Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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! J
We cru t ntcc the cure ot the followlnc named dl
caw , or no pay ; IlhcumatUm , Scrofula , Ulcei
Catarrh , Ml Blood andiklndNeaics , l\- l > ? iv < l ,
Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Nc
alfrla and Asthma , Thcs3 Sprlnirs are the faroil
raort of the tired an.l dclilllutvl , and are the
Good hotel , limy and bathing accoraodatlon bol
wlnt t and rummer , Locnllty highly plcturcsqi
and healthy. Aooeoslblo 'by Wabun railway ,
Kvont.or a , B. 6 Q. , a Albany. Corroponden
olleited , KEV. M. II. THOMPSON.
Albany , Slloam Springs , .Gentry Co , , Mo.
Rpeclflo Gravity 1.00 !
lleactlon Keutr
Catbonlo Acid Gas S8 In. per gallc
CarbonaU Calcium 55,821 OrMi
Carbonate Iron 7,041 !
Bulphato Magnesia , a
6u1pbato Calcium 1.1" '
Chloride Sodium 760
Sllllca .1,650 <
Alumina 0,018
Organloand Volatile matter and loea..1,450 '
alollds pet Ballon 07,174
\YRtuiir.t\IiiRiU , Chemliti
Commission Merchant
, S9 Tcarl Street > Council Hindu , Io a
Justice oi the Peace ,
Omaha and Council Blnlfr.
RCA ! citato collection agency , Odd Fellows Blocl
OTor Si\lugs Bank.
TDOB. orriciu ,
Council Bluffs Ia.
Established - -
Doalcra In Foreign and omestla Exchange an
Aa there are many
So-Called Veterinary Surgeons
In this city , who are practicing their quackery on
our people , I deem It but justice to lay that I defy
any of them to priducea diploma , or credentials ,
ncticattni ; that they nro giaduates nf any tctcrlnar.
netltuto , and I do hereby caution the jmbll ) again !
ucb quacke , ai
i am the Only Knov/n / Oiadual e
Office & 125 '
Pharmacy , B'dway ,
T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S.
At the well-known Establishment
209 Upper Broaaway , the
Of Council Blufis. Notice our reduced Prlco List.
We guo
15poundsEitraGStisrar for $1 00
11 pounds Granulated Sugar 1 00
25 pounds Choice Oatmeal . .100
26 pounds Navy Beans 100
20 pounds B st Bulk Starch , 1 00
12 pounds Carolina lllce 1 00
12 pounds Choice Frum s 1 00
25 bars Buffalo Soap 1 00
Extra Lake Trout , per pound 09
Xorrihard's Plug per Ib 40
1 dozen Mackerel IB
Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 00
10 pounds Olngcr Snaps 1 00
40 pounds Ii mloy 1 00
6 gallon keg Syrup 1 70
Vhlto Fish , per kit 80
JMackcrel , oorklt 85
Dates , per pound 10
10 3 pound cans St'nJard Tomatoes 1 00
All klndi California FrulU
pound Lust's Standard 4 for 1 00
a B B B
All grades , according to quality , ISO lo EOo per
Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and
Children's flne Shoes and Mcn' Flno Boots atcry
lowprloos. Also a full line oi Tlnwaro and general
encrchir/dlso , Call on us and be coavlnccd thai you
can save uionny Ky iloihnir with us. Goods delivered
liea In any part of the city.
la a word , ws are bound to fell and challenge a'.l
audaule competition In tills county.
209 u .or.Droadway
Hallway Time Table ,
The following are the times of the arrival nnd de
parture of trains by central standard time , at the
focal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten min earlier and arrive ten minutes later ,
6:35 : pm Chicago Express ; 0:00 : am
0:40 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 p rr
6:15am : I'JIall and Kxprcss , Ti'Jpm
12-30 D m Accommodation. 2.40 p ui
At local depot only.
10:05 : a m Hall and Express , J7OS : p m
8:06 p m ' Pacific Express , 6:60 p in
8.05 n m
6:25 : p ro Express ,
0:16 : a m Express , 8:56 : p m
fiSO : p m Atltntio Express , 0:05 a m
0.25 a m lay Express , B:5t : p m
7:20pm * DesMoinesAccommodation , ! 0:06pro :
At local depot only , 4
0:55 : a in Mall , 4:45 : pm
4:60pin : Cannon BaH 11:16am :
At Tranbfer oni
(1:30 ( p m Express , 8:50 : p m
0:25 a m Pacific Express , 0.05 a in
r > W p m St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m
} ; 20 a m Day Express 0:60 p m
CNIOK rAcino.
3:00 : p m Western Express , 8:85 : a m
11:00 : a m PaclBo Express , 4:40 : p m
7:40 : a m Local Express , 0:61 a m
12:10 : a m Lincoln Express ,
At Tranifer only.
Leave-7:20 8UM:30-IO:30-lliOa. : ! ) : : : m. 1 0-2:3 :
< 5:30-i:30-6:30-aso-ll : : : : ( > 6p. tu Sunday 9:30-11:40 :
a in. r.30-a:30-5:3CMi:30-llt6 : : : p. in. Arilve 10 mln
to befuro leaving time
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing !
TheyHaye ConclntoutoObBytlicLa1
and Hae Closed Business ,
Xlio Vain Attempt of the City Oniclnl
to Olvo Thorn n I'nrtliiK S < iuceio.
The prohibitory lnw hns o absorbo
public attention that the now IftW cor
corning houses of prostitution hns boo
little thought of , ozcopt by thoao direct !
interested. This now law has penitentiary
tiary penalties and these in that buiinos
apparently see no way to evade it. It i
particularly novero on keepers of honsoe
and it is necessary only t
provo the reputation of the house , in
stead of proving what is its teal charac
tor. So far as hoard from every keene
of such a house hns sent away all the in
mates , some of the fallen ones haviiij
gone to Omaha , others furthers west
while some hare talcon roums singly ii
other places. The keepers of thcs
houses generally keep these girls in thci
debt mid so while the inmates go fortl
without inouoy , the keepers grumbli
equally that they do notpny them bofon
they go , and yet , under the law , thoj
dare not keep them.
On the day before the law wont intc
effect the city marshal notified all these
landladies to como up to the front witli
the inmates and pay the regular fine
which has boon assessed monthly right
along as a sort of Hconso. These fines
had boon paid nbout two weeks age , and
it Booms that the city wanted to squeeze
ono moro iino out of them before they
went out of business. Coming , as it did ,
within n few hours of the taking effect of
the now atato law , the request called
forth not only a howl but a protest. To
bo thus squeezed for moro license
money , when protection could not bo
given them by the city , they thought to
bo undue greediness on the part of the
city , and they refused , for the moatpart ,
to pay. It seemed as if the city felt
that it was its last chance to got
its share of the profita of the business ,
and BO it made a grab for its share. Ita
hands returned empty , but clinched.
Whether the city will help the prosti
tutes to evade the now law , as they hayo
tried to help the saloon mon to evade it ,
remains to bo soon , but probably not ,
now that the prostitutes doclinn to
iivido up in advance.
Something for Nothing.
Until further notice wo give to each
twentieth customer his purchase , what-
svor the price or vnluo of the aamo may
jo. Our cashier will keep an accurate
record of every transaction , and when
; ho twentieth sale of any amount is made
the purchaser will bo presented with the
mine. "Wo have adopted for the present
.his system of advertising because it
ive3 our patrons instead of the nowa-
papers the five per cent , which it cost
is. Clothing retailed at wholesale
prices. Hats rotailcd at case prices.
Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , urnbrel-
is , etc. , otc. Every twentieth customer
presented with his purchase.
All hats at cost from this day , J. J ,
Vnworda & Co.
The now directory gives Davenport a
copulation of 34,390.
Sao City and Odobalt will bo con-
looted by telephone.
Fort Dodge saloons will open to-day
vith ginger ale and aoda pop on tap.
The express companies have tabooed
mckagcs of the ardent , unless under
mother name.
Des Lloinos has secured a total appro-
> riation of $150,000 for the enlargement
if the government building there.
The druggists of Creston have ros lvnd
3 banish whisky from their compound-
ngs. They dread the new law.
J. H. OiloB , a well-known plasterer of
Sioux City , suicided with laudanum last
Tuesday. It was his method of sobering
ir ;
Wholesale liquor dealers report their
oles in the last ton days sufficient to
lake the thirst of the utato for the next
linoty days.
J. 0. Kelly , of LoMars , was nominated
ty the democrats for the circuit judge-
hip of the first circuit of the fourth judi-
ial district.
It is said the Sioux City saloons will
; et around the law by moving to the
ebraka side and hiring a stoanuhip to
rnnsfor the thirsty free of charge.
John Brennan , of Sioux city , is out
pith a letter announcing his flop to the
opublican party. John is a Hopper from
'Mopporvillo , this being his third annual ,
Many of the cities of the state nro
nulling efforts to aecuro the location of
ho branch soldiers' homo. The state
uia appropriated $50,000 to the homo
rhon located.
A young man about 22 years of ago ,
cas run over and killed by the express
in the Burlington road , a few miles east
if Oacoola , laat Wednesday. Ho was
.sleep . on the track.
A Fourth Iowa cavalry wor-horao , 23
roars of ago , the property of Joel Ilillor ,
if Beaten county , for nineteen years ,
lied a few days ago from his wounds in
, barbed wire fence.
The United Presbyterian church at
3odar Rapids was dedicated last Sunday ,
rho amount duo on the church , about
J1200 , was raised in ten minutes. The
iriginal cost of the hou o was $9,350.
A forger in Dos Moines attempted to
; ougo $300 on a bogus chock on the
Eona .National bank. The cashier was
luspicious and started for the tola-
ihono , but the sharper skipped between
; ho hollos.
Sheriff Soaton , of Linn county , has ro-
urnod from Kansas with the notorious
Rill Carl , who was under $1,500 bail for
jurglnry when ho fled the country. His
iccoinplico , the notorious Madam Taylor ,
s now serving out a three years' sentence
For her aharo in the work.
The latest move of the drummers of
the state is the proposed establishment
if a traveling man's colony at Den
Moines. The hoys intend to organize a
stock company which is to buy a number
if lots upon which traveling mon exclu
sively shall build homos.
The breweries in Iowa claim the prohi
bition law does not prohibit the manufac
ture of boor for use by the manufacturer
Mid that they intend to UaiTu aharea of
? 10 pornharo , making a joint stock com
pany and all beer consumers may take
shares mid have beer chipped to him to
that amount , when ho will bo obliged to
take moro stock to get moro boor.
Somebody's Mnslicr.
Out by the ttilo of the busy direct
Where the mud ami the wntor lay ,
Mixed by the pjMilnff horns' foot
Somebody's masher stood ono ilny.
Somebody's trmshor so Imndsomo and nont ,
Twirling Around in his snmll white Imnil ,
Soon to be black with the mud of the sire
The cuunlngctt cnnolot lu nil the land.
Pointed with wax Is hla miisUcho Htrht
And almost rn Riinrp Is finch toothpick h <
Illi Icps nro lu candle-mould troinora tight ,
iVnu gold-rlmmod glnssos assist his > low.
Stnrchod to a gloss Is hh bottom whtto ,
tVnd n long anowy culllot encircles oni
wrist ,
While from hi * fmgor n diamond bright
Spar Id 0,1 as largo a John SnlllvtuvH fiat.
But A sudden chnngo comes o'er his fnco ,
And n smllo oxtnndi from chlu to brow ,
Hli lint la raised with a dudlnh Rrnco ,
Somebody's masher Is mashing out.
For tripping along the busy street
Cornea n clinrmlng niMdon In her teem ;
She cntchcn the eye of the innshor sweet ,
And well slio knowa what his Restart ) moan
Simttorod with mud nrn hla gurrnonts lirlgh
J'or her fnthor bo ldo the mnldon walked :
And ho ettuck at the dudolot with all li
might ,
And into the street the masher knocked.
Tenderly raise the prostrate ono ,
I'niislng to scraiw from hla cent tlio.dirt ,
All hla joia nnd his hopes nro gone ,
Somebody's mnahor'a feelings nro hurt.
[ Detroit Free 1'rosi.
Sxvoct Girl GrmliintCH.
0 boy , glvo mo the dally paper , t
For I would read mid know wlut now i
1 want to too what's writ ot each Joar clilcl
The swct-t girl graduates with baby immti
Of Lullo , Susie , Knmito I would road ;
Of Nellie , Llilk' , Minnie nnd the games
They play nt composition ; imich wo need
The sweet girl graduates witli baby immcf
Do Mnmio , IJlrdlo , Sadie , write this year ?
And Jlnttlo , ! ! LniigtinRolamc
Tu telling just how each of thono iipponr
The Btteot girl graduates with b.iby tinmof )
iVnd wlmt of Lottie , IltUIo , Carrie , too ?
And Draggle , Tlllle , Llllio ! What so tame
Ml savage men , nnd makes thorn good nm
true ,
AH aweot girl graduates with baby names !
iTes , glvo n\3 quid : the dally paper , boy I
Just hand It over ore Impatlouco malms
four youthful limbs ! Ah , horo'H my joj !
Tha sweet girl graduates with baby uatnoi
[ Loulavllto Condor-Journal.
By T. C. T.
Orthell Chandler lived in the beautiful
jrown stone mansion on the corner of
itroot and Fifth nvonuo. Standing at
, ho head of the Now York bar , with an
ilroady princely fortune accumulated , helot
lot only hold nn enviable position in
locioty , but oxorciaod n powerful Inllu-
snco in the business world.
In consoquouco of his close attention
.o business ho had contracted the false
mbit of measuring men by dollars. Mrs
Chandler's proud nature conformed to
bo same principle in her choice oi
They had but ono child , upon whom
.hoy lavished all the affection that coult
> xist in their cold natures.
Eugenia Chandler , the baautiful , nf-
'octionato and warm-heartod girl o :
iightoen summers , would have novel
) oen taken for the child of Orthel Ohand
lor , and notwithstanding the tcachin ;
md influences around her , she retained i
noble spirit of confession , being modes
md retired.
Wilbur Lockwood , the corrcspondin |
: lork of the law firm of Chandler & Corn
ng , was a young man of prepossessing
tppearanco and high moral standing ,
The possession of a fine business talon
tad won him the confidence and esteem
if the firm.
His posistion necessarily brought him
requcntly to Mr. Chandler's house ,
fhuro ho became acquainted with Eugo-
Although these meetings wore short ,
.nd . at long intervals , yet the kindred
laturea of the two had kindled the spark
if loyo deep in their aouli.
Wilbur Lockwood was aware of the
; ulf that lay between thorn in social
landing , and his sense of honor would
tot alow him to take the advantag o that
lis poaitiou gave him. Accordingly ,
Her careful consideration , ho concluded
o lay before Mr. Chandler bio hopes ,
, nd gain his permission to sack the hand
f hit ) daughter.
Wilbur Lockwood was not the only
no who aspired to the hand of the lieir-
aa.Orthington. . the wealthy old Bachelor ,
tad found his withered heart warmed by
ho quiet uparklu of Eugonia'd eye , and
tr. und Mrs. Chandler oaw the profor-
nco shown their child and wore nourish-
ng bright hopes for her future. .
"What a grand match that will make , "
did Mra Chandler to hco husband.
'Thou , to think Mr. Orthiugton haa
cally taken a liking to our child 1"
"Can't I see ? " nnliod Mrs. Chandler ,
rhilo aomilo of triumph flitted arcoss her
old marble features.
"Have you spoken to Eugenia upon
ho aubjeot ? "
"Obno ; she will of courao fool the ad-
antago of the oft'or and overlook the
ifforonco in their ages. "
"That is an advantage. Mature ago
ivos stability to character. " ,
Hero the subject was dropped.
Wilbur Lockwood seized , the first op-
ortunitv that presented itself of corn-
lunicatmg his views to his employer.
After thn business of the day had boon
ottlod that had called him to Mr. Chun-
lor's library , ho broached the subject ,
nd in an earnestrespectfuhnannorjaskod
Ir. Chandler's permission to win the
and of his daughter.
"Mr. Lockwood , are you not aware
hat your condition in liio mukca it im-
> oaaible , yes , makes it presumption , to
sk for the hand of my daughter ) The
ositon Eugenia holds in society must note
; o lowered by an improper marriage. "
"I am aware of the humble position I
.old but I am young , and there is a fair
banco for mo to gam eminence as others
ave done before mo. "
"Very possible , Mr. Lockwood , but
uccoaa is very precarious at the bout and
could not for a moment think of risking
ny daughter's happiness , By the way ,
, 'lmt right have jou to assume that aho
cciprocaloa your afractionsl"
"By the invisible magnetism of love ,
r-hicli I beliovoto bo deep-rooted in her
leart. "
'Invisible fiddlesticks ! Hid yourself
.a . soon as possible of this absurd notion.
will make a wager my daughter never
mco ontcrained a thought of the kind.
. will dismiss the subject now , " and
without another word , turned to his
leak.Mr. . Lockwood saw that further argu-
nent would bo uepletis , and with bitter
'celing of diappointrnent and wounded
irido ho left the room. Only a few
lours elapsed before Mr. Orthiuy ton's card
was laid before the lawyer , asking
private interview.
"Mr. Chandler , my business hero is
ask for the hanu of your tlnughtor.
command wealth nnd a position which
think will moot your requirements. "
'Very true , Mr. Orthington. and
ftin happy to Bay you already have m
consent and I hope you will find n no lo :
hearty response from my daughter. "
At iho Ublo Mr. Chandler , glaucin
at his daughter , remark > d :
"EngonTa , this day has been the mos
eventful of your life. "
"How so , papa ? "
'Two offers' foryour hand ono rojecl
otl , the other accepted. "
"Who wore they ? " asked Eugenia , th
crimson mantling her chocks ,
'Bo patient nnd 1 will toll you. Thi
morning our corresponding clerk , Mi
Lockwood , laboring under the dolusioi
of a reciprocal nffoctioiitiought your hand
but I think I have effectually roliovoi
him of the absurd notion. .Again , Mi
Orthingtoncallod upon the same busincsj
and of course I was pleased to give nv
approval , nnd 1 trust the day is not fo
distant whpn I shall BOO my daughto
wear the title of Lady Orthington. "
"Oh papa , you could not do such i
thing 1 1 would never marry Mr. Orth
'ngton. No , novorl You cannot have tin
lonrt toattomptto barter awnyyour child'
happiness for gold. Father , why did yet
oucourago him ? "
"My daughter , " said Mr. Chandler
'Iwould never have believed you to hi
inch an ungrateful child. Have you m
condfidonco in your father's judgment ? '
" 1 love papa too dearly to distrust hie
notivcs ; but how can ho know who I
nay love and ho docs not , for this vorj
act proves it. "
"Then , " said Mr. Chandler ; sharply ,
"aro you wasting your affections upon
that penniless clorkV"
"Father do not ttpcak so of Mr. Lock
wood ; ho is u man of more than ordinary
intelligence , nnd because , as you have
been pleased to remark , penniless , ho i :
none the less n gentleman , "
"Is it possible , Eugenia , that you could
bo induced to marry him ? "
"Sinco ho haa made an acknowlcdg-
iiient to you , I will say in all oarnoatnosa
that I love him , and shall consent to marry -
ry none other , and , dear father , if you
wish your son-in-law to hold a high posi
tion in lifo , exert your inllucnca in bin
behalf , with n Wilbur Lockwood. "
Her pallid cheek betrayed the emotion
of her heart.
"Eugenia , it is my wish that you become -
como the wife of Mr. Orthiugton. "
"Father , I have obeyed you in all
things from my childhood , but when you
nsk mo to sacrifice my hnppinosi , and nil
that makes lifo worth living , for that it
was given us , to obey is not my duty. "
Without wai ting a reply Eugenia sought
her own room , whore the pent-up agony
of her soul found vent in tears.
Mr. Chandler's surprise nnd anger at
liis daughter's positive , refusal , for the
first time , to obey his commands , know nn
bounds. Ills iron will could not bo turn
ed from its purpose , and time did not
servo to relax his determination.
Once again Eugenia had pleaded for
Wilbur Lockwood for the Init time ; the
stern parent had commanded her never
again to breathe that name in his pres
ence.Every nrlifico had been used to bring
her to consent to marry Mr. Orthington ,
but to no avail.
Mr. Chandler , rather than lose what ho
thought to bo a brilliant offer , resolved
to bond her to his will. Consequently ,
the marriage contract was drawn and
handed to Eugenia to sign.
"Father , I have ueod nil the moans in
my power to avoid this , as well as to con
vince you that I can juovor lovoiOrthinR-
ton. This ia my death-warrant the war
rant that consigns mo to an early grave.
With this avowal from mo , do you again
command mo ? "
"It is my wish , Eugenia , " replied Mr.
Chandler , novously turning Iho paper in
his hands.
No tear moistens the eye when she
signs the contract , and as Sir. Chandler
refolded the papers ho attempted to
acknowledge is approbation.
But Eugenia cut him short.
"Father , aparo ino , " said aho , leaving
the room.
"Sho will see the advantage in after
years , " aaid Mr. Chandler to himself to
quiet hia unpleasant feelings.
1'ulo and downcast Eugenia stands before
fore the altar.
'Will you love , cherish and obey ? "
No answer passoa her lips.
Again the minister repeats Ilia question.
Scarcely above a breath the sound
reashca his ear :
' I will obey. "
Ho quickly passoa through with the ere-
Tiony. Ho already roads the truth , and
lis kind , noble heart is moved with com-
m.saion ,
Ono abort month , and Mr. and Mrs.
Jhandler are called to the bedside of
; heir dying child.
"Doctor , " said Mr. Chandler , wring-
ng his hands in agony , "save our child !
Dh , save her ! "
"Impossible ? " ho replied ; there ia no
sura for a broken heart , "
Fathpr , mother , you diverted the hand
> f providence. Heap your reward in u
ifo filled with Borrow and regret. Your
'opentonco cornea too late.
A Special Invitation.
Wo especially Invite a trial by all thoao
ufl'orora from Kidney nnd Liver com-
ilainta who have failed to obtain relief
com doctors. Nature's great remedy ,
tidncyWort , han effected euros in many
ibstinato cases. It acts at once on the
tidnoys , Liver and Bowels , cleansing ' the
j'Htein of nil poisonous humo'ra and ro-
toring a healthy condition to thoao im-
tortant organs. Do not bo discouraged ,
> ut try it. _
The harder a preacher pounds the blhlo
vhen ho talks , the Jens ho oxpounda the ECUII-
out * .
Mnj or Booth eayM to hit BulvatlonlaU.
'Shout ; thoao who can't utai.d the nulno will
lovergetto heaven. "
A Cincinnati ! pastor declares ho will Icoop
ila church ' going thla tummor if ho him
o offer chrouiox for Hunday attendance.
At Control City , Colorado , Sunday , the
nnjilro of a baseball match wnu killed by
Ightnlng. It In not often that nn
nnplrolH allowed to die > uch a jmlnloas
A grand Jury In northern Now York were
> riijuillcod fiualimt a certain McthodUt
iroacher upon bolng told that "ho never
tayod moro than two or three yearn In n
"Alwaya keeit your word , " mild a prominent
dorgyirmn to ma congregation n few week *
o. ' 'Don't bo cowardly. If you ittart In
.ho raue , go ahead , oven If your bouc U
iwamped. The man who loolu bock U like
Lut'if wife " "Who la that fine looking man
not going outV whliporod MUa II. tit her
nothor. "Poor fellow , he looks pale , " lliuhl
I believe hla name It Courtney.1' [ Graphic ,
Smith , the biuso In Dr. Talm ga' mal
juartette , hna run away , leaving a rhurtage
uf 8 10,000 In hU account * . This la thn natural
thing for New York man to do But there
la una good reuJiou for belevlng Hmltb won not
In his light mind , Ho took hm own wlfo with
him , nothwitUttimdlDB tlierg wore numborlixs
other mon' wl > cfl within n Btoiio'n throw
him , It ho It not actually Ininno , ho is wi
porfully eccentric.
ChlcftKo Preachor"You , " thn nltondmi
JIM been ory menger Utclyj but 1 hud ft gr i
congregation last Sunday. "
Vlnlilni ; Brother "I.Mt Sundnyt Why ,
i\w by the iiapem that It stormed hero t (
rlbly Inut Sun my , "
. ' , 'Vwi ni the unylng It , It rnlnod pile
fork nil dixy long. "
"And yet you say that your church w
"Yen "
"How do you account for It ? "
"Well , you too the wenthor was so bad tin
they had to | H ti > ono the races. "
1'lrst Is'ow York Preacher " 1 nm norry 1
hear that you live nlrcady closed your churc
for the summer. Tn bo mire , your corgregi
tlonlsxory fft hloni\bl , but nil the mombo :
cannot bo nut of town yet. ' '
Seccond Now York I'roaclicr"On the tot
trnry , they to nil In towu. but they won
como to church , nud that Is \\\y ] \ 1 clone
t "liuloodl Yon must have odondod them I
omo way. "
"I fear o. "
"Wlmt did you preach nbout the Im
"I preached against gambling nnd omboril
. ' '
mont. _ _
" \Vot lo Moyor.
It It now imdliimitod Uiat Wlo Die Jfoj
or'n Ontnrrh Oiti-o U Iho only troatmoi
that will nbsolutoly euro Catarrh frtwh t
Chronic , "Very ollicnclom. Snml ( touli
Wociilng Water , Nob. " Ono box cured mi
M . Ulnry Kciiyon , lilmnarck , I3nknta. " "J
ixwtcrod mo to the pulpit , Kov. Uoorga ]
Keln.Cobloxlllo , N. Y. " "Otm box radlcnll
cured mo , llov. 0 , H. Tnhlor , t-IO Nohl
street ' " "A 3
, Brooklyn' porfot euro nftor
years Riitferlng , , T. D. McDonald , 710 Brant' '
way , N , Y. , &o , , Ac. Thousands of tostlmo
nlals nro rccohod from nil DarU of the worldl
Delivered , 81.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Ib
liiRtrntcd TrpiitlOH , " with Btntomont t
the cured , mailed frco. D. B , Dewey & Co ,
113 il'ulton Street , N. Y
tuo-t.hum , t
Suiulnyoii the Coiitlnont.
The Niiiftei'iilh Century.
Wnlking nbout is notconlined to tin
British Isles ns the chief moans of getting
through Sunday ; even where there art
museums , art gnllorioa nnd libraries , ii
the poorer claasoa have not reached n
certain standard of education , they will
not bo nblo to use them. At Amator
dam there are librnrioa nnd nrt gnlloriue
open frco or by n small charge , but the
poorer classes do not attend them , nud
hero drunkenness is very prevalent with
men , but n drunUeii woman ia very
rnro. Sunday labor ia decreasing , nnd
the only skilled labor ia done by Jows.
At Antwerp the museum nnd nrt gal
lery , not Iho library , nro open Sunday ,
but not much attended by nrtisans , whc
; nakoHccursionB , viait cstamitiota , cafes ,
ipon-air concerts , and music halls. There
s not much drunkenness , but Sunday ia
.ho worst day. At Berlin we hnvo n dif-
'orout picture. The public museums ,
irt galleries , and libraries are open on
Sunday and are largely attended by
loorer people , especially on Sunday. The
tlimato allows of moro open-air life that
n Great Britain , good music is cheap and
ibundunt ; in winter cheat ) concerts nnd
.hcntrcs form a powerful counter nttrac-
ion to the public houses , in summer couu-
, ry excursions or walks occupy Sunday
nomlng , the evening being spent in n
jeer-garden , the modest supper enlivened
) y music , -which if not good is also not
ind. There is much drinking , but little
Irunkonness , the light boor does not in-
pxicato unless taken in very largo qunn-
At Bordeaux it is much the samo.
Museum , nrt gallery , library are open on
Sunday nnd well attended by pooi
looplo , who nlao frequent theaters ,
jporns , concerts , oto. Dninkonncaa la
rare on any day. At Bnnsels ono soot
\ largo number of artisans nnd peasant
farmers at the museum , etc. , on Sunday ,
nnd the artisans 'have n number of musi'
pal societies which moot on Sundays , and
insummorthoy organize festival meetings ,
There are also many pigeon clubs , ol
tvhich the members are chiefly artisans ,
ivho arrange pigeon races on Su.ulny ,
I'ho artisan class chiefly live in the nub-
irbs , and what little drunkenness there
B ( confined absolutely to men ) is scon
m Monday , which is n half holiday.
3uda-Pcstn has its public institutions ,
veil attended by the artianns nnd coun-
ry people , especially on Sundays ; there
, ro also excursion ! ) and open-air bands of
nusio. Sunday is the worst day for
Irinlc , but there is nqt much oven then.
Sunday trading is general. In the quiet
tforth , Christiana has several museums ,
tie. , open on Sunday from twelve
o 2. .Vow poor people como on week
lays , moro on Sunday , nnd the number
m tliat day _ is increasing Summer ex-
lursiona , winter association meetings ,
md dancing hulls of secondary roputn-
ion are other Sunday rocroatioim.
) runkemioes is prevalent , ospccinlly in
ho auburba , but it ia decreasing. Brandy
nay not bo sold on Sunday or holidays ,
ir nftor 5 p. m. on the day before.
Trading on tlicso days ia nUo prohibited
icforo 0 p. m. Skilled labor is also pro-
libitcd under penalties , except to bakers
nd barbers in the early morning. Nows-
iapor reading is very general ,
Alter Tliroo YcnrH.
Mit. EDITOR -I have road with interest
ho items that have appeared in jour
olumns from time to time , suiting forth
ho merits of Hartor'u Iron Tonic , nnd
cairo to ndd a word on my own account.
For thri'n yearn , I was a constant mif
oror from Dyspepsia and disorders art's-
ng from diseased and impure blood ; nnd
ried many remedies nnd several noted
ihysicians , without relief , A friend in-
uced mo to try Hartor'u Iron Tonic ,
rhon to my utter surprise , thrciu bottles
omplutoly cured me.
"Ou SuiisuitiuKii. "
m-o-w-lt- >
Mt : , xxd.
Until olDcca are n > i > tlrod ( rora remit ol Hre , offl
Itb Ui , I'aikor , lluvm 6 , Crolxlttou Illock 16th
nd loiiK ) .iitt uov
kyTAVinoii "I'olaoned with I'oUnh , " Thli la Hie
VI rnio ultli liunJicdi lm have keen lmwl o
riouiili take H iii irlll , 1'otw.h inlxturfn. eta ,
ntll dl U9tlon Ii uliuost ( aUlly Imjuiid , Hwllti )
peclflo l ft t xi.taJ ) ruiicily , and tiinlutut the y -
'ni to health ud bulUa up the wabte inulo liy thuno
° * "
' l"wii niderlnif with Iihod 1'olson , ami treated
sieral moiitha with JUrcury and j'utuh , only to
i ko mo worif. Tlio I'otath t ' > k nw y my upiictlte
nil Kavn ino il ) | iti' ' li > , ui"l ' " 'Hi Kkvuma itauina.
> ui. I tkcn took baniurilU | , eto. All thttu made
loMlUworto , aaltilio\u tliupolion farther Into my
, .Uni. A ( rlenil ImUtwl 1 thuuld tiku bv > IH'dH | oi. [ .
c , and It curuilicool the liloud l'ol ) Ji , drove the
Icreury Mid I'oiuh nut ol mytyvtiin , nudtoiUyl
"M will ii I ovciwa. . " OKO , O.WliLLMAN.Jr
Hilcin , Maa ,
John A , Binlth , the UrKcet incrchnnt In Uilnonvlllc
! a.tai : "I iIITrroil tur yiari liciu the coiiiblntiO
Heltiol Kfilj > tlai anJ Kozonm. I continued to
iuw wortoundtr medical trtatiuent and by taklui , '
icdidno rontalnlii ) ; 1'otaih. H. H H , cured mo thur
uirldy and abmiluttly , My amnllto. tticn li auj
oh returnoJ an' ! wai curtxl with It , "
Our Treatise on lilood and Bkln Ulgeatoi mailed Irto
0 pj > l catita.
Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Q .
1 V , nmno , US W. Kftd HU , bet Oth and 7tu aycnuci
/tUaddihla | oltlw , 1200 Chestnut Ht ,
One of the Beat and largest Stocks in.tho United State ?
to select from.
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air < & Water !
Ami all o the good nnd plcnssmt things that go to innlco up a com
plete and happy existence.
The town o South Omaha ia situated south o the city of Omaha
on the line o the U. P. Hallway , und it is less than Sty miles from the
Omahn posb oflico to the north line o the town site.
South Omaha is nearly li miles north and south hy 2i east and
west , nnd covers nn area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly IfiO lots have been sold dutl the demand is on the increase
ynrds are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The # 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The $30,000 "VVator Works nro keeping pnco with the other im
provements , ami thollotot and .Exchange Building will bo erected at once
The B. & M. and Belb Line Railways have n largo forao of mon ar
work and will , in connection with theU. P. Railway , have n union depot
near the nark ab the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo
furnished for Church nud School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lota in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day. ( t
at the CompnnyVoflico , cor. of 13th nnd Douglas [ streets
over the Oninhu Saving's Bank.
: . A. UPTON ,
Assistant Secretary.
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Trimmiii' 8 , Mining Machinery , Bolting , JIoso , Brans nnd Iron Fittlrts ? ,
tcnm Packing nt wholesale nnd retail. BALLAD AY WIND-MILLS , OHUIUH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
The Piilnco Hotel o Denver.
Oor. SeventoBnth and Lawrence Sts
lloorus 76a to $2.00 per day. Special ItaUs hy the Month.
Conducted on the American and European Plans.
Board $7 per week.
Science ot Life , Only $1.00
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Pnyrloal Debility ,
Premature Decline In Man , Hirers of Youth , an the
untold mleorlos eiulllvg from Indiscretions or ex.
oeusei. A book for every man , young , mlddlo-agtd ,
indold , It contains US prescriptions for all acute
and chronic diseases eachona of which U Invaluable
3o found by the Author , whose experience for 23
rearaleiuch as probably never before fell to the tit
of any phytloan 800 pages , bound In bcautlfo
French rntulln raoossodoovers , iull Kilt , guaranteed
a bo n liner work n every seme , mechanical , llt >
sr ry and iirofcuslonal , thin any other work sold In
kbit country tor 2.60 , or the money will lie refunded
In orery Instance. Price only (1.00 by wall , pott-
paid. IllujttAtlvesaiDiloCoonU. Bund now. Qed
medal awarded ths author by th * National Uedlcal
AiBoolatlon , U the olDcers ot which h refer * .
The Bclouuo of Life should be lead by the youmt
tnitractlon. and by the alllloted tor relief , II
will beneOI all London Lancet.
There Is no member cf society lo whom The Hoi-
enoo of Lifo will not be useful , whether youth , pat
ent , vuardlan , Initructoror clergyman. Argonaut
Address the peabody Medloal InstltQta , or Dr , W.
U. Parker , No. 4 Buinnch Street , Boston Mass. . who
may ho consulted on all diseases raqulr'iK ' skill and
niM > ilenc4. Unronloaudobstluatodlseai isthathavt
baUled ths skill of alt otherpbyi-IIPKI clani
i spoolaliyi baoh treated luoooas-UCHL full )
without au ImtAtco ( alluic. TUV FI C
Graham Paper Co. ,
117 and 219 North Ualn Bt , St tool * .
HOOK , )
trCnh paid tot llaifi ol a )
Clamlual , b.Untlflc , Connccrclal and Art Dt | > art
menu , II ) th exu udiulttcd. Tuition low , to
iDKrhup , brstot lucltly Fully ( ijulpred faculty
UTAddrewforiurllculan , Her.V. . W , Ilantia
D. D. 1'ietldent , ft Viet. O M , DCjJtlcU , Secretary
cf thg faculty , Uollor c , N li , ] y me.Sux