OMAHA JDAIL'Y BE.Ii TUESDAY JUjuY 15 , 188J. SILOAM 1VIINERAL SPRINGS Wo cuaratitco the cute of the following named d * ea ce , erne pay ; Khoumatlsm , Scrofula , U1o ra Catarrh , nil ttlocxl nd ldndhoates , Dy pepslnLlvo Complaint , Kidney ami Bladder Discuses. Gout , Not algU and Asthma , Thcsa Springs are tlio fatorl wort ol tlio tired ixn.l ilohllltfttvl , and arotho PKKBLR LADIKS ItKST FIIIKND , Good hotel , livery and bathing accomoditlon bet winter ami lummer. Locality highly plcturosqu nd healthy. Accessible by WiibMh railway , Kvnns , or 0.B. & < J. , at Albany. Corrwpondcuo oliclto-1 , HEV. M. It. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , SUoam Springs , .Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spoclflo Gravity . 1.002 llonction . . -.Nontra Carbonto Acid Ota . 20 In. per gallo Carbonate Calcium . 85,921 drain Carbonate Iron . \ . 7,011 ! ' Sulphate Magnesia. . . . . 3,289 " Sulphftto Calcium . 1,148 " Chloride Sodium . . . 7,880 ' Sllllca . 1,668 " Alumina . . , , ,0,018 Organ lo an d Volatile matter an il loss . 1,159 " ftlollds per Rallon . 07,171 " \VdtTirAMtnRiM , . Chemists N. SCHUEZ , Justice oftlie Peace. OFFICE OVKR AMEU10AN KXPUES3. COUNCIL BLUPPS , - IOWA Provisions , BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .83 1'entl Street Council Dlufls , Iowa. Justice of the Peace , Omatuv aud Council Bluff ? . Real cstoto collection ajency , Odd Fcllo a Block over Savlnp-a Bank. TBOB. onrioaa , n. u. CUBIT. BACKERS. Council Elude Estabt/shea 1856 Dealers In Forclftu and omcstlo Eichanzo an rnia Sccurltl As there are many So-Galled Veterinary Surgeons In this city , who are practicing their qu clcry : on our people , I deem It but justice to cay that I defy any ot them to produce a diploma , or credential , iidicatlng that they are graduate ) ) ft any \ctcrinar ; ' iietilutc , and I do hereby caution tha publia again ! ' such quacks , a ) am the Only Known Giaduat IN WESTEiiN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 125 B'dway ' , AT BLUE DARK. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. Afc the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Tipper Broadway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council Blufls. Notice our reduce ! Price List. We gl\o \ IB pounds Eitra 0 Sugar ( or . SI 00 12 pounds Granulated Sucar . 1 00 26 pounds Choice Oatmeal . . .100 26 nound9 Navy . 100 0 pounds B 8t Bulk Starch . . . 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Hlco . 1 00 12 pounds Choice fruno . 100 25 bars Buffalo Soap . 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound . 09 Lorriliard'a Plug per Ib . 40 1 dozen Mackerel . 1& Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 00 10 pounds dinner Saapj . 1 CO 40 pounds h inloy . 1 00 6-allcm ( kcj Syiup . 1 70 Wlilto Fish , per kit . 80 Mackerel , iierkit . 10 Dates , per pound . 10 10 3 pound cans Standard Tomatoes . 1 Oti All kinds Calif orn la Frultj . pound Lusk's Standard 4 ( or . 1 00 T. All grades , according to quality , 15o to SOo per pound. Vfa also carry a lull line ol 5on's , Todies' ami Children's flno .Shoes and Men > Kino Boota at very low prices. Al.ii > a ( nil line 01 Tluw.iro an 1 general incrchaiidisi ) . Call on ill and bo coivinacd thai you cnn wuo money 1-y duulinu' with ua. Ooodn delivered dec Inntiy part of the ctty. la a word , we are hound to noli and challenge a.l audaolo competition In this countv. J. I1. FILVERTi 2(1 ( Oil . rIroadvray Eailway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Th fallowing are the times o ( the arrival and departure - parturo ol trains by central utandard time , at the local depots. Trains leave trarmler depot ton mln u.i-3 earlier and arrive ten minutes later. C1IICAQU , HUBUNOION AND QUI.NCT. IKATB. ABR1VK. f:85prn : Chicago Express ; 0:00 : a m 0:40 : a in Font Hall. 7:00 : p m B:45am : [ Mall and Kxprcss , 7'Jpm ! 12SO ; p m Accommodation. 2.iO p in "At local depot only. KANSAS CITT , HT. JOB AND COUIiCIL BLDFra. 10:05 : a ui Hall and Kxprcsn , J7:05 : p m 8:05 : p m Pacific Kxprcsa , G:60 : p m CniOAOO , UILWADKXK AND 8T. fADIu t:25 : p m Kxprcas , 0:05 : a ra 9:16 : a m Exproaa , 0:65 : p in CUIOAQO , KOCE INLAND AND I'ACIKIO. 6:30 : p m Atlantia Gxpreas , 0:05 : a m 0:25 : B m Day Kxpreaa , 6:64 : p in 7:20 p m Tea Ifolnes Aooommodatloa , ' 0:05 : p m At local depot only. I WABASIl , BT. UDI8 AMD rACirlO. 0:55 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4:10 : pm Cannon Ball 11:16 : a Ul "At Transfer rnl CUICAOO &nd NOUTUWKSIBttS. BSO : p m Kxprosn , 8:60 : p m 9:25 : a m Paclflo Exprosa , 0:05 : a m BIODX CITT AND PACIFIC , r40pm ; St. Paul Expreu , 8:60 : m ) ; SO m Day Express 0:60 : pm "DKION FACiriO. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 : m 11:00 : in Paclflo Kxprcaa , 4:40 : p m 740 ; ra Local Exproea , 0:54 : am 12:10 : k in Lincoln Kipress , At Traneler only. DDtfUr TRAINS 700M1HA. LeaTe-7:20-8SO-0SO-10:30-ll:40R. : : : : : ra. 1:30-2:3 : : 8'SO-l : 0-5:30-eSO-ll:05 : : : p. m Sunday 0:30-11:40 : : n. m. lSO"3:30-6:30-fl:30-llo6 : : : : : p , m. Arilvo 10 mln to bclore leaving tlmn TlIISIELTorltegcnra-e tor la made expressly ( or the cure ol derangements \ ol the generative oreann , 11 hero la no mlntake about llhla Instrument , the con. ttnuous stream ol ELKC- TUIUITY nermeatlnK f thruiiL'h tlio paiij must roa tore them to healthy action Da not confound this with . . . KIcctrlolielUadiertlaodto euro all alia from bead tnoe. It la ( or the ONK epcc- IHo purpoiio. For clrculra gMng lull Information , adJre * * Cheevcr Elcctrio licit Co. , 193 Washington fit. , Chicago. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. TO .01IAIIA NATIONAL BANK ilUK DI.VH. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. BOOMING THE BLUFFS , Tlio Mayor's New Schemes for Artvcr- tlslnj * tlio City , Mayor Vnughtm is preparing to issue n 40 column paper , to bo entitled "Of ficial Iloviow of Council Bluflj. " and devoted - voted entirely to the showing up of the various advantages of this city , There will bo but ouo iasuo , and this paper is to bo given wholly to reading matter , without a ainglo advertisement in it. Tlio plan is to pay the expenses of publishing this review by private contributions entirely , nnd then distribute the papers free , the number to bo from 15,000 to 25,000 according to the contribution ! ] offered. The paper is especially intended to attract the atten tion and excite the interests of eastern cap Italiata and manufacturers who by n prop er presentation of the advantages offered by Council Blufls might bo induced to invest hero. The review Is to bo divided into different heads , showing the city as wholesale nnd retail point , its advantage for manufacturing , its buildings , publii and private societies , paving nnd sewerage ago improvements , the waterworks , gas street railway , its parks and drives , iti [ rult farms and vineyards , railways , oloc trio lights , etc. , etc. , covering nil possibl questions as to Council Bluff * . Thosi papers are to bo given to any nnd nil win will mail thorn , nnd nnyono having any suggestions or information in the line in dicated nro requested to present tin siuno. "Col. Koatloy will probably bo as sociated in the work. Another great schema which ho had or : oot is for a grand grathering of com norcial travellers with thor samples , Two or three days are to bo designated 'or this ptlrp jso , and will not only bo announced - nouncod in Qtho 'Review , but will nlso bo announced in a circular invitation to bo sent out by the merchants to the houses with whom thny are dealing. The travel ers are to bo entertained by carriages , > ands , receptions , etc. , etc. , and bo ex acted to donate a part of the time hero n opening up their samples and display- ng them , and it is expected that many merchants from outside towns will bo drawn hero at the same gathering. JUMBO , BY JOVE. Clio Great Barnuni and London Shows , September 25 , As a general thing the older men grow ho more conservative they become. That extraordinary man , P. T. Barnum , is nest extraordinary.oxception to this rule. n a year when the boldest business nuvi- ; ators are shortening sail , and the most outuresomo curtailing expenses , the ob- ainer of Jumbo and capturor of the only acred white elephant over smuggled out of Asia serenely starts another nmuso nent boom. Ho defies hard limes with a icrd of forty elephants ; builds bigger can vases , fills them with bigger troupes and ollcctions ; runs bigger trains , makes a ) igger parade and ov n draws bigger rowds than over. To an editor who ucstioned the wisdom of this policy , the Napoleonic old manager > recently shrewd y replied : "Our policy is to offer the public the most substantial inducements to wait for s , and the tighter the purse strings are rawn the greater the necessity of making them wait. This year tens of tiousands of people who generally pat onize every circus that comes along will ontont thopi elves with one , and wo moan to maloo ours that one. You see or yourself the result here , and it is the ame' everywhere. Wo give the public a reat deal the most for their money , and sonsequontly , got what money they hade , o spare for the luxury of a Bight-seeing loliday. " Barnum is wiser than his liggest oorpont , while , so far as injurious moral influences are concerned , his most wonderful show is as harmless as a ovo. The advent of Jumbo alone would iflico to fill the biggest canvas , and 'umbo will bo hero , for the first and list imo , as ho goes back to England next all. all.Tho The great show's date at Omaha will > o Friday , September 20. Council llliiH-t Oratory. The Macedonian , in speaking of the fourth there , says : "Hero some very fine music was rendered by the Macedonia ) ornot band nnd also excellent singing > y the glee club , after which came the ration by Col. Koatloy. Mr. Koatloy's leech was nn excellent ono and was on- eyed by fully ono tlumsand people. Its xtrcmo shortness \vi9 regretted by all ui ich an entertaining speaker a Mr. veatly is seldom hoard in these parts nd a longer oration would have boon ap- ireciatod. The Oakland Acorn in its account of 10 celebration there says : 'The oni on by Hon. N. M. Puooy was a fine iroduction , and received many flattering omments from the audience. His depth i reasoning and logical conclusions were jualled by the eloquence of his do- ivory. " The Emerson Chronicle says of the do nga there : Honorable J J. Stoadman , of Council lull's , was introduced and made the ixcl- ress of the day. Wo have not room lero to speak of the oration , further thane : o say it was a model Fourth of July or- : tion , complete in its thought , diction ) nd presentation , and elicited frequent pplauso daring its delivery. ; Turning Vrallnrfl. COUNCIL Bturi's , July 12 , 1884. o the Kditor of TUB HEK. It looks to mo as though that great omporauco advocate The Hearld of this ty has suddenly changed its views upon . 10 temperance question , and I am aomo- vhat surprised , yet knowing "to err is mman ; to forgive , divine , " and hoping or the beat , that the paper may yet come ut on thosido of right , decency , law and ipnor. I am well nwaro that different cinds of food taken into the stomach reato different formations in the human jTstom , und also that foreign substances aken into the stomach , especially if they re of n poisonous nature , will suddenly irow the system out of order. I think . mt ono of the talented edilon of The lorald his taken sumo "foreign" nub- tanco into his stomach , perhaps "butter- lilk , " and not being uavd to BO weak a rink , it cot his head to whirling , and his mind becoming weakened t > v this "foreign" substance ( buttermiiki ) ho iraa n willing tool to believe anything his friends of the "buttermilk" business told him nnd published his stntoinonta accordingly , or 1 hnvo erred in judgment against the talented scribe , ns the dcsiro to turn traitor may lay beyond his juris diction nnd bo the fault of the paper isolf. I nm well nwaro that it takes n great deal ot backbone tirmnoss nd moral prin ciple to stand out for right whcro evil prevails , but that paper or individual who expects to sit straddle of the fence nnd truckle to both sides when law nnd justice sit upon the right hand nnd law lessness nnd vice upon'thn left , may ex pect to IOBO their independence , have their rights trampled upon nnd bo buried in oblivion , with neither virtue or vice as n tomb stone to mark their resting place , And in reference to the part taken by the llorald , wo say : LliS&J Prohibition liiul n lamb , Us llcoco wnavliito as BIIOW , Wherever tonipornnco people dwelt That Ininb was nuro to KO 13ut laiubio , ho cot smart ono ( Uy , And abused nia mother done ; She took away his jmro white llcoco , 'flint was to him so doar. And now , Mr. Editor , the temperance people of this city see who are ad vocating their rights rnd govern themselves - solves accordingly , nnd assist the paper willing to stand by them in adversity as well ns In prosperity. Yours respectfully , Pnomnmox' . Kent Kstnto The following transfers were filed for record in the ollico of the county clerk , July 12 , 1881 , and reported for TUB BEK by P. J. McMahon : E. R. Page to E. I. Woodbury , lot 1 block 8 , Bayliss 2d add , U,000. J. M. P.ilmor to Istao Chanias , Iocs 18 10 20 21 and 22 , blick 20 , Burns' add , § 800. Thos. OlHcor to Eliztboth Oschgor , part ael 30 75 43. 82,407. Thos. Oflicar to State of Iowa , wi sw } 8 75 43 , $5,250. Elizabeth Oschgor to George W. Cross- ley , part sej 30 75 43 , § 2,000. Mary Antonroid ot al to 0. M. & St. P. II. 11. Co. , lots 18 nnd 19 , block 19 , Riddle's sub , § 750. 0. R. I. & P. R R. Co. to Macedonia Bank , lots 7 nud 8 , block B , Carson , § 200. S. Caldwell to Reason R. Thomas , ooi nw 17 75 39 , $1,300. N. P. Dodge , trustee , to D. W. McDer- mot , lot 12 , block 3 , Park add , § 750. Total sales § 17,417. MONDAY'S SALES. Daniel H. Nee to Irad T. Spangler , part so J 9 , 77 , 38. § 50 , Irad T. Spangler to J. H. Henry , part so | 9 , 77 , 28. § 25. Daniel H. Nee to Caroline S. Cleve land , lots 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4 , block 12 , Wnl- nut. S125. M. F. Rohrer to George Gorspacher , lot 15 , block 18 , Boors sub. § 200. John Farewell the Henry W. Curtis , part o i so J 10 , 77 , 39. § 1,402.50. Marshall Turloy to Charles Baughr , part lot 2 , black 20 , Mill add. § 370. Total sales , § 2,102.00. CEUELLY OEUSHED , Another Victim Falls Under tlio Wheels ot n Sieving Train. A sou of James Hamilton mot with a serious and probably fatal accident at Honton station on Saturday last. In attempting to get upon a train just mov ing out of the station ho slipped and fell under the cars , the wheels passing over his shoulder and over hsjoft leg near the ankle. Dr. Ilart , Barstbw and Houghton - ton , of this city were called to attend the boy , nnd amputated his arm and leg. At last accounts there was little hope for his survival. _ To-Nicht's JSiitertnfnmont. All , both ladies and gentlemen , are in vited to attend the literary and social gathering hold at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. , No. 12 north Main street , at 815 ; p. m. to-day. A very good time Is ex pected. The following is the pro gramme : 1. Music. 2. Heading. 3. Essay. 4. Son ? . C. Heading , IntennissioM. C. Music. 7. KuadlnR. o' . Kccitation. ! > . Duet. 10. Organizing a Mining Cjinpany. 11. Questions. 12. Music. From IJOKRII , Iowa. To the Editor of Tin : Unit. Rov. J. G. Lumen , of Council delivered an excellent uddressat the court house Thursday evening to n good audience , upon the subject "Can The Prohibitory Law bo Enforced in our Cities. " After the lecture : i collection was taken up for The Homo of tlio Friend- less. less.Mr. Mr. Lemon is laboring very hard to bring relief to the homeless and helpless , especially to the children who have been rendered penniless orphans through the influence of the rum traflio. Ho has suc ceeded in ( securing a "Home" for quito a number and ia feeding and clothing and educating them. In order to carry on the work of caring for thesu unfortunates Mr. Laman spends * good deal of his time traveling and de livering lectures and organizing local as- jociations. These local associations are uixiliury to the Homo of the Friendless isaociatton at Council Blufl'a , and yet in a ionao they are independent. Each local iDSOciation has its president , secretary md treasurer. The several members of ho local associations are also members of ' ho Council 13 lulls association , by virtue : f the payment of monthly duos. There ire several ad vantages to bo derived from hose local societies , 1st. There may bo a social advantage , growing out of the relationship existing Between ono another as members of the locioty. 2. It may bo an intellectual advantages , \s wo all know it is impossible to secure .ho services of first-class lecturers for our mi all towns because of the lack of means , But having a hundred or more local so cieties made up of our best citizens and working together for the highest well- being of our fellow monlt will bo the do- ijro of the member of the dilleront socie ties to secure the services of our best lecturers to meet the demands of all. Having a multiplicity of societies work ing together it will bo an easy mutter to jbtain the eurviccs of some good first- lecturer , at a reasonable price , to ' deliver a cpuruo of lectures , upending an avening with each society. There are many features of advantugo growing out tl rf thvso societies , and it is to the advan- lajro of every citizen who desires the moral and imntal elevation of tlio unfor tunate , to bring his influence in thfc di- ruction. The writer wishes it3v , Mr. Loman abundant success in his work. 1 laving kown him for years , can recom mend him as an earnest , honest and able advocate of truth. T. 0. OAnrr.ii , Pastor Baptist church , Logan , lo. Health iHWonltli , It is worth tnoro than riches , for with out it riches cannot bo enjoyed. How many people are without health who might regain it by using Kidney Wort. It acU upon the Liver , Uowols and Kidneys - noys , cleansing and stimulating them to healthy action. It cures all disorders of thcao important organs , purifies the blood and promotes the general health. Sold by all druggists. See advt. SKAL N. 0. Tobucoo finest In the land. PEI1MIPAL LINE ritOM CHlCAGOPI < :01tLST. : . LOUIS , nv WAY or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DSNV2H , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON ts DENVER Conm'Otiiitf In Union Depots nt KmisasClly , Onmlu mill Denver with Uii-oiiilitmlii ! ) lor -\iul nil points in tlio Gtunt West. Connecting In ( Imnd Union Dopnt nt Chicago with through twins for NEW YOItK , KO S TON , Amlull Kustorn Oltlus. AtPcorln with through tmliiM lor Incllnnnp. oils , Clnclmmtl , Columbus , inul nil iiolntH In UiuSo.utli.Knst. At St , I.ouls with through tnilns fur nil poIntB South. KlcgnutDny Coaches , Parlor Cnrst , with llo. clinliiKClmli-s ( cnts lice ) , HnioklnuCnrs with Huvolvlng Chairs , I'lillnmn 1'nlaco SlceIng | ) C'nrs nnd the famous U. II. & ( ) . Dining Cm-it run diilly toiuul from Chicago nnd Kansas Oily , ChlraKonml Council lllnll'ti : Chicago nnd DCS Molnus , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atulilson ami Topokn without clinnge. Only throiiRh line rnunlng thulr own tntlns brtweeu Chicago , Lincoln mill Doitvor , nml Chicago , Kansas City and Denver. Through caw between Inalauapolls und Council ! Blnlld , via 1'eoria. GOING IVO11TII ANI > SOUTH. Solid Trains of Klejjant Day Coaches nnd I'nlhnan I'alacuSlceplnK Cars nto run dally to nnd ftoni St. Louis ; via Ilmuiibul ; ( iiilncy , ICuokuk , JluilInKton , Cedar ilniilds and Albert Lea tost. Paul and MlnncaiKills , I'ailorCara with KcclinliiK Chairs to nnd Horn St. J.onH nnd i'coria. Only mm change of cars botwcen St. I.onisnnd Dos Jlolnes , Iowa , Lincoln , No- bruskn , nml Denver , Colorado. It is also the only Tlnough Line bfctwccn ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known as the TIlKOUlilt CAIt LIN I , of America , uiul is univeisully admit- i I'd lo bo the Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all claos&y of Travel. ThroiiRli Tickets via this line lor Milo atfO ? It. It. coupon ticket oltlccs in the UnitcilStiitcs Uid Canuda. T. J. POTTKIl , PERCEVAL LOWELL. Vlce-Prci. i QCQ. Jlanuccr. Gen PMi- WHOI9UNACQUAI mo WITH 1HC QtOQRAPMV OFTHIi f OUM- THY WILL CEf nr IXAMININQ THIS MAP THAT THK CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R'Y ' lif tlio conn nl rin'iitlon ol 119 line , connects tlio I.nii neil the Went by iho ehurtcst toute , nntt cnr * i M puu cuRci p. without chniuro of care , between chiraco unil Knu8i fity. C'uuui-tl Illuilu. Lcnvon- \v Jiih. Atclmon , JJinnc.ipnliii and Ht , Pnul. It on catr in Uutun Vauotn wnu nil the principal iinca ot road bocnn ifio Alii itio nnd tlio 1'aoilic Dcoam. Its Liiuiiniient in ni rivaled ami mngnllS cent , bcinir r.uinp'uid ol Woti Comlorlnblo nnrt ilLii iful Dr.y Co.ichcv , J&IIKLI ifltcnl llorton Itc * chnatif Cliau * Cars. Puh ) * > i > ' ' 4 1'inlttcct I'.ilace LiLM'pinc C'irs , niia the Cost ' .mo nf Dining Caru InihoWoiU" . Three Tralm . * . . . : : . - - " " ! fliitjoiivl Hwci J'oiutr. Tw ' " * " "mi cnl- ' ' "ALDERT LE-A A Now anrt Direct tno ! , VIK Kc.icca and Knnltn- Ktr , hua n cently Ix'cn oenfMi hLt'woon Itlcliuioiiit , r/oitolk.Newttprt Zfewn , ChiutonoDRri , Attaniit.Au HMinNiiaUvr.l ( > .I.oiiiiivilc. ] Lciineion.OliiRUinnli IndiaLiir/tOiH nnu l.artiyct.o , and Uniitha , Mimicap * LhM nnd m 1'ui.l ami nitcrmc'ilmtc poinid. All Tlironuh I'auKcutfert'l'ravul on 1'aut Uxpreau - Traino. Ticn < : ! a fnr Dilo nt r.11 principal Ticket Omocu In the Unllud UI.V.LJ and Cjnaci.i. DagRH'o checked ilnoujili niul rnli-i of faro nl- wayu n4 low hit cumpuUluri that alter ILHII adrau * t.iiii. : 1'or detailed mlormatlau.cet the Mapannd i'old- era nr tlio ' CHEAT ROCK 18LAHD ROUTE ' t your nr/krcut Ticket Oltlco.or udtlromi . H. ttAlILC , C. ST. JOHN , ' ' ' H. PHILLIPS. nr . Has ono ot tha largest and tinott assortment ol pring nml Hummer Uood > lor BultliiKa and Trowsor. tijra. All garments Kuarantoril to lit and trimmed 1th the ISoatTrimmliiira. MY THICKS AltELOWEIt ban uny.llcrchant Tailor In the city , 16n < Farnam roet , D.A.WILSONIVI.D. ( Faculty 1'rlzo , Medical Collcgo ol Ohio. 81'KCIAI/TY PILES , FISTULA , And other Diseases ol the Anus anil Jlccturn. loyil's ' Opera Honsc , oru cd and wtl ) ElED STAR LINE { olfjlrm Tioynl nndU.B , Mall Htenntcrs SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , i BI.TWKKN iEW YORK AMD ANTWERP i 'heJlhlne , Germany , IMy , Jfvlland and France Kluenge Outward , # 20 ; Prepaid Irom Antwerp , tlR ; xcumlon , $30 , Including bedding , i toZd Cabin , 50 ; ound Trip , tw ou ; Kxuumlon , iflTO ; bflloou from $20 a (30 ; Kxcurulou 110 tu HW. Wrlfe-ht li Sens , GUI , C5 Broad * ay a. V , Cddwtll. Hamilton It Co. , Otniht. P. K. Olod IMI ti Co. , SOBIf. 1 llth Strwt , Cinabaj I ) . K. Kim niio C. R. SGHALLER , AGENT. , MILLARD HOTEL ESTABLISHED AT OMAHA , 1809. Offers n largo list of Honl Estate for S.ilo , Including the following described properly. . Schiller odors lots near lUns3 > 1 Ann .jnum'sJVirk np I UUU Soimller wllti-oll lots oil Cans CMM CIU and California ! roots , JfloO la OUU Oil. ScTiallorliM two of The lliirst / f lot In city , on Cass i > trc l. l ) Cll.Schiller will neil lot mar Saunt lf\l\ ) \ dun utroet , on Mreet earn (47) ( ) 1 UvlU , Schallcr offers 4 acres near U. > KflM Cll _ , track , (610 ( O , I\I\J " . ScTiaiTor h s In llarkcr'n nub- I /inn CIt. . imislim.mliSt.hoimo and lot (53) ( ) I IUU C1U tichallcr will m > ll on 8. llth St. , > Kl\f\ \ . lioiiBO anil lot ( M ) . ) lU ) , Schalhr Mill roll near Low k\o- I Kf\ j line , lot 158xtO(00) ( ) 'tij\.l U. Sclmllcr lias lots In unino eli C i the now kil < lltai.i ! ) to tlio city at reduced rfttcn CIt. Solmllor IIM lor nala proi > crty l > iins K rental on purchase irom 10 to 20 per cent and uf lucreas- Ing v lua It. Soi.nller oilers lot on CinillliK (1 i' ' flrn't , C7JX370 roildenro (111) ( ) . Hchillcr ban for H le no vt ou Q CHfl Git. rtrcct.ttrstiftl , & ) < J UU . Schallor will sell ono block In T Cnn . lloyl'a nildltloii , 1OUU CIU Schallcr oilers n line bimlncna QC Af"lf\ pronertr at /J J wUU nTscTmller will i-ell IZ.4SO acres T QK f\l\\ . In a body stock farm 1ZUUUU il. Schallcr Kor tulo IBtli street , C . Irlcklioiuc , lot60V.00. ! . G il. Bolmllcr-Ilamoy street , lot 47 xlM , Ono rctlJenco , 10 rooms. Cll. Kclmllcr lias ( or silo on south f ) avenue , i lot anil rcsldonoo. < U , . Solmllor will sell 1,120 , acres , 2 QQ OH. pKxlliousci' , 2 largo barns , \ \ lndJUi mills , ecalcs , oto. Oil. Schallcr DodRO Co. farm , 2600 { TfT ncroe , liousea , barns and \alual > lo vJvJj linprovcmonta OK. Hclmllor oflora some ol tlio greatest bargains In Heal Kstato anvwboro THK OMAHA S. H. 1IOWELI , , President. 0. U 8CtIAILKKVco.rrosl.ont. ! ! The OENUINK UOUMlKIt anJ Colorado coil , An thraclto , Iowa , MissouriIllinois , Uausas. CoalVardi Brldgo Htocl ; Yards. OFFICE3-117 S. 14 Street and Mlllard Hotel Omaba PARTIES WISHING TO LOTS AND LANDS AEE INVITED TO CALL Has had 35years' ; experience In dealing In UKAIj KHTATi : and may Rately bo con , suited as to liuestnicntfl and on contem- jilatnd lniiro > cinenta to the city. Hag cxtcnsHe Eoateru and Kuropoan con nections' I'aiuphlcts and Mnpa ol City Issued free. Call at the Mlllard Ilotci and got ono P. SCEEUERMANN , M. D UKOULAU QKHMAN Homeopathio Physician BPEOIAtlST OP WOVEN , cniLDREN ft OHUONIO DISEASES. Hours At Hoaldonco , No. HIS S. 10th Street , till 10 ft. m. , and alter 8 p. in. Hours At ofllco , No. US mil 106 S. 16th St. , lioom 7. ( rouiIOa. m. , toSp. m N. 1) . Tlio Tape Worm will bo removed , w thou l nf or. In time ol ( rom 8 to D hour" . REAL ESTATE OTLLIAMB'BLOGK 15th & Dodge Streets , CEEP YOUR EYE in tliU list ( nr bargain ; , anil If you l.ih n lot In any irt ol OnmliaVunt to runt a honso liavu jour oiiio rented liny a IIOIISO-HC ] ! tlio miujim Inuu -want your pipuru mailotltlo | ukuil up , and any lilng nbtlni ; to Heal KjUtu , no and HCU No. 213 fl,7CO Ilonfw ol flvu roomn on hall lot , 100 at time n ( Kale , nnd 31' iior month. No. 2)6 $2,000 1 iacro anil t roam lulckliouau In 'ark I'hco , ca ) i. No. 225 $1,0 0 Homo o ( elx rooim on lot 05x150 , 'ark I'laoo , on cosy terms , J , ' > W ) , and $ W per month. No. ym-nKO Uiiata and jut In lloucry Hill. load clatorn and well. Oiie-tmlf ciuh and tlinu. 221 f'J.SOO Good nix room houw on corner hall ot , one block from 13th utrect , eoutli ol U 1' . depot. Iran now Kold on i'usy terms. 817 81,800 House ol 4 rooma on lull lot , Center treet. Oood well , cistern anil walks. Hall cash nd time , 197 81,000 Housool two rooms on hall lot , Ho- an's addition. Gnu-halt ciidi , 10 41,80(1 ( House ol ( our room * on lull lot , on 16th tnct , couth Omaha , nnu hall caad. t2 81.800 HOUBO ol 111 o rooms on lull lot In Par- cr's adoltlun , ono block north ul 8-0t )0 nchoo ) .ouso , Bouth ( rout , Kocxl well , ihtein , & .c.and a bar- aln on cany termu. 70-8'CO'J Corner lot II V. Hmlth'rt addition , two oed dwelling ! ) , Boutli and east ( rent , on car line , heap and on easy terms. to | 4OUO-Ioa ( 13 and 14 , corner J'arimm ( treet , nd near court house , two ( 'cod cl i.lllnia on lot , ut la bimlncta pro | > erty. A Kiekt barKaln. And lots or lariralna all over town , ( /'all at ollloe nd oxtmlno our ll-.t lot improved iirojierjy. LOTS IN IAWTHOENB , TABOE PLACE ; OMAHA VIEW , lid In all tl rut clam Inu'.do additions , and II wo ( all llnd n lot to null you , out ol our extcnulvu lint , lull Omaha duet nut contain one. Oumlia Vlow li on the mad to the barracka , and IB mt plat HOtith ol I , , I ) Willlaiim' rejldtiicu. Wo sell itslronnf.oo toS'J 0 , JIUor inoro down at time of lie and monthly paj menU. JiOU iloAii and wo will uild ) ou a lioueu on the lot. Ila thoino U Hint ol the Illfih Hchool ono mile , nd HO nruut-'lllnt ; loU onu third ilomi and monthlv a > n tntM. Thin addition in grudul ami lota mo $ . ' ! W ( ( JOu cadi , Now la the time to buy , wlnlu puccH ro low and tcrmn eaxy , ' 1'abor I'laoo la on Karram utrfct and IH a uholco Idltlon. with only tuilte loU lull , and they are all ( 'uod lota an there aru in tku addition , l'ilct ? )76 nd ? .UO. I.oti on B her man mcnuo , na t and wtst Irjnta. oeOiaK block In Wllcox'u aiidltlou , cheap and uu | rim. to call ( or bargain * ) at the ollico , 3EAES & BOSAED Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets. WILLIAMS' HLOOIC. THE CHEAPEST PLACE UN UMAHA TO BUY STONE'S ' , One of the Beat and largest Stocks in the United State ? to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSETOEB , .ELEVATOR , North-Western Electric Light Go , . . Rnr.r Ani.NT3 F0ll NKI1IIASKA AND OPKllATOUS OP CKLEUIUTIin VYKSTON AND U. S. ic Ire anfl Incandescent Ms ! Adopted by the U. S. Govormnrmt and most of the loading steamship companiei nnd Hotels. Regarded as the PUREST , WHITEST AND BEST ELKOTRIO LIGUT PRODUCED. For Rut08 Tuqiiira nt oilico , N. W. Cor. Fifteenth and Fnrunm Streets HAS TUE JiAUQEST ANU OHEAl'KST KEROSENE AXD GASOLINE STOVES ALWAYS ON HAND. Headquarters for tlio Celebrated Wrought-Jron GOODS DiaiVP.UKD TO ANY 1'AHT OF TIIK CITY OK THK DEl'OTS. (515 ( and G17 North llHh St. , bot. California and Webster. may 23-d cod-wcow-Sin IT IS THE NAME OP THE TOWN WHERE FOR ALL ARE FOURID I Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! BEAUTIFUL SCENERY And nil of the good nnd pleasant things that go to mnlco up a com plete und happy existence. The town of South Omaha is situated south of the city of Omnlia on the line of the U. 1' . Railway , nnd it is less than 2 miles from the Onnihn post office to the north line of the town site. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by Si oait and west , nnd covers an area of nearly four square miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold &ud the demand is on the increase . The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $ ! (0,00 ( ( ) Water .Works nro keeping pace with the other im provoinents , and the Hotel and Exchange Building will bo erected at once Tlio B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have n large foroo of men at work and will , in conned ion witli thoTJ. P. Railway , have a union depot m-ar the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo furnished for Church and jjuhool purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they are to-day. Apply nttho Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas 'streets over the OmalmjSaving's Bank. M. A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary , LEHIVSANN JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STRB1ET , OMAHA , NEB Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings. Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hoao , Brass nnd Iron Flttlnqa , toiuu Packing nt wholesale nud retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHURtH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. HOTEL The Pnlnco Hotel of Denver. Cor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts 1 loom a 7Co to $2.00 per day , Sj-cclal llatta by the Month. TUE FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Don ducted ou tlio American and European I'luiic. Board S7 l > or week. S , OONDON , - - PBOFR JETO