Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1884, Image 4
OMAHA PAILY BILE SATURDAY JULY 5 , 1881. THE OMAHA BEE C.iMha Oltlco , No. O10 F mnm Gt. Council Blnfttiomco , No. 7 Pcnrl SU , ' " " BtrcctNcnr Kronrtway. New York Ofllco , llooni OB Tribune Dnllrtlng. 1 PnWlshfd Ttry trornlnj ! * exeept Bandiy' Th enl ) KonoUy taornlcR d&lly. UKI IT MAIU One Teir . , tlO.M I Three Uonib * . t&oe Billion JOS . B.OO I One Honth . LOO Tct Week , 25 C nt . TnRV rei.TBn , rDKUKnsoxvnr WIDSMPIT. TMKS rostrno. One To t . ( ZOO I Three Month * . . . . . . . CO Bli Months. . LOO | One Month . SO Amerlean News Oornpiuijr , Bolt Agentr , Ka Otl la the United St&tci. ill Oommanleattoni rehtlnn to Nowi ndEJItorl m&tten ( hculd bo nddrcsMd to the EDITOK or Tni Bn. Ttt r Und neinlttanoM saouldfb ddr * cd to Tn B PtromiriKO Conner , own * Pratt" , Checks and I'ostofllco orderi to bt.made p 7 kbit to the order cf the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROP'S ' n. BOSEWATBR , Editor. A. n.Filch. Kanaffor Dally Circulation P. 0. , B S3 Omaha Nnh. \A MILWAUKEE firm is manufacturing an immense stock of imitation prAydr books for the shipment of whisky into the prohibitory state of Iowa. Thia prayer-book will very likely have a largo circulation in Iowa. Tun brewers of Iowa closed their ban yesterday , but will open thorn again today - day , and will continue brewing in doGnanca of the prohibitory law. They may find that while they are brewing boor , trouble is brewing for thorn. IT ij not always oafo for n passenger in a Pullman car , when ho lo&os his pocket- book" to accuse the porter of having stolen it. A Pullman porter on the Alton road has just been awarded § 5,000 by a Chicago jury for having been wrongfully accused of larceny by a pas- aongcr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tun Chicago Times pertinently says that it might bo in order for Air. Charles Francis Adama , who has lately boon made the president of the Union Pacific road , to inform the stockholder ! ! of that institution , vrhoso money ii building the Oregon short line , developing several frontier towtia , nucl stocking the cattle ranches of oomo of the recent managers. Tun city attorney of Springfield , Mis souri , having being suspended from oflico by the mayor , threatens , unless the order is revoked , to inatituto proceedings for the purpose of ousting the mayor and three members of the city council from oflico for violating the state con * titution by accepting free transportation from the railroads. If such n law wcro in force in Nebraska , a great many vacancies could bo made in the varitms oflicos. . . AND now cornea another man and says lie would not accept the democratic nomination. This time it is Charles A. Dana , -who aayn that ho has constantly declined all suggestions looking toward the efiort to bo nominated for the pros- .idoncy , and that ho in content to remain the editor of the Sun. Mr. Dana pro bably fears that if ho were nominated and defeated ho would become the inmate tof'a lunatic asylum as did poor Horace Oreoloy. Mr. Dana is a very sensible man. Tin : committtoo on invalid pensions will , it is said , make a strong effort to secure the paasago of the bill propurod and Introduced by Congressman Laird , of Nebraska , among the pension laws , which bill has boon reported favorably tote to the house. Its loading provisions nroi Vint , that soldiers who pasaod the exam ination of the surgeons of the United States and wcro regularly muotorod in shall bo doomed to have boon physically sound when BO aosoptcd , ; second , that after three months' aorvico in the field all injuries sustained ahull bo presumed to have boon received in the line of duty , unless shown to the contrary ; and third , that all pensioners and applicants for pen sions shall have the common-law right of being made acquainted with the names of their accusnra in the ovoni of charges being - ing ( lied against them in the pension oflico. TUB coal oil inspection law of Iowa re- quirea the coal oil inspector to work under tuo instructions of the atato board of health. The inspector , however , has re cently soon fit to pay no regard to the rules of the board , whoso regulations were not agreeable to the Standard oil company , with whom the inspector Booms totfaoon too friendly and favorable terms. Ta.o ( inspector recently refused to obey tb'p rule that requires the inspector to remove all other brands from barrels be fore affixing the atato brand. This would locate definitely the inspection and prevent - vent any attempt to overvalue the oil. When the board of health called the in spector's attention to the rule and de manded that he should rigidly enforce it , ho emphatically refused to do so , assort ing that the rale was arbitrary and ho would not obey it. The law creating his oflico expressly requires the governor to remove the inspector and appoint another in case the board of health shall demand such action , and they have determined to do to unless the .inspector ahall obey instructions. lie hai been officially notified that the board dco uotproposo to luva any moro foolishness. TUB work of reform in the municipal affairs of Omaha , which has been begun with the indictment of the mayor , mar * thai and BU tx-councilracn , for bribery and corruption , in oflico , and the im peachment and removal of the mayor ana the resignation of the marshal , is not only having a good oflect in this oomtnu. nitybut it is bearing good fruit elsewhere , Thottcllou of the grand jury and city council is beingcominented. upon in terms of the hlgtiMt praUe by the press every where , and in citiw where municipal re form is needed as much as it is here , the example of Omaha in bringing corrupt officials to justice is being followed. In the city of llochcstor , N. Y. , thr grand jury has boon investing the cijy officials , and it has just presented j/jdjct- / monta against the president of the city council for offering to sell his influence to the Baltimore it Ohio telegraph com pany , against an ox-councilman for per jury and bribery , against ono school com missioner for embracery and against an other for misconduct in oflico. The in dictment against the ox-councilman charges him with having received nearly $3,000 for procuring appointments to public office. This will explain how sorao councilmcn got rich on nominal salaries. Ono of the school commission- era was indicted for attempting to infhi' cnco a grand juror by offering him fiftj dollars. THK rumors concerning the ill-hcaltl and contemplated resignation of Genera' ' Manager Clark , of the Union Pacific continue to float over the country at frequent quent intervals and in all sorts of shapes The wildest rumor Is that ho innistn 01 liia resignation being accoplod , nnd Urn * it is understood that ho is to bo succeeded od by Tom Potter , general manager o the Burlington , nt a salary of § 30,000 t year for five years. The fact is that Mr Clark is in very good health and is devoting voting all his time nnd energy to thodis charge of the duties of his position. JIc has not tendered his resignation , and docs not propose to , As to Tom Potloi being offered $30,000 a year to succeed him , no moro absurd story could have been ntartod. It is not likely that the Union Pacific , which IB reported to bo on the verge of bankruptcy , and is cutting down expenses all along the line , would indulge in any such extravagance as n thirty thousand dollar manager. Tom Potter or any other living man ia worth thirty thousand dollar. ! to the Union Pa cific as general manager. The Union 1'aciGo has for years been paying too ex travagant salaries to its high officials , nnd the probability is that under the re trenchment , inaugurated by President Adams , the high-salaried olliooro will bo reduced in pay and number. Tun lown prohibitory law has gene in to effect. It is now predicted that an army of oncnks and informers will find employment in watching all persons suspected of dealing or handling liquor in any shape. The law is very strict. It prohibits people from keeping liquor in their houses in unusual quantities , which will probably bo con strued to moan moro than a pint at u time. It is evident that informers , in their eagerness to earn rewards , will oven iuvado private houses in search of liquor. If the law is enforced to the letter , it will soon become como obnoxious to the people who voted for it , and ita appeal or modification will bo the result. There in no doubt that all Boris of ovations will bo practiced , and already railroads have prepared n way foi shipment of liquors. They have isimod an amended order to shipping agents tc decline to receive freightu "for points on or reached by thia line and its connec tions , " unices the name of the consignee is given In full with shipping directions , the initialo of the name being insufficient for a proper identification of the con signee. The property itself may bo for warded with the initials only , or some other disignating mark on it ; but the shipping directions and billing from the nhipping station mustm ov ry caso'-s'liow the name of the oonoigneo in full. Thie is taken to moan that by packing in qucin boxes labeled "merchandise , " dealers 01 others may ship liquors if they will loavt the initials of their names on .tho boxen , OUlt ASSESSMENT. Tin : BKI ; says that the valuation ol Omaha for taxation purpoieti is only ? ? , 000,000 , and that it has notboon changed for yuors. This is a mistake nnd ought to bo qoii' orally corrected. The valuation of Onm- ha to-day upon which wo nro to bo taxed ' is over C ,000',000 , an inoreaso of 2,000- 000 iii two years.Omnha licpubllcan. Tun lir.i : has made no mistake in ita statements regarding the assessments. Wo have from time to time stated that the assessment of Omaha for savoral years has been about $7,000,000 , and such is the undeniable fact. This assess ment is lower than the assessment of 1870 , whoit the city had not over 20,000 people , andgroal estate was depressed. Within the past month , however , the county commissioners , acting no doubt upon the suggestions of Tun BEK , have slightly revised the assessments , and the result of their work , which has just boon announced , in the raising of the valuation of Douglas oountyabout $1,500,000 , which added to the county valuation of last year mnkos the valuation this year about $12- OG ! > , D07. This makes the valuation of the city of Omaha this year about § ! ) , - 000,000. The county commissioners are entitled to some little credit for this small increase in the valuation , but they must revise the valuation many millions more before wo roach anywhere near the ootusl value of property. The valuation of the city of Omaha ought to bo at the very least from 818.000,000 to $20,000- , COO. In their revision of the assessment rolls the county commissioners have found the work carelessly done by mon who either know little or nothing of the value of work or who have intentionally indorvaluod property. Most of them iave obtained the assessment rolls of pre vious yours and merely copied off tha Igurcs , not oven going to the trouble of viewing the property aisoasod or posting .houudvoa as to the numerous improvements - monts that have boon made. All they seemed to care for wua to complete their work with as little labor and trouble as ) ossiblo , and in tl-o ehortost possible ; iino , BO that they could draw their pay. This ehiftlcss way ol doing business comes from the manner of electing assessors. Tom , Dick , and Harry are elected to this important office without regard to qualification. Our people Boom to forget that the office of assessor is a very important ono , and at elections they1 tike little or no interest in the selection ol candidates. Wo atill insist that wo need and must have n thorough reform in our assessment system. Wo believe that some provision ought to bo made for the appointment of ono competent gene ral assessor for the city , with power to appoint deputies , or elao n board of real ostalo appraisers , to consist of men who are acknowledged judges of the value of real cstalo , should bo appointed. Some legislation is necessary to regulate thia matter , and no doubt at the next session of the legislature this nubjcct will bo pro perly legislated upon. 'OW2 CAJITJW. " Tin : Illinois democrats have nominated for governor a man who has achieved natlcnal notoriety ns "tho best mayor Chicago over had , " according to his own csti mate of himself. It is almost unnec essary to say that his name it Carter Ilarrison , familiarly called "Our Carter" by Ohicagcans. Ho is n collcgo-brcd man , a lawyer by profession , a politician by occupation , and nu orator of no little renown. Ho has served two terms in congress , and it was during his first term that lie discovered that ho was an orator. Hia centennial speech at Philadelphia , while attending a congres sional banquet , g.ivo him the title of "Our Carter. " lie had not spoken in con gress up to this time , or oven upon such an occasion , nnd waa.called upon to respond spend to the toast , "Agricultural the Basis of Commerce. " Raising his voice to a pitch which ho had never reached before - fore , ho uttered those words : "I en mo from a district three miles long and two miles wide , and in it wo raise moro grain than many stales combined. It is raised by elevators. " This caused a roar , and it continued until ho recovered. Ho be gan again and forced himself to bo fun ny , lost ho should have a rolapso. The papers next morning had him reported as 0. Henry Harrison. The nowa came to Chicago , and a paper naked : 'Who is this 0. Henry Harrison , of Chicago ? " And the next day the same paper answered the conundrum : "Why , it is our Carter. " It travelled and fastened upon him , and there it re mains. His next speech to attract any attention was the ono dolivorad juat before - fore ho loft congress. It was known his "Marino oand" speech , and from it grow the cognomen of "tho Eagle. " In his fancy ho soared from ocean to ocean , and thus it was that ho was dubbed after the great American bird. The nomination of Harrison is regard ed by the republicans of Illinois with n great deal of pleasure , as -weakens the democratic pirty and entangles it in a complication of "contradictions and ab surdities" from which it cannot extricate itself. Leading republicans claim the democrats will bo > defeated by 40,000 majority , OTHER LANDS THANOUJtS. There is no longer , any doubt .that Gladstone will bo overwhelmingly sus tained in his cause with regard to the proposed policy in the future' manage ment of Egyptian affairs as outlined in the agreement between the French and English ministry. The conservative out look in England is certainly gloomy. Jt seems 10 have been agreed that there was no hope that the vote of censure on the Egyptian policy of the government would prevail , and the Egyptian policy is without doubt the most vulnerable point in Mr. Gladstone's administration. What chance the conservatives have against him in domestic politics is shown , on their own evidence , by their failure even to demand a division on the franchise bill , which win ordered to n third rending hist evening by a unani. inous vote. Wonderful as this result Buuiiia , it has been evident , over since Ditrnt'li'dcharaolorinticBtrokoof 18U7that no olfcotivo opposition could or would bo offered to any extension of the auflVago. The present bill is n very long stride to. wnrd universal suffrage. In fAct , with all the complicated clauses and classifi cations of the bill , its actual effect will bo to enfranchise almost every Etiplish- man who ia not a tramp or a pauper. Under it ono-sovonth of the population is entitled to vote , vrhcroos under our unrestricted suffrage only one-fifth is in possession of the suffrage. The lords will Bcarcoly venture really to obstruct the bill , much as ttliuy must dislike BO | ominous U throat' against the privileges * of their order as it makes. To with stand the unanimous vote of the com- monsMrould be1 more madness. The reference to their attitude which Sir Stafford Northcoto called Mr. Gladstone to order for making was , therefore , not only irregular but unseemly. The now measure is moro radical than any of the preceding reform bills , or than oil of them together. It does not frankly abandon the pretense , but it abandons everything except the pretense , that political power in Great Britain is based upon property and not upon numbers. The cordial understanding between England und Franco on the Egyptian question appears to give great umbrage to Prince Bismarck , to judge from the bitter language of ono of his organs , the Cologne Gazette , U this understanding between the two Western Powers is not duo to the common hatred of Germany , as the organ assorts , it ia doubtless the result of a common fear of that power , which the organ doubtless means. It would bo strange if England and Franco were to remain indifferent to the military I menace of Germany and should fail to make preparations to resist ita power , The Cologne Qazcitc very truly says that England , "some day in the near future , ' may have need of Franco as a sort ol shield bearer ; but If ft llkbly that Franco will have great need ol linglahdi In facj ; < this is the only alliance that is loft in luropo ! to make n fttand againsl the tromonduous military power of the now Holy Alliance of Germany , Artria and Italy. The death of the prince of Orange will probably have little effect on European politics , although the succession of n princess 4 years old under the regency ol her mother is not a desirable contingency for Dutchmen to contemplate. Prince Bismarck , with his customary arrogance , has announced that Germany will rcsont any attempt to make the succession a European question. There is no reason , perhaps , why it nhould bo treated as a Gorman question , which appears to bo Bismarck's alternative. Bismarck has done notable work in the way of absorb ing small Gorman states into the empire , but they were nt leant all Gorman. The annexation of Holland would bo the ac quisition of a pcoplo alien in blood and in speech irom Germany , and would bo a Bourco of wcaknocs and not of strength to the empire. The Dutch ministry , it will be observed , declines to permit the regency of Queen Emtna with any mem ber of the Gorman brunch of the roya ! family , though the queen herself is of the house of Wnldock-l'yrmont. Upon the whole there is no ro.iaon to doubt that the jealousies of the great powera.which hnvo maintained the independence of Hollant' for BO many years , will bo relaxed in or der to permit Germany to make an acqui sition Bho ought not to deniro. It is re ported that negotiatinna nro on foot be tween England and Franco in regard tote to the Dutch succession. Lord Granville favsrs Holland and Belgium being nulled under rule of King Leopold's ' successor each country , however , having n aeparato parliament and a acaarato administration , mid allowing Germany to annex the Gaud Duchy of Luxembourg. Franco is not disposed to sanction this scheme. It BS pretty accurately ascertained thai Spain does not wish to acll Cuba. The Madrid Dona have squeezed BO money out of that unfortunate island that oven in the present depressed finan cial condition of the Cubans and with an incipient rebellion on their hands , they propose to keep up the equoczing pro cess nnd got what dttcata are loft. Forty ybars ago Spain positivsly ref unod to sell the island to na for § 100,000,000 , and the only probability of incorporating Cuba in the American Union lies in n successful Cuban rebellion and a Cuban plebiscite , voting the island in , or in n war with Spain oa our part and the captureof the property as spoils of war. The latter method is hardly n subject for intelligent consideration now. The curiously mado-up commission re cently appointed by the czar to search into the causes of military nihilism re port that the disaffected officers have had two substantial grievances. The pay of the officers is inadequate , and the system of promotion in the Russian army , taint ed ng'it ' ia by favoritism , nop otism and corruption , teems with injustices. There is n certain , frankness in this oponavowal of grave abuses by the Grand Duke Vladimir and his colleagues , which gives birth to a hope that ncceosary reforms may , after all , bo in serious contempla tion at the winter palaco. Wore there no intension on ; the part of the Czar to remedy the * ovila revealed and admitted by the cammiBslon , it Is not conceivable that thia report would have boon made public. An era of reform , once bogi.n in Russia , may go far to lessen the weigh ! of Tartario despotism ; and cert.inly , next to the reform of the corrupt und rapacious bureaucracy , there is none likely to bo more warmly welcomed by the hardy sub jects of the czar than that of the abuses in the imperial army nnd navy. The so-called "election " has occurret in Mexico , nnd General Diax will next winter become president of the republic once more. No uprising or revolution ia likely to deprive him of the office. The return of this eminent and moat pro gressive citizen to power will bo an occa sion for rejoicing on both sides of the Riu Grande , and in Europe ns well as America. For there could bo no butter assurance that the material and moral progress of Mexico is not to ceaso. Gen eral Diaz embodies the aims of the moro enlightened Mexicans. His policy looks to the cultivation of the country's re sources , to friendship with the United States nnd all other powers , and to the domestication of modern ideas. The "election" of president Is merely u formal ratification by handful of voters of the purposes of the military chiefs who manage public nff'iirs. The choice of Diaz accordingly shows that the ruling spirits , backed by the army uiid by the greater part of the moro intelligent pooplu , nro of his way of thinking about these innovations. Bo long na this remains - mains true , the disaffected will have little opportunity to exhibit on n largo scale their dislike for the novelties in public affairs BO warmly advocated by Don Por- firio and his wiao-awako supporters. The PortuguoBO minister at Paris has been Binoothing over the provisions of thu Anglo-Portuguese treaty concerning the Congo , in order to relieve Franco. Portugal is willing to have a Congo com mission , modeled upon the Danube com- misaibn , , comp'osod of representatives of all nations interested in affairs in these regions ; she does not dcsjro to increase hor.-Urritory in Africa , uor does she iu- tondlto levy duties , except for the more expc ss of guarding 'tl $ rivers. In factPortugal's ' entire effort is devoted to enabling small tradora to got their share of the advantages of Congo commerce , and will welcome any 'international ar rangement to protect the rights of all , Portugal has , nothing but the small reminiscences of her old , exploring great ness to attach her to. Africa or any other place outside her narrow borders , and it is very kind of her to Buy she doesn't want to make mischief. The Gorman government has until re * ccutly avoided any dissuasion of a colonial nial policy. The system of Bismark was lutondnd for profitable effectuation in Europo. Ho is too profound an observ er of the operations of neighboring na tions to engage in any reckless foreign explorations , for1 that is the policy that liaa weakened and destroyed many pow erful Btatos and for that reason ho has aevor yet opposed the French tendency in African and Asiatic aggrandizement , The Bonaatlvencss of the chancellor on the subject of Angrn Puquona , in Great Namaqua land on the west coast of Af rica , U a strip of territory which bomo 3 or man gentlemen who happened to laud there last year , bought from the native king for live hundred old muskets and about $500 in gold.The territory is nearly 0,000 tquaro miles in area , and it contains a very good harbor. The German colonists are beginning to eotllo along the coast. The missionaries who have bdon in Nomaijua Lind for some time > fear lost the now comers may bring rumand'whlakey Vlth othc'r paraphori n&lia of civilisation , and debauch the nat tivcs. Major Von dor tioltz , n German war rior of the Von Moltko sort , has recently written n book on the necessity of war nnd largo arniamcnU. "Tho control of the world , " ho aayp , "cannot bo acquired eave by war , ano can bo maintained only by war. The time of cabinet war is all very fiuo to talk of disarming and pre venting bloodshed , but that is an error which should bo corrected. In the do main of war the most dangerous errors are these that como from kindliness of the heart. These who employ f jrco must use it without regard to consequences , without A thought of the blood that is shed.I' This ia the Moltko doctrine ; the doctrine which built up the House of Hohonzollorn , which to-day rests on a pedestal of gro s injustice , blood and the spoils of war. It ia the effectuation of this relentless doctrine which has made all Europe arm , until Germany can call six million soldiers in the field in the event of war , and Hussia can bring out thirteen millions. That Is the paper strength of these governments , but it H no exaggeration ns to material. An to soldiers perfectly drilled and prepared for the duties of the field , Germany has in keeping , for inatant use , 3,800.000 mon nnd lluBsin has 2,500,000 equally well 'prepared. Austria-Hungary can put in the field 1,205,000 soldiers , nnd Itnly"sstrength is 12,5(10,000 ( mon , making nbout ten millions of combatants from the four countries. Franco is taxed to death to prepare for the "gen- oral war" which the old dogs of war sny must sooner or later devastate Europe , and she can send two million men into the field , prepared. Taking into consideration the costly navies which all these powers are continually strengthening , it is easy to perceive the source of the Urge European budgets , Billions of money have been taken from peaceful cntcrpriecs and millions of men have been taken from peace-producing industries. The colhpso of the Chinese campaign against the French has completely ex ploded the apprehension quito current a few years ngo in European military journals that brcech-loadoKa nnd iron clads would make China n formidable military power. The portion of the Ohinoap army which haa received European - poan discipline ia small , and even that has not profited very much. A letter from Canton in the London News says there was great raqo in the community at the dofcnt in Tonqitin , and strenuous ef forts wcro made by the distribution of illustratcu placards to convince the people plo that the Chinese fell upon the French "like tigora upon goats. " The foreign , population anticipated serious trouble in case of a Chinese victory. The Chilian newspapers contain some como curious .statistics concerning the oc cupation of Li mi by their country's troops. Thay untimato at nine thousand , the number of children born there of Peruvian mothers und Chilian soldiers during thirty-three months , nnd , as a great part of the troops have gene homo already , and in many cases taken thcao motncro nnd children along with thorn by permission of the Chilian government , and the occupation is to cease altogether in August they coroputo the accession tote to thopopularion of Chili from this source nt fourteen thousand. The returns all show that the total re duction made in the rents of the Irish peasantry by the land commission will amount this year to nearly ' 3COOCOO , sterling. It is perhaps impossible far the people on the American side of the Atlantic to appreciate the magnitude of this gain to the Irish people. It not on ly leaves for circulation among a booplo numbering loss than 5,000,000 , an in creased sum of about 810.000,000 that otherwise would bo drained out of the country and spent elsewhere , but it no- tunlly reduces the Iriah taxation § 3 per capita. Americana hnvo probably noticed ono result a lessening of the demands for the relief of Irish distress. Through out Ireland , the result is palpable. Poor people , who for years past have seldom had a shilling of money in their posses sion , are now occasionally seen in the small shops , happy in their ability to spend an occasional half sovereign. The general effect upon the temper of the people is very percoptibln. The farmers and the shop-keepers who depend on thorn , nre decidedly bolter "off than they have boon for several years past. The other clasa of storo-kenporo , whoso trndo consists chiefly ia supplying the nobility nnd landlords , complain bitterly of lnvrd times. This accounts for the conflicting reports which now go out from Ireland. If you go into a first-claas shop you h r that trade was never worse , and if you go into n second-class shop it ia generally admitted that trndo was never bettor. Fish are recommended by physicians as a brain food. Mlraolos of HcnllnK Unparalleled In Medical History. "I ht\a been ttlllctoil for twtnty years with nn otftmito akin dl/i3 c , cMlcJ b)8omoM. D.a 1'ntr- iul , ami otlien , luinoiy , commoncInK "n my tculp , and Intpiteof all 1 onuM tie , with the help ol ttio uo > t KkllKul ilowly tut surely titumloJ ; until a 3 ear airo tills u tutor U covered my eutlro ] > er- oo in form of dry scales , Fortholait time JEMS I I AO been unable to do any labor , and tuflorlnir In- onrely all the time h > ery uiorulnir'tbtro could bo ictrly a Uustpanful of tcalca taken Irom the thect on my boJ , some ol them hall as large us the envelope contalnng thUletter InthtlatUr part of winter , nyalltn commencedcrickluK open , I tried eieiy- .MiiKl almost , ttiit could bo thought ol without any relief. Ilia llh of Jutio I itartcxl We t , lu hope I could reich the Hat Spr'oKH. I reached Detroit and wa , so low ttouht 1 ahouIJ ha\o to go to the hot- I Iml but finally Kotufara * Un lofMWi. | , where Iliad a titterllvur. Un Jr , Ircatol mo ab ut u o u ceke , but did me uo goo 1. All thought I had : iut a hoit lime to Iho. I earnestly jirajed todle. Orack&l through the lUn all o\er my hack , cr'j mr ribs , ua.ns , baiulii. lUubt , fm btdly iwolUu , tuo. milt came oa , tlngernalU dead an J hunt a bone , hair ie\Jdry ! , oiid Illclcnai old itraw , O , my QoUl how 1 did lutler. , , lly eUter had a imall part of a box of CuUcnra In he dome , the wimKlen't il u up ; uul , < e will tryCutlcura. 8"me MU applied on one hand and arm. Kurokal there aa ullol : stopped the terrible lurnlcp teniutlon from the wwl iro. They loimed. atfly fcot thoCutlcuralieirheiit Cullcum itid Cuti- curaSoap I o uitE nofd by t kloir one tablespoon. ullof lio.ohnit tlino tluict il ) , attfr meal * ; hod a tatli once a day , water about b'und heat , tuedCuti- cura Soip freely ; applied imlcura morning and eeii - ntf. llnult , r.turuod to oi > home lu Jiut ilz wooki com time I lelt , and ray ikln xuotii at tlil thect of paper. HIllAlt E. ( MIU'KM'Ul. llenilonon , JefTcreon County , N Y. "dnom to before ice tbli nineteenth day of Jan. uar > , 1840. "A. U. MKFlNQWEr.r. , JiHtlai cf the IVaco. " ( Xtlniranrtnhootthe nwllood puilfler , Inter. mlly.and futlcura. and Cutlcura Heap , the great Un curw , eaternHly , clear the Coro'leiUn , clcanie he BUn ard Bwlp , and i.urll.v the Jllood et rr peclt * uTItchlmr , Scaly. Woi'l ) , Ecrofulou . Her u. lal , acd Cuuocrcui IIunois. ami Mkm Torturoi when | ibilciiov , hoijvltali. and all other meant falL Held everywhere. , IVtttrDiu acd Chemical ro. Dot t SB. WMT IS DYSPEPSIA ? Among the many symptoms of or indiestion the most pvoinmen t * ore : v nrmbf & ; ripngU to j faint , gnawing feeling nt' pit ofllid stomach , with umatisfied craving for food ; lieiirtburnfeel5rjg of weight and wind in the stomach , bad breath bad taste in the n.outh. low spirits , general prostration , headache and constipation. Ihere is no form of disease more prevalent than dyspep- sin , and none so peculiar to the high- liviiig and rapid-ea'.ing American people. A.lchohol and tobacco pro duce Dyspepsia ; also , bad air , rapid eating , etc. BUilDOOK BLOOD BITTERS will euro the worst case , by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestive organs. Sold every where. IN BOTTLES. Erlangor , Bavaria. Cuhnbaeher , Havana. Pilsner ' . . .Bohemian. Kaiser .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St , Louis. Aiihauser St. Louis. Besfc a Llilwaukep. Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. Krue'a Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhiue Wine. ED. MAURER , 121JUt'aniam St. CIIOUXSE'S liLOGK , Corner 1'Uli ' nud Capitol Avenue , TUEATS CHRONIODISEASJtCS In all their formi YOUNGMI2N. who are snffotlnif from dig effects ol Youthful liullicrctlonii , wouU da well to avail fiomsehcsof thl3 , the greatest boon over laid nt the altar cf suffering liummity. Dr. Taniiir wll nuar- ftiitco to forfeit (50) for every case of Seminal Weak ness or Private ! Disease , of any kluil or character , which ho undertakisand falls to cure. .MIDDLE ACEl ) MEN Many mon between the acts ol SO nnj 00 , are troubled nllh n too frequent do lire to ovieuatu tin bladder , oiten ocoouiDanied byndUht smaitlng and burning soosittor.nnd a weakenlnf ; of the system In a manner that the pa- tlontcamiotaccountlor. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy ( eJIcneiit will often hu found , and sometimes an all imtlolos of altuun-n Mill appear , or the color will be of a thin , rellklsh hueagain changing to a darkand torpid appearance. There nro many mm nhoilloof this dllllculy , Ignorant of HID cause. It la tha second eta a of tennimlcaknc94. . Dr. Tanner will Guarantee a poricot euro In a'l such ca a , and a healthy rastoratlon of the Gcnlto urinary Organs. Call or address os above , Dr. Taunor. Horllek'i Fool for Infant , hal Te4 ZKtnf llrci. " wrltcl BJf.TooktrX.D. , CAfcofO.Jil. BoUtij & SSl.SS tr mill lor amount III . Cry Hook it nl free. Ui > rllek' < loodro n > clnrVllk DR.HORHE'S ELEGTJ1IG BELT. Will euro * feWill Dumh Acne. IT inp | n lt < rl , rtr. only clo . trip Hen In Atwrim that Twin the V.lwiH'ity nnd tnntt- r > ctlm thrmiKh the body * and cftnberrcliarKnl tnanln- Itanttr thrMitlriit. fil.OOO V/ould Not Oil" It. Da. Ho 5i I was affilctod wltb rheumnlhm ard rated by using a belt To any ono afllletal with that disease , 1 would MJT , bay Homo's Eloctrla Btlt , Any one can confer with me hy writing calling at my itore , 1420 Douglai ( troct , Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. WAIN OFFICE Opposite postofflra , room 4 Frcn. let block. CWKor sale at C. F. Ooodmao'i Drujt Store1 1119 atnam tit , Omaha. Orders Qlled C. O D PRINCIPAL LINE riton CiaCAfiO.PEOHIA &SD.LOUIS , HY WAV or 01IAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVER , Oil VIA tnf- KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER. In Tnlou Depots nt l\uns.xs City , Oiiuiliaiuul Denver with tliiouitli trains lor And nil points In the Great West. Comicetln ; ; In timiul Union Depot nt Chicago with through tniiiis lor NEW YOHK , KOSTON , Anil nil Kastcrn Cities. AtTcorla with through tmlna lor Inillanap. oils , Cincinnati , Columbus , find nil points In llio Soutli.Kast. At St. Joul3 with through trains lor all points South. Elegant Day Coaches , I'm lor Cars , \vtthUn. cllnlntf Chairs ( seats fire ) , Smoking Cara with Hevolvlnt ; Chairs , Pullman 1'nlaco Slucplng Cara anil the famous C. U. &Q. Dining Cara ntn ilally to and from Ohicngo niul Kansas City , Chicago and Council IJlntls ; Clilcn Q mid Don Molnes , ChlcaRO , St. Joauph , Atuhlsou and Tojieka without change. Only tliroiiRh line running tlich1 own tmlni between Olilcaso , Lincoln and Denver , and Chicago , Kansas Olty and Denver. TliroiiRh cars botwcou Indianapolis and Council liiullfe , via 1'eorla. COINO 1VOUTJI ANI > SOUTW. Solid Ti-alns of Elegant Day Coauhcs nnd rnllman Palace Sleeping Cms uro run dally to nnd from St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Oiilncy , Kcoknlc , lltiillngton , Cedar llaiilds nnd Albert Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis ; Pnrlor Cara with Uccilnlnjr Chairs to nnd Ironi St. Lonii nnd Peorla. Unlyono change of rnrsbi'twcon St. Louis nnd Dan Molncs , Iowa , Lincoln , Ne- brotkn , and Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only TliiouHh Line bfctwccn ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. TAPL. It Is known as the ( 'reat THROUGH OAR I.IN1J of America , and is universally admit ted to bo the Finest Equipped Railroad la the World for all classea of Travel. Through Tlokc-is via this nno tor fain r.tai ? It. If. coupon tlckelotllcesintuoUnitcuStatea fvMit Canada. I1. J. POTTER , PERCEVAL LOWELL , ' auacer , Oen II n RICHARDS ft CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superinnndent TJ. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS SMJP ISag ggfei MANUFACTURERS OP AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , and grain Elevator fVlacEiinerv MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Clotli STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. 1 O O f \Ve are prepared to furnish pinna nnd eatimatea , nnd will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elqvatora , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System S2r"Bspecial attention given to furnishing Power Plnuta for any pur pose , and estimates made for same General machinery .Jep ' promptlyt Address EIOHA.TIDB & CLABKE ,