Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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We KU t ntce the cute of the fallowing turned till
i CMOS , or no pay ! Ilhoum&tlsm , Scrofula , Ulcer
Catarrh , all Blood and skin illseaiM , Uvu plOi tlve
Complaint , Kidney ami Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neil
alffls anil Aithma , The Springs are the farorlt
wort of the tired an.l debllltaUd , and are the
Good hold ] , livery and bathing ixccomodatlon both
winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque
wid healthy. Accewlblo by Wabnh railway , t
Evnna , or 0. , B. & Q. , at Albany. Corrmponuene
elicited , REV. U. M.jTHOlirsON.
Albany , Slloam Sprang * , .Gentry Co. , Mo.
Specific Ora\lly . l.OOS
Ill-action . Netitra
Catbonlo Acid ( las . . . JO In. per gallo
Carbonate Calcium . 85,921 Grata
Carbonate Iron . 7,041 ! "
Sulphate Mnenosla . 8 , 88 '
Sulphate Calcium . . . . . .1,149 '
Chloride Sodium . 7,2 0
SllllcA . 1.6M '
Alumina . 0,016
Organlcand Volatile matter and loss , . . . . 1,159 '
alOlldJ per gallon . . . . . .87,171 "
Wai an r & M iROtiiChcrnlstii
Justice onto Peace.
DODGE'S ' sioux CITY ; HAMS.
Commission Merchant
No .S3 Pourl Street Council Bluffs , lonn.
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Council Blatfr.
Real estate collection agency , Oild Follows Block
' oror Savings Bank ,
THOS. omcin , n. M. ruair.
Council Blufla U.
Established 1856
Dealers In Foreign and omcatlc Exchange an
Icnwj 8 < > ciiriM
As thcro ti.ra many
So-Called Veterinary Surgeons
In this city , who nro practicing their quackciy on
our people , I dorm It but justice to cay that I de/v /
any of them to produce a diploma , or credential ,
miiratlnj , ' that they arc gtaduates of any Nctcrlnar.
nttltutc , and I do hereby caution the jmbli j again ; '
euch qimckH , ai
I am the Only Known Gradual e
Office & '
Pharmacy , L25B'dway ,
T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S.
\i/ At the well-known Establishment
209 Upper Broadway , the
Of Council Bluflt. Notice our reduced Frlca Llrt.
We gl\e
16 pounds Eitra O Su ar lor ! 1 00
11 pounds Granulated Su ar 1 (10
26 pounds Choice Oatmeal 100
6 pounds Navy Beans v 100
20 pound ! Best Bulk Stirch 1 00
12 pounds Carolina Illco 1 00
12 iiounda Choice trum n 1100
ES liars Biiffnlo Soap 1 00
Extra I.nko Trout , tier pound 09
liorrilmrtTa I'lujr [ icr Ib 40
1 dozen Mackcivl IB
Colorado Flour , Winter , per owt 200
10 pounds Girder Stmp.1 1 CO
40pounds rrmloy 1 00
r gallon keg Syrup 1 70
Wlilto Fish , per kit M )
Mackerel , perMt 86
Dates , per pound la
10 3 pound caneiSt HiJanl Tomatoes 1 HO
All kludi California Krultj
pound Liwk'a Standard 4 ( or 1 00
T. T.
All grades , according to quality , 153 to SOo per
V.'o alao carry a full llr.o ol iron's , Lanlcn' and
Children's line Shoes anil Mcri'f Fine HooH at very
lowpricoM. Also full line 01 Tinware arid gen < > rr.l
nierchatidlao. Uall on in and 1)0 convinced tin' you
ransixomonny ly doalin ; with us. OooJs delivered
Irce Inauy part of the city.
In uord , wo nro bound to cell and cliallougo all
audaolu coni | > ctltlon In tills counts
J. I' . F
Time Table.
Thofollowinft urn the tlmea ottlio arrUftl nnd do.
rxirture of trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains Icavo transfer depot ton mln
u.cs earlier and arrho ten mitmtoa lator.
tS5 : p ra Chicago Express' 9:00 : a m
0:10 : a m Fart Hall. 7:00 : p rr
6 : < B a m [ Hall and Express , T. ' J p m
12:30 p in Accommodation. 2.40 p m
"At local dcjKit only.
10 )5 ) A in ' Mall and Expiea ) , ] 7:00 : p m
8-05pm 1'aclflo Exproaa , 6:60 : p m
6:25 : p m Kxprcas , 0.06 B m
8:15 : a m Exprean , 0:65 : p m
1:80 : pm AtUntlo Expreaa , 0:05 : a m
11:25 : a m Da ; Expruaa , 6:64 : p in
7:201 > m 'Don JIoliios Aooommodatlon , ) O.CS p m
At local depot only.M
0:65 : a m Mall , 4:46 : p'ra
4:50 pm Oinnon D U llHain :
At Transfer " -nl
emcAoo and NORTumumnur ,
toe p m KxprtM , 8:60 : p m
PS ; a m PaclQoExpre&i , 0:05 : * m
iior/x CITT AND rAcine ,
rHOpra St. 1'aul Expreui , 8:60 : ra
JSO ; a m Day Expreiia 0:60 : n In
ONION rAcirio.
8:00 : p m Western ExproM , 8S5 : a m
11M ; a m PaclQo Expreu , 4:40 : p m
7:40 : am Local Expreee , 8:64 : a m
J410 ; a in Lincoln ExprcBg ,
At Tranifer only.
Leaio-7:20-3:30-S:30-10SO-lliOn. : : : : m. 1:30-2:3 :
sao-4SO-BSO-J:30-ll:05 : : ( : : p. m Hunday 9:30-11:10 :
a m. l:30-3:3a-6ao-C:30-llo5 : ; : : p , ro. Aritveio uln
to liclora los\lu ' tltnu
/ Pliysicii & Siirpon ,
Over Coatl'a Druj Store , South ISth Street , near
OtSco Hours S to9SO ; a. m , 1 to 2:30 : and 6 to 7:30 :
p iiu Klaiht calh promptly attended.
Dr , Amelia
3617 DnrtenSt , - Omaha
TtLM'HOKE So 111.
imins OF SONG.
Dopnrturo of the \VnRiior Singer * To
their Homes la
I'rom the Now York Kvonlng IVst ,
An immense crowd assembled on th
the steamer Elbe on the pier of the Nortl
Gorman Llyod in Ilobokcn nt noon to
day. Besides the usual largo number o
passengers at this liaio of the , yenr then
was n special attraction in the person o
number of people famous in the musica
world. Among thorn were Mr. Thco
doro Thomas , Air. nnd Mro. GeorgoIIon
Bchol , Miss Emma Juch , llorr Scaria
llorr Winkolmann and Fran Mntorna
llprr Friodrich , having incautiously re
tainocl his own patronymic instead ol
adopting the maternal one , was placoc
fnr awny from his wife on the printoc
passenger list. Conspicious among these
who catno to say good-byo to these artist -
tist were the figures of Mr. Steinwnji , Mr.
Itoniiucrtz , Mr. Locke nnd Mr. Floor-
ahoim. Mr , Thomas is going to Switzer
land to rest after his prolonged season ,
which was probably the busiest and inosl
arduous ono of his whole life. Ho wil
nlso nttond n few of the performances of
Parsifal at Bayrputh , which ho haa not
lieard , and join his family whom ho
left abroad last summer. Nothing defi
nitely can bo slated as yet concerning n
rumoredprojeot of giving Gorman opera
next season. The dilliculty lies loss in
securing good singers nnd n jood ; orches
tra than in getting a snitnbloheuse. But
if the demand for Gorman Opera con
tinues ns strong ns it has this year nil ob
stacles will in course of time bo ovor-
All the Wagner singers nro as robust
and energetic ns over , notwithstanding
their hard work , llorr Winkelman has
received a good impression of America ,
but would not like to return unless ho
could appear in oporn. lie does neb regret -
grot the hard work , however , which has
tukon the place of his usual summer va
cation ; for , like his colleagues , ho is nn
nrdont missionary of the \VaRiiorian
cause , which ho fools convinced has been
greatly promoted by this year's tour.
Frau Matorna was quite ns demonstrat
ive ns over in her expressions of admira
tion for America und the Americano.
But she did not nppeciato the constant
travel , nnd remarked that she felt like n
piece of baggage nil the time pnckcd up
nftor each concert , despatched by special
train , nnd unpacked again next day just
in time for another concert. She enjoy
ed herself more in the cities where a
whole week's festival wns given. Among
these was Chicago , in regard to which
she is especially enthusiastic. She newer
heard such good choral singing in her lifo
as there , , she says , and she especially nd-
mired the exquisite purity of intonation
with which the pilgrims' chorus from
"Tanhauaer" was sung there. She nlso
appriciated very much the receptions nc-
corded her nud the serenade of the Chicago
cage mnlo chorus over at milwaukoo.
Herr Frcderich tolls this story of Mater-
nn , which shows that she always keep's
her eyes or rather her cars open for
the benefit of her art : \Yhiloat Cincin
nati she'went to hear the Christie Minst-
trels ono evening. Among the perform
ers was ono whoso voice gave her so
much pleasure that she begged to bo in
troduced to him. She urged hit" to
study for the stage , as ho could not fnil
to become n , famous artist. Subsequent
ly she spoke nbout him to a Xow York
opperatta manager who happened to bo
on the spot , and before aho left Cincin
nati aho had the satisfaction of hearing
that her protogo had been engaged for
Now York next season.
Ilerr Scaria , who is a genuine man of
the world , was in n very communicative
mood. While Matorna , 'ia first going to
pay a two days' visit to Vienna , ho goes
directly to Beyrouth. Although ho has
aung in fifty-five concerts , his voice is as
sonorous as over. Ho thinks that this
summer's festival at Bayrouth , which
will last from July 21 to August 8 , will
bo the last for several years. Ho ox-
poets to oeo many of his American
friends there , as last year at the last two
performances almost all the seats were
taken by Americans. IIo-does not believe -
liovo the rumor that an American had [
offered 8250,000 for the exclusive right
to produce Parsital. Ho thinks tlio
widow would have accepted such n sum , [
as her income from Wagner's operas
amounts to only about $17,000 n year , ;
out of which , too , some commissions ( and ;
probably debts ) have to bo paid. In
case any rr.anagor should undertake to <
give German opera in America his advice I
would bo to give only lUeir/.i , Flying
Dutchman , Tannhauscr , Lohengrin and ,
Moiatoraingor. Tlio Wallcuro ho would
postpone foruwhilo until thepopular taato .
has been properly educated by the
earlier works to nppreciato it nt its true
valuo. Ho was gratified to see so much
appreciation as wai shown for the ex
tracts given during the present tour , and
thinks the Americana have an advantage
over Europeans in not having to dispoao
of HO many cobwebs of prejudice. There
ia no antagonism , ho thinks , between the
lyric and dramatic style of singing , only
the latter requires more culture for its
appreciation , us it appeals moro to the
intellect and the emotions than to the
ear for beautiful sound alone. Being
asked to give his private opinion of Mr.
Thomas as a conductor , ho became quito
enthusiastic in praiao of him : "It was no
if wo had been together all our lives. Wo
had no concessions to make to him and
lie had nonn to make to uu , but our con :
ception of the Wagner music wns identi
cal throughout. Indeed , for a man who
lias never hoard some of these works on
the slngo , hia intelligence and art of in
terpretation is most remarkable , and
gave ovidcnco of real genius. "
Iho proof - > t the pudding i not In chewing
the utrlug , but in having nn opportunity to
test the article direct , hchrotor & lioclit , the :
UiwrintH , have n frco trial buttlo at. ] ) r. lio-
nankoH Cough and J.ung Synip for each and
every ono who la allllctod with Couglm , Colds ,
A-sthmn , Consumption or any Lun Allection.
Pfc/VYINcT / 1'OKKU.
A caio which haa attracted much at-
ontion in Kentucky and other states
was decided to-day by the court of ap-
ealB , says a Frankfort , Kentucky ,
ipocial. The style of the case is Moore \
'a. Settle , an appeal from the decision of
ho superior court , which iitlirmcd the
udgmont of the Off on circuit court.
'ho facts in the casoaro nbout aa follows :
lira. Settle , thu appellant , and wife of
Jvan K. Settle , a well known lawyer of
Owenton , brought suit against Moore ,
lloging that in 1870 ho won from her :
icr husband at games of cards and )
ought to recover treble that amount
under the provisions of the Kentucky
tatutca which provides thnt if the loser
r u creditor of the loser of money won . .
t games of hazard or chance do not sue { o
t'ithin nix months after the loss forthoivi
money lost and prosecute the suit to ro. Jn
over with duo diligence , then any other I o
r.y , . tiv Tuni.ti' i.d r ter I [
treble the amount or vnluo of the money
or thing lost if the suit bo BO brought
within five years from the delivery or
Moore , in his answer to Mrs. Sottlo's
petition , pleaded that Mrs. Settle was
married , living with her husband , alleg
ing that the action was not concerning
her separate properly , nor an notion con
cerning her general property , in which
her husband failed to unite , and that she
had not legal capacity to sue nlono , and
denying the winning of the money Mrs.
Settle replied in her amended nnswor _
thnt the action was'concerning her pri
vate property , or , if not that , it wns concerning -
corning her general property , nnd that
lior husband refused to join her In the
action. She also alleged thnt her hus
band's interest was averse to hor's and
made him a defendant in the suit.
Moore then filed an amended reply , mak
ing it a cross-petition against Evan E.
Settle , denying that Sottlo's interest was
ulvorso to his wife's , alleging that the
liusband had instigated and vrns secretly
prosecuting the action against him , in the
mine of his wife for the purpose of re
covering in her name triple the amount
1io coud ) recover in his namo. Mrs.
Sottlp and her husbnad replied separately
denying the allocations of Moore's amend
ed answer. E. E. Scttlo was the chief
witness for plalntilF , his wife , nnd n judg
ment wns rendered against Moore for
$075 , from which decision ho appealed.
The supreme court nlh'rmod the decision
nnd Moore again appealed to the court of
appeals which reverses Iho decision of
both lower courts. The sporting frater
nity have watched the case with much
interest. Tim money was lost at n gnmo
of poker.
Malarial Poison.
HOME , : , , May 3.1.1SSX
With the liopo thnt it will ro.icli tlio eye of
otlior sulIei-orH. I dciro to make n st'ito-nunt
of my caao nnd my wonderful roacuo from
death fioinmnl.irial blood poison by the use of
the great S. S. S. ( Swift's Specific. )
In 1SSO I came from the North to take
chhrgo of the gas works in Homo , ns superin
tendent , nnd after tlio overflow , which oc
curred in the spring following. I was very
much exposed to inixlnrlnl poison , nnd In 1SSJ
found my blood no contaminated with the
poison that I was forced to give tip busiuosi.
I was treated by the Kouio physicians uithout
relief , they adUsing mo to go North , which I
did. The doctors North told mo that my
only hope was to return to the milder climate ,
ami accordingly I came back to Itoino , com
pletely broken down nud nearly n skeleton.
My trouble finally determined in nil abscess
pt tlio liver , nnd nearly every ono , ( mysojf
included ) thought I wns doomed to die within
n few days. In this condition I wns ndvisoil
by n friend to take Swift's Specific , nnd I
took it just ns n drowning man would catch
nt n straw , but as soon ns my system got
under the inlluonco of the remedy , ttio abscess
came to n point nnd burst , passing off without
pain. In fifteen days after this I was up
at my work , nud have einco cnjoyod excellent
Kvory sulforor from malarial poison should
take Swift'n Specific. C. G. Srm'Klt ,
Sup't. Homo Gas Light Co.
Trcatiso on Blood niul Skin diseases mailed
THK SWIFT WECiFii' Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta ,
fin. , 153 W. 23d St. , N. Y. , and 1 05 Chest-
utSt. . Phila.
GovernorSlaiiroi-il'M IMcinorlal.
Srow York Ilcr.ihl.
Ex-Governor Stanford , of California ,
ho is Bpcnding a law wcoka here , was
eon nt the Windsor hotel recently by n
Torald roportor. Ilis only eon , Leland ,
icd inFlorcnco , Italy , lately , mid the
ovornor intonda to erect a motnorial to
im that shall perpetuate his memory
nd at the same time provo a boon to
; onorations yet to coniu. At his homo
i Palo Alto , Governor Stanford will
ound a univeraity and colleges for both
exes , His estate is a largo on-j , and ho
aid ho would , build a school for boys
tnd one for girls at least a milo apart
n which primary nud preparatory in
duction will be given for the university
ourno. Technological departments will
ao bo added , so that graduates will have
imo trade , calling or profession to carry
life. ' 'I here "
loin through am staying ,
ovornor Sanford said , "tostudy the col-
ego systems of the oast. I have hardly to
eon inside of a college since 1 left one , a
raduato , over forty years Hgo. Great
nprovomonts have taken pbco in edu
cational systems and facilities since. Still ,
think some of our colleges have hardly
idvanced any from the customs in vogue
in the fifteenth century. I have been to
larvard und Yalo. I shall visit
JoniL'll University after President White
omoa back from Chicago. I'll run up
o Middlptown and take a look at Wos-
uyan university , and visit John1) Hop-
ina and Wuahington Doforo I go homo.
want to got all the light I can from the
3cst sources of information in the coun-
ry. I am particularly anxious to learn
ibout the education of girls , for it seema
.o mo more important that the wives und
uothors of the land should bo educated
iqualy vrith thu huaband.s and sons. In-
leed , the most critical period of a child's
ifo is that which ia spent with the '
noihcr bcforo it oven goes to nchcol at
it nil. "
The governor said ho really had noth-
tig now to state about liin plans. IIo
lid not want to have anything aaid about
t bocauao it looked like seeking notorie-
ywhich ho doflircd to avoid. But as ho
md to vioit educators and educational in-
litutions in the intcreat of his purpose
10 could not keep thai purpose secret.
lo would bo glad , ho said , to give the
ires1) nil the information in his posses-
ion , llo will return to California in
wo or three weeks , and as soon an ho
an afterward ho will begin work. The
est and capacity of his college and uni-
oraity Bystom ho could not tell , but ho
losignod to make it equal to any in the
Jnitod States. t
In another column will Da found the J. ,
louncoineut of Messrs. TJIOS. COOK & SON
L'ourist Agentfl , 261 liroadway , Now Yurie ,
olatlvo to the very complete arrangements
hey have made lor tours In Kurops the
omlng Spring nnd Summer. "Cook'n Kxcur-
lonlst , " containing maps and full particular * ,
rill bo mailed to any address on receipt , of 10
NIcIc Hell for KciulliiK Cleric.
it , Louis ChroDJcle ,
CHICAGO , July 4. Nicholas M. Boll ,
f St Louis , who is proposed as reading
lork of the democratic national conven-
ion , has acquired great lame as a reader ,
md ranks higher than any otlior man in
his country in convention work. Ilia
oico is clear and resonant ns his own
lame , and his articulation so distinct
hat ho always makes himself thoroughly
loard. In u largo assemblage , therefore , ,
\lt , Boll is a perfect treasuro. All the 1
lowspaper correspondots , lenrning of
lis presence hero to-day , called on the S
mtlonnl committee nnd recommended his
minodiato retention na reading clerk , no
natter what it cost. A Chronicle report-
ir found Mr. Boll quietly seated in the
otunda of trio Leland to-day , smoking a
ignr. Ho in a senior momberof the firm
f N. M. Boll iV Co. , contrnctors for , '
mving stoiien und pavomonts. His first
IUCCCB3CB nt public reading were nchuirud ;
n the Missouri Htuto convention and the 15
egislaturo but at tlio national convention cu
l 187Jhocaniointernationalroputu ( , since
which time his services have been in do- t , )
nand. IIo was reading clerk of the ( Jin
'iniHti cuii'dition , which wwiinstrd } V
lane' ' ci Tlit rri u1' c u njti .1.1 c u
mittoo ofTorod him $500 to roiul for their
convention Inat month , but being nn ar
dent democrat Mr. Boll atipulatod tlmt it
should bo announced thnt ho was hired.
This was necessarily refined , and the
convention had n rough time with ila
"Havo yon any particular rule of liv
ing whtlo engaged in public rending ? "
said the Chronicle man to Mr. Boll.
"Certainly. Abstemiousness , temperance -
anco and raw oggs. You won't give it
away ? "
"JSovor ! No , novorl1
"Well , this is my last cigar until after
the convention. To-night I shall take
live grains of calomel And five grains of
carbonate of aoda , avoiding all exorcise.
On Sunday morning I elmll begin my
diet of colFeo and three raw eggs , which
can only bo deviated from at an early
breakfast , when n small piece of rare
steak is porrpissiblo. "
"But nearly nil singers claim that boor
will clear the throat nnd tone the voice. "
" 1 know that , butyl's nonsense. Boor
may momentarily assist the voice , but
the end will bo to break it down. I ab
stain from liquors of all kinds for that
very reason , The best remedy 1 over
found for hoarseness nud thu best agent
for clearing the throat , is bicarbonnto of
soda. Its clfoct is instantaneous and per
manent. When reading from day to day
I find it absolutely nccotsary to retire
uarly say 8 o'clock in n secluded ,
noiseless place , where perfect rest for
mind and body can bo obtained. There ,
now , are nil my rules. Go thou and do
likewise. "
Air. Bell to-day by invitation accom
panied the national commitco to the hall
to note the nccnmUca , but laughed nt the
mggostion to "teat" nn empty building.
C&Tickots only S5. Shnroa In 1'roportlonTEl
" We do hereby unify that tee tuptrviie the at
Angcmentt for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual
Orauinyi o/ the Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
met in verton manage and control the Drauingt
hcmtetvei , and that the tame are conducted wfl
ionc3tif/aimesi.and < n good faith toward all par ,
lei , and ue authorize the company to ute thiieer-
illcate , uithfac-similei of our ligntturei attathti
n its advertuementi. "
Louisiana Slate Lottery Coinpanv ,
Incorporated In 1893 ( or 26 yoarg by the leglalaturi
or educational aud cbarltablo purposes with a cap
lal 0(31.000,000 to which a reserve tund ol ovoi
650,000 baa ulnno boon ndclod.
By nn overwhelming popular voto. Its IranoK'oi
ran made a part of the present ttato constitution
doptod December SJ , A. 1) . 1879.
Hio only Lottery over voted on and on-
dorsad by the people of nuy Stnto.
It never Bcaloa or postpones.
I to grand single nniubor drawings trill
akt place monthly.
A Bploiulul opportunity to win a Fortune ,
fifth Grand Drawing Clusa ( ! , in the A cad-
my of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , July
Gth , 1884 170th Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
00,000 Tickets at Five Dollar * Each. Frac
tions , in Fifths in proportion ,
1 do do 26.00C
1 do do 10.00C
S PRIZES OF 80000 11,000
B do 000 10,000
10 do , .1000. , , _ 10,000
SO do l > : 10,000
100 do XOO. . . : , - . 20,000
800 do 100. ; , tl 80,000
600 do to > ZS 000
000 do 2t > ii 25,000
ArraoiiUATion rums ,
B Approximation prlioa of 9760 0,710
B do do 600 4,600
B do do 260 2,260
987 , amounting to , . . , (206,604
Application ( or ratoa to clubs should bo made on ! )
o the ollloo ol the Company In New Orleans.
For further Information wtlto clearly giving fall
ddress. MakoT. O. Money Orders pa ) able and
ddrees Registered Letters to
Now Orleans , La.
Foetal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or K *
ronn ( all auma of f6 and upwards by Kxproea at out
xponse ) to
r IT. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans L .
C07 Seventh St. , Wajh'nuton ' , D. C.
The ute of the term " Hhoi
Lino" In connection with thi
corK > rate name of a great road ,
coin cj B an Idea of nut what
required by the traveling pub'
llc-a Short Line , Quick Timi
and the best of accommoda
tlorii ) all of which are fuio <
lied by the greatvut railway In America.
jjEICAG 0 , $ | lL WA1JKEE
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4WO miles of
'orthern IlllnolH , Wisconsin , Minnesota , low *
a'iota ; and oa ts main lines , branches and oonnco
ons reach all the Krvat bu lncua centres of Iht
orthnoutand Fur Wobt , It naturally ansnera tin
ctcrlptloii of Short Line , and licet Kouto Ixitwcou
Chicago , JIllwniiKoo , Ht. I'aiil and Mlnno.iioll6. ]
Clilc.iKOMiluaiikuo , LA CronHO and Wlnona.
Chicago , Mllnaulioo , Abordoeu and Kllcndala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Knu Clalconnd Htlllwatoi *
Clilcn o , llllwaukve , W&unau and Itfrrlll.
Chicago , MUwnukco , licnvcr Daui and Obhkonb.
Chicago , SI 11 waul co , Wftiikiiuha and Ocnnomowoo ,
Chicago , Mlluaukie , Madluon anil I'ralrloclu Chlca
Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Falrlbault.
Chicago , Delnlt JancmlUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klgln , ItockforJ anil Dubuque.
Clilcago , Clinton , Hoed Inland and Cedar Ilaplds.
Chicago , Council Illuffa nnd Otnaha.
Chicago , Hloux City , Sioux Kallaand Tankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Itock Island , Duliuque , St. Paul and Mlnneanolla.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullrran S cc | > ors and the Flnut Dining Cars In
10 M . rid are run on the main linen of thoCHIOAUO ,
ttcntlonls paid to passengers by courteous employes
the Comf any , c
B. MKItlllLL , ( Icri'l Manager.
A. V. II. CAUl'KNTKIt , Ocn' 1'aas. Agt.
T. cr.AHK , ( Jcn'l H.ipt.
UKO. II. 11KAKKOJU ) , Aw'L Orul. Paaa. Agt ,
1 OF MANLY ViaOB.fljBormatorr
jhcca. eto. ! when all other reme.
5 dies1'all A cure guaranteed.
[ / ! , 60 a bottle , large bottle , four
tlmea the quantity , (6 , Uy ex
press to any adJrets. Bold by
all druggists. KNOLISII MEDI-
M > INHTITUTK , Proprietors , 718 Olive Btroet , Bt.
juta , Mo.
"I have sold Sir Astley Cooper1 ! Vital Iloatorativ *
ryvus. Kvery customer speaki highly of It. I
ihMlUtlnglyondoroe It as a remedy ol tru * merit
"O , f CIOOUUAH , Druifgls
aK 1 IMS vIB-mict.
$ 1,000.00 ! $ !
\ rlI.L to jiuldto any one who will flnd a parthle
1 ol Mercury , 1'otakh , Iodine , Artitulc , or any I'ol-
noun sutjstauco In
"I Imvo cured Illood Taint ly tha use ol Hwllt'a
fieclllc alter I lidd niott nlgntlly failed vtlth the lltr-
Jry and 1'otath Trtalnient.
F. A. 700MKII , M. 1) . I'trry , Oa ,
"Hwlft'i Hnclllo | lias 100 of Kirolulaof 12
tarx utandliiL' , Had orc , ) in larco au my hand , and
'c'O ODU thought I a doomed , Hmft' fij > vlllo
ured mu niter ph ] tlcliuis and all other mullclno had
Htd ' n. L. 111(111 ( , I nokv , Ark.
( A nnnwoulj "ot purch.uu from uo what
1 UUUWB llt' KiierllohniIoiioforiue. ! It
udro mo ol HheuinatlemrauBvd by malaria. "
AHC'Hll' 'JHOMAH , HiirlugUUJ , Tumi ,
ur Troatloe on lilood and HUn l > l ca o walled tree
Drawir S , Atlanta , ( la.
V Olll-c , 1 < ; iJV ' 2-1 t , litvcrnfl ll und "til
Vlmu. jjil nl jji v , t1 5 < jt t Ut at.
12 Benutiful Rcsidonco Lots , jusl
off St. Mary's Avenue , north of
Woolworth's nnd Counoll's
residences , " ,000 to
82,500 'each. '
Easy Terms.
10 Lots on 21st , 82tl , 2Jrd ! aud
USaundors , near Grnco Street , " ?
$000 each. Easy terms.
Will buy a lot in Lowe's addition
only 1 j miles from the postoffico
J of a milo west from the end
, of Red Street Car Line. Any
Terms to suit buyers.
Lots iu "Sunny Side" on California
nnd Cnss streets , near 27th St. ,
$ U50 to $750 each. Easy
Lots in "Grand View" and "Credit
Poncier" Additions only IJ or 4
blocks southeast of the U. P.
and J3. & M. Railway depots ,
$5 OtoS2,00cncli. ( ) Any
terms to suit purchasers.
Lots in Henry & Shelton's , Smith's.
llorbnch's , Fhinr.'ls , McCormick's ,
Lowe's , second addition , etc. ,
etc. , at nil prices and on
easiest terms.
On Gumiags I/.nrd Nicholas , Caldwell -
well , Parlc and Uniniltou streets ,
mid on 32d 33d , 34th , 35th
nnd 3(5th ( Si reels , half milo
west of Military Bridge
aud Sauuders Street ,
S375 TO SI OOO. terms that purchasers mny
Seventy Houses nnd lots $700
to 412,000 ench.
rhreo acres with 300 feet south
frontage , on St. Mary's nvoiiue ,
with Inrgo brick building , only
one-half milo from Postoflico
$29,000. Easy Terms.
Beautiful Acre site on Cutning St. ,
one block cast of the Academy
of the Sacred Heart. $3,500.
Any terms will cut it up.
Very Choice three-quarters of nil
ncrecorner diagonally across from
S. E. corner of Sacred J feart
grounds , 181) ) ft. north front
age on California St. , nud
150 ft. west fruitage on
Kennedy St. Price ,
$2,500. Terms to
sujt purchasers.
) nly n few lots loft in this addition ,
six blocks west of end of Red St.
car line , one and one-half milus
froin the posiollico , and one
mile from the U. P. shops.
? 300 and upwards. Any
terms desired.
Jail and Get Plats , Prices , Etc ,
Of Omalm , $ 10 Each.
Monev Loaned
m improved real estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Lots for sale in every part of the
sity , North , South , East , or West.
iTouses , LotsFarms , Lands , Stores
OJlices , llooms , etc. , for Kent.
) eads , Mortnges , Leases nnd all
kinds of Goiiveynnco promptly
attended to.
3nsiness nnd "VVnrohouHo Lots for
sale , }
Til T
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ?
to select from ,
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & ] Water !
Ami nil of the good nnil plunsnnt things tlmt go to innke up n com
plete and hiippy existence.
The town o South Omnliri is situated south o the city o Omalm
on the line of : the U. P. llmhvny. nud it is less than i miles from the
Oinithu post oQico to the north line o the town site.
South Omnha is nonrly 1-J miles north and south by i etabnnd
west , and covers nn nrou of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards nro at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly IftO lots have boon sold r\ud the demand is on the increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The # 60,000 bee pricking house is progressing finely.
The $30,000 Water Works are keeping pace with the other im J
provements , and thollotol and Exchange Building will be erected at once
The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have n union depob
near the parlc at the north end o the town. Suitable grounds will bo
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. EThoy will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
jJ3gT"Apply at the ComprinyVoflIce , cor. ofJUth and Douglas 'streets
over the Omaha Saving's Bank.
Assistant Secretary.
J. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE. Cashier.
Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO.
Fire nnd Buralar Proof Safoa for Ront'nt from $5 to $50 per annum.
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hoio , Brass and Iron FJttln-a ,
team Pocking at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
The Palnco Ilotol of Denver.
Oor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts
Hoeing 7Cc to f 2,00 per ilty , Special Half 6 by the Month.
Conducted on the American and European Plane.
Board $7 per week.
Spasms , Eclampsy nnd
Nervousness nro
I The Honorariums nro duo
only after success ,
Treatment by Correspondence
\ unlu < Hliu llrntclimi K ld MciUl Jor dUtlnul ( ! tied
mcrltii by the "Soilctle Keiuntlll < | uo Iranuleu , "
( die Frcnih Kclt-ntlllo Kocltty ,
< l , PMf-o < lu Tnnir , C ) , . l' 1UJS ,
THIS BKLToritegenra-o
tor la made enprctaly lor
the euro ol derangements
i ol the generative or aue ,
I Tbrre li no mlitake about
I thla Instrument , the con.
tluuoun Btreau cl ELKO
TK1CJITY perrueatlni ;
' through the paruiaugt run. i
tore them to healthy action
Do not confound thU with
. . . . - Klectrlo Belts adifrtleed to
euro all alia Irom head to oe. It In lor the ONt ; ipeo-
Itlu purpoao. For clrculn 1'lvlng lull Information ,
addrriu L'hcover Elcotrlo licit Co , , 1U Waahlogtou
tit. , Chicago.