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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY J3EJ5-SATURDAY JULY 12 1881. 0. R. SCHALLSE , ESTABLISHED AT OJIAHA , 1809. Offers a large list of Real Eatato for Sale , Including the following described property. CH. Schiller offers loU nc r Hans * f f\\\ \ \ ' fV'UV on' 1'ttk V'UV CK. Schallcr will cll lots on Caea and California ttrcctii , ( i to _ 800 C 11. Schallcr has two ot thu Uuoat loti In city , on Cft'M ttrcat. jy > QO RTSchallcr will soil lot mar Satin * i.odo dors street , on street c rs (47) ( ) . CH. Schaller offers 4 seres near U. o rr\i \ R track. ( M. ) O. ) Ul Oil. Schaller has In Uarkcr's sub * i7\f\f \ _ tlUblnn , OthSt.liou-o nnd lot (63) ( ) 1 UUl OH. Hchallcr will icllon 8. llth St. , 1 Fl\\ iLJiou < e and lot (60) ( ) . / . Oil [ _ CH , Hch.ilUr will fell near Low uva- ' mic , lot 125iro (00) ( ) -J50 0 H. Schallcr has Iota In porno ot thoncwacMHIoLS totlio cltj At reduced rates. CK. Sdtallcr hM for Mlo proji'tty paying B rental on purchase irnni la 13 SO per cent ud Inj * v luo Scnallor oilers lot on filming C1L . ftreet. 071xi70-rcaldcnce (8' ( ) 5 000 " 0 bchallcr his ( or erto ono 01 on _ CMS street , west 22d. . Schallcr will soil ono block in T Cnn lioyl'a mMltlon , IjOUU K. SChallcr oUcrs a line business proocrtvftt CH. Schallcr will ecll H,4SO ! acres T QC flflfi . In a body stock farm JL O.UUll OK. Scballor-Kor fMo 10th street , r\f\r\ \ . bi Ick house , lot 6Cx20J. : , U U U On. Sclnllcr-Ilarney street , lot 47 fl xl20 , flno resilience , 10 rooms. Uj Soballcr has ( or Bale on south O Gi"in C1U avenue , i lot and residence. AJUU R. Sebatlcr will sell 1.120 acres , 2 . soodhouses , 2 largo luuna , biJ- lulllfl , Bcalcg , etc. C 11. Schallcr- Dodge Co. ( ami , WOO acres , hou9i'3 , burns and valiublo Improvements 0 II. Schallcr offers roma of the greatest bargaina In Real Eatnte anvnhore THIS OftlAllA 0. H. nOTVELL , PrcBldont , C. K SCHAIJ-EU , Vlco-Prooldeut. The GENUINE 130ULDK11 nnd Colorado coal , An- thraclto , lon-n , MissouriIllinois , Kaueu. Coal Yards Bridge Stock Ytrclg. OFF1CE3-117 S. 14 Street and Mlllard Ilotol , Omaha PARTIES WISHING TO LOTS AND LANDS INVITED TO CALL , f Tlca had 35 j cars' ejiperlenco In dealing hi REAL ESTATE and may f afcly ho con- raited as to Investments and on contem * platrd improvements to the city. Ilaj extensive Eastern nud European coa- nectlona' 1'uQiphlcta and Klnjia of City Issued free. Call at the JlillarJ llotci and cet ono 3 * . SCHEUSEMAWISr , M. D , KEOULAB OEKUAN SomeopatMo Physician. BPEOIAUST OF' WOIIEN , CniLDKEN & CHRONIO DISEASES. Bonn At Itoxldcnoo , Mo. 144S B. 10th Street , till 10 I. m. , and trier S P. in. noun ) At office , No. 1C3 a:1108S. ICth St. , Hoom 7.from 10 o. rn.toSp. m N.B. The Ttpo Worm will bo removed , vrihon < Urmr , In t'.me of from 2 to S horn * . wjvif T * v R HWfjnnm * nfvtf /IiLIAMS BLOCK 15th & Dodge Streets , KEEP YOUR EYE On thU lift lor bargains , ard If you wish a lot In any part of Omaha Want to runt n houfe have jour houeo rented buy n lioneo-Bell the uiiejou have waut your papcro made-title looked uj ( , and any- thlnu relating to Ueal IMato , K" anil SPU BVAUS&IiOSARD , No. 213 J1.7CO House ot n > o rooms on hall loS , J1CO at time of Bale , and 25 per month. No. 236 12,000 1 aero nnd 1 room bilcl ; house In Park 1'hco , cahh. No. 22 ? f 1,050 Home of six toorai on lot 85x160 , Parlc I'laoo , on e y termo , JiCO , and ? 2n per roontb. No. ! 20-fl,5 0 Iloute and 1 t In Bowery Hill , flood cistern and v. ell. One-half cah and time. 221 $2.300 Good six room hou on corner half lot , ono block from 18th utreM , eouth of U 1' . depot. Bran now Sold on r sy teiras. 217 51,600-IIousaof 4 roomaon full lot , Center jtreet. ( Joed well , clstcin and wallo. Half cash and time. , . , , , 197 I.OOO House of two looms on half lot , Ho- gan'n addition. Ono half ci h , i9 J 1,800 House of four rooms on full lot , on 16th street , couth Omaha , ono half caati , 62 $1,800 House of ( ho rooms on full lot In P > r < tter'a adtltlun , one block north of JJO.OOO nchool house , 8 > uth front , ( food well , cUtoiu , &o.and a bar. train on easy terms. 70-37,000-Cornerlot K. V. Smith' * nddltlon , two good dwellings , south and east front , on car line , cheap and on eaey terms. 40 (4,000 Lota IS and K , corntr F rnam street , and near court house , two good dwellings on lot , but is hutlneM property. A K'eat bargain. And lots of bargains all orcr town. Call nt office And examine our Hit for Improved property , LOTS IN HAWTHORNE , TABOR PLACE , : OMAHA VIEW , And la all Dr t-cii ! Inside additions , and If vro fall to find a lot toiuit you , out ol our extensive lint , thrn Omaha doci not contain one. Omaha View Is on the mail to Iho barrackf , ind It that I'lat south nf L. 11 Williams' residence. Wo Bell Iolsfrom i00tot3'0 , ? 10orinoro down nt time of ale MII | monthly | ) a > mcnt . $200 dowu and we lll Hiuddy u a houte on the lot. llawth ) i e U wt t of the Illt'h School one mile , and we are selling loU ono tlilrd ilo n mid montblv ravracnts. .Tbla addition Is graded and lots urn $350 to ja < U cncli. Now U tto time to buy , while jiri are low and terms easy. Tabor I'laoe Is oil Farnam street and h a eholeo Addition , with only twehe lotM lelt , and they ara all ' .as coed loU an there are In HioaJilitlJn , l'dces476 and 85 0. Lots on Fherman avenue , rate and wrst fronts. One-hall block la Wllooi'i addition , cheap and eni ) ' " iTDon't fall to call lor bargains nt the office , , SEARS & BQSA&B Cor. loth and Dodge Streets. < # WILLIAilS1 JJLOOK. GltOVKK CLEVKIj.VNI ) . 0 rover Cleveland , the doraocralio nominee inoo for president , vrna born in Caldwell Essex county , N. , T. , March 1837 When ho was quilo youug liia parents ro ttdvod to Ffty6lto , Onondagn county , N Y. At the ago of 15 ho was sent to the academy nt Clinton , Oneida county , bu his itudies were of short duration. Whoi ho was 1C years old ho was obliged to no copt n position as clerk in n country store , but soon afterwards was offered position as teacher in the JNow York asylum for the blind , where ho roinainoi for ono year. While thus employed ho was persuaded by a young companion to start for Cleveland , Ohio , to seek his for tune. Stopping nt Buffalo on the way to visit an undo , Hon. Lewis 1 < \ Alien ho was dissuaded from proceeding further thor , nnd soon after began the study oi law. Ho waa admitted to practice it 1859 , and in 1802 wan appointed nsaist' ant district attorney for Erie county , in which position , although but " 5 yearn old , ho displayed gront ability. In IStif ho was nominated by the democrats for district attorney , but was defeated by the republican nominee by n small _ ma jority. Ho then resumed his private practice of law , being a member of tin iirm of Lining , Cleveland it Brown. In the fall of 1870 ho waa elected ahpr itT of that county , nnd held the ollice thrco years. In 1874 ho was electee mayor of Buffalo , receiving hundrodo ol republican votes , although ho was the democratic candidate. As mayor ho con firmed the good opinion entertained for liiru by honest men of nil parties. Exor cising the veto power uuaparingly , ho waa the moans of defeating many corrupt municipal jobs originating in his own us well as the republican party , nnd by the utmost care and vix'lanco ' ho saved to the taxpayers many thousands of dollars , which , if ho had performed his duty lesa conscientiously , might have boon .ruth- .sealy squandered. It waa while admin- .otoring this ollico thet ho came into no .ico outside the city of his reoidenco. When a successor waa to bo selected for Gov. A. B. Cornell , Mr. Cleveland waa only mentioned as a posoiblo candi date. Cornell had incurred the bitter into of his former friends and patroua of ; ho stalwart wing of the party by aband oning them during the first few mouths of the ( Jnrfiold administration , nud they determined to crush him. Tn this they lad no doubt the support of President Arthur. Secretary Polgor waa selected na the stalwart candidate. The demo crats responded by nominating Grover Ulovoland , and hia election over Mr. Folger was ono of the most remarkable ovcnta in American politics. Ho carried , ho state by n majority of 190,000. Ho carried almost every county in the eta'o. L'ho vote was light , comparatively , nhow- ng that thousands of republicans re mained away from the polls. It is prob able that many democrats , feeling confi dent of their candidate , also failed to oto. oto.Mr. Mr. Cleveland has found largo oppor- uuitiea for a man of his mold in the gu- ) eruatorial ollico. His thorough legal raining has served him well in the exe cutive chair. The practice of Governor Movcland it to thoroughly scan all the > ils ! sent to him , and not to seek the ad- ice of outside lawyersas aomo govemora tavo dono. Ho makes a thorough work of this inspection , and his vetoes ccrry onviction with thorn. Governor Cleveland is a tremendous worker. Very few men have devoted na many houra to work within the past year nd n half na ho has. Certainly no gov- rnor of New York state , of recent times ma been at his desk as early and haa cept at it ns late. Half past' eight fn the morning finds him there , andin the busy ay , miduipht also finds him there. Vith the assistance of Col. Daniel S. Lament - mont , his private secretary , the governor arefully reviews all bills , and if a doubt r an unwise provision appears ho sends or the introducer of the bill and points ut the defect. Many previous gover nors did nottakothis troublennd thereby ; ivo the maker n chanco. They vetoed rithout any warning v , hatoyor. This rork , that has boon voluntarily assumed ) y Gov. Cleveland , fras done in the time t Governor Cornell by three paid oasis- ants of high legal nbility. When the worm weather comes Governor Cleveland s not ashamed to atrip for his work nnd o sit at his desk coulleas , while u throng f visitors file in and out of the immense hambcr and cast ely glances at "tho ; reat commoner. " There is a softer side to GJV. Clovo- r.iid'n nature which causes him to temper ustico with mercy. The greatest test of n executive's fitnea for hitt place is the ontest that must como between what is ight on the ono side and tbo proper use f the pardoning power on tha the other , 'ostimony regarding the casts of crimi- als is often sent to him m huge volumes nd yet it receives his careful attention it spare moments , which are of couroe , nfrequcnt during cessions of the legis- aturo. By mouns of this thorough ex- initiation the governor often luarna moro f the case than oven the district httor- ey who had it in charge. Hia sympa- liy for the unjustly accused and couvict- d has led to many nimoyuncRi. Ho stons to the prayers nnd tears of friends who present but ono side of the caac , and Imost invariably demand that ho shall ; ivo thorn some assurance that ho will rant their request. Ho always has ind words for the petitioners , but ho will make no movement until nftcr the lost thorough examination. Ho send * o the warden of the prison to learn of no conduct of the prisoner who is un- er discussioni A good report has its fleet upon his decision. In whichever way that decision turns , the oaoons therefore are given to the mbllo. They are not withnld RS has TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIAn , mlsothico-lourtlisof From these flourocs - the diseases of the human inco. Tlicsa > ymitoiiislullcatotliolfoiwtcncor ( iii o < Appetite , Kowclil coitlvc , filclc llcuil- cliefulliieii nrtcrentliiR , aversion to exertion of body or mind , Th-iittatlou of food. Jrrltnhlllly ot temper , Iow . jnand tlio use ofn remedy that nets direct y . ntho Llvor. AsaLlvorinoiUcliioTUTT'a t'll.r.H have no equal. Tliolr nctlonou the 1(1 Jmiys mid Skin la iilsopronii't ; removing all impuiUIua Uironcli these thrco < c v- rnRen of the system , " jn'oduclns nppo- tltc , iioiin l dlscstlon , rc'jinliir stoolti , n clear nUliuiiulavlBorousbocly. a'UTT'.s vil.lM cause no nuiiBoa or Kilplns nor intcrioro with ihilly woik nnd nro u perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. lioMorfryttltcrc.atlc. OlUce.41Murr ySt..N.Y. GlUT II UK Olt WMISICKItii _ jrtaiitly tonUtobSV JILACK tjyuKliiElo r\p > pllcittloii of tlila DTK. Bohl l > y DruUts , or sent by nrpniss nn recolpt of 61. Ortlooc44 > lurrivy8ttoilt , New York. surra MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREI. been the custom with almost every ono of his predecessors. The executive mansion was bought by the state about ten years ago. It stands on the brow of n hill on the south of the capitol , nnd it has been occupied succes sively by Oova Tildon , Robinson , Cor- neil , nnd Cleveland. The state provide : the residence and the furniture all olai Is paid for out of the governor's salary o $10,000. The hot-houso is not paid fo by Iho stale , neither nro the numorou public rocoptiotia which n prominent ofli cinl must givo. Gov. Cleveland often aonds Hewers to the several hospieals and hia hand ia always open to the do nerving charities. IIo keeps no horses not only on account of the expanse , bu chiefly because ho does not like them Although ho ia a heavy man , yet ho nl ways walks to his ollico nnd to hia church the Fourth Presbyterian , which i nbout a milo nwny. AKK YOU GOINGOISUKOI'E ? In nnuthor column will bo ( omul tha nouncomont of Monnra. THOS. COOK A : SON Tourist Agent * , 201 Broadway , Now York rolntlvo to tbo very complete nrrniigomont they have mrulo for tours in Kurops th coming Spring nd Summon "Cook's Ktcur Rlonlst , " contnlnlnR muni nnd full particulars will bo uinllod to nny nudress on receipt of II Tin : TituiKn iticu tin : nriunus lu-inciKD. CincAno , July 11. following la n syonpsii ol the platform ollorcd by Cicn. Duller nnd ro joctoclby the democratic couvontion : No tnxos , direct or Indirect , can bo rig fully Imposed upon the peitplu except to moo the oxpoiiscs of im economically lulinlnlstcroi ; o\enimont. That two principlcR ehould bo observed in lovylrg customs duties. All mntoilaln used it LhontUmid mHtmf.icturo bo ndinlttcd free luxuries to l > a t.ned ns higli nn poseihli * . That ciifitouiR Inwri should bo ml jit ? ted t [ ester Amoric&u outoi prises , not to cionl mouopolicn. Labor and capital are nlllon , not onomtns. Hut c.ipitul ! i f > tron ixnd lubor i j woitk. Un der oxlstiup lixwa contoution bctwoon thorn uro ECttltd by brute force capital elavltiff Inbor , ind labor dospotliuK capital.Vo ilouiam' that the government establish tribunals to ju dlcially nud justly dotormini ) these coutrovor- iui' , with power to cnforco their dnctctM. To provide by law that l.\boring mun imy comblno HIH ! orgaulzo and 1)0 incorointed [ ) fo .heir protowtiou , n'ld that all dovlcea by cnpl tnl , clthsr by contract or tariorijni or ( lUiuF wise nro opiiressivo nnd should bo inado n | iencl ofTouao. Denotmcoa tlio imiwrtation of foreign pair .10 r Inbor , nucl convict labor , nud both uhouhl jo Buppressod by law , That the American pchool system nhoulij rccoivo liberal support from the untiouni ROV ornmont. That monopoly engondorn two clis ° 03 the very ch and the \ cry poor , both of whicl : nre equnlly hurtful to the republic. Th.xt the public huids of the Unit d SUtos nro the heritage of all , nnd ohotild bo given ouly to nr.tunl xottlora : views with nl.irm the ftpid nbiorption of the domain by homo nud 'oreigu corporations , nud ilomnuds tliut con- .rresa npply the jiropor rcnicdius with a atom mild. That corporate bodies created either by tbo tate or nation , for public duties , nro pub ic servants , to bo rcRiihttud in nil notions by , ho power tint created tliutn , and cnlla upon : ongre8s to exercise ita constitutional power or regulating inter atnto commmerco. Doinaud Livil bervico reform in all br.nnchos if tha govt rnmont ; declnros freiiuont change n ollico holders n necessity , to counteract the iriatocratic tendencies of the ollicinls , and to iitcovor and puuiali diahoncHt ollicinb. Declarer ) adhoroauco to the doctrine of Jack' on that the govnxnuiont ulnuo lira power to atablijlinud ijauo money for the people ; that lie legal tender note of the war bus boconio ho fixed currency of tin country nnd that neither policy nor duty c.ilU for nuy mod' ' ling with it. TflKEE TIMES IN ONE STOEM Icfiitatlon of the fcnylnjj Hint Llght- Never Strikes Tic < i in the Saino JUrir , N. Y. July 7. The farm housn of leury Axtell is in the town of Oatlin , Che- mung county , two miles from 1'ino Valley tation. In the sitting room waa a larga ace burner stove , the pipe from which r.ui uji through tha ceiling into another apart- ncnt , where it entered the chlmnoy. When , ho terrible thunder Htonn of Saturday l.iht wan nt its height Mr. Axtell nnd toveral mem- jera of hia family were in the Hitting room , oinu of them were Htting clone to tlio etove. luddealy the room was tilled with a blinding ight. Thustovoilew into a hundred pieces , bout the room , breaking windowH , wnlla , nd furniture. None of tbo ilying fragment truck nnyof the intnutuH of the room , uor rero any of them prostrated bv thoHhocic , Liglitning had Btrtick the chimney , nearly very hrick , one half of which was reduced to URt. The other h.v.f of the chimney remained uniained standing. Tlio fluid lud followed h Btovo pipe in the chamber nbovo. dividing iinto four sections , each ono of which wan plit into halves. After demolishing the tovo in Urn Hltting-room the bolt hud torn our round boles in tlio carpet nnd Hot it on ro. 1'n in thu carpet it entered the parti- on wall back of whcro tlio i-tovo had otood , li J down to thu bane board , and toro it nwny ir tv dlhtnnca of live feet. It then pafcged own int ) the cellar , whcroit htruck n crock f butter. The crock WUH broken into count- pi > H frugmcnU and the I utter ] ) .itt rod over ill p > ris of the cellar , some pieces of it being onnd Hticking to Ilia ceiling. A twblo nn which Bevorftl pans of milk were Ending h.'id nil four of ita left * taltrn oil low' , nud every lig torn into ppliiit'rH , hich were found in all partn of the cellar , 'hero Wf8 nut a mark on nny pait of the table op. Under tha tnblo nn old clmir without ny back was utauding. The Icgu of thn table mist have bi'i u cutoirHiiniiHnnepiisly , for thq op WBH found rewting on tin ) chair , nnd only Hinallqimnlity of tbo milk was xpllled , but 10 mill : waa nil turned thick and Hour. What became of the eccentric fluid after it tad done its work in the collar could Dot bo earned , im them wai no mark to bo BOOH where it hud onteicd the ground. Thn _ inmatcH were still niniimg about the ImiiKo in ov.itomont when another Dole struck Iho building , A neighbor > ny ho H W n Btrcak of tire run down the tiidu of tlio house and disappear in tha ground. A track of missing hinglcH and clapboards and n hole in tha giound marked its courno. It nlao took with it a portion of the remnant of the clilnV noy. A few jniimtcH later the frugmont of chimney Htill loft , standing wan doinoliHlied by n third atroko of lightning , Thu fluid from thU jiasiod down to the oavo-troufch , whjch It followed to the end of the roof , from which it jumped to thu corner of n woodAhed. touring elf u portion of thu roof and panning down through tha floor into tha ground. No tire resulted Irom cither ttroko , nnd no Berloun shock wag felt by any ono in the IIOUHO. ' , ? " Another eln uw ! freak of lightning la ro'- imrtod fioin HornolUvillo. Abram Furdaaw \ bolt Htrlko the chimney of John Hecan'H louao , un Hartshorn atroot , during tliOHtroin of .Saturday , Thu brickn were thrown in all directions far around. All the othir ovldonou if the pruaoncoof the olactric current about .ho houao wai a round hoh < in thu bottom of n tin bun in which Btoodln thobinkiiitho kitchen / Around the edge of the hole waH n black rim ) f an equul width of a qtmter of an Inch , mving the uppaaranco of boiiig burned lu the tin. Tlio Hot Wcullioi * 3f mld-summor has a weakening effect , : > oth upon body nnd mind. You feel absolutely incapable of doing any ardu ous work , and oven light duties are per formed languidly and unwillingly , This low of the uystpm causes even great er infirmity , und gives opportunity for serious discaao to gain a foot-hold. In thU condition the Bystcin is quick to ro- spund to the reviving , quickunitiK , and strengthening eflfcctH of Hood's Sarsa- natilla , which puriliea the blood , regu lates the digestive organs , and infuses fresh lifo into every portion of the body. a I'ooplo who have taken it wrUo ua , say ing : ' 'It puts now lifo right into mo. " "It makes mo young ngain. " Header , if you suffer from tmmmor wnaktx'is , try Hood's Sarsaparillu. 100 Uoaes 91. HOW 1MUESTS AUK T11AINK1) . Tlio Sttnuncr llctrcnt At Nnshotnh- Gun. Sticrmnn's Son , ' Mllwnukso Journal , There is a largo house nt Nashotah surrounded by grounds of elegant am spacious proportions , neglected by tin hand of the gardener , The mnnsior itaolf is falling to decay by long diauso Through the dense foliage , n gun-sho away , glitters n lake , with deep , luck bosom nud eddying shallows. Such a place the philosophers of old might have choaon in which to commune with nature and converse on Iho mutability of the unseen universe. This is the place ohoson by the society of Jesus for scholastic members of the order to ro crcato themselves and gather ntrengt and health for the duties of the year. The society is eminently a teaching order a band of mon who devote their lives to tlio acquirement of knowledge and to imparting it to others. Illgorous is the ordeal that fita n man for the priesthood in this order , Ton years musl bo passed In study of philosophy am the languages , seven in teaching belles lottres nud acquiring knowledge of character - actor , before the devotee can place the title "llovorond" before Ins namo. IIo bccomoa "S. J. " ns soon as ho begins to teach. It is customary to oloao the colleges ol the order during the months of J uly am August. For the past four or five years , in order to give lh < professors in these institutions a breathing spell in the lifo of self-denial they luwo chosen , it has boon customary to take some largo housi in ft quiet and secluded spot .in the rura districts , whither would resort the pro- foesors to pass three weeks "camping out. " They carry their own furniture , wear traditional and orthodox blue sliirla nnd pa s their time in boating , liahin and loitering along country roads. A n.iilo cook accompanies thorn. IIo u also a brother of the order. List year they wont to Monaaha , the year before to Klklmrt , nnd three yoara 'ngo to Po- waukco. A priest ia always present n1 the encampment. There nro thirty-aovon scholastic brethren nt Nnchotah tlim ye& ? , from colleges - legos at St. Louis , Omuha and Milwau kee. Among them , possibly the mosl distinguished , is "Tom" Sherman , oldest Ron of Gen. Win. T. Sherman , of St. Louis. IIo is a teacher in the St. Ionia university. IIo is a man of 27 , nnd joined tbo ordor.oixyoars ago in'.England. 11 u studied in England two yoara , in Maryland three ycara , and jtt St. Louis ono year. llov. Father Rosswinklo , vico-prcsl dent of Marquette college , Milwaukee , s the priest who presides over the on- campmunt. Largo as the houao is , it has been foundnccesuary to procure tents for ; ho nccommodation of some of the gcn- .lonion. A pleasant vacation is reported jy the fortunate follows who compose the larty. The rendezvous is not purchanod jy the order , merely leased. The society of Jcaua was founded by Sc. Ignatius Loynlo , or as ho was known among the profane , Inigo do Kicaldo [ Joyalo , in 15.17. It has n supramo head called the General , who is considered nbout as infallible aa the pope. The lumber of Jesuits in the United States m 1879 waa upwards of 1,000. They are entirely expelled for tbo Mexican and Columbian republics. Since ita founda tion the order haa had twenty-two gen orals. "What causes the great rush at Schrolar Bocht'a Drug Store1' ' The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Boaanko's Cough nnd Lung Syrup , the moht popular remedy for Coughs , Colds , Consumption and Bronchitis now on the market , liegnlar nlzo 50 cents nnci $00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ttio Towers ol' Siluncc. Science Monthly. I must e y word on the subject of the 'amoua cemetery of the Pttrsoos , or , moro jroporly , their Towers of Silence atiJom- ) ay. These must not bu passed ever un noticed , the moro especially as they have a kink of parallel relation to cremation , n respect at least to the underlying mo- ivo prompting this most singular form of eastern burial if burial , indeed , it may )0 justly called. The Dakhmas , or Towers of Silence , are simple masses of masonry , built of iard blocks of granite , and covered with white chunam. The largest of the five ewers ia nbout forty feet in diameter , md not much ever half that height. The whole are embosomed in luxuriant foliage ising out of an enormous and xwell-koep ; arden. There is a sinh tower , square u shape , that stands quite apatt rom Iho live ; but lhi is reserved only or the remains of convicted criminals , ? ho whole of the towers have boon oruc- ed within two centuries. These strange limit , solemn otructurca are sot in a sun of graceful cypresses , palms and gorge- us blossoming plants and at the first lance upwards the stranger ia startled o BOO nn extraordinary kind of moulding n the top compoHod entirely of vultures vitli thulr hcada pointing upward , and usually in such perfect order nnd luzy xpoctancy , that they have boon taken or a grotucquo ornament carved from ho curnico fatono. The following is an accurate doscrip- ion of the Interior : linagino a massive ylindcr , fourteen foot high and full forty eet in diameter , built throughout of solid tone , within the contro a well six foot cross , leading down to an excavation under the masonry , containing four rains , terminated each by holes filled with charcoal. Round the upper surfaoo f the nolid circular cylinder , and hiding ho interior from view , is n ntono para- ot , ton or twelve' foot high. This , iowod from the outside Booms to form ono leoo with the nolid utono work. The ippor Aurfacu of the solid stone column s.jliyidod into novonty-iwo compartraonts , adidting like the apokes Of u whoul from bo central if ell , nnd arranged in three ouccntric rings separated from oaoh by mrrow rldgta of stone grooved to act as Imnnels to convoy all moisture from the ecoptaclos into the well. . . . It should M > noted that the number seventy-two s emblematic of the sovontycwo chap- era of Xrouster's Yiinua , a part of the /ondavesta. Each circle of stonn coflins s divided from the rest by a pathway , bus making three ciroulw pathways ound the central well ; and thesa three mthways are crossed by another path- ray conducting from thu ono door which dmita the corpse-bearers front the ox- erior. In the outermost circle of ctono ollins are pldcod the body of males , in ho middle thoao of females , and in the nnor and smallest circle thoao of chil dren. " Such is , in brief , the account given by Hr , Monior Williama , Budon I'rofeaaor janakrit , The bodies are deposited in ho open fltono colllns , and on being loft here , the vulturoii , watching cm the par- tpot ubovo uwoop down , and , it is said , n five minutes fly up again , leauug only skeleton behind , Tha bearers return n about a fortnight and with gloved innds place the dry ekoleton in the central well , wheio the dust of the 1'arisees remain undisturbed for ever inuro. JAY-KYK-SKK. The At tempt to llrnt. Mntul S.'n Time , CIIICAOO , July 11 , This was the ninth day of the Ch cngo lri\ing pirk milmnor trotting meeting. Tlio wcnlhrr wa ? warm , cloudy mid calm , the track fast , and the ntlvndnncti 10 , * 000. Tha chief attraction of Uio ( Uj-1 * pro- grnminu was the nin-cial race , the nttrtnpt of J , I. C.i'o'fl fnmo fl lilnck poldlng Tny > ] 'yo SPO to bent the biwl trotting rtxord ( Maud S.'K 2:101. : ) The conditions bring no favorable it WAH genornlly supposed ho would tincccod , nnd before thu socoiid heat bolting was two to nun ho would bent 12:11. : llu un lirnt wnnue < l up , colng in nu KAIV IIACO for thnvimartcni of n mile and coining homo from tha three-quar ter | > oo In .11 J , In bin trials ho wan nccom- p.-xuied by n running IIOHO driven to n sulky to onconraqo him. Tim lint heat , it was nn- nonncod , would only bo ft good strong iiiilo , with 110 attempt to beat the record , l''ir thoatiUlli.M ! ; , 1 > :1U : : Bil , SslM ? . Gtiul to Hcnr It. "For several months I cndnrod n dull patu through my lungs and chuuldcra : lost my spirits , nppotito nnd color , nnd could with [ llllicnlty remain from my bed. My present lioalthfnl condition U dun to llurdock Hlood IHttotK. " Jlrs. K. A. Hall , Ulnghnmp'tou , _ _ llo\v SIio Unnamed Tivo Adiulrora. Tall Mall ( intitte. It would appear that in Uuosin , ns well in many other countries , a lock of hair Is considered n signal pledge of the tender passion. Mdlle. Alice , the favorite Parisian actress , glories in the posses sion of auburn ringlets , nnd would not part with ouo of them for less than n iuchy. Two UusBian noblemen the Count do L. and Karen M. were both suitors for tbo lady'n cmilei > , and both happened to have hair of Iho snino golden hue 113 that of their mutual dtil- clnca. Ench begged u look of her hair in exchange for u lock of hia own , to which the charming creature readily assented , nnd , without touching n Ringlo tuft of her head , managed to elFoct an exchange of parcels , by which each gen tleman received a curl of his rival's cnpil- Inrica. The count now wears the baron's liair next hiu heart , and the baron sloops with the count's scalp-lock under hia pillow. A Hnptltit Mlnistor'H Experience , 'I am n Buptlst minister , und before I .nought of being n clergyman I giaduntod in modlcino , but loft n lucrative practice for my irosont , forty years ngo. 1 wan for < mny yoaiH nsulltiror from quint ) ! * . Thoiniw' [ 'cloctilc Oil cured mo. I WUH m o troubled with honrfonow , nnaThonii1)1 liclectrio Oil nl- wnjs relieved mo. Jlyvifn. . and child had liphtlierirt , nnd Thomna * Kcioctrio OH cured .hoin , nnd if taken in time it will euro tinou lines out of ten. 1 nm conlident It IH n euro 'or the most obatiimta cold , or cough , nnd if any ono will Uku n umiill toaHiioou nnd half ill it with Oil , nnd then place the cud of the ipoon in ono nostril nnd draw the Oil cut of , ho spoon into , the bond , bynnuHiiig .11 hard nt thev can , until the Oil tillj over into the .hroit : , and practice it Iwico n wook. 1 don't care how oUennivo tlioir head may bo , it will clean it out nnd cute-thoir c&taith. ] 'or douf- loss nnd onracho , it hn done woudorn to my lertuln knowlodgo. It ia the only inodicino hat I have ever felt like recommending , nnd ! nm ! orynnxloii8 to HOC it in every pluco , for ' tell you that I would nut bo without It in my IIOHSO for nny consideration. I nm now ulforin/ / , ' with pain like rheumatism in my riirht limb , nud nothing relieve ) ma like Thomas' Kclectric OH. " Dr. K. V. Crane , 'orry ' , 1'a. Ho IN a Good 1'mycr Tossor. 3oaton Globe They have a now Baptist minister in a loighboring town who has just como in 'rom a country parish. Some of his Hock were talking about his country ways ast night and saying ho vraa a little : roah , when an old woman broke in : "Ho may bo a little off in city ways and perhaps people wouldn't take him for a dude at first sight , " said she , "but ho can tosa a prayer higher than nny min ster wo have had for the past twouty years. " Franco to China. PAIIIH , July 11 Demand of Franco or payment of indemnity reached Palo- lotro at Sharghai yesterday , and was orwardod to Pokiu , where 'it ' will bo landed to Isung Li Yamon today. Trance has given China ono week to answer - swor , and in event of an unsatisfactory reply , will immediately lay aoigo to n Chinese port. Preparations for an ng- rossivo movement is complete. Taken tlio Orcani. 'rom the Hatchot. Now doth yo maiden fnir with golden lair , as she perambulates the avenuocapy ro Ice cream harbor , and she sjronmotti jut : 4'0h , Ohollyl there ia an ice cream ea- oonl" D And Cholly rcmurkoth : "Yea , dear ; but , till I can recruit my conanccs , I four you will have to remain n moro ice cream waiter. " IN THE PASTRY IF VnnlllnI < ruioiiOr < i Ee , dr. , ( lnvor fnUri , ( ) rcMiii , l'iiilillnic , .l'c.a ilrllrnlvlyiinil nut * iiriillyiiitlioIVull IVitniMlilcli tlii-yiii-uiuiulc. FOR STRENGTH AND TKUK FHUIT FLA.YOU THEY STAND ALONL1. PHIPARtO IV THI Price Baking Powder Co. , ChlcaHOf HI * 6t # LoulOf Mo * MAK"I OF Dr. Prlco's Cream Baking Powder NO Dr. Prlco's Liipulin Yonst Gems , Jlc.t llry IIiip Vcnil. D VTjE Z2T OTIC WK WAKE J1UT ONE QUALITY. GREAT CNQLIUH REMEDY. < ; - ! > V' > " " ' " " ClmiTAI. MBH t'K r . fa Stt O * " MANLY VIUOIl , Bneimatori htcu , tto. , when all other lomu faL | A cure yHartmtted. bottle , lout to. liy ex fcdJrtba. Bold b ) -f .UUIUKKLM. ENOI.IHII UKDI MT.INBTITUTBPfoprletoriJ,718 OUv Btieot , 81 ° "I b'are sold Blr Artley Cooper's Vital Ileotorativi veui. Kvciy customer n | alii highly ol It. I , HbestUtUizlyendonie It aa a remedy of true merit " 0. Jf GOOUHA * , I > ruK . l . er.l 18 - The Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , ! rooo'vo ' "n assortment for anrpaaalng nnything In this market , comprising Ino latcal and most tasty designs mauufnoturodjfor this spring's trndo and covering ft range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods _ Draperies. Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of nil the Intoa tomers , the nowosb KoveltifB in atj'les in Turcoman , Madras nud Suits nud Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors. . fSW A TT TQ VCTT 7'5T 'STiTr ! Jal-JuJtbJbJlio v j&JaJ. V ltMtlAj L.9 1206,1208 nnd 1210 Fimmui Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB , u . 1 1 1 1a I I OtrMTKTGS ATiTO 20TF RT. . OMAJETA. WRB n Wi' sSf H 2 u # - * * > itc > ' in a El v&g' Ea BE 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Kstablishcd 1878 Catarrh , [ Deafness , Lung nnd KorvouB Diaoaaca Speedily nndTormnnently Oared. Pationtti Onred r t Homo. Write for "TiiK MKDICAL-MISSIONAHY , " for the People. [ Oonsultatton and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box J92. ! Tolojihono No. 2CXj HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : " Physician d ilcu Ability ana Mnrkod Succoas. " CONG11ESGI > IAN MUUPIIY , DavonporM Annomimbln MAH. Fine Success. Wondotful CurM. ' ' l1liiirfi 8 to K. ( _ "W. IMPORTER , JOBBER AND MANUFAOTCRERS1 AGENT OF M U j \AUi 1 TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HAitNEY NEBRASKA - - - - , BOLTS & COMPANY , UANUFAOrUHEIlS OF Dormer Wlndo B , Fliilals , Window Cup ? , Iron Crcatlnzs , Metallic ! Sky-Hshta , &o. Tin , Iron and Slate Iloof J , , . " | | crK , 010 Houtli 12th Btrcot , Ouuha , NubraaUo. TWO WHEEL OA&T8. ril > 19 anrl 1S20 Unrnoy Strool and 103 S. 1 1 ft * . _ _ . B _ ri.todC UInujiiMil.h l frKi'ion.i animation. ' ftj' ft fi S8 ft ti ! fn"fn"n Electric light Oo. BOLi : AQBtfTS FOH NKUHASKA AND OFKKATORS OKCELUURATED NVKSTON AND U. S. Adopted by the U. S. Government and most of the loading steamship companlei and Ilotols. Regarded aa the PUREST , V HITEST AND BEST ELPOTRIO : LIGHT PRODUCED. For Rules Inquire nt office , N. W. Cor. Fifteenth and Fnrntim Streets- OMAHA NATIONAL U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLA.RD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier : ' Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO. QIVIAHA [ SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Flro and Bunrlar Proof Safes for .Ilont'at foimtSS to $50 per annum. fHE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER CUMPANIf , ( SUCCESSOIia TO TUB J. . U. & 11. OO.J tHE MONARCH Ttio mutt vxttinilvi ) umnufacturoraol IN TJIK WOULD , ,09 8. Twnth Street OMAHA , NED. jmlou ol Illlllrd and Pool Tftbloj.ftod tu tcrUl urntlit J oa i > jUcatloa. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 117 and 219 North Main Ot. , St. Louis. WIIOLKHALK UKALKI13 IN ' , } PAPEF2SwffiiaNa { KMVKLOFCS CAHI ) DOAU1) ASD WTCiMh otld lor IU i ol DISEASES OP THE 1 ap J T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until oiUwm are repaired from rttuH ot ttre , It , 1'arker , ttooai f , CielgUtoo Block