OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY JULY 8 1884. THE MERCHANTS fthorized Crmitul , - $1,000,000 Piid-up Capital , - - 100,000 Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000 BANKING OFFICE I N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sis OmOFR3l T , President. I BAM'LK. Roam , V-P Bui. D. WOOD , Cashier. | LUTUKR DBIKB , A ninRorons : Prank Murphy , Samuel E. Bonn , Ben. B. TVooi Chorlej C. UOUM ) , A. D. Jones , Luther Dreko. Transact General .nankin ? Business. All whe have any Banking business to trn.n ( ct are Invttml t call. No matter how larire 01 small the transaction. It Kill receive our careful attention , and wo ptomtac always courteous treatment. Pays particular attention to business for partl > residing outside the city. Kxahango on all the prln clpal cltlo ) of the United States at v ry lowest rates. Accounts of Banks and Bunkers received on favor able terms. Issues Certificate of Deposit boating 5 pci con Interest Burs and sells Foreign Exchange , County , Cll and Government eocurittna IUnited States Dspository OF OMAliA [ Cor. ISth and Farnam Sts , , , - - The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZK BllOTHEnn. orcr.nlxod in 1808. Organized aa a Rational Bank In CAPITAL 320O.OOO SUUPIrtJS AND PROFITS . $15OOOO orncau DiiBcroM. HIUUH EOITKTZI , President. Joan A. CuKionroK , Vice President A. 008TCS KouirrzB , 2d Vlco Ptostdeal. A. J , rOPPHTOH. F. D. DAVU , CMhlei W n. Mi04tnis , AsstiUni Casblor. Traniucts a irenoral bouklng butlncst Issues tlmt certificates bearing Interest. Draws dralta on Sac Franclaco and principal cities iu the United State ) Also London. Dublin , Kdlnburqh and the prlnclp Itlca rt tbla continent and Kuropo. UNITED STATES U1F OMAHA. S , W , Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sts , Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. S. S. CALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW. Cashlor. DIRECTORS : : S. S. OALDWELL , . F. SMITH , be ) 0. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAKLOV , beS 0. WIIL HAMILTON. to , Accounts solicitor1 and kept subject joct to eight cliocK. Cortlflcatos of Deposit izssuod ay abfe In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing or on demand * vlthout In- root. fir fi AdvancoQ m&do to customers on firn ' ' approved oocurltlcsat market rate n of Intorost. Kina Kim The Intoroots of Customers arr > m c'oooly guarded and every tacllltv. na compntlblo with principles o1 th sound banking freely oxtondod. cei Draw flight drafts on EnglandIro Inr.d , Scotland , end all parts of Eu- pec fJ Toi ! European Paosa o TloKoto 15rNt NtM ( COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. M - eiij of o Cor. ItJlli and Douglas Sts. leg tie Capital Stock ' - 8150,000 ig - , , lor liability of Stockholders , 00,000 foli Five Per Cent Interest M on Deposits COl ' lie ota LOANS MADE ONJtEAL ESTATE Iff Ca JAMKSE. UOYD . President L. M. BENNETT . Vlco I'roildont W. A. 1'AXTON . ManaKluK IJiio.toj nrv JOHN E. WlliUUK , . Cashier ( 're CHAS. F.1IANDUHSON , TIIOS. L. KIJIBALL , tin J. W. OANNKTT , MAX iJEXKK , LtENUY I'UNUTi E ISTONE. . fl , K , BDFoKET nvmi mi is istin tin nc ov a \ U DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER vii 111 North Iflth Street Om b CHARLES EIEWE , crivi \vi UNDERTAKER re' , dewi AND DEALEfl IN wi tit Melalio Cases , Coffins , Gaskets. SuTonfls , fuwi ETC. , ETC. , wi 101 1OOO Far n run St. , - OMAHA , NKB Ol ) Telegraphlo orders promptly attended to. Telephone ar No. Ml. CO : MCCARTHY & BURKE , dlSi Siar ar UNDERTAKERS ! COWI BET. FARNAM WIre 218 HTH STREET , . re AND DOUGLAS. . BREXEL & MAUL , if ( SUCOESSORS TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) ; UNDERTAKERS ! the old Und HIT frarnara street. Orders by ' fcur * solicited and promptly uttetteJ to. . R KrRESEKTS Phanl * Annrace Co. , ol . Y. . Ctplt.l. . . . . . . . . . . . ol Ne iV. .V. J. , Capital , ' iu tli t l iua a , JiiJU. HYSICIAN & SUES3SOH , ' m efenoo Ko. IMT Jonea fit. OKlce. Ko. ISO urna fi rc t OrRco hourii I'Jm. to lp m. , nu . Wi tOi { > . tu if."j' ! wi ; ! ' < e I , < tiw THE MISSION WOKE , Iloport of Mlifiioti AVork to Juno SWli , by Mrs. JU. B. Puller. llecelveil for service * , from Congreg.v tlonnl church 813 00 1'rcsbytorlan church SO 00 IT. 1 * . church 0 15 llocolvoil for use In the work , from MM. O. T. Mlltard t f,0 , Mrs. U. Mlllanl 1 00 Mrs. S. 11.11. Clark CO Mrs. Smith fit ) Mrs. Morris fie Mrs. Gratton 1 00 Mrs. Gobla 1 00 Mrs. Maul j Mrs. McCaguo , ( collected ) 2 00 llocoivcd clothing from several friends and from the Irviugtou Benevolent so ciety , sixty now garments j also from Mr. Evans n Inrgo package of garden'seeds ; and from Mr , Plotz , groceries. Ilavo been abio to visit but little , and have received fewer calls than usual , but have of necessity written many letters. A dozen of these and fifty postals I think were in regard to the old lady who died hero ; first , in order to liiul her friends , and then to answer their inquiries. These letters have coma from three of her daughters and have not yet censed , as another was received to-dny. They were shocked nt the news and could hardly bo persuaded to believe that it was their mother but express the utmost gratiludo to the association , the matron and nil who cared for her. A few weeks ago nn old lady , entirely deaf , called to ask for garden seeds nnd nn outfit to canvas for goods which she had sold before. These were furnished through the kindness of friends , nnd aho was very grateful for the privilege of sup porting herself , nnd assured mo the money would all bo refunded , for she was unwilling to take charity except as a loan. loan.A A lady whom I have visited for years , and who has had n fearful struggle with sickness , poverty and trouble in her homo , has gone recently where there is no nioro sickness , "where the wicked cease from troubling , and the weary are at rest. " She was anxious for the release , but asked "what will become of my child ? " and desired that I and others look after hor. I promised to do the best I could , and eho scorned satisfied. One bright beautiful boy of two years waa sent to a homo a tow days ago. Two girls are yet waiting for pUcoa ; though I think the older ono will go for a time to the Homo in Lincoln. Several women have been sent there , and passes obtained , for novoral to go to their friends. Thanks to the county commissioners. Some comforting letters como from those whom I have tried to help. One poor girl , who a year ogoi felt that all peace and hope had slipped forever from her prasp , writes a letter full of thanks to tt-11 mo how bright nnd beautiful life is growing. When years ago her dying mother was leaving her friendless in the world , she said , "God will take cave of my child , " and aho realizoa now that God lias cared for her through all the sin and sorrow and loss , and in loading her now in the green pastures , and beeido the itill waters of his love. „ Fitted Out for i ho Scnnon. Dresses , leaks , coats , stockings and all garments can [ )0 colored Micce'sfully with the Dinmoud Dyes. Fashionable colors. Otily 10s. nt Irugeists. Wells , HicharJson & Co. , Uurling- on ; , Vt. WASHINGTON NOTES. CONFIRMATIONS. PC WASHINGTON , July 7. Tha following con- ili irmationsnvere made by the souato to-day : George I II. Sharpe , Now York ; ' Thomas C. th ; cynoldf , Missouri , and Solon O. Thatcher , thhi vansas , commissioners to ascertain the best nodes of securing more intimate inter- lational and comrrJerciar Vila tioua between : ho < United States and tha ( several countries of entral nnd South America. on cu : Henry L , Thomas , district of Columbia , foi ecrctary to Commissioneis Garland C , ad. roadlieod of Missouri , Win. J. Broatch of of' Nebraska , and Majors Charles It. Alexander f -lackeuzlo : nnd Oswald II. Ernst , corps of on nglncera , United States arrny , members fro the Missouri river commission. rctj Major W. H. Johnston , paymasters deputy paymastei-H general of the United States nny , with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. a THE INTUlNAIi HEVESUE. resI In pnr&uixnco with the provisions of the cor : > igislntivo , judicial and executive Rppropria- the ion bill reducing the number of revenue an gents from 1f3 to 20 , the coinmihsionor of in- hoi 'rnal rovenvo ordered the discharge of the hoi'J illowing named agents : A. J. McCusick , 'Joi ' ) lalifornia ; John M. Hums , Kentucky ; Jno. i 'oung , Tennessee ; J. 11. McCov , Wisconj" ' Dlisin ; .Inines A. Kay , Kentucky ; C. 1 $ , i1 , " Inrrison , IVuncs-co ; John 15. Haum , Ill'n- : Jasper 1'ack.vd , Indiana ; W. ] , . follistcr , Minnesota. A. M. Orane , lalltornia ; J. L , Trumbull , Indiana ; ha : Till : NAVV. ha Work at the tin was suspended Washington avy yard to-day , owing to tba failure of con- rcss to make an appropriation for ilscon- iuuance. u Randall leaves for Chicago to-night. tluwe we New nml till „ On Iho corner of Fifteenth and Capitol ; Tenuo has just been started ono of Iho uost elognnt restaurants in the west. It exCl ' manned by Mr. St. Julion , nn old res- Cl in auniut man , and ho has equipped it with bo > low furniture , now carpets in fact , dii ivcrythiiif ! now , and all those who want ha first I class meal will bo well repaid by a ut isit to the St. Julion. nuto utmi mi ho OIlio Or < > i > f * . COI.UMIIUH , July 7. The forthcoming July iron report of the state boanl of agricultural vill give the following extimatea , based on the ctnroH ' from 7SO regular townaliip correspon- lents of the boaid ; The area 19 compared vith last year's area. TIiOBamu crojws , conJI- ion and protiablo total nre coinparod with the : nil avurago iipureB , and indicate jicrcontugea : . rvheat , probable total 8C percent ; corn , area , ; condition 02. Ilyo area 100 , condition , Oats area 1)7 ) , condition 05. Uarley uca 11 > V , condition 611 , Potatoes area 05 , omlitton 01. Sweet potatoes - arua ! ! , " ) , con- lltiou 02. UeaiiK area ! 7 , condition 100. ) iorghuni arj-a 8'J , condition fiS. Tobacco " rca 07 , condition 08. Wool amount sheared : omparcd with 1883 , 03 pr ; c nt. wool , aver- ' tgomico for the etato thin year , 27J cents eel avcrugo. 1881 and 1882 , baforo tha tarilf reduction , 'Mcentu. . This gives a lof of over two million on this .ear's clip in Ohio. Clover hay , pi-r cent. HI full average crop. 02 pt-r rant. Timothy liay , percent , full average crop , SS'per cent ; pastures , condition , ! ) . ' ; apples , condition , 77 ; Tl rap ! H , condition , fili , nt Serious damage by froat May 20 , is reported - ] { ported by 183 correHpondentii , and no serious fo laiimgo in reported by C70 oorrCHpondents. In I'lii ) weather baa bct-n good for haying and 'J'j laivt'Ht , ard by Jaly litih. hay und wheat will ve mostly bo neciinxl. Wheat is of excellent . liiallty and is estimated nt a total of 35W- MO bushels of very plump wheat against ibout U.r,5i)0,000 ) biithola of badly thrr veled ; .vheatin ISSJt. Tliclr NIIIIIO is of people have had their UVCB nado tnisorablo by I'llcs. This painful Jifliculty is often induced and iilvvayH ng- 'ravnted by Conotipation. Kidney Wort the great rumody for all alfectiona of this hind. It nets as u gentle cathartic , ar promotes a healthy action of tiu | bowola , aid aoothc.s and heals the inflamed BUT- 'acca. . It haa cured huadrcda of canes ivJit'rii nil otluir rcmedluH nnd applications .uvefpl-'l. S'.M ya1l clrrpsN'a. ' - FOHTY.12IGHTH CONGRESS , HKN.VTK , WASHINGTON , July " . -At the owning of the no slon a ineM-i o was received from tlio hou o announcing non-concurrcnco in the sen * nto amendment to the tnakiog of temporary provision for thu navy. Mr. Halo ( rep , Mo. ) moved the senaloroccdo from its amendments. Mr. Miller ( Cal. ) paid ho had no reason to doubt that the sonata conferees had done all In their power to convlnco the house of the justice of the sonalo atnondmontn , but appar- ronlly without i-lfed. The people of the Pa cific coait would bo much disappointed. It loft their coast absolutely defenseless. long debate tprnng up , a portion of it being of a political character , nnd nt IU close the motion to rccodo was agreed to. The house joint resolution , providing for ad- jinmimont was taken up , mid amended so oa to make the adjournment at i ! o'clock , to-day , nnd then paiscd. 1 Tim motion of Mr. Uayard for a vote of tlmnks was given Edmunds for the ability , courtesy and Impartiality with which ho linn performed the dutloa of president pro torn of the rciinto , On motion of Mr , Sherman , n committee of two senators was npjMilnted to. join a coin- mlttco of the house in informing tlio president of the United States that congress , having finished itj business , was now ready to ad * journ , The chair appointed Sherman and Uayard. The chair announced the appointment of Allison , Halo and Pendleton ns members on tha part of the collate commission provided Tor in the sundry civil bill to consider the present organization of the t.ignal senlco geological surveyy , etc. Mr. lirowu asked If the chairman of the ap- [ tropriation could f Into the aggregate appro priations this year , Mr. Allison replied in the nflirmntivo , stat ing the amount wai $1I3,201,037. ! In respect to ono or t o features of the naval bill , this amount was estimated , but the variation would probably bo less than $200,000 from the amount ho hud stated. This aggregation did not include roapproprtatlons. which for pen. hions nlono amounted to 800,000,000 , raising the aggifgato toS2 , " > 0,201.037. About : ! : ! , " ) p. m. the vico-presidentpro-tern , ( Mr. Edmunds ) said : "Senator * . Thu hour that closes the first session of tho-ISth congress has como. It ( ills almost a century of consti tutional republican government of Iho people whoso career has excited the wonder and ad miration of mankind. Let us hope our labors ad representatives of state and people may justify placing another white stone in the long shining pathway of the republic. However - over ardent and perplexing may have beonour labors , however exciting may hava been the contests of opposing opinions and politics , no ono of ns think wo can meet the hour of sep aration without emotions , and I hope not un * pleasant solicitude that embrace the past , present and futuro. Tha smallncss of our number and the peculiar nature of our organ ization , which embraces potent participation in , action three-fold our organization govern ment legislative , executive and judicial produces an intimacy of IKjrsonal relations aa pleasant na it is im portant , and makes the moment when wo sep arate one of peculiar interest and tenderness. The chair makes his sincere and grateful ac knowledgments for the very Haltering resolu : tion of the H'liato touching his administratiim f the duties hnpot-cd on him by bin ollice. Ho is glad and proud to Bay that , without excep tion , ho has been aided by the constant kiiul- ' nesj , courtesy , and assistance of all the mem bers of the senate and its olliccrs. The chair , in now performing the last formal act of the icssion , wishes for nil of you every fealty , nnd lie begs to o.xpresj to each one of you his licartfclt friendship and goodwill. Tlio present tilting ii'.bi-iou of the Afith con- P. jress stands adjourned without dato. " P.Cl When the vice-president closed hisfa'owoll remarks the chamber * aud galleries were Cl uickly vacated. 1IOUSK. In the absence of Speaker Carlisle , who loft ror Chicago at I ! o'clock this morning , the louse was called to order by the clerk of the Ft IOUEO and a short recess was taken. 12 After recess Kandall offered are.iolution op. > whiting J. C. S. 151akburu speaker pro torn. pi luring the temporary absence of the speaker. Adopted unanimously. Mr. Blackburn , on taking the chair , thanked V ho house for the mark of confidence , and said iio would endeavor to deserve it. The house took a further recsss until 11:80. The house ro-asEsemblcd at 11:30 : , nnd at 11:65 : adjourned , and the session of Saturday losed , The session of Monday began at noon , and in motion of i > fr. Uaudall the house con- re urred in the senate amenunient to the ad- do ournmont resolution , fixing the hour of final JC1 .djournment at 2 o'clock. At a row moments before 2 o'clock the hands the clock were turned back five minutes in rder to permit the reception of the message rom the fcenato announcing the adoption of n , fie psolution postponing the Lour of adjourn- an icdt till . ' ! o'clock. 1'r Secretary McCook came nulling over with thi resolution written on a ccrap of paper. The to solutlonVM Immediately agreed to. Mcmrs. Kai'.aall , Turner , Cieoigia , and His- rk were appointed a committee to wait upon 10 president and ascertain whether ho had ny ; further communication to make to the ouso. Thrj speaker pro tern , announced the np- "jitnient of Messrs. Lowry , Hoibort aud jyman members of the commission for the ouso , to consider the present organization of lie pigml service , the geological ( jeodetic Bur- oj'B and hydrcgraphic oflice. At 2 o'clock Randall announced tlio com- littee appointed to wait upon the president ad < performed that duty , ami the ptcsidont md no further communications to make tu ho houso. On motion of Mr. Wolford , a bill passed in- the pension of soldiers who have lost nrm at the shoulder joint to the amount eceived by thono who ha"o Io.-t a log at tha lip joint. At 2:1D : the recreation of a call of ho house wus indulged in. The doom [ rere clewed and excuses made for absentees , ho fuvorito excuse olfero.1 being that "tho entlcinon were iu Chicago en important bus- Jf Finally , on motion of Mr. Young , the house 'xcuuod lI democratic member.- ! who tire in Chicago engaged iu the patriotic duty of nom- nating ; a man for the piehtdoncy who would iut tlia republican candidate. liut the call lid not consume time fast enough and the lands of the clock were advanced ten min- , itCH. The i speaker pro tern , wlflhlngoach and every nombor safe return to his homo , declared the IOIIBO adjourned without day. f Applause , ] Leave taking and hand shaking followed ind the hull was soon empty , TUB I'ltKHIDKNIIAL I'KN. The president arrived at the Capitol at hal * last eleven to day , and is busily engaged with iis cabinet in examining measures passed by ongreHs and presented for his approval. Ho ias opprovcd the river and harbor , the li - .rict of Columbia , the legislative , executive ind judicial , the sundry civil , and the anny ipproprlatlon bills. The Hormto receded fJom its amendment to ind passed the navy appropriation bill , M'liU ill and the consular and diplomatic bill , which orp both in process of cnrolnnont , when lignod will complete the list of the annual a | > - iroprlationbillii. HP6HTS. The Onr. U TUB COI.r.KOE CONTtHT. b , July 7. The water was rough. Die bouts tlartod at 10:52 : ; gradually the Cor. it'll and PunnnylvanU boats forged abend ; liowdoln , third , and Princeton and Columbus 'ollowlng , Tno liowdolns eollldod with the iirgo , aud dropped out at the end of the ling. I'hu race was won by the Pennsylvania Uni versity crew , Cornell clasi necoiul , Princeton .liiril , Columbia fourth ; time , H niinutoH , 'M' { tecondH. Owing to a dispute iirov/n , of jiow- loin , pulled a Miiulo scull over thu course , re- elviog prulae. Cornell would not row. The lUeiidmicd was light. | 2 ii. anil Sulky , CHICAGO IIACJM. ClIirACO , July 7. Continuation of the trot ting meeting of the Chicago driving park , rile weather aud the track wciu good. At- tfiidaiico 500. Iht race JjfUGOO djviilod lor four-year-olds under Hva ! , " , It , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 ; r lt < ltill ill litittmfly i , J , Ij MainbriiiQ Hiarklc ; 2. 2 , 'i ; - y.-t' C'-i .u M. V ) C ; jVv , 2:22 : , 2:20 : imiGHTON HACK ! * . UmaiiTos' BKACH , July 7. Consultation race seven furlongs King I.ion won , Ten- etriko 2d , MenUuk 3d 5 time , l.12i. : Selling -milo and n furlong \ \ oodcraft won , Cftthcnit 2d , Mike's 1'rlde , 'M ; timo. 2:001.Mile : Mile and a furlonft H RRCR Hilarity won , I.iltlo lluttorcup 2d , Hoynl Arch 5V1 j time , liV.i. : liV.i.Mllo Vallmmu won. I-owla 2d , Australian 3d ; time , K.OJ. . Throo-imttrters of n mile Shelby I5.irnr. won. liaruoy Anron 2d , ICIng Fan ; M } timi > , 1:1" : ] . WA31I1NOTON P.UIK lUCSfl. CntPAcio , July 7. The first extra day at Wellington Park had warm weather , a fa t track and n largo attendance. ' First rncoMnidon 2-yonr old ; fivi > fur- longs-Doubt won , Mary Hamilton 2d , To ronto lit ) . Time , 1:0 : IJ. Selling race for horses that have run and not won thii mooting Ono nnd n fourth miles Virgio Henriio won , Chill 2d , Kulalio M. Time , 2:12. : Muttials paid 8142. Winner not sold. sold.Milo nml n quarter , all ages Mrxttio llap- turn won , Sauntorer , 2d , llopahno 3d. Time , * 11 1 tj Milo and an eighth for thrco year old tlmt have not won this yonr Ono nnd an elchth intlo Laura Gould wou , Slipaway 2d , Knvi "M. Time , 2-01. Thrco-iMurtcTs of a mile hoali ; first - Chnncowon , Jocose 2d , Aeconder ilil , Time 1:18J. Sfcond Chance won , Ascender 2d , JoeosoJU. Time , 1:184. : Huso Hull. At Ualtimoro-St. LouiH Unions 5 ; llnltl- moro 1. At Chicago-Chicago 7 ; Now York 0. At MinnciipollHMinneapolis 5 ; St. 1'aul ' At Washington-JCationalu flj Cincimmti C. AtlJuiralo-lluiralo , ' .I ; Providence , II. At Uoston Union , of Chibngo , C ; Jtoston , 0 At Detroit-Philadelphia , 11 ; Detroit , ti. M Cleveland -Boston , 11 ; Cleveland , It. At Tolodo- Toledo 2 ; Metropolitantll. At Columbus Columbus 2 ; Athletics 0. FOHEIGN NEWS. Oliolcra LKS , July 7. Sixteen deaths hy rholera last night and twenty taken to the hospital. TOUI.ON , July 7. Nine deaths last night. The cemetery is open nil night for burials. TOULON , July 7. Seven deaths fromcholora to-day up tu GHO : p , m. PAIIIS , July 7. Two cnsoa of yellow fever in Cazarclto , at the mouth of the Uinmde , ST. PKTKIISIIUM ] , July 7. There is n viru lent epidemic near Kirbila , Asiatic Turkey. The Husalau government is adopting prteau- tious against tlio uproad of thu diaoace. * ' Gnrinnny SntlfiflcclVttli Knsson. Unm.lN , July 7.--The appointment of Kas- m nsminister to ( lormany has ereatoil an v\- cllcnt impression hoiu. Mmltcr lloiifjola's Vlctorj' . LONDON , July 7. A dispatch to the Times 'rom DongoU Saturday snys : "M'udior Don- folia achieved a lirilfiaut victory over the ebols of Dobbah. The onemv were routed. fjosa two thousand killed. Wo now consider nirselvolvcs saved. " Franco Pluyiiifj Ooriniiny on Olilnn. PAIIIS , July 7. I'Vrry has instructed the I'rciich minister nt 1'ukiu to demand from Uliina war indemnity 230iOO,000 ( trancs. llt < ms nlao telegraphed Admiral Courbct to Beizo ronchunn nri-enel ai a guarantee of the pay- unit of the indemnity. PAIIIS , July 7. In the donutlos to-dny b'orry stated in relation to the recent attack 3. y the Chinese legulars on Krench troop * nar ( ; augson tbat China wns guilty of foul trench- iry , and Kruncu would exact iiinnodiato coin- ; NiUlonullHt Iord IMuyor of Dublin , Oi DUIIMN , July 7. M r. O'Connor , n.ujitmnnl- Ht , the keeper of a public house , lias been jlected lord mayor. Gordon Murdered by IIIn Mon. PAIIIS , July 7. Advices froirij.Sjiakim cport , that ( .Jordan has LyDn miir- lerud by his eoldiora and thu Mahdi occupied Clmrtyuni. Eihciulcckcr-KnsBoti. 5iKntiN , July 7. Von Kisondocker , late lonnan nitnUtar to the United State * , , has rrivvd hero. Ho will probably bo appointed 'riiBsIan minister nt Carlmiho , and it is stated hat Kasson wa appointed AmericaninlnlBlor ( icrinativ in view of the expected conflict lotwoen i'ranco and China. TORPID BOWELS , rt DEFIED LIVER. and WJALARIA : . Prnm HICBO aouicos urlsu tliruo-IourtliB or Sim ( liHc-asc'a of thu hiiinnii nice. U'licso , JliMVcIx ( jliHtlvc , Hlclt llnail- iilir , fullitcHS niXoi * culliip , n\'fr l ( > n to On crcrtlint ntltmly ormlml , J'ruclutlou Tu of fii a , Jri KnIiIIKy or tcmpi'iy duiv lot splrllj , A frolliiK of linvliip ; ciIt > ctril "y " miiiie < liiiy , IHztliiunfl , Finite i-Iitnt tlio "yan Jc'nrl , Dots before ( ho eyrHiltlilil'Cf > I * * ' urea Vrliio , COA.STU'ATIOW , Hl"l ' 0- lie nt jimniUlio iiso oriiromctly Hint acUilliuctly on 11m Liver. AsaLlvorincillcltir'riJTT'S LMl.I.SImvonocatiuI. Tliclr action on the lilni'ysniul Skin IH ti.o \ nromiit ; rt'inovlni ; nil linpui-ltk'3 tliroiiIi | ; tncso tliroo "ncav- riiKrrn of Ilia sy Uin , " proilnclnR nppo. tltu , fconml digestion , regular HtnolH.rialcar s'ltlniuulavltjorouaUoily. 'J'OXT'S J'irr.U a cmiHo 110 niuiscii or irrljiliiff nor inturforo ivllli ilnlly work uncl uio aiiurfect AMTEDOTE TO WJALAR.A. Hold everywhere , U,1a. Olllcn.4 1 Murray HU.N.Y. _ , . . s IB OIIAT HAIU oit clianKoil in- or otantly tonUuissr Itwcic liyiiNluelo ap . plication of this Dri ; . Hold iiy or bent by express on roculpt of 8 1 i Onlce,4 < JMnrray Street , New Yorlr. TUH'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. HAIE , ! HAIR ! HAIR & t KEETE-2'S 1'AXTON IIOTKL Vlllllneiy and Hair Dressing Parlors 'Ximn-rx.n-j3CL Oti-oot. Eair i Hair ! Hair ! Cheap I urUouitrr OrJero Bolloltxl. I. W. WAITE M D . . , , , , ' Physician & ; Surgeon U ( Formerly ol Mercy UoNpltal , itiis DiRcusesniul Diseii cs of the Kyo and Ear n Specialty. r0lllco-0di | Follows1 Illock , N. W. cor. Htli mil llodfo street * , Oinalm , Nub. ( Illlcolioura IU a m . V ! to 4 KIM ! 7 to 8 p , in. Kuiidiju 10 to 12 . . All calU prom , tly ittomlcd. Bee Hive Photograph STTJIDZO , Iti North 16th Stroot. lloiutinUr tbftt my uluru IjeliiL'iltlucrixl rom the IIK.H IIJVK PHOTO- JIlAl'll STUDIO auurlng eitry- 'ruitnins C , R. SCHALLER , AGENT. . MILLARD HOTEL ESTABLISHED AT OMAHA , 18G9. Oflors ix Inrgo list of Real Estate for Sale , including the following described property. n. Sjlmller offers lots near Hivns- - . - . . _ _ OK. Schiller will Ml Tot "oii Cft .i Qf\f\ * itndCaUrornla _ itrcot * , MOO to _ OUU CU. 8diallorliiM t o of thoTFneaf 7 > JutMnclly , on CAM Mrecf , _ _ O CU. Soliallcr w llfsell lot near Hauii- | ' dera itrret. on street o > rs (47) ( ) _ L H. Sohaller oilers 4 . rfhri Cl acres near U. > ' JVU eJk , (5K ( ) _ O. ) ( > ( ) CU. Scli.Mler lian In llixrker'n irnlx j . djjjilon , mil St. homo ami lot ( M ) I H , Schallcr will neil ouS. lltli St. , > i _ CHi Schallir will veil near Ixnv ovo- I fl\ 'line , lot IgjixtiO ( BO ) _ ' 1 ) U " It. Sclnllcr has lots In nome of t the ncvvaililltlor.B to the city nt reduced rates. Ci H. Sch.illcr has for sale property Wing n rental MI purcliano Irom 10 to 'JO per cunt and of Increas ingMiio GIL Scrmllcr oners lot on Uuiiilnir t" ( \l\l\ street. (171v7Cresilience (81) ( ) ) UUU 1 It. SchMlor Inn lor lulo ono ut on W Cnsi street , west 2il. Clt. Sclmller will sell one block In T CAn Itojl's addition , 1OUU , C K. Sclmller oners a line litulncss prowrty at Sclmllor lll wll 12,4tu T OIL rtcres Qir Ann _ . In a body stock farm 141) , UUU C U. Schaller Kor nalo ICth street , brick house , lot flOxSUJ. CK. Sclmllcr-Ilarnoy utrect , lot 47 r > f\r\f\ xl20 , line residence , 10 rooms. U | UUU O K. SchMler lias for B.IO ! on south . avenue , I lot and rcriilenoo. OK. Schaller will sell 1,10 acres , 2 . K ° ° dhoil9cs , 2 largo barns , windmills - mills , scales , cto. CK. Pchaller DodRO Co. farm , ! 600 Cr ncros , houses , barns and valuable JU. Improvcmcnta C 11. Hclmllor olTen some of the greatest barg&lni In Iloal KaUto anvwlioro. PARTIES WISHING TO LOTS AND LANDS AEE INVITED TO GALL , Ilaa hail 35 yearn' experience In ilcnllni In IlKAI , KSTATICaiul limy n.ifcly bo con. Biiltcit an tu Investments anil on coutcm- jilatotl Improvements to tlio city. Una extensive Eastern niul Eurojioan cou * noctlnna' I'aiuphleta nml M\is \ at City Is-mod Iroo. Call at the SllllarJ llotci nml iot 0110 THE OMAHA rn . II. HOWELL , Prcoldoi't. C. U 8CIIALI.KH1Vloo.I > ro6ldent. ThoOENUlNK ] | OUU > Klt nnd Colorado cool , An- Ihraclto , Iowa , MlH80urlllUnoIa , Uiuiuau. Coal Yards Bridge Stock Yards. OFFICES 117 S. It Street nnd Mlllatd Hotel , Omaha REAL ESTATE l > 15th & Dodge Streets , HAV7THOENE. Jiionnd 1 mllea west of the Post olllro Jolnlnir the I'uuzallii tract nnd cast of Crouton ailUItluii. We hell oU In this addition from ? MU to ( OOJ aim on month- lavincntif , tbuolilu uAlkuaru nnleml to bo Imllt mil the much talked 'of St. oar line riim.lni ; on Cum- ii9 ( Bt , and tlienco nouth to Farnam , runs through lawlhoriio. iTo ute thla adilltlon , la to ho pleased. F TABOR PLACE , In West Omaha , am ! c&at of Tjnvcnworth tcrrttoo mst of Puttcr'tt aililltlou , fronla on Kornuni St. Wo nave twtlvo lota that wo can nd will Hell chcxi > er han the addition Just went of "u. Our lulu are 317 J5M. OMAHA VIEW. an the road to Fort Omohn. Wo will neil yon lot S3&0 down to jilOO and If you wlnh , will build you .house and you can pay for It In monthly payment * . PARK FOREST , South Omaha la Belling font and If you are wanting lot In thin addition you mint call noon. Lota In Klrkwood. Plalnvlcw , Uanscom plica. Par uieiitcr , Wcet Cumlnit , Donikln's additions. HOIIBO Steblln't add. , IIImehauKh placo. Lota In every part of Omaha , ciea | > an the cheapest HOUBCB and lota on monthly payment ) . No. 214-200-IIou o H rooiim on J of lot having fronUk'o ol 33J feet on ICth wulSfion ] 7th Bt. , near llrownoll Hall. No. 21S * 1,700 Ilran new house on SowarJ St near Haundera Bt oar line 100 do u and { 25 jxir. month. , . No. 212 000 Cott KO "f t rooms on full lot In Ilatigcom Plato , on ea y turme. No. 2IU- . ' ,000-tiooJliutul aud lot 133il32ln Klk- No' Z05-2COO-Ono aero and brick house In Park Place. No , ! 67 t2.100 House ofO rooms on fihermau nve. , goo'i walks , trcex , anil clbttrn. No. 200 Two story home of 10 room * on lot 33 1M 200 bbl. cUtcrn , l hwie ; n complete home , and near two car llnoi and In tbu butt part of city , pet. t'alllori'laand ' Hurt 8 ,100. No. 1(3-3MX ( ( ) lloune and 0 roomj on Green car no. Darn , well , duterii &o. , K < mbarKaln. \ . No. 225-l,8JU-"liiiBO " ol 6 rooms n lot OAx- Park Place , on easy rmWW and S0i > er mouth , Call and eiamluo our oxtenitlvo Hat of city and country property. ACEE RROPBBTT. Two , Five nml Tea Aero Tracts. Houses Jlontcd , llonts Collected , Legal Papers Made , Notary Public Always in oflico. SEARS & BOBAED Cor , 15lli and Dodge Streets. WILLIAM' ? ' IJLOf'K. The Largest Stock in Omalia and Makes the Lowest Prices re. DRAPERIES ANC MIRRORS , * ' Just received nn assortment fnr surpassing anything In thla market , comprising the latest nnd moat tasty designs manufaoturod3for this spring's trade and oovcrlnj a range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. Now rcndy for the inspection o cus Complete fltock of nil the Intoa tomers , the newest novelties in styles iu Turcomnu , Madras nnd Snita mid Odd Pieces. Lncu Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Elegant Fassongor Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHXVERICK , 1206,1208 nnd 1210 Fnnmm Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB , m * OT OT s . ja o a I m o > u CO 3o 45 W o O CQ OUMINGS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB , 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , DcafnosB , Lung and Nervous Diaeaaoa Speedily and I'ortnanontly Cured. Patient * Cured at Iloino. Write for "TnB MEDIOAL-MISSIONAIIY , " for the Pooplo. Consultation and Correapondoneo Gratis. P. 0. Box 1192. Telephone No. 2C. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , cays : " Physician of ilou ADlllty nna Marked Success. " CONQRES5ALAN MURPHY , Davenport , Hiw : "Annonorahln Fine Success. Wonderful Curea. " Houra 8 to 5. U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLARD , Prcsidcul. WM. WALLACE. Cashier. Capital and Surplus , S5OO.OOO. Fire and Buwlar Proof Safes for Rent at f in So to ? 50 per annum. HAS THE LAllQEST AND OHEAI'EST KEROSENE AND GASOLINE STOVES ALWAYS ON HAND. Headquarters for tlio Celebrated "Wrought-Iroii OOODS DKUVGHBD TO ANY I'AUT OF THIS CJTV Oil THK DEPOTS. 015 and ( J17 North 10th St. , bet. California end AVobster. rnny 23-d ocxl-w cow-Zin [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] BOSTON , March lat. 1831. E N PIANO CO. ditNTiiiiMBN Your Initrninonti. Qraml , Sijuuro and Upright , ere really nohlo and u i i . . i < i . bounty ol tone and llnlih. Allow mo to oonsratulilo yon on your sterling rotr GUHTAVK 8AVIEH , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ITSELF.SOLE SOLE AGENT , Stroat. Omaha , .ih forth-Western Electric Light Go. SOW : AdKNTS FOR NKBIIASKA AND OPKIIATOHS OF CELEBItATKD WESTON AND U. 8. Eoptrin AVP pnfl Inppnil PC'pPUt ' fififlifQl fibltlb Alb Adopted by the U. S. Government nnd most of the loading steamship companlcj nnd Hotels. .Regarded us the PUREST/ WHITEST AND BEST ELEOTJUO LIGHT TRODUOED. For Rntos Tnquiro nt oflice , N. W. Cor. J''iftjoiitli ' ( ami Farrmm Streets ! AND TWO WHEEL OAETS , I1U9 knd 1820 iUrnor Btrccl and IDS S. rutittad CiUIatuo ( Uuliti 'l lr uoon i > pllc tlaa . EAMBUKG-AMERIOAN JIHKCT LINK KOIl KNUf.ANI ) , fltANOli AND OKIiMAKV. Ilio > t Ain lilp9 ol thli wcll-knoK-n line are built ot ton , In water-tight ooiiipMtincnti , and art ) ( urulnh- > Juilli uvury rixiii | ito to maKe t'io ' iiassiiio both iau and BKrutaUo. 'J'liov carry tha united State ) mil Kuri'i'caii luullJ , anil Inuu.Vgw York ! Thura- Jujaunilhaliinl ) ii/ir I'ljinontli ( LONDON ) Cher- uourK , ( I'AltW ) anil JIAM1HJMU. JUtcs : FliBt aibln.ffS , SZOmidSSO. Stcor KO , > 20. llriiryl'undt , Uark Huiiecn. F. K , Jlonrua.M. Tolt , iguiUIn Omaha , UroiiuHlfKisHchoriitKei ageuUlii ciuiiuii niuiTd. o. n : KIUHAKJ : &co. , uni. rau Cta , 01 IlrovJvviv , N. Y. C'tim. Koimln lil & Co- I-MI-I : , | Vt'ikloJi ) AtJtto , 107 Wntlilniitou HI. , Ulilni , ' I. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES uimiwuii iwo. mmimm ir | ho lengthen unduhorlcnarrordliiE tollivtve rnrrv. Kqually well nOapted In ruuxli i