Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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* Saturday , Morning July 5t
James llchan on a warrant innod out o
Justice Andersons court WM nmwtcd for th
larcncy ot n wntclt and chain from LiJdi
Charles WiIH ms , William Wiloon an
J/cw Hall , Ihroo colored men , wore nm I
yestordny afternoon for figthting on wmt
tenth street.
William Kyko was yesterday nftornoon ar
rested on the charge of nraon. lie was charge *
with setting fire to n house of proititiilion o
twelfth street kepi by KIUIRM City JAz , \ > y
throwing n bnnch of fire crasher * under tl
In the imlico court yesterday Jmlgi
Ueneke fined three disturber * of the i * > ace ? !
amlcosU each. Ono paid llio penalty nnd
two upent their J'ourth with JOB Miller ,
fourth was fined § 3 and coati for carry I K
concealed weapons , which ho paid.
An alarm of fire was font on by tclophono
yofitvrday from tenth nnd Jones. The fire
proved t < > bo in the building now on .Tonoa
Htreet used ns n fruit rtiiru and originated
from the unpropar use of fiifcrackeni. llofnro
the department arrived , howouT , the flames
were extinguished.
Tlio first of the Mankato sand ( toiio will
which Ninth street In to bo pived wan laid < > i
Thursday afternoon , just south of the Cow.onV
Jioiiso. ThU trcct is now all curbed and
guttered and the laying of the pavement wll
bo ft matter that will , bo fininhcd tui BOOH M
The Methodists' of Tenth Hlroct church
Jrtil ono of the moHt cnjnyablo picnic * ycslfr-
day. In the north end of Kount'n grove
they feathered together , iho varioun faniilicH
of the congregation , mid with swings , basket *
" > f goodie * , nnd a pleasant time generally ,
gave the little folks n most unjoyablo outing ,
end the elder folks n reminder of tlio tlmo
when they thought ft firo-cracker cent a thou-
Hind dollar * .
100 DOBCH Ono Dollar.
Is insuperably connected with Hood's
Sftrsnpanlln , nnd is true of no other mod-
icinc. It is an unanswerable argument
ai to strength and economy , while thou
sands testify to its superior blood-purify
ing and strengthening rjualitios. A bottle -
tlo of Hood'a Sarsaptinlla contains 100
doses and will last a month , while others
will average to last not over a week.
Hence for economy , buy Hood's Sana-
Athlctl o Amusements.
The crowd in attendance at the cricket
park yesterday was not" nearly as largo
as was expected. A goodly number were
present , howoyor , and the programme as
announced was fully carried out. Tboso
present were well repaid , aa the amuse
ments were of a very interesting nature
to lovers of athletic sports.
The 100-yards handicap race had five
entries and throe otartora. The prize , a
atlvor challenge cup , woo by Woinbonnpr.
Sander claimed the won , but ho was
chargnd with a foul , and the race was
awarded to the second man.
The running long jump pmo was given
to P. M. Duffy ; distance , eighteen foot
five inches.
Throwing the stone was also won by
Throwing the hainmor by Hoxworth.
Thu hurdle race prize was given to E.
H. Sander.
The novelty race , 440 yards , was also
von by Mr. Sander.
Iho proof M the ptidding U not in cbowing
the utring , but in having nn opportunity to
test tbo artlclo direct. Hclirotor & I3ocht , the
Drwgiata , have ft free trial bottle gf Dr. Bo-
sonko a Cough and Lung Syrup for each and
every ono who ia afflicted with Coughs , Colds ,
Asthma , Consumption or any Lung AilocUou.
JJESS DIRECTORY to bo issued in July ,
8b4 , price § 4 50. J. M , WOLFE , pub-
her 120 S. 14th St. . Omaha.
SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco is the
The peoples Cyclopedia of universal
knowledge is the best work for general
jToferonco in print.
E. M. A.
Members of the Kmrnott Monument
Association and their families going to
McArdlo Precinct on July 4th will moot
promptly at $ o'clock Cor. 16th and
Douglas .St. whore conveyances will bo
The peoples' Cyclopedia takes the
J , T. Wright , of Kcvrni'y , it at thu Metro
T. L. Hitchcock , of Blair , it at thu Mi.tro .
polltan ,
A. 1) . McNoer , of Pawnee City , ts at the
> ' . L. Ilansworth , of Lincoln , Is registered
at the Metropolitan.
J. V. Momof Hudson , Win. , ii htoppinir
at tba Metropolitan.
8. L. Dorr Is and wife , of Waverley , N
are at the Metropolitan.
K , U. Carter end wife , 1'roraont , are stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
R , M. Burnett nnd wife , of Katun * City ,
Mo. , are rcgUtured at the Metropolitan ,
J , Daniel * and wife and John Morrison ,
Lincoln , J. A. Spwke , Valuntiue , end J. W.
Hbaw , Hastings , were at the 1'axton yester
day ,
W. M. Itobertion and family , Madison j F ,
3'arks , Oirallala ; Mr . Cheney , IMlaCity ; and
J'atrilk Kahy , O'Neill , were at the Mlllnrd
W , A. Gre < m ; 0 , H Magoon , 1I.JI. Coon * ,
nJW , > I. Tji-oaard , four promising young
men of Lincoln , came to Omulia ymtt-rdny to
* jx'nd thu Fourth , and stopped at tliu 1'axtoo ,
J , ( > , 1 * . HildeliriiuJ , editor of the I'awjiua
'J'niw , J'awnen City , Jfeij. , anil 0. A. J.
MOM , one of the leading merchant * of Pawnnu
City , were in Oiunhu , last u\cnlog on their
way to the convention tit Chicago , lictn they
urn polji ? ta uio all l < mean * for the
jii/inioatlou of Bon Butler.
It is more f cnnowical to buy Durkeo'0
Silid Dreading ijian it is to make a drew-
iiJij. libidos tbi , it is inadn of better <
material thu n you cn buy at the ( tores ,
Erurybody Jikw it. Try it
The poophV Cyclope.lia laVaa o/T / Iho
ahtco of all other ab criptiou book * .
i * Drawn Battle Between Omaha an
Cuicago ,
The Lake Oity Olub Defeated b ;
the Score of 6 to 1.
And Ilcturns the Compliment 1 )
Heating Omaha 17 to 10.
Forenoon Oiuno.
The forenoon gftmo between the Union
Pacifies and Iho Chicago Kosorvoa ww
witnessed by 1,700 people. This game
which had boonnnxiouily looked forwart
to by iho lovora of base ball , was nl
that it promised to bo , So far this
season the Union Pacifies had mot no
club on the homo grounds that was
nearly its equal , and this fact tended to
increase the interest in the game , ns the
Chicago team was thought to bo a strong
For the homo team Ilockwoll and
Handle were the battery , and for the
Chicago's Leo and Young.
At 11 o'clock the game was called ,
with the homo team to bat.
MoKolvy was put out nt first. Bandlo
ay nn error of Crr reached first and
atolo second. Dtryor struck n hot
jroundor to short who fumbled it ,
liandlo scoring. Punkhousor batted to
out field upon which Dwyer crossed the
omo plato. Whitney nnd ByrU were
.hrown out nt first.
The Chfcagos for four innings wont
out in ono , two , throe order , being
unnblo to hit Rockwell who handled the
sphere with great success. In the second
nnimjs no runs were made by the Union
'deifies , but in the third Dandle scored
lis second tally. In the fourth liyrd
and Carroll crossed the home pinto.
In the fifth innings Iltllory made n
wo-basor , atolo third , and came homo on
passed' ball by Handle , making the only
core for the Chicagos. In the ninth
lockwoll tallied , making thoscoro six tone
no in favor of the hou'io nine.
The brilliant foaturoa of this game waa
ho batting of Hillary , who made throe
f the four base hits for his club ; a beau-
iful catch by Carroll of n foul fly muffed
> y Dugan , n difficult catch of n foul tly by
tandlo in the last innings , and n wonder-
ul throw homo by Funkhousor in the
ovonth , after catching n low ball from
Bantiy'a bat. holding Jovno on third.
Considerable dissatisfaction wan expressed -
pressed during iho game against the um-
lire , who apomod in almost every in-
itanco io give iho homo club iho benefit
f iho doubt. Thu apoetntora in several
nstanoos ahowoi their dssapprobation of
n's'rulingsin crioa of ' 'out , out" and a
ow indulged in hisses. In connection
with this game mention should noi bo
mittcd of Graham , iho first baaoman , of
lie Kosorvoa who is the tallest profession-
I ball player in iho United States ,
tanding six foot eight in base ball shoos.
'ho spectators dubbed him "shorty" nnd
lis playing ai first baao waa quite a
cnturo in the gamo. Below is iho acoro.
K nn ro A v.
McKelvey.Ub 0 0a II 1
Handle , c a 0 5 a 1
Dwyer.l f 0
Kunkliouicr. o f 0
Whitney , 3d J
llyrd.H a 1 0 0 -I 0
Carroll , r f 1 1 a 0 0
Iuganlntli 0 0 H 0 1
Kocktvoll , p
Totals 0 3 27 101
VI.ATK1I.M. 11 Hit J'O A
Santry,2db 0 1 2 1 a
Leop "
Whitoley , o f 0 0 : i 1
Ulllory 3d b .j..fl , 1 0 0
Kami , rf ,4..J1 -0. 1 ' tOf 0
Uarr.HH 0 0 1 4 -I
Graham , 1st b 1. .
ilavno. If
Young , c 0 0 10 } 0
TotaU f. 1 4 87 l6 11
, t
1 2 3 4 C 0 7 H (0
Tuion.racifics . ; . 2012000 0,1 0
Chicago Uosurvw..j < . 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 OJO1
Time of game 1 hour and CO minutei ,
Huns earned Nouo. a
Total b lls called -0ll Kockwell J off
> ( U.
JM , > i
fctnick out By Leo , 7
Two bitiu hlU Hlllery , 1. . >
Tiuised ballH Handle , 1 : Young , , , i .
Wild pltchi'tf-Kookwoll , 2. * '
Umpire M. i'linkhomcr. * J
Afternoon Game ,
The clouds which from ono . io inroo
ortondod a u tor in , cleared nwivy before
lie hour for cnlliug the game arrived ,
, nd a most beautiful sunny afternoon
ollowed. Long before H:30 : standing
oem in iho grand stand was ai n pre
mium , nnd the seals outside were all
nkon up , A line of carriages nearly on-
losing the field waa standing eloso to the
ouco inside , and from iho rnnd stand to
ho driveway nil iho standing-room
ccupiod. Between 2,000 nnd 2,1100
tooplo had conio out to witness the
; aiuo , which ii was expected would bo
cry close nnd exciting , owing to iho
unsatisfactory termination io iho Chi-
cagoa of iho ono in iho forenoon.
The Chicagoa prosontpd Crosby n
oaguo pitcher and Dopaughor for their
utteryfor ; the Union Pacillcs Salisbury
illod the box and was nupportod behind
ho bat by Bandlo. It waa intended by
ho management that Dugan should fill
ho catcher's position , but hia hands
toing aero ho played nt first the same ns
n the forenoon.
The Chicagoa again won the toss , and
rlcKolvy , Bandlo and D ivy or were ro-
irud without any one of thorn reaching
irst. For the Chicago * , the first three
were put out in ono , two , three order.
In ihn second inning Fuukhousor
made a two bate , and came homo on n
wild throw from center field to third
laso. Whitney waa thrown out on first ,
Jyrd made a three bagger and came
lomo on CarroU'd drive to right Held.
four tallies were made in this inning
which was closed by McK lvy going out
n three strike.
ilillury opened iho innmi ; for hia nine
> y making a two buor. Tao visitors in
hia inning suuinod to "got on" to Sails-
mry'a pitching and baited him nil over
ho field. U'Jio Chiuagos aided by a
wild throw of pitcher to lirat , which
ot in two runa nnd a couple
f orrora by Byrd were
rodited with aovcn pcorcs. In Iho thi.-d
nninys the Union I'acitici added four
no'ro runs io iho four of tlio aooond. the
viiitora receiving u gooao ugg. lit the
ourth the borne t ani failed to score nnd
ho winning chancca of ilia Ohicagos wrro
ncreasod by ono muro aoore , making the
ame at thia siago n tie. The visitors in
ho fifth piled up two rum moronnd ono
n iho seventh. The Union Pad lisa were
credited with eco tally more in the sixth
and ono in the eighth , la the ninth the
homo team , aided by torriflo batting and
uexcusablo errors of the Chicagoa , auc-
ooedod in landing safely firemen over the
homo plate.
The admirers and friends of the
Union Pacifies at this juncture
rose up in the grand stand and hollowed
themselves hoarse , as defeat now was no
longer thought of. So confident were
they of success that the bats were bagged
and preparations made for leaving the
grounds. The Chicago ! were not nt _ all
discouraged , and aided by good batting ,
A couple of wild throws , throe successive
muffs by Dugan on first after two men
were out , and n rank decision of the
umpire , scored five runs , making the
game nt the end of the ninth innings a
tio. Dwyer , the firit to bat in the tenth
innings , was thrown out at first , as also
was Funkhoiuor. Whitney 'reached
first , but llyrd prns caught out on a fly ,
Carr , for the Chlcagos , made a two
baser , and was allowed to score on Do
paughor's single after two men were out.
If the Ohicagos had cause to complain
of Funkhoiiser's umpiring , the homo
tcnm can justly loy their defeat to Rock
well , the umpire , who in Iho ninth inn
ings unconsciously called a fair a foul
ball , after which four men scored when
two were out.
The usual number of free spectators
witnessed both games from Tom Murray's
; ; rand stand. If some moans could betaken
taken to shut off the gaze of those people
the game would bo divested of ono of
its disagreeable features.
Uolow is the score :
I'lavcrn n mi ro A T :
MuKclvy , 2J b 1 1 2 A 1
Janillio 0 0 .I 3 1
Dwycr , If a 1 ! 1 0 1
'mikhoiiHcr. of ; i II 1 0 ]
Whitney , 3d b 1 I 1 2 0
Jyrd , HH U i ! 0 3 15
Carroll , r f II ' . '
Uiigan , c 3 1 3 : 1 H
Salisbury , i 1 2 1 1) )
Totals 1C II SO S 10
1'layrrn R jut J'O A fc
Santry,2db 1 -
Crosby , p 2 1 ! 1
Vhituloy , c f
lillory , M b 2 2 1 1 0
Cano , rf
Carr , BS
Rraliam , iBt b 2 1 ! l 0 1
Tovno , If 2 1 2 0 X
Dupaugher , c 3'
Totals 17 U 2'J li 11
'Carroll out for not running.
123-150780 10
Union Pacifiert -14001010 0-l < t
Chicago KOSITVOS..O 70120105 1 17
Time of gumo 2 hours and 15 minutcx.
Huns named Union Pacifies , 8 ; Chicago
imnrvus , 3.
Throe ba o hits MoKolvy , 1 ; 1'unkhouicr ,
; Byrd , lj Carroll , 2.
Two base httn Funkhouaur , 1 ; Crosby , 1 ;
Vhiteloy. 1 ; Curr , 1.
Wild pitclies-Crodhy , 2.
I'nined balls Bandlo , Dcpaughur , 2 ,
Umi > ire Hockwell.
This nftornoon those two clubs will
ross bats in the final struggle for su-
irotnacy. The battery for the Ohicagos
fill bo Lee and Young ; for the homo
cam Rockwell will fill the box , sup-
> ortod by Bandlo. A great game is
ookod for. The game will bo called at
: p.m. '
"What causes the great rush at Schroter &
Bocht's Drug Storo7'r The free distribution
f sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and
jimg Syrup , the most popular remedy for
toughs , Colds , Consumption nnd Bronchitis
now on the market , llegular size CO conta and
_ _
Death In the County Jntl.
Miku Lunnon , tliu man who gained In
ho lost week considerable nowHpapor notrlcty
hrougli IIH ! connection with Kincaid , the 1) .
t M , contractor , in the loss of quite a largo
Hum of money , died yesterday at the county
ail , of delirium tromrim. ] fo WUH taken from
hurityjuil the foru part of the week , on no-
ount of IU unhoaltliy condition. Ha contln-
mllyurow worw , Iwing past nuaist-mcij from
nt'dical treatment , and uiod yontordny after
noon. It Is claimed l > y Iiin comrades that Lou-
lon'M pi-ojilo in Bloomituton , Illinois , nro very
wualtliy. Coroner Maul teli-gnipjiwl thism of
IH ! douth , but ax yet hu hurt received nothing
ram them ia to thu dUjMMtition of the body.
Detectives and Private Ollleers
Jfliuilly wear their badges of authority con1
coaled under thotr clcthlng , but Dr. Thomas'
Kclctlric Oil wears Its badges In thb form of
irlntod labels attached to each nnd every bat-
Jo , HO that nil may know its mission , It Is
liven full anil complete authority to arrest all
aches nnd pains , and does Its duty every time.
$20OOOO Plro at fort Perry.
I'OIIT 1'KHiiv , Out. , July 4. The whole
jutlnoiM portion of tluxplncu WRH burned. The
ire extended from A , Kitrran's saddlery thou
west , including the Untailo bunk , Kocs &
SOII'H store , LOMV 't Mnliuny's place. 8. Carrl.
fnn' cstiilmslnnetit , AViudsor hotel , VVright'n
Bhuo turo , AlllKou'ri drug storu , T. 0. faro-
imn'ri stoic , Davii'dtuir and cabinet Htoro ,
Jitinpbull'd fceil utore , AlcCan'n juuelry etoro ,
Davenport , James & Co. , Brown k 1'nrlnh ,
iimlwnre , and niiarly to tbo postolllce. The
mtlro * bimiiuws | K > rton ! of the \lllagu Is
jurnou. Thin is tliu necond dinantroitH fire hero
vitliiu ik year. LHM $160,000 to 200,000.
What Throe. Applications Did.
"I was troubled voy much with sere feet.
Vhrte ( ij > ( iViioin ( Ihomai' F.cltcMc Oil en-
Iroly cured them , Nothing better In the mar
ket.1 Jacob Butler , Heading , 1'a.
GITV ot' MKXICO , July 1. The gulf coast
iiiarnntines ogalnnt Franco on account of the
The Kind Wo Mkc.
Tliu medicine wo mo t Ilka la that which
does Its work quick and well. Jlimlock llttxxl
Hitter * are the quickest kind nf n cure for Jys
> opulu rnd liver and kidney ntfectloui.
Absolutely Pure. 11
. A muvtl ot puroncai ,
uholMomcnou. Mo a w ( otuioal tlnu
ho rJlu ry klndj.tind cannot bo Id In oomiwlltlo
with the multltudu of low tot , hort vr lbt | ulurn or
uhotphate imwilttrn. Bold only In cans , UUVAL
No. U07 Jonci Bt. OD1o . Ko. 1(0 \
anikii Btrott. Oltloe I'oura ISm. to t p. BL , nj
Km t to 6 p. la. Tclqihoue lor otfle 97 , llrildeccc ;
Ko 301 Full lot , cottage house 3 rooms , on 12th an
Center Btreeti , $1,100.
No SOI Kit o roomed houro on SewarJ , near Snun
der > . $3,000.
No 200 Chlcafro and 12th utrcc' , hotst C rooml , S.
front , fruit etc. (3,000.
No 29) I'Urcu and 1 6th itrMts , hou a3 ruomg barn
cellar , eto , (1,400.
No 293 Chicago and X4lh itrcctn , beautiful cotUgo
No 297 flowarJ , near Baunden , 6 rnom , one-thlr
caiht halanoef 20 per month , $ -2.200.
No 290 Franklin direct , near Kaundcr * , B rooms
fruit , etc. II OjO.
Ho 204 Homo o rootni , uplcnJlil rcsIJcnco , 21th
and Capitol arc. , t1,6CO.
Mo 290 Ono and nno-half I'or ; hou o on 18tb ntrec
car line near Nlcholn , on i cry ciuytcrmi , (2,600
No 203 ( Icoricla acnuo , 1 1 utory IIOUM cheap , ? JOOC
No 201 Cottaeo with lirlck basement , B rooms , neil
cli cm , 18th ttrectcar line $2,000.
No 239 Thirty-three feetand two ntory houio ICth
and Cain ( huilnem ) ll.NU
No S87 Full lot , 2 Btory houM , B roous , aud barn
on 1'th ( treet car line , { 3,600.
No 281 T o acres , homo 4 roonu , barn fenced , on
No 286 Two acrcf , lmu < e 4 looms , barn fenced , on
K. 18th street. SJ.KO.
No 282 Hal lot. 1 } story house on N. IDthetrcct
cheap , 81,650.
No 281 Nlnth and Hickory , collage 3 rooms , cistern
collar , fruit , etc , 81,600
No2SO Four houses in Hnlnn'4 addition , on monthly
payment *
No 278 full lot , homo 2 rooms , well , barn , etc , on
lltomlo street , tMW.
No 27D MX lolg , hounn nnatl , on Ylnton St. , $3,0ca
No 274 IIouwonCIirkBlrect.lSlO.
No 287 Corner Count cnuo and 23d St. , house etc
Mo 288 Cottazo 3 room ) . ! 3d and Capitol avenue
No 304 Klvo acres on Saundcrs itrcet. Rood house
fruits of all klndt , bam , iplondid residence
Three hundred houses and lots throughout the clt ;
and suburbs , ranging In prices to suit all
claaics of purchasers.
Besides tlicso wo ha e beautiful unlmprotcdloti
Also Acre lota on monthly payments in
jtJTCall and > ee ns before purchasing clsewherctri
acnoril Dcklen In
Have for Bale SOO.COO acres carefully selected Undi
In Eostflrn Nebraska , at low prloo and on ouy terma ,
improved larins for. gala In Douglas. Dodge , Oolfaz
Platte , Hurt , Oumug , B&rpy , Wasninston , ilertoi
gaunden , and Butler Oouotlos.
Taxes paid In all part * of the State ,
Uonov loaned on improved fanua.
Notary Public ftlwajs In offloc. Oorrespondenoe
THIS BELTorUegenra-e
tor la undo exprcsaly for
the cure of derangements
I of the generative organs.
Th'ru Is no mlstako about
! this Instrument , the con
tinuous stream of ELKC-
. TKIOITY permeating
' through the parts must res
tore them to hralthy action
Do not confound this with
. . _ . Eloetrlo Boltsadtertlscd to
cure all alls Irom head to no. It Is for the ONE speo-
Iflo purpoiio. For clrcul rn giving full Information ,
addroiu Chee\er Eleotrlo Dels Co. , 103 Washington
St. . Chi
varruiUJ to woulongtr. . fit
fonu ncatrr , and if re beitr'
_ U f rlon Ihaiimiiyr'1-
it the market ] , or prl
uiy f * ch ( Vrret. 1'rlco , tlrtt H tern Jcuo ,
mpuil , m.KO. Au TourinmhantrorUuiu.
'jaa-KscilllD. JOMI'.l'll A X ,
IM"mucittifrt , a 10 A ill4 JUndulpITBU.Culeapo ,
Qit MM uy ,
' f , T. * H. P.
; lrst rid nz _ > HHHBHi Vehlrlo made ,
Illdminiinaiy P _ ! * ! with 0110per
loiimwltlilwo. " * > -T Tlia .HirlHB (
IrnxllifliaiidiihorlrnacrnrdliK lethe rl nltliri
rarry , Knuallv well Adnptad to ruiiRh coiinlri
road * nnd line drives of cIllM. XnuulucHirud unit
told brail tholadliigOarrl KeBullders and Deulop
Henry TliuUrn , I'nlriilm * . Nt. I.miU. Dlu
will PoalUvoiynot be inaartod
unleoa paid in advance ,
TO LOAN-Monev.
/fONKY / loaned on chattels , uotos bouibt , cut rat
1Y1 tlckeUn.M. A. Fdruum , 113 a 13Ui bt ,
TO LOAN-TU * lowwl tatei of
MONEY ! * Loan Agenov , 1Kb fcDoui-U Ul-U
TV/TONBY / TO LOAN In sums of BCO. a.nd onward
1V1 O , F. Davit and Co. , Itsal bUt and Loan
Ag at . UOBFamamBt , (9Mt.
\17 ANTFD-For ic > on > tbl potltlon ,
If book-k pcr woo hu bad rxperituco In *
holrule homo Addiew r. 0. box 063. It
* \\rANTEI > Girt toda general housework la ( malt
M family , 1714 Douglas itrtet. Good wage * .
WAN1KD Ajrtrl who ondtrrtands genual home
work , at a W. Cornet Harney and /Oth Wth BU
If ANTKD Two dining room girls at 104 south
T ICth Street , SOS-Sp
VANTKI > To Mre K glil for general hou o work.
TT Ocrn nptcferred. Jnijulrc of S. Lchmin , llOd
WANTED Girl for general housevcrk. Inquire
* t Kdholm A Ettckson's. 134-1
WANTED A ( terrain Rlrl lor general houxe work
In lamlly rjf two 2325 Lfft enwoitb , between S2il
und 23d Sticetn. Mri Florclll. 40A-3p
WANTED In afamltjr cf three , a competent c ok
and UundtcO'i ' , onenho itllk ft cow. WtgM (20
per month. Apply at S03 Park \ cnue. < o5-0p
"TlT'ANTr.D-.Ono Cnt-cliua female meat cook and
V one peed foundry wonmn. at the Arcade hotel ,
1215 Douglas ttreet. 410-tp
It , ANTKD A list elm cook at CnllanV , 1'rcraont
VV Houiu , 10th knd Hurt , SS3-S
" \\fANTED-tmmedlately , A Rood mantq manufad-
\ \ turo and Introduce anew machine. Rot of
toimiRltvn. Addroisfor this week "U , R. " lice
office. 390 Kp
"IArANTKD-Flrtt-cU s l > oob-kee | < r. MiTt he of
I \ Hc\dy habits and furnish good tciorencci.
Consolidated Tank Line C. ) . . 8)4 4p
\\rANTED-A nret-cli girl forrKeneral house-
work. Hint Lo a rooil cook. Nonoothernccd
apply. Oood wages paid. Jlrs. Jlllton Rogcre , N.
W. 19th and Loateiiworth greels. ! 397-tf
WANTED flood woman cook nt f > 0 south 13th
dtrctt. 3)9-8p
\\MNTED-A woman to do general housework to
T T KO Into the country for the summer. 2204 Web
ster street , . 402 S
W/tNTKD A good second co < k at ono * . moody
work and go < lwnfzn to a noher , reliable white
man. Address " 1'crklns Ilouec , ' I'lattsmouth , Neb.
\X7ANTED A girl for general housework Ono
that cun wash and Iron preferred. Mrs , Wm.'JI.
Orunebauin , ZCth street , near St. Mary's aibnuo. '
I ] ANTED First class girl lor ccncral house-work
T Apply Mr. J. 11. Shrc\o 103 ZUhitrcat
W ANTKD A COCK ! girl lor general house work In
. nmall firmly. Good vragci and steady place.
IniUlro241S | Davonpnrt St. SS2-4p
WANIKD Two girls to go totne couutry. Clood
wogcs , expenses paid. Call on Mis Clarksoa ,
comer St. Marys avenue and 0th street. 3S3-3p
W NTH ) Two dishwashers and tno dining
rosm girls Immcdlatdy. Qjod wages paid at
1609 Farnain strict. I07-3p
\T7ANTKD-A girl for housework at SU5 Ca'IfornU
VV street. 378.Jp
WANTUD-A Blrl for housework. Mrs. W. W.
lllnghim , west side 16th street , 4th houno south
of Leaden worth. 379-3
W ANTKD Olrl for general house work In small
family , No. 1215 N. 10th St. 831 tp
WANTED-A barber , 700 ti. lOtn street , Omahx
"ITTANTED A boy who can speak Oerman for gen-
YV era ! kitchen work at 216 12th St. 310 Sp
WANTED A girl forireneril house work at 2108
ChlowoSt. 3136
W ANTKD A campotent girl for general houtw-
work. Wages 820. a month N. W. cor 18tb
and Davenport. 314-tf
"Vyl/'ANTED Oood rook , washerand Ironor. ( None
Vt other need apply. ) Wages J5. per week. Aii-
ply 1903 DnenportSt. 3154
WANTED An Intelligent and responsible boy
w Ith horse , to carry evening lico. Call 8a.m.
t-ANTHD-Gul ( or boute-work BIB south 18th St.
V 317.Cp
I7WNTKD A girl to do general house-work at
> 1813 Webster street. S03-6p
A good active woman to do dining
room work. Wages SI per week. Apply at
flt2r oucla flt. 2$8tf $
LIVE Agents for best 10 cent campaign ircdolj
1'crfcctlikeness. Wrlto at , on o for exclusive
Teriltory. 0. N. Busby & Co' , 517 Market St. , P hia
WANTED- girl In family ot two , 19i : Farnam
St. 283-tf
TXTANTED-dood gltlat Emmet Uouso , llth , bet.
11 Farnam and llarnoy. 235-3p
country , to take nice , light and plcanant work at
their o n homes ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly
made ; work sent by mall ; no canvassing ; no stamp
for reply. Please addicsa Reliable Man'f'g Co. , I'lll-
adolphla , I'd. 149 Imo
WAN1EU Olrl hU3u-work 217 north
10th St. I0l-3l >
WANTED Clrl at 1510 Sherman avenue. Mrs.
J. M. Counsintm. 948 tf
WANTED Olrl for housework at 2227 Dodge St
TIT'ANTED-SUuatlon bv young man au book keep.
TV r , or any olHco work. Gord penman , can fur
nish icferencej. Address "A. W. " Bee olllco. SOO-Dp
"VTITANTKO Situation as foreman on farm , nm a
VV practical farmer , can Shu rttercnce , aui strict
ly tem | > er to. Adures * "J. E. A. " Bee offico.
WANTED-Sltilttlon as shirt Ironing or work by
the day. Call at 810 Jackson St , 3IO-4p
WANTED By a lady , a position as cooyist or cor
responding clerk la olllco. Address " 81" Bee
oillce. 819 tf
Aouog married man wants situation as book
keeper , In wholesale establishment In Omaha.
Addrrsi " 0. " care Dee. SDO-tf
WANTED A tlx rooip cotta o In good location ,
for cONh , 1'rlco must be low. Addresn 1 * . In
man , lloom 4 , Army llullamg , loth and Farnam.
Allcllned eastern widow lady \lsltlng Omaha , J
wanU ro correspond with a gentleman over forty ,
if worth llnancUlly , menUlly , morally and phys-
cally. A bulinens ur jiroretsloual gcutlcmaa prefcrr
oJ. Mrs. Ruth llaynard , cue of Omaha DeeS854H
ANTTfD A'NU FOUND-Tho best bargains Io
llllluiury , at CIO 10th street. Mis. Luinml * , the
llilllnCr. Sri-tf
WoNTi D-I rg0 lurnUhul bed room by two
gentlemen. Rent In adtanro and no questions ]
ed. Address "X. U. " Iluo ollljo. 8IJO 3t
WANTED-To veil the lout karlwr hopln North. "
eitcrn Nvbruka. Address Lock Box i9. ! Nor-
oik , Hob. S06-6i >
TT7ANTED A few Hnt-class table boarders at 1718
VV Dodge St. 2S3 3p
WANTED To teach German In a prltato narolly ,
by a j oung man who has ttuga In the schools of
he old country. Addicts "f. W , " Bee ollloo.
\\7K oflcr In Io ( to suit purchaser , eight hundred
T T choice Iowa , steers. One half u r olds , balance
wo and three jeari old , and a good smooth hunch.
UTRANUE IIRO'D , Sioux CUy , Io a.
TANTKD Buardera to know the St. Charles Ho.
i tcl on Harnty St.between 12th and 13th will >
t up the bc t table board for $100 per week of any
louse In the city of a correnpondlr" nrloe.
FOR BEST Housss ana Lota.
RSM-A furnlshcil room at ISIS Jacknoii 81.
IflOll 1
RENT-Furnlihud IOOTS suitable for no or
two gintltmeu at rvasonallo rate , h , K. corner
Oth and I'acldo. 333-7p
F I OR RENT NewBroom house Inquire Mrs K.
Iloddlf , 2 tn between Da > ciiport and Chicago Sis
S95 5p
FOR RKNT A dwelling of ten rooms with all mod-
erulmp-o\em ntatt ) . W , coiner Hainey and
2Cth. JaiucNt\lle. !
RENT A brick biMuient < I four room" . $ J
FOR month , 22il and Poppleton a > cuus. C. Jlad- ]
on. 893p
fjvnITliXr Hlnjlo furaUlKd loom 10TChicago |
L1 strctt. 409-tf
TTIORUBKT Three rooan , 311 N , lth Direct.
.1 .
RKNT Two new six room ro'tage > i , two
FOR from I'.rk a > iu car . * 12.50IKr month ,
87 . AMEa. 1607 Farpam tlrtet [
7 OR RKNT llouso pf 3 rocmt SOtli ami Hartley ,
L1SO > . Wvllaud chlcni. Wiu. L. Monroe , fith ir
ud Uoiifilit. JBO-fp r
7011 RENT Furnlshixl and uafurnlanud rootnifor
L4 HhtiiouMU < pii < irtuN. isth st. ses-ip t
7011 RENT- For gvnfemen , 2'Od Fautara ittreot , dr
J t o\i'iy nlaJ roou. , furnlthtxl or uufumMiod ,
. H JiiH .lltO F rnani Urtet. Sfll-Sp
KENT Newly fln'uhoJ IIvu room hoiua with T
FUlt liar iinl cNtoin , ou lu\toHit | , near lOtli ht. . . .
Applyto K. K. MUIs , UKbCI rkiOii | I'lMu.Ht. U r/n
o\iuue. 313 3i
17011 K NTr-Mi * ) > 'f"rulilixJ roouilor jeutkmau T
JL1 it til flainnt ktrtn. S 34 *
UKNT r ounlurnl hej rootui lulttbU for I
Foil LouikeoplPK , 1017 Chlct u. < U L1
Buffalo U , ; S. Standard
Himebaugh & Taylor
R. R. TRACK , = 3 HAY ,
And is now in Use by the United States Government.
HE PAIR SHOPS Scales of nil kinds repaired nnd scaled by U. S
standard weights.
BSP Write for Estimates.
1405 Douglas Street.
MEEG-ELL & EOSENZWEIG- , Are prepared to do tvoc
Practical Painters & Decorators OUTSIDE iu any branch THK , CIT ?
On Short Notice
' SIGN ,
" " "SHADES 1515 DO * SM 0018)18 ) , PAINTING DECORATIN , I
F I OR RENT Furnished room 1417 Howard St.
234 - : .
FOR RKNT New sit roouiod hem , SO. Thro
nearly new cottages , $ lt ) each Ballon Broi.
317 S. 13ih street. 3 IS 3
TOU RENT Front room with board , suitalilo Io
JL1 two gentlemen , ItOSCapltol n\eiino. bu.-3"
FOh RENT Nicely furnished rooms wlthou
board 1814 Daveopoit St. lU-7p (
FOR 11ENT Store room 14th and Jones stray
$20 per month. Darker & Mayno. 333 tf
F 1011 RENT Three or 8 room house , c losct. clt
uator. Inquire at OOS North 13th St. 331-6
FOR RENT Ono peed " sit loom house $25 per mo
O.SI.Hitchcock. l85-tf !
F 10R RENT No. 2521 Ducnport St. , eovon rooms
O. F. Davh&Co. , IBOSFamamSt 290-4"
F 1011 RENT A plea.aut furnished room at 1FO'
Capitol avo. 294-5
F I OR RENT With board , an elegant furnlshe
parlor bed room. 2009 Cass St. 10i-3p
FOR REXT Furnished rooms 2209 Dodge Street
25)-3p )
FOR RK'JT Two rent rooms newly furnished N
317 16th S1. , between Chicago and Davenport.
RENT With hoard large front room wit
1 bay window , gaj and bath room , 1718 Dodge at
FOR RENT-Furnished rooms 105 N. 18th St.
FOR RENT Two lurnlbhcdor unfurnbherl room
wlthboird , centrally located , good references
rofoiencua required. Call or address 424 foment 8
1 i blocks from St. Mar > 'save. 2403
FOR RENT Uouso C rooms good repair. Klc
jard , cistern water. RsntSfb per month 1411
1'ark Wilde avo. Apply to Jno. W. Bell , Druggist
10th St. 185-tf
FOR RENT House B rooms , corner Popploton am
hcrldau St-8. , $10.50 Jier month. Barker am
JIa > no , 13th and Farnam. 187-tf
FOR RENT Ono store In Crouase * Block , G. It
Hitchcock. 030 tf
FOR RET 4 good roomssouth-ca t corner 20th
and fuming. S70-U
FOR RENT Six room house on street car line am
romenlcntto business. Addrcsy Immediately
"O. X. " Bee office. 783 tf
FOR RENT Piano. Inquire at Edholm & Erick
ion's. 003 tf"
| , OK HKNr RooDisIn Nebraska National Bouk
J ? Building , itost desirable offlces In ilia city
Supplied with hyaraullo elevator and heated by steam.
Apply at Unnk. D20-t
F > OU KENT Elegant retldeuco 10 rooms , furnace
hot and cod ! water , bath rooms , \.c. Suitalilo fo
Rrbt-clus boarding house or private resilience 70 p < i
Fourteen room houno new , Hth St. , near Jilts $20
per month. BARKER & 41AY.NK , 13th and Faruorn.
FOR KENT In R-dlok'a block. Store room 120
feet deep andgood olllco tooui. Pauuen & Co. ,
1609arcam , room S. 71 > 0-tf
FOR RENT Kurntihed rooms on the north-wist
cor. 13th and Capitol avenue , formerly Crelirh-
ton Homo , IBS tf
FOR .SALKCHKAl'-ZO crci fine land S. W. of
city. Will sell in 6 aero Piucei. $130. per acre.
Hotter & Cobb , 1516 farnam St. 3SO-9
T7IOR SALE Household furniture at 2219 Cumlng
I1 * - 3iU 6p
171OR HALE An established business , pajlng well ,
JL1 WIU require about $1,2X ) . ( lood reMjnsfur sell
Ing. Jnqufr at217N. llth ( rtreet. 404-Op
P OR SALK Hoarding housefurniture and flxturen
nil completi ) . Inqulro at 210 H. 10th St
FOR SALE A 8 < lf-lnklng lever printing pres *
chase 8x12 InchvJ , cheap. Address W. J. Paul ,
1141 N. 19th street. 367-3u
FOR SAI.K 1U ! acres Sarpy county lands 12 miles
from Oiiniha Will Uko Omaha pioperty In part
> mt'iit Call on or audreib U M Parish , t arllllun.
FOR SALE Lota ti down , $2 a month 0 rur cnnt
Interest. AMEa , 1607 Fainam. 371-7
F 10 It BALK-Cheap , anlcs light road wagon with
top. Bow &Hill. 333-3p
TTtOH SALE House 4 roumi , barn , cittern , well ,
I ? shade tr es , lawn A.J , . nil ccw , just completed ,
rrlco $1,400. 2410 ( Hondo , near Baundcrs 330-tlp
FOR SALE At a bargain , 50 curd ) dry hard wood.
2S7-9 Boggst Hill ,
T70R SALE One small span of innlia.hanie * ! and
t1 wagonsuitable for delUery outnt. Inquire at
urwln's barn , Cumlng street" 231-4
I7 OR8ALE-A good milch cow. Inquire on Convent
L1 St. , the third house from llarnby. J. Klrncr.
SALK UIIKAl' Real e tate busmow In town
FOU populat'on on Republic ualley Rail.
3ad. fcxcclloiit looitlon , Onucpunty , large list , b t
rcannns for Dcllliig , a splendid ni port unity , boohs
huw buiiiueu. Address " 0. W. L. " Bcu offlo * .
T\OR SALK-Threo of the bust lots In Ilansopiu
L4 plitu a' a bargain If soil toou. Potter k Uobb ,
515 farnam. D3l-tf
OIl SALE Sheep , a lot ol fine Colorado grades
L1 containing ol boo o e , 2,3 and 4 jear * old ,
bout U ) cartings aid Mwhmbj. lt\e CHUJ will
bear about 0 pound * For further Inloimotion ad <
revs JllJay Co. , Hal.-ltr , U. & M. R. R , Nek
ITtOR SALK Anico cottace an full lot , half block
outh of MUton Roger' ' reuldcuco , on ittb itnit
uuulreulil. Lto , Qrccur , 2 da < 4d Leivcnworth.
F drtBD "X , X. If. " Um olHce fc.v wl
TlOR BALK Two second hand tUn. . . ItWholm
i. ErlcVton't Miulo btorv on 18th St. 6W tl
FOR SALE The Omihn Biktry , rnUbllhticd 1874
Conta'ns a gael stock of Fancy Uaods and other
fixtures , wagon , eta Location grutclass.Cheap for
ciith. Apply 610 lith street , baiwcen Jackson and
Howard. ' 794-lin
T7OR \LE-Tno coziest and mobt desirable res-
JL1 Idencu on Capitol 1MI. House contains B rooms
besides bloset and ttoio roonu , good cellar , city water ,
and all modern Improvements. Good baru and out
buildings. Everj thing in first-closa shape. FullloL
Inquire of T. F. Lyon on premises , 2429 Capital ave.
FOR SALK REAL E3TATE-A great bargain In
50 lota In Reese's Place , n St. itary's are. St.
car line , at very low prlco for 3) days. Apply to
Joseph U. RcoEO , 211 South 14th street. 074-lmp
FOR SALE Two open second hand buggloa and
one delnery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Harney St.
339 tf
TpOR 8ALB Cheapest house and lot In Omahji , la
J ? Potter's addition , S rooms , wo 1,30) barrel civ
tern , on two lots , 10J fott fiont by ISO feat deep , for
? i,050 Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam elicit. 409-U
FOR SALE Cheap lots In Shlnn's 2d addition.
KIrkwoodaudPlalnview. Potter & Cobb , 1D15
raraain street.
TT'ORSALE ' Twenty aerosol the Griffon farm , "
JL1 miles from the postodlce , and only two blocks
fromPratt's sub dUision. Will bo cold In 25 , 5 or 10
acre lots. Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1511 Douglaa
street. 270-tf
SAIE At a bargain , a first class Either. Ad
dress "X. Z. Q" Bee office. S70-U
TT OR SALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1874.
f Contains n good stock of Fanoy Goods and other
futures , wagon , etc. Location flret-cUsi Cheap for
cash. Apply 510 10th street , Dot. Jackson and Uow-
ord. 701-lm
TOR SALE Two eeoond hand pUnos , at Edholtn
J ? & Erlckson's JIuslo Store on 10th St. 890-U
SALE The coziest and most desirable resi
dence on Capitol Hill. House contains 9 rooms
besides close U and etoro rooms , good cellar , city
water , and all modern Improvements. Good baru
and outbuildings. Everything In Hrst-class shape.
Full lot. Inquire of T. F. Lyon on premises , 2429
Capital a > enuo. 842-tt
170R SALE REAL ESTATE A great bargain In
J ? 60 lots In Reese's Place , on St. Mary's a\enno
street car line , t > ery low prlco for SO dajs. Apply
to Joseph M. Rceie , 211 South 14th street. 074-lmp
SALE Tin good will and Dxturcs of tl *
FOR House. Kasy tcrma. 63S-tf
SALE Two open seoond-nand buggies and
FOR delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Harnoy Bt.
ri-UKEN UP Cno white heifer , one year old past ,
J. at City Pound. Will bo told the 6th If nolle
deemed. POUNU-MASTErt.
412 3p
HURRAY has good pasturing. Spring water.
rpAKEN UP-June 2uth , brindle cow with three
JL teats. W. Jlarham , near Deaf Hi Dumb Insti
tute. 370 8p
CTRAYEDORKTOLEN-Agrey horse with collir
Omarkson back and shoulders. Finder will please
return to F. Hclmrlcb , 16th street , between Martha ,
and Caetellar. 343-2p
rha othlsdayiold my Interest In the coal busi-
JL ness carried on by mo at 2M eouth ! 3th street ,
anclalso ll notes and accounts belonging thereto to
Win. U. I'oster , who will continue tbo business.
June 2Sth. 18SI. a2p
\ , , and cesspools cleaned with
PRIVY\aulUsinks Satisfaction guaranteed by F.
1. Abel , ( succo nor to J. M. Smith. ) bux 378.
OTRAYED On June24th , b'ack pony , white law ,
O had on halter. Liberal reward , 0i4 Pierce fct.
\ Hahannah. . 3M-Sf
Cures Disease ? by Building up the System.
Front. Back.
"Ship another dozen
of sour Malt Extract
HoflV , as before. 1. bos
douainy wlfu great coed ,
and Id the onlj tidngfhu
can take with an agrcd-
ablectTect , Itsetrrngtb-
Ing powers are wonclurlul.
1 Augusta Oa.
"April , lbU. ( "
How are of counterfeit ! " ,
To bo genuine it must
be put up in alnvu stle >
of bnttlv. and bear on label -
bol thu name of
TARRANT to CO , Sole
Agents for thii Unltwl
States and British Provin.
ccs of North Amtrica,278
Greenwich St , New York.
"or Business ,
Traveling ,
Dress and
( jrNeck Dnnxintr * . 'Htir Suminir hcvcHIt * .