Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1884, Image 1

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    \ I ! ' f t i
'S '
New York's Governor SEcceefls inSc
cnriDEliiGDGinocraticNomiDatioii ,
Only Two Ballots Necessary to
Accomplish the Oapturo ,
The Second Ballot Being Taken at
High Noon Yesterday ,
HeEeceives 683 Votes-136 More
Than Necessary ,
The Opposition Sprinc Hendrioks
and Withdraw McDonald ,
The Tail of the Old Ticket Ee-
oeives Only 45 1-2 Votes ,
Proceedings Interspersed With
Wild Scones of Enthusiasm ,
While Patriotism Breaks out in
Northern War Songs ,
After Securing a Presidential Candi
date , Adjournment Taken till
O P. M.
TO roiExna AT HOUII.
CHICAGO , July 11. The following telegram
haa boon sent : " To the democracy of Cuya
hoga county Wo.tho undersigned democratic
ropt-osontatlvos in the national convention ,
familiar with the entire situation , are satis
Cod that neither Judge Thurman or Mr.
Hoadloy can bo nominated ; that Thurman's
name Is suggested simply by Tammany and
other interest ] opposed to Cleveland and we
bolioTO Cleveland will moat probably bo nom
inated. W. AnsisTno.vo ,
It is understood thii forenoon that Randall
will withdraw and permit the rote of Penn
sylvania to bo cast for Cleveland. This gives
great hope to the friends of that candidate
that he will bo nominated on the eocond bal
lot. On the other hand the opposition under
the lead of Butler and Kelley will make an
effort to prevent an increase of Cleveland's
strength on the second ballot , in the belle :
that it will then Ira possible to turn the tide
cJsorno'oUmr candidate , possibly to the rep
reaentatlvo of the old ticket present Mr.
Hondricka. Hon. Patrick Walsh , a delegate
nt largo from Georgia , expressed the opinion
to the Associated 1'ress that Cleveland will
be nomluntsil on the first ballot this morning
- the second ballot of the call ,
The convention was oallod < o order at 11
o'clock and prayer woa offered by HOT. Dr.
Clinton Locke , of Grace church , Chicago. He
prayed that the consultations of the body bo
tor the furtherance of just and equal la\vs , for
the preservation of liberty , for the uunishment
of wrong doers and for the praise i f those
who do well ; that every dele/ata should bo
kept from being guided by hia own solfidh
gain , by his own pddo or by his own likings
ordiahkings. Ho prayed that in the great
and noble contest which wn.i opening before
the American people there would bo a cona
tion from strife and nngor ; that men's eyes
fthould not bo blinded to that which ia fair
and just ; that nil corruption , bribery and ille
gal voting bo kept far away , and that after
the election the whole people may join in
their support of the president
The chairman said he had received , among
other lottora and telegrams from all parts of
the country , ono from Air. Godwins , of Alas-
rachuaetlH , with th-j presentation of a gavel
Hindu up from woods and relics from different
parts nf > ho world.
A dolozato from Pennsylvania moved that
the convention now proceed to A second bal
lot. So ordered. Snowdoa of Pennsylvania ,
with thanks to thosu who had voted for Sam' .
J. Kaudall , withdrew that gentleman's nnmo.
' 1 ho second ballot comtnenod at 11:20 with
the following results :
Alabama gnvo for Bayard 14 ( oboorii ) , Mc
Donald 1 , Cleveland 5.
Arkansas , for Cleveland , 14 ( ohooM , )
California , for Thurman , IU ,
Colorado , for Cleveland , C.
Connecticut , for Cleveland , 12.
Delaware , for Bayard , C.
Philadelphia gnvd Cleveland G , Bayard 2.
Georgia gave for Cleveland II , Bayard 10.
Illinois gave for Hendricks 1.
Hero there suddenly broke out n scene of
wild , general and enthusiastic cheering , and
waving of hats and handkeicliitifH. It was
Impossible for the chair to suppress It.
although ha tried. Most of the delegates and
ipoctators tookpirt in it. It waa the first
exhibition of genuine enthusiasm In the con
vention. It was renewed again and again
and finally the l > aud joined in the demonstra
tion with "Hall Columbia" and other patrio-
tin airs. Umbrellas were also brought Inti
requisition and banners were carried around
und In fait the Blalne demonstration of tiyo
weeks ngo waa repeated con amore ,
The Interruption of proceedings must have
occupied 15 minute ? . Hondrlcku himself was
not present , having left tbo ball just previous.
At the end of n quarter of tin hour and
while the uproar waa t Its height , Voorhoes
mounted the platform and announced that nt
the request of the Indiana delegation , he
withdrew the name of Joseph McDonald for
the purpose nt u propnr time of asking the
\otoof Indiana for Thomas A. Ilondricka ,
Thia lenewod tba cheering which waa kept up
for several minutes longer. At length the
re-it of the Vote of Illinois waa announced as
follows :
Illinois ( continued ) -For Cleveland S .
Now was the opportunity for the friends of
Ilia New York candidate nnd they availed
themselves of It , the delegation from that
btato ri ing to their feat nud chcoiiiur lustily
whllo they waved fans , hats and handker
chiefs. The spectators took part in the dem
onstration , but not to the eatnu extent ns In
the case of Hendricks , After awhile the band
joined in with the air , " \\VJ1 Not Go
Homo Till Morning. " which seemed to stimu
late enthutlaim. This scoao lasted three or
Illinois contimieii , for Bayard 3 , McDon-
Indiana gave for Hendrlcko SO.
lowu gave fur Cleveland Hendrlcks 4.
AttliiM point the I'onnsilvnnU delegation
asked leave to retire for rou-ultution.
A New Viirk delegate objected , but the
chairman decided tlut the Pennsylvania dele
gation had the > ight to retire fur coniultatlon ,
nnd tlioy did so amid great excitement.
During the confusion It VIM announced that
another rota bud bsen goiued in Illinois for
Hondrlcks. The vote there stands , Clovolwu
23. McDonnld 1 , B yord 8 , Hondrlcks 2.
The call of the roll proceeding. Kansas gav
for Thurman 2 , lUyard , Cleveland 12.
When Kentucky was called MoKiozto wht
had nominated Carlisle , withdrew the notnl
nation and announced the rota of Kentucky
wtlch utands for Thurman 1 , Cleveland S
Bayard 7 , Hondrlcks ir . [ Cheers. 1
Loulst.tnntt , for Thurman 1 , Cleveland 15 ,
Maine gave for Cleveland 1 ? .
Maryland gave for Cleveland 10. Bayard f
MnRRAdiusotts , for Hondricks 1J , Cleveland
land 8 , Bayard Tj.
Mjclngan , for Hondricks 13 , Cleveland 13
Minnesota , for Cleveland II ,
Missouri , for Cleveland 21 , Bayard 5 , Hen
dricks G.
Mississippi , for Baynrtl 14 , Cleveland 2
Nebraska , for Bayard 1 , Cleveland 9.
Novndn , for Hemlrickn 5 , Thurmnn 1.
Now Hampshire , for Cleveland 8.
Now Jersey , for Bayard 2 , Cleveland 5
Hendricks 11 , ( nunounced ns for ouo of the
men elicited in 187G ) .
Now York , for.Cleveland 72. Mnnnlng an
nounced that on polling the delcgntoa there
were 50 for Cleveland , nnd 22 scnttorlng.
Cochrnno naked in the nntnn of the disfrnn-
chlsctl minority of the Now York delegation
to hnvo that last statement cxttndod In Mr
minutes ,
North Carolina , for lUyard 82. A delegate
( tated that there were 10 of the North Carolina
lina votes for Bayard , und (1 ( forClovtlaud.bul
they had ngrood on this ballot t- > cast their
as n unit ,
Ohio gnvn Hocdricks 1 , Jlldon 2. Thurmai
21. Cleveland 21.
Oregon , for Bnyari 2 , Cleveland 2 , Hou-
dricks 2. .
1'ennsylvanlft was pissed for thn present ,
Ithodo Island gnvo Bayard 2 , Cleveland 8.
South Carolina , for Bayard 'J , Ole > eland 8 ,
Houdrlcks 1.
Tennessee , for Bayard 10 , Thurman 11 ,
Cleveland 2 , Uontlrlcks 1.
Texas , for Hendrlckh 1 , Thurmnn lBayan
12 , Cleveland 12.
Vermont , Cleveland 8.
Virginia , for Cleveland 13 , Bayard S , Hen
dticks 2 , Thurman 1.
Wist Virginia , for Thnrman 2 , Uondoll 1 ,
BayardS , Cleveland G.
Wisconsin , for Hondrickn 2 , Cleveland 20.
( Awtho candidate of the Young democracy. )
Arizona , for I Ioveland2.
Dakota , for Cleveland 2.
District ol Columbia , for llendrlcks 2.
Idaho , for Cleveland 2.
Montana , for Cleveland 2.
Washington territory , for Cleveland 2.
Now Mexico , for Thurman 1 , Cleveland
Utah , Cleveland 1 , Hendricks 1.
Wyoming , Cleveland 2.
The roll being concluded , Pennsylvania was
called for aud the chairman announced for
Cleveland 42 , [ another noisy demonstration
which interrupted the futther announcement
of the Pennsylvania vote ] , for Hcndiicks 11 ,
Randall 4 , Bayard 2 , Thurman 1.
Illinois connected its vote as follows : For
Hendricks 1 , Bayard 3 , McDonald 3 , Cleveland
land 37.
Kansas changed her vote na follows : For
Bayard 3 , Cleveland 13 , Thurman 2.
North Carolina changed her 22 votes frorr
Bayard to Cleveland. ( Great excitement ant
cheering )
Vbginla changed her vote ns follows : For
Cleveland 23 , Hendrtcks 1.
Georgia changed her votow follows : For
Cleveland 22 , Bayard 2. At this time oil the
delegates were upon their feet and many ol
them clamoring tor recognition.
Florida changed her vote as follows : I
Cleveland 8.
West Virginia changed na follows : For
Cleveland 10.
Maryland changed her 1C votea to Clove
The changes were BO numerous and accom
panied with so much uproar and cxcltemonl
that it was almost impossible to keep track o
them. The Missouri delegation announced n
chnnga of Its 32 votes solid for Cleveland
This zet oil tbo enthusiasm again. The cheer
ing was deafening. An anchor of powers was
carried to the Now York delegation and a-
stuffed eagle was carried In the procession
The band struck up a more patriotic
airs and flags and banners were waved am
the excitement gained n fever point because
the Cleveland vote had nearly reached the
necessary two thirds. At this juncture , vvhoi
the success of Cleveland waa certain some o !
.ho minority del gates left the hall. Outsldo
the artillery began to boom and inside the up-
oar was tremendous. As the ihango ot Cai-
fornla was announced ns for Cleveland 8 ,
Thurman 8 , Mr , Menzlos , of Indiana , ch.angot
.ho vote of that state to Cleveland and movoc
, hat the vote bo made unanimous.
Illinois changed her vote of 44 to Cleveland.
Kansas changed aba for Cleveland 17 , Bay
ard 1.
The chairman stated ho would ruin out of
order the motion to make thn vote unanimous
mtil after thn result was announced. Cali-
'ornia again changed her > ototo 10 solid for
South Carolina changed for Cleveland 10 ,
Bnynrd 8.
Texas gave her whole 20 votes for Clovu
Ohio changed her vote ns follows , for Cleveland -
land 27 , Thurman 19.
Tounensc8 changed her vote to Cleveland.
Iowa transferrud 2G votes eolid for Cltivo
Innd.At this mom out an immense oil painting of
Governor Cleveland was cnrilod on the ulnt-
form watting to bo setup after the vote should
bo announced , nnd still 'ho work of changing
the votes was qotng on iu the most confused
manner. John Kelley , attended by somoof
hia supporters , loft tbo hall confused and dls-
gusttd by hia thorough defeat. The votea of
the states in detail were then ( ono o'clock )
announced by the clerk for verification ,
O K H K7
5"M > - > a
States. 3. § S g SS
Alabama . G 1 II
Arkansas , . 11
Jalifornin . li (
Connecticut . 12
Colorado . G .
) elawaro . . . f ! . . , .
'lorlda . 8
. . 2 . . 2
43 1
ndiana . 30
owa . 2(5 (
'an as . 17 . . 1
Centucky . ! , , 21 1 . .
xmisiana . 15 , . . , 1 . .
[ aiuo . 12
laryland . , . 1G
lasiachusotta . 8 . . 74 . . l-'i
liclngan . 23 . a
ilinnospta , . . . . . . 14
ilississijipi . 2 . . II . . 2
.lissoun . , , . ' , .32
febmska . . 9 . . 1
\tvaila . , ,
Tew HaniDehire . 8 , . . . . , . .
few Jersey . 5 . . 2 . , 11
New York . 72
North Carolina . 22
) hio . 41 ;
) rcgon . . . > . . . .
'eunsylvanla . 42 , . 2 1 11
Uiodo Inland . 7 . . 1
outli Caroliim. . . . . . 10 , . K
'cnnphso . . . . . -t . . *
'exns . 2G
Vermoat . K
Virgini * . 23
Vest Virginia . 10 . 1
Arizona . 2
> akoU . 2
> iit. ColumbU . 2
daho . 5
Cow Mexico . 2
Jtuh . 2
Vashington Tc-r . 2
VyomtMij . . 2
ToUh f.t 3 2 hlj 4 45i 4
11K.SULT Ol" TUB ll\I.I. ( r ,
The general result was announced as follows
t 1:10 p. ra : Whole number of votes catt ,
21 ; necessary to choice , fi7i ! Cleveland re-
elvedliS ) , HepdricVo. I. J , Bnyard Hlj , Me-
) onald V , Kandall 1 , Thnrman 4 , The qued-
Ion was then put on Mouzla' * motion to make
he nomination unanimous and It wan carried
Then the tnamtnoth oil painting reprooenta *
tlon of Cleveland's head and bust was carrlei
in front of the flankers' stand nnd cxhlbltoi
to the cnthuclastio pectator , w o ( rrootoi
It with cheers nnd whistling and waving
ovorythlnc that could bo put Into roquosl
tlon for that purx | > o , and the band played
"Marchlnf Through Georgia , " "Ke < 1
White nnd Blue1' nnd other nlrs
After ord r was n'sbirod the choinuMiAn
nounced that thn motion to make tint nomum
tlon unanimous having boon carried , Grover
Cleveland was declared the nominee of tht
national doinooircy for the nr\t proaidoncy
of the United States. [ ChcorH. ]
A dispatch was read from (5eo. Hoadloy
congratulating the convention , the democracy
and the country on the wleo thing dona nnt
promising a democratic victory Iu Ohio li
October nnd November. The convention
then , nt 1:25 : , took a roccsatlll C p. in ,
When the state of Illinois was reached General
oral Palmer arose to announce the vote nnt
told : "Illinois casts one vote for Thomas A
IIondrckf ! > , "and then paused M if waiting for
the outcome of eomo preconcerted nrrarge
mcnt. Ho cast his eye townnlrt the Misaour
ilehvrnUon anil apparently in response Gonorn'
Mansur , of Missouri , jumped up mid cmittoi
This was immediately taken up by tbn nudi
once and n tremendous howl aro'O from nl
parts of the hall nuuth of the scats allotted to the
delegate * . The tNutcmontntul noise swept
gradually around among the audience In the
war of the deleg&trs and rolled in n trcmetid
OIH wa\o through the vast mass of spectators
congregated in the north wing of the cham
ber. The chair rapped splinter * off his little
table jn an effort to curb the demonstration.
Ho might as well have attempted to stay tht
eruption of Vesuvius w ith the tap of n tack
hammer. the excitmnnnt hud beoi
confined to the nudionce , with the exception
of a few enthusiastic delegate ? , who remaining
in their Beats waved their hats and handkqr-
chiefH. At length n little commotion was visible
iblo iu the New York delegation , nnd
of the grand nachom of Tammany hull was
teen ulowly rising out of the contueion , like
the light of Kddystono on a dark night. Kol
ly's mouth waa \vidoopon as the largo oillico
of n pound not , but whatever individual nolei
was being emitted by the gentleman wa' '
tlrownod iu the frightful uproar which ha <
taken poEsesaion of the hall. Mr , Kelly'n
rising appeared to bo the nignal for n
general demonstration on tint pan
of the anti-Cleveland men In the
convention Delegates in all parts of the
space within the railing sprang upon their
chairs and raised
and intensity that the putty dropped out ol
the immense sashes which composed the reel
of the convention hall. Prominent among the
members of the body whonmlstcd iu crautiug
this section of bedlam were the delegates front
Indiana , Missouri , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania
and the Tammany end of the Now York dele
gation. In the midst of the turmoil the band
struck up "Hail to the Chief "nnd the thun-
during noieo of demonstration InmuBsd in
volume until thu strains of thu music were
lost in the deafening uproar. Ono enthusias
tic delegate from Indiana ( Mr. Gibson
seized the Indiana marker and bore it to the
chairman's desk , waving it frantically an ho
passed up the aisle nnd shouted something in
in the chairman's ear.
The chair , however , refused to lUton , but
continued to thump hia desk with hia gnvel ,
and Gibnon retired with a half uttered ana
thema on the infernal idiocy of anybody ho
would attempt to continue so evident an indi
cation of the popular will , la the meantime
the audience and delegates with each other
In producing ear splitting noisen whicl
drowned out the voices of two or three dozen
Cleveland men who were attempting to ge
th' ) ear of the chair with nil this turmoil abou
Governor Hendrickn preserved an oxterna
calmness which con trusted strongly with the
froozy which possessed the vast aseomb nge
Ho Hit M if frozen f.iet to his chair , and ru
stated the determined effurtx of a horde o
howling deleg < tw" , who tried to drag him t <
his feet. A number of Tammanyitea resnmei
tholr ecati , but
on hit ) chair and violontlv waving n uowapa <
per and opening his mouth to inch a width
that it eeemed flH if it could of itself tuke in
and dispose of every Cleveland man in tin
Now York delegation , Ono good soul in the
OIH t gallery , while engaged in lloinithinpr i
largo gingham umbrella , dropped the weapon
which floated down like a parachute , and light
ed on the bald head of \onerablo delegate
from Ohio. Flngfl , hand kerchief H , hats , .ltd
even coaU and nlmwh were bioupht Into IH
by the Hcndricks Mympathixors in the audi
ence , nnd n view of the audiencn was like ol
that of on Illinois brush patch tortured by a
violent gale. All at once out of the ter
rific uproar , cnnut n voice like a blast oa _ Co-
liorn , and Mr. Bock of Indiana materialized
with R call for three cheers for Thoc. A. Hen-
dricku. Three cheers were given with nn !
most vonoinouii good will , und were mipple
mcntod byA
for Hendr'cks , omitted by Genuial Mansur ,
} f Missouri. J laving given ent to his exu
berant feelings , General Mansur forced hi *
way throucrh the crowds into the aisle and
climbed up to Chairman Vilas' position with
n dtatcmfiit that Miscouri wlnhed to cast Its
vote wild for Thomas A. Hondrickn , but the
choir , with a \igorounthumpt of the gavel ,
which now began to look worn and frayed at
.ho edges , informed thu Mitbourian that ho
W H out of order.
( junrlop , of Tonnosfiee , informed the chair
n a stentorian voice that hia state desired to
.mtin nomination Thomas A. Hondricks , but
, vlth no better euccrns thun General Mansur ,
General Brnpg , of WlHconain , attempted to
et in n wotil on the ecoro of old friendship
tnd proloua acqualntanco with the cLalr , but
Colonel Vilas sternly repudiated all personal
claims nnd continued to belabor his dfaU nnd
call for order. Out ofconfuaion rose the clarion
oicn of Secretary Boll ropoatlng the call for
ho vote of IlilnoiH. But neither from Illinois
lor any other commonwealth came any mull
jlo iciiponbO except yells for Hondrluk ,
iad now iiBurjiod the rights of all other liuei
lees for n period of eighteen minuto-i , which
wan going onomlnuto butter than thu Bluiuo
omonstratlon in the republican convention n
nonthuxiJ. The tall erect formjof thfi "Tall
of the WnbaHh " Dan Voorhuos
lycamoro , , np-
> oared nt the Mdu f thu chairman _ and thn
iolno und nxcitonent gradually subsided , and
innllyMr. Voorheoa'oicowanlioartl ( lulling
'Mr. Chairman. " 4
The cliair said , "Gentlemen of thu convon-
ion , take your Keats , The gentleman from
ndiana baa the floor. " Several delegate ! ) n -
mnpted to spaak but the chair ntntoil that ho
ould recognize no ono but the gi'iitloinan
rom Indiana. Homo of the longer winded en-
husiasti in the Houth gallery made a violent
tterupt to renew the general turmoil but
heir force was o > orcoinoby the hisses tif the
nore sober and better reserved portion of [ [ the
ClIlL'Auo , July 11. At a conference of the
ho leading friends of Chnnland and other
oadlng membiTH of thn convention to the
lumber of about fifty , which took place
tiling tliii rectisH thin nfttrnoon , thn rmnita
f the vaiioud candidatCH for \ico prtvldiiul
vero dlriciiMod nnd it win agreed , if pea I >
) le. to nominate Thoniru A. Hi-udnckH , of
ntliana , for the ollico , The chnlcu narrowed
town iKiforo the final decUlon , to Tliomas A ,
lendrlcki anil Kx .Senator Davin , of Wn t
Virginia. Mr. Davis was ( tout for , but gavn
an many reasons why h nhould not \ > pluct'd
upon thn ticket , and why Mr. Hondriuks
should , that the Utter WUH ut length decided
upon , Aiuon/c / the tnoro prominent mf mbeiu
of tha conference were Mes rH. jiarnum , of
yonnocticut Cleveland , of New Jersey , H M ,
Wood , of Now York , Manning , of Now York ,
\VnttBison , of Kentucky. Cox , of J'nniuvlvou-
a , Buike , of Louisiana , Kernau , of Nnw Vork ,
Iny , of Ponnxv jvtmlitj Gorman , of Murylaud
! ou\01 ay , of Ohio , aud John Ktlly , of Now
York ,
Failing to Giro Bin the Heat of the
Ticket , It Sncceefls With the Tail.
After an Enthusiastic Session o :
Two Hours.
Ho Eeooivoa the Nomination by
an Unanimous Voto.
In tlio Faoo of Emphatic Protests
that Ho Would Doolino.
His Own State Hesitates to the
Last to Vote for Him.
McDonald , Eoseorans , Blaok
Vilas and ( Hick Named.
But All Subsequently Withdraw
for Tom's ' Tidal Wave ,
The Convention nt 7:2O P. M. Ail
Jotiriia BlnoDloAinltl nurrnliu ,
nnil Unpplncsn.
niKuuiNAnT morn.
CHICAGO , July 11. It was half-post five before
fore thu livening session waa celled to order
and tlia Erst business woo the adoption of a
roHolutlon electing M r. Vilas ( the cliainnnn o
the convention ) ns chairman ot the committed
to notify the nominoca of tholr selection AS
candidate. .
A telegram was received from the presldan
of the Now York produce oxchan/o statlni
that the businessjmon ofjNew York vroro solic
for Cleveland.
A dnlegato from Louisiana then otlorod a
rcRolntiou , providing that in cnso of a vacan
cy on the ticket for president or vlco prcsldou
a majority of Urn national convention shal
have power to fill tba vacancy.
Tlicro wan BO much opposition maJo to the
resolution that it was withdrawn.
A delegate from Texas offered a "resolution
that the democratic party in convention as
sembled endorse the Morrison bill for reduction
tion of war taxes.
There was a storm of opposition to the rcso
lution , and thu chairman ruled that it must bo
referred to the committee on resolution ? .
The convention then proceeded to the rol
call for the nomination of candidates
Soarles , of California , came to the platform
Ho said that California was a loving mother
to her children mid they in turn wetq dovot
to her. On her behalf and as a representative !
of the dolc a Ion from the I'nclfio coast , h (
presented for their suffrage * , a inan > who hnx
beoa eminent among hia fellow monp who , iu
the councils of the notion , had bidn prominent
nont ; who had led their noldlcraftit" battle
who h d anhtaved > jctorien ; wlioj/ J nueUto *
upholding tbo banntirof -'eucHiry ; II
presented the honored name of Gouoral Win
K Il'iBcsrans , the hero of Stone . river , th
faithful soldier , the grand old commander
whoso imago was impressed on the hearts o
all the men who served under him. [ Cheers
for Kosocrans.J
Branch , of Colorado , nominated Joseph
Bacon , of Georgia , said ho was commis
Monod by his delegation to present the name
of n man eminent in war and peace , n dlstln
euished commander , a gallant soldier , Genera
John C. Black , of Illinois. [ Cheers for
Black. ]
Mr. Black uxprecerd his appreciation of the
high nod unmerited compliment to him. It
was ulmoHt absolutely a surprise to him , bill
ho hud conio hero at the spokesman and rc > i >
reHantativo of another citizen of the republlo ;
ho had put bin hand in the hand Joseph K ,
McDonald , and while that gentleman won bO' '
fore the convention , ho ( Black ) could not up
pear an in any SOIIHO his rival for iuy position
Ho therefore respectfully declined the nomin
ation ,
Mann , of Illinois , hoped that the doclip.v
tion would not bo roceivnl. Ho paid a big !
compliment to General Black , Baying that
when thn surgeon was operating ou his arm
nftcrn battlu hu declared that although ho lobl
In'- ) arm Ills whole body wno firm and trim for
the union , and linn and Into for democracy.
Ho was without uxcoptlou the most gallant
.on . that Illinois
Mr. I'inlow , of KnnaaH , prOMjulod thn name
of George W. Glide.
A U Icgram wns hero road from Cotmcl
lulTs , lown , stating that the nomination ol
leveland had been recehud with the wildosl
enthusiasm , that thousands of democrat ) and
lundreds of republicans were cmially call-
.ivntod with It , and that Council Bluffs would
do lier part toward carrying Iowa for demo
A delegate ! from Missouri bcconded the noin ! <
nation of McDonald.
Knulkner , of Mississippi , rrcondud the nomj.
nation of General KoHOcrans. No other candi.
date , hu said , could comu so near bringing to.
gothcr all thu old , bravo soldiera who fought ,
on either tide , In the late war.
An Oregon delegate nxpnmsed the united
\oice of Oregon In favor of KosencrnnH.
Senator Wallace , of Pennsylvania , said that
he nominated as candidate for vice-president a
Beware of Scrofula
Hcrof ula is probably moro general than any
other disease. It In Insidious In cliaractcr ,
and manlfcbts Itself In runnliiR sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swelling , cnlnrgctl joints ,
nbscciaes , sore eye , etc. Jlootl'a Barsajiarllla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healHiy.
"I was severely afflicted With scrofula ,
and for over a year had two running sores
on my neck. Took five bottles of llood'u
Harsaparllla , ami consider myeeU cured. "
C. 1C. I.OVKJOV , towull , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Jlo. , had scrofulous
Bort-K for bevi'ii years , prluu' and fall. Howl's
Harsuiiarllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
William Bytes , Klyrla , 0. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas aud Halt rlieum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times Ills hands would
crack open ami bleed. Jlo tried rnrloun prep
arations without aid j finally took Hood's Bar-
Baparllla , and now nays : " lam entirely well , "
" Jly son had salt rheum on bis liandu and
on the calvcB of tils legs. Ho took Hood's
Bnraaparllla and U entirely cured. " J , n.
TAA-TON , Mt.Vornon , Chip.
' Hood's cSarsaparllla
Bold by all druggists. t > i 1 * torS. Matlo
only by 0.1. HOOD ft CO. , Lowell , Maw.
IOO Dosos.Ono , Dollar.
man conversant with public affairs through
out his whole life , an honored utatfuman , n
purnand upright citirpn , victim of the gross
c t ft am ! nvrr perpetrated on the American
pcoplo Thomas A. Hcndtlcks. [ Oheon. ]
waller , of Connecticut , Eecondwl the noml
nation of Hendricks , nnd nxitl that thu demo
erotic party would , In defunco of fraud nnt
In accordnnco with law , place him in the chair
of the vico-preMdont.
The pri'iontntlon of Mr. Hendricks' n m
w s grcetcil with ( ' 1111111811111110 chcetf. Th
convention n < i > ontng ! in n Icwr dogrt-e , th
me vceno which took plnco nt thn moinlni
position in hrnorof the snmo gentleman.
Menzler , of IiuHnnn , ilixilared > cry oinphnt
leMly thatMr. liendiicUn wan not , niHl _ coult
not bo , n candidate for the vice-prfsidoncy
Ho had been nuthnrizod by Mr , Hemlrick
himself to R y HO. Ho , thnrrforo. wariunl th
convention not to do that \\hich U would hate \
touido. .
Walsh , of Georgia , nskod McnziiMhrthc
ho was authorized to 8 y that Mr , Hendrlcl ;
w ould not accept the unniiliuous nomhmtioi
of llio national democratic torn cut ion for tl
ollico of vice prottidont.
MonzlM rejie.ited his nUlomrnt.
\Vnller , of Connecticut , said his stain Iml tu
desire In force On Indiana n candidate ngalns
bin will but this was not nn Indiana coii\in
tion ; it wan n national convention and the
domocrnUof the country had n ritrlit to tnki
n fit man from any place in it. [ OhrerH 1 II
any ninn RftUI Uint liu know that Mr. Hen-
diickn at this time was not patriotic enough to
t ko n nomination tendered under thohO clr
cutiiKt4tico < l Iio would \\ithdruw hi uiimo but
with humllbtion.
Wallace , of I'oimsylviula , tnld that Mr.
Hendricks had been oncnchoHcn vIcn-prvKiilont
and been doHpoilcd of the ollico. The demo
cracy of the republic domaudttd of htm again
hU naino nHnonndldatc , nud they would not
take " No " for an answer. Ho moved to sus
pend the rules nud iiomlnnti ) Thomas A. Hen *
dricka as .1 candidate for vice-president by nc-
clamatlon. [ Checif. ]
Hnrrln. of Virginia , united the votco of Vir
plnia with tint of the Keyntono state.
[ Cheers. ]
, of California , withdrou the nomi
nation of Kosocranrf. *
The other nominees . .r d nil withdrawn , oni
by one , so that Mr. llendrickH ulono remalnct
buforo the convention.
Hubbard , of Tnxui , made n aplrited npet'cl
in favor of giving Hondricka the ollico out of
which ho had been cheated ,
Weed , of Now York , suggested that tin
roll of HtatCH should bu called , so an to put 01
record thn
jWullaco nccopUd the suggeHtton , withdrew
bis motion to nominate by acclamation nm
moved that the nomination ) ) do now clone.
Ttio motion wart Agreed to nnd the clerk pro
cecded to call the roll of states , The ruull
w < w ) the unanimous nomination of Thomas A.
Hondrickn for vice president.
Monrii' , of Indiana , asked that that xtatn
bn excuRod from voting. [ Loud ehouU of'No ! ' "
"No ! " ] Ho then asked whether there wa ?
any iiamn but Hondrlcks before the convention
tion , and on receiving nn answer in the negative -
tivo from the chairman , thun said : "The
state of Indiana cants 30 vote * for Thomas A.
HendrlckR. " This was at the close of the call
maHn ? the result n unanimous vote.
The domoiintration that snccooded oxccudod
in _ Tohomouco nnd enthusiasm nn
similar BCPIIC that IIOH taken pldco tluring this
eventful day , All the flags and bannerd were
gathered around the section occupied by tbo
Indiana do.'e ' atlou , and them waved amid Urn
shouts of the largo tuulicnco. nnd the strajna
of patriotic music from the bant ) ending wit ) :
the wordsof which were sung with feeling , tb
chorus beioK joined in by Rovoral thousant
voices , Thou the baud struck up "Old Hun
dr d , " and alljo nod in thoHok'inn hymn o
jiraieo. This wan followed by the music nnt
soiiff of "America" nodi jiitt # aiu by , "Hom (
SwectHomo. " The Hd'COVft3 equally gruiK
nhd touching.
Finally the chairman got n chance to mriki
the final announcement of the voto. Ho sail
there hod been HlG voton cast all of then
for ThoH.-A. Hendricks nnd that Mr Hen
dricks Waa therefore the candidate of the na
tional drmnciatio convention for vice preni
dent of the United Slates. [ Cheerd. ]
Henolutions of thunlcH were paHHod to tin
temporary chairman , the permanent chair
man and the clerks nnd ollicors of the con
vonti.on , also to the reportorial corps and
press of the country fur tholr nccurnto nnd im
partial reports of the proceedings
The chairman on nis own behalf moved a
vote of thanks to the
norgeant-at-arms , Mr
Bright , of Indiana. Adopted.
VetcH of tbimltn were also passed to tin
mayor of tbo city , Carter Harrison nud tbu
chief of police and to the citizens of Chicago ,
for thnir hoaptUlity.
The convmitiou ' then , nt 7:25 : , uiljourncc
nine die , _
GninAOO , July 11. The following is a ver
batim report of the effort to ondorxu the Mor
risen tnrllf bill :
Mr , TompkhiH , of Texas I hitvo seril iiroi
olutlon toba road at the clerk 'H ( leak.
The Chair The clerk will read it.
The clerk road the resolution an follown :
Kesulvod , First , That wo , the democratic
party , iu convention do hereby endorxo the
Morrison bill for thn leduction of our taxes
[ loud crlew of "No 1" "No 1" Iliiitn * nnd grual
confiiHinn , ] n a rightJHtop in thoright dlroctior
for tariff leform.
lleHolvotl. Second , That in our judgment ,
the opposition to the bill by eminent and hon
orahlo members of our patty was boned 01
thoconslderation of policy nnd not of princi
ple. ( ( iroat confusiun and cries of " "
' No I1' ] .
Mr , Build , of California I movato lay thai
n thn table and on that I demand n call of
the BtiUo ,
Thu Chair The chairls of the opinion that
under the order of the house it tooa ( to the
committee on resolutions. [ Loud npi > lauso
nnd cries of "Good I" "Good I"
Spuclnl Dispatch to Tu it BKK.
CHICAHO , July 11 , Chairman McLean of
the Ohio delegation in nnnwer to nn 'iii'iuiry
as to the rcKiilt of Cleveland's nomination in
its ntnlo said , "Itia the best that could bo
made , all things considered. "
"Will both factions of the purty in your
statn mipport Mr , Cleveland ? "
"Unduiibtudly , both the ol J and the young
democracy in Ohio ulll support Now York a
candidate M cordially as though ho had been
lifrown , "
" 1 think the vote of the party in Ohio will
jo ca t In full. The Thurman mun can do
nothing else . Whatever local Tight they
nay indulge in , they will gl\o the national
.icket tlalr full vuto In November. "
"Will you predict tlio lu of ClevolandV
najority in yourtitaW
"That would not bo wise , I will im-
> ly nay that HO for nn Ohio in cimcsrueil , ' tha
llckot i safo. "
pcclal Dispatch to THE BliE.
CiliL'AGO , July 11 , The olfout ou the crowd
axfcmblod In fiont of thu convention hall wan
nit so electrical na that produced \Uitn Blaimt
was nominated. In the Ilrst thoio wjw
tot nearly an great n crowd to enthuse and
bore WUH a hick of "parxonal magoutism , "
Almokt the liict intimation that Cleveland
iad been chwon thu leader of hin party wu : )
ho btHimliiK of cannon that had Ixicn placed
udy for tin emergency In the Lake J'lont
> ark , Jtdrow nn immonwi crowd to thnvicin-
ty of tha uxx | > Hlton ! building , who , noon
warming up to the xplrit of tbn occasion ,
chcernd IhenueUcs hot snd hoftiKTononO
WM the nomination of Nnw York's governor
more nccptitabln limn to the Irving llall dem
ocracy of Now York. Stopping at the Lelaud
they dimply wont wild ,
They pullet ! oflVftch othora' ' huln. throw thrm
In the sir , and hupgtxl each other in their d -
I htuntil thpy were tired out. Dozens of
them mndn n ninh for tlw nearest saloon. Not
satisfied with boor by thn RRM ! ono of thn party
boiiRht n whole keg. carried It nnt tin the side-
wulk , nud the crowd Hopped up and drank tu
the health of the nominee nnd to the rout of
it was n great occasion for Irvinr , which It
wasnotnluxv to imniove. The Now York
county democracy wns thn llrnt Uotly out
mnrclilnp in the i treots with n band , though
tsoy were rmiekly folUran ! by the Duck-
worth club. Thran two m rcluil to the Palmer
homo where they received nil ovntlon ,
Soon after the Alb tny phalanx passed the
convention hall the crowd of dolrgntoii and
BlH ctators emerging from llw building ga\e
them n hearty greeting , The name warm reception -
coption n nltod them nt the Palmer JHHHO ,
where quantltim of small plctutos of Cle\o-
land were phoworcd from the upper stories on
the heads of thu multitmlo Iwlow. Tim Kow
York nvlmlrois of Clu\ehnd , not Hatitliod will
the bndncH they lii\u : been wearing , tore dowii
nil the llthogrilphs of their fnvoilto they could
lay thnir hands on and made vests > f their
marching about and tinging the pralna )
the way theyLAin
At two o'clock it WAH almost ImpopRlhlo t <
get into tlio I'lilmrrhoiiMi The crowd BurgtV
through it , completely jaiumtng thnotalrwnyi
nnd coiridura It wns not o.'podully noi y.
however , Li-lug morn inclined IT smiles , hcaitj
n and congrntulntionc.
Tho"Bco'B" Hpoclftl ItcportofGnnlon
City Trnnio MarUct Home-
wlint Quiet , on Account
of tlio Convention.
Special Dispatch to THE BUE.
CHICAGO , July 11. I'rimo fat cattle were
Kcarcn nnd hold at high figuroj , hut HO far iv
sates uhow there wan little or no change from
yefttorday. 1'ncos are wmnlly firm to-day nt
any day last week , the market haing recovered
orod thn slight loss of Monday and Tuesday
( iratny nnd common cattle were ( tolling fo :
all they were worth. Native : butchorx , i > po
ciully old COWH , are 10 to 2T > c lower than on
Monday. Thu main eaumi is the plen Itu
supply of Toxanp , that enables couHUtnera aiu
bittuhcrs to make better selor.tions nut of the
Toxans. The latter nro in fair demand am
steady at the advance noticed yesterday. Kalct
at 4 ' > to 0 12& & . Stockern nnd fendern wnro it
litnitad supply , and bnC little doing in these
sorts. There is Homo demaud for Bond evoi
lots , and they are selling at 3 75 to 4 75 ; goot
to choice shipping , 1,200 to 100 : ! Its. , 6 15 to
C 20 ; common to medium , 1,000 to 1,200 Ibj ,
5 00 to (5 ( 00 ; glass Texnns , 7SO to 550 iba. . 3 M
to 5 00.
Hogs Owing to the continued fresh differ
ences between the packers nnd commission
businrsH during the early hours of thoinonrinp
was slow nnd unsatisfactory , packers refusing
to buyunl3H | ! in the old wny , nnd cummisxion
men refusing to sell nccnriUng to the rules.
But for nil that there wns n fair busincs * to
ward thn close , HhipjiotH , nesnrters nnd mis
cellaneous buyers purchasing freely , nnd the
packuru taking what they could got fiom
Kalesmun who nro not members of the Kx-
change. Salon were nt 4 00 to GO ! ) for nkipa
and throw-outs , 410 to 5 (10 ( for aborted light
nnd D 00 to u 05 for packers and shippers
These were about tbo prices current ; light
180 to 210 pounds , 4 00 to 5 CD.
Oiaiu markets on exchange were le.-ts nctiv
nnd'steadier Grain op'iniid strong. Whoa
advnncing Jc , nnd corn lj toJ ] , inulur moder
nto olfcringH , witli n good demand from th
short Intouwt , 1'rivnto oibfefl oho' quoted i
stronger Liverpool market , nnd ninny oper
ntots hero seemed to think grain wiw chen ]
enough , Prtpccinlly wbertt. .September con
advanced to within Jo of August , tbo two beIng
Ing In apart nt the opening. Corn was the
lending market , but there wns not a grnAt doa
of trading after iho first hour , Afternoon
the markotn sold off and attracted le.sq attcn
tion , tha time being given to watching tin
proceeding of the convention ,
1'rovlsions were firmer in sympathy will
corn , pork being nominal , nnd little was don
In lard aud meats.
Tlioy Die Faoo to Fnco on tlio Gal
lows , Accusing iach Other or n
Murder Other Glubctlnga.
WAHiiKNunuiio , Mo. , .Inly 11. Billy
Chnrlio Hamilton , who murdered n
Gorman for his money , Were hanged hero thi
morning. Ten thousand p ° oplo were piuuent
On the Hcalfold both declared thnuisuhes In
nocunt aud accused the other of thu crime
1'mycr wns olfored by Kov. Herman , nnd the
miirderorri facet ! oa'h 'other , shook
furg'tvn eikch other , and nfter the caps wen
n'ljiiHted , said hu WOH not guilty. At 11 : 'li
tlio drop fell. Charlie's nock was broken
Billy wns strangled.
KORT SMITH , Ark. , July 11. Thrcn United
StalcH prisoners were executed hero for
murdorH committed in the -Indian Territory
Tlinniaa L Thompson , n nhito man , .John
Duvis , n full blooded Chnctnw Indian , am
Jack Woman-Killer , nlian ' flalicntcher , "
full blooded-Cherokee. The diop fell nt 11.
o'clock. All ilind without n struggle.
1001'or Gout , nn Hunk HharolioldorH.
WAHHINCTON , Jiilvll. The comptroller o ;
of the currency has directed an imseHHinent ol
lOOporcent. onslinroholdnrs o < the First Nn
tional Bank of Monmouth , Illinois.
Ohnlpra Approaoliliif ; HrHlsh ShoreB ,
LONDON , July H , ThoetoamcrCarthagenn ,
with two caeca of cholera , from Marseille * for
C.irdiir , has been sighted elf Lundy Island.
Tim French Naijonal Koto.
I'AIHH , July 11. The municipal council has
loclded not to poutpono thu national fete on
Tilly 14.
$1 OOO , Given
on ; > l. DvKifontahie , of Chicago ; and
iode , JJIlvvunkce. Never hold Iu bulk.
287. aw to 291 & Wata Eh
How the Nomination of Cleyelanil Is
Generally RccGiYd
Kelly Stated to Have Said It
Moans Democratic Defeat ,
And that the Party Will Lese
Now York in November !
GradySays , "Wo Will Sit Still
as the Good Work Goes On , "
Tammany Braves Wearing Orapo
on Homo-Bound Trainsi
Considerable Rojoioine : at Cleve
land's ' Homo and Elsewhere ,
New York KcputillcnnB Quoted
Claiming Cleveland nn Knny
Man to Heat.
( Special Dispatch'to Tin : BSE.
CHWAOO , July 11. In the midst of the ex
citement which ensued when the fact of '
Cleveland's nomination WM assured , John
Kelly sat In his scat in the last row of the sec
tion assigned to Now York , bin face limbing
nnd paling by turns. Ho wns npp'roachod by
nuuirroiM friends from other delegations. Ono
of the Pennsylvania delegation approached
him , shook him by tha hand nnil sold :
"Mr. Kelly , I was with you in this fight ,
but I shall support th ticket. " 1
Mr. Kelly responded simply :
"I thank you , sir. "
Ho wns asked by n reporter the question ,
"What will bo the result in New York state ,
Mr. Kelly ! "
"It means democratic defeat , Wo shall
lone the statn in Noxjuibor. I nm sorry for
this outcome. "
The Tammany chief declined to ray wliat i
Tammany would do , but reiterated his state
ment that the democratic party would lese
Now York state in November.
To a reporter Grady , the Tammany orator ,
said :
" \Vp will not bolt , for wo are gentlemen , \
but \tili ait still as the 'good work goes on. ' " j
ALIIANY , July 11. Ono hundred guns were
fiml in honor of Cleveland's nomination tlio
minute it u as received. The governor wna in
the executive chamber nt the capitol with Ad
jutant General Fnrnsworth aud a few other
friends , The booming ot cannon fmt an
nounced the nomination to him. Standing iu
bin pi i vale room with Furnsworthon the right
Hide niul Col. Lnmout , privatu secretory , on
the h'lt ho received the congratulations of '
thoeu present in a dignified manner.
WIUIINOTON , July 11. Bayard linntola1
rnphtvl hia congratulations to Cleveland , ,
witli Lho ANsuranco of thorough and steadfast
support in the cnnrass. " " "
NEW YonK , July U. There were RU. . .
cheering crowds at thu bulletins 'on Clove-
livnd'a nomination.
UutTALp , July 11. There was the most In-
tenno excitement this morning , Immense
crowds surrounded thu telegraph and now-
pap r oflicc.s on Mio nnnouncoment of Clovo-
land'n nomination. Chpor after cheer wan
given , Men wa\cd thuir hats nnd acted like
mail. Handshaking was general. The en
thusiasm waa unbounded , A salute of a.
hundred guns was fired by the Cleveland gun
squad , under thu direction of the Cleveland
central club. A meeting of the club WON
called for to-morrow night , when a general
celebration will bo hold. The Cleveland man
agers from this city at the convention will bo
'met on their it-turn with a brans band mid t
NEW YOHK , July 11. The UOWH of the nul
initiation of Cleveland WUH received at the
produce exchange with long cheering In
Wall street it wns received by everyone in a
manner indicating it was n foregone conclu
Tliero waa no excitement about the cJty
hall , ns thofu nro no politicians there. All the
democrats are iu Chicago and the republican
aldermen nro out of town.
Mayor KoVjn snid : " I consider the choice
excellent. I have not a doubtof the governor
election. "
Register John Itoilly ( Tammany ) said : " T.
hope Cleveland will bo elected. The country
needs ti safe , conservative and abln man , such
as ho in , nnd every honest democrat Hiould
\oto for him. "
Kopubllcan offico-holdcrn declined to maho
commonU for publication , _ but iu private )
seemed pleased with the nomination , consider
ing Cleveland nn easy man to beat.
CHICAGO , July 11. The outward trains for
the east were heavily loaded this afternoon ,
nearly all the eastern marching organization
taking their departure1. The Americusi and
the Uandall clulw of Philadelphia paraded the
streets bcf ra taking tholr leave , bcarinc' in
addition to their club banners ono Inscribed
with the name of Cleveland. The Tammany
braves , nix hundred strong , took n special at
5 o'clock. Homo of the members took the out-
eomo jnculaily , but iu | the main the crowd
anil eomo of the Tammany marcher * displayed
lilts of crape In their buttonholes. _ "I think
the democratic party has committed hari-
kari , " laid ono of the sachems ,
A number of opinions are printed OH coming
'rom John Kelly , but ho declares positively
that he has not coimned with any newspapermen
mon , and that he has not expressed any opln- '
Ion upon the situation , and iti
not rcHpomiblo for any statement coming - ;
ing from 'lammany mombeit ) who may feel
that they have encountered n personal defeat.
nnd tht ! majority of the Now York delegation'
nit ) oxultaut but moderate iu their hpoech. ;
Mr. Mouuing enys Cluvclaud will surely carry - '
ry Novv York , '
"Jy ) what majorityi'1 i
"I shall not prt diet the majority , but wo
thall carry New York beyond any doubt. If
the other democratic stated do their duty ,
Mr. Cleveland will occupy the Whtto Housu
after next March. Thu party nt largo iu tha
statn will elve him as earneit support 04 it
did Mr. Tildun. 1 am safa iu promismg vic
tory n New York state. "
There were great crowdn outside the conven
tion hall to hoar the result of the balloting ,
Heavy cheering followed the final result.
Cannon on the lake nhoro took up thu ro'raiu
and < > no hundred rounds were tired in rapid
euccoetion ,
HAN FIUKCIHOO , July ll. Tliu nnuounco-
inont of Cle\elaciVB uomliutlon waa coldly