OMAHA DAILY iiEE SATURDAY , JULY.5,1884. The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital B2BO.OCC surplna Pnua , MOT , 18 e < IB eec DinECTORS. H. W. YATKS , ' President , for many'yean Oaahlor of the First National Bank of OmMin. A. E. TOUHALIN , Vice President , Boston. W V. MOUSE , of W. V. Mono & Oo. JOHN 3. COLLINS , of O , H , & J , S. Col- Ins , J , M. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor andAttoT- | noy at Law. L. S , REED , of Byron Rood & Oo. K K. 1IAYDEN , Assistant Cushlor. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 , 1682. ITS DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLD ERS are among the loading business of Om . ha , and Its business Is conducted with especial reference to the boat and increasing into rests Its mercantile ) patrons. COLLECTIONS receive special attention fvml charges lowest obtainable hero or elso- vrhoro. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon nvorablo torma and upon accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bands nndCounty ; and Olt ysocurltlos bought and n1d. FINANCE AHD COMMERCE. FINANOIA1J NKwYonK , July 3. Money In abundant aupply ; closed olFerod per 1J. Priino paper 5@U per cent. Starling IHlls 1'irm at 4 83 ; demand 465. Governments Strong ; coupon 4\M \ Bold at 112. Hallways In brisk demand. Stocks Opened Htrong ; pricss ro o } @ 1 § l"'rcent , Cential racific leading thu advauco with sales up to 36J. Subsequently there wnH n rutilinng sale , and the beam inadoan [ elfort to bring about a downward mo\oinent. The weakness wan of phort duration and before tnidday the market was buoyant and ncti\o , and ciintinued EU with few interruptions throughout the iluy. Dealings were unusually largo for n day preceding n holidayg | Com pared u ith last night closings , prices are } © ! higher. OODPONS fl'i. 100 lllif J18g 123 BTOOKO AND HONDO. 1 American Express Burl , Oodar Rapids & Northern Central Pacific Chicago & Alton do do pfd Chi , Burl. & Qulncy Erie do pfd Fort Wayne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Central Ind. , Bloom. & Western Kansas & Texas Lake Shore k Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis ; & St. Louis do do do pfd Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd , „ . . . . . Northwestern do pfd Now York Central Ohio & Mississippi do do pfd Fooria , Decatur i Evansvlllo Roch Inland /Chicago , Mllwaukoo & . 8t. Paul do do do pfd j St. Paul : Minn , & Manitoba ; v 8t- Paul : & Omaha. do do pfd. Texas Pacific. . Union Pacific VYnbr-ah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . do do do pfd. Western Union Telegraph. . . Asked. CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO ruonucn. CHICAGO , July 3 , Flour Nominal , nn- shuncced. Wheat Regular , quiet nnd easy ; opened | @ 3 lower ; declined i ; lluctuated , and cloned g@J below latest figures on afternoon board yesterday ; c sh and July , 83 ; August , 8C © 85 ; September , 863feSCJ ; Octobtv , 87J. Winter , nominal : Hprlng offerings limited ; NCI. 2 red Bold at 83. Com Firm and fnirly active : opened easy ; declined j ) ; improved / . and rlobed steady nt J above tin ) final tiuotitions on the afternoon board yesterday ; cash and July , 62i@ 2J ; August. C : @ri3j ; Huptcmbor , 53J ; October , 02j@527 rejected , 113 40. Oata Dull ; ca-ih steady nt 20J ; futures weakened i8 ' OT thu clo o ; July , 2'JJ ; August , 20 ; September , ' 'Cfg UJ ; the year , a3 | . Barley Tnactiva'at 62@GI. Seeds Timothy Steady ; prime , 1 25@ 127. 127.Klax Sold sparingly at 150. IMrk-Dull butatriilo higher ; cosh 1050 © 10 75. Lard Firmer ; moderately nctivo ; ruled Ji@10c higher : cloaed steady ; cash and July , 7 405.7 1'4 J AugiiHt , 7 524(37 ( Wi. September , 7C5@7C7 i October 7 7f > ; sliouldere. 575 ; khort ribs , 7 85 ; slmrt clear 8 30. Whlxk-y UiichungLd at 110. Hutter JIaHy ; choice creamery , 17@18i ; fancy dairy , 15. Cheese Slow and weak ; quotation ! ) un changed. ; _ ] ) | nnd unchanged. Hides Steady and unchanged , , Tallow Steady and unchanged. ' 'CALL IJoAUl ) Wheat-August J higher ; other inontliH unchanged. Corn September t lovfer ; other months unchanged. ( atB July 1 higher ; ether months un- tlmngud , . I'ork July 1 25 higher , August 80o higher , September 'Ma hieher. Lard-July , August and September 2'c ' higher. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , July 8. Whoot-Quiet ; Xo. 2 i.d , 01. Corn-Dull ; hieh miiixl , 51g5ll. ( OaU firmer ; No. 2 mixi-d , 32. llye Dull and lower to aolL Pork-Quiet ; 15 50SjlOOO. ( Lord Firmer ; 7 15. Hulk meats Firmer shoulders , 5J ; vhurt ribs , 8i Whwky-Qnietat 1 07. KANHiH CITT. KANHW CITT , July 3. Wheat Higher70i ; cosh ; 71 ? August ; 73i bid Sentouiber. Com Higher at lUOUJ cash ; 115Hi1 August ; 41 bid September. Oats Lower and nominal ; wMJ bid. New OBLEASH , July U. Corn Quiet ; yellow muod ; C7. OtH lair demand at lower rates , choice , S'JWO. Corn Jleal I'uir demand at lower r.-itoa ; " 1'ork GKd demand ami higher at 10 00. Lard Steady and unchanged. Whisky Stoaily und unchanged. HALTIUOIIH. DALTlHonn. July 3. Wheat Mwlern liighor. firm Ko. 2 winter rod | > ot , July 06i. Corn W stern hlirlier nnd ( | ulet , closing utrongj mined spot f.74@581. OatH Steady and bun ; western whlto JJ ( ; mixed i' " l.Vgi-Unchanged. WJiinky Steady at 1 14. BT. LOUIti FBODCCH. Sr. Lenis , July 3.-Oi u-rxvrer and alow ; Itya Nomionl ISarluy-Nomuial. IJuttor Uuclianged. Iffifg ! Unchanaod. . . IJav-Quiet ; timothy , Q 00@H 00 ; j > ralne , Bran Lower nt 58. Corn meal 2 SO. Whisky 1 03. CALL lloxnn. Wheat liiiler nt Ntf for July , 873 for Aiieu't , 8SI bid for September , for Octob . CornLufr3J@tS3 ; ! bid for July , 40 } for Augii't , 49J for tjpptomlicr. Oats Ijowor ; ! ! t' > 3 lor July , 21 for Augmt , 2IJ for September , LIVERPOOL. LiVKnroot , . July I. BroadntufTs I'inncr , Wheat Winter , 7s 5d@7 lXlj ( Spring , 7 2d < 37a Id. Corn Os 3jd. TOLKPO. JiUyJl. Hull ; No. 2 m1 , cRli ) cRliCorn Corn liuiet and Gnu ; No. 2 , cash mid July , CIJj.Oatu Oatu Quiet and steady ! No. 2 c' h and July , 30. NEWTOHK rnonucR. NKW YpiiK , July .1. Wheat-Spot | ij highe ; options opened \ ® \ higher ; weakened , closed show ing n reaction of 3 9 : Xo. 1 ! Chi- Corn Spot , J 2 and options 1@ ? higher ; closing \ \ tll lo s strength ; ungraded 51yjlV.J ; No. 2 , COKOIJ : September , Clf. OntH J hignerj uiUeil western , 3T ( g37 ; white , : tbC 10. L'pgsWestern frcih , dull nnd weak ; 18 Pork Dull and nominal ; old me * * 15f > 0. Lard Strong ; \\tfitoriiHteam , Pi > ot , V00@ 7 7t . Buttur Dull nnd weak. IilVE Bl'OCK. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. July 4. Drovers' Journal reports : HORH Very nctho nirarinirti sold early at lOSSISc advance ; quality very jKior ; hea > y 5 40 ; linht 4 00 35 50 : mKcd5 0Wi 30. Cattle Fairly active and values a riiadu higher ; poor to o\tra shippers 5 10ci7 ( 00 ; butcher's stock unchained ; 'iVvans 4 10@5 'J."i ; .lookers . and feeders iinchangcrl. Sheep-Steady ; Inferior to fair , 2CO@350 [ wr c\\t. medium to ex tin , 't 75@5 50. KANSAS 01TY LIVE BTOOR. KANBAH Crrr , July 3 , Cattle Shippln steady ; butchers firm ; iiatl\t > i , 4 oOij 21 others unclningod. Hogs Firmer ; lOc higher ; 1 SOS5 15 , Sheep Steady ; fair to good nath d , 3 00o ( 160. BT. LOOIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , July 3. Cattle Strong am active ; nil gooil grades quick Hales ; exports 0 60KU 0 ; common to choice tihi ( > ping , 5 2 , ( gO 50. Sheep Good grades Gnu ; others dull ; in brlor to good , 2 25(5) ( ) I 00 , clioico to extra 4 10@3 00 ; good to choice Iambi , 4 00@5 00 ; Hogs Active and higher ; Yorkers , 5 IT 5 SO ; packintr , 5 00a ( > 5 25 ; heavy 5 2o@5 40. MILWAUKKK. July S. Wlicat Tame No. 2 Milwaukee and July , 82 / . Corn Firmer nnd tcarco : No. 2 , 55. Oats-Quiet nnd steady No. 2 , 3UJ@31i. Rye Dull ; No. 1 , CO naked ; 5'J bid. Barley Firmer nnd scarce. TKAFF1O. TLOtJB AHD OIUIN. OniOAOO , July 3. Rooolpta and ship. monta of flour and grain for the past 48 hours have been as follows Receipt * . Bhlpts. Flour , bbla 12,000 2S.OOO Wheat , bushels 10,000 33,000 Corn , bushels 181,000 307,000 Oats , bushels 120,000 1)3,000 ) Ryo.bushols 0,000 1,00 ( Barley , bushels 1,000 0,000 NEW' YORK , July 3. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours bnvo been oa follows : Receipts Bhlp'te. Wheat , bnshela 74,000 lll.OCO Corn , bushels 1CO.C30 4n,000 Oata , bushels 40,000 30,000 LIVE STOCK. OBIOAOO , July 3. Receipts and ship monta of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon OB followo : Receipts , Bhlp'b. Cattle 5500 Hoga 5,000 Sheep 1,300 KANSAS CITT , July 3. Rooolpta [ and shipments of hvo stock for the peat 24 hours have boon as follows t Recelpta. Sbip'tr. Cattle. . , U30 Hogs 5.00D Sheep 122 ST. Lome , July 3. Rooolpta and ship menti of Hvo stock for the post 24 hours have boon aa follows : Rooolpta , Bhlp'ta. Cattle 1,500 Hogs 3,100 Sheep 1,500 OMAHA MAUKETB Wholesale Prices. Omar or THE OIIAUA BKB , 1 1'rlday Evening , July I , f The following pricen are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesaler * and commission merchants - chants , with the exception of grain , which in quoted at the prices furnished by the cluvatora and other local buyers : Grain. Wheat Cosh No. 2 , CGffiCCJo. Barley Cosh No. 2 , 45@50u. Rye Cosh , No. 8 , 43@45o. Corn No. 2 , 38J@40a. Oats-No. 2. 284@30Je. Hides. Steady ; green butchers , OJ@C ; green Halted , ri@8e ; dry flint. 12@l/c ; dry salt 10lllc lumaged hides , two-tliirds price. Tallow 5i@Cc. Sheep Pelts. 25c31 00. Invo Btoolc , STKEHS-4 25@5 60. " V Cows-3 00@4 00 , Hoas-400@4LO. 60@4 00. 00@7 00. Wool. Light fmo 14017. Heavy fine 10S)13. ( ) Medium 11@17. Coarro 10@13. Burry 2 to 60 off. General 1'rndnco. BIAKS Receipts light and demand good , Exid picked navy , per bn , 82 50 ; medium , 2 00@2 25. BBKHWAX In good demand. Choice bright per Ib , 2628o : common to good dark per ib , BUTTKit Market unchanged ! receipts light- IT : oenorally on better grade * , which it nei'ins aniheld for better price * . Bent table w nuotablo utSfaiOe ; with 5@7o for Inferior irraden , and 15@10c for croaun-ry. CiDKB "Ohio" per bbl , 97.00 ; "York Stoto ' per bblS8 00 ; peri bbl , $4 76 ; condensed per ? al. 85o. Crab apple , per gal. 35c. OriEMB-Full cream , western , 10@J } Wli- sonsln now Hi ; young American U@I.ic. OOOOANUTU 1'er 10U. ! 76a ( 5 00. JlgRs Receipts are Incrcasinii and jtrice * ratlii-r iin cttled , sales being made to-iluy ; at 13 , 13J and lie. However , a i < o Iti > o decllno H not I'XiiBtted , FOUEIUK KHOIIU- California oranoos , per MX , 3 1 00. Meanlna lemons , per box , 1' > 50 % GOO. Bancnaa , per buuch , 8300 . lOo. Dates , In f rallu , Vic ; tiatcu , lard , in boxoi , 12 0. FHDIT BoTTKua Apple butter , In 80 Ib palla , ] > or Ib , 7o. Plum buttnr , 71e. Hay-Baled , 88.00ffllO.OO ; loose , 610.00 ® JKLLT lu 20 and 30 Ib imllt , C@7o : In 2 Ib ua , per doz , 81 CO ; assoNo tumblora , ioi. tl 20 ; achoonon , per dozen , 83 00. MAPLE SCOAII Pure. In brirku , l > er Ib , IGc , Ohio , 13c ; small oaken , 12 Jc , OjlIOSrt Now .Southern per Ib. 3@3Jc. PorcoBN- Rood demand at 2 ( < 32 uper Ib , I'oULTJiV Receipts of old chickeiiH heavy mdjiricm ammderablu lower , salon to < tay , S300@3 25 per do * . ; npring cblckunu iu good demand at if 2 7S@ 1 00 accordi g to izo , POIATOK * , Now ones Inliboral supjily and felling to-day nt S300a35J ( per bbl. fo choice TPXS nnd 81 00 fer buthel for horn groun.crv little demand for old onen. PROVISIONS Ham , 13o : b. b eon , I2\o \ c. R , bacon , llc ; d. . sides lOJc ; nhort rib sides , lOic ; shoulders , 8Joj moss poric , per bbl. 813.50. Dried beef , 13o. Lard , 0@10o , ViOETAiiLKa Spinach , per bbl , $2 00 ; now cabbage , \vr \ doz 80@100 ; lettuce , i > ot doz. , 258 } redlshoa , | > or doz , , 25c : turnips per bti , COc. boots , per bu , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz. . 51 00 ; Pie , jilnut l > or Ib. 2c. cauliflower , per doz. $100 ; new carrot * , per Ib. , So. Tomatoes , Jim. box , 75@l 00 : < roen pens txsr bushel box , 51.00 ; string beans per bushel box , S2.00 SHALL I-'BUITB Strawberries , por24-qiiart case. S3 00. Black raspberries S4 00. Rod raipbcrriM JXT 12-qunrt cane. S3 00. Gtxiso borne * , per bushel , 81 60. Wild plums , per CABO S3 50 New apples per box 601 00 ; Peaches 1 00@1 50. EASTRUX CIIKHIIIKS Plentiful nnd cheap. All kinds of packngen ntt < i < nt to innrkst , sell- ng nt the rntu of about 93 GO per bunh. Drr GooilB. BROWK HIIKETINOS Atlnntlo A , 7io ; Atlnn Ho P , Co ; Atlnutlo LL ; 5Jo ; Bninswiok , 7Jc ; Bonvor Dam LL , Olc ; Ija\vronco LL. 6Jo ; Pncl- Go H , 7o ; Royal Standard , So ; Indian Head A , 8c ; WnuohuBott A , 7Jo. FINK Bno\YN SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 7Jc ; Pop- poroll R , 7o ; Salisbury R , GJ.C. BLRACIIKU COTTONS Ballon 4-1 , CJc : Bal Ion 7-8 , SJc ) Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD 8Jc ; Kainnount , 4 > c ; Fnilt of the Ix > om 4-t' Oo : Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golden Gnto.SJo ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-t , Oc ; Lonsdalo Sic ; Now Vsrk Milld. llic ; Wamsutto , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llio ; Bon. ton , 10 oz. , 1'IJc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall Hit or , SJc. DUCKS ( Gray-Wo3t ) Point , 8 oz. , Ho West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKINGS Amoskong , 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9c ; Cordifl , lOtfe ; Pearl River , 14o ; York , 12jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12JO. DENIMS Amoskooff , 14c ; Beaver Crook tVA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 ; Haymakers brown ) , lOc. OAJIIUIICS Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ; Keystone glove finish , CJc. CORSET JKANS Amory , 7io ; Hancock , So ; Koarsayor , 8c ; Rockport , 7c. PIIIKTS Aliens , 5Jc ; Amorican,5Jo , ; Arnolds , Co ; Cochoco , Oc ; Harmony , 4c : Indigo , 7jc ; Indigo 7-8 , llic ; Indigo 4-1 , 1'Jlo ; cheap ealo 4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4 0. PBINTS SHIRTINGS American , Cc ; Cochoco , 5c ; GloucostorjOixSouthbrldgo , 4Ic ; Wavorlya , 4jjc ; Rosodalo , 4jfc. GlNQllAMS Amoskong staples , 8Jo : Bntoa staples , S\c : Lancaster staples , So ; Plnnkot plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocka , SJc ; Amoakoag Persians , 9Jc. DRESS Goons Atlantic alpncca , 9Jc ; Per- slano coshmer , 23jo ; Hmnloton cashmere , 15Jo ; Hamloton Fanoua , lljo ; Hnmleton bro- cadea , ICe ; Arlington brocade , 18o , ALCOHOL IBS wino alcohol , 2 2) per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 12 per proof gallon ; triple roGnod spirits 187 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod whtskioa 1 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00(47 00. BRANDIES Imported , G0016 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@C 00 ; domostlo , 1 40 @ 800. ROMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PiAoa AND APPLE BKANDT 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cauo , 23 00 © M 00 ; American , ' per case , 12 001G 00. Grocers Xilst. ' CANNED GOODS Uystora ( Htnndardpor ) case , 3 70@3 80 ; strawborrloa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ® i 10 ; roapberrios , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett ? eara , per caao , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , ; 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green ; ages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apploa , 2 Ib per case , 4805 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , UJo , g inch , 9c | { i inch , lOJc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Iba , 16s , ICc ; 8s , 16c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 1C oz. . 6s , IGo. AIATOHE3 For caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SCOAUS Powdered , Bo ; cut oaf , 8 0 ; granulated , 7c ; confoctionora' A , 7jjc : Stand- ird extra 0 , Gjc ; extra 0 , C o ; medium yol- ow. 6c ; dork yellow , o. COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fair IS @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prlmo , 15@15ic ; choice lj@17c ( ; fancy green andyoUowlC@16Joold ; govornmout Java , 20@2Cc ; Lovorlng's roasted. I7c ; Arbucklo's roabtod , 15j'c ; McLaughlinV X-yyg roasted , 15Jo ; mltatlon Java , 10J 318 c ; Clark's Aurora , RICK Louisiana prinio to choice , 7c ; fair 3cj Patma , CJc. Fisn No. 1 mackerel , half brla , , 8 50 ; No L mackerel , jdts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , hal brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. STEDPStandard Com. . SOc , bols ; Standard Jo , 4J gallon kegs 1 65 ; Standard do , 4 gallon ken 137. SODA In Ib papers , 8 SO per case ; Icog per Ib , lijc. lijc.PIOKLJS Medium , In barrels , 8 25 } do 1 n half barrels , 4 75 ; email , In barrels , 9 25 ; do n half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins In barrels , 10 25 ; lo in half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO 375c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , G0@65c foung Ilyson , good , 3flS)50c ( ) ; choice. > 5c@i 00 ; Japan , natural lobi , 85c ; Japan , Jiolco , 60@7oc ; Oolong , good , 3510c ; Oolong , : hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; iholco , S5@45o. WOODKNWAIUS Two hoop palla , 1 85 ; iroo hoop polls , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- leer woahboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; iVollbnckots. 3 5. SOAFS Kirk's Savon Imperial , S 45 ; Kirk's atinot , 8 GO ; Kirk's standard , 8 75 ; Kirk'a vhlto Russian , 625 ; Kirks outocn , 215 ; ilrk's Proirio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's nognolla , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ooso , In caao , 1 35 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor tail , 2 doz. In coso , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 12@13of ; stick , lie ; twist Uck.lOic. VINEOAB Now Vori apple IGo } Ohio ap- ilo , ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Aahton , lu ackfl , 8 50 ; bbla dairy GO , 5s , 8 80. SrAHon Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8ot Com tarch , 80 ; Excelsior Gloes. 7o ; Corn , 740. SPIOES Pepper , 17o ; aluploo , 15o ; cloves , 5o ; cassia lEo. LTE American , 8 40j Greenwich , 8 40 } Vcfltorn , 2 75 ; Nortli Star , 2 00 ; Lowti' lye , 65 : Jowoll lye , 2 76 , ToUaocoi Ptuo TOBACCO Climax , Me : Bullion COc ; lorsouhoo , EOoj Star. COo ; Ruddy , 46c ; Her- 0/0 , 40c ; Black , 3810c. FINK Cur Common , 20(930o ( ; good , 45 ® Oc ; lloso Loaf , 70c ; Premium , 05o ; Diamond frown , 66c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50o. SUOMNO O. U. , 22c ; Mooruchaum , SOc ; Dnr mm , 8 oz , , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57o ; Durhair oz. , C5o ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 65c leal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal o forth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOo ; O. K Durham , 4 z. , 28o ; O. 1C Durham , 2 oz. , 80c ; Undo fed , i's 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 23c. Driiice , DRUOH AND CHEMICALS Acid , rarbollc , 85a dd. tartarlo , 65c ; balsam capnbla , per lib , 5c ; bark sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; calomel , per It ) 5o ; clnohonldla , per oz. , 80,65 ; chloroform , lor Ib. , 5110 ; Dovera powder , per Ib , , 91.25 ; psoin Hiiltfl , per Ib , , 3Je ; glycerine , pure , per : i. , 28c ; load acetate , per ib , , 22c ; oil , cantor , i'o 1 per gal , , $1.55 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per al.$1,40 ; oil , olive , per gal , , 81,40 ; oil orl- anum , COc ; opium , $1.50 ; nulnino , P. Is , W ; nd K. &H. . per oz. , 8L.40 ; potassium , , xllno , ior Ib , , 81,50 ; galltln , per oz , , 40c ; sul- ha to of mornhlno , i > or ot. , $3,50 ; euhihur lour , per lb4o ; Btrychniuo , per o/ , , $1,35 , trfjntlier. Oak ola , S8c@42o ; hemlock nolo28cS5c ; eu lock Idp , COo to 1 00 ; runner CCo to SOo ; omlock cell , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o a 24 c ; oak upper. 21c ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; M kid , 82@3S ; Groleon kid , 2 W to 2 75 ; oak lp , KOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French in , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; n - ota. 5 W to 7 fX > : linings. 0 00 to 8 50 ; ton- lingo , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco. SOo to 85c ; eblile 0 , D. Morocco , 85c ; eimon.2 60 to 8 00. UAUNESS No. 1 star oak , 87oj No 2 doj 5c ; No , 1 Ohio oak , 81o ; No. 2 do , SBc ; No , Illlwnnkeo Sic : No 2 do 83r. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , S7c ; No. B PltU oak mr , 85c. * na V rnl tiPB. OILS 110 carbon , per Ballon. 1JC ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14Jc > 175 * headlight , par gallon , 18c } 150 ° water white , 17c ; tin seed , raw , ; pr gallon.B0c { llnaeod , iwlled , per pallon , 62fl Lard , wlntor str'd , per gallon , Mc ) ! No. 1 , 70cNo.l ; 2 , GOo castor , AXA. per gal' Ion , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; * woot , per gallon 1 00 aponn .B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fl h. W. B. , porgallon , 65c : noatsfootoxlra , poi gallon , 90o ; No , l , 76e ; lubricating , rcro , l > cr gallon , SOc ; lummor , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal. Ion , S5c ; No. 2 , 28o ; njxinn , signal , per gallon SOc ; turpontlno , per gallon , 4Sc } naptlia 74 ° , per callon , IGo. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. GJo ; whlto load , St. lonli ( , pure , GJe ; Maracillea green 1 to 6 lli cans , 20c ; French tine , grcon seal , 12 < n French Ino , rod seal , lie ; French ilno , In varnish asst , 20c } French ilno. In oil east , 15c ; raw nnd burnt nmbor , 1 ft cans , 10c ; raw and butnt Slonnn , 10c } vandvko brown , IScj rofinwl lampblack , 12c > coach black , Mid Ivory black , 16o | drop black , ! ( > Pnuutlan bine , iCc ; iiltrnmarino blue , 18o ; cliromo groonl L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and nhuttor green , LI M. &D. , ICe ; Paris green , 18o : Indian rod , 15o : Venetian rod. 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amori. can Vonnllllou , I. & IV , 18o ; clux > mo yellow L. M. , O , & D. O. , 18c ; yellow pchro , 9c } golden ocliro , lOo , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chp\tmit and ash Ifio. HrT Vlnt . Vhlto load , 8c ! Kronen tine. lOfl } Paris whiting. 2Jo } whiting glldora , IJc ; whiting cora'l ic } } lompblnclc , Germantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarltio , 18c ; vandyke , brown , He ; urabor burnt , 4c } urabor. raw. 4o ; sloiiun , burnt , 4c ; nlonnn , rnw , 4c ; Parts green , gonulno , 25o ; Paris green , common , 20o ; chrome preen , N. V. , 20o ; chrome croon , 1C. , 12ct vormilllou , ling , , 70c ; vormilllon , American , 18o ; Indian roil , 10c } rose pink , 14o ; Vouotlan ro < l , Cookpon'B 2c ; Vonotlnn rod , Amorloan. IJc : rod load , 74o ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol. low , 1C. , 12cochro : rochollo. Soochre. ; French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mineral , 2Sc ; lohlgh brown. ? io } Sp ulsh brown , 2Jc ; Prluco's mineral , 3c. VAUNIBHK3 Barrels , piv gallon : Fnrnl turn , extra , SI 10 ; furultnro , No. 1 , SI ; ctmch oxtrn , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dnmar oxtrn , SI 75 ; Japan , 70o ; nsphnltum , extra , 85c shellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish SI 50 , IIoaTT Harawsro Lilnt. Iron , rntos , 2 50 ; plow otool special cant , Go crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , fa ; out too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 2Va3 00 ; hubs IXIT sot , 1 25 ; follow sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonquoa , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75oj equaro nuts per Ib , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , E18o ; rivets , per Ib , Ilo ; cell chain , per Ib , U@12a ; malleable , So Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Oo : harrow tooth 4c ; snring tool , 7@8o ; Burden's nonohoos 4 70 Burdon'o mulcshoca 5 70. BAIUIED WIIIE In cor lota , 4 85 per 100 , NAILS Rotes , 10 to GO , 2 G5. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half koge , 348 ; do. , [ mortor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 85 ; fuse , per 100 f oat We. LEAD Bar , 165. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rls run BloRsburg , 10 00 : WhltobroMt lump ; 5 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 [ own nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra slto , 11 25@ll 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Irani nor. WHOLESALE. Wo qnoto lumber , lath and shlng os' . on oars \t Omaha at the following prlcoa : JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft , and under S 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 1C foot and under , 22 00. TIUDEB AND JOIST IS ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 CO ; ! 2 ft , 2G 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FINCINQ No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 2100 ; No. 2 , ! 20a SHKETisro No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; tf o. 2,18 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOUINQ No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. ) , 2500 SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , ! 000. CKILINQ J , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00. SiimaLES , boat 1 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 85c ; somont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hairier ior bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 IDS , 8 50 ; straw joord , 8 DO , DBNVKU MAIIKKT. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , 100 Ib. S 5Q@5 75 , Iroaeod 0 00@10 00 ; sheep 3 00@3 25 ; hogs. IVP , 5 00@5 35 : dressed 7 00@7 25. Hides. Dry Flint , ll12o. ; green 4@6o. jroon calf 8@10 : ; HheopHkitu , dry , ti@10e. Tallow. 5@Gc. Wool. Colorado ll@lfo. ; Now Mexico 7@ LOc. FLOUn-Colorado. 100 Ito , 1 86@2 25 ; jmt- snt , 400 Ibs. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , ! 00 ; rye , 100 Ibf. . 2 25@2 45 : buckwheat , 100 bs , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00M 00 ; corn noal. 100 Ibs. 145(51175. ( GUAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 40 ; corn , in lacks 100 Ibs , 1 OS@112 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 185 1 45 ; barley. 100 Iba , 130@1 35. HAY-Balod , upland , 20 00@2G 00 ; bot- om straw , 12 OOfelG 00. BOTTKB Finest , 25@2Gc ; Nebraska dairy holco , l-I@15c ; common , G@8c , Eaos Fresh , 23@2ic ; ranch , doz , fresh ! 8@30c. CfnEKSB Full cream , I4c515o ( ; LIraburgor , So ; Swiss , Imported , 32c , POOLTIIV LIve , chickens old , doz,5 50@G ; 00 prlng chickens , 8 5o@ I bO ; dressed Ib , 18(3)1 ( ) Do. PoTATOES-Grooloy , 100 Ibs , 100@110 ; Now : 25@2 (55. ( VEaETADLts Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 50@ 75 cabbogo , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; now beets , us a co. FHDITS Orange Mosslna box , GOO ; linens , cholco Moselnn. 4 50@ C 00 ; apples , 'allfornla , bbl , . ' (00@3 ( 2.1 ; bananas , bunch , 50@4 00 ; poachcH per box 2 C02 75 ; Tuxaa lunm 1 00 per box. MKATS Hnms , Ib , 18t@14c ; baoon , break- list , 12 ? < ai3c ; lard , in tlorcoH , ib , lOo ; ry salt aides , 9J@10o. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 GO , kit , menu , 752 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; [ olland herring , kef , 1 GO1 75 ; trout , per ALONU TUB T.INE OP TIIK tilcago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension ol this Ilno from Wakefltlil up 10 tEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concoid and Color ! dja caches the boat portion ol the Btato , Bpoclal ex. jr ! on ratot lor land ivekors over thin line to fcynt , Noifoll ; and HartluKlon , luid via IlUIr to U rlnclial ] | > oi.ta ( ou the IOUX OIT5f & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Trims oror tlit 0. , Bt. P. M. li 0 , Hallway to Cov Kton , BIoux Ulty , 1'ouca , Ilartlniftou , Wftrno and crlolic , < dcm.aci.oot tvt 331 .lr- or K/omont , Oakda.c , Nelljb , nd through to V l- entluo. tSTfot latts nd all Information cell on F I * . WII1TNKY , Ocncral Altont , J H M M KI B" AKonti wantvd lor authcntio L ! D ll D nl L ' " "lion ol hi * Illui 1'ublUhud III M I 8l IT at AuifiuU , hUhnmo , Unr- Lv ItaBn B B 1 EUi ctt , Ijandsomcut. cheaptntt , it. lly the renowned hl t < > rlati nd blor ( i'hcr , ol. Cnnttdl , vvlionolllool Oarfleld , puWUIiol by iu , it-sold tin twenty other * by ( XiOO. OutMsllnotrj > ok o > or | inl > ll < li dlu thla world ; m n > agents ar lllnif filty il llyKvnti uro making loitunen All ; w li Klnntra tuc u > lul ; guild chance lortlmm ; IB.Uvmada by a Inly rv tnt the llrjtilay. Tvru loU bcral I'artlcuUn tne. letter wind 2(1 ( ient ir p tad'Ot cto. , on free outot , now ready , Indud- L'laue iiruiinctuj book , and > a\u valuable tlrnu. io-nr ALIIN is. co. , Auumu , MO. IROH AKD ULATK UOOKINO. J. SPEGHT , PROP , 1111 DonglM at Om h , Neb , IIAHUFAOTUEEII OF Galvamzoa Iron Cornices 'jtJTConncr ' Wlndovri , tlntal ) , Tin , Iron and BUto cxilluL' , HiHcht'n I'atont Metalllo Hkyllfnt , i atent Ijiutod JUtchet liir and llracket bhelvlnjr. 1 m eral ( merit lor the ubovolliio ol oud . Ito if , luluitradci , VtuuuJwIi o i'tc Railway Time Tablo. n Effect July 1. Tlio attention of the tnufllln * pul.llo ! < t\n A t the f ict thit lil ! In the rail ) romplcto n < l absolute ly correct time Uhlo ( inMlohM In the city. All trMnsurrhp t and < \r\n\l \ from Om h o ContrM St-inilanl Tlnif , which la ti minutes fMto thivn nun tlnio , t Kxccj > t SatimUy , Kiecpt Sunday , t Kxecj > l Mon ufty , rroinUnlonrnclllo ; | Depot ; Tcntli 8t u. r. iu R. , uxm UNIX MMt. I ARRIVI. Mall Mid Kip..ll:40 : am AtKntlo K > p. . . .7M : a n raclflo Kip , . . .S.M ] > m I Mall and Kip. . . .4:00 : lim Mir. IlKl'tTOUOAN VAU.KY DIVISION. LH * > X. l AHRUK , Ltneoln KiplS.6S p m | Lincoln Kip. . . .12:88 : p I DUMUr TIUIN8-11UI1)OK DIVISION. LMTO Omaha : 0 4P , R 00,9:00 : , 10:00 : , 11:16 : a m. , im S.-OO , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , C.-OO , 0.00 , 10. S3 p , m. On B titUt 0.40.0 0. nun . m ; 1:00 : , s oo , too. 0.00 , i > n ArrUo at ti anVcr depot IS uilautca later ; Uroadwa depot , Council lllnfft. 0 nilniitot later. 1/OMoCVimoll llhiOs , Hroadnay dciHit , 7tO : , B'SO O.M , 10.SO , 11UO ( cm ; lHO : , SWO , S.SO , 4.M,6:30O.W : 11:06 : p. in OnSiimU:7:50 : , 0.30 , 11:40 : iv. ui.lDl ; : 8..10 , 4:30 : , 8.35 , 11:09 : inn. Arrive atTran ler 1 uiln utco later. T/OKVR Council niuftii Tn\n f r depot ! 7J5 : , RS : 0. , 11.1 ft V. H R. . Kiprnt't DM : a n Ik'fMolncs AcxjVfl.-Mjp n Biprent 4:25 : pmlMtll * . . . . .7:33 : pm 0. k M. W. U. K. LKAVI. I ARRIVH. M U * . . . 8Uam : Kiprcwt ( > 4Knm Ktyrotfct . .4:2fiim : | Mull' , . . . ,735pn ; 0. , II. & St. 1 > . It. H. YtallkEi * SilBCktn ractflo Kspt. . . . 0'45 m UlantloKif 4 : pm M M k KM7:36nu : U. , H k Vt It. It. > l Council niutts. ) LKAM , I AUmVIt , lull R:15 : a m Kxpiosa 0:41 : om Eiprcgg 4.25 p m | Mall 1:35pm : Daily. ( Noto.Tlio 0:00 : urn and fi:00 : p m ttiimmv tralin at o connect with o.aiMiouml train * on the Knck'lnUiul Uutllnirton , Koitli'Wcstcrn and Milwaukee roajn. WAllABll.ST. I.OU13 & I'ACIKIC. txAVx , I Annivn. Cannnn Dili l:0opm : ; | Cannon llall 3Mpn : Dally. K. 0. , HT , JOE k 0. U. ( \ la Council UluRft. ) LIAVE. I ARIUVH. Mall 0:00Mil : r.xiirrest 7Mkm : Exprrrat 0:65 : p in | Mall 7:35 : pn AKKANOEMENTOK SUNDAY TllAINH During July Saturday. Buiuloy n J lloiulay Oilmgo trains willrotato nnfollonn ; Saturday cnlnff trains lciJuly Mil nnd Sdtli \ la a M. & St. PJuly ; lillli > la the Niirtli-Wcstorn ; Julj IVtli via tlia Ilock Ulnnil Arrl > o In the natno order tlio Monday follow Inn , Sunday inornlnic trains ilciurt and Sunday ox mini t mlns art ho July Oth mid 27tli via thu Uncle Inland , July ISthl thu North-WcsUtn , and July 20th via tkecm&st i * . From B , & M.Iiopat ; Tonth'.Btrcor , D. U. RAttnOAIV-UAIN LINK. DKNvna siriiua. VMT HOUND. BAST BOUND. LUVB. ARSlVIt. Omaha. . . . 0:10pm : 7:60am : 7.00 pm 10:06 : am Anhland. . . 8:27 : pm 10.03am 4:62 : pm 8:12 : am Uncoln..10:00 : inn 12rom : [ 3:60 : pm 7 : 6 am Crete 11:17 : pm 12.G40pin 5:11 : pm 8:04 : am Hanllnpa. . 6:16 : am 4:16 : pm 11:66 : am 10 M pm Uod Cloud. 8:00 : ftin 00 ! pm 10.26 am 8:26 : pm HcCook..10:65 : nm 016 ; jira 0.16 am 4:10 : pin Akron , . . . 3:46 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:06 : am Uonvor , . . . 7:26 : pm 0 15 am 9:26 : pm 7:30 : am Dallv. OMAHA AND riATTTMOUTH TIIA1N8 : Iv. Omaha at 7:60 : , nnd 8:16 : n in ; 4:60,0:10,7:45 : : : p m Ar. Omaha td:25,8:40 : : and 10:06 : a m ; 7.00,7:30 p m Ihilly. C. B. & Q. U. Il-Ola riattemouth. ) IKA\B. I A11RIV | Eantcrn Kxp.,8:45 : a m OmahaHxp 8:40a : m Chicago Exi 4Wp : m | Wcutcrn Kxi 7:30 : p m Dally. K. 0. , BT. J. & C. ( PlatUmouth. ) UlAVH. I ARRIML Mall 8:46 : a m Rxrrceat 0:26 : n Exprcsat 7:46pm : | Hall 7 0 p From O. Sr , I * . M. &O.Depot , 14th and Webster Btrocw. 0. , St. F. it. ft 0. LB1V8. ARRITH. No2PaMonKer..8.10ftm : I No3 Mlxod 10:30am : No 4 Mixed 3.30nm | Nol Puuiungor. 6:30 : p m bundai a Kxcoptod. Opening ana Cloalng of Mallo. MOTI Of = - " . OLOSI. .m. p m , a.m. p.ra , w.o.n.i.ftp. , A. o. M. & st. r. 10 31 8:00 : cao C. II. & Q. u.oo ace : r > :30 : a n. & v KX trail 4io : B. O. & P. tn low * 8:00 : 6:39 : Waluuli local 4:3i : 12 18 K.O. , St Joo&O. B. . . 0 4G U.OO c 33 0:00 : Missouri radflo 7:00 8:30 : o. , st. r. M. t o 600 0.03 Union Paolllo , 8.30 4.80 11:10 : 0. & Ilopubllcan Valley U. tt U. Local 7oo : 7:2J : a ei n. r. % . Mali. IO.EO Oincoopon Bundnys from 1Z.-00 m. U 1:00 : p. w. O KOOUTANT Pontnuutor WITH A.nd your work is done for all time to como. WE CHALLENGE to produce n moro durnb'o ' mntorinl ftt for street pavement thim the i Sioux Falls Qrnuito. O3B33mtS IfOJl ANY AMOUNT OV * OR MACADA ! lllod promptly. Samples sent nnd estirautes given upouappliciition , WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls. Dnlcota NOTICB"TOOATTLE MEW _ 000 OATTLK FOIl BALK. 300 Cows and clfors. oo Ono-year Btoero. Thaahutu ileicrlbcil cattle aru all well IJIIK ! , ua. liveNeurmK * ai > J loiia 1 IIUM cuttle will bu H'l J In lot * to > ult | > Uchat r. for Jnrinei particuUrn call on or addro , L. W. 1'UAN Albion , Nib , fafrii torn Mit/ers. SPECIAL NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground HHtho host nmt oh p t lood lor Moaie of any klnA.TOno pound IB cnM to three ponndi of coin lock tt > \ with Qroimd Oil Calm In the KMl nnrt Wlntor , Initctd of running down , will Increase In nelchl * nd bo In . | ; oed marketable ooml.tlon In the ( print. Dalrimen , to ADM | | others , who Una llcan tontltyl- ItainorlU. Trr U nd luijR * tui your hr . lilo ti5 on i ir tonrocharyo for m k . Address \VOOUMAN LIXSEUn Olt COMPANY , Om h Neb. DEALERS IN r FffiE MD BURGLAR PROOF J. A. WAKEFIELD , WIIOLK3ALK AND UETA1I , DEALRR IN J JLJIU-JLEJ Ml&AJLELgJ.UMO ! SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTEB , &G- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT 003IPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , STEELS , JQHNSON& CO. , Wholesale Grocers H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Loolcwood & Draper ) Chicaeo , Mnn- ngor of the Tea , Cignr mid Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above : also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to HB shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LA FUN & RAND POWDER CO PEEZEGTX01T fr Heating and Baking Is only attained by ualnfj * _ CHA63TEE3 © AS Stoves and Ranges , m\\ \ \ VIBE UOZE OVER DOOR Fox nalo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS WAHA 0. M. LBIGHTON. . H. T. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , BUOOE8SORS TO KENNAllD DUOS , ft 00. ) IS DEALERS IN PaintsOils. . OMAHA , NEBRASKA LAGER FRANZ FALK BREWING GO Milwaukee , Wis. QUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M.HELLMAN & CO. Wholesale Olothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COX. 13TH SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. ALE LEATHER , SADDLERY SADDLE11Y HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. WE TA1' THE- HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Per Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , nnd consignments mnclo to uawill receive prom jit ut tention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 3tli Street , Bet , Dodge and Capitol Ave. , - - OMAHfl , NEB' ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTEE & QUAY. ) LIME AND CEMENT. Office and YarOtli and Dou laslts. ,