Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1884, Image 1

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The Assembling Leaders of Democracy
Acting as if Sanguine of success ,
Evidently Endeavoring to Outdo
the Republicans in Enthusiasm
They Oomo Uniformed in Brigades
and with Blaring Bands ,
Butler's ' Followers Vieingwith al ]
in Their Hullabaloo ,
His Eeception anOpeeoh Satur
day Night to "Labor's" ' Cohorts , '
The South Declare They Will
Have Any Man But Butler ,
All Evidently Now Hanging in
the Course of New York ,
Cleveland Now Claimed to bo the
Choice of Tilden ,
Although the Sage Samuel is Still
Claimed as in the Field ,
Mgr , Oapel to Offset Father
O'Eeilley's ' Eepublican Prayer ,
Guesswork , Claim , Clamors and Con <
nuniilrunis of Sunday In.
CHICAGO , July 5. Delegates to the demo ,
cratic national convention continue to arrive
in straggling detachments which , in a few
cases number moro than five or six. They
have thus far arrived principally as individu
als. Ona half of the Louisiana delegation ,
however , arrived this morning and the entire
Iowa delegation , numbering 20 , caino later in
the day. Quite a number of the leaders
/eached the city late lass night and their pres-
franco caused an activity and animation at
il hotels which doleg ttca nlono could not impart
, The national committoeraan , W. L. S cott ,
Gen , Spinola and Thos. J. Grndy were among
thosa who were early on the scsne
IkiSt morning' Ex-Governor Sterling
* " ' .Morton , of Nebraska , was observed In the
h ' lobby of the Palmer llouso nnd was afterward
Been in consultation wtlh the advanced advo
cates of rovnua9 , reform. Gov. Morton de
clares that the party , in justice to itself , must
) declare unqualifiedly , for reform of tariff laws.
V Congressman Morrison declares that the
Vilatform of Ihe party took precedence over
vverytiling else. He believed with n good
platform the party could go into the fight with
almost any good candidate and win. Ha de
clared that the south and a groatsr portion of
the west could bo relied upon to support n
reasonable reform Ur'ff ' principle.
Many northern and New England delegates
would bo opposed to it , nud it was a question
whether the south and west did not constitute
a clear majority. It is recognized that the
tariff question has taken precedence in point
of interest llius far In the preliminary work of
the convention , 03 the free trada ndvocarn
have been outspoken in their demand that the
Eubjcct be clearly defined by the national con
vention. To a representative of the associat
ed presuthls morning , Hon. Henry Matterson
said , "Tho statement that Mr , Harrison de
feated Mr. Morrison nt Pearlo , gives a wrong
impression of what really occurred there. The
Illinois delegation adopted n tariff
for reuenuo only. A resolution
by Mr. Harrison started out to
quash this , but finding that lie would bo beat
en ( ho modified bis demands and asked that
the resolution be simply referred to thonatlon-
nl couvont'on about to assemble. This tbo
state convention was willing to concede to the
mnn whom It was nbout to nominate for gov
ernor. It should not bo forgotten , "
continued Mr. Wnltorson , "that
Mr. Harrison is himself n revenue reformer
and said In his speech that protection is rob
bery. With the notion of Ihe stale convention
Mr. Harrison's power over the Illinois delega
tion in the national convention expires. It Is
nn out nnd out revenue reform delegation , nnd
Mr. Morrison will be it\ member of the plat
form coininltteo. "
CHICAGO , July fi. General Duller arrived
in Chicago from Doslon this evening on the
0:50 : train over the Michigan Central road.
Ho was accompanied by his secretary nnd
several personal f i lends. A representative of
thu associated press met the pally at Kensing
ton , a few miles out front Chicago , and ac
companied them to thu city.
Upon the arrival of thu train nt tha depot ,
the dlstlnguitiliedisilorwas wailed upon by a
committee representing the labor organisa
tions of the city , headed by Mr. Muldoon ,
nud niter a nhort hen eon of hand ehakimr thu
genernl was escorted to a carriage and driven
to the Palmer house. There ho was met by a
, crowd of about ono hundred citizens , who
pieefed him with tltreo cheers. Dy nn adroit
Hank movement through n side dc-or ho avoid-
-d the necessity of making n speech , which
was called for , nud retired to his room , En-
route through Michigan General Duller was
warmly received nt various towns along thu
Michigan Central road.
in tlm Duller interest did not take ploco until
'nearly 10 o'clock. The labor societies repre
senting lh bricklayers , horso-shoers. ( teaman ,
. nnd Ibu various trades unions selected Market
street as n rendezvous , nnd from there pn-
ceedod to the Palmer l-ouio by n circuitous
route , along widch were lanto awaiting crowds'
The marchiri column numbered nbout tliroo
thousand , xpaAklng strictly , nnd carried n
mitnl > cr of trnnsparonclc' , nil of which bore
the fnco of lUitlor , supplemented with such
sentiments aa "Labor needs n otntcsmnn , " "If
I nm not for you , 1 am against you , " ' Utitlor
to thp factory czars of Lowell,11 "Tho working
men welcome Lutler. " Townril the rear of
the column was borne n mammoth l peen , on
which wnn inscribed , "Untler will lxyou
nil , " The extreme rear of the line was made
up of a broom brigade displaying the devise ,
"Butler will swoop the country. As the col
umn approached the vicinity of the 1'nlmor
house the scene became an extraordinary one.
The electric lighted streets for many blocks in
every direction , were filled with n mass of
people , numbering fully twenty thousand ,
who awaited the nppcntniicoof thu Mrnchu -
setts man. The great crowd may not have
boon drawn out solely to see nnd hoar IJut'cr ' ,
ns the location was the focus of nil thu interest
which centprs nbout the approach of the na
tional convention , but the demonstration and
the knowledge that
raught the attention of tlio vrit auditory.
General Duller was roundly cheered on his np
penring , buUiisremniks wcro distinct toonlj
thee near him.
A platform had been erectfd upon n dray
which was stationed in front of the hotel en-
trnnco As tlio hour grow late and the poces-
sion did not nopenr It wns BUgneitod to tha
general that ho had better go out nud keep
the uuroiiiious crowd in order. Kscottod by n
half dozen mombcrs of the trndo nnd labor
organirations , ho cnmo out nnd forced his way
through the turbulent crowd to the platform ,
where hfl wns greeted wjth hearse yells from
the throats of the waiting _ thoi'saiuK The
chairman of the committee introduced him in
follows :
" 1'ollow Workinginrn : I nm polng to intro
duce to you ono who scarcely needs to IMS in
troduced to this audience. General Duller , of
Mns'achusetts. "
The crowd cot up n yell which rolled out on
the night air like the eructation of ngiunt poy-
s er. When it subsided General Duller began
his speech as follows :
"Fellow-Citizens of Chicago and the North
western States : Lend mo your ear , nnd bo RI
lent that you may hear. It would bo almost
impossible for mo to makothis immense crowd
hear mo unless perfect xilonco IH preserved. "
At this point the head of the procession
turned the corner n block nway and the music
of the band nnd the yells of the crowd cut off
for the moment any further delivery of the
speech. In n few moments comparative quiet
were restored , when Gone tnl Duller resumed
as follows :
"I have received an address of welcome to
Chicago nnd the band is now coining. "
While uttering thcso words the procession
advanced until \ti \ head reached the hotel en
trance , but the crowd was so dense that fui-
Iher progress WBH impossible. The mounted
marshal who led the column attempted to
force his liorsa through the mob but a number
nf men seized the bndlo and forcibly pushed
liim back. A gigantic policeman endeavored
to lead the here , but the crowd bonneted the
JUQ coated gentleman and wreatl. d his club
: rnm him. The terrific uproar continued ten
minute * ; during which time General Duller
stood head uncovered wavincr his hand
it the mob and appealing for silence. Then
10 turned to the committo and said
Ho left the platform surrounded by the mem-
jers of the committee , and after n drsptralo
itruzjlo M lh the unruly gang , reached the
lotel entrance and pas'r.d up to his room. An
romenso crowd followed him , but only a fa
vored few were admitted to the general's
loaitmenti. Membci3"bf the prosi were ri- ;
uly excluded from the room and . . compelled
; o tike cmbstoj/o / co.t'4 in the linllfVf tor * he
crowd had mir/ed and b-rayd at the door\
while , It was opened to r ceivo a comaiittuo
'rom the trade and labor organizations of
Uhica o who wclcomnd hiin to Cbieajo and
ilolivurcd an pddre'v * eulogizing his courun as a
utriot and friend of the working men ,
"Gentlemen , such a demonstration as thin ,
Doming from the common people the gubstra-
urn of good govermnenl , that upon which the
emulation of th % government rests , is n
compliment which would gratify any man , but
vhen I bear in mind tlmt you como on thif ,
he only holiday night of the week , from your
nrious homes and occupations to nay mo the
lighest compliment which could bo paid to
man to give him your endorsement , your ap
probation , your laudations , and ntsuranco of
'our support I feel that it would move &
ieait of stone. Laboring men have a right to
jrtjanl/o and demand pioper recognition of
heir rights nnd proper protection of their In-
crcaU in every governmental action , to illus-
rnto their power when united , 1 will tell you
hat there aru ever ono hundred members of
he present congress who could have been du-
eatedln their reappclivo dialriclH , byacliaugo
if 500 vote ? . The laboring men should insist
hat a tribunal should bociented before which ,
vhatover difficullies should arise betwcnn
abor and capital could be fairly adjusted. It
108 been t > aid there is n
That Is not BO. Their intercuts are identical.
L'hero is no rea/on why Ihoro ever should bo
i conflict between them ; but when contests
ire forced by the few strong upon the many
veak , Ihoso conlesls should not bo as herelo-
ere between the few with great strunqlh on
me sldo and the many with only numbers on
ho other side. Such contests injure both
des , nnd confer no substantial vbcnefit on
iitber. ! Labonrinp people should n k for
nolhing that is wrong , nnd should submit to
nothing that is not right. You exercise n
treat power , nnd should organize so ns to use
t effectually. I''or mysrlf , I have this to say
n response Co tha question ,
at a. democratic convention ? I represent tha
democracy of Masnachu etls , nineteen out of
every twenty of whom nro working-mim. I
hank God 1 only represent working-men. Wo
mvo right to como hero nnd ask them to bo
with us. If they nro not , then they are not
: rue democrats. They nro only democrats in
lame ; nnd I warn you not to bo deceived by
mere phrases -by mere platforms , constructed
: o deceive the people for un hour , and to bo
forgotlen immediately after the election , Ex-
ammo tbo candidates , search their records ,
md ask whether or not the man Keeking your
wpport. by his life , by his conduct , by his
jurecr , Is entitled to bo considered
regardless of tha platform upon which ho
lands , or Ibo party name whicb ho wears , and
July support the man whoso record answers
hat question asyoi ) want to have it answered
as your Interesls demand that it xhonld bo
inswercd. In conclusion , gentlemen , 1 beg to
ender you my most grateful thanks , not for
'ourselves , but for the countbis IhousundHyou
epresent , I repent , I am profoundly moved
jy thU greal demonstration of the people from
whom .YOU are and for whom you Imvo spoken
o kindly , nay , BO flatteringly. Gentlemen ,
iccept thoaasuruiicoof my profound considera
tion ,
CHICAOO , JulyC. , 11 P.M. The tcmi > er of
the \vnicomplstcly changed from its quiet
the arrival of the '
to-night by 1'cnnnylynnia ,
Jlns chusset't , Texas nnd n gmntor portion.of
the Now York delegation * . The demonstra-
ion organized on ( HI half of Duller also tended
to lend to the nir of excitomcnl which jiro-
vniletl llirouthout the city , but wcs e [ Hxially :
felt In nnd nbout the Wdipi hotels. As
compared with the republican convention ,
thcto is n greater display on every hand lu
point of bunting nnd in the number of uni
formed marching bodies. Very many of the
ot.lo delegation * , nnd ncaily nil of the marching -
ing clubs , ttto nccompnuleti by bauds of music ,
whcHO martial nntos tsnd grenlly to enliven
the citnntlou. Only the vanguard of thesa
Independent organizations luvo e yet put
in an appanrnnco , nnd it is now confidently
expected that a p-o.vt crush will bo witnessed
when these adjuncts of the convention proper
mo oncofairly upon the pround. The com
position of the delegations already hero Is ono
to creatn favornbla commeut , na it it ncknow-
U'dgod that , ill n iiile , the best representatives
of the patty Imvo been sent forward. The
roll of the convention contains the namoa of
in tho.ictho party per\ico , and numbers nt
loft six prominently named for thu presi
dency , If opportunity tillers on the lloor of
the convention n , nplondld forensic djsplay is
deemed as among Ifio clear poaslbllilics. Ai
indicated in the earlier dispatches the tariff
promises to bo n live topic , both in the com-
mllloo room and possi'.Iy In open convention.
The revenue reformers penk confidently of
Iheir ability to control the action of the con-
\ontion , It was given out to-night tlut a
masi meeting of rovouuo reformers will beheld
held Monday night , which will ha addressed
by Carlisle , Ilurd , Morrison , Yilas nud others.
This is expected to glvo the koy-noto
of ho revenue rofoim campnigti.
The failure of the New York delegation to
caucus for a candidate to present to thu con
vention H variously commented _ upon , Tno
word had been given that no action would betaken
taken pending thu arrival of the full delega
tion nnd this prevented in itself any test voto.
It Is generally recognized that the final action
of the New Yorkers will have great weight in
its bearing upon the action of nearly nil the
southern and a majority of the western states ,
nnd it is also now conceded tlmt tli contest
inside thu delegation is a. very eloso ono , nnd
knowing this diet , it is contended la sonio
quarters llial the friends of two of the leading
candidates nro not anxious to make a prema
ture monsiiro of their respective strength.
To-morrow is expected to see the arrival of
practically all of the dolcgatu3 nnd thu m trch-
lug orgnnizations.
is givoa in nn interview with ono of the mem
bers of the Tammany h'l ' delation , to thu
effect that bis people v.111 insist that a two-
thirds vote will ba required to unify the New
York delegation in favor of any particular
candidate. " It is simply applying 'ho rule
of thu party , " said _ the delegate , in explana
tion , ' 'which rcquirui a two-thirds vote in
convention to nominate. " If this rule is np-
[ died it Ii thought probable that the delega
tion may go Into convention with a divided
Special Dispatch to TUB DKE.
CHICAGO , July -frivato dispatches have
been received in this city from Samuel J. Til-
len , in which ho positively dec lined to allow
Ids name to be used In connection with the
presidency reiterating the statsments already
made in his letter declining the nomination.
1'or the purpose of ascertaining whethur Wm.
II. Dnrnum , chairman of the national com-
inUlon , orJianicl Manning chairman' of the
"Newiorkcentral committco , had received
messages during tbo day from Now York con
taining such advices , a repo ter interviewed
both DaTiuun aud Manning. The former
gentleman pojitivoly denied that hn bad re
ceived any messngo from Tilden wherein bo
refused to allow his namu to bo used or re-
jieallrg the etatemcnti already mndo public in
lis lettar of declination. Manning was clos-
clod in n-private room with political
advisors , but through a gentleman who pro-
eentod the queslion , ho refused either lo poci-
.ively admit or deny that ha had received any
comiminic.tion of tbo nature ctatcd. He snid
Tildon had nlreidy given lo the people hi s
etter in which ho refused to bo a candidate
tader any circuiiistnncei nnd Manning
.bought that this denial should certainly bo
t'jough to satisfy any skuplical person.
s still nt Springfield. He lus t-kon no far-
, he : steps tlian \ \ as indicated in the previous
lisp.tthci toward carrying into effect the vow
10 inado before the 1'eorla convention , that ho
would go down to New York and BSO for himself -
self if 'i'ildonin dead or not. AM wns staled
vcslerday , Palmer tolrjraplieil the Sage of
( Jraneroy nbout the mailer , nnd nskud if a would bo agrteab'p. In rcBponso , it is
said , after n lapse of twenty-fours , the follow-
ns was received :
"Indications mediocrity best collateral by-
jrld equine nil despcrandum consclonco limit
ed concluttion at vniinnco. H. J. Tilden , "
Tho'followinj is given ns tlio koyj
"My decision iu declining the nomination is
inal. Don't dr.sjiair , but go to Chicago and
co-operate with Darnutn , "
The governor is not nltogolhor Katlfiedyith
, hq 1'eorln plnlform , but says it will do , inai-
nn'ch us the Chicrso plutfoi m of the democrat-
o party of the bt tes will bu the ono which ho
will stand on. Anyway , ho will turn up all
tight at the Chicago convention next week
without nn interview with Cipher Sam , Thorn
to tbo Mlualion , and they turn up slowly.
An Important one 1m been found iu Cleveland
being Tildou'H choice. It is now hardly tie-
nlnble that the ox-governor of Now York
dc < lres his inantlo to fall upon the present
governor. A denial Is nttomptod by Homo
pel-tons , but It rusts solely on Dana's declara
tion that Randall is the man. No doubt
Kandall would bo t'jo Sago's choice had Itan-
Jal been in better bliapo to win , No doubt
Tildon would bo plejsrd at H-ndjll's nomina
tion , but ho Eclocted Cleveland months ago ,
and has ttood by h'nt ' ever tinco. D nu is
right in sayingtlut Kandallis the man whom
Tilden rosily prefers , but ho is not light in in
timating that his influence Is for lt-nilall.
Facts nro daily coming to li'jht to uhow that ,
but for thegood oiliceii of the frail and paliled
Tilden , Cleveland would be no moio of n
presidential favorite than ( iovernor Hccolo.
For all the disliuctlon ho bai already gained
as n promlneul candidate for the presidency ,
or nil the fatus may Imvo in itoro for him , ho
can thank the chain of accident" which com
mended him to "tha ex-proiidunt. " Kvory.
body In Chicago is wnlting to BOO what this
movement In New York to make n New
Yorker preuldont will amount to. 80 Now
Yorli | becomes another key to the ultuation ,
as is generally cuu ded. Dut Ibis if not nil.
As at Saratoga ,
hold the balance of i power. King's hns tiino
delegates , including the delegate at large , and
It i their habit to vote on nil questions us n
unit. If rhey nve- for ClovoUnd , ho will lie
given n peed utartin the r co. If they nro
3nhst lilm his early dowfnll will s em Inev
itable , though Mnnning cIMms n majority
without Kings. Vlowor s mnnntgera ndmft
thttUuiiipposittniuniiKt ) IA\O Kings county
orlosotho light. The Drooklyu mon hu\a
never joined Iho Kclloy crusade ialnit ho
governor. They have characteristically l jd
low nud kept their mouth closed , ns they redoing
doing here to-day. Their lender , McLnugh-
lin nnd Dow Tnmmauy luvo always worked
liBiulinhand , There were indications of tha
fixing of King's county at Saratoga , Me-
Laughlln's priovnnco Is Cleveland cUvo rela
tion's ' with Mnyorr. . No doubt apledgo ns
to Ibo Inturo has passed. Dealdes Tildcu's
inlhienco with McLauglilln Is powerful ,
A Sabbath sun nuvor rose upon the
city of churches to find her of such
pDlitlc-l impotlancu ns she is to-day. So the
New York tlelcflnlion ns nenr as cnn bo nscor-
tallied , Is thirty-four for Cleveland , ninpdoubt
ful , nlno from King's nnd twenty nuti.Cleve
land , It is Iho
Hint ft number of delegates nro nnxlous to Ret
on the wlnulnsr side , nud that us BOOII S it is
neon the governor Is to have the delegation , rill
doubtful ones will fnll in nnd Cleveland will
have the willing votes of about flfty-llvo d lo-
gates. They Ueclnro that the opposition to
Cleveland will bo no renter than It
was ta Tilden nt St. Louis , when seventeen
votes were announced by the chairman ns
given to Tilden only became ) the operation of
the unit t ulo compelled It. Flower's managers
still claim King s will vote against Cleveland
if by BO doing they can boat him. It appears
that Tildon is the backbone of the Clov. land
boom , with the pntbnbilttioi strong nt th's '
hour that Now York will present her
go > ornor to the convention with n solid vote ,
though nppoarancea aru often deceitful , ami
siiuir a delcTation ns that from King's Is quito
plippery. This is the outlook. It would bo
strange , indeed , if such elements of strength
as lie in this control of state patronnjo. ; pos
session of Iho party machine and the Tilden
influence , with tho" possibility of the white
hoiifio before them , could not overcome the
governor's unpopi-lority in his party and carry
bis name to meet the many other stales rd-
re.vly declared in his favor. If this is not
donu the party may congratulate. Itself ones-
rn > injc the uoiulnatiou of a man whom oven
Tildou could not eave lit hia own slate. The
inlluenco of
and the status of thu Now York delegation
nro nbout nil thorn is in the contest up to date.
Tocanvr H them Is t > canvass the situation ;
overylhing olco la a b'.do show. The next
point of hit ircH , nf course , is the olfcct this
onslaught on Cleveland will have upon thu
mass of the convention. Monday morning
the Now York delegation will meet , nnd the
question that has sorely troubled the whole
country will bo Bottled rin.'lly. ' Kelly's bnlllo
will bo splendid and fierce , but it now looks
Ilka the old contest of Tammany Hall and
Grnmorcy IVk uvor again , with Tildon the
master of the situation.
ItoKulnr Press Disprtche.s.
CHICAGO. July (1. ( The Georgia , Florida ,
and South Carolina delegations came in tngelh-
er Ibis morning. Senator Wadu Hnmplon is
.thu only member of Iho South Carolina dele
gation absent. Hu is expected to-morrow.
The first choice of the majority of fall thcso
delegations is claimed for Cleveland , though
they aio nut irrevocably for him , jam ! are
picpared to eupport'whoover appears to bo
the most available man. Talks with deln atcs
as to General Dutlcr's candidacy brought out
the statement that his nomination would an-
tngnnizo these three states. Said olio promi
nent delegate : "The south will stand >
Georgia Is stood for 00,000 demncrnUoLi MVJ < > -
ty ordinarily ; If Duller Is nominated' vo .will .
lose the state. " Sen-tor Hampton and Ex-
Attorney-General Youmans , delegates nt
large , from South Carolina , aru lor IJaynrel.
Portrait ! of Cleveland , ] 'lower and Daynrd
aru displayed in the Michigan ho .dqiiarters.
This has been counted among tbo Cleveland
btales , but It in averted that considerable
woJmr's vtas duvelopod hero to-day and con
siderable work was being done. General
Vaulkner had n talk with ( hodelegates on bo-
h-If of'lower this afternoon , nnd Sen. tor
Ivcrnau urged Cluvcland'H claims this evutlng
Delegatci from thta state are veiy much di
vided iu their preferences.
Nebraska elelegatoi cama this aflcrnoon and
will organize to morrow. J. Sterling Morton ,
ono of the leadcis from this Htata , is endeavor
ing to Influence Ms fellow delegates to\oto for
D myrd.
The Louisiana body is nbout coin-
nlelo. Ono of Its leading members sayH'Louis-
in 11 a in for Tildon and the Cincinnati platfonn ;
with Tilden out , her vote will bu cant for tbu
best man , whoever ho may be.
The Kansas delegation cama this aflcrnoon ,
accompanied by n largo number of yisitorH.
It is estimated one thousand outside of thu
members ot the convention will bu hero from
that state , The delegation has organized by
the election of Governor Glick chairman , and
15. d. Sheridan nsKccretary ,
It has broil n noisy Sundny. Thu nrrivnl of
delegations nnd imlorandcnt organizations
continued throughout outit-day night and nil
of to-day , and to-ni-rht the full working
ttronglh of thu convention is on the ) , ground ,
with but few individual exceptions , A roll
call would show the pruscnco in the city of
eight hundred accredited delegnles. The tea-
turo of the day wa l the arrival of Ihu marching
ing- organizations ns their coming was her
alded by bauds of music , nnd from early
morning until Ihu arrival of Tmmiiany Hull
to-night there Imvo been constantly reaming
Keened of marching bodies nnd boisterous ru-
ceptlonH , Gicnt ciowdi hung nbout the
vicinity of thu Palmer House , nnd each afrlv >
in < { coutlngoill wns met with gloat cheering ,
The Cool : county democratic ! club , a strong
local organisation , performed thu greatest portion
tion of the oicort duty , but waio joined an thu
day advanced by outsldu cluhn , BO lint the
McDonald club of Indianapolis , tlm Irving
hall and Tammany hull clubs of Now York ,
had as their rscort the Amoricus and Kaudall
clubs of Philadelphia , thu New Yolk county
democracy and other outeldo organizations.
To-night In the brilliantly lightedslreol nbout
the Palmer Housu is a surging man computed
to number
drawn thither by the commotion occasioned
by thoiu arrivals. Tha full delegation fiom
Olio ( is now here. The Duckworth club , of
Cincinnati , 150 Btrong. will reach hero to-
moirow evening , nnd the Jelferrion club , of
the same city , ith 400 , Tuesday morning.
The Colu'udo tnon camu lliix nftornoon.
Tlio dele/ . from Nuvndn will piobably
oiganuu to-morrow morning.
The blue aud whlto high htlff feilt lints of
the uniformed clubs were evcrywhero appar-
1 tut during the day. Thenoworo tlio dinting.
1 umlutig badge of the democracy everywhere.
Anida from this the cliilm were uniformed or
not uniformed us oultod their tovornl tritos.
The members of thn Cook county damocrntla
club , who in addition to the over present
whitotiowvnrbl'io yncht club nuito , oran < to
silk gloves and light cnnes , were kept busy nil
day receh Ing kindred orgniilznlious nnd es
corting thorn to their no\cr..l liend < umrters.
.Vmoug the first to nrrivo were the Amcricus
nnd Samuel J. Kindnll clubs of Philadelphia ,
the formw nttlrcd In brownish grny uniform ,
with cutaway coats , nnd beaded by the fa
mous Woocncoo bsnd , the latter wearing
tilkon bndgrs conspicuously loitered In gold
bullion with the nnmu of their favorite
L&ter in tlm day the Now Yoik county del-
pgatlon came lu , fix n body nndlKltngultihod
by viniform except nn to halt. About four
o'chwk the McDonald club of IndiniinXli | ,
2M ) strong , nnd bearing n largo banner rtu
\\hich\sMHlhuportrnlt of the Indiana candi
date. They wcn > tvscorled to thn Pnlmer
house. An hour later thu Irvinir Hall dele-
Ration , from Now York , numbering UiO cmo
by fipccinl train ; nud the litt of Imtioitaut
nrrlvala for the day clojod nt CSO : by the np.
pcaraiicoof Tammnny hall occupying two
special trains nnd numl > oring about MY hun
dred. As its mombcrs matched up La Hallo
t-trcet occompuiled by the Cook County
Democratic club and tha Ameitcus nnd Snmu *
olJ. Randall clubs , nnd headed by thu Now
York Seventh Regiment baud. They were
larguly conspicuous fur linen dusters nnd
portmanteaus. The coming of this famous
organization hod been the theme of nu\-
Ions inquiry nil day , nnd Iheio wns nu unusu
ally Inrgo gathering of people ou Ihoslrools to
sco them. The crowded hotels have bcon the
scouo of
and whllo many extravagant claims an- helm ;
mndo ns to thu htrenqth of the var ous candl-
dales , the truth Is. that poudlni ; the caucus of
the Now York delegation , thuro is no chance
in the situation to chronicle ; everything still
hlngos ou the action of the oiupiro stitu dole-
gales. There seems IK bo very llltlo doubt
but that Cleveland hai n majority of Ihesp ,
and provided ho is supporlodt the conveu-
tlon with any degree of unanimity by bis own
state , not only his avowed supporters , but
also sonio of lha dolu-jnlions that moulling
to support any available ) man claim that lit )
will receive Iho nomination. _ It Is said tlmt
the worttorn states rccognizo the fact that
where thu electoral problem is to bo solved
is iu the Oi t , and are willing to concede first
plnco in the ticket to an t > a < tern man. 1 s is
also asserted that all indications show that
Dntlor's friends nro very hopeful to-d y , but
his opponents claim that his boom , which WPS
launched no brilliantly yesterday , Is already
on the decline. The reason for this a < wrton !
Is the position taken by Homo of the mm thorn
delegates who arrived to-day. The Daynrd
adherents claim to Imvo developed great
ttrenglh in the Eouth nud In a number of
western states , nud contend tlmt , with n
favorable showing in Now York , the Delaware -
ware senator will tifku n coiiiiimndnifr position
iu the early balloting. KvorottP. Wheeler ,
president of the Now York free tradu lenuo ,
with nbout twenty memberH of the loa.iuo , are
hero urglnft the m-cesslty of tatllf reform , nnd
will bend their energies to eecuro Iho Insertion
of n plank in the platform. A meeting ex
pressed the views of Iho league.
It was stited to-day that Monsigiur Cnjiol ,
the Human prelate , would bo requested to
open tbo convention with prayer.
It is announced late to-night that the Kin ; ? s
county delegation has decided to support
Cleveland , which will give him , it IH clalmnd ,
two thirds of the entire delegation on n caucus
vote , and compel thu entire delegation to vote
probable nation of Iho No. vtYorkiMegallon-
OI1KON ! KOll I'lEI.I ) .
Tha Oregon delegation nt mooting to-night
decided to divorce itself from California , will
which It had been ncling , nnd It is stnteil that
it will prenont the namu of Juutico ] 'ield to
thu convention.
The M cDonald rlub of Indianapolis visited
the rooms nf thu Massachusetts doletation to
night , and its ( pokenmnn , nftcr touching light-
Iv upon the. political siluation , H-id Indiana
liked Mansachuto'ts , but liked Dutlor moro
tliMi Massachusetts , and would not object to
BCO him thu nominee of thu convention ; but
Indiana was frank to say nho would rather net )
McDonald lead ho democratic ; hoots.
General Duller responds 1 In person. Ho
Raid Iho workiugmitn of Massachusetts re-
gnided with gretlt Kntisfnclion the cnrcer 01
MoDonald , nnd particularly lilted him for Ihu
aid ho had rnndoral in Iheir light against or
ganized capital in 18711. If nominated Me
Donald would bo heartily supported by Mas
It is understood that Abrnm S , Huwitt ,
member of the executive committco Now
York , will not ntteml Ihu convention. Ed
ward I1' . Cooper holds his provy ,
TKiiroit.uiy CHAIKMAN.
The ( picstlon of temporary choirmnn is being
quietly dlscuihed by loading members of the
uxccuilvu commilleo. Among the names must
frequently mentioned are KvGovoinoiHub -
bard , of TuxnH , Col. W. V. Nila . of Wlscon-
hln , nnd Kx-Sonntor J. It. DoolUtlo , nlso of
WlhCIIHsill ,
Homo of Iho delegates , especially these
{ Catarrh Cored
* Catarrh Ii ( i very prevalent dlsenso , with
distressing nnd ofTcnslvo oymiitoina. Hood'y
ftaraapurlllii gives ready relief nnd speedy
cure , from the fact It nctn through the blood ,
and thus roaches every pnrtuf the system ,
" I suffered with catarrh fltlecn years. Tool :
Hood's Harsapurllht anil I am not troubled any
with catarrh , unit my general health IH much
better. " I. W. I.IU.IH , 1'ostal Clerk Chicago
& St. Louis Ilullroad.
" I Buffered with catarrh C or 8 years j tried
many wonderful curen , Inhaleis , do. , spend
ing nearly ono hundred del lam without bencll t.
I tried Itood'a Barsaparllln , and wtw greatly
Improved. " It A. Aiiuisv , Worcester , Jlusu ,
Hood's Snrgaparllla Ii charactrrfeod by
three peculiarities t Jut , the romlilnntton ot
remedial agents5 2d , the proportion ! 3d , the .
process of nccurlng the nctlvo medicinal *
qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto uuknowiu
Bend for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Barnat > arlllii tones up my syntein.
purllle my Mood , ( diarri-us my uiiin'tlfii , ana
M't'iiiH ti ( inakn mo over. " J. J' . TuosirHOK ,
Jteglstor of Deeds , Ixjwell , Misn. :
"Hood's Barsaparllla beats nil olhers , and
IH worth Its welulil In Kold. " I. li.uutiHUTON ,
130 Dunk Struct , Mow York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. l J Bit for $ J. Made
only by 0.1. JIOOO & CO. , Ix > well , Masi.
IOO ° Doso3Ono _ _ Dollar.
from the Boulh. nro loth to accept Tildon's
letter of withdrawal ns final , nnd favor his
nomination anyhow. The Dnily News will
My on this subjects "It may bo said nuthori-
lively , however , that D-nlel Manning has
to moot such n continirtitcy ns this , should
II wen s admirers Insist on bringing his name
baforo the convention. This document will
bo rend , and it is xafo to say It will rcttarate ,
nnd emplmitf his letter of declination. It Is
further undontootl this paper will bo n fiat
dujlnratlon for Cltwlaud , nnd nil favorable
to thi ) .Sngo of Graystono will bo asked to
traiufor their nllcginnco to Ch eland. "
rou mrrutn on IH.AINK.
At n moss meoling of journeymen plumbers
to-night resolutions were passed thai Duller is
the only mnn that the denuxM-atlo convention
ciitt nominnti ) who cnn voeum their vote , nud
that although a majortly of them nni demo-
crntH , they wJl vote for Dlniiiu unless Duller
is nominated.
A well nttendcd meeting of California demo
crats present In the city wim held this after-
u J. 1) . Cnrr wns cliMnnau. the
ii'i'iit " - ' i-m t 11111 V-ll I4 IMtlllt Among I
prominent Callfornialis present won ) John P
Itlch , State Senalors Kelley nnd Dougherty ,
nx-Lleutotiniit Governor Johnson , Judge
Wilght , It. 1) . Fmilk nnd othetw. Kesolutimm
were unniilirouidy ndopted setting forth that
the recent nITront offered todudffa Kiold by
the California wtntucontention was not mi ox-
piVHslon of the damocrntie party , nor the poo-
jilo of .California , butiwns n fractional outburst
in a convention largely romper ed of delegations
appointed by county committees in denial to
thn people i-f the tight of primary elections.
The pronmblo elocures "thU cotlon of thn
CJforniast lo convention without precedent
and has nenously joopardirod the
votes which n united party would bo proud
to present to the victorious national democra
cy.1' , ! udgo Kield was henrtily endowed ; tho.
resolutions point to his spotless record ns
m Indignant denial to Iho attempted all'ront.
I'heyrecito 1'ield'n services iiuon the electornl
contmissnii of 1870 , his long nnd vnltiahlo ser
vices to the country nt largo ns nn upright ,
broad nud liberal judge , nnd rocopnlro his
multitudinous beneficent services ns judgonnd
nil/on lo California. Thu nnmo Judgu Kleld
s prcsenled for respectful consideration of tlio
: on\cntlon. The i-esolutlous pjttlcularly
jsklng the favor nu I frii.'iulshlp of the repre
sentatives of Iho organized labor of tlio conn-
' , ry.
ArracRcments have been mndo for n mass
meeting of German democrats Monday night
itMuullor'Hhal ) . General li'rnnzSigel , JoHoph
L'ulitzer nnd Ex-Governor Mueller , of OMo.
logolher with oilier prominent citizens will
nuke nddreixeM ,
, The Dally News will say : * "AbramH. Hew
itt arrived this afternoon , nrmod with n tariff
nlutfonu for the national platform. Although
no nrtivod nt n Into day , hu created ns much
< llr DH did Henry Wnttcraott when hu estab
lished his hoadquartora nt the Pnlmor house.
Howltt's resolution was of n conciliatory tin-
turo nnd scorned to moot the approval of sev
eral western tariff reformers , but wns not nuf-
llcloutly positive in its declnrntions ngainst
protection to suit refouccnt of the most pro-
nonncod typo. ,
Duringlhodny n conference was held bo-
twceu Howltl , Mnnton Marble. Smith ,
Weed and others nt which it was decided by
tlio om.unents of Iho Morrison school to rcjtcl
the Hewitt resolution in part nnd unlto upon
n plank similar to tlmt which wt T ndopt'.d in
Ohio. This will not suit Iho oxlromonts Ir
free trade nnd n tsrllf light will probably cccui
over that plank.
NrwYoiuc , July 0. Andrnw 11. Orcoi )
controller of the u-'ty of Now York , ' itlt fo
ChicngoVdircct front Grayctfln9ith6 , lAimi , o
Tllilbn llo nubhshoH tho'story that'Tilden'
feebleness Is aeuicd upon Heomlngly good' nu
thority , Ho walks daily with frlendx nbou
( ! ray tone , and chows oven moro than uuua
_ TOI.KHO , July 0. Five spocinl train * bear
ing eastern delogntm to the Chicago convon
lion pasiiKl through tlio city thin mouilni ;
When waiting hero Hon. Jno. Kelly and otli
ITB were called out nnd spoke brlolly. The
former wild Tnrnmnny wan going1 to Chicago
KOO strong , nud not a Cleveland man ninoiif.
them. Ho would nay to the Democrats of Toledo
lode that Governor Cleveland could not cam
Now York under any citcumstauccH , If noml
tinted. Thorowoio three men in Ohio will
whom ho was portjumilly acquainted nnd pollt
ically alliliatud , either of whom would bo no
coptublo to the Xew York democracy. j\ \
; nan from Ohio with the right kind of a No\
Vorker for the HCCOIH ! place will carry Nev
York. The Now Yoikor must ho n man win
would bo strong in controlling the gi oat Inbu
Tlioy Atlauk a Colorntlo Oattlo Cam ]
nnd Drlvo OT ( tlio Cow Iloyc
Five Ul s Killed 17,000 Cat.
llo nt tlio Mercy of I ho
IndlniiK Troops la
DINVIII : : , Col. , July 0. Wilson , Carlisle
and Johnsou'rt cattle camp , In thu weuten
part of Lal'latto county , near the Utah line
won attacked by Uta Indians July thiid
Charles Cook and Adolph Lunlc , omployes ol
the cattle company , were b.idly wounded.
Five Indhuu were killed , and n mimboi
wounded , Kluvnn flown were killed by thr
Indians and ono Immlicd Htolen ,
Thu cow hoys were driven off and thoit
camp outfit Ininuid. The provislonOvcro car
rled away by the Indian ) , Two of the Wll-
win boyn , olgh . and tun yoara old , todo 2J
hours without food or rest and nriivod a
DnrangolaHt ni.ilit In an oxhauited condition.
The UtoH Imvo for seine time boon cauainj
trouble to cattle men , killing cattle am
stealing honoj , Ono of the Wilson mcc
found Kovcral of the tatter's horses In pouter
HIOII of the Indians and undertook to Hccnr
the same. An Indian attacked him with I
knlfu and was killed. This precipitated th
KKtoon thousand head of tiiltlu are lefb n
the mercy of the Indians , Cnlnnr ) J fall , com
maiidant at I''t. Lowlx , ( linjiatchcd it com
panvof cavalry to drive the Indians luck ti
thorcflorvation. ThoJndlans will probab ]
tench the reservation well iiipplioil wit
hoiHes nnd cattle before thu soldfent get Ii
reach nf thein , .
l' r Ad.jnimimont.
WAHIIIN TO.V. .Hily 5. Klvo npproprlntioi
bills remuln to bo disiiosod of , as follow * : Nu
vul , consular and diplomatic , aundiy civil , dc
Ikloncynnd Ioglslativ0 ; these have passed Lot !
homes and considerable ) profrroHS Imyo beet
mttdo lu conUronca on nil. It Is bollovedb ;
momhors of the apjiroprlutlou coimnitteo thu
no difficulty will ho exi > orlencod In reaching
an agreement on all but the naval bill , It I
probable that this bill will fall and the appro
prlatlon of Ia t year will bo continued untl
next summer ,
Cholera and Choleric Naiions MaMiiE a
Vast Deal of Trouble.
Trance and Ohina Determined to
Kooommonoo Their War ,
Jisgustiuc : Cowardice Exhibited
as to the Plague ,
Forty Thousand Leading Tax
payers Floe From Toulon ,
London Alarmed The Streets
Strewn Witli Carbolic Acid ,
Corruption Among Vestrymen
cd lu I'arllamcnt Other
Foreign News.
Spoclnl Dlspntch to TUB BEE ,
LONDON , July G. A war between Franco
und China is deemed inevitable ; by 1'roncli
onrnals , which ere writing In a tuna of extra
military violence , though the nsluto represent-
Rtlvra of Cliitm iu Eutopo represent the com-
> lalnt of Franco ns n result of n wisintcrprc ta
lon of the diplomatic customs of China , the
reaty between two countries having no sane-
ity in Chlneso eyes , ns it Imd yet to bo rati
fied. The belief I.s that the wnr party hns at
tut got the ascendant in Pekln , and tlmt
'rnuco will hnvu to ecizs Ilatnau nnd occupy
Canton. Meantime.
iroduccs effects ns tragic nnd Bouietimos .an
coinio aa were ever described In the many no-
counts In history or fiction , The panic In
Toulon in almost dixgusllng. Out of 00,000
Lax-payers , 40,000 Imvo lied , rft many as 0,000
jolng In a alnglu day. Terror has oven
'xtcnded to the marine * * , forwhe.n the admiral
allowed thorn to lonvo on good cauno shown ,
nvery marino produced a letter with Buch
oauso , Labor IB suspended ; commercial ac
ceptances cannot bo paid ; numuroua failures
occur daily , and the eupply of provisions al
most stopped , laboilng poopla having no mon-
uy to buy. All this tends inormomly to in
crease tao nlaguo. llofugces usually occupy
houses in the suburbs. utterly unlit for habita
tion by largo masicH of people , Laundresses
Imvo refused to wash the linen of hospital pa
tients. Tlio work In done liy prisoners with
promises of pardon. Some of the families in
their Might loft their valuable behind , and
ono of the dillluiltioH of the clvio authoiities
IB to keep off thiovuH from the plentiful harvest -
vest , Two thousand Italian ? , WHO have been
Hent nutsido the towii , nro prevented from
movinS.thoiefrom.'CUivr on French , or to-
wanf Italian territory , by Italian cnvnblno on
oivo nide > , . am1 French gend'nrmert on the other , .
They .aro incntnjKid In'tho op lIi'i
Ortrl > oHcrtct < l , Irf-'iilrowil over
' ' -
to the poiitlon of n parliamentary nrpmnont *
Sir William llarcourt nnd othur ministers r < > - - \
Hpnnnlbla for the London government bill ,
held up the plaguu ns fmo of the chief grounds
for the necessity of a * dnglo govornlnir podv in $ >
London Instead of the uiultltuda of conflictIng -
Ing and co-ovtonslvo authoriticn which at
picK-nt gtv'o London not n government , but
nnarchy. Arguments drown agalnHt the bill
from ttjo Tweed regime in Now York elicited
from Sir Charlrs Dilko In retort HOIJIO piquant
to the
Hodeclnrod that Urn worse IIOUSOH In the
city could not bo removed bcdauso they were
owned by veslrymcn , Viislrymon ho said
made money out of the contract for paving ,
und the beadle of ono borough made 1'00CUU
brhia .knowledge buforo hand of the Htruut Im
provements contemplated by his voatry.
I'ailiamont is empty and languid , oven Ir
ving Is failing to draw and Sarah liornhardt'a
"Lady Macbeth" IB huighfid at , und people .
declare that the softness of her voice isgono
and Bhois actually becoming btout. The exo
dus to the hcaiidu and continental retorts hns
already tot in , Tlio paik IH empty earlier than
for many you * , and when a hostess ventured
to glvti a ball , shuhas to take out the Bashes ef ,
her windows and roplnco them with coolers
containing solid blocks of Ico. Dut the world
of cricket and regatta goes madly apace thin
M eel.- ,
Kx.Mlnlmcr Sargent.
Ni\v : \ Yonic. July fl. Sargent , ox-minister
to Germany , arrived on the City of Homo.
Given '
iralum oraiiyliOiirloumnbktuutTScun l > o found
In Andrews' Joarl Duklrnr I'owilor. In po *
Uvely PURE HcliiKiMiilorardi and testimonials
ClvulTrom ancli theinlslaaaH , llnyn. lluv
ton ; JI. DfhifoiitaliHorChleago ; and Uuntuvu *
liotlu , Milwaukee. Never nold In bulk.
29 J Jikg "i. 37.