OMAHA DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 11,1884. The Nebraska National Ban ! OP OMAHA , NEB. Paid up capital 350,00 surplna Fund , Nov. 1 OCR IS 00 DIRECTORS. H , W , YATE3 , President , for' many yew Cashier of the First National Bank of Omahn A. B. TOU2ALIN , Vloo Proaldont , Boston V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse & Oo. JOIIN S. COLLINS , of G. II. & J. S. Ool Ins , J. M. WOOLWOKTn , Counsellor undJAttoT noy nt Law , TJ. S , 11EKD , of Byron Rood & Oo. K 1C. HAYDEN , Assistant Cashier. T1IIS BANK opouod for buatnoss April 27 1682. ITS DIRECTORS AND STOOKIIOLD KUS are amoni ; the loading business of Oma ha. and Its bnsinoia Is conducted with oapacla reference to the best and incroaslng Interests Its mercantile patrons. OOLLEOTIONS rocolvo epoclal attention nnd charges lowest obtainable bora or else < where. INTEREST allowed on Umo deposits npor nvorabla terms and upon accounts of banki end bankers. FOREIGN ESOIIANGE Government Bonds and'.County and Git ysocuritloa bought nnd sold. FINANCE AND CO MERCS : , FINANCIAL NEW YORK , July 10. Money Kiwyj 1@1J ; closed ollorcd 1. Prune paper 5@C per cent. Sterling Bills-Quiet ami Strong ; 4 S3ij demand , 4 85J. Governments Finn. Hallways Firm. In the stock market compared with last night , the majority of active stocks closed a fraction higher , the only advances of more than a fraction being Lackawnnna 13 and Luke Shore 10. OUUFOKS B1 41'aOoupouo. . . . U. S. new , i > . . . ' " ' i of'35. BTOOXB AND BONDS. Amur ] can Kipresa Burl. , Oodar Kaplda & Northern. . . . . Central Pacific Chicago & Alton do do pfd Chi. , Burl. & Quincy Erie do pfd Fort Wayne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Central Ind. , Bloom , & Western Kansas & Texan Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis & St. Louis do do do pfd Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd „ Northwestern do pfd New York Central Ohio & Mississippi do do pfd Poorla , Decatur & Evansvlllo Rock island Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul do do do pfd Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba Bt. Paul 4 ; Omaha do do pfd Tezaa Pacifio Union Pacifio \V abash , St. L. & Pacifio do do do pfd \Vostsra Union Telegraph r - Asked. CHAIN AND PKOVISIONS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , July 10. Flour Dull and lower to sell. Wheat Regular , unsettled ; fairly active ; advanced early /@lc / , fluctuated slightly , and closed l@lic above final quotation ! ) afternoon board yesterday ; cash 79MCO July , 7 ! > 3 ; Aug ust 8l | : September , 83i@831 ; Octobe.Slrf. . Corn Active and excited ; opened i&'ja higher ; advanced in all 3J for August , 2fs for Si September : declined Ic ; closed 2 § higher" for August , 1'i higher for September and latest figures on the afternoon board yesterday ; cash r > l@51 } , July 51 ; August. 52J ; September. mi@51J ; October COjigr.O ? ; rejected , 41 ® 4 A. Oats Firm and fairly active , futures ad vanced jc , closad Jp above yesterday's closing prices. Rye Quiet at CO. Barley Nominal at e2@Gl. Timothy Dull ; prime , 1 25@127A. Flax Nominal at 1 50. Pork Moderately active ; averaged hli < ? htly higher ; cash nominal ; July and August 22 60 ; September , 21 25@21 00 ; October 1'J 25 ® 1'J 50. Lard Active ; opened steady , advanced 20 @ 2."c , receded 10 © 15 e , cash and July 710 ; f August , 7 15 ; September , 7 i7i@7 ! 30 ; Octo- i ber.7107 42J. Bulk Meats Shoulders. 5 00 ; short ribs 7 SO : short clear , 8 40. Whisky Unchanged at 110. Butter Weak ; choice creamery , 17i © IS } ; fancy dairy , U@14J , Cheojo Slo a ; full cream Cheddars and flats 7@S ; skimmed choildars 2@5. JCggs Steadily held at 14J@15. Ifulos Small demand ; green settled : quoted hull Oi ; damaged OJ ; light 8J ; heavy 74 ; calf 12V. Tallow No. 1 country sold at C , CALL Bo.utn Wheat August and Sep tember is higher ; October unchanged. Corn July nnd September unchanged ; Aug ust 521 asked ; October Jc higher ; year c higher. Oats July Jo higher ; August and year Jo higher ; September . [ c higher. .Jt'ork July and August unchanged. Lard August fie higher ; September nnd October 7io nlgher. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , July 10 , Wheat Dull j No. 2 red , 90. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 01. Oats Steady and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33J © 31. 31.Rye Dull j No. 2 , 05. Pork-Firmer at 10 00@li ( 23. Lard-Quiet at OJ@7. Bulk meats Firmer ; shoulders. 5'J : short ribs , 8 } . Whisky Steady at 1 07. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , July 10. Wheat Lower ; 09 bid cash ; G'J\70 \ August ; 714 bid Septem ber. ber.Corn Weaker ; 39@301 cash ; SflJi August and bid September. Oata Dull and nominal ; 21 bid. ST. IioniB , July 10. Flour unchanged. Wheat Higher but less octivu and opened at a little advance , then declined , but closed @Sii , .cloainK 831 for September ; closing 87 October. Corn Higher , firm , and fairly active ; 4 lif @ 1 for cash ; 41JcJl5for } juiy . . ! 54li/ ' for August ; 4fil"j ( ! for September. Outs Firmer but slow at 30 for cash ; 2CJ@ tBi ! bid for for July ; 23i for August and the , . Jlye Nominal. Barley No market. Lard-Dull ; 3jj. Butter Unchanged. I'lggB-Unchauged. Fl \ Seed Nominal. liny Unchanged. Brau-'L'nchauged. Cora meal Lower , at 2 c < . CAM. BoAiii ) . Wheat-855 for July : 8'i ' @ 8U lor August ; 83J for .September ; "J for October , > Corn Quiet nt4Uj@HiJ for August ; 471 bid for September. Oatt > Nothing dono. NEW IODK PRODDCE. ; NEW YonK , July 10. Wheat Spring simt , i@lc } higher ; closed easy ; No. U Chicago , fc'i ; arrlvo DO ; crop In field 87 ; ungraded rod 2f ( IT.'J ; No. 3 rod DO ; No. 2 rad OI@ ! > riS ; September ber closing % J Corn Spot lc@2o higher. Options l@2j tjctter ; later wo kn < : sa , cliiied showing sonn reaction ; ungradixl 4Cfe6U ; No , 2 , tOl@COi ! September , ( iOi. Oats J@l higher ; moderately active , clo ? ine ttoody ; mixed western , 3Cif3S ; while 38 © 13. 1'ork .Steady ; moderate demand. Lard Opened strong , 202o higher ; closet with reaction ; western steam , spot , 7 43. Butter Dull and easier at 8(2)20. ( ) Sugar Dull , weak. Kgga Western fresh , quiet and steady. rcontA rnonucK. PKOHIA , July 10. Oorn .Stemlyhipli ; mixed , 49e : No. a , mixed , -l3@-Slc. ! Oata Actl\u and firm ; No. 2 white , 32 ] @ 32/c. / 32c.Uyo Quiet ; No. 2 , 5S1@5S ? . Whisky-107. TOr.KDO. TOT-KDO , July 10HioU Aclhe and n shade Ingliprj No. 2 red cash 8(5'@S7i. ( Corn Firmer ; No. 2 coth , and July , Au gust , 51J. Oata Dull , firm ; No. 2 cash and July , 32. LiVKnroot , LiVKnrooL , July 10. Broadstuffa Quiet , Wheat Dull. Corn Dull , easier ; 5s IJd lULTlMOnK. BALTIMORB , July 10. Wheat > \ estorn sh.itlo firmer , inactne ; No. 2 winter red npot , Corn Western higher , dull , lower ; mixed spot 67@58. , OaU StiMtly , qulut ; western white , 3 ! ) © @ 41 ; mixed 3.W. ! Hyo Quiet at Ot@GS. ICggs Lower nt ll15. Whisky Steady at 1 14. MII.WAUKKK. Mii.WAUKEn , July 10. Wient Dull ; No. 2 and July 71)jf ) , August S1J , Soplembor 83J. Corn Quiet , unchanged , rejected ; No. 1 ! , 4C@17. Oats Steady , shade firmer ; No. 2 mixed 31. 31.Hye Inactive ; No. 1 , 00. Barley Unsettled , firmer ; No. 2 spring , 5G@ < j7 ; Sepombor 03 bid. NEW OULBAN8. NEW ORLEANS , July 10. Corn Fair demand ; yellow mixed , 03 ; white , 73. Oats-Dull ; 386939. Corn Meal Quiet and steady at 2 90 , Pork Steady , lit 70. Lard Tierce refined lower ; 7 75 ; others unchanged. Whisky Steady ; western rectified , 1 00 © 1 20. _ _ _ _ fclVE STOCK. OniOAQO LIVE BTOCR. CIIICAQO , July 10. Drovers'Journal reports Cattle Active and firmer ; exports , 0 CO © 6 93 ; common to choice shipping , 6 10(24 ( 0 CO ; inferior to good cow ? , 2 15@4 40 ; stockers and feeder * , 3 50(35 ( 00. Sheep - Slow ; Inferior to fair , per cwt. , 2 23@3 00 ; medium to extra , 3 50@5 00. Lambs Per head , 2 OD@3 00. ST. LOUIS LIV1C STOOK. ST. Louis , July 10. Cattle Active and strong at about 10o higher ; exports , 0 5Q@ S 75 ; common to choice shipping , 5 23@ B 5.0 Sheep Scarce and slow\ inferior to good. 2 25 4 00 ; choice to extra ; 4 15@4 50 ; good to choice lambs , 4 00@fi CO. Hogs Active and a Bhado lower ; Yorkers. > 105 ( 23 ; packing , 5 00 5 23 , heavy , 5 30 § 5 40. KANSAS CITY LITE STOCK. KAKSAB Cm , July 10. Cattle Active nd firm ; natives , 4 50@5 20 ; cow ? , 2 75 ® J75. Hogs Strong at 4 80,5 ( 12\ " . Sheen Quiet ; stock , 2 02 $ . TRAFFIC. JLOUB AND aiUIK. CHICAGO , July 10. Receipts nud ehlp- nents of flour and grain for the post 48 Louro lave been ca followo Kocelpta. Bhlp'K Flour , bblo 8,000 9,000 IVheat , bushels 29,000 134,000 3ora , bushels 135,000 215,000 3ata , bushela 80,000 20,000 ! ) Jye.bushola 5,000 . . . . 3arley , bushala 1,000 1,000 NEW YORK , July 10. Eoceiptn end hlpmonta of flour and grain for the past 24 hours lave been as followa : Receipts Ship'ts. Vheat , buahels 9,000 161,000 3orn , buahols 18,000 173,000 ) ata , bushels 18,000 HI,000 LIVE OTOOK. CHICAGO , July 10. Receipts and ship- aonla of live stock for tha paot 24 hours have icon aa followa ; Kocplpla. Bhlp'ta. Jattlo 2,800 logs 7,900 ihonp 400 . . . . KANSAS CITT , July 10. Kooolpts nnd htpmenta of hvo etoclc for the past 24 hours tavo been as follows ; Recolpts , Bhlp't ! . Jattle. . , l.COO Joga , S.OOO . . . . ihcop 7SO . . . . ST. Louis , July 10 , Receipts and ship- nonti of live stock for the past 24 hourn have leen aa followa : Kacolpto , Bhlp'tn. Jattlo 14,1300 logo 5500 . . . . Uiiiop 200 . . . . OM/LHA MAKKKT3 Wholooalo Prices. Ornan OF Tun OMAHA BEB , I , Thursday Evening , July 10. f Tha following pricca are charged retailers ly jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer- ihants with the exception of grain , which is [ uoted at the prices furnished by the elevators ind other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Cash No. 2 , C21 C31o. Barley Cosh No. 2 , 45@50c , Rye Cash , No. 8 , 42@44\s , Com No , 2 , 3Si@3CJo. Oats-No. 2. 27@28c. Live Stook' STEERS 4 25@5 50. Q VAT Cows 3 00 < IH 00 , rroos-4 00@4 60. BHKKF 3 50 ® 4 00.1 gOAivea-0 00@7 00. Oonoral Prodnoo. BKAVB Rocelpta light nnd demand good , Bjud picked navy , per bu , 82 50 ; medium. ! 00@2 25. BEKHWAX In good demand , Choice btlght 10 r Ib , 2C@28o : common to good dark per 11) , BUTTKR larket unchanged ; receipts light- ) r ; generally on better grades , which it HQUUIB ire held for better ] > ricea. Best table is ( notable atSiaiOo ; with 5@7o for Inferior 'radeH , nnd 15@10c for creamery. CIHEU "Ohio" per bbl. 87.00 ; "York State ' > er bbl , $8 00 ; perj bbl , 54 75 ; condensed per ; al , 85o. Crab apple , per gal. Mo. CHEESE Full cream , western , lOffill : ioneln nowllj ; young American 12@13c OoooANDTB- IW , 84 75te5 OU. llggs Receipts aio ( ncreaklng and prices 'lUln.T unsettled , s.ilo.i being inailo to-duy at I ) , lUJj and Mo , Huwover , a positive decline a not expected. FOBEION FRUITS California oranees. per MX , 84 DO. Moselua lemons , per bor. > 5 50 3000. Bananas , pnr bunch , 8300 i'lffd , Ib. . lOo , Datoa , In frails , 7Jc ; dutOH , ard , In boxes , 12u , FEDIT BurrKiia Apple butter , In SO Ib mils , per Ib , 7c. Plum butter , 7Jo. Hay Baled. S8.00ra)10.00 ) ; loose , 810.00 ® JEILV In 20 nnd 80 Ib palla , C@7o ; In 2 Ib ira , per doz , 81 50 ; ossoNa turablerg , lot. 81 20 ; ochoonoM , per dozen , 83 00. MAI-IK SnoAit Pure , In brlrka , per Ib ' ICc ' Dhio , 13c ; . .mall cakei , 12Jc. ONIONS New Southern per Ib. S3Jc. ( ! POVCJORN- good demand at ZCctf o per Ib , POULTRY Receipts of old chickens heavy mil prices considerable lower , ealea today , $00@3 23 per doz , ; spring chickens in good lemand at 82 75 ® I 00 according to si/e , POTATOES , Now onen In liberal supply and selling to-day at 93 00 , )3 ) & 1) ) l > or bbl. fo choice Tevna and ftl 00 per bushel for homr Brown. Very llltla demand foroKl one * , c PROVISIONS Ham , 13o ; b , lueon , 12\o \ c. f. bacon , life ; d. . nldoa lOjc ; short lib sides , 105c ; unouldorg , 8Jc ; rntwa pork , per bbl. $18,50. Dried beef , 13e. Lard. ! ) @ 10o. Spinach , per bbl , $2 00 ; now cabbage , i > er doz 80@100 ; lettuce , pet < loz. , 'Joe ; rodlshoJ , per doz , , 25c ; turnips per bit , BOc. boots , per tin , 76cj cucumbers , per doz , , $1 00 ; Pie , plant jxsr Ib. 2c. cauliflower per doz. ? 100 ; now carrot * , per Ib. , So. Tomatoes , i bu , box , 76@ol 00 : < roon poiw per uu hol box , $1,00 : string boons per btwhol box , $2.00 SMALL Faults Strawberries , per IM-quart case. 9300. Black raspberries , ? I 00. Hod raspberries i > er 12-n.uart case. 52 00. Gooseberries berries par bushel , § 1 DO. Wild plnnm , JMT case S3 60. Now applea per box C0@l 00 ; Poaches 1 00@1 60. KASTKRN CimnmKa Plentiful and cheap. All kinds of packages are Kent to market , sell- ng at the rate of about $3 00 per bush. Drr GooCIn. BROWN SitEKTiNos Atlantic A , 7Jo ! Allan tlo P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; OJc ; Brunswick , 7ic ; ! nvorlamLL.CoLa\vTonco ; LL.BJc ; Pad- fioll , , 7c ; Royal Standard , So ; Indian lload A , 8cj Wnuchusott A , 7fo. FINE Bnowx SHEETINGS Argyle , 7jc ; Pop- poroll K , 7cj Salisbury ] { , OJo. BLKACHKnCoTTONa Ballon 4-4. Clo ; Bal Ion 7-8 , G < fc ) Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll DD 8jc ; Fairmount , 4Jc : Fruit of the Loom 4-1" Oc : Glory of the West , Sic : Golden Gate , 8JcS Hill 7-8 , ScjlllUM , ! ) c ; Lonsdalo 8icNow ; Vsrk MilN , Hies Wamsutta , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc : Bon. ton , 10 oz. , 1-licj Boston , 9 oz. , Uc ; Pol Klvor , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) Woat Point , 8 oz. , 11 West Point , 10 oz. , He ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. llo. llo.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoskoag. He ; Contlncnta Faccy , 9c ; Cordis , lo c ; Po.irl lllvor , He York , 12jo ; llamloton Awnings , 12\c \ , DKNIMO Amoskoasr , 14c ; Beaver Croo AA , 12c ; Beaver Crcok BB , lie Beaver Creek CO. 10 ; Haymaker 8c ; Jallroy D & T. 12u ; .Taffroy XXX. 12i ( Pearl Itivt'r , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown , 12e ; WnrronBB ( brown ) , lie ; WJUTOU CJ ( ( hrown ) , lOc. OAiiumca Fifth nvonuo glove finish , Co Keystone glove finish , 5Jo. ConsKT JEANB Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 80 Koarsayor , 8Jc ; llockport , 7c. PlilNTS Allens.5JcAniorican,5Jo ; Arnolds Go ; Cochoco , Cc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 7io Indigo 7-8 , lUc ; Indigo 4-4,12Jc ; cheap salt IJc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PniNTsSittimNas American , 5c ; Cochooo 5c ; Gloucoster,5cSouthbridgo : , 4Ic ; Wnvorlys IJc ; Ilosodalo , 4Jc. GioilA3l3Amoskoag stnploa , 8o : Bates itaplos , Sic : Lancaster staples , So ; Plnnkot jlatilo , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoakoag Persians , OJc. DnKsa Goons Atlantic nlpacca , 9o ; Per ilano cashmor3jc ; Hamloton caBhmoro .0c ' ; Hamleton Faucus , lljc ; Hamloton bro- .desj 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Iiiauorn. AtOonOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 29 per wins gallon extra California opirits , IKS proof , . 12 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 87 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod irhlskica 1 00@160 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky tnd Ponnaylvonia ryes , 2 00(5)7 ( ) 00. BiUNmEU Importod,600@lCOO ; domostlo 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domostlo , 1 40 § 300. Ileus Imported , 4 506 00 ; New England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 60. PZAOH AND APPLE BnANDT 17B@4 00. CHAMFAQNEa Imported per case , 28 00 © 4 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@1G 00. Grocora CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standardpor ) CMC , ; 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 ft , per caae. 2 60@ 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 SO ; Bnrtlctt ears , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per caeo , 10 ; egg pluiaa , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; green ages , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; pine npploa , 2 Ib ier caae , 4 8U5 50. ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9Jo , 8 Inch , cf ; i inch , lOjc. CANDLES Boxoa , 40 llm , 16a , 15c ; 8s , Ifio ; loxoa 40 Ibs , 1C oz. . 60 , IBc. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , coses , 55 ; arjuaro cases , 1 70 , SUOAKB Powdered , 82o ; cut oaf , 8Jc ; ranulatcd , 7o ; confectionera' A , 7ic : Stand' ' rd extra O , GJc ; extra C , 6gc ; medlnin yol ow. CJc ; dark yellow , o , COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12 Jo ; fair 13 gl3c ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice 617c ; fancy green andyellow,16@lf > icold ; overnment Java , 20@2Gc ; Levorlng'a roaotod. 7c ; Arbucklo'a roahtod , 15 c ; JIcLaughlinV IXXX roasted , 154'c ; mitatlon Java , 1C1 ? i8c ; Clark's Aurora , IGjc. RICE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair Jc ; Patma , Gfc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brla. , 8 50 ; No mackerel , jdta , 1 15 ; family mackerel , hal rlfl. , 700 ; family mackerel , kite , 95c ; No. 1 rhite fiab , half brla. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. SYRUP Standard Com. . 50c , bols ; Standard o , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon cvs 137. SOD A In It > papers , 3 SO per cose ; keg per Ib , oc. PICK tea Medium. In barrels. 8 25 ; do i half barra's , 4 75 ; small , In barrel * , 9 25 ; do i half barrels , 5 25 ; Rhorkina , in barrels , 10 25 ; o in half barrels. 5 75. TEAH Gunpowder , good , 45@65c ; choice GO J75c ; good Imperial , 40@13c ; choice , CO@G5c Toung Hyaon , good , 36@50c ; choice , 5c@l 00 ; Japan , nr.tural loaf , 35c ; Japan , iiolco , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40o ; Oolong , loico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@40c ; iioico , 35@15c. WOODENWARE Two hoop palle , 1 85 ; irso hoop paila , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- OBr washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; fellbuckotn. 3 5. SOAPS KJrk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk's ktinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's hito Russian , 525 ; Kirks outoca , 215 ; Llrk's Prairie Quooii , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's i&gnolla , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 85 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. CANDY lllsod , 12@13c ; Jstlck , lie ; twist , Ick,10ic. VINECIAE New York nppto IGoj Ohio ap- lOjlSc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aahton , In kckfl , 3 50 ; bhla dairy GO , 5s , 8 30. STARCH Pearl , 4&c ; Silver Gloss , Set Com tarch , 8c ; Excolalor Glons. 7c ; Corn , 7jo. SPICES Popper , 17c ; allsplco , 15o ; cloves , 5o ; cassia 15c. LTE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , S 40j , 'ostonj , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , GGi Jewell lye , 2 75 , TODACOOB Ptuo TOBAOOO Climax , 50c ; Bullion 60c ; [ oraoshoe , COo ; Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c : Her- JV'B , 40c ; Black , 38@40c. FINE Cur Common. 20O > 30o ) good , 45@ DC ; Rosa Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ; Dltmond Irown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c. SMOKINQ O. S , , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30o ; Dnr ; am , 8 oz , , BCc ; Durham , 4 oz , , 67c ; Durharr or. , , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 56c enl of North Carolina , 4 oz. . D7c ; Seal o forth Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; 0. 1C Durham , 4 t. , 28c ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uncle Ted , i'a 25c ; Tom and Jorrj , 23a , DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid , rnrbollc , 35o cid , tartulc , 55c ; balsam capabla , par lib , 5c ; bark sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , peril ) " ) c ; clnohonldla , per oz. , SO.G5 ; chloroform , or Ib , , 81 10 ; Dovors nowdor , per Ib. , 81.25 ; salts , l > or Ib , , SJc ; glycerine , jiuro , per rin ; load ncetato , per Ib , , 22c ; oil , cnstor , fo' 1 per gul , , 81.55 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per nL$1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orl- unum , 50c ; opium , &I.50 ; nulnlno , P. & W ; rid K. < tS , . per oz. , 81.40 ; potasulum , , idlno , i > erlb , , 81,50 ; Hallcln , perez , , 40c ; RU < - bate of morihlno , per oz , , 83.50 ; sulphur our , per ; etrychnliio , per oz. , 81 , 5 , lioatlicr. Oak cole , 8Sc@-12o ; > ioinfock.aolo28c@35c | emlock kip , BOo to 1 00 ; runner fi5o to BOc ; cmlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o > 21c ; oak upper , 24c ; ulllgator , 4 00 to D 50 ; ill kid , 32@35 ; Grelson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; ouk Ip , BOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French Ip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; re * . ita , 5 f 0 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 CO ; top- ings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco. BOo to 35c ; sbblo 0 , D. Morocco , 85c ; nimon , 2 fX ) to 8 00. HARNESU No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ! 5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , Sic ; No. 2 do , B3c ; No. 34o ; No 2 do BSe , No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitta oak nr , 35c. . Pulnto.Olltf and Turnlalioa. OILS HO carDou , per gallon , 13jc ; 160 ° sadllght , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight , or gallon , IBc ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; llu No. i , 70cNo. ( 2,600 castor , JVAJV , pores lou , 1 GO ; No , 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , pot gallon 1 0 tjionn W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish. W. B , twugftllon , C5c ; nofttsfoot extra , | > or gallon , CKk Nn. 1 , 76oi lubric.itInK , toro , jxir gallon , 80 < lumnior , 15c ; goldoti ruachlno , No. 1 , per pa ! lou , 35c ; No. 2 , 28e > sponn , tignal , per gallor 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c } nsptlm 74 ° IKIT pnllon , IGo. PAINTS IN Oil Whlto loud , Omnhn P. p , 0c ! white load. St. lxml , pnro , Cic ; Marscillo green 1 to Glbcans , 20c ; French tine , grow neal , 12c ; French tine , rod scftl. Ho ; Frond zinc , In vnrntth os t , 20e ; French tine , In ol last , 15c ; raw and burnt nmbor , 1 Ib can , 10c raw nnd burnt Slnnnn , lOcj v'undvko bro' n ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; oonch blnck , ji Ivory black , IGc : drop block , IGo : Pnwslm blue , < 0c ; nltramarlno blue , IBc ; ohromo green L. M , k D. , IGc ; blind and nhuttor prcon , L M. &D. , IGo ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian rod IGoi Venetian rod. D Tuscan rod , 22c ; Aincrl can VormllUon. I. & P. . 18c ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18oj yellow ochre , > c golden ocliro , ICe , patent dryer , 8c ; gralnln ) colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chfntuu andiuh ICc , Whlto load , 8c ; liYonoh line , 10c ( Parli whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gilders , IJo : whltlnf com'l He ; lampblack , Gormoutown , I4o lampblack , ordinary , lOcj Pruoslan bl o , 55ci ultramarine , 18c ; vaudyko , brown , 8c ; tunl > or burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; elonnn , burnt , 4c | nionnn , tw , 4c { Paris preen , gonulno. 2 cj Paris green , common , 20cchromerroan ; , N.Y. , 20c ; curomo croon. K. , 12cJ vormllllon , Eng. , 70c ; vcrmillion , American , 18c ! Indian rod , lOc ; rene pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cooksou'a , 29c ; Venetian rod , American. Ijjc : red load , 7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow - low , K. , 12c : ocliro rochftllo.Sc : ocliro. French , 2\'c ; ochre , Amorlcnu , 2o ; Winter's mlntiral , 2jc ; lehlgh bnnvn. 2io ; Sponbh brown , ajc ; L rlnco'a mineral , 3c. VAHNIsilEa Barrole , p * gallon ! Furnl ; uro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : coach , 5xtra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51 ? 0 ; Damar jxtra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cnsphaltumlcitra ; , B5c ; ihollac. ? 3 50 : hard oil finlsli ' 81 60 , Hoarr Ilanlwaro Llat. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Cc sruciblo , 7c ; special or Gorman , flcj cast too ; lo , 1520 ; wagon epokoa , sot , 2 503 OOj hubs ior sot , 1 25 ; fo'looa sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , well , 70@85c ; axles oacli , 75c ; SO.URTO uuta par b , 7@llc ; washers orlb.8@18c ; ri\nta , per b , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , So ron wcdgM. Go ; crowbars , Gc ; hnrrow teeth c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horBchoes 4 70 } urdou's imilnflliooa 5 70. BARDED WIRK In car lots , 4 5 par 100 , NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 05. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental lewder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kogu , 848 ; do. , uartor kege , 1 83 ; blasting , koga , S 35 ; fuse , r 100 feet " 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor la nin Blossburg , 10 00 : Whitobroast lump ; 00 ; Whitobreast nut , 5 00 ; Town lump , 5 00 owa nut , 6 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra Ito , 11 25@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton littmnor. WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , lath. and shlng os't on cars t Omaha nt the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. nnd under 1 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 1C foot nnd under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; I ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd C In , , 24 00 ; No , 2 , ! 00. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; o. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOORING No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No. 2500 SIDINO , dear 27 00 ; No , 2 , 25 00 ; No , S , )00. ) OEILINO I , 37 00 ; J , 25 00. SIIINQLES , boat 1 50 ; standard , 3 50 , LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 85c ; iment , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair jr bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 tlw , 3 50 ; straw ) nrd , 3 60. _ _ DKNVKH MARKET. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , 100 Ib. 0 50@5 75 ; reeacd 9 00@10 00 ; ahoep 3 00@3 25 ; hogs. i-o , 5 00@5 35 ; dressed 7 00@7 25. HIdoa. Dry Flint , lli@12o. ; green 4@5c. reencalf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , dry , S@10c. Tallow. n@Gc. Wool. Colorado ll@15a ; Now Aroxco ? 7 ® ) e. FLOORColorado. . 100 lbn , 1 85@2 25 ; pat- it , 400 Ibs. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Jbs , 00 ; rye , 100 Ibe. . 2 25@2 45 : buckwheat , 100 is , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn .eal. 100 Ibs. 1 4501 75. ORAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 40 ; corn , ! n icks 100 Ibs , 1 OS@1 12 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 85 II 45 ; barley. 100 Ibs , 1 301 35. HAY Baled , upland. 20 CO@2G 00 ; bot- nn straw , 1200glGOO. ( BDTTER Finest , 25@2Gc : Nebraska dairy inico , 14o)15c ( ) ; common , G@8c , Keas Fresh , 23@21c ; ranch , doz , fresh ! @ 30c. CHEKSE Full cream , 14 ( 15c ; LIraburgor , ! c ; Swiss , iinportocl , 32c , POCLTIIY Live , chickens old , doz,5 50@G ; 00 irlng chickens. 3 5o@4 60 ; dressed lb,18@10c. POTATOES Grooloy , 100 Ibs , 1 00@1 10 ; New 25@2 05. VEQETAHLES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 50@ 75 cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; new boots , s 250. FRUITS Orange Messina box , G 00 ; tnonn , choice Mossino. 4 50@ 5 00 ; apples , iliforuia , bbl , 3 00@3 25 ; bananas , bunch , 50 ® 1 00 ; poaches per box 2 50@2 75 ; Texas umH 1 00 per box. MEATS Hams , Ib , 13J@14c ; bacon , break- st , 12J13c ; lord , in tlorces , Ib , lOc ; y salt sides , ! ) J@10c. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 GO , kit. mess , T5@2 25 ; California ealmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; oil ami horriu ? . kof , 1 C0@l 75 ; trout , per st ALONG THE HHK OP THE ilcago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. rho now extension ol this liuo troui VVckcfleM up a EAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord and Coleridge inches tha boat portion of the State , Special ex- rslou rates lor land tceliors aver this line to ync , Norfolk and IInrtlntoi ; ; ! , aad via Bialr to all Inclpal poli.ta on tba [ OUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Frtlns oror tht 0. . St. P. M. & O , Hullwny to Cov [ ton , Bloux City , 1'onca , HartloKton , Wayuo kiid irfolk , ir Fremont , Oakda , Ncllgh , and through to YA- ! cntlno. tSTFor rotes nnd all Information call on F P. WHITNEY , Oencril Alteut , HAMBURG-AMERICAN UECT LINK FOH KNOLAND , i'lUNCI ! AND OEIUUNV. Die Btoauiflili3 ! | ol thli wilt-known line are built ol in , In watertight oampartinonta , ami ara luriiUli > wltli otcry rcf | i8ito to make t'jc J M KO both fa mill agruaLle , 'Jlioy carry the UnltoU Htfttce d European nulls , ami leruo Now YorkH Tlnira- } aandnaturdn > nfor I'lyinoutli ( LONDON ) Cher. UIK , ( I'AHIO ) and IfAUDUMO. llatta : Kiibt Cabin , ? 5 , $70nndSO. HtoeriRO , (20. Henry I'undt , Mark Haugen , K. K. Moorcs.M. Toft , entuln Omaliu , OroiicwIcKocSclioontgen.Rgditgln uncll liluffd. 0. II : IIICUAUD St CO. , Oon. I'ait * ta , 01 ntindv.-iy , N. Y. Clias. Kozinlnthi & Do- neral WcatcJUKOnU , 107 Wnslilunton St. , Chlca [ cOAETHY fy BUEEE , UMDEBTAEERSI 8 14TII STREET , BKT. FARNAIB AND DOUOLA8. > dols AMurtnceCo. , ol itootoa , Ouh iweta . . . . . . . tatoboitar , N , T. , Capital . 000,000.0 otferch iit , ut Now.jk. H.J. , Ctplttl 1X76,000. r r < m e. I'tllwJeljlU , ' : eineo' runJ Car Ul n * , Kailway Times Table. n Kfloct July 1 , The Mtcntlon of the triuplllnff puMlo li en\M \ I the f ct that thli I * the only complete ami atnoltiti ly correct time-table published In ( ho city. All troth * arrhc > M km ) drpMt from Omih * o Central Standard Time , which I ) 24 tulnutot fAslo limn * mi tlmo , t Ktccpt Saturday , Except Smuhj- J Kuccpt Mon day , FrtiiiUnlonfiPnclllo ; Dopnt ; Tcntli St U. r. R. n. , MAIN LINE. MATH. . M U ami : m Atlnntlo Kip . .7:80 : r PacinoKjp 8:25 : j' ' JUH VALI.KY DIVISION. tXATIL I AklUVH. Lincoln Kip.,15:55prn : | Lincoln Kip..12:65 : p r DUMMY THAlNS-imtUOR DIVISION , tx-avo Omaha : 8:40 , 8:00,0:00 , 10:00,11:15 ft in. , 1:00 S:00 : , 8:00,4:00,6:00 : : , B:00 : , 10:35 : p. in. On SumlXyi 8:40,0:00. : : ll16 ! ft. in ! 1KX > , 3X : ( > , 6,00. , 8.00,10:85 : p in ArrhoattiansfordopotlS mliiuto lotori Dro aw ' rtoiotCoutirll llluffd , 20 mlnutcg Inter. I/viuo Council HUlffs , Dro ilwBy ilcpot , 7:20 , RSO : 8:80,10:39 : : , ; 1SO : , 2SO ; , 8.80. 4:50,6:30,0:8 : : : : . llIOGp.m On SiimUj-s : 7:20 , 0:30,11:40 : : . m.lSO ; : SSO : , 4:30 : , 8:35,11:05 : : put. Atrh * ( it Trun ( or 7 ntln utcs Utcr. I/e vo Oonnntl Hl ff Trumfcr dcixit : 7:85 : , 8S7 ; 0:87,10 : 7 , ll47 ! ro ! 1:87 : , X:87 : , Si37 , 4i40 , 6:37 : , 8:45 : ll:15i. : m. Arrlvn Omnnn 13 tnlmilMlater. TlUNSFKinilAlNS. TlUNSFKinilAlNS.ARRIVm. UtlVR. ARRIVm. Puss. No. i 8:15 : ft m l'a > No. M.,0:45 Mi " . . , , . ,8:53 : B 111 " 8. . . . ll15n ! n " 62 10:05 : ft in " 4,4:25 : pm 8 7:3.1 : p n " B 8:10 : pm 1 8:15 : p n " 10 8:5D : pm pmDivl M1SSOUHI PACIFIC , tBATIL Anntvii. Mall- 10S.1 : m Omiha Kxp..8 ; 0 * n\ \ St , Louis Kxp. . . .8:35 pin . . . .0.60jini B. 0. Jk I. K It. tmvit. I ARRIVH. Uill 8:40 : A m St. lau' Kip. . > 45fttn St I'RUlKxp B.55pmlMiU 7:35 : p in Dally. o. , . i & r. u n. LKAVX. I Atinmt. DcsMolno9Accl:40am ( : r.iprcn ) PU : it m H ll- 8:15 : nui I DosMclnos Aco'.0f.O : p in Kipicrat ix6 : pralWr.ll' 7:35 : p ID 0. 4 N.V. . 11. K. tKAM ! . ARRIVJI. ElsUnm Kxrrce ? ) . . . 0'4am 4:2.tliin : | Mall * . 7:35 : pin U.M. & U.K. LHAVK. ARRITI. \Tl\llk El' 8:16 : It ) raclflo Ript. . . . 0:45nm : lUnutloKil 4:25 : pm Utllfc Kip * 7:35 : pin C. , U bj 11.11 , \ la Council 11UUT9. ) LKAYB. ARRIYIt , Hull R:15 : urn nxprcn 0:4ri : m KiprcM 4:25 : p in Mall 7:35 : pm Da ( Noto.Tl0 0:00am : and C:00 : p m diuniiitr lni nUo ronnoct ltli cflBt-liotiml trnlim on the Uock-lvland , IIurlluKton , N'ortli-Wustcrn nnd Ullwaukco roadg. WABABU.ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. LKAVX , I ARRIVK. Cannon Bull 1:00Jim : Cannon Ball SDOpm : Dally. - E. 0. , 8T , JOE ft 0. D. ( via Council Bluffs. ) LRAVX. I ARRIVR. Ifall 0:00n 1111 Exmceat 7tOnm Kiprcsst 8:65 : p m ( Mail 7:36 : pm AUKANUE1IF.NTOP SUNDAY TIIA1N9 During July Saturday , Sunday nnil Uonday Chicago trains will rotate aa follo\\n ; Saturdny evening truing loa\a July fitli and 26thIa D. M. & St. I1 ; July 10th via the North-Western ; July IftliIa the llock Island Arrho In thu eamo ardcr the Monday follow Ing , Sunday morning trains dcjiart nnd Sunday ocnlne ralna arrho July 6th nnd 27tliIa the Koch Inland , Inly 13th > lathe North-WoaU-rn , and July 20thla > hoCU&St P. From B , & M. Depot ; Tcntli Stroor. B. A U. nAILUOAD MAIN T.INE. EBSVKR Bxraxno. VBST BOUND. IA8T nou D. LHAVH. ARRivn. CIUpm : 7:60 : am 7:00 pia 10:05 : nm Vehland. H:27 pm 10:03 : nm 4:62 : pm 8:12 : am Jncoln. . . 10:00 : i > m 12co : m 8:60 : pm 76 nm : rote . 11:17 : pm 12MOpin : 2:41 : pm 8:01 : nin I.i tlnK3. . 6:15 : am 4:16 : pm 11:06 : am 10:00 : pm led Cloud. 8:00 : nra 0:01 : pm 10:25 : am 8:25 : | > m ptoOook. . . 10:615 : nm D15 ; pm 0:16 : nin 4:10 : pin Ikron. . . . 3:45 : pin 2:10 : am 12:50 nm 11C5 : nm Jcnvcr. , . . 7:26 : pm 0:15 : am 9:26 : pm 7:80 nm Dally. OMAHA AND FfcATTlMOUTH TP.AINS ! jv. Omaha at 7:60 : , and 8:45 : a in ; 4:50,0:10,7:45 : : : p m Ir. Omaha 10:25 : , 8:40 : and 1UU6 : a in ; 7:00,7:30 : : p in Dully. C. B. fc Q. U. R. ( > U PlatUmouth. ) 'LKAVR. I AIIRIVR | Eastern Exp.8:45 : a m OmahaKxpOn : \ m .4GOp : m | Wcutcrn Kxp..7:30 : p in . _ Dally. Hw" " K. C. , ST. J. & C. 11. ( via riattamouth. ) LXAVH. AIIRIVK. .fall . 8:45 : am Exprciut Ciprccat 7:45 : pm Mall 7:30 : p From O. St. P. M. AtO. Depot , 14th and \Vel > atcr StrcciH. 0. , St. lli. . t 0. I.IUTB. TARHITI. fa 2 rn9acnKcr..RSO : am I No 8 Mixed 10:30 : am i'o 4 Mixed 3COpm : | No I 1'asHCDKCr. 6:30 : p m BuudaYB Eiccptcd. WITH ' your work is done for all time to come. WE CHALLENGE ,0 , produce a more durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. FOU ANY AMOUNT Olf Hied promptly. SampleH sent and estimates given upon application , WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux PallH. Dakota NOTICE TOCATTLEMEW COO CATTLE FOR SALE. iOO Cows and elfora. oo One-year Stcore. 1healio\o dcscrlUoJ cattle are [ all well br d , na. HoKeljra8li iiPl loua. 'Jliow cattle will LuBoM In lot ) ta suit purchaser , 'or turtdcr puticuhra call ou or JJruH , L. W. 1'I.AN Albion , Neb , SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO n . . . . „ _ _ . a. < CSs > iB . fcVT ; ii ° * Bl1 , ? W * fo < xl tor "toe * * ' " "y a-lnd.'HOne ' pound la equal to thron ponndu of corn flock lei withUroun Oil Cakeill ; the Kftll nd Winter ,' . ' J ot running down , will Incroww In weight ni ! nuf.ii . K f iiblj nol"'tlon . ' ' " lll ° "PiliS. I > lrj men. M vfoll M othcro , who ue It cm t ; t y t. Itamorlta. Tty It and JmK. ) fut youtaolvof. 1-rfco'mi tonnn chjrpo lor MCks. Address WOODSIAN LINSKKI ) OIL COMPANY , Onuha Neb. 'ate DEALERS IN FIRE AOT ) BUBGLAE PROOF WHOLKSAI.K AND RETAII. DEALKK IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , 80- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Mfin- nger of the Tea , 'Cigar mid Tobacco Departments. A full line ol ! nil grades of above ; also pipes nnd smoken' articles carried in stock. Prices aud samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & VAND POWDER Cft Heating and Baking TB only attained by using g . Stoves and Ranges , gS IIIIH IfHE mil OVER 00011 Fci sale by MILTON BOQjeBS & SONS OMAHA 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE. IE BUCCESSOnS TO EEirNAUD BROS , ft CO. ) -DEALERS IN- PalntsOHe. . Bru@foa&t ) ! VrATTA , - - - ' - NEBRASKA EVlilwaukee , Wis. GITNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. [ .HILLMAN & CO. , OlotMen 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COJR.JSTh * SLOMAN BBOTHEBS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. ESALELEATHEB , SAOOLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. WE TAl' THE For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 13th Street , Bet , Dodge and Capitol Ave. , - OMAHA , NEB' ESID ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LIME AND Office and Yard , 6th anil Douelas ts , ,