Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Oirurim Office , No. 010 Farnum St. .
CouncilBhin-rtOlnco , No. 7 1'cnrl St. ,
8troctNe r llroiulwfty.
Now York Olflco , Iloom O5 TrlOnno
Published etory trornlnir , ' cxoept Snndayl The
oil ) ' Uonday mornlcg dally.
One Tear J10.00 I Three Montht& < X
UliMontM 001 Ono Month , , 1.00
Per Week , 26 Cents.
TXAMS rosrrAiD.
One Tear . . . $2.00 1 Three Months I CO
Bit Months. . 1.00 I One Month . .
American News Company , Solo Agentr , Nowsdeal
Cll In the United States.
ooRRiuroxnimai , ,
All Oommnnleattonfl relating to Hewn andKdltorla
nutters should bo addressed to the EDITOR or Tni
All naMnem tctton l.ind IlemlttanoM 'ihouldb |
kddrcreed to TUB Bun PDnutmKd COM r AST , OMAHA
DratM , Checks and Protoftlco ordori to be made pay
nble to the order of tbo company.
B. nOSBWATER , Editor.
A , n.Fltoh , Manager Dally Circulation P. 0 . , B
4SS Omaha , Neb.
GiiAittGi FAANCIS ADAMH will find in
the affairs of the Union Pacific a great
many things that will bo Crock to him.
THE Farnam street paving is at last
being pushed vrith sonic vigor. The con
tractors ought to make every possible ef
fort to finish the work by the 1st of
August. The business men on that
street expect the contractors to leave no
atone unturned in their endeavors to
complete the job this month.
JOHN B. FINCH , the famous temper
nnco agitator , who always has bcon i
staunch democrat , on national issues , is
at Chicago to help the bourbons in the
construction of their platform. Mr.
Finch will urge the insertion of a plank
pledging the party to submit the prohi
bition 'question to the people whenever
they may desire the privilege of voting
fofprohibitory constitutional amendment ; .
Wo apprehend Mr. Finch will bo rudely
advised to mind hla own business.
THE appointment of Mr. W. J. Broatch
as a member of the Missouri river com
mission will bo received with satisfaction
Tjy the citizens of Omaha. It is a sub
stantial and gratifying recognition by the
president , of the commercial importance
of this city as the metropolis of the Mis
souri valley , and places Nebraska upon a
fair footing in securing her rightful pro
portion of the appropriation for the propo
sed improvements of the Missouri rivor.
"While TUB BEK does not propose to re
tract ono word of its denunciation of the
political methods resorted to by Mr.
Broatch in his late combination with J ohn
M. Thurston wo do not hesitate to ex
press the belief that Mr. Broatch will
discharge the important trust imposed
upon him as member of the Missouri
river commission creditably. lie is an
active , energetic business man , with ex
cellent executive ability. If ho can devote
sufficient to his oflicoho will no doubt become
como a valuable factor in the solution of
the problem of improvingtnavigation and
protecting river towns and cities from
dcstru ctivo floods.
THE lcw York Times pays the fol
lowing compliment to the successor of
the late Bishop Clarkson :
The Jlov. Dr. E. N. Totter , aa wo
loam from a trustworthy source , has ac
cepted his election to the Bishopric of [
Nebraska. This sudden translation of the
newly elected president of Ilobert college -
lego plunges that seat of learning again
into a perplexity from which it Boomed
to have found a satisfactory escape. The
Diocoao of Nebraska is , however , to bo
congratulated with little or no reserve.
In the unfortunate disputes with reference -
once to Dr. Potter's administration as
president of union it was not and could
not bo denied that ho had rendered the
college very substantial oorvico in excit
ing interest and raising money in its bo-
half. The qualities demanded for work
of ( his kind are these cniofly required of
n bishop of the Protestant Episcopal
church in a now atato like Nebraska ,
which is for most purposes n Bishopric
inparlibus. It is not to bo doubted
that the now Bishop Potter , who will bo
the fourth of his name and kindred in
the American Episcopate , and the third
of these now living and exorcising epis
copal functions , will give his diocese an
oncrgotio and successful administration.
The only serious element which
threatens is the possible restriction of
banking accommodation throughout the
country , as the result of the financial
disturbance at the monoUry centres.
This accommodation merchants have
boon accustomed to < rely upon , and as
capital is largely locked up in assets not
at once realizable , a restriction of credit
is a serious matter. If , in Wall street ,
values continue very low and confidence
only ulowly returns , thia stringency in
money may result in torious enibarass-
xncnt. But , with the expectation of a bet
tor condition of things , the hope is a is
reasonable ono , that the ordinary busi-
JIMS facilities which the commercial
community have a right to expect , will
bo afforded to thorn. 'fho restriction
which has thus far taken place in loans ed
has been enormous , but it has boon ro-
.spondod to in a manner that is astonish
ing in view of its suddenness. It speaks
well for the general soundness of trade ,
that a change so violent has bcon '
brought about with casualties so few , .
This consideration ought largely to in
fluence the growth of returning confidence
which recent events have done so much
to retard. Beyond tbo distrust which
prevails , it is difficult to designate what all
clement of prosperity is nocdod in the
prospects of the country. Low prices
are by no means an unmixed evil. Specu
lation has had a eovoro check , and of
greater chances exist now for making
Jnouey legitimately than almost over bs-
Jore in tiroei o * pcac ? and prosperity ,
THE 1WSIM ! ® } < 0rr/OOA" .
In spite of , eloomy forebodings and
commercial stagnation the mo t acute
observers and best informed financiers of
this country tnko a hopeful view of the
business oullook. The decided
increase of failures in the United
States and Canada for the quarter ending
with July 1st was by no moans unex
pected. The depression in trade and in
dustry has boon well nigh universal lor
nearly two years and the terrible shrinkage -
ago of speculative securities very natur
ally contributed to the extraordinary
liquidation. But after all , the disturb
ance was in the main of a local character ,
chiefly confined to Wall street stock job
bers. The disasters to legitimate com
mercial enterprises have boon surpris
ingly few.
This opinion is fully confirmed by the
report of Messrs. II. G. Dun t Co.'s
Mercantile Agency covering the first six
months of 1884.
According to this report there was in
that period an increase of 873 failures as
compared with the first six months of
188'J , or about 18 per cent. The total
number was 5D10. The increase in the
amount of liabilities was from § 00,000 ,
000 to 812-1,000,000 , or 88 per cent. Of
this increase of liabilities , however , $18-
000,000 , or 83 per cent , are chargehblo
to the city of Now York , and only § 18-
000,000 to the remainder of the countiy.
In other words , the increase of liabilities
in the first half of 1881 over the first half
of 1883 , outside of the city of Now York ,
has boon from Sr 5,000OUO to 507,000.-
000 , or only about 22 per cent , instead
of 88 per cent. , which is shown with
Now York included. It must bo remembered -
bored , also , that this Is but a rough com
parison. Only the amount of liabilities
is given , or can bo given. The result
might bo quito different could wo know
the not assets of the insolvents , or the
terms on which liquidation has boon or is
to bo effected. There Is little reason to
doubt that with this moro complete com
parison , the extent to which the very
jroat increase of liabilities shown in the
reports has boon caused by the recent
troubles in Wall itrcot would appear
moro marked than it now docs.
It is true that prominent financiers ,
great promoters , and mcir in high posi
tions have boon forced to e u ecu in b ; it is
equally true that the shrinkage in the
wealth of many rich men has bcon very
groat. But it ia a fact that , to a great
extent , the disasters of the year have
boon confined to the wealthy class , and
with but little interference with legiti
mate traders in moderate circumstances.
The panic which wo have paeso'l through
has bcon well described as " the rich
man's panic. " It is a matter of signifi
cant moment that , considering all the
violent fluctuations that have occurred ,
the enormous shrinkage in values , and
the severe restrictions which monetary
institutions have found it necessary to
enforce , that failures have not boon moro
numerous. So that , instead of being depressed
pressed by the figures , thorois yet comfort
to bo found in the fact that the rank and
file of legitimate business men have with
stood a shock so severe. They have not
only boon able to respond to their obliga
tions promptly , but are in a shape to
take advantage of a revival of trade ,
which must certainly soon follow. He-
calling the depression which has existed
or , nearly two years , it would scorn
that a condition of preparedness had boon
reached by the mercantile community
for the events which in the last six months
have occurred , if there had not boon
a gradual restriction in the volume of
trade , a slow but steady decline in the
values of almost every unset , and an
defined yet existing apprehension aa to
the future , the events of the last few
months would assuredly have brought
about troubles almost unparalleled. This
view of the cane is best illustrated by a
comparison of the present atato of things
with the condition that existed in 1873.
The panic of that year was like a
thunderbolt out of n clear sky ,
while the panic of 1881 has como as if
expected , and hence was moro or lean pro
vided for.
Taking it altogether , the result' of the
six months will not bo considered wholly
unfortunate if the lessons which have
been taught have their proper effect , nnd
the legitimate business of the country
not moro intorfsrcd with than at present
ont appears ,
The injurious effect of recent oventa to
commerce will bo materially lessened by
the possibilities contained in the promise
of the growing crops , and the hopes entertained -
tortainod that a year of great production
will bo vouchsafed to us. There ia as
much money in the land aa there was six
months ago. The troubles have boon
confined to narrow limits , as compared to
the wido-sproad ratio of success possible
to thoKo who pursue the legitimate paths
of enterprise so plainly marked as availa
ble in thin vast country. No wido-sproad
desolation has swept over us , and there n
moro to bo hoped for from a year's u
progress and natural growth , supple \
mented by enormous immigration , and t
the full use of transportation and facili-
ties of communication , than is to bo fear ii
from anything that has yet occurred , iit iio
rho trade of the country has not boon t
interfered with the d
materially , internal
udobtodneas of merchants is not exces lifl
sive ; and the ability to absorb and pay 0
'or goods , the basis of all legitimate
.rado , was never greater than now. The
apprehension which has existed has
caused stocks of goods , in the hands of
retailers , to bo brought down to a narrow
limit. The low prices which prevail for
claztes of staples , the cheap living
which the poor ought to bo able to com
mand , both in the way of food and cloth
ing , ought soon to bring about a revival
business , and a larger demand for the
products of every kind. It is true that >
margins of profit have boon reduced to a i
uiiunun : , and that fgpcneca of busm > is
and living ou ht to bo adjusted to accord
with this dfcclino. This process has nl
ready made some progress , and whllo
competition is severe , and values decreased
od , there is still likely to bo a fairly profitable
itablo demand for merchandise and manufacture
ufacturo , with greater ability than over
to supply the demand , and some certain' '
ty of safety in transactions based upon
legitimate needs. Under such clrcum
stances It seems possible that the b.alanco
of the year will have within its results
moro satisfactory than the [ first six
months have brought.
NorwimsTANMNo the fact that the
California delegation is emphatically pro
nounced against Judge Field , n dolcga
tion of outside skirmishers from Cali
fornia , composed principally of his mon
opoly friends , nro endeavoring to have
his name presented to the democratic
national convention. Among these skir
mishers is John P. Irish , who is a carpet
bagger from Iowa. Judge Field's sup
porters , although having no voice in the
convention , have pa&sod resolutions to
the effect that the recent "affront" offered
to him by the California democratic state
convention was not an oxproaaion of the
democratic party of that state. Those
resolutions will go for nothing , as no
man was over sot down upon moro severely
nnd unanimously than was Judge Field
in the California state convention. His
monopoly tendencies were too well-
known to bo overlooked by the monopoly'
ridden people of California.
Tin : Springfield Jlcpublican says that
collogu degrees are getting tbo cheap to
bo valucdvory highly , as the honors of
our colleges are allotted by boards of
trustees , made up of the butcher , the
baker nnd the candlestick-maker , and
such bodies of course make up the high
est kind of an academic court. Then ,
too , th'o power to grant degrees exorcises
a powerful fascination for the mon in
trusted with it , and they sometimes resent -
sent suggestions to the effect that oconow
my in the distribution is desirable from
every point of viow. This is a big coun
try , ita colleges are many and struggling
and the temptation to advance the mate
rial interests of institutions through the
moro or loss open barter of degrees is not
always resisted. All these causes and
many more combine to make honors in
deed easy , and reform in this matter
comes very slowly.
The Slctltil Voted byiho
turo I'rcBoiitecl to IJer before
: i,0 ( ) ( ) People.
BOONK , Iowa , July 4. The modal
voted to Kato Shelley , Iowa's Grace Dar
ling , waa presented to her at the Ogdou
this afternoon in the presence 01 about
3OoO pooplo. Gov. Sherman was to
make the presentation speech , but was
unable to bo present , and it was made
by Mr. Walker Given , his private secre
tary. After remarks by the lion. J. A.
T. IIull , secretary of state , who intro
duced Kato Shelley and gave a short
sketch of her heroic deed the night of
G , 1881 , Mr. Given made the presenta
tion speech as follows :
The governor is unavoidably detained
elsewhere and I am directed to act as his
agent in presenting to Miss Kato Shelley
the modal of honor awarded by the general
al assembly. Already the story of hero
ism pictured on this medal has boon told
in many lands and in many tongues. Safe
in her homo that wild July night , yet a
with anxious fear for othorn , Kato Shelley
loy heard the cracking of the pilot-engine
through the trostlcwork near and know fi
at once the double need of help for tno fie
mon in the wreck and warning to the o
coming express. Forth she went into
the night nnd the storm , making her way
amid sheets of fire and bursts of horrid
thunder and roaring wind and rain , across
the valley nnd on pvor the high , long
bridge , with no footing but the skeleton
timbers , no light but the flashing of the
clouds , the tempest above nnd the flood
beneath , struggling on her perilous wiy a
to call help and signal the overdue ex
press. A danger bravely mot , and
the laurel-wreath was gained for
an humble homo. The legend
of Kato Shelley is registered
withtha deeds of Ida Lewis and Grace
Darling , nnd proves hoi- equal to the
heroines of history , bravo as the Maid cf
Saragassa , with a devotion generous as
Florence Nightingale , and a motive to
compare even with the Venetian maid , "
Arnaudo do Uocau. Glorious in history
ia the courage of these gentle spirits
the bravery of woman when the self- of
devotion of her heart is Inspired to
heroic action. 'JYua beyond the moan
ing of the poet ia it , that "tho bravest
are the tundorost , the loving nro the an
daring. " This modalj picturing Kato
Shelley's deed of heroism , and stamped
with the Iowacontofarms and the laurel
wreath , is now presontrd as the offering ,
not of parsons or of claasos , but of the
atato aa representing all the pooplo.
And to Miss Kato Shelley wo can only
lay ; Accept it n d > i y tlio best of bloes-
ings go with it.
Kato Shelley returned thanks through
her old teacher , Prof. J. D. Ourran , of
Angus , who replied to the presentation or
epooch in well timed remarks. The modal -
al is a heavy gold ono costing $200. The
design on the face represents Kato cross
ing the DcsMoinos iron bridge amid
storm and lightning flashes , and above
are the words in blue enamel : "Heroism ,
Youth , Humanity. " On the obverse is
the : following inscription : "Presented
by iho state of Iowa to Kato Shelley ,
with the thanks of the Gonorall Assembly
in recognition of the oourago and devotion
of a child of ID years , whom neither thu
terror of the elements nor the fear of
death could appal in her efforts to save tl
human lifo during the terrible storm and tldi
flood in the Des Moines valley the night dini
of July C , 1881. ni
tli ;
" \Vol Uo Rioyor. tli
It It now umlltputod that AVIo Dlo May sc
or's Oiilurrli Ouro la Iho only trontmont scdt
Umt will ulmolutply-euro Catarrh fresh or dt
Chronic , "Vory oflicacloun , Bninl Gould , dtd dty
Wooiilng Water , Nob. " Onn box cured me.
Mm , MwyKouyon , Bismarck , Dakota. " "It d <
iMtcrotl mo to tha mil | > lt. JJov. George K. n
llcls , CoblovHlo , N. Y. " "Onn box radically
cured ino. Kev. 0 , H. Tolilor , 110 Noble cc
tttroet , lirooktyu' " "A porfot euro nftor SO
yearn lulfortair/J , I ) . McDonald , 710 Droad-
way , N , Y , , ia , &o , Thoiuands of tcatimo.- was
iilalu are rocolvoJ from all DurU of the wurldl * sic
Uollverod , 1,00. Dr. Wol 1)6 Moyor'n Iby
lunlr to < l Trcntlc * , " wltli atatmuonts of
the cured , moiled ( roe. D. U. Dewey & Co. , nn
1W ( Hilton Street , N. V ts
i & ' " ij
Inauguration of Iowa as a Total Ab
stinence State ,
IIow They Scl 'Km Up for tlio I
Time Ueforo tlio Dnwn of tlio
KrontlUI Ifourtli niul
Den Mcinca Loader , July 4 ,
Twontynino yeara ago to-day the firsl
tompcranco law in Iowa went into effect.
It was known as the Maine law. Subse
quently , "CB a BOD to the Dutch , " in the
language of a republican representative
in the legislature , the law wan amended
so as to permit tlio manufacture of ale ,
wine and boor. Prom that time to the
present the question of beverages has
boon over present in Iowa , and over
troublesome. It haa boon the boto noir
of politics , the ted flag shaken out before
each election. Two yoara ago an election
waa hold to determine whether the state
constitution should absolutely prohibit
the sale of anything in thl shape of
malt , ' vinous of distilled liquors. The
prohibition amendment was adopted
by a llargo majority. Subsequently the
the supreme court sot asldo the amend
ment , and last winter the legislature
pnactod a prohibitory law , which wont
into . eflcct last night at 12 o'clock. As
thia article is neither argument nor
prophesy the record of legislation on this
topic may cloao right ho'ro.
began quietly enough in Dos Moincs ,
although there was a good deal of curi
osity manifested on the streets. Knots
of men gathered in the hotels , saloons
and other places of public resort , discuss
ing the probable result , of the movement ,
but there waa no especial excitement. A
noticeable fact was that during the day
there was loss drinking than usual. Up
to G o'clock in the evening a majority of
the saloon keepers reported their sales
had bcon less by the drink than usual.
The bottle trade , however , waa enor
mous. Ono Walnut street saloon passed
over the counter between noon yester
day and 12 last night , 211 pint bottles of
were full of patrons most all day. Long
bofDro night every cask had been.filled
and shipped to customers out of town.
After the four o'clock trains loft not a
package could bo had. It must have
boon a very thirsty day for our country
cousins. Thobrovrorlca } kept on liana
only enough of the 'iquor of Gambrinus
to supply their retail demand , and to
day will lind most of them without a
gallon in stock. Several , and perhaps all
the brewers are preparing to turn their
breweries into cider works , although
some ( have applied for county permits
under the pharmacy act ,
drove a thriving trade over the bar last
ovoning. It seemed aa if the entire city
had become suddenly athirst. Among
tho-customora were not a few farmcis
that had como to the city to a sort of
watch mooting , to see the law go into
ellect. : As early aa noon some of the
larger saloons were out of some favorite
brands of the exhilarating fluids , but
that madn no especial difference. The
reporter was in the ack room of one of
the , largest establishments in town , in
terviewing the proprietor on the situa
tion. Said ho , in answer to a question
iI to the amount of stock'ho would have
loft. "I have sold over fcvo barrels since
yesterday , a laigo part of it by the cask
and jug , " .pointing to. a pile in the cor
ner.Tho reporter began to inspect the labels
bols , but the proprietor objected to "giv
ing away" his patrcm , nn'd'iho scribe saw
only ono on a four-gallon cask bearing
the address of a prominent attorney in
Dos Moincs , an ardent prohibitionist.
iiti 1'vo only half a barrel or so left , " said
the saloon man , "prime old rye. " Just
then n barkeeper came in with a decanter
and said , "vvo'ro out of brandy. " The
vessel was filled with whisky and returned
turned to the bar. A gin decanter waa
filled from the same barrel while the re
porter remained and whisky flasks ilium
orablo. :
had their hands full. Each car leaving
the city looked like a pottery on wheels.
The Kookuk train distributed C8 pack
ages between that city 'nnd Ottumwa.
The Hook Island west bound train took
away 112 packages , varying in size from
modest looking gallon jug , labled "gas
oline" to a full sized boor keg honestly
marked. The Northwestern , Wnbaah
and all otnor routes alno carried away
their quota of tanglefoot. It is by no
moans a wild estimate to say that ono
thousand packages of malt and spirltoua
liquors.TV ere carried out of the city yes
terday. The Wintorsot & Indianola
trains were well loaded. The favorite
marks on the jugs for the branch was
"castor oil , "
wno policed by two hundred specials , half
whom were employed by the state , and
llawkoyo insurance companies , which
put on ono hundred policemen to guard of
against fire , and the mayor had engaged
equal number of specials. Many of
the latter wore reported to bo drunk be
fore midnight and the town was reason
ably quiet , although there wan more
drinking during the night than was over
known in Dos Albinos before during the
same number of hours. The saloons
closed at 11:80 : all over the city and in
Ho Careful of tjie
If your children are threatened with croup
any throat diiliculty , apply n few drops of ni
Thonitii' Ktlcctrie Oil. It la the nicest modiol
clno for the little ones that wo know of ,
Tlio Glorious Imylng or tlio College
Cofncr Htono A. lllalno nnd
Club A Weather
ODok Journal.
CorrcsjonJenco of TIIK UKK.
FUEMONT , Nob. , July 0. An old gen-
llomnn noted for his piety , remarked the
day following the oyclono of Wednesday
night , the "devil was at the bottom of
lmt fearful storm. " Reasoning from
.hat basis it would bo safe to say that
some ether being just the opposite to the
devil ordered the weather for Friday , Ju-
4th , 1881. It was certainly a lovely
, and contributed in a great measure
making the celebration a grand suc
cess. The grand procession which was
brmodnt 10UH ) and paraded the streets ,
as fine as over seen in the state , Mu
and speaking were conducted in the
wrk after the parade , After dinner the
jalathuinphian procession moved in all
mnjoaty up Main street nnd proved illo
be a complete burlesque
on most every body and everything.
Saint and sinner alike came in for their
share widow Butlor.'and the bachelor's
association not oxcoptcd.
Low May and Nat Smails say it is a
libel upon them for they do know which
way the Congregational church is located
from Eno's hotel. The sacred cow made
up a very interesting part of this proces
sion , though some of the boys say they
did not see just where the cow came
The Fremont normal and business
college , the laying of the corner stone of
which constituted ono of the most strik
ing features of the day , i the outgrowth
of a determination on the part of our
best citizens to have a first class nornal
school under local management , and in
no respect subject to the dictation of
state politicans ; least of all , the Lincoln
ring. It is a fact which needs no further
proof , that appropriations to atato insti
tutions of whatever nature must all pay
tribute to Lincoln lobbyists. Several
years ago Fremont made an effort to get
an appropriation for a normal school , but
aa usual got loft. But now she has
passed that crisis , and being of sound
mind and body , has determined to put
her hands into her own wallet and own
and control an institution fashioned nnd
conducted on business principles , It
will aim first of all , at supplying the kind
of education most in demand good
training for business lifo , for public
school teaching , for industrial , art and
ether practical purposes and next at
making the expense of such training as
little as is consistent with wholesome
living and thorough teaching. The cere
mony of laying the corner stone of this
institution as conducted by the Odd Fol
lows , in full regailia , was attractive and
imposing. The building is throe stories
in height besides the fourth story roomii
the tower.
From the ground to the extreme top ol
the tower will bo about eighty feet. On
the ground the building measures 74 feet
from east to wont , and GO feet from nortl
to southand fronts south toward Military
avonuo. It will contain , whoncompleted
from top to bottom , twelve recitation
rooms , besides the art studio , and music
department , principal's residence rooms
and office. All arrangements for the
boarding of students will bo in ether
buildings. Tito walls of the main build
ing are now half finished , the corner
stone having boon laid on the top of the
basement wall at ono corner of the east
extension which h&d boon loft for this
purpose. The contractor is determined
to push the work to completion in time
for the opening of the fall term , Octoboi
21st. The building , when completed and
furnished , will represent about § 20,000 ,
and the aito , covering over four acres , the
gift E , n. Barnard , ia worth at least
82,000 moro. Other buildings now pro
jected for the use of professors and stu
clouts , nnd intended to bo finished before
the school opens , will cost over § 5OOC
Last evening a rod hot mooting was
held to organize a Blaina and Logan club.
E. A. Barnard was chosen prosidcntCeo. ;
Marshall , 1st vice president ; Wrn.Fried ,
2d vice president ; C. Drlscoll , Od vice
president. V. S. liny , 4th vice president ;
Ross Hammond , recording secretary , and
J. W. Love , corresponding secretary ; C.
H. May , C. D. Marr , James Kilburn ,
Goo. H. Forney and II. W. Bowen , pru
dential committee ; A. Truesdell , treas
urer.The Saturday Evening Twilight Fizzle
has again changed hands , and wo presume
sumo it will change ita principles or
what passes for such , aa it changes them
as often as it changes ownership , and as
much oftener as it pays. Spv <
oral weeks ago it had at its head , Blaine
for president , Dawes for governor , anc
Dorsoy for congreasman. Now it calls
Dorsoy the Col. Sellers of Nebraska , anc
is using all its mighty influence to defcai
him. A stranger might ask , why this
sudden change of heart , but every citi
zen of Dodge county knows without ask'
ing. Doraoy don't want to invest in any
newspaper enterprisesbcsidea the lovofor
"Our Val" is still "fresh and green. "
A Special Invitation.
Wo especially Invite a trial by all these
sufTorors from Kidney and Liver com
plaints who have failed to obtain relic !
from doctors. Nature's great remedy ,
Kidney Wort , has effected cures in many
obatinato cases. It acts at once on the
Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleansing the
system of all poisonous humors and re
storing a healthy condition to these im
portant organs. Do not bo discouraged ,
but try it.
Itufni 15orr , an Indiana farmer , sliot nncl
killed hU wife , Sunday , nnd than killed him-
self. Jealousy ,
The anarchists with their bombs are mak
ing lively times fur oilkials in Austria ,
Bon Untlor hold u two hours' session with
John ICelley in the latter'a room in thsl | > .iltnor
liouao , Sunday night.
The California delegation have decided to
vote for Thurnmii.
Tlio Franklin Depot Itobbcrr.
Special Dispatch to Tun BKK.
DI.OOMINUTON , Neb. , July 7. K. 0. Fan-oil ,
arrested for the robbery of the Franklin depot
over 8500 , is having nn examination. Cir-
cmmtant'al ' evidence points very strong to hia
joing tlio wanted. Ho
iimn la defended by a
imminent attorney , who h doing his best to
clear him ,
Frankllu't ) Dcspcrailo CnpUueil.
Special Dispatch to THE BET ,
llLOOSUNGTO.vNeb.July7. WostPowellof
Seward precinct , a noted character , was or *
rested Inst night by Deputy Sheriff Hanly , for
shooting with intent to kill. Powell ia a hard
character. Ho once undertook to kill bia part
ner In the threshing business , and is suspected
committing various robberies. Ilia nxam-
nation will { aka place to-morrow before Judge
1 he proof at the pudding ia not in chewing
tha string , but In having nn opportunity to
teat the article direct. Schrotor & ] ! ocht , the
DmcgisU , have a free trial bottle of Dr. lio-
Bnnko'i ) Cough anil l.nng Syrup for each nnd
every ono who la ulllictod with Coughs , Colds ,
Asthma , Consumption or any Lung Affection ,
" " " OB * " 1 ' ' *
Missouri Htver Cominisnlon
Special Dispatch to THE Dei : .
WAHHINUTON , July 7. The president hai
ust nominated and tha senate confirmed Capt.
W. J , ISroatch , of Omaha , to bo a member of
the Missouri river commission , The other
nombors are M j , Suter. Maj. McKonilo ,
Uaj. Krnost , of the U. S , army , and Chll
Kngineer Uroadliend , of Missouri.
THIS BELTor Itcgenra-e
tor la made cxprcwly for
the cure of derangements
i of tha generative OIKIUI.
I Th-ro U no mUtake about
rthl * Inntrament , the con.
tiuuoui rtrcaui cf KU'JO-
TRIO IT V ueiineatlnE
f through tbo i > arta nmct rca
tore thoiii to inialthy action
IX ) not confound tl'U ' with
_ _ HoctrloUclUad > ertU d to
euro all lli Iroin lioadtJoo. It U for thoONr : ei > co-
purpotu. Kur clrculri uMvinK full Information
JdrmChet'ver nectrts I'elt Co. , Its )
A strictly vegetable preparation , com
posed of a choice and skillful combina
tion of Nature's boat remedies. The
discoverer does * not claim it a euro for
all the ills , but boldly warrants it cures
every form of disease arising from a tor
pid liver , impure blood , disordered kid-
noyj , and where there is a broken down
condition of the system , requiring a
prompt and permanent tonic , it never
fails to restore the sufferer. Such is
by all druggists , who are authorized by
the manufacturers to refund the price to
any purchaser who is not benefited by
their use. Price , § 1.00.
Props. , Buffalo , 5S" . Y.
Corner KUh niul Capitol Avenue ,
in nil their forms.
YOUNG JIUNi who are aullorliii ? from ( ho effects
of Youthful Indiscretions , would do well to avail
tbomseUcs of this , the greatest boon over laid at the
altar of suffering hummlty. Dr. Tanner will cunr-
ttiitco to forfeit $509 for c\cry case of Seminal Weak-
ncBsor 1'rhato Disease , of any kind or character
which ho undcrtakcannd falls to euro.
MIDDLE AGED MEN Many men between the
agea of S3 and 60 , are troubled with a too frequent
doslro to evacuate the bladder , oltcn accompanied
uyaellgbt emattlng and burning sensation , anil a
weakening of the system In a manner that the pa
tient cannot account for. On examining the urinary
deposed a ropy pediment will often bo found , and
sometimes aaall particles of albumen " 111 appear ,
or the color will bo of a thin , mllblsh hue , again
changing to a darkand torpid appearance. There Are
many men who die of this dllHculy , Ignorant of the
cause. It Is the second stage of seminal weakness.
Dr. Tanner will guarantee a pcrlcct cure In a'l such
caso1 , and a healthy restoration of the Qcnlto urinary
Organs. Call or address ay above , Dr. Tanner.
'Wo lire to Inform the publlo and emokora cener.
illy , that wo have secured a Urge clock of the terj
jhoicc't grides of thorough/ ! cured
! oh ecn , nhlch woaro mine in the mnnufictaro of oai
L'clclirutcil brand ] of cluriircttr * and umiiklnit to.
buccu" . And have- added tnnur stock ft largo shipment
) f the I'lncit Imported French JClce Vnpcr.
Such stock madn up by the hlnh sl clam of ultitlfal
abor , wo feel conlident , cannot fill to satisfy the taetei
t all good Judges. > .
3 per l CsporM U Street Cnporal St. James K. Kin-
ley 15ro . Straight Out in Full Drotd Packages , etc. , to.
QXanunicturcil by Npccltil rcquunt. - *
v KlXlfJir TOJtslCCO CO. ,
\ fluccossors to Elnnoy Iro3. ) . New 1'otfc
The uta ot the term " Shof
SHORT tine" In connection with ih *
corporate : name ol re tro d ,
convey * n lclc ol tut what
required by the traveling irab
R I nil * ilc-V Short "ae , Quick 11m
fil fill H - * " * * DO bcst ° ' accommod * '
hH II SmO tlona-all of which are fain *
shed by the greatest railway ui America.
And St. Paul.
It own8 and operates ovei 4,600 mtlm of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and aa ts main linen , branches and connec
tions reach all tbo ercat business centres of the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers the
description of Short Line , and Best Kouto between
Chicago , Mllnaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChicagoMilwaukee , I/ > Crosse and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellcndnlo
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwatei *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoslt.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukcsha and Oeonomowott *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Cblan ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbaull.
Chicago , Bclolt JancsviUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , Hockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Koch Island and Cedar lUptdl.
Chicago , Council BluOs nnd Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Dubuque , St Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman S ccpers and the Finest Dlnlnc Cars In
the n. rid nro run on the main lincsof thoCHIOAGO ,
attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employee
of the Company.
& . a MERRILL , Ocnl Manager.
A. V. II. CARPENTER , don' Pass. Agt.
J.T. CLAUK , Oen'l S.ipt.
GEO. II. 11EA1TOHD , Aes't. Grn'1. Pass. Agt.
warranted to wear longer , flit
) form ncnler , and nlvo bcttc1
* r Chlnjru's Li-st pUyotclai' :
ch Onrjct. I'rice , Ilr t Metcrn Jean ,
, 31. MLFK your merchant forthetu.
MaTasOIIlLD. JOSKl'll .tCC , ,
Plans , specifications and estimates ot cost ot laying
out new or remodeling old linns , eroding , sodding ,
etc. , will bo lurnlsho'l on application , Grower and
dealer in all kinds of Flouurs , Shrubs , Ornamental
and Shade Trees. Just the thing for Cemetery or
Lawn Decoration. Orcen IIouso nnd Nursery
Strcot , near Fort Omaha. Cut Flowers aud Flower
ing Wants In pots for sale at all seasons , and any
Floral Designs or Bouquets made up on the shortest
notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to.
dress P. O. Box 695 Omaha. Neb.
To these Kuftcrlnc from tno
effects of 5 outhful errors.
linn Buuxur'u' -
cay , lost manhood , etc. , 1 will send you particulars of a
simple and cartaiu xueana of , nel * ciiro , f rce of charge.
Send your address to 6' 0. iCMVLER , Jloodus , Conn.
Proprietors. SuperiuRndent
il E8 ss r3 a & * IBSI
Mill tiilfl bid III
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotii
TVe are prepared to furnish pinna and estimates , nnd will contract for
he erection o Flouring Milla and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System
JSfllspocifil attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and eutimates made for same General machinery Jepaiis atUncJ'
promp tly. Address
RICHARDS & CLARKE , Ornate , Heb
oracrViEd"w , Fluial ? , Window CajwIron , Crcfctlnr , Metallic Sky.NchU , &r T.n , Iron nd Slate Hoot
rr ? H s ufiutn h if. * , 1)4 c , NJ 111