Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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ET CURES action. It la a e
Alii OTHER MKDI Buro and epocdjr euro
CINE3 FAIL , m It nuil ban-
nct DIllEOTIiT have
and AT ONCE on been cured
| lie KIDNEYS , by It when
IIOVEII nncl BOWELS - jiliyilctAnnnrul
| ELS , roatorlnr ; frionda had
' them to a healthy Riven them up
M to die.
and a "SPECIFIC. "
' It CDIUmnlinlscaiM ofllioKlilncTdt
I.lvcr , Iltnililcr nnil Urlnnry Or ; niiR ;
' Jrop y , < 'rnvcl , lilnlirlcn. Ilrlulit'n
Dlncruir , I'nlnnln tlio Illicit , J.nliiH ,
or Mdr , Itrtmllon or Non-Ue-
I Icnllnn of IrimNervous
Ill rnari ) , I'rnmlo Weitknriwc , .Ir.iimllcc , lllllnninrftx ,
, Hrnitnchr , Sour Mtninucli , Uyprp -
Bin , t ) on H 1 1 p it 1 1 o n iiml 1 > 1 1 u N . n nnrccms.
. Pamphlet of Solid Ten.
Umonl-i ! of Absolute Curca.
I'raililmrr , K. T.
17111 purify llm nj.OOD.tcpi-
l.ita llm LI VCR ami UinHCVfi ,
anil HrHToni : Tin : 11CAI.TU
mut VIQOH or YOUT1I. Ore-
pepsin , \Vnntof Apiicllto , m-
iIlKPMlon , l.o'-k ( if Htronfrtli ,
" mill ' 1 Ircd l''cclliiK nlnoliilcly
ciircil. Hunts , muscles nnil
nrtvi'S ri'ccho new force.
jUiillvoim Ilia muni nnil
BHllllC9 | | llralll 1OW ( r.
V iiuciillartn their Bi'X will
find ln R.IZAlTin'aiIlOir TOJIO utnr. , nnd
ppecdyciiro. nlvcBiiclcur , licalthy complexion.
Frequent ntlrmptnnl comit < rlVmnj , ' oiilymlil
fnllio popularity ( it lliu orlKlml. l > u not uxpurl-
lUqnt JuLlllu Ol'.IUINAI. AND IIKST.
Hend jonrndUrr-flstoThnDr. llnrlftrTtT d Co >
HUIxjnln , Mo. , for onr "niUJALl HOOK. "
1'ullol Btrangound usuful Information , froo. ,
curn 7forvntunci.ii ,
" < Mir lglb , hclnilcjt.
r < | illlt < nn I I.her
' | l ' .I' ' > ii/ l la , Colw'l.
intlcii. I nsfjirlmt. Cnlnnli
rlli'j. Cpilc'inr. liiuioicnni
, - . - . Uteri , ftf. Only N-lcntlllpKI i >
vi 10 licit in Anirrliii 'lint ttniUtlKtKlccttttlty anil nih
nrllini tliroticli ( In' .iinl ran Ixircclmrxid in un In
51.000 Would Not Guw It.
DR. noRvn I was nlBlf to < l with rbourmlluro and
cnrod by using a holt To any ona allllcttd with
that dM ! 3,1 would oay , buy Ilorno'd Eloctrlo Dolt ,
. Any ono oin confer with mo by writing calling
at tny store , U20 Doiilas | rtr t. Omaha , Well.
MAIN OFFJOK Oppoalte poBtofllco , room t Fren
P. Goodman's Drag Biota' 1110
t , Oimhtv ,
Onlors Cllca C. 0 D
i RHyTurn i ur i i m nn uifTNrlnTtnp tuam m
b tlEO imi trioii liiro thcra rotum uiln. . I m un at Jj.
01 car. ' . 1 narn niiula the iltnunro of PITS. Ut'II.
PIuUHU bICKNKnS A itfu.liu | ; : iiOr. I v ti.Dl OS
to euro ttio vrorBt emeu. lUtausa ethers hftT.
no reiXLOn for tint nnw roc * Ivlus n cnr < .
i > jr A truatl o And A l'i3 liottlo of m
( llro liiprm nnil r < wt onico. 11
fnr il trlaU mul 1 will ruto fuU.
Dr7 11 II HOOT 1M - ) SC
( tlKKUUK. )
ijltl.crrilO-V'OLTAIO Uni.T nnd otuer KLEcmio
.1-1 An-iiiscrj nrn cnt on U ) DOTS' Trial TO
llEN ONLY. T.OUNO OH OLD. who nro aurfrr.
fn tram Nmivoua DEBiLrrr. LOST VrrAijTT ,
WA8T1NO WRAUKKWO , nnd all thono d ! rafiM of n
rznaoiiit , NATUIIK , roHiiltlnR from Antnts ana
OTiien Uii-81-j. Bp < x ly rellrf nnd rompleta
rwtoratlon to HUALTII , Viaon nnd > Unuoon
uuinANTirrn. Bond at once for Illantratod
r mtililcl tree. Ailnrest
TQI.TAIC nr.1.V VO. , r r lmll. Mich.
tuii n3)jr < nrB. 1'jjch number lln > ipt-clnl pro-
ncrliillun of nn eiiilnciit plijCclnn. 'Ilio only
HIiiiiilr.hiruiinilBurutleil clia-aru
cunts ,
I'l-rori , Congestion , lull imntlotiF. . VH
y\ \ Wormi , Wiirm Jovur , Wnrmcollp , . . .S.1
y'l' ( 'ryni ) ( 'ollp , onceUll\j ; < ir IliruliCJ , V.l
'l' ilinrflijnofVinidrciiorAcliiUiir.Vio
n. IIVKfiilarv. Orlplns. llllllouColic , . .
< > . I'lioli-rn Mnrbili , Vnmltlug 3 %
j7. i > ( iinli4 ( , Ool'l ' , ItronchttU . . * , . . . . , . , . .
H. [ > i-uralil'i , Tuotlinchu , Inct-ncho
U. HonJnrlim , Mole lIuadachi'K.urllgo
10. lly-iminlft. Hllllniis ttomnrh 2. %
11. Hiinnrcn i > d r 1'alnful I'crlDdi , * . ' 5
ft. U'hllcj , too I'rofiiBo 1'crlod ' , ' 5
1.1. Criiiin. CoiiRli. Dinicult llrvithliiK . _ &
14. Hull Illiriini , l'rj liula | , 1 ruulloin , , V , %
1ft. llliciininlli'ii. llheuiiiallo 1'alua . V. %
111. l/nvrrniiil Aaui * . Chill , I'ever , Agues . ( IIV
17. llle . llllnd or lllccdlnK. . . . . . . .OO
1 ! > . Cntnrrli. ncutoorchronlci Infliiriuu All
311. Wlinoplnit CiMiuli , violent ooiiKlit. . .Alt
J.I. ( Irrcrnl Oi'Llllly , ruyslcalWeakuuM.AO
27. Kldnoy' . , . . . . . . All
. r rr ou llcbllltv , . . . , . I. ' " )
. Urlnarv XVi-nknuui. Wetting the bed .nil
3'i. Illienin oflliu Henri , 1'alpltntlon. l.OU
Hold brdrUKgNti. orseut by ( ho Case , or Din-
plo Vlaf , fro of rlmrco , on receipt or prk-e.
Hend for Dr.llcimplirrn ' Hook on Ulien.o C
( UIia8e | ) , Rlto llliiKlrnleil ( 'ntnlnanei'llKl
Addreu , llninnlircy1 llonmnnnllilp Me
' -1.1 JOUVultnn Blreet. New Vor
thrlTM on BorUotfi 1'ooa. " write hundredi ct
Sateful mother * . Mother1 * milk contains no
icUl food for In/ant * ( houlil
mo Tl t and Bint nutrttlou *
I 7
ntarcli and rotiulrui no u
Ikoomuonded by 1'by
Hlxhly beneficial to 7 uralnir
" I'1 rice 40
* - - - - drink.
Uralldi ruinrltto.
of Ohlldr . f roc.
"M JnilUnJ U M0 d f U luptrlor U "f
Win beVent by rnall on receipt of uriee in "tunr" .
UIIB Uoau ' l > Ji ETuiOT or HALT
COOK-H OIIAND KXCUI1310HB leave Kew York
( a April , May and June , 1881. I'ABSAOE TICKKTH
by all ATI ANTIC HTKAUElia. Bjiedal facllitlca for
UUROl'K. by atrouto , at reducal r U' ,
OOOK'H lOCCUllSlOhlBT , with rnapa and full | > I-
particular , by tcatl to ctu'a. ' Andruw
T1IOH. OnOK & Met , MU Y adwa ,
The IDEAL Bicycle
'Jlic belt and neatest Ucycle for
the price made in United butct.
MUei from IIH to no Inch.
1'rlcei from : I3 lu t7S.
Send Sump for Catalogue to
the inanubclurert ,
Qonuully & JcfTerjr ,
,222 N. rr nkUnSt.lCtilcaoo1lll
The Spanish Nalional Sport Imported
for the Cnllnrc of Kansas
Cowhys ,
Noted Mexican MntndorH 1'lflctl
ARftlnatthol'rldo of Texas Herds
A Motley Crowd Watch
the Ilrutnl Exhibition ,
3orr. St. Louts Globo-Domocrftt.
Donor. CITV , KAS. , July 5 , The bull
ight with which Dodge City colobrntod
ho Nntional holiday proved n succcta.
overnor Click said openly ( hat had thu
xhlbition taken place two days earlier
t would have nflbrdod him pleasure to bo
resent. Ample preparation had bee
undo to present thn popular Spam's
muBomont in firat-clnns stylo. Th
trcot parade of bull fighters passed dow
'ront ntroet on its the nmphitho
tro , while between GOO and 700 cowboy
ad picketed their ponies nil along th
trcots. Gambling and liquor ucllin
fora in full blast nt all points nnd th
own was literally overflowing withtcit ;
ens and ntrntigers , nnd oil over the opac
otwcon the Arkansas river on the soul
nd the hill crest on which the cour
oust ) and public achool hoiiso aland
lie north , the current of lifo was run
ling but ono way namely , duo west
rhero , between the river and railroad
ib the grounds of the Dodge Cily driviti ;
i.irk nnd fair grounds association ! ! . It i
nprally curtain that had ( hero boon in
air grounds there would have bueu no
ull light hero yesterday.
Till ! AIIUXA.
It is little over two months ago thai
thu Driving I\trk association president
II. IJ. Koll , ntd : secretary , 0. S. Welch ,
with n capital stock of $10,000 , purchas
cd a tract of forty acres and put it under
fence. At present the most protnincnl
fcaturoi of the place nro n Imlf-milu track
and the ampithoater capublo of acatinp
' { ,000 spectators , with an arena of IOC
feet in diameter. The high boarding
which marks the boundary of the nronn
is fitted with light board ncroons , behind
which the hull-lighters could tnko refuge
when too closely pressed. To the wesl
jf the ampithoater is the corral where the
julh were kept to await the fiiht. { From
-ho corral to the arena runs u chute open-
"ng into the ring l < y a gate , in the board-
ng. The bull enters the arena by the
; > oungo , nnd if alive , loaves the ring , or
, f killed is dragged out through n some-
jvlwt wider pao.sago which runs parallel
with the first.
The idea of having a bull fight on the
: ourth Gcoma to have originated through
Mr A. 0. Webster , ex-mayor of this
town. IIo told your correspondent that
10 dues not know how ho 011110 to think
of auch a thing , but that haviag thought
if it ho immediately proceeded to exam-
no the statute books , nnd finding no law
against it pushed the matter for ull it was
worth. The law and order element
Townod on the entcprriso nnd rumors
wore industriously circulated that the light
Tonld not como oil'by reason of gnbornn-
flrial interference , and owing to this
inursoand tlio uncertainty of the running
if trains , duo to the washouts resulting
froui the heaviest raino over aeon in thia
district , the attendance was not ao large
by several thousand as had bean antici
pated In order to partially accommoaato
those who could not attend yoatorday arrangements -
rangomonts were made to have two bull
fights , ono yesterday nnd another to-day ,
Twelve bulls had boon provided of the
finest quality Texas can produce. The
aix placed in the corral for the fight were
decidedly ugly customers , and seemed to
bo angry ell the way through. A look nt
any ono of them from the top sent of the
amphitheatre was enough to bring the
animal pawing nnd plunging against the
corral fence till the boards bout like pa
per and the braces croaked with the
The bull-fightors were five in number ,
all native Mexicans. The chief matador
was Oapt. Gorgoris Gallardo , a merchant
tailor of Ohlhuahim. lie is ono of the
most noted of all the noted bull-lighters
of old Mexico , and a score or moro of
Dodge Oitv citizens remember his killing
several bulls in a ring at I'uso del Norto
some years npo. IIo carried two swords ,
used for dispatching purposes , with
straight two-edged blades three feet , in
length. They were mndo nt Toledo ,
Spain , nnd ono of them ia ICO years old ,
and was owned nnd u.ssd by Oapt. Gal-
lardo's groat-grandfather , who was a pro
fessional matador of high degree in Spain.
The other bull-fighters were Evarista A.
Ulvas , Buperintendnnt of public vrorks of
the state of Chihuahu.t ; Murcun Meyer , n
professional musician from llucjuequillo ;
Juan Ilcrrorn , n musician from Aldnms ,
and Ilodrigo Itivus , nn artist of Ohihau-
huti , A Scotch nun , named W. K.
Moore , of the firm of Moore it Sierra ,
nttormoys nt Funo Del Korto , acted us
manager for the Mexicans ,
Seen in the street parade the bull
fighters presented a unique appearance ,
with their red jackets , blue tunica , white
stockings and ninull , dainty slippers.
They nil seemed the very perfection of
lithonees nnd quickness , nnd wore hearti
ly applauded ns their dark , handsome
faces looked on the crowd gathered along
the streets.
2I0 : ! p. in. The work of driving the
> iilh from the corral into the pens near
ho arena has commenced , being dexter
ously accomplished by Mr. Ohnppoll , the
crack horseman and tournament rider of
his section. When the bulls proved tin-
usually refractory the bull-fighter Her-
rera aesistod with a rod mantle. When
ho bulls were penned the tips of their
lorna were sawed ofTand , trm ends raaped
smooth. The first sawing was a decided
ailuro , cutting down to the quick caua-
ng BO much kleodiug ns to insure the re
jection of the bull.
At S:4D : the nudionco commenced filing
into the amphitheater , * at least ono-third
of them being women and children. As
Bema of the ladies of this town are not
remarkable for sanctity , a dividing line
was carefully drawn by a deputy sheriff
detailed for that purpose. The specta
tors soon filled the entire capacity of the
amphitheater , It was a motley audience.
Immediately over the ontrnnce-gato were
seated reporters nnd thu band , and nt
cither sidu were the higher citizens of
Dodgn Oily with their wives and familici
The neat was intense , and imrasola and
oinbrolJaB were worth th lr weight in
gold for the occasion. Opposite the good
citizens were seated thu gentlemen of
the cattle intorcBt , with their girla , the
cowboy'n ambition seeming to bo to get
a big fat girl and a high seat at the same
time. The wait before the appearance
of the first bull was filled with dialling
ind calling of the usual kind , variegntec
with musio by the Stockmen's band
Much of the interest of the occasioi
sjrow out of the fact that , with the ex
cuption of a few fights in Louiaiana nnd
Texas , new the border , thia was the
first bull fight ever had in the United
TUP. ExinnmoN UF. ISS.
At 3:40 : the matadors and licadoru ,
mounted , entered the arena amid thund
erous npplauso. Gallardo were a mng-
nificant scarlet tunic nnd knee tights ,
with n green sash nnd eablo trimmings ,
llivas was practically attired in a yellow
tunic trimmed with red , knco pants of
the same , with awhile cap having horns.
The other two matadors were dressed in
red nnd blue suits , while the picadors
had nothing but an ordinary cDwooy cos-
Jumo. The bull entered a few seconds
later nnd immediately showed fight. IIo
was n rcd-colotcd animal of great stren
gth , nnd soon had Gallardo dodging behind -
hind nn escape. Again and ngain the
matador would throw his mantle over
the bull's horns nnd doaftly turning escape -
capo the rake of the horns. The nudi
once wont wild with excitement and ap
plauded vociferously. When the bull
lighters commenced to usp the da ta the
the excitement became still more intense.
Very quickly several darts , decorated
with paper festoons , adorned the bull's
flanks nud shoulders. The _ animal got
more and more maddened with the pain
of the darts nnd made the fillers hunt
cover more industriously , till ho was tir
ed out and and given n spell of rent.
A flora few more minutes of fight Mr.
Chappoll wan called on to lasso the bull
and take him out. The laasoing was
quickly done , but , prompted by cries
from the audience , Chnppoll tried to
throw the bull , but failed , as the animal
was too strong for him. Suddenly the
exit door opened and Ohappo 1 rode out ,
pulling along thu bull into the chute.
No sooner had the door clojed than the
bull nmdu a desperate rubh nt Uhappell
while still confined in the chute , closely
gracing the rider's horse , and finally
breaking away to that Chnppcll had to
tie him for safety , wounded and blooding
no ho wao. Thia bull wna thoroughly
game , and ohovvcd fight to the last.
The second bull wan a coward and wn
from his tormentors , and was soon driven
on1 . The third was but Itttlo better af
fording Homo oxerciao to the fighters after
they had tilled his cldcs with darts. The
fourth vas the bull whoso horns wore
sawed to the quick , nud ho was good for
no purpose. The fifth bull waa worse , if
possible , than any of the rest. Ho got
ituck in ono of the escapes and was
whipped out by a cowboy from the first
The spoliators tired of the monotony
and were loud in tliuir calls to have the
first bull brought out once more. There
was n decided lull in interest nnd thu
spectators were rapidly thinning out
when Colonel 11. S. Jones , attorney for
the Santa Fc , made the announcement
that another and butter bettor bull would
.noil bo brought in. In accordance with
thia promise the firat bull re-entered the
: ing nt 0 p. in. , nnd while dragging n
Dose lariat , showed vigorous fight. A
Mr. lloreoy was brought in to release the
asio , but the attempt was a failure ; the
lull wna too full offight to permit any
ibertieH. Not oven the Mexicans had
icrvo enough to go up to the bull and
: ut or in any way to relieve the rope.
It took Doracy nnd Ohappell to lasao the
mil a cocond time nnd throw him , when
io was held down until the ropes had
> con removed. The bull made several
urious dashes and the spectators ahouted
hcmsolvrs hearse nt the renewed proa-
met for spurt. Gallardo's escape from
lie horns got narrower and narrower , and
men the bull finally charged boldly upon
ho escape behind which the matador was
idibg , and almost tore it down the joy
f the spectators knew no bounds.
The band playoi the signal 'for ' the
wording , and as soon as Mr. Moore
assod down the Toledo blade to Gallardo
very eye was strained toward the bull.
b was no easy task to accomplish the
east s death , and attacks and counter
ttacka were numerous before Gallardo
ot n chance to stnb the animal in the
ght shoulder , making the blade bond ns
u did so. The bull sank on his knees
nd died , not immediately , but clowly ,
nd during his dying the spectators dis-
orsod , hoping for bettor sport on U'o
lorrow. Everything passed ofT quietly ,
tid while the officers of the law have
eon kept on the lookout all day , there
as been no conduct deserving of censure ,
'ako ' it all in nil , Doclgo City consldora
a way of keeping the Fourth a great
access. ,
KpHlielli/inii or .ittln Hnncor. *
Thin lutm of cnnccria the most iiravalont t
i po , and In In inuiiy C.VOH nital , iu It gradual-
r o.vtn iiw.iy until It ( liwlroyn llfo. It would
loin that H lft'H Sptcllio U indeed u specific
ir thlH Benign ,
Mrs. 1C. A. AniiBtronir Vcronn , Miss. ,
titcs under ilito of Mny 10 , 1884 : "After
ikmpiilx Imttlen of Swift's Ki | > cllic thu cnncnr
lie illiiKj in rrt-ntly reduced iu th.u. H now
[ vuMtim no piin , nnd my goiuirnl limdtli IKU
) much linpiovcd that I ntn nblo to bo up nnd
' .tending to my hoiwi hold dutlcanoinn thing
int I had not huuii ublu tn do in wvond yearn. t ;
fo"l tluit It uill euro mo. " t ;
Mr. Jt. N. Clnjton , of Ilod Clay , Oa. . v
rltfB , tinder recent duto : "AH puliilul sou- vf. .
ttiniiH In my cnuccr nro dccreiuirg. I foci 1
eildcdly butter , nud the cancer liua com- 1s
oncod to lioal. " s <
Dr. M. Crumley , O lotliorpo , Gn. , writes 0
1 >
.Tdhnny'H MUtuko. 1K 1n
Colonel McLood , although not n bad' '
inn at heart , iises very rough language
i his intorcpurso with his family. Un
turning to his homo from his place of
usinons a few days ngo ho found his
ifo very much excited over the outru-
eoua conduct of n tramp , who , _ being
iaaatisfird with the food given him by si
Irs. McLeod , bad abused her In n moat
utrngoous manner.
"Johnny , " Bald Col. McLood to his
an year old son , "when you hoard that
uw'ardly scoundrel abusing your mother
'by didn't you run to the atoro quick tl
nd lot mo kuowJ Didn't you hear ] "
"Yes , pn , I was out in the stable nnd
.card what ho raid about the food ma
ave him , and how ho abused her.but "
"I thought it was you Bcoldinct ma. IIo
sod the Bamo words you do whoa the
Inner don't Bult you. 1 didn't think
ny ono else would dare to talk to mn in
lint way. "
Fitted Out fur the SCAHOII. lroiiBO )
B. coaU , stocking nnd nil paimenU can
o colored euccfufiilly with the Diamond
) yeu. Fashionable colors. Only lOo. at
riiKu ! t . W 1U , lUchurdson & Co. , Bulling-
un , VU _
The Holonco tif i'hrenolojry ,
Jew York Suit.
"Tho development nt the back of the
toad , my frionds.indicates parental afleo-
Ion , " explained the phrenologist. "Now ,
rou will observe , " ho wont on , feeling of
ho I'oy'a head , "that this bump is nbuor-
mil in niro , thus indicating that ho loves
md reveres his parents to an unusual do-
rreo. Is that not BO my lad ] "
"Naw. "
"What's that ] You do not love your
"I think well enough of ma , " the boy
replied , "but I ain't very fond of do old
man. That bump you're feelin * of ho
give me hat night vr id a base ball dub. "
A Growl From Ono of the Prolcsnlon.
New York Commcrclal-Adrorttaor.
"People are 'not generally aware of the
fact , said n distinguished phjsician in
this city whose name is familiar nn both
continents , and who is popularly supposed
to earn an income of nt least $25,000 a
year , "but the real truth is that the med
ical profession is poor. Not only poor ,
considered na n body , but men whoso
names are on everybody's tongue as able
and successful , are often without n dollar
in their pockets. It was not always so.
Time was when fair competences , if not
colossal fortunes could bo amassed by able
and industrious members of the profes
sion , and when doctors of eminence died
worth from 8100,000 to $500,000. But
that halcyon time for the ddctors has
gone by , and nowadays if a man manages
to como out oven with the baker and gro
cer nt the end of the year ho is doing
Very well for a doctor , and may thank
providence that the balance is notngninit
him ,
"Tho causes that have been silently at
work during the last quarter of n century
to reduce the medical profession to pov
erty nnd bring doctors to grief in many
ways are not generally understood , of
course ; but they ore very simple nncl in-
inlligiblo when once you have heard them
Hinted. the follows
_ Tempera mutantur , rest
lows without saying , " quoth the doctor ,
musingly : "I remember , not so long ago ,
either , when the ratio of doctors to gen
eral population In this city was only ono to
l.fiOO. Now , so cxpeditiously are physi
cians ground out in thn half n hundred
mills 1 could name , styled col
leges , that the ratio in this stnto in ono
doctor to every 000 inhabitant ? , nnd iu
this city ono to every 550. It is this lit-
tlu trifle of statistics a more difference
in ratio that makes all the difference
between opulence nnd starvation. In
reality to-day a yountt man without
money or influence , whatever his talents ,
nddrosa or attainments , nnd however os-
copti&nally equipped for his work , has
loss prospect for BUCCCEI , starting in the
world na n physician , than in nuy other
department of intellectual activity.
"I pity a strong , nctivo , energetic
young follow , with brains and culture ,
when Laeo him step up to the president's
desk with an air of 'I'm a mndo man now"
to rccojvo his diploma. Energy might
avail him In business , but not in medi-
ciuo ; nnd the moro energetic ho is the
more it will gall him to wait for paticnh
that never como , and starve while they
are coming. I toll you the tyith for it
aught to bo told na a warning to ambi
tious young men that the ranko of
medicinenro overcrowded , and the
[ irobabilitics of success in it scarcely one
in 1,000. Accident may give a clover
youngster an opportunity to treat an
extraordinary case and make his roputa
: iou nt a stroke , ttut , ns n rule , ability
.a of no nvail for , as a rule , the accident
lover happens , and the golden opportuni-
: y never turns up.
"I have been a professor in a medical
loliogo for the last ton yearo , and could
.ell you the subsequent history of many
i promising graduate , such tales of
iroken hearts , blighted ambition , disap-
> ointed hopes and wrecked lives , onuing
omo times in suicide , from no fault oi
ho poor fellowa' own ; only because there
ire three doctors where ono is needed.
"Yea it .is time high time ; " muaed
ho old mnn , letting his head diop , pen-
ively. "lligh time the facts were
pokon out , printed , nnd diesominated in
uch a wny ns to deter bright young men
rom spending their best years eluding
or a profession that has nothing to offer
mt failur '
Warming with hi subject the old man
icgan to marshal facts and figures. "Quo
[ outer to every C50 persons iu the United
itntes ; ono to every GOO in the state of
fowJYork ; ono to every 550 in the city.
? ho statistics collected by bureaus cf
ital statistics , mainly in largo cities ,
how tha' on the average , year in and
oar out , the ratio of sick persona to
enoral population ruus about twenty
'or ' 1,000. In times of epidemic , a little
igher ; in exceptionally healthy times or
alubrlous climates , a little leas ; ooldom
inking below seventeen or eighteen per
,000. Out of these twenty you may
ount five as cases of old ago or mourn-
lo diaeaso , nnd two or three
lore ns non-paying paupers
r equivalent to that so far as the
iainouancofof : ) the doctors is concerned.
low , on the average in this city , every
,000 persons must furnish incomes for
wo doctors. That ia , if the sick people
twenty per 1,000) ) were divided equally
mong the physicians , the numbei as-
igned to each would bo n fraction less
lian ten , of whom only six or eovun
rould bo pay patients. Of courao some
uro scores of patients ; some have
ono ; but the average ia not thereby af-
"Hut what in moro discouraging still is
10 fact , statistically ascertained nlao ,
nit on the average the services of a
hjaician are dispensed with in twenty-
mr cases in every 100 on the fick Hit ,
ho figures now stand as follows : Don-
: antly sick , twenty per 1,000 of whom
ight belong to the senile , incurable , nud
itupor classes , and three or four more
at on with quack medicines or homo
imedios , leaving not moro than ten per
,000 , to support the two doctors. As
ics arc now regulated , no losses being
icurred , if all the pay pationta were di-
idcd pro rata among the doctor ? , their
icoim-s would not average 810 n
"And this , " cried the old graybeard ,
tvagoly , "is the jiass to which our
resent system of medical education has
rought a once noble profoaaion. '
Wol tie Meyer.
It It now undisputed that Win Pie Mojr-
r'n Culurrh Ouro U the only treatment
mt will absolutely cure Catarrh fresh or
'hronlo. ' "Very omcacloue. Saml ( > ould ,
ITeeplnR Water , Nob. " Ono box cured mo ,
Iw. Bismarck Dakota. " "
Mary Kenyon , , "It
tcrod me to the mil ( tit , Itev. George K.
Ma , Coblovllle , N. Y. " "Onn box rndlcally
urod mo , Kov. 0 , II. Tahlorr 140 Noble
troot , Brooklyn1" "A perfect euro nftor 30
ears ButTerlm ? , J * D. McDonald , 710 Broad-
ray , N. Y. , & 0.0. Thousands of toitlmo. .
lala are received from all uiu-ta of the world- !
) oltvered , $1.00. Dr. Wol Do Meyer's Iby
nitrated Trent I OB , " with statcmentu of
lie cured , mailed free. D , 13. Dewey & Co , .
12 Ifultdn Street , N. Y
tue-t.hurii & B t-m&3om
Questions for President J
/hlcago Tribune.
In these days of betrayal of trusts , of
ings , of nbuso of franchises , of epooulat-
ng and peculating managers , it is a mat
er of no little moment to public interests
, t largo as well ns to the private interests
uoat specially concerned in Union Pa >
: ifio to have a man of the high character ,
ibility and practical experience in rail-
oads of Mr. Adams placed at the head
if ono of the great transportation lines
n the country.
The Union Pacific is not n private bus.
noes enterprise. 1 1 is moro of n publiu
iorpnralinn than railroads niunlly nro ,
'or ' thu United States as a largo bond-
loldorU practically a partner in its bua-
nota. The peopln of the United fitatci
lave therefore the right to "want to
know" about Us affairs nud the probable
intention * of ita managers , There is n
very intense feeling that this corporation
has in the past played n very muchiov-
oua part in the politics of the country
and n very mischievous nud tyrannical
part in ita butinoja by its extortionate
charges nud its discriminations in favor
of potlied shippers against others not so
fortunate. These things have been pos
sible because the men at thn head of the
Union Pacific have been sordid person * ,
with no views abovu the making of
money and without n glimmer of n sense
of public duty , and , na Mr. Adams once
said of Mr. Gould , ' 'without a concept
ion of n moral principle. " Now that the
road haa pone into the hands of a re
former , who is by birth , education , and
preference n man who loves the rigl :
ind the right dnroa pursue , the publi
will look with n now hope for the oxh
iHion on a grand scale , of private virtue ,
n public affairs.
Ono of the first things that poopln wi
want to know of Mr. Adams will b
whether under his _ management tin
Union Pacific will continue its anti-socia
courao of refusing to pay taxes on th
lands it holds by grant from the Unite
States , in the states. They havo'nvoidc
doing so hitherto by the miserable subterfuge
torfugo of not paying the coata of th
land fiurvoys nnd claiming that nn tin
paper evidence of title WAI in conao
qucnco thereof withhftld they rroro nol
the owners of the land , although they
have boon declared by the United States
to bo the owners ainco they have been
allowed by it to issuu bondfl on the no
curity of thcao lands. The Union PA
cific ought to pay tnxes in the states like
other property-owners. Not doing sc
puts it in the diegraccful position o
dead-boating the community for its civi
protection Docs Mr. Adnms intend to
permit the Union Pacific under his can
to continue in that anarchical position ?
i'ho civil Borvico of the Btnto of Nebraska
braska is filled with the ngents and cmis
sirics of the Union Pacific railroad ,
The dsiiblo characters draw salaries from
the railroad nud from tha common coun
ciU , the boards of education , the counties ,
the state itself , nnd are also"on the
[ ) nyroll of the corporation. There ia , wo
xro told , a political gloeclub which spends
nest of ita time traveling over the state
linking nt political meetings which is sup-
icrtodint rely out of the treasury of the
railroad. The Union Pacific has ita men
n the board of public works in Omaha ,
md when contracts are to bo made for
itouo or other materials which the mem-
jcrs of the inside rings of the Union Pa-
: ifio can supply it is noticed that
ho board usually givis theme
, o these gentlemen. The road ia
cpresented in the board of education ,
ind. places in the schools are easily founder
or relatives nnd friends of its managers.
iVhen the atato of Nebraska attempts to
ixcrt its power through the legislature
o regulate the rates of on the branch
incs in the state the legislature is pro-
cnted from acting by the clover inanon-
TCB of the gentlemen who draw ono
alary from the people of the state as le -
alators and another from the railroads ns
( a employes , attorneys , or what not.
iVhorover the Union Pacific runs ita
nain line or any branch through Nob-
nska there you will find a coterminous
hairl of Union Pacific Judges.
All this is very much cue of place in a
orporation chartered by the people for
ho public convenience. It was never
outomplnted by the public in creating
ho corporation thnt it would ever have
o submit to the despotic and universal
ule of the corporation , nnd that when it
ittempted to exorcise Us undoubted
towers to govern the corporation its act
on should bo vetoed by the corporation.
Che Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road
Iocs not maintain a staff of political
ockoys to saddle , and bridle , and ride
ho people of Nebraska , and yet it has
iloasantrr and more profitable relations
nth the people than the Union Pacific ,
rhich devotes BO much of its energy nnd
he money of its stockholders to running
ho politics of the state nnd of every
owri nnd county through which it
Will Mr. Adams reform this ]
HorftfonVs Acid IMionphnto
Advantageous In Dyspepsia.
Dr. G. V. DOKSV.Y , Piqua , Ohio , Bays :
'I have used it in dyspepsia with very
larked benefit. If there is deficiency of
cid in the stomach , nothing affords moro
ol'of , while the action on the nervous
votom is decidedly beneficial.
A Hca Hcrpont ,
'rom the Now York 3'o t.
Six rosiaonts of GeorgetownMassacbu-
3tU , whoso immes are published , saw n
ja serpent on Juno 17 , which they das-
ribo ns follows : "The head was larger
1:111 : that of n largo ae.-il There waa no
arrow neck , but thu body increased In
2 < ) until the water hid the rnmiiiudcr.
Behind this , for about fifty or sixty fvot ,
1070 waa n wake , us distinguishable as
lat made by n tug boat. At ono time ,
; a distance of thirty foot from the head ,
fold of hit body wns BCOII above theater
ator , BO that daylight could be oeeu
uder it. The color was black , but n
Etrrow white stripe seemed to run down
10 throat. The motions of the monster
ineath the water , judged by the move-
tent of the wnko and thu loop in the
sntor , wore serpentine and rapid. The
ion nro satisfied that it wna n monster
' the enako species , not less than fifty
iot long. "
VnnlllnI.rmnnJrniiirc , vieflnvor Cokes. < drllcatrly uutl nut.
rullyn. then-nit < V < > tn irhlcli they ni-ruiiide.
mi'ARio y TMI
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Jlllcnuo , III. St. Loulo. Mo.
Uimns or
Dr , Price's Cream Baking Powder
) r. Price's Liipiilin Yonst Coins ,
lle l 11 ry Hop Yrii.l.
3TOI5 CATi-n 332CH1O
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Special Deposit Is to puiirnntoe the
payment of the 2i premiums fully described
< n our former nnnnunrcrncnta.
The premiums will Lo pnld.nomatter how
iraall the number of bags returned may be.
0/ir0 Jltaelntelr * Durham TtJiarro (74. )
' " ' " * ' * ' ' 1 * " " '
_ ifcrKrfcnm , OtirAnm , ff C.
DrAn Bin.o Inclofo you 8tl.9M.oo. which
plaro on Hpcei&l Dcpoclt to tiny premiums
for our rmrty tobacco haps to Im rrturnfil Deo.
Uth. loura truly. J 8 OAllll , ITcfldent
7Sf nt th hank of / > urAiml
Hurhnm.N Ci/n lO , IWlj
. s.
.sin I lie to nckiiowlciiitc rccclrt of
* 11. ! O ( > from you. nlilcli WP tji > < > iiUcctl UIKJD
Bcl | l Ucioslt for Uio object yon "t-itr
\ourntnily. ! A. WILEY. Cashier.
None crnwlno irttliom plrtnre of HULL on the
| sr Sco our oUicr nunounccmcfila.
v James Moallnstito
* * W Chartered l > y thcStnteoflli : .
jnols for thcexprtssptirpoio
f of elvinclmmedlatc reliellli
I all chronic , unnnry and pri-
, . l.vatc discuses. Gonorrhoea ,
Wf. Qlcst ntidby plulU In all their
I.C * ' comftlcQled forms , also all
dlscntcs of th : Skin and
lilood promptly relieved nnd
permanently cured hy reme-
the Tacc.Lost '
. ' ,1110r.r ; < prmriimill ( - appropriate ii..r. > ; as
.ZPtonca need in each case. Consultations , pcr-
ior.r.1 or by letter , sacredly confidential. Hed
r.iasa sent by Mall nnd Express. No marku on
UCKOCC to Indicate cuntenta or sender. Address
o. 2U4Wa3hingon ! 51. > N l ° tM )
lifcnmn It acts on the MTKIt , IlOWtLS and
KinSKTS nt the n.tnin time.
CocnxiAO it olconaca the eysten of Uio
ous liumora tint duvelopo In Kidney nud Url-
nary Dlocauco , Biliousness , Jaundice , Conntipa-
tlon , Files , or in llncumatiim. Neuralgia , Kor-
voua Disorders and all Fcmalo ComplainU.
IT xvm , BtrnnLY CTOB
By cousins mnn ACTION' of nil Uio crcano
and functions , thereby
rcetoiinc the normal power to throw ofTdlsEOSO.
of the Trorot foraa of thcso terrible diseases
luwo been quickly relieved , nnd iu a bhort tlmo
riticr. , $1. iicjinxiu nnv , sou ) iir DRUGGISTS ,
Dry can bo cent by mall.
WEtiS. HICHAHDSON : Co. , JJurlJneton , Vt.
3 S nd ttamp for Dlwy AlmanAC fvr ISf4.
icience ot Life , Only $1.00
Eih nsted Vlt ll y , Nerrous nd PhyBloal Esblllty ,
'roraature ' Decline In Man , Eiroraof Youth , on the
ntold mlserlea csnltlng from Indiscretion ! oi ex.
eocoo. A hook for every man , young , mhlJIo-ujjod ,
nd old. It oonUlns 126 prescriptions for all acute
nd chronic dlReuea caciono of which la Inv&liablo
ofonndbytho Anther , whose experience for 23
ears U such &aprobably never bcforo fell to tha let
< any physic an 800 pa ea , bound In b nilfn
'ronch muellD mDoesedcovers , full Kllt.fpiatinVeod
) be a finer worlc n erory eonse , mechanical , Itt-
rary and profeselonal , thin sny other work eold In
: ila country for 92.60 , or the money will Do refccdod
i every Instance. Prlco only 81.00 by mall , pool-
Aid. Illustrative e.vnple R oenta. Send now. Oo r ]
isdal awarded the aothor by the National UgJlcal
Mociatlon , to the ollicdio oi which ho refero.
The SctoiiBO of Lift ) should bo road by trio yonng
InstrncMoii , and br.tho alBloted for relict. It
111 benefit all London Lancet.
Tboro ! no nicmlicr ot eocloty to whom T * oficl-
ice of Llfo will nci be tuoful , whether youtli , par-
it , truardbn , Inettuctoror clergyman. Arijoniut.
Addrcsa tha Ponbo r Medical Institute , oi Ir. W.
: . Parker , No. 4 Bul.ltich Street , Iloston Mm. , whey
y no consulted on ail dlacascs roqulr'-iKflilll ' and
cporlenoo , Chrouloividobstlnatodlaoat. sth&thave
ifflod the skill of all ether phya-UCK !
vpoolaity. Ouch troftted surewa-il t tt L
Ithout anlnetan ( * falluiu. TUV FIC
'he Steck is a Durable Piano ,
xx t
For Spot Cmh. ( 'all on or addrona Ur. or Mrs
tuph u J. UUODrllUC'K dia South 10th street.
Imported Beer
Srlnngnr , Bavaria.
Julmbacher , Bayana
. 'ilsuor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohemian.
vaiser. . . . . . . . . . . .Bremen.
3udwoisor St , lonis.
knhnusDr. . . . .St. Louis.
3eafc B . . . . Milwaukee.
Jchlitz-J'ilsner Milwaukee.
Jruc'fl Omnha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
1213 FarnamSt.
T. 0. CARLlbLE ,
Class Poultry ,
. , - - - .
"Bend lor Circular * . "
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably
known in Qmaha.This
will enable us to Ban-
die an increased list
of property. We ask
those who have desi
rable property for
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th St