uMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JULYS , 188 * . no The Nebraska National OP OMAHA , NEB. . SHJO.OOO 3urpl 8 ruaa , HOT. i S8S JO BOO niHECTORf , H. W. YATES.fcl'rosIdent , for" many'yoira Crwhier of the First National Bank of Omaha. A. B. TOUZAT.IN , Vlco IVosldont , Uoston. W V. MOUSi ; , of W. V. Morse & Co. JOHN a. COLLINS , of a. u. & J. s. col- Ins , J. M. WOOLWOUT1I , Counsellor nndAUoT- ] noy At Law. L. S , 1U31S1) , of Byron Hoed & Co , 1C 1C ItAYDEN , Vsiistant Ciwhbr , 11113 BANK opened for buslncw April 27 , 1882 , ITS DIIIEOTOUS AND STOOKHOLD- EHS nro nmone the loadlnij bu < lno44 of Oma ha , nnd 1U buatnosi la conducted with especial reference to the boat nnd Increasing into testa ita mcrcautilo patrons , COLTVKOTIONS receive apocial attention nnd charged lowoit obtilnablo hara or oho- where. INTRHUST allowed on tlmo doposita upon nrorablo torma nnd upon nctounta of bauks and bankers. FOUEIGN KXCHANGE Government Bonda nndJCouuty nud Cifc ysoourltiea boi ht and pold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FXNANOIAIJ Yonit , , Tuly 3. Money K l@li ; closed olfercd per 1J , 1'rimo paper 5@0 per cent. Sterling Bills Weak nt1 S2f ; demand 1SIJ. Governments Strong , except for 3 per cent" . , "Railways In brisk demand. Share speculation to-day , we.ik and lower on attseks. No auppott given tlio mar ket , and many operators absent. Compared with Thursday's closing prices , there a ? a decline of i to1 per cent. cunroNa O 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 'M JVaOonpona . 1W U. S. now , ft . ll ! > i Pacific b'a of 'Q1 ; 123 B700KQ AND BONDS , American Kxprooa Bnrl. , Oodar llapidj & Northern. . . . Oantral Pacifio Ohicago & Alton do do pfd Oh ! . , Burl , fQuincy. . . . - Brio . . . _ do pfd . * 123 Fort Wurne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph 3SJ do do do pfd * 8SJ Xllluoto Central 11UJ Xud. , Bloom , ( fc Western 11 Knnana & Texas 131 finko Shore & Michigan So 73 , ' wlicliifjan Contr.,1 fij Minuoanolla ' & Si. Louis 1Q\ \ do do do pfd 2JV Missouri Pacific ! )7 ) $ Northern Pacific 17J do do pfd _ i'.r , ElD-thwestoin Oil ; ? do pfd 120A New York Central. . . Ohio & Mississippi. . . do do pfd ) Poorla , Decatur & vi Bock Inland 10"i Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paid 07j do do do pfd 10H St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba Sfi St. Paulfc Omaha 5 > j do do pfd (3."i\ \ fforaa Paciflo S2 O'nlon Pocifio 02 \Vabaiih , St. L. & Pacific 12 do do do pfd 0 Western Union Telegraph D5 , ' Aukod. * GUA1N AND 1'ltOVlSIONS. CHICAGO PHODUOE. CIIICAOO , July 7. Plour Dull and weak ; winter , fair to choice , o OD@500 ! ; spring 4 OU 1 50 ; Minnesota bakers 4 20@5 CO. Itcgnlar ; weak ; fairly active. Market at opening quickly declined 5 1 below - low Thursday's closing figures , then I more for August and i for September. Later , fluctuated slightly , closed with'n ' 5 of inside prices reached ; cash and July , 81i ; August , 8381 ; September , S5J@35i ; October , 8CJ. Corn Weak ; lower ; opened J@ lower ; fluctuated elightly ; ( Inclined 1J@1J below out- siilo figures ; rallied a trifle ; closed 1 below closing quotations Thursday ; cash Gl@fil } ; July , 21 } . August , 02J@523 ; SentcmberD23 October.Dlg : rejected , 43@13. Oats A shade easier ; canh fair demand , "Sl@2'J ; futuies qtiiot , ranged -j@.J lower ; cash 282l ! : July , 2 ! ) : August , 2CJ ; Septom- ber25J@2.J5 : year , 2Di. Rye ( iuietatlH. Barley Tnactivo at 02@C1 , Seeds Timothy Firm ; prime , 1 20 ® 128. 128.Flax Kasy at 1 fiO.'l i'oik btiongpr and mnro active ; piicos were advanced 1 OQro/2 CO on near deliveiierf ; c.ish 17 00f 17 00 ; .1 ul v 2.J 00 : Aiiffii't 21 23 ® 2110 ; September 182.1 ; October 18 05. Linl ( JiiU't ; active e.-.rly ; juices advanced 510c ; later ina'kut oarier ; imirovcmont | loit ; cakh and July 7 IOft-7 I'-H ; AiiRiHt , 7 52J(5 ( > 7 K ! ; Septtmber,7 ( J7it i7 70 : October 7 7i ; shoiildora. 0 OOjshort liba , ty V-l > short clear 805. Whisky Unchanged at 110. Butter AVoak ; chmco creamery , 17@lSi ; fancy dairy , 15 , Cheoid Full ercatnjfhedilars freely Blinded 74@3 ; skimmed cheddarr dull , btaady 2@5. Ilidua Siiiill demand ; green settled : n noted Imll ( ! J ; damaged ( ! / ; light 8heay \ ; 7J ; calf Tallow No. 1 country sold at 0 , OAI.I , HOAHD WJicat - July and August 1 lower ; .September I lo\\er ; October 8 liwer. Corn.Inly unchanged ; August nnd Sep tember \ lower ; October J lower. Oats July J higher ; Aiigiwt ami Septem ber iinchangud. Pork July , Ancjint aud Eoiitombcr unchanged - changed ; October 15o lower. Lnrd ilnly unchanged Angmt 2\ lower ; September Cc lower. 11AI.TISIOHK. 1ULTIUOI1K , July 7. Wheat 'Western lower , dull , No. 2 winter led spot , July ! I.1J@ 1)57. ) 1)57.Corn Wcstoin btcaily , du'l ; mixed spot Oats Steady and nulet wosteru white 3d ; 40 . . . .tu.l li'/Ziwr @ ; Kyu Quiet nnd easy at 0.5(203. ( 1 1'Iu'ga IJu'ct and easy at 15. whisky ( Juiot and nomiualiy stonily at JIIMVAUKKK. MII.WAUKKE , July 7. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 81 | . August 83i , Sop'tcmbor 8' } . Corn Firmer and fcaico ; No , 2 , Do. Oats AVonk ; N . 2 , 30c dclivi-twl. Kye Inactivu ; No. 1 , ( iOc. Barley Dull nnd neglected ; No. 2 Hiring tSc , .September l2ic ! bid. TO'lEDO. ToLEDO.Jnlr 7. Wheat Quiet and steady ; No. 2 ri'd cash 87 ® 8. Corn Quitt ; No. 2 cash , nijc. OatH Quiet and firm ; No. 2 cash and July , 30. LIVKIU'OOL. LlVERPoon , July 1. Uroadstuffa Firmer , Wheat Winter , 7s 5d@7u 10d ; Spring , 7 2d@7til. Corn 5a 3Jd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HT , LODIH rnODCCK. ST. Lorna , July 7. Wheat Lower nnd fairly active ; No. 2 rod , ! > 2 now ; ! H old casli ; 88ifaS8i , July ; 8Gg < a Sij' ( , Augiwt ; 8 , Sep tember ; 8'J , October ; No. 3 ml , 88. Corn Lower , ou y moderate ; 'finding at li ( | , cash ; 4li3 ( i ? , July ; August ; ligfelS , iSuptumbflr. Oats Lower and nlowat 275 , cash ; 2 July ; 231 , AiiRiist. DarloyNominal. . Uuttor Uuchanged. Jlicgii Unclianpod , llav-iuiet. . ; timothy , 0 00 ® 11 00 ; prairie , Lov.cratOS , Curnmosl- S.I. CAM. r.o.\na WhMtt . .w.-r . t . \ for .Inly ; StiJ lor Au mt ; S7i for Septombt'r S9\ \ fur Octobrr , Oorn rLow T at \ 6tit July ; 4SJ foi August ; \b \ fiT Septfinbrr. O -lwti\vcr st 4J. ' ' for July ; 28 for Anglic and yeni. KANSAS CITT. KAXIAI Cnv , July 7. Wh l I otrtr ; COj caih ) 71 Amput ) 73 Ssptotnbor. Corn-Qul t st 40 | OA h ; dOffi'llJ AiiRtut i U bid September. Oats Lower siul tiorninnl ; 21 j bid , CISCtX.SATi , .fuly -Wh sl-Firui J [ No. 2 ml , PD. Corn-Thill i hieli mix xl , til. Oat < -I'irmen No. 2 mixed , 83. Rro-Onlet ; No. ! ! , G\ Pork-J'iriner nt 1U OD. Lard Firmprs 7 IB , Hulk uioala I'lnurr ; shoulilcM , 6ij short rlb , SV. Whisky 11 ijtli cr , nt 1 OS , NEW OIUKAN3. NK\V Ont.KANS , July 7. Corn Quiet ; yellow luhed , Ul CO. ( ) U - Tnir ilcm ind at T.Ol 10. Corn MLM ! Quiet and steady at 2 90. I'urU Uoml iloiniiid , 111 2."i. LanlSteady ; tierce icflned , 8 : keg , S GO. Whisky-Sti-aily ; westsrn rectllk-d , 1 00 ® I 20. NKW vonu rnoDCCK. NK\V YORK , July 7. Wheat Spot 1@1 ? low i' ; options opened weak ; declined i@l ; afterwards stninger ; closed showing n recoxeiy ofilfiljj No. 2 Chicago. Olfa'.tlj ; do crop in Ik-liI , SitlCfSlO : No. 2 Milwaukee ll ) ) ; ungraded red 73@S1 12 ; No. a red 8l ! ; No. 2 red l)4V ) © U7 : SopUmber cloMtig nt U'.ljt. Corn Sixit , JG'l and optiom ] @ | lower ; closing steady vitb slicht recoveiy ; tuiciuded 1S.\@II1 \ ; No. 2 , f)0@CC3 ; Septemi.or , ( . ! > . ( ) ats 15 ? .J lower ; moderately ncthe ; cloi- ing linn ; mi\cd western , 3'37 ; ( ; white , 37 & 10. 10.Kggs We torn fiesh , dull nnd lower ; 18. I'urk Quiet and firm ; new mess Hi 50. Laid Weak ; wcslein steam , spot , 7 70. Butter Dull and a ! er at Sgr 20. K Sl'OCU. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. ClIICAOO. July" . Drovcis' Journal reports : HogB Slow bat steady ; rough packing 0 00 Bfi 40 ; packing n d ( .liipinnir , .5 50o K5 ; ight fi 00 > c5 74 ; skip' , 3 00fit3 10. Cattle Slow ; lUJjJjluc lower ; exports , (559 ( gli 75 ; common to choice shipping , 5 00SJ ( i CO ; iufeiior to good cowc , 2 30I 23 ; itocUcH and feeder , i > G0@f > G'J. Sheep- Dull on common wtoeK ; inferior to air , 2 COfe , ' ! 60 per cut. ; medium to extra , I 7"5 2.5. The Uiovori' Journal's special Liverpool : able disi ] : < tch quotes tlio cttllo market c , ewer , with heavy fupplio3 from all quntter . 3c-t Amcricau steeis , 15Jc. per lb. uresacd ; lost sheep , 15@lGc. KANHAB OITT LIVK BTOOR. KANSAS Cirr , July 7. Cattle No good ore , weak ; IOc lower ; natives , 4 M@G 25 ; ows , iJ 7oii3 ( 7o. Hogs Steady , jwvl close weaker at 510 ® 37 J. Slieop Fair to good natives , 2 00@3 00. ST. LODIS Live STOCK. ST. Lenis , July 7. Cattle Corn fed ativcs weaker , not lower ; exports , 0 D0@ 75 ; common to choice shipping , 5 25@G 50. Sheep Steady for good , dull for low grades ; immon to choice1 , 2 2o@i 50. Hogs Higher and acthe ; Yorkem , 5 4.5 © 09 ; packine , 5 23(5:5 ( : 50 ; heavy , 0 00@5 70. TLOCB AND OBAtN. NEW YORK , July 7. Eecclpta and ilpments of fiournnd giulu lor the past 2 1 hours ave been ns followai Koceiptn Ship'is. rhoat , btrihels . 11,000 C.5,000 orn , buthelf ! . 10j,050 S5,000 ata. buahob . 110,01)0 ) . . . . OniOAGD , July 7. Receipts tied ship. tents of fiour and grain for the paal 4S boors itvo been aa follows Recelpta. Sblp'ta. lour , bbls . . ' . . , . 0,000 15,000 /'heat / , buahcla . 111,000 201,000 orn , bushels . 111,030 170,000 ata , bushels . 131,000 104,000 yo , bushels . 5,000 18,000 arloy , bushela . . . . 1,000 . . . . live STOCK. CHICAGO , July 7. Rocelpta nnd shlp- enta of live stock for the 24 hours have ion na follows : Hocolpta. Bhlp'ts. at tie . 7,500 . . . . 'oga . 1,200 . . . . aoop. . , . 1,800 . . . . KANSAS OITT , July 7. Receipts nnd Jpmenta of live stock for the past 24 hours ivo boon as follows ; Receipt * . L'hlp'tp. ' attlo. . , . 1,800 ogs . 500 . . . . jeep . 230 ST. Lotus , July 7. Rcoalpta and ship- onti of llvo stock for the past 24 hours have ion as follows ; Receipts , Slxip'U ' uttlo . 3,700 jeep . 2,100 OMA.HA V/liolcanlo frlcoa. Ornoc OP TUB OMAHA DKR , I Monday Evening , July 7 , I The following pi-ices are charged retailers ' jobber , whok-s.ilera and commission mcr- .ants , with tlio exception of grain , which is loted at the. prices furnibhod by tlio oIoratoM id other local buyers : Wheat-Cash No. 2 , C'j Barley Cash No. 2 , 45inf,0c ( , Ryo-Caah. No. 3 , 43r ICc. Corn No. U , 38l@3U.\c. \ Data No. 2 , 28i@30\c , Ijivo Stock , STHttlia 1 2.'i@5 50.P VXT Cowa-3 00 ( H 00 , CO1 OD. OALVKS 0 00S7 ( } 00. Oonnral 1'roflnco. BlAWH RocoiptH light nnd demand good. xd picked navy , per bu , 32 50 ; inpiliuin , )0@225 ) , BKKHWAX In good demand. Ohoico bl Ight r lb , 20@2Kc ; common to good dark per 111 , Burrcu Market unchaiiRod ; receipts light- ; ftcnerally on better glade * , wliich it heuuiM a hold for better piicoj. Jiunt table i < i lotablo ftt810o ; with fi@7c for Infeiior adcs , and 10alCc ( ) fur croamt-ry. CirEli-"Ohio" ) per bbl , 97.00 ; "York State ' r bbl , S3 00 ; peri bbl , Si 75 ; condensed per 1 , 85u. Crab apple , per gal. 35c. OnEHB1 : Full uroam , we tern , 10(5111 ( : V/Ia- osln now Hi ; young American 1213o , OOOOANUTS I'or 10U. $4 7Cf < 55 00. Kggs ] eceipt nro increasing and prices ther unsettled , sales being imulo to-day at , llijr and lie. However , a positive decllno not expected. FoiiKIQ."J FnoiTS California oranaos , per x , 8100. MfiHsIna lemons , per box , ID CO [ j 00. lUnnnax , per buuch , $3 00 { 4n , llj. . AUU. Dates , In frails , 7c ; dntos , rd , in boios , KnuiT BtiTTKita Apple butter , In 30 lb Us , per lb , 7c. Plum buttnr , 74c. Hay Haled , 88.00 10.00 ; loose , 210.00 ® TELLY In 20 and 30 lb nails , C@7c ; In 2 lb i , per doz , $1 50 ; owioNo tumblers , : . 81 20 ; schooners , per ilo/cn , $3 00. MAPLK SUOAII 1'uro. In bricks , jior lb , ICc , no , lee ; email cukes , 12Jc. ONIONH Now Southern per lb. 3 ( < ? ' 3Jc. F'orcoiiN- co/xl demand at 2f < ? 2f0 | per lb. ; I'oULTitif Receipts of old chickens heavy d pricescoiisidurablo _ lower , salon today , 00@3 25iH > r doz. ; Bpring eliiclcens m good mand at $ .1 75 ® 1 00 uccordi . h I'or.MOKi , Now oiioa in liberal btiiiply and p ling to-day ntS300@350 _ per bbl. fo | B ( olce Texan nnd 81 00 put bushel fur Jiomr iwn. Very little demand for old onus , u ri L'uoviaroNH Jlaui , 13o ; b. bacon , 12lo B. bacon , Ho ; d. H. sidaa lOfc ; short rib lo * , lOJcj thoulilers , 8)0 ) ; ma pork , per J. 513.W , DrLd bo f,13c. , Lwd , 0@10o , Splnoch , per bbl , $200 ; nov cnbbupo , IHT d..z . SO lOO ; lettuce , a don. , v.Ve ; rmUiliBn , per dof. , , 25c ; turnip * p r bu , SOo. b * U , [ icr tin , 7Ac cucumbers , ixsr A < v. . . $1 00 j I'lo , pluni l r lb. 3c. Cftullllower j > r doz. ? 100 new crrob . per lb. , So. Tomatoes 1 bn. b > > x , 75(81 ( ? t Oil ; < ro ii ] IM per iw he box , ? 1,00 : string bean * per busliel but , S'J.01 SMALI , FBVITS Strawltcuiw , * r2l-iiinr ] cacc. $3 00. lllnck r.Mplwrrio * . $1 00. ! ? ( : m pl > pm'c jwr 12-quart OJOP , $2 00. nm 9 lx > rti M , twr bu hel St 60.'ild plums , pot ca < o $ , ' 150 Now npples IHT bi > \ fiOfji.l 00 IVnchei 1 000H f.O. HAHTKHX CIIKHRIRS Vlentiful ami cheap. All kinds of paekatff' are Mit to nmikst , sell- Jig at the into of about 63 00 per buMt , Drr Goortii. llnows BiiKKTisoa Atlnutlc A , 7ic : Allan tie I1 , Oo ; AtlAiitio IjL ; 5c ; I'runswick , 7Jo ; 15o vorDam liL.OJc ; 1/awronco LL , fijc ; I'acl- fie H , "to ; Royal Standard , Sc ; Indlau Head A , Sc | Avntiehtuott A , 7Jc. SitRirriNaa Argyle , 7icj Pop- pcrcll R , 7c ; SHltsbury 1 ! . < He. RLKAUHXD CoTWsa-Uallon 4-4 , CJc ! Hal ' Cumberland 41 8c ] > n\oll DP on 7-f , f'l'c ! - , ; \ S.\c \ ; Fairinouiit , 4Je ; Fruit of the Iioom 4-l > ) e ; Ol.iry of the Wiwt , SJc : Golden Oato.Si'c ; Hill 7-S , Sc ; Hill 4-4 , He ; Louudalo Sic ; Now Vsrk Aliils. lljc ; Wamsutta , lOJo. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Uo < - ton , 10 02. , Hie ; Doeton , ! ) oz. , lie ; Fall River , 8ic. llupxa ( ( Sray-Woit ) Point , 8 oz. , llo Woat Point , 10 or. , Me ; Boston Hoar , 8 or. . , lie. lie.TirKison TirKison Amockoag. lie ; Cpnllnontil : 'aaey , Qic ; Cordis , lOVc ; Pearl River , lie ; York , 12jc ; Hamluton Awnings. 12JO , DENIMS Amoskoag , llo ; lloa\or Crook YA , 12c ; Reaver Crook HH , He ; Joaver Crook CO. 10 ; Ha\inaknr bo ; Jallrcy D t T. 12j'c ; JnlTroy XXX. 12i'c ; 'o.n-1 River , 13c ; Wnrrsn AXA llirowu ) , 2o ; Wnrren 1)R ( brown ) , lie ; Warrou CO urown ) , IOc. OAMiiluud Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ; Caystotioglovo finlah , 5JC. Coii3KT.KAN8 ) Amory , 7io ; Hancock , 8c ; Cearsayor , 8jc ; Rockport , 7c. PniNTH AllonH.fiJc ; Amcricaii,5io ? ; Arnolds , c ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , -Ic ; Indigo , 71c ; udigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-1 , 12Jc ; choip sale Je ; Chat tor Oak , 4Jc. I'nis-isSiliUTiKOS American , Cc ; Coclieco , 5c ; tiloticc torr > cSouthbiidgo ; , 41c ; Wavorlys , IJo : Roaodaloli'c. . GiNaic.uia Amoskoai ; staples , 8 c ; Uatoi itanloi , Sc ; Lancaster staples , Sc ; I'lmikot plaid' ! , I'c ' ; Hudsou chocks , 8Jc ; Amtiakoag t'orsians , Oic , PHKS3 Goons Atlantic alpacca , iJc ) ; Per- liono cashmor , " 3Jc | ; Ilamloton cashmcro , Ifi.k ; Ilamloton Faucua , HJc ; Hamloton bro- udoa , 15c ; Arlinptou brocade , 18c. l-ilqnorn. AlCOnOL 1R8 wino alcohol , 220 per wine ? allou extra California spirits , 1M ) proof , L 12 per proof gallon ; triple refined eiiiriU 187 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; re-distlllod vhiskios 1 001 00 ; fine blended , 1 C0@2 60 ; Sontuoky bourbons , 200700 ; Kentucky knd Pennsylvania ryoa , 2 OOGA7 00. UK ANIIIEO Imported , 6 00@1GOO ; domostlo .40 ® I 00. GINS Imported , 4 G0@0 00 ; domostio , 110 S3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 60@6 CO ; NowEngland , ! M(5J4 ( 00 ; d'mioatio , 1 60@3 60. PEACH AND ArrtE BnANi > 7 1 7C@1 00. CHAMPAOKCS Imported per case , 28 00@ i 1 00 ; American , per case , 12 001C 00. Qrocor.i O/.NNr.n Gfoona Oysters ( Standardpor ) case , ! 7U3 80 ; ctrav/berrics , 2 lb , per caao , 2 B0@ ! 10 ; raapborriec , 2 lb , per cane , 2 00 ; Bartlett ifliu.i , per cast ; , 2 40 ; wnortloberrios , per case , 1 1(1 ( ; t'pg plums , 2 11) , par case , 2 ! )0 ; green agss , 2 Ib , per case , 2 DO ; piiio apples , 2 lb if r case. 4 80@5 50. IxOl'K Sisal 4 inch and larger , 'Jlo , 3 'nob , cj ; i inch , 10c. CAKDI.KS Roxon , 40 Iba , IGa , 1 EC ; SB , 15o ; iQzea 40 Ibs , 10 02. . Gs , 15c. J\tATonra \ Per caddie , 35c ; round , casoa , 55 ; Bijnaro casas , 1 70. SDOAM Powdered , SJc ; cut oaf , Sic ; rauulated , 7gc ; oonfectlonors' A , 7Sc ; Stand- rd extra O , ( l c : extra O , OJc ; medium yol- jw. CJc ; dark yellow , o. COF1TEZ3 Ordinary grades , 12@12ic ; fair 13 § 13\c \ ; good , 14c ; prime , ISQlS c ; choice 6@17c ; f aucy green nndyollowlG@lGlcold ; o\ornmenl. Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovoring's roasted. 7c ; Arbucklo'H roasted , 15'c ; McLauglUlu'i > tXXX roasted , ICjo : mltatlon Java , IfiJ ? ,18lc ; Clark's Aurora , IGJc. Rice Louieiana prima to cholco , 7c ; fair ic ; Patina , Oifc. FISH No. 1 m.jckerol , half brls. , 8 60 ; No mackerel , iclts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , hal iris. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No , 1 ? hito fish , half brla. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits. 1 15. Srnup Standard Com. . 30c , bols ; Standard , o , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon : esro 137. SODA In Ib paporo , 3 SO per case ; keg per lb , oc. oc.PIOKLES Medium , In barrels , 8 25 ; do i half barro's , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 25 ; do i half barrels , C 25 ; gherkins' In barrels , 10 25 ; o in half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO J75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c Toung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice. ! ic@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 85c ; Japan , lioico , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong , boico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@10c ; lioico , 3545c. WoonENWAiuc Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; iroo hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; PIo- oor washboarda , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Yollbuckota , 3 5. SOAPS Kirk fl Savon Imperial , S 45 ; Kirk's rtinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'a hito Runsian , fi"5 ; Kirkn outoc.t , 216 ; [ irk's Prairie Quoou , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; KlrU'B iiurnolla , do/ POTABII Pennsylvania cans , ! o.vo , In case , 35 ; Bnbbitt.H ball 2do7mcaso,190 ; Anchor rJl , 2 doz. in case , 1 50 , CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; fstick , Ho ; twist , Ict , lOJc. ViNEQAH Now York apple ICc ; Ohio op- lo. ISc. H/.LT Dray loads , tier bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , in icks , a 50 ; bbla dairy CO , 5a , 3 30. STAIIOH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 8c : Com , 80 ; Kxcolfllor Glose. 7o ; Corn , 7ic. SPIOEJ Popper , 17o ; nllsplco , ire ; cloves , ic ; carcln 15c. LTK American. S 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; fonlorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , ( iG ; Jowoll lye , 2 75 , Tolmccoa Pine TOBACCO Climax , BOc ; Bullion 50c ; 'oriinnlioo , 60c ; Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 4bc ; Her- IV'H , 40c ; Rlack , 38 ® IOc. FINE Our Common. 20@30cj good , 45@ ) c ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Promlum , G5c ; Dinmoad rown , 55c ; Sweet Slxtoen , 50c. SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ; Dur mn , 8 oz , , 55o ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Purhnir oz. , 55c ; Snal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 5&c > al of North Carolina , 4 oz , . G7c ; Seal o orth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O , K Durham , 4 : . , 28c ; O. K Duiham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Undo od , i's 25c ; Tom and Jerry , ' DllDOS ANI > CIIKJIIOAL8 Acid , carbolic , .TJo id , tartarlc , 55c ; baham cap.vbla , per lib , cjbarksassafrafl , per Ih. 12c ; calomel , porlu c ; cinolionidia , per oSO.G5 ; chloroform. ir lb , , 81 10 ; Dovors nuwdor , jmr lb. , $1,25 ; isom salts , per lb. , 3Jc ; glycerine , pnro , per . , 28c ; lead acotuto , porlb , , 22c ; oil , castor , o 1 per gal. , 91.65 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per ,1. , , § 1.40 ; oil , olivo.jior gal. , 81.40 ; oil orl- ilium , BOc ; opium , $4.60 ; nuiniiio , I1 , is W ; id R. & S. . per o/ . , SI , 10 ; potassium , . .lino , porlh. , § 1,60 ; salicin , poroz. , 40c ; ul- latoof mornhino , per o/ . , $3,50 ; sulphur > ur , per lb. , lc ; strv'clinlno , per oz , , 81,35 , Licatlicr. Oak solo , 88ctf ( 2c ; homIockBoIo28c@8.r c ; inlock kip , SOo to 1 00 ; runner C5o to 80o ; mlock calf , 85o toil 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o 21c : oak upper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; If kid. 82@35 ; ( Jrolsen kid , 2 60 to 2 7fi ; oak [ ) , 80o to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Trench [ ) , 110 lo 1 CD ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; KB- A. 6 60 to 7 50 ; llnluirs. C 00 to 8 DO ; top. 1KB , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 36c ; bble 0,1) ) . Morocco , S5c ; nlmon , 2 50 to 8 00. IUKNE88 No , 1 star oak , 87c : No 2 dot 3 ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3lc ; No. 2 do , 83oj No. Milwaukee aio ; No 2 do 83r , U No. 1 PHU oak har , 37c ; No. JJ Pitts oak r , 85c. I'nlnta.Olla and Varnlslien. DlLfl 110 carhon , per ga'lon , 13Jej 150 ° adli ht , per Ballon , llic ; 175 ° headlight , r gallon , 18cj 150 ° water white , 17c ; llu sd , raw , ; pr nallon.COc ; lltweod , bollnd , tier lion , OL'oLard , winter Btr'd , per RiUlon , BOc : j. 1 , 70cNo.j ; | 2 , COo castor , XXX. ] > or K " n j , 1 CO : No. 8,1 40 ; iiwwt , per gallon 1 00 orra W.B. , iwrjrhllon , 100 ; iiih. W. B. , " rgallon , Clc : noatofootextra , per gallon , OOc ; I , 1 , 7c j lubflv-llaj , zero , per gaUia , 23 ; ; ' iamrasr , IBo ; coition mnehlno , No. 1 , per r ! Ion , 85c ; Cto. 2 , 2Scj rwrm , Mjrnal , jwr nll..n POcj turponllno , per Rftllon , 48c ; nftpth" * 74 l > et PAIon ! , 10e. PA1OT8 IN Ollr-WhUo load , Oinftlm 1 . J > . Cloj while loftd. St. Win , pure , OJojMM-wrilla groeu 1 to 5 lb mm , itflo ; French tine , * 8Ml , 12 lr nch tlni > , ml MM | , lie : Vttmol r.lno , In Tfttniah nwit , aoci Vreneh rine , In > I a t , 15c : mw nnil Iwint mub r , 1 Ui cnn , IOc r w niul burnt S wnn , lOcj vmulvko browti 18c ; refined Inmpblack , l.'o ; oonoh blnck , wit Ivory blnok , lOc ; ( Imp Mm-k , Ific : t'niMlm blno , > Cc : ullrmntulne Ww , He ; chromn irromi1 L. 3t. & DM luct Hlim will nlmttor green , J , ' M. & ! > . , 10oP ) ri8 CTWII , 18rIiilt : ! u ml 15o : VonctUn rod , 0 TIWMI * ! , 22c ; Amerl win Vonnlllion , I. ft } , l Cj olirmno yellow I , . M. , O. ft ; 1) ) . O. , isp. yallow ochtr , 9c golden oohro , IGc , patent drj-w , 8c ; RrMnlnf colors , llfrlit oak , dark cw k , vrolnut , olwtuul nnd aril It'Oi Drr I'nlnt.i. Whlto Iwul , 8c ; French zinc. 10c | Pnrl- Whiting , 2Jo ; whiting Rlldora , Ifc ; whiting coml lie ; Imnpblnclr , ( Jernmtitown , lloj Imnpbhck , ordinary , 1V ( ; l'ru lnn Wuo , fiftc ; nltromnrtno , 18oj rand ) ko , brown , So ; tmitori burnt , -Ic ; umber , rnw. l-j Momm , burnt , -Ic ; Moulin , rH > vto } 1'nrla prami , gonitluq. Ufioj T.-vrla preen , Comtnoi ZOeichrninocrrcii , N. V. , ! Wo ; chvoino nroon , K. , 12c ; vonmlllon , KHR. , 70c ; vormllllou , Arncrli-ui , 18c : Indian rod , Irtcs rose pink , 14c ; Vonnllnn rod , Cooknnti's , " ? c ; VouoUan rod , Amorlwui. IJc ; rod laid , 7jo ; chroma yallovr , KOnutno , i0c ! ! chroino yi l- low , 1C , , IL'ciijphio rochflllo,3oocliro. : I'roncli , 2'cj | ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's inlnornl , 2jo ; lohlfth brown. 2Jc ; Spuilnh brown , 2Jci Prlnea'a inlnornl , oc , VAliNlSHKfl llnrroh. p < v gallons Fund turo , extra , 9110 ; furniture , No. 1 , $ lj co.u-h , oxtrn , 8110 : conch , No. 1 , 81 Mj Unmnr OJtra , $1 7fi ; Jnpnn , rOc-.twplmltimi , ottrn , 85c ; aholltvc , C-3 M : hnrd olltinloh 81 00. Henvv llimUvnro tjUt. Iron , rutos , 2 DO ; plow ntcul spoolal c.vt , Co crucible , 7c ; gpoclalor Oerinnn , r > c ; cait tooj do , 15@20 ; wnpon epolcri , pot , 2 25(3i3 ( 00 ; hubs per sot , 125 ; foJoos ) imvod dry , 1 40 ; tongues , onch , 7085c ; nxlw each , ? " > ? ; Kquaro nuts per 11) , 7@llc ; wanhnra or lb. K iSo ; rlvola , per lb , llo ; ooll chain , per lb , ( i@12cfumlloablo , So Iron woilgos. Co : crowbnni , Go ; harrow tooth 4o ; niiring tool , 7Sc ; llurdon'a horsohooa TO Burdan'4 imilbsJlooi 5 70. HAiinnn Wins In cir lota , ! 85 per 100. NAILS Rntos , 10 to 00 , 2 115. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck nliot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , Icpga , 0 40 ; do. , half ko { 8 , ! (48 ; do. , limrtnr IcogA , 1 8S ; blasting , kegs , 3 2)5 ) ; luao , lior 100 foot SOc. LEAD I5ar , 1 C5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rls rnu 331os bnri ( : , 10 00 : Whltobroiut lump > 00 ; Wldtobreaat nut , fi 00 ; lown lump , 5 OC [ owa nut , 5 00 ; Kock Hprlnp , 7 00 ; An Urn ilto , 1125U CO ; Oftuou City , 7 00 , per tor Immnor. WIIOf-tSAlB. Wo quote lumber , lath and shlng ooj on it Omaha i.t the folliwinp prlcon : Tomr AND SOANTLINQ 16 It. and undci 12 00 ; IB ft , 23 r > 0. TisiBins 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIUDXU AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 EO 2ft , 2650 ; 21ft , 20 CO. VKNOINQ No , 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 2100 ; No. 2. 200. SUKETINQ No. l(2d ( common boardo ) , 0 tX ) ? o. 2 , 18 00. STOCK DoAnns A , 45 00 ; H,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOIU.NQ No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. ,2500 StniNO , clear 2r 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 , 000. OEIUNO 3 , 37 00 ; 3 , 25 00. SHINOLKS , best 1 60 ; standard , 3 50. IJATH S 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 125bulk ; per bushel , Sl5c , omout , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaRtor. bbl , 2 50 ; linlr ior bti , BOc ; Tarred felt , 100 Itn , 3 50 ; otvaw oard , 8 50 , DENVEU LIVK SrocK Bcof Cuttle , 100 lb. 5 r > 0(77i ( rosRod U 00(5)10 ( ) 00 ; sheep 3 00ii ( > : t 25 ; ' ! vc , 0 00uj5 ( 35 : dressoil 7 00(5)7 ( ) 2.1. lliiloa. Dry Flint , 1Ura > 12c. ; preen-l ( < reencalf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , thy , 8@10c. Tallow. r@Gc , Wool. Colorado ll@15o. ; Now Mexico 70 ? Oc. Oc.FLOUII FLOUII Colorado. 100 lb * . 1 85@2 25 ; pat- nt , 100 Iba. , 2 85@3 2r ) ; Graham , 100 11 > H 00 ; rye , 100 lb ? . , 2 25(5,2 ( ] ! > ; buckwheat , 100 ba , 10 0010 CO , brnn , ton , 12 00@11 00 ; con leal. 100 Ibn. 1 'ISpai 75. fiKAJN Wheat , nee Ibs , 110 ; corn , in acka 100 Ibs , 1 08@1 12 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 135 p -15 ; barley. 100 Iba , 130@1 35. HAY Baled , upland. 20 00@20 00 ; bot' om fitraw , 12 00alG ( ) 00. BUTTBB Finest , 25@20c ; Nebraska dairy holco , I'ltai.'ic ; common , ( i@Sc. EGOS Fresh , 2J@21c ; ranch , doz , fresh S@iOc. : CHEEHE Full cream , ll15c ( ; Llmburgor , 8c ; Swiss , imported , 32c. POULTRY Live , chicken * old , doz.O 500 ; 00 [ > rlng chickens , 3 Bo@l 60 ; dressedlb,18@IUc. POTATOKS Greoloy , 100 Ibs , 100@110 ; Now 25(3 ( 2 05. VKQETADLKS Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 C0@ 7C cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; new boots , is 2 CO. FHUITB Orange Messina box , 0 00 ; imons , choice Mussinn.1 CO ® 5 00 ; apples , 'nliforula ' , bbl , 3 00@3 25 ; baimniiH , bunch , C0rt ( ) 1 00 ; peaches per box. 2 C0@2 70 ; Texas hnim 1 00 per box. MKATS Jlams , Ib , 13J@14c ; bacon , break- ist , 12J@13c ; lard , in tiorcoa , lb , IOc ; ry salt eiiles , ! ll@10c. KIHII Mackerel , No.l , 100 , kit , HIPIS , 7fi@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 00 ; tolland herriiifr , ko ? , 1 00(5)1 ( ) 75 ; trout , per ALONG TUB tlNU OF XIIU hlcago , Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this Iluo from U'al.uficM up 10 iEAUTIPUL VALLEY of the CAN through Concord and Colerlilio uachea the best portion of the Htato , Spocl/il ex- iralon ratua for Inul tcokora o\cr thin II no to ayiic , Noifolk ami Ilartlunton , and via lllnlr to all potiitu on the IODX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trains over tht 0. , St. P. II. & O. llallwiy to Oov ir.ton. Hloux City , 1'onoa , llartlngtou , Wane end jrtolk , > t Ficnont , Oakila.c , Kellgh , and through to V l critluo. jtSTFor rates and all Information call on F I' . WIIITNKV , General A cnt , 1 Accnlowanted ( or authentic , . ' .lillon . of his lilo. 1-uhllshud nt Aiivuiita , hlnhuuio lari- obt , haiiilnomuht , chuapiHt , at. lly Ihu renowned historian and filoxrnphur , il. CunwcllhOHuIlluof ( Itirtlelil , | iullil.uil ! ) liy in , t-uold tlio t\\cnty othem liy 00,100. Outbcllo every ok e\cr rulilliKed In thin uorld ; nuny a intu are link' IHty ilally. Aguita are nnkliij ; fortunes All w b Klnnora micrcuxful ; Kiand thanca forthim , 3.CUvinado liy a Itily ajnt ( ( thodretilay. Ternin out hcral Particulars froo. Hotter bend 21 tuiitH r p t io , etc. , on free outUt , now reaily , Inilud f IOK | ire | nctui ) book , and Have \aluablo tlmu 10-lw AI.LKN li CO. , Auvuita , lie. > ! IKON AND BLATK UOOFINO , 1111 DougUf SU Oinnln , Neb. UAKUKAOTOUEH OF Galvanized Iron Cornices ffTDormar Window ) , 1'lntals , Tin , Iron and HIato ollri ) ; , BrHicht'n I'ttvnt lletalllo Bkyllxht , I atout luntej lutchet Hir and llrackot hnolilni ' . 1 nm I ireneral u ent for the ahova line of KOoiU. Ircn j tliiK , Kencliijr , I'almtrttilcs.Veraiiila-i.Ir ou Dir S. H , ATWOOD , lattsmouth , - . . . . Neb , itsHipix or Tnonovauimiu AMD mou OKAVI [ REFORO UD JERSEY CATTLE AND DUBOO OB ; < U8 r kID WIN s stock (9 ( ( Bils , Cstroryjadeaio eoll tcJ Eailway Tiiuo Table , II KfTurl Jnh 1 , of the Iruclllnit jtiil.llr l c llivl t < the fict thnttliH IK thn onli romplclf * nd nli9outo ! I ) rorrort lime UMc ( MiMiohrd In tlio cit.\ . All lr lh ixrrltc t m. I dejwtt from' Om ln or 0 ntr l StnncUM Tlnw , which l 81 mlnutii fAjtci tlmti mm tlmo. t | SAturdfty , ' i\wiit : 8 nilijJ J Hxcopt Jlon ! 1'nclHo ; Tontti S ti. r. R. n. , XAIN J.IXK. .KO. I ARRirn 1111 ami fitp . . .lt:4rt : urn .Ulnnlle ltp ! .7-W a m PuclfloKvp . . , .SWpni : I Mull and Ki ] < , . . .l:00i : > tii \ > M\I. \ : v DIVISION- . LR\\II I ARIIUR , I.lnoflln t'.x | > . . . .12 Ml pin | Lincoln l\p. : . . 12:55 : j > m toUMMT TIIAIN8--WUW1K - - DIVISION. AO Oman- 40 , S 00,9:00 : , lO-OO , tt:18 : a ni , itfo , 1:00,3:00 : : , 4:00 : , { > 00 , 0:08 : , 10M : i > . in. On Sandys' C 40.9:00. : 11:15 : a. m ; 1 MO.8.0V , 6,00. 0.00 , to M ; > m ArtHe nttiMnlnrdopot 13 inlnntM hter ; llroaila } ' Council Hinds , SO mtriiiton Liter. r Council Illuiln , llrod fiv iloiMl , 7:10 : , p:30 : , 9-80,10:33 , H 4011.111 i 1IW. : 3:80/3 : 30. 4:30 : , 5:30eSA : : , 11:06 : yt in On SundAy * : 7 : o , 0:30,11:40 : k. in. ; 1 JO , 3 30 , 4:80 : , 4.36,11:05 : | > m. Attho atTr n for 7 niln- iitrd liter. TiMto Ooiincll Muffs TruimJor ilcirfit : 73A , 8,37 , 0 37,10.37 , U:47 : * in ; 1:87 : , Z.37 , 8:37 : , J:4ft : , 6:37 : , 8'45 , 11:16 : J > . m. Arrho Omtrrt 13 mlimtralitar. LXAVK. ARRIVR. I'IIM. No. s Fl& : am 9. No. 61. . . . 0:15 : a m " o H.5J urn " 3. . . . HUfift m " B2 10 OS a in 1 15..1V.851I in " 4 4:25 : pm " 11 7:35 : ti in " 8 ,8:10 : | im " 1 8:15 : pm " 10 0:65 : pm M1SSOU1U 1'ACIFIC. LRAVn. Mull' Omnht . . . . ( ; " n m St. IiOllla K\p.S:35 : inn (1.60pm ( S. 0. HI. l.KUH. I ARRlrit. Hull SM * m ft , Pau1 K p. . n 45 a m fct I'aulKxp 065 p nI I Mall 7:36 : p 111 Dilly , 0. , K. 1 b 1 * . U R. ] ,1AVR. I JtRRIVR. IlcnMolnciiAeol:40ntn ( : I KiirrHt | 0'IS urn * ' I . ' . . . ' . Mill S'I5 n in Dcf.Molnci Aco'.H.op : m i : l'nvst ' I'M pmlMill' 7:35 : p m 0. 6 N , W. K. 11. MIAMI , I ARRIVII. U ll" 8:11) : ) m Kiiirooo ) 0 45 r * m KiircMl ] 4:25im : | Mull" 7:35 : pm 0. , M. St. I1. H. 1C. I.NUH. I ARH1VH , Mull 4 Ki * jS-ir , Rm rarlflo Kini. . . . 0:1' : ni UmntloKil. . . CM ji m | Mall & Kip7:35 : p n C. , U A K. U.l % Council Mind- LRAVK , ARKIMI. K ll S-15 tn Kin Ciprosfl l5 : v tn MM ! 7:33 : ti u IHIIv. ( Nnto.TlinnCOnm : ami 6:00 : p m dummy trMni ixH ( Minttcctlth CAst'bnnnil trnlrn on tlio Hock'taliiul Ilnrllnitaii , Nntth-\Vc tvrn nixl Mllu.iukcu ronJa. WAlIASlI.aT. I.OUI3 & 1'AUinC. I.PAVr , I AIIRlVli. Camion Rill l:00.'iim : Cnniion Ihll 8:50 : p n Dully. K. 0. , KT. JOP. * 0.11. ( UaComirll ItlulTii. ) l.r.AMt. I MtniVK. Mall 9COntn : r-xii'0 ! 7:50 : MI IStprnaf i:65i ) : m I Mall 7:35in : | AUUANOUMFNTOP SUNDAY TKAINH DnrliiK .Inlv HMnrjty , Hinulay ami Monilay ; raimlll rot.ito na t llowH , Saturtlaycu-nlnKlrolii'ilctuvJiily Mil anil L'Olhla 3. M. A Ht l'uly ; ) llltlila tlio Nurth-Wtatoni ; Jnlj Ktli Ua tlio liock I < lnn > l Arthu In tlio name inlor tlio MniulifollortliiK Buiiilay mornliiK tralni ilci < nrt niul Rninliy o\cnlnz ralni nrrl\o Julv flth ami'27tlili the lluok Islnml , Inly \HtlioNortli-WcHtcrn , anil July Will \ln From B. tt T < I. ; Tcntli Strocr. D. 6 M. UAIU50AD MAIN LINK. KASl tOUST ) . ARnivn. . Clo : i > in 7r.o : am 7:00 : | 'in 10:05 : nm . 8:27 : ) im 10.03am t:62nm : 8:12 : am rjiicoln..inoo jun I2f0m : I Ef.D jim 7 : B nm 'rtto 11:17 jim l :64Cpm : pm 8:01 : am ilajtlnji. . 8.16 mil 4:15 : pm llfir : > am 10:50 : pm Icil Cloud. Roe : am 0OJ : | ) in 10:25 : am 8iS : | m acCook..I ( ) : > 5nni 01R ; jun 0:15 : am 1:10 : tun U.TJII 3:11 : ) > m 2:10 : ai.i : 11:05 : am X-uvor. . . . 7:25 pm 0 Hi am 0:25 : jim 7SO : am DulU. - o rAltA AND i [ , AITI MOUTH TKAINP : , v. Omilin nt 7'W , nml 8t5 : ft in ; 4:50,0:10 : : , 7:45 : p m Vr. Omaha 10:25,8:10 : : nnd 10o5 : a in ; 7:00 : , 7SOp : in Dclly. C. 11. & ( ) . H. Ula ( I'lattamoiith. ) I.KA\K. I .MIR1V11 ] T.xp R:45 : n in I OinnliiOp 8:40n : m llxii..4:5011 : in Western ixp..7:30p : : m Dully. K. C. , ST. J. & C. It. ( Ua I'latUinnulli. ) LKA\ . AiiniVK. Hall . .45n in I'.xprcBB ) 0:25 : a Kvptcsit . 7. 45 pin Mall 7:30 p Prom O. St. I . M. .tO. Depot , 1-1 tli and Webster HtroclH. o. , at. P. M. * o. LHAVH. AUIUVB. "o 2 I > a seiior..R..10 ) ( ; urn I No 3 Mixed 10:30 : a m Jo 4 Mixed : i:30 : tun I No 1 I'amiangor. 6:30 : p in Hunclm a Kxcuiitod. opoulug and Cloning of MaUo. tOUT OFKN. CUM * . A.m. p.m. A.m. p.m. . I * N. W.,0.K. I.&P. , & O. jr. & st. P. 10 30 8:00 : 6:30 : fl-20 i. n. & < j. : oo 8co : 5:30 : ! . II. & Kx Mall 4io : . U. & 1 * . In Iowa 8:00 : 5:30 : I'aliaeli local . . . 4:39 : 1215 ; . c. , st. Joo&o. u 0:45 : 8:00 : 6 30 CM Itsaourl 1'aclflo 7:00 : 8:30 : I. , St. P. M. 4O (1.03 Inlon 1'aclllo 8:30 : 4:30 : llilO i. b llopuhlliaii Valley KM ! . & M. Local 7:00 : I. &M.Kx. Mall. 10SO : 5:15 : Olllco OTICII Uuudayi from 12:00 : in. la 1:00 : p m. 0 KCOtJTANT 1'OBtmaatc-r WITH I U ind your work is clouo for nil time Lo come. WE CHALLENGE E o produce a moro dunilo ] ) material for .street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite , FOll ANY AMOUNT Olf OR MACADAM Hod promptly. Samples sent nnd ostimatoH given upon application , WM.HoBATN & CO. , Sioux Falls. Dakota { OTIOJ3 TOCATTLE MEN 000 OATTLKFOH SALE. 90 Cows anil offers , oo One-year Steers , 'llio alien o dencrllioU cattio aiu all well brvil , nu- vo Honruska and luua. 'lliuw cattlu ftlll butot'J Hi lots to > ult purchaacr , or limner imrtiguUra call ou or addruiui , L. W. I'l.AN Alblou , Kcb , SPEOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. ' \VK OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO n n Hl the li > t i\nJ cliofipot lood tor rtoek it uny Mad- TOne ponr.d t oiu l to three pounds c ( corn Mivk tot vritharounil Oil Cake lit iho Knit and Wlntor , Intend ol running down , will Inereiwo In w lRtl 1111.1 liu in KWH ! uurkctnlilo rotnl.tlon In the siirlnc. I.ilrjln n , n < rfoll n others , who uo U can testify t- lt inorlt . Tty It Hid JivlR tur youti lu' . rrlcc g'S 00 mi totr IMI clmrzo tor niclid. Aildrosi WOODSIAN I.INSKKI ) Oil , COMPANY , Om h Nob. DEALERS IN I's Safe and Lee FIRE MD BURGLAR PEOOF T A T4T A tE"El1i1YTi1'Er ! T d. J& . W B.XllLi I.iliiilJ , WlIOLKSAtili AND IIKTA1& DllVtEU IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , & ( , . STATE AGENT FOll AIILWAUKEK OEJfKNT OOMPAJNY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , 11. B. LOCIvWOOD ( forinorly o Lockwood & Draper ) Chicntro , Man ager of Uio Ton , Cigar and Tobacco Dopartinonls. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes nnd smokers' articles carried in stock. 1'ricoH and samples furnished oil application. Opau orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4GENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLM & HAND POWDER CO 'Heating and Baking tn only attained by ualnp ; Stoves and Ranges , ffllll RIRE UUZE OVER DOOR 4 Fci sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS i > MA HA 0. M. LEICtHTOJN. H. T. OLA11KK. BUCCGRSOIIS TO KENNAHD BHOS. & CO. ) a DEALERS IN Paints Oils. Bs-u&hes * ) WAI1A , . NEBRASKA S ilwaiakee , Wis , i , QUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. J3TH IA.HA. UEOENTLYFROM FREMONT , NED. SADDLERY HARDWARE , SIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. I ! WE PAiT THE or Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to ns will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will be mode. i 3th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEBJ ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) CEMENT. DfficG and YariUGth anil DoiiRlasgts,40TiahB | | [