Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Fridav Morninp. Julv 11
Bj-Currier - - - - - - - 20 oontu per week
By Mull - - - - - * 10.00 per yew
No. 7 Pearl Btreot , Near Broadway.
See J. Roller's spring goods.
"Macedonia" water Is the la ost.
The city council is to moot again next
Tuesday evening.
The Presbyterian Sunday schooljhad a
picnic yesterday.
Fairmount park has become quito a
popular place for small picnic parties.
The bulletins of the convention as
posted in front of Tun BEE oflico drew
crowds yesterday.
The Methodist ladies gave a social last
evening at Mrs. A. Barnard's residence
on Mynator street.
There were 72 Italian omigranta came
in yesterday over the 0. B. & Q. , and
loft for the west.
Conrad Goiso expects soon to manufac
ture at his brewery hero a drink that
Trill cheer but not inebriate.
Thb paving on Main street will bo com
pleted within about six days from now ,
and work will then commence on Broad
way.Tho country folks are not fair. They
want to como in and arrest all the law
breakers in Council Bluffs , but vote down
the building of a jail in which to put
Justice Schurz was yesterday occupied
in trying to decide to which of two pros
titutes a lot of forainino finery , displayed
in court , belonged.
There were two runaways yesterday on
H&in street just before noon. Ono was
the gas company's rig and the ether an
express team. No serious damage ro-
Bultod from either.
Rayburn ot al complain of the kind of
jail accommodation furnished in Council
Bluffs. Lot them now go to work to got
Fottawattamio county to vote for a now
jail and court-house.
The driving park association has not
yet decided whether to hold a fair this fall
or not. The citizens who want a fair
should help them to decide the matter ,
and that , right quickly.
The cry was changed a little yesterday.
Instead of it being "Como over into
Macedonia and help us , " the Council
Bluffs prohibitionists cried "Como over
from Macedonia and help us.1
The emigrant house at the transfer has
closed up tight now. Other changes
have boon made , also by which the
abuses of which many emigrants have
complained are being done away with.
The question is asked , "Whoro was
Congressman Pusoy when the light wont
out , or rather , where was ho when the
"bill appropriating another § 100,000
for the government building hero , was
called up } " .
The next time county ofilcora como
into the city to servo papers , they should
remember that city folks don't got up so
early as where there is milking to do.
They should drop into the saloons later
in the day.
Why did not the board of health , after
condemning the Methodist church as un
safe , go right ahead and condemn the old
court-hbuso as unsafe t Is the board
more afraid of Christians getting hurt
than politicians ?
These are hard days in which to keep
cool , but they are days In which men
need to keep cool. Foolish throats and
loud talk not only show the slmllowness
of the brain's of the man who indulgu in
them , but may load to serious trouble.
At the shooting match on the Fourth
there wa a tie between W. D , Ifardin ,
W. G. Oliver , D. T. Stubbs , and D. N.
Bowman for the championship badge ,
The tie , is to bo shot off in a match at
the driving park , next Saturday after
Ex-Policeman Brooks is now laid up
with an injury received while trimming
up some trees , the ax ho was using , by
a slip striking Mm in the loft log , baring
the flesh to the bone. It will probably
be two or three weeks before ho will bo
able to bo about again.
Council Blufls still has courts and law
and the citizens should lot thorn Bottle
their disputes , right tholr grievances
and punish the offenders. Nothing can
bo galrfod by holding courts on the curb
atones , or trying to settle matters ty
rowdyism. Let the law have a show. |
Oil Williams and Frank Vandoaburg
have lately had tbo use of a pair o
"climbora" which are used by tolophon
Jine repairers. Tliep have practiced eon
eiderablo lately in walking up tolophon
and telegraph poles and then running
down fast us men do , These boys ma ;
attempt it once too often and a missto ]
may result in something serious. The
person who loans those "climbers" shou
eo to it that young novices are not givei
too free use of them ,
Yesterday a barber named Ashley , whc
has been employed at Derksen's shop
was arrof ted for stealing a pair of shoe
iind a razor from a fellow barber namei
Daviaon. Ashley tried to go over t
Omaha on the dummy train , and Davison
followed him and tried to got his proper
iy back , and not euccedlutf , thumpo
Athloy and got arrested for fighting
Officer O'Briou soon after arrested Ash
ley for larceny , the shoes being on hi
t , while the razor had been pawned.
Buslmell sells railroad tickets cheap to
First Attempt to Enforce the Lipr
Law Almost Raises a Mob ,
The Officers Themselves Get Ar
rested and Bad Throats Made ,
Jotnll ot I ho First Hound ,
Yesterday morning Council Bluffs waa
thrown into great slnto of excitement
by the report that a number of men from
Macedonia had boon nround amonj ? the
saloons , gathering up evidence on which
a base prosecutions. There has boon a
ovorish stale oi public mind about ao
called "informers , " and many throats
made , so that the gunpowder was already
go oft by n slight spark. The
oport that the informers from
laccdonia awakened nlso the
latural prejudices against outsiders in
orforing with homo concerns , and so the
IOWB tlow from one to another , and as
umcd all sorts of exaggerated forms and
nlargod its wings as it wont. 'From the
aloon side of the affair it was stated that
gang of man from Macedonia had stolen
lyly into the city before daylight , and
hat they had begun tholr visits to the
aloons at the opening hours , while boys ,
olorcd employees , and bartenders were
loaring up and cleaning out proparotory
or the day's businossand before the pro-
dolors had appeared.
It was stated that Alex Obort'a ' saloon
n upper Broadway , was the first place
isited and that only a boy was behind
lie bar , and that they made him turn
vor to them ono bottle of whisky and
no ofwine , taking the liquor with thorn
ithout paying for it. Then Lacy's ' sa-
eon was visited in a like manner , a dar-
oy being behind the bar. Then Lund's
iloon was called on , and by this tlmo
tie news began to spread and thorp was
onsidorablo excitement , and _ quito a
rowd gathered when the Pluunir saloon
was visited. Hero the brother
f the proprietor was behind the
jar , and when the raon made a demander
or a bottle of whisky and ono of wino
hey were refused , and it vras claimed
hat ono of the so-called informers drew
a revolver. There was a lively comma-
ion , and if a blow had boon struck ,
hotfl would quickly have followed , and
ho outcome would have boon serious
ndood. The four men finding it was
; otting too hot , jumped Into their farm-
wagon , and drove oil' . The police were
called by telephone , and Deputy-Marshal
Jtoorgo Guanolla , with Oflicor Motcalfo ,
lurriodly skipped after thorn. Tlioy
were overtaken and brought back
o police headquarters , where
hey gave the names of A. B. Rayburn
J. M. Wilson , Abram Smith , and G. W
Matcher. They said Rayburn was the
oador of the party , and proved to bo the
nly ono who was armed , although the
umors had the whole four armed with
uns , dynamite , and other harmless
oath-dealing instruments. Rayburn
iad a revolver , § 150 ( ! in cash , and a
bunch of legal papers. Fletcher had
J5.10 , Smith had $5.118 and Wilson had
a lot of cartridges. The farm wagon
which they had was filled with hay , and
n a basket were the captured bottles
lacked in hay.
The men vfero brought before Justice
jchurz , on a charge of carrying concealed
weapons , and the fact was than got at1 in
n clearer and cooler manner. The case
gainst the men was , after some consults-
ion , continued thirty days , the men bo
ng allowed to go on their own rocogniz-
, nco , the bottles and other cll'ects still
loing kept in the marshal's possession.
Mr. Rayburn seemed the chief of the
our , ho proved to bo n regular constable
from Orovo township , the others being
pedals sworn in. The statement made
jy thorn was to the effect that roproaon-
ationa were made that the officers and
usticos of Council Bluffs will not enter
tain any prosecutions against the saloon
men , but thatBthoro were a largo number
of prohibitionits here who proposed to
see that the law was executed , and if they
could not got information filed hero , they
must file them olsowhoro. Captain A ,
Overtoil , of this city , a man who is
thoroughly conscientious , whatever may
bo. thought of his judgment ,
had accordingly filed informa
tion before Justices 0. B. Bryant ,
and Rufus Lyman ( brother of Judge Ly-
man of the circuit court ) , both thoao men
being justices in Grove township. On the
strength of those informations , search
warrants were issued , directing the officer
to search a number of Council Blufl'a sa
loons and soi/.o what liquors were found
therein. The places and persons named
were : Win. Laoy , Alex Obont , Thoo-
doio Lundts' "Central Saloon , " Cap.
Russell's place , A , Doorflingor , Homy
Wagner. Charles Barghousor , Smith's
' 'Phiunix" saloon and 1'otor Drury. As
it was impracticable to attempt to noi/.u
and carry nway all the liquors it was
thought best to got ono or two bottles
from each place , enough to convict the
Mr. Rayburn seems to fool sore aboul
the way the prohibitionists had failed to
support the move , and the opposition
which was developed hero , whore they
wcro led to believe they would find co
lie said that they arrived in town the
night before , and stopped overnight at
the Drovers' hotel , and early yesterday
morning wont to the rendezvous , where
there expected to moot a baud of citizens
upon whom they could rely for counso
support. Instead of that they were
guided into a stable at Henry Do
Long's placo. and Mr. Do Long
and Captain Ovorton , with themselves
constituted the assembly. Rayburn salt
it was a ridiculous contrast to what they
bad been led to believe , They ken
peeping out the door to see if anybody
was watching , and after a consultation
there they started out. The men donioi
that they did anything unlawful. They
said that at Obort'a saloon , as in fact R
ether places , they explained what thoti
business woo , and that Rayburn onlj
pulled his revolver , when the crowd begun
gun surging about him and there ivorc
cries of "hang him , " "throw him out , '
"whore's there a tope , " etc. , and.ho fi l
that ho must bo prepared for self-defense
They denied that they sought to go
away from the olllcora who wanted t
arreat thorn. After they were arroato
they secured the counsel of Dally & Bruit
and by their advice decided to return
home , hand over the papers to the jus
t ices who issued thorn , and decline t (
Bprve them , but lot Council Blufft jus
( ices and officers attend to tholr own Jo
cal affairs.
Mr , Rayburno stated tliat ho request
ed the city marsliol to lot him have th
bottles taken , so that ho might return
them to the saloons from which they
were seized , so as to clear himself of the
whole affair , but the marshal refused to
do so.
It is claimed that officer Motcalfo is
to bo proceeded against now by the torn ,
poranco people for his part in the affair ,
it being claimed that the Macedonia men
tried to got him to look nt their authority
and papers , but that ho would listen in
nothing , but arrested and locked them
up ,
If under Uio now law the officers who
refuse to execute the law are liable to a
fino. so that there may bo some pro-
cooulntrs of this kind eroir out of yester
day's affair. The Macedonia officers
may make themselves thus liable by ro-
'using to servo the papers , while , on the
ether hand , it has become equally evident
; hot to servo them will couso hardly less
Mr. Dorkson thus narrates the part ho
took in having the men arrested : "I
was going to the butcher's a little after
Devon o'clock , and when in front of the
express office , corner of Broadway and
? earl streets , I saw the man Royburn
lolding a revolver in his hand and talk-
ng excitedly about shooting. I asked
why they didn't arrest him , and immed-
atoly returned to Foster' drug store and
oloplionod to police headquarters for an
olllcor. While in Foster's the man ran
nway , and when oflicor Motcalfo came , in
company with Gcorgo Guanolla ,
ho deputy marshal , wo
ran down through Bayliss park and.dowii
to Sixth avenue and found them on the
corner of Main street. I thorp pointed
ho man out to the oflicor , who
arrested him and the balance of his
crowd. I don't propose to have any
many to point u revolver at mo again , it
unco happened to mo in Chicago : 1 pay
axes hero and propose to have my
ights. I did not know who the man
was ; had no idea ho was an informer
olloctiug evidence against the saloon
M , Chase , of Carson , Iowa , was atUclitoIo'n
osteidny. .
Mrs. Vf , C , l.rb has gonu to Ualllmoro oil a
ow weeks' trip.
Dr. John IKJtly , of New York , arrived
1 13oclitelo's yesterday.
Bon Marks and wifu loft last ovonlug for
10 east on n two-months' pleasure trip.
William 15 , Tortor , of Wattamouth , Kcb. ,
s in the city buying up all the calves lie can
Not FceUlo Minded.
'o the Kdltor of TUB HUE.
No. 723 , WASHINGTON AVE. , July 10.
When you report , please bo correct.
Vhon Miss Williams was at Glonwood ,
t was loss than a month , in the capacity
f help , so do not infer that she was
ooblo-mmdod. She worked for mo and
was a bright , ] clover girl. She made
roubles of incidents that these who talk
bout her would pass over , and not no-
ico. A drunken man at the house she
vorkod at. could toll how ho insulted
icr , and she , knowing how unjust it was ,
n a moment of passion , swallowed the
> oison. Temper was her ono great fail-
ng. "Judgo not lest yo bo so judged. "
iVhat I say I Imd from Doll herself , and
more too. JUSTICE.
Something lor Nothing.
Until further notice wo give to each
.wontioth customer his purchase , what-
ivor the price or value of the same mcy
jo. Our cashier will keep an accurate
record of every transaction , and when
the twentieth sale of any amount is made
the purchaser will bo presented with the
samo. Wo have adopted for the present
this system of advertising because it
rives our patrons instead of the news-
) apors the five per emit , which it cost
is. Clothing retailed at wholesale
> ticos. Ilata retailed at case prices.
goods , trunks , bags , umbrol-
as , etc. , otc. Every twentieth customer
iroaontod with his purchase.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 C5@
70 ; rejected CO.
Corn Local purposes , 40@15.
Oats 1'or local purposes , 85@40 ,
Hny S10 00@1200 per ton ; baled. GO@GO
Kyo 10@45o.
Corn Wool 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good aupi > ly ; prlcoa at yards , G 00 ®
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; toft ,
5 00 per ton
Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at 93c ,
Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30.
Brooma 2 'J5@3 00 per doz.
Cattle ISutelior cows 3 7C@i2j. ; Uutdior
Bloom G0@fi 00.
Hogs 1 00@4 25.
Quotations by J. M , St. .lolm & Co. , com-
lnsion morclinntH , 038 lirontlway.
Poultry Llvuold lions , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2 25@3 00 per doz. ; llvo turkeys , ( Jc"
IVnchos A bus. \ > c1 00.
Oranges B 00@0 00 per box.
Lemons 0 00 per box.
IJnnanos 2 00@3 00 per bunch.
Huttor Creamery , 20oj rolls , choice 9@10c.
KRKS 18o po * dozen.
ClitrrioH § 1 ! 50 per bushel.
Vegetables Potatoes , 1 602 00 jwr bbl ;
onions , 76a ; cabbage , GOo per dor. . ; apples ,
1-3 bu box , 75c@l 25 ; Beans , I B0o)2 ( ) 25 per
NOTICE. Special * vortlsomonta. BUO u Lost ,
Found , To toan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board.
lag , etc. , will bo InsottcJ In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS TKR LINK lor tlio drat Ineertloo
and FIVE CENTS PKU LINK for each lulacquont n
Mrtlon. Loaadtertlsemonta at our office , No ,
Pearl Street , near Broadway
\X7ANTBD A good Tlmnilth for jroncral work la
I T country ulioii. Aildrau W. W. Ix > on < ln , at Ia-
vld llradlov & Con ollloe , Council Illuffj , tft jlot.
\X7AKTKlVlly a niarrlod man , aged 0 , ultuatloii
T > In a wholesale or retail irtocery as counter man
or trnrelliiK ralcgintn. Hid ] yrora r > | i rlenre.
Flritclam references. Address "J. B. , " 1018
Broadway , Council llluOf.
WANTKD A flrtt-clan brick moulilor. Apply to
U. Htraub , on road to I ) , and 1) . liutltuto , or to
Slai Molm , Cruiton liouso.
\XfANTlCU-A situation in betel kitchen. Cull or
11 addrutu 11 " 0 6th avenue , Council DHiHa.
\A7ANTKU-A tltuatlon by a tinner. Call or ad
\ } UIUM 1120 8th auenue , Council Bluffii.
\\rANTKI-A coed waiter at Loulo & Jletz eri ,
Y ) C21 Uroadwav. Council 1)1 ull .
\\7ANTED , 1'onltloii M engineer or Qreiuan , by
It cxHrieiiced | ; hind , capiblo of ilolni ; tiUrun
mitlrlnir. Mtric-lly tcuipeiaio. Addrcft B , , BKK
, Couiicll llluirs ,
lit ANTED H e hundrvd pleoes ot flr.tclua
> nccoud-hand cariHit arid two bundrml tcatlnir
to\i. A. J. MANUEL , S liroadnay.
01.1) 1'ArKllb-For eala at BII office , at U ccuta
a hundred ,
WANTED Kvery body m Council Uluffi to taku
Tn l ) . Delivered by carrier l ouly twenty
enta a week.
t poll SAI.K. A RolJen opportunity to get Into a
lujltlmato and iirullublu builncoi on euy
cruii. A well mtablMieil bakery In Council BlulU
or tain , ( Jdo.l KUOIH for ullluj ; . Addri-dl 0. It
I , UKH oltloe , Council lllufl
4 UKNTS-lAdlcs and Rcntlctuen can make first
t Ycuu * W KOJ by kelllntc the "Champion Bouom
'trecthcr ' and ronlug Board. " UeUlli at 11.00 ,
ny lady can do up a fine thlrt without a wrlnkU
ud tilnn 11 H nicely ai the beat lauudrlcacau. Addrc < 1
tor iuutlcuUr " o. B. S. & L Co. , Iiai. offioi' , for cue I
Taught by Titor. Scimoon Tuesday and
Friday evenings from 8:30 :
to 10:30 : o'clock.
niNK ron ncNi AT 815.00 ran NIOHT.
F. H , MARTENS , Prop'r.
I1x.1E ? : ] < Sc "WIEIITIEJ-
Practice In State and federal Couttl.
Collections promptly attended to.
Iloom 0 , Schugart's liuildiuf ? ,
For Sale.
The Presbyterians of Council Bluffs of
fer for sale a lot of Seats , Windows , Carpets -
pots , Lamps , Stoves , Gas Fixtures , Ta
bles , Pulpit , a now roof , inside Shutters ,
etc. , now in the church building before it
is taken down to make way for their now
liouso of worship. The above articles
are in good condition and will bo sold rea
sonably. For prices and particulars call
Council Bluffs.
Mrs , HJ , Hilton , H.L
322 Mlddlo Bro 4' A7. Council Blutta.
E. Rice M , D.
oi other tumori removed without the
, knife or drawing o blood.
Over hlrty j-caropractlcil ! oipcrl nco Offloo No.
I'car treet , Council Uluni
jt-rConculUtlon tree
ICE ! ICE ) ! ICE ! ! !
For pure rhcr Ice pnlroclte the Uuo w gen B t-
Ufactlcn guaranteed. L a\c orders at No. 45 South
Stain street.
Telephone No. 84.
A1O Static 3tX-oot ,
OMAHA . rr . . . . . . NEBRASKA
Office , Main atrcet. Rooms 1 and Bhugart ft Ifo-
Hnhon'a Block. Will practice In SUto and edettl
MUtt )
New clcBlpnn In Satin nml
- _ finish , wlthnnmc. 10 ct .
r\Vooircr$100fornpnckof cards
Sany nicer work , or prettier styles.
rsampltifrte. I jlc C rl Wctls. ITcw E rcn , Ct.
We have begun this week a Special Sale of Children's Dresses. To close
this stock out we have marked them 25 per cent less
than Regular Market-prices.
You can buy a good Scotch Gingham Dross , Troll made , fast colors , from 75 eta. up.
The stock consists of Gingham , Chambray , Seersucker and Linen Suits ,
made in the Latest Styles and Cheaper than the goods
alone can bo bought for.
Towels ! Towels i Towels !
Good all Linen Towel , ICc , worth ? 0c.
Good all Linen Damaak Towel , 12lo wotth 22ic.
Good all Linen Hnck Towel 20r , worth 30c.
Good all Linen 1 lonoy Comb 25c , worth 40c.
Good rdl Linen Huck Towel 25c , worth 40c.
Good all Linen Oat Meal Towel 2Sc , worth 400.
Good all Linen Damask Towel , 60 In'hcs long and 24
Inches wldo at 5EC. This tone ! would beery cheap
at DOc. Como early and get some of them before
they are all gone , as wo cannot replace the goods.
Great Bargains In Table Covers , Nankins and Stand
Covers , Table Covers In Itod , Ocrrcan and Damask ,
bcnutlf ul patterns , S yards long and 2 yards wide ,
$2.(0 , worth double the money.
Bartralus In Bed Spreads.
A full Uuo of Ladles' and Misses' Rubber Circulars ,
from $1.26 up to theory beet goods manufactured
by the Sterling llubbor Co.
Ladles' Dusters.
Hosiery' ! Hosiery ! Hosiery !
This week cheaper than over. Como and look at the
stock and convince joureclt that wo are offering
the greatest bargains In hoslciy ever shown n
Council Bluffs.
Our line ot Cents' Goods Is complete and cheaper
than the same goods can bo bought west of Chi
Mciifj' and Boys' Blilrts with reinforced linen bosom ,
linen bund * , and well made , 5Cc.
dents' LIsle Thread Shirts , Gents' Balbrljrgan Shirts.
Gents' India Gauzi Shltts , 3jo and up.
Gen's' ' Socks , Collars , Culls , Tics , and Ilandkcr
Handkerchiefs from 2 icnplceo up. Fast colors. A
good colored bordered handkerchief Oc. A good
colored bordered handcrchlef , lOc.
Wo have a pure linen Ladles' Handkerchief , hem
stitched , fast colors , lGc.and the best bandker-
chief e\crsold forlMM.
A full Hue of Pearl Buttons In sizes from IS up to 28
from D to lee per dozen. These buttons ar o o
oed clear pearls and not chipped.
tipc lluD ! dl tlio [ lit ! LUWobl Tnwpot ill Pri
Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels.
It t " Fine Cut ( Mil tie
"Bee , " and "Rival" Cigars.
The Best Nickel Goods Offered. We Guar
antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order.
3,000 Klcctrlo Belli Sold la the Month of Juno by us.
Agents Wanted !
IlcfcrcnceH Any of the busineu hoiiiei In Council 111nIII. JUDD k SMITH Proprietors.
MRS. S. J. NORRIS , 105 Main Sb
To foe sold regardless of
cost for the neat two
weeks to make room for
Fall Goods.
J. J. ATTWEEDA , 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs
H. H. HORNE & CO. ,
Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA Mid
YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted
as represented.
7 and 0 Main street ,
Ventilated Three Inch Part ,
" T IP rp IT
Switches , ( all long hair ) § 2.00 84.00. § 8,00nd upwards. Coquette
nnd Hair Ornaments Given Away.
No. 337 Broadway Council Bluffs
urtalns , In lace , ci'tt , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , ! Mattings .Linoleums Etc
hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in tbo WEST ,
omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods hi our line ,
heapcst place to buy CARPETS , Curtaina and House Furnishings in the
C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care.
The Best $2 a day House in the West
Centrally Located.
Sample Rooms ,
Firs"t Class Table ,
All Modern Conveniences.
Reduced Rates to Regular Boarders.
Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Flno Linen Collars and Cuffs.
No. 71 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff
MMMWJWLlfl 49 tff 9 VtfV V 0T V XOTO 1 ' * * ' mSXP' B
Waves three inch part 65c , Ooquetts lOc each , Switches
$1 to $ 0 each. Hair ornaments given with every pur
chase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to ,
Waves made of Ladies comhings at 50c per inoh ,
MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Stree
Nos. 217 nnd 219 S. Hnin St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS
401 Broadway. 1 Mcila it all Houre.
Council Bluffs , f Parties a Specialty.
Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds.
Wo. X OXT. 3M , iao. St. . Oou.xi.oll 331xi. fia.
504 Mnin Street , Council Bluffs.
CASES a specialt } ' . Sluiwl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps.
Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Exec uted
an d 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW