\ OMAHA .DAiLi7" BEE---FRIDA5T , JXJLX 4 1884 8 THE DAILY BEE 'Friday Mornins , July 4 , LOOAL BREVITIES , To-day Is the ono hundred and c annivomary ot American Indepcndo Many a man will celebrate It In ( an thinks ) a becoming manner. The city manlial says that all B.iloon k ors who do not como to the front ullhtl license money by the ,11th of this month hftvo tholr places of business closed. N , I. S. Solomon brought to tlilsclty you day four Shetland ponlos , thrco raatoi am sUlllon , and a finn jackius. The ponlon , t UcuUrly Iho stalllon.aro bowiHos. The stal WM Imported by A. J. Alexander , of JAne and ta valued nt tCOO , Mr. iTatnos CroJchton has Icnderod Mayor Murphy his rwlirnaUon M clialrma the boanl of public works , No action boon taken In the matter as yot. Mr , Crol ton gives ai lila roiuion for this move that li tired of the continual fighting. Tohn Connors , an intano man , WAX tal to the city jail yesterday about 3 o'clock o by Jntprus , n U. & M. watchman , and C norx , n brother of the crazy man. Ho qulto frantic after being Incarcerated In and made the night hideous with his howl The rite ot circumcision won ( porfon Mils morning at the residence ot M. Hollm liar. Kohn , of Chicago , wan present , and ; formed tbo rite in tlio prenonco ot a largo n bor of the friomla of the family. Tha li eight day old boy Is the firnt son in the II man family , nnd connoiuontly will bo guar with jealous care. The first Rranlto block for the Fan atroot paving was laid In front of the 1'ox hotel ye atorday. A largo crowd has wat od the work all day anil It Is gratifying watch the countenances of the business t ; along thostreet M they look Into the dim i misty future and BCO vehicles rolling ui tholr store doors na of old , Yesterday Captain O'Donahoo nnd o of his men made a tramp round-up. Tl captured four vagrants at Ilor'/i distillery r six In box can near the whtto load wor They wore all taken before Judge Bono' ' who gave eight of them ten days each in i county j all on broad nnd water. Tlio oil two , showing just causa why tiny should released , were sot at Hborty. Ladies should lefloct before using a preparation that is applied to flodelici surface as the skin. Any cosmetic w at first impart a beautifying effect and rj ' apparently injure the skin , but in a vo flhort time little blotches and discolc tions appear on the face which cone aivoly show the poisonous drugs in th composition. It can bo safely said tl more than two thirds of the face powd contain these injurious ingredients , P soni's medicated complexion power is n only absolusoly free from all dolotorio matter , but its princtyal ingredient is i active curative for all diseases of tl akin. It has stood the test of years. So by all druggists. mo-oodyl THE TAX LEVY , The County Commissioners Fix U Tax Levy For 1881 , The equalization of assessed proper having boon completed by the board county commissioners they have mat the tax lory for 1884 which is as fc lows : For the general fund a tax of nil mills has boon loviod. For the bond and sinking fund a tc of four mills has boon loviod. For the road fund a tax of two ar ono half mills has boon loviod. For the bridge fund a tax of ono mi has boon loviod. A levy of eight mills has boon mai for school district No , 5 to pay thobondc indebtedness. The county commissioners have fixed license fee of $1. to bo paid by the ewer or or harboror of any dog. There will bo a largo increase in tl assessed valuation of property the boai having raised in the aggregate. A fi report of the work of the board as an c utilization board will bo published in few days. THE DAY WJ OELEBBATE. The Anniversary of tlio Dco.nrntlo of Independence Sports of the Day. To-day is the Fourth of July an -as such will bo appropriately celebrate 1 all over the United States. In this cil no general demonstration will bo madi but each ono can amuse himself f 'ho sees fit. Abundant amusement wi bo furnished for all. At the Union Pi r cifio baio ball park two games of ball wi bo played , between the Union Pacific and the Chicago Ilcsorvcs. Tlio Iloaorvc is a peed club , having within tlio pat Jour days dofdatod both the Iluolc Islan and Evansville clubs , and will enter th Hold to-morrow in Excellent shapo. Tli places of tlio players will bo as folllowi JtlHKIlVKH. UNIOK 1'AOIFlr Young Catcher , 11 and Onrr. I'ttcher Hockwo Graham. . , , Vint base. Uitea Hautry , , Second ba e MclCiil v Htllory. . . Third bwo Whltne HJel'aufiUor , , Short atop. , , . . , Byi Jovne.M , , . .l.olt Hold . , , , Dwyi Jtoso. . . , Center field Boll-Inn K&lno JUglit field Carru In the afternoon gatno Salisbury wi pitch for the Union Pacifies. Morning game will bo culled at 1 o'clock , afternoon garno at ! i:30. : At the Athlutio grounds of the crick < club abundant amusement will bo fui nishcd all who nttond. Kilted l > y u I'usnliitf Train , Wednesday night at Milliard a tclograp line repairer by the name of Pierce w ulruck by A p&uing train and Uilloc Together with his comrades they ha lifted their hand-car from the track an were awaiting the paasago of a trait A the train urew near Pierce steppe forward to the tdgo of thn track and o tlio train reached him it struck hiu Idlling him almost instantly , Oorone Haul was notified yesterday and won to Milliard. STATS : ( /AZETTEKII & But DlUKCTOUY to bo ifiSUWl ill Julj 8t > 4 , prloo H60. J. M. Woufis , pub tier 1.50 K. 14th St. Omaha. BKAL of North Carolina Tolucco is th APPROACHING THE END. The Motion of OnlhriB's ' ConnselOi mlcil and the Case Proceeds. Aloro Interest Man ! rented by tlio C zcns Tlio I3nrt or tlio Case Drn/wlnR Ncftr , The space inside the rail yesterday m ing was filled by Omaha attornoya to 1 iho opinion of Judge Neville on motion In Guthrio's case to diaoh : the defendant. The court promised opinion by the statement that ho allowed n fair and free discuslon on subject , and after holding up to the li both sides of the question prccon hold that the statute was made to c such defects as the ono by reason which the motion was made , that defendant's substantial rights wore prejudiced thereby , and that the nat on the back of the indictment vrorp i ficlont to apprise the party on trial the person who appeared bofpro ' grand jury. When .Judgo Neville . rendered his decision Mr. Baldwin as ! the court of it had soon a case rocor decided by Nebraska's supreme co bearing upon the question then bof the court. The decision was road to court by counsel. Judge Neville h the case not applicable to the ono bef him and OIUiitED : THE DErjSNHB to call itn first witness. Smith n Folkor whom the dofcndnnta counsel 1 been promised the right to cross exam were not present in the court room. 1 sheriff stated Polknr had been at poonacd to bo present to-day and the upon upon the application of dofondat sotiBol an attachment was issued for h by the court. JOII.X U. HAHtEU vas the iirst witness called for the i 'onso who testified to the dofondan ; oed reputation in this community. OUSTAVE A unnsoN , .lie next witness , stated ho had kno ho defendant for ton years and his r itation was good. Witness was also [ uaintod with S. S. Folkor ; had kno lira flinco ho tried to bring into use I norchant'a police force in this city. CAPTAIN SMITH , TIO , in the meantime had come into I oem , next took the aland. Witness h , conversation with Chase about thi rooks ago. Did not say to him exac i that time , "If I have received a lonoy from the [ gamblers which I do r dmit , I chudkod it down in my pocki f > stay. " Ho did say ho was insuri lie gamblers protection for so much r. icntli and had given out that impn ion. OIIPXS EXAMINATION. Ho had the conversation in Olios Dice , and the talk arose out of witno rrost. Ho stated to several people tli o was insuring the gamblers absolu rotoction but this was given out take an impression and was by him as tot. The court hero asked the counsel < ithor side how many witnesses they pi osod to call on the question of ropul ,011. Mr. Baldwin said ho was waitii } lot the court decide for itself. Thoi pen Judge Neville fixed the number vo on a side. J' . L. STONE 'as next called. Ho know the dofon at's reputation , whichprior to his boii larshal , was good. K011EHT M'GOXKELL iroman of the locomotive fire donai icnt of the Omaha division of the U. 1 illway , testified that ho was not a uaintod with the defendant's roputatic itsldo the shops , and his evidence w coludcd. WILLIAM OLADIBH , 10 next witness , had boon acquaint' ' ith the defendant for nearly four yoai uthrlo and Branch had never come in is store- together so far as ho know. I opt his store locked when ho wont 01 OUOSH-EXAMINATION. Branch had never boon in his store tr as ho know , no may have boon Is otoro , but ho never mot Guthi lore. lore.When When Mr. flladish had stopped fro 10 stand the court ordered the dofon > call the next witness. James Nolij nd S. S. Folkor were called but not bi ig presontMr. | Bald win stated they wou iko the testimony of Mr. Ohaso nox All right , " said the judge , "wo wi o with the jury to Mayor Ohaso's houe promised you that you should have h mlonco and wo will proceed to take it.1 Mr. Kaldwin objected as it was nc 10 proper thing to do. Mr. Ohaso vrt 'ing ' in n mnall room and it would I most impossible for thu jury , counci to court and the clerk to gain access I . Mr. Baldwin requested that tl mrt and stenographer go I a house- and take his testimony whk quid bo road to the jury at its aftornoc ssion. The court was inlloxiblo ni : tor ordering the bailiffs to clear the we the door , the jury headed by tl .orill' and the court otartod fOU THE KX-MAY011S UESIUENCE. When the court and jury arrived i 0 house , Judge Neville directed tl lorifi to apprise Mr. Ohaso of the esonco , which having been done tli occasion filed into his room. The o : ayer woa ly-lng in bed looking somowhi naciated from aicknoss , but seemed t 1 in good spirits and a healthy state c ind. Tlio object for which they ha nip was taken up without any prelim aries and Mil , OIIA.HB WAH HWOUN IIV TIIE COUNT , After stating his name ho stated ho hared rod in Omaha eighteen years sine 100 , Jio was elected mayor ono yon ; o list spring , llis physical conditio , as such that his physician had told hlr ) t to louvo his bod. Know Quthri lie had been appointed city marshal b itnoss. Know Higgius iwd Baldwiii it not Branch , Sodorstrom , Bruokor o onnody. Know Smith. Had a con motion with Smith about four week ; o. lie did not talk About this mattes tioro wio some talk , however , that the ; ore after the marshal. Smith who ; nuding near the door did say "If 1 hav ccivcd any money from the gamblers iloh 1 do not admit , I HIIOVKl ) IT DOWN my pockets to stay. " This romarl is not made bucauso no was protoctin her parties. Ho had a couvertatio Ih Lliggins about a span of horaci /Jtnoaa was asked what it was , but n ijoction of the atato was ruled oul r. Ohaso said ho would like t ito what it was und nftor some tal is admitted. ) Witness mot Mr.IIiguim i the street after ho wo acted. Mr. Illggins nsko m to go over to Komtm iblo and , BUO a toamj which ho di but nothing was said. IIo again i Mr. Higgins who asked him if ho ( Ohi would llko to have them , witness c ho would if they came from the ri source , and not frim the OAMI1LEIW AND CONinACTORS. Higgins said "you ought know where they come from" wl the witness refused to take thorn , the reason that when ho drove th down street people would say "th goes the team that the sporting n bought for the mayor. " Ho was no offered money but did refer JUggins Guthrie who ho had directed to onto Iho ordinances. Never had any si conversation with any other gamb ! Did not have any recollection ol a t with Smith when ho offered money , i did any ono else offer him money. V ness know Folkar. His reputation ; bad , and ho ( Ohaao ) would'not boli him under oath. CIIOSS EXAMINATION. Ho'had a talk with Baldwin ab closing the gambling houses about time they were closed. Witness wonl Washington in February last. Ho not toll Smith that ho had directed marshal to have nothing to do with i ono in his absence but him ( Smith ) , E ginsfirstspoko to witness about the here Illggins did not advise him not to It the horses , and when witness said ho > not want them , Higgins then asked ) ; if ho would not take $400. Witness , way of explanation was allowed to at that ho thought those gifts wore offo : him as a sort of peace offering by gamblers who had opposed his electl This concluded his testimony. 1 court and jury then proceeded to court room when the jury was dischar ) until 2 p. m. Afternoon Session , THE WITNESS FELKEll. When court convened in the aftornc Counsellor Baldwin stated ho wanted record to nhow that the witness Full tiad boon oubpocnaod but was notpresc Ho was informed by the court that it i liis duty to BCD to it that ho was prose lib request , however , was granted. MEYER GOLDSMITH was the first witness called after dinn Flo had known Guthrie for five years c Ilia reputation was good. u , H. maaiNs next took the stand. Ho is the sa Higgins ho was before the grand ji xnd testified before thatbody substanti ly the same as ho did on the trial bofi the traverse jury. William Sodorstrum , Goodly Bruck fames Morrison , S. 0. Baldwin , Hir ; Itonuody , Charles Branch and Ci Smith were called to the Bland and go ostimony to the name olloct as Air. H ; ins , C. A. BALDWIN , ittornoy for the defendant , next took t land. Ho had charge of the case : Guthrio. Had carefully examined t ndictmont , and advised the dofondc n the promises. An attempt was ma 0 show that Mr. Baldwin told t lofondant that the parties whoso nan ; .ppcarod on the back of the indictmoi ould not possibly bo the persons t cribod as "unknown , " but upon obj < ion of the state was ruled out. I'AllKE GOODWIN , ho district attorney was then called. ] tatod ho was present before the gra : ury in its deliberations. ' "Woro you present when the vote waken akon ? " Godwin , declined to answer and vi ustained by the court. Guthrie was bofpJo the grand jury ai witness in the Smith and Branch cat inly and volunteered a statement. ixplanatipn Godwin stated Guthrie a ) liaso we're called there to give tcstimo 11 the Smith and Branch cases , charg rith "obtaining money under falsa pi onaos , to give tostimouy as to whether ot the said Smith and Branch we tioir appointed agents. Guthrie ni lhaso were advised that they need n nswor any question tending to crin ate themselves. Hoe Mr * Baldwin offered to introdu 1 evidence the indictment against CHA11C1EU WITH PE1UUHY i show that Guthrie has sworn bofo tie grand jury that ho had not received ollar from Branch , But this was al tiled out. Upon being told by the judge to ci is next witness , Mr. Baldwin stated lie court that ho wished the court rdor the district attorney to elect up < 'hioh charge in the indictment , if an o would urge a conviction. Tlio rcquo as overruled. Mr. Baldwin then aski 10 court to instruct the jury that A VEiiDioT OP "NOT GUILTY" liould bo returned for the reason th ivoral offenses were charged in the i ; ictmont and the district attorney he ttusod to elect upon which ono ho wou rgo a conviction , and requested tl > urt to discharge the jury. This wise so overruled and au exception notod. This concluded the defense and afti nno discussion about the time to bo o 'ttod ' each side- throe hours were give 10 attornoya , The court ordered M edwin to proceed with his argumen 'o said ho was willing to submit it trill it. | The court informed himitlookod'U luch like a bluff , and was again told I : 10 court to proceed. IIo then sal B would waive his opening a imout , but boinc ; informed by the com mt a question would then arise as to vrli ould have the right to clooo arose on Idrossod the jury. MIL aoinvm'H AUOUMUM. After a few preliminary remarks , t 10 of which Mr. Green took oxcoptior [ r. Godwin stated ho was not hero i 10 demagogue of a bloated railway co ; jratiou or the appointee of a drunko ayer rendering services for past favoi mo ; ho was before jury as the sorvaa the people and to execute his awor ml ; ho was hero to prosecute- boha 00,000 people him who had DIKdlUQKU TIIK WHOLE CITY , ioso name had become synonymous fc imo. Ho never prosecuted a defend it through malice , and if ox-Marsht athrio were innocent of the crim argod against him no ono would b ore gratiuod to know it than ho. II xt spoke of the system of jurispru nco , of V > safeguards with which a cusod is a , Wounded , and referred t o temples 01 justice whoso priests are TUB 01UULKH OV TUB LAW. a apologized to the jury for passing th lUiids of decorum and courtesy. Tha arose from the eagerness of his mini present his case in the strongest ligh issiblo. Many things had arisen it o progress of the trial to vex am Tass him. Ho would humbly be , oir pardon for those past offenses , am ton called upon by the court to apolo 10 fur those past acts , ho would not b > und remiss iu doing so. Mr , Godwin here read the law and ap led U to the case in hand , The atat , d given evidence that TUB OKI MR OP UHI1IKUY is committed by Guthrio. The dofons ily tended to show that it cauuot bo ai Ammonia and Lime in Price's ' Bakiim Powder. An analysis of Dr , Price's Baking Powder , rando by n reputable ckomisb in 1879 , gives the following as its ingredients : Bicarbonate Soda 21.70 TART1UTE OP LEMB _ 3.5U Bitartrate Potash _ „ 64.72 Starch 19.00 AMMONIA , , . . . 1.05 100. In order that no public may understand whether Dr. Price's Bak ing Powder , ns made at the present time , is deficient in nmraoniacal prop erties and to mora fully demonstrate a faot already recognized by the greatest number o consumersthat it is inferior to the Koyal rn strength , purityand wholesomeness , Dr. Price is respectfully requested to publish an analysis showing the proportion of ammonia now used in the compo sition of his baking powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER GO. Arc prepared to do wor MEEGELL & OUTSIDE THE CIT * PsnniQro MDnnrQinro in any brunch , rdllllGloQL UuLllldlUio On Short Notice CA1WY THE LAKOKSTAND FINEST.nETAIL STOCK OP HOUSE , SIGN , WALL PAPERS AND DECORATIONS. AND FRESCO PAINTING , StFCBt , ( M , DECORATIN 1 and not that it was not BO. They wou try to show that the state's evidence car from mon who were unworthy of boli as these who gave it were under indie rnont. Ho prepared the jury for t ! argument of defendant's attorney , ar paid a glowing tribute to Mr. Thursti as "tho delegateat largo to Ohicaj who lulled into silence that great body and appeared in the case whenever 1 could obtain the attention of the cou and the jury. Ex-Mayor Ohaao was r forrcd to as the "SICK MAN OF TUB CITV HALL. " The history of the attempted delays : the court was Rene over to the jury. M Branch was the first man who appoarc in the case. The gambling houses , was rumored , were about to close , an when Branch wont to BOO the marshal 1 said it was BO. Shortly after they wo : closed. In about three weeks , Branc testifies , ho jmot Guthrie and paid hi § 300. Within half an hour afterward tl gambling houses vrcro thrown open. The evidence and the attending ci cumatancos were argued at length , ac all tended to show the GUILT OP THE DEFENDANT. In conclusion ho said ho had done o ho could' 'and all the energy of man ar his small ability could do. Ho would I content with their verdict , and if the d fondant were found guilty all would 1 well with him , and if thov found otho wise ho would say nothing but woul think for himself concerning their coi elusion. The court adjourned to 9:30 : Saturda morning , upon the conclusion of hia a gumont. STOLEN FBOM fJTB A.SBTJBGE ] An Omalia Man Alleged toHavoUcc Ilobbcil of Dlaiuonila and Such at Buffalo. Buffalo dispatches to the Ohicag papers state that about two weeks ago C S. Straoburgor , of this city , stopped t the Mansion house in Buffalo for a shoi timo. On Sunday , Juno 22 , ho loft th hotel , but soon after returned , and state that ho had lost oomo money. Th matter was kept very quiet , and all th employes of the hotel acquainted wit ! the loss were instructed not to montioi the matter. Straaburgcr had lolt $ GOO sorao diamonds , and other jewelry undo his pillow on departing from the hotel A part of the money only was found it the bed , but up to Tuesday nothing liai boon learned of the remainder of th' ' valuables. The cano was jiut into tin hands of a private detective agency which led to the arrest of Margaro Taylor , a aorvant at the hotel , who i now in jail. Strasburgor , however Failed to appear , and it wax ascorUinoi that ho had gone to Now York. Tin prisoiior'a counsel has demanded nn im mediaio examination. A telegram wa jont after Straaburgor , and if ho does no respond by to-day the case will bo dis inisaod. Mlsa Taylor bears a good' ' char ictor , and BO far the whole case romaim ihroudod in mystery. The pooploa * Cyclopedia takoa thi bakery. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThtipowderDettrTarlve , A mariel ol purtceo * ttength aod wbnluiomeiieM. Wo. * toocoiulcil thu. hairdlnary klndf.andcaDUotbat Uln ruutitlot | rith the multitude of low tot , ihoit weight alum 01 ihoiphata ix > wdani. Bold duly tn cam. 1.0YAI IAK1KU l Wljm CO A. Small Burglary , Last night burglars entered Hoimr & Co.'s saloon on South Thirteenth stn and succeeded in securing a few cig ; when they were frightened away by W Hoimrod. They entered through t transom over the front door , nnd ma their exit in the same manner. Aft getting into the place they placed a tal under the transom to make their 02 moro easy. It is thought that the burglars were couple of young mon who were sei hanging around the place all ycstordi afternoon and acted in a very suspiaio manner. They have not boon seen t day and have probably left the city. E. M. A. Members of the Kmmott Monumoi Association and their families going IVIoArdlo Precinct on July 4th will mei promptly at 8 o'clock Cor. 15th at Douglas St. whore conveyances will I roady. COMMITTEE. SPECIAL NOTICES larspecialn win Positivolynot bo insert ) unless paid in adv&neo. TO LOAM-Blonev. _ _ TMTONKY loaned on chattels , notes boat-fat , cut ra 1V1 tlcketa gold. A. Forman , 213 a 13th St _ 0331m TO LOAN The lowast r te ol Intert MONEY ' Loan Ascnoy , 16th ft DoufU ZBJ-tl n/fONET / TO LOAN In sum * of (800. and npwui ITJL O , F. Davia nnd Co. , HoJ aUte um Lei t , 1E05 F rn ra St. St 8-t HELP TTAHTBD. For responsible position , n compete ! WANTED who his Imd experience In wholesale house Address P. O. box 053. It \\7ANTiD-Glrl to do general housework In sma I family , 1714 Douglis street. Oood wages. 411 > 3p A german g\il \ for general liouso wet WANTKD of t o 2325 Leavcnwottb , between 2 ! ind 23d Streets , lira Klorelll. 408-3p ITTANTED In a family of three , a competent cec VV anil laundrcs. , ono who wllk a cov. Wagea $ i cr iuontli. Apply at SO } 1'ark Avenue. 4U5 Op fTTANTED Ono flrstclasa female meat cook"nn TT ono fiood laundry woman , at the Arcade hctc a BtrcBt. _ 410-Ci | IX , ANTED A first cl s cook at Callan's. Fremoi ft Housr , 10th and Burt SSO-S f\7ANTED Immediately , a good man to manufai T r turo and Introduce a new machine ; liest < jrms given. Address for this \\cck "U.K. " Ik Illoo. 390 Sp IXfANTED Flrkt-class liook.kccpor. Muit bo ( I T utoidjr lublti nnd furnish gooil rotcrcnco ; onsolldatca Tank Uno Co. SVll [ \7"ANTHD A nret-clasa girl forrijcneral houei T T work. JIu t be atrood cook. Nonoothornec pply. Good wages paid. lira. MIHou Rogers , J > ' . - lOlli and Leaven worth street * . 377-tf [ TTANTECx-aoodnoniiui cook at (01 south ISt } V utroct. SiM-gp ITrANTED A woman to do general housework t 1 1 k'o Intotbo country for the euuimur , 2.91 Wei .tf street , < 02-9 [ \7-NTEU A good tccond cook at one * , titoiul. IT work and go > d woftta to a sober , reliable v hlt un. AdiJroia "I'trlilna House , ' 1'lattamouth , Met nfTANTHD A girl for general housework On IT that can wash and Iron preferred , lira. Wm.J.M runebaum , ZOth street , near St Miry'a avenue. 300-Z [ [ \ ' , ANTED First class girl for general houav-vtor r T Apply ill. 3. K. Shreto 103 Wth street.185tf 185-tf ilTANTKU A good girl lor general home work li IT mnall family. Goodnagei aud eteady place " ' ' iqulr ? S415 IJavonprrt St. [ X/ANIKD IVogirlt to go to tau country , ( loot IT vage , expenses paid. Cull un Blis. Clftrknou inicr tit. Mary n atenue and 20th street. S03-3p [ TIT NTKD TWO dishwashers and two tllnTn ] I V ro > m girls Immediately. Uaod wages paid a JOT Farnam street _ K87-3p ntMNTED-A girl for housework at 8015 Ca'lfornl r > struct. 378-ip .ITANTl-D-A girl for houiowork. Mrs. W. W r r iilnghtin , wok. slila 10th btmel , 4th liouso souti I Leavenworth. S70-8 iXrANTKD ( llrlfor jtciierul houte work In smal rV family. No. 1215 N. 10th St 331-4) ) -X7ANTED-A barter , 700 S. lOtn street , Omaha. .TTANTED . A boy who can ipeak German for gen IT erol kitchen work at 216 ISthSt 310 Sp 1/ANTKD-A girl for general homo work at 210 ; rV ChlcayoBt. _ B13 6 T7"ANTED A competent Ctrl lor general liouso I * work. Wagwf20.aruonth. N. W. cor IBtt idDatenport SU-tf TTANTEl * Good nook , other and Ironer. , . . . 'I other need apply. ) Wages Si. per week. Ap / 1803 Davenport at. 3154 TT'ANTED An Intelligent and responsible boj 'I w Ith horse , to carry pvcnlng llee. Call 8 a.m. \ "ANTjUaul for houte-v > ork01& eouth ISth Et , > 317.5p \'ANTKlt-Agitl to do general house-work al > 18H Webster ttwct. Z03-p A good active woman to do dlalne \7ANTfl work.Yogeattpor e k. Apply al S Douglas bt , v > s.tf r-w-y I VTT-t i-\ A irlrl who nnderstands general hi WANTED wor It , at 8. W , Corner Ilarney and 20th nil _ A \TANTKD Two tllniiiz r < wm iltlf ax 101 m IRth Street. 308- \\7ANTKI > To Mrs a gltl for general hou > o w 1 1 Ror.T n prcffrred. Jnnu'rr nf S. Lotnun , Farut.ru tt % 3.10 _ _ \\7ASftEn -Girl fur j-jmrM houic irk. Inn Vr t FMholm & Erickson'g. 131 IIVK Agents tot best 10-ccnt campaign me J PerfectlikoncM Wrlto n . on-elnr cxo. feriltory. O. N. liuiby It , Co' , 617 Market St , 1 WANTED--A girl In family of tWO ) iW4 Far St. 23 WANTI.D-Oood glilat F.mmctIIouic , llth. t arnam and Harner. S3 WANTKD-LADIE3 OU OENTMtMEN-In ell country.totftkerlcc.llizhtandplcawitwo ! .helrcwnhonieijmoton day easily and nul nade ; work scut by mall ; no canvosslnz ; no at ° /ct'yi -"lo-us " < ' < ' l-oHaUollanTg Co. , ; idelphU , Pa. i < 3 i'r WAN1ED alrl or general h uso.work 217 in 10th St 1CO- ; ryANTEO-OIrl at 1510 Sherman avenue. ; T T J. U. Counsraan. 013 WANTEO-dtrl for housework at 2227 DoJg < TCt-lm gITOATIOMB WANTED. Y\7"ANTED-SltuUlon by young man M book-ki ri cr , or any office work Good penman , can il h tcfcrcnccg. Addrcsa "A. W , " Bco otflco. JO ryANTKO aituatlon as foreman on farm , ai II practical farmer , can Slvu rttcrcnce , am sit v temperate , Adurcsi "J , E. A. " Dee otflce. otflce.3s7.ll Sltmtlon as shirt ironing or work WANTED . Call atSlO Jackson St , 810-4 lv ! a lady , a position aa copyist or responding clerk In ollico. Address "SI" ifflco. 810 A Young mimled man war.ta situation as bit t\- keener , tn wholctalo establishment in Omi Idilrisi "a" care Deo. 880-i MIDOKLLAWBOOn WAmC. A six room cottage In good local WANTED . I'rlca must be low. Address F. nan , Hoo.n 4 , Army Building , loth and Fainam. A HcOncd eistcrn widow lady vlaltliiK Om ! cxuants tocoircspondwlth a gentleman over to it worth financially , mentally , morally and pi cally. A business or pro'ceslonal gentleman prct id. Kit. Huth Maycard , c ro of Umiha Bee. 335 AND FOUND-Tho best bargains WANTED , at 010 10th street. Mia. LummK lultncr. 3'7- W'rtNTfU Largo lurnlshoJ bwl room by Rcntlcmen. Kent In adranco and no nucstl Jktd. Address "X M. " Uco olfice. 808 i rrTANTED-To sell the best barber shop In No ; V w cstern Ncbraeka. Address Lock Box 29.1 alk , Kob. 205-B riTANTED A few first-class talile boarders at 1 TT DodgoSt. 25. rX7"ANTED To teach Gorman In o private earn II by a young man who has UurU ; In the school 30 old country- Address "F. W. " Bee ctllce. 241-3p n7E oflor In lots to suit purcbvier , eight huml TI choice Iowa steers. Ono hall yf ar old ? , lala vo and three ) oari eld , nnd a good smooth bum 210-lm 8T1.A.NQE IIUO'S , Sioux City , lowi i 1TAJ4TED Boarders to know the St. Charles I I T tcl on Ilarncy St , between 12th and 13th ' t up the best table board for $100 per week of i ouso In the city of a corrcspondlr"- . Z88-1 FOK HEIIT Honaoa una Lola. 70U 11BNI A furnished room at 131S Jackson ' 391-0 , 011 KENT Furnl-hcd rooms suitable for ono ? two gentlemen at reasonable rate , S. E. con Ith and Padua. 333-7 ] TtOIl KENT Newsroom house Inquire Mrs ? Ruddla , 25tn between Davenport nnd Chicago f 305 5j 710 ft KENT A dwelling of ten rooms w Ith all m ? crn Improvement at U. W. corner Ilarney a th. JjmesNe.Illo. 392-7 ] 71011 KENT A brick basement of four rooms ? per month , 22d and Popplcton avenue. C. 11 n. 393-51 TMillUKNr Binglo furnished room 1017 Chics ' street. 400-t 7IOR RENT Three rooms , 3U N. 13th street. 1 3B9- ! wo now sx room coages , * blocks from Fark avcnuo cars. $22.50 per men S72-/ AMES , 1607 Farnam street TlOIt RKNT Douse of 3 rooms 2Gth and Harm Well and cistern.Wm. . L. Honroc , ( id Douglas. 80-81 pOR RENT Furnished end unfurnfancd rooms I ' light housekcplog , 814 N. 18th St. 805-41 pOR RENT For gentlemen , 2108 Farnam Btrc 1 two very nieo rooms , furnished or unfurnlilu iplytoF. II JontB , 1120 Farnam street. 3&1- HOR RENT Newly finished five room bouse wl ' Otlhrand cistern , on Davenport , near. 6th I ply to E. K. lUUlspaugb.Clarkson Place , St. Mar enuc. 373 3p f\OR RKNT Nicely furnished room lor gontiem , 1 at 421 1'leisant street. 3S3 4 rtOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitable I ' light houte-kceplng , 1817 Chicago , 331 tl WR UENT Furnlsbod room 1417 Howard St. 1 234-5p ORRENT New sit roouied house , ISO. Thr nearly new cottages , $18 each Batlou Broi r S , 13th street. SIS 3 1011 KENT Front room with board , sultablo f two gentlemen , ItOSCayltol avcnno , S20-3p lOu BENT Nicely tarnished rooms wltho board 1814 Davenport 8t. 10i-7p TOR HUNT Store room 14th and Jones stref $20porinontb. Barker & Jlayno. 33311 OU HENT Tluce or 6 room house , closet , cil water. Inquire- 60S North 13th St. 331-1 ! 0l ! RENT Ono rood sit loom house 15 per m G.M. Hitchcock. ' - 85-tf s > OR RENT No , 2621 DivenpoitSt , seven room 0. F. Da\ls& Co. , 16dS Farnam St 00-4 XOR HEHT A pleaiant furnished room at lei Capitol avo. 294.1 > OR REST With boMd , an elegant furalshf parlor bed room , 2CO > Cas * St. 011 RENT Furnished looms 2200 Dodge Strco _ 250-Sp 011 RENT Two rout rooms newly funilshea Ji 317 10th B * . , betwttn Chicago and Davenport. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 0-6p 1011 RENT With Iward large front room wit bay window , gas and bath room , 1719 Dodge al i-5S-8p _ OU RENT Furnished rooms 105 N. IRth St. 200 Sp _ IOK RENTTwournl ! hcdor uufurnUhert roou wllliboird , centrally located , good reterencc urencoj required. Call or addicss 424 Convent 8 blocks from St. Mary's aye. 240 : IOK RENT House 6 looiau good icjvilr. Nl ( ) ard , cUliru water , Iljiit8bpor month 1411 kWildoave. Apply to Jno. W. Btll , Uruegls tiBt. 185-tl 'OR ' RUNT Ilouto G rooms , corner Toppletonau blierlJau Et . , < 10.00 per inontli. liarlicr an > ne , 13th and Fornam. 187-tt OR UBNT-Ono store In Crounsa' Block , G. U IlltchcacW. _ 088 tt Oil 1U > T 1 gcod rooms south-cut corn r20tl mid Cummg. 070 tf OR RENT Six room house on street car line an ronteolcn. to bunlnesi. Address Immediate ! ) X. " Oca oOloe. 7 CO tt OK llKNi-Mano. Inquire at Kdholra & Enck ton' * . _ 883 tr : OH HEN ! ' Koomslu Nebrvika Nation * ! Baul Bullillni ; . Host dcilrabla ottlces in the city plleJ * lth hydraulic eloratorand heated by uteaui ply at Iluik , ' 828 1 UK liUST Elegant rujldcncu it ) rooms , turuact hot and cold water , bath tnotui io. Suitable to , -clin boardlag house or pihato rvitdenco $70 pt utli. ourteen room house new , Kth St , near Jones ? U inontli. llAUKKlt & 41AY.NK , 13th and Farnam OR IlENT-In U'dlok't block. Store room ISC feet dt. p and gjod ome tooin. fauuen & Co. , i ftruatu , room s. 7W-tf 01. HE.NT Kurnlihcd oem on the north-wist cor 1 3th and Capitol -leaue , loimcrly Creliih Hume , _ isatt FOR SALE. DK SALKCIIKAl'-SO ncreillna land R. W. H city. Will. , ! ! In 6 acre I'iccvJ. j . . r a-m.- . ; r & Cobb , 1515 ifarutm St. 3S8 U 911 tiALE-Uoucohold turalture at .X > Cumlni M. 8iS ) 5p I OR SALE An established business , paying welt. F Will requlra about tl.JOO. Good rewansfor nil. Ing. Incpjfra at 217 N. ICth street.404Op ' . Itoir.llnff hotnefurnltur and fixture * All cutnplots. Inquire at 210 a. 10th St. SALE A full-Inking le.er pilctlng press , ' chassfHIIIfchej , chop. AJJrets W. J. Paul , 1141 A' , lathsticet 8W-3p SALE 13 } acrei Ssrpy county lands 12 miles FOR Omthi. Will tnko > m ha property In part/ payment Call oner audron SI M Purlin , i apllllor' SfU-Sp SAtE Lot * ) S down , t5 * month 0 jvr cent FOR . AllKs , 1607 Furnwn. 371-7 SALB-Choio , a nlc3 light road w pen ltli FOR . Boggs&IIlll. 333-3p SALK llouso 4 toomi , barn , cUtcrn , will , FOU tree * , lawn Ve. . all new , Just completed. I'tlco $ ltOD. 2410 lllondo , near Sauudori 830-3p SALn At a bargain , 60 cords dry hard wood. I FOU - Hoggs & inn , I SALK Ono small span ot mules , harness and ) wacon.Buitablr lot del I my outfit. Inquire at } Duroln barn , Cumlng street' 261-4 ) SALE A good milch cow. Inquire on Convent FOR , the third houses from llarnoy. J. Klrnor. | 270-11 irtOU SALK UUHAr Koal citato busmcoa In town JU ol 603 population on Rcpubllotn Valley Ilall- road. Excellent location , flnecounty , largo llit , best ol rcasoni ( or celling , a pplentlld npnotlunlty , books thow business. Address "Q. W. L. Bee oDlco. 172-4p SALE Three ot the best lota In tlansoom FOR at a bargain It aold toon. Totter & Uobb , 1616 Fftrnam. 031-tl SALB Sheep , a lot ot fine Colorado grades FOR ot 800 owes , 2 , 3 and 4 years old. about COO jotirllngaacd 6 < M Kmbs. The cwca will shear about 0 pounds For further Information ad * Jrcw JUday Co. , lUlglor , U. S II. It. U. , Neb. 033'lmp SALK A nice cottage ani lull lot , half block FOU suuth of Jtllton Hogcr'n residence , on 10th street. Inquire oM. Ltc , Qtccor,22J and Lcavonworth. _ , _ U17-lm TTiORSALK-At a bargain , a Orst-claas Zither. Ad- X ; drcsa "X. 7. . ( J. " u o ofllco. I FOTl BAT.C The Omaha Bakry , rsUbiiilied 1874 Contn'ns a good flock of Fancy Goods and other Hxtuica , wagon , etc. Location grst-cbsa. Cheap lor : ash. Apply 610 lUh street , botnccn Jackson and Howard. 704 1m _ TT'OR ' BALE Two second hand pianos , at Edholm JL ? fe Erlckaon'a Mualo Store on IBth St. EOO-tf SALE Tbo coziest and most desirable res idence on Capitol Hill. Uouso contains 0 rooms jesldcs closet and etoro roonw , good cellar , city water , iuu Ml modern Improtcmcnts. Good barn and out * buildings. Everything in first-class nbapo. Full lot. Inquire ot T. F. Lyon on premises. 2129 Capitol avo. 812.tt _ _ SALS - > IE\Iv KSTATE-A great bargain In FOR lots In Kwo'a Hace , HII St. Mnry'd are , St. arllno , at veryloM' price tot 30 lUya. Apply to loooph tl. Uceto , 211 Suuth lith street , Oil-Imp SALK Tno open second hand bugtcs and FOR dolncry wagon , cheap , at 1310 Haruey St. 333 tf SAT.K Cheapest house anil lot In Omaha , In FOR ' addition , S ruoi&s , ve 1 , 30) barrel eta * cm , tn two lets , 10J to t fiont by ISO fejt dcop , tor Totter & Gobi ) , 1615 FArnam sttcet. 40a-tt SALE-Choap lots In Shlnn's 2d adjitlon , KIrknoodandTlalnview. Potter & Cobb , 1615 'arnam street. 428-tf IPORSALE Twenty acres ol the Gtlffon farm , 3 L miles ( com the postoDlco , and only two blocks romPratt'Bsub division. Will bo sold in 2 } , 6 or 10 fro lots. Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1611 Douglns treet. 270-tt [ 701. SAtE At a bargain , a first class Zither. Ad * D dress "X. Z. Q" Boo office. 876-tf rj OR SALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1&74. C Contains a good stock of Fancy Goods and other ixtures , wagon , etc. Location first-class. Cheap for ash. Apply 618 10th street , bet. Jackson and How * Td. _ 784-lm f01l SALE Twq second hand 'pianos , at Edholm U & Etlckson'd Musia Store on 16th St. 800-tl | 7 < OR SALE The coziest and most desirable rest * [ ' deuce on Capitol Hill. llouso contains 0 rooms csldos closets and store rooms , good cellar , city atcr , and all modern Improv emcnta. Good barn nd outbuildings. Everything In first-class 1111101. Inquire of T. F. Lyoa on premises , 84-2-t apltal avenue. - [ j > OR'8AtE TIEAtj ESTATE A great bargain In 1 ? 50 lots in Recso'a Place , on St. Mary's avenue rcct car line , at very low price for 0 days. Applr > Joseph M. Reese , 211 South Hth street. 674-lmp 701SAIE Tin good will and fixtures of the J Crelghton Ilouao. Eoay terms. 633-tt 7 < OR SALE Two open eecond-aand buggies anil ? one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1819 Barney St 839-tf MISCELLANEOUS. PAKEN UP-Cno white heifer , ono year old pa * / L at City Pound. Will bo told the 6th If not tf icmed. tOVKD-UABSSK 412 3p CMUHltAV has good posturing. Spring water. SSO.tt HAKEN UP Juno 20th , brindle cow. with three ) L teats. W. Mtrhain , near Deaf & Dumb Instl- ito. 370-Sp JTUAYED OH STOLEN A groy horse with collar 7marks on back and shoulders. Finder will pleaao turn to F. Holmrlch , ICth street , between Martha id Costellar. 3i3-2p ' have this day told my Interest In tlio coal business - . ness carried on by nio at 214 south 13th street , id alao all notes and accounts belonging thereto to m. M. Foster , who will continue tlio business. AM11H03E 1UCIIAI.D3. Juno 28th. 1884. 309-2p * s , sinks , and cesspools cleaned with eaultary cloaticr. BatlsfactlOn guaranteed by F. Abel , ( succoioor to J. II. Smith , ) box 378. 239-lmp iTKAYKD On Juno 21th , black pony , white face , > had on halter. Liberal reward , 20,4 Pierce St. Mahannah. 260'tlp The Pioneer and Still Ahead. 100,000 NOW IN USE. rast superuedlns the largest old fashioned § to\ea 1 ran < cn. H lias the nlmpleit and rroat etllclent ve burnen In thb world , aud with new Improve- ula the iatle t to opcrite. Absolutely rafu with patent reicrvolr , now in uio the Mcond eeiwn , liout a tingle accident. - for Catalogue , Price List , Etc , VA.POK STOVE CO , , CLEVELAND , O , LB. HUDSON , Hotel nui ! ar Business , ' Traveling , Dress and andWeddings. Weddings. MADE TO ME1SUREJ AND UEALY-MADE. DrcHlniri. MoW