hail and Kxprcad , )7:05 ) : p m
8.06 p m 1'acillc Express , 6:60 : p in
6:25 : p m Expreaa , 0:05 : a m
p:16 : a m Express , 0:65 : p m
6:30 : p m Atlantic express , 0:05 : a m
9.25 a m Day Expreaa , 0:54 : p in
7:20 : p m * Des Molnes Accommodation 0:06 : p m
At local depot only. 4
p.SSam Mall , 4:46 : pm >
4:50pm : Cannon Bad 11:16 : am
At Tranifer cnl
OHICAOO and HoaTinruriur ,
6:30 : p m Express , 0.60 p m
02i ; a m Pacific Express , 0,05 a m
r40 ; p m St. Iaul Express , 8:60 : a m
j.SOam Day Express 0:60pm :
DNIOH rAcmo.
gW ; p m Western Express , 8:35 : a m
jl ; am raclfla Express , 4:40 : p ro
7iO : a m Local Express , 8:64 : a in
JtilO a in Lincoln Express ,
At Trantfer only ,
Leave 7:21-8:80-0:30-10:30-11:400. : : : : : m. 1:30-2:3 : :
B-iO-4SO-6:3i-flS0.11:05 : : : : : p. m Sunday 0:30-11:10 : :
a m. l:30 : 3:30-6:30-0:30-llU5 : : : : p , in. Armo 10 mln
re before leavintr tlmn
THI8IKlTorHcjrnra-e !
tor Is made expressly for
the cure of derangements
of the generative orKinn ,
7h ri > l * no mistake about
this Instrument , the con
tinuous ttream of Kt.KO
T It I U 1 T Y permeating
through the paitu must red
tore them tohealthy action
Ij not confnuml tMn with
_ _ Klectrla Beltii advertised t' '
cure ail ill's Irom tiu'ad tuoo. U U for the ONE fpec
Iflj purpn < a Knr clr-ulra el'lnjf full Information ,
dilrna Cheevtr Eltctrio Del ! Co. , 163 Washington
bt , Chlci0 | !
How Lincoln Struggled With a Crow
Excited dyer His Nomination ,
A Council ninlTfl Man Who HelpsMln
to Escape ,
Presidential election years nro prolifi
with reminiscences of the previous con
tests , and of former president * . Amoiif
these which coino with peculiar intorcs
to the readers of Tin : BEI : in Couuci
Bluffs is one made public a few days ng
by the Springfield correspondent of th
Philadelphia Press. It tolls about the
part which llobort P. Officer , o
this city , took at the timi
that the nowa of Lincoln's nominntioi
reached his homo. Mr. Officer corrobo
rates the description of the sccno ns below
low given , but says that no ono can rest
lizo fully what that scouo was , by reading
any description , however vivid. Mr. Ot
leer was the ono who pulled Mr. Lincoh
out of the carriage to avoid the jam , am
says that ho did not got him out n mo
ucnt too soon , for the carriage was ac
ually crushed in the jam , The follow
ng is the description of thoscono :
"I remember very well how Lincoln
received the nowa of his firat notninatioi
ns president , twenty-four years ngo , '
cid Mr , George M. BriukcrhofT , of this
ity , n few days ngo , while engaged in
exchanging political reminiscences with a
jroup of friends. "You are all familiar
vith his abrupt departure from the hand-
) all alloy , where ho was having a hotly
untested game with some of his partlcu-
ar friends , with the remark , "Thoro is a
ittlo woman down on Ninth street who
s moro interested in that than I am , '
and you must also remember the rojoind
r of hia loving spouse whim she hoard
ho nowa : "I know all the time you'd
; ot it you old fool , ' but did you over
icar of the great ratification mooting on
August 8 , I860 , at the old fair grounds ,
which forma what is now the village of
Vest Springfield , or the West end ? "
"I was a young lad at the time , " began
.ho speaker by way ot preface , when ns-
urod that the story was now to the au-
iouco , nnd that they desired to hoar it
rom ono who took part in the inomor-
bio event in Lincoln's career , "nnd 1
yas proud to bo identified with the pubic -
ic gatherings of the party , so that when
n immense public ratification of Lin-
olu was announced , I was pleased to bo
Ho wed to take an active part in the
management of it. There were upwards
f 25,000 strangers in the city , nnd in
.hoso days that was a great crowd to
ather for a political affair. Prominent
peakers from all parts of the state and
ther states were announced to bo pros-
jut , and the people poured into the city
rom all directions in every imaginable
dnd of vehicle , until the procession to
lip grounds extended up and down the
irincipil streets , and crossed backward
ind forward over a line several tniloa In
"When at length the grounda were
cached , the crowd was so dense as to
> o almost impenetrable , and everybody
ranted to BOO Mr , Lincoln. Ho was at
tome , and Robert Officer and I , who
were acting aa assistant marshals , were
rdered to hasten to his little brown
louse , which still stands at the corner ol
ftnth and Jackson streets , and bring him
t once to the grounds. Wo made all
> ossiblo speed to thn city , where wo had
10 trouble in finding the nominee , and
undo good time returning to the grounds
ntil wo reached n spot near the gate ,
'hen It began to bo noised around that
Hr. Lincoln had como , and I have never
eon a crowd of people act so frantically
s they did. They climbed up into the
rees to got a good view , until the
> ranchcs seemed certain to break and pro-
pltato their burdens to the ground ,
'wo young saplings were bent down in
rent of the horses , so that further pro-
rcss was impossible , and then they gath-
ired about the carriage , frightening the
lorscs so that the harness was broken.
"They climbed up the stops and even
n top of the carriage until it was cov
ered , and it scorned certain that Mr.
jincoln must bo smothered unless ho was
nstautly removed. How to got away _
vas a serious question. Wo were entirely
t sea , na wo ctuld not move the carriage
no way or another , end dared not take
Mr. Lincoln into the crowd on foot ,
vlicn luckily aomo man spied old miu
) rowder on hia caddlo homo near by , and
wo hurriedly hustled him oil and lud the
lorso up to the back of the carriage ,
'hen ' wo made Mr. Lincolncrawl through
10 back window of the carriage , ever
10 horso's tail and into the saddle. Mr.
flicer and I took the lead , and in obo-
ionco to the commnnda of our superior
flicera wo pushed through the crowd ,
cating the people back with our wands ,
r sticks , which wo carried < o enforce ro-
> cct for our commands and after n great
eal of effort wo succeeded in getting
"Crowds of people followed us back to
own , keeping up with the horse Mr.
jincoln rode , but ono by ono they
roppod behind at the wayside until only
no was left. Ho never gave up , and
hen wo stopped at the door of Mr.
jincoln'a house ho was standing on the
ops waiting to welcome us and eager to
lake hands with the man whoso moro
rc8onco hud aroused so great a furor.
iVell , my man. where do you como
romT asked Mr. Lincoln. 'I catno down
'om ' Chicago with ray company,1 was
ho reply. 'Well , ' said Mr. Lincoln
gain , as ho gave the man a hearty shako
[ the hand , 'If you will bring your corn-
any hero to-night I will shako hands
ith every ono of them ; ' then turning tea
a ho said : 'I guess I wouH have been
nothcrod , boys , if you heel not got mo
ut of there wouldna II' "
Anotlicr Olinplcr In tlio Illotory of
tlio Drutal Mother and
Cowardly Father. "
The readers of THE BKK will easily re-
all the fact of a woman giving her initno
3 Nora Smith , henrtlosMy dccorting her
win baby girla in tliia city. The young
oinan claimed to hail from DCS Moinea ,
nd that her seducer wna a bueineaa man
[ that city , The babes were bora on
10 22d of March , nnd about ton daya
afterwards she disappeared , deserting
the poor helpless ones to Iho caroof _
btrangcn , end telegramsecnt in variousa * ]
directions failed to Accomplish their pur
pose of having her arrested.
The mother ftt the time of their birtl
refused to do anything for the babes , am
would not oveu nurse them. She salt
she wanted "tho brnts" to die , and M i
afterwards was learned the poured caslo
oil and turpentine/ / them , apparent !
enough to kill oven older children , bn
somohnw they lived along , and after ho
desertion , were taken care of by strang
era , Mrs. Christie taking ono , and Mrs
Dunn on North Main street the other
The ono whom Mrs. Christie had vra
taken ill and died about two week
ago. The other died yesterday mornln
of cholera infantum. They were boti
kindly cared for by those who had takci
them , The seeds of disease were sowi
in the city , and disease , too , of the wors
typo , but by skillful treatment andtondo
care they were supposed to bo gottitu
along nicely , and gave promise of long
life , until a short tlmo before their death
when bowel troubles attacked first oni
and then the other.
It had been rumored that ono of tin
most horrible deeds done by the unuatu
ral mother bofuro her desertion waa to
kill the babes by thrusting a noodh
through the lobo of the car into the head.
The child whom Mrs. Christie had bore
at the time of its death A mark on each
oar corroborating the rumor. Yesterday
Dr. Oook , In company with the Ilornlt
and THE Bun reporters , examinee
Lho body of the other babe
nnd found in Iho oar n mark which the
lector unhesitatingly said had boon made
by Bouio such instrument. Instead ol
striking the auturo nnd thus penetrating
the brain , the point of the needle doubt
less struck the bone , preventing its fur
ther entrance , nnd thus sparing life. The
; roatcst indignation exists among these
who have boon conversant with the facta
if the case , and there ia n just hope thai
; ho woman may yet bo brought to jua-
.ico. While horn she received money
several timca from the man whom she
claims to have boon the father of the
children , and there is no less a dcstro
Imt by some means ho might bo reached
) y the strong arm of the law , ns ovidont-
y no romorao can touch auch n brutal pa
rent except it bo broughtto bear by aomo
> hysical suffering.
Itoal Estate Transfers7"
The following transfers were Clod for
ocord in the oflico of the county clerk ,
uly 15 , 1881 , and reported for TUB BKK
> y P. J. McMahon :
Marshall Turloy to B. F. Roberts ,
ots 0 nnd 7 , block 10 , Turloy's ' addition ;
$312.00 ,
F. J. Gross ot nl , to Dominick Gross ,
iw . } no | nnd s i no ] 25-77-10 ; SH.OO
F , J. Uroaa to Dominick , no ? no 1
5-77-40 ; § 1,200.
Maria MynHtcr to Griffith Jones , part
no } so 24-75 41 ; § 230.00.
Total eales ? la02.00.
Council Jtlitffa Council ,
The city council met last evening for
ho first time since the return of the
omocrntic aldermen nnd mayor from the
ioo-doo at Chicago.
The bond of Charles Eiscman , for
11,000 , ns auctioneer , waa approved ; also
hat of F. Goldflold , ns pawnbroker , for
82,000. The report of the city clerk for
uno waa referred ; that of the chiot of
Jolico was placed on file ; that of the
ommittco on paving was approved.
The mayor stated that vho paving bonds
were in the hands of the lithographers ,
nd would be hero by the 18th of Juno.
A communication from thn board of
irado waa received , requesting the np-
> ointing of n committee of throe to add
iO the other committees to procure the
ocation of a soldiers' homo at Council
31uffa. Aldermen Mynstor , Siodontopf
nnd James were appointed.
A petition for n sidownlk on Ninth
avenue was referred.
A CARD. To all who are Buttering from eJroro
nd Indlocretlong of jouth , nertona weakness , early
ocay , loss of manhood , etc. I nlll eoud a recluo that
will euro Jon , KIIEK OF CIIAItUE. Thlt , great rcm-
dy was dlscotered by a mheloncry In South Ameri
ca. Send Belt addressed envelops to liny. JoflBrn T.
.NMA.H , Station D. Now York. dy o m & cod
JTo Had No Business in Europe.
"Yes , sir , " said the America mil-
onairo , as ho consulted the bill of faro
n n Parisian cafe , "I delight in travel ,
Vhon I was a boy , working for § 2 a
week , I used to think what n grand thing
t would bo if 1 had money and could
ravel all over the world. 1 resolved
icn that If ever I .became rich 1 would
ee the noted places of the earth. Well ,
made money , and hero I arn nt Paruo
n my tour of observation , When nn
\moiicun citizen , air , gets the travel
ever on him , his country , big as it is , is
oo amnll to hold him. "
"Yoos , your country ecs a big coun-
ry , " oaid hia French acquiiintimeu , wheat
at opposite to him.
"Big country , " exclaimed the A merion
on , striking the table with his hand ; "it
s the blpgcst nountry in the world. "
" 1'vo buon there , " said the Eronch-
ian ; "it is full of wonderful sights , Ni-
jaru Falls , fur instance. "
"Never saw it , " said the American ;
never could find time to visit it. "
"And do Yoacmito valley , " continued
ho Frenchman.
"Novor had a chance to go there , " said
10 American.
"And the Yellowstone park. "
"Hoard lots about it , but never could
nd time to visit it. "
"And do Mammoth cave of Ken-
ucky. "
"Blamed if I over thought of visiting
mt. "
"Do palisades of do Bud.son "
"Whew ! Did intend to see them , but
[ ways lion BO much to look after , you
enow , nnd "
"And the scenery , magnlflquo nt do
Vhilo mountains. "
"Novor could find time to inako a trip
p thereby gosh. "
"Of course you have soon do Thousand
stands and do rapids of do St. Lawrence ,
j ko GeorgoLako Champlaiii , and all
ocs beautiful places ? "
"Never had time to visit any of those
iliiceB. Always had too much business
in hand. " (
"Why como to see do tame scenery of
Suropo when you havn't soon do grand
conory nnd do wonders of your own i
ountry ? "
"Because I nm n dinged fool. I'll go "
ght homo on Iho next boat. A man
ho hasn't ' boon nny further cast than
jwampscott IKH ! nny further west than
"forth Adams in his own country has no
usinces in Europe , "
Tliu Oil Market.
Pirrfliiuitn , .Inly 1C. Good buying and a
lullinh liuld , Ttio nowa crontcd n boom In oil
IH morning , ( imiter activity prevailed at
10 ( mhangnu thnn for nriny woekx , Tlio
inrVot apniiod alron at fiOjo nn'l ' ailvauwil
e.'iillly. Thfiro wai a wild exeltiinont. Wlmi
, fW o nBllnlit reaction wr.x ft It , tlio rcuultof
oiling to roullr.e.
"That timd fueling" from which you
ulfer so much , particularly in the ini > rn-
ic , ia ontlroly thronn off hy Ilood'a Bar-
A NcRro WlioIIm HnnillodJ Million
of Money.
W.vthinftton Corrcairandoneo ChlcA o Inter
Ocean ,
There ia n vonornblo colored man in
the treasury department who has probably -
bably handled moro money than nny
person now living. Nobody knows the
amount that has passed through his
hands , nnd It cannot oven bo approxi
inatoly estimated. It must reach up into
the billions , and not n dollar of it has
stuck to his fingers. IIo is the messenger
of the register's olllco , whoso business is
to c rry bonds , bank bills , greenbacks ,
checks , warrants , and other tuipora oi
value to and from the register , whoso
signature is required upon nil of them.
During the days of funding operations
ho carried tons of millions back nnd
forth every day , and ho has been in the
business moro than fifteen years. The
express companies receive so much per
$1,000 , and If ho wns paid nt the same
rate ho would bo richer than several
Vandurbilts , the richest man in the world ,
but ho gets only $720 n year and lives in
a little cottage for which ho pays ton dollars
lars a month.
They call him "Undo Henry , " but
ms other name is Logan. Ho is n few
shades darker than another man of that
iiamn , and his hair is curly and sprinkled
klod with gray. Nearly seventy years
ago ho waa born in Maryland of free
parents. They had boon slaves , and
were the chattels of Captain Wheeler ,
of Prince George county. When the
captain died ho provided in his will for
[ ho freedom of his slaves. Ho gave the
old folks emancipation nt once , and the
aoys nnd girls were released from tholr
shackles ns soon na they wore old enough
to shift for themselves. His mother
cnmo to Washington to got n place as
cook , preferring to live hero because aho
wns afraid she or some of her children
night bo kid napped if they resided in
; ho country. Uncle Henry worked
around doing chores until ho waa about
liuotoon years old , nnd then wont to
Mrs. Hill's boarding-houso , on Pennsyl
vania Avenue , between Four-and-a-half
and Sixth streets , to wait upon Henry
Thn llnbltH of MonKcya ,
: rom CftHiallV Natural History.
Ronggor , who studied the American
monkeys carefully , Bays that they ovi-
tontly understand each other's gestures ,
and this ia evident enough to all who
apond a little time in n largo collection of
hem. They hnvo their likes nnd dis-
ikes , nud submit to bo tensed nnd bill-
iod by Borne favorite , although of differ
ent species ; the contrary , however , is the
iBunl occurrence , nnd they resent fnmil-
nrities very readily. Perhaps the most
amusing instance of this fondness is
siven by Mr. Darwin , who had it from
ho superintendent of the Gardens. Two
himpanzecs , which were rather older
animals than these brought to England ,
were introduced to cuch other for the
irstyimo. "They sat opposite , touching
ach other with their much protruding
ipa , and the ono put his hand on the
boulder of the other. They then mutu-
nl'y folded cash other in their arms.
Afterward they stood up , each with ono
arm on the shoulder of iho other , lifted
ip their heuas , opened their mouths , and
Veiled with delight. " Mr. Bartlett , of
ho Zoological Gardens , states that the
acuity of attention which is necessary
or imitation , obedience nnd teaching is
a very variable ono among the same
pocies of monkeys , nnd told Mr. Dar
win the following anecdote : "A man
who trains monkeys to act used to pur-
haso common kinds from the Zoological
Society at the cost of 5 for each , but ho
offered to give double that price if ho
night keep three or four of them for a
ow daya in order to select ono. When
iskcd how ho could possibly BO soon
earn whether a particulor monkey
would turn out a good actor , ho answer
ed that it nil depended on their power of
attention. If when ho waa talking and
explaining anything to n monkey its nt-
ontion wns easily distracted , ns by o fly
on the wall or other trifling objects , the
case was hopeless. If ho tried punish-
nont to make nn Inattentive monkey
ct it turned sulky. On the other hand ,
i monkey which carefully attended to
lim could always bo trained.
MTDiniiiond Dycn Will Color Any-
liliiK nuy color , and never fi.ll. The orient
ml best way to economize. lOo nt ull drug.
; istn. WC.HH , lilclinrdeoit & Co. , Burlington ,
't. Sample crrd , 3'2 colorn , and book of ell-
ccUnna lor 2 cent fitim p.
iir WAV OK
nonnrctlnjf In Union Dcjioti at KIUIHUS City ,
Oinnlm and Denver with tlnouuli tiuliiM Tor
And all point * In tlio Gi eat West.
IMilon loHit ) | nt Clilcugo
ffltli tluoiiijii trnlim lur
Ami nil ICantiirn OltliiH.
Atl'rorln vrltli tlirouuli tmlna tor Iiulliuinp.
UH , ( Jlnclnnatl , Coliiiiiljus , nnil nil nolnts in
liiiHoiitli.KnHt , At fit , I.oiils with tliroiifli
nilnn lor nil points Huutli.
Klrgnnt Day Coneliufl , I'nrlor ( 'nr , with lln.
cllnliitf Ulmlis ( HcatH rri'u ) , Hmokliitf Cain with
Ituvolvmi ; ( Jlmlrn , I'lillnmn 1'iiluiuj rjleetilnu
! nm nnd tlio rnmoim u. II. IH ) . Dining CIIM
run dully toiind from C'lilnih'o und KiuiHanIty ,
CliluiKonnd Council JlhiltH Chicago nnd DON
Molnco , ( JlilciiKo , hi , Johcpli , AtuhlHon mid
Topolcu without chuiiKo. Only thioiiKh line
mining tliclr own tinlim Ijctwcuii Clilcnuo ,
Lincoln and Dcitvur , and C'lilcnKu , KIIIINUI
f'lty iinil Dniivi'r. TliioiiKli cms hetwuun
' " 1 CouiiulllllnlH , vlal'coilu
Solid ' 1'ruliiH of lvl ( ! iuit Day CouclicH find
'ullinan riilacoSUrfpliiL'C'lirHiim run daily Hi
lid finin ht. J.oulH , vm Ilannllml , Oulncy ,
{ ookuk , liiiilliiglon , rc < larluiidannl [ | Allicil
, < -iitost , 1'iiul und MlniiuiipollM ; I'arlorCura
vltli Hccllnln ChuliH ID mill fiuin Ht. I.onls
nd I'corla , Onlyono cliuncdof curs between
it. I.oiiiHiuiil Don Mullien , Jowu , Lincoln , he.
inuikii , and Dcnvor , Colomdo.
It Is also tlio only Thiotii | ) Ljno bfttwcon
II IH known nt the K 'nt THUOUUII OAU
INi : ofiucileu , und Ix iiiiivciMttlly nilinlt
"I In Im the
'inest Equjppod Railroad In the World fsr
nil dawn of Travel.
TliroiiKh TIclifiH via thlflllnn for wilu
( . It. coupon ticket oflltcii In tliu
nd Oitnutlu.
\'lif-l'su lUta Mi rw Qvn'tK1'I'll ! . "
Real Estate
OlTora n largo list of Real Estate
for Sale , Including the following
doaoribod property.
OK Bchallcr offcM lot * near Hani-
t nim' Park
C1L Hchaltcr will tell lot * on CaM QflA
_ _ Mid California streets fdM to OUVJ
' '
C It.'Scha'lorh'aii ' two oTthdTinost / K\l\ \
_ _ lot" In city , on CaM street. _ lUvJ
CK.SchiTlcrWUfiwIl lot near Hum1 tl\f\ \
dcra trt > ot , on aired cj > m (47) ( ) I UUvl
Clt. Hchalier often acrra near U.
_ mii5ji _
Hclmlfor ha * In llArkrr'n mil * |
C1U , 8tliHthmiiKianillot(63) ( ) l
Clt. tfchtlltr will Mil on B. llth St. , O (
_ hou o and lot ( M ) . 4
, Hclialler will iwll near Iowa\e- i K
mic. lot IMiM ) (80) ( ) ' 1 J
. Schaller hasHots In somenl
i the now additions to the city at
reduced ratra.
OK. .Schivllcr li& < ( or Kilo proi < rrty
1'ft ) Ink' ft rcnUI on ( iiirchuo mmi
10 to SO 1'cr cent * ml ol lucrcu-
f * \ It. Sctiallcr oflcr lut on ruining r IM\I\ \
V ttrcot , U7ixi7CrMciico ( fll ) / UUU
Schiller bin lor Mlo ouo o ( ou
OMrtrtot , westiifrl.
, Feliillcr Kill H'lUmo litoek In 1
lloyj'e ftJJItlon , 1 ,
. SdiAllcr often n flno ImnlnetM
l'TO > ortv at
OIL Hclmllcr nlll foil VJ.4SO acres 1 OR
. In n boJy ntwk ( ixrm JL tJ ,
Oil. ScJiallfr-Kor tMo ICtli street. A r\f\f\ \
. brick house , lot OcxSlVl. t , U U U
C U. Bchnllar-llarnoy ftrcet. lot 47 R
xl 0 , flno rntilcnco , 10 roonm. Ut
Schftller has ( or iiMo on louth n
arcniio , i lot and resilience. < J (
OU , ScJiallornlllncll 1.1SO acres , 2 fO C\f\
( rnodbouscw , 2 laro | buns , wind' fJOt\J\J\J \
, ecalei , etc.
. Bchaller-Dodgc Co. ( arm. SfOO CCr \ ( \
acroc , housed , barns and NaluabloJ J | vUU
0 R. Sehaller offers some of the greatest ttirgalui
In lloal Kitato anvwhore
Has hail 35 years' oxperlinco In dealing
In 11KAL KUTATKand nmy safely bo con.
suited aa to Imostniciita and on contem.
platrd lmpro\einenta to the city , llu
oxtonslvo Kastttn and European con
rainplilcts and Mnps ot City IBSUCI !
froo. Call ut the llilliird llotci and got
T11K UA1A11A
S. 1L IIOWEtiL , 1'rosldent.
0. H SCHALLKU , Vlco-Presldont.
The GENUINE HOULDEH and Colorado orul , All'
hraritu , Iowa , MissouriIllinois , Kauu8 , Coal Yaide
Jrldgo Stock Yards.
OFFICES 117 8. 14 Street and Mlllanl Hotel ,
) maha
Homeopathic Physician.
Hours At Residence , No. I MS 8. 10th Street , till
10 a. ra. , and after S p. m. Hours At office , No. 1C8
IDdlOSS. 16th St. , Koora 7. fiotn 10 a. rru.toBp. m
N.B The Tape Worm will be roraBvwI , w Ihou
danror. In ttmo of from S to S honr -
15th & Dodge Streets ,
On tills llr > t for bargain" , a .d If you v.lnh n lot In any
mrt of OinuliaVnnt to rout n hutiHUbiiro jiiur
loiuo rcnlu'lbuy a house sell tliu nnc > uu liav
uantyour fupuri inoilo tltlo lookel up , and any *
tliliiK rtlatlug to Itual Eitatu , go niul HOI
No. 213 | ,7fO Homo of flvu room on ball lot ,
( MCU at tlmo of Hair , and $25 per month.
No. 2 tfj 1 ,000-1 ncronnd i room brick house In
'arli I'lacu , rani ) .
. ' Ho\ne of nix lot flSxIU )
No. 22J-tlfl'iO \ roomi on ,
'ark I'laoo , un i'c y trrmn , ( MO , and $ i ) per month ,
No. S20 11,6 0 Iloune and I t III lloutry Hill.
Quod cintcrn and veil. One-half cafcli am ) time.
J2I ? ' _ ' , ! )00 ) Oood lx room liouto on rorncr hall
ot , ono block from IBtli Htrcct , toutli ol U 1' , depot ,
ilran new Sold on ruiy teiniu.
V17 11,600 House of 4 rouma on full lot , Center
tieet. Uood well , clttcin and walks. Half couli
anil tlmo.
W $1,000 House of two looms ou half lot , 1U-
[ an's eulilitlon. Ono lialf cidi ,
19 > Iboo Hou e of four room * on full lot , onHtn
btrcet , touth Oiraha , one half cash ,
62 $1.800 Ilouta of flve rooms on full lot In 1'tr-
( er's adcltlon , one block north of 20,000 eoliool
iflutv , south front , ( food well , cbtuin , &o.and a bur-
; aln oneaxy terms ,
79-87.C03-Corner lot II V , Hmltli'4 addition , two
good dwelling , south and east front , on cat line ,
cheap and on eauy tcrnn.
40 M,000-LoU 13 and 14 , coriifr Karnam strut ,
and near rxiiirt liouao , two ticxxl ilwetliiiKS on lot ,
but Is budnrtsproperty. A Kiont barKftln.
And lots of barpalns all over town. Call at office
and oxauilut our 1U for Improved projvriy.
And In all flret ca s ln ! do additions , and II we fall
o find a lot to Hint 3 on , out ol our oxteunnti ll t ,
thin Omaha does nut contain one.
Oioaba View In on the to d to Iho tiarrackn , and 1
tl at plat ( touth cl L , II Williams' rculiliiico. Woeell
OIK from 9 OOto'J o , JlOormoru down at time of
aluand monthly pa > inrnts. J20J do n and wo will
) Uil < l > ou a houru on the lot.
JlawtlioinuN wikt c-f t.lio Iliph School ona mlle ,
anil we are ucllInK lots one third doun and luouthli
> iur/.uit . 1)il ) a < lilUlon lif | > rudoil and lots are MM
oSdOOtucli , Nowl tlo tliuo to buy , while pucit
aru low an I turnm ea y.
Tabor I'liicxi Is oil f'arnarn ttreet nml Ifl a rholni
addition , with only tuelvu Idts kit , and they uro all
a t"'f > 'l ' lotuas tLuiuaru In tkouJdltlun , I'llmtiiH
and Vila.
LbU on Ehcnnan a > cnuo , rait and wr t frjiilu
) ne Ial ! block In Wl'oox'd ujdltlon , cluup knd c j )
4rlon't fall tucall for bargain ) uttlie cfllco ,
Cor. 15th imil Dodge Streola.
I UllL V |
Quo of the Best and largest Stocks in'tho United State ?
to select from.
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water !
And nil of the good nnd pleasant things thnfc go to make up a complete -
ploto nnd linppy oxistonco.
The town of South Omaha is situated south of the city of Omnlm
on the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it is loss thnn % miles from the
Omiihn post oflico to the north line of the town site.
South Oinnlm is nenrly 1 } miles north nnd south by 52 } eaatand
west , nnd covers nn area of nenrly four square milcH ,
The stock yards nro nt the extreme southern limit.
Newly IfiO lots hnvo boon sold And the doinaud is on the increase
The yards nro being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing ; finely.
The $30,000 Water Works nro keeping pace with the other im
provements , nnd the Hotel nud Exchange Building will bo erected nt once
The B. & M. nnd Belt Line Railways hnvo n Inrgo fonjc of men ab
work nnd will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot
near the park nt the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo
furnished for Church nnd School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
at the Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas 'streets
over the Ouial'njSuving's Bank.
. A. UPTON ,
Assistant Secretary ,
J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE Cashier.
Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO ,
Fire and Burc-lar Proof Safiii for Uont ut from $5 to § 50 per atuiutn.
1118 FARNAM STREIIT , - - - OafAHA , NEB
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
EiiL'ino TrimrningB. Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hone , Brnsa and Iron FlUlteiB ,
tcnin Pookiiij ? nt wholoaalo and retail. DALLADAY W1ND-M1LLS , OHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb ,
The Pnhico Hotel of Denver.
dor , Sovonteeath and Lawrence Sts
Uooni" 76o to f 2.CO per day. S | cclil IlaUs hy the Month.
Don ducted on the American and European Plans.
Hoard $7 per week.
llOH BRADY" ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
Oi-ufnoau , Lnnj' and Norvoua Diseases Speedily and I oriuanontly Onrod. Pationti
d t Homo. Write for "Tiie McDiOAL-MiHsioNAity , " for the People.
Oniiaiiltatlon and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box 21)2. ) Telephone No. 20.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , I'ostmaator , Davenport , Bays : " Physician c
.101. A unity ana Marknd SUCCOBS. " CONGRESSMAN AIUUPHY , Davenport
i\n unnnrniiln M n. Kino Huccpoi * . Wonderful Ouros.1I'nurnS ' ' to 6.
r-jj dBi CTjirsxa wtiiiiii-