6 OMAHA DAIL5T BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , JULY 5 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS Saturday Morninp , July 61 SUBSCnUTION RATES , fly Cunlcr - - - - - - -SO < > ento r > r'Trtc Dj-lUU - - - - - - - - J10.00 pet yo OFFICE : 'No. ' 7 Pearl Btreot , Near Broadway. M1NOK MENTION , See J. Roitor'a spring goods , Iho city council ia to moot this oven ing. ing.Tho The "boja in blue" moot Monday night. Chief Walters reports the fire alarm boxes aa working bettor , but still there is a great chance for improvement. P. H. Wind's carpenter shop on Vine street haa boon burglarized and tools taken. It is located near by the city jail. The city officials were noticeable by their obsonco at the Irish picnio yester day , although they were specially in vited , yet there is no local election near at hand. A goodly number of the members 01 the G. A. R. loft yesterday morning for Glen wood to celebrate the day there , taking with them martial music , am going off as if bent on having a glorious day. day.J. J. J. Anwcrda & Co.'s show windows attracted much attention yesterday 01 account of the patriotic and tasty decor ations , flags and bunting being arrangec very handsomely , the border being ol flags and the center a largo national ahield. George Edgar , who was acting as spe cial policeman at the circus grounds yes terday , caught two mon picking pockets. Ono was a negro , who was wanted on other charges , the other n white man. They were lodged in jail and will have a .hearing to-day. Tbo residence of A. Blake about two miles from Shouandoah was burglarizoc a few nights ago , a silver watch boinj the most highly valued article taken. The thief is suspected to bo a man who workoc for Mr. Drake last spring. Ho was tracked some distance , but not caught. Council Bluffs lodge No. 40,1. 0. 0 F. , has installed the following officers for the ensuing year : Grand Representative tativo , D. 0. Blqomor , acting as install ing officer ; D. P. Talbott , N. G. ; 0. Schickotanz , Y. G. ; E. B. Gardiner , Sec. ; S. S. Keller , Troas. ; Thoo. Book man , R. S. to N. G. ; N. A. Taylor , L. S. toN. G. ; 0. J. Eostland , Cond. ; J. B. Dufflt , Warden ; J. W. Rich , R. 8. S. ; N. H. Smith , L. S. S. ; John 0. Daughorty , I. G. ; Robert lloyd , O. G , J. n.-Bliss , R. S. to V. 0. , andF Lamb , L. S. to V. G. ALli FOIC ALIMONY. An Interesting Chapter in the His tory of tlio Planner Family. For some time there has boon pending in the courts the case of Plattnor vs. 1'lattnor , which haa attracted much at1 tontion , and excited much comment. Judge Lyman , in the May term of the Fremont county court , had the before him , but reserved his decision until a few days ago. The Shenandoah Reporter gives the following history of the case and summary of the decision. The suit was brought by Mrs. Ella Plattnor against her husband Henry Plattnorr for alimony and allowance for the support of her throe children from her husband's estate of 172 acres , sit uated about two miles south of Manti , Fremont county. She alleged-os a cause of action , brutal and inhuman treat ment , charging that ho led her a life of terror , causing her at the peril of her lifo to sign away her dower in the estate which ho fraudulently assigned for the purpose of disinheriting her and her children , after which ho throw her holpeltos and pennileis upon the cold charity of the world with three children to take care of and provide for. That ho then betook himself to Ohio , whore by false statomenta ho obtained , of a court of that state , a divorce from her. That at Bluflton , Ohio , ho married - ried ono Ella Hauuonstoin , with whom ho is now living in a state of bigamy , in utter disregard of his lawful relations and obligations to her and her children. Henry Plattnor , the defendant , entered a general denial to the allegations of the Elaintiff , charging her with infidelity to or martials vows , cruelty , hearthfess- ness and desertion. The case came on to bo hoard in equity as the May term of the Fremont county cir cuit court , before his honor Judge Lymau. After receiving testimony and hearing the arguments of council , pro and con , his honor reserved his decision in the case. On Saturday last his honor , after mature deliberation , rendered his decree in favor of the plaintiff , Mrs. Plattnor , allowing her $2,500 , osalimony , out of the estate , beside 872 a year for each ono of her throe children until they roach their majority , setting astdo the tale and assignment of the estate as fraudulent , and making the judgment a first lion on the citato for the benefit of Mrs , Plattner and her children. The judpment is hailed with delight by the former neighbors of the Plattnors , who are acquainted with all of the fsotc in the case , and who look upon Mrs Plattner as an outraged and doeplt wronged woman. W. P. Ferguson , of Hheuandoab , and J. L. Mitchell , of 2fobra ka City , were counsel for 'the ulaintirr. Mrs. Ella PUttner who , with tcr children , DOW reside at Nebraska City. Goaigo II. Castle , of this city , and Thoruell & Draper , of Sidney , were counsel lor the defendant. Henry I'latt- rter , who now resides at Blulfton , Ohio. The Hauneniteiim , to whom 1'lattnor fi ifcnt'd his farm south of Manti were with him in the action , and flip iudginnnt hulda sgaiutt them os wtll tut win , Thn dnfondant haa ninety dayi in which ( n filp A bill of exceptions , give v'nrl and appeal the caio to the supreme xmrt , _ _ Ml bats at cost from thla day , J , J , Auwerda & Co , DOWNING DRINK. Bnt Mas ProyifleOy the Prohibitory Law , Many Saloons KunnlnR us Usunl. The prohibitory law , with all its lioavy penalties , wont into effect with the opening - ing ot the Fourth of July , and much cu riosity and no litllo anxiety has boon felt and expressed as to what would bo the result hero. It has boon conceded that Council Blufla , situated BO near Omaha , was in a very unfavorable location for the enforcement of the prohibitory law , and bonce not much stringency waa expected hero. Still , many thought that possibly the saloons might close to-night , for n short time , at loaat , until it was soon what was going to bo done by the anii-ualooaislB , aut aa ono of the saloon men remarked irostorday : "No , that wouldn't do , for f wo closed up once they would never ot us open again. " Others thought that everybody would go over to Omnha , and ; ho city would bo deserted. On the day , and especially the night before , there was a largo amount of drinking , and on every side thooo wan hoard , "Como , lot's take a drink ; it's your last chance , you know. " Jt didn't provo the last chance by any moans. With the dawning of the day most of the saloons opened as usual. The boor wagons wont the rounds , delivering the kegs an if it was any other Fourth of July. The customer who , leaning ever iho bar , called for whisky , boor or wiuo , was told they didn't have any , but the smile and the wink was sufliciont to explain that a rose by any other name would smell as awoot , and the customer calling for "Dutch buttermilk" gets his foaming lager , or calling for "peppermint drops trots something stronger. In other plac es everything wont as called , and there was no mouthing or winking , but cut and out defiance of the law. Ono thing was evident. There was as much , or more drinking than on any pre vious Fourth of July. Drunken men could bo aeon on every corner , and many } rcaths were strong. There was much bitter talk yesterday about informants. It has boon conjee- ; urod that the law provides for half the iines to go to the informant , would cause many to act in that capacity , and much hard fooling has boon worked up against such , so that throats were quite open and above board yes terday , to the effect that any ono in forming or starting prosecutions would bo most severely dealt with. A little incident which occurred yes terday , was passed along from ono to another , calling forth remarks which Indicated that possibly there might bo oven scones of blood growing out of the affair , unless cooler judgment and wiser counsels prevailed , Henry DC Long , ono of the old and well-known citizens , and who is n staunch temperance man , was yesterday making the rounds of the saloons , noticing who ere drinking and what they were drinking. In ono place ho was put out incoromoniously and had ho been a Hot loaded man there would have boon eori- ous trouble probably righttlionandthoro. The prohibitionists on the other hand propose to have the law obeyed , and express - press thomspluos as strongly determined. The following will bo posted on the streets to-day : $10 lUiWABD. A reward of $10 will bo paid for such evidence as will lend to the conviction of any saloon keeper in Council Bluffs for violation of the prohibitory law. A reward of $10 will bo paid for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of my druggist in Council Bluffs for viola- ation of the prohibitory law. A reward of $10 will bo paid for such evidence as will load to the conviction of t keeper of a Rambling house in Council Muffs for a violation of law. A reward of 810 will bo paid for such evidence as will load to the conviction of ny keeper of a house of prostitutiou in Council Bluffs for a violation of the now aw. aw.In addition to the above reward the In- brmor will bo entitled to one-half the no imposed for a violation of the pro- libitory law ; which fine will bo $50 to 1,000. A reward of $10 will bo paid for sucli vidonco aa shall load to the conviction [ any city ofllcinl or police ollicor who lall fall to perform his duty in the on- orcomont of the laws relating to liquor oiling , Rambling houses and houses of institution. By Order Executive Com. Council Bluffs Alliance. HAPPY HIBERNIANS. toy Celebrate the Day TO Music , Orator ? and Feasting , I'lunlu Port Ionium. The celebration of the day by the indent Order of Hiboriuns proved quite n enjoyable success. A goodly dolota- ( ion from Omaha oamo ever with the liberian band of fifteen pieces. They were mot at the depot by n reception ommittee , and escorted to a place in 10 procession , which then proceeded to 10 grove soleotod ior the exorcises , n loautiful spot at the head of Glen avenue ivhoro a largo number of citizens , young tid gold , with wives , swoothoarta , tiildron and , all were gathered * A largo platform had boon erected i a iloor for dancing. Tables , > ountifully spread with food and booths ro/Idcdwith temperance drinks were > laced in shady places and liberally pat- onized , A shooting raugo , swings and araes of all sorU were provided for. The band of tfco Omaha society of the Ancient Order of Hibernians discoursed woct music. They won much praise , nd they certainly did play most excel- ontly. The formal programme opened with muiio by them , follawod by the reading if the declaration of independence by il. J. Griilin. Instead of being au unin- cresting mumbling , ns is too often the sue on such occasions , the old aiid iinpor- Ant document , so necessary to the day , was road by him with such a full , clear voice and so much expression that it com n&ndud the attention of all and was carefully - fully listened to. After another selection by the baud , tbo orator of the day , E. H , I'atjjo , of Chicago , waa introduced byltor. Father McMcnomy , who served as president of the day. Judge Pargo was not in the best of voices , and ft was with difllculty that many could hear him. I Hs oration was , however , ono containing much thought , clad in his usual finished diction. lie opened with a picture of this land four centuries ago , touching upon the discov ery Columbus , who was searching for a way to the western shores of Asia , and did not realize the richness or the im portance of his find. Then the two cnnturics of adventurous gold-seekers , and oven at the end of thai time there were only two permanent colonies. Then the coming of the pilgrim fathers , who began to settle , no ! for gold , but for homos and freedom. II waa because of this first permanent foot ing of this country being based by these religiously inclined pooplo. that it waa es pecially fitting that this day should bo observed by religious societies. The sneaker compared this govornmonl to the planetary nystom , and then ho was at homo , for science , as his friends know , is his hobby. Ho gave facts and figure * about the relative positions , sizes and distances of oil the planets , and the draw his comparison to a finish by making the government at Washington the sun , and the states the planets. The speaker then glowingly pictured the troubles and struggles which the na tion had passed through so triumphantly , the revolutionary war , and then the late war. An eloquent and mind word-paint ing of the scone of the signing of the de claration called foJth much applause. In closing ho urged the thought that hero there ought not to bo , and in fact there were not any Irish , or Germans , or French , but that in the enjoyment of this liberty , all were Americans. A hearty vote of thanks were given the speaker , and after moro musio by the band the crowd scattered through the jrovo , gathered in groups about the Ladles , and formed in sots for dancing. POPPINOTPIGEONS , Tlio Democrats Win In the Political Shoot The Oilier Scores. Yesterday was a great day for the sportsmen , who spent both forenoon and afternoon at the driving park. The greatest interest was manifested in the political match , as it tras a side shoot between the democrats and republicans , The democrats won ; the following is the individual and total score , thoio being ton birds each : DEMOCIUTH W. D Hardin , 8 ; 0. T. Stewart , 3 ; 11. S. Ryan , ; J. F. Bred- beck , 7 ; P. J. McMahon , 2 ; M F. Roh- tor , 4 ; J. T. Oliver. 4 ; W. G. Oliver , 8 ; J. N. Rowman , C ; George C. Brown , 0 ; A. Guibort , 4 Total ( SO. REruntit'ANH 0. W. Thompson , C ; J. H. Kuntz , 4 : H. A. Woodbury , 4 ; A. Boroshclm , 4 ; B , Sargent. 5 ; Mark Dur- yoo , 2 ; F. 0. Phillips , 15 ; D. T. Stubbs , 3 ; F. P. Jones , 7 ; Bert Evans , C ; George Ferguson , 3 Total 54. The same individual scores Were considered sidorod in the settling of the contest for the championship badge , and Oicar Koo- line shot in addition for Iho badge , ho Rotting 0 out of a possible 10. W. D. llardin , W. G , GHvor , D. T. Stubbs and J. N. Bowman lining on 8 each , and it was decided to postpone the shooting off these ties until some future date. There was also a match between" the clubs , five member of each , stho follow ing being the score out of a possible ton * YOUNG MEN'H HIIOOTING OLUB. Stubba 8 , Hardin 0 , W. G. Oliver 10 , Bowman G , Thompson 7. Total 41. oiw OLUII. Hoffmayor 7 , Boroshoim G , J. T. Oli ver 8 , Mullis 10 , Campbell. Total 34. COUNCIL BI.UFKH STOUTINO Guni Rickmon 7 , Motcalf 8 , Farnsworth G , Harlo 9 , Kilos G. Total 30. There were a number of shoots of lessor Importance between different mom- bora of the clubs. The matches were shot with live pigeons , but considerable sport waa had shooting at clay ones also. Bushnoll soils railroad tickota cheap to all points. MORE MYSTERY Another Prisoner IJOBOS IIIH Kftbcta " \Vlillo Under Arrest. Youtorday John Swinger , whoso caao woo given in yoatordav'o DKK , called at ho oflico of the city jail to got the of- beta taken from him when arroatcd. Dho arroat waa inado alx vrooks ago , it > oing a case of assault , and after much ntorcating litigation , the caao vtna dis missed. Thursday , at the time of his arrest by oflicor Dunn , ho hnd $1.05 , which vns takou from him , together with and button-hook and a pockot-knifo - , ; hose articles credited on the books , in tfbrshal Uuauolla's hand-writing. From the city jail , Swinger was taken to the county jail. Davy Hottazwho was then ailor , and deputy marshal Quannlla , es corting him thoro. After his discharge , mnlyinc for hia change and other ar > .fcios , they could not bo found. Mottnz claimed that all ho had taken from such persona ho had turned ever to the Gua- lollas. The Guanolloa o'aimed they had not received Swiugor'a money. It was uuggcstod that perhaps it had boeu taken , o the county jail , and turned ever to ailor Schontz , with the prisoner , but the attor know nothing about it. Swinger after vain toarch for his property , sat down in police headquarters discouraged , and gave the ofliciala present the benefit of his opinion that "tho papers are just about right in saying that things are jadly mixed hero. Dunn told mo that when ho nrrosted mo I had $4.05 mid when I faakod hero I found out it was only $1 05 , and now it looks as if 1 wasn't going to got ovou that much not ovou ny jackuifo. " l-S SHOW. Tlio Touts Crowded with SlgUtH and Yesterday Darrott'a big show waa on. of the loading attractions o ! the day. 1'ho street ptrado waa vlowed .by great crowds who lined the utrouts , mid the OI ( H were well filled at both the nftor- 10011 and evening performances. The street parade was ono of the best uhown lero , and the performances gave general satisfaction , especially the equestrianism , liarrott hnving a number of well-known stirs i' < the line , including Madame Dock- i ill and Mr. Hubert Whitjioy. The other ring performances were pUo good , and the menagerie contained an unusual number of sights well worth ooeing. COMMKHCIAU CODKOIL nujrra MARKET , \Vhoftt-No. 1 mllllaff , 75O80 ; No. 3 C5@ 70j rejected CO. Corn I < ocAl pnrposwi , 40@45. Oats For local purpose * , 35@40. llay-SlO 00@12 00 per ton ; bnled , GO@GO Com Meal 1 SO per 100 pound * . Wood Good supply ; price * at yard * , 6 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank' , wholesaling at Ojc. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 05 ® 3 00 per doz. LIVE BTOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa 3 75@1 25 , Butcher tcors 4 C0@5 00. Hogs-4 00@4 25. rBODUOE AND rntTITS. Quotation * by T , M. St. John & Co. , com- mtaiilon merchant * , 538 Broadway. Poultry Live old hem , 7c ; M > ri g chicken * , 2 25@3 00 per doz.j llvo turkey * , 'Jo. 1'taclic * j bun. bcx , 1 00. Orange * 5 00@0 00 per box. Lemon * C 00 | > cr box. Banana * 'J 003 00 per bunch. _ Butter Creamery , 20c ; roll * , choice fl@10c. J''Kgn 13o po * dozen. Clierric * 52 CO per bufliel. Vegetable * Potatoes , 1 C0@2 00 per bblj onlnns , 70o ; cabbngo , COc per do7. . ( apple * , 1-3 bu box , 7Cc@l 25 ; Beans , 1 C0@2 25 per bushol. _ _ PEIISONAU nninls ha * returned from hi * c.ttturn trip. trip.T. T. L.lronn.in ! , of Stout City , ii upending n few day * In tlio city. llov. O. T. Conger , pnstor of the Baptist church at Rhonamloah hai resigned. Uov. Father Merle , of Xeob , and Father Boniface , of Atchtaon , wuro h ro yeoterday , and lit altcmlancu at the picnic. \Vm. Wcrdner , a well-known farmer of Uim county , startud last evening to look after the settling of an e.stato In Ohio. E. Rice M , D. or ° thor tnmon removed without the knlle or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES"fund. . . Over hlrty years 'practical exporlcnoo Offlct No Tear trcct , Council Bluff ! CirConcultatlnn tree Mrs , HJ , Hilton , H.D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 322 Hlddla Bro 4v < i7. oonnoll BlnDi. ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! ! For pure river Ice pntroclte the blue wagoni i t- Ufuctlcn guaranteed. LC TO ordem at No. 15 South Main street. Telephone No. 81. MULHOLLAND A ; NICHOLAS. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. BpedM ft vertlstmcnts , no M tool Found , To Loin , For Bale , To IUnt , Wint § , Bourd Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column t th low fl ot TEN CENTS PER LINE for the flnt Insertion Mid FIVE CENTS PER MNK ( or ewsh mibeequent n Mrtlon. L ttTe KlrcrtlKmenU ftt our office , No. re tl Street , WANTS. WANTKD-FUo hundred pieces o ( fintclM tccond band carpet and two hundred hcatlnf ttoves. A. J. MANDKL , 36 Broadway OM > PAPERS For tale at Bu oQlco , at 25 ccntt a hundred. "ITTANTED Kyery body in Council Bluffs to tak TT TniBn. Delltcrcd by carrier at only twent conUi a week. FOR SALE. A golden opportunity to get Into legitimate and profluhlo business on ca terra * . A well established bakery In Council Bluf ( or sale , ( lood rcusonn lor telling , Addruai 0.1 J. , Br.x cilice , Council Dliids , FOH BALE Or will rent by September lit , to Uratly without children , a new house , wit bam , cistern , etc. Enquire ot Frank Cook , room 0 , Bhufpirt'i block. 4th AGENTS Ladlca and gentlemen can make flrs class wages by selling the "Champion Bosom Strtcther and ronlng Uoard. " lleUllg at SI.00 Any lady can do up a line shirt without wrtnkl and RlrtM It M nicely aa the bestlaundrlcscan , Addres ( or paitlcuUn 0.1) . 8. & I. Co. , IJRH. offlco , ( or on month. j. n. TATK. WAIIRE.V wnm Practice In Btato and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. lloom 9 , Sclitigart's Building , COUNCIL ULUFl'S , IOWA ACOB 81113. K. P. OAUWKLL SIMS & CADWELL , COUNOIIi BLUFFS , IOWA Offlco , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart & M Mahon'i Block. Will practice In Btato and edei Murta ICE CREAM PARLOR. Taught by PROF. SCIINOOR Tuesday an < Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. RINK FOR RENT AT $15.00 PER NIOIIT. GTLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN , F. H. MARTENS , Prop'r New aed Beautiful Attractions -I3NT- Dry Goods Having just purchased in Eastern Markets very caoice stock o Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Lineu , Crashes , etc we are prepared to olFor an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , one shall do so at UNUSUALLY LOW PRIGEB These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , am comprise the latest designs and novelties of the season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering : SILIKIS , SIIJKIS , Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. These are special bargains and cannot bo duplicated. Good black silk at 50c worth 76c Choice black Riul/.imer silk , 81.00 , usual price , SI.80 Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at $1.75 , worth $2.25 Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinno at 81.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonuot & Co. , and AntoineGuinet &Co. , at Lowest Prices. DRESS GOODS ! Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc * Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00 Aldo beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES Good all linen tnblo at 30c , Good nil linen table at 10c. Choice nl inon table at OOc. Very fine all linen table at 81,50 , worth 82.50 Table crash 60 a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels at 12c each. Good Bleached Muslin5c. Good unbleached muslin-Gc. A fine assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices. Full stock ol Domestic Paper Patterns , [ "Catalogues free. Prices reduced on Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets , Uoquettes , Axminsteis , &c. , to reduce stock. Call and get prices before ol so whore. darkness Brothers , 401 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS. C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA , H.H. HORNE & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo rnnko R specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars Bold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented. " OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 052 Broadway , H. H. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. SMITH & TOIjIjEn , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BI.UFFS , IOWA , urtalns , In Lace , Elite , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothajMattlngs , Linoleums Eta hoicest and Best Selected STOOK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced thab wo are headquarters for all tjoods in our line , hcapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the City. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - . COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care i ETSDME OF Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Pine Linen Collars and Cue * . 71 Founh Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. ON THE American Plan. Furniture and appointments all new. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff . el. Waves 95c , Ooquetts 25o eacb. Switches $1 to $2 eioh , Hair ornaments at OUST. All kinds of hair work promptly attended to , Waves made of Ladies' comhings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main .Siree GRESTON HQU EVEttYTniNO.1RSTCLA83. . Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ICE CREAM. WATER ICES Oo/toror- Tlio OE'ta.'tolio. (01 Broadway , 1 ( lletln kt ftll Hour * . Council Bluffa. f ( Fatties a Specialty. Ventilated Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LACE , Only Seventy - Five Cents ! Coquetts , 12ic each. Switches , ( all long hnir ) $2.00 54.00 , $8,00 and' upwards. Hair Ornament's Given Away. MBS. D. A. BENEDICT , No. 337 Broadway Council Blaffu. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3STo. 1 UXT. IVEniXL St. . OouxLoil Bluffs. 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. UANUFACrUKKU OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASKS n specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed WHOLESALE DEALEUS.IN and 844 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10 VV PROPRIETOR 109 and 103 South Uth Street , Omaha , Nebwka. "Correspondence RolldUJ. " ALL TRIMMED HATS MRS , S , J , NOBRIS , 105 Main St.