Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1884, Image 2

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pen In ourinff
Brlfiht's Dl/ *
.Kidnoy & Llvor '
'c Rr ln ln
'madder , Urinary , Jlcton-
and Llvi or Non-
lftw. Orarcland notontion of ,
' It euro Ctllouimnu , Headache * . Jaundice , Sour
v Otomnch.DyBpejwia , ConitlpotlonandrUoa/
and eons Intemperance , Nervous Diseases ,
General Debility , Eiccmcs and
Female Weakness.
It reitorcs the KIDNEYS , UViUl and DOW
ELS , to a healthy notion and CTJIICS when alt
othcrmpdlctncsfall. Hundred.haveboenaavod
who hare been given up to dlo by frlonda and
I'rltcVl.SK. Oendforniuitratod Pamphlet to
HUNTS IliIinV : : CO. , I'roTlilrnrr , II. I.
c noin IIY AT.TJ i > nu ci.sTH.
. KStxroot ,
Spasms , Eclampsy mid
Nervousness are
I The Ilonornriunis arc duo
only nftor success.
Treatment by Correspondence
Awarded the first class RoM lleilil lor illstlniruiilioJ
merits br the "Hoclotio Hclontinquo Iraucaijc , "
( the French Scleutino Mocloty.
O , PIttco dn Xronc , 0 , l UtIS.
Tor Min. Qnlck. tnrr , i f . Itook rr 4.
VIGOR CHUU A > ncr. 100 Fulton M..N , York.
\rillpiirtrrtlio DLOOD/rc
late the LIVER mill KID
und VlOOli of'YOUTlt. Via-
iicinln , WantorApjicllta , In-
illRosiloii , Lack or btrenjjtli ,
enroll. Hones , muscles mill
iii-rvi-s rucc'lvo iic\yrorco ,
inllvt'ii9 : tlio mind and
miiillcs | Drain Tower ,
' coinplaltiM
_ _ tliolrsex vrlll
find In DR. HAItTEa'S IRON TONIO a rafa nnd
rppcdjr euro. ( lives a clear , healthy conijilcxlon.
i rcquoiit attempts at ( ouutfrfrlllitK unlymltl
tolliapopiilarltyoftlioorlidiml. Uuuotcxpurl-
InCIlt puttlluOllKIINAI , AM > JKRT. !
oDdTourntlUrifiitoTh ( * ] > r. .
Ht.Ionl , Mo. , for our "DJIKAM 11OOK.
L''nJlof .transu oud utof ul Intormatlon , ( ruo.
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Special Jieposlt Is to cnnronteotuo
payment of tlio 25 jiremhims fully described
In nur former nnnounccmcnts.
The premlurai will bo paid , no matter how
i email the of bags returned may bo.
OJItt flkutifiiri fl rAe ri T"tatr" Cat\ \
Jlurham. ff , V , , Hall 10 , ItSL (
T.A.VntET.E a , . . . _
Oumir / < .i * of Durham , llvrtam. If , O.
Btin Bllii-Wo tuc1n e you which
tleasovlace nn B | dal to jmy tiremliimi
for our rmjity tolocco l tr" to IM reiurnei } Itao ,
Utk yours truly , J. a OAUll , I'mldcuL
OJSa ilf ! /la * DurkamA
Durham , ff , O , iiay 111 , 188L (
J , B.
rl tkvtt , , , / > „ , „ „ TtJxuto Co .
' DRAB Hm-I liaio to tclmowledito recolpt of
tnjx&an from you. vlilcli we Uave I'loood upon
JUwclalDcptwlt for the object you t lft
ours truly , 1' . A , W1LKY , Coemcr.
i None Btnnlnoltbout ricture of DULL on the
I > ackr | .
fVKoa our other announcements.
S , H , ATWOOD ,
Plattamouth , . Neb
lUApikor TUOBOuauBtni * n > man onsi
AJTO DVIAO OR ; u ir uo linn
jgrVoang itook lor tale. Oorroopoadooo * soil ted
. . , . .
( faculty I'/Ize , Medical OollcKe of Ohio. )
And other DUeaies ol tlio Auus and Kectum.
Boyd's ' Opera Honse.
cited ani wtf
r iui lutrvi/ tok [ i
' _ _ _ _ _ tbciuwtufa axAln. I IUVKD affclt *
ca'lcara. linr niiJaL Hlw . vt Vl'tt. UHLEWr
orALr MUIIICKN Ua m < i-loo2i udr. Iirwrutcr
iaod > to uir. th. writ CJHM. Vttaut. otUn KM.
faliMl7jt uo rewun for uot iiuw rtcelrluc a cur * . Mtnt 14
ciuw icr a IrwilM ciui * VIM Ujttl. or njr lauuuu
rwir. . Mr * tcipr.n and' rut Offlw. I ( MMM jv
nj I fur.ta
, WW.fur.ta 'wlBt..y9r > i
| To thc s iun rlnc froru tns
MANHOOD of ) outUful ; tor
. uljr t.
Oalo t uiaaUooa. tc. , I w wed > ou p rtlcul r of a
M < BI > 1. aud ortala tuwut < "I * our . jriu ol cliirl * .
tadruiuaddroutor , ( X >
Till September.
The lonelier stand * In the te chor' | > lace
Wishing his schulfini eood-by.
A mnllo serena lt § on his face ,
As ho hoavcs n imrtlntf sigh.
"Go forth , tny ilonr Httlo nngol l > nd ,
In holldny path * to roum ,
Settler Ilka flowers throughout the Und ,
JJrinir joyto e ch homo , woot homo ,
Till Soptombor. "
A fatlior stood on his own high stoop ,
A clond of woo In his eon ,
Ho thlnkiyof thot rnntlnjr , roaring troop
So teen to bo hoard nnd noon.
' Alii they cornel they cjmol the demon
throng ,
To harrow my soul with caro.
But I have n cine full thick mid Ionic ,
And I wnrn thorn to bownro ,
Till Soptombor.
Tim dogs all fly to the collar dark ,
The cat * RCt under the bed ,
The tpirrmva twitter In nqutro nnd park ,
The Chinaman hides his head ,
Thn Is nick nnd sad ,
The horicfl are soanad nnd shy ,
Tor lol hoar comoi the holici ny-lnd ,
.Tumlilng , shunting and running Ilka mod ,
Tremble , yo mother * , nnd h iko each dad ,
And the Rtorm will rneo full high
Till Soptombcr.
Kmornl J ray is n now groan color.
Crocodile is a dull ollvo tone , jint out ,
ColToo-colorcd lacoi are In high fashion.
The now rod la crnnborry , the color of the
Heliotrope Ii the foshloimblo perfume In
The narcissuji In ono of the f.ivorito corsage
flowers of the npring. ,
Coin nnd initial collar buttons nro the fash1
ionoblo caprlco of the hour ,
Bnnglo bracelets nro the proper gift for
bridesmaids from bride or groom.
Thoultrn fashionables use robin'n egg blue
tinted Htntloncry nnd Jot black Ink.
Colli of hair n In chlnols nio noon , with lotif
pins tlinut through thorn in nil directions.
The pompadour roll is again In VORUO for
liulloi with round faces nnd mnnll fontiiros.
The now waltz Is very quick , with ft hop
nnd nklpplng stop , as though to regain losl
time ,
An open-work brncolot Is in the form of a
vvrcatn of ncnntho , with n rim of solid ( diver
on cither edge.
Jtouiid waists wlthoutg darts , with the full
ness fthirriul on cither fiido , nrn DroinlsoJ us
early iu the fall.
Black toIloU of the richest description nro
ntproient the loading dresses with faihlooablo
woinou of mlddlo ago.
China silk orpongeo jackotn ncd rodlngoto
over klltod ektrU ot dark silk , nro worn by
many fashionable women ,
In order to bo fashionable ono must hnvo n
ftmolllng-boUlo of cut-clona nnd gold from
throe to fifteen Inches In loneth.
1'ronch hoola on the opera nnd strop nllpporo
nro colored to match the dress worn , and the
ribbons will bo of the same hue.
I'oarl , gold nnd silver bond necklace. ! are
worn close around the neck , and fasten with n
hnii'luomo clasp of fold or nilvor.
Whlto stockings nro driving out colored
stockings eo fust that it Is greatly feared there
will bo n rlso In the prlco of soap.
A necklace for mourning wonr consists of
three rows of jot bonds clasped In front with
two pendant : ! resembling spiked tnisoli.
The clrl with a , ImndHomo diamond ring out-
not resist tlio temptation of using the flngur
It oncliclos tu point nt every object aha BOCK ,
White HtockingB nro coming once again Into
fashion iu London , from the crusade by thu
doctoiH against colored wear as slow poisoners.
Nols nro DO longer In n general use for the
hair , n light , Unify nppoarnnco being consid
ered attractive for both the front nnd back
JnpnncHO fans are considered very stylish ;
these iu gold or bllvor , with delicately tinted
flowers , nro very effective with whlto cos
Odd brooches are very fashionable , such as
a gold sabot , filled with pearls , or a greenish-
gold cat with a largo pearl hold between its
foropawn ,
Plain nnd hammered gold hoop earrings nro
much worn. ThOse of medium nlzo nro most
in yoguo , but the tendency Is to these of
largo blzo. The price * range from $7 , CO to
Whlto ostrich feather fans nro an appropri
ate ilnUh to n rich toilet. A beauty of twenty-
ono feathers ia mounted on tortolso shell , and
another fully as handsome la mounted on
llomovablo sailor eollara and culfj of velvet
edged with gilt brnld or luce , nro worn with
cotton , llnou and thin woolen drosses. Broad ,
rolling doslgna of lace , with tquaro cornoru ,
are ngala in voguo. v
STho newest freak of fashion Is to put a ens-
ng nt the bottom of n puffad surah or veiling
vernkirt , nnd running n rope therein. It ( lives
very ttyllsh and oltocttvo appearance. Thn
ull pulfed and shirred sklrtu are made in nil
oft , clinging f .brio.
Any tendency on tht > port of woman to
voaror imltuto the manners of males mutt
always bo dlstntoful to the BOX imitated. None
> no ojccpt n iiia.icullno Mhs Nancy could ever
Iko the close out hulr of Hosa Boiiheur , her
boy'u Jacket and her horsey proclivities.
The Carmen hat with stiff brim and square
crown moderately high Ii worn by young In-
lica. It Id of light mushroom blown straw ,
.rimmed with line feather tips nnd ulgretto of
a darker thado , 1'lno lolda of vohot encircle
ho crown ,
A Concoctlcut woman wont Into n curpat
itoro the other day nnd after making her pur
chases , wont awuy and forgot her buby for an
'tour nr more. A mother may momentarily
'orgot her baby uiulor gomo ilruuwstnncoj ,
> ut n child wltli n good pair of lungi don't , per-
nit her to vf ry often ,
The most itttrnctlvo window curtains at this
season of the year are Hwlna munlln tilmniod
vlth Inco and funtoncd back with ribbons that
lurmonlzo with the other colors in the room ,
A pretty window led can bo inndo of n broom
itlck colored or varnished , nnd the curtain can
> o hung with picture cord wuuud loosely
around the rod.
WhUoneKs nnd softness nro no longer to bo
desired for young Indies" hands ; they nre ns-
ilrlug to tanuod. sinewy digits that will ro-
nlnd ono of out-door oxorcisu without glovos.
i'h'H ' may bo healthful ) but , nlasl It is not not-
irnl to think of. The iinlls recelvo AH nuioli
attention as When the polishing brush first
carne in fashion.
"Bauglcs" uro fashionable yet. But Attachments
monts uro not Worn so much nt present. Iu
stead , pad-lock braceletu hava coino Into fash
ion. Hinco a bracelet consists of n baud
of gold with n loop at cither end form.
Ing a hasp , which Is secured by a gold pud
lock locked with n gold key. The bracelet
may bo placed on a lady'n smi by n gentleman
Who retains thu key , perhaps wearing It as ft
charm on lua wotch-chulu or utlnp It ns nronrf
pin , Thoyrangoin price from $10 to 9150.
Another novelty that will bo iwpulur is a ilex
llilti bracelet of wnyou gold wlro that encircles
the wrlit three times and holds iUolt In pliire
likq the lerpout bracelet. The terminations
are adorned with balls , cither ornamented
with tracery or jowoled. The ( prices of the
plain ones rtngo from $30 to $60 , whllo the
jownlad oru's begin At $05 and go as high
as ? 260.
Tlio ntuy Mitlo Fly.
How doth the Httlo busy fly
Improve each shining minute }
Biurfug round the harbor-shops
To sue what folk * are Iu it.
And when ho spies a now-shaved head
Ktcanlng from tha tclninra ho
Itomarks : "Here1 * loU of fnu for me ;
I'll work up this chap' * mlinroB , "
And ho generally dee > .
-St. [ Louis Call
JIllo. llboawlll anil for Liverpool next Bat
Annie Hiusla , of the Wnllack company
vrlll null for Liverpool Jll'v ' y-
M. 1'eru , of 1'orU , Is to pUy the plnno Iu
the llou'a cage ( it a moiiBgcrlo ou a wager.
Action K , Kollay l eDgn'p < l ujxin a Hebrew
comiuly for J. III'idcus and I'.dmond J , Levy
I'attl wor $ CO,000 worth of dt moui
when she appeared In "Travlata , " ia London
[ tccently ,
I AJIceO < e bu doioondod to the variety
Uvol. and ii api > oarlng at tha Washington , D
0. , theatre comiqno.
Sarah Hornhftrdt made B great hit In ' 'Mac
both" ftt tlis royal theatre , Ldlnburg , Scot
Innd , on Tuesday night ,
Almoo Is at present In l' rls bulng clothes
wherewith to dsw.lo her beholders. Showll
return shortly to begin rehearsals ,
Charles K. Pratt , Nlliton's favoilto pianist
will conduct tha ochontra during the summer
nt Saratoga , with C&rl Lonzer i solo violln-
l/it. /
It ! announced that Anton Itublnsleln
will produce a now opera on an eastern tubjecl
at the Htadt theater , In Hamburg , next
autumn ,
Iiawronco Barrett ha > Mgncd an engagement -
mont to support Henry Irving In Bhalconpoar-
can tragedy at the Lyceum Theatre during
the season of 1885-0 , u
Theodore Thomas nails for Europe nexl
Wednesday , nt the game ttmo with the thrc (
Wagner tlogers. Ho will remain obroai
about two months.
Air. Carl llosa hm noourod all the rights ol
representation of M. .Tulos Massenet's
"Monon" in England , nnd the work will bo
brought out In Liverpool at Christmas.
Lowls Morrison , of "The Dukn'g Motto' '
company , M 111 occupy lilgilla on Webb avenue -
nue , Ocean Grove , In Ills wlfo ,
KOJO Wood , Is already located for tlio rea
son ,
Comlo opera la now given circus fashion tin *
dor n tent in Brooklyn , and patrons from the
irlstocratlo Height * bring their peanuts In
tissue poper bags , tied up with blue satin
ribbon ,
Mils Florence Hnzolton , now with .Toannlo
Winston's opera company , will creator * parl
n the now play for the Gonzalcs children ,
'ormo-ly ' with Joseph Jefferson In "JUp Van
Wlnklo. "
"Pinaforo" will bo suag by a Now York
company In July. A man-of-war , lllmnl-
nitod wltli calcium lights , will bo erected in
Sunset Lako. The aiidlcnca will bo seated on
, ho bankH.
"A stjocticular opern bouffo , entitled 'Lo
Grand Mogol , ' is to bo the great autumn pro-
ductlon at the Paris Gal to. The mlso-on-
flcono In to bo magnlficont and there are to bo
many entirely novel oIFoctif. "
It Is announced that Mr. Abbey ban on
paged Sarah Uoruhordt to play in this country
luring the season of 1881-8V Six linudrcc *
lollari a night and a graded share of , ho
ccolpt.i when they are nbovo a certain nmoun
n to bo M.nio. liernhardt'i ) portion of the
npollH ,
The Khonlah foattval of next year Is to bo
i old at Alx-la-Chapollo. An the year will b (
.ho bl-contonay of the bertha of Bach ant
llaudcl , the first two d.iyn will bo davotod to
10 wiirlcs of these couijioi rau Tlio pro-
Tram mo of thn third day will bo selected from
> ho workri of liitz1 :
It Is now settled that Mr. Ernest Gyo wil.
iianago the Metropolitan Opera House , Now
York , next season , which will beer In after the
election and continue for fifty-two consecutive
performances. The ntockhn'dors hnvo guar
anteed Mr. Gyo SOJ.OOO , together with the
loiiso , fuel , etc. , ( roe ,
The Ions upon the recent festival at Cin
cinnati appears to have no effect upon the enthusiasm of tha Paris of America ,
as It Is eonfidontly assorted that $100,000 can
laftily bo secured to guarantee the festival of
.880. The Festival rwsodatlon has lost about
Sy..OOO during the last two years upon its
nusical vouturoa.
"Aw you Hko It , " played in the breezy , ]
jpon air instead of a stuff v theatre , against a
uckground of Bylvan glade * . illumlnatod by
' ho shifting sun light Instead of the glare of
; OH , with an orchestra hidden In a natural
nossy hollow , has boon the last inspiration of
art coming to the aid of charity , This idylio
entertainment took place nt Coombo park , the
property of the Duke of Cambridge. The
iurtain was hung on the branches of two trees ,
judy Archibald Camdboll , who played Orlan
do , wan the ruling spirit and did the wrestling
vlth great groco.
Her saucy dimrdo.s coma and go ,
She lacoi rather tight ;
Her curls in rich abundance How-
She takes thoui oil at night ,
Her Hpa would tempt n honeybee.
Her loft oyo'a all askew ;
A Gainsborough hat slio woara
And number fourteen shoo.
Sim cannot bake a flandol cake ,
Yet oats them by the score ;
She loves mo , I am pretty sure ,
But loves her poodle more.
Nathaniel Nosh , of the graduating clots of
lurvard college , was married the day after ho
ot his diploma.
M , ICorbay , the distinguished Hungarian
omposor and musician , has married Mile.
.avasz , the talented pinnlsto.
Miss Etta Borgcr , the youngest of the cola-
> rated Berger musical family , was lately mar
led to Mr. Lloyd Brezso , of Detroit "Chalf. "
At last the news of nn English marringo has
leon cabled to this country iu which the chief
; om of interest Vfiw not the brido'd portion.
The poet Tennyson's eldest son has m.irrlod a
'oung lady with youth , health and uoauty ,
nit no dowry.
The papers ore talking a great deal about
n Connecticut man who has just married hU
ovonth wlfo. There are BO accustomed down
hero to seeing men marry other men's wives
hut ho who man tos six or coven of hU own
locomes nt once an object of curious interest.
Etta lloss nnd Viuoant Volvattry , divorced
! KIC ! years ii-jo , wore mnirled nga'lu Monday
at Hprlngtlolif , Ohio. Hlnca the divorce Mr.
iroivattiy has taken a full courco in nn art
chonl in Muncie , utid lias graduated with
ilgh honore. She haa fallen into n email for-
Archbishop Elder , of Cincinnati , has notl-
od the congregation worshlplmr in St. 1'otor'u
athedral , that mam'agcii will hereafter bo
olcmnlzod only in the morning , The rnlo
iai been ndoptod , the Archbishop nys , for
ootoii that It ia more OuthoHo for inatriugcs
ooccur durin ? the morning hours , and that
ho custom of nftornoon nnd evening weddings
s ono which faHhiou has dictated , mid it dl-
i'CJits the ceremony of much ot Its sacrodnu's.
AH n conscquouco the vows nru often lightly
akon , nnd divorces have multiplied. It It
milerstood thnt the Archbishop will urge the
nloptlon of the now rule iu ull of the Catholic
The bride of Mr. K L. Godkln , the dude
ournnllat of Now York , who was married last
vook , wan Ml a Katharine Saudi , n daughter
of the late Abraham It , Saiulu , of Now York ,
) otter known In tils dayai Sarsaparllla Sands ,
tilts Snuds inherited a largo fortune from her
uthoo , nnd ha foraovoral years nude a homo
or herself with her iutliuato frlond , Miss Ma
ry Gary , who , having also an Independent fortuna -
tuna , the young ladies have been uble tn truv-
il where they pleated , and live their own
lvi'3 without let or hindrance from husband
or father , ati'l , being both of them pleasant
tnd accomplished women , have rendered
heir houio very charming. Of course the
ionipact was said to ba for lifo , and Mias Cary
* B ld to bo much grieved at her frloud'n do-
Thomnrrl'go of. Mr. Ilallnm Tennyson tel
l s Audney Baplo , solemnized at Wo t-
nliiitor Abbeyproved to Ii4 the leading society
event of London. The bridegroom is tha nld-
ut son of the poet laureate , 'Icnuycon. The
jrldo Is the Incarnation of youth , health nnd
joauty , posiessliig every desirable nttrlbuto
except a fortune , for the Is comparatively par *
tlonloes. In addition tu the laureate and
seoics of other lord * , both temporal and spir
itual , there wore p'fsout Premier Gladstone ,
Minister Lowell , Mr , Henry Irvlnp. and u
hcmt of other celebrities. The bilJe wan
cburmlngly attired In a robe of irorv-colorod
satin covered with Brmsela lace , and a rich
bridal veil , with pearl and diamond orna
ments , There wcro tun bridesmaids , uniform
ly dressed Iu silk of the paloot blue , with In-
dlau muslin uvemkirtti. The brida rucelvotl
ovorltOO prcHunts , Including' the inevitable In
din sh wl. which ( Juoen Victoria seems to In
variably bestow uirnn those brldoi whom her
majesty chooses to honor.
IIorsr.iril'M Aclil l > hoHi > linto ,
Advantageous la Dyapepolt.
Ir , 0 , V. DOIISEV , Piiua , Ohio , BSJ-B :
"I have used it ia dyspepsia with vury
marked bonufit. If .thuro it doficionoy ol
acid In thaatoinacn , nothing aflorda rnoro
rol'of , while the notion on the norvoua
syttom is dttctdcdly beneficial.
SKAL ov N. 0 , Tobacoo finestiu , the
Ooino OIT the Hoof ,
Oh , piirfO'p'oud man , with hond BO high ,
It scrape * the plastering off the kr :
With dollars plenty , sense in dearth ,
Whoso oyoi sco nothing on the earth ,
And yet whoso soul is far below
The meanest weed * that thrive nnd grow ,
Why do you hold yourself aloof ?
Say , can't you , plo.vio , coma off the roof !
Ah , haughty1 lady , dressed In silk ,
With perfect hands , M whlto as milk ,
Wltli roynl grnco In f co nnd form ,
To take the unhomo by Herm ;
With lovely charm * ia every part ,
Except the ono thing needful heart.
Why do you hold yourself nlooft
Say , can't you , please , como off the root !
Ho , every ono with grief for pelf ,
With thought of no ono save yourself ,
With arrojanca in all your wnya ,
Withholding ever , well-earned praise ,
For fear your own mean , selfish soul
Mny lose Its iiortlon of tlio dot" .
Why do you hold yourself nloof !
8ny , can't you , plea o , como ort the roof }
Merchant Traveller.
A party of Pacific cowt Indiana nto fifty
sackf nils of grrsshoppora at ono of their re
cent banquets.
. A tu k , eovon foot long , and four tooth
weighing three pounds each , have been dug
up in NowjJcrsoy.
The most remarkable known echo ia that on
the north side of a church in Shipley , Sussex ,
It repeats twenty-one syllables.
A Philadelphia woman drank n pint of coal
oil with suicidal intent , but ns she forgot to
swallow a lighted match eho still lives.
A small whisky bottle nnd some human
hair were found In the stomach of n dead
shark recently washed nshoro on the Callfor
nla coast.
There In nn apothecary shop in Berlin 400
years old , nnd yet it his never depended for
support upon cigars , Eoda water or patent
Itnrly In the present month an Immense
water-spout burst eVer Akuliiay In Kusaia. It
caused nn overflow of the river so great that
40 persons were drowned and 70 houses wore
There nro innumerable cats In the under
ground railroad ? of London. Noonohnsovei
scon ouo of thorn without n tail cat off , howlng
its narrow escape from the thousands of pass
ing trains.
A hornoil rattlesnake is on exhibition nt Los
Angeles , Cal. It Ia about fifteen inches In
length , and has two horns which project from
its head Just above the eyes. It was captured
in the Colorado desert.
A turtle weighing thirty pounds , was cap
tured the other day in the Yautio river. She
had doubtless strayed up from the ocean to
deposit her eggs upon the strand of that
stream , as nho was lull of rlpa ova.
A curious froik of the electric spark ii re
corded from Wellington , Ohio. A Sirs. Fritz
was struck by lightning. The fluid touched
her face , pained down her watch chain , nearly
molting her watch-case , darted down to her
foot , aud tearing her shoos to pieces , loft bar
A strange death of n little girl by accident
ally a wallowing n lightning bug is reported
from Conrad. The child was playing iu the
yard with a number of other children at her
parent's house , near Odell'a factory , and
while laughing and romping about a lightning
bug ilow inlo her mouth and made its way
down her throat. The little girl became se
riously ill , and though physicians did every
thing to relieve liar sufferings , aha dipd within
a few hours afterwards. This is the iirst death
from such a causa on record , [ Charlotte ( N ,
C. ) Observer.
Profaisor Baird. of the National Museum ,
haa recoived'from England a specimen of an
vpaatio fish-eating ulunt , known as the great
Liladdarwork , which has bun discovered Co be
liecullarjy destructive to young fish. The
[ ilantis largo , has no roots , but floats free in
the water , and its loaves boar small bladders
which entrap the fish fry. Twelve or fifteen
spocles of the plant are found in the United
States , nnd it nhnuudain the Fish Commission
; arp ponda in Washington , where it has boon
lerotoforo introduced nt considerable labor and
expense , having boon heretofore regarded as
excellent fish food. Professor Baird will warn
carp culturhts to destroy tdo plants wherever
'ouud , as hq belleAea that millions of fry must
10 aunnally au ht in the little bladder traps ,
Earnest Men.
The world Is full of earnest men ,
Who live to love and labor ;
To do the little good they can ,
And help a fainting neighbor.
With faith increasing na they go ,
With hearts to friendship Given ,
They rob life's journey of Its woo ,
And make of earth n heaven.
.Therels n light their souls within ,
Though dark the sky above thorn ;
Each sits enthronedthrough life a king ,
Amid the hearts that love them ,
The earnest boys make earnest man ,
Are honored und rotpoctod ;
Exaltodstations wait for thorn ,
Wlillo idlers are rejected.
In view of this , how surely should
Boys live n life worth living.
Hovering what is true nnd good ,
And gentle and forgiving !
-F. [ II. Stauffor.
His lleooinpoiiHO.
When wnlking along the boated street
With my boat girl BO natty nnd neat ,
I had often noticed how her feet
Casually strayed to ouo retreat ,
Where ilcli ice-cream and caramels sweet
Would on oy'ry fcido my vision grrot ,
With well naaumod indifference
I'd call for n plato of cream immense ,
Which sha'd devour with joy Intense ;
And nftor that Summur'n great expense
Klio married n crnnk that had no more cents
Thau I had , That was my recompense.
E. K. V.
Chicago hotel keepers nro now rubbing their'
mud * with visible soap.
Wnter U so scnrco In Now York that oven
tha watering of stock has ceased.
It Is always iv good day for a brass band
when the bijr drum gets affected with political
A ai > n has died in n Cincinnati'workhouse {
nnd it ii imped that this timely warning may
tot prove too late ,
It Is said that Big Horn mountain will
uwo many tourists this cummer. Any place
with u "big horn'1 Is bound to attract visitors.
Out In nsthotlo Montana thn usual saluta
tion Is : "Hollo , cully , how's yer conduct ?
pome In and liquor up the lubricators of the
internal crunks.1
They make cream by machinery now. Fact
In , ooWK have become so lazy that were it not
lor the puuip , the chalkpit , and the godlike
Intelligence of man , the dairy would Boon be
come un obsolete institution , [ Boston Tran
script ,
This hot weather dampens the linen of the
of the starchiest dude ou the street and makes
him uncomfortable in mind nnd body , but ,
blc s you , how It does make the corn grow ,
Out of the corn , If wo have plenty of it , may
bo made now dudes and more &tirch ,
"Do you call this a fresh og , madnmV1 ho
nskod as ho turned from his plato to the land
lady. "Slrl"ftho a voicn meant to paral
yze him , "I urn 110 ben und I do not know. 1
am simply poor , oveiworked landlady , who
run ? 11 behind expanses last mouth. " [ Texas
Slftlns * .
John Armntead , of Adrian , Mlclu , has a
calf that was born without any hair on its
body. Alialrlou calf It n very nice thing to
how to calleri ; but whan winter comes , and
Mr. ArmiteJ finds that he will have to put
weather-strips nnd au ulster on that bovine to
keep It from freezing to death , ha will wl li
that It had luen boru with hair enough to keep
It warra.-l'eck'a [ Sun.
In the hottest part of yesterday afternoon
an elderly farmer , wearing n heavy wool hat ,
and with hia trouuera legs tucked in bis booti ,
halted one of th" bridge policemen aud Inquired -
quired ; "Say , wh'roabouU U that Bedlam's
Iiland they Imvo no much to say about ! ' * Thn
ixillceiimii pointed out Bedlou'a Island , aud
wikod the fwiimr if he wasn't afraid , telng nu-1
accustomed to the city nnd its heat , that lie I
wuuld bo iunitruck. 'Not a iclte,1' said th ? '
oM farmer. "A man thntwos notlontowln'
nwny hay up in th gable when ho wai 0 year
old. won't get sunstruck every lime it thaws , "
-Now York Kim.
"Now , my tloar. " said n enndldnto's f ,
"I don't wish to throw tha slightest ob'taclc
In the way of your election , and if you chooao
to turn the lioufte Into n beer garden , nnd hnvo
all the loafers in town tramping on my car-
poti and filling tny curtains with tobacco
smoke , nnd drinking whisky out of my best
teacups , I shan't Bay n word , But I wnnt
you dlntinctly to undersfnnd thnt if another
of those women's rights delegations comes to
know 1C you are going to take a manly stand
for down-trodden womanhood well , thai
delegation has got to bo twenty years older
and keep Its yell down , or I will Interview it
myself. That's all , dear. " [ Puck.
Her Sadness Pled.
'Tn-as n colt calm night ,
Aad noath the light
Of the starrv glomi above ,
Together they utrayoJ ,
A youth and maid ,
With their young hearts filled with lovo.
On her fair young brow
A cloud sat cow ,
As if she wan In a dream ;
But the dark shade ( led
As ho softly Haid : -
"Lot's go and got some Ico-crunm. "
The second year of the University of Dakota
v/ofl closed on Juno 1 ! ) , at Vermilion. Ono
hundred students have attended during the
Mr. Gilo , principal of a Now Haven school ,
knocked n boy down with his fist for sayinc
"No , " when ho should have said "No , sir/ '
according to Mr. Glln's ideas. The teacher's
ring cut the boy's temple , inflicting n bad
wound. Mr. Gilo la now at the defensive end
of a law-suit.
Mr , E. W. ICoycs. ono of the rcgonta of the
Wisconsin State University , recently Intro
duced resolutions nt the meeting of the re
gents , demanding the removal of President
John Bascom , of the Unlvornltyon the ground
that his identification with the temperance
agitation in Madison , and lack of personal ad
ministration of the internal affairs of the uni
versity have Injured the Institution.
The authorities of the great colleges , now
adjourned for the summer , might employ vaca
tion profitably In discussing wnys mid moans
for keeping the ' ' nthletlo I'porta" of under
graduates within the limits of reason nnd
common BODBO. A weak nr two ago the most
famous athlete at Harvard died of heart
disease , brought on by excessive sport of this
sort ; aud several other recent deaths nt the
same institution nro traced to the same cause.
If the number of students more or loss seri
ously Injured by thojo modern accom-
panirrents of collegiate education could
ba ascertained , the exhibit would certain
ly surprise the public. Meanwhile the
public ) hears muchruoro about the boat-racing ,
ball-playing , running , leaping , etc. . nt Har
vard , Yale , Conn oil , Columbia , nnd the rest ,
than about the intellectual achievements of
the young 'guntlomnn nt these schools. Ono
would think the latter wcro of nn importance
as compared with tha former. Physical train
ing is n good thing , but there can be ' 'too
much of n good thing" as in the present case.
If matters go on ns they have been going for
the last few joirs , colleges will have to ba
divided into two departments ; ono for schol
ar' , nnd the other for these who winh to fit
themaelvij-j for professional careers in boating
clubs , ball parks and the circus.
A Voice of the Night.
'Tis midnight now. Yo candle-bug
Has flown around yo lamp ,
And ou yo pavement far nwny
Is heard yo roundsman's tramp.
Yo pas jot and electric light
Contend with deadly wrath ,
Tofihow belated citizens
Yo homeward-pointing path.
No dith yo little bu y cat
Prolong oacli growsomo'howl
And gain fresh vigor nil ya night
l-'oroach succeeding yowl.
Yo dog with melancholy voice
Incessantly Is hoard ,
And , oh ! ye irata bachelor man
Ho swears a naughty word.
And , nurtling though yo tuneful air ,
Yo'catwnrd bootjacks soar ,
While atill yo mild eyed cockroach glides
Beneath yo kitchen door.
Washington Hatchet.
IraD. Saukoy , the singing nvangellst , is
now at hia homo in Now Custlo , Penn ,
Minnesota Episcopalians very fittingly cele-
jrated Bishop if hippie's twenty-five yunre of
service in the bishopric nt Faribault.
"Biblical Jews" is the name of a now and
growing sect in Kusaia. They have renounced
she Talmud , and nro diligently studying the
Old Testament.
The Moravian ? have just boon celebrating
, hoir-127th anniversary. This loaves the Ed
inburgh tercentenary far in tlio roar. The
.Moravians claim to bo the oldest Protestant
ioct in Christendom. They are nblo to go
jack to the year 1157.
To the cathedral of P/aguo was bequeathed
by the Into EmpressMorliv Auuaainngnifacent
jouquot of thirteen golden roses ia a golden
vino. They nro of old Itoman workmanship.
I'ho vusu stands on n square pedestal , which
alto is of pure gold.
At the Jean Baptlsto colobrntion in Mon
treal between 5,000 and 0,000 poreons nro eg-
.Imated to have been present on the exhibi
tion , grounds during tlio celebration of muss iu
'runt of the Central Building , where n high
altar had been erected , Tlio choir consisted
of about 1,000 voices.
Though the Baptists aud Methodists lalxM
indor great disadvantages in owcdonlit now
tUptint churches were formed last year , and
) , b'23 converts were baptised. There are
now ia Sweden 10 associations , 371 churchts ,
10- preachers , 5S.777 Bnptists , snd 23,310
children hi their Sunday schools.
A now church in Cleveland , Ohio , pre
sented to the Willson avenue Presbyterian
society by Mr. Uuu P. Eolls , wni ussd for the
; ir t time ou Sunday. Tlio lain ! nnd the
building cost about $37,000. I'ho formal
dedicatory services have boon postponed until
ilia fullwhen Mr. Kelts U expected back fioin
A Confederate Parson ,
Among the first confederate troops
that went out ftom Arkansas w < in Parson
[ icoamoro , who enlisted as n chaplain.
Ho wa * a devout Ohriatian , and hia
prayers were regarded by tlio men aa ut
terances from a higher power. Just be
fore the battla o ( Jonkius' Ferry , the old
man , iu a uprraun , aaid :
"My dear boys , I have decided to go
into the next fight with you , I don't
think a man can properly preach about
the uvils and sensations of war unless
ho has experienced the fooling of going
into battle. Now , the next fighting
which wo engage in shal ! have mo num
bered among its participants. "
The old gentleman rode a largo gray
liorso , and when preparations for the
battle of Jonkin'a Ferry were being
made ho appeared on his snowy ohargor.
Some of the oflicers bogged him to keep
out of danger , but with an expression of
heroism ho replied that ho would engage
in the battle. Tlio first artillery fire
from the enemy shot the horse from un
der the old goutlomau , and by the ti < no
ho settled himsulf on his foot a bullet
came along uud took off ono of hit IQn-
gers. Ho attempted to bo calm , but just
then a ball carried away the right thumb ,
and , , wheeling around , Uio old man
struck a determined trot for the roar.
"Ilpld on parson ! " called some ono.
'Hold on , h II" ho replied. "Ask a
man to hold on , when the whole d n
universe is shooting at him. Take care
of your body , and t ) > o Lord trill take
caroof your soul. "
Scrofula diseases manifest themselves
in the warm weather. Hood's Sarsaparilla -
rilla cleanses the blood , and removes
every taint of scrofula.
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It never Dcalcs or postpones.
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emy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , July
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100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frne
tlons , in Fifths In proportion.
1 do do 2E.OCC
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Pulltrnn 8 eopers anJ the Finest Plnlnfr Cars In
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lot Elvinitlmmcdlatc rcliclln
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( ijir > cxi > rrlinrttln ( < i. Tht appropriate r .r.cav
a at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Md >
icloes sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
f osnacc to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Virt.JAMES.No. 204Wa3hnolon ! Sh.Chluigo.lll ,
[ SUCCESSORS TO THE J. M. D. & U. 00. )
Tbo moit extensive manufacturer ! of
W ) B. Tenth Street , OMAHA , NEB.
ITPrlce * of UUllril and Fool Tables and nuterUU
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CS1 South 15th , between Jackson and Jonej Bta.
Job Work n tlooDnj. QuUcrluEtc. . , promptlj
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask\J
those who1 have desirable -
rable property for
saleto place the.same ,
with us. The new firm
will be
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