OMAHA DAILY liEE THURSDAY , JULY lu. 1884 The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB. Paid Op Capital 3onooc Burplui Fund , N07. 1 888 10 coo ninEcrons. IL W , YATE3'PrOTldont , for'many' years Cflflhlor of the First National Bunk of Omaha. A. K. TOUZALIN , Vlco President , Uoaton. W V , MOKSB , of W. V. Moraa & Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of O. II. & J. S. Col- ins , J , M. WOOLWORTU , Counsellor andAttor- | noy at Law. L. S , REED , of Byron Rood & Oo. K K. IIAYDEN , AsMntant Cashier. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 , 1882. ITS DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLD ERS arts among the landing business of Oma ha , and Its business la conducted with ospaoial raloronco to the boat and Increasing Interests Its morcantlla patrons. COLLECTIONS rocolvo apodal attontton and charges lowest obtaluablo here or else whore. INTEREST allowed on Umo deposits upon avorablo terms and upon aosounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County and CIt ysocnrittos bought nnd Hold. FINANCE AND COMIVIERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YOHK , July 0. Money Very 114 ; cloflinl ofloiod 1J. Prnno paper C@0 pur cent. Sterling Billn Quiet at 4 83 ; demand 485. 485.G G ovc ninents Finn. Hallways Weaker. Statu Bocuritieti ( Julut. Spt > cu1atlon at Ilia Stock Kxchacgc the gioator part of the day vaa and pressed. The market waa hoivy on ropottn that the Heading rocrivcrx had determined to disrupt thu coal combination nnd Uio rumor of the fuiluro In the Htigar trado. S'lb uquently it was ascertained that the latter rumors had grown out of the fact that J. Durivcri < fc Co. , commirtiion merchant , engaged in the Cuban and South American trade , had suspended. Largo sales of St. Paul wore made by boars for the purpoBo of breaking the remainder of the lint , but at G5J@G5 iho stock received a strong support and the boars abandoned their effojts. Compared with Tuesday , the closing prices arc i2J5 nor cent. , uxcopt for Canadian 1'aciGc , JtT8ey Central and Kansas & Texas , which are .l@l per cant higher. Stock do- lireries are poor , and loading fiharea command a premium. New York Central was lent at 1-32@J per cent , Lake Shore and Illinois Cen tral at 1-32. Kiading , Lackawamm , Jersey Central and Union Pacific 1-GI , and , Western Union , Northwestern and St , Paul flat to 1-GI. UOUPONS & * * * > 4 4J'a Coupons . 112f U. .S. now , IV ll'JJ 1 P dfio 6'a of ' 95 123 OTOOOS AND BONDS. American Kxpres * 87 Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern t'J Central Pacific 35J Chicago & Alton li'O ' do do pfd 140 Ohl , Burl. &Quincy.- 111 ? Urie 12jj 3 do pfd 25 JTort Wayne & Chicago 125 Hannibal & St. Joseph SfcJ do do do pfd / * 88J Illinois Central . ' 116 } Ind. , Bloom. & Western 10 $ 2 Kansasft Texas 13i Lake Shore & , Michigan So 72 } Michigan Central 5 < i Mlnneanolis & St. Louis 11 } " do" do do pfd 22J Missouri Pacific 95jj Northern Patllic 171 G do do pfd 4Hj ; Northwestern 88 i do pfd 123 Now York Control 9UJ : Ohio & Mississippi 10 do do pfd CO Poorla , Decatur k llvansTiUo 91 Rock Wand 105J Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul < > 5 do Jo do pfd 103J St. Paul Minn. Manitoba 80 8t. P&ul& Omaha 24\ \ do do pfd , 84 Texas Pacific , Union Pacific W abash , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd. . Wwtorn Union Toicgrapn Asked. CHAIN AN1 > PIIOVI3IONS. CHICAGO PBODnCK. CHIOACIO , July 8. Flour Dull and un changed : winter , fair to clioico , 5 C05 GO ; Hpring 40l@l60 ; Minnesota bakera 120 ® 500. 500.VlIeat Kogulnr , fairly active ; unsettled ; closed A below iinal niiotations afternoon board yenterd iy ; cash anu .luly , 7'J\i August Sli Slt ) Scplember , 83@8J : ! ; Octobe , , 8) ) ; winter , numinal ; Bpring quiet ; No. 2 Bold 7'JJ ( . Corn Unsettlol ; busineas moderate ; do- cllned early g@i ; fluctuated ; advanced li@19 above insliiu figii'ui ; clo'ed about litest prices afternoon board ypHtsrday ; cnHh l'J@Wi , July J'J ; August. B1J@6H ; September , 4'JJ ; Octo- ber.40 | ; rojectud , -I3@-I5. Oats Dulljcabh Htoady , 28 ] ; futures rouged 2@fl belowyestord | y ; clmecl cash and July , 2.SJ ; August , 20 ; September , 23i@251 ; [ yoir , 21J , Jlyo ljutctatCO. Barloy-Ciuiet at C2@G-1. Timothv Ivatiy ; prime , 1 S8@l 29. ] ' 'lax Nominal. 1'ork-Modenitely active ; deferred deliveries advanced M@l ) 00 ; canh 17tOfo)1800 ) ; July and Augu-t 22 00 ; September , 20 50 ; Ucto- bor 18 OU@18 10. Lard--Actl\es irregular ; diiMmed early 20 @ , ; tO ; _ rallied _ t. SO-ffy1) _ ! declined 10@12j ! closed clear. 8 ! . Whisky uiichangod at 110. Butter Dull ; weak ; choice creamery , l"i @ 18J ; fancy dairy , 14@1 IJ , Cheew Quiet , full cream cheddars and flaU 7@H ; skimmed cheddari1 2 5 , KggH Modcnito demand at 1 ll'tftlT ) Hides Hm tlldHinaridigroau Rettlod : qiiotml bull Ci ; dumuged C ; light 8J ; heavy 74 ; calf 121. Tallow No. 1 country Bold at C , CALL BOAIIDWheat July 3 lower ; Au- Bust k lower : September and Octoier jj'lower. Coin- July 48 } ; Auguit49i ankod , 4 ! > i bid ; jy September l i bid. : ( ) .itsJuly and August I lower ; Septum- ] bor and year i lower. Pork 'In' ' ) * and August unchanged ; Sep. ttmb r60 higher. Lard July , September uud October 5 low- ir ; August-i lower. 01NCTHNATI , UlNoiKKAVl , July 9. Wheat Dull ; No , 2 r d , 90. Corn Firm ; moderatfltleruand ; No. 2mii- Cats Active and firm ; higher ; No. 2 mired Jtyo-Quint ; No. 2 , 65. ) PorV-Kirmur at 10 00. tj Lard Dull and lower ; 0 80. .Bulk iiiAiU Dull aud dioupiug ; Hhouldeis , 6J : Hbort rilw , 8 } ft at 1 07. KANrtAH CITr. KAXHAH CITY , July . Wheat -Stoidy ; 71 21 ! bid ( li ; 70 , July ; 1WJ blil AiiKUft. Corn-L'Jwer ; 8'JJ casb ; U9J bid July ; 30 } bid Augunt. , . . . Uatu Dull and nominal ; 21 } bid. BT. orat ST. TVimH , Julv 0 Wheat Acti > o and te lower but cloned abuvn loweat pricm ; No It teP red , 90 } for old : 8CJ for new. caab doMng'ssy fo'rJuTyYsisa 8Ck clotini ; H5 ( or per August ; K @ 87l , cloting Mi for September , ; Corn Active aud sharplv lower , at 43J for cash ; 13j ! for July ; , " © ! for August ; 4GJ for September. Outs Higher and slow at 27fi23J , cash ; 235(225 ( ? for July. : 231 iwkod for August. Ryo-Dulj ; M ) bid. lUrloy Noiiiiual. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged. Flax Seed Nomiinl ; cash , 1 27 } for IVav-Qtiiut ; timothy , 9 00@11 00 ; prairie , 7J@81. Bran Lower at 58. Corn moil 2 SO. Flour-Dull and weak. CALL BOARD. Wheat-8IJ for July ; S3 ; ) @ 83l lor August ; S3J for September ; fcOJ for Octouer. Corn Sharply lower at 433@43i for July ; 45i for August ; 415 for September. Oata Dull ; lower to sell ; nothing done. I'EOuiA ntonucR. PKORIA , July 8. Corn Dull ; hifh mliod , < B@l5Jc : No. 2 , mixed. 49l9Jc. Oats-Firm ; No , 2 white , 30j@31c. ] Rye-Steady ; No. 2 , 5858J. Whisky-1 08. LlVKUrooL. LlVKlirooL , July 9. Broadstufls Quiet , Wheat Winter , 7 05@7 10 ; spring , 7 Oi@ 701. 701.Corn Corn 5 02J. TOI.KIIO. TOLPDO , July 9. Wheat Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 rw caih 83ifct > . Cora- Quiet su I steady ; No. 2 cash , Mid July August and Heptejuber , 53o asked. Onts Quiet and unchanged ; No. 2 cash and July , 30. NKW YORK TRonccn. NKW YORK , July U. Wheat Spring spot , I(5i2u ( higher ; winter i'SlJo lower and heavy ; options opened l2o ( lower , recovered jjwij , closing ul bottom figures ; No. 2 Chicago , 9J rai'JSc ; No. 2 Milwaukee , ! I2@93J ; No. 3 red , : if > © 87 ; N'o. 2 red 95 ,90 ; September doi ng ut 9."ij ! . Corn Options ® 11 lower ; closing \ < jt $ inside - side figures : ungraded I5 ( 57 ; No. 2 , 58iii ( ) fi'JJ ; Septfmber , 59. Onto i ailj hlghei ; mixed western , white , 37(0,13. Pork Dull and weak ; old mm 33 25 10 50. Lard Lower ; western steam , sK > t , 7 30 ® 750Butter Butter Dull and easier at S@20. Sugar Dull , weak. Uggs Western fresh , quiet and stonily. 1ULTIMO11K. BALTIMOHK , July 9. Wheat Modern irregular , inactive ; No , 2 winter red spot , IKIJ Corn Western very dull , lower ; mixed spot ufiSfgoGv" . Oats Inegular , quiet ; western white , 3S @ 41 ; mixed : i5@38. Kyc Quiet at ( il2C8. ! llgga Steady at lf@l < i. Whisky Nominally steady at 1 14. 1III.WACKKK. July ! > . Wheat Weaker ; " No. 2 and July 78 ? , August 80 , Seitcmbor 8 23. Cora Quiet , rejected ; No. 2 , 4G@47. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 delivered , 31 } . Rye Inactive ; No. 1 , 00. 13nrloy Dull , nominal ; No. 2 spring , Sop ( ember G2& & bid. NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS , July 9. Corn Fair { demand ; yellow mixed , C5 ; white , " 5. Oats-Quiet , bleady ; 39 ® 10. Corn Meal Quiet and cteady at 2 90. Pork Steady , Hi 75. Lard -Firm ; 8 25. Whisky Steady ; weatein icctified , 1 00 ® 20. LIVE STOCK. at OHIOAQO LITE BTOOK. CniOAOO , July 9. Drovprs'Journal reports : Bl Hogn Modtratcly active ; prices fi@10c lower ; rough packing , 4 90K5 30 ; packing a d shipping , 5 30@5 05 ; light , 4 90@5 60 ; bkips , 00@4 GO. Cattle Best , easier ; low ccrades lOo to 20o lower ; oxporta , C 40fe7 00 ; common to choice , 500&GEO ; inferior to good , 2 10@i 25 ; stockera and feeder * , 3 50fe4 85. Sheep Steadv ; inferior to good per cwt. , 05@S 75 ; choiue to oxtra,4 2o@5 00. Lambs 1'cr head , 2 OJ@3 50. BT. LOUIS LIVK STOCK. Sr. Louis , July 9. Cattlii Active but I emy , though not quotnbly lower ; cxpurts 0 30 ffifi C5 ; common to clmiLO shipping , 525 * @ 25 ; good grades Htoady ; common \ery dull ; inferior to good , 2 25@4 00 ; choice to extra , 2i J 115 ® I SO. Sheep Quiet and unchanged ; common to hoicu , 2 25' < r 1 50. 84 Lamb ) Good to choice , 4 00(25 ( 00. Hogs Lower : Yorkurs , f > 25oj5 ( 30 ; jiacV- me , 6 OOfeO 30 ; heavy , 5 30@5 40. KANSAS CITY LIVK BTOOE. 3' ! KANSAS CITT , July 9.-Cattle Stdady ; 2 ! native * , 4 75c6 ( 15 ; COWH , ' 75@3 50. pc Hogs Weak ; CcfcUOc lower ; 4 Sr ( & 5 15. S ; Sheep Ciood natives steady , 350. ; pe 9c ( ba CniOAQO , July 9. Receipts and ship ments of flour end grain for the past 48 hours 2 ! bave boon an follows Receipts. Bhlp'ta. Flour , bbls 11,000 9,000 Wheat , bushola 29,000 73,000 Dora , bushels 211,000 102,000 Data , bushels 90,000 40,000 1C Ryo.bushola 5,000 1,000 KO Barley , bushel * 1,000 1,000 17 NEW YORK , July 9. Receipts and JC ihlpmonta of Hour and grain for the past 2 i hours © lave boon as follows : 61 Receipts Bhlp'ta. Vbsal. bunhoU 100,000 100.0CO li 3orn , buahols 31,000 43,000 br Jata , bushels 29,000 100,000 ? LIVE STOCK , deIce OniOAdo , July 9. Receipts and ship- Ice nonta of Hvo stock for the paat2i bourn have J9cn as follows ; ' Rooclptc. Rtiip'b. 3attlo 7,4'0 In Togs 20,000 Indo 3hoop 1,000 . . . . do KANSAS CITT , July 9. Rooslpta and ihlpments of hvo itook ( or the post 21 hours jayo been aa follown C5 Recolpt0 , Bhlp'b- . ch 3attlo. . , 1,400 ch Flogs 12,000 ch 3hoop 535 . . . . ST. Loots , July 9. . Rooolpt and ship , ne nonti of Hvo stock for the pc/it 24 hours have neW . boon na follows ! Receipt * . Bhlp'ta. ' aawl Dattle . l.MW wl Hogs . 0,600 It Sheep . . „ . 1.500 8 1 ! OMAHA bai "Wholesale I'rlcei. itl Ornoa or Tim OMAHA BSD , I ilo. Wednesday Evening , July 9 , f ph The following prices ur cliargod retailers jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer Imnts , with the exception of grain , which is iioted at the. prices furnished by the elevators 5o mil other local buyers : Grain. w Wheat Cash No , 2. fi2Vfi3'o. Barley Cash No. 2 , 46@60c. Rj Caiih , No. 3 , I8 < gi" Corn No. 2 , 3fiffi8"lo. Oata-No. 2 , 27@28c. Oc BTEBIIH 4 255 CO. Or V COWH 3 0 ® ( OrI I rfoas-103 ( Un. ha BuzttP 3 6004 OP.1 2 a -0 WK&7 00. HO : Nc Gonorat Prodnoo. oz , P.KAVB Rocolpts light aud demand good , Nc picked navy , per bu , 92 CO ; 00225. BKEaWAT In good demand , Choice blight ler lb , 2G@2Sc ; common to good dark per lb , CSt _ .K Market unclmngetl ; rocclptii light- lie ; ( ronnrally on better graJcj , whidi it I'ema poi iruliold for better price * . Best t iblo if ep ( < quotable iitS lOi ! uith 6270 for Inferior lb. [ trades , and 15&lGc for creamery. Nc OIIIEB "Ohio" iwr bbl. 87.00 ; "York State' gal bhl$8 00 ; porj bbl , $4 70j coudonsod per al , 85o. Crab appla , per pal , 35o , ClIKIBB Full croam. western , 10@lll WIs coniln iiowlli ; yotmg American 1'JffllOo. OooOANtJTa Per 1UO. $ t Tfi AOU. 1\C Hecoipt arfl Increasing and priccn M'her unsettled , oilni being luailo to-diy At 13 , 1HJ OIK ! 1 to. lluwo\cr , n iK > Hiti\o decllno ii not expected. FORFION I'noiTfl California orrvnspo. per box , 5160. MoHslna lemons , per box , * fiRti @ 000. Bananaa , per bunch , $ J100 Fign , 11) . . IGc. Uatos , lu trails , 7c ; datcn , fard , in boxon , 1-ic. FnoiT Uori BUS Apple butter , In 80 lb pallo , twr lb , 7o. I'luin buttnr , TJo. liny UMiHl , $8.00(010.00 ( ; lee o , $10.00 ® JRIXT In 20 and 30 lb ualls , 0@7o ; In 2 lb am , per doz , 91 CO ; aaaoNo tumblers , dot , 61 20 ; ftchoonora , per dozen , 3 00. MAl'LK SfOAH Pure. In brlrks , per lb , 16c , Ohio , 13c ; mnall cakex , IZJc. ONIONS New Southern per lb. 33Jc. 1'orcoiiN- good demand at 2a'l\a per lb , ItrccipU of old chickens heavy and pricei coii'iderablo lower , sales today , $3 00@3 1X5 per doz. ; spring chickens in good demand at $2 75@4 00 accord ! gto size. 1'orATom , Now ones In liberal supply and selling to-day at 83 OJ 43 51 pir bbl. fo choice Texas and $1 00 per bushel for homr grown. Very little demand for old ones , c PROVISIONS Ham , 13o : b. bacon , 12jo c. s. bacon , lljc ; d , s , sldos lOjfc ; short rib sides , lOJc ; shoulders , Sic ; tnoss porK , per bbl. 818,60. Dried beef , 13a Lard. P@10o. VEGETABLES Spinach , per bbl , S2 00 ; now cabbage , per doz M@l00 ) ; lettuce , per doz , , 25o ; rodishus , per doz. , 25c ; turnips per bu , We. boots , per bu , 7f'c ; cucumbers , per doz , , $1 00 ; Pie , plant per lb. 2c. cauliflower per doz. $100 ; now carrotrt. per lb. , 3c. Tomatooi. | bu. box , 75@Sl 00 : < roen peas per Intshnl box , Sl.OO ; string botm p r bushel box , 52.00 SMALL KiUHR Strawberries , per2l-qilart case. ? 3 00. Black r liberties , SI 00. lied raspberries | vr 12 quart cani , $2 00. Goose berries. ppr bunhel SI 50. Wild phurm , per caw ) $3 50. New apples per box tO@l 00 ; P.Mches 1 OOffil 50. KASTKKS CIIKUIURS Plentiful nnd cheat ) . All kinds of packages an- sent to marks' , sell- ug at the- rate of about S3 00 per bush. Dry GoodB. BROWN SHKETINOB-Atlantic A , 74c ; Allan tic P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; fijc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Beaver Dam LL. 0c ; Lawrence LL , tijc ; Pact- fie H , 7Jc ; Hoyal Standard , 8c ; Indlati Head A , 80 ; Wauchusott A , 7i'o. FINK BROWN SiiKBTiNan Argyle , 71e ; Pop- porell R , 7c ; Salisbury R , G.Jc. BLKACHKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GJc : Bal Ion 7-8 , fife Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Dnvoll DD SJlc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 9c ; Glory of the West , 8c ; Golden Gate , 8Jo ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 1-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo 8lcNow ; Vsrk Milk lljc ; Wamautta , lOJc. DITKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Boston - ton , 10 oz. , 14ic ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8ic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz , , lie West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 or. , lie. lie.TIOKIKOS TIOKIKOS Amoskeag. 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , lltfc ; Pearl River , 14c ; York , 12Jo ; Hamloton Awnluga , 12Jo. DENIUS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 ; Haymakers So ; JafTroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Sc ; Pearl River , ISc ; Warren AX A ( Orown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Warren CO brown ) , lOc. OAUBRIOS Fifth aronno glove finish , Cc ; Keystone glove finish , CJc. CoiisKT JKANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ; Coarsayor , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PRINTS Allous.CJc ; American,5Jo ; Arnolds , 5c ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 74c ; Indigo 78 , HJc ; Indigo 4-4,12jc ; cheap sale JJc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PRINTS SiiiRnNos American , 6c ; Cochoco , 5c ; Glouco3torucSouthbrdgo ! , 4Ic ; Wavorlys , IJc ; Rosodalo , 4jc. GINQHAJIS-Ainoskoapf staples , BJo ; Bates itaploa , 8c ; Lancaster staples , Sc ; PInnkot ilalila , 9c ; Hudson checks , Sic ; Amoskoag L'oroinnH , OJc. DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jc ; Per- ilano ; cashmer , 23jc ; Hamloton cashmere , I61c ; Hamloton Fancna , lljc ; Hamletou bro- 5 aea , 15c ; Arlington brocade , ISc , IilqnorB. ALOOBOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 20 per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , L12 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; ro-distlllnd whiskies 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbona , 200@700 ; Kentucky ind Pennsylvania ryoo , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domestic 40@1 00. GINS Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; domestic , 140 g300. ROMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England , 00@1 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 CO. PEAOH AND APPLE BRANDY ! 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 28 00 © 00 ; American , per case , 12 nO@10 00. Grocoro OARHEn Goons Oysters Ibtandardjper case , 70@3 ' 80 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per case , 2 50 © 10 ! ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett icara , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrios , per case , 10 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; green agoa , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; pluo apploa , 2 lli or case. 4 80(25 ( 50. ROPE Sisal j inch and larger , 9c , 8 Inch , cjj i Inch , lOJc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , IGc ; 8a , ICc ; exes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Ga , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , 85o ; ronnd , cneoa , 55 I ; square cases , 1 70 , SUOARS Powdered , S c ; cut oaf , 8c ; p granulated , 7gc ; confectioners' A , 7jc { : Stand ird extra O , C fc ; extra C , Cgc ; medium yol ow. Gic ; dark yellow , c. K Cof FEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ) fair 18 5)13ic ) ; good , 14c ; prime , lB@15Jc ; choice C@17c ; fancy green andyollowlC@lGJScold ; 2 rovomment Ja\o , 20@2fic ; Loveringja roasted. It .7c : Aibuckle's roahtod , 16 c ; McLaughlin'c XXX romitcd , U.Jc ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ 3il8lc ; Clark's Aurora , IGJc. RIOK Louisiana prime to choice , 7o ; fair @ IJc ; Patma , 6c. FIBH No. 1 mackerel , half brla , , 8 CO ; No mackerel , xlte , 115 ; family mackerel , hnl ir'B. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , Idts , 95c ; No. 1 hlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 116. SVRDP Standard Com. , SOc , bula ; Standard , 4J gallon kegg 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon cow 137. BODA In lb papers , 3 0 per coao ; keg per lb , 'ic. si PIOKIJES Hedlom , In barrola , 8 25 ; do half barm's , 4 7fi ; small , In barrels , 9 25 ; do 2 half barrels , 5 2G ; ghorkinailn barrels , 10 25 ; In half barrels. 5 7& . 2 TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@B5c ! ; choice 60 ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@GCc fonng Hyson , good , 3C@50c ; choico. i6c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 3Cc ; Japan , iholco , G0@76c ; Oolong , good , 36@40c ; Oolong , 1 ihoico , 40@65c ; Souchong , good , 05@4Uc ; ihoico , 35@i5c. WOODENWAIIK Two hoop palle , 1 86 ; f hroo hoop nailn , 2 10. Tulu , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- leer wonliboarda , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; .Vollbncketa. 8 5. 1 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imparlal , 3 45 ; Kirk's ' aUnot < , 8 GO ; Kirk's Btandard , 3 76 ; Kirk'o Ib vhlto Russian , 625 ; Kirks eutocn. 215 ; Cirk'B ] Pralrlo Qnoon , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; lUrk'a la , doz. POTABH Ponnnylvanla cans , 4 cane , In CMO , 35 ; Babbitt , * ball 2 doz. in coao , 1 90 ; Anchor mil , 2 doz. in CIIHO , 1 60 , CANDY i Itixod , 12@13c ; TsUeU , lie ; twlat tick , lOJc. VJNMAU Now Vork apple 16oj Ohio p- . 13o. SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aihtoo , lu acVu , 8 60 ; bbls dairy GO , 6s , 8 80. Itia BTAROH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Glow , 801 Com lUrch , 80 ; Krcoliilor Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7jo. BPJOHI Pepper , 17c ; oluiplco , ICc ; cloves , ; caoala luc. Lva American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Vostern , 2 75 ; North Star. 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , : G6i Jewell lye , 2 76 , ( ) r ToTiaooon B ! TOBACCO Climax , COo ; Bullion COo ; lornoshoo , 60c ; Star. 60c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her- . oy'a , 40c ; Black , 88@40c. FINE Cox Common. 20ftSOc5 ( ! good , 46 ® ; Rene Loaf , 70c ; Promlum , C5c ; Diamond . 'or Irown , C5c ; Hwoot Slxtoen , COc , HMOKINO 0. H. , ' -.c ; Meerschaum , 30o ; Dur iam , 8 oi , , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz. . f 7c ; Diirlmnr oz. , C6c ; Heal of North Carolina , 8 02. , C6c of North Carolina , 4 oz , . 67c ; Seal o forth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; 0 , K Durham , 4 , 2Rc ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , 80c ; Undo , i'i 23c ; Torn and Jerry , Sffio , ) PI-HUM. DnuoH AND CimuiOALH Acldrarbollo , 35o Ire cij.t rtarlc.65o ; balsam capabla , peril ) ) , it ( cbarksivi ; afras , per lb. lc ; calomel , pcrlu nil ; cinohonldla , per oz. , SO.G5 ; chloroform da ; lb. , 81 10 ; Dovers iiowder , per lb. , $1.25 , worn milt , per lb. , 840 ; glycerine , pure , per , 28c ; load occtato , per Ib , , 22c ; oil , cantor , 1 per gal. , 81.55 ; oil , cantor , No. H per . , $1.40 ; oil , olivo.W . gal. , $1.40 ; oil orl- Kt anum , COc ; o ] > ium , l.Cuj quinine , P. & W } ndR , &H , , per oz. , 9L40 ; lodlno , ix > r lb. , 81.60 } * alldn , poroz. . 40c ; Mi" phatoof luornhlno , per oz. , (3.50 ; milphur ( lour , IHJT lb.4c ; strychnine , per or. , $1.35. Oak ole , 88c42oj hom/ock / ole28c@35c ; hou.Iock . kip , ROe to 1 00 ; nmncr Gfa to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock uwx * . 22o to 24c ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 CO ; calf kid , 823ftj Grolson kid , 2 CO to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; r jfl- tola. 6 50 to 7 60 } lining * . 6 00 to 8 CO ; top- pingn , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , ROe to ar c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 85o ; nimon , 2 60 to 8 00. 1IARNK83 No , 1 oUr oak , 37c ; No 2 do ! 860 ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 84e ; No. 2 do , S3c ; No. 1 Ittllwaukoo B4ot No 2 do 83r. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 87c ; No. B Pitta onlc liar , 35o. i anrtf urnlnhoi. OILS 110 carrion , per gallon , ISJc ; 1BO ° headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 17fi ° headlight , per gallon , 18o ; 160 ° water white , 17c ; lln seed , raw , ; pr gallon.GOc ; linseed , boiled , per Rollou , G2cLard , winter str'd , par Ballon , EOc : No. 1 , 70cNo ; , 2 , COo castor , XXA. per traT Ion , 1 GO ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish. W. B. , porgallon , OSes noatafoot extra , IMJI gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 76c ; lubricating , toro , j > or gallon , 80c ; ttunmor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 85o ; No. 2 , 28c ; si > onn , signal , per gallon 80c ; turpontlno , per gallon , 48cj unptha 74 ° , iiot rallon , lOc. PAINTQ IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. 6c ; whlto load. St. Lonls , pure , GSc ; Marseille } grocn 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French tine , groan seal , 12 < r , French tine , rod seal , He ; French zinc , lu varulsh asst , 20c : French thic , in oil asat , 16c ; raw and burnt wmbor , 1 tti cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Slonnn , lOc ; vaudvko brown. ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , mid \ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc : Prussian jinn , * : , ultramarine blue , 18c ; cliromn green I , . M. ti D. , IGc : blind nnd nlmttor greou , L H. k D. , IGc ; Paris irroon , 18c ; Indian rod , 15c ; Vouotlau rod. 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Ameri can Vcrmillloii. t. & P. , ISc ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. &D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chottnut and anil 15c. Drr Pnluta. Whlto load , 80 ; French r.lnc. 10c | Paris whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gliders , Ijjc ; whiting : om'l IJc ; lampblack , Germantown , lie ; ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarlno , 18c ; vnndyko , brown , 8c ; umbor. burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , nov , 4a ; Parts green , genuine , 2.r > c ; Paris green , common. 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20c ; chromo green , K. , 12c { vormlllion , Kng , , 70c ; vormilllon , American , ISc ; Indian rod , ( lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian red , Cookson's , 2c ; Yonotlan rod , American. HJc : rod load , 7c ; chrome yellow , gonulno , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12cochre ; rochollo.Scochro. French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish' brown , 2Jc ; Prlnco's mineral , Be , i Barrels. po - gallon : Furnl turo , extra , $110 ; furnltiiro , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Darnar extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70casphaltuml ; extra , 8Bc ; shellac , $3 50 : hard oil finish 81 CO. HOBTT Hnrdwmro List. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow sXool special cast , Go crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , V ; : cast too ; do , 1C@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per sot , 125 ; felloes sawed dry , 140 ; longuos , each , 70@85c ; axlea each , 75c ; square nuts per Ib , 7@llc ; washers or lb , 8ujl8c ( ; rivets , per lb , He ; coil chain , per lb , 0@12o ; malleable , 80 iron wedges. Go : crowbara , Go ; harrow tooth 4c ; spring tool. 7 ( Sc ; Burden's horsohooa 4 70 Burden's muloshoes 5 70 , BABEED WIRE In car Iota , 4 K per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 G5. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kogf , 8 48 ; do. , quarter kcga , 188 ; blasting , kegs , S 35 ; fuse , per 100 feet * 0c. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris nm Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroaat lump ; 00 ; Wliltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 1125ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Immnor. Wo quota lumber , lath and ahlng oa' . onoara at Omaha at the following prices : JOIHT AM ) SOANTLINQ 16 ft. and nndor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TiMBEBa 16 foot and under , 22 00. ' TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft. 23 60 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 21 ft , 26 EO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 und 6 In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BoAnni A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; O , 35 00. FLOOIUNO No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 HIDING , clear 27 00 ; No , 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. UEILINO jf , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00. SHINGLES , boat 150 ; standard , 3 CO. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 125 ; balk par bnahol , 35c ; oomont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair rmr bu. fiOo ; Torrod felt , 100 fos , 8 50 ; straw board,3 CO. DKNVKK MA1CKI2T. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , 100 Ib. 5 fiO@5 75 ; drossod'J 00@10 00 ; uhoep 8 00@3 25 ; hoga. livn , 6 00(3)5 ( ) 35 : ilrcssod 7 00@7 25. Hides. Dry Flint , lli@12c. ; green 4@c. ! ! green calf 8@10 : ; Bhoop Uiii3 , dry , 8@10c. Tallow.r@Cc. Wool. Colorado ll@15o. ; Now Afcxico 7 © lOc. lOc.FLOTO FLOTOColorado. . 100 lb . 1 B ! > © 2 2. ; pat- mt , lOOlbs. , 2 85@t : 25 ; Graham , 100 His , 00 : rye , 100 Ib . , 2 25(3,2 ( , 15 ; buckwheat , 100 Iba , 10 00@10 CO , bran , ton , 12 00@M 00 ; corn meal. 100 H > H. 1.15 ® ! 75. OHAIN Wheat , 101) Ibs , 1 40 ; corn , In Backs 100 Iba , 1 OS@112 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 80 1 13 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 35. llAV-Bal d , upland. 20 CO@2C 00 ; bottom tom straw , 1200(1510 ( 00. HUTTEH Finest , 25@20o : Nebraska dairy , choice , 1415c : common , C@8o. Eonti Fresh , 23a'2lc ; ranch , doz , fresh 2S30c. ( CIIKKHC Full cream , 1415c ( ; Limburger , 18c ; Hwisa , im | > ortod , 32c , POULIUV Llvo , chickens old , doz,5 CO@C ; 00 Bpring chickono , 3 5ofe Oj 'IroasoJlblHoll'Jc. ( PoTATOKH-Grooloy , 100 Ibs , 100@110 ; New 25 < & 2 fi5. VKOETABLKB Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 C0@ 75 cabboce , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; nuw boots , Ibs 2 50. FIIUITB- Orange Messina bor , 000 ; lomonH , clioico Mosulim. 4 WJ@ 5 00 ; applon , California , bbl , 3 00 ( & > 3 25 ; bananas , bunch , 504 00 ; poaches per bux 2 D0@2 70 ; Texas pliiiim 1 00 PIT box. MKATB Hams , Ib. 13i@14c : bacon , break- 8t , 12y13o ; lord , iu tlorcoa , ib , lOo ; dry salt sldoa , ! i@10c. FIHII Mackerel , No.l , 1 CO , kit , iniws , 7602 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; Holland horrinp , key , 1 GOQ1 75 ; trout , per 17 < 5ll8o ALONG TIIK LINK OP Till ! St. Paul and Chicago , . , Minneapolis t to < OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of thla line from WakeflolJ up BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concord anil Coleridge lleaclit a the bent portion of the State. I Jpocltl ex. urtlon ra * 9 for land teekcn over tills Una to IVuyna , Norfolk and llurtlngtou , und vl lilalr to ll irlndjwl poliita on the 3IOUX OITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trtlni over tht 0. . Ht. I , M. & O. lUllwav to C'Ov r.rton , Kloux city , 1'ouca , IInrtliiKton , Waynu and Norfolk , Fremont , OukJa.e , Nellxri , and tlirougb to V l- tntiiio , fffVwt tte nd all Information ctll on r I * . WIIITNKV , Oi-iiml AKent , HAMBUEG-AMEEIOAN III WKOT LfNK roil KNOLANP , KAANOK AND QEiaiANV , The Btoamnhlpi ol thll will-known ling urn built ol , In water-tight coai | ' itintint9 , nnil ru lurnlah- wltli iittry rwUi iU ) to mike t'ju III N > KO both u anil atrrixatilu. TIi Y rarry the rnltoU Hiatir Kwwm inall , ami I ave New Yorki Tlmro- > 9 BaturJujifor I'lymuntb ( LONDON ) ClaT- iOiirfl'MllSa-nl ( IIAMlll'MO . . . - ' i : Flirt CabinVS. W&ym \ _ Hfferyw.JM. " oo tltl ouncll Illutti. ' 0. ltUIJji'AIy : 00r , Ueu. TAW , 01 llrovlH-a/ . V. Clio * . Kozmlinkl & C - 'or vuiral WuUu Agtuli , 107 WashingWu St. , Chlca 0,111. Railway Time Table , n KfTcct Jul ; 1. The attention of the ( ratotilng public l < rallml to the ( > rt that thl < In the mil ) complete nnd alwoluto. ly correct time table published In the cJty. All traun arthr kl nnd ilopmt Item Omaha on Central Standard Tltn , nhlch \ 24 minutes faster thMi sun tlmo. I Kxcopt Saturday , Except Similar , } Except Mon. Depot ; Tenth St , U. P. 11. a , MAIN UNI'N LRAVm. I ARRIVL Mail and Ks | > . . . .lf40 am AtlanttoKip .7Mam : VadHoKi ) ) . . .8.25pm lltall and K < p..4dOpm : * * " " VAI.LKY DtVIStON. LttVR. I ARR1VI. Lincoln Kip. , . 18Wp : m | Uncoln Kip. . 12:65 : pm DUMMT TIlAINS-niUDOK DIVISION. Ix ve Omaha ; B 40 , 8 00,8:00 : , 10:00 : , 11:16 : a m. , 1:00 , SPO : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6.00 , C.oo , 10.35 | > . m. On flnndars : 6 : 0,0.-00. 11:15 : a. m j 1:00 : , 3-00. 6,00 , 8.00 , IO.M n m Artlroattian terdointlS mlmitet later ; Ilroadtray dci < iit , Council niiinn , SO inlniite * lat r. l/caxi Council llliirtn , Ilroadnny drixtt , 7SO , 8SO : , B.M , 10.30 , 11.40 a.m. ; 1:30. : SBO : , B 80 , 4'itO,6:30 : , . ! tt , 11:06 : 1 > . in On Sundayii TSO : , 8.30 , 11:40 : a. mi. ; 1:50 : , S.SO , 4:30 : , 0.3J , 11:09 : | ira. Arrive at Tran tec 7 mln- Uten Uter. I ave Council nlull Transfer depot ; 7:35 : , 8,87 , 9.37,10.87 , 11:47 : a m ! 1:37 : , .57 , 3:37 : , 4:40 : , 5:37 : , 0:46 : , llili 1 > . in. Arrlto Oinana 13 tnliititoi later. TIlANSFKIt 1IIAIN3. uuv . AKRITI. 1'ivw. No. U 8:15 : am Pam. No. 61. . . . 0:45 : * m - 0 8.63 a in " 3 , . .Il:16k : m " 62 10:05 : n m 15..1VSJp : m " 4 4:26 : pin D. . . .7:35 : p ' S 0:10 : ji in 10 0.66)1 in DM MIS30U1U I'ACIFIO , LHAVK. I ARRIVI. Hall * lOSS am OmMia K < i > . . . .B0 ; ftin St. Loul Kii..S,35 | pin Mall * 0.60 li lu B. O. A 1 * . It. 11. LIUVM. Ir.RIVK. Stall 8:40 : n m Ht. I'nu1 Kip. . 0 45 a m SLPaulRtp 055pm Mall 7S5 : p in DAlly. LKiVS. I AKUTK. D fiMolnoiAro' . .R:40am : KiprcwJ . . . 0:15 : am ilati * . 8.16 RIII I DptMolnM Aro\.0.50p in Ktprcnt 4U : pmlHall' , . 735 I'm 0. VN. W. Ik B. L AV . I ARR1TK. itall * 8:15am : Kirrrw ) P'46atn KiVr t 4V6pm : ! I Vlall' . 7:35 : pm a , M. & st. i' . n. iu LHAVI. I AimiVB. E\ 8:16 : am Tarlfio Kipt. . . . 045am UlantloEit 4:25 : p m | Mall ft Kip- . 7 35um O..U y 1U1U > la Council Hindu. ) LliVH I ARH1VR. Uall S-15 a m Kirroea . 0:45 : m KiproM . 4.26 p m | Uall. . . . . . 7Supm : Ncto. ) Tlio 0:00 : n in nnd 6:00 : p m dummy trains al o connect with rnbt-bounil tralrn on thu Uock-IMand , lliitllngton , Nortli-U'i etvrn and Itllnaukeo roijj. WABASH.BT. L0013 ft I'ACIFIO. LR1VB , I ARRira. Cannon Ball . l:00"jim : Cannon Ilall . 8:50pm : Dally. K. 0. , BT. JOK A 0. II. ( > la Council lllulla. ) AKRtri. Mall .0:00 : am ssj 7Na : ) m Kiprmit. .0.55p in Mail 7:86 : [ ) in AUHANUEMFNTOK1 SUNDAY TRAINS DutlnR July Saturday , Sunday and Monday Chicago trains will rotate an fulloMs ; Batunlny inching trains } vm July Mil ami 28th via a M. &Bt I'iJuly lUlliIa the North-Wmtirn ; July Kth iln tlio Itork IcKnJ Arrive In thu sumo order the Holiday follonlng BunilayniornliiK trains drjiait anil Bumlay ornlni ; trains nrrho July Ctli anil 27th Tia the Itock iHlanii , July \-tathoNorth-Wc8torn , on.1 July 20th il thoOU&St P. From B , & M. Depot ; Tontli'Strooc. D. & II. lUItHOAlV-MAINLINK. EinvxR axraias. WIST BOUKD. EUT ROOSD. HAVE. AKRIM. Omaha. . . . 8:10pm : 7:50am : 7:00 : pm 10:05 : am Anhland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:08 : am 4:62 : pin 8:12 : am Lincoln..10. 0 j > m I2ro : m | 8:60pm : 7V5 am Crcto 11:17 : | ) iu 12C40pm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : am IlMlinps. . 6:15nm : 4:16 : | ira 11:56 : am 10.DO | im Hod Cloud. 8.00am 001pm 10:26 : nm 8:25 : pm MoCook..10:65 : urn 016 ; pm 8:16 : am 4:10 : inn Akro 3:46 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : nm 11:06 : am Uomor. . . . 7:25 : imi 0 16 nm P:25 : pm 7SO : am Dallr. oitAitA AND nwvTnMOimi TUAINH : Lr. Omaha nt 7:50 , and 8:45 : a m ; 4t0,0:10,7:45 : ] : p m Ar. Omaha tfl:25,8:40 : : and 10ud : a m ; 7:00,7:30 : p i Drily. C. n. ft Q. n. II- ( Tin riatbtmouth. ) 'LKAW. I AHMVB ) Kintcrn Ils ] > . , , .S:45 : a m OmnhaKxp 8:40o : m Chicago Ep..4M : p m | Western Exp..7:30p m : . O. , ST. J. A C. II. ( rla I'lattcmouth. ) LSIVB. I Anim R. Mall 8:45 : a m Exnrcest fl:25a : 7:45 pin | Mall 7:30p : From O. St. I' . M. &O. Depot , 1-ith anil "IVobstcr ScrcctH. o. , St. r. M. fc o. LB1VK. TiRniVR. Ko2I > a 9onjor..f.10am * : | No3 Mixed 10:30rim : WITH ilnd your worlc is done for all time to come. WE CHALLENGE produce n moro durnblo inntorial for street pnvoinont thnn the Sioux Kails Qrauito. OK ANV AMOUNT OB * Hied promptly. Samples sonfc and oatiinuteH given upon application. WM.MoHAJN&CO. , Rioiir Falls , Dakota ( JOO OATTLE1'TR ) SALK. Cowu and olfero. oo Ono-yoar 8tcom , Iliu kboyo dvncrllHiii cattle are all well trod , ua- Nnunuknui d Iowa. lliuMcatllaulUliotolJUi lain lo null purohaeu. Jiutncr | > irtioultni call on or dilruiw. L. W , 1'I VH AJttou , Xcb. 8PKOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It H the lHi wid choaiMat to < xl lor rtooii nt ixnv lilna.RICno pound I * oqtul to throa pounds of corn ntock toi with arouml01C k In the Kail andtVlntor , Instead of running down , will Inoroaeo In wtsli | | , ml In in . pooJ m tk Ublo ( X > ii1.tlon In the eprlns. Dulrjmen. M * ell M othcre , ho n o It can tcltlfy t. ItumorlU. Trj-H find Jut'frt for ) ourMlrci > . Price fROOi r ton no chirpo for garl.ii. Aildrcm WOODMAN UNSKKP Oil , COMPANY , Omaha Neb. Did DEALERS IN FIRE AND BURGIAR PROOF 3.0RO ( $ & . WHOLKSALK AND IlKTAIL DEALER IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &G- STATE AGENT FOH MILWAUKEK CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , Grocer : IT. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwoo'd & Draper ) Chicago , Mnn- ngor of the Ten , Cigar aud Tobacco Departmouts. A full line of nil grades of above : also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished oil application. Open orders intrusted to us snail receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & WAND POWDER CO PEEFECTSON ' Heating and Baking IP only attained by unlng Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE CURE OYEB DOOR Fci ealo by MILTON ROGERS & S01T3 OMAHA 0. M. LKIQHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , aucoEssons TO KUNNAHD BROS. * co. ) Paints- OTVrAlTA , NKBRA.SKA FRANZ FALK BREWING GO Milwaukee , Wis. GUNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers. .HELLMAN & 00 il 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH MA.HA. RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WE PAV THE- For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , and cpjisignmcuts made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. I3tli Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB ; ( SUCCKSSOR TO FOSTER & GKAY. ) LB6V9E AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6th and Donelas ts , , 01113lid