Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning.-July 16 ,
Visit Morse's sale to-morrow morning ,
Lou Frjnco , n Cyprian , nltomptod to com
mlt fliilcldo on Saturday by taking morphine ,
A good MR omottc saved her from crossing the
dark river.
Do not fall to nttond the Moonlight 1'artj
nnd Ball nt llaacall's park , Thursday evening
July 17 , given by the Deluge hose company
boys of south Omnha.
A barn occupied by J. Newman , in the
rear of the U. P. bakery , on Sixteenth street ,
wfts burned nbout 1 o'clock Sunday morn-
Inf. Pour valuable horsoa porhtod In the
0. F. Tnggart , an old time servant of the
United States mail service was yesterday promoted
meted from n third-class dork to clerk In
charge of car from Omnha to McCook nnd re
On Saturday Mr. 0. S. Stobblns , general
ticket agent of the Union Pacific road , re
ceived the sad news of the dsath of his father
nt IConnot Square , Pa , Ills father was seven-
ty-fivo years of ago.
Pryor's band , of St .Too , was parading
ho streets yosterJny followed by n num
o Garm ns In wagons. Pryor'a band la an
excellent ono and many Omaha people would
bo glad could they remain In the city.
Mr. Lennon , brother of Michael Lennon ,
who died In the county jail a few days plnco ,
arrived In the city from Bloomlngton , Illinois ,
yesterday. Mr. Lennon Is hero to straight
en np the alTalra of his deceased brother.
Mr. A. Ilobba , of this city , propose * to
walk from this city to Bnrncsvlllo , Ohio , n
distance of 1,000 mile.i In 22 daya , leaving
here the 1st of September and arriving In
Barnosvillo on the eve of the 22nd inat ,
All tlio mombora of the C , K. of A. are
expected to bo in attendance at the regular
mooting this , Tuesday evening , the Hth
Inat. , at 8 p. in. Business of Importance late
to bo considered. Assessments 131 nnd 132
are called for.
The John M. Thtireton's yesterday began
their preparatory trork of training for the
coining state tournament to take place next
week. Nearly the vrholo company wont out
to the cricket grounds last evening and ran
Bovoral times the diatanco of the freo-for-nll ,
300 yards.
If that board projecting out to the street
railway , that la mod ns a prop far the debris
near the Paxton building Is not anwod off ,
aomo of the passengers on the St , Mary's
nvemio cars will have a broken arm to take
care of , or may possibly fill an early grave on
account of n broken nock.
A newspaper man of this city , while at
tending the plcnlo nt Ilascall's park Sunday ,
was struck in the head by a stray bullet from
n target gun. The blood flowed profusely and
a physician was called to drew the wound. It
did cot prove serious and the gentleman waa
able to bo on deck yesterday
Quito n sirloua accident happened to Mrs ,
Dr. Laynon , nt her homo on Sixteenth street
Saturday foronoop. The lady slipped nnd
fell upon the kitchen floor nnd her arm waa
badly brokon. It ia nil the moro severe from
the fact that she hna sustained a fracture of
the eatno aria sometime since.
An Interesting programme haa boon ar
ranged for the sociable to bo held at the resi
dence of Mr. J. S. Illchardson , on the corner
of Grace and Scventeonth streets , on Thurs
day evening next. Mi s Genoivo Ingorsoll ,
the elocutionist , will roclto , and Messrs. 1'rank
Smith and Clinton N. Powell will furnish the
musical attractions.
Several weeks ago an ordinance was
passed by the city council , removing the hay
' market to Jackson stroet. No attention Is
paid to fhls law by parties bringing hay to
thia city and no attempt Is made by the police
to enforce It. The hay market Is still on
Howard street , botwcon Fourteenth and I'lf.
teonth streets , and the street looks llko n gen
uine barn-yard , and ono , too , which had not
bean cleaned out for many weeks.
A certain railroad man ! u this city has
gained an unenviable reputation during the
past few days by hia conduct towards his nick
wife. Tlio man , whoso name will bo withhold
for the present was nut upon the road last
1'VIday and during his absence his wife gave
birth to n child. The child lived but n few
i hours and was dead when ho returned to the
city. IIo got drunk and wont homo and tried
to abuse hia wife but was prevented by the
neighbors , IIo then started for town and said
to ono of the neighbors "I want you to take
that d n stiff out of there , " roforrlng to the
dead child. The roronor was called upon to
keep him from further abusing his wife. The
lady , who has five children , Is In n very critical
condition nnd her brother haa baen telegraphed
Heal Ustnto Transfers ,
The following trannfora were filed for
record in the county clerk's oflico July 11 ,
and reported for the BKB by Ainoa * real
estate agency.
A. F. Jones to J. B. Piper , w d , lot 3 ,
block S , Shinn'a add , $400.
Romaino- Palmer nnd wife to T. N.
Parker , w d , pt no of nw , see 8 , 15 , 13 ,
E. B. Chandler to Wm. V. Mono , ' w
-I'd , pt no , BOO. 33 , ID , 13 , $315 ,
F. Stroitz to \ \ m. 11. Shields , n o d ,
lot 0 , block 458 , "Qrandviow , " § 50.
A. Wolgch and wife to Elizabeth Rob
erta , wd. w GO ft. of lot G , Howes add.
AUK. Kountzo and wife to Aug. Wi-
berg , wd & " of wA lot 11 , Kountzo'aSM
add. 9325.
llonry Spiglo ot at. lo J , nnd II. Lud-
wick. wd. th of c4 " lot 23 , Kountzo'e 2d
add. 51.001) .
J. LI. Hnlstoad and wife to n. Y
Short , wd. eJt of nwl and mvlof ne.Jaoo. .
15-1(1-9. ( $9 200.
J. A. Horbach and wife to P. J. and
A. E. liormnc , wd. n.V lot 14 , block 5 ,
Dorback'a 2d add. § 400.
J J. CumminRs to Alice O'Donahu'y
lot 1 and 2 , block 10. McOormick'a add , ,
w. d. 82,500 ,
If.'O Daweia to 0. 0. Howard N i of
S I lot 5. block 81 , Omaha , w. d. § 1,850.
J. N Valentino and wife to Wm. P.
Oarlin lot 4 , block 10H. Omaha , w. d.
O. P. Chubb and wife to Goo. Tildon
Jot 3 , Ky'a nub div. of lot 9 , Capitol
add. , w. d.183,150.
An Unprovoked Amnulr.
Cn Sunday Jack llyan , a well-known
and i opular fireman connected with the
Union Pacific- road , was ut lacked by throe
men , and eevm'Jy damaged. One
wound waa , ctpuciully rerionr , being nix
inulun long and penetrating to the bone
Mr. llyan ful'y ' jpc nizad the man who
etnbbod Iiim , ono Kelley , a coal driver ,
who it Bi-eiua , entertained i.ouie grudge
against llyan , fur what cnuso u not
licowu. A wanuiit ia out for Kollcy'a
TbeDclinpnt Lipr Vendors to lie
Day ,
The Gftinblors Under Arrest Judge
Ucncko'8 Mnnilnto to tliol'o-
llco Tlio Fnrnliam
Street Grndo ,
.JUIWIH iiBSBKitfl oniiKii.
That the business of the police court ia
increasing ia apparent from nn examina
tion of the monthly reports out of that
oflico. The trials of cases have often boon
hampered by the non-appearance nfc the
time act of the arresting oflicor nnd wlt-
nossoa having knowledge of the facts.
To moro completely further the adminis
tration of justice and insure n apccdy
trial for the dofondanU Judge Bonoko
issued the following order :
Thomas Oumminga , city marshal of
Omaha , The increase of the criminal
caaos brought in the police court makes
Itabaolutoly necessary that officers making
an arrest during the night should appear
at the police court the following morning
nt 10 o clock , to proaoouto the parties so
arrested. Tills ia the rule In every city
in the United States , nnd I have only refrained -
frainod from giving such an order on
account of the insufficient number of
policemen. Since the increase of the
force this order has boon imperative.
Police Judge.
In addition to thia the police judge
haa issued the wholesome order that the
complainant ahall bo aworn to by the ar
resting oflicor instead of the marshal as
heretofore , Judge Bonoko will nlso require -
quire of the oflicor that ho famish wit.
nesses other than himself to give ovl-
deuce upon the trial.
The time for the payment of thosocond
quarter's Installment of liquor license
money has passed and the names of five
of the naloon keepers , Ed. Hunter , Tom
jallan , lUamua Rasmuaaon , Ohi lea
jchroto , August UtofT < fc Co. , nnd Mrs.
I. McCoy appear upon the delinquent
lat. Under the marshal's instructions
Officer Desmond served notlco upon thorn
yesterday to forthwith close their places
of business or the proprietors would bo
arroatod. Marshal Cummlnga says ho
will not only sop to It that these arrests
nro made but will oloao thoao saloons for
all tlmo.
WAH trrorr aAunr.niu ) .
The order issued by the marshal to the
proprietors of the gambling houses to
close up their places of business with
in twenty-four hours flooms to have boon
abortive in ita offact. Yoatorday ho
swore out complaints against 0. 8. Hig-
< ? Ing , Hiram Kennedy , Seth 0. Baldwin ,
Jack Morrison , Goodly Bruckor , Wm.
Sodorstrum nnd Jack Wooda and their
dealers , charging thorn with bolnj
gamblers. Warrants were issued upon
them and last night Jailor Gorman waa
detailed to servo them upon the above
named defendants. They were not tak
en into custody but will appear
voluntarily before Judge Benoko
to-day. From the marshal
it was learned that ho intends in case
they do not discontinue the committal of
the crime charged ho will file complaints
daily until they do. The marshal seorne
determined in the matter and says if
they can aflbrd to pay their fines daily
they will bo allowed to pursue thoir'bus '
The special commlttuo consisting of
Hnscnll , Rodfiold nnd < Bohm hold a moot
ing yesterday. Thia committee was ap
pointed by the council to ofloct a coin-
promise of the coses now pending in the
district court on appeal from the no-
praisal of damages arising from the
change of grade of Farnam street. The
appraisals were nil examined by the com
mittee and in nearly every case they
were raised. A compromise has boon
effected with two of the property owners
subject to the ratification of the council.
Tho"ArranBO i ontH Perfected and to
bo Started August 1st.
The preliminary arrnngomonts for os-
tabllahing the county hospital mentioned
in yoatordny'a BKE were perfected last
evening and tlio institution is now fully
This hospital will bo operated by thrco
of the loading physicians of the city who
have formed thomaolvoa into a corpora
tion for thin purpose. The capital stock
will bo $6,000 , each corporator taking
92.000 of atock. It will bo managed by
a board of trustees who are among tlio
loading business men of the city. Bo-
aide this board there will bo a consulting
board of five of the older nnd loading
phyaiciuns whoso judgment will bo con
sulted on questions ot grave importance
respecting the sick.
This Institution will bo known
as Uontral hospital and will bo opened on
August 1 , with twenty-two rooms and
fifty bods. In connection with this In
stitution will bo nn ambulance to take
these injured by accident Immediately to
the hospital.
This asylum for the nick will bo governed -
ornod by sonio cninpotont poison who
will bo in constant attendance. There
will bo two general wards , n lying in de
part ment and private rooms. Tlio wards
will bo occupied by the indigent nick and
tlwoo whofprofer to forego the expense
qf priyata outturn.
1 Allphysioian , | will bo allowed to bring
their patients to this hospital and treat
them thoro. It is intended to conduct it
upon metropolitan principles , and the
best accommodations that cm bo furn
ished the sick will bo found there. Thia
is to bo aimply the nucleus of something
larger and were extensive ; whoa it ia
shown that undertaking can bo made
u suocosf , application will bo made to the
county commissioners foranappropratlon
and should it bo granted the county will
assume ita control.
An institution of this kind has boon
long looked upon AS an absolute necessity
la the people of thiu community , Her ,
Bhorrlll referred to ita need in hia aormon
lost Sabbath , and mentioned the project
us a praiseworthy ono , nnd saidittt estab
lishment would supply a long felt want
by the people of this part of Nebraska.
ISrimk ,
At the trial ot the joint complaint
against Lawrence Ch.ioy and Richard Pr.ttti
yesterday afternoon in the police court , the
former wat discharged and the latter was
fined five dollars and costs. Diehard
Greco was also fined five dollars end
co ts oil hid pLa uf guilty to ILo charge
of intoxication preferred against him.
Thomas Connelly's case was next call
ed. Ho was charged with being drunk
and disorderly. The arresting officer
made his statement to the court after
which Connolly took the utond and the
moro ho told of the circumstances the
stronger ho made a case against himself ,
The judg after hearing both sides of the
caaoaald ho would mulct the defendant
In the usual amount. When his honor
had concluded his atatomont , Barney
Shannon whoao protcgo Connolly spom.
od to bo stopped from behind the ratling
nnd with both arms akimbo said , "judge
I do not wish rovorao that foln but if the
boy had kept nuiot ho would never have
boon found guilty. Ho ought to take
advice from n man llko mo and keep his
moutli shut. " The judge was inexorable
but Connelly's sentence was suspended
until next pay day with Barney as so-
Francis Hclbor of WUnor , ia nt the Metro-
poll tan.
W. J. Crane of Arlington , Is at the Metro
W. C. Lron of Sioux City la nt the Metro-
poll tan.
J. A. Snyder of Woat Point , Is at the Met
Jnmos Frazier of Green River , la stopping
at the Metropolitan
Charles A. York and wife of Atlantic , In , ,
nro at the Metropolitan.
Mrs. Froi. Knglo , of this city , left yoator-
day to visit frlonds In the oaat.
Mr. A. llowland , assistant superintendent
of the 0. , P. . &Q. road , Is In the city.
T. G. Oliff , of the Union Pacific Pnlnt Department -
partmont , Is off on n visit to Colorado.
Hon. M. A. Hartlngton , of Plattsmoutb ( is
n the city , stopping at the Metropolitan ,
John N. Wostborg , of the firm of Wllg ft
Weutborg , wont downjto Lincoln , yesterday.
Mlis Anna M. Crrroll , ot the Grand Vlow
echool , Denver , ia In the city visiting friends.
Yesterday Mrs. Theodore Livingston
rocoivcd a severe- fall , fracturing her loft arm.
Mrs. M. Mayors and Mrs , A. J. Tumor of
Grand Island are the guests of the Mctropoli
Mr. M. M. Marshall , general ngent of th
C. , B. & Q. road at Pacific Junction , lotra' ' I
n the city ,
Mr , KImball , of Boston , who owns n largi
lord of western cnttlo , Is In the olty , the ( raos
of lion , John A. McShano.
Mr. And Mrs. H. A. Smith , of South Tenth
etroot , with their son Bortio , are visiting Mr
Smith's parents ntFort Madison , Iowa.
Mrs. I. D. Sargent , wife of Assistant-Road
master Sargont , of the Union Pacliio railway
and Mrs. N. Brownoll loft for Now Englam
Mr. 1C , L. Cornwall , of Oroto , accompanlot
by liU sister , Mrs. Arthur White , arrived yes
terday nnd will spend a few days vlsltlnf
frlonds In the city.
Mr. It. W. Brockonridgo loffc Saturday
ovonlug for a pleasure trip of ton days through
the mormon district. Ho waa joined here by
n friend from Buffalo , Now York , and they
will make the trip in company.
Mr. R. It. Mcl'nrland , commonly known
among the Burlington boys ns Railroad Me
Farland , who waa connected for five years
with the purchasing department of the B. I
M. at Jefferson , Mo. , is In the city shaklnj
hands with frlonds ,
Mrs. Eaton and her mother , who have been
visiting Mr. F. B. Smith of this city"foVtho
past'two weeks , have returned to her homo in
Denlson , Iowa. Mrs. Eaton Is a sister ot Mra
Smith and is spoken of aa a musician of moro
than ordinary ability.
C. B. Avery , of Fairmount ; George 13. God
frey , of Freomont ; L , W. Lyons , of Hastings
James H. Clapp , James Marsh , 12.1C. Ellis ,
and E. J. Roderick , of Blue Springs ; 0. M.
Mnrdock and son , of Wymon ; Kd Walloon ant
S. H. Whltmoro , of Lincoln were guests ol
the Millard.
The following Nobraskanu registered at 'tho
Pnxton last night : E. S. Morrltt , of Wahoo ;
V. W. Komiy and daughter' of Blair ; M. D.
Welch , wife and three children , of Lincoln ;
Frank Canuth , of Plattsmouth ; J. T. Clark
son , of Schuylor ; F. M , Sackott , of Albion ;
Loran Clark , ol Albion ; A. H. Ladd , of Al
bion ; I , S. Clarkuon , of Schuylor ; S. B. Col
son , of Fremont ; J. Xobnung , of Lincoln ,
Iho proof jt tlio pudding is not In chowlng
the string , but In ba\ing nn opportunity tc
test the article direct. Schroter & Bocht , the
Drupglstii , have n free trial bottle of Dr. Bo-
sanko a Cough nud Lung Syrup for each nnd
every ono who Is nllllutod with Coughs , Cold's ,
Asthma , Consumption or any Lung AlToctlori.
Bixso xiftll.
The first game for the $200 prize was
played Sunday ia the Cricket nnd Ath
lotio Park , on Sherman avenue , between
the Omaha Athletics nnd the Sherman
A.vonuo nines. The park was In beauti
ful condition nnd quito a largo number of
eisitors were present. Some good playing -
ing was exhibited by both nines , but the
Athletics were by far the stronger sldo.
7'iio game resulted in favor of the Athlet
ics by a score of 18 to 9. A Plattaraouth
nine will vlalt thia oily next Saturday ,
find play the Athletics two games , ono on
Saturday nnd the other on Sunday after-
iioin. Gnmo called nt 3:30 : each day ,
Sunday morning the visitors will piny the
Sherman Avenue nine , Gnmo called nt
1:30. : All throe games will couut for the
Nebraska championship nud § 2GG prlzo
nip ,
llnuuccl In the IJlitfTri.
A middle aged man of prepossessing
ippcaranco and claiming to bo a brothor-
n-law of Hon. Rufas P. Rurmey , of
Dlovolaud , Ohio , assorted to Judge Hull
: o whom ho appeared for legal advice ,
Hint ho was roobbod of $280.00 in front
if the Pacific Ilauao , Council Bluffs , on
Sunday night la < t. Ho was under the
Impression that the robbery hnd been
3flVctud by a gentle mannered nmn with
whom ho had become acquainted about
the hotel. The two wont out to walk
together , and BOUIO time after the
itraugor woke up with his pocket
book and watch gene , IIo was unable
to give a description of the mau and the
matter was dropped ,
Donno ly KctlriH ,
Mr. John Donnelly has resigned the
position of secretary of the Union Stock
Yards Go. ( Limited ) . Mr. M. A. Upton ,
assistant secretary , was elected by the
board of directors , at their mooting yes
terday , to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Mr. Donnelly. Mr. Upton
urns formerly , for a number of years ,
jashior of the 0. R. I. & P. Ry , nt
Jouncil bluffs , and litter aoorotary and
; roasuror at the Council Bluffs etock.
faida. i
i Van Baalon Forges Sloman
Bros , Name to a Draft
Ana Mr. Shear * , of the Billiard , Cash
es It to Ilia Sorrow ,
On the 3d of July K. Van Baalon , whc
hnd been traveling for n short llmo tot
Hamburger Bros. , of Chicago , called up
on Sloman Broa. , of this city , and naked
them to endorse a draft for $50. This
Sloman Bros , refused fo do but loaned
the man § 5 with which to go to Fremont
where ho said ho would got money from
Van Baolrou wont to the Millard hotel
and filled out a draft on Hamburger Bros ,
for $50 and forged the name of Sloman
Bros. * ns endorsers , Mr. Shears
to whom the draft wai presented ,
refused to cash It until the maker was
identified. VnaBaalon then wont over
to Chinn & Now's and got their book
keeper , an entirely innocent party , and
ho identified YnnBanlou and Mr. Shears
advanced the money.
The draft was Bent to Chicago for col
lection and of course waa roturnod.
Ilamburgcr Bros , wrote to Slo
man Bros. expressing their
regret that they ( Sloman Bros. ) had lost
their $50 , as Van Baalon had not boon in
their employ for some timeand that they
had found him very dishonest.
When the draft was returned Mr.
Shears took it down to Sloman Bros.who
nt once pronounced it a forgery. The
man Van Baalon has fled for parts un
known and the Millard is $50 out by the
It will bo well for hotel keepers and
dealers throughout the country to keep a
sharp lookout for the man Van Baalon as
ho is a slick ono and will undoubtedly
try to work all with whom ho is ac
ThoUHnal Amount of Business for
Hominy Morning ,
In police court yesterday there were
the nsual number of Monday morning
John Welsh was up for disturbance of
the poaco. Ho pleaded guilty and was
fined 05 and costs which ho paid.
E. Ounoo , an Itall&u , who keeps a
fruit stand on south Thirteenth street ,
waa np charged with fighting. Ho
pleaded not guilty and said that Welsh
passed his stand and stele some oranges
and that while ho was endeavoring to re
gain possession of them ho was arrested.
His case was sot for Wednesday.
Chas. Campbell was charged with be
ing drunk. Ho said yea and was "fined
J5 and costs.
Richard Pratt , charged with disturb
ance pleaded not guilty and his case waa
James Burke got $5 and costs for dis
turbing the poaco.
Preston Weaver said ho did not dis
turb the peace and the judge held him
for trial.
Joe Grace and Mart. Conloy were
charged with fighting. Conloy said he
was taking Grace home when a man
named Lacy stepped up and slugged
birii ] * Ho jot RO of Grace and wont'for
Lacy when Barney Shannon blow the
police whistle and had them run in.
They both pleaded not guilty and their
cases wore continued.
Pat. Kearney was up for drunkeness.
Ho made a pitiful plea but the judge
said he had taken hia word so many times
that it was no good. Ho was sentenced
to fifteen days in the county jail on bread
and water. The judge told him ho
would have company , as Dan Callan
waa up for fifteen days and "Whisky
Jack" for thirty.
Larry Casey was charge with disturbance -
anco of the poaco. Ho pleaded not
guilty and his case was continued.
Charles Sullivan , for being a suspicious
person was fined $20 and coats , and sen
tenced to thirty days in the county jail.
Ho was hanging around a house on Four-
toonthatrcotSunday night and had the lady
badly frightened when OQicor Nightin
gale arrested him.
Thos. Oummings ( not the city marshal )
was arrested for drunkenness. Ho plead
cdfguilty and waa fined $5 and costs.
Mrs. Gerald was arrested Saturday for
drunkenness , She was released on bail
and now has an attack of dcloriurn tro-
11. Anderson was charged with distur-
tmnco of the poaco. Ho said that Barney -
noy Shannon waa talking with two women -
men and that ho spoke to him , whereup
on Barney knocked him down twice and
then had him arroatod. The judge re
marked that they had arrested the wrong
man and continued the caso.
After the fignt in the lower part of
nan they could find and could prove no
marges against any of thorn.
\ . IMonetcr Scrjmnt Been In West
Oiuatiix on Saturday.
Italian Charley , who keeps the place
tt 1120 Faruam street aaw a eight on Sat-
irday which paralyzed him with fear and
'caused hia hair to stand on end like qullla
ipon the fretful porcupine. "
lie farms a tract of land in west Omaha
ind it waa on thia little farm that thia
'rightful spectacle was presented to hia
; azo. Ills father and mother , who are
igod people , were nt work in the field
md all at once they heard a noise in the
niahca and supposing it to bo a dog the
) lf gentleman started toward the bushrs.
lo waa atoppod abort on hia march by
.ho appearance uf a serpents head. The
optllo raised itself in the
tir with glistening eyes and forked
.onguo. The head waa n largo as that of
t good aized dog and its body was at
east twenty feet in length. It was aa
argo around as a stovepipe.
Mr. Foaron , who lives near , got his
; un nnd together with a party uf men
itarted in pursuit of the euako but up to
ho present tlmo it has not boon soon.
It ia supposed to have ospaped from
lomo menagerie. Wherever it came from
t ia a whooper and Charley hna no do-
lire to hare It call at hia place again.
Dcutli ot Odnrlcu J. Bliplton.
Mr. N. Shclton , of this city , baa juat
ocelved the aad nowa of the drowning of
iia brother , Oharlos J. Shelton , aged
vrenty-'livo years. Ik will bo remember
ed that the deceased was shot and badl
injured about eighteen months ago ncn
Laramie , and was in the hospital at Urn
place for two months. IIo then cnmo 1
Omaha , nnd from hero ho wont to h :
homo in the cast , where ho partially recovered
covered from his wounds. Ilia nox
misfortune was a severe attack of rheumatism
matism , which was followed by jaundice
Aa aoon ns ho waa nblo to travel ho won
to Galvoaton , Texas , in search of health
IIo next proceeded to California , and fin
ally drifted into Novndn , where ho won
into the business of raising horses. 0
the 21st of last May , while attempting to
swim the Oyhco rlvor , near Wlunomucca
after n stray horse , ho was drowned , th
accident being witnessed by two men am
a boy , who could renedr him no Mais
Unco. The body has not yet boon rocov
A Now Knllroad ,
The Bolt railroad ia now in runnin
order nnd trains are running continually
The now road is located in the rriudow o
D. W. Saxo , the druggist. This window
la the moat beautiful ono ever fitted up 1
Omaha. A minlaturo city , with ros
donees , business houses and depot ha
been arranged. Through the center o
this city is a little rlvor with n boautifu
watetfall. Around the whole is a tola
graph wire which enters the depot whor
the train dispatcher ia stationed and i
supposed to glvo orders. An ongluo nn <
two cars fly round nnd round upon th
minlaturo track , the ntoam and amok
Hying from the emoko stack. It is
beautiful landscape and largo crowd
hnvo thronged the window all day. It i
worth going down town to look nt. It i
nil made to advertise the 0. & N. W
Palacp Dining Car cigar , for which Mr
Saxo is the agent in thia city.
HESS DmiCTOHY to bo issued in July
8b4 , prlco ? 4.50. J. M. WoLrn , pub
her 120 S. 14th St. . Omaha.
The First Arrival ,
Laot Saturday the popular atockmon
nnd shippers from Una point , Messrs. A
Troman & Sou , rowlvcd from Teknmah
Nebraska , the first train o
cattle that has arrived in Omaha ever th
now Florence cut-off on the C. , St. P.
M. & 0. railroad. The train conslstci
of nbout fifteen cars , containing ever two
hundred of aa fine cattle ns can bo BOO :
in any market. The enterprise of BUG !
men as A. Tromnn & Son la rapidly mak
ing Omaha the beat shipping point in the
AbsoluteBy Pyre.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnrenoes ,
itrengtn and wholesomeness. lloio economical than
-ho ordinary kindsand cannot bo s.ld In competition
with the multitude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold tonly In cans. ROYAL
MTSpoclalu will Fosltivelynot bo inaertoa
unless paid in advance- .
TO LOAir-Money.
to loan * n Real estate by Ballou Bros. ,
317 south 18th St. 604-14
"TTIOR RENT A flvo room cottage , cor. Sheridan
JL1 street ami Popploton avenue , $10,50 per month.
Barker & Mayne 457-tt
npo I.OAN From 1200 to tl.OOO on good Becurlty
X Ad'lrcsa "E. I' . " Bee omcu. 603-lOp
to loin In sums of 8500 and upwards on
MONEY Dougloa Co. farms. R. 0. Pntteruou
& Co. , Real estate and loan agant , 13th and Farnam.
"VfONP.Ylonno'l on chattels , notes bought , cut rate
1V1 tickets 8vd. ! A. Fonuari , 213 S. 13th St.0331m
TO MAN The lowest ratio * of interert
MONKY 'T.oin Aifonov. ICtb & Dnupla tS4-t
Tl.fONEY TO LOAN Inaunu of 0300. ana upwird
1V1 O. K. Davla and Co. , Real Estate tud Loin
j. 1508 Farnim St tPS-H.
\\rANTED Olrltoilottorlc of smafll amily. Call
\ V at 1610 Douglas. J , B. Smith. 002-lOp
A few persona to learn book-keeping.
Situations in September , 1510 Douglas street.
J. B. Smith. tQ3-16p
' A g od kllditn girl ; wages coed , nt
WANTU' atr > ct , north Omaha. a:4-10p
WANTED-A good strong boy about 14 years old
at lice 1're-a room.
'ANTii : > A good fenulo meat took at the Ar
cade H6UI , 1216 DoiiKlis streetW318
; AgfiitH lor U'jt 10-cent campaign medals.
Perfect likeness. Write at once lor cxcludvo
Territory. Q. N , Buiby &Co. , 617 Market St. Phlla ,
. . ut Trciuont HOUJC ,
WAXTI5n..rirstrlasicook 681-15
" \ 7"ANTED A girl to cook unil h lor a family
of two. LUht work and tcaJy j > l ce. Waged
good. Inquire 2416 IMMidport Bt. [ 57-15
Oofd eirl ( or uoneml houio work.
Only three la family. Wage * $3. jmr weak ,
112 South 12th Kt. r)3M5p )
\XTANTKD-GliJil at 8 ftvon Hotel , aouth lOlliSk.
\Y J35-1
\\TANTKD Dlnlnjt room Klrl and laundry Kill at
M Uoston llMtauranl , 14H Douglas. 637-H [ >
' . HOT waltcrat Omaha House , llaroey
WANU'.D 12th and 13th St. MOUp
Two tilth washers at once. Best wage )
| ulil , 1600 Farnam St. ( SO-Hp
\\7ANTKD-Kor Merit. M , a flret class KnclUh
> > teacher for the ( lernian-Aincrictn tchool. An ly
to I'rof. Ilarthun.Uoruiaiila Hall. DOS-It
TyANTKD-A Bret-claw barber , None other notd
apply. Call at 1410 Chicago Et. Uoadoy.
HI l < Si >
TWANTKD goo.1 butcher. No , other iiu d p
ii ply , corner liili and lluward. 615-lCp
vyAN'P'D-A teed gill at 2511 Douglaa itrtel.
fVANTBl ( fill fora family of four , that under-
\ ( lands how to conk , a h and Iron , o otnor
need pt > lv. Apply at onca to 1109 r k WUdo ato.
iff . John W.UcIl.
TT7ANTKP-A barber , 708 B. 10tn troct , Omaha.
V > BI9-14P
rANTEO GIrl' 1510 Uliennaa avenue. Mm.
W : J , U , Couiumau , i3 tl
Practical Painters & Decorators , ;
8IORE :3 1515 Dort street , Oniak
TI country , to t ka nicelightuiilploAmnt workat
their own hoinostt ; to ft > a day easily and ntilBtly
made ; work font by mall ; no catuasslnc : no Umi
( or reply. I'loiao addinu llelULlo ttut'fg Co. , I'lll-
adeliibla , Pi. HU imo
\jjT An'l ) suatim by druKglst ot Vlk years
T > expotl nco Can licep books. ( lood rclcren
eel Aililtcis I * O. Iox"40 ! , Omaha , Nob. 694.19 ]
YX fA NTiD : 1'0'ltlon i ROI ct ncsa In a prl\ ate f am
V i lly , by a joung lady who ban had experience In
a ilitllar position Doit of references Riven. Ad
dress " 0 3. " care Doe office , Council Bluffs. 603-lt
"TirANTED By an experienced drtes maker , to
f V tnit In prlt ate fatnilloi or ebon. Call or addtCM
L. 0 , corner ISth and DodRO ttieci , No. 1223.
WANTED Situation by a young man who has had
1 year * experience In tlio grocery buslapw. Ad
drea "U. K. W/'PooolTlco. CflO-15p
YT7ANTED-Sltu tlon by n Frenchman of Paris S5
V ) ol ago cptakiEngllsh Herman , French and Ital
Ian , a situation Ina prhato family or hotel. Addreia
to Eugene A. Dclatour , for 3 da ) s this cfllco 668-lBp
Lady * f refinement and beet ol references woulc
A Ilku a altuatlon M amanuensis , or to do copying.
AdJrcw for ono week , M. W. " B e office. 623-17p
"TTTANTED By young man late of Chatham Can
IV adaas dry ifooda nr iroccry hand. Salarynol
BO much an object M work as I came out hcto for my
health , hotline to 1 favored with tomotblnj ; . Ad
drees Wm. U. Footer , 022 B. 10th St. _ < * 31-14p
A Lady with good references would llko to act M
companion to come o'derly , or Invalid lady Address
dross "II. W , " Bee office for ono wook. B2S-17p
WANTED Situation by an expttlenced hortt
man and ( Irst-cUis coachman. Best of tefor
onccs. Apply at Her. Jorgiaon , corner Hamilton anc
Moratn. 632-lip
A Vounjf married man wants situation M book
keeper , In wholesale establishment In Omaha.
AddriM " 0. " care Bee. EBQ-tl
TTTANTED-Somo ono to adapt a boy baby 2m ulb >
TT old. Inquire at Poor House. 8C7-17p
WANTED To buy a good herso. Addrcia 11.
Bee olfico. 665-15
VY ANTED A flrst-claa gentleman correspondent
T V by a flrst-cku lady. Louts * , 808 B o oBlce.
TT7K offer In lota to ault purohvier , eight hundr d
IT choice Iowa steora. One halt ve r olds , balance
two and throe joars old , and a good smooth bun ah.
21P-11U BTKAN Q E BRO'H , Sioux City , Iowa.
\T7AMTED Boordora to know the St. Charloi IIo-
TT tu ] on Barney St. , bttwron 12th and ISth will
Mt up th beM table board toe (1 00 per week of any
house In the city of a oorrwpondlr" urloe. 2 K-tl
FOK U&Srr--Us aeti asM
FOU 11KNT A nicely furnished room for on * or
two gentlemen , at ill 1'leaaant sticct. 087-10
HEJTT Two unfurnished front rooms. In-
qulra atNo. lOlSllaaon atroetbet. llth and llth.
JIOIIUENT Six room cottage , fine location , by S.
T. I'eteratn , S. B. cor. 161h and Douglas. B17-ti
7011 KENT furnished loom 1312 Jackson 84 ,
If T KHT fh7M Vms"and kitchen for house-
1 keoplnj . 031 S. 17th St , between Jackson and
Lcarcnworth. CB2-l p
I'loacant tiirnlahed rooms to rent to
joung gentleman , 1707 Caw street.
FOK 11ENT I'leasant furnished room , 1E11 Cots
atioot , Sg7-16p
TTlOHUENrCHEAP-Anew brick cottage , B rooms ,
JU city water , and modern improvementsooinur 6th
andUlckory. 69316p
FOH RENT Niooly furnished front roam , suitable
for two gentlemen , ifi21 Darecport St. 039-16p
rEH HKST Basement , two rooms , 1615 Chicago *
L1 600.16p
FORIlENT-Wlth board , largo front room with
bay window , gas and bath room , at No. 1718
Dcdgo street. tS10p
FOK ItKNT Two unfarnUhod rooms , eultable tot
light housekeeping , 1613 Qowardstrect. COS-lOp
FOR KENT House and stable , 20th and Barney ,
$10. Win. L. lUuroo , Bth and Douglas. COl-lOp
FOIl IlKNT A now store and dwelling above , In a
first-class location. Inquire northeast corner 17th
and Nicholas ttrcct , coar ol works. 672-15p
FOIl KENT A furnished front room , suitable" for
two gentlemen , at 1417 Howard St. 673-lOp
FOU KENT Throe furnished rooms , cor. ICtb and
Capitol avenuo. 674-Hp
FOU KENT Furnl-hfd room at J3 per n'onth. ;
U. C. I'tttcraon , 18th and Farnun. 676-1 fi
I 7iOll"HUNT-A front parlor furnished , with bojrd ,
1 suitable for two gentlemen. Inquire at 10J
DougUaSt. 629-Hp
FOU IirNT Two new 0 room houses , Tery com
plete ono block from Park a\e. cars. AM EH ,
507 Farnam ,
FOIl IlKNT No. 013 N. 17th fit. between Webster
and California Address box 712 city. 653-lSp
iriOKlttNT A pleasant furnished room at 1205
L' Capitol ao. 660-1S | )
FOR KENT House and large barn , s".a\\i \ \ for SO
liorecs. lot. Wm. L. Monroe , Oth and
Douglas , telephone 391. t BSl-ISp
PiOH KENT Furnished rooiuu 1810 Dodge Street.
ij'Oll KENT Three rooms , 3 closets , city water.
i1 luqulro at 003 North 13th St. tXM-ISp
T > 0 HCNT House of eight rooms , birn uto. In <
qulro at 1012 Capltcl avo. 5CO 15
FOR KENT ruiobhed rooms , 1021 Capitol mo'
FOR 11CNT A furnished room. Inquire at No.
8:021standLca\cnworthSt. S2S-15p
71011 RKNT-Elegant'y furnished parlor and bed-
J roornV'M aim Douglaa St Also 4 rowu for
ouso-kcrplug. Juijulro of W. F. CUrk , corner 18lh
nd Douglas.
7011 RBNT-Furnlahod rooms JOS K. ISthSt.
? 010-lOp i'
7011 IlKNT Throe unfurrlsho tooma and I tin-
} ulo room furnlehod 1017 Chicago. 609-tf
7011 RENT Hooms In Crounso's Block. O. U.
. ' Hitchcock. 613 tf
71011 HELNT A back parlor elfgant.y furnished
. ' and cdjolnlng bed room , with u a ol bath room ,
ho bed room up Flairs , tultablo for 070 or two xcu-
omen. IJcst location In the city , 20 Heaiur.t St.
480 tf
" < VIl KENT Furnished roocu at 2227 Dodge HI.
437-1 mp
T10H RENT Nicely furnished rooirs without
: board 1814 Daviinport St. 16J-14p
TlOll KENT In Shlnn's2d addition , new houeo. 4
' rooms , part of double homo , full lot , ill W pur
onth. Apply room 24 Ouulm National Bank Ilulld
rf , 0tf
7IOH RF.NT. A ( urnkhcd bacU parlor for two jicr-
sons at 1011 Djdgo street.
BURNISHED rooms 1724 Douglai Bt.
0R RENT-Ono grand nquar piano. Inquire
of EUholm and EJlckBon.
7011 RENT New house aullabla for h'tolpr fam-
11ll- boarding house,25 room * . Doalratle location
! rk"r A M > ne , 13th and Farnam. 420 tf
RENT One peed nix ro m house 125- per mo.
FOIl . Hitchcock. : J 5-tl
RENT House 6 rooms good repair. Nloo
FOR , clutcru ater. JUut $ ! 6 per inonth 1411
I'ark : WUdo avo. Apply to Jno. W. Doll , DruKglil ,
10th fit. ! E6-tf
( RBNT llano. Inquire at Edholm & Erlck-
17(011 1 * . 033 tf
OR RENT Rooms In Nebraska National Bank
1i ' Building , Uobt dt lrablo offltta In the city ,
buppllodwlth hydraulic olevatorond heated by tUam
Apply at llank 026 tf
i , iOrV RENT Furnished rooms on I he iicrth-wwl
A1 ccr. IStb and Capitol avenue , foruerly Crt > I/h-
lon Home. 189 tl
liVbirSi'LlV 8 wYuiii luTDorth e t k'et > jMk . A
JL' r ro ch nc a health will not permit n > " n halt
Hell. Addues "N. L' . II. & Co. , " Clu iv , I u , -
3o. , Neb , or boi (0 Hurihtlltou I3 . _ _ _ J9Mip [ .
ITV U 8ALB Hi'ecUl tarfiln. cointr I ' fl' 142 St. *
1 } car lUemii ndUr ce , aU tue , | ) ,000lliold >
jaUndiji. U.llumel , Da-l ! I
Are prepared to do wo
In any branch ,
On Short Notice
nousB ,
) /Oil 1 SUJ | Homo of sn\cn room and lot 00x140
1cot , north 10th. imrSprnco street.
' " " " OIIAS. JOHHSOIf.13
TTlORMALh-A flim jtloon property , with Rood
X1 Watcrioj , Nob. u'wt future * ando'r-
iri thing compUw. Addrc 0. II. 1'tlday , Waterloo.
Ncb < 63S.17P
I poll SALIVA nlco gentle horw , new bi'ggy , aim-
quire i * at 2411 ! \ > hsrni"4 "ddlo > ° 'o- . cI'"P In
Davenport St. 641-llp
TTiORSAIE-Acholo dairy and stock farm of 800
J acres , 20t acroa under cultivation , 2J mlloa from
Silxr Cr.ek , Neb. , on U. RUlay Oood house.
eam and Ice houses , barnt.corrali , etc. , or dalryi
Ing and atock ralsfug Land la well wateted aSd iCil
choice grass Mid grazing lintj , with plenty o ranoo
adjoining. For Bale cheap , potter , V Cobb. 161S
larnom street. 8/Mf /
FOR HAUI-One hardware atoro and bulldlnr
worth I2.0CO. Block will Inrolco 2,000. Inillfi
lown , two rallroada. lltsawn for selling , going to
Call oinia. Addrets or call on Walter CutfoFth ,
Louls\llle , Nib. 678-13
F01lBALK-totiMongShcrm n ave. S850 ach.
Thc e are reiy cheap. R. a Patterson , 13th and
iarnam. B77.17
° ° k > 0 Tory Ucalrab.
, , Torma a y7
Houio good lot south Omiha , IS3I monthly p y-
Very dcslrablo hall acre lot near Stundora St. . In-
aide clly 11.Iw aoo monthly payments.
Acre lota In dljaa addition north Omaha , $750 easy
Lots In Thornbure place , facing on Ie vcnworlk
street , 29 each on montrly twymonta. Tlio bell
rood alrcadygradodto thN addition and will croea or *
rorncr. Thcw are the. most desirable cheap ) ct
offered. We ha\oprt rty Inovcry pirt cf the cltr
and con supply any want in our line. Call and sea
" - Barker Jt Ifayno , 13th and Farnam. C07-15
FOR SALI Dealrablo lots J5 down , | 5. mr mo.
R. C. Patterson , ISih and Farnam 67S-2I
Tj > ORS .LB-Englncs new and aeoond hand 10 h p.
-I' 15 h. p. and o h p. portable unit stationary ; also
boiler * of any size and stylo. Rlchird tt Clarku. U , P
R. Y. bet 17th and 18th StL Omaha. 649-tt
SALS At . bargsh ) , if imld thja month ,
homo of B roe on i lot lu good locality In first-
class repair , 1223 North 18th St. C&3 Idp
T7\ORSALK Boarding hoUBO.furnlturo and Uxturet
X1 all complota. Inqu re at 210 S. 10th St
TOIl RALE One of th * Unici retail grocery stands
J1 In Oinabao n r must I kte city. Address "A
TT . " this nrtliA . 124-14
FOR iiALli At a baiyatn , oaopool and onoblllionl
table , both In good oruer. * pply at 012 S. ICth
St. 643-17p
FOR SALE-Qood , leliablo herr , suitable f *
famll } or draft purposes. I qulibetw < cn ID an
II a. m. , or tdJnw. U L. Smith , 208 N. ICth ( trcot
TflOR BALU 133 acrei 8rpy county lands 12 mlloa
X1 from Omaha. Will take Omaha property In park
payment. Call on or audreu VI 1C Parish , t ui.lllioa
S < ll-15p
FOR SALE A prlt tl g ( fflra suitable icr a small
ne ipaper or Job offloa. Will sell for o h or exchange -
change for Omaha City proptity. Addres * I. Z. Q"
Bee ofllen. 408-tf
FOR 9AL1 Ooe of the boit Builaeu Let * and
BuUdlng In Tokanh , * b. ( country Beat ) .
Aildrcoj , C. W. Conklin , Tokamah ; or , Wirt &
Duguotto , Wholcstlo Fancy QroceraCoui.cll Blu0j.
; . 465-M
PTOR SALE A few choice young buggy and work
horaoa. Mayno A Barker , St. Mary's > \CDUO
bora , 4S8-H
FOR SALE Largo lot on Park avenue. Also hous
and lot near St. JIary's avenue. Inquire 422 Con
vent street. 437-lmp
FOR SALE-Throe of the best lot ? In Haneoom
pUce at a btrgaln If sold eoon. i'otter & Cobb ,
1616 Faruam. 031-tf
FOU SALE Sbcop , a lot of flne Colorado grades
containing ol 600 owes , 2,3 and 4 yoira old ,
about COO jearUngs and 609 lambs. The cttea will
shear about 6 pounfls For further Information nd-
drtus illday Co. , Ualgler , B. & IT. K. 11. , Neb.
FOU SAtK-A nice cottatre an lull lot , hall block
south of Milton Uofer' | residence , on ISth street. \
Inquire of U. Lto , Qrcoor , S2J and Loavouworth.
T7IOU SALE-Cheapoal house nd lot In Omaha , U
4.1 Potter's addition , S rooms , well , 300 barrel els-
torn , on two lots , 100 fo t front by 180 feat deep , for
fr2OSO. Potter & Cobb , 1516 Farnaru gtieot. iofl-tf
FOR BALE-Choip lots In Shlnn's Sd addition ,
Klrkwood and rialQTlonr. Potter & Cohh. IRIS A
* araam street 423-tf
F IOR SALE Two second hand 'planoa. at Edholm
& Eilckson'H UiiBia Store on 10th St. 890-U
FOR SALE Two open eeoond-nand bngglea and
one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Harney St.
OST Bunch of koya at postofflce. Leave at
Sale's Drug etoro. 605-14
rpAKEN UP-LiBt April , rod and white jcarllnj
X heifer. Owner can have earno by calling at iL
Mclhaus , cor.24th and Mason , and paying charges.
rpAKEN UI'-M v 24th , 1831 , at my place , 1 horse ,
J-Bonel color , and one pony baym&ro , black toll ,
brand mark on hip. Owner can have m uo by pror-
lag property and paying charges. Phillip Caseldy.
_ _ CDJ-Bw-cow
TltUItRAY hasifood jiasturinif. Spring water.
S5u. ti
rpAKEN UP-On lie 24th Inst at Pries' Lake , near
X Horcnco , alight bay rn ro white onfaco and legs ,
ijcara old , lightly shod , branded on left quarter.
Ownerpn rcco\er ly pajlngftr thia advertisement
ind othoi c'-inrgea nnd proving owuarablp. Prits
UroJ. , Florence' , f.'ob. 203-lowfiw
r > RIVY vaulf , elnks , and ccsspoola cleaned with
JL elaltary cleaner. MatUfactlon guaranteed by V.
J. Abel , (8Ui.coor ( to J. M. Smith , ) box 378.
UCNZBIl BLOCK , fa , i
Osnaba &eb.
0111 , , , a , .
tSTDeposltloni , Dictations , Ktc , promptly
Tiio Bcholietla jar oommcncoi on the FIni TfKD-
LSUAVIn Scptombor Tbo courte ol liiBtructloa
1. .r-oi all the FJouionlaty and liljhor ( brain lies of
u < 'K-il oducallou. Dltfrreuco ul llollt'Ion U no
t - . i to the ailmUnloii ol yuuu ; Udlut. Vupllf
j received utany tlm of Uiaymr jurTernn p y-
> lo loadvuoci ) , InUuJiiii lloirJ , Wnnlilnif , Tuftloi
i Knglltb aud I'rontl ) , 1110 ul Imulu. 1'Uno , per
j lon of Ore mot nilSID9.CO
EITUA CnAUHEHDr wliu , Palr.tlr.j , Oermui
: arp , Violin , UulUr uil
llelcronocs uo rwmliod from all persons anknoim
) tUo InntltuUon. Vor luitlwr lulurmationupplr t
LAur sui' muu