OMAHA DAILY BEE THURSDAY JULY. . 10 1884. STILL THE CHAIRMAN , Mr , Crtigulon's ' Resignation Kot Ac CBBteOy the Council , \ An Attempt Made to Oroato an Acting President of that Body. Other MlBccllniicotis Ituslucss Trans nctcil , At the regular weekly mooting of th < city council Tuesday ovoningmomborsAn dorson , Bochol , Bohm , Ford , Ilascall , Kaufman , lludfiold , Thrano , Woodwortl : and Murphy were present. The roll was called and tlio minutes of the last mooting road and approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the nctiug mayor , giving notice of hia upprovnl ot certain ordinances passed at the last mooting of the council. Filed. From the same , giving notice of his approval of certain ordinances nnd hia veto of the item for $30,000 to the Barber Asphalt company for the reason no funds have been raised for thin pur- poao. The veto was sustniuod. From the same , giving notice that ho had vetoed r.u item for $11,000 in the np propriation to Hugh Murphy it Co. for the reason no money ia iu that fund. The veto wna sustained. , From Jnmrs Croighton , chairninn of iho board of public worka , presenting his resignation its such chairman. Mr. Haocall moved that hia resignation bo not accepted , and was oeconded by several members. Mr. Buhm Ihon moved nn an amendment that Mr. Croigh- ton bo requested to withdraw hia resign ation and not cDinpcl the council to Tote upon this measure. Several peti tions were then road from the beat busi ness mon in the city , requesting the council to bo alow in ita action of accept ing Mr. Croighton's resignation. Mr. Anderson then moved to lay Mr. Croigh- ton'a communication on the table. Mr , Kaufman then took the floor and said n great ninny thought ho was opposed to Mr. Creighton , but he was not , but on the other hand Mr. Creighton waa op posed to him ( Kaufman ) . Ho did not want to see Mr. Creighton resign and had aUted thia fact to many .who had come to him. him.Mr. Mr. Ilr.ijcall nezt said ho waa opposed to tha acceptance of the reaipnation. Creighton was a good executive officer and although he might bo a little "thin jkinncd" ho is the bast min for the place to-day. Mr. Lcodcr arose and asked who knows Mr , Croighton's business best , Mr. Creigh ton himself or the council. The council had aeon fit to whitewash him after ho nad seen fit to kickoutbehindliknacow. If lie wanted to resign , accept hia resig nation. Mr. Ford then expraased his views in n few short remarks and wua followed by lladfiold who said Crolghton was under obligations to the council as ho had given hia bond , $15,000 to serve in hii pres ent office arid if itroro nor accepted ho would have to go on with his duties. Mr. Bohm said Creigh'on is not a child and had sent in his resignation in good faith and aakcd the council to vote upon it. 'When the matter came before the council ho would vote to accept it. Mr. Fury said ho would , as he repre sented a constituency in thia city , vote against the resignation. Mr. Croightou hud been educated to what ho now is , and hia services were of great value to the city. The amendment was lost and the original motion waa carried by a vote of eight to four. From J. W. Harris and others , that Turner Hall , Buckingham theater and Adams' place , nro reported disreputable houses , nnd asking that they bo investi gated and if found to bo BO , to have them suppressed. Mr. Ford said ho waa opposed to the committal of thin communication , as there were many other places much worse that those above mentioned , nndato sin gle these out was not right. Mr. Furay called upon him toimontion them , nnd ho would have thcso places listed with the others. Mr. Ford did not refer tn nny but spoke nbout the Sunday night dances in Bohemian town , nnd that many pros titutes were now coining to Omaha from DCS Moinea. lie afterwards referred to the the saloon on Capitol Avenue and Eleventh street Mr. Lcodcr then referred to the bad administration of juatico in thia city. A man found on the otreots with ono drink too much is taken before the police judge and fined $13 55 , while othor.s who com mit greater critniu go free. The communication waa referred to the mayor and marshal. From City Engineer : Stating that the B. & M. railway company was disposed to adapt itself to the wnnta of the city with respect to the grade at its crossings over Tenth and Eleventh streets. Adopted. Mrs. Mary A. Dugdall and others : Protesting against the present grade of Bodge street between Eighth and Ninth ITfe. streets. Referred. fe. The monthly report of the pound- master vras placed on file. The city physician's report for Juno was placed on file. From 8 , Shears : Protesting against the payment of 23.25 assessed against the hotel association for public works done. Ilcferrod. From City Attorney : Giving his opin ion that the city is not liable for damage done to W. T. Soauian by sewer overflow lass September. Filed. From city prysiciau calling attention to the fact tlmt the eastern cities are talc- ing measures to prevent cholera and to several places in the city which should bo attended to. Referred. From D. Cooke , asking that contract for grading the alley between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets south of Leaven- worth , bo lot aa soon as possible. Re ferred. From Walter Walker nnd others , ask ing that the council do not grant 0. F. Flora a license to sell liquor. Referred to licence board. From James Croighton presenting the final estimate of the Furnam street sewer amounting to $18,283 GG as approved by the board. Approved. The sidewalk contract of John E. Knowles was referred. UEHOLOTIONS. By RodCold , that the council sit aa a board of equalisation July 10th and 17lh Adopted. Several sidewalk resolutions were introduced troducod nnd adopted. IIGFOKTS OP COMMITTEES. Finance , recommending the nllowanc of certain claims. Rules , forms and printing , recommend ing that the contract for city printing b lot to the Herald. Mr. Furay stated ho WAS no friend i the Boo but ho wished to see the print ing done by the pnpor which would roach the greatest number of people. The Boo ho had boon informed hnd twenty-two carriers nnd the Herald six nnd ndvor tiacmenta in thoio papers would reach proportionally thcso number of pcoplo. Mr Anderson favored the Hernld am Mr. Bohm , thought the Br.r to bo the proper organ in which the city should d vortiso. A motion to recommit was lost , as wns also the adoption of the report port of the committee , the vote standing 4 to 4 , the president casting the deciding voto. voto.A _ A motion that the city advertise for bids ono week , each ono to bo accompa nied by n sworn statement of the circula tion , was carried. Police , recommending that the city , aku immediate otcps to abate Schwartz's lacking house ns n nuionnco. Adopted. A resolution by Rodfiold that the city discontinue the publication of the appro1 iriation oidinanco was ndoptod. Mr. Furay then aroao to n question ol ligh privilege. The city of Omaha by the death , lomoval or resignation of the noting mayor would bo loft without it gov1 ornor. Some means should bo taken by , hia body not to leave the city without n icad. Mr. Fur.\y then sitd nn acting resident of the council should bo olcctcd ind Hnscall ouggosted the name of J. B. Updliold. Thcao gentlemen were declared out of order by the chair , and no appeal waa nkou therefrom. OKDINAKCF. < J. An ordinance granting the right of way o telephone and telegraph lines , and reg ulating them. Passer. . * . An ordinance providing for the grading of California street from Twenty-second to Twenty-sixth street , and the alley in block 40. Paased. After passing the usual appropriation ordinance and the electric light ordiunnce the council adjourned. BALDWIN'S ' LATEST , Ito er O. Gutlirlo's Altornoj- Files a Motion to Set Ankle tlio Verdict * mul Grant a Nerr Trial. 0. A. Baldwin , Esq. , counsel for Es Marshal Guthrlo , filed Tuesday a motion to set aside the verdict and grant a now trial. The text of the document shows the following exceptions upon which this is aaked : lot. The court erred in overruling the motion of defendant for a continuance of the caso. 2nd. The court erred in overruling the motion of defendant for n change of venue. 3rd. The court erred in permitting any evidence whatever to go to the jury under the indictment as it ia. 4th. The court erred in the admission of certain evidence on the part of the state against the objection and exception of the defendant , aa will appear from the reporter's minutes of the oviaonco , ns taken nnd reported by John T. Boll , of ficial reporter of this court , and reference is here made to the testimony and ezcnp tions taken thereto , ns nppuars from the record of the evidence , as so takou nnd reported by said reporter. 5th. The court erred in refusing to sustain the motion made on the part of the defendant , to-wit ; That the court di rect the jury that no conviction can bo liad iu this case for the reason that the indictment charges the bribing and the payment of money by poraona whoso names were unknown to the grand jury , when in truth and tact the names of such persons were known to the grand jury. Cth. The court erred in permitting the state to give evidence of two or more distinct oifenaea when there is but ono count in the indictment. 7th. The court erred in instructing the jury aa to its own motion , found in paragraphs 2 , 5 , 8 and 10. 8th. The court erred in refusing to charge the jury as requested by the do- 'endant iu paragraghs numbered i , iv , v , vii , viii , ix and x. 'Jth , The court erred in refusing to lonnit the defendant to give evi dence to the jury offered on his part and objected to by the state , ns will ; ilno ap pear from the minutes nf the testimony na kept and reported by the official re porter. 10th. The verdict should , under the low and the evidence , have boon ' 'Not guilty. " Ilio Mayjr's Orilnr. MAYOR'S OrriaK , \ OMAHA , Nob. , July 8 , 1884. J To Thomas Cumminya , City Marshal : DEAH Siu I am informed that a num ber of saloon-keepers are openly engaged ! n soiling wines and spirituous liquors in ; ho city of Omaha , without having paid ; o the city treasurer the sums required ay ordinances now in force. You nru hereby instructed forthwith to ascertain the names of all such dealers , and to obtain the evidence necoaaary to entabliah such unlawful sulo nf liquors , and to mnko complaint against such dealers , as often na they may violate iho provisions of said ordinances , and to cause them to bo punished , Respectfully , P. F. Muitriiv , Acting Mayor. CONVINCING. Iho proof } t the puilrling ia not In chowlng the string , but in having an opportunity to teat the article direct , hchioter & liocht , the DrupglsUi , have a free trial bottle of Lr. ) Bo- Banko'a Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every 0110 who la nflllctod with Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Consumption nr any Lung Affection , Duflr'a lloply to Gibuon. OMAHA Neb , July 9th 1881. To the Kilitor of TUK HUB. In answer to Mr. Gibson's challenge to ran mo a foot-race , of ono hundred and fifty yards for ono thousand dollars a side , I wioh to say that at present I am unable to nccomodato him , but will in the near future , viz. ono week give him a race the distance ho specifies , and the amount named , or as much more as lie desires. Ho can rest assured I am na nn- zioua to give him a race as ho is to have one. Yours Truly , P. M. DUKFY. TlilovcH 2 Dyspepsia and debility are two big thieves they creep in and fctoal our health nnd cotnfori before we know it. Let us put stop to their Invasions with a bottle of llrdock Jll ° od UU kr , to bo had at any drug uUre. THE JOLLY JABBERER. The Eloquent Infidel Ingcrsoll's ' Talk Last The Bolieiless Bob Tolls What Ho Knows About "Orthodoxy , " A L'asclnntlnR Fimltiulo Foment Our Faith , The largest lecture audience over as semblcd in the Boyd greeted the priuc of orators nnd the master of Englishstylo the lion. Robert G. Ingorsoll , last orcn ing. The people assembled there were thi leading minds ot the city nnd thonpplauao returned to the orator's keen thrusts a orthodoxy was lone nnd frequent. At twenty minutes to nine the speaker appeared upon the platform. Ho was greeted by prolonged nnd continued clap ping of hands , and without any formal ntroduction began Ins lecture entitled "Orthodoxy. " Mil. INOKUSOM/H LECTl'RK. Most people imagine that what they bo iovo is going to last forever. They .hink they have found the absolute truth. This is n world of perpetual change ol jirth nnd deaths of OUAKLKH ANll Only n few years ngo the people bo- iovcd in the supernatural. Only ashorl inio ngo the astrologer existed , now in iis place wo find the aatronomornnd the world has lest nothing by the change. There was n time when the prophol could road the leaves of the future , in IliaKtend [ wo now have the philosopher who rends the things of the past , and the world nas not lost by the exchange. The preacher will sooner or later bo sup ilantcd by the teacher and the world will loose nothing by the exchange. This a a world of change : the planets nre dy ng , greater nations thnn ours have gone down to decay. Even language dies. On ono aide wo see the cradle of n word nnd on the other its cemetery. Wo all re member the dear old doctor , the bleeder and blistoror , who took on the end of n ancot his patient to the verge of oterni y and then spent his time in bringing lim back. There is only one thing thai will keep the mind from thinking , and : hnt is fear. Fear is THE JAILOR Ol' THE MINI ) , ; ho bastilo of the soul. "I am , " snid , ho speaker , "doinc' what I can to kill the jVlor. " Religion dies hard , but that s because intelligence is a creature ol alow growth. Oiio great reason why Protestantism does not die is because the ircachera do not toll their doubts. " I wish , " said the orator , " that ministers would tell their doubts. I think doubt s the bud of nn idea , nnd let it blossom and it will fill your brain with the per fume of sense. Doubts are the smartest things about you. They nro the wincja of the intellectual eagle ; lot her fly. " Ministers are taught to sit under the tree > f knowledge and pluck off every green eaf to keep the tree dead , I'KOTESTANTI.SM DIES IIAIID s dying of two things softening of the irnin and ossification of the heart. They ) cgin to believe as as did of the dogma of loll , which ho would fight as long as there ras a flame , a coal and oven as long as lie nahes were warm. This doctrine has mriicd the world fora thousand years in- .0 a very hell. No good man or woman liould give a dollar toward teaching this erriblo end. There is enough trouble n this world without borrowing from an ther. Ho had uovor talked with a minister about his eligion who wna not ashamed . f it. A few years ago the Congregation- lists conluded that their creed needed u ovialon , and some old superannuated musters , upon the backs of whose dens moss had crown , and from whoso > irains could bo blown the dust of the liddlo nges , were appointed to do the work. Mr. Ingorsoll here took up the evised creed and analyzed some of its alient points. From the very nature of God It would > o impossible to plensohim. He hoped lero were a million of Gods for he al- vays thought ono vrould bo BO lonesome lone. Everyone who lias a God has A ( ! OD KAUTOHY. Jvery man who believes in n devil has n nvil factory. Every man makes his wn God or devil. There is only ono eligion , nnd that is , to help humanity , lulp some one whom you can do good , Ho then road from the creed's doscrip- un of God , being without body , parts r passions which ho said was the best ion picture of nothing ho over road. Ho ind been told he must have faith. Hu i niiot believe ho could pnrform no mental .rick , to make himself believe it would > e so much easier to hnvo a fact first. What is there to show that this earth ms boon governed by an all iriso Godl low do you account for the fact that > abes were sold from their mother's rins , that the industrious have not been ownrded and vice travels bedizened ? ith jewels and crowns , that the bravest icarts h vo languished in dungeons hained to the floor with the iron eating o the core ! They toll us wo should THANK 001) . WHAT FOIl ? Should the idiot thank him for being n idiot , the lunatic for being n lunatic r the deformed for his condition. Jt is aid "how can God forgive man ? " but ho would say "how can man forgive Godl1' wish I could govern this country for while , 'Iho first time n man struck her whom he had sworn to cherish and pro- ect there would bo u case of paralysis ; ho firat man who sent the leaden bullet .o its destination would bo another caso. 'ho present condition would last only hreo weeks , just long enough for the news to spread. The idea of special providence is rapid * y being done uw y with. "Just think , " aid thn orator , "only last week the fomig Men's Christian Association room n Washington wore struck by lightning , while my oflioo is in the same block , " Man is an imperfect being , There is only ono right way and many wrong ones. They say we are alienated from God Every man who fills the out stretched hind of honest want gives the ie to that idea. Every man that has done a good deed s to the extent of his influence the sa vior of this world. Ho hud NO PKSIIIB TO 00 TO HKAVKJC on another man's credit. Ho did not wish to bo n winged pauper of the air. All joy comes from the consciousness e doing right. You cannot Iovo your fo' ' low man because you nro commanded t love roses from the soul like porlum from the flower. According to the IJibl ( iod stands over poor , weak , fallen ma : with n club nnd says , "love mo or 1 wil knock you IJfTO HKlt , JN A The speaker hero took up the subjoc of miracles nnd discussed thoirnttributcs "What is a miracle , " said the speaker "it is something that never Impptnod Fraud is always n silent partner of r miracle. The now testament is ns mucl worse thnn the old ns hell is worao thai slavery. In the old , when n man WM dead his troubles had ended , but in the now they have just begun. " Ho then analyzed the three miracles , the conception of Christ , his crucifixion , nnd the resurrection. There in ono thing worse thnn to bo eternally lost , and that is to be eternally saved without a heart for thooo who loved you. The boat men this nation over hnd nro in hell. Franklin , Jolfor- son nnd Payne nro thoro. The men who loosened the shackles from 4uOO,000 nouls are wearing their 'chains in hell. Diderot , who attempted to compile knowledge so that the peasant could bo on nn intellootunl level with the prince , has been in hell for more than 100 years crying for water ] LINCOLN IS I.V HELL , n fiend nnd the nlnvo of God. He ob jected to the bible because it denied human love. If there is to bo n resur rection , ntid ho could not see those who had lovnd him here , ho would say " Gabriel , lot mo nlono. " Ho would rather be in hell with those ho loved than in heaven without them. "In conclusion , " said the speaker , " wo read that Orpheus went down into hell nftcr Euridyco , where ho played so beautifully with his harp that Sysephus stopped rolling the stone , nnd Tantalus ceased for the time to pursue the over- fleeing waters. The gods had promised him if ho could GET HIS W1KK to the sunlight without looking back , eho should again bo his. After repeated trials ho abandoned his efforts , nnd so truth iacontinunly ) clipping away from us , but sooner or later this fickle goddess will bo brought to the sunlight , whore il will remain forever. Kcul ICstmo The following transfers were filed for record in the county clerk's oflico July 8 , nnd reported for the BKB by Ames' real estate agency. M. T. Patrick and wife to F. M. Phil lips , lot 2 , Dlock 4 , Patrick's addition , w d. § 050. Caroline Blumld nnd husband to Joseph Sandhoefnor , n f > 0 ft of ei lot 57 , Hartman's addition , wd. § 200. M. T. Patrick and wife to Francis A. McOnll , lot 2 , block 1 , Patrick's nddi- tion , wd S030. Saml E. Rogers nnd wife to Woivo , pt lot 2 , block 14 , S. E. Rogers addition , wd. § 000. J. J. Stewart nnd wife to Henry Heit- holt , lot 10 , block 12 , Millard , wd. 830. Henry O Jones and wife to S W. Itoo , lot 8 , block 2 , Etkhorn , qcd. § 25. A. J. Hnnscom nnd wife to Dow H. Mnyno , lot 10 , block 2 , Hnnscom Place , w d § 550. 0. 0. Housol ot al to W. J. Connell , lots 1 and 4 nnd w of f OriU'm & Smith's add , q o d $1000. W. N. McCundliah nnd wife to Mnry 0. Voudorio , lot 10 , McCnndliah Place , w d S275. E. D. Titus nnd wife to Robert B. Cunn , undivided | lota 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , nnd 8 , block 123 , Florence , wd § 1,600. Milton Footo nnd wife to Margaret Grady , lot 2 , block 520 , Omaha , w d $10.75. Samuel V. Niles and wife to John Brady , w d , lot 0 , block G , Parknr's add , $400. John I. Redick and wife to Mary Murphy , w d , lots 3 , 4 and 5 , block 4 , Brighton , § 500. T. W. T. Richards and wife to Omaha t Southwestern railway company , right of way 75 foot inside their lot 32 , in 27- 25-13. Right of w d , $3,000. W. F. Laing to Charles Iloppin , w d , .wo acres in so , ow , section 4-15-10 , $50. EXCITEMENT. "What causes the Rroat mall nt Schrolor & Bocht'H UniR Store1 The free distribution f B ample bottloH of Dr. Bosanko'H Cough and jwng syrup , the most popular romudy for ougliB , Colds , Coiirttmiption nnd Bronchitis low on the market. Kegular size ( JOconln and 500 CloHo Gull lor Carl , A. Gorman by the name of Carl Unlike , vho resides at the corner of Twenty- econd and Pierce streets has been on n preo of eovernl days duration , TUOB- lay ho made HOIDO threats and sharpened iis ax , doubtless with the intent of hurt- ng some one. Ho abused his family light after which ho visited his uon's louse nnd threatened violence. The son ailed the police nnd oilicer Kuboo re- ponded. When ho arrived ho found hat Kiill'o hud taken refuge in the cellar if his house , and dolled any ono to get lim out. Kuboo called upon several loighbors , among them Thomas Grocox , highly respected citizen , to help him. Ilaflko started out of the collar with an x , declaring that ho was ready to die , ml would kill any ono who came after lim. Kubeo slummed down the door ipon him , but HafTko omashod his way ut and advanced with his ax upon Gro- ox , who happened to bo the nearest nan. nan.Grocox uaw that it was no time for par- eying , and drawing a revolver flout a roll-directed shot at Unlike , striking him ligh on the forehoau and stunning him. 'ho wild Gorman was then secured and edged in jail. Dr. Loisonring droised ho wound , which proved to bo a mere calp wound and not at all dangerous. Had the ball struck him an eighth of n inch lower down it would doubtless iavo crushed through his skull. Yesterday Grocox was taken before udgo Boneko and placed under $500 jonds , which ho readily furnished. Tliclr Name la Legions of people have had their lives made miserable by Piles. This painful lifllculty is often induced and always ag- jravated by Constipation. Kidney Wort s the great remedy for all aflcotions of his kind. Jt nets as a gentle cathario , iromotes a healthy action of the bowels , n id BoothcH and heals the inflamed Bur- aces. It han cured hundreds of cases vlioro all other remedies and applications iavo failod. Sold by ull druggisUt. Cream Soda at Dell's. jl-lm An independent cyetem for begin- icrs in musio at Woodbridgo Bros , A thorough and advanced method for teach ers , by Prof. Howe at t Woodbridgo Bros , j Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobaoj j co , 11 THE TAVERN TRAGEDY. The Trial of William Snell for tbo Kill m of Jessie Wri hl , Which Occurred at Major Croft's ' Head House Lust January A Coinni'ltoo Appointed to Vlsl Ctinno ami Itoport HlH 1'liynlen.l Condition to the Court , In the district court yesterday before Judge Neville the case of the atnto ngninst William Snoll , chnrgod with the ailing of Jcssto Wright at Major Croft's road houao on the 12lh of Jniiuaty Inat consumed the attoutiou of Hint tribunal 'or ' the whole day. The dotonoo having rested its cnso in chief , the greater par of the forenoon wan taken up in the ex nminntion of defendant's witnesses When court convened nt 2 p. in. SXKU1IIUHK1J - ook the stand in his own behalf. The 10fondant , who lias boon in jail ninco the ) th of February Inat , looked piilo nnc blenched from his continued confinoinont. lo was examined by General Ootvin , his > rinoipal counsel in the CMC , nnd testified as follows ; His name is Willmm Snell nnd ho in ho party charged in the indictment. Witness had been in jail five months nnd a J)2 ) years old. lie had known JKSS1K , T1IK Ml'KDlUir.l ) ( IHIL , about six months. Met hi r first nt Ynl entitle , two or three days after aho came .here. S ho wan 10 or 17 years old. She van small of aizo and came to nbout the .op of his Bhouldcr. On the night of the L2th of January , Oagnou , Lizzio | IIow- nrd , Jessie Wright and witness wont out o the road house. When the party or rived at Major Crofts' G.ignon nnd do' 'ondaut ' walked into the bar. Lizzio wont , o the piano. Major Croft was nt the > ar. Shortly after ho came in Major 3roJt left the room. lie served the drinks , porter nud ale. Witness was standing at the south end of the bar , with Gagnon just north of him. Witness tad a conversation frith Gngnon nbout lis AllUSd Or LIZZIE HOWAUI ) . Sngnon's woman. Giynon said , "you lave the best of mo. " Witness asked lim how. and ho said : "You have a ) iatol " Witness took out his revolver vith his right hand and passed it into his eft , withtho , muzzle toward himself Somebody came up bahind witness nnd icized the pistol with both hands , turned ilm quarter way around , when TJIK 1'IHTOL WENT Ol'P. lie saw no ono nt the time and did not enow who had approached him. After .ho gun wont ofT ho put it in his right nn pocket. Mojor Croft camn down nnd aid ho did not allow shooting in his louso. Defendant said ho would do it 10 more. lie looked around for Jessie Snoll , and wna told she wns in her room and was hurt. Croft said she was playing 'poaaum , " but when ho went to BCD how eho was HE FOUND HUH DKAI ) . Ho then gave up his pistol to the boy. Vitnoas did not pull the trigger inton- .ionully , if at all. Ou cross-examination ho said ho saw o person after the pistol went off until ossio Snell went into the room , and lion did not know it wns she. ITo had talk with Gngnon because ho Snoll ) had abused his woman Lizzio loward nnd 1-UI.I.KI ) HIH IlKVOLVIin rom his hip pocket nnd throw it into ils left hand with the butt from himself , jianyon snid : "You have got the best of mo. " While ho was standing in that po rtion Homebody came from behind and with both hands clasped the pistol and urnod him quartering nronnd. The > istol went off nnd ho .saw n form disap- tear into thn side room , but did not enow it was Jessie Snoll. When ho vent in she wns dead. The witness : ion detailed at length the history of her mprisonmont and gnvo his reasons or not viewing the body while lying at 10 morgue , THE AltaUMK.NTH. This closed the evidence in the raao , Hr. Godwin then rnndo the opening nr- iiment for the prosecution. ' Wlillo Snell was being examined Mr. 'onnell ' came into court nnd stated that ) r. Couklinij ; wlio had been placed upon 10 commission to examine Mr. Chano ml report upon hit ) phyHical condition o the court was objectionable to the ex- navor. Upon being naked why , Mr. Council : ated ho was notional nnd had talked pen the street corners. Dr. IJjdo wns nally agreed upon as a n substitute for ( inkling. Doctors Peck , Tildcn and [ ydo were commanded by the court to isit Mr. Chase and report to the court ; its opening this morning. Mr. Chase as soon but the result of the oxnmina- on could not bo learned. GAMBLEES MUST "GIT , " farNlml GiitnlnmliiKH Orders AH tlio JIounoH to Clofjo AVilIi- In " 4 Iloura , City Marshal Gummings visited all the ambling houses last evening and inform- d their proprietors they would have to ese up within the next twenty-four lours or bo closed by him. The marshal says the order w s issued in ply from hia desire to carry out the rdmnnco regulating hia duties. The amblers look upon it as issuing from Jhnao , who has taken these ineuna to iring them to terms regarding hia trial n the district court to take place soon. tlio Day. Hon. M , B. Tiffany , uistrict judge of lie Tenth judicial district , arrived in this ity from Fremont last evening. Mr. 'illany , who is chairman of the central oinmittonof the Third congressional di - rict , waa in attendance at n meeting of hia committee in Dodge county's capital -otiUirday. August 20 was fixed ns the imo for holding the convention , Colum- ) un was agreed upon na the place whore t will bo hold. _ _ JNKIIUAHICA STATK ( JAZKITKKU & Bun NESH DlUP.UTOUY to bo JBSUOd ill July , 8b4 , price $1 50. J. M , Vfourx , pub her 1'20 S. 14th St. . Omaha. Bool of North Carolina Tobacco la the boat. J THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION [ Continued /rom first page , } nil thin broad union , , Vrom our west , mon < i tliuI'.int , va Imvo Allied rtatu after atnle , A WflttTT lll'MOCIIATlO TIIAIM. See w hmo w have not the democratic liMinc in nhnoat every CiwtiiOM of raptibllcnnlnm II the tUirthwcMt. So IOIIR ni pntriotlum dctn.iml am ! Ihnolroof the convention oitlnitifi , wo will ntlll follow you uteftdfftst nnd tnio. lln if ) ou will fortfih yanr nuppoit tliU bravo true , wcitorn democrat , wo protntiut you \ic tory , [ Clieor * , ] Till : HOW 1IU SOAIIKH 1'OH SRW TOItK'ri UoVKIlVOIt 1'ri-viotiH to Mr , ltnrri > on'n speech recording Clovelnml'n tumiiuntion , 1'rcdorlck Winston ol Illinois , .ild the ntnto of Illinois Again naked tilt' indulgence of the convention , that the nomtnixttrut nf tro\cr ! Cleveland may bo BO no- emitted by Carter llatmon , of Chicago. The Chair -Tim gentleman from lllinnl kn Icavo fur the < tats of Illinois to nccond the nomination of drover Cluvolandt the otati- of Illinois Imi boon called luul pasnotl. IB there any objection ? If not , Mr. Morrison will bo rocoUotl. Mr. Oraily of Now York -Will the Ute of Ivow ork bo called ngtin ? The Clmlr-Tlio gentlemen from Now York will no rrcogui/iMl. \Vlillo Mayor HarrUm was bciiip rucortod to Iho platform , an untlniMiwtlo ilt'lt'sato nrtwo nnd propo'iul three chcorn for the next nov- ornor of lllinoli , Carter II. Jluniaon , which "OMi given with n will. The Clmlr 1 ueod hardly name to this con vention thn NU.\TOVKIl.NOU ! OP It.t.lNOlll Mayor Ifarrlsou Mr. Cliainnan , mul pen It'inoii of thn convention : 1ni imkod iv lit .lo while npo to second the nomination , bo- 'aiiBO the dlfrUng isliiul pontlcinau hi ) wni to iavo tlono HO is alisont , iiy reason nf iiulinpo Otion. I will detain yon but n few moment' oglvoyimthoraiBOMH why t think lllitmn ! vants linger Clovctiml for iti cantliiJato. Al > | il.tnHO. ] ( lUiitlomon , In 1870 was that tor- ililo eriint' , no graphically tlcucrlbod Iiy your einporary chairninn , cominitti.'il. Ho told on in l , nguiiio with which 1 cannot compiro , lint that etinio la yet to lie aveiiRotl , and that mtil the tlenmcracy won it presidency , it voultl not lie \\lpotl from the iiagon of Ameri can history. _ llo ttilil you that that crlmo wni text to juilticinliimriu'r the iuurii > r wan com- nittcil by the rt'imlilie in party. He incinbf r , inly writ BIIJ-H , "Whiwoover Hlu < dd th innn'fl ilo.xl , by nian'H hand phall liin bliKnlbo nl < vtt. " i\ppl.uift > .j Tim deiuociAcy niu t MJHTUOT THE lllil'tllll.U'AN 1'AUVT , hia fall , or the erlino BOOH four ytiara Ionrr ( mMvngcd , Kiglit wookw nun wo ht-anl , coming from nil oor thin land , a name that wo know would w tuo out the crimo. From ho north and from the itouth , from thu i > ant vnd wtt , came ono nniiio. nntl that numo wns Samuel J. Tildru. [ Vociferous npptauso. ] [ A \oico : "Anil lloinlrick * . " ] Mr. HnrrlHoii I will roach the other end f that ticket in n moment. [ Appltuho. | Samuel J. Tildon wo oxpt'otcd to hit pitHonteit tt thU convention , and wo hiul oipcctoil no lomliinliotiH and no ballot. It would Imvo ) uun tlimo by nccl.tinntion [ applan > u | , and it \oiilj ha\olt ) cti followed by utiotlifr name ; 1110 , who ox un yet , if w D cannot iigrco , nmy 10 inontlontil hero [ applniiHo ] ; but with trtio chivalry , tine to his friemlvhoin ho IIIM nom * iiatod to-tluy , Tom lloiulri lc nifuftcH to Imvo UH nniuo nit'iitioiifd lioro. [ Applamo 1 Now , { cntloincn , how is Iho erlino coninntted In ' 870 to bo avtwgcd ? The cry came eight ou ngi ) for Tildon anil rrform. [ Apphuiso.J 'lint IH t-chocd hrro " cry "Clovoland nnd jro- onnl" [ Appluuso.J No man linked the noni- nation of Mr. Cleveland boauino of hi-i mug- ictlBin. [ Lnnglitor.J I lo neither attracts the K'oplo , nor do corporations nttniet him. ( A okp : ' Nmuiintii JloiulrickH."j Mr. Jlarri- on ( not heeding the interruption } TDK JIAC.Nl'.TH ! ) UN B on the other Bide. Wo want the man whoso iitina will bu the Hiiyonyin of hoim-ty nnd ro- orm. lApplaiiBo j W bi > liovo , 111 IllinolB , hat thn in.vitlu of Ciovornor Tildcn lint fallen , ind rlKhtly fnllii , nnd routs gracefully upon ho BhoiiltlerH of ( i rover Cleveland. fAp- ) laiiHo ] Wo bullovo that the lofit closiupr vonls of that great letter from our grand fader , nlmni brain is yi't as cloau. a boll , hough Ajnlghtv Ooil lia puriuitj"il hla hand o bo ptli-iid and hlx volco to bo nl KH ! still wo bulioro that that ntturuiico of Inn , that the ry of the dtmiocratio party thin fall imint nnd ! ndl bo "Ueforin , " [ UrluH of "Ooodl" ( looill" mid rdioucd applauuol , and wo have 10 doubt that Mr , Cluvolnml will give UH 10- orm , ( Juntlomou , wo nro hoio to tloliberntu , do not want to nominate Mr. Cleveland If 10 cunnot o'oct him. They toll UH wu cannot. ' 'actional fightcomo ? ami HUVH ho han cnuinieH. Vlioro JOOH Iho light come from ? They nay mt A ( llltAT C'lIl'llCU 'ill ' oppoito him , on religions groundn. I know mt church novcr 1st itH inlnmlur'ii voice bo in tli pulpit. [ ChooiB. ] _ And tlio ciy lint tlntt church will not permit Mr. Clovo- and to ho olui ted I'M n hlandur upon u church lint him in hiHcinpli > y Bomo of ltn bent and nest noble Htanilnrd hoarum , They pay lint thn Iiinh will cut IIIH throat , that thny will knifn him. Jhl ) you over know thu liinh o knifu thn domocrutic party except for Rood eVM : > tm ? fLoud npplanso. nnd a volco behind rieH "yea ! " 'yenl' ' ' ] [ Great confusion. ] Mr. lurrison- ( continuing ) No. no , [ LomlcrliH nd crieH of "J'nt him nut " " 1'ut him out. " ] 'ho Irishman buliovvH In the democratic party iccaufco Iho democratic party in true to nvory ppru'Hod ppoplo nnd toovury Iilahman. They ity Mr , Cleveland did not pardon Hoinubody ml thercfoie , TIIK iiiiniiMI.I , IHII'I : mi. CI.KVU.ANII. Vim will theyknifo him for ? Kor lilaino ? \yc , do you think that the liirlimi.'n will forget luSwiiinlo. lyint , ' In a foreign dungeon , [ Ap- Inii'o ] AlcSwiunii' , wluMU wife ha.l idmont ln'd tiar.s of blood boforn Jamm 0. ill. line , mil lie turned u ( loaf ear to hur Implicalloni 'ho Iiiuh will net dei-urt Clovulund , lieO'imo li > i IiiHh bul'ovo in the doiuocratiu party and 110 democratic p irty I'H ri ht. If wo nominate \lr \ Clovolund wo will bu right , and thu Irinh will stand by in. | l < oud appUurtO.J They I'll UH that Urn wnrkinguioii will divert Mr , /luveland. My friondH. who art ) the friend f HID workinirmen ? ft id the tlomocralic 111 ty the puityof the pcoplo trim to the vnrUnginon founded on thu workingmun party founded and IILTI.T Dl'ON Till ! WOIIKIWIMEN H upon n roclc which will iindnro for ever , , end upplaiiHQ ] Thny toll UH that Mr , Jliniilund vetoed muni ) bill hoslilo to the orldng man , Ifni tliero baon u whisper that HMD vulotH or that veto wan brought about or corrupt piirpuueH ? Not ono. It in an nault tn the working man to my ho in gel g o bo caught by a catchword or carried uway ly idle dniiuiiciation , [ Appliuim.j My riends , there H unothor great party in thin mntry. Tliero IH u natlouality , nnd thown iriing from it , who bollovo iu luinetty , I > cnk now of TUB (1KRUAN riiOl'Ltf , f tlio United States , [ Apolauno.1 All tlmy itmand in tin ollicor In thin government is ifinotty of purpoio and hontiUy of iiractlco. ivo uu CJoveriior Cleveland and I bollox ) mt 00 per cent of the ( iornmn-HpoakluK rn- iibllcunH of thn pant will bo found Hldu by ido with the democrat * this full in electing Im. [ ApplaiiHo. ] Un thin account , Mr. minium , I link that thia convention will lomiiiutoCirovor Clovnland becuuBi I bollovu ID will help uu tu win Illinois next November , ApplltUHO , "OUll I'AHTHIl" AND THE VISTM. OAICACIO , July 'J. In to-day' * proceedings after the resolution against polygamy WM In troduced nnd reterred , lion. Carter HarriHon , of IllinolH , mid : "Hero in it resolution I want > to n'lid to the clmir. " Tlio cli rk Tliu resolution offered by the gontlomim from IllinolH will bo rend. JtoHolvuJ , That tlio nioinboiB nf the Damn- cnitlo Nutlonul Votpruu uH'ocitition , now iu coiifoicMuo In tliU city , who I'avo not already liccn HiiiiplluJ vltli t ckota of adiiilstion , liu nlioweil In ( inter iind occupy the vacant m'.iU in tlio B"'lel'y' ' [ I'Oud cries of "Uoodl" "Qoodl".ind anplaimo ] Mr , lliirriuou uekcil thu adojitlon of tliut roaolution , Tlio resolution WAN uimnlmomly Adoi > tcd , [ Loiul aijluiiHii | ) , ] CONflDKNTIAL COllHUNICATIONd. The followliw current rumors are croatlne Krout oxoiteniunt : It hiw been sBcortalnod from n ( { entloiiiuu occupying confidential re lation * with miuiy uieii bem of the New Yvrk ' delegation , that commnnfwtloni n/ts now bon - n ' fxchntigod Iwtwoon Crotelftnil's followers In the Now York delation nnd his trlentln at Albany and New York City with n > Iew of all factions uniting upon the name nt flomo > ow York man nnd the withdrawal ol Clove- vi , At ono ° 'cl ° clc thla nftflrnoon Mr. John KoUny rocolvod ft tftlegram from A gentleman In Now York occupying A high position of inimical tnist In Now York City pollUc * , enquiring - quiring whether the name of Abraham Hewitt would ho received latlsfactorlly byMr.JKollny. No reply IIM yet been mado. Thin enquiry. coming from such con- tidontlal source Indicates that Cleveland g own frion.hlwTO suggested Hew itts namo. Mr. Kelly In represented iw not unfriendly to Hewitt , It Is gald Cleveland' * inanagorB ; sought ft half hour Interview with ( .eiioral IJutlerthts morning nnd tomleroil him the ixwltlon of eecroUry of the treasury under Cleveland If ho came to Cleveland's support on thn first ballot. ( Jonoral Butler promptly replied that ho could not consent to- hold n cabinet office under n man BO unskilled In politics AJ Mr. Cleveland In making Un reply to the o\orturo Uoncral Butter's Inn- gungo WM moro forcible Mian elegant , but It 3onveyod the contemptuous Idea abe > o mon- .ionof. IS TIIIH MEANT TOR TUB HKMOCIIACV. HAI.TIUOIIK , .Tilly 0. The Haltlmoto M anu- 'actutors Jicconl will puhlish to-morrow n semi-annual statement of the progress of the south , Mum ing that during the last six montlw icarly 70,000,000 Imi been Invested In now tulnstrial enterprise. * and In enlarging tbofo ilroady ostabllshetl. BAGGING TBUE&LAE , Uoncrnl IJOUO'H Ilonao ami HtirroiulorH nt the Knil of a Revolver. Lnat night about 12:30 : the alumboraoE Oouornl Lowe were disturbed by foot falls in hii dining-room , and the Bound of dishes dropping upon the floor. Ho rose from his bed quietly , nnd , in forming hia hired man that aomothing waa wrong below , told him to stand by ; ho window of the dining-room on tha outside. Mr. Lnwo then wont into the apartment whcro the noiaca were hoard with pistol iii hand. The room waa dark nnd nobody wns coon. Thinking aorao- ono might bo there ho commanded him o hold up h'is hands nnd the reply came rom n man in the darknosa hia innda were nlrendy up. Mr. Lowe then old him to open the window and got out. So noon ns the burglar hnd put his head hrough the window ho was seized by the lired man aud'n doapcrato otrugglo on- niod. The burghr wna finally secured mud nnd foot by the two men. The cries of the women who heard the encounter were hoard by Policemen Bellamy nnd iVhitmaok on the corner of Dodge and Sixteenth nnd by Ofllcor Conuiolc in the ) olico atutiou , who ran to Mr. Lowo'a aa- liatnnco nnd afterward brought the burg- nr to the jail , where hu gave the name o James Hng4u , The burghr ia ono of the tramp spo- iioa , nnd when caught had on nothing ) ut shirt and breeches. Ilia face wns ) lccding considerably from cuts received n the struggle. The jailor says hia f.ico- a familiar and that ho has served a term or vagrancy iu tliii county jail. The burglar , to tflect an entrance , had > rokon out a pane of glass , and unlocked > ho door from the inside. After entering 10 raised a window aa n moans of exit iu CIIBO of nn emergency , but wna tnken by Rurpriao nnd could not mnko his cscapo. When caught ho waa loading himself with silverware from the table , but everything miasod waa found on hia per son or rccovored by the oflicorn. irc.Htcrduy'w Base unit , Ycstorday'a afternoon's closing game ) otwoon the Union Pacifies and the Chi- ngo Kcservoa was witnoaaod by about 00. The visitors presented Crosby and. ) epangor for their battery , and the Un- on PnelGca Salisbury nnd Dugan. In the first inning the home nine iaoo three runs nnd whitewashed thoir- ppononts. The Chicagoi were unable o overcome this load but fought .stub- lornly to the finish. In the fourth in- iig , Salisbury being unable to pitch ti ongor , wsa replaced by HcKilvoy , who l | litchod the rftnaindor of the game , in a nest acceptable manner , retiring Hillary on strikes iu the fifth innintr. IJiiidlo- ilayed second to thu finish , his place in 'ight ' field waafillod by .lamiaon. In the ifth Whittoley , in attempting to alido to list base , sprained his auklo and waa ro- ilacod by Onrr. The game waa nlmoat rpmnrknblo for ta heavy batting. The brilliant feature of the game , and the finest play over undo on the ground , waa Loo's ' running eft-hand catcli of Handle's line ball to oft center. Below ia the score by innings : 1 a 3 4 5 0 7 9 Chicago KeBervea. , , . . 0101010 a 0 5 Union 1'ucilica U 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2-10 Ladies should reflect before using any iroparation that ianpplicdto aodelicato lurfuco ns the skin. Any cosmetic will t first impnrt'a bonutifying t-flcctixnol not ppnrontly injure the skin , but in a very hort time little blotchca and diecoloso .ions appear on the face which ccnclu ivoly ahow the poisonous druga in that- composition. It can bo softly said the more than two thirds of the face powder contain those injurious ingredients , PC2 oni'a medicated complexion power is not nly absulueoly free from all dolutoricuc natter , but ita principal ingredient ia aa ctivo curative for ull diseasts of tho- kin. It has stood the teat of years. Sold > y nil druggists. mo-codyl IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION ,1s , warranted to wear longer. Ut tba form nealtr , nixl vivo beltf * ' all r ctlcm than any oilier Con : la thn market , or price uolil will * > refunded , TlinludonnmcnUat NOUUP" ChloiKu'ii Lent phytldajij , inn r each Cor et price , llc.t Hutcca Jean , weuald , I . .ML A k rour merchant ( or them. * UsiI8OJIH.n , JOMKPII A OC , . J IMT uiiLclurkin , ilU ! H 'Jt'l liuudululi tit..kjalc "j. H. F. LEHpMANN Agents wanted ( or authentic ) BLAINE edition ol bis lite. Published at ; AuKUBta , his home , Larg . est , handsomest , cheapest , est. lly the renowned hiatorian and uloifraijher , Col , Conwell , whoso Hie ot Oarfleld , imbllsbed by us , iut-iold thu twenty other : by Wc 00. Outsells every book ever imbU hed In this wnrld ; many agents no nilllni ; Illtv dally. AgentR are mailing luituues All new b KlnDcn tucctsalnl ; giaiid chance Iw thrm ; < -IS,60ouuulo by a Inly aitent thellrttday. Term * niott eral Particulars ( ree. IletUr send 2 centa ur p ge , eto.on Icee outlt , now ready , Includ- Kg la prospectus book , and save valuable time , 10-lw ALLKJf&CO. , AuitmU.Me S. H , ATWOOD , Plattamouth , - ( - - - Neb. i&uoiBor TuoROvanuxu AMD man esiBi HEHEFOOD AND JERSEY CHILE ABD DVKOO 01 nUIY K > 9 BWTS1 'tffoung stock lot lib. Oon jpcud DO toU te < i.