Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1884, Image 4

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Orrmlm Offloo , No. 010 Furrmm Bf.
OonncllBttiIT omcc , No. 7 1'carl 8t ,
8troctNcar Broadway.
Now York OOlco , lloom 05 Trltmn
rnbllahod everr rrprnlng , , eTcept Bdnd y Tt
ol > Monday tnomlDR dally.
One Year . 110.00 I Throa Konthi . | 3. (
BIzHontnt , . . . . . . . R.OO | One Month . . . l.C
Per Week , 28 Cent * .
One Year . tlOO I Three Uonthi . I t
BlxUonthl . . 1.00 1 Ono Month. . . . S
AmnrtcAn News Oompanf , Sola ApjnU , Nowtdta
n In the United States.
All Comtnnnlntttoni rclitlnit to News andKdltorli
mattcn ihouM bo addrestwd to the KDIIOU or Til
Letton'and Remittances ihould'b
addrcMcxl to Tnn n Ponusniito OoMrAXT , q > * nj
rratle , Chcckii and Pontotnco orders to be .made pa )
obit to the order of the company.
B. B08B\7ATBB , Editor.
A. n.Fllth. Mtnigcr , Dally Clicul tlcn P. O..D
498 Omaha , Neb. _
TAMMANY kicks against the unit rulo.
UNDEK the two-thirds rule it will require -
quire 518 votca to nominnto in the dem
ocratic national convention.
Tnc Nebraska democratic delegates
are for Cleveland with ono exception.
J. Sterling Morton in for Bayard.
CoxonESH lias adjourned to meet nl
Chicngo , at the call of the chairman o :
the national democratic convention.
SENATOH JONAS is present at Barnum'a
great democratic mcnngorio. The ques
tion now is whether the whale will swal
low Jonas , or [ Jonas swallow the whale.
KAFFON'R appointmo 1.1 ii (
boeu received with favor in that country.
Mr. Kosnoa ought now to bo able to com
promise that little unpleasantness be
tween Bismarck and the American hog.
MR. RANDALL says his principal busi
ness in Chicago is to look after the demo
cratic platform. If all the platform tin
kers manage to got in their pot planks ,
the platform will bu a sort of crazy quijt
GENKHAL GOUDON has at last rant thn
fate which it was expected would
long ngoovortako him. According to the
latest reports ho has been murdered by
its own soldiers , and the Mahdl now oc
cupies Khartoum.
ACCOIIDINO to the Associated Press the
picture presented at the opening of the
democratic circus wna majestic. When
Darnura introduced the cacrcd white elephant -
IJf' ' phant of Massachusetts , 13. F. B. , the
IJf'a uproar was simply uproarious.
a/ /
TUB river and harbor appropriation
amounts to over $13,500,000 , of which
the Missouri goto about $050,000. Now
that Omaha is represented by ono of her
citizens in the commission , she will prob
ably receive lior proper aharo for the im
provement of her river front.
WOHK has been suspended at the navy
yard owing to the failure of congress to
raako an appropriation for ita continuance.
There is nothing very serious about this
as wo have no navy worth mentioning ,
and consequently there Is no use of wast
ing any moro money on navy-yards.
TIIK St. Paul Pioneer Press says ;
Omaha is becoming the cattle market
of the west. Now contracts over Iowa
lines have this fall diverted from the
Omaha road n bis ; fraction of the cattle
shipments that last season passed through
St. Paul. The shipping season has just
opened , and it remains to bo Been what
in.roa.dq h vo boon made iti thia direc
TIIK first tiling that the band played
at the democratic picnic was "Dixio , "
which , of course , created great enthus
iasm , especially among the southern del-
gates. It wan also played iu the republi
can convention , but a great many thought
iho baud was domucratiu and out of
iuno ,
MULK BAUNUM , in opening the demo
cratic convention , tnado an urgent plea
for harmony. If ho can harmonize John
Kelly , Bon Butler , Bam lUudall , Oar-
lisle , Abe Hewitt and J. Sterling Morton
Iio will carry out a bigger contract than
ho over did in furnishing mules to carry
THE great commonwealth of Massachu *
motU now has an opportunity to got oven
with her old-timo enemy South Care
lina. Governor Robinson has issued a
H requisition on the governor of Illinois
for the delivery of Franklin J. Moio ,
once governor of South Carolina , who , it
is charged , by personating ono GoorgoD.
Bryan obtained from Thomas Wentworth
Higginson , of Cambridge , the sum ol
$31 , and thus rendered himself liable to
iho penalties for false personation ,
TUB Omaha Republican raises a'howl
of indignation because Senator Van Wyck
lias eocured the appointment of Judge
Kinney , of Nebraska City , to a fourth-
rate Indian agency. The llcpuUlcan
finds fault with thn appointment on the
ground that Judge Kinney is a democrat.
It la , perhaps , true that he is a democrat
a sort of Van "Wyck democrat , as it
wore. If ho had boon a Union Pacific
democrat the Republican would not
have peeped. Senator Van Wyck has
perhaps converted Judge Kinney to the
. If o he
I , t doctrines of republicanism. ,
has done a valuable service to tlio party
and the country.
MiKhOtmi has had ono year of the
Downing liquor linconsolaw. Under the
J operation * of luXlaw the number of ea-
Joonalw decreased in numberl,245. The
total number of falcons , store/ , drug
Uilod liquor -under former license laws i
1882 was , G01. Under the Downin
law the whole number of like establish
monta is 3,150 ; showing decrease
counHog alt classes of retailers , of 451
While the number 6f dramshop .license
decreased 1,245 , the number of beer am
wino licenses increased only 905 , ant
while there has boon a material docroas
in the number of drinking establish
menU in the slate the revenue to the
state and county has increased by the
sum of ono million dollars. This in
crease of revenue moro than doubles the
amount of the annual stale school fund
and four fifths of it goes to the counties
The liquor traillo of Missouri now pays
about ono-tliird of the entire state rove
ntio. This is indeed a very favorable
showing and it certainly ought to bo satis
Factory to the people of Missouri. It is
not likely that they will over swap license
For prohibition. The high license law operates
orates equally as well in Nebraska whicl
stale was the first , or among the very firs
a adopt the high license system. Ex
icrionco shows that high license is more
satisfactory in every respect than prohibi
ion , which means frco whisky and no
revenue therefrom , as is shown by the
ircsont condition of affairs in the pro-
libilory states of Iowa and Kansas.
The city of Minneapolis continues its
wonderful growth. In I860 its popula
tion was 5,809 ; in 1870 13,000 ; in 1880
it was 48,053 , and now in 1881 it in 101-
% 7. The now directory contains 39,533
lames , which , multiplied by 2 and Cl-
LOOths , the most conservative multiple in
estimating population upon the return ol
ndividual names , gives the above result.
Multiplied by 2 the population would
> o 113,657 , and by 3 , which many cities
u o and consider reasonable , u total of
18,599 is shown. Butthomost moderate
alculation shows that the city ia entitled
o moro than is claimed , 100,000 , and
hat the prediction of 200,000 population
n six years is fully justified. Iho mul-
iplo 2 and 04-lOOths is that obtained by
Iio census of 1880 and the directory
ount of the sanio year. The increase in
aluation of taxable property during
Iio year fully sustains the cstlmalod
lopulation. In 1870 tha assessed valua-
ion was § 1,292,151 ; in 1875 it was
§ 21,8 1,079 ; in 1883 it was § 51,002,409 ,
nd this year it is about $80,000,000.
Minneapolis has a banking capital of over
5,000,000 ; and during the past year
Iio had a net gain of 79J now business
rms. There ia probably no city in the
world that hau had such a marvellous
rovrth in so uhort a time. It is not so
urprising , however , whan we consider
10 advantages that she possesses. Ilcr
nlimitcd water-power has made her a
rcat manufacturing city , and her super-
or location in a region that possesses
ast resources has made her a great com
mercial center.
Wo havo'publishod the I above figures
nd facts to show the people of this city
lat Omaha ia not the only place that is
laving n healthy and substantial growth ,
nd that wo are inclined to overestimate
ur own population. The Omaha diroc-
ory of 1884 contains 18,410 names , and
nultiplying this by 2 G4-100ths , the same
nultiplo used by Minneapolis , wo find
ur population is 48i02 ( , and multiplied
y the moro liberal number , 3 , our pop-
lit ion is 55,230. It is safe to say that
) maha 1ms a litllo over 50,000 people ,
nd that if she grows In the same ratio
lat she has since 1880 she will probably
each 100,000 before 1890.
It will be * noticed that the assessed vol
ition of Minneapolis has boon honestly
ncrcasod from year to year to correspond
vith her growth. In Omaha the valua-
ion has remained the same for years , and
lint , too , at a ridiculously low figure , n
light increase having boon made only ro-
onlly. lu 1880 , when Minuoapoliu had
8,053 people , her assessed valualion wns
28,013,315 , wliilo Omnlm , with a popu-
ation of over 30,000 , had an assessed
aluation of only about $7,000,000. The
linnoapolis of to-day , with her 100,000
ooplo , has an assessed ualuation of $80-
100,000 , while Omaha , with her 50,000
ooplo , has an assessed valuation of only
bout $9,000,000. If Qmnlm had on honoit
faeoainciit , like that of Minneapolis , her
alualion to-day would certainly bo not
ess than $25,000,000 or $30,000,000.
Although Omaha cannot expect over
o rival Minneapolis an a manufacturing
ity , eho 1ms1 no St. Paul to oompoto with
as a jobbing point , and the country tribu-
ary to Omaha is fully aa productive as
rlinnesotn , and Dakota. There is cor-
ainly a great deal of encouragement for
Omaha in the possibilities which the facts
and figures above foreshadow.
THE fencing in of largo tracts of land
> y monopoly cattle companies in the
grazing regions of the west continues to
> o a cause of great complaint op the part
of small'cftttle > eompanios who are thus
cut off from water privileges and are
imitod on their rauoe. The time is com-
ng when the fencing system will have to
)0 abandoned , particularly whore there
s a trespass upon the public domain ,
uita have been commenced ] in tha
United States counts against such tros-
> asslng cattle companses in western aud
lorth-westorn Nebraska , whore the
privileges of the small cattle owners have
men interfered with by the monopolists
nd whore oven the rights of the homo-
loaders have not boon respected. The
amo complaints coma from Colorado aud
few Mexico.
In Novr Mexico complaint having boon
mido by a largo number of small cattle
loldors and bonafido sotllora that great
njuslico was being done them by those
ences , Government Agent Sanborn wont
.own to that country some time ago and
xatnincd into the case. Iio has pro.
wed a map with descriptions setting
orlh by moots nud bounds what the
'alrle cattle oainpv y , a fjr3u ' ;
corporation , ha * inclosed. Ilis report
port is now with the department of th
interior at Washington , and the department
mont han ordered a suit commenced
against said company in the Unitec
States court to determine whether it is
trespass on the public domain , The cai
will como up at tha September term , ant
will bo considered a test case * for al
others of like nature.
IN the democratic convention of 188
the presidential aspirants wore Hancock
Ilandall , Bayard , Payne , Thurman
Field , Morrison , Ilondricka , Tildon am
Seymour. All of those tnon , with the
exception of Seymour and Hancock arc
ngnin before the convention , moro or
less prominently. In 1880 Hancock ro
coivcd 171 votes on the first ; ballot , Bay
ard 152J , Payne 81 , Thurman 08J , Field
05 , Morrison 02 , Hondrioks 50J , Tildon
38 , Seymour 8 , scattering 31. Hancock
was nominated on the second ballot
Hancock received 320 , Ilandall 128J
Bayard 113 , Thurman 50 , Field C5J
Uondricks 31 , balance scattering
Changes wore made b-sforo the rosul
was announced which gave Hancock 705
Tin : first democratic national convention
tion was hold in 1832 , when Martin Vat
Duron was nominated for vice-president
Andrew Jackson having been already
selected for president. Prior to thin
imo nominations had boon made by leg
slativo and congressional caucuses. The
irst national convention to ioloct a candidate
didato for the presidency was nold by the
anti-masons at Baltimore , in 1831. The
convention plan was soon aftorwardi
adopted by other parties. The two
, hirds rule , which prevails in democratic
conventions , was adoplod in 1835 , when
Van Buron was nominated.
OLD GIUMES is dead , but young Grimes
ms just boon appointed register of the
forth Platte land office , which place
Alonzo H. Church had within his grasp
t ono timo. Young Grimes is a ono-
lorso lawyer from Valley county , who
istinguished himself in the last logisln-
uro by playing capper for the monopolies
nd supporting all sorts of jobs. Ho
oted for Mr. Mandorson on the last
allot. This is a civil service reform In a
It ia now officially announced by the
Beatrice Jlepnblican that the Hon. N.
\ . . Griggs , the poet laureate of Nebraska ,
ositivoly declines to bo a candidate this
all either for district attorney , state
onator , governor , or congressman.
uch thinga bo )
TIIK rock that is being crushed for the
tiDe of the Farnam street pavement
ught to bo thoroughly screened , after
eing crushed , as there is too much mud
; icking to it. This mud is mixed with
lie crushed rock and goes to form a part
f the pavement which ought not { o bo
PnoiiiiiiTioN does not seem to prohibit
n some of the cities of Iowa , notably in
Dubuquc , Sioux City and Council BlulTa.
n these placcHna well as in many others ,
aloona are running as usual. The lead-
ng brewer of Sioux City declares that his
usincss linn doubled since the law went
ito ofi'oct.
JAMES E. BOVD has taken the place of
. Sterling Morton on the national dom
cratio committee , Mr. Boyd'a pork
'bar'l" will bo open not only to the
) mnliog but to all the Nebraska dcm-
cralio porkers. This will probably
lollify the Omaha Jlcrahl.
iNduiusoLL proposes to toll us what
wo shall do to bo saved. If Bob would
ell us what wo should do to keep cool ho
would bo more appreciated. With the
icrcury indicating 100 in the shade poole -
lo are very much frightened about hotter
HKNUI WATEH.SON is publishing in the
olinnns of the Chicago 'limes a Chicago
dition of his Louisville Courier-Journal
or the benefit of the blue grass politi-
ians at the National convention. His
avorito candidate is McDonald ,
BUTLKU , who ia the presidential noini-
ice of several nideahows , says that ho will
upport the nominee of the Chicago con
vention , whoever ho may bo. If Bon
looan't got the nomination himself , what
rill ho do with his side shows'/ /
IK wo had any assurance thai Bob In-
; orsoll would repeat at the opera house
iis great speech nominating James G.
Maine at Cincinnati in 1870 , wo could
nsuro him a full houao with but very lit-
le advertising.
IP J. Sterling Morton goU in an auti-
nonoply plank in the democratic plat-
orm it will be a doublo-endor.
Johnny ' Mistake ,
Coloiiol MoLood , although not a bad
man at heart , psos very rough language
n his intercourse with his family. On
oturuing to his homo from his place of
msinofts a few days ago ho found his
wife very much excited over the outra-
; oous conduct of a tramp , who , being
lissatisQod with the food given him by
ilru. MoLood , had abused hur iu a most
outrageous manner.
'Johnny , " said Col. MoLood to his
on ycpr old son , "when you hoard that
corardly scoundrel abusing your mother
why didn't you run to the store quick
and Jot mo know ? Didn't you hoari"
"Yob , pa , I was out in the stable and
luard what ho said about the food a a
$ ave him , and how ho abused hcr.but "
"But what ? "
"I thought it was you scolding ma. Ho
used the same words you do when tlio
dinner don't suit you. I didn't think
ny ono else would dare to talk to ma in
hat way. "
n M -
Bmoko Seal of North Carolina Tobac
co ,
GoUonwood 1 gold In Wiwhburn , delhcrci :
nt $2,50 n cord. t
Kdmundfl county' * Indauteiltiogfl In out
standing warrants Is ? 2,500.
Jh-yn has expended neatly 380.0C3 In aid
Ins Improvcmonfi go f r thli eeaion.
AlexniuHa'a nanred vnliiotlon U 3120.0CO
nn Increase of plmost ono hundred per cant.
o\er liwt year.
The HomMtnlto Mining company nt Dond
wood hM paid ( lIvldnruMo dnto Amounting to
tlio largo ( mm of $2 , 137,600.
A fmo court-homo Inilldln ? , nn elevator am
a I > KO nnd oIcgantHchool.housa pro In proccs
of construction at Kllomlnlo.
A tooth from the jaw cf fin onlldchivlun
mammmith meamirinft eight Inches In length
hnsljcon exhibited In Doadwood. It wna
picked up In the Bad Land * .
Amongst tlio attractions offered by Chnm
Ijerlaln , to Rath or a crowd there on the Fourth
wr the announcement on jwstcrs that "BOVCU
horse thlovoi will bo hung thcro that day. "
The Yankton Prosn thinkn Qov , Ordwny
liri accumulated over 82CD.COO worth of Da
kota iHoporty since ho came to the territory
1 ( it Gov. Ordway is reported ns saying tha
ho wnSlO.OCO poorer than whonhowriop
pointed to the governorship.
Twenty moro employes of the Union 1'Acifi
ntCuoyonno have boon let out.
Hon. .Tolin W. Lacy , cf Indiana , has boon
nppolntad chlot justice of the tenltory.
It. 13. Ilorrlo , of Cheyenne , hai purchwoc
of Mr. 1'lunkott 4.COD head of cattle for 581 ,
An onlor of Htntcra of the Holy Child wll
ojjflii n Cnthollo echool at Choyouno next Sop
Tlui stock mon of tlio plnlns are nlremly or
doling curM to Bhl | cattle ( o tlio eait. Gonor.i
HlilpmonU bcRlu nt , mt Ilia Ifith loft.
A ritliBtrllto of tillvcr lir ? tfron made nt the
Ceiitennial ramp , June went of Laramio. The
oio IH said to ftfiHayICO mines' ) to the ton.
Tlio Choyemm Sun clnlini that Lnramte
county U the richest lu the United Statci
population considered. The assessment rol
foots up SS.GOO.OOO , m incrcajo of 51.500.COO
over last year.
The eocloty of Colorado Tloncors have In
corporntod under the law of that state.
The ronolpts of the sUto troivjuror tlurimr
Juno amounted to S37.23J.07 and the oxpori
dltiiros to § G9,7UO'G. !
The Boulder rod sand stone quarries nro
supplying' Kansas City with 12WX ) cubic
yards of pnIng stonoa ,
It will not bo overestimating to put tlio
noreaso of the cattle fninily of the state nl
. ' 00,000 the present year , r
The Tioadvlllo council offers 5500 reward for
the apprehension of Incendlarlcn. A number
of them have recently boount work in that
city. * ' .
Ninety conta la all that' festorn capltallati
mvo offered for the Denver bonds. Mayor
totitt says they nro ROO J as gold , and should
not bo thus sacrificed.
( Irooloy'rt now court house which cost SCO-
CO , was frescoed S100.C30 worth and the com-
nisaionors nro now kicking themselves for
vnstini ? .money on fancy colors.
The city council of lienvoi1 granted the city
vntor comiiany the exclusive ) right to lay pipes
n the streets , nnd uow the city solons do not
now what to do with the artesian water.
Colorado is now claiming to bo n great cop
or state ; that is , great In her undeveloped *
oppor. Her depoaiti of brass , although well
svelopod , are still her chief eourco of wealth.
At n meeting of the Colorado Cattle Grow-
ra' association It was almost the unanimous
pinion of the members priyont that thn fonc-
ng of the public doiimtu should bo prohib
it. . .
The llio Gnando ia runnlng'tralns regularly
etweou Denver and Publo , > nd expected to
et through to Salldn by Jastj Saturday. Iho
Ogden line cannot bo opened for yet another
Santa Eduwigcs inmo , nt Loadvilla , owned
and controlled by ox Senator , Tuuor , Judges
A. S. WoHCoii nnd 0. J.llowel ! oem t6 bo
conceded by mathrnaticlans to contain aa
nuch na 500,000 ton ; the lowest as-ay yet ob-
mined fo S25 per ton and/ the highest about
1,000 per ton. It will certainly nvorago § 50
> or ton nil through and. very , probably much
mttor. At this low firtutlio dump olono
vouldgivo the owners : 25,000,01.0 , , to any
nothing of the .aluo . of the mine
roper. _ _ _ _ _ _
The territorial court has boon moved from
'rovo to Ogdou.
The wages of employes of the Utah Central
will bo reduced IU per ccutton the loth iust.
The receipt. ) of bullioni'in Salt Lake city
or the six uionlis ondiiu iTuno 30 , was $2-
589,1)00.30. )
GcorgoA. Sanderson , of Toledo , succeeds
T. It , ' McConnell rs general ogout of the
rolgnt department of thoj Union I'.acil'u nt
Sell Lnko city. W
Cattle shipments over the Oregon Short
jlno have already begun.
W , M. ISunn , the now governor of the tor-
itory , uccoinpanicd by his wlfo , has arrived
ut lioiao city.
Surveyors of the Utah nnd Northern nro
ottlug ntukoj for n brunch from Cainas atatitm
i ( > Itlrch creek to tap the iniuoj there ,
Horoo and c.ittlo thlovoa have bccomo BO
juld in Idaho tliat n general association of all
tock men in the torrltory ia a necessity , an a
noaus of protection ,
Lots nnd buildings In Kaglo which cost all
wav from 91.60J to S 5,1100 can now bo
) ouht ( for 3100. Property is higher at Mur-
ayvillo , but is weakening.
TliolSolso Stntoaninn says the work of grad-
ng the Uolso branch of the Oregon Short Line
vlll bo dona as fur na may provo practlcublo
> y the loinl labororfi In the vulloy nud that
ec'ion of Idaho , aud that lu the matter of
iiirclmslng grain and other ncodod products ,
irofuronco will bo given to tlio Boico valley
I'riiiQrs , piovidod they bo reasonable in tliolr
Another Omaha jourualUt has branched out
with a now paper In Idaho. Too Shoshone
Journal , published by W. 0. B. Allen , U
out , and i * fully up to the high standard of
> ho papers heretofore published by Mr. Alton.
L'his ia the third paper started In the inoun-
aln-lock territory by Omaha men , and all
exhibit that enterprise and "inonoy-got-atlvo-
io8i clinractoristlo of Guto citizens.
Theio U eomo oxcltoinpnt in llolso valley
oor tlio discovery of what ia believed to bo
good diggings In the old south channel of
iolao river , which at soma period ran through
Jixio slough. Gold la found for a dliUuco of
wolvemiloa In the old river bod. The character -
actor of the gold Is different Irom that on
inako tiver. This Is a tint scale gold , while
that of Snake liver is a line Hour gold. A
[ oed many location * have boon made.
The Lexington inlno at Butte yielded SCO-
000 in Juno.
The extraction of ore continues lu the
Anaconda mine at ilutte , from 1 1 fuco > : that
H from the 200 to the 800-foot levels , iuclu-
Ivo , ore ia being taken from the face of tlio
cost ami wodt drift ) . Nothing better Indi
cates tlio remarkable regularity of the ledge
and the uniformity of the uro dopotit , and
vhen It Is known that the face of oich drift
1 nil in ore with almost measureless reserves
n all sides , tha iiuinltudo of the vein may
jo f.ilntly concoivod.
( irasslioppors In vast numbers are playing
mvoo with iho crops on the Coaumues , Tliey
von eat Mnyweod and all kinds of grasses.
Julian K. Brandon of Stockton killed n
rlzzly boar , weighing 1.1UO . pounds , in the
nountains near Sheep Jlauou , Cttlaverns
County , a- few days pgo.
The dreaded disease of qlinders has nuido
ts upixiarauco among tha horses In Sun Frnn-
Isco. The nlfected nnlmala huvo boon ordered
hot by the health ollichU.
Crop wix > rU from all parU of the state In-
Hc.ito that the harvest of groin will bo nbuiiu.
lit , whlld tlio hay crop lieu be9i greatly dam.
ed by the recent rains. The fruit iiroduc-
Ion will bo unsurpassed in both quantity ami
GoVf rnor Stoneman and utlwir Ifadlnt ; men
I'f-e ti'.ol.vv4ttdJro d it v'rcular to tuo
i)0 > plo , that on the 28th ot August next , Ca
Ifornla will commemorate the one hundredt
nnnlvor-atyof the death of her first pioneer
the founder of the Indian missions , 1'adro Ju
nlporo Sorra.
Xfrs. I.nngtry made $18,000 out of her tw
wooka' fioa'on in San 1'Vanclsco. The CA
say a ! "Thin Rum was paid for nn exhibition o
boasted beauty with a feint sprinkling of dro-
tnntlc talent , Ordlnaiy mortal * would con
aider thia compensation liberal for , say , clxt
hours of p < vjng | before the footlights : but "th
beauty , " wo nro told , feels dl-satisfiod tha
tha amount la not greater , of tor aha had take
the trouble to travel so far that San Francis
cans inlfht enjoy the prlllcgo of toeing hor.
Two Young Men nnd n Young Glr
Drowned wliilo UoiUlnK on
tlio Detroit.
DKTUOIT , July 8. Two girls , aged 12 an
13 , went from this city to Sandwich , below
and on the opposite nldo of the river , on
ferry boat Sunday nftcfiuinn. There they ft
in with two young men about 18 , who too
them out on the river in n row boat. Th
swells caused by n parsing propeller up ct th
boat , nnd both the young men and ono gir
wcrodrownrd. The other girl clung to th
boat all night and ( until yesterday aftcrnooi
when aho was finally rescued , having drlftct
Noven miles down the river and lodged i
brushes on the Canadian Hide of the river
where her cries at last attracted the attuntlot
of n farmer working in n field adjoining. Th
nauu's of the young inrn nro unknown , Th
drowned girl was nnmua Molliu Boacli , Th
name of the girl whnso pluck and enduranc
saved her lifo Is Mary Manoy.
Cholera ItnvnscH Continue Ai
Kxodus from Marseilles ixnd
Toulon A KtiHli Irom
MAIIHKILLKH , July 8. Vourtcen death
from cholorn last uvcning. Tlio panic is iu
creasing. All who can nro leaving. Genera
uneasiness prevails.
1'Alils , July 8. It la fearixl them will b
bo an exodus from Marseilles and Toulon as a
remit of the spreading of tbo cholera. Th
migration from Paris to the seaside is in
TOULON , July 8. Ten deaths by cholera
last ev fining one a Sister of Charity.
Dry Goods lu Now York.
NKW YOUK , July 8. The auction sale o
jrown , blue and silver gray blankuts by order
of the manufacturers passed off quietly. The
iriccs realized were very low , _ end return n
argo loss to the mills. The qualities were not
exactly up to the requirement ! ) , but ovcry
> aekngo offered was Bold. Buyers will find
horn represented in the following houses :
foseph IIowo & SOD , Pittsburcr. ; Louis Stix &
3o. . and Joseph A. JJrigol it Co.t Cincinnati ;
) . Lowonstoln it Pro. , Memphis ; Marshall
! 'icld & Co. , J. V. Karwell & Co. , and Storm
k Hill. Chicago ; J. M. Robinson & Co. .
. .ouiaville ; Bulleno , Morse & Emory , and the
V. II. Grimes dry goods , Kansas City. Iu
rints nndfc otton goods there has been n fair
iquiry , .is in ihnnols , but tli3 market is
euerally very quiet.
. Hot Wind Sweeps BloomIngton
Liike n Besom.
pecial Dispatch to TUB Bin. :
BI.OOMINCTO.V , July 8. A hot wind visited
iis section to-day , and great fears nro e\-
ressed as to the result on the crops. Ther-
loineter 108 in the shade.
An IJno Attorclap.
NEW YORK , July 8. The failure of A.
Jyott fc Co. vvaa announced on the stock , ox-
hango this afternoon. They have no open
ontracts In the board. This is the firm with
vhich John C. Eno , the president ot the
second National bank , transacted his stock
ircrationa ,
Why is it
hat the sale of Hood's Snrsaparilla con-
inues at such a rapidly increasing rate ?
[ t in ,
1st : Because of the positive curative
raluo of Hood's Sarsaparilla itself.
2d : Because of the conclusive evidence
} f remarkublo cures efibcted by it , unsur
passed and seldom equalled by any other
ncdiciuo. Send to C. 1. Hood & Co. ,
jowoll , Mass , for book containing many
tatemonts of cures.
A Pftlr of Tragic Young Ijovcre.
AUSTIN , 111. , July 8. This afternoon Henry
lummor aud May Whitney , young people
vho Imvo been keeping comiiany , were found
yitig on n sidewalk with bullet holes in their
cads. Tlio girl lias remained unconscious
vorxincu. Summers saya BIO shot him and
hen hersflf. The pislol with which the deed
vasdono ishis and theru nru suspicions that
o did the shooting. It is Mippnfccd to be the
usult of ale > erd' quairul. Summer may re-
Tlio Now Yorlcrrolilimionlsts
ALIUNY , Julv 8. In the st.xto prohibition
on volition to-day W. .1. Grow , tcmpoiniy
liaiimau , said tlio prohibitionists can gut
othing from the republican or democratic
artics nnd advocated a third party. lie-
ess. '
Tlio Emerald Itonovolciico.
Pirr.snuuo , July 8. Thti convration of tlio
Emerald Beneficial association met hart' this
norninp. It will be In souion sovvral days ,
'ifty ilelpL'ates nro prcboot from New York ,
ihlo , Indiana , I'oniisvlvania , Illinois , Va
luta , Canada nnd the District of Columbia.
TT U at this season when the pores open freely and
L the pcruplrutlon Is abundant that DlallK'iirini !
lumors , Humiliating Krujitlons , ItchliiK Terturea ,
alt lUieuui or Kcseina , Psoriasis , Tetter , lUniiworm ,
Jabv Humor * , Scrolub , Scrofulous SoroJ , Alwcesses
nd Discharging uoumli , and eerf species ol Itch-
ng , icaly and Plniply Diseases of the hUn and Scalp
ro incut speedily and economically cured by the Cutl-
ura Hcmixle ) .
Hundreds of letters In our posicsaion ( copies of
hlch may bo had by return mall ) are our nufnorlty
or the aaacrtlon that Skin , Scalp and Hlood Humori ,
hethcrBcrofulou , Inherited or ConUKioun , may
SOW bo permanently curtd by Cullcura llosolrcnt ,
he new Blood Purifier , Diuretic and Aiwrleiit , In.
rnally , and Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap , the great
kin Cures and Uoautlfleri , externally , In one half
ho time and at onca hall the expcmw ol any other
Cuttcurft Remedies are the greatest mrdlclnes on
arth. Ha'l ' tlio wont cue Salt Ulieuui III the court.
ry. My motlicrhul It twtiity years , and In fact died
rum It. IbclloeCutlcura would hate uucd her
le. > Iyarm > , brvatt and head were covered ( or
hreotirs wlilclinothlii' , ' relluted or cured until I
HH'J the Cutlcura llNuhuntluternally , and Cutlcura
nd Cutlcura Soap e ernal
Great Blood Modlcinoo.
The hall luw not been told aa to tlio ireat curath e
Kiwcrs ot tlio Cuticura Hrmoillei. I la\opotd liuu-
rcdi ot dollars lor medicines to cure dUeAscs ol the
lood and Hbln , and never louud anjthing yet to
iiual thu Cutltura lUuiwllci.
Vrovtdenoe , K.1.
Your Cutlcura Remedied outsell ether in llclnes I
ecu lor skin illseasc . ily cu teiuw < and patients
iay that they ha > v cflected a cure iu emy luoUuoo ,
hero otlicr'iiuitdlc * ha\e Ullod.
1I.W. 1J110CKWAY , M. D
Franklin Falli , N. H.
Bold by all dru lats. Price : Cutlcura , fcOetaj
Uuolvcut , $ l ; ti < ui > . cts. "
OAI > . Itunt/ui. Ma > .
DT ? A TTrnV * " " ' Bouah Cliapped and Qrouy
O tf\\J J. 3. Hklu , IlUcklloadu , I'imple * and
lUnUUinlHliu * . and Inluitlla Humors , uw Cutlcur *
> * | i , a ml ll.vuutlf. r
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Dr. Thomtis' Eclcctric Oil
A Cold or n Hoarseness ,
Dr. Thomas1 JSclectric Oil
Asthma and Diphtheria.
Dr. Thomas1 Ecleotric Oil
Croup and Affections of the Throat.
IPrioo , GOo
Science ot Life , Only $ IOG
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and 1'byeloM Debility ,
Premature Decline In Man , Eircrecl Ycuth , on th
nntold mlEctloa csultlng from Indiscretions ot ox <
cesses. A book for ovcry man , } oung , middle-aged ,
nd old. It contains 125 prescriptions for Ml acute
and chronic diseases each one ol which la Invaluable
< < o found by the Author , whoso ezperlenco for 23
foarj la 6Uch as probably never before fell to the Id
cl any physic an BOO pages , bound In bcantlfrj
French irmaMn mDoeaodcovcrs , full gilt , guaranteed
o be a Oner work n every sense , mechanical , IIS
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country for < 2.60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. Price only 91.00 by mall , poet'
paid. Illustrative sample 5 cents. Send now. do d
medal awarded the author by the National llodlcal
Association , to the otfloera of which he refers.
The Science of Life should bo road bv the young
Instruction , and by the afflicted ( ot relief , n
wll ! benefit alL London Lancet.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of LIfo will not bo uaeful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Ingtructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Fcabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
H. Parker , No. i Bulflnch Street , Boston Mass. , who
may Do consulted on all diseases reqnlrlTr. skill and
oxppilecce. Ohronlo and obstlnatodlsoai.s that have
baffled the oklll of all other phya-lira I dam
a specialty ! Bach treated success(11.141 ( fully
without an InsUme failure. TUVCCI C
thrives on norllcVi Food , " write hundreds of
uratoful mothers. Mother's milk contains no
Ptarch. An artificial food for Infants ehould
contain no starch. Too best and most nutritious
food In health H H B 1 ?
or Ricknpca for
tba lx' t illot for
- - fxr am
ntarch and renuiros no cooking.
Hcconuucndeil by phyplciauK.
lllfrhly beneficial to ISurainir
Motliers as a drink. I'rlco.-lO
U Sktf % J' fl nml 75 cent * . Iy all ilrunrlbts.
Bend lor Book on the Treatment of Children , free.
r'Fastlv dkekted Dd Dutrltloui. " < Baitty ,
' rind U ill thitcocild te deilreJ. " IT.n" Ittli ,
Stllion , Kama * . .
"No btiHincr In T > nounelni ! U inperlor to nj.
thlnj ext nt. ' K. S. Cbturn , U. D. . IYo > , It. Tt.
Will bo sent by mall on receipt of price in stamps.
IIOllI.ICK'S FOOD CO. , llaclne , W N.
a UB HonLica'a PUT ExinACT or MALT'SC
. _ _ .
x jrictbn of early iraprudenco , causing nervous
Cebtllt ? . premature decay , etc. . bitvinis inou in
tain every known remedy , has dlncoverpd a slmrlo
fnoao-ipf nelf-oure. which ho will esd I'llEli to
U.JOCltv'ES.thiin'Kr. . . N w
n April , May and June , 18S4. PASSAGE TICKETS
y all ATLANTIC 8TEASIEK3. Special facilities for
ravoicra In EUROPE , by a'l routes , at reduced rates.
COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with map * aud full par-
particulars , by mall 10 cents. A-ldress
TH08. CTK & SON , MB y adwa.
fiud radical euro by ray
I method , based on recent sci-
ientific researches , even in the
most desperate cases without
any trouble to the functions.
1 1 cure equally the sad COD-
[ coiisequences of the sins of
( youth , nervousness and ini-
r yer to send the Exact description of the SickucBj ,
DH/ .
Dfambor of Several SoiontiOo Sociotioa.
, 1'Iaco < lo la Nation 0 , 1 AK1S.
file Steck is a Durable Piano ,
EL la. t o < 3L
Second Hand Clothing
For Spot Caih. iMl on or address Mr. or ] Hit
! teph n J. IIHOD 1UCK. 018 South 10th street.
[ mported Beer
Brlrroger Bavnria
Julxabacher , . . .Bavana
ilsuor Uohomiau.
vaiser Bremen.
Uudweisor St , louis.
inliausor St. Lotus.
Jeat B. Mipvaukep.
clilitz-Pilsiier Milwaukee.
'rue's Omaha.
A.le , Porter , Domestic and Ilhino
JVmo ! ED. MAUltEH
To iio eimn rinKlroiutu
oUect3 ° < ioutliluUrron ,
Authorized Capital. - $1,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Ste
FiAKu Ifrarnr , ProiMent. I SAM'LK. tlooini , V-P
Bui. D. WOOD , Cashier. | LtrrniR DRAM , A
Frank Unrphy , Samuel E. Rogers , Ben. D. Wood ,
Cliarloa C. UOUMI , A. D. Jones , Luther Drake.
Transact a General DanklnK Business. All who.
have any Danfclnfr business U transact are Invited
call. No matttr how large or small the transaction ,
It will receive our carelul attention , and we ptomlso-
alwaj s courteous treatment.
rava particular attention to business for parties
residing outside the city. Krshanco on all the prlfl.
olpal cities ol the United Statea at very lowest tatea ,
Acoounts ol Bankj and Bankers received on favor
able terms.
" Certlflcato ol Deposit bcarlne 6 pel oen
Buyi and tells rojelgn Exchange , Countr , CU
and Oovernmont seou/ltliui
United States Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
orffanisoa Id 1850.
Organized as a National Bank In
CAPITA ! * . - . . . . 9200,000
Kor/rmi , President.
Jon.t A. CKiiarrroit , Vice President.
A EUSTU8 KODNTZH , 2d VI oo President.
A. J. PorruroH.
F. H. Diva , CMtloi.
W n. Uiexjmia , Assistant Cashier.
Transacts a general banking ; business. Issue * time
oertlftcatea bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San
Francisco and principal cities In the United States
Also London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the prlncip
tics rf this continent and Europo.
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Stsf
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
8. 8. CALDV/ELL , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cnshlor.
Accounts solicitor * , and kept sub
oct to sight chock.
Jortlflcntoa of Deposit Isouod jmv
able In 3,6 and 12 months , bearing
ntoroot , or on demand without In-
Advancos'mndoto customers on
approved securities at market rate
of Interest.
The Interests of Customers are
c'oooly guarded and every facllltv
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extended.
' Draw sight drafts on EnglandIre
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Passa o Tickets-
Cor. 18th aud Douglas St3.
Capital Stock , - - - 8150,000
Liability of Stockholders , 300,000
Fire Per Cent Interest Pail oEDoposite
OCELooris tSa XJirootoria
Ei. M. BENNETT Vlco President
IV. A. PAXTON , Managing Director
MGtalic Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shroufls ,
ETC. , hTO. ,
1000 Farnam St. , - OMAIIA , M3B
rclo raphlo orders promptly attended to. Telephone-
Vo. 821.
I th * old stand liirtarnamitiMt. Order * by
tiapb Rollolted and promptly attested to.
HI North 18th Htrot nmana
tuBolz Aesaiaooe Oo , , ol iiondon , Oash
A W U . , .
Mtcbuter , N , Y. , Capital . 000,000.0
fl.kTcrdauU , ol Nowuk. S. J. , Capital 1,476,000.00
llrardlTlio.i-Uladelrtts , % V'HiJ. . . .1,200.040.01
lieimno'i JTond Ca tal . . . . l.U . .0
. PEABODY M , u.
Uc < ! dence No. HOT JODM Bt. Ofllce , No. IV >
arnaiurilrrct. Olllce hourkllm. to 1 p m , ndr
iu 2 to A ) i 01. Tt ! f ( < l on 1 fir. . " ) (7 , U'fMoocu.