Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    oft MAHA DAIL * BEE SATURDAY JULY 12 , 1884.
IT arnica action. It la
CINE3 FAIL , M It nnd hun
act * DinEOTLT dred * have
and AT O1IOI ! on been cured
theICIDKEYB. . by it when
IlVKll and BOW physicians and
ELS , rontorinir friend * had
i thorn to healthy given thorn up
and a "SPECIFIC. "
Tl CUIins nil nlncnnrfi oftlio Klilnryn ,
I.lrrr , lllmlilrr nnd Urinary Organs ;
Promy , ( 'rnicl , Dlnlirtcn , Hrl lit'
, Jllfoiuir , i'nlna In tlie Illicit , InlnH ,
or Side , Kctcnllon or Non-ltc-
| tcnflon f Urlno , Nervoim
PlflrrihCH , I'rmnlo AVrnknrmeit
lixrriwriif .Tniinillcc , Illlloiini'nN
Ili-nilnrlir , Sour Mtomncb , Uynprp-
Kin , Oonnt I pa tlon and i'llon.
tl.i IT
f Band far Illustrated Pamphlet of Solid Tes
timonial * of Abnoluto Cures.
_ I'rcnldoncr , It. I.
lifcausn It net * on tlio Uriit ; , nOUTKLS and
KIDNEYS nl the damn time.
Bccaius It cleanses the eyatcm of the polnon-
ous humors that dovclopo in Kidney and Uri
nary EtaoaBCg , DUlouanoaa , Jaundice , Conntlpa-
tlon , riles , or in nneumatiam , Neuralgia , Nor-
voua Disorders and all Temalo Complaints. '
or SOLID 1'iioor OF mis.
rr vmxi eunsix otmn
By caujslng mEE "ACTION of all the organs
nnd functions , thereby
restoring the normal power to throw ofT diacooo.
of the wornt forma of thrw terrlblo iU oa cs
Uavo boon quiokly roUovod , nnd in a ahort tlmo
rnicr , i. i.iqrjin OR DIIT , BOLD nr imuccisTH.
Dry can bo sent by mall ,
WEtL3ItICUAIlD3ON & Co. , Durllncton , Vt.
3 bend Btamp f < ir JHarj Alminfto far 1SKI.
Flown Irom the JIailmum Mineral Fountain cl Earn
tog * Spring ) , and l § the opinion ol the moit eminent
medical men Nature'a Sovereign Cure for Consti
pation , Dlepopsla , Torpid Llvor , Inactive
Conditions of the Kidneys , and a most Balutary
alterative In ecrolulous adeotloni , With ladles , gen
tlemen , and bon \lvanU incrvwhcro It ban become
the Btandard ot dietary oinoJIontu , ( ortlij'liiK the
UlMBtlve lunctlona and enahllnK Irco-lhera tn Indulge
with Impurity at table. Tlio world cl wealth , intel
ligence and refinement toitltlcu to Its BparkltiiKi nat-
urt'ly puroand dellKbtluliUintltlca | ag the botcrairo
inoomparablo , and accredit It with bvlng ; the nurrat
And HpoedUbt Bourco ot clear complexion * , high health
and exuberant nplrltB. Hathorn Bprinc Water
H bold In ghu bottle * ; four dozen pinto are pocked
inacAko. It may bo obtained at nil hotels , undo
< ! ruKlitj ( , wine merchantl , and K'occra ovcrj her
( tttKUIllO , ,
i .llXCTlllVVOLTAIC BKLT onfl other Kincmio
.Mi Ari Litscvs urn tone on M Days' Trial TO
ilKN ONLY. .OUNO Oil OLD , who are Buffer.
WAETiaaVnAKKC8SE9 , nnd all thotoJl.i'ntM of a
t'cuvOKir , NATUUK , ri'SultlnB from Anus nnd
Oriicn ClourjBpocdy relief anil rnmpleto
coloration toIKALTH , Vmon nnd > Unnoou
uUAiiANTcnD. bend at ouco for Illufctralod
I'amplilet free. Adareu
YOI.TAU' < lii/l' : CO. , Marshall , Mich.
ttn every known nmodr. ImidlKOTiirml n ilmpla
ffl Si "Jjs ! ; ' "j'i'flJwl" ! ; "o-d VUUJ1 <
VoH ,
\rbeu I IMV i ur t i or iiwi in tn uiorety to ctop luom ( of
Mice and ificnuiro them return BRnlrt , I u u > r 4i.
al mru. I niro ramla tna rtl uti at Vita. BI'ILBrur
IT PALMNOUICKNES8 * life-long I'lldr. IvuTUtur
i * oua ; to cure the ivoril CMOI. l ! > tuuio oth n h
fmieJ bj noroKon fur n t nnw rvetiTluir cur . JWO4M
< ui4 lor Irutlta mil F a Uottl * or tar lDui'rn
Ulre Kiprei * and fait omco. U CMU J
for a trltL Kntl 1 will cura jov * _ _
i- M ur. a. o. IUWT. iura ri6L.y JK" -
Spasms , Eclampsy and
Nervousness tire
Fho Honorariums are du
only after success.
Treatment by Corronpondonci
Awarded tbo first cau KoU Medal lot dUtlninilihi
uierita by the "SodoUo HdentlOquo fraiicatM , "
( the French Sclentlflo Hodcty.
O , rinco du Trone , O. I'AllIS.
S , , ,
Plattamouth , . < - - - Nel
ntupixor TUOEOuaniiB ) AVD wan ORIDI
iiEFOiiD : [ ( murn
JJTB etnoo c ua * > w *
A IVRllQuntltlllo. .
Tlio banil wni playing A wnlU qnwlrlllo
T felt M llglit * a wind-blown fooljiyr ,
A K wo Moated away t the c llor will ,
Through the intricate , mazy dnnco together.
I.iko n mimic nrmy onr lines were mcctlnKi
Slowly advancing and thrn retreating ,
All decked in their bright nrray ;
And back and foilh to the miuie's thyme ,
Wo moved together , nnd nil the time
I know you wcro goinc nway.
The fold of your filrong nrm eont n thrill
Trom heart to brain M wo gently glided ,
Like leaves on the Wftvo of that waltz qun-
drille , . , .
TArlad , mot , ftnd ngaln divided ,
You drifted ono way , nnd I another ,
Then auddonly turning and facing each other }
Then rff In the blltho chase ,
Then airily back to our place § nwaylng.
Whllo every boat of llio muelo Bccincd naying
That you wcro foing away.
away.Kiln [ Whoolcr.
Wlmt Hlmtlo ?
You n k what fruit enjoy I must ?
1 KCO nmong that tempting heat
A kind far Hwooter than the rent
I love the chotryllp the best.
-ll'hlladcl | hiaCnll.
You claim to lovp the cherry lips ;
Some Information yet you lack
1'lrnno toll tin , uhuu again you write ,
What hade of cherry red or black ?
lYonkt-fs Statesman.
Hough and ready straws nro much worn.
A favotlto comb.natlon is yellow and black.
Three cornered handkerchiefs are fnnhion-
nblo ,
Data white llnon culfs are fashionably vorn
by ladios.
Whllo gatir.o veils nro worn wllli palo gray
traveling tlronsus ,
Straw turbans In dark colors grow popular
ns the season advances.
The Greek corsogo is MO becoming that It is
mrulo in almost all nuitorlnls.
\MW sliocu with black or very dark blue ,
brown or red Blockings are worn by tlio ladies
upon thu street.
The screen lllco fans of ( [ iilll feathers nro
nlroady pnpulas with young ladies of coquet
tish proclivities.
Wlion a woman falln madly in love ulio ox-
hibils nil tbo nignii of having boon son-struck.
-Philadelphia Call ,
Skirts composed entirely of ecru lace lloimc-
ings a o ] > ratty and iiHoful , nlnco they can bo
worn with nny Riiltablo bodico.
Percales nro now chonun In preference to
eatoous , on account of tliulr smoolho surface ,
which causes them to Boll loss caUly.
St. Lnuts bollea Imvo otganlzod n boxing
club. The average St. LontH man cannot be
coaxed Into behaving himself properly.
Jetted net nnd lace tabllors nro much nil-
mired. Small hoops of jot as n finish for
baequo edges are among the novelties ,
Patent leather is in faxor for low shoos.
sometimes for the vamp with kid upuors , and
again the ontlru shoo nof patent leather.
A pamHol taken to Saratoga by a Madison
avenue bullo has n handlothut may bo foimed
Into a littlu cup for holding spring water.
Spain Is trailing her skirts aroun.l in front
of John Bull , hoping ho will tread on them
nnd glvo her n chauco to say ho' no gontlo-
Dressy wlIpporH ti > bo worn with black nillc
stockings ui nof kid , with a jotted mcdtlllon
on uach. Thin style if also made in bronze
Jiroach of promise suits nro inoru houorod in
the broach than in the observance ; and divorce
hulls , wo observe , nro generally the rcxult of
misfits. Boston Tiiiiea.
Just at the present time the napphlro in the
most covolod of nil coins , and the brain of the
goldsmith h being .taxed to doviflo now nud
and arllsllo tellings for its bcattly.
The young ladies who have bcon receiving
tholr dlploinaa duiing tlio past week may now
begin punt-graduato courses tit the wuah-lub
and the kltchon rango. llallimoro American
An American lady married lo au Italian
prince a yunr nga has alrnady loft him. Some
Amoticau girls are too iirond to travel
around with a tainborluo all day. Philadel
phia Call.
The newest thing iu the way of a sofaplllow
la a hugo egg of palo blue satin cut In five
pores , and on ono Blue a hand-palnlod decora-
lion appears in the form of a econo , of "dlnd-
bad the Sailor. "
The latest summer paraaola are transparent ,
being often mada of lace or net alone , ami
iinlshod inside with n vary thin gauzoor India
silk lining , tinted palo mauve , ecru , pink , Hoa-
groou or turquoise bluo.
The Clrcatalan jacket , quito short at the
waist , square cut In front , opening over a Rus
sian walatcoat and bolt , and worn with a full
trimmed or untrimmed skirt , comes to us
among other Parisian novelties.
When the gray and belgo color HO much In
vogue are found too coloross tn bo becoming
ladles "tono them up' hy adding waistcoats ,
panels , culls and deep collars of some hand-
so mo coutra tlng shudo of velvet.
Largo garden hals of coarse bolgo slrnw , in
appoarauco uuggcsllng Indian mailing. ha\o
airing * of black velvet , nud a bunch of tin worn
so caiolossly messed and f untuned on tlio wide
brim that they look an If just ready to fall
Among the newest laces which reproduce
exactly the old church point , with Its raised
figures , nro cream and bolgo Oriental lacos.
They are made In flounces from n half yard to
threo-qu Horn In leuglh ,
A lady Iu Noxv York has just finished n ollk
quilt composed of 11,000 pieces , unch about
the si/.o of ik 10-cont piece , It took her only
( even years to complete it , nud the work Is
valued at ? GOO , Isow.glrls , hcio is a thurtnud
broad road to rapid opulouco.
Kntlro sots of willow ware nro prepared for
summer bodrooms. Tlio different portions are
varnished iu deep yellow nud a reddish-brown ,
and pi osoii t it cool , odd mid durable appear
ance. The bureau and wiwlistiuul have mar *
bio tops , and nil of the fiiilshin a are of a mil-
sUtitlul order ,
Silver bangles are no longer worn on the
wrist In such numborH as formerly , but are
made useful for keeping parasols cloned , by
attaching them to a cord , the other end of
which Is Bowed lo the parasol. Sometimes
the inoro elaborate ouca uro twisted into the
colU of hair on the top of the forehead.
A Paris du Jo blackened his inuatacho wltli
alovo-polUh and Ihou courlod his giil on un <
day nlfhl. On Monday morning her face
looked Ilka a map of Indianapolis with rail'
roads running from her mouth to her cars , anil
the noda with which she bleached her hall
took all the color out of bis coat collar. Paris
The summer parasok show many now do
Blgui as the eoiuau advances. Tbo coaching
and canlago parasols are all subject to tin
fancy of their fair owners. Some ro odgot :
with laco. others embroidered , and tlbboi
bout deck others. The Imixntod parasols an
rich In coloring and are not solargd as the onoi
made hero.
The man who rescues girls front the eur
goes away without loavlnz hli name bos ap
poarml at Long Branch. This refinement o
cruelty should be prohibited by law. Wlm
fun is there f or a ; lrl In being rescued fron
water knee-deep by A man into whoso nrmi
she cannot fall and nay : "You have saved uv
life } It Is "
The pretly pole yellow muslins , prlnlei
wilh eprays of geraniums and bunches of chin
aatora , ore very muih worn aa garden-part
lollela , They nro both iiialiit | and dalnt
looking , and K made wilh full walal and bsltoi
over n gathered eklrt uudrapod. they look a
though tlioy had just boon taken out froi
between Ilia lavender and pot-pourri of you
grandmother' * client ,
Homo Vamar girls tnado a grange caVe an
nont il without u label to an agricultural fall
Tlioy got n notice from the judgea somotiui
afterwards Hint their uamplo of concrete ha
been received , and that the city would llko a
ebllmato ta lo Iho coat of block iiavotneut i
lhat kind , ll being Iho most desirable of an
presented , mid juil Iho thing for ttreota who :
the lre\ol Is heavy. Hartford Telfgrnm.
A hvoly fan Is In ullvor cloth , wilh a vei
dellcale Binding of pearl and whllo ( lower
woanted on ulx dark ullckg. Thin U extreme
pretty with a white costumo. A bacliolor r
I ) conlly remarked that whllo eltllng In churi
ho could tell the rnlaliveiiotltlouaof IholadI
bv Ibo wovluif of thtlr fann. Said ho : "Youi
I'lrU fun Ihemiolvea rapidly na If lo soy I
catch him , I'll catch him , I'll calchhli
whllo matroni are more culm about 11 , ui
teach their f ni to goftly murmur , I've R
LJni , I've got-Llin. rvo-got-Jiluij wbJ
fans In Iho hands of widows tell the sad story
an plainly as poosibln. l'.v-o l-o-s-l h-i-m ,
I'.v-o lot h-I-in , I'-v-o 1-o-s-t b-i-tn.
How Ono AVoiimnVotild Vote ,
"How would you vote.11 asked my wife ,
"If you had n chance ?
Tlio query , you can bet your life ,
Made her erci dance.
"I'd not Boll my vote , ' she nwootly remarked ,
"For taffy , or beer , "
And supposing she'd takotho stump fora talk ,
I ctlod "Hi-arl hoarl"
'I'd not i cll my veto , " nha continued lo say ,
' _ " Yon can bet tii > on it ,
Unless II Bold for enough lo pay
Koralxmnot. "
[ St. Louis Call.
Thcro nro 1C district * of Aiuilria. Hungary ,
where less than fi per cent of the inhabitants :
can rend and wrlto.
The homo schools in Now York
have nholtorcd . ' 10,000 children and found
country homes for O.OCO.
Lltllo boys In Mexico who obey Ihelr teach *
ofs in school are rewarded by being allowed to
ttnoko whllo they study.
A "Thlrlwnll Piizo" for original disserta
tions on historical subjects is lo bo established
at Cambridge University ,
The publlo echoola nro now closed , nud the
( choolmarmH have two montln to study over
which Is Iho Lost for thorn , lo got married and
bo bossed by n man or to remain single nnd
boss the boys.
Mrs , Sophia Bryant , who conducts n ladies'
college in London , has just taken Iho first
female 'Ugri'O of doctor of nclcnco in the
London University , nnd another lady has
become tbo first matter of arbf ,
The advocates for the education of the ncxcs
and for Iho admission of woman to the name
field of labor and enterprise as men , will bo
Homowhal dlshearlonod by a sludy of Iho class
lint recently publl'hed in Cnmbrldgu Unlvor-
eity , Kngland. Xcllhor In mathcinatlcs nor In
cla nlcs did any female student attain the
honor of a first cla'H , nnd In lliu eccond ap
pear thi names of forty-lhreo men against
two women.
Medical Inspector Taylor , of Philadelphia ,
nflor examining the Hchool-houeoa in but nlno
districts In that city , has reported to the
board of health that ut fifteen of thorn ho found
the wells HO gltunted , or so neglected as to endanger -
danger tlm boalth of the pupils ; that In 12 the
light In defective , in 7 Iho collars are in an im
proper conditionami in others Iho ventilation
In Inadequate , Iho yards lee small , nud Iho
boating npparalui BO Imperfect aa lo bo a cou-
slant Rourco of danger.
Last Wednesday morning President Andrew
I ) . White , of Cornell University , nud S. D.
Holllday , Iho altornoy for the board of trus-
lees , arrived In Kochertlcr nud had n confer
ence with Hiram Sibloy , which resulted in
President White signing n contracl In behalf
of the university by which the Institution nc-
coptnMr. Sibloy's additional gift of $85,000.
The ngrueniBiit Is lhat Air. Sibloy is to _ furnish
S.5,000 ! to bo used in building an addition to
the mechanic ) art structure , which will cost
? : ! , " ,000 and will bo finished by next fall ; nnd
lhat the university will porpotualo as n fund
for the benefit of Iho mechanic arts building
the sum of § 30,000 , which Mr. Sible5' also
gives nsnn egdowmont fund , the income of
which shall bo used in paying salaries of pro-
Colors for lhat dopartmout and defraying
other oxponsos.
A Jjiniy Liny.
0 , moon of midnight , summer skies ,
What latent power within theo IIOH ?
Thypotent , nli-porvndirig Hpell
1 know , nlii ! too well lee well ;
Thou inakbst peels by Iho score ;
Shine on , Khino on , farovormoro.
O , moon of vispga sad. Boreiie ,
That crowns with gold yon Hylvan sconr ;
That garbs thu earth in brilliant drees ;
Thy rotund face young love doth blcfls ;
Thou niakoet lovers by Iho bcero
tihliio on , Bhinoon , foiovcrmoro.
0. moon of clear and crystal ray ,
That makcth nlghl wild , weird day ,
Thy beams , fantastic , queer nud hazy ,
I nwear have almost pel me crazy ;
Thou make at madmen by ; the swro
O , moon of midnight , shine no mom.
G , M. 0.
Ono California vine yields three toua of
A codfish 22 years of ago recently died in
Maryland. It Is said that during ita captivity
no appreciable change iu IU ei/o took place.
A grizzly boar leaving a track 11x7 inches
In size walked elf with n boar trap , near
Bridgeport , Gal. , recently. Ho was followed
up and killed , and was found lo weigh eight
hundred pounds ,
A redwood tree cut In Sonoma county , CaL
furnished all the lumber for ono of the largest
churches In Iho county. Sixly Ihonsaifil
shingles wore made from Iho Ireo after enough
lumber was taken from it for the chuiclu
Abccham Livingston Sawyer of Cedar Keys ,
1'la. , in1 ! years old , -10 ] . Inches high , weighs
; i'J pounds nnd Is nald t teat tuoru than nny
full grown man. The midget waa born nud
roared iu Key West , He Is built in perfect
proportion , In very bright and can make an
elegant speech , and has a clear , high volco
which sounds Ilka n chlld'H , Ho wan at one
tlmo a reporter on the ICoy West Democrat.
At present ho is clerking In a grocery store.
Ho IIDH a Rlster who Is judt a quarter of mi
inch laller than ho is and Is just 17 years old.
The Now London ( Conn. ) Telegram of July
; ! , gives the following story about Bwordfisb :
' I'horo was a remarkable nin of sworefish off
Itlock Island on Monday ; Ihlrly-Rovon were
soul tn Newport , and on Tuesday thlrty-cht !
more [ and the number has averaged from forty
to fitly dally. The fish range from 100 l 600
piumlH apiece , and nro from throe to seven
foot In length without the awords , which are
from two to four foot in length , They go in
schools , on lop of Ihn water , the back fin being
out of the water. They nro harpooned from
Iho bowiprlt of the vessel , and as Boon as
klruck go directly to the bottom. The line
attached to the harpoons h buoyed by kegs ,
and when the fish ix dead it floats to the top.
The to.-iHoii runs from Juuo 15 lo July 15 , and
somcltmos Ihu schools run nonror Iho main
land , The catching and shipping ot these
fish forma an Important part of the Bum-
miT business of Iho Inhabitants of Iho
Island. "
A natural curiosity lhat bids fair to outriva
the famous Mamotiln O.ivo of Kentucky has
just boon discovered on the farm of Juhn Da
vis , who resides > ix miles Kant of Jacksboro ,
Campbell County. Tenu. The cave , judging
Ing from report ) , "lakes Iho cake , " and prom
ises to pan out a satisfactory dish for Iho curi
osity BonkorR. Only ono chamber has been ex
plored thus far , anil that only partly , In which
pro-historic mummies , with sandola on their
toot , in ezcollcnt alalo of preservation , have
boon found , some petrified , otheru preserved
by the salt of the care. Tlio walls of the
chamber are decorated rvitlt paintings of ox
tlnct or liuaglnary animals. A largo stream
abounds wilh blind fish. Mr. Davis baa cap-
lured a tpcclos of jackal or red fox , and the
cave seems to bo alive with both animal and
vegetable life. Crickets as largo as Kngllih
Bparrows bop or leisurely walk off when
alarmed , and rats aa large aa jack-rabbits run
about In Boml-doinostlcatod recognition. Foot
prints of exqulslt mold are well defined iu the
hardened mud , and miniature forests along
the banks of the river are clothed In snow-
white foliage and sensitive flowers ,
The Museum of Natural History , Contra
Park , has been ottered an czg that , if aold bj
the dozou , would bring SSGOO , the individual
one being valued at (300. Its tire Is a little
n over n foot In Icugtli , IU holding capacity twi
ir gallons , and in round numbers , it equals ICO
hens owe ; Its lineal measurement Is double
that ot the ostrich rgg , and Its cubic bulk clghi
times greater , The monster egg cornea fron
Madagascar , and tha ir uietiin now possessor
an admirable cast showing lla dimension * .
The first discovery of tliOBO Inton-utlng relict
of n past limn wai made hy Iho captain of t
merchant veasol , who utopood at nporl on tht
i out horn part of the ialaud to trade with UK
natlvm. During his stay there the curloui
VMOI thai the natives used to carry water and
food la allracled hi alloullon , and , upon in
uiitiirallon , he found lhal they weroepgt cul
In halved , and upon Iwilug questioned the ua
tlyo * Informed him that they obtained then
Irom the great noud-bnk scmo distance awaj
In the up-country. An offer to purchase semi
teen resulted iu the discovery of others , tha' '
fi'll Inlo the haud * of the ntturnllsl , Iildori
O , Kt , Illlalro , wht fcucoetdod iJaoln liiidin ;
tha bonus of tlio blrdwhlcn h named Kplnor
nU.or tall bird , Blaco then (1850) ( ) Iho remain
of throe or four distinct apeclen of thena won
filoni have been nneirlhod In Iho and-banlts
of Iho Boulhern porllon of Iho island , n skull ,
part of the vcrlebric , llbla slxty-four contl-
molro long , being Iho principal find qullo
enough to csUbllsh it > colossal staluro.
On tlio I'Yonl Stoop.
Her eye of blue looked into mint' ,
And to mycry heart it told
Tli lalo for which all lovers pine ,
The lalo lhat'a KHcet , if old.
Mvbroalh came Ihlck nnd fast for joy ,
My heart nl < x > d still , I thought ;
The hands that with her ro'fj toy
Within my own 1 catight.
And , Razing on her malchlesB charms ,
I Boon lost all my fears j
1 took my darling in my arms ,
And then she boxed my cnrB.
IIOTO MnkltiR ,
Twas on Iho picnic grounds ah ma !
The Ihemo will no cr grow latnol
Shu sat beneath a willow tree ;
Ho Btrollod towards the ; amc.
Thn maiden Baw him come lhat way
To meel him wiflly ran.
( She thought nhokncw what ho would say ) ,
HI'H duop-toiiud voice began :
"I've como to tell you , Mary , dear , "
( llisl hero ho bent and ki > sc-d her ) .
"A secret which you'vegnc8 ed , 'tis clear
I'm d.oad gone on your slstorl"
[ . -Schcolglri. [
Colored Catholic men of Savannah , Go. ,
liavo formed a branch of the Catholic Knighls
of America.
The Methodist Kplscopal church has ninety-
ROven conferences , and Includea 'Jj.OOJ clergy
and 1,830,000 members.
An attempt is being made to ro-ostabllah
the Greek church In Now York , which was
disbanded n lltlln inoro than n year ago ,
A company of150 1'ronch pricsta Imvo just
sot out for Jerusalem , preparatory lo a somewhat -
what extensive tour of the Holy Land ,
The jubilco fund of the Congrogationalistn
of Great Britain now exceeds Sl.O'.Ti.OOO , of
which Rum thn Welsh churches have contrib
uted § 155,000 in Iwo year ? .
The Itov. iTnmos John Hornby , bead mnsler
of Iho proat university preparatory school at
Kton , England , lias bcon appointed rector of
llml InstUuiion , vicotho Kov. Dr. Goodford
A now Protestant Episcopal church Is to bo
milt at Otter Lake , Mich. , also ono at
lagluaw city. The growth of the Protestanl
ICpiscopal church in Ilia state of Michigan has
jeonvery rapid.
Thcro are three 1'ollah churches in Chicago
ono having about IL',000 members , the second
end about 0,000 and tlio third about -1,000 , and
loarly ono fourth of that number being mom-
jors of other parishes.
The salvation army has 710 corps .it homo
md 101 abroad : -1-13 corps of children. In
Great Britain nnd Ireland it hat 811 ! buildings
with Boating capacitjjfor SCO.COO and buildings
tbroad with capacity for 100,000 aittings.
Thirteen languages are used In their meetings.
Tlio general assembly of the Presbyterian
: hurch south has a mission Prcsbylory among
! io Chickasaw Indian ! , wilh n membership of
about 1,000 , mostly Indians. There nro six
ordained ministers , all of thorn full-blooded
[ ndians , with Ihrco Indian licentiates under
care of the Presbytery , preaching Iho gos-
> ol among their people with'a view of soon bo
ng ordained to the full work of the miuistery.
The Pan-Presbyt rlan council met in St.
Cuoch'a church , Belfast , Ireland , Juno 24.
ieprcsQiitatives from all parts of Iho world
vero present. Oil the L'otli delegates from Iho
tlcthodlst church were admitted. On Iha27lti
a fr.ilernal address from the JCpiscopal Council
of Molhodists was read. It was voted lo ad-
nit Iho Cumberland church into the council.
} n the evening of Iho 27th homo nnd foreign
illusions were the subject of discussion.
The bishop of Liverpool had materially ta
inted Iho Bolutionof the vexed question "How
o roach the m.iseos. " Ho preaches in the
open air , in the great ship-building yard , at the
noon intermission , and among the 14,000 cart
ers , with their wives , children nnd babies , and
; o the men of the great goods' stations , often
times from 2,000 to 3,000 in ono assembly.
Approached in the spirit of Christ there is
; lad nnd hearty response , and many won for
; ho inostor. This example followed by bishops
nnd the "hittbcr clergy'1 would make street
iroochlng IfUnOrablo , and result in the aalva-
ion of multitudes of perishing soul.s.
What a Picnic Means.
Do ycu know what picnic meant
To a girl that's in her toon.s
If tilm catches on a fellow Ibat is Rrcen !
Icq cream and lemonade
Will rnako his money fade.
Per ho'll no'or refuao for fear ehe'll think
him moan.
Sbo will look at him BO sweet ,
Which will Burolynmko him treat
Her to inoro than his pocket-book will
Aland :
Thonwiien all his money's gene
Ho'll wish ho no'er was born ,
While the girl will nook another with
more "saud. "
Sara Boruhhardt is said to bo getting stoul ,
Italy has 1,219 Ihealroa vvhoro good musical
lorformancea can bo hoard ,
Mr. John McCullough will open his next
canon nt Kaclno , Wia , , on September Iu.
Next eoasou three companion will play "Tuo
iuuch of ICejH , " uud two 'Tho Hag Baby. "
Mllo. Ithoa has just finished her third aoa-
on in America- and baa had. a most nucccssful
nud extended lour.
Mine. Junlsoh , Harry Sargent's now star ,
uis sailed for Kuropo. She will visit Paris
uud London iu company wilh her intimate
rlorid , Christine Nilssou.
Vordl'8 "Othollo"-tho text of which waa
urnluhed by Balla la nearly completed ,
rhoso'who huve hoard the muslo thus fur wric-
011 speak with cspacial pralso ofan"Avo
Afarla" which Dosdomonu slugs in the last
The American tour of Mine. Illstorl , which
vns arranged to begin fn Oclober , has been
lostpouml and she will commence her HOUHOII
in November 10. Her repertoire will include
'Mario Aiitolnolto. " "Mario Sluart , " "Queen
Illzubolh" nnd "Modea. "
Of Iho four Parisian theatres which receive
state aid , Iwo only tlio Theatre Kraucals
md Iho Oporn Comlquo are really prosperous ,
I'hp Grand Opera invariably shows n heavy
deficit at each year's ond. It amounts to
930,000 for the last six mouths.
Another 1'ronch ' version of Shakspero is pro
jected for next winter in Paris for Madame
jara Uornhardt. "Itomoo and Juliet" will be
translated by Al. lllchepln , who lately under
took "Macbeth , " and Madame Bernhardt will
play Ilomoo to Mile. Hadlng'a Juliet.
Lawrence Barrett has become an unmitiga
ted Anglomanloc. Although his nrtlnllo pre
tensions were uoglecteil In London , ho has
fallen In line with tbeKnglish and everything
appertaining to them. Ilo IB going to bring
ever Kngllili econery and English dreai < oi for
1'Vaucoeca do Kltnini and a box full of Kngltuh
Miss 1'mma Abbott'a I'nglish oj > era compa
ny for next eeaaort will include Miss Laura
Bellini , Miss Anandalo , SIguor Cauipobello ,
Slgnor TagllapUlra , Mr. Coatle and Mr.
Kabrlnl. The repertoire for the Beaten will
include "Lakme , " "Tho Crawn Dlamcnd * , "
"Semiramldo"nnd"Carmen. " Mr. A.Tomasl
will be the musical director ,
Madame Janauschok saya to stage-struck
voungelrlsi "What a life for a young girl ,
Ilvlug Iu hotels and polng homo late at night ,
exposed to all tumplalioui , vvllh no home Influence -
fluonco to counteract them. As I said , the
bottthlug for a young girl to do , no mailer
how great she cxpocui to become , la to keep
away from the theater , and do anything but
go upon iho sUge. That ia what I tell them
all. "
Tlio TcrrlUlo Drain
Which Bcrofula han upon thoByetom must
boarrcstod , and the blood mutt bo puri
fied , or serious consequences will onsuo.
For purifying nnd vitalizing cfibcta ,
Hood a Samparilla has boon found supe
rior to any other preparation. It expels
every trace of impurity from the blood ,
nnd bestows now lifo nnd vigor upon ev
ery function of the body , enabling it to
eutiroly overcome disease.
4 !
It warranted to wear longer , HI
.thn form neater , arnl ( rlfo belt"
Wlsfuctlon than nny other Corr.- .
< n the murker , or.rrlco jmlJ wil
if refunrtesl Tholndorttniciiticil
* - CMrairo't trsl phnlelrirj , ocourj
Xiny pitch Corset frlro , fltut f-ntcrn Jcnn , PosUvgl
prepaid , ( I.Art Anx loiirmrrrhnntforthtci.
. wraBCIIltr > . JOHEIMI A CV , . .
if A Dtnnniri c P IOI
VAnlbUUtUt CI.UI. Attner , ISO Fallen SI. ,
Jamss MealbslU
i Chartered by theStnteoflll' .
rnois fortheexpresspurpoca
Fof glvlnglmmcdlate rellellG
lall chronic , urinary and prl-
vate dlsecses. Qonorrhceo ,
, Gleet andbyphills In all their
complicated forms , ulso all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme-
dicste3tedln a.Vort\lYcar \
. v. w f2w * " * < ! ty > ccfil.Irficf fc . Seminal
Wenknesi. HlKht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLo3t Manhood , f > osl t'c/ycurrIT7icr4
{ i no ffpcrIttirntnil. ( The appropriate ri.T edy
ta at once used In each case. Consultations , per *
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Md-
Idnci sent by Mall and Express. I4o marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
yg.JAMES.No. 204Washnflon ! ! 5l.Chlcaflolll ,
* % * ' " CIlre XwToufnrm ,
- - ' ISRNE'cN " 'l > ? l"K in i8llu1 helMlca.
/ fiviS5l
Kldniy , Kplno mil I.lver
'TDIA nciT illwateiifout.A , thnialleart
dlfc-atr , DjMivpsIa , Con 'l-
iratlon. Kntliwl.- ! * , Ontarili ,
rile * . Kpllcp-v , Ininotpncy ,
uaniu Asruc , I'lDinji iinJtclt , pic. Only pi-lt'nlinoKloo-
iric Ik-ltln AintTli.thnt trtul < litrrctrlclty ) ! nnd IIIH
lunlsiu IhroiiKh ihr liadj. und cun liu rruharxed In an lir
ttAntLy tlio cntti'iit
SI.OOO Would Not Buv It.
Dn. HOBNH I W.M aflUrtcJ with and
- trod by Ubhij a bolt. To nny ono ullllctcd with
that disease , I would eajr , buy llorno'a Kloctrlo Kelt ,
Any ono can confer with mo hy writing calling
\ \ my Btoro , 1120 Douglas street , Oinaba , hob.
MAIN OFFICE Oppoelto posloffloo , room i Fron
tor block.
cyForfiiloatC. P. Goodman'J Drug Store1 1110
imam Ijt , Omaha.
Orders filled 0. O 1)
Erlnngnr , Bavaria ,
Culnibacher , Bavano
Pilsner Bohemian.
Iviiioor . . .Lrenion.
Budweiser St. Louis.
Anhauser St. Louis.
Best's Mil'waukep.
3clilit/-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krue'a Omaha.
Ale. Porter. Domestic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MAU11BR ,
1218 Faruam St.
thrives on Dorllck'i rood , " wrlto hundreds of
prdtcful mothers. Mother's milk contains no
Ftarch. An artificial food for Infants should
contain no starch. The beat and rnobt uutritioua
food In health. fl " Q Q - g - ?
or dtckncss for
tl'.i ' > r.9Adl.E.foS
L , , . . . „ D"frecfrom
ntarcli and requires no copklnif.
I Itecomrnendul by rhyfldnns.
M f m aurt7ricenU < . .
icndTor Uook on the Treatment of Children , free.
"fully dlctiled nd nulrltloui. " C.IT. BMty ,
U. D. . KKliAttti , N.J.
" rinl It ll thtt couU b deitred. " TT.IT. Dad ,
Stllion , Kaniat.
"No heilltaej la jironounclnic II ioptrlor to nj-
tblDt eiunt. ' K. S. CoJurn , U. D. . Troy , K. I.
Will bo sent br mall on receipt of price In eUmps.
IIOIirICK'.S FOI ( CO. , lliirlne. WH.
Ad-Uei UoBLicx'8 DBY ExTiiiCT or MALT tt
uto&MonrooSts. , Chicago.
or lay 1 , 110 ruget. 300 engta
f loitrutntnii , bulU , Cup * ,
, KpiuleU ,
SUndi , I > ruia Mijorli StaQt and
IUU , Sundry iUod OutfU Itep
iMtterlftti , utio IncluJ * * loitruciloa and
KurrkcH tnr Am t ur iUnJt , And & Cat * ,
' * lo uo t choice land jniulc pulled fiee *
and 1'OLlilUl. , <
' * Ilomrn.
Vi'lrrlnnrv bprclllcii na\o been iisi-d M
'nrnirrB , hliicli lirri-ilcm , Livery ( liibloiind
'nrfin . Ilnrsp llnllruniiH , MniiiirncriirrrM ,
' ' ' ' ' Illnnodrniiio
L'tml SlliioC'onninnlfH.'I'rnv'e
nnd .Mciinu-rrlcH. uud others liiudliii ttotL
. _
IliinililirpVH' Vctprlnnry Hlnnunl , ( S10 pp.
( cut frvii by nmll u n cc'lpt of price , wi vrntt
CiTTnniiililuiv Hfiil irco onnppllcatlou
ri iio.Mioi'ATiic : ! JUKD.CO ,
10U Viillon Blruut , how VurU.
Vital Woaknciu nnd JVoi-
rntonrm over.norlc or
. .
KO vlnl of powder for $5 , sent post True on r
t of price. liimplirrn' ( lloinoo , Mrd. ( io ,
iut , Cat&iocuo trcaj 10i > Vulluu bt M. V.-
[ find radical euro by ray
I method , bnsqd on recent scientific -
entific reseiirches , oven in tlio
most desperate cases without
any trouble to the functions.
I euro equally the sad con-
Iconsequences of the sins oO
lyouih , nervousness and im-
I'nyor to send the Eioct detcrlptton ol the Slckneai
DB ; . ,
Momborof Several ScioiitifioSociotioa.
O , IMaoo tlo la Nation 0 , PAK1S.
1.OOO.OO !
\V71LI , l > o paldto any ono wlio will flnil a partMa
ol Mercury , 1'otutb , Iodine , Antulc , or any I'ol
Donoui Bubo
jjjV I F T ' P Ifl 0 I
"I have cured DIaod Taint by ( he u o of Swllt'n
Spfcltlo attur 1 had moat elgntllyallcdwlth thu Her
cury and I'otanh Trcatiouuu
K. A. 1 OOMEll , M. D. 1'erry , Qa ,
"K l't' 6 | > cclflo has curtd mo ul HrroluU of 1
ycari Btanilln ? . Had noroi n * largo an my hand , am
every eco though ! I Hat dooiced. Bwilt'i Bpedtli
run'J mo alter iihi tlclani and all either mrillclua hat
ailed. ' K. L.II10II , Lonoko.Ark.
C' tfAAA ould not imrchaio from uo win
tfi IIJ.V/UU S llt' Hpedflo ha il"ie lor tne. 1
cudru uitt of llhoumatliiurausod by malaria. "
AKUlllK 11IOMAB , Sprlojflold , T nn.
Our TroatUa on Blood and Bkln Diseases mallvd ( roe
to aiipllcauti ) .
Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa.
K , Y. Ofll , 1(0 W. S2d St. , between Dili aud 7th
at enucd. I'hllaJeljihU o ce , 1204 C'boetaut St.
In April , May and Juno , 1(184. ( PASSAGE TICKKTS
by ail ATLANTIC STEAMERS. Special facilities for
travelers In EUROPE , by a'1 routes , at rcOuccd ratt's.
COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with rnups and full par-
partloulATn , by mall 10 cents. A'MrcM
THOM. UOOK & RON , MB y adwft ,
m a i
Claiilcal , Scientific , Comtncrclnl and Art Depart
nunto. lloth ( oxcsadmltttd. Tuition low , bo
lnRchM | ! , best of society. Fully equipped faculty
ijrAililrcus l r particulars , Rov. W. W. Ilanha
D D. President , or I'rot , n. M. Dos lelote , Secretary
ot the Faculty , Dollov c , Neb. J > I-me ! m
Nebraska Cornice
a r o n F e n c i n 3 I
CronttncrB , liamnrodn , Verandas , Office and Bank
nalflngB , Window and Cellar Guards , Kta
Dr , lioielia Eurroughi ,
1617 Dodgoi St. , - Omaha
No 144.
Notice Is hereby pUcti tint the co-partnership
hcretotnro existing bctnrcn lllchacl May am ) Her *
man Kundo , under the llrin name of May Kumla
IK Ijy mutual consent , this dav dNiohcd , and that nil
debts duo Irom tniil trin will bo paid by Eald Herman , and all claims duo the II rm nro to bo pild to
liiin.The business will bo continued by Herman Knude ,
\\liopollclto patronazo. MICHAEL MAY ,
Omaha , July bth lb8I-3t. UEUMAN KUNDH.
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
Ocnor l Dealers In
n vo lor e Ia Mies c refnllv selected Undi
n Eastern Nebraaka , at low prloo and on ouy tonne ,
improvea ( arms for ealo In Douglas , Dodge , Oolfnx
Platte , Burt , Cumlnft , Sirny , WMblngton , tlerlck
gannders , and Butler Counties.
T rea paid In all parta of the Sttto ,
Money loaned on Improved farms.
Notary Public olvroyg In office. Correspondence
the changes that , In a tow years , have
taken place iu the manufacture of
improvement after improvement has
been made , until to-day the clothing
offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210
Farnam street , is equal in every
respect to the boat
Custom Work !
While at the came time the lowncaa of
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle is no Icsa astonish
ing than the
Perfection of Fit !
1210 Farnam Street , 1210
Any person ha lnjr any claims agalnit me , that I
contracted for work or material lurnlthed In the
building o ( the new rchool houaek on 17th and I.tiw
cnnorth and King an J ( Delaware , Omaha , are ru
quested to uentl or present ucli bills to me at 1131
U street , Lincoln , Neb. , or at ofllco of the Kecrctary
of thollloaril ol Education , Omaha , before JIuy 12th.
Jy 8 mie 3t F , S. 1'OTVIN , Contractor.
MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA.
"Send for Circular * "
Western Cornice-
1111 Donglu Ki. Oin h , Nob.
Kn or
Galvanized Iron Cornices
I l TDormcr Wlndowi , FIntali , Tin , Iron and Slatu
itooUng-Siwohf. Patent ileUliio BkillKh , , laUut
adjiuted lUtchet Bar and Ilracket bhelvUii I i
th gsaeria agent for the above line of"oodi Ir
Crwtlngn , r.uclnir , Bilwtr dMVer ud-iron ; BM
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to tlie firm
Mr Edwin Bavis.who
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who8 have desi
rable property for place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th St.