Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1884, Image 8

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    i <
Thursday Morning. July 10.
Ure wholft psgos of the Vatton
holal tf stor yesterday to record the names
ol the nrrlvAli fit that htmso ,
The sonnd of the fire ball at soron In' the
rnorntafr , at twelve at noon and at six ant
nlno In the orontng isjnow DO longer hoard.
Some ot the stone cutters onl'/irnam tro l
hare oroctoJ Mtomporwy awning to protect
thomlfrora the burning ray of the July win.
The trial ot Harry Williams for burglary
mil larceny was finished In Iho diitrlct court
Tuoiday , , and resulted In a rerdict.of lar
On Monday nlgbt n employe of the Wil
low Springs diltlllory company , whoso nsino
could not bo lo rnod , WM held tip on Tenth
slroot near Hickory , and robbed of nil the
inonoy ho had , $12. Ho WM firstslupgcd with
a sand bag and then three mon proceeded to
rifle his pocket * .
The ladioi of the third Congregational
church will hold their regular monthly church
sociable on Thursday evening , July 10 , nt the
residence tof Mrs. S. K. I'armaleo , on North
Twentieth stroat , L'Ao'a addition. Cnko ,
lemonftdo , aongi and convorHitlon will charac
terize the gathering. Lot all freely como.
Alter a todloua trial , occupying portions
of two days and bringing In n whulo nolRhbor-
uoodof witnesses , the trial of Frank Dvorak ,
, VA. Hlch and John llousok , ihargod with
fighting at n plcnlo In IlMcaU'a park , wan finIshed -
Ishod in polka court yoitorday. Dvorak and
Jlich W'roHentonced each to 510 line nnd ono
dor in jail , and Kouaok won dlnchargod.
Maura George and Dava Dodson. who
have been away on a brief vlilt , were oro-
nadodai Uiolr father'x rcHtdonca ou north
Twenty-thlrd Htroot by the A. O , II. band
lout evening who played BOTornl fine selection *
after which Iho band was Inrltod in and n
pleasant evening was r pant.
The youcg man who wan mipposod to liavo
taken poison In McNamara tc. Duncan's place
Tuesday evening was soon by BKB reporter
yesterday and donloi the charge and saya It ii
without foundation. Ho wan nt work as usual
and did not have the appearance of a man who
had taken a very hard dose , not oren of boor.
Two policemen , Officer Knight and Of-
ficur Sullivan , are now engaged In looking up
the alleys which need cleaning. They are
determined to have the nlloya throughout the
city thoroughly oloaned and If your allny Is
In a filthy condition It will bo a good ! do to
have it cleaned at oncu , for you will certainly
bo called upon if you do riot.
A social party was given loat evening by
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Chrlston.icn nt their ro l-
donee on Seventeenth street. The evening
vras pained with munlo on the piano by Prof.
Mons , and atnglng by a quartette composed
of MOSOTB. B. V. Brown , 1'rof. K D. Hurlo ,
It. J. Wherry nnd Clmtlos Malliowa ; music
on the guitar by Mr. J. K. Wilkinson. The
music was furnished under the direction of
Mr. II. Irvine. An elegant supper was eorvod
.and dancing was Indulged In until a late hour.
In the district court before Judge Novlllo
yesterday District Attorney Godwin naked
that the case of the state against Champion S.
Chasa bo the next ono tried. Mr. Connell ,
Sir. Chaaa'ft attorney , stated that his client
was not able for trial. The court sot the case
for this morning and appointed Dr > .
Oonklln , Tildon and 1'cck to visit Cliaao and
make an examination , nnd BOO if , In their
judgment , ho Is In a proper state of health for
trial , and If they should report In the iiflirma-
tire the case will bo tried the next ono on the
Considerable excitement waa occasioned
yesterday morning at Iho corner of 15Vli nnd
1'arnam streets , because of Constable Snow-
den having taken violin nway from an Ital
ian upon a writ of attachment. The Italian ,
whoso name is Jatnos Ghozzo , had borrowed
$ Kl from nuothor Italian named Hurtle , nnd
Hurrlo hd got out an attachment on the
violin to secure payment. The violin wan
taken to Judge Andorion'x court whore the
two Italians mot. After Homo talk the mat-
-torwas BttlBfactorlly adjusted nnd the muni-
.flan wont on his way rejoicing.
Mr. Ford'u ( statement ,
Kditor of The Boo :
Jn the report of Tuesday's council moot-
"ing , as published in ono of yesterday's
papers , I read that "Mr. Ford said , that
there was moro prostitution in Bohomi-
antown than in any ether part of the
city. " It nppoars to mo thnt Mr. Ford ,
defending his constituents , the holMioIua
of his ward , is overreaching himself
when ho uttora such falsehoods about my
countrymen , residents of liohomiantown ,
a class of citizens whoso thrifty , honest
nud virtuous habits are generally known ,
and considering that Mr. Ford still rostt
under n cloud of having lat ly perjured
himself , tlmt this his latest Ho does not
demand a refutation at my hands , but
will of its own weight fall Hat. Still ]
could not let this pass without expressing
my contempt for the author who , by hii
lying propensities nnd his defence of low
dives of his ward make him indeed a
model representative of the constituent *
to whom ho owes his election.J. .
Army Ordcru ,
Recruit Patrick Iloilly , enlisted a
Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to com
pany , II sixth infantry.
Recruits Max Besroii and WonjslSkala
enlisted at Fort Omaha , Neb. , are as
aijsnod to light battery D , fifth artillery
Leave of absence for aovon (7) ( ) days i
granted Major fohn P. Hawkins , com
missary of subsistence , chiuf commitsar
oa subsistence of the department.
Lioutenaut-Oolontl K.O. Mason , fourtl
infantry , acting aisistant inspector pen
orul , is relieved from charge of the ofllco
of the judge advocate of the department
and Firs * Lieutenant Guy Ilownn
twclveth infantry , aide-do-canni , wil
take charge of and conduct the ailUira ol
that ollico during the absence oft Major
11. D. Durham , judgd ndvocato.
By order of Colonel Gibbon.
A Clll/.on'H
Last evening , iu response to a call
fligncd by u number of citizens , a meet
ing was held in the V , M , 0. A , rooms to
org&niza a society to bu know as a "Oiti-
zens' League. " Mr. J. S. Richardson
was elected temporary chairman and Mr
II. 1' , Bundy temporary secretary , A
constitution was then adopted and Dr.
I'.B , Leirxnrn ; was elected as president ,
llwv , J. W , If arris , first vice-president
) ' 'Jj 1'c/iuo , ( ico'id vice-president ; John
y Hflino , third vico-prcsidciit ; Dr. F.
I ! J ) Wilson , secretary ; and Wm , Fleming ,
Yesterday's ' Races attbeDriyiDg Part
a Flatteriog Snccess ,
Wilson Taken From Urbana Belle
-Ingram Put On and
Easily Wins ,
Fun for tlio Million , but tlio Knees
Muit lie Trotted on the Bqnnrc ,
Which Fnot 1'loftBCfl the
Yostcrday'a ' races nt the Driving park
were far moro successful so far M n crowd
of people nro concerned than ihoao of
.he preceding day. A good sized crowd
was in the grand stand while the quarter
trotch wan lined with carriages. Many
adios were noticeable among the spocta
ors and none were moro enthusiastic in
heir applause than were they. As the favorite -
vorito horse passed the wire the ladles
were in their seats nnJ waved their hand-
corchiofa or fans in nn appreciative manner
nor , while their voices mingled with these
of their oscorU in wcrds of approval.
It was , indeed , n gala day , on the
Omaha race track. Everything conspired
to make it a most , successful day. The
air was balmy and1 while the sun wns
quito hot , a delightful breeze was stir
ring , making it "just right. "
To add to the joyotisness of the occa
sion the Musical Union brass band were
on hand and between the heats of thoraces
races played four selections , causing the
time to fly with rapid pace and this
added to the excitement of the rLcos { nud
; ave no ono time to feel weary.
To say that the mooting is n grand
cccaH would not half express it' . Two
; oed races troro on for the afternoon ,
ho 223 ; and the 2:21) : ) classes.'r
In the 2.29class there wcro four starters
Urbana Bella , Princeton , Harry Pulling
and Alexander , Frank II. , Magpie IF.
nd Mngnot being drawn. In the toss
or positions Alexander drew the polo ,
Urbana Belle second , Princeton third
and Harry Pulling fourth. Considera
te difficulty was experienced in getting
ho horses nway and the driver of Princo-
oa was died $5 for attempting
unnyj business. After six trials
ho horses \roro sent oft" with Princeton
n the lead. On the first turn Princeton
oft his foot and Alexander wont to the
rant. At the half milo post Urbana
Jolle was crowding him for first place.
) n the second turn in the second half
Jrbana Belle interfered somewhat with
Alexander and ho left his foot , Urbana
Jollo going to the front and keeping the
ead to the fininh. Princeton passed un-
or the wire in second place btu was sot
ack to third place for running , Aloxan-
cr second , and Ilarry Pulling tourth.
Time , 2:31. :
In the 2:23 : class there \raro three
tartors Big Soap , Hnrry Yelox , and
Flora P. In the toss Flora P. won the
) ole , IImy Velox second , and Big Soap
, hird. AUps scoring twice they got
.heir worc ° hd Velox shot to iho front
likp a rockc Vvund kept the lead to the
iniah , winning the huat easily. Dig Soap
eft hm foot on the first turn , but settled
limsolf quickly and trotted squarely
hroughout the heat. Flora P. trotted
ho huat without a skip and was a good
econd at the finish. Time , 2:30A. :
In the second heat in the 2&9 class
hero was considerable scoring before the
torsos got away. Each driver seemed
determined to have juat n little the best
of the start , and for coming a length
ahead of the polo horse , after being re-
ictitedly warned , Mr. Belland , the uriv-
) r of Princot&n , was fined $10. After
3vo or six attomptB , the horses got the
word with Alnxandpr and Princeton
breaking badly. Princeton settled him
self first and wont to the front with Alex
ander and Urbann Hello hard after him.
On the second half Princcto acted
badly and Princeton went to the front ,
cloaoly pushed by Urbana Bollo. The
race down the stretch was one of the
linost over seen on the Omaha track
Botli Alexander and Urbana Belle were
under the whip and trotting fast without
a okip. They passed under the wire to
gether nud the judges unanimously do-
cldud it a dead heat between the two
horses , with Princeton third and Ilarry
Pulling a bad fourth. Time , 2:20 : ] ,
The second heat in the 2:23 : olaaa was
without any brilliant features. The
horses got away on the third trial. Volox
wont the front and kept the lead to the
finish. Flora P. oxhibltod considerable
speed during this heat and kept Volox
busy. Big Soap was rank and acted
badly. Time , 2:28 : | .
Bdforo starting the drivers in the thirc
heat of the 2:20 : race , it was nunouncot
from the stand that Princeton had been
drawn , having injured ono of his hinc
foot in the Bocond host.
The horses only scored twice
when they got the word. Urbana
Belle went off her foot ou the first turn
and Alexander wont to the front. On the
back stretch Urbana Belle again left her
foot , and Ht.rry Pulling pushed forward
into the second placo. The pace WAS too
fast for him , however , and the little mare
passed him and inude a gallant effort to
head Alexander , who came homo winner
by three lengths , Urbana Belle second ,
and Ilarry Pulling fourth. Time , 2:2"J :
The third heat in the 2:23 : class was
won handily by Ilarry Volox. Upon
B tting th word ho pushed to the front
but was collared by Flora P. , who gave
him a hot rnco until the strntch was
headed the li t half mile , when she wont
to pieces mid dropped behind five or six
length * . Volox passed under the wire
on a jog to save lti 8 mp from the dis
taiico ( lag. Time. 2:21) : ) | .
Big Soap hail boon a g > od horse in his
day , but to aU appu rancos his day is
past , and ho is now ono of the hai-boena.
Ho acted badly all through the race and
Imd he ln'pt his feet it WAS evident tlmt
Velnr and Flora P. could foot too fast
for him.
J Tarry 1'Vtor. . ,
I'lornl * a a
13 S
Imiiiudiutuly ii | > uii the finish of the
race , Mr. Hancock announced the win
noifliuid baid : "Gtiitleinun , como up tr
the atand and net your money. " II
thcro ia any onu tluui ; that makes B
lioreoman happier than another it la to
gut his money when ho wins it and not
wait until the meeting is over and then
sec if there lias been money enough t k
] on in to nay the jniriics. So long us Iho
| present policy ia pursued by the aaaocia
lion , Sis meetings -will bo churacterirtd
In the fourth heat in the 2:29 : claw
the horses got off in excellent shape on
the first trial. Alexander went to the
front and Urbana Belle went up on the
first turn giving Harry Pulling second
. Upon the second half Urbana
Blaco. headed Harry Pulling and came
homo two open lengths behind Alnxan-
dor , Harry Palling third. Time 2:30 : $ .
After the fourth heat in the 2:20 : class
the judges were convinced that Mr.
Wilson was not driving Urbana Belle to
win the race and took him out of the
lulkoy and put Goo. Ingram up behind
the Httlo mare and gave him notice that
ho should drive her to win or ho would
suflor the penalty. This change mot the
approbation of the crowd.
When the horses got the word for the
fifth hoot , Alexander took the load and
kept it until the stretch. Urbana Belle
was crowding him hard , and carried him
into n break. Urbana Belle then wont
to the front , bafllod all attempts to head
here , and came homo an easy winner ;
Alexander second and Harry Pulling
third , Time , 2:27j. :
As the little mare flow under the wire
the spectators in the grand stand rose to
their foot and gave vent to long and loud-
cheers. The men rushed upon the track
and the most exciting time during the
mooting was experienced. The judges
gave Mr. Ingram strict ordora to stay
with the mare and see that nho was not
doctored in any way while she was off the
track. Al. Potter was also appointed to
follow the man to the barn and remain
with her until she again came upon the
After the winning of this heat there
was a pick up in the pool box , and those
who had their money on Alexander began
to hedge , and wore buying Urbana Belle
: or first choice.
The action of the judges in changing
drivers behind the little mare wis nn
evidence to the people of Omaha that
; heso racas are being conducted on the
square , and if the judges can have any-
, hing to do with it the best horse is going
; o wm the race iu which ho starts.
About this stage of the game some
man in the grand stand made himself
very obnoxious by his loud , profane and
obscene language. Ho proposed to whip
the entire association and oyory man on
the grounds. It all ended in wind and
nobody waa hurt. Ho should have been
promptly arrested for conducting himself
En such a manner and using such language
in a stand partially occupied by ladies.
In the sixth heat of the 2:29 : class
there were only two starters Urbana
Belle and Alexander. Harry Pulling
not having won a heat was sent to the
barn. The two horses got away together
the first time. Urbana Belle wont off
her foot on the first turn and for a short
time it looked as if she would lese the
race , but she got level and soon closed
up the gap on a break by Alexander. At
the half-tnilo polo she was in tbo load
and kept it to the finish , winning the
: ioftt and race by five open lengths.
Time , 2:29 : 1-2.
At the conclusion of the race Mr. In-
; ram wus called into the stand and given
? 50 for his services , the same being de
ducted from the money won by Urbana
Bollo. Mr. Wilson waa notified that ho
would bo given until Friday night to give
a satisfactory reason for holding Urbana
Belle , failing to do which ho would bo
The races to-day promise to bo very
exciting and wo bespeak a large _ attend
ance. The following nro the nominations :
2I8 : ! CLASH.
I'ronkGrny , by Little Wonder , b s , by W.
II. Homer , KiiinhMcnvn , Ind.
Kitllo Htradcr , by Strndcr , b m , by God-
dine * & M.Cny , Dos Moinea.
La'lyKolao , by IScllmont , # in , byFayette
3inlth , JMoryBvlllo , Mo.
2:33 : CLASS.
Clincr , b fr , by2i ) . Connolly , 1) nvor.
Ulack Tom , b K , by Charles Dutt , ttouldpr ,
Col.Tritcliard , clies g , by II. B. Shultz , Mobile ,
Nellie Grant , by Major Grant , ch m , by W ,
H Mclleiiry , Geneseo , 111.
Trnpefo , by Frank , ch m , by 1'nyotto Smith ,
Mnryavillo , Mo.
Clmrllo 13 , , blno g , by C. M. Emory , Boa
: rlco , Neb.
Ncllio Shaw , d in , by T. A. Show , Kt.
3cntt , Kns.
Winder , by Scott'H Hintogn , clioa g , YA.
Connelly , Denver.
MuKuddon , by Mohawk , b g , IVrry John *
mm , Luadvtllu.
In the City.
The fourth Raymond it Whitmond ex
cursion party for this season , arrived in
this city yontordy morning from the west.
The party numbers about forty people
and they remained in this city , ottho
Paxton , during the day , leaving in the at
tornoon for the cast over thnllock Island
road , The momboro of the party nro as
follows :
Mra. W. W. UMtli raMliw E. A. Jloslhntn ,
Boston , Mnsa ; Goo. W. Doun and wife , Fall
Monitt Clark and wife , Northampton ;
A , W. Gomatock , Kssex , Conn ; Thus , B.
JJnos , Now York ; Mrs. J. II. Kv.rltt , Frank
lin , Miis.s : Herbert Finlior mill wlfti uud Mre
Kbeii 3 Fisher. Boston ; Clms , II. Gould and
wife , Mimes C. 0 and Mary K. Johnson ,
Diiiuors. Mn s ; Goo. V. Lowo.ModfortlMuag ;
Miss 0. Lnwrenco , Danvors , Mats ; H. Nenlo
and wife , London , Knglntul ; Mm. W. J ! .
Park , jr. , Mai Jon , Muss : Ml k Oliva Hand ,
Mftiiobiuter N. HI Mrs. W , Jtlploy , Molroeo.
Mrias ; Minn IHIcu It , Spuldlnir , Halcm , Moss ;
John W. Stoarim and wife , \Vllllaiiisburc , N.
V ; Mia E. M. Towusontl , Miss A. 1' . Town-
Al. A4i 4IAID * U < V. A IIII U , X tjrlllllUbll , 11 , J1J
Mrti. 8. A. D. Cliaao , lluibury , Mnsa ; Luther
lj , lloliicu and wlfo , Boston ; MUa K , J ,
FaulUnor , Manchester N. IF ,
Thli powder nerrmrlei. A mutcj ot porennu ,
itrengtb and wholun IUCIIM& Mo a cooruinUil than
tti9 < tilV ( klnd , d bo
ry & cannot Id In comi ctlUo < i
with thu multltudt ol low toit , i b ut wclgbt aluvi cr
to iwwiltirn Hold ouljr In sua. LOYJ.L
V WI > tK CO
Why : Royal" is Absolutely Pure.
Analysis shows the presence of Tnrtrnto of Lime in several brands
of Baking Powder placed upon the market.
'PRICE'S" Baking Powder contains Tartrate of Lime.
"PEARL" Baking Powder contains Tnrtrata of Lime.
"GEOFF'S SNOW FLAKE" Baking Powder contains Tartrnte of
"DE LAND'S" Baking Powder contains Tartrate of Lime.
All BULK Baking Powders contain Tartrnte of Lime.
The presence of this substauca in tie above named Baking Powders
results from the use of inferior Cream of Tartar m their manufacture.
The Cream of Tartar of the market , from which they are made , con
tains Tartrato of Limo in amounts varying from six to ten per cent ,
and hence these powders contain this impurity as a foreign substance to a
corresponding extent , which is of no value , but a positive detriment in any
powder in which it is found.
The Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar specially
refined and prepared for its use by patent processes by which the tartar
of lime is totally eliminated. This highly important result has been at
tained only with great care , laborand expense. In money alcme a quar
ter of a million dollars has been invested in patents , machinery and ap-
, i y which the crude cream of tartar , being procured direct from
the wine districts of Europe and subjected in this country to these exclu
sive processes , is rendered entirely free , not only from the objectionable
tartrate of lime , but from other foreign substances. This adds greatly to
the cost of manufacturing Royal Baking Powder ; but , as all its other in
gradients are selected and prepared with the same precise care , and regard
less of labpr and expense , an article is produced that is entirely free from
any extraneous substance , and absolutely pure in all respects. No lime ,
earth , alum , or impurity of any kind can , by inadvertence or by the use of
adulterated articles or otherwise , be introduced into the "Royal , " and it
contains no ingredients except those certified by the most eminent chem
ists necessary to make a pure whole some , and perfect baking powder.
It costs more to manufacture the Royal Baking Powder than any
other , but it is , as shown by chemical analysis , the only absolutely "pure"
kaking powder made.
ipQl Painforo llppnrsii'nro
lLdl rdllllcloQL UcLUIdlulb )
8rOKIiADEg 1515 Dowlas Street , Oiaba ,
Are prepared to do wo r
in any branch ,
On Short Notice
Buffalo U , S. Standard
R. R. TRA'OK ,
And is now in Use by the United States Government.
.REPAIR SHOPS Scnles of nil kinds repaired and scaled by U. S
standard weights.
J3 ? Write for Estimates.
1405 DouKlosStro ft
BOSTON , March M , 1811.
K K PIANO CO. dBiTtMiin Your ln tntmonti. Orand.gquaro and Upright , are really nobl
and uui/.uuo bomty ot tone and flnUh. Allow uia to oongratulita > ou on your sterling
I > ri cr OUBTAVB SATTitil ,
/V ' " B" f \ d TZ > TJ1 SOLB AGENT ,
, f \ m JZjLJ lO XT JCLl . ,1510 Dodge Street , Omaha , Noh
J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE. Cashier.
Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO.
FJro and Uurelor Proof Bafoa cm f 5 to ? 50 per annom , . J.
will PonlttTolynot bs Inserted
nniesa paid in advance , ,
TO LOAN-Monev.
MONF.V to loin In tami cjf t 00 uid upwurda on
ItnproTfil DouglMCo. f rmi. n. O. P | UT on
& Co. , ll U nUVo unJ K u ttgnt , ISth nj K rnaiD
OKF.Y loaned on chatulo , notes bought , cut r U )
tickets 8..1J. A. Forman , IIS S. lEth St.
633 1m
MONEY TO LOAN The lowMl r ka of Intarett
Bonus * Low Aonor , ICth k Dotu-l SM-tl
Tl/fONKY / TO MAN In romi of BOO. and upward
1VJL 0. F. Davis and Co. , Real Estate and Loan
Agents , 160S Farnam Bt. S9V.U ,
TXTANTKU OooJ ( flrl In a small family to do gtn
VV crul housework at 1718 Douglas St. 493 10p
-ryAHTKO A cowl girl at 25U Douglas Street.
AHTKD A first-class machine blackgmllh ale
W Omaha Iron Worts. No horne ehotr need apply ,
CXTANTKD A girl for a fAinlly of four , that under *
VV stands how to CORK , wtuh an 1 Iron , f o other
need niiplv. Apply at once to 1409 1'ark Wilde are
llr . John W. Bell. too-tf
' . 100 m' n fir Hull r on J orkS078. ' 1th
WANTI'.D U. MNNWfcILiil. : 409-Bp
" \T 'ANTED A girl for Roneral kltchennork , at 21S
S. Uth street. tOMIp
IT-ANTKD-A barber , 706 a. 10tH street , Omahx
> Dig-Up
Aeltlfor toneral housework at Iho
WANTKD House ; 018 S. 10th St. 471-lp
W 'A.sTKU A girl. Apply at 1718 Cass street.
V\/"AN ! BD A t.iorouk'h prictlcal b x'k-koeper do
IT sires books to npon , clfHO t > lance or a1Jti t
Herchint whoso Uf'aicei docs not Justify emplov
ment cf | > eriiiancnt book-keeper , can hmotliolr books
written up at Ktnall expense Hist tuferenccmd -
c rc s "A 0. II. " lore Stjvons A. Wlloox , 4EO outh
13th 478-11
" \X7AMED Two or 3 rceponslblo men to aiumo
> control of our ( t xl In the Stito of Nebraska.
Thcnegoo sure ffte ! and f rolltohlo to hatidlr < an
will bomovcn satisfactory by Galling at 313s uth
14tn St. 479 0
WANNED-alrl for Rimtral homework. 820
north 2ith street 4S'.MOp
WANIKU AKondgln for housework In a email
family. Muet be able to to cook. Oooil wni
and steady place luqulro 2416 Davenport stroot.
WANTED Olrl who Is o Rood cook , washer and
Ironcr. Liberal pav allowed. Inquire south
east corner 20th and California Sta. 4SO lOp
W ASTIID Laundry and Chamber girls at the
Mlllard Hotel. 4S3 0
W ANTED A good laundress at 1016 Capitol ate.
" \1TANTED In a family of three , a competent cook
and laundreea , ono who Ilk a cow. Wages $20
per month. Apply at 803 1'ark avenue. 4U6 Op
" \T7 ANTED A woman to do general boueownrk to
V ? ( to Into the country for the summer. 2 04 Web
ster itreot , " - 402 9
W ANTED First-clans girt for general house-work
Apply Ur. J. 1L Snrote 103 2tth street.
WANTKD A competent girl for general house
work. Wages 920. a month. N. W. cor IStn
and Davenport. 814 tf
WANTED--A girl In family ot two , 10C4 Farnam
St. 283-tf
country , to take nice , light and pleasant work at
their on n homes ; $2 to a day easily and quietly
made ; work sent by mall ; no camasalnir ; no stamp
for reply. 1'loaso addioas Kollatlo Uau'f'g Co , I'lll-
adelphla , Pa. 149 line
Girl at 1610 Sherman avenue. Mrs.
J. M. t'ounsman. 943 tf
WANTED Girl for housework at 2227 Dodge St.
WANl'ED-Sltuatlon by a competent farm hand
Wages (20 per month. Address "II II. " Boo
olHco. " " 495-lCp
AYourg roan with cxrwrlenco In proccry an _
ctotlilntl > Uiln > Eflseeks a position , can sprak the
Scandinavian and Orrnnn and English language"
Krfcrences can be given. Address 'K. U. " Bee otBco.
T\7"ANTKO Situation as foreman on farm , am a
V i practical farmer , can Slvo rHcronco , am strict
ly temperate. Adurcsi "J. E. A. " lieo ortlco.
A VounR married man wants pltuation as book
keeper , In wholesale establishment in Omaha.
AildrtS"C. " carotlco. 808-tf
WANTED To buyau Interest In a reliable ,
cstabllfihed builneea. Address "S. A. M. " box
250 , Ames , Iowa. 49i-10p
VX/"ANTED / Set of books to keep , or any work to
Vi doo\enlngs. Address "K A , W , " Itaoulllcc.
492 lip
T17ANTRD-A few Brst-cloas table boarders at No ,
II 1718 Dodgostroct , 451M2p
WB odor In lots to eult purchaser , cl ht hundrn
choice Iowa utters. Ono half > car olds , balance
Uo and three jears old , and a good smooth bunch.
219-lm BTUANUE DUO'S , tiloux City , Iowa.
XS7ANTKD Boarders to know the St. Charles Ho
I V tel on Harnuy St. , bttwten 12th and 13th Mil !
st-1 up the boit table board for St 00 per week cf any
housa In thu city of a correapondlr" ' urlco. 888-tf
FOft RONT Wvtflr.a a-id Iai.
F01UIE\T A new 8 room hnnie. Inqulro Mrs.
! : . lloddls , 25th , bctuuon Ua\cnporc aud C'hlcago
street. 4S9-12p
FOll HKNT A back parlor eleiraiit.y furnished
and adjoining bed room , with uijotbavh roan.
Aho bed room up ntalM , niltublo for o e or tw o Ktu
tlcuicn. Best location In the city , 1201'liasabt fct.
490 tf
S SM' t'urnUhcd rooms at S/27 JJodxo bt.
F OU HUNT Nicely furnished roouia without
board 1814 Davenport St. 1014
TpOK HUNT Jn Shinu's 2d addition , nuw .
JL1 rooms , part of double liousc , full lot , $11 03 per
month. Apply room U Uuuha National Bank Build
lug , 410 tf
OIl IlEN'T 'Touso of six rooms on Johnson St. ,
near St. Mary's o\o. , and 2itn , nitccn dollars.
Apply at 2110 Ilarney Bt. 407-9p
FOU HRNT Two rooms furnlahcd for light house
keeping , lleemer's Block , cor. tth and Howard.
495 tf
IjlOlt HEM Neatly llttrd up ttoro room 22i50at
JD 3IS outhl4thSt. , oppoilte Paxton Hotel , deei-
rablo location , linrncdlte poascsslon. 4SO-12
FOH KENT FurnUhod rooms. Imiulro at 107 H.
Uth St. 431-0
I/MMl nr..hl With buurtl largo Iruut room w th
J.1 bay window , gas and bath room , at No. 1718
Dcdtfj street. 4ftI''p
I poll KENT A 11)0 room ootta o , cor , Bhfrldau
1 fttreot anil 1'uppluton avenue , $18,60 per modtl
Ilarter & Maypo 4 > 7-tf
IlKNT-Oood Btoro on ISth and Hickory. (13
peruicuth. Alee roams. C. 8a > aie. 455 I''p
HI'NT-KiirnlslicJ front room , up-etalrp ,
FOH o for man and wlfo. Call en Chamberlain ,
Ho * e & Marshall , 812 N , 18th etreot. 40141
UKNT-r'urnUhed rooms 1818 Dodge Street ,
413-1 Ip
HUNT ThrVo furnUhed rojini lur liuu u-
FOH ; > a tmall fatully , who ran board the
oner , Inuulrc at N. W. corner 18th and and Cum
lugstreit , 416-tfp
77IOH linNT. A furnlihtd back parior for two per-
J1 torn at 1011 Dnl < ! evrcot.
1724 Douglattlt.
J.'l _ _ 439-tf
7IOK KK } T Uno grtnd Bquaro piano , luqutro
4 0tf
17IOR HKNT House and large him , s'alli for CO
1 ? hortca. Airc lot. Wui. L. Monroe , 6tn tnd
DaugUs , tUcphoneSai , 4) ) ] > llp
( lit KENT-Two choice > u Us of otfloo rconn In
F llroun'd block , nppjilta 1'axtou Hotol. UiUlro |
at room No. 7. id flee . 420-1 lp
FOU HKSTKurd hcd roomi , flrit hoiun wont o
the Iferald oifico. Al o a fltu room borne b
Mtno rarllej. Iflr.llu
FOll luNT-Ncw ; hotiw suitable for h'tcl or fam
lly b urdlnz lioii,25 morui Ueilrablo location
lUrk-r & II ] ne , 13tb and Farnam. 4 e tf
TCOH HUiT A furul.hcd ruomat IHla Jack > vii it.
F BUIKT filngla lurnlohad room
t- , . . - -
TjlOB KENT Two nntnmlriied roomj luttabla fof
JL1 light hou e-Mpln , 1017 Chlcajco. S84U
IpOR ItENT On reel tlx loom houie 15 pet rna
IJAOll HKNT Ifoura room * Rood teptlr. Kir *
1 yard , clrttrn witer. IUnllib p r month 1411
1'arkVllJa aro. A | > p7 ! to Jno. > T. Bill , Drurdist ,
10th Ht 186-tt
I , -\OU U1.WT One tturo iu ctuume' Uock , Q. U.
JL1 Hitchcock. 099 U
IlKNr-rUno. Inquire at Kdkolm ft Rrlck *
093 If
, oil H > : X 1' Koouu In Nebruka National .
i ' tltilldlnir. Hoet dcidrabia offlooi In the clt ; .
Supplied 1th hf draullo elevator and heated by lUam ,
Apply at Bank. CM-tf
RKNT Furnished rooms on the north-WMt
FOR 18th and Capitol aronuo , forractlj Crolgh-
ton House. 189 tl
,17011 SALE 135 acres larpy county lands 12 mllf
JL1 from Omaha. Will Uke umaha piupotty Iu part
payment Call on or audrcxsMM 1'arlin , tapllllou.
TTlOHHAliB An ejtablUhod bualucai. Ternmeu } .
JL1 Addrosa "Q. " Dally Boo. . 493-lOp
FOU 8AM : Buy pony , four yean old , warran
ted Bound , 53 20th itrcct and St. Uarv's arenue j
SALIC Ap'l'tlngofflee suitable lorasmill
1 newspaper or job ofilce. Will loll for cash or en
change lor OuiaUa City propotty. Addresi' X. ? ( j"
Ueo otllcu. 403-tt
SVLK A eoxl confeo lonery , rUrar station-
C.M &nd now depot. Apply or addreu "A. ( ? . 11.
care Tlrrclland Cjok , clt } . 47E-llp
ipoil SALK-Ono of Iho best llustnoxa Ixita ami
JJ Bulldmir In Trkau-ah , Neb ( a untry sou ) .
AHdrcid , O. W. Conklln , ToUtuMi ; or , Wilt &
Duquette , Wbolejale Kancy Urocor , Coui.c'l Ululli.
F Oil SAI.K Special ntritaln houao and two lot *
very ihoip for na h J U. Coraej , Charles St. ,
boL Irouo ana J.mcs. 463 Dp
FOU BALK A to v ehoico youn < ImcKy and work
horiod. Majno tt Barkir , bt. Uart'o ftTnDiiu
barn. 45S-U
FOU SALK-Sp elal Ilargaln. Corner lot , CCU42 ,
ntrect car line , 2 housed , Ibth and Oraoo etrctU.
423 lip
FOItSAljK Largo lot on I'arkarcnuo. Alsohounw
aid lot near &t Mary's M cuuo. Imjulro < 22 Cou.
\cntetruit. 437'liup
F Oll SALKCIIKAP-20 cre Hno land S. W. c.f
clt > . H ill fell In 6 aero I'.ccoi. 13J. per aero.
Hotter & Cobb , I51S rarnam St. 3S6 D
IpOll HALK An established business , paylri ; well.
1 Will require about $1,200. Good reasuuafur Bell
ing. Jnqutroat 2t7 N. ICth rtrtet. 401-Op
TOItSAIiE Hoardlnit honse.furnlturo and fltturw
r all complete. Inquire at 1UO S. 10th St.
FOR BALK Lots ? 5 down , $ i a month C per crnt
Interest AMKa , 1G07 fainam. U71-7
FOR SALE Throe of the best lot * In Hanscom
place at a bargain K sold boon. I'otter & Uohb ,
1513 Faruam. i DDMt
71011 HAtiE Bhcep , a lot of line Colorado grade *
1 containing ol BOO CHCO , 2,3 and t yean old.
ntiout \earllnR8ai d EOiUmbs. The e t9 will
shear about 0 pounc's For further Intormatlon ad-
drvM Mlday Co. , Utiyln , B. Si M. 11. II , Nob.
FOR SALB-Anlco cottoio an full lot , half block
south of Milton Rotter'- residence , on 19th Bint U
Inquire of U. Lee , Grocer , 22d and Learonworth.
T7IOR SALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
JJ I'ottur'a addition , 8 rooms , wo 1 , SOO barrel cis
tern , on two lots , 10o fo.t front by ISO test deep , for
92,060. Potter & Cobb , 151D K-irnamstieet. tit-It
FOH SALE At a bargain , CO cords dry hard wood.
2S7-3 Bogga& U U ,
FOR SALE Cheap lota In Shlnn's U addition.
Klrkwood and I'lalariew. I'otter & Cobb , lOlfc
tarnara etroct. 42S-CI
FOR SALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1874.
Contains a good gt > ck of Kancy Goods and ether
fixtures , agon , etc. Location flr t-clis3. Cheap for
cash. Apply D18 10th street , bet. Jackson and How
ard. 734-1 m
"IJiORSALE Two soonnd hand pUno ? , &t Kdholm
-T & Erlckaon'H itimla btoro ou IBth St. 800-tf
FOR SALE Two open Booand-nand buggies find
ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Zlarnoy fat.
FOUN D In a street car , an uirbrclla. Owner ran
have the same T > ycallni ; at Hmlih & Bpafaid'a
drug store , 8. W. corner Howard and ' 8th streets.
describing the same [ and paying for this advertiser
ment ? 02 9pJ
REWARD Strayed on June SUh.blaokponj
whlto face , rr.utio reached , Lad on halter ,
trank Mahannah , U. I' . Coil Card , S. 13th street.
STRAYED OB STOLFN-Juno fSd. a blue black
hone , wliltoetar on forehead , hind feet white ,
null lump on norc ; about ten Jiara old. Suitablu
re < ardwlll bojiaidlf returned to Blue Born , 10th
street. 447-t'p
S-TRAYEDOIl STOLl-.N-July S , a black mare
about 10 j can old knio sprung in front a' d one
e > bad. Suitable reward will be paid for her re
turn to Blue Bun , 16th street. 443 Op
LOST-Ared Irish Setter bitch pup about 0 months
old , solid color. Literal reward will lie paid for
her n-tum to 203 south 2jth strce.1 or for Informa
tion that will leicl to hur rcco\ cry 351 Op
rpAKEJf UI'-May 24th , 1881 , at my place , 1 lior ,
_ L send cMor , and one pony bay mare , black tall ,
brand mark on hip. Owner can liavo sa no by prov
ing pro , orty and pajlug chargos. 1'hlllip Cassidy.
rrVKEN UP-On he 24th Inst at Pries' Lake , near
X Horcnce , a light baymiio white on face and lega ,
4 > cars old , liuhtly shod , branded ou left quarter.
Ounor can recover by r'aylng ftr thia ndvcrtibcmcnt
and othoi cbargoJ aad proirlng ownership. 1'rlt *
Bros. , Florcnco , L\ub.
JIUIIUAY has iood ; pasturins. Spring water.
PU1VYaull , sinks , and ccspoo73 cleaned Hh
eatiltary cleaner. Hatl.faction guaranteed" by If.
U. Abel , ( tutco or to J M. Smith , ) box S7S.
la hereby given fhtt an appllratlon nillbo made to
Ills Exctllcno , the Governor of thoBtato of cbra
ka , on the 1st tUt of August , 1MS-I , praying that b
full and unconditional pardon may bu minted to
ono Leon Lev I , v ho natt li.dlctcd for receiving utolcn
goods , nnd In May , 1S32 , was found guilty as Indicted
In the District Court ot Douglas couuty , . > 'ubrniLj.
Jy 8 ull A. LKVUV.
Irnullicn and liorlrn ncronlln lo Hie H clelic llirv
carrf. Kniially well rtHfiteil to roiifli country
roads nncl line drives of clllei. Manufactured nnd
Ilanry TlmUei. , l > alnilc < - . Nt. Ixtiili. Mo.
issiiyag' ABBOTT BUGBY co.
LiST , 3C3 Tenth street , between K.rnaru and liar.
noy. \ > 111 with tbo aid of guardian spirits , obtaining
auy one glance or the i > at > t aud present , raid tbti
certain condition In the future. Boots and ehov *
made to order. Pert ict satlaf ictlon ( ruarantotd.
N. E. Cor. 10th nnd Pacific Sis ,
Or , Amelia Bmrougi.i .
1617 St. - Omaha
Dodge . , ,
To these waerlne frwuU-
ellotta of jouthiul trr r .