OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JUIAr 15 , 1684 , The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB. ; Paia Up OADital ; 9230,000 Btuplnn ifaaa , Hcv .Jtes DIRKCTOIU , H , W. YATE3 , Projldont , forSlrnnny yonro Caahlor of the First National Bank of Omaha. A , 15. TOUZALIN , Vlco Proaldout , Boeton. W V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse A Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of G , U. & J , S. Col- na , J , M. WOOLWOUTII , Counsellor andAttor | ney nt Law , L. S , REED , of Byron Ueod & Co , K 1C UAYDEN , Assistant Caahlor. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 , 1882. 1 ITS DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLD ERS nro among the leading business of Omn- 1m , and its buslnosi Is conducted with reference to the boat and Increasing Interests its mercantile patrons , COLLECTIONS rocolvo special attention and charges lowoat obUlnnblo here or olso- vrhoro. INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposits upon nvorablo terms and upon acsounta of banka and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County and 011 ysocaritloa bought and gold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL NEW YORK , July 11. Money Flat at 1 ; closed ofTored 1 , Prime paper 5@0 per cent. Sterling Bills-Firm ; 4 83J ; demand , 4 85i Govemmonts Finn. Stocks opened irregular , duo to rumors that further failures in the dry goods trade \vero imminent. As the morning wore on and the failures wore not reported , a firmer tone pre vailed , and under the leadership of the Pacific mlal , prices advanced J to lj ) percent. lu tha Afternoon the market was dull but strong , with fractional reactions. UOOPONB „ 1 < XH IVa Coupons 112t U.S. now , i'e ' ' ' " ' * Eaclfic 6'a of ' 95 v.i'.iir.i 123 STOCKS AND DONDS , American Express 00 Burl , , Ooilar Kapids & Northern 55 Central Pacifio 35J OhJcago & Alton 125 do do pfd 140 Ohl. , Burl. & Quinoy.- 112i Brio 13 do pfd 27 33"ort Wayne & 0hlcago 125 Hannibal & St. Joseph S6J do do do pfd * 88j Elllnois Central 1174 Ind , , Bloom , & Western llj Kansas & Texas lljj Jdako Shore & Michigan So 74 ; Michigan Central C5 Minneapolis & St. Louis 1 ! * do do do pfd 2 Missouri Pacifio Ol Narthurn Pacific i ; do do pfd . . . . . . . 4\ \ Northwestern Dl do pfd 12 Now York Central 10 : Ohio & Mississippi i ; do do pfd 41 Poorla , Decatur & Kvansvlllo i : Hock Inland 10 ; Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul C ; do do do pfd 10 Gt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba Si St. Paul & Omaha 2 ! do do pfd 81 Texas Pacific ! Union Pacifio 3 ! Wabaoh , St. L. & Pacific ( do do do pfd 1 ! Weatsrn Union Telegraph 0 Aaked. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. July 14. Flour Very slow ; -winter 0 00@5 CO ; spring 4 00@1 50 ; Minnox- ta baker's 4 20@5 00. Wheat Quiet and weaker ; opened firm ; ad vanced j@Jc , declined 3@lc , fluctuated a trifle iind closed go under the final quotations of fa the afternoon board of Saturday ; cash Sl } ( < 4 3 .SlJJuly ; , 81g ; August 82 | ; September , 3sa S3 § ; October , 83jj@83J ; winter nominal ; -spring quiet ; No. 2 red sold at 81 and closed to sa i at Slg. tobo > Corn Dull and easier ; opened unchanged ; declined J@Jc , and closed fjc below the final quotations on the afternoon board Satur day ; cash and July 503 ; August , 018 ; Sep Btl tember , Oli ; October 50i@50 ; rejected , 434 ® U 47. 47.Oat ? Dull and a shade weaker ; cash and 5 July 29 ; August 202 ; Sjptember 25 } ; year " atye Stotdy at 01. Barley Quiet at C2@C1. Timothy Nominal. eami Flax Dull at 1/101 51. mi Pork Neglected and steady ; July and .August 23 OU@21 75 ; September 21 75 ; October ch 1 ! ) S0@20 00. la , : Lard Unsettled and moderately astive ; receded 10(3)12.10 ( ) , rallied 74@10c , cash and pa July 7 074 ; August , 7 124 ( < zj7 15 ; September 7 274 7 30j October 7 4'J@712J. Bulk Moats Shoulders. 5 00 ; short ribs 7 70 ; short clear , 8 35. Whisky Unchanged at 1 10. Butter Quiet ; ony ; ; choice creamery , 174 @ 184 ; fancy dairy , 14@144 , I Cheoao NVeaker ; full cream cheddars and flats 7Gi8 ; skimmed cheddars 2@5 ; poor hard by T skims 4@1. ' cli Fggs Fair demand at 15@15i. Ilides Quiet ; green salted quoted : bull qu Ci ; damaged OJ ; light 8ij heavy 8 ; calf an i 12 * . Tallow No. 1 country sold at C , OAI.L BOARD Wheat August 82 higher asked ; September and October jjo higher. Corn July and September ic higuor ; Aug ust jjo higher. Odts Aiiifust gc higlier. Pork October L'5o higher. J ard October 24o higher. BALTIMORE. BALTIMOHK. July 14. Wheat 'U cntorn lower and dull ; No. 2 winter red spot , ! ) . ) J@b. ! ) Corn Western higher ; dull ; mixed npot July GO asked. Oats Steady and quiet ; western white , 8 ® 40 ; mixed : I5@38. Kyo Quiet at C5WG3. ve llgga Higlier at 10. lie Whisky Steady at 115. in , inG NEW ORLEANS. G , NEW ORLEANS , July 14 , Corn Dull and 2 ( lower ; mixed , C3@C1 , Oats -Quiet and steady ; 38@33. po > Corn Mud Quiet ; 2 8D. 20 Pork Kasler and source ; 1C C24. Lard -Steady ; tierca refined , 7 85 ; keg , cr .3 50. ur 50.Wliiaky Steady ; western rectified , 1 00 ® qu 1 20. MILWAUKEE , pe MILWAUKEE , July 1 1. Wheat Firmer ; Is'o. 2 and July , 81J ; August , 83 ; September , n. COIf Corn Stronger ; rejected , 47O40 , Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 34. Hya-Higher ; No. 1 , 01. Barley Neglectodj nominal. If ntonucE. bo PEOIIIA , July 12. Corn Firm ; hlghlmtxod , (2 ( : M\t&r 0a ; No , 2 mixed , 4Sl@lUo. (2Fi Oats.-KIrm ; No. \vlilto , 32 @ 33cl. fa : live-Steady ; No. 2 , 68581c. y-i or. pa TOLKDO. TOLEDO , July 11. Wheat Quiet and firm ; Ifo. 2 > d cash 88SS84. ( ar Com Ste.uly ; No. a cash , 55 bid ; July mid do Oata-Quiet ; steady ; No. 2sput ! or July , 01 33. LiVKBPooii. July U. Wheat quiet and fi.m ; winter "a filCa7n 1M ; spring 7 M < iil Od. Corii-Quict at 0 * . 2id. NEW TOHK PRODUCE. NEW YORK , July -Wheat-Snot J-ej an lo lower ; options opened strong i@ higher ; weaknud.e Id down j@lj ; cloamg iirm ; c. slight recovery. No. 2 Chief 30 ( > 2i f > 3 ; un- graded rod 7IC < ? ! > 7 ; No , 3 red , { KU@)2. ! ) No. 2 red liSfSSWi September clo ing U7j. Corn Sjwt. 4 J nd optinui jfifj lower ; clo ing about in ido fi' , . csj uuar.idwl , 476 ? 01 ; No. 2 , G9/@rl / ] September , CCfl. Oats Jf | lower ; mixed western , 35i@37 ; KgRsWos'torn frreh , hisher ; finn at 18J. l'ork-Jniottiiicliaiig ( ; l. Lard Ldwcr , wottcrn steam spot , 733. Butter Dull and weak. BT. I.OUIH I'ltODCOR. ST. liOt'ts. July 1 1. Flour unchanged. _ WhMt-A shade bottrr ; No. 2 red , SI ® WJc for now , cash ; SI@8lgc , cltwing S\\a \ for.hilv83Jfj-8lofor ; August ; S5ai)8Jo ( ) for September ; SOJ@87 for October ; No , 3 rod , ljC")10o ) Corn Lower and slow ; 40@40 } for cash ; Ificfor July ; 40o for August ; 47Ji@178o for September. Oats Firmer but slow ; 31 Jo for cash ; 27 ® ' 274o for July23ic ; for August. Hyo-Dull ; fiSo bid. Barley No market , * Butter Unchanged. ] ' 'pg8 Unchanged. Flax Seed Nominal. Hay Higher. Timothv1100@1700. . Bran Steady nt 7i'ce. ' Com mual Quiet ; 2 70. CALL BOARD. Wheat strong , higher ; 8 4 July ; 8 1 August ; 8t5J asked Septo'mbor ; 8g Octber. Corn , llrmor , slow ; 27J bid July ; 234 asked August. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI. July 14. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 red , 87@88. Corn Firm , good demand ; No. 2 mixed , 51(2)514. ( ) Oats Kasioi ; No. 2 mixrd,334@31. llyo Dull ; No. 2 , 05SGO. ( Pork-Quiet at 10 00. Lard Dull , lower ; G 90. Bulk moats Weaker ; shoulders , CJ ; short ribs. 8 | . Whisky Good demand , finn ; 1 07. KANSA3 CITV. KANSAS CUT , July 1 1. Wheat Steady ; 704 bid cash ; and August ; 72 September. Corn Steady ; 3J ! ) bid cosh ; audJuly ; 404 bid August Oats Dull and nominal. TUAKFIO. VLODB AND OBAIrt. CHICAGO , July 1-1. Receipts and ship- nonta of flour and grain for tha pant 48 hours lave boon na follows Rocolpta. Shlp'ta. ' flour , bbls 41,000 8,000 Wheat , bushels 28,000 178,000 3orn , busholrt 125,000 213,000 ) ats , bushels 121,000 148,000 Jyo.bushols 7,000 Jarley , bushels 2,000 9,000 NKW Yens , July 14 , Receipts and hlpmonta of Hour and grain for the past 24 honra lave boon as follows : Receipts Ehip'ts. Yheat , bushels 170,000 33,000 3orn , busholB 50,000 70,000 ) ats. bushels 85,000 112,000 L LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , July 14. Receipts and ship- lonta of live stock for the past 24 hours have een as fallows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. lattlo 7,800 logs 19,000 heop 3,200 . . . . KANSAS Our , July 14. Receipts and ilpments of live stock for thn past 24 hours ave boon as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. lattlo. . , 20,000 Cogs 5,000 . . . . ; hoop 1,000 . . . . Sr. Louis , July 14. Rocolpta and ship- ! lent i of live stock for the past 24 hours have eon an follows : Receipt * . Bhlp'ta. lattlo . 3,500 ! togs . 5,100 hoep . GOO STOCK , 1 OHIOAQO LIVE STOCK , CHICAOO , July 14. Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Market weak ; 10 lower ; mixed , 4 93 15 20 ; heivy 0 ? 5@5 5 ; light , 4 90@5 55 ; iips , 4 00@4 75 ; 14,000 unsold. Cattle Fairly active ; common to choice liipping , 5 OOffiGjfiO ; exports , G 75@7 12i ! imrnon to choice shipping steers , G 50@G 70 : Butchers' stock weak ; low cr ; cows and mix : 1 50@3 7G ; medium to uood 3 00@4 70 ; itockers quiet at 3 50@4 50 ; feeders slow , C0@5 20. Sheep Slow , weak and lower ; inferior to ilr : 2 50@3 40 per cwt. ; medium to extra , 50@5 23 ; lambs , per head , 2 00 @ 4 50. Drovers' Journal special Liverpool cable iys ; : Cattle market weak , 14J15c for good choice American cattla. Rheep steady ; st 15@16cen"i. . KANSAS OUT LIVE STOCK , KANSAS OITT , July 11. Cattle Best rong ; medium barely steadyjnatives , 4 75 ® 35 cows , 2 80@4 00. Hogs Weak and lOo lower at 6 05@ 30. Sheep Steady ; natives at 3 00 , ST. LODW LIVK STOCK. ST. Louis , July 14. Cattle Poor grades isier , iroorl steady ; exports ( i 40gC 45 ; coin- on to choice shipping 5 25@ G 30. BC Sheep Stody ; inferior to good 2 25@3 75 ; BCK loice to extra , 4 ( J0@l 50 ; good to choice K mbs 4 2n5 00 , m Hogs Steady ; batter ; Yorkers 5 25@C 35 ; icking 4 80@5 35 ; heavy Q 3'J@5 ' 50. 3 3bi bi OMAHA MAUKETB st Wholesale Prlcoo. OrnoK OK THE OMAHA BM , 1 Pi Monday EveniiiR July 14 , | The following prices are charged retailers jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer- lants with the exception of grain , which is jotcd at the prices furnished by the elevators id other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Canh No. 2 , G3i@G3io. Barley Cash No. 2 , 4550c. Rye Cash , No. 3 , 42@41i < j. Corn No. 2 , 3C@37o. n [ Oats No. 2. 30@33c. BO BOGC tiivo Stock. GC [ Srasns J 25@5 6fi. 0 ; V T Cowa 3 00 © 100 , Hoas 1 00@4 f,0. hi HHBBP J 50@4 00 , 2 : OA&VBS 6 00@7 00 sN < soz Gonornl Prnrtnon. oz AFPLES Now apples principally early har- ozN st , am now coming in ; Helling at 6 OfriG ) 00 r barrel ; red JIIIIIM OOo per box ; California 501li brlrt , large and very line , 3 00 , UKA.NH Kucoiptj light ami ilamtmd good , Aid picked navy , per bu , 32 50 ; medium , G5 ac 00@2 25. > BKKHWAX In good domand. Choice bright 76pc r lb , 2G@28c : common to good dark per lb , pc 01 BUTTKU Market unchanged ; receipts light- lbN ; ponorally on butter graded , which it seems lbTO o hold for bettor pricui. Best table in ( TO notable atS'SlOo : with OWe for Inferior K" wles , and 15lGo fur cromuury , nn " " bbl 7.UO "York State ' Io > ( CIDER "Ohio" per , < ? ; jr bbl , $800 ; per 4 'jbl , SI 75 ; condensed per lie : il. 85o. Grub opp'.o. per gal. 33o. OHEESB Full cream , v/ostorn , 9@10 : Wls- msln nowllj : young American U'ffllSo. OooOANDTfl-Por 100. ? 4 75@5 00. KOG.S lteceii > ts light and market firm at he J4 he J4i'oREiaN FRUITS California oraneoa , per to DX , 8460. Mossiua loinona , per box , * 5 60 cakl G03. Bananas , per bunch , 9300 klkl igs , lb. , IGo. Datea , in fralli , 74c ; dates , kl ml , In boxoa , 124c , BOPi FRUIT BUTTERS Apple butter , In 80 lb Pipe ills , per lb , 7o. Plum butter , 7Jc , pe Hay Baled , ? > 8 On lO/K ) ; IOOHO , 810,00 ® JBI.LY In 20 and 30 lb ualla , G@7o : In 2 lb Sli A , per doz , 81 50 ; aiaoNo tumblers , i : : . $1 20 ; schooners , per dozen , $3 00. MAPLK SUOAU Pure , In bricks , per lb , IGc , be hio , 13o ; Rmall cnktH , 1'JJc. ONIONS New Southern per lb. 8@31e. PopooitN- coed dnmand at 2@2 o per 11) . POULTRY Chickens , both old and young , in Kill demand ; old chickens 3 7J@1 00 ; spring f flffelt 50 accnrdine to e'uo. POTATO BH Now homo ttrnvm , plentiful , sell g at 80 ® 0 per bu ; old OHIM not wanted ly more. > i'novi HONS Ham , 13s : b. bacon , 12)0 ) [ ) K , bacon , life ; d , B. tides 10o ; ehort ] rib lOJc ; dhouldore , 8Jc ; moss portt , per bbl. ? 18N ) . Dilod beef , 13a. Lard. 9@10o. VEOKTAnLKS Siilnach , per bbl , $2 00 ; now cabbage , jx-r doz SOglOO ; lettuce , imr doz. , 25a ; rodlshru , per doz. , 23ci turnlpa per bu , DOc. bootn , jcr bu , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz , . SI 00 ; Pie , plant per lb. 2c. cauliflower per doz. ? 100 ; now carroU. per lb. , So. Tomntoofl , J bu. box , 755l ( 00 : < roon peas per buihol box , $1.00 : string bonus per biidhol l > ox , $2.00 SMALL Fnurrs Black raipbcrrics , St 00. red nwpbrrrio * I > cr 12-qt rase. S2 00. ( Joofo berries , per lm < iliel , SI 60. Wild plums , JKT ci o $3 60. Now apples per box KK1 00 : IVachi-s 1 00@1 W. KASTKKX CHKRUIES All kinds of packages are cent lo market , soiling at the rate of about ? 3 00 per bush. DrT GonilD. BROWN SliKim.vas Atlantlo A , 7Jo ; Allan llo P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; file ; Bmnswick , 7jo ; Beaver Dam LL. Glc ; Lawrouca LL. 5Jc ; Pacl. fie H , 7Vc ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauchtwott A , 7Jo. FINK BIIOWN SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 7ic ; Pep- poroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , OJc BLKACIIKD COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , GJoi Bol Ion 7-8 , 6ycj Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll DD , SJc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Ijoom 4-4 9c : Glory of the Woat , 84c ; Golden Gate , 8c ! Hill 7-8 , So ; Hill 4-4 , yc ; Lonsdalo 84cNow ; Vsrk Mills , llio : Wamsutta , lOjc. DUCKS ( Coloroil ) Boston , 8 oz. , HJc ; Bos ton , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14oFall ; River , 8ic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo West Point , 10 oz. , 14o ; Boston Boar , 8 ox. , llo. llo.TICKINOS TICKINOS Amoskeag. 1 lo ; Continental Fancy , 9jfc ; Cordia , lota Pearl River , 14o ; York , 12Jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 124c. DENIMS Amoskoair , 14c ; Beaver Crook AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; Beaver Creek CO. 10 : Haymakers 8c ; Jaffroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jc ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warren AXA lorown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. OAMIIHICS Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ; Keystone glove finish , 5Jc. CORSET JKANS Ainory , 74c > Hancock , 80 ; Kearsayor , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PRINTS AJlon8.r > 4c ; Aiuorican,5f o ; Arnolds , Go ; Cochoco , Go ; Harmony , 4e ; Indigo , 74 ° ! Indigo 7-8 , II Jc ; Indigo 4-4 , 124c ; cheap aalo 44c ; Charter Oak , 44c. PRINTS SIIIRTINOB American , 6c ; Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucostor,5cSouthbrdgo : ! , 4Ic ; Wavorlye , 4Jc ; Itosodalo , 4Jc. GINQIIAMS Amosko.ig staple B , 8Jo : Bates staples , Sioi Lancaster staples , 80 ; I'lnnkot plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , Sic ; Amoskong Perslana , 94c. ' DRESS GOODS Allanlic alpocca , OJc ; Per- slano cashmor , 23Jc ; Hamlelon cashmere , 15jc ; Hamloton Faucus , llic ; Hamleton bro * cauoa , 15c ; Arlimrton brocade , 18c , Iilqnorn. Atoonot 188viao alcohol , 2 20 per wine gallon extra California spirits , 183 proof , 112 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 1 00150 ; line bfondod , 1 602 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryoa. 2 00@7 00. BKANDIKO Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domoatlo 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domostlo , 140 S3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; Now England , 100@4 00 ; domestic , 150@3 50. PEACH AND APPLE BHANDV 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 28 00 © J4 00gAmotlcan.por ; case , 12 00@16 00 , Orocora Mat. CANNED GOODS Uystora ( Standardper ) caeo , 190 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 20 aspborrioa , 2 lb , par cose , 2 70 ; Bartlett > oars , per cane , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 110 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per coso , 2 90 ; green agoa , 2 lb , per cose , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 U ) ier case , 4 80@5 60 , ROPE SioM 4 inch and larger , 9o , | inch , 4oj i inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16a , 15c ; 8a , 15c ; loxos 40 Iba , 1C oz. . 6s , 15o. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , cases , li 55 ; square coses , 1 784 SUGARS Powdered , 8jc ; cut oaf , 8o ; pranulatod , 74o ; confectioners' A , 7ic ; Stand- ird extra 0 , GJc ; extra 0 , Cgc ; medium yol- ow. GJc ; dark yellow , o. 1 COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12124o ; fair 13 ? )13io ) ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@154c ; choice LG@17c ; fancy green andyollowl164cold ( ; 2 rovemment Java , 20@26c ; Loveringja roasted. L7c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 15Jc ; MbLanghlin'i1 SXXX roasted , 15Jo ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ 3H8 c ; Clark'a Aurora , IGjc. RICE Louisiana prune to choice , 7o ; fair IJc ; Patma , Gic. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 E0 ( No. , , 1 03 ; family mackerel , kite , 60s ; No. 1 rhlte fish , half brla. , 7 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 00. STBUP Standard Com. . 80c , bola ; Standard : lo , 44 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon ! wa 137. SODA In lb papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per lb , . ic.PICKLES PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 03 ; do a half borrows , 4 EO ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do a half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins ] in barrels , 10 00 ; ! io In half barrels. 5 0. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 ! 375c ; good Imperial , 4043c ; choice , GO@G5c foung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , holco , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 3540c ; Oolong , hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ; hoico , 3545c. WOODENWAHE Two hoop palls , 185 ; hroo hoop paila. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- cor washboards. 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Vellbuckets. 3 KB. SOAPS ICIrk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's atlnot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's rhito Russian , 625 ; Kirk a outoca , 215 ; Llrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk'a lagnolla , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In cone , 35 ; Bobbltt.B ball 2 doz. mcaso , 1 90 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. in case , 1 50 , OANDT Mixed , 12@13c ; S stick , He ; twist Lick , 104c. VirinaAB Now York opplo 16o > Ohio np- le , 13o. C SALT Dray loadu , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , In icks , 3 50 ; bbln dairy CO , 8s , 3 30. STARCH Pearl , 44c ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn tnrch , 8c ; Excolalor Gloas. 7o ; Corn , 7jc. SPICES I'oppor , 17oj allspice , 15c ; cloves , 5o ; cassia Ibc. LTE American. 3 40 ; Grounivlch , 8 40 ; Testorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 65t Jowoll lye , 2 70 , . TOT > .CCOB Ptuo TOBACCO Climax , 48c : Bullion 48j orsoahoo , 17c : Star , 48o ; Ruddy , 45c : Her- ay's , 40c : Black , ! )8@40c. ) FINB OUT Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® R ? o ; Roue Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5o ; Dlcmotid Irown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , frflo , SMOKINO O. S. , 22c ; Mooruchaum , 30o ; Dnr am , 8 oz , , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durharr oz , , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55c oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal o forth Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; O. K Durham , 4 , , 2Sc ; O. K Diiiham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Undo fed , i's 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 2.Sc , 1)1 limes , Dnuas AND CHKHICALS Acid , carbolic , 25o id , tartarlc , 55c ; balsam capabln , per lib , cbark8axsafra8 ; , porlh , 12c ; calomel , porlb 1 u ; clnohonldla , per oz. , 30,65 ; chloroform. or lb , , 91 10 ; Dovors powder , per lb , , 81.25 ; ) mom ealta , per 11) , , Sjc ; elycorino , piiro , per , , 28c ; load acetate , per lb , , 22c ; oil , castor , 'o 1 per Ral. , 81,55 ; oil , castor , No , 3 per il.ljl.-10j oil , olive , porKftl.i 81.40 ; oil ori- { mum , Wc ) ; opium , S1.60 ; nulnino , P. k W ; ml H. < kS. . per oz. , 81.40 ; potawlnm , . { dlno , per 11) , , 81,50 ; ealicln , perez , , 40c ; HU > - liatoof morphlno , per oz. , 93.60 ; sulphur our , per lb , , , ! < > ; otrychnlno , per oz , , $1,3D , Onlc tola , S8c@42o ; liojnJock Bolo23c@35o ; I omloclc kin , SOo to 1 00 ; runner G5o to SOo ; omlo'jk calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o 24o : oak uppor. 24o ; alligator , 4 00 tt > 5 60 ; kit kid , S2@35 ; GreUaa ! u2 , a ti ) ; o 2 75 ; oak Ip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Frnnch Ip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nw- ill ) . C CO to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 60 ; ton. Infra , 9 00 to 10 50 ; 1) , L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; : obble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; ulraon.2 60 to 8 00. HAHNEHH No. 1 ulr.r oak , 37o ; No 2 do ? o ; No. 1 Ohio oak. Rio ; No. 2 do , 3s | No. i\ Milwaukee 31c : No 2 do i13o. No. 1 1'itU oak har , 37c ; No. B Flltu oak ta , 35o. I'Klnto.OllB mud "Varnlolio * . OILS 110 carhon , per gallon. 13io ; 150 ° caullght , porfalloii ; , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight , or gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , IJo ; lln T jed , raw , ; pr Kallt > n,53c ; linaood , boiled , per i alien , ClioLaru , winter utr'd , pr gallon , BOa ; I fo. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COo auitor , XXX , per gal' * n , 1 CO ; No. 8 , 1 40 ; sweet , per irillon 1 00 orro W.B , , per Rnllon , ICO ; fi/ih. W. B. , ergtvllon , C5c ; neatsfoot extra , poi gallon , OOc ; No. 1 , 7Cc : lubricating , roro , ir gallon , SOc ; lummor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 35oj No. 2 , 2Sc ; sperm , signal , per gallon 80c | turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; naptha 74 ° , per ration , ICo. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. ? Ojc ; whlto load. St. l/jul * , pure , CJc ; Marseilles green 1 to 6 lb cans , 20c ; Kronen line , green Heal , 12 trench zinc , rod seal , lie ) French ilno , In varnish iwst , 20c ; French tlno. In oil Bfst , 15c : raw and burnt timber , 1 11 > cans , 10c ; raw and burnt Sienna , llc ( ; vandvko brown. 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; conch black , and Ivoiy black , 10c | drop black , ICc : I'nimlan bin" , iCe : nltramarino blno , l c ; chroino green L. M. & ! > . , lOc : blind ami shutter green , L M. ff. I ) . , ICc ! Purls peon , ISc : Indian rod , ICc : Venetian red , 9 Tuscan rod , IWc : Ameri can Vonnllllon , t . & I. , . ; , { , j ir . v * . , L , M , , O , &D. O. , l ! < c ; yellow ohw , 1) ) : | golden ochre , 16o , patent dryftr , 8l { grnlnlnR colors , light oak , dark oak , wrJinit , chrntnut and nib ICo. DrT 1'Rlnta. Whlto Inad , 8cj French zinc , lOcj Paris whiting. 2Jc ; whiting giUlnra , IJcj whiting coml lie ; lampblack , Oormantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; 1'niwlan blno , 55oj ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; urabor burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , r .Hr , 4cj Paris preen , gonuluo. 2T c ; lOo ; rose pink , Wo ; Venetian roil , Oooknon'a , 2jc ? ; Venetian rod , American. IJcj rod load , 7jej ohromo yellow , pormlno , 20c ; chromo yol- r AiiNiHiit.1 jjmium. porf gallon : I'urm ture , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , ? 1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar extra , 81 75 : Japan , 70casrhaltum ! , extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 CO : hard oil finish 8150. Hourr HKnlvrftro LUt. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow steel special cast , Go crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , rie ; cast too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , not , 2 25 ( 3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; felloes cawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; nxloa each , 75c ; square nuts per lb , 7@llc ; washers or lb. 818c ; rivets , pnr lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , u12c ; malleable , So Iron wedges. Co : crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth 4c ; Bluing tool , 7@8o ; Burden's horsohoos 4 70 Bunion's muloahooa 6 70 , BARBED WIRE In car lots1 per 100 , NAILS Rates , 10 to CO , 2 C5. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , keyrg , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do , , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , S SB ; fuse , per 100 foot 50c. . LEAD Bar , 1 C5. ( COAlr Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rlaruii Blossburg , 1000 : Whltobroast lump ; G 00 ; Whltobronst nut , 5 00 ; Jowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; An thru olto , 1125@ll 50 ; Cauou City , 7 00 , per ton Ijumncr. Wo quo to lumber , lath anil ehlng os'j on oars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINQ 16 ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBKB AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50. FENCING -Kb. 1 , 4 and 0 In , , 24 00 ; No. 2. 2200. SlIKCTIfia No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. . STOCK BOAIID3 A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOUINO No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 5,2500 SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. fl , 2000. CEILINCJ | , 87 00 ; 8 , 26 00. SHINGLES , boat I 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 35c ; jomont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hairier ior bu. 60o ; Torrod felt , 100 ibo , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50 , DENVKU MAttUET. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , 100 lb. 5 50@5 76 ; Iressed 0 00@10 00 ; uhoep 3 00 © ! 25 ; hogs. ivo , 5 00@5 35 : dressed 7 00@7 25. < Hides. Dry Flint , llj@12c. ; green 4@5o. p-oon calf 8@10 : ; ehoopaklns , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. fi@Cc. Wool. Colorado ll@15o. ; Now Mexico 7@ LOc. LOc.Ftonn Ftonn Colorado. 100 Ibs , 185@2 25 ; pat- snt , 400 Ibs. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. . 2 25@2 45 : buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn meal. 100 Iba. 145@1 75. GRAIN Wheat , 100 Iba , 1 40 ; corn , In lacks 100 Ibs , 1 OS@112 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 35 31 45 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 35. HAT Baled , upland. 20 00@20 00 ; bot- ,0111 straw , 12 00 ® 10 00. BOTTEB Finest , 25@26c ; Nebraska dairy < hoico , 14@15c ; common , G@8c. Eaas Frenh , 23@24c ; ranch , dor , fresh 8@30o. CHEESE Full cream , 14@15c ; LImburger , .8c ; Swiss , imported , 32c. POULTBT Live , chickens old , doz,5 50@C ; 00 pring chickens. 3 5o@4 60 ; dressed lb , 18@10o. o POTATOES Greoloy , 100 Ibs , 100@110 ; Now 25@2 C5. VEGETABLES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 50@ VI 75 cabbigo , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; new boots , bs 250. FnuiTS Orange Mossinn bor , COO ; u omous , choice Alosslna. 4 C0@ 5 00 ; apples , Jallfornia , bbl , 3 00@3 25 ; bananas , bunch , 50@4 00 ; poaches per box 2 C0@2 75 ; Texas ilums 1 00 per box. MEATS Hams , lb , 13j@14o ; bacon , break- est , I2y0 > 13c ; lord , m tierces , lb , lOc ; ry salt sides , 9J@10c. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 CO , kit , mcBS , 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; lolland horriu ? , ko ? , 1 CO1 76 ; trout , per ij. 17@18c t ALONG THE LINE OP THE liiicago. . SI , Paol , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. Tlio new citonblon ol this line from WaWfleM up 10 JEADTIFUL VALLEY of the GAIT through Concord and Colcrldgo .caches the host portion of the State , Special ox > union ratoa ( or land tcckers over tbla line to r'oyno , Norfolk and Ilartlnjfton , and via Illalr to nil rlndjxU poliits on the IIOUX OITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trains oror tht 0. , Ht. 1' . If. & O. Kail way to Cov igton , Sioux City , Ponca , Haitlngton , Wayne and Forfollc , doaa.xx.oot nt lor Fremont , OiUJa.o , Nclljjli , and through ( u Vtl- cntlnt. tfFot rates and all Information call on F I' . WIIITNKY , Cloncral AKont. HAMBUEG-AMERIOAW illlECT LINE FOn UNQLANO , FKAKCK AND QKUMAKY. Tlie Btoamihlpa ol thli well-known line are built of on , In water-tight compartments , anil are lurnlHli- wltli every n | uiaite to rnako tUo iiasniKO both ifu and agroealilo. ' 1'liov carry the unltod Htatcu tl rd ICuropoan inalli , ami l'iavu New Yorko Tliurs- lysanUoaturdajafor I'lymontti ( LONDON ) Cher- Mr * , ( l'AlllHanl ) HAMIHJMO. llatca : First C'abliiga5 , f7UBiul 30. Htcorato,820. ; Henry I'mult , Mark llarmcn , K. K , .Monrcs.ll. Toft , cutnln Omaha , UronewIcK fi Hcliurnlgoii , aKOntxIn iiiucll IlIuUj. 0. 11 : HlC'lIAHU i OO. , UOM. l'iun t9 , 0) ) Hrovlway , N , Y. Ko < mlntll & Co- JMcrnl Wudtoiri Aitanti , 107 Wadhiuxton St. , Chlci JAMES Y , ORAI& , ' AND FLORIST. Plant , epoclOcatlnni and estimates of cost of la\lng lit now or rcDiodillni ; oIJ Iawn8 , Kradlnu , nodillritr , to. will bo lurnlehod on a ] > i > llcatlon , Urowor and alcr in all kind ) ol KloHum , Hhrubn , Ornamental id tilmde IVuea , Ju t the thliv for ComcUiry ur awn Decoration , Or eon Him * ) und Nuretrr trr.U , near Fort Omaha. Cut Kloweru and I lower- 1'lantg \ In | Hti for tale at all bcinoim , and my tlio Bliortcat otlco. Ordon by mall jiroiniitlv attended to. roil ) I' . O , lion 096 Omaha. Nub. T. 0. CARLISLE , UIIKKDKH Of \ l . dtl - - IOWA ' "Send for Circulars. " Railway Time Table , n Kflcct July 1 , The Attention of the tra\flllnf ( jmMlo l < rxllnil I the fact tint thl * l the onlj romnlctc ntul abeolut ly rnrroct tlmo-lAblo imMlthol In the city , AM trtlrxfttrhr M and drjiait from Omitht o Central SlAtuhrd Time , uhlch la 31 minute * fanto thtn unn tlmo. f Kxcopt Saturday , Kswpt Sunday , J llxceiit Slon From Union 1'nclllu Depot ; Tenth St U. P. n. It. i MAIN LINK. I.TkA * K , ARRtVK. Mulland K : am Altanllo r. | i 7M ; a m Pacific Kip 8:25 : jim Mall and K > ) i,4oorit : IIKPUIIMCAN VAtLiV : DIVISION. 1.1UVR. I ARR1VH. Lincoln Kx | 12:55im : | | Lincoln Kxp. . . 12:16 : jm DUMMVTiiAiNs-iiitinan mvisioN. t * TO Omaha : 0:40 : , 8:00,0:00,10:00 : : : , 1U16 i m. , 1:00 : 2.00 , 8:00,4:00 : : , B:00 : , 8.00 , 10:35 : 11. m. On RuniUui 8:10,0:00. : : 11:16 : n. m ; 1:00,8:00,6,00. : : fl:00 : , lO.SMim Atrho nttrniixforIciHit 13 mlnutm l.itcr ; JUroadna depotCouncil lllutTs , SO minutes Inter , Ixtara Council IllutM , Hroadway depot , 7:20 : , RJO : 0.50,10:30,11:40 : : .m. ; 1:30.SBO : : , S.BO , 4CO,5SO,0.SS : : : On Sundaya : 7 : 0 , DSO : , 11:40a. : ra.lso ; : 3.30 , 4:30 : , 0:35,11:05 : : l > m. Artho at Ttan ( or 7 mln utcnlater. lxu\c Council IlliiRi Trvinfcr depot ! 7:86 : , 8S7 ; 0.37,10:37,1147 : ! a m : 1:37 : , S:37 : , 3:37 : , 4:40 : , 6:37 : , C4S ; Hits p. . 111. Arrive unvtna 13 mlnutoslator , TRAN8FKIITIIA1N8. MATH. Anuvn. Pass. No. 2 8:16 : am Poos. No. 51. . . . 0:45 : a i " (1 ( 8:63 : n m " 62 10:05 : a m 15. .12:25 : p n " 4 4:25 : pm 0. . . .7:35 | i 11 " 8 0:10 : pm I. . . .8:16 : p a " 10..8:65 : pm Missouui1 PACIFIC v. , LIUVK. I ARRITX. Mall * 10:3.1 : am Onnha Ksp..020 ; an St. Louis Kxp.8:35 : pm Mall * 8.60 11 in B. 0. 4 P. U. K. LKATK. I ARRIVE. Hall . . . .0:40 : a m St. Pau' Kip. . 0:45 : a m 8t Paul Kxp.8:55 : p m I Mall 7:35 : p ru Dally. c.n. i ftlMi R. LXAVR. ARRtrn. DosMolnesAco.0:40rt : m KiproM ) 0:45 : n m 1UU * 8:16 : am DosMolncd Aco'.0:50p : m Eiprcrut tM p m I Mill * , 7 5 p m 0. fc N. W. U. R. LltAVI. I ARRIVH. ' " ' ' " ' ' ' Girroc . . , ! . . ! : | | Hall * . . . . . . .li.7S5 ! : um C. , II. & Ht. P. It. It. MA VI. Annin. 8:15 : km P rino Rip ) . . . . 0:4V : m UUntloKit 4:25 : pm M I14 Kip" 7:35 : pm 0..1I Ay 11. K. \l Council IHun . ) LKAVR. , UAH sl6 : m Hiprcst 0:45 : a m Rxrrcai 4:26 : p m Mall 7D5pm Dallv. Note.Tlio 0:00am : and 5:00 : p in dummy trilm Mso nonncct nlth cast-hound tralna on the Itook-Ialaud , llurllnuton , North-Wostcrn and Mllnatikco roada. WABAS1I.ST. LOUIS & PACII'IO. LKAVK , I ARRIVR. Cannon llall lOOJim : I Cannon liall 8:50pm : Dally , K. 0. , HT. JOE ft 0.11. ( Ua Council Dluffa. ) LRAVK. ' I AHIllVII. Uall „ 0:00 : a m I Kinross ) 7F-Oam : Exprcsat 0 : 6pmMall | 7:35 : pm AHHANOEJIRNTOK SUNDAY TUA1N8 DurlnR July Saturday , Sunday and Monday Chicago iraliis " 111 rotftto an followH ; Saturday evening tralna leave July 5th and 20thln J. M. & St. PJuly ; 10thl.i the Notth-Wentcrn ; July 12th1. 1.tho Hock Island. Arrho lu the eamo irdcr tha Monday following , Sunday morning tralna de | rt and Sunday ovcnlnff Iralni rvrrho July 6th nml 27thIj the Hook iHland , July IStlMlnthoNurtb-WcBtcrn , aud July 20thl .hoCMJtSt P. From B. & M. l cpot ; Tenth Street. B. ft U. RAILROAD MAIN LINE. Elt.NVRR HXl'ttllSS. W1WT BOUND. AST ROUND. LflAVR. ARBIVR. } mah * . . . . 0:10pm : 7:50am : , ' 7:00 : pm 10:05 : am VnhUnd. . . 8:27 : pin 10:03 : nm 4:62 : pm 8:12 : am fjnooln. . . 10:00 : pm 12CO : in ' 8:60 : pm 7:55 : am Jroto 11:17 pm 12:6 : 0pra 2:41 : pm 8U4am : ilaatlnga. . 6:15am : 4:16 : pm 11:56 : am 10:50 : pm led Cloud. 8:00 : am 0.03 pm 10:25 : am 8:25 : pm ilcCook. . . 10:55 am 015 ; pm 6:15 : am 4:10 : pm Vkron. . , , 3:45 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:05 : am Jcn\cr. . . . 7:26 : pm 0:16 : am 0:25 : pm 7:30 am Dallv. OMAHA AND rLATTTMOUTir TRAINS ! Jv. Omaha at 7:50 : , and 8:45 : a m ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 7:45 : p m it. Omaha 10:25 : , 8:40 : and 10:06 : a in ; 7:00 : , 7:30 p m Dnlly. 0. B. & : Q. R. R- ( via Plattamouth. ) LRAVK. I tAHRIVR Eastern Kxp..8:45 : a m I OmahaExp 8:40a : m Dhloago Exp..i:50p : m | Western Kxp..7:3Qp : m Dally. E. C. , ST. J. & C. B. ( via Plattamouth. ) LltAVR. AKIUVR. Mall 8:45 : n m Express ) 0:25 : Exprceaf 7:45 : pm Mall 7SOp : Prom O. St. P. M. &O. Depot , 14th and WobHtor Stroeta. 0. , SI. F. if. ft O. LRAVB. 7ARRIVX. lo 2 I'aesonKor. . 8:30 : a m I No 3 Mixed 10:30 : a m o4Mlxod 3:30nm | Nol Paenongor. 6:30pm : Sunday B Excoiitod. , , WITH your work is dono'for nil time lo c oino. WE CHALLENGE o produce a more durable mntoiiftl for street pnvomont than the Sioux Fulls Granite. KOR ANY AMOUNT Olf OR Illoil promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN & co.f Sioux Fulls , Dakota NOTICE TOCATTLEMBH GOO OATTLTS FOR SALE , oo Cows and olfora. oo Ono-yoar Stoore. 'llioaliovo described oattlo are all wtll trod , na * Ivo Neurunta and loua. t TliowoattU w III lioholl til lota to eult jmrchascr. 1 'or Jiutnur purtlouUru call on ur addroiw , fj.V , 1'IJVN I Albion , Kob. I SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOOIl ATTENTION TO It Is tha . best and cheapest teed tor ptock at any klnrl.KOno ponnd Is eijnal to three pounda of com stock to.l with around Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instead ol running down , will Increase In ami uo in . Rood marketable noud.llon In the r.rlni ? . Dairymen , as well MI othcra , who UM It can teitlfy I. Ut merit * Try It and Judge for yournclvep. Prlco * 3S.OO fat torn no chariro for sackn. Address WOODMAN LINSKED OIL COMPANY , Omaha Neb. DKALEUS IN FIEE AND BURGLAR PROOF J. A. WAKEFIELB , WnOIE3AI.KAND RKTAIL UKALKH IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOU MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man- ngor of the Tea , Cigar nud Tobacco Dopnrtmenh. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes aud smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to UH shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO PEBFEGTIOUTi Heating and Baking In only attained by using CHARTER. OAK Stoves and Ranges , WITH m mn OVER DOOR Fct ealo by MILTON ROOGRS & SONS OMAHA 0. M. LEIGHTON. H..T. OLABKE. . * * twM MMMt Mini % MNXM IB H Mh i im IT DUCCE8SORS TO KENNAltO BROS. & CO. ) OMTATTA , NEBRASKA Milwaukee , Wis. GUNTHEB & CO , , Sole Bottlers. 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 CQff. 13TH RECENTLY FROJI FREMONT , NEB.J SADDLE11Y HARDWARE , PELTS FUEB TALLOW , , , , AYE PAY THE Tor Ilides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , and consignments wade to us will receive prompt attention , i'or which immediate returns will bo made. 3th Street. Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave.OMAHA , NEB3 ( SUCCESSOll TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) 9 CEMENT. Office and Yard. Gtli and Douglas ts