Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Vltnt Questions ) ! ! !
Atk the tnosl eminent jjii/steinn
Of any school , nhat Is iho thing in Iho
World for quieting and nllnvingnll irritation
of the nerve , and curing nil forms of nervous
coirjplnlnts , giving natural , childlike refrnh-
nd they will tell yon unhesitatingly
Some form ofJfofiltl"
Ask any or all of the most eminent pliys-
"What to Iho best and only remedy that
can IMJ relied cm to euro all diseases of the kid *
ncys nnd urinary organs ; such a Ilrlglit'a dis
ease , diabetes , retention , or Inability to retain
urine , and all the diseases nnd ailments l > o-
cnllnr to Women"
"And they will tell you explicit } ' nd em
t.h . cftlly" nuOmttl *
Auk the Rfttno physician *
"What is Iho most reliable nnd surest cun
for alll liver dl oft 08or dy p pil ; conatipnlloi
indigestion , billionsnc' " , malaria , fever , ague
fcc. ; " nnd they will toll you :
Mandraltl or DaniMionUJl"
IIcnoB , whoa thoio remedies are combined will
other * equally \a1iialile.
And compounded Into linn nlttcrf , such a won
dctfuUnd injections cutatUojiowcr lidctolopod
which Is BOarlcd In Its operation * thai .no . dlicasc
or 111 health can possibly eilstor resist Ha po cr ,
and jot It Is , , ,
IUrmlo'8 for tlio most frail woman , weakest lm <
lid or tmallcat UillJ to use.
"Almost dead or neirly dj Ing"
I'or yearn , nnd given up hy ] ) hy ! ciaiif ,
JJright'a iud other kidney diseases , liver com
plaints , revere coughf , called coniuinption
have been cured.
II omen lime nearly craylllt
J'rom ngony of nenralqin , nor\ousnti ( , wnko
f ulncs , und varlousdi oasui peculiar to women
I'eoplo drawn out of shupof rein oicruclMlng pinici
'of rheumatism , Inllanunilory ncil dironlc or suffer
iiC from HCrnfuh. , , , , ,
&lltheum , blojxl polnoiiln ( , ' , ilj spepvla , Indices
lion , and In fict , almost all dlteascs trull"
Nature Is heir to
HM e bccd cured by Hop Bitters , proof ol nhlcl
can bo found in every neighborhood In the loiow
world. -
fftTNono genuine \\lthouta bunch ol green Hop
onUovhlto label tiliiin nil the \llo , poisouuu
Btufl with "Hop" or "HOJJB" In thulr name.
. * ort4. lir M PiKtrhnft , or.rwiii bl An. . M < 4 ! !
I of Ib. DiffriU * . Orfin A tew drop ! lui ! ft k d.iloloal flaror
to KlM. of chtmpt-nt. ni to Ruram-r ilrinki Itj II.
b.war * rftwiutrMU.Rk Tour ptft .r druKflnfol Ui ( aaula |
niJuliirvll'/bK.J „ . u tIti1 llT ,3U > 3.
} . vrerrnrjAiw , OOLR iQEiW.
61 JlJtOAWAY. If. Y.
entenr .
To t ho n cods of th
ourlst , comnicrcln
tier , Hoatotter'sbto-
tnach Hitters 19 pecu
liar ! } adaptoJ , Blnco
It eiruiirlhons the
brac < * n the plijslcal
cncrgloa lo uuhoalth
fill Ii flucnco" . Itro-
moxeionil provenU
tnalnrlal fetor , con
stipation , dyepeptln ,
healthfully etimu-
htc8 tlio klclncya and
bhddernndontlch I
Mood. When o\or-
o o in o by fatigue ,
whether mental or
phjsical , the weary
and debllltatoil Ilml
it a reliable Bnurco of renewed tttroncih and coafort ,
For f.ilu by ill druggists and dcaleru gem-roily.
Bolftlan Boynl andU.S , Mull Stommora
SlieJthine , Germany , Italy , IMland and France
Btoerago OutwardZ20 ; Prepaid Irora Antwerp , $ lfi !
Eicurblon , Oil ) , Including boddlnif , otc,2d Cabin , (50 ; ,
Hound Trip , $90.00 ; I'.vcuralon , $100 ; Saloon from $ { 0
to (90 ; Excursion 110 to 8180.
fSTetor Wright & Sons , Oen , Agents. C5 Brovl.
wty N. V.
CaidwclL Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. Glod
man & Co. , 03 N , 10th Street , Omaha ; I ) . 1C. Kim
ill , Onibh&Ai'ODl * . tn&fl ood-ly
\\Wvma8SL \ *
jUlcoas ! < iTAiLOsg
, . ( OK MANLY VIOOIt , Snoromton
jwhooa , eta , when all other rcmo-
"oo fall. A cure guaranteed.
[ .CO n bottle , largo bottle , four
ullilniiKl to. ENOLISU MEDI
CAL IKDTITIITK , Proprietor } , 718 Olive Street , St.
"I h vo sold Sir Aetloy Coopor'a VI Ul llcstoritive
civas. . Krcry cuitomer kjwaka highly of It. I
r.heetutlotflyomloreo It mi a roniody ol trup merit
" 0. r Oooviiiir , DruKpla
cKl 1883 vIB.raiot.
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Special Deposit Is to cuaronteo tlio
payment of the 25 premiums fully described
in our former announcements.
The premiums will to matter how
small tno number of bags returned may bo.
OJ/let Jllatlanirt Durham TtAoeto Co. ,
Jiurhan , if. Kt 1/ay 10. UM. {
C Mw''ni of Durham , /Jurlknm , If. O.
D An Biui-Wo Inclrwo you 811.WX1.UJ. i hlch
rileueiiUce on Bpoci * > UrpoeU to | y iirenUiunii
for our rmpty tolacco lm to IM rtturned Deo.
UUL Xoura truly , J. U. OAIUt. l rwldent !
Oft * of Iht Knkol OurAom , }
JJvrham. N , O , May 10 , IbSlj
3. B. OAn
rt , , . nurham Maaa p , .
Dun Hm I hoio to acinowloaVe receipt Of
tll.uooon from yon. which B have iilacod upon
None genulno without rleturo of DULl.on UvJ
rv 8e onr other uinouncoioentA
W. .
iho DLOOD.Tc
If Ute tfiu LIVEHun l KJONEYfl
nud JtKHloio. lilt ;
and VIOOU uf VOUTH. U > -
* jjeptla. Want of Appetite , in-
/JK . ' l.0J . K"fB'f ' > : ' ' 6" ' .
unil'ilre < lFeelliiKi < b olutelir
cured. lunv ) > . luuiclonim
. iirrivsicvelvuiit'Wlorco.
liuHvvni thu luliiii mid
- _ , . , Jiralii I'owtr.
Bufli i liiKlroiu loinpIalnU
/ O 1 S
% i jieciillurlo tliulr Dux will
flud UBH. K&MTER'SIllON TOMIO a infa tad
tj > ocdy euro , ( lire * n iltur. liMiltliy fouiplvzlon.
frequent attempts nt coiniUrfi-UliiK onlyuda
to tht > i > oiul | > rlly of thu ori Da uul cxptrl-
tf Un tuul'uJwfal.tolwuuiUoa.Irwi.
A Georgia HnsW Who Finds Millions
in His Spouse.
By Simply Raising Her FlnKor Slio
Chops n Cora of Wood in a
JlfTy Her "w'onilcnul
Electric Power ,
Now York Journal.
MAP.IETTA. Oa. , July G , This Httlo
town has n sensation which throws the
oloctrio woman of Atlanta nnd Savannah
In the ah ado. Mr. David Hanklor , with
Ilia wife and two children , lives in a
pretty cottage on Wheat street. Mrs.
Hanklor is a handsome woman of about
thirty years of ago , healthy and robust' .
Yesterday morning she requested her
liuaband tn go out to the corner grocary
and got a pock of peanuts , or , as they are
called hero , "goobers. " Mr. Hanklor
walked to the open door nnd stood look
ing out upon the street. As his wife
was in a hurry alio waved her hand at
him and cried : "Hurry up with them
joobora , Dave. " To her astonishment
lier husband fell forward on his face nnd
lay in the front yard apparently dead.
Last night while the Hanklor family
wcro in bed , Mrs. Unuklor began tremb
ling , nnd a strange occurrence look placo.
Tlio two children rolled out of the t un-
dlo-bod , Mid tumbled over each other on
the floor , the chimney foil in with a loud
crash , and the hotiso rocked from side to
ido. Mr. Hanklor thought It was a cy
clone from n moonshiner county , but the
nbacnco of the usual smell of whiskey
llspollod that illusion. His wife touched
lim on the arm , nnd a galvanic shock fol-
owed that nearly paralyzed him. Ilav-
ng road in the Marietta Times of the nu-
ncroU3 cloctrio women who have lately
appeared throughout Georgia ho nt once
jumped to the conclusion that his wife
was gifted with ploctrical powor. Know
ing that rubbnr is the best insulator that
is obtainable ho jumped up nnd seized an
old rubber blanket which was loft in the
hotiHo by a union soldier during Shor-
inup'a march to the sea. Ho enveloped
his wife in it nnd thn commotion instantly -
ly ceased. The children crawled back to
bed nnd wont to sloop and Mr. Hankler
fo'lowod ' their pxamplo.
In the morning Drs. Perry nnd Gordon
two reputable physicians , called nt the
house nnd Mrs. Hanklor gave an exhi
bition of her wonderful powers. By
touching her husband on the arm with
her left liand and pointing upwards with
her right forefinger ho was immediately
hoisted up to the coiling by nn invisible
power and held there until Mrs. Hankler
withdrew her linger- The kitchen atovo
woing nearly flvo hundred pounds was
sent waltzing around the room and chairs
and tables followed it. Undo Jake , a
well known negro , who looked in the
back window to see the exhibition , was
paralyzed by a look and a gesture from
Mr * . Hanklor and in terror tones yelled : ;
"Tako it away nnd fo1 do Lawd I'll
bring back dat chicken dis nf'ornoon. "
Ho was rained from the spell and ;
started oil' for the missing poultry. ;
The party then withdrew to the back )
yard , where n largo nile of wood stood .
waiting to bo cut. Mra. Hanklor placed
the nxo upon the woodpile and pointed o
her finger ut the lumber. The chips c
flew DO fast that the doctors retreated \
into the house and the axe continued its f
work until the pile waa split nnd piled t ;
up. Mr. Hnnklor was much pleased nt
this performance and has laid plans to
open a self-working wood-yard , where
the neighbors' wood will bo cut at onoc
third iho usual rates. c
To further test the wonderful power )
with which she had boon gifted , the
iady wont to the Western Union tele ,
graph oflico , where Mr. Dickson , the
manager , removed the battery which
vork8 the line between hero and Kancl
ias Oity. Mrs. Hankler touched the u
who nnd a battery equal to 10,000 cells a ,
f the usual Call u ad system was at once
jenoratcd. Other tests were made which ;
istonishcd the people of the town who P
ire greatly excited ever Mrs. Hanklor's tl
jtrango powor. ii
To-night an exhibition will bo given
ia the opera house , where the fair me
dium will lift a ton of coal with her little
finger , hold thirty largo men nt nrm'a '
length nnd perform other startling ;
actions. She has already received Hatc
toring ollbra from Barnum and other o
"What causes tlio L'roat rush nt Schroter &
Uocht's Drug Storor The free distribution
of sample bottles of Dr. liimnko'u Cough mill
Lung Syrup , the most popular rommly for
Coughs , Colds , Consumption nnd lirouchitia
now ou the market. Itofrulur size CO cents nnd
California Ilosce ,
In many parts of California the roses
run wild , and bloom iniHllerontly at any
end all seasons , withput culture. To
day , in many a mountain pane , on many
n Slorra liill-aldo , where deserted and
ruined minors' cabins rot slowly away , ;
and the fallen loaves blow through the
shattered roofs , there are perfect thickest
of such roses , pink , crimson , scarlet ,
purple , white , croam-tintod , lomon-huod ,
deep gold-roses which wuro planted
years ago by hardy prospectors who fill
nameless graves , by little children , the
pels of thti camp , by women rrho had
brought carefully tended roao slips acroes
the plains , aud which have grown con
tentedly and prosperously over since ,
perfectly at homo , filling the lonely woods
with fragrance and the waste places with
Tlio teas and hybrid porpotuals are
boat suited to California , as to Southern
Franco. Lists of variotioy vary groacly
In different localities that nil one can say
is that the sorts cultivated in Euglaud ,
Franco , Italy , and the South thrive be
yond measure , and may bo found in one
garden or another , chiefly in the coast
counties. It is San Diego , Los Angeles ,
Santa Barbara , Santa Cruz , San Jose , .
Sonoma , Alamonda , San llnssol , the val-
Idys of the Coast Ilango , aud the foothills :
of the Sierra , that are most famous
among rosarians. The bolt of territory
best adapted to the production of the
choicest fruit is Idontionl with the region
where roses most luxuriate.
It is not alouu in old and long deserted .
mining camps that largo , bright roses , re
turned to an uncultivated elate , attest
the fitness of neil and climate. In a gar-
dun loved in boyhood , a garden in a
broad valley near the mountaine , thirty
miles from San Francisco , the writer well '
remembers the cloth-of-gold rose , a trim ,
and difznifiod shrub , kept well within >
bounds for yoarji. But a now garden : van
laid out , a now house built , and the old
garden was loft to its own wayward will
Then the cloth of-gold roau took heart of
fate end showed what fancies it had
cherished in secret these many years
while seemingly eubmiaaivo to pruning 11
shears and spade , It grow as never (
before , sent forth ono sturdy shoot ,
fifteen foot in a summer , and thus
bridged pace to an adjacent apple tree ,
nnd before winter came , hugo yellow
roses bloomed among the npplo loavei
A few years later the trao was fairly hid
den beneath the weight of roses , and a
choice were they thnt when some Sa
Diego rosan'an reported n rose of fiftoo
inches in circumference , the cloth-of-gol
in the npplo tree furnished one that wt
n trifle ever eighteen inches. Knif
never touched it nor wni the groun
stirred beneath ; it simply grow as if
were in n wilderness , and created fo
itself at least a palace of far rcachin
But the finest rose vine the write
ever saw was by the borders of n inoun
tain river in northern California. I
wns a La Marque , white nnd clustered
planted by some pioneer whoso cabin wn
crumbling to dust , whoso fences wer
buried in blackberry vinos. It spranj
from the rich , moist soil , climbed into
wild chorrytroo , bloomed along Its sum
mit , crossed to the lower branches of at
Oregon maple , and crept higher am
higher , until blossoming clusters wor
gleaming in the midst of maple leave
forty foot from the ground. Not far ol
was a ruined flaw-mill , over whoso broken
wheel the wntor ran in sunli
sparkles. .Against n picco of stone wal
the torrent had bealod in time of flood
nnd undermined all except a square o
moss-grown surface , ever which n wile
white morning glory trailed. The hill
side in some wild Winter cloud burst
had hurlcc' nn avalanche half across the
narrow strip of lowland , obliterating the
outbuildings , nnd reaching within ton
foot of the unconscious rose-vino. Bui
it remained untouched , and today , as for
years past , it blooms in that lonely , love
ly spot , the queen of California roses run
Iho proof at the pudding is not In chewing
the string , but In having nn opportunity to
test the nrtlclo direct. ochrotor & Bccht , the
.have n free trial bottle of lr. ) Bo-
sanko a Cough nud Lung Syrup for each nm ]
ovary ono who la nllllctod with Coughi , Colds ,
Aflthma , Consumption or any Lung Ail'octlou.
Improved Dining-cars.
Spriugliold Kopublican.
The Wason manufacturing company
have ono of the now dining cars ready for
the painters , and both cars will begin
their daily runs between Worcester and
Now Haven about September 1. Thcao
cars will cost $12,000 each , are intended
to bo the must perfect r.iihr.iy eating-
houses in the country , and will contain
several important improvements on all
previous dining-cara. They are 71 foot
long ever all , 20 feet longer than the
ordinary passenger coach , and 10 longer
than the Pullman make and 9A foot
wide. Thin extra length is used in" spite
of the great proportiuual increase in dead
weight to bo carrriod , and consequent
shortening of the cal's lifo , because it al
lows more luxurious interior arrange
ments. The dining saloon is in the cen
tre of the car , and is thirty foot long ,
furnished in mahogany throughout , with
lloors of two-inch maple and cherry ,
Hid is upholstered in green leather ,
fhoro are live tables on each side , with a .
otal Beating capacity of forty persons ,
uid at the side of each table is a wide
ilato-glass bovolododgod mirror reaching
o the top of { [ the carAt the sida of
ach seat is a window with a double pane
f plato-glasa below and stained glass in .
.ho upper sash. Eich section aho has
ibovo it a two-light oil lamp , and hinged
pera chairs will bo mod to allow moro
ionvoniont access to the tables. The
\Iann system of ventilation is one of the
'oatures of this saloon , as by it vcntila-
ing windows in the car roof are done
iway with and outside air is forced by
Iho car's motion through a dust fiftor ,
mdin summer through several layers of ,
stacked ice nt registers placed below
lach table , In winter a coil of ataam-
ipo is substituted for the cracked ico. >
3otwoeu the dining-room and kitchen is
ten ifoot butler's pantry , with a hand-
omely carved and ornamented sideboard
aclng toward the saloon , and containing
upboards , ico-box , carving table , cofloo
irns , and other necessities. From this
two foot paisago loads to the end of the
ar , and the only entrance , into the
itchcn , with the exception of a place of
i ss dialies through , is from the platform
hus avoiding the smells from the cook-
ng. The kitchen is 1 < H by GV feet , and
ioutains a 72 by 30"inch "range with ,
varming tables , ico-boxoi and sinks.
L'horo will also bo an ico-box on the plat-
'orm , and two refrigerators underneath
ho cars. The kitchen is finished in
merry and maple , and four men will bo
miployod in preparing food. At the-
jther end of the cur are the ordinaiy
ivash-rooms , hoatora , etc. The cars have
ho Mann solid arch roof , which doci
way with the usual clear-dock for vonti-
ating transoms , and they are hung on
Htfht sots of quadruple cost-stool springs ,
rho six-wheel trucks , using forty-two-
inch stool tire paper wheels , form the
running gear. About a dozen men will
bo employed on each car , and ono will
probably bo painted in Boston and Al
bany colors , and the other in the Southern -
orn road atylu.
Ammonium Bittern , the world renowned
jppotl/.er nnd Invigonvtor. Used now over
the whole civilised world. Try it , hut bowuro
> f Imitations. Ask your grocer or druggist for
the guimlno article , manufactured by Dr. J
U , 1) , Slcgort & Sons.
McHonloro Character.
Washington Special.
Ill the annual report of W. II. H ,
Llowellyn , agent of the Moscalero Apache -
cho Indians , there is a reference to some
customs. "It Is a fixed law with them , "
ho saya , "that the mother-in-law and son-
in-law never visit each other or ECO each
other except when it cannot possibly bo
iwoided. I am not prepared to say
whether this is a stop in the direction of
oivilization or not. They are firm bo-
liev era in witchcraft. Shortly after my
Brat coming among them these people
burned one old woman who was accused
if practicing the black art , but I did not
earn of it until last spring. In May last
jroat preparations were made to burn
Jiio witch , I visited their camp with the
igoncy physician , and told them how
.hey would bo held _ responsible if their
ntontious were carried out. Up to the
resent time they have refrained from
sommitting this terrible crime. Many
icopln will doubtless bo shocked , but
when wo reflect that these Indians are
nit a little over n century behind our
Puritan forefathers , wo should not regard
.Ills custom .which these savages atill
etain as so strange after all
Piles are frequently preceded by n eensa of
weight in the back , loina nud lower port of the
'bdomeiicowing tlio patient to uuplxiso he hat
,01110 fitloetlou of the kidneys or neighboring
rgnu * . At times , syin toms of tudlgestlou
ii ) present , u ilatuoncy , uneasiness of the
ttonmch , etc. A molstcro llko inspiration ,
producing a Aery disagreeable itching particu
larly at night after getting warm In bed , Ita
very common attendant. Internal. External
and Itching ] loa ! yield at once to the applica
tion of Lr ) , JUoiauko'H I'llo Homody , which act *
directly ur-n the part * Affected , absorbing the
tumors , allitylng tlio intense Itching , aud of.
re-cling b permanent euro where other reino-
illm have failed , la not dolny until the drain ;
on the By-atom tiroducisa permanent disability ,
but trv it and bo curod. Hchrotor & llecht , ,
"Trado uupplledby 0.11 Goodtatvu. " t n
Tlio Thrilling Kxprrlcncofl of Scot
tlah AVlmlci-H An
Glasgow Her.(1. '
The Danish and Icelandic mail steamer
Thyra arrived yesterday morning at
Granton from Faroo and Iceland , and
landad Capt. Gcllatly and four men
named Joseph FJrd , boatswain ; Alex
ander Allan , sjilmnkcr , and Alexander
Robertson , ordinaiy seaman , all of Dun-
dco , nnd Gee go Smith , carpenter , Potor-
head , nil belonging to the Dundee
whaler Chieftain. Ou the 20th of May
four boats' crows loft the Ohiofiin in
pursuit of whales , the crow of ono of tl'o
boats bring composed of Capt. Gollat1 ;
and four men. After an exciting chase
of several hours the boats.camo up to th
school of whales , and after considorabl
difficulty three of the boats got fast to
ono of thorn. The fourth boat was son
back to the ship with a whale which hat
boon killed shortly before. The three
boob remained fast to the second wha'o '
for fully ton hours ; but a dense fog com
ing on they were reluctantly compollei
to abandond their prize and endeavor to
return to their ship. So dense , however -
over , was the fog , that they began to
give up all hope of being able to rcacl
their vessel. By this time the provis
sions were nearly consumed , and the
men were so much exhausted with con
tinuous rowing that it was considered
advisable to attempt to make for
the nearest land. The boats
wcro not furnished with tails
or charts , and there was only ouo com
pass among the party , DO the seamen
very readily assented to Capt. Goll tly's
proposaHo sot out for the nearest land ,
whish was computed to bo two hundred
miles distant. Under tno captain's
guidance the crow started for Iceland.
For n considerable time the three buats
kept together , but a strong gale spring
ing up the sea became so boisterous that
they were separated. While the boats
kept together the captain directed the
men in charge how to stcor , but just before
fore ono of the boats was lost sight of
the men in the captain's boat observed
that a seaman named David Buchan , belonging -
longing to Potorhead , who waa steering ,
had been washed overboard and was
drowned , For nearly three days the
mon had nothing to oat but the frozen
anew which they found on the ico-floos ,
and Capt. Gullatly , who had fallen over
board aud boon rescued , was for fifty
hours sitting in a cramped position in the
stern of his life-boat steering , while his
boots nnd foot were ono solid block of
ico. From the morning of Friday , the
30th of May , till the evening of Sunday ,
1st of Juno , ho made a run of about 200
miles , and arrived at Langanas , ou the
northeast coast of Iceland , in a very ex
hausted condition. When they arrived
it a lonely farm-house not far from the
: east Capt. Gallatly and his crow wore in
t very pitiable state. Owing to tneir
nabihty to speak the Icelandic
.onguo they had recourse to signs
o make known their wants.
The islanders received them very hos-
litably , and the mon speak in the high-
tst praise of the manner in which they
vero treated. They soon recovered from
.ho fl'ecb of their long exposure. Capt.
jallatly entertains grave doubts as to the
afoty of the two other boats , as ho fears
t would bo impossible for them to roach
and. It has always been a rule with the
nastors of the Dundee sealing and whal-
ng fleet that during the fishing opera-
Jens n sufficient number of hands to
nnuacotuo ship are loft on board , in the
ivont of any casualty occurring , and as
his rule is likely to have been followed
n this case there is good reason to bolieyo
ho ship is safe. The Chieftain , it will
o remembered , loft Dundee for the
irconlnud seal and whale fishing on the
7th of March , having a crow ot twenty -
even all told. She appears not to have
icon very successful at the fishm ? , ashen
? hon the boats loft the ship only four
ish and sixty scab had boon captured.
ho Chieftain is a threa-mastod schooner
f 109 tons register. She was bftilt at
jossicmoath in 1808 , and purchased for
) undco owners last year. This was her
irst voyage as a whaler , and during the
rlntor months she was specially fitted up
nd fortified for the now trade in which
ho was to bo engaged.
ncldonts ofWomon's Day at tlio New
Fubllu UatUg.
'hlladelphia Record.
The girls had a fine time at the now
ublio baths at Twelfth and Wharton
troota on Monday. Over 180 of them
[ ilattorcd and splashed and screamed
icrrily during the day. They were not
0 export as the female denizens of the
Id bath house at Almond street wharf ,
'but they will soon learn , " aaid the lady
ho has charge of the bath on woman's
ay , and who keeps an eagle ova upon all
ion who approach within huff a equaro
f the sacred lot on Mondays uud Tliura-
One of the Almond street wharf girls
ho can awim like a fish , walked over to
tie now bath to sou how the girls got
long , She acknowledged that the water
1 the now bath-houso Is a little better
hau the turbid liquid in the Delaware
tver , "but it is not half so jolly , " aho
ddod , "and the girla muko ao much fuss
hat it's dreadful. "
A liUlo bare-footed miss of 14 who
topped at Brand and Wharton to shako
ho water from her long hair , and who
lad just had her first swimming lesson ,
aid it was "mighty nice , all but getting
lie water in your inwutli and eyes. " A
reat big girl , aho said , had fallen ever
ler in nn effort to keep her head and foot
bovo water nt the eamo moment. The
ig girl had nearly drowned half a dozen
ther girls in two foot of water. She had
ripped them all up , and there was a tor-
iblo time for a few seconds under the
vator , although there was no possible
anger of any ono getting hurt.
This young candidatofor aquatic honors
aid to a reporter that she thought the
iris had just as much right to bo awim-
lers as the boys. She said they could
like moro graceful efforts in that diroc-
on , and added , "wo intend to boat
hem. "
_ It ia a favorite amusement among the
iris who are sutliciently expert to dive
own to the bottom of the pool and looker
or pennies , which are thrown by some
f thn udult females who frequent the
ath on women's day. Quo young girl
t these contests has , uinea the uoason
pcned , made nearly u dolhr at this
There is talk of a swimming match
etweon tha girls at the new bath .and
10 Almond atroot wharf girls as
eon 01 the former have obtained suf-
ciont oxnorionoo and akill to make the
Know Him by Hits Touuh ou tlio I'lo.
an 1'rauclsco Argonaut ,
A friend who was recently traveling by
age-coach ever a California road told
no an anecdote concerning the 'driver
which rather amused mo. Thcpo chario
toers. by the way , are peculiar people
I make it a point whenever Igoanywhor
by alago-coach to got the box scat an
commune with the driver when I can
Sometimes ho will not commune. M
friend Viator found it eo. The drive
was dumb as an oyster. There was ovoi
n tingle of contempt in his inonosyllabl
stoppers to conversation. At last i
Station was reached , where , as the join
tersely informed his passengers , the ;
were to "rasalo with their hash. " The
got off nnd "rassled. " Viator was ho.ivi
ly thrown. When the first course wr
removed the neat-handed Phyllis , wjn
ouorally officiates at wayside oatin
iOiiscs , came to Viator , whisked som
crumbs on his lap'and some gravy on hi
coat collar , and remarked :
"Piorpuddon ? " 'Pio" ' said Viato
mookly. The pie was brought , It wa
confcctod with dried apples incased wit *
liorn. Viator excited the neat handci
Phyllis' amused contempt by oiling fo
fork. The remainder of the guests prici
open the pie with a knife. As Viato
was toying with this sudden do.tth viand
lie noted the driver regarding him wit
much intorot. After the meal the journey
noy waa roaumed , nnd , to Viator's sur
; > rise ho found the driver complotel.
changed. Ho had unbent. Ho wa
quite n ( Table nnd communicative. I3o
ere the next station was reached the ,
were fast faionds. "Toll mo"aaid Viato
t last , "whit is the roanon you vroro s
'disposed to converse with mo nt first
DU must have had some prejudic
against me , " "Wall , you see , " rcpliei
.ho driver , flicking n fly with great precision
cision from the nigh awing horse's oar
'at first ye BOO , 1 thought you wn s
tlothoeist preacher ; but when I aeon
ou gtvo that high toned touch on you
) io 1 knowod you waa a gambler. "
A CARD. To all vho arc fulferhip from cjrnrn
.jiiil Indiscretions of } oulli , ncrvnnseakncas , t.irlj
ocay , losa of nuuihoo' ' . etc. I w 111 Bond a rccli o tha
will euro jou , KllKK OK CHAKOK. This great rcm
c'v wns dl8co\erc < l bj ami slonoryln South Amcrl
i. Send self ndclrmcil envelops to llxv. JosKniT
Nil AX , SUtlou D. Now York. dy o mi ; cod
am. s.
kgont McImutliHii Dcsorlilcs Him
Viishiucton Special ,
Jatnos McLnughlintho agent atStand-
ng Itock , Dak. , in his report , knocks
rood deal of romance out of the public
stiraation of Sitting Bull. McLaughlin
ays. * 'Ho la an Indian of very mediocre
bility , rather dulland much the inferior
of Gall and others of his lieutenants ,
ahnot understand how ho hold such away
nd controlled men BO much his superior
11 every respect , imlesi it was by his ob
tinucy and stubborn tenacity. Ho is
lompoua , vain and boastful , and oonsid-
irs himself a veiy important personage ,
> ut as ho has been pampered and lionizec
0 much by the whites smco the battle ol
jittlo I3ig Horn , I do riot wonder that ho
ias an inflated opinion of himself. "
Describing Sitting Bull's attempts at
arming , Agent McLaughlin says that ho
iaally convinced the old man that his
ar record would give him no standing al
lie agency , but that the Great Father
ecognizOfl aa the big chief the most in-
ustrlous Indian , aud the ono who die
lie most good and set the best example
mong his people. Sitting Bull , who h
mbitious , decided to go to work , and ,
iking a hoc , commenced to help some oi
lie other Indians plant corn. " 1 visited
lim in the field , " reports Agent Mu-
janghlin , "and ho aeomed quite pleased
liat I found him laboring , and in reply
; o my question whether ho found farming
cry hard , ho answered mo , 'No ! ' I think
10 has determined to become a farmer in
arnest. "
To make a salad that is certain to please
11 tastes you need only use Durkeo'a
Salad Dressing. Nothing equal to it was
ver offered , and none BO popular. It is
superb table aauco.
ho Dangerous Electric Light Wires.
oiton Transcript.
Enough mischief , alight as it all ap-
loars , waa done by electric light wires
ast night to confirm the statement that
10 presence above gronnd of apparatus
or the conveyance of electric fluid is
angorous , and to emphasize the demand
lat such apparatus bo buried. It waa
nly because a number of clerks were at
vork in the Lawrence building that the
re last night was discovered and oxtin-
; uished in time to prevent aerioua injury
.0 property Otherwise as it started in
well at the rear of the building , nn en-
ro story might have boon in flames bo-
ore discovery from tlio street would have
} eon possible. The cause was the cross-
ig of oloctrio wires , and the same cause
porated in two other instances at about
10 same moment , on Kilby street , rid
n the premises of the Mavcmick Na-
onal bank. Aa it happened there waa
muly discovery in each of these two
ases , as well as in the affair on Water
root. But how if there had not been ?
'ho electric light companicsmusc at least
idmit that fire from their wires is possi-
le. Not except something unforeseen
lappons to the wires , may bo their pro-
iso. But are they ready to agree to in-
omnlfy anybody in case of loss shown
o bo occasioned by their wires ? If the
nsuranco companies alinll agree to charge
xtra ratoa on buildings , in front of or
vor which wires are strung , as has been
ntinmtrd , n long atop will have been
akon toward an abatement of the nui-
inco. _ _ _ _
Meeting After Fifty llvo Years.
lastou , (1'onn. ( ) Free Press , July 1.
Fifty five years ace ; two maiden sisters
lamed Tinsley , of Manhoim , now Mrs.
Idolman and Mrs. Nailer , separated , and
iiring that time neither saw nor hoard
1 each other until a few days ago , when
ley mot in a somewhat singular manner.
t appears that Mios Mullin , a daughter
f Mrs. Edolman , accidentially hoard of
family by the name of Tinsluy residing
t Coatsvillo , ncd ou inquiry of the post-
naster learned that a family by that
mine did live there. Mrs Nailer being
uformod of the correspondence , without
nforming them of her intended visit ,
: artcd for Mftiiheim ( and , passing along
10 Dancaster turnpike , stopped nt a
louse nnd inquired for the Mullin family ,
when to her surprise she found her sister
u the very house , who , being an Invalid ,
r soon as she heard Mrs , Noilor'a voice ,
ocognized her as her sister. Mrs. Kdol-
nan is about 70 years of age , and Mrs.
s'ailor is about 77 years.
Ladies should re fleet before using any
reparation that isapplicdto BO delicate
umoo us the akin. Any cosmetic will
t first impart a beautify ing effect and not
pparontly injure the akin , but in a very
hort time little blotches and diacoloso
ions appear on the face which ccnclu
ivoly ahow the poisonous drugs in that
ompoaition , It can bo safely aaid the
nero than two third * of the face powder
contain thpeo injurious ingredients. Poz
oni's medicated complexion powur ia not
nly absolutely free from all delotoriour
matter , but He principal ingredient is an
ctivo curative for all diseases of the
iiu. It has stood the test of years. Said
) y all druggists. mo-eodyl
Corner Ifith nntlCnpifol Avenue ,
- - DNT2333
in all their fornii
TOUNO 1IKN , who uro sufforlnK from iho fffocl
nt Vouthful IndNcrctloim , would do well to nvn
thcrnsrlt r < t of this , the Rtintcot boon oicr laid At th
altixf pf diiflcrlnz hummlty. lr. Tanner wll suar
utco to forfeit $10J for c\cry raso of Scmlrml Weak
nc3 < of Frlxtte Dlsotse , of any l > lnd or character
nhlch ho tindcrUkcaand falls to euro.
MIDDT.K AOEI ) JlKX fany men between th
nttes ot SO anu GO , Are troubled lih a too frcniicn
io lro to etacuatfl the bladder , oltcn nocompatilo
yaslhht emaitlng nnd burning sensation , and
uea'.cti'nj ' of the si stem in n manner that the pa
tlent cannot account for. On examining the urlnar
deposits n ropy tcdlmcnt will often bo found , nn
sometimes saall particles of a'bumon will appear
or the color will be of n thin , mllktsh hue , ngal
changing to a daikaml torj > ld appearance , lliere r
many men who dlo ot this dIOlculy , Ignorant of tb
causa. Hie the second etago of [ ctulnnl wcakncx <
Dr. Tanner will guarantco a porlcct euro In all sue !
caso"and nhcalthy rnstoratlou of the Clenlto urlnar
Organs. Lull or address as abo\e , Dr. Tanner.
James HeiioallnslU
Chartered by thcStateofllll
noli for theexprcsapurpnse
of Blvinnlinmediatc reliellr
> all chronic , urinary and prl
stvatc dleecscs. Gonorrhoea
Gleet nndbyplnlls in all thel
complicated forms , aho al
diseases of the Skin urn
Blood promptly rellevednnd
r ermancutlycured by reme-
diestc3tcdin al"or < j Vf art
_ UpcrtnU'ractlrr. Bemlna
„ „ „ „
V/caltncss. ffirlit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
thBFace.Lost Mnnliood.rdiifii'c/yrinwJ TAtre
nit Ths appropriate tt..r.ed < .
:3Dtoncc used in each cane. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
C3CKafc to indicate contents or sender. Address
w < i. JAMES.No. 204Wa3hinoloB 5J.ChIc flollj.
Will euro Ncnousneps
iill ls " .Vmnlcla , Hclitlcn
i Kldiivy , Splno nnJ I.lie
j dNea'it'StOoiit.Astlinia leai
I dlseinc , UjriNwIa , Con M
Inn. KriKlptlai , Cntnnli
. . . . . . . > . Eplfe | Y , U'lpotincj
DumbAc-uc , 1'iolnpnn Uteri , i-te. Only urMttlfloKlu
tile Uoltln America tint * \ttlioKlrctrlcitynnd < \ inm through th lioil > , and can bo recharged In anlr
stwit by the nutlont
SI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
fin. nottNB I wi3 aifilctcJ v/Ith rheumatism nt
ocrod by using a belt. To any ono afllletod with
that disease , I would 815- , buy Ilorno'g Klectrio Belt
Any ono can confer with me by wrltin ? callini
at my etore , 1420 Douglas street , Omaha , Xcb.
WAIN OFFICE Opposite postoffloo , room 1 Fien
tor block.
CWFor sale at 0. F. Goodm&u'a DrugStoro1 1110
axuam Ut , OmabA.
Orders filled C. 0 D
Sri anger , Bavaria.
uhnbacher , Bav.ina
Pilsaor Bohemian.
Kaiser , - .Bramon.
Budweiser Sb , Louis.
Anhauser St. Louis.
Beat s Milwaukee
iJchlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Iriiii's Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Doraeslic and Rhine
Wine. ' ED. MAURER
T. 0. CAELisLS ,
. , - - - .
"Send for Circulars. "
. - J warranted to neivr longer , fit
lithe farm neatpr. and irlYO lnit -
catlsfactlon than nny other Corse.
In the market , or prlcp paid wil
be rt'funJetl Tholndorbtiuentitoi
ChlcaL-o'o best jihyslclap ; , < U ! < .oi"
s < , i i . 'irctM Irlce , nrfft Matccn Jeitn * -
Id , Ml r > a Ask vour uiercliunt rortbcu.
- - - '
.T. H. F.
thrives on Horlick-B Teed , " wrlto hundreds of
grateful mothera. Mother's millt contains no
etarch. An artlflcial lood for Infants Phould
contaVn no starch. The bout mid most nutritious
" an " "
food In health
or Hicknrws lor
Btarchnmlieiiiire8ijo (
llecomnifndwl by riiyfilcann.
Hlirhly Uciicllchl , to Mnriiiiwr
JloUiera as a drink. Trice -it )
. , _ , - - _ audTrtccntH. Uyalidniwrfiita.
end for IJook on Uio Treatment ot Ulilldrcu , frtu.
"Fullr dlgesicd nd uulrilloui. " O l > " . Builty ,
11. n , , AIltaitM , .V. J.
" f InJ U > U tbtt could be dtilred , " n * . ir Jtetif ,
Stltian , Kantni.
" .So beiHincj In nroroundnj ! It iilpfrlor to nf.
thlnie t nt.- i Cakurn , if , II , Trey , If , 1.
Will bo Bent by mall on rrcclpt of price in Blimps.
HOIU.ICK'S FOOD CO. , Knrlnc , U'lM.
: Honi.icK'u DBT EXTJIACT or
Private rooms for adults at reasonable rates , inclu.
Inir nurBlng. Prompt attention ( then to emergency
ases. Patients can bo attended by their own phy-
clan rjTlllspensary for the poor open Tuesdays ,
hursdatsand ttaturdajs from 10 to 11 n. nu
Classic , Scientific , Commercial and Art Depart
ncnlv , llth sexes admitted. Tuition low , bo
njt cheap , best of eocletv I'lilly enulppod faculty
tiTAddrowforiiartlculare , llov.V. . Vf. Harsha
. U. President , or Prof. C. II. Uoa itlvia , Hucretary
! the Faculty , Itollor e , Neb. jy .tn 2m
Western Cornice-
1111 l ugu ! EL Omihn , Nob.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
l TDormer Windows , FinUK Tin , Iron and SUte
wnag. Specht's Patent MeUlllo iik > llght , latent
ljuitad lUtchct lUr and Brocket bhehlcii , I am
IB ( reneral agent for tha , above Hue of goods. Iron
reotlngs , Fencing , BoluitndM , V nndu , Iron Bir
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for JP place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South Mth