Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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ran In curing
Orient's Bl *
Llvor '
'COM , rain * in
Troubles ,
Urinary or Bides , noten *
rcr Disease * , | Uon or Won-
. Q ravel and notontion
, rJrine.
j n cures BUlonmcM , JIca < l ch , Jnundico , Donr
V eunnnch , DjupopaU. Corutlpatlon and Mies.//
ami curca Intemperance , Nervous Diseases ,
General Debility , Cxocuoa and
, reotaloVeakncm. .
It rentores tie KXSNZTO , U.V1UI nnd DOW.
XXB , to ft healthy action nnd OTJIlia when nil
othcrmedlolnetfcill. Itnndrodx have been caved
who have bocn given up to die by friends anj ,
phynlclnni ,
i 1'rlcf 1.S6. Bendforniuatratodramplilettc )
IIUNT'H itr.lIKnV CO. , rrotlilmro , It. I.
( niroiiK. ) , ,
li'LECTHO-VOLTAIO BELT nnd other Futcmt
fit ArrMixcEfl nro cent nn n ) Days' Trial T (
MUN ONLY. iOUNQ OK OH ) , who nro duffel
fax from NERVOUS LOST Vniurr
WABTinaVRAinrcsim , nnd all tnoiio dlsrt > rs of i
I'EMOtai. NATURE , rosuHtnc from Ancnu nm
Oriicrt C1USR3. Rperdy rpllpf nnd oornplot
natoratlon to HruLin , Vioon nnd MAMIIOO :
UDUUNTGXD. ( Jend at ouco for Illiutratc.
I'araphlct free. Adaross
OEIT Co. , Mamlmll.rnieh _
Science of Life , Only $1.01
ity , Norvonj and Phnloal Doblllty
Fremutnro DoclJno In Man , Eirortof Youth , an tin
nnlald mlflorlen onaltlng from ludltcrotlonii or ci
cwnxa. A book for every man , yotinj , mlJJIo-aRcd
irulolj. It contains 12& prc cjlLtIon § for all acnti
nd chronic dltcatcs rich one or which la Invalubblc
fto found by tlio Author , whoso experience for 2 !
> OM In Boch asprobably novcr before foil tn the Id
ol naj phyclo an BOO p lrus , bound In bcautlli
yronch mual'.u maoinndcovcro , full RUt.RUArantcec
o b n finer work n every wnao , nicchwilcil , Ut
crary and profuoni1 ! , ttnn any other work noM Ii
Ihl ) coantry ( or 82.60 , or tha moneywlll bo rcfunJo ,
In oTory'Instanoo. 1'rlcoonlj * 1.6o by mall , pout
paid. Illustrative simple Bocnts. Sondnow. a0 <
medal ownrdod tha tuthor by the National Uedlca
Afwoolatlon , to the offioer < of which bo refers.
The Bclctiso of Life ehould bo rcivl by the younf
Uutraetlon , and by the afflloted for relief. II
will bcmefll tU. London Lknont.
There Is no member ot society to trhnm The Rot
ioo of Llto nil ) not bo ueofut , whether youth , r r
n [ , ( rutrllun , Initructororeloreyunn. Arronnut.
Address tlio PoiboJjMoJlcal Inulltutu , or Ir. V7 ,
n. Parker , No. t nnlUnch htrcet , tioiton lUog. , who
mar o oonsullml on all dtsoues roqulriiK skill and
ipatlonoo. Onronloautlobrtlnatodlsoai mtliatluve
thi eilll of all othcrplijs.liril I olaru
* Dpeolalt/i Oaoti tieatoj raoooss lully
without aa IniUnco failure. THYSELFlully
Corner Kith nml Capitol Avoune ,
- - 3NT3333 ,
In all their forma.
VOUNO UKN , who are sufferliii ; from tlio rffecti
ot Youthful Indlncrotlons , would do well to ntnl !
thonuclvrs ot tliU , the RriatcNt boon over laid at the
altar ct suffering liunnnlty , Dr. Tanner wlr Rinr-
antca to forfeit tM ) for t\ory case of HoinlnulVcnk. .
ocas or 1'rlvato Il > tuo , of any kind or character
which he undortil.cuanJ fall * tu euro ,
ZJ1UDLK AOBI ) JIiN-lUiiy : men between ( lie
luruoISJana 00 , are Iroublixl with a too fruijtiunt
ilodrolo o\icuato the bladder , Oitcn aoixiiupaiiled
liy a flight mnaitln and Imrning eonsitlon , uud n
wcakculni ; of the mstvm In a manner that the ] >
t lent cannot account lor. On oiimilumif the urinary
di-io | > lts a ropy icdlmoiit will olten bo found , and
sometime * o-i all partlolaa at alkiitnrn will appear ,
or tlio color uilf l > s ot A thin , inllll h buo , ialii
changing to a daikund torpid nppcarauiv. Ihurv are
many > mn who tile of thin dlllkuly , tKiiorant of tha
rau . H In th doooud eta o of lonnnal wcnliiKi.ij.
Dr. Tanner will uuaranttu a period euro In ix'l nucli
ca > o , aud ahciltliy rostoratlon ot the ( Jenlto uiluary
Organs. Call or audresi us abet o , Ur , Taimor.
II warranted to nrir longrer , nt
.the . forni nvatrr. ami irjro bvttr
iratlifactlon than uny utlicr Corn
In tlia mirkiit , or | > rlco | iali ) nil
tw refunded. Tlio Iniloraumeuti o
ChleajiJfl kpl _ pUy.lClu1 , ao ) K
j. n. F.
[ SUCCESSORS TO TUB J. U. B. & B , 00. )
The m&it citentlve miuulicturcri ot
Urt S. Tcnti Street 01IAOA , NEI
f JTPrlco * ol Illlllrd tail Pool Tables atd materUl
1 urotbod on ippllcitbn.
Scenes Along the Lines of Gircnmvalla
lion Dnrlne the Summer ofl 864 ,
Tlio Actual Mfo of the Union Bsldlcr
Throughout tlioIOK Beige.
Col. Albert O. BrackoU , Third Unitoi
Stato3 cavftlryrelates In the Philadolphii
Times oorno fntoronllng incidents of ih
siege of Atlanta. Ho ena :
"During the ntogo of Atlanta many in
torostlng things occurred that made i
strong impression upon the actors am
witnesses. There was a continual ntraii
upon the nerves of every ono , which wa
trying enough to the menand must havi
been a thousand times more so to th
women and children who remained in th
city. The batteries used to begin ( irin ;
in the morning , nnd , after keening it go
ing two or three hourswould Blacken up
This waa the courao pursued bjr thi
unionists and confederates , and tho' nov
oral battorry cornmandora used their ut
most nkill in endeavoring to cripple an <
disable ono another. The union line
stretched in a somi-circlo round Atlant
for a distance of ton or twelve miles.will
a fair broaatwork thrown up in front , aui
as fast ni our people Gained ground the ;
would at once throw up broantworka
along which logs were placed with space
botwonn them , T/horo there was roon
enough to puuh the rillcs throutrh in cas
of nu attack. Tlio whole ground wa
covered with a dense woods , and thcr
was no dilllculty about obtaining timber
Very little could bo Boon except the con
federate works in front , and it waa nlmoa
impossible to obtain a gllmpao of any poi
lion of the town from the place where th
union troops lay , excepting n few ut conic
and tall chimnojB. GSS3SS3
For many days the uiogo continued
and it ncomcd M if there would bo n
end. Men became very weary of it an
endured the cannonade as the
could. At daybreak , ordinarily , th
booming of cannon began and ooroochin
ahdla nailed through the air with hldeot
noise. Not many soldier ? were hit b
these ( missiles , but thuy had the power c
making men feel moro nervous than anj
thing that could bo dona to them. Aftc
the aholls atruck thn ground , unless the
burst at once , there was no great dangoi
us the noldiurs got out of the way c
throw theniBelvcu on tlio around an
were measurably onfo. Tlio round she
did no particular damage and the artilloi
istn reserved their grape and canister fo
closer quirton. Apparently the nrtil
lorymon enjoyed this , as it was a tribut
to their nkill , but nobody else wa
specially elated nml rather wished th
affair vr&a ended. I could not uco ho\
the union troopa were over to got pOBsen
sion of this important nlaco , go well situated
atod in the very heart of the confodorat
states , and there was a dull and danger
oua drnpf , day after clay , with very httl
to break the monotony or relieve us o
ita tedium , so wearing upon military men
In order to ruin aa much nmmunitioi
aa possible for the confederates , our com
nandor gave orders that at a certain hou
after dork the "charge" should bi
Boundcdj but the soldiers were to keoj
well back and under cover , not uhowhij
.hpmaolvoa to the enemy. They woult
think of courao that our whole line wa
idvancing directly upon them with fixoi
Dayonota , and in consequence oxponi
their ammunition in the moat rock lee
manner upon us. ISrorything was dul'
prepared and nil the necessary propauHoi
; akon aprainst the olloot of their shot am
shell. The baggage wagons were kop
well to the roar , nnd nil horses , mules
draft nninmla so placed that the ohoi
vould not roach thorn. The cattle liorcJ
vna driven to a aucuro placu , as frosli
: ojf waa n luxury duly appreciated by us ,
L'ho parapets were strengthened whore
mist needed , and the rifle-pits for the
r.on deepened ao ns to afford good sholtor.
On the night of Aug. 7,1 think it wna ,
nit am not positive , this oihoino waa car
ried into olFuct and proved aa successful
aa could have boon wished. A short time
after dark the drumn in every regimonl
vero furiously beaten nnd the bugles and
rumputa sounded the "charge. " There
wad n deafening din nnd n few momontt
afterward the noiao from the confederate
worka exceeded anything that can bo im <
nuinod. Great guna and little guna flnah-
od and pealed from the confederate
earthworks , nnd the United States arm }
lever rested under n moro tremendous
mil of ahot , sheila nnd bullets of every
doacription. It wns , an old soldier near
nooxpreasod ) | it , "As if hell hnd broken
ooae and waa vomiting ita contents upon
is. " Tlio noise waa deafening , the roai
romondoua and the otroama of fire
lirough the air sut imo beyond doscrip-
ion , There waa n ram of leaden balls
hat dropped freely in every direction ,
nd woo unto any luckless uoldiur who
ndoavorod to stand up ngninat it.
Of courao the Vankocn laughed at this
llbrt 011 the part of the enemy , and felt
/oil BiUiolicd at oeoing thorn throw away
n this rockloaa manner the tons nnd tone
f misailas which hnd taken them so long
o manufacture and nt such uroat coat.
IB much ammunition waa used aa would
ave boon used in nil ordinary battle , the
ring having boon kept ni > n full hour ,
tinny of the confederates thomaolvoa bo <
loving the unionists hnd advanced in
oroa against them , and were not undo
olvod until the following morning. The
; roatcot portion of them , however , noon
iccamo convinced as to the way mutton
teed , and ceased firing of their own no <
; ord. There curses were loud , deep mid
ong-coutlnued against the unionists foi
his now-fu.shionod schemeof deception
hat had been practiced upon them , and
hey did not soon forgot it. ,
Our men took good care to keep out ol
the way for aomo time after the firing
: eased , though they laughed heartily nl
the discomfiture of the onomy. The
confederate bnttorlca had boon plied ai
rapidly as possible , nnd the infantrj
rugimenta seem to have vied with oaofl
other in Booing which could expend tlu
greatest amount of powder and load ,
From Decatur clear round to Ezra chare !
our people kept watch and ward , and nl
understood the wonderful demonstration !
that took place on this historical aroni
on the night described , liut few of ou :
eoldlors Buffered ' from the firing , though
of course , th'cro vroro some few whoti
curiosity got the bettor of their judgment
mont , and were stricken by the loadei
downfall. TJiero was not a true unioi
man who did not rojolco at the fonrfu
cannonndo , the nrmios of the Cumber
land , Tonnotsuo , nnd Ohio forniini ; th
military division of _ the Mississippi , uf
lilting nt it nnd wiahiug the confederate
had thrown away moro shots oven tfm
they did. From the stripling to the gra
beard they nil realized that the confw
orates were getting rid of bullota , whicl
if kept on hand , might find a lodgmoi
in their pwtt bodies or thoqo of the
friends , The confederates foil rathe
cheap over the affair , though wo had r
chance to question thorn closely , as v
were not at that time very iutimato wit
| Bomo of the movements made by 01
commander were difficult to nndoratand ,
but this wns plain to every ono , nnd tc
none moro ao than the volunteers them
selves , who had been impressed over nnd
over Again with the necessity of taking
care of their cartridge ! nnd not uselosslj
throwing them nway , ns there wna nc
telling how soon they would bo needed ,
and wo were n long distance from the nr
soimls belonging to the union. Atlantr
waa the great storehouse nnd arsenal foi
nil the nouthorn confederacy , nnd prottj
much nil the ammunition which had boor
expended had been manufactured there ,
The firing hero referred to had a dirocl
bearing upon the fortunes of the soutl
nnd the destruction of their warlike store !
and the capture of their main mnnufacto-
rios put It out of their power to carry or
the contest much longer. They had nc
extensive workshops olawhoro at leas
none to compare with those and wore
compelled from shore exhaustion to throw
down their arms. Their ordnance department
partmont had worked along in preparing
the ammunition thrown nwny on this oc >
casion , and never , during the oxiatnnct
of the confederacy , hnd time or matorin
to replace any considerable amoun
of it , thouph they worked strenuously tx
do eo.
lion became enured to danger in a remarkably
markably short time , and during tlu
siege of Atlanta I saw young officers aoi/.f
rlllo-sholla thrown by rillo-cannon before
they had fairly stopped moving on th <
round. Aa may bo imagined this wa !
lone in n moro spirit of bravado , but wa :
very dnngrooua , and allowed what thoi
dnrcd do oven when there wna no nocos
aity of displaying their courage. Firs
Liout. Eldridgo 0. Soya , of the Fourtl
cavalry , performed the feat here ro ferret
to in my prosonao , and waa killed nftor
wards in action near Sclmn , Ala. , ii
April , 18C5. The nhclla foil pretty livolj
in and near the Army of the Cumberland
and eovoral men were struck with piece
of them nnd wounded in various waya
During the cannonndo in the daytime
when many men wuro necessarily active
ly employed , it is only wonderful tha
moro men were not hit , I saw an ambu
lance full of wounded nion atruck with i
nhell which burst at the oamo time , whoi
thcro waa n wonderful scattering , the
muloa going ono way on the full galop
the wounded men another in a confunet
head , and the vehicle itself being turncc
into n mans of badly shattered and scattered
torod lumber. It wna u aingular sightnut
the whole thing was over in a remarkably
short timo.
A confodcrato batter/ stationed noarlj
opposite ono from Indiana , commnndec
named ' 'Leather Brooches '
by n captain ,
used to make things very lively for us ,
but truth compolls mo to any that oui
captain retained shot for ahot with the
utmost good faith , nnd it seemed aa if the
cannoneers enjoyed it. Our captnir
would got out on the parapet with hit
eye-glass and look out for comp object to
lire nt.and carefully givp directions whereto
to find it , when the gunnera , taking care
ful aim , would lot go the ahot or shell , ae
the caao might bo. The confederate cap-
tnin adopted exactly the same course and
made several hits among us that wore
surprising. By some meant or other ho
'ound the exact locality of the hoadquar-
.ora of the Army of the Cumberland ,
and throw in ao many ahota that it noo-
oaaitatcd a movement to some loss ox-
) osod locality. Unon thio our captain
odoublcd hia efforts , and Hoeing the con-
'cdorato captain exposed na usual astride
us parapet , let fly a. phot at him which
ivas mud to have cut him in two , but the
iiattory continued to amoko away "like
an old furnace. " It wna the confeder
ate captain hero referred to that played
such havuo with the ( unbalance nnd
wounded men. Ho wni a good nrtillor-
at , nt any rate , and understood his busi
ness thoroughly. *
Lying there day after day in July nnd
VuRust , nnd being pounded by the ene
my "a ahot and shall , waa n singular expo-
ionco and enough to last oven a aoldior's
ifotimo. There waa little or no prnteo-
ion against the shells , as they were liable
.o fall nt nuy time and in nny place ,
'hero ' was n certain degree of reckless-
iocs everywhere , nnd the men draiiK.
onaidornblu quantities of whisky that waa
ipt of the llrat quality , the taato being
iiaguiacd by tansy , making what io com
monly known na "tansy bitters. " There
voro but few luxuries to bo found , nnd
IIOHO were very properly given to the
iok and wounded men. The hospitals
were crowded with the wounded , and
.hero . waa much aufloring in ono way and
nothor. The surgeons were skillfulnnd
id nil they could to alleviate the dia-
ros3'but utill there was a good deal of
win , na must always bo the caao where
ictivo military opor.xtiona are going on of
.ho mngnitnde of those of this campaign.
Vninaof cars , known na "hospital cara"
roro kept miming from the front to the
; reac hospitals in the northern states , but
nany c.iaoa wonld not admit of romovnl
von for n short distance , nnd were
jbliged to bo attended to then nnd thoro.
'ho nppearnnca of those hospitals waa
uito dopruoaing and the fauorals na epr-
owful oa can boimagined. . The chaplains
lad all they rouM attend to and looked
Imoat broken-hearted. The aoldiora in
rent had nil the excitement and niiimat-
ng intiuencua oi actual conttict , while the
urRoona nnd chaplains further back were
bligeil to aajiat , aa well as they could ,
ho ] ioor slmttertid forma that had boon
nanglod by ahot and aholl.
For nome time bnforo the arrival of
ur nrmy in front af the handsome city
Atlanta a largo ntuiibor of ixon had boon ,
ngagcii in preparing its dofansos. Com *
) otont onginuers had planned the works ,
ind there was nu nbundauao of cannon
iml gunpowder. The aouUiorn people
ind boon alow to believe that the Unior.i
oldiora would bo nblo to pouotrato BO >
nr into the south , nnd it waa only when
hey came knocking nt the doors thai
hey could bo brought to roallzo such wna
oslly the caao , When this waa founol
o IHJ tiuo , howoror , the worka were
mulied on npaco. Negroes were brought
u fiom nil directions and made to wok
night nnd day until the defences assumed
n form that would last for years. 'Jfoo
nuch was dono'upon thorn perhaps , and
hey hold our troopa oil well enough ,
never having boon carried by assault.
I'his waa the aim of the con f ode rate on-
; iuoors , no doubt but our gonoral-in-cliiof
VM too wise to attempt to cnrry
hem at ouoo and gained them eventually
> y cutting off Bupplics.
Nothing could exceed the beauty of
ho nights during the siege , nnd there
wns no suffering on account of cold. The
nun would Ho down any where with thoii
ingle blanket and reel comfortably. Or.
dinnrily , however , two men slept to-
other , and were ublo to have ono blanket
ihovo nnd another underneath them. So
they rested , talking sometimes well inU
the night and nt other times no mudi
fntiguoa that they drojiped neleop ns soon
na the blanket ! were laid down. They
were not over-particular , and \iith t
good parapet to shield them against can <
non-ahot , what moro had they to ask' '
They nto their rations of pork and hard
broad with the greatest relish , and madt
coffee in their tin-quart cups , the handlci
being riveted on BO that they could no
drop off when the Bolder wa * moltod. Or
marches tlio uiou were loaded down witl
rifle , spade , blanket , cartrldgo-box. havoi
Back , bolts , and bayonet-scabbard. Bu
the marches were very short ones , an
the column moved at n Bnail'a pace.
Sumo of the men bore pickaxes , &n
the wny they would make the dirt fl
when they halted was something wondoi
fill. Soon the breastwork waa raised nul
ficlontly to BJioltor thorn , when treoa wer
cut down and placed on the top , secure !
hold in place by crotches and aharpono
stakes crossing each other. _ The men be
came very expert in putting up thi
kind of shelter , and could burrow almo ;
aa readily aa badgers. Stern ncccasit
had taught them a great many thing !
ono of which waa the way to protoc
themselves , nnd they did it very wo
indeed. Sometimes however , the cor.
federates made their appearance unoj
pootcdly in some quarter , when there wa
a struRglo for mastery fearful to bohole
The two armies became mixed togethc
in n wild fight that wna carried on wit
the most deadly purpose , but it was BOO
over , when thcro was comparative caltr
1 have endeavored to gtvo aomo idea c
to the condition of things in front of AI
lanta not the movements of the annict
which can bo found in any hiatory of th
wnr , but the actual condition of thing
aa they existed then und there , nnd c :
pccially of the dreadful cannonade !
Who thnt hoard them will over forge
them , nnd when will there bo n ropotil
ion of those wonderful scones ? Thor
waa no great amount of exultation o
cither aide , the whole thing being cai
riod on in sober earnest , yet with a dotoi
mination that stopped at nothing. Froi
morning until night nil were busy , nn
when not engaged in itctunl firing the ii
fnntry repaired the breastworks nnd th
artillerymen put their batteries in chap
for the next cannonade.
"Mono ana in corpora sano. " "A noun
mind iu n , iound body ' Is thn trade mark i
Allen's Brain Food , and xvo nsjuro our roado
that , If dissatisfied with either woalmesi i
Brain or bodily ixnvors , this remedy will i > i
mancntly stroiiKthon both. 51. At dm
Slio 1'rcfcrrctt to Sniolco.
It waa n ' 'bloomer" car rattling alon
up Washington street. It was scarce !
half filed , with plenty of room "farrard.
At Franklin equaro a party of half
dozen ladies stood upon the crossing
poking their aunshadon nt the drivci
The car came to n halt , and the urban
conductor smilingly alighted and aesiato
paHscngors to their seats. While ho wa
thus employed , another lady nppronchc
the waiting car , nnd , unobserved by him
slipped into ono of the rear scats. Th
car started , and r.s the smiling conducto
returned to his place on the roar plat
form , ho discovered his now passenger.
"Madam , " aaid the conductor , no longer
or smiling , 'those roar neats are roaorvoe
for smokers. You must go forward. "
"Foramokera , iait ? "
Tlio boll rang nnd the car came to
"Yea , for amonora. You muat go for
ward. Como , the car ia wailing. "
"An1 ia it go forward I muat ? "
"Yea , that's the rule. Como hui
ry. "
Six cars now formed a proacaaiou ii
the roar. Drivers were swearing , con
ductors hurrying forward to aeo wha
waa the matter , and passengers wor
craning their necks out of the window
and speculating aa to the moaning of tin
"An1 theao seats nro for amok
era ? "
'Yea , they nro. Como hurry. "
"An1 I muat move foirard o
amoko ? " , ,
"Yo , iyou must. "
"Begorra , than , nn1 I'll amokc
Ilavo yo a mntcn ? "
And the lady drew from her pocket
black dudeen , which she proceeded t
light , nnd Icnning back iu her neat , puf
fed contentedly away. The conducto
pulled the boll with energy , nnd the pro
: osaion moved on , but it waa fully AVI
minutca before ho fully recovered hi
Piles are frequently preceded by a BOHBO o
weight In the back , loins mid lower part of tin
ibdomoncr.uflluK the pntlent to suppose hahai
lomo otToctHn of the kidnoyd or noigliboriiif
jrganfi. Attimoa , aym toms of indigostioi
\TO present , as ilatuency , imeasinesH of thi
itomach , etc. A moistcie like per iiration
woducinfj n / ry disagreeable Itching particu
mly ai night attor cottlrjK wnrui In bed , itf
rory common attendant. Internal. Extorna
md Itching Fifes yield at once to tlio applies
.ion of Dr. Boinnko'sPilo lieinedy , v/hlch act !
llroctly uj"\n tl narta nffertstt , absorbing thi
iiimura , nlluylng the intoneo itching , and of.
ectiog a permanent euro where other roino
HIM iuvvo failed. Do not delay until the draft
in tbo syutom producoa ponnaatnt disability ,
rat try It nnd bo nirod. Schroter A ; liecht.
"T/ado Biinpllod by 0. F Goodman. "
Uiiconsolous Five'Weeks ,
nrgiaii ( Nov. ) EuiorprihO.
It has been five weeks since Chariot
iTaltbjr , of Reno , wna beaten over the
load with n shovel by John Hart , nnd ho
till lies in nn luiconsciouacondition. .
Jo eleopa well nnd tnkes readily nil food
ir modicinca which may bo oil'uml him ,
tnd fov thnt reason ho him retained hit
'trongth ' to n remarkable dagreo. His
nind nppoara to bo entirely [ jono nnd nl
inie.s ho is violent so muoh so aa t (
uquiro restraint. Fricnda with when
10 wna furinorly intimuto nro recognized ,
ind ho Botnotimoa calls their naiuoa , bul
loyond thnt ho ahowa no aicpia of return
ng roawn. There is no nppnront frao
uro of the ikull , , nor have there beoi
rom the first nny of thaayniptorm
laually nttondlnf n fracture wllh doprea
lion of the akull The exact charactoi
> f hia iiijurloa ia obscure , , but is pro
lounccd by hia phyaiciana to bo an ox
.onslvo hacoraticn or breahing up of tin
irain anbotanco , . resulting from the grea
'orco of the blow received by him. Hucl
joing the case , ao oporatirm on the akul
irould jiustifiablo , and , indeed , in tin
opinion of the doctors , would deatroy nl
lopes of hia ultnnato rocovory.
Aiiiontur BlitorH da not only dlttln
; ulh thinuolve * by their fiwor and aroiimtl
idor nbavo nil oiiheis ceuorally used , but the ;
ire alto a sure prorontho fjr ulLdbcaeoa oils
iimtlng from the digcatlvo organs. Bnwaro o
: ountorfcUs. Auk your R3Jcor or druggUt fo
the ecduutno uticlo , manufactured by Dr. J
.11. SolgcrtaSous.
riio Plost AcconipllHlied Cat in Gcoi
AlUny Nous.
Groor and Floyod are the solo proprJs
ton of a Thomas cab that can beat nn
cni or terrier dog ! Georgia cntchiu
rats. On ono occasion ho hnd ono rati i
his mouth when Another ran by whore h
had boon statlon d and ho caught th
second rat with his feok nnd held him w
curely without ever letting go thn on
ho had in his taouth , ud at another tim
ho caught three mlco at ono plnugo. I
you don't bolwvo it oak Arch Orcor , an
ho can prov it by Andy Floynd or
you aak Audy ho will tell you the sau :
thing and , prove it by Arch.
I was nflllcted with kidney disease , an
suffered intonaoly. I wan induced to ti
Uuirt'a [ Kidney and Livorl REMEDY , nr
before 1 had used two bottles I WM 01
tlrely cured. Richmond llonahaw , Pro'
idoncu , R. I.
It is Heine Suplnntcil by Beer nt .
Itnpld Itntc.
Chlcngo Tribune.
'Soda water doesn't ecll like it use
to , " said a retail druggist on n dowi
town corner yesterday , "but it hn
been booming to-day. "
"What is the matter with the goners
trade ? " n reporter naked.
"Boor ia tuking ita placo. "
"I suppose the women continue t
patronize you ? "
"Yes but not na much na they used tc
and they don't always like the pure
sparkling aodn. "
"flow nbout ico-cronm soda ? "
"It hurts the trade in the simon-pur
article. "
"ilow ? "
' It tnkoa too long to drink it. If
were to introduce it here I would have t
put in a lot of chairs and qivo them
chance to nit down. In two minutes I'
have this place ao clogged you could nc
turn nround. If I hnd room for th
crowd and had to supply thorn all wit
ico-crcam sodn , I would have to bu
four or five ) extra crates of glasses an
employ additional help to wash them nn
wait on the crowd. Wo have sold , yo
muat understand In order to npprccial
what I say , aa much aa S100 worth <
soda in n ainglo day. This moans ovc
1,200 glasses on nn average each day dui
ing the whole of summer , and w
como pretty close to that now. "
"What flavorinca are moat popt
lar ? "
' 'Middlo-agod ' people fond
- nro c
lemon , chocolate and vanilla. Dreamer
and poota liico nectar , nnd lovera lik
atrawbcrry and vanilla. Young me
when unaccompanied by ladiea , nro dii
posed to bo carolosa. When asked wha
kind of airup they like beat they oai
Don't caro. " To simplify matters w
have used those two words to designate
sirup. It ia not the beat , I muat owr
and I don't blame the trade for neglec
ing it. Wo atill keep it for thoao wh
are not particular , but ib cccma to hnv
nccomplished ita mission , which wa :
thnt of compelling people _ to any wha
they want , instead of waiting and lca\
ing it to our judgment. "
"Do you consider acda n health
drink ? "
"With pure sirups there io none bei
tor ; with bogus extracts compoundc
from drugs thcro ia none moro hurtful
It is not good to drink it too fast , nnd i
should not bo too cold. "
" How much hnvo you aold tc
day ? "
"Probably 800 glaasoa hnvo not coun
ted the chipa yot. I think ib ia safe t
put it at that figuro. "
Yeaterdny wna essentially n summc
day , though not excessively warm
Warm enough , however , to cauao a geu
oral run on the sodn wntor stands. It i
estimated that no Icaa than 00,000 glassc
of aoda where sold by the drug store
alone. There nro 320 drug stores li
Chicago nt which fountains nro kept , am
the nvcrago number of clashes sold b ;
each ia estimated for the day nt . ' ! OC
which would give the nbovo figures. Be
sides these there nro a largo number c
[ ountaina not kept in drug stores , bu
which are run aoporntely or kept i :
candy stores , restaurants nnd dngo shops
These probably soil one-eight aa much a
the drug atorea do , which would brin
the figurca up to 108,000 glasaea. Tin
would amount to 8 , 000 gallons , cquival
out 1,000 eight-gallon kegs of beer.
A Special Invitation.
Wo especinlly Invite n trial by all thoa
sufferers from Kidney and Liver com
plaints who- have failed to obtain reliu
From doctors. Nature's great remedy
Kidney-Wort , hna effected cures in mnni
obatinato cases. It acts nt once on thi
Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleansing th
system of all poisonous humors and restoring
storing n healthy condition to thoao im
portant organs. Do not bo discouraged
jut try it.
Imlnpemlcnue thnt AVoublcst.
Buffalo ConiniLTsIal Aelyertibcr ( Hep. )
The action of the Independent Club o
hia city last night in refusing to ondorai
iho nomination of Blaine recalls the fac
iJiat the "young scratchora1 ' by whorr
tie Indoponndont club waa organized
oluaed to support A. B. Cornell in IS'H '
JUCHUSO of "hio uniltneas for the office ; , '
n 1882 they again bolted the republi
an nomination , thia time , however , bo
auoo Cornell waa not renominated , "he
laving given the stnto a moat exdolloni
ndtainiatrntion. " In 1880 the foelinga el
host ) same Indopendonta were outragoc
> cca'jso Cheater A. Arthur waa giver
eco&d place on the ticket by the ropuli
ican national convention To-day nine
nit of ton of them will freely admit thai
Vrthur has made ono of the beat prrai
lenta the country haa aver hnd. In view
of tlm facts , it occurs to ua thnt the In
iopondenta ought to begin to rnalixo thn !
11 tho- political wiaciom of the country ii
lot concentrated undo ? iv few hats witl
iata with the label "Independent" upor
from Senator H. O , Nelson ,
ALIIANV , N. V. , April 4 , 1883.
On the iJTth of Fubrunry , 1883 , 1 wai
akon with n violent pain in the rcgioi
> f tha kidneys. I Buifared such ngon ;
.lint I could hardly stand up. Aa aont
ns possible I applied two ALLCOOK'S Po
oua Piasters , ono ovoo each kidney nne
aid down. In an hour , to my aurpria
nnd do2ight , the pnin hnd vanished nnd .
waa woli. I were tha plasters for a daj
or two aa n precaution , and then romovoc
, honu I have been- using ALLCOO.'L'i
Porovio Plnators in. my fnmily for tin
ast ten years , nnd > have always fount
.hem. the quickest nnd best externn
remedy for colds , strains , kinks &ui
rhousintio nffoctiona. From my experience
once I believe they are , the boat phatd
.n iho world.
IV 0. NEUO f.
Ho Oai
Utaburg Chroulcltk
First broker What's oil ?
Second broker 70J.
Firat broker Botclir ? 50 elia goea t
Second broke ? I takeyer.
First broker I'll sell yor 10 000 , bar
Tola nc 07 , delivered next mouth.
Second broker I takoyer.
Firat brokr Know wher I can got i
good cilice clerk ?
Second broker No.Vofa the matte
with the oneyor got )
First Ixroker Ho burs pools , nnd
understand ho gambiea. Such young mo
nro not to bo relied on.
Second broker BUchor aho sells to 7
Fbst broker-r-I takeyer.
Horsl'ord'H Aold I'liosphnto.
Advantageous la Dyspepsia.
Dr. O. V , DOKSEY , Plfiua , Ohio , eayi
"I have 'used it in dyspepsia with vet
marked benefit. If there U deficiency c
acid in the stomach , nothing affords moi
relief , while the action on the norvoi
system is decidedly beneficial.
A Dnngcrons Case.
, June 1 , 1&S2. "Ten
Yert riffo I WM uttacketl with the mtwt
lctcD tnJ tleatlil ; l' ' Ini In my back nJ
KUncys ,
"Extending to the end of my tooa an
my brain 1
"Which made mo dolirioual
From agony.
"It took three men to hold mo on m
bed nt titntsl
"Tho doctors tried in vaintoroliovo me
But to no purpose.
"Morphine nnd other opintea
"Ilnd no effect !
"After two months 1 waa given up t
"Whon my wife
heard n neighbor toll what Hop Bittci
hnd done for her , oho at oucogot and gav
mo Bomo. The first dosp cased my brai
and aopmed to go hunting through m
system for the pain.
"The second doao oaacd mo RO muc
that I alopt two houra , something I ha
not done for two months. Before I ha
used five bottles , I waa well nnd nt work
as hard na nny man could , for over thro
weeks ; but I worked too hard for m
strength , nnd hiking nhard cold , I wna tr
ken with the moat acute nnd painful rhot
mntism all through my system thnt wa
over known. I called the doctors again
and after several weeks , _ they loft mo
cripple on crutches for life , na they said
I mot n friend and told him my caao , nn
ho said Hop Bitters had cured him an
would cure mo. I hooped at him , but h
wna BO earnest I waa induced to uao thcr
again. In loss than four weeks I thro'
away my crutchoa nnd wont to work lighl
ly nnd kept on using the bitters for iiv
wcpka , until I became aa well ns any ma
living , nnd have boon BO for six yent
since , It nlso cured my wife , who hn
been ao for years ; nnd has kept her nu
my children , well nnd hearty wit
from to to three bnttlea per year. Thor
ia no need to bo sick nt nil if thosobittoi
nro uacd. J. J . BKUK. Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wifo.
"Or daughter !
"Can bo made the picture of hoalthl
"With a few bottles of Hop Bittora !
"Will you let them suffer f"
V sufferer from chroi
iodiarrhoea writes : '
rlcd various prcpan
lonshut ; even the Bin
loft gruel caused pal
it night. Cominciicln
.vlth UWeo'8 Food ,
found lull sillofactlo
: o till appotltu and
van never attcndc
villitlio illfhtcdl
oinfort in dlgeatloi
I'D test Its cfllcncy , tl
nipper v as .changed
n lew times , uut ama > u wltli a return ot distress I
the nlRht. Sold by DriiRClsts. I eizes , 36c , 06i
gl.25 and $1.76. WOOLU1C1I ACO. . , Tilnicr , Mass
on every label.
" cunt IUHIK Ir
VARICOCELE tfifif. * J , llOPultou W.N.
OF M.VNLY ViaOKEnormnto :
hoca , etc. , vhen , nil other rcnv
dlcn tail. A. cure garantcc <
SI. 60 n bottle , Inrgo bottle , ( ot
times tha quantity , $5. By o :
proas to any adurcb ? . Sold b
all druggists. ENGLISH MED
CAS INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Ollvo Street , S <
Toulu , LIo.
"Iha\o6oldSIr Astloy Coopcr'a Vital Ucstorrto
oryior ? . Every cuttoracr epaaks highly ol It.
ntiKlUtlnglycndorsa It aa a remedy of true rnerl
" 0. V QOODUAH , UrUKK\f \
oV. 1 1883 vIR.rn&ct.
To the needs ft th
ouriat , commorcli
tra > eleratiduowsci
tier. Hosteller's Etr
in ncIi Hitters iaieci )
liatl ) adaptoJ , Bine
It btrtngtlicna th
dlgestli o orpac s.ati
brac"a the phjB'c ;
, . _ cniirglcstouuhealt
- " fnllnfluenco" . Itrc
movetnml pre\ent
malarial ( o\crcon
' stlpot'on. ' djspepeli
healthfully ttnnr
bladder an tlenilchc
blood. When ovei
come by fatigue
whether mental o
pbjsical , the wear ;
_ nnd dobllitnied ffni
It a reliable source of renew oil strength and comfort
For ealo liy nfldtngKlM" and dcalera ( fcnerftllr.
jj&W * V/lll euro Ken
1 n. 1'ar
'SS vpSS V *
illMafc , l ) > Hitp la , _
ti-wr - * * - ' - patiull I-rTHpcUf. C tnr/fl
y/r - " I'ilw ElilH'lwv , Impotent )
OumhAiriiu. rinlnnsiiH t'tril.rle Only wlentlllrUx
tilt Iltlt III Anerlia thnt frt ndn thuT.U-etriclty ana lni.i
etunt by the p itU nt.
CI.OOO Would NotBuv It.
DE. Uooss I was afilletei ) with rheumatism * nt
cured by using a bolt. To any ono nIOlctcd wlti
that dUoAso , I would cor , buy Homo's KleUrlo lot ! !
Xuy ono can center with die by writing cnllln (
it my store , H2U Douxiua etrwt , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Ojipoolto pastofllee , room 1 Frea
> cr blonl.
CGTl'ot sslo at C. F. floadman'a Drugstore1 nil
arn&m Ht. Onuht.
Orders filled C. O I )
liLTorUCKonra-f :
tor Is made expressly foi
the man of derangement !
Noftlio generative organs
| Th < rtK no mlstal o abnul
I IhU Instrument , the con
tlnuoiH stream of KLEO
TllIOITY potineatlnf
r throiyh the parti must rot
torotAtnitoliralthy actlor
Uo not confound InU witl
. _ _ Electric JJcl ta aih ert lac J t (
euro All alii front head to oo. H U for the ONK oneo
So purpow. Tor circul n givinit full Information ,
ildreHi Oheevor Uectrio Belt Co. , 103 Washlngtoi
. . , Ctil
017 St. Chnrlos Sh , St. Louis , Ho.
A rt tutftfgMilurAijof toMefl > & ! rwIpeit ] i lit n lanfvi
toeigeJ IQ lb rvcl ltretm ut of Cttaomr , > itroii , HKII
OCtl UtonD PiiiUMthftu any oLhtF ftiTtelin Iu BtLoaU
welly i t | > cri ih w n l llulit MeBitkooir.
Nervous Prostration , DcbliMy , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and Ulcers * ro tr tel with VDptnllclal
% uccf i * , oa Ittm ncirnttfio yrlDelfU * . Pa'ely , rrh te1j *
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure c * Indulgence , which produce om or tb ;
lollowloc cflielsi ucriOHiDcii , debtlUr , dlwntu of ilgti
sod defcctlr * memorj * j Imolei on lt > e raeeibilCKl dectj
TcrtloQtoU * loelctf r mtl * , c6ururU oftdrBicta ,
rendorlnf7 Marriace improper or unb Ppy , * r.
ji rin neitl/eurril , rauvbleusa tC < O ° nih auove , i U
Io itftle < l r'trlope , frreta Dy Jdrrii , CootulUtlooAkot
fieeor bu lUree , andiBrlied. Wilt * forqueiUoni.
A Positive Written Guarantee
B 5n kll cur t > l MI . Urdiclaci icot t
lampJilet . EnalUU or Ounnan , 04 pasei , d *
Sia inaloor *
thrives nn Horllck's Food , " write hundreds of
KraUful luotliers. Mother's tullk contain * tie
eUtch. An artinclal food for InfacU thoula
uontaln BO sttrch. The best and uuut nutritious
food In healUi MB U U M * J
tdcknesn for M ffl . maV - -
or 40.
' * * * * s
l.NFAJ. 1'H.sna -
tha lynt dltt for
kUu-ch mid rcoulre * i
. . Bended by lujr. > . . . . . .
btnendil to nunln *
I D R G 8 H H Moffiera a drink , I'rio.i 40
H * i.l"W ' ! WI nd7.'i ut . IlvnldnunrliiU.
SendTor llSok on the rrwtiwut of Oulldreu. free ,
. . . .
- - - - - Q n" . > aUr/ ,
FullT dlt > il d > nl iwttl ( /
M O . fUii\ l * .V. / . , _ .
" fin 1 lull itiil e uW b 4 lr l.IT. IT , Bill ,
ia bolliuj la rmMWlir II OMrUr t !
nuot , ' Jf. 1 tWur , M , n JV , K. rIm
\ 111 bo ut . moll on mlpt of price iu t
IIOUMCK'H I'OOI ) t'O. , Itnclne , I .
e increase
in our business we've
admitted to tlie firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to Ban-
die an increased li
of property. We ask
those who1 have desi
rable property
saleto place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South Mth
t \ .
\l \
riba , 8j
tasli ; 7J
yellow i
2 'JO.
liiglior , ti
utrong ; i
@ 10 ; mix
Sr. I/r
' 1081.
j Corn me
! CALL J5c.
" ! y , 87 f
MfgOOJ fo
[ Corn Li
ir Angiiht ,
lOat Ix )
IS for.Sfj.
\rheat 1