OMAHA DAILi BEE-TUESDAY JULY 8 , 1834. IT CUHE3vnzii notion. It ) r . AM. OTUEH WEDI. suns nntlfpocdycuro CIKE3 FAIL , M It find hun acta DIRECTLT dreds hnvo and AT ONCE on l > ccn cured Ihc KIPN3BYB , by It when MVEH nd HOW- phyfilclannfind XLS , roatorlntr friondft had them to healthy given them up 'ladle. ' IT IS BOTH A "SAFE CURE" and a 'SPECIFIC. " 3t rmtlX nil I > I rni < rii oflli J.Ucr , Illnildrr nml ITrlnnr > OrKiuin Jnip 3) l.rn cl , DlnlirtCM , llrlxlit'H JXHcnnp ) I'nlnH In tlio Hnrli , J.oln/i ( < ir Mile , Itclciillon or Niin-ltc- Icnllnn of IJrlur , Jlsrn eN , I'Vniulo llciulnrlic , Sour bliiinncli , l ) * ] > rii- rln , Co lint 1 1 > a I 1 n n nnd i'lliiN. l. 5 JIT NO OTHER. TTO Send for Illustrated Pamphlet of Oolid Ten- tlmonlnla of Absolute Curcu. HUNT'S itu.mi : > r co. , Pri > > l < lrnrr , It. I. HiESTQREDn A victim of cnrly Imprudence , causing ncrronj Kctlllty , pirmnturo decay , elo. . liatlnif Jnni In ln every linpnn remwly. liasdlPcnvcivd ft dlrnplo cneaax of cell-cure , vhlcli ho will sosd illlih tp ! pF-uTnri'ri. ! Ailrtrrss , , . A U , M liVK3f " rttherr-Kfc. NewVorfc JamsslMicallnsiiiuto Chartered by thcStatcof III' _ nols for thcexpresspurrtoM Tofclvinglmmedlate rcllclln { all chronicurinary and prl- Jvatc dlsecses. Qonorrhcea , IQIect nndbyphilla In nil their complicated forma , also alt diseases of the Skin and Dlood promptly relieved and permancntlycured by reme- . diestestedlnnl'orr/lV [ rJ , „ „ 1 fyirelKirracttcr. Seminal Weakness. NiRht Lessen by Dreams , Pimples on the Knce.Lost Manhood , fioafftfcctircilricrt / ) isiincxperlmrnidiit * Ths appropriate t . .r.edv tsatonce used In each done. Consultatlonstper- nonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , r.lrri- iclnes Bent by Mall and Express. No marks on liacicace to Indicate contents or sender. Address iiri.MMESNo.20Wri3hInfllonSi.Chicf.oolll , "Will purify the EU.WWU.i laio till ! UIVCR mid KIDNEYS , Ullll ItKHTOlU : THK HEAI/Tll nnd VIOOK of YOUTlt. Uyv pepsin. Want or Appetite , In- lIxeEllon , J.iieh or Mtmintli , mill TlreiiruulliiK absolutely enroll , Honri. nitisclc'Sand nerves rvtclio now force. JjiillMMis Ihu mind and niilHilles llr.iln runir. . SiHU'i luielroin coinplalnta O ) Illclr Will uatf M nw poullllartn SUX flnd InDB-HAIlTEll'SiriON TONIO nrofn nnU rpi-cdycuro. - ( livesiiclfar , hcallliy coiiiploxlon. Frcquont ntli'inpts at ciniiilirfi'llliii ; uiilyndil to thepopularllyofllio orlxliuil. Du nut uxpcrl- JIl KClulI. . HenilrournildrfntoTlioDr. Ilnrl r i l To. SUIxJiils. Wo. , for"BllKAM HOOK. " I'ullof Btraaeouad useful lalormatloarua. 6IVEN To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Tills Fpcclnl Deposit Is to Runrnntco tlio payment of tlio 2S premiums fully tlcscrlbcu In our former announcements , Tlio premiums will bo paid , no matter how jmall the number of bnRS returned umy foe. Office lllact-ireWi llurhnn VXnrrfiCa f JiurAam. H , C , Xw 10. ! < f * * < W.l'/fl ' tn//iir ) lin. / > r 'im , If. C DEAH HniWo IIHIOKO you Ull.snoiiu. hch ! vleanoi'lncc ' tin Hi clol Ii'i -lt to pay iirciulitnu Inr ournnrty toliacco lnp to ! nt.imril Hie , IStli. Xcuru truly. J B UAltH. I'rwlilcnU Oflt * < > / Hit 77inliiHurh'tmA l > arhanN C , .Way II ) . IBS 1 1 J. , c J t im M'ttrn O > . Hi-Ait Hill -1 uavo to m.knn l ilki < nwlpt o ( from joti. whicli i lnve iilaad iil'on ' 'r. WllluV. Cashier. Kone rcnnlco nlthotit i-.i tuw o ( HUI.lion tlio - tTfKto our nthur uiilinunccincnta. thri u on Horllck't Food. " write uundreds o Krattul mothera. Mother's lalllc contains 111 ttarch. An artlfldal food for Infatita thoul. coutata no eUrcn. The lx t uud luott uutrltlou - " " B 9 af-acftjsrtsp" I S'dWor l iloUicre M a driuk. Torfl kduS Sfe&of hlld-feHVfnx "rulir dlicitul anil Butrllloui. " 0 , V , Bjllii , " " ' iralif Jll'lb'auitld U 4illn4.-ir. IT. fili , "V iiiluoer la prnoiocltf II iixiloi It ; tkllf .11.01. ' jr. 0. Cekurn , M. U. , Tret , A. T. Will b acnt bi mall on recdi't of rrlc in lUrnpi HOIILICK'M FOOD . . . CO. , Hnclnr , WU. " - - - : or 7 DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BEL ! Will cure Ncrvouincw I.uiubngii.ltlieuiiiatUin , l' i alrrU , lllrlO , lu , hditlci Klilntr , KIIIB | | mil l.l i i1ln > M' > , ( lout.Altlilnallrti d1' . * ' l y ) * l l , 'oii.fl r1,11" ' - . ? * > il" | " . Caiurrl rllon. . frlln.r , linnalcne ; DuinbAsrue , I'rolaiiiui Vtnl.rtc Only M-luillllofJ i trie lull In Ainvrlcu 'lint M-mln Urn Clccirldtr anil niui nctl n tlirouKlulmbixK- tunlwrnhaj-Kul lu ail Ii 81.000 Would Not BU" It. P > . nouu l was allllotod with iheumatlim an cured by luhig a belt. To any ono ufHtcted wit that dUtase , I would Bay , buy Ilornu'i Kloctrle Ucll Any cue can coalsrwltti too by wrltlnt ; callln at rey store , ldODouflat titet , Omaha , Kub. WILLIAM LVOMJ. WAIN OfflCK Oppoelto ( icetolHrv , room < fret tec block. taTcruUatO. V , Ooodnuui'i DiusKtoro' 11 ] ( oam bt , Omaha. Or Jtrt flUcd 0 , O P tnv ntcr * I l utan uetei ) | i > > iop uTi > 'itiorn ugan , I ul cure. I b > va niul * tlia iU. ue ul HT2 , M ALMKUtlCKHttJiaill. iug Ulr I icmMs to euro tuair < 1) . ' u e XaUeduuar'--AF' ' > n fi ru > a < w re l iiiifacv. ecu * for treu * * ti A lrw U tt ot taj tbi imtat ( in * Li , > r- it 4 I' f O ira ! < uv * . .J3.T ' .uil f T U" - I > " - .SUNDAY IN CONGRESS. The National Sabbaiyreate Wrest ling Witt Dlsagrccmenis , Iilvcly 1'nrilBiin Tills ntul Compli mentary Itcsolullons Tlio Itpeortl. SINDAV IS THE HRNATK. WAIIIIVMOS , July 0..lust proUous ts 1:30 : o'clock Sunday morning , Uio nonato being null in session from the proceeding nlfiht , n men- unco wns received from tno homo ntinmtncing an nerci'mont to tlao conference report on the fortification bill , nml that the speaker had signed the bill. The president of the senate Immediately announced his own signature toll. Another mea'niro from the homo , announc ed tlio fiiml adjustment of the sundry ch 11 lilll by the ro-coiflloii of the houjo from its dls- agreements to the clauses relating to the coin- iwnsatlon of United Htalou attorneys nnd mar shals , but with sundry reductions In the amounts appropriated by the senate for the lees of thoROolilcors. The sonata conference submitted their report concurring lu those pro- ) O9ed reductions.- The report was agreed to ind the bill lin.illy deposed of. The sonnto tliun , at 7:10 : a. in. Sunday , took n roces till 3 p. in , At 3 o'clock the senate won again called to order , nnd nt 3:30 : wont into oiozutivo session , and when the doors were ro-oponed took recess nt intervals till 0 o'clock. Shortly niter C p. m. Hnlp submitted n con- fcronca report on tha dolicloncy bill , which hhowbd among other tlilngn thut tha house had reccedod from Its disagreement ai to the com pensation of senator's clrrks.nnd that nil other disagreements on the bill had boon adjusted by mutual concession. Tha report wns agreed to. Hennto then took n rocns imtll 8.IO : p. in. When tlio senate to-assembled nmessafro was rcceivud from the house Announcing the passage - sago of n bill milking temporary provision for the naty. When the bill had boon road Conger Inquired whether this wni meant to bo the wiping ut of the Amorlcon navy. Ho \eryunwllllfiu to consent to the passairt of such a bill. Who wan it that opposed the lossago of the regular appropriation bill ? Tlio wintry had n tight to know. Halo explained that the sonnto Imd no pow- r to enforce It-i bill upon the house. The IOIISP had dotormincil by n yen nnd nay vote lot to appropriate any money to build now misers. The bill now before the sonnto , hough mongro nnd Inadequate , ho thought ad bettor bo accepted. Conger was not willing to nssumo the osiionsihlllty for the failure of the regular pproprlntlon bill. The weather was noc un comfortable nnd the wanderers would return , 'bo excitement of the present week would xhnunt the element of hostility nnd reason vould again resume Its sway. "Lot us stay lero , " said Conger , "for the honor of the ountry and tlio dofoncoof our nniivo land. " Uoforring to the action of the house Halo wan proceeding to show iti action on the now rulsar bill had boon taken with deliberation and ns , lie may say. "with mnllco oroponNo , " vhon chair called lilm to ordor. Halo linked lardon of the chair. Tlio chair said ho could lot mt there without defending the house of oprosoutatlvus. Halo said ho ( llnlo ) wasnot licro to abuse the hounn. The chair stated ihat Hulo could not succeed without the con- out of tlio scnato , Hn'o ' lopllod : "I nwait ho action of the senate , " llowas permitted o proceed. "Tho man who supposed" Hiid 10 , "that for the next 25 years America can 'o on in it cnrolotia , roclclosn und itudofundod ondltion ns she has for thu lost 25 yearn , intone no deplorably blind. " Bayard said if fcWO.OOO.OOOpublicmonoy cx- lOiidod on thu navy since ISC ! ) had produced 0 navy , it wits for those who spout the money 1 account to the people who had furnishwl lie monoy. This was neither the day nor the our for iiartis.ui diminution , but ho bollovod ho time nad comu wliou the work nf restoring 10 American Hag , both commercial mid aim- d , on Iho high teas Hhould bo begun. Tlio umondmont wan agreed to continuing lie appropriation for engines , machinery , etc. . f monitors. Th < > bill then passed. At 11 'clock Allison called up the diplomatlo nml .oiiMilar , appropriation liiJl and moved the ouato recede from its ntnomlmont , tha onlj no in controversy , between thu two houses , pproprlntlng $250,000 for the Nic.nraupinii vntor way projowt. Jlosaid ho made this mo- Ion bccaiisa ho believed the IIOUHO would not greo to the amendment. Jlo rccrattod ox- Bodlngly that ho wns obliged to innko the mo- ion. The amendment wns put on after ma il ro consideration by the Homita in order to ccompllnh n great public purpose. The do- nils with reference to this amendment were well known to those in tha housu.who had Ilia espoiiblbillty for tlio passage of Urn bill , The louse ' thus knowing its responsibility had do- ib'oratoly refused to agree to the amendment , tfillor ( Gal. ) npoko in thu same ntrnln. The notion to recede wan agreed to , which dlspoH od of the only inmalninj. ' subject of dilforoncc : on the bill. The senate then wont into executive ocutivo session nnd when the doom rooponoi idjournod to ton o'clock Monday , IIOI'HK. At 0:30 : Sunday morning the house won con Llmilug Saturday'n session and Mr. Ityni inovi'd the house rocuda from Its dlsagroomon .o tha point of tha sundry civil bill In con irovorsy ( that relating to the change from foi , o thu salary Hystoin lor court ollicialu ) Agreed to , and Mr. Humx , from the confer enca committee on thu diplomatic and con Midor appropriation bill , reported continual disagreement on the point in controversy ( th clnuso appropiiutlug S250.000 for the Is'lo.u uigun wutoi1 way ptojoct ) , nnd u long ilobat 'oilowiul. At its close W/ibhbiirn moved ( ho IIOIISQ rt ) coded fiom Its dixngrcement to ilia count imoiidmonts. Lost. The house nt 7:20 : took n recast ) until o'clock. When the houna mot nt it o'clock , on me .ion of Mr , lUmlull , It , took u furlliur reccn m'll-Il0 : ! In order to un'ablu the I'niifcionc cDiunilttois to anhcmlilo nnd take action o .ho tippropiliition I'llls. At 1:30 : no tonseronco reports bring rind ) Mr. lirowno ( Ind ) look Iho flow with nspoei In mippoit of thoMimutu iimoiidniontH to Hi Mo\ie.iu poiiKlon bill. Thrcu uiimitis spcochoH on the same nl < l were made bylironilo ( I'n. ) Doiitt'lla. J. 1 Taylor , ( Ohio ) and Miller ( I'omi. ) the lattt of whom nuked unanimous coiibcnt for th passage of the iill | to Iiicrcuxo tha ralo of jioi slons to wlilowH of ilccoivnod ooldiera from 8 t ifl'Z iv month Mr. Tumor ( Ky. ) objected. The lioiuo then nt G o'cloc took n further roccsn until 8 p. n After recosa Jtandiill jircsonted the confnr once report un the ( renural dolicloncy bill. Th bill as agreed tonppropnatos O/JliO lli , liein S-7-lBl'.l lu excess of tiio amouiil. carried b the bill ns it passed the IIOUHO. Randall nal tlia Bonato npiuoprlatod $150.000 for ualario und oxjioiisoH of uKcuts of the InUirnal rovcnu nllico. The conferees agrovd to lix tlionmoun ut $80,000. The seunto receded from th amendment to reimburse the amount paid fo the oijionso of tha commission to Louisiana I 1U77. The touato ulio receded from th amendment for the payment of claims grow lug out of the improvement of the Fox am WlBcoinIu rlvern , The amendments inaklni appropriations to pay the Harlau & Holllngi wortii company , William Cram & Sons am John Koach ( or the pro of the double turrotei uionltorB , were stricken from the bill. Th senate bad increased to $00,000 the appropriu tlon for fooa of district kttornoys ; the amoun fixed UJKIH by the conference was $70,000 , The appropriation for fooa of marshals wa fixed nt $10,000 , a Incronno of 815.000 eve < the amount originally provided la the hoiu bill. There was some objection to yielding to tin senate on the Hum of $27,000 for the p.iymon of collators' ctorlcu , but thu report was ugrcei to without division , A disagreeing conference report on Un imvul appropriation bill was submitted am agreed to , Mr. Itaudall said thu commlUoo on boll ildes won determined and there was but oni , vay open , that ttipimrt may bopro\ldodfo tumporoiily. Ho tiion suc/gostoif / nblll muk lug toinMirnry | provision for the naval uor\lci for bl.x months ending Douemhor 31 t , 18bl The bill appropriated ono bulf of gums ap | > ro ; < ilatod for utrvico tlio fiscal year ondlii ; Juno HO , 18UJ , excepting npproiriatIouH ] foi special ocouu survoya and for pmclmjo am miiiiufActure of torpsdoed. The bill also pro vide * that under tha heading "Increase of tlx navy'1 iu uuld net in lieu ull tmriigrunha then under nnd preceding the howling of "Nuvu ! academy , " there U nubstitutud for coullutilut ! work iiKjn tlio three uovcruUu nnd one illn patch boat , V.t'O OO , lor steum iiuvclilnerj m > \ bollora with necessary littlnys of tha ami lor Borrluo under contract with John Jtoncli , 1120,000 , for ciulpmont outfit of aint > , " ( ' ( ) ' ) ; for iiaUratiou outfit of tame t-au.WH ) ; foi I ' ' V't ' f H " , . , ' It ' iirlhor provides that nothing contained thoro- n shall on conntruod as uproprUtingmonsy or ot nuthorlzlng continuation of work upon loublo lurretod monitors Monadnock , Arrow , \tnphltriUi and 1'urltion nnd the unexpected lalanco now remaining of the appropriation contained In paid net for engine * and machin- ry for said donblo turreted monitors chall bo ovorod Into the theruiury , except such part hereof ns may bo required under existing con- ractn made for engines and machinery of the hrco last named monltori , A nharp dobito followed the reading of the ill ! and it thru passed. The conference re- > orton the logMallvo bill was ngrood to. Ap- iroprlatlon committco was granted leave to It during recess. Calkins announced his resignation M n mem- jaroftho appropriation commltteiJ , and Kas- on Ills resignation ni member of the ways and loatu committee. The following committee haiigoo were announced ! To V o members of voys and moans coinmillco Urowne ( tndlnnn ) uid Heed : .Tudlclary I'nrker and Valentino n place of Urowno and ItooJ : Agriculluro " "unston In place of Ochiltreo ; 1'ost ollicos niicl > est roads Ochiltreo ; Minufacturos nnd on .Illltlo Smalls ; Labor Fnnston ; Patents Chalmers ; Presidential Election Chalmers In ilaco of Parker ; Aipropriatons ) ! in ilaco of Calkins ; IHnklng and Currency Coan In place of Hooper ; 1'ubllo Jtulldlngs , tul Ground Llhby ; Commoica Honlmrnin ilaco of l eng ; Shipping McComas In place f Iiong. Hlicock offered the following resolution which wan a loptod nmld applauna on both Idoi of the houno : "That the .thanki of the lonso nro duo and nra hereby tendciod Hon. lohn U. Carlisle , speaker of tha house of rop- osontatlves , for the ability , fairness nnd tlio trlct Imtiartlallty with which ho has dis charged the arduous and responsible duties of its oilico during the present Hessian of con- ; ross. " HifiNi.vo nans. N , } ) . 0. .Inly 7.Tho President irrivod nt his room In the capltol nt 11 p. in. Sunday , his cabinet nnd private nccrotario.i itccompanying him , nnd remained until after nldnlglit. Ho flgncd tlia fortification nnd test otlico ni > propriation bills , nnd n number f private pension bills , THE IIKCOIUIOKTIIK HCSSIOK. \VASiiiNinoN , .Inly 7. Tlio first session nf ho forty-eighth congroi" ) is expected to nd- ourn to-morrow , It lin oxtonaod over n , no- toil of EUVCII months nnd four days , nlthough lie actual working time will not exceed one mndrod and stxty-fivo days. In that tinin hero have buan Introduced in the senate , J3G7 bills and 07 joint resolutions , : md in the louse , 7C07 bills and 231 resolutions , Of those CG Honita bills nnd 10 senate rcsolu/ , ioiw have passed both houses aud became awa by executive npprobntion , nnd 02 louse bills and SI ! house resolutions iao become laws in the same manner. Throe louse bills : > lso became law without action jy the president , nnd ono was returned to the louse with his veto. Of the measures introduced in the senate GS bills and 17 joint resolutions were in- lolinltoly postponed and six bills laid upon the ablo. In the house 11 bills nnd 3 joint resolutions were postponed indefinitely , A majority of the measures Introduced in loth houses related to matters not of general mportauc ; , such os bills for private relief nnd tensions , erection of public buildings , bridg- nf tivois and other improvements ouly of ocnlinterest. The following measures passed both houses ,111 ! were signed by the president in addition , o regular annual appropriation bills andrUcr ind harbor bills , Hills ! to loduco rate postage in newspapers nnd other periodical publlca- ions hccond cla-w when eont by others than mhllshcr or IIQWH agents , to onu cent for o.ich our ounces ; to provide civil government for Ylusku ; to extend duration ofcoiu-t of commisi- toners to Alabama claims until Iocombcrl88j ; o prevent and punish counterfeiting n United .Status of bonds or thor socurilioi of foreign governments ; to .rant liftoun days loiuo of nUsonce , with pa1 , n each year to letter carriers ; to authoii/othe 'eciotvry of war toolfer a reward of &W.OUO 'or the loicun of tlioOrueloy Arctic exploring .tarty ; loestablisU n bureau of labor Htatiitics ; ; o make all public roads and htuhwnys past- oads ; to nuthori/.u lojjlslatiiroi of IllinoisAr- , Ijimliiana nnd Tonnoasea to Hull or oaxo certain lands appropriated for school pur- lofce.i ; to remove certain burdens from Amer ican merchanU niarlno. To establish n bureau of nnlmal lndut > tr > nnd pro-jent the exportation of diseased cattle ind provlda for thu extirpation of pleuro pno- nnonia nnd other contagious diseiuos amonf ! lomcstlc nnimnls. To make it felony for ony porwon to person into any ollicer or omjilityuo of the United Uatos , acting itudor nuthority of the United Jtatos or any nupartment thurcof. To lepoul the teat oath act of 1SG2. To amhorl/u the llttlug out of an cq)0ltou [ ) ! ! 'or the relief of hioutouaut Gruoley nnd party n the Arctic sera. To limit the time in which prosecutions may iio boguu ngalnst porsins for violation of Inter nal revenue lawn to throa years. To relieve from the charge of desertion cor- Lain BoldierH of the latu war who , after having served faithfully until tlio clonu of the war , left their commands without leave. To provide In states of the Mississippi river a branch homo for volunteer soldiers ol tha late war , and for soldiers of the Mexican war and war of 1811 ! , uhosi ) disabilities won not Incurred in uorvico agaluut tlio United Slates , To provide for Iho disposal of abandoned military reservations To rO'Oigani/.u a corps of judge advocate : of the army To cstablitili a bureau of navigation in tin trniiHiny dopaitinont. The following measure * ) linva boon incorpo rated in the H'pilar appropiiatinn bills am bccomo hws : To upiioint it inninilsgion U \liiit tlio Hovcral coimtriit ! ) o' ( Juntral am South Amcilca to collect Information an to tin licst mode of Hccurlog moro intimate intcrna tionnl and commercial lolatioim between thusi uiuntiiuH and thu United Ktutcx. Topro\Ido that horaultor all osllmatos ol appropriation nnd ontimatos of dcflcluncios ii tlio nppiupmtloiirt intundod for uonciileratlon of congicfis slnll lie trancinittod tocingreHi tluoiiHli the tucrotury of the treasury , aud ii no other mannoi. To proxlilo that tha number of deputy col lectors of tha iiitauul roveniio , gnngdis , HtorO' ki'flporn ami clerks employoit in the Intel un rOMinii ! ) nor\li'o hhall not bo incioatioil. To cruato a bo.nd of pension nppuald to bi niipolntcd by the uci-rotary of thu inturiur. To pro\ido for thpnppolntjiiantof it tolcn tlfio commlsHlon wliich may , in thu name o the United States govornmout , conduct a na tional ciuifuiuncu of oh' in I'liIIadol phi'tin Urn autumn of Ib8l , To aithorln | tha president in case of throat oniid or actual opldumic , to use the unexpended od bahuico of appropriationa not to oxcoei $100,000 in aid of state nml locM boards o otherwup in his discretion , in preventing am HitpproHMiig tlioBproad of the name and main taining quarantine nt points of danger. To admit to tha government hospital fa insane inmates of the soldiers' homo win are now or may hereafter become liuano. To provide it shall not bo lawful for tin head of any executive department or anj bureau , branch or oflico of the government ti cause to bo printed , nor for the public printer t < print , any document or matter of any chara tor whatever , except that which is uuthorizod bylaw nndnocoBfary to administer the nublli business , uorfor any bureau olllcor to ombraci in hit annual or other report to bo prlutoc any matter not directly pertaining to tin duties of his oflico as proscribed by law. To provide for the appointment of ft Mis url nvur commlsiion with powers and dutlej similar to those of the Mississippi river coin To appropriate S3,7W,000 to pay rebate tai on tobacco , Vlio Fourth at Spring-Hold , Correspondence of The lice. The celebration at Spnuyfiold , Bnrjij county , was a complete BUCCCBS in over ) wuy. wuy.Tho The were nbout thrco thousand people in attendance , the number being onlargot by puoplo from adjoinini. : counties auc from Omaha uud Lincoln. The prows sion wna lud. by tlio Woojiug Water cornet not band. The ragmulllu brigade , led bj Jonca1 battery band , of Richmond , precinct cinct , created much tnornmont , na tUd uho the torchlight procession of Iho came brigade in the evening. The oxorciaea wcro hold in n apaciout uinphithoatro , covered witli willow boughs : jold upby an ingenious net work of wirca , DID cxurcisea in the ninphitheatro were ' ' rsjt- ' ' Mi JU'jlo l y the W't' * , cornet band , Jones' Battery band nnd the .Springfield glee club. The era * tion by Hov. J. W. Shank was a masterly ol' ( . > rt , delighting the largo audience which listened with rapt nttontion from the bo- ; inning to the closing Buntonca. The oration in Gorman by Mr. Schnoko , of Omaha , was equally prized by those who could understand the Gorman language. Dno of the most intorcsUnc ; features of , ho occasion was tlio barbecue. The ox , fine Durham weighing J,300 pounds , wn.s donated by Captrin J. 1) . Spearman. It was nkllfully ! roaitcd by Sir. N. Hick- ots , of Council UlufFs , and the TOO lonnda of roast beef waa disposed of by the crowd , together with two 100 pound roast pigo donated by Mr. Arthur Spear- mnn , who has spent several days of hard toil pro bono publico. The nporto In the nf tcrnoo'n were great ly enjoyed , notwithstanding the extreme lioat. The fireworks in the evening were first-clans and quite extensive. Tlio committco who managed the whole alf.xir acquitted themselves nobly , and all ftgroo that this haa been the finest cele bration over held in Sarpy county. 0. E. WSJ ? 0V JjlCTTEHS. llcmaining in the Omaha postofilco for the weekending July 5 : ( lUNTLK.MEN. \\'oBtovor k Wostover AVllliams K.D Worthlnfc K White M A Whits 0 I.AUIUS MbT. f. K Cm STEASBERGER'S ' STONES , Furtlior 1'nrtlculnr" ) of tlio Dlninoiul Itolibcry nt Ilullnlo Pcrpptratcd on Oinnlin Pnrtics. From the Buffalo Titnes. Diamond robberies are few nnd far between in liull'alo , and never before has a woman been nrrcatod for a crime of this description hero. Miss Margaret Taylor , n pretting serving maid at the Mansion houao , is now in jail charged with the oll'enso of grand larency , having been arrested yesterday afternoon by private detectives , and hold to rcwait further investigation of the caso. The story of Iho crime as learned last night with much difficulty byn Times reporter is very interesting , and shows how easily a young woman , whom hardly any ono would suspect of being concerned in such a deed , can hide her supposititious guilt. It appears from what the reporter was ablp to learn , notwithstanding the reticence of the hotel people and the de tectives , that Dr. Charles E. Strasbergor and his invalid wife caino to ] ! ulFilo and his invalid wife came to Buffalo from their homes in Omaha , Nob. , on going to the Mansion house , wcro assign ed to room 107. 1)11. ) bTUAKIlKUOint is a portly man , weighing about 225 pounds , of excellent personal appearance and pleasing manners. Ho wears cyo- glasses , talks tluontly , and is : i splendid Gorman scholar. His wife is an estim able lady , who has boon an invalid tor fourteen years. Her aliment has thus far ballled medical skill , aud cho is al most wholly untiblo to cat any food. How she has boon able to exist is a wonder to her husband and frionds. Dr. Stran- berger and hie wife wcro on their way to Avon Springs , N. Y. , to sco if the treatment' thorp would prove beneficial to thu long-suH'oring invalid. On the night in question the doctor and his wife retired as usual. She placed between the mattress and the bedspread covering it a small bag containing some diamonds and monoy. The bag oho had boon in the habit of carrying with her vrhorovor she wont , concealed beneath her clothing. Among the contents of the treasure roccpticlo were a handsotno diamond mend cross , a pair of solitaire diamond earrings , splendid cluster ring in the form of a diamond , a small diamond ring , and $010 in monoy. THE DIAMONDS WEUE WOUT1I at the least calculation over § 2,000. Mra. Strasborgor left her watch , chain , and some other trinkota on the bureau in the room. When oho arono in the morning she dressed hastily , found the valuables on thu bureau as she had loft them , and Packed her hand-sachul ready to start on to Avon. Aftev the train had started the doctor hanponcd to think of the di- mends and casually uskod his wife if fiho had thorn. Mrs. Stroabergcr pub her hand to her side and screamed : "Heavens , 1 haven't got them ! " aud nho fainted away. The station of Darien was aoon reached nnd Dr. Strasbergcr sent a message to Manager StaH'oro , of the Mansion house , telling him of the loss and where the diamonds had been left. lie looked at the place indicated , but the bag had been removed. Meanwhile the doctor went oil to Avon with his wife aud saw her safely circd for , after which ho returned to BulFalo on the first train. Ho was disappointed when ho v/aa told at the hotel that KO TKACE HAD BEES FOUND of the misaing goms. The hotel people had made inquiries of everybody about the place who was likely to know about the theft , but all denied any knowledge of it. The Omaha man was not content to lot things rest in this way , and the next day wont to John Byrno'u detective agency and told his story to the colonel , Detectives wcro at once put on the case and suspicions wcro found to point toward Margaret Taylor , who had boon in the room shortly after the guests had loft. She was taken by Detective Ilagor to Colonel Brynes' oflico and there charged with taking the pre cious bag. The girl denied all knowledge of the existence ot the diamonds , and kept up her protestations of innocence for over an hour. Mr. Strasbergor im plored her to return the gems , and prom ised her § 101) ) and a splendid silk dross if .she wunlddo so. Still she maintained that aho know nothing about the missing stones. . The doctor told her that if his wife lost the diamonds the shock would kill hur , but Misa Taylor said in a cool , otf-haiui " 1 don't know - way : anything about your diamonds. I'vo hoard unough of this talk , and "uosa I will i'o back to the hotel."V T11KX SUB MET. A few days afterwards tho' diamonds \\ero returned aa mysteriously as they were taken. A lady mid gentleman oc cupied the name rooms and Sunday night WJiit to church. TJwy had learned nbuut the missing diamonds and when they returned - turned were much nnrprisod to find them in a bureau drawer in the room , where they had certainly been put by aomo ono during the abccnco of the couple nt di- yino worship. The gentleman took the jowela to the manager who found that they were all there , but the 5010 in money was still missing. The detectives continued at work on the case , and on Monday they arrested Miss Taylor on the charge of stealing the diamonds and money. The case was well worked up by the detectives , and they say that they hayo sufficient grounds on which to base their action. Patent ModlclnoH , As a rule , have the reputation of Impoiing on tha credulity of the public in the shape of adroitly concocted advertisements , nnd other de\ices to catch the eye of these who are suf fering. But wo desire to say that Swlf I'a Spe- clfic ( S 8. 8. ) la a decided exception to this rule. This remedy la manufactured at Atlan ta , Ga. ; and In our treatise on Blood audtikin diseases we give the endorsement of many of thu prominent people of our City and State , It Is true wo are spending a largo amount lu advertlsinggfor wo think it our duty to human. Ity to do so. The wonderful development In the treatment of Cancer alone , would make it our duty to hive it known to every sufferer in the world. Wo linvo ollices for free Consultation at Wo. IBOAV. 23d St. , N Y 1205 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia , and at tlio homo oilico. Treatise on Blood nnd Skin Diseases mailed free. free.Tun Tun SWUT Si'Fcmc Co , . Drawer 3. Atlanta Ga ID'J W. 23d St. , N. < aad 1205 Che.t' nut St. 1'lilln. AI.Ii Till ! 0001) KFl'KOTS OP THK 1JKBT TUUtUAb Sl'KIXfiS MAY IIK 011TA1NI2D BY TAKING Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient 1H HOT WATER. IT Cl KK * ln l'MSUi , voilAliiA , JIM ) niliKh TSUI KKU.MU1U4 Alll-l- i , M A l- : . > i ii vi Jill , i-iumi'i ui s irnr'i K is n n < MJI > I > i , . l AV - | V. < " 1 , QUAY'S Sl'EClFIO MEDICINES , TRADE MARK /nnUmuT t.swt nnj MARK nntalllnjr cure for Seminal Weak- n BSpernisorr. "Ij' iT-Folcicy "Ij'i - ' , ncl ail W-v-'i : that follow tm * poqiieoco of Soil. Mlo sof In tha B&rk , Uimn , u . Vi-lon , I'rcma ami amny other iise& ! e thftt lead to In9 sumption Mid a I'rttmturo ( Iravo. linwARx of Advertisements to rcfnml nrmcy , when druggist * from ulion the medicine la hoti do not remind , hut rtlcr you to the mamifiKturor ? , knd the icqulrcments nro ( uch tlmt they uro ttldomf ei-tr compiled with , fco their rlttcn RimrivntMi A trU ot ono stogie r > ac\Mo ol Ornj 's KpoolUc will con\lum the matt skeptlCAi ol Its ical nicrttg. On Account of counter ( oilers , ws tm\o adopted the Yellow Wraiiji-t ; the only genuine , /Wt'ull raitlculars In our | > .iuii > hlet , which wedo- llto toBcudfreo by mntl toctcrv one.TiTIho / Sje- ) dfla MccU Ino la sold by ll druifRlsts Hi 31 per pack go , or tlx Jick tc9 tor ? 6 , cr will to sent trto by mall on the receipt ot Iho money , by addressing THK .YMRDIOINKUO. , Uuffalo , N. Y. BoM n Oinahl Id ' Jy lOmi HAS NO SUPERIOR. The Stock is a Durable Piano , TUB STKCIC JUS S1NOINO QUAUTY OF TONE FOUND NO OTHER PIANO. SOLD NLY BY WOODBRIDGE BEOS. , OJIAIIA NEB. Science ot Life , Only $1,00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW A GHEAT MEDIOATj WOKK Exhausted Vitality , Nervous .nd Phygioftl Debility , PretD&ture Decline In Man , Hirers o ( Youth , an thi nntold mlscrlea osulttn ? from Indiscretion * or ex. c aac9. A book ( or every man , younc , middlo-aged , and old. H contains 155 preaarlntlona ( or nil acute ind chronic dlsoaeea each ono ol which la Invaluable So foun > H.v the Author , whose experience ( or 2 ! years It each as probably never before ( ell to the Id ot any phya'.c an SCO pages , bound In bcautlti French rnuslln m O05sodco\ , ( all flit , puarantcod o be a finer work n every aenso , meciianloal , lit- woty and professional , thin Miy other work sold In thia country ( or { 2.50 , or the money will bo refunded In every Instance. I'rice only 91.00 by mall , poet. paid. Illustratlvo eamplo G cents. Send now. Go i medal aw anlcd the author by tl.o National Moillca issoo'.ntlon , to the odlcorB of which ho rvfcro. The Scleuso of I.lf o ahould be rciJbv the younc : Instrnctlon , &nd by the sllllctcd ( or relc ! ( . II nil ! benofll Ml. London Lancet. There Is no member of oorfetj to whom The Sci ence o ( Life will nr.t ba tiacfnl , whether yr'th , par ent , ffua/iiliiH , Instinictororrlerirvman. Argon&ut. Address ths Pcabojy fjfdioal Inutltntc , or lr. W. n. Visrker , No. 1 Uul'ir-ch Stnot , Uott. , > n Mui3.\\ha m y Do O'neultov' on nil d'Hcaaea ' rc < i\i'.r \ K BLI'l ani oxpotLnoo. Of roalc ando'oaHaatodlaoni. th1th v6 bufflsd ths ek'N ' o ! all other pbys- J I r fl J clans t , epeclalty. Bu-h trontcd sao cs3-ItM Khout to limUnco failure. THYSELF DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KLD N E Y P I SEAS E S LIVER CQMPLAIMTS , o It nets on tlio UVMt , IIOM'ELS and nt the s.inio time. It cleanses the system of the poison ous huraora that developo in Kidney nud Uri nary Diseases , Biliousness , Jaundice , Constipn * . tion , Tiles , or in Rncumatlsm , Neuralgia , Ncr- vouu Plsordcra and all Female Complaints * or SOLID nooF OF mis. rr wiLii BUBBLY cmtn CONSTIPATION , PILES/ and RHEUMATISM , " Cy causing ritHH" ACTION of all the crcana and functions , thereby CLEANSING the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF CASEG of tbo worst forms of thcso terrible diseases have bccu quickly relieved , and lu a uhort time PERFECTLY CURED. rnicr , $ i. rignnan inn , &OID nv IIRVCGISTS. Dry can bo nent by mall. WELLS , IllCltARDSON & Co , , Eurlraston , Vt. 3 Seud .uinip for Diary Annanai f r laS4. . C.M cmVjtvr-r-rL 017 Si. f hnrlos SI. , Fit. Loii ! * , ] > To. A nfiitlnrcHilimt < i tv .Mt . l ! - J I > 1 1. fi , iuis i < M u 1. ngcr tlllfl.C' < 1 ill 111 T\t \ C\ \ ' . tie I l t ( 'Ml ' I-.1 NhKM > LM HUIM IlliU Hi MII IdhhtHMlliii tut till r ) 'lit lri iu bt.LuulJ , u clt\ ' witini itlltiM i -i i in ' i.m M Ncnous Prostration. DeUhity , Mental nnit Physical Weakness ; McrcurUI and other Alice * tlons of Throat , Skin or Bonus , Blood Poisoning , Old SorCS anil UlCRrSt nru < nuir < l v.iih unparKllelvi Wirr . * i , li In tut TH iililic ( irltK I l < Wn ilViiuitily. . Diseases Arhinfl from Indiscretion. Cxccss Exnosuro or Indulgence , t i.-h pruiu > - - mno nf tha 1 tliMilug tHirlii' MI iiouii.i * * , il Mltr. ill tittup uf Uht niiJ iluf ctht nit tin r > .j iitjjli.di ( I * fiif , l ti\-lral di CJJT , pvtr I' 11 to ( ho * uri ' v o r l i th c < lit i I u r I Mti UC , , rpnilciinp Unrrln-'o iiaproprr or unhappy , ire cur * d 1 1 'iiphtci t Irt | ftir > n tin ul vi , Hint tiBculnl < mtloM | , fn < i > un iJliti.1 , ( < ii-iiitfiiiou atot * tieour 1 j- dill frmj , nn-linvitttl \ \ rlt fur nutiUoi i. A. Positive Wriiten Guarantee flvca In ntl COTH ! Ittcttita M illellio K nl icrynbrro. . P.iinplilctn , En liBli or Ucrman , 04 pacei. elf nbovo di jc-iace. In lualo or female , ' MARRIAGE CUBDE ! , llneploli i. llitntrniid In floitianj Wo , uioiiiyor iu.i io : iniui | tmtr. . zsc. coutilui all lUc cuiloui , douutlul ur luuuUltlTe vant to Inov. A book of k'r.iit lm rru lo M , Jlnlth. Uan > ln < 9 ft'u l > r uuuil If THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE. COL- IENDER COMPANY , ( SUCOK3SOU3 TO THE J. It. B. Jt II. OO. } MONARCH The uicntoxtonsUo manufacturers o ! IN 1JIU WOULD. 103 S. Tenth Street . OMAHA , NSD. { jrFrlceri ol ll'lllrd and Pool Tables and material * i lurmhcd on application , I APTbK I r.KI.T n > i otUJTjViU--- An Hi aatu in uU Dart * 'irbil TO MEN viNl.Y.Ol Mi OH DID , \ho nry ulTor- I ra from NLUVOIHI I > KBIUIT. LOJT ViriUTr , ? in u WriKHeuss , nml all ihoto J'-- - , I'guiKiat. NIHI.C , r.iinnK : from AHI n na I OTMSU ft. j > .B'i < - 'y _ rti. ! f nrj.l K mill , V n I _ j f tii < 4 Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Davis , who is v/ell and favorably known in Gmaha.This will enable us to han dle an increased list A of property. We ask those who' have desi rable property for saleto , place the same with us. The new firm. 9 will be JLJ : ! l ) REAL ESTATE- 213 South 14th St.