OMAHA JDAIL BEE FRIDAY JU Y 1J , 1881. SILOAM MMAl SPRINGS. We iruaranteo the euro of the follow Ing named dls Oo.\see , or no ( > } ! Khouirmtlsra , Scrotum , Ulcers CaUrrh , nil Wood nd klnill CMcs , Dvtpop laLlve Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Uout. Ken algia and Asthma , Thosl Sprints are the favorlit csort ol the tlrod and dcbllltaUd , and arc the FEKlJt.K LADIRS BKST FIUEND , Oood hotel , livery and bathing occoinoxUtlon both winter and summer. Loonllty highly picturesque end healthy. Accessible by Wabash rallnay , fivnnaorC.B.fc Q. , at Albany. Correspondent elicited , HKKV.M.M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. , IM Rpeclflo Gravity . < ; Jloactlon . > l0 tr , CarbonlflAoldOas . MI1 > ? ( ! , , , Uraln Carbonnto Cslclum . 85,921 Carbonate Iron . /.VS ; ; Sulphate Magnesia . . . . . . . . .3,388 Sulphate Calcium . 1 > 1 * < > Chloride Sodium SM " ailllca . 1.JM " Alumina . " "P1 ? ! ? . . . . . „ Organloand Volatile matter and loss. .1,468 07 " * " alolldi per gallon . ; Choailsts N. SOHURZ. nf tliP 111 lllu OFFICE OVER ASIKUICAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant fS > .S3 1'carl Street Council Muds , Iowa. Justice ol the Peace. Omaha and Council Blnlfr. jieil estate collect1 aRency , Odd Fellows Block oversavings Dank , TDOJ. OFPJCXtt , Ccnncll Bluffs Ift * 1856 stabltshca - - DoMera la Foreign and omcatlo Exchaneo n As thcro are many So-Oallod Veterinary Surgeons in this city , who are practicing their quackery oh our people , I doom It but justiioto lay that I defy any of them to produce a diploma ; or credentials , ndicatliip ; that they arc giaduatcs of any v ctcrlnory uatitutc , and I do hereby caution the publl J agalne ' such quacks , ai I am tfie Only Known Gradual e IN WESTEitN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , L25 B'dway ' , AT HbUE UAKN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. At the well-known Establishment OF -1 P FBLRirB T < Ul | tT u IP H En fCP Ca BV I | | 209 Upper Broaaway , the Of Council Blufls. Notice our reduced Prlco List. We give J S pounds Ex trn C Sugar for $1 00 ai pounds Granulated Suear 1 OX ) 2fi pounds Choice Oatmeal 100 5 pounds Navy Itoxna 100 20 pounds Itot Bulk Starch 1 00 J2 pounds Carolina Hlco 1 00 12 pounds Choice frum s 1100 25 bare Buffalo Soup 1 00 Extra Lakol rout , per pound 09 i rrihard'd I'lui , ' per Ib 40 1 dozonMacUcicl 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cvvt 2 00 10 pounda Olutror Siiapa 1 00 iO pounds b mloy 1 00 ogallon keg Syrup 1 70 Wldto Fish , per Ml 80 Mackerel , tier kit 85 Dates , per pound 10 10 3 pound cans Standard Tomatoes 1 00 All kinds California Fruits pound Lnsk'a Standard 4 for 1 00 T. All grades , according to quality , 15a to 80s per pound. Wo also curry a full line of Mcn'e , Ladles' and Children's duo Shoos and Men' ' Fine Hoots at very tow prlciM. AUo a full line 01 Tinvrue and general nicrctiaudlso. Call on 113 and be coavlnced thai you cun eav o money 1-y tlcalini ; with ua. Uooda delivered free In any part of the city. In u word , wo nro bound to Kelt and challenge all audaola competition in tttU county. J. 1' . FILIiEKT 209 u .eriDroadway Hallway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ; are the tlmea of the arrival anil do- rarturo of trains by ooatral standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln ues earlier and arrive tun mlnntcn later. CIIIOAOO , nuHLiNaro.s AND QUINOT. WtAVK. AERIVK. 6:36 : pni Chicago Express ] 8:00 : a in 9:40 : a ra Fast Mall. 7:00 : p n' 5:45 : a m l/Mall and Kxprcss , 7 ! ' J p m 1 :80 : p m Accommodation. 2.60 p m "At local depot only. KANSAS CIIT , BT. 10 * AND COUHCIL SLOTH ) . 10.09am Mall and Kxpresa , ] 7:05 : p m S:05 : p m ' Pacific Express , 6:50 : p in CmCAOO , MILWAUKKS AMD BT. FAUL. 6:25 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m 3:18 : a m Express , 0:66 : p m CHICAGO , KOCK ISLAND AND rACIFIO. 6-SO p m Atluitio Express , 9:05 : a m 0:25 : a m Day Expresa , 0:54 : p m 7:3) : pm "DesMolnos Acoommodatlon,1 0:06 : p m At local depot only , I vVABASU , BT , LOUIS AMD rACIFlO. 3:56 : am Mail , 4:45 : p m : DOpm Cannon Ball .11:16 : a in At Traniforonl onicAao and NORTUVISTERH , 6:30 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m 9:26 : a m I'aciflo Express , 9:06 : a in BIODX CITT AND PACinO. 7:40 : pm St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m 1120am Day Expresa 8:50 : p m UKION fAcino. 3:00 : p m Western ExprcM , 8:35 : a m 11:00 : a m 1'aUflo Exprou , 4:40 : p in 7:40 : a m Loral Express , 0:64 : a m 12:10 : a in Lincoln Expresa , _ * At Tranifor only. DCMMV TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave-7:20-8so-0:30-10SO-ll:40a. : ; : : ro. 1SO-S : : 3:304:306SOSOll:06 : : : : : p. ro Sunday-9:30-lllo : : a m. l:30 : 3:30 : 5:30-0:30-llU5 : : : p. in. Arilve 10 mln te before leaving time THIS IlKLTor Uogcnra-e tor U made expressly for the cure of derangement * V of the generative orirans , I Thfre l > no mistake about Ibis Instrument , the con. tinuous stream of ELEC- Till 0 IT Y permeating ( through tlie part * mutt res _ tore thcmtohHalthy action Til I i Da not confound ttiUwith JlH.I HectrlaUeltiiadvertised to cure all alls from beKltooe , It Is for the ONE spec- ( Do purinsn. for clrculrs giving full Information , oddrttta Cheever Electric I ) lt Co. , 1B3 Washington tit. , Chicago. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. .OMAHA NATIONAL DANK BlIlt.DINO. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS. PEESBYTERY POINTS , Its Meeting nt Mnlvcru nml the Ac- lions Taken. The Presbytery of Council Bluffs ho'.i ft Djiccinl mooting in the Presbyterian church , at Malvorn , Tuesday nt 0 a. m. Only a smnll portion of the membership was present only fourteen of the thirty five ministers on the roll of Presbytery , and two of the fifty odd churches wore represented. The roll of these present comprised the following names : Reverends Charles Morwin , Mnlvorn ; 11. 0. Rowley , Brooks ; II. B. Dye , Sidney ; Alexander M. D < xr- ley , Afton ; J. n. Malcolm , Clarinda ; R. . MoKiuloy , Bedford ; W. B. Brown , Villisca ; George Ainsley , Rod Oak ; D. W. Cassatt , Emerson. 11. E. Flickingor , Walnut ; R M. Coulter , Woodbine ; T. A. Shaver , Randolph1. ; C. Smith , Shenandoah - andoah ; Samuel L. McAfee , Malvern ; and Elders W. A. Hunter , Malvorn and Arthur McOlain , Emerson. Among the items of business transact ed was the consideration of n call from the Woodbine church for the Jpastoral services of Jlov. R. M. Coulter and the arrangements for his installation. Rov. Mr. Shaver was received from the Prosbjtory of Southern Dakota. Rev .R. A. McKinley was released from the pastoral charge of the church at Bedford and dismissed to the Presby tery of Iluntington tonccopt a call from the church of Cloarfield , Pa. , one of the strong and prominent churches in that Presbytery. Presbytery passed strong resolutions of regret at the removal of Bro. McKinley and gave him testimoni als of high esteem in which ho is hold among his brethren. His removal vacated the oilices of stated clerk nnd treasurer in the Preabytory , nnd llov. S. L. McAfee wno chosen to fill these offices. Rov. J. P. St. Clair , of the M. E. church , was present a greater part ( of the business session and eat as a correspond ing member of the body. The next regular mooting of the Pres bytery will bo hold in Missouri Valley , Iowa , on the fourth Tuesday of Septum- bor noxt. Shipments of Stock. The following wcro the shipments at the union stock yards yesterday : W. S. Willcott four cars of cattle , 80 icad , to Chicago , via. Milwaukee. Fuller & Miller , on car hogs , to Chicago cage , via. Milwaukee. M C. Hayes , two cars of cattlo. 80 head , to Rock Creek , via. U. P. D. Anderson , ono car of hogs , 55 head to Chicago , via. R. I. James Mann , two cara of cattle , to Valentino , Nob. , via. N. W. H. H. Jackson , two cars of cattle , CO lead , to Fort Collins , via. U. P. Morse R. & Co. . ono car hogs , GO load , to Chicago , via N. W. Hnko Broa. , ono car hogs , 09 head , to Chicago , via Mil. W. E. Smith , one car hogs , 70 head , ; o Chicago , via Mil. i B. E. Cai-r , ono car hogs , 0 ! ) head , to Chicago , via Mil. , and ono car cattle , 18 head , to Chicago , via Mil. THE SEIZED LIQUOES. They Furnish a Spree for the Prison ers ii Jail , The bottles of liquor siezed by the \Iacodonia \ ofiicera yesterday , and loft in ho possession of the city marshal , wore > laced in the street sell in the city jail to await the termination of the cases now lending. Someof the prisoners in the city jail , who have the fro run of the corridor leading by the stool ail got a piece of wlro and attached it tea a section of hose in such a way that they mcecded in dragging the bottles to the > ars of the cell , and thorn helped thorn- selvoa to the contents. This provided a 'east ' for the thirsty ones , and they had as froo-for-nll a drinking time as they would have had if they were froo. When ho attention of the olliccrs was attracted ; o the tapping of the liquors they found ho prisoners sillyboozing about the corridor rider , discussing the question , ' 'Does prohibition prohibit ? " An alarm of fire wns sounded at 10 : 'J i. m. , caused by a fire in an unoccupied ramo house corner of Sixth avenue and Sixteenth otroot , of which Forrest Smith s agent. There was quito a blaze which was easily put out on the arrival of the fire department. Damage about 81GO. There is now on exhibition on Main otroot , just south of Smith & Critton- len's , under the nig tent , a. section of a California rod wood tree measuring 10 'oot in diameter without the bark. The ; roe when growing was 300 foot high. It ; ook four of White's big double trucks to mul the eoctlon up to the tent from the cars. GODSON OP A GUANO AKM Y POST. Christening of the President's Nnmc- Bnko. afwhlcb the Godfather was Absent. New York Herald. Chester A. Arthur cried. ' Ho kicked up his heels and yelled at the top of his voice , with nil the vigor that ho ia capable _ of. Ho was at the rooms of Mottornich post , grand army of the re public , No. 51 , Graham avenue , Wil- liamsburg , yesterday afternoon , and veterans belonging to the post were present also. Chester A. Arthur was a distinguished gucsj , and the company had assembled expressly to do honor to him , but , notwithstanding all this , ho cried and acted in the most refractory manner while the gentleman presiding a minister of the gospel was delivering an address , of which the distinguished visitor was the subjont. Chester A. Arthur was born just ono month ago to-day , nnd is the brelvoth son of Mr. William Petersen , a worthy machinist residing with his good wife nnd jiia family nt No. 014 Broadway , Will- iamaburg. Mr. Peterson ia a young man yet , but is a veteran of the great rebell ion and n prominent member of Matter- nich Post , ono of the model organizations In the Grand Army. All of its 150 mom- bora are Gorman-Americana , and it ia the only peat in the country which con- ducta all its procoodinga in the Gorman langua o. Comrade Peterson and his bright and buxom wife , having been blessed with their twolvth living son , the peat deemed the event ono of autliciont importance to warrant an oflicial notice The post , therefore assumed charge o ; the christening of Master Peterson No. 12 , and this WAS the corompny Derformcc yesterday , nt which the objectW so much distinction yelled lustily. A TKllttm : TO rilESIDEST .VnTHUll. A few days ago Mr. Peterson eont a letter to President Arthur , inviting Mr. Arthur to bo present nt the christening. No ronly having boon received from the president , the christening wont on at the time appointed yostordny , nnd , President Arthur not having nppoarod as n godfather - father , the entire post received the child ns godfather through the following olll- cors : Commander Charles Frederic , Senior Yico Commander Carston Tiodp- man , Junior Vice Commander Phillip Leippert , Adjutant William llortho , Quartermaster Henry Knopf , Chaplain Frederick Weiss , Surgeon Daniel lick- hardt , Ollicor ot the day John P. Soibol and Oflicor of the Guard John Epor- hardt. The Rov. John Moury , of the Hopkins Street Gorman Pacsbytoriixu churchhim self nn old soldier , conducted the christ ening aervconftor ! which ho made n short address commending the example of Comrade Peterson. Young Choltor A. ArthurPotorsonnnd his proud nnd happy mamma received many congratulations. The eleven other little Petersons looking like a llight of ataira the oldest only sixteen years old were also present. Then everybody nat down to n Gorman feast to drink the baby's health , nnd to enjoy themselves as only Germans know how. A KA.H10 OIil ) CLOCK. Once the Property ol' n Queen , But Now in Detroit , Detroit Yroa Press. "Como with mo fern short walk ; I'vo ; ot something to show you , " snidn well- known citizen , who lives near thoSpring- wells Junction , to n reporter for the Free L'rcao , whom ho happened to moot'at the corner of Michigan uvcmto and Vinowood nvonuo. The invitation being accepted , the pair walked south on Yinowood nvonuo to the first corner south of the Presbyterian church , and turning west stopped nt a neat little cottnpo , the first house on the right hand aido. In answer to a knock at the aide door a tall , stalwart , nnd in tellectual looking gentleman ushered the visitors into his house , when the reporter was introduced to Anton P. Elcstrom , and the chaperon remarked : " Wo have como to take a look at your clock. " Mr. Ekstrom , who Is n young Swede , speaks English very correctly , and with- il was very courteous and hospitable. Remarking : "It is n family heirloom which I value highly. " Mr. Ekatrom exhibited a clock about seven feet high , ho frame being of antique pattern. The works , which weraoponed to view , lire made of bras * , and as far as could bo udgod by a layman , show no ovidouco of year. The dial is of silver with the Igurps in black enamel , and above the dial is a silver disk an which is enameled ; ho name of the maker as follows : " Joachim Puskascz , Prague , Anne 1001. " At each corner of the dial plate are brasp scrolls which include in their design two cupids supporting upon scoptora the royal crown of Sweden. "What ia the liatory of this rare antique1' ? naked the reporter of Mr. Ekatrom. "It was bought in the eighteenth con- ; ury by my great-great-grandfather nt a public auction of sorao of the household jffecU of Qaoen Christina , and it has been in our family ever since. " "Can you prove that1 "Yos , indeed , for I have the docu ments which have boon preaorvod by my ancestors , and which have been handed down to mo. " "How is it proven that the clock was once the property of Queen Christina ? " "Wo have regularly designated places 'or auctions In Sweden appointed by .ho . government where accurate records of all sales are kept. In Stockholm I can find the certified records of.all auction aalcs hold there during tho' past SCO fears , and among them are the records if the various auction salea of Queen Christina's property. " "Why was her property aold nt auc- ion ? " "Because she loft the Lutheran church and became a Romanist. " "At what do you value the clock ? " "I was once offered § 500 dollars for it > y the directors of the Stockholm museum. " "Is it for sale ? " nsked the reporter , nn < ? as ho did so ho observed the fine caturod , cultured looking young woman rho had been introduced ns Mrs. i I : strom ( hut who had said but little jecauso of her lack of acquaintance with ho English language ) turn her face to .ho window as she raised a handkerchief o her eyes. At the same time the chaperon hudgod the inquirer and re marked in u whisper : "Lot up on that , " Ms. Ekstrom replied that hn might bo > bligcd to sell the clock , but that ho loped to bo able to Icoup it , after which ho visitors made their farewell suluto and vent away. Ouco in the atrcot the chaperon said : "There's ono of the saddest cases I ivor saw. Mr. Ekatrom is n graduate of ho Stockholm school of navigation , nnd tis diploma from that institution shows that ho graduated with honors , first in n class of eleven out of an original class of hirty-aix. Special merit-credits are against his name in the branches of math ematics , astronomy , geology , chemistry md navigation. Ho also holds the 8wed- ah papers issued in their regular order as assistant engineer , first engineer , chief engineer , first in a to nd captain. " $ "To sail on what wnters ? " "On the Baltic Sea and the North Soa. [ Jo also has first class papers aa chief en gineer , issued by thn steamboat impoc- ors in this city , and a license indued by ox-Mayor Thompson and ox-Dollur In- specter Wray. Ho laughed aa ho showed ho papers to mo , saying as ho exhibited lia .Swedish papers , 'It took mo seven ream of study to got these , and I was ) bligod to learn how to build n steam on- ; ino aa the first atop. ' Then nho ring n'a Detroit papers , ho added : 'Thoao I ; otin about half an hour after an exam- nation which hardly had a beginning oyen.1 "How doeu such a man cliunco to bo in Detroit airandod , with a wife and three children. " "Ho was ono of a company of Imtni- ; ranta who were induced to como over lero to nettle in Proaquo lalo county , by ho representations of beautiful farm ands and high paying pnoitiona. Kk- atrom was presented with 8250 a menthe , o take charge of a machine shop , a dry lock and a line of steamers. Ho wn * to 30 the general superintendent. When , hey got hero the promises vanished , and thoaawho could vet back wont , Ek atrom came hero. "What has ho boon doing ? " "Ho has been nt work for Frank Kir- jy , who can toll you all about his abil ity. " [ m SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco la the A Colored Clinplnin , Washington Special. The president has appointed Henry Plummor , n colored man , chaplain of the Ninth cavalry , ouo of the four regiments in the service composed of colored men. Mr. Phnnmor wns n field hand in Prince George county , Md , , at the time of the emancipation , and could neither road nor write ; but ho got aomo schooling over there , nnd then came to Washington as a student in Howard university. Post master General Crosswoll gave him n plnco in thn postollico department tva janitor , nnd ho earned moans to carry him through college. On graduating , ho took n course nt the Wayhnd theological seminary , nnd hna since boon the pastor of n colored church in this city. Ho litho the first colored man to roccivo ( inch nn appointment , nud is considered entirely worthy of the honor. His rnnk will bo thnt of n cantnin. The regiment to which ho is attached is commatutad by Col. Edward Hatch , nnd ia serving in the Indian territory. It ia the aamo to which Llout. Flipper , who was cashiered for dishonesty , belonged. There nro now no colored officers in the army , though there nro two colored _ cadets nt West Point , ono of thorn having boon appointed from Ohio. Bin-vrmn mimm nmrr ItrnmtsiulTin tired us Mwnlutrljrtniro THE TEST : riiro a pin top io n on hot > tote until hcntM.tnf mump thefOMrfttut * mell. A ctunit t Mill nut bo rv * quiruil to dulcet the prusonco ot luumonliu DOF.S NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS 1SKALTIIHKM.SS 1U8 NEVER HUN ( JIUTIOSKD. In a million liompn for n ounrtcr of a ccntmy It liai touil ( too ooiisiimors1 reliable tot , TI5E TESTOFTKE OVEH. _ _ PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , M KIIH or Dr , Price's ' Special FlavoringExlracts , HiofttrongrimnttiltlIeluuinn ( < IiialurainiMor Lnown , nil Dr. Price's LupuUn Yeast Gems I'or Light , Healthy llivml , Thn Host Dry Hop Ycntt III the Worl.l. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. " 8T. LOUIS. > .ro the cliangoa tnat , Inn towyoars , hnvo taken place in the manufacture of Improvement after improvement has boon made , until to-day the clothing offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210 Farnam atroot , ia equal in every respect to the boat Custom Work ! While at the same time the lownoaa of price of the fine grade of clothing they handle ia no loaa astonish- ins than the Perfection of Fit ! AND THE QUALttY OP MATERIAL AND MAKE 1210 Farnam Street , WO PKINCIPAL- LINE ruo.M CHICAOOPEORIA &ST. LOUIS , 11V WAV Ol' OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVSB , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHIBON to DENVER In Union Unpnts at KmmtiH City , Onmliu itud Denver with tlnougli Uiilns lur Anil till ) Xlnt3 hi tlio Uicat West. GV-OXHSTGl- Comicctlni ; In ( irond Union Depot at Chicago with tlirouili ; tmlim fur NE W YORK , It O S TON , And oil Kustorn Cltlej. Atl'corlu with tliioiiult truliix tor Indianap olis , Ulnclmmtl , Columbus , mid nil polntw In thu South. JOnst , At Kt , Loula with tlirouuh trulna for nil jKilntu South , Klcunnt Day Couches , Parlor Cara , with Hn. dining Clmlr-sM ! tH live ) , Hinoklnu CHIN with Ituvolvlnji ( 'hulls , 1'iillrmm I'lilimu .Sleeping Cure nnd thu JUIIIOIIB a Jl , & Q. Dliilnc < - ' ' > 'V mi ) dally tound from Olilougo and Kiuiuua City , Chicago mid Council Illull's : Chicago nnd Dc-u Molnca , Uhlcago , St. Josojih , Atchlson mill TopoUa without change. Only thioiiKh line rnnnliiR their owir tuiliiH hetween Chlcugo , Lincoln nnd Denver , and Chicago , Kunmui City nnd Denver. Tlnoiiuh cai Ixitweun liullniuipolla and Council Jllutl'u , via 1'eoila. < 1INO KOItTJI AND SOUTH. Solid TntliiH of I''legaut Day Coaohca anil I'nllinnii I'lUncuBlcepliiK Cnrauro run dully to nnd from Kt. l.oiils ; vlu Uannibuli ( julncy , Keoltulc , Jluillngtoi ) , Ccdur ItuplilH und Allivi t I.catoHt. I'ttiil und Mlniienpolluj I'lniorCuni with Itecllnlng Clmlru to und from Kt. I.ouH und I'liorlu , OnlyoiiochHngoofciira between St. I/ouls und DCH Molina , Iowa , Idntoln , h'o. bnuUu , und Uonvc-r , iJolorado. It la uUo thu only Througlt Line bfctween ST. LOUIO , MlNMEArOLIS and BT.JPAUL. It In known an the crent TllltOUUII OAII I , INi ; of Ainerlcu , uud la unlvuittully iidiiilt- led to lie thu Finest Equipped Eallroad in the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets via this line far wtla at iii' ' U. U. cuiinou ticket oillcdu In the UnilodBtutut Una UuuuUa. T. J. 1'OTTKK , I'EROEVAI , LOWKLL , Vtce-l'ia. k Uia. Mtu ( ; er. ' ill Estate BROKERS , 1404 Farnam St. , OMAHA I'AHTIAIi LIST OP SPKCIAti 1IAUOAIN3 IN PROPERTY , Farmitnj ' Linda , Improved Fftrma and Stock Karma in Douglas , Cnaa , Cedar Nance , Thayer , and lloward Countioa. Tor Sale or i\ch ; nRo Kor city property r lain ) , or fnrmltliln 12 inllffl ot Oinnht , n spIomlUI hiipro- Mil ( inn ot (00 ixctos In Tlnjcr eon nty 1'orTiloor r.\chnnK-e An oU > gniitlinpro\ fium Si uillert from ntock jnnl . Kor Halo Stock fnrm In western IOWA , 070 nrros , nil under cultivation , rulthatiil KT KSOI- , cuts I'M ) toin ol Imy , nil lonroil , llxini ; wntor on o.icli 4(1 ( ncro.i , lUletantlal hnpro\cincntn , occupied liy thnroiili | > litc.l lionoi niut cattlo. Will sell \\ltli \\lthuut stock , I'm Sale 14 mltei from Onuln , over 400 acrrs. A farm , nhlcliiiktmoniul art ha\o I'crli'cteil to that extent tlut u > un the Rratiay bank ot tlio liotutitul Hudson cannut KiirpaiH In clegnnco anil pplcmlor This nubiithan homoihoiiM , $21,000 , I'or Sale 10,010 acrca In Nanco county. An Root ! land M In tlio ntato Vcr ncro , $0,5U nuil npnardn. For Sale 2,000 ncna 12 tulles from Contra ! City , on I.o\i | > Klur # 10,00. I'or Sain 100 ncroi : i inllcii rait of Fremont. I'or tulo uo ncrc linpro\ctl farm , 13 tullca from city. Trmi easy , il,0(0. For Halo 040 ncrcn clMnino\cil | tiirm near West 1'olnt , 2(0 crrs iiiulcrculthatlon , larus , crlUSlnil nillN , U room house , fcnclnir nml nil nooisiiry Im- pov umcntfl , A cruat baricitln , $15 00 par aero. BUSINESS PROPERTY. or Sale 83xOD feet on 13th ( treet , ncir Itarnoy room for n brick block , of four etoreslilcli \\ouul rent readily. If notnold wltlilniO ilujnlt will bo \\ltlnlrnttii nud Imllt upon. Hontli 44ft. , corner nlloyg ! > , r > 0i ) . lii ldo H ft. , For Sale A bargain , 88x132 It. on 14th KL , near Jones St. Call ami neo us In regard tn tills proper ty uo lm\u iv bargain for A oil , ForRaloflood butlnoiB lot on Cinnlnp ; Kt , CO \ 132 feet 40,000 Kor Sale Acry ilerlrnblo business corner , lot on Harncy Mrcot $7,600. For Sale One ncro on Cumin ) ; St , \ \ III soon bo Root ! Inulnow property. $3,500 , For Sale Improved Fainam street property near 12th Htreet , gl'.uOO. For Salo48xl32 | foot , splemlld brick Improvement , n.s Rnodbuilncta n Is In the city $10,000. Fof Sale A buslncai property for $13,600 jlcldlngn rich Income of lopcr cent , net on liucKtment For S ! B House anil half lot on Cnsa St near Dolt Line U. II. $3,000. RESIDENCE PROPERTY. For ealo lot 110x100 on Street car line , cor ner lot , just ono mlle from pcitolllco.S 'I.T'OO DO For ealo House and lot for . 000 00 . 2,10000 1 " " . 3,5 0 00 J " " . fi.100 00 i . 0,600 00 . ooooto . . KO 00 ' . 1,200 00 " . 2MH > 00 " . 4,800 00 " . 2.KOO 00 " . 2,200 10 " . 3KW , 00 " . B.OCO 00 ' . 3,600 00 " . 11,600 00 " . oo i . 12,000 03 " . 12.COO 00 ' . 2,200 00 For Sale Fifty lot ) In Kllby place , \\lll soil at hirgaina , on cosy terms , Ihlslhcautlfiil location \\M command a ready n.ilo at the prices wo are prepared to sell for. For Sale Ixjta In o\ cry addition and every portion of the city. JAMES T , CRAIG , AND FLORIST. Plana , specifications and cellmates nf coat of hying out now or remodeling old I awn a , grading , eoddlng , oto. will bofurnlrhcil on application. ( Irouor and dealer in all klnila of Ploucrg , Hliruba , Ornamental and Bhada Trees. Jnnt tlio thing for Cometcry o Lawn Decoration. Orcen House and Nurncrjr Strout , near Fort Oinahx Cut Flowcra nnd h lowerIng - Ing Plants In pots for sale at all Beoaona , and any I'lnral Deelgna or UouqucU made up on the shortest notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ilrotw P. O. Box 695 Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY H'JCOKBBOR TO DAVID ft BNYDKIl.J Octicril Doalo.oln 1505 KAUNA1I ST. AHA Ilara lor ulo 100,000 acres oarotnlly eeleoted landi In Kaatorn Nebruka , at low price and on ewy terms , unprovea taima for sale In Douglai , Dodge , Colin Platte , Hurt , OunilnK , Harpy , Washington , itorlck gaunders , anil Hutler Oounlles. Taxes paid In all parU of the BUto , , Money loaned on Improved firms. Notary Public always In office. Correspondence solicited. DISSOLUTION OF CO.PAUTNKllSHIP Kntlco la hereby given tint the co-partnership heretofore oxlatlnif betvviun Jllcliaul May and Herman - man Hnndo , undir the firm name of May fi Kuodo U by mutual coimint , thin day dlxiolvcil , nnd that all delitB duo Irom laid I nn will be paid by Bald Herman Kniido , and all claims duo the firm are to bu p ld to him , The bualncig will bo contlnuod by Herman Kmiclo , who Rolkltn patronane. felUHAKh MAY. Omaha , July 8th 1B8KH. IIKIUIAN KUNUK. NOTICE. Any perBOn having any claims analnst mo , that I oontnctod for work or material fumliheil In the bullilliiK of the new nchool houaia on 17th and l.iav- enuorth and liln and ( Deltuaro , Omaha , are re. riucatud to Benil or iinacnt mich bills to mo at 1181 < J utruet , Lincoln , Nob. , or at olllce of the Hecrcttry of tln4lloard of Education , Omaha , beforu Jluy 12th , jy B w&o at F , H. I'OI VIN , Contractor , NOTICE. The 11 , If M , Itallroad Co. , will receive scaled pro. for tbu houao ami Improvements on the north & feet of lot 1 , block 2)1 , Omaha ; homo and Im- ] irovemeriUon went haflotii2 | < i anil 3 , llartitann'ii wlillllonthouiHioii vvekt half ot lot 3. block ' ( , \VII- coi'aaddition , All bldi to bo openrd at I'i in. July 1 ! ! h. 181. tllANK M. DIN1NNY , Jy6flt A tent. H. PHILLPS. . n MLOB Has one ot the largest and finest assortment ot Spring and Summer Uoods for Huttings and Trowger. lugs. All garment * guarautord to fit and trimmed with the Heat TrimnJugs. MYl'ltlCl'J AUELOWKH than aoy.Mcrchaut Tailor In the city , 1WU Faruaui tutt , THE CHEAPEST PLACE iiUULAEA / TO BUT DEWEY & STONE'S ' , Quo of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ? to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , . ELEGANT PASSENGER , , ELEVATOR , . IT IS THE NAMEQOF THE TOWN WHERE FOR ALL ARE FOUWD ! Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! BEAUTIFUL 81 And all of the good nnd pleasant things thab go to mnko up a com plete nud happy existence. Tlio town of South Oinnlm is Bitunted south of the city of Omaha on the line of the U. P. Railway , and it is less than 21 miles from the Oinuha post office to the uorlh line of the town site. South Omahn is nearly H miles north and south by 2 $ cast and west , and covers nn area of nearly four square miles , The stock yards nro nt the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have heon sold Nad the demand is on the increase The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The &GO,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The ? tf,0)0 ( ) ( ) Water Works nro keeping pace with the other irn \ provements , and the Hotel mid Exchange Building will bo erected nt once The B. & M. nnd Belt Line Railways have n Inrgo foroo of men at work and will , in connection with theU. P. Railway , have n union depot near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be furnished for Church nud School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they are to-day. t US"Apply nttlio Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas ( streets over the Omnhn Saving's Bank. . , A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. HENRY LEHMAN JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA , NEB Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , lirasa nnd Iron team Packing nt wholesale nnd retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. The Pnlaco Hotel ot Dcnfor. Cor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts llooma 7Co to 2.00 per day. Special Half a by tbo Month. TflE FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Conducted on the American nnd European Flans. Board $7 per week. S , CONDON , - - PROPEIETO 1,000.00 I $ WII.T , bu paid to any ono who will find a partlJo of Mercury , 1'otaeli , lodlao , Arnonlo , or any I'ol- BOIIOUI BUbatauco In W I P E C I F I C "I have cured Illocxl Taint by the use of Swift's Hpvcillu filer I hMl moat algually failed with the Mer cury and rotonh Treatment. I * . A. TOOMEIl , M. D. I'erry , Oa , "Hvvl'l'n Kpoclflo liaa cured ire of Hcrofula of 12 yenra Unillnif. Had norm us lar o my hand , and uvery one thought 1 vva iloomecl. Hvtift'i Spctlfla cnruil rnu alter phi fclclans and all other medlclno had : lled ' 11. 1 , . IIIOII.Lonoke.Ark. Cf t nnnwo"U l10' purchaio frnm no what fff ) llKUUUrinllt'HKjwrlnohaydoneforine , U cudro mo of llhouniatlain caused by malaria. " . AUCII IK THOMAS , HjirltigOvId , Tcna. Our Trcatlno on lllood and Ukla Dlseaeua mailed free to applicants. TUB SWIFT BrKCIKIO CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , ( la. N , Y , Olllre.tO Vf. fid Kt , , between fiih and 7th avenues. I'lilUdtlplila odlco , ISOd Ulientaut tit. Alike on tliovorandaol the mansion ofuoalth and In the little cot- tuKe upon the hill will ilicrofrimhlnKlnlluanco ' Toad lilaijo nppaient. It nourhhlug , sutlsly. Ing , and In prqurvd In a few minutes. Full dlroctlona aeoomptny caUicaii for tin ird , puddltiKi , oto. Put uu m four niioS5e. . , uou , e > -J iiu lit > . i > u. * elio especially adapted to famllcs. Sold by all Druggists and alao by many Orocvrs , ItlJgo's Food does not tax the dlgcgtlva or * gain. WOOLK101I & Co , , ou lalul. Tbo use of the term " Hhoi SHORT Line" In connection withtb * corporate name of a great road , convejs an idea of uat what I I K ] L "o-a required Short by the Line traveHngpab , Quick Tin ll In II _ and the best of accommoda- IVI oil tlous-all of which art fora * shod by the greatest railway In America. CHICAGO , MnwATOEE And St. Paul. II owns and operates over 4,600 miles ol Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and u U main lines , branches and oonoeo- tlons reach all the great busmen centres of ths Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers th description of Short Line , and Best Iloute between Chicago , MUwaukeo , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crowe and Winona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellondalt Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwstof Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoah. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsba and Ooonomowoo. Chicago , Milwaukee , MadUcn and Prairiedu Ohloo. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonua and Falrlbault. Chicago , Belolt JanesvlMo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar lUpld * . Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Ilook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Davenport , Calmar , St. I'aul and Minneapolis. 1'ulluiau H eeiiers and tbe Hnrst Dining Cars la the \v , rid are run ou the main lines of the CHICAtK' , MIUVAUKEK AND ST. I'AUL HAILWAY.audoerv attention Is paid to passengers by courtootu employe * oi the Coui | any. S. a ME1U1ILL. Oenl Mansgtr. A. Y , H. CAlll'UiTEn , Qon' Vats. Asi , J.T. CtAIlK. Ocn'l Sapt. QZO. il. UCAFFSltD , Asj't , aea.1 I'M * Agt.