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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1884)
I OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY , JULY 12,1881. 3 Tlie Nebraska National Bank lOP OlLiHA , NBD , ; Paid up capital . SGOOOO Burpina Pnaa , KOT. l ess ieooo ! H. W , YATE3 , Proaldont , ' for ? manyTyoara Cashier of the First National Bank of Omaha. A. E. TOUJ5ALIN , Vlco President , Boston. W V. MOUSK , of W , V. Mono & Oo. JOHN S. COLLINS , of G. H. & J , S. Ool- M , J , M. WOOLW011TH , Counsellor andAltoT- | noy at Law , L. S , HEED , of Byron Hood & Co. K K. HAYDEN , Assistant Cashier. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 , 1882. ITS DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLD ERS nro among the loading business of Oma ha , and Ita business Is conducted with oapaclal reference to the best and Increasing interests Its mercantile patrons , COLLECTIONS rocolvo special attention Mid charges lowest obtainable here or else- nrhoro. INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposit * upon tworablo torma and upon acsounta of bauka and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds andJCounty smd Cit yaocurltioa bought and sold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FlNANOIAIj NEW YonK , July 11. Money L'aey ; a@ij : closed olloreil 1. Prnno paper 5@0 per cent. Sterling Bills-Quiet mid Strong ; 4 83''j ' demand , 4 Stf . ( i overmnonts Pirin. liallways I'lrm. As compared with the closing prices last ightnonrly all Btixika closed higher this evening viz : Uurllngton L' ' } , Canada South ern 1 , Control 1'acilio 2J , Eiio , preferred 2 , Illinois Ccntr.iI3 , Lake Shore 1J , Lnuiivllla yj , Now York Central 1 | , Northwestern L'f , Northern I'aciflo , Pacilio Jlnil 2 , 1'ullmnu 2 , Rock Island 1.J , St. 1'anl 23 , Omaha 1 ; Union 1'acific 1J , Western Union 1 , and Heading I. 5' 5'44'BCoupona TJ. S. new , 4V . ll'J ' 95 BTOOE3 AND BONDS. American Ezprosa . . . . BarL , Cedar liaplda Cc Northern . . . . . Central Pacific . Chicago & Alton , . . do do pfd . . Ob ! . , Burl. & Qulncy . Brio . do pfd . Fort Wayne & Chicago . . Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . 2 do do do pfd . Illinois Central . Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 2 K\DBr.a& Texas . Lnko Shore & Michigan So . Michigan Central . . Minneapolis & St. Louis . do do do pfd . Missouri Pacific . Northern Pacific . . 5 do do pfd . _ . . . . . Northwestern . . . . do pfd . New York Central . Ohio & Misniflalppi . . do do pfd . : Peoria , Docatrur & Evonavilla . . Rock leland . : Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . : do do do pfd . Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba . 5 St , Pnul& Omaha . do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . Texas Pacific . . Union Pacific . VY abash , St. L. & Pacific . do do do pfd . Western Union Telegraph . GKA1N AND FUOVISION9. \ CHICAGO rnonroc. CKICAQO , July 11. Flour Quiet and un ( .hanged. Wheat Regnlarmoderat < iljr active ; opened firm rud jc higheradvanced ; ; , ' ; receded i@Jc ; fluctuated and closed nt about the final quota tions of the afternoon board of yesterday ; cash and July , 804@SOJ ; August 82J ; Sejtember , S.'Hg83S ! ; October , 81 } ; winter quiet ; No. 2 Wl ( rud sold at 87 ; spring dull and higher. Coi Corn Active nnd unsettled ; opened Hteady ; Oal advanced quickly lie : ( Inclined lo for August , S for September rallied l ( ) ljdoclined ; ; closed J higher foi August and lo higher for September than final quotations afternoon board yester me day ; casli and July 511 ; August , 52j ; Sep boo tember , 52J ; October 61g rejected , 45 ® 17. Oats Firm nod fairly active ; cash nnd Oat .Inly ranged g@botterprifer / : od futures ad Ho [ vanced i@8 ; cash 2M ! : BJuly 29J ; August She t-6 ! ( ! | ? : September 23 ( ij)2jJ ) ; year 2 ! > \ . Kyo Sternly at 01. Barley Nominal at C2@GL ehl Timothy - Dull ; prime , 1 J5@12"i. ! hav J < 'lox Nominal t 1 60. Pork Dull tiillo deliveries cash n on some : Oat 10 00fo17 } 00 ; July and Anguat 22 50 ; Soiitura- Ho ber , 2150 : October 10 50. Shi Lard Fairly active ; advanced 10@15c : cabh and July 720August ; , 722J ; September , 7I0r n7 42 ; October 7 M7 ) 6U'i. me Bulk Moats Shoulders. 5 OU ; short ribs boo 7 SO : short , 810. . Whisky Unchanged nt 110. Butter Dull ; choice creamery , 17J Oa @ 181 ; fancy dairy , 14@11J , Ho She Cheese Slo a ; lull cream choddarH and Hats 7(5,8 ( ; Hkimined cheddarit 2@5. Kggs-Steadily huld at 14i@15. Hides Small demand ; green settled : nuot xl bull Oi ; damaged C ; light 8J ; heavy 7i ; calf Tallow No. 1 country Bold at C , CALL BOAHD Wheat August , September Tr'- ami October Ac higher , Corn ( inlet ; August 1 higher ; October Ijj by n.sked ; year unchanged. . . . - . cha : Oats-July and September J higher ; Au- Knst unchanged , year J lower.o quc Pork Unchanged. md f.ard August 2je higher ; September un ; changed ; October S-Jc bid. HAI.TJHOIIB. BALTIMOHK. July 11Vlieat > \ eslorn higher ; quiet ; No. 2 winter rud spot , Corn Western firmer ; dull ; mired spot ( Jatu Steady , western white , U8@40 ; mlxod : tr@SH. } ly i Ouietatfil@G8. Kggs Lower at 11@15. . \Vliibky-Steftdy nt 114. KKW 011LEAK9. NKW OntEANS , July 10. Corn Fair demand ; yellow mixed , 05 ; white , 7 - . I'L-Bt ( JuU-Dull ; 38@30. PIT Corn Jfeal Dull and lower ; nt 2 85@2 00. piim Pork Scarce nnd ( inn , L rd Steady ; unchanged. BJ Whisky Steady ; western rectlfiod , 1 00 ® 20 1 20. UIMVAUKKR. per MlLWADKKK , July 11. Wient Hteady ; No. 2 and July SO',1 ; August 823 September er ; arc Com Stronger ; No. S , entirely nominal ; ro- qui ' gr - and firm No. 2 , 32&32 } du- H\nrcd ; No. a white , ! M n ked. poi Rye Inactive ; No , 1 , 00 ankcd. . fjal l.irloy ( ( Juiet and unchaiiBedNo,2 ; | iring ) , 55. BT. Locia nionucK. D ST. IiOniB,7uly 11. Flour unchanged. 18'J KWheat Opoiied tinner , ndvunuotl , tlion rn- J acted ; clmo below yeh'erdny. Jjo. 2 ird , box fcOSii | for new ; WaWbid for old ami (21 ( ( cash ; MISS'S ' cloning bt July ; Kl/gSIS / Viga ologinir 83 fur A"Rust ; NKffWjt t 85J ford a ked for ScpU'inbcr ; 7JC H < i . cloulug hO ] Pa. hMitr but flow ; 4 < I@4Gt for pniu ; .v. > . i t t July ; -178 ( .72 for Auguat ; 47/fe 17 for .September ; cloHiug at outside an do riM -Hirhor ( but slow ; 31 for caehj 23 ? ® 24 for vnguatj , 01 Kye-lMill ; 51 asked. Jiarlt'y-No wwLet , Lard-Dull { 3.3. Butter Unchangcd. ICgRs Unchanged. Flax Seed Nominal , Hay Uetti-r. Timothy ll@llitirniu ; > 7Jl@8i. Bran ICasy ; oS' fiO at mill. Corn nii'ftl Lower ; 2 70. CALL He-Ann. Wheat-Firm ; SI ? bid for July ; S3J lor August ; 85g@8T > i for September ; 83 } for October. BCorn FIrmpr nt ) ( ! . } for July-I" ; ; ! , August ; Ibltfor September , Oats Dull ; ' 'Of for July ; 23J naked for August , C1NC1KKATT , CISCINXATIuly ; 11. Wheat Fair de- > nand ; No. 2 red , ! K ( < fCl. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , f > J. Oats-Strong : No. 2 mixcd,3l@3 J. Kyo-Quiet ; No. 2 , 05. PorV-IJtiiot at 1C 00@1025. ; Lard Firm at 7 10. Bulk moats Quiet ; Shoulders , CJ ; short ribs , ! > Whisky-Steady at 1 07. KANSAS CITT. KANSAS CITT , July 11. Wheat Stronger ; 70 biclj-lulyj 70g@70i August ; " 2 bid Septem ber , Corn Higher ; 30J@KCJ cash ; 40J July nnd August Oats Dull and nominal ; 22bid. ' . PEOIUA ntonucB. PKOWA , July 10. Corn-Steady ; hirh inlxod , 40c : No. 2 , mixed , -18(3) ( ) ISJc. Oats-Acti\o and lirmj.No. 2 white , 32 © 32c. Ityo-Qulet : No. 2 , C8J@5SJ. Whlsky-107. TOT.KDO. TOI.KDO , July 11. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red cash 87J@S8. Corn Dull and firm ; No. 2 cash , and July Oats-Dull ; No. 2 cash and July , 32 , LiVRiiroou LlVltnroot , July 11. Breadstuff -De- - mnnd fair and firm ; wheat winter , 7n. Od.flt1 7n. lid. ; spnug , 7i < . 3d. @ 3. 5d. Corn L5" . 3d. NEW YOEK rnonccE. ' lost sctivo speculation : white uominnl ; No. 2 red October 9Sg@)9i ! ) ; l ocomberl 03Mnrciil07 ; | ; April 1 074. Corn Jglo ( ) hluher ; Ion active ; mixed western spot -I8@IJO ; future 5lg@t15. ! ! Ontrt j@gc higher ; western 37(3-12. ( Beef-Dull ; mcsi 12.00 1'ork Steady ; mess 10 M. Lard Higher ; steam 7 CO. Butter Dull anil easier at 8@20. Sugar Dull , weak. Egga Western fresh , quiet and steady. lave srooic. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CniCAao.July 11. Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Dull and nnuu'ii ; prices ri@10c lower ; rough packing , C 005 25 ; packing and shipping , 5 35@5 05 ; light , 4 tX5 ) 55 ; skips , 3 00@4 50. Closed dull , nnd 10,000 loft. loft.Cattlo Cattle Best firmer nnd common lower ; exports , 0 GO@G 93 ; common to choice ship ping , 5 00@0 20 ; inferior to good cows , 2U@4 00 ; stockers dull at 3 00(3)1 ( ) 25 ; and feederaat42o@5 CO. Sheep-Steady ; Inferior to good , per cwt. , 1 50 ® 1 25 ; choice to extra , 3 23@-l 00 ; lambs , per head , 1 00@3 00. KANSAS OITT LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITT , July 11. Cattle Steady ; 2 natives , 4 GO@G 25 ; cows , 2 75@3 50. Hogs Stronger nnd 5c higher at 4 S2i@ 10. 34 Sheep Steady ; natives at 3 00. BT , LOUIS LIVB STOCK. ST. Lenis , July 11. Cattle Steady nnd Jemand equal to supply ; exports. G 40@G 05 ; S ommon to choice tmipplng , 5 25@G 40. Sheep Steady ; inferior to good , 2 25400 ; po hoico to extra ; 4 15@4 50 ; good to choice 3 nmba1 00(55 ( } CO. 1 Togs " -Active and higher ; Yorkers , B 2o ( l po 30 ; packers , 5 00@5 S5 ; heavy , 5 30@5 45. TRAFFIC. b FtOUB AND OBAIR. 2 OniOAQO , July 11. Becolpta and ship- nonta of flour nnd grain for the post 48 hours K" iukve been sa follows arc ) Kocolpts. Bhlp'ts. Floor , bbls . 9,000 10,000 © \Vheat , bushela . 21,000 108,000 16 Dorn , bushels . 84,000 85,000 RO' Data , bushels . 70,000 4U.OOO 17c Kyo.bnahelB . 3,000 1,000 Barley , bushels . 2,000 . . . . NEW YORK , July 11. Receipts and 17cf ihlpmenta of Hour and grain for the poet 24 hours f javo boon oa followa : I , Kocolpta Bhlp'ti. wh whi Vheat. boshela . 0,000 151,000 3orn , bushels . 18,000 173,000 do ata , bushola . 18,000 31,000 kw LIVB 8TOOK. , _ _ . * ) OniOAQO , July 11. Kocolpta nnd ship- nenta ; of live stock for the past 24 hours hare In loon aa follows : In Bhlp'te. ' do Jattle 0,600 , logs U.OOO ® 5hoep 500 . . . . 65c Oirr , July 11. Receipt ! and chc hlpruontu ] of live stock for the post 21 houra chc mvo been as followa ; chc : Receipts. Bhlp'te. Mtlo. . , 3,200 . . . . thr ; logs , 0,000 noW Sheep 510 . . . . BT , Lotna , July 11. Rocolpta and ship- snt nonti : of live stock ( or tha past 21 hours have wh1 icon ae follows : _ _ . . . . Kocolpta. Shlp'U Jattle ( . 1,000 8Si Jogs , . 4.COO mil ihoop . . . . . . 2,000 bolC stlc MARKETS lie. Wholcsalo Prices. OrrioR or TUB OMAHA BEX , oac r'ridny Evening , July 11 , Sta TIio following prices nro chnrgod retailers jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer- 25oI ! hnnts with the exception of grain , which ia 25oWe meted at thu prices furniuhcd by tha elevators 46 I other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Cash No. 2 , OllgClis. Barley Cash No. 2 , 45@50o. Ho [ Rye Cash , No. 8 , 42@44Jc. Corn-No. 2 , 3C@371o. BOY Oata-No. 2 , " COc ! fcivo Stock- ° " hai 3 00@4 00 , VAT Cows j 2o I HOQB 1 00@4 60. 3oal BHKP S C0@400. | ! No OALVES-C 00@7 00. or , Nod Qonoral Prndnco. Arri.Krt Now oppleH principally onrly liar- , are now cowing In ; Helliiif ; nt 6 00 ( 0 00 I barrel ; red .luncn dOe pfr box ; California kdd. COlli brK largo and my fine , 'J 00. Cfic aui DKANB Kecoipta light and demand Rood , 7Bc EAd picked navy , per bu , $2 CO ; modiuu , pei i BEKSWAX In peed demand , Choice blight epa Ib. lb , 26@28c : common to good dark per Ib , No 20@2Bo . , , , , . , , gal LurrKR 3Iarkdt unchanged ; recdpU light- ftonorally on bottnr ijradwi , which it Bourns gat nd uroheld for bettor pncea. IScst table in led ruiotablo ntSfiilOc ; with f.7o for Inferior ijradeB , and 15lCc for cieaim-ry. CIDKB "Ohio" per bbl , S7.00 ; "York Btato ' bbl , $8 00 ; porj bbl , ? 4 7D ; condensed per , 85o. Crab npplo , per gal. S5o. OllEEHE-Vull cream , vreatorn , fl@JO ; Wis- C sorifln now 11 > : young American l'J@lJc. hoi CoooANnrs Per 1IW. W 76 ( < 35 00. hot KtceiptH light nnd maikut linn at to ' cal i'oitEiON JCitnii California cranBoa.per klr : , 8 i 60 , Messina lemons , per box , 35 DO kip gliOD. anutios , per bunch , $300 sot , lb. , IGo , Dates , in frails , 7ic ; dates , pin , In boxen , 12 c. pel Fituir llDTTKua Apple butter , In 80 lb pallo . , per Ib , 7c. 1'lum butter , 7ic. 35cU Jlny-lJalod , 63.00tolO.OO ; IOOBH. 010.00 ® U I JKLLV lu 20 and 80 lb nails , C@7c : in 2 lb per doz , $1 CO ; OBeoNo tumblers , bar . $1 20 : Bchoonors , par dozen , 83 CO. MAPLK SuaAn 1'uro. in bricks , per lb , lOc , Ohio , ISc ; email cakes , 12Jc. ONIONU New SnuUiorn per lb. S@3\c. \ Uo : PorcoiWIn good demand nt 2@'Hie per Ib , per Pon.TiiT Chicken" , both old anil voung. in good demand ; old chickens 3 " @ 4 00 ; spring 2 MKtf 3 50 nccordlne to size. POTATOES- New home grown , plentiful , pell- ing at 80@tO per buj old one * not wanted any Jiiort- . PROVISIONS Ham , 13cs b. bacon , lajo c. r. bacon , llc ; d. , Idea lOJo ; short rib ( Ides , lOJc ; shoulders , 8c ; moss vtoru. per bbl. $18.60. Dried boot , 13o. Lard. 9lo. VEGETABLES Spinach , per bbl , ? 2 00 ; now cabbngo , i > or doz 80@100 ; loltuco , r i doz. , 25c ; rodlthon , per doz. , 25cj turmiw per I bu , GOo. bootn , per bn , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz. . $1 00 ; Plo , plant per 1 lb. 2c. cauliflower , per doz. $100 ; new carrots. } ) or lb. , 8c. Tomatoes , j bn. box , 76@$1 00 : < roon peas per bunhcl box , $1.00 : string IIOAIIR per bushel box , $2.00 SrfALL Fauna Black raspberries , SI 00. red raspberries per 12-qt case. $2 00. Gooao berries , per bushel , $1 00. Wild phmm , ju-r tui o $3 fiO. Now apples per box 60@1 00 ; Peaches 1 00@l 50. KABTEIIN CIIKIIHIES All kinds of packages nro sent to market , selling at the ratu of about $3 00 per bush , Drr Good * . BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 74oj Allan tic P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Bmnswlok , 7io ; Beaver Dam LL. G.Jo ; Lawrence LL. 5Jc ; Paci fic H , "Vc ; Royal Standard , 60 ; Indian Uoad A , 8c ; Wnuchusctt A , 7Jo. FINK BIIOWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 71e ; Pop- poroll R , 7c ; Snllsbury R , Gje , BLEACHED Corro.vs-Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal Ion 7-8 , 5i'c ] Cumberland 4-4. 8c ; Davoll DD .Sjc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4' ! ) c : Glory of the West , 8jc ; Golden Onto , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8. 8e ; Hill 4-4 , Uc ; Lonsdnlo 8JcNow ; Vsrk Mills , lljc : Wnmsuttn , lOJc. Dt'CKH ( Colored ) Itouton , 8 or. . , lljc ; Bos. ton . , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall Rlvor , 8Jc. liV DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 or , , llo West Point , 10 oz , , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. , llo. 1K llo.TICKINGS Amoekoag , 14c ; Continental Fancy , Pc ; Cordi ? , lofc ; Pearl Rlvor , 14o ; York , 12jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc. DENIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Crook AB A , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO , 10 : Hnvmnkors ScP ; JalTroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jnlfroy XXX. 12ic ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA lib ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warrou CO ( brown ) , lOc. GAUDHICS Fifth nvonuo glove finish , Cc ; Keystone glove finish , 5Jc. ConsET JEANS Amory , 74c ; Hancock , 8c ; KoM-gayor , Sic ; RockjKirt , 7c. PKINTS Allons,51c ; American , 6fc ; Arnolds , Cc ; Cochoco , Cc ; Harmony , 4c : Indigo , 7ic ; Indigo 7-8 , llic ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; clicnp ealo 4jc ; Cliarlor Oak , -IJc. PKINTS SHIRTINGS American. Cc : Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucoster,5cSouthbrIdgo : , 4Ic ; Wavorlys , 4ic | : Rosodalo , 4Jo. GINOHAJIS Amoskoag staples , 8jo : Bates staples ! , 8 c : Lancaster staples , 8c ; Pluukot nlnlds , , Oc : Hudson chocka , 8jc ; Amoskoag Porslnns , O c. DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jo ; Por- slano caahmor , 23Jc ; Hamloton caahmoro , 5 15jc ; Hamloton Fancus , lljc ; Hnmleton bro- CMOS , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Jjlqnors. AtOOHOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 20 per wlno gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 112 par proof gallon ; triple refined spirits at 18'wl proof , 114 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstilled whlskloa 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; 22 Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kontnoky and Pennsylvania ryea , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , GOO@1G 00 ; domestic 22 40@4 00. 22 GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domoatlo , 140 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England , 004 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PEACH AND APPLE BRANDT 175@4 00. * i CHAMPAGNES Imported nor case , 23 00@ 00QAmoTican.por ; case , 12 00@1G 00 , 20 Orooora Iilat. CANNED I GOODS Oysters ( Stnndardper ) case , Sfl ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20 raspberries , 2 lb , per caao. 270 ; Bartlett pears ; , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 31 ; egg plnma , 2 lb , per case , 2 SO ; green gaged , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; plno apples , 2 Ib per : case. 4 S0 < % 5 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9o , 9 inch , 9io ; i Inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibu , 16s , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; drc boxes ( 40 Iba , 1C oz. . Ga , 15o , liv .MATCHES Per coddle , 35o ; round , casoo , 55 ; square cases , 1 78 ] j 8uoAB3 Powdered , 8Ic ; cut oaf , 8Jo ; granulated , 7ie ; confectioners' A , 7c : Stand ard extra 0 , "CJc ; extra O , Ggc ; medium yel low. Clc ; dark yellow , o. COFKEES ( Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; fair 13 ISJc 1 ; good , 14c ; prime , 1515c ; choice 2CI 16@17c ( ; fancy green nndyellowlC@lCicold ; Ibs government Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng'a roasted. 17oArbucklo'D _ _ roe ted , 15Jc ; HcLaughlln'p X roasted , IDjo ; mltatlon Java , 1CJ sac : Clark's Aurora , ICJc. @ RIOE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair 540 ; Patmo , GSc. FISH : No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 50 ; No. 1 03 ; family mockorcl , kits , COc ; No. 1 cbc whlto fish , half brls. , 7 23 ; No. 1 Wta , 1 00. STBOP i Standard Com. . SOc , bols ; Standard 28C , 4J gallon kega 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon tops 137. 18c SODA , In Ib papers , 3 CO per case ; keg per lb , 18cI C spr PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 8 00 ; do lialf ] barret's ' , 4 0 ; email , In barrels , 9 00 ; do 2 J half ! barrels , 5 00 ; phorkinsi in barrels , 10 00 ; In half barrels. 5 .0. 271 2 TKAH Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice CO Ibs 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43o ; cholca , CO@C5c IbsI Voung Hyson , good , 36@50c : choice , loir 55c@l CO ; Japan , natural leaf , Soc ; Japan , Cal hoico , G0@76c ; Oolong , goodS5@40c ; Oolong , 151 L hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; Id. hoco ! , 35@45c , WOODENWAIIE Two hoop palls , 185 ; fuel hreo hoop paila. 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- drv r waehboatds , 185 ; Donblo Crown 290 ; drvI kVollbuckotH. S 5. 17f SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; KJrk' Ho intlnot : , 3 CO ; Klrk'a atrmdard , 8 75 ; Kirk's lb. .vhlto Russian , 625 ; Kirks eutocn , 215 ; Klrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Klrk'e nognolla , dor POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , ; Babbitt.a ball 2 doz. m case , 190 ; Anchor , 2 doz. in case. 1 50 , CANDY Mlxod , 12@13c ; I'atlck , lie ; twist itlck , lOJc. ViNEOAn NowTforkapplo 16o ; Ohio ap- . 13a SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 170 ; Aahton , In lacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO , 6a , 3 80. TI STAIIOH Pear ) , 4ic ; Silver Glops , 8ci Com tha Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Com , 7Jo. BE SPICES Popper , 17o ; allaplco , 15o ; cloves , ; cassia 15c. BET LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; T tVostorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , ( lea 65 ! ; Jewell lye , 2 75 , prlc Tolmcco * PLCO TOBACCO Climax , 48o ; Bullion 48j ; loraoBhoe , 47o ; Star. 48c ; Ruddy , 45o ; Her- Ti ' 40c Black S8@40c. { nift loy's , ; , Nor FINE Cur Common , 20Q30o ; good , 45 ® ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , C6c ; Diamond Drown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c. 'or SHOKJNQ O. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ; Dur ham , 8 or , , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . B7o ; Durban- oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , C5c ; of North Carolina , 4 or. , 67c ; Bool o North Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; O. K Durham , 4 . 28o ; O , K. Durham , 2 oz. , SOc ; TJnclo , i's 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23o. Dill Prime , Dncos AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 35o TI . tnrtarlc , 55c ; balsam capabla , per lib , Iron 55cbnrk ; sassafras , per lb , 12c ; calomel , porlb ixl cinolwnldlo , per oz. , 80.05 ; chlorofonn , eafo lb , , 81 10 ; Dovors powder , per lb. , $1.25 ; da anil ) , bouU II . , $1.40 ; oil , olive , nor gal , , $1.40 ; oil nrl- a ci nnum , rXc ) ; opium , $1,50 ; quinine , P. & W ; GUI R , & 8. . per oz. , S1.40 ; potaHHliim , , Rtf odlno , j > er lb. , 81,50 ; sallcln , peroz. , 40c ; su VII fl ihatoof morphluo , per oz , , $3,50 ; milphur lour , per Ib./.lc ; slrychulno , per oz , , $1,35. Ijontlicr. Oak ole , 38c@42o ; hemlock solo 28c@85c ; lomlock kip , BOo to 1 00 ; runner C5o to f > 0c ; tomlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22c T 21c ! ; oak upper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; kid , 32i35 ( ; ( irclsen bid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak . 80a to 100 ; oak caU , 1 20 to 1 SO ; 1'ronch , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua- ? , 0 50 to 7 50 ; linings. C 00 to B 50 ; top. pings , U 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 80o to Soc ; nobble O. D , Morocco , 35c ; slraon.2 50 to 3 00. HAIINEBU No , 1 star oak , 87c ; No 2 do ; ; No. 1 Ohio oak , Slo ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No. MIlwaukAO Sic ; No 2 do K3r. I No. 1 PltU oak bar , 87c ; No. B Pltti oak , 85c. K'nlnU.OIls xnci"t rnnio . OILS 110 carnon , per galen ! , lifjo ; 150 ° hoadUght , per gallon , 14jc ; 175 ° headlight , gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln I'HI nccrt , raw , ; pr gallon.ROcj lliwood , boiled , po gallon , G2oLard , winter str'd , nor gallon , fcOc No. 1 , 70oNo. ; 2 , COo cAdtor , XXX. per ga Ion , 1 GO : No , 8,1 40 } woot , per gallon 1 0 uporm W.B. , per gallon , 100 ; fish. W. B , porgallon , G5c : noatafoot extra , pot gallon , OOc No. 1 , 76c : lubricating , * ere , per gallon , SOo itimmor , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per ga Ion , 85c ; No , 2 , 28c ; eponn , signal , pt > r galloi SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; uaptlia 74 ° IKir Cftllon , IGo. PAINTS IN OIL Whll load , Omaha P. P. CJc ; whlto load , St. IxralMnuo.CJc ; Marseille green 1 to B lb cans , 20c ; French .lno , grooi seal , 12 < n French tluo , rod seal , llo ; Frone tlno , In varnish east , 20o > French tine. In ol asst , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOo raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvko brown 18c ; refined lampblack , 12o ; conch black , an Ivory black , IGcj drop black , IGc : Prussian blue , 4Co ; ultramarine blue , ISoj chromo green L. M. & D. , IGc : blind and ihuttor green , L M. &D. , ICc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian ml IPo : Venetian rod , D Tuscan rod , 22 ; Amor ! can Vormllllon , I. & P. , 18c ; chromo yellow L. M. , O. &D. O. , 18cj yellow ochre , 9c golden ocliro , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; gralnln colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ohntnu and ash 15c , DrT Paint * . Whlto load , 8cj French tlne/lOcf P ri whiting. 2Jo ; whiting glldora , Ijc ; whiting com'l lc ; lampblack , Gormautown , 14c lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65o ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; utnbor burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; Monna , burnt , 4c sienna , r , v , 4o ; Paris green , genuine. . 25c Paris green , common , 20ochromopeonN.V. ; 20c ; chromo groon. K. , 12oJ vermllllon , Eng. 70c ; vormllllon , American , 18c ; Indian rod lOc ; roao pink , 14o ; Venetian rod , Cookson's 29c ; Venetian rod , American. IJfc ; rod load 7Jc ; chromo yellow , gouuino , 20c ; chromo yellow low , K. , IL'cocliro ; rochollo.Scocliro. French , 2c ; ocliro , American , 2cj Winter's mineral , 240 ; lohlgh brown. 2Jo ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Prlnco'a mineral , So , VAUNISHES BarrolH. pe * gallon ! Furnl turo , extra , ? t 10 ; funJttiro , No. 1 , $1 ; coacli , extra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20Damar ; extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70casphaltuinl ; extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 50 : hard oil fiultu 8150 , Hoaw Hardware IiUt. Iron , raton , 2 50 ; plow atcol apodal cast , Go cntclblo , 7c ; apoclnl or Gorman , ! > c ; cant too ; dope , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , not , 2 2503 00 ; huba per aot , 1 25 ; folloca enwod dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles oaoli , 75o : aqnaro nuta per lb , , 7@lle ; wcahora or lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 80 Iron wodgos. Cc : crowbar * , Gc : harrow tooth 4cBi ; spring tool , 78c ; Bnrden'ahoroehooa 4 70 Burdon'a mulonhoea 570. BARBED WIRE In oar lots , 4 5 per 100 , NAILS Hates , 10 to CO , 2 G5. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck ahot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , paris 100 foot Wo. LEAD Bar , 1C5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith. 10 00 ; Mor risrun Blossburg , 1000 ; Whltobroast Inmp ; 5C ; Whllebroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 700 ; Anthra cite , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Iinmnor. WUOLSSALX. Wo quote lumber , lath and ahing oif , on oara at. Omaha at the following pricoa : JOIST AND SCANTLING 1C ft , and under 2200 ; 18ft , 2350. TIMBERS 1r 1C foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER ; AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22' ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. 22No SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No 2,18 00. STOCK BoAnns-A , 45 00 ; B,40 00:0 : , 35 00. FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 } SIDINO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No , S , 2000. CEILING I , 87 00 ; 9 , 25 00. SHINGLES , best i 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME ] Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 35o ; oomont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair poi bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , S 50 ; straw board , S 60. DENVER MAKltET. LIVK STOCK Boot Cattle , 100 lb. 5 50@5 75 ; dressed 9 00@10 00 ; sheep 3 00@3 25 ; hogs. livn , 5 00@5 : t5 : dressed 7 00@7 S5. ! Ilidos. Dry Mint , llj@12c.j green 4@5o. green calf 8@10 : ; Ghoopsklns , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. 5@Cc. Wool. Colorado ll@15o. ; Now filoxico 7 ® lOc. lOc.KIOTO KIOTOColorado. . 100 Ibs , 1 85 < g2 25 : patent enl , -100 Ibs. , U 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 00 : rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25@2 45 : buckwheat , 100 , 10 00@10 CO , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn moal. 100 Ibs. 1 45 < S)1 ) 75. GBAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 40 ; corn , In sacks 100 Iba , 1 OS@1 12 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 35 115 ; barley. 100 Iba , 1 30@1 35. HAY Baled , upland , 20 00@2G 00 ; bottom tom straw , 12 00lli 00. BUTTER Finest , 25@20c ; Nebraska dairy 0 choice , l-15c ) ; common , C@8c. Eoaa Fresh , 2y@21c ; ranch , doz , fresh C. 28@tOc. : U. CIIKKSB Full cream , 1415o ( ; Llmburgor , S. ; Swiss , imported , 3'2c. K. PODLTKY Live , chickonsold , doz,5 50j@C 00 ipring chickens , 3 5o@ 1 60 ; dressed lb , 18@lfc. POTATOEa Grooloy , 100 Ibs , 1 00@1 10 ; Now 25@2 05. O. VKOBTABLES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 C0@ R I ) 75 cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; now boots , 250. FnuiTa Orange Messina bor , C 00 ; omens , choice Mossiun. 4 50@ 5 00 ; apples , 1/alifnruia , bbl , . ' 1 00@3 25 ; bananas , bunch , 50@4 00 ; poaches per box 2 50@2 75 ; Texas . per box , MKATS ifnms , lb , 13i@14c ; bacon , broak- st , 12J@13c ; lord , in tlorcos , lb , lOc ; oalt Rides , ! ) l@10c. FISH Mackerel , No.l , ICO , kit. moss , 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; lollnnd : horriiif , kur , 1 00(5)1 ( ) 75 ; trout , per 17@18o AI.ONQ THH LINE OF TUB Ihlcago. . Si , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension ol this line from WakoflolJ up 3EADTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN tlirou h Concord and ColcrMgo ro ECuJxaefapinxra-Toasr , teaches the best portion of the State , Special ox. lurelon rates for land leckers over this line to Vayne , Noifolk and Hartluxton , and via Blair to U irlndjial poli.ts oa thu 3IOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Trains orcr tht 0. , Bt. P. M. & 0. Uallwov to Cov nKton , Bloux City , 1'ouca , Hartingtou , Wayne and Norfolk , doxxxxoot o-t Fremont , Oakda.o , Nellxh , and through to Val entino. tarForratt ) and all Information call on K P. WHITNKY , General Aient , HAMBtfKG-AMERIOAN " , olx.ot Ooxj.X = > < ' a-y- ,0 , LINK FOIl KNOLANP , FIIANCK AKD OKIUIANV. Tlie steamships ot this noil-known line are built ol , In v > ator-tight compartments , uml ro lurnlnh- Klulth every requisite to inako t'io nnsHaio both and agrucablo. Thov oarry the United HUtos ICiirfiican malls , and teavo New Yorks Tliure- lajaftficlHatiirdajafor I'lynioutb ( LONDON ) Chop iourtr , (1'AItia ( ) and IIAMDUMO. Hates ; First Cabin , tM , ? 70widSO. Stccrajfo. ? 20. Henry I'limlt , Mark J Ian sen , F. K. Jloorcu.ll. Toll , .Konteln Onutha , QrnnovlrK&BchorntgonikciiUln | ; - ouiicll Illuiro. 0. BKIUIIAKUftCO. : , Oon. I'lfJ ) , Bl Ilroiwlway , N. Y. Cbn * KozmliiuKI li Co- vnoral Wcstojii Xgauti , 107 Wanblngtoii Ht. , Chlca III I SCUMBLING & J3ELSCI1NER , DJIALKUii IN C21 South 18th , between Jooliton And Jonca Bis. . Job Work n Kooflnir. Outtcrluir , Kto. , promptly done. A. CAJORI , anuL griJSt ! N. E. Cor. 10th and Pacific Sto. ' SODA WATER ! or I'HESCIUITION3 CAttEFULLV COMPOUNUKP. Railway Time Tablo. n Kffeet July 1. The Attention ot the travelling pnMlo I * e.\II il tr tlie fact thivt thl In the only complete And absolute I- correct tlmo-Ublo riiitillnhod In the city. All tramt Atrlro at And dep&tt from Omaha on OonttAl Standard Time , which l > 24 minutes fmtc than mill tlmo. f Except Saturday , Ktccpt Sunday , J Except lion day. Depot ; Tenth 8t D. P. K. n. , MAIN LINK. LINK.ARRIVR. ' MAT * . ARRIVR. ItAlUnd Kip..11:40 : Am AtlAntlo Kip ,7:50 : A m PaclDo Kip 8S5 ; p m Mall And Kin..4:00 : nm Daly. Cjjy rtKrunuoAN VALLEY DIVISION. LKIVH. I ARRIVH. Llnooln Kip.l:55p : m | Lincoln Kip. . . 12:85 : pm DUMMY TUAWS-imiDOK DIVISION , teave Omaha : :40 : , 8:00,9:00 : : , 10:00,11:16 : : A m. , l.-CO IM , S.-OO , 4:00,6:00 : : , 0:00 : , 10:55 : p. m. On StimUys ! l.-OO , S:00,6,00. : fl.-OO. 10S4 : l ) m .otlS minutes Ulorj IJroadwa dmwt , Council Hindu , 20 minutes Inter. LOATO Oounoll Ulufffl , IlroAdwAy depot , 70 : , fl:80 : O , 10:80,11:40 : : A.m.j 1:80 : , SrJO , 8:80 : , 4:80,5:30,8:55 : : : 11:05 p. m On BundAyi : 7:70,9:30IK40 : A. nul:80 ; : 8:30 : , 4SO : , 0:35,11:06 : pm. Arrive AtTnn lor 7 niln uUw Inter. lonvo Council niuffs Transfer depot ! 7S6 : , 8S7 ; 0:57,10:87,11:47 : : : A m ; 1:37 : , 2:57 : , 8:37 : , 4:40 : , 6:37,0:45 : : 11:16p. : m. ArriveOnmna 13 tntnntcfllator. TIUNSKKK UtAINS. UUVl. > RRIVH. PAM. No. ! 8:16 : nm No. 61. . . .0:46 : Am 0. 8:63 : Am 1 s..lll6A : 62 10:05 : A in ' 15. . . 12:26 : p r 4. . . 4:96 : pm D . TlSfipu 8. . . 0:10 : p m 1 8:15 : pn 10. . ,8:55 , : | i m mDal inSSOUlll PACIFIC , LIUVB. Mall' 10:35 : am Om\h tit. Loult Kip..8:35 : pm Mall A 0.60 pm B. 0. * 1. K. It. L1UVH. ARRIVE. . .0:10 : n m St. Pau' ' Kip. . 0:45 : Am Ot. Paul Kip 0:65 : pm Mall. . .7:35 : pm Dally. C. , K , I A V. n B. WAV * . l jutim ) o9Molni'sAco.0:40nm : Rtprwit . A in Mall * . 8:16 : A in I DriMoluoa Ace 0:50 : p m Ciprcnt 4:25 : ) > m I Mull.I'M \ \ m C. * N. W. H , It. UIAVB. I ARR1VK. Mdl" 8:15 : am Krpron ) 9'46am Kiprceat 4:2511 : m | Mall" 7S5pm : 0. , M. & SL p. n. it. LIUV * . AURITB. 8:16 : Am I'Aclfla Kip ) . . . . 0:45 : a ra ( LtUntloKit 4:16 : pm Mull * Kip * . 7:35 : pa O..I ) * ( ] 11.11. x la Council IHunu. ) L1UV8. , . Mill 8:16 : a m Kxprcu 9:4,1 : m EsprcM 1:26 : pro I Mall 7:36 : p m Dailv. ( Note.Tlio 0:00am : ami 6:00 : pm dummy trains also connect with east-bound trains on the Hock-Ixlaml , UutllnKton , North-Wcstorii anil Milwaukee roada. WABASH.ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. L1UVH , I ARRIVK. Cannon Ball l:00jim : | Cannon llill 3K : > pm Dally. E. 0. , ST. JOB ft C. \hCouncil llltiffa. ) LXAVS. I AnniVH. Mall 8:00 : a ra EiprwsJ 7M : m Eiprcret 0:55pm : I Mall 7:86pm : AIIUANQK.MKNTOK SUNDAY TIIAIN8 During July Saturday , Sunday and Uoiulay Clilcago trains will rotate as follows ; Saturday evening trains Icava July Eth anil 20th via a M. & St. T ; July 10th via the Murtli-Wcstcrn ; July 12thla the llock Iglaml Arrive lu the name order the Monday follow liiR , Sunday morning trains depart and Sunday evening tralnnarrl\o July Otli andi7th ! > ta the Hock Island , July \lathoNorth-WceUrn , and July 20th via thoO.M&St I * . From B , & M. Depot ; XontlilStroot. D. A U. RAILROAD-MAIN IJNB. DXNVXR Hiraisn. WK8T BOUHD. IA8T KOUND. LIAVB. ABHIVH. mahA. . . . 0:10pm : 7:60Am : ' 7:00 : pm 10:06 : am Aflhland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : am 4:52 : pm 8:12 : am Lincoln..10:00 : iim 12roin : | 8:60pm : 7 : % am ! rcto 11:17 pin 12:640pra : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : am lastlnga. . 6:16 : am 4:15 : pm 11:56 : am 10:50 : pm , cd Cloud. 8:00 : am 0:03 : pin L 10:25 : am 8:25 : pm IcCook. . . 10:65 : am 016 ; pm 0:15 : am 4:10 : pm Akron. . . . 3:46 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:06 : am ) cnvcr. . . . 7:26pm 6:16 : am 0:25 : nm 7:30 : am Dally. - OMAHA AND FLATroiOUTH THAINS : , v. Omaha &t 7:55 : , ui.J 8:46 : a in ; 4:60 : , 0:10 : , 7:45 : p m Ar. Omaha 1 0:25 : , 8:40 : and 10:05 a m ; 7:00 : , 7:30 : p m Dully. C. D. & Q. U. K-vla 1'latlnmouth. ) MIAVB. I ARMVH ) Coatcrn F.xp..8:45 : a m Omaha Kx ] ) . R:40a : m . 4:60 : p m | Western Kip. . . .7SOp m _ _ a Dally. ' . O. . ST. J. & C. 11. ( ria I'lattamouth. ) LXAVU. I AKRIVK. Tail . 8:45 : a m Eiprctwt . 0:25 : a . 7:45 : pm | Mall . 7:30 p From O. St. P. M. &O. Depot , llth Una Webster Streets , 0. , St. P. M. ft 0. LKAVB. ' 0 2 raRson cr..8.tO : am I No 8 Mixed . 10:30 : am No 4 Mixed . 8:30 : nm | No 1 l'a * oijcr. ] ; 6:30 : pm Sundays Uxcoiitod. Opening and Closing of MallD. BOOTI or s. cton. a.ra. p.m. a.m. p.m. AN.W.O.R.I.ftI > . , i. C. M. & St. l' . 10 si 8:00 : c:30 : 8-o . II. & Q. BUO : 8X10 6:30 : C20 : . 11. ( i E * Mall 4:10 : . O. & P. In Iowa 8:00 : 6:30 : Wahoah local 4:30 : 12:15 : . C. , St Joe & C. a 0:46 : 8:00 : 6:33 : 0W : Missouri Pacino 7:00 : H:30 : C.St.r.M.&O 0.000:03 : Union Pacific , 8:30 : 4:3011:10 : : T:6fl . & HcpuWlcan Volley 1:06 : 12:16 : . & M. Local 7:00 : 7:2 : } & M , Kx. Mall. 10SO : 6:15 : Oflloo open Bundavs from 12:00 : m. ti 1:00 p. ra. O KOOUTANT IVwtnuBtor WITH And your work is done for all time to come. WE CHALLENGE produce n more durable material for fltreot pavement than the Sioux FnllB Granite. OSODIEIRS roil ANY AMOUNT Olf I ? filled promptly. Samples sent nnd 11 i estimato3 given upon application. WM.MoBATN & CO. , Sioux Falls. Dakota NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN COO OATTLifFOR SALE , oo Cows and elfors. oo One-year Steers. 'Jlio ftbotu doncrllxxl oattlu ate ( all welt bred , i ) . ItuNebriukaand lovta. Tlieiw cattle will bo toU la lots to suit purchaser , lurtner ji rticubr wllon or 'JJ" " < , , U Wi I IAN Albion , Nub. WORK , AMP JAW Miu-miM.te ! SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. It Is the best And ehe po t food lot rtock et . Any Mnd.rjOno pound la wn l to three pounds of com itock toJ with Ground Oil Oko . . In the KAI ! And Winter , Instead of running down , will IncrcAM In Ami be In . Rood m rk Uble roi.d.tlon In the spring. Dairymen , M well as others , who usoltcan testify ! Its merlin. TIJ U and JudK fur younalvct. Price 825 oo r f ton ; no cha rite for ck . Aildretn WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Om bA Neb. DEALERS IN Safe and Lock FIKE AND BURGLAR PROOF J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND HETAII. DEALER IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , KG- STATE AGENT FOR AULWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , . . . Omaha , Neb , STEELE , JOHNSON& CO. , Wholesale Grocers H. B. LOCKWOOD ( foraerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicajio , Man ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of nil grades of above : also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & WAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attained by using > Stoves and Ranges , ! IBT8 HE GAUZE OVER DOOR Fci aalo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , SUCCESSORS TO KENNAUD DUOS. & CO , ) I DEALERS IN Paints. Oil@ . Brushes * OMAHA , . . . . . NEBRASKA FRANZ FALK BREWING GO Milwaukee , Wis. QTJNTEER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M , BELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Olothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH MAHA , SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. iALELEATHER , SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. WE PA1" THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES or Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 3th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol AVB. , - OMAHA , ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LIME AND CEMENT. Office anii Yard , 6th and DotiRlas ts , , Olllflhfl