Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Vital Quc tlonBt , ! I
Ml the noit eminent fhyneuin
Of Any school , what is tlio b sl thing in the
world for quieting mid allaying nil irritation
of the nerves , and cutirg nil forms of norvmti
complaint * , giving natural , cliildliko refresh-
SngMerp always ! . . . .
And they will tell yon unhesitatingly
"Some form of Hoftlll"
Auk any or all of the most eminent phys-
"What In the beat find only remedy that
can be relied on to euro nil dicoasefl of the kid
iicys anil urinary organs ; such M , Bright' * di .
case , diabetoi , retention , or inability to retain
urine , anil all thn diseases nnd allmonta po-
cullar to Women"
"And they wilt tell you oximcity and orn <
phatically" JtuchuUI"
A k the BRine physicians
"What is the most rrliablo and surest cure
for Mil liver diseases or dyspepsia ; constipation
indigestion , billiousnosi , malaria , ( ever , ague ,
&e. , and they \vlll tell YOU :
Mandrake ! or DaruMiontll I"
Hence , when the w remedies arc combined with
Other * equally valuable.
And compounded Into Hm > nltton , iich a won
derdil and myttcrloua curame power l developed ,
which Is no varied In It * optratlonj th t no dlscwo
or hi health c u jvoulbly oiUtor rctlititi power ,
Harmlc a for the mo t frail woman. wcaXwt Urn-
lid or Hnalloet child to UM.
"Almost dead or ne
For yearn , and glvrn up by phynjcianp , of
Urisht's and other kidney cltoenwH , liver complaints -
plaints , eevcro coughs , called consumption ,
have been cured.
Women none nearly crazy 1 1 It I
From agony of neuralgia , norvon ncM , wnko-
fulnes'.nndvftriotis.dieuaflCfl peculiar to women.
People drawn out ol shape from excruciating pines
of rheumatism , Inflammatory and chronic or Buffer-
tic from jcrotula.
"Saltrhoum , blood poisoning , djrnicpsla , ' Indiges
tion , nnd In Ucl , almokt all dlsoMoi frail"
Nature Is heir to
Hare becd cured by Hop Bitter * , proof of which
can bo found In every neighborhood In the known
world. -
/tSTlione / genuine without a bunch ol green Horn
on tro white label Shun all the vile , polsonouj
Bluff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name.
Alike on thoverandan
the mannlon of w cult
and In the little col
URO upon the hill l
Kldffo's Food lllan
Manage apparent. I
Is nourishing , satisfy
Ing , and Is prepared Ir
a few minutes. Kul
directions accompany
each can for cus'ards
puddings , etc. 1'ut U ]
In four sizes , 35a
cu > c. , i.zaiuai l.76. no. mlzo especially adapted
to famllos. Sold by all Drugg ats and also by many
Orocers. Ridge's Food does not ttx the digestre ! or
ttans. WOOLUICII & Co. , on lahol.
To the no oils ol th
, nurUt , oommcrcla
traveler and now no' '
I tier , IIOBtottor'BSta
much Hitters Ispieit
llarl ) adapted , Bine
It strengthens th
liracos the phjslca
> v -v cncrjtlcstouuhcalt
" -1 * fnl Influences. It re
< movcnaml prevent *
ij- malarial fcior , con
7 * tlpatlondjnpcpsl.i
healthfully ( turn )
rut oil < purifies th
lilooJ. When ever
c o in o l.y fatigue
whether mental o
pbjsiral , ( ho weary
ami ilobllltited ( Tin
a reliable snurrc of renewed strength and comforter
or Bale hy all drujjclsts and dealers generally.
ft jiito.t inrAY. if. r.
r l i n ur mm. noon in *
cui.i. jkn.ncy , looKni u BI..V. y ;
N. E. Cor. 10th nnd Pacific Sts.
I wnrrantcd to wpar longer. M
[ too form iit-ft-trr , flri'l K' ' O ' "
fnthfacllim limn unyoibor . . .
Iu the niarUvt , or prlco iml.l wll
Vlljl * ' m KfnndSI TJiitliuliiiTniuentiK
viLU ii : , ; ru' > Uht t'l'Jtlcia'1 ' ; , ftcuup
ftinyiacli Corbet. I'rlre , llr l Suli-rr , ' Jen n , l'ujtJi ; <
trnpllil , 81 . .M I Ark Tour IUCTI lin tfurtUcni.
uiuturiu-a , - UBr , JnJcayo ,
fj > ; iwlo or
or.T. . . F. [
The n. & M. Itallroad Co. , will rooolvo soled pro
penal * for tha houeu and inprovoiionta on tlio north
45 feet of lot I , block ill , Omalii ; homo and lin-
jirotcmcntaon wc t half lomfia and 33 , llartnann
addition : liouse on wet half of lot 3. lilook 7 , Wll u
cox' * addition. All blda to l > opened nt is in. July
' "h , 18JJ. KllANH M. DININNY ,
Belgian Boyftl ndU.B , M 118te mora
TheJMnt , Germany , Italy , Holland ami France
Steerage Out ward , 20 ; Trepald from Antwerp , f IK
Eiounlon , 8J9 , Inoludlnj ; bedding , vtc. Id Cabin , ( 0 ;
Uound Trip , 100.00 ; Kxourslon , J100 ; Saloon from fsg
to V90 ; Excursion 110 to (190.
/tarretor Wright & Sons , den , Agentf. U Broad
way N. Y.
ICaldwelL HamUton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olod
man & Co. , 108 N. 10th Street , Omaha ; D. E. Kim
all , OmahaAfcnU. uile eod-ly
021 South Uth , between Jack oa and Jooo * Sts.
Job Work o KooflDif. OutUrloir , Etc. , tiromptli
Of UANLY VIOOll , Bnoraatcrr
Jita , tto. , when all other riiuo-
dlc fall A cure uvarantcfi. to
f IM a bottle , Ur e lottle , foni all
tlrnin the quantity , | 6. Ily ei.
prrat to any adJroM. Bold hi
KKULISII UE1 > 1. the
K , Proprlctctf , 718 Ollrn Btrwt , St.
Joel , Mo.
"J hire told fi.'r ' Aitley Coc7 < ri Vital lUtoiatiT.
or yrnii. Kvery cuitooier upcaki hljib'y of It. I to
cbcsUatlcglyeniionMltatatenicdr of tnu roorlt
'a V Q001A ,
How It wan Pnt Into rosUlon Before
Charleston lu Opening Snluto.
Did you boys oror hoar the story o
how the 'swamp nngol' was put Into peal
tlon before Charloatoni" naked n veteran
of the engineers of Brooklyn Union ro
porter. . . . ,
" 1'vo ' road about it aovoral tlraoB , „ said
ono of Iho group. . . .
"Woll , I never road an account of i
yet that wasn't crooked , " returned the
engineer. "I was there myself am
know the whole inside of the business
and I'll toll you just how it wns , Gen
Gilmore was in command of the cngln
oors at the siege of Charleston , Ono day
in the mid summer of 18C3 ho sent Capt
Michel , now general nt West Point , to
see whether tlioro was nnv point on the
coast where guns could bo placed to nt
tack Charleston. Michel reported tha
the coast was all swamp for three or fou
miles inland nothing but mud , water
[ \nd slush forty or fifty foot deep. lie
bad gene half n milo or so in n boat
making very poor progress through the
bull rushes nnd the stench from the car
C/ISBCS / of animals thrown into the swam
mndo him sick. Gilmore was in n bus !
Imt eating supper with ( now Gon.
Sorroll when ho got Michel's report. II
turned to Sorroll and naked him whotho
lie thought it possible to 'got guns poato
in the swamp , Snrroll said ho though
nothing was impossible. Ho cnliot
Liontllarrold and sent him to recommit
or. Harrold wns gona half the night nm
cnmo back very much bedraggled nnt
tired. Ho said it has impossible to go'
the guns through. Using his utmos
efforts ho had only been nbjo to _ got be
twecn two nnd thrca miles into UK
swamp. Sorrcll said it hnd got to bo
dono. Harrold naked how ho wns going
to do it , nnd said it would require mon
with logs forty foot long to get througl
that swnmp. Well , the project of peat
ing guns in the swamp got abroad in the
camp , nnd the soldiers made great fun
about it. They said that Trs. Dalrymplo
and Snow , two medical officers on Gon.
Gllmoro's stall , were appointed to spllco
the logs of our mon to got them to the
required length. Next morning Col
Sorroll took Liout. Edwards with him
nnd started to look at the swamp fo
himself. They got ns long a plank ns
there was in the camp nnd waded into
the swamp , cnch holding ono cud of the
plank. The day was fearfully hot , the
work was terrible getting through the
rushes nnd wntcr plants nnd thick , slim ;
slush , nnd the smell of the swamp was
sickening , but they porsorvod , working
slowly out till they came to n crook
Uoro they were stopped for a time , ns i
hnd a considerable current nnd wns deep
but after n while they got the plank fittoc
so that ono hold it while the other crawled
od ever and hold it still in his turn
Then , with infinato labor , they wont on
a milo further toward Charleston. Fin
nlly they got _ to the water's edge , fou
and a half miles from Charleston. Hcru
tho-ground was moro solid. There worn
oyster shulls and whinklos nnd spira
auroulos. They took n bearing to the
atooplo of St. Michael's church In Charl
eat on and another bearing to Fort Moul
: rio and another to fort Johnson , nnd so
ocntrd their own position in the swamp.
-Then they worked down the oJgo of the
open water to Block Island , nnd so returned
turned , terribly played out nud dirty ,
but full of hopo. Col. Sorroll told Gen.
Gilmore that ho thought it possible to
got guns in such position in the swamp
that they might bombard Charleston , nnc
that night submitted nn plan
for establishing the wishcc
for battery. In this ho estimated tha
it would require nine thousand days
work to put just ono gun into position
reckoned by the day'a vrork ot ono
man then nine thousand days' work of
ono man or ono day.'a work of nine thou |
sand mon. ) This gun was to bo of extra
ordinary power , nnd was to rest on c
platform composed of three thicknesses
of throe-inch yellow pine plank , two of
the layer of plank crossing while the
other traversed them diagonally ; all were
to bo strongly spiked together , nnd
underneath them were loads of brush
and sand-bags. Shoot piling consisting
of heavy planks with sharp points driven
twenty foot into the mud so that the
top came Hush with the platform that
was to surround it ; this again was to bo
strongly spiked.
They built a bridge to the point of the
swamp where Col. Serrell nnd Liout.
Unrrold had mirvoyed , nnd soldiers car
ried out the planks mid logs and 10,000
bnj > s of sand , and the bnttury WIIH built.
The work was mostly done at night , am
the hardest job of nil to drive the
shout piling. Many men were killed n !
the work , for the rubs shelled us ; bul
it wai nil done nt last Wo hnd put ii ]
it almm fort u little distance down the
coast , juat a simple nmai of lunfy boughs.
It bothered Iho lifo out of the robs ; '
they couldn't ninko out what wns goinj ;
on behind it , nnd shelled it incessantly.
Well , whim wo had got the swamp fort
nil roitdy wo built , n ( Ut-bottomcd scow ,
Hit n 7-inch rifled Parrot on her , waited
till high water came , Iloated her through ,
nnd got the mm into position. Wo
couldn't ' got elevation enough on it nt
first , though , nnd hnd to cut nwny the
rear gun carriage ; that fixed things to
nicety. Oh , wasn't that gun n
daisy never a cannon before or since
had such n range. You can guess ] low
nicely wo had it trained when I toll you
that Liout. Nathan Edwards nnd Col.
Sorrill laid the line of fire , calculating to
put n shell into the rebel headquarters
five and a half miles off , nnd they only
miaaod their mark by a few feet. Smashed
right through the houno next door that
shell did , nnd Oapt. Macbeth , who was
than on Voaurogard's staff , aftorwnrd
told mo that ho was sitting at Ills dusk
when the thing occurred. An old negro
came running into him in a state of excitement
citoment saying : 'Maisa ! massal dar's ( .
Yankee shell came an1 mndo a hole iu do
street big null tor put dor omnibus in ,
A lieutenant in Col. Pleaianton's real
mont fired that shot. I toll you it woke
the Charleston folks up , and Moersoham
and Johnson and Iho other forts fired
whole mines of motnl at us , but it was
all no good. Wo could fix up in the
night all they could knock down in the
day , for their shot would go into the
sand-bags and do no harm ; nnd bonidos ,
wo had a reserve platform of sand-bagx * <
behind the battery. The gun was fired
nineteen times that first night , and did
great elocution , but the puiio it caused
waa ovou greater than the execution it
did , for Charleston had imagined that it
could not bo attacked on this sirlo , and
consequently had prepared no defenses.
Gen , Gilmore , some days before wo
opened fire , had sent n flag of truce to
Hurcaugard , tolling him that ho proposed
open tire on Charloatrn , nnd wnrnlng
noncombutnnta to retire , but Bureau-
gird said it was impossible to bombard 1ti 1
city without a fleet. Next morning ti
after the 'swamp angle's oaluto , Bureau- all
gard sent a steamship with n flag of truce
us. Ills communication argued that it up (
was wrong , unfair , nud altogether against P <
niilih-y precedent ot ut'ask ' him iu the HIB
rour of his works. Gilmore replied thn
it was both right and fair , nnd that as fa
as precedents wont ho wns making them
ana so the truce ended , And the fight be
twcon the 'swamp nngcl' nnd the forts
continued , with the advintngo largely 01
the 'angel's' side , for it had so much th
larger mark. It knocked the whol
lower part of the city to pieces. "
tgliottcr from Senator II. O. Nelson ,
AMiAjnr , N. Y. , April 4 , 1883.
On the 27th of February , 1883 , I * n
token with a violent pain in the region
of the kidneys. I suffered such agony
that I could hardly stand up. As soon
ni possible I applied two ALLCOCK'S Po
rous Plasters , ono ever each kidney ant
laid down. In nn hour , to my surpris
nnd delight , the pain had vanlshod nnd
wns well. I were the plnstors for a day
or two as & precaution , nnd then romovcc
them. I have boon using ALLCOOK'H
Porous Plasters in my family for the
last ton years , nnd have always fount
thorn the quickest nnd best oxtorna
remedy for colds , strains , kinks nnc
rhonmatio affections. From my oxporl
once I believe they nro Jtho best plasto
tn the world.
MnrkotliiK Mutton ,
It is A gonornl complaint in the western
states that butchers in country towns dia
like to slaughter abeop nnd to neil mut
ton. Some discourage the use of it hj
keeping n poor qunlity nnd by nskini ;
moro for it than they do for beof. Pos
nibly bonf cuts to bettor advantage nnd
results in smaller loss to the retailers
The pieces containing much bono can b
disposed of for making soup , and the cuts
unsuitable for steaks nnd roasts can bo
cured in brine and sold for corned bocf
for which there is always a demand. I
is likely that western butchers nro trou
bled in disposing of the poorer cuts o
mutton. Corned mutton is not ns salonbl
ns corned beef. In sotno places there
would bo no demand for it till ono wa
crontod. Still mutton is a. bettor moa
for preserving in brine than beef. Fo
boiling with vegetables it is excellent. I
is very dolicioua when cured in salt am
smoked. There Is complaint among En
glish farmers that butchers pay loss fo
mutton than for beef , but insist in asking
moro for it They all keep mutton , how
ever , ns the demand for it is constantly
increasing in that country. The domanc
for it would steadily increase in the
United States were sheep that produc
hotter mutton generally kept , were n
much pains taken in fattening sheep n
there is In fnttoning steers , nnd cook
.woro trained to cook Iho moat properly
Many regard mutton ns inferior to beef
and apparently butchers desire to koo ]
up the prejudice against it. In Canada
where excellent mutton sheep are kept
and where they nro well fattened , the do
mnnd for mutton is increasing.
Western cattle-raisers would do well t
tiso their influence in creating n demnni
for mutton. They can do this by making
the production of mutton rather thai
wool the loading object in keeping sheep
They should furnish local butchers will
well-fattened sheep of the breeds tha
furnish the finest mutton. If they cnn
not inaho n satisfactory arrangement with
butchers they must slaughter their owr
sheep and find a market for the mutton
It will not bo found difficult to find customers
mors who will take a quarter of mutton
every week. Mutton is a better moat fo
most farmers than beef , as it can bo kep
Fllea are frequently preceded by n sense o
weight in the back , loins and lower part of thas
abdomoncnUBing the patient to suppose hel as
Berne alloctlon of the kidneys or nolghboritij
organ * . At Union , eym toins of IndigOfltioi
are present , 03 ilatuoncy , unowitnewi ot tha
stomach , eto. A molatcro llko perspiration
producing a Aery disagreeable itching partlcu
farly at night after Rotting warm In bed , It
very common attendant. Interim ! . Kitorna
ana Itching Piles ylold at once to the applica
tlon of Dr. I3ofianko'a Pile Remedy , which act
directly uF n the parto alloctod , absorbing the
tumors , allaying the intense Itching , and effecting -
focting permanent cure where other rome
dlos have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the system produced ponnanont disability
but trv It and bo cured. Schrotor & Bccht , J
"Trado supplied bv O. 3 Goodman. "
A. Nut For the Doctors.
St. Louis l\nt-li ratch.
A rather curious incident occurred
lately at the recorder's ofiico. An old ,
white-haired darkey , leaning on his cano ,
poked hit ) head in the door of the marriage
riago license department nnd , taking oil
Inn hat , said :
"Scnso'rao boas but I'so
, , looking for
do place wlinr doy git a license to
"Como in then , " replied the clerk-
"you've struck it the first timo. "
"Como on hynr , chlllen , " the old man
, beckoning to some ono on the out
side. "Tht'Bo 'oro two wants to got mar
ried , boss , nnd I cnmo 'long wid 0111 knso
this gal ain't got no father nor mother
'coplin' mi1' ' . "
"How old is oho ? " npkod the clerk.
"Sho'o berry niuh ninotoen. "
"Whcro's her fnthor ? "
"Dead , bosa. "
"And her mother ? "
"Dead , too. "
"How do you know she is 19 ? She
looks younger. "
"llow'd 1 know ? I know knso I brung
her up. "
"Whoro , was she born ? "
"Now , lommo see ; her fnthor died befo
dojwar , nnd she was born just nfter
Marst1 Lincoln wns shotl"
"Why , that waa three years nftor her
father's death 1"
"I know it ; dat's right , boss ; she was
born three years nftor her father
diod. "
"Oh , that can't bo ! "
"But I toll you , boss , I knows it.
Her mother war livin * wid my folks at do
time , and it war jist three years after her
old man diod. "
The clerk was stumped , so ho called up
Recorder Farrolly to know what ho
should do. The old darky failed to bo
shaken in his statement , and as it waa
certain that she had a father at some
time the llconio was granted , and the
three sailed out to find a preacher. "
Nervousness , Nervous Debility , Neuralgia ad ak ab
forvuns Shock , St. Vltus Dance , Prostration , k
and all iliwiwoH of Nerve , Generative Organs , d
and all permanently and radically cured by o
Allen's Drain Food , the great botanical rein t
ly , 81 pkg , , U for $5. At druggists. o
for Hot "Wontlior. ti
Allentown Critic ,
Don't shako the hornet's nest to BOO if
any of the family nro at homo.
Don't go near n draft. If u draft comes n
toward you , run away. A sight draft is di
most dangerous. hi
Don't blow in thn gun your granddi
father carried in the War of 1812. It ia
morn dangerous now than it was then.
Don't hold a wasp by the other end
while you thaw it out in front of the ui
itovo to see if it is alivo. It is generally ftl
tlivo. i
Don't try to persuade n bull dog to give '
n yard of which it is in possession , j be
Possession to n bull dog is ton points offer
law. / wsi :
A Drnmntlo Agent tVlio Hn
ncns ItnlntlonnVUli Tliom
Talk * of Their Clinriiis
and ClmnccB.
Now York Comniordal-AdTortlscr ,
A man in search of sweetness nnd ligh
might think it labor thrown nwfiy t
climb A remarkably stoop nnd dirty flfgh
of stairs and confront noliomo odors issu
ing from n beer saloon on ono sldo and
dining-room on the other , merely gai
audicnco with ono of the busiest dratnnti
agonta of this metropolis. Yet if ho di
nearly b oak his neck on the stairs , nn
mnko an enemy of his own noao forever
ho would bo repaid , supposing alway
that ho had liked 5 protly face , and wa
not unsusceptible to bright eyes and halo
of golden hair. The agent himself , o
course , Is the central object of the dnrk
study , low-colled room. IIU face i
pleasant and refined ; his clothes are neal
his brown board is well brushed , and i
you are not nn actor in search of n job
ho will probably greet you affably
An iron railing shuts off hi
desk , wnich stands between two ver.
grimy windows. On the walls nro cromo
lithographs , photographs , and prints
theatrical "stars , " the charms of whos
beauty ago has dulled. Elsewhere nr
several lounges nnd n few crazy chairs
The horao-hnir stuffing of nn easy cbni
in the center of the room , fooling th
wnnt of frcah nir , bursts through th
leather in several places. Yet the nt
mosphoro might bo worse , if n Itxrg
placard did not forbid the uio of th
Weed which Mr. Labouchoro declares t
bo n necessity for mankind. Chewing
evidently , is not eschewed by the inal
visttoro , for in the absence or cuapidor
the floor is stained , nnd the squ.iro pioc
of carpet that modestly covers a littl
plot in the center has assumed n dul
brown hue.
But the charm of the scene is not in
its inanimate dotnila. As the sunligh
begins to pour in about noon time , th
place is crowded with fair women. Thi
particular dramatic agent makes a specialty
cialty of conserving the interests of feminine
nine choristers , and they swarm into hi
rooms on n summer morning , bright nn
careless ns butterflies. Every typo o
beauty is represented , nnd almost every
country. "Hero , " said an enthusiast !
spectator , "n pair of mild , soft eye
gaze from a face that might have belonged
od to Byron's Dudu ; there a comploxio
of poaches und crenm nnd a wealth o
gold brown hnir , raise reminiscences o
Marie ot street , nnd the glorious snnshin
cf "Frisco."Thoy nro not nil bonutiful
some nro even plain bat they are nil ode
Few distinguocs , but all are easily dia
tingnishod from women of quiet pursuits
"Tho greater part of the ladies whom
do business for , " says the agent in
breathing interval , "nro of Gorman extraction
traction , although French , Italian , En
glish , nnd other nationalities are ropro
soutod on my books. Of course thcr
nro plenty of Americans. In the 'vario
ty' business the feminine performers nr
nlmost nil Americans. In the chorus ,
course , half the time it does not matte
whether they can apeak a word of En
glish. They must bo young , good-look
ing , nnd have same voico. Long or pec
uliarly beautiful hair is a great pom
in a chorister. You see that little lad
over thoroT She will bo required simpl
to exhibit her hair , and get moro for do
ing " so than many an excellent sing
The young lady whoso tresses were ho
fortune was not remarkably beautiful
but two braids of thick , glossy , black
hair hunt ; down her back , their end
touching her knooa. 'Sho will bo pai
$25 n week at first , " said the agon'
"Stio i > a novice , but if she learns to ncl
with the hnir'ihrowu'jh , she will obtai
three times that amount. "
"What salaries are the ladies of th
chorus usually paid ? "
"Oh , that Is n very hard question
answer clearly. There are manager
and opera companies that pa
good salaries and opera companies tha
never pay at nil. If a girl comes to in
without stage experience and with only a
pretty face , an untrained voice nud
good deal of ambition to roccommond ho
it is probable that I will oQ'or her § 10
wook. She always appears very muc !
surprised , ejaculates something about sh
couldn't think of it , sighs once or twici
and ends by jumping at the offer. Thoj
always believe , or pretend to believe tha
they nro entitled to nbout $100 n wouk
When they receive n salary of $30 n wool
they nro lucky and must have had plontj
of experience or have utruck the Qmana
gor's fancy. " a.
But chorua aingors can rise to higher
things , cnnt they ? " (
"Soldom not even on 'their dead
selves. ' I BOO the same fnces in tin
room year by year. These who drop out
die , 1 imagine. A few only become
'loading Indtua' of light opera. If they
do rise to that dignity they may make a
good deal of money before old ngo
No well regulated household should bo with
out ik biittlu of Angostura JtlttorH , tliu
Aorld renmvnoil appetizer nnd Invtgurator
Liowaro of counterfeits. ASIC your grocer or
Irugvistfor the geiiulnu ortldc , muiutf ucturei
by J. U. U. Slotrort & SOUK.
Hrotlior Oanlncr PrcncJics n. Sermon
Detroit Tree I'rosa.
'I hns bin wnndorln' if our othodox
roligiun nm not nlootlo queer , " obsurvoc ns
Brother Gardner as the trlanglo sounded
and the mooting settled down to busi
ness. "As I undorstnn1 it , roligiun am
founded upon do word of God. Rolig
iun binds t ? respect His commandments. pi
It obligates us to believe in do Bible.
It teaches us to uphold do laws ol t
man. [
man."Lot a bruddor of do church steal
hess an1 ho nm cast out as unworthy.
"Lot a sister tell lies an' she am cast I )
out as unfit.
_ "Lot a deacon put do collcckshun in
his pocket an' ho am looked upon as
trabblln * do swift road to pordlshun.
"Do odder day dar was a hangln'
across do rlbbor. A man who had neb- 8
her darkened a church doah , as any one
know of a man who had followed a lowdown -
down blzncsa nil his lifo a man who had
obor sot a bad example to do youth of nc
the : land , was hung for murder. It was
ono of do coolest nn1 most bloodthirsty
crimes of the nlgo. Do murderer was
tried by nn honest jury , glbeu obory
showfur defence , an' the vordlct JWAS
guilty. Do sentence of do lnw was carried -
riod out , an * our orthodox roligiun took
nhand in. It sent preachers to the mur
derer's cell to COAX him into n change of
heart. It sent men dar to sing do hymns
dedicated to God , It sent women dar to .
toll him dut ho war gwlno straight from
the sosflbld to glory.
"When dat man wnlked out to dlo ho
believed hlmaolf tt martyr , He talked 1U
about do support which do Lawd was
givln * him. His voice jiued in slngln'
'Nearer , My God , to Thoo. ' Ills lifo had I
boon ono unbroken career of sin. Do ml1
climax was i\ foul murder. An' yit ho
made lo believedftt roHgiun would
sail him straight to Heaven's pearly
gates !
"My fron'o , if roligiun takes n murderer
doror to do same Heaven dat it does th
man who hnn lived upright all his dnys ,
dorxn' want HI
"If do Dlvino Bein * wns jokin1 who
Ho said : 'Thou shall not kill,11 want t
know itl .
"If repentance nrtor do gnllna has bi
erected nm time 'nuff , I doan' propoao t
pay pow rent any longer !
"If do commandsof God an * do laws
man am to bo made odious an * sot at do
fmnco by do Y. M. 0. A. of dis kontry
I'so gwino to to frow my Bible obor d
fence an' steal my pork an * Inters fo
nox * winter. "
"I spook to you in the most solom
rirnostuoes nliou I toll you dat dis her
rlblo brulosquo dis absurd mockery
dis farce played by lunatics around
murderer on do gnllus nm sufficient t
bring roligun into vile contempt , nn' t
make sinners doubt dnt it am any thin
beyond p. vagnry. "
"To Do Good nnil Distribute Forgo
Not ! "
In the fierce heat of noonday , nt Now 0
leans , La. , on Tuesday , Juno 17 , as nsua
Gon'ls G , T. BoauroKard , of La. , and Jtiba
A , Harly , of Ya. , mot to aid that most iner
torloun Institution the anclont "Charlt
Hospital" by giving nwny at the Grand Go
don Drawing ( the IGOth monthly ) of the Lou
iilana State Lottery. The wheel whirlo
around nnd scattered over half a million do
lars right and loft. Without partlcularizln
too many of the wlnnors to become todioui
wo report that Ticket No. 80,440 drew th
First Capital prlzo of $150.000. It wns sold in
halvoi , ono of which fell to n lucky Now
Yorker who has not allowed his nnmn to b
mod. Ticket No. 63,770 drew the Secon
Capital of S50.0CO , ono half of which was hoi
by S. M. KoUiBclitld , n merchant of No. 23
Church street. Now York city. Ticket No
U7.870 drew the Third Capital of 820,000 ; I
watt sold in tenth ? , ono to Mr. Dr. Goo. Hen
kclii , n well known citizen of Phlladoi phla.l'a
another to Mr. Charles Clark of the sain
city ; another to A. 1Uadlain , col lee to
through Wnlle , Fargo & Co'n Bank , of Sn
Francisco , Cal. ; another to Phil D , Grubor
Milwaukee , Wis. NOJ. 11,181 nnd'41,30
drew the Fourth Capital of § 10,000 each ; BO !
In fractions , ono fifth to Wm. IJoyd , No. 312
School street , St. Loula , Mo. . Nos. 17,252
06,114 , 73,800 , 80.081 , drew ? 5,000 each , nn
so it wont on , The next drawing ( ITlut ) wil
occur on Tuesday , August 12 , of which fu
Information can bo had from M. A , Dauphin
New Orloanx , La. $205,500 will bo ecattoro
to holders' of tickets coating $5 each. Do no
delay the opportunity.
A Billiard Table for Pattl.
The most striking object in the ware
rooms of a B roadway firm is a billiarc
table said to bo the handsomest eve
made in the country. It is of cnrvcc
mahogany inlaid with mothor-of pear
and brass , with bronze medallions fixe
to its sides and ends. A salesman was
showing it to n reporter for The Now
York Mail and Express , the other day
and said , among ether things , "Wo cal
thnt the Patti tablo. "
"And why ? " questioned the reporter
"Because the great songstress foil
Iovo with it while she was in Now York
She moans to bu y it , too , if she find
that it can bo accommodated in her caitl
at Wales. "
"Is thnt the ono she played on whil
she wns stopping nt the Windsor hotel ?
"No. The table she practiced upon n
the hotel was a loss expensive ono ; wort !
about one-fifth what this is. "
"Havo you sot a price on this ono ? "
"Wo have. It will cost Patti juai
$2,500 to possess it. "
"Is there any truth in the storio
about Patti's achievements na a billiard
"Oh , yea ; she playa quito a coed ; game
In ono of her games with Dton at th
hotel she made a run of eighteen a
throe-ball caroms , which is quito a respectable
spoctablo showing for any player at tha
game. "
"Who taught her to play"J
"Hor own Nicolinl. Ho is nn onthuai
at on thn mibjoot , nd carries nbou
a hundred fancy cues with him in his
toure. "
In another column will be found tha
nouncomont of Messrs. THOS. COOK&S01S
Tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , New York
relative to the very complete arrangements
they have made for tours in Kurops th
coming Spring and Summor. "Cook's Excur
elonlst , " containing maps and full particulars
will bo mailed to any address on rocolpt of I1
"What Should Actresses Eat ? "
Shoemakers and butchers , says a write :
in n French dramatic review , can oa'
what they please. Not so actors , who
must vary their food to suit the parto
they ploy.
In the first place they must not eai
artichokes . for artichokes muko people
sputter in talking.
When a singer orders rabbit 'in a roa
taurant ho must nak to BOO the head to
make auro that ho ia not being imposed
The cat is the tenor's worst enemy.
Sinpora must also eschew sweets. Bas
sos and heavy generally must
oikt game , especially the dark meat , and
drink heavy wines. Wild boar ia good
but not the tame variety.
The man who plays the hero should
food upon raw beef , washed down
with old port wine.
The ingenues should avoid high sea
soning and rich sauces. Chicken nnd
spinach , with milk ns n beverage ; but lot
them beware the calf's head.
0s course the young man who takes
the lovers part should fly from beefsteak
and onions ns from pestilence.
These who play such diaphanous parts
the Commander in "Don Juan" and
Iho older Mr. Hamlet should not bo al
lowed to dine nt all. Tl
To make a salad that is certain to
plcaso all tastes you need only use Dur-
ioo's Salad Dressing. Nothing equal to
was ever offered , nnd none so popular.
t is A superb tablosauco. .
Ho "Vfnt in n Hurry.
Drake's Traveler's Magazine. 2i
"Glvo mo a ticket for Boston. Quick ! '
excitedly exclaimed a wild-eyed man to i
the ticket agent nt the Grand Central
"What's your hurry , slrl" asked the
"Oh , don't ask mo , I haven't time to
axplain , "
"Tho train doesn't learo for half an
hour yot. "
"Is there ono thnt loaves right away ? "
"No sir. Any friend of yours dying ? "
"Groat Scott , no. " Bi
"What's your hurry1 BiB
"Why , I'vo just read in this paper B
that there are 18,000 moro women than ?
mm in Boston. " 3e
"Well , what of that ? "
"Well , you see , I'm n Mormon mis-
lionsry , and I " (
"Good morning ! " shouted the agent ,
Jamming down the window.
OP N. 0. Tobacoo finest in the
Iharothlxtay olil ray jfrocery lu ln i ta Tim. Ill
A Co , Thmtt to luo Hill plcaie call at
moltl atJinl anil tctlli ) . ED. LEKUKlt.
Oiuiha , July 10th 1M < . jy H. (
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture o
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our ncx
1 Summer Resor
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 100 miles wcs
of St. Paul. Thrco trains dally on the N. I" . H. B
with SO Day Excursion. Tickets at about ono-ba
An elegant house with accommodations for 20
guests. R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor
Will euro Nervoiit
Lumbago.Khfiinmtlsin , -
fUylP. Neuralgia , Hilnllcft
Kidney , Kplnn nral I.he
Ufuifi1 , lypp pfln , Con5 *
iinlluii , EntlpcliK , Colnrrb
, , . I'Mci. Er4ei > ! T.1Iinrotpncy
Dimb AKOV , Prolapmn Uteri , fto. Only fclcntlllcElo
trie Dcliln America that temlstlie Electricity and mki
ncttum throtiKh thr body , and c n bo recharged In an lu-
etant l > j the catlcnt.
8I.OOO Would Not BU" It.
Da. HORKII I waa afflicted with rheumatism an
cured by using a bell To any one afflicted wit
that dtaaae , I would say , buy Homo's Eleotrlo Bell
Any one can confer with mo by writing callln
il my Btore , 1420 Douglw etreet , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Oppculta portofflrc , room 4 1'ren
tcr block.
VForsal abO. F. Goodman'i Drag.Storo' 111
arnam bt , Omaha.
Orders filled C. O D
these nuderlnR from tin
offcots of jouthfnl errors
car , lost minhooil. etc. , Ivrilliumd you particulars of a
( Impleand certain means of tnlf cnro , freeof cbfrRO
SondTOuraddroMtol ! ' O. JfOWLliH. Moodue. Coon
late the LIVER ami KIDNEYS.
uiul ] { ISTOIU : TMic llEAiTIi
nnd VIGOR , of YOUTH. In > -
pcpsla , AVant or Appetite , ln-
dlRcstlon , Lack ol Strength ,
mid'flrcil Fccllngausoliilcly
cured. Hones , muscles ana
iTVcs receive new force.
.Enlivens the mind aim
Bimnllca llralii Tower.
SnfTcrliiRfrom complaints
ppciillarto their act will
Hnd laDK. HAnTEB'S IRON TONIC n eafo nnd
Epccdy euro , tllvcs a clcur , healthy complexion.
Frequent attempts nt coimterruUliiR only add
to the popularity of the 01 Iclnal. Io not experi
ment get the OmoiNAT.ANnJlrST.
( nuvuiuc. ) ,
t LECTRO-VOLTAIO BELT and other Kutcrnio
fli AITLUICM nro sent on EO Days' Trial TO
MEN ONLY. TOUNQ OH OLD , who are miffcr-
fag from Ncnvous DKBH.ITT. LOST VrrALnr ,
\VifrriNfl WEAKNESSES , and all thoio clMeasca of a
PERSONAL NATUKX , rosnltlcs from ABCKKS ana
Omcii Ciusrj. Speedy rellrt and complcts
rwlomtlon to HEALTII , Yiaort and Mimiooo
Uiurnr.TJtaD. Renct at once for HlustratcU
I'amphlrt fro . Adareea
VOLTAIC BELT CO. . Marshall , Mich.
1 fcAviuro 1 tic nfamean incroiytn btopibum luf
jillmoandInonhi\e themruturn AKHIII , I maun AraJt
cal cnre. Itiaxn mnde tlio dlhca o of FITS. KI'ILETSv
a.-FALUOKURSESA : ; ire iong udy. iwariaDtc.f
f-ruedi to ctiro ttifl worst ca ofl. lticuu 9 other * burr
riUied li no region for not now reeeh Ing ft ciir .
imru for a trmttleo and A Krou Uottlo of my tn
totvU. I'lvn Exprns an.I I'ost Olilce. It cww Jv
for a trl iL find Iwlllruro jfn. .
, lr U. U HOOT ilsro rtSt. . 'rv'K > H'
Tolrc. no other
. nourishment.
It 11KHXH Ultll
lilmi'crfccUy. ' "
writes a mrtU-
er Hundrrdaof
, well HH tliof-e troin reputable plUflclaiiR
tlirnuuhiiut thonholo U.H .tPKiityto thfloith of
] ! ct food In hoaltli or rick-
JIOXH. 4llandT6t > < . nyallilminrlBtH Hook sent free.'K'H I'ODI ) CO. , Itiuli'fVlH. .
X'jKeut bytuail oil iccelptof jirico In tt wips.'d
J ? 2133
The Sleek is a Durable Piano
Manger , . Bavaria.
julmbnoher , . Bavrum
. ooeraaa.
Kaiser . . . . .Bremen.
Budweisor . St , Louis.
\nhnaser. . . . - St. Louis.
° .3fc Milwaukee.
. , - . .
schhtz-PilBuor - . Milwaukee.
" . Omaha.
, ,
Ale , Porter , Domastic and Rhine
Vine. | ED. MAUHBR ,
_ 1213 Knrimm St.
UK.VZKll BLOCK , f\ , tff 1
o.Omaha Neb
OP , , . P. o. , ,
SJTDffoilttoiu , Dlc'atloni , Etc. , proaiplly > tton-
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.Thi8
will enable us to ban-
die an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th Sfe