THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , FRIDAY MORNING , JULY 4 , 1881. NO. U , 'L 1 The "CoBi-Eyei Man of Destiny" Sols His Schemers to WorK , ' "Who Will Labor Indefatigably for His Nomination at Ohioago. Bis Ageht at the Palmer House Working np a Boom. Demagogic Trades-Union Leaders Enlisted in His Cause , A Conspiracy to Capture tke Con vention Admission Tickets. And to Nominate Ben by Clamor and Enthusiasm. California Delegates Arrive and Declare Their Choice. Tildon First , Thurman Next , Judge Field Never , The Cleveland Boomers Still Snn- gulno or tlio Prospects of Tholr Man , A COCK-EYI3 CONSPIRACY TO BE ON FOOT IN' OII1CAGO. Special Dispatch to THE Bar. CHICAGO , July 8. Certain members of the cominitteo of arrangements for the democratic convention profess to have dtacov ered a con spiracy on the part of the friends of Benjamin .Butler , to got up u grand demonstration for "Tho Cock-Eyed Mon of Destiny' with a view to nominating him by clamor .and enthusiasm A1TKH THE 8TVLK OV DLAINK'.S SELECTION , It H known that it ii tliu intention of the trades a aembliei and labor unions to fjivo Butler a rou ing welcome , but the invcstigi- tion of the committed men is said to hava uc- veloped further that an effort is to bo made to take the > nthusiasm into the convention hall. 3 lovr this ia to bo done is not rotated by thu committee men , but outsiders say that But ler's friends arc in communication with dele gates and others entitled to ticket' * , and that they arc endeavoring to buy them at pretty steep figures. Tiiis statement chimes with the information that THIS GENERAL' : ) D.VKIIKL has already arrived at the Palmer house. It is further given the air of plausibility by the mysterious nets of Col. flyuipton , General ' . ' has at the | Butler's agout. 1'lympton n room iW Palmer house , but ho is seldom there. A pile of papers and miscellaneous odds and cuds is the only Indication of occupancy which grceta the visitor to No. 21-1. Many call but fuw find Plymptou in. Thcso who have watched his movements report that he is in close con sultation much of the time with HECRETAllY H111VELT , of the recent nnti-monopply.'convputlon. Secre tary Shiovoly has been in the city for several weeks strengthening the intrenchments of the labor and trades assembly fortifications. Whatever truth thorp ia in these rumors , that strong endeavor is being made to TACK THE CONVENTION FOB ttVTLKH , those who liivo charge of tickets are re doubling their vigiUnca and establishing an extra watch on the channels through which tickets are Riven out. The sergeant at anna , it is said , has been warned by the friends of other candidates to increase his precautions ngninst all conceivable means of ingress to the hall. lie has reported that there is no possible chance for cla-quers to get in save by ticket. If they have ticket ? , Bright soya that ho lias , f course , no means of proventihg their en trance. There appears to be no doubt that stho tickets held by the Massachusetts delegates will be placed where they will do the most good. CALIFORNIA'S ( JHOIGG. KIKST THUIWAN NEXT. CHICAGO , July 3. The California dclcra- tion cnmo to Chicago to nominate Tildcn , if possible. If it in not possible they will ufcu their beat efforts to glvo the nomination to Judge Tliurnmn. Their ntnto convention in structed them for "Tildcn first , Tlinrman nu\t , and Field never. " Mr. Tilden's letter of -declination was received in the convention im mediately after th 9 iuHtnictionu were given , but it wan not regarded. A conversation with the delegates to-day revealed that they would obey the instructions to the letter , mid that they would not only NOT \OTK rOU JUflTICi : KIKI.I ) but that they would use o\cry honorable means to prevent his nomination , In pursu ance of this resolution the headquarter- ! were to-day oponad at thu P.ihn9r , and thu Califor nia delegate being first on thy sco io , will inaugjruto a campaign against Field amonir the delegates as fast as they arrive. The ob ject is to head elf the effort in hia behalf which a party of his fi lends who arrlvp hero Friday will commence. Explaining thia peculiar and iinuHual opposition to a man who is not yet a candidate , Nilea Seniles , one of the delegates said , "Tho I'acific alppo people are at proount engaged in inA A WAll AOAINST MONOPOLY as ropresontcd more particularly by the rail roads. Thin war is resolute and muulcntiai , ' , the imoplo claiming that the railway compan ies do not pay their taxes ; that they are get ting possession of the country , nud will finally put their iron-bound heel upon the necks of ihu citizens. The democratic party is arrayed against tin ? enormous monopoly , and are en deavoring to o > erthrow It. Their entire of. forts and ambltloni are onlintod in the causu Justice 1Icld , by his decisions , ha clearly Jthown that ho is jn sympathy with the monop olists ; that ID Bullicient to destroy any chance lie may have , an far as the Paciho coast is con- cernod. Add to this his position on the Chinese ( nicstlun , which is only second to that of anti-monopoly , and you have the CMHO ol the opposition to him , which nothing can over como. ' "Aro the mill-monopolist * of the I'acifia coast In sympathy with tbo party cnlling itself nnU-inonopoly , WHICH NOMINATED HUTI.Kn. " "In its ultinuto alms and objects , yes ; in It * advocacy of Uutlcr , no. Butler has omo fol lowing on the Pacific coast , but it i * not of the size , nor of Bullicient importance to com mand attention , None of the California or Nevada delelegates would vote for Butler un- lens they wcro absolutely obliged to. " "What is the position of California dole- "Acting nndcrinstructions they are for Til- den or Thurman. This convention vv ill cry probably bo simplifioJ If the actual nomina tion is not outlined before the convcn'ion ' meets. The position It this : California wants Tildcn ; the temper of Illinois is for Tildon ) the eoiith wants Tildon ; in fact KVKUIDODY I KOUTILDKN , if ho wi 1 accept. The only question Is about hii acceptance , nnd that mint bo talked over before the conen tion meets. Some ono will come hero as Tilden's representative , and from him wo will learn thu truth , and then wo can act. All efforts for Cleveland and other candidates are being made meiely for an emergency , such as the definite settle ment of Tildon' * Intention. It is ai well to bo prepared in case It is finally decided not to nominate him. AH for Thurman , wo do not know whether ho is n candidate. If ho is , wo will vote for him after Tilden. If ho is not , our lot tooto fur either , wo will willingly support Clovclnnd , but wp are nil in dark , and so will everybody bo until light is thrown upon thu subject. " GAT11EU1NU OF THE ChANS. SCATTEniKO DKLKOATIONH AltlltVE. CHICAGO , July 3. The gathering of the democratic clans nt Chicago pees on but slow ly. A number of t.cattorlnc' delegates from distant points , nnd ono solid delegation , that of Calfornia , arc1 hero , but as yet , tilings in the local political world ore comparatively quiet. The sub-committees on arrangements of the national committee 1m o boon hard at work liero for the past week , but so far their labors have been all in the direction of arranging the convention. The changes in the hall are all but completed , and it Is expected that the theater chairs for the delegates and the other ; cats will bo put in position to-night. It lias been decided to LIGHT TUB HALL WITH KLKOTRICITV , which will not only illuminate the building bettor but insure a much cosier atmosphere. W. II. Barrmm , chairman of the national lommitteo , did notarrivo to-day as expected , but n ill be hero in the morning. Among the passengers on the New York limited express which came to-day wcro Daniel J. Manning , chairman of the Now York state committee , accompanied by Kdward Cooper and a dozen other empire democrats , among whom are two delegates. Mr. Manning said ho had not como hero with music and bluster to nomi nate Cleveland , but ho came as a democrat who bcliuvod that the best interests of the party would bo subserved by Mr. Cleveland's nomination. According to MANNING'S CALCULATIONS Cleveland will have 48 or a majority of the Now York delegation. A meeting will bo held hero on Saturday night , at which Cleveland's strength u ill bo actually determined. IiufOrring to this propo sed meeting Mr. Manning paid : "Wo do not : > repose to hold this caucus unless all the dele- jates are present. Wo have no desirutotako nass judgment. Mr. Flower has members of ; ho delegation who will work to have him laminated. Via have no objection to that Mr. Flower is a good man , but wp do not , Uink ha has as fair a show of carrying Now York as Mr. Cleveland has. " THK OALll-OHNIA UKLTXJATION Drought word that from fifteen to twenty prominent California democrats would bu lieru Saturday to open elaborate headquarters ind work in the interest of Justice Field. The California delegates themselves , however , tiavo announced that they will inaugurate a campaign against Mr. Field. Their best efforts will be given to secure the nomination of TILDEN IN SPITE Or HIS LETTKH but if that should prove impossible they will work and vote as a unit for Thurman. The national sub-committee requests that as soon as the various delegations have perfected their organization they will send a list of their chairmen , vice presidents and commit- tcornon to the national committee room at the I'almer house and it is requested that eucli notification bo sent in as early as possible. 3AIRIER ON THE PRESIDENCY. THE KX-aOVEHNOK ON JJKMOCRAOV'fl TICKET. From a L'ooria Special. At the convention yesterday , when asked about the national ticket , Governor Pulmor said ho believed Governor Cleveland was the coming man , but declared that he was not a candidate for vice-president , and leant of all would ho accept a nomination with Cleveland , who ought not to bo associated with EO old n a mail as 1 imself. If a soldier was to go on the ticket with Cleveland hu hoped it would bi ) , of Wisconsin ; if a statesman , then Thunnan. As for Tildon , Governor J'almcr Mid it would bo ciuclty to thu old man to in- Hist on his taking the nomination. Ho had neon him only a short time ago , and his con dition was really pitiable. While the ox-gov ernor was faying this , however , a iiuurtot down in the corridor was singing for Tildcn , Ilarrhon , and reform , the general crowd rounding elf the refrain with tnoru nolso than music. AND THE U018JN JILUi : . AUOUSTA , Juno 3. The board of managers of the soldiers' home visited Blaine this after noon. In tlio course of a conversation Blalno said ho believed a too liberal policy could not bu used toward the veterans by tlio govern ment. Thn'Work of a Flro Cracker. LlKCllliuno , Pa. , July 3. About ono this morning a fire bruko out hero , which spread with great rapidity and at onu time threatened to consume half the town , The lire started in a billiard hall at Jenkins hotel , which was completely destroyed , together with the store ) f II. II , Cunningham , jowcler/J. ; / II , Parks , iniggistj Win. Kowe , hardware : M. L. Wanamaker , confectionery , and Win. Jack , nitchcr. Thu flames were under control at mlf past two. Lees estimated at fc0OCO ! , The lire originated /rum a lire cracker. SpontannoiiH Combustion. BOSTON , July 3. Factory of thu Brovefo llubber Co. of Chilney , which occupied ; breu acres , was burned to-day , except three store houses. It was running to its full caps city , employing GOO hands , Loss 500.000 , Injured for * 100,000. NEWS OF THE NATION. The Senate Fails to Pass tbc Porter Bill Oyer the Veto , The Vote Being a Tio-Tho Son ata passes tlio OhinosoBill , Also the Bill to Forfeit Atlantic and Faoifio Land Grants. W , H , English and Wollor Ac quitted of Improper Oonduot , The Postal Telegraph Bill Now . the Unfinished Business , A. Varied lint oh of Kowo from " \Vrtsh- Tlio Crops etc. FOIIXY-EIG1ITH CONGUESS. BKNATE. WASHINOION , July : t. After reading the- journal the chair laid bcforb the senate the b'itr. John Porter veto message , which was road , the question being , "Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the presi dent. " Tlio yeas and nays WITO taken with out debate and resulted in a tie \ot < > , yeas 2" , nays " 7. Two-thirds not voting in the nllirm- ntive , the bill failed to pass. The vote in detail is : Yuas Bnyard , Beck , Brown , Butler , Call , Cameron ( ! ' . ) , Coekroll , Coke , Fair , Farley , Garland , George , Groomo , Ilnmpton. Harris , Hoar , Jonas , ilones ( FJa.j , Maxoy , Murean , Pike , Pugh , Hnusom , Sowoll , Yaneo , Vest , Voorheos. Nays Aldrich , Allison , Blair , Bowen , Cameron - oren ( Wis. ) , Cnnger , D.kwes , Dolph , Ed munds , Halo , Harrison , Hawley , Hill , In- iralls. Lnpham , Log.iu , McMillan , Miller , Mitchell , Merrill , Palmer , Plait , Plumb , Saw yer , Sherman , VnnWyck , Wjlsou. 17. ! Mr. Da ir , from the committee on appro priations , reported the foititication bill \\ith amendments Ordered printed. Mr. Jones ( Nov. ) explained that ho had been necessarily absent during tlio vote on the Fitz-Jobn Porter bill and if ho had been in the chumbei ho would have voted in favor of the bill becoming a law , notwithstanding the president's objections. Mr. Bhir , from the committee on education ind labor , reported favorably thu bill \u legal- zn the incorporation of the n.itional trades union. Calendered. The resolution offered ynsterday by Sher man was agreed to , providing for a session of the senate to-morrow ( July 4) ) . A resolution was agread to authorising the appointment of a committco of live senators to examine into tlio capacity of steel-produc ing works in the United Stutos to make steel For guns of high power , plato suitable for _ war ships , and into tlio character and sulliciency of the tools in the navy yard and foundries suitable for the manufacturing of engines for such \essels and guns for such \osHeUand tea coast defenses. Also to inquire as to thu joat method of manufacturing the came , whether by government or 'contract witli pri vate parties. The senate Insisted upon its amendments to the sundry civil bill , and ordered a confer- once. once.Tho anti-Chinoso bill was called up by Mr. Miller ( Cal. ) . Mr. Platte moved to strike out the clauno excluding Chinese who are subjects of govern ments other than that of China. Mr. Hoar reaffirmed his disapprobation of this class of legislation. Thu bill , ho said , was based on barbarism , and the American pcoplo would , in his opinion , soma day repent of tbo action of congress on this subject. _ Mr. Miller ( Cal. ) hoped Mr. Platto'a mo tion would not bu agreed to. Mr. Platto'H motion was not agreed to , and the bill coming at once fur a vote was passed without amundmont yeas 43 , nays 12 , Iho vote in detail is : Yeas Allison. Bayard , Beck , Blair. Butler , Call , Cameron ( Pa. ) , Cameron ( Wis. ) , Cock- rcll , Coke , Conger , Cullom , Dolpli , Fair , Far ley , Garland , Groomo , Halo , Hampton , Har ris , Hill , Ingalls , Jones ( Fla. ) Jones ( Nov. ) , Logan , Manderson , Maxoy , Miller ( Cal , } , Miller ( N. Y. ) , Morgan , Palmer , Pondleton , Pike , Plumb , Pugh , Jtineom , Sawyer , Sher man , Slater , Nance , Van Wyck , Vest and Voorheos 13 , Nays Aldrich , Brown , Davifs _ , Edmunds , Iliiwloy. Hoar , Lapliam , McMillan , Mitchell , Merrill , Platt and Wilson-12. The senate resumed consideration of the bill to forfeit unearned land granted the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company. After n short debate , nnd the adoption of amcudmonts proposed by Sheunan nnd Mor gan , tbo bill passeJ. Thu tcnuto insisted on its amendments to the fortifications bill and otdoied a committoa of confurcnco. The postal telegraph bill was laid before the senate tu stand as unfinished business for to morrow , After executive session the senate-adjourned. 1IOUHK. Mr. Finnorty ( ind. 111. ) said ha was absent yesterday when thu vote was taken un the iiausago of the Kit/ _ John Porter bill , in thu be lief that hu was paired. Ho found ho was mis taken. Had hu been picsent would havu voted for thu bill. Mr. Kobinson ( doin. N. Y , , ) inadon similar statement. Mr. Hammond submitted a report 011110 so Icct committee aiipointod to iiiiulro | whethnr any ex-mtmbers have violated the privileges of the house , Tlio committco 11 nd that no uus- torn or usage which would justify them In the conclusion that the conduct of Win. H , Eng lish in the contested election case English vs. Puello was a breach of privileges of the house , ind recommended that the wliolu matter bo laid on the table. Mr. Millard presented a majority report Icclaring thu chargu that Win , H. English lobbied on the Hour in thu interest of his sun. was fully sustained by thu testimony , and , ! iat his conduct was improper , and a flagrant violation of thu privileges of the house. Thu eport ia accompanied by a rctytlutiun nxchnl- nc Win , H , English from thu Hour duriug the iresent session , j.\Ir. Woller ( g. b. , Tcrva ) , rose to n question > t privilege in order tu vindicate himself from .hu charges matte againut him , but ho ceased when Kamlull declared that every member of Jis select committee agreed that thu testimony .horoughly vindicated him , Mr. Jlatmnoiid moved to lay tlio vvholu mater - , er on tint table. Yens , 1117 : n.iys , 1'i. Mr , llohnan move that when the homo ad journed to-day it bo to meet Saturday next , Jfo thought this action Mould glvo time fcJr rlio conference committee to meet and would thereby facilitate tlio final adjournment. Apim1to-I20tof > 4. The houio resiimpd ron9idertion of the Mexican pension bill. Much opposition to tlio bill was m.tnlfc ted , ronderins its pisnaceery flow. lr. iWnihcnd ( dein. , 111. , ) paid Jn re- pponsa to an inquiry that the homo would nol nJjourn until the bill paved. Pending ftnthcr action , conference roporln on bills to relieve ccrttinnoldiers fiom charges of desertion ami to locate A branch soldiers' homo iu ono of the western ttatos weru agreed to. Mr. O'Neill ( Mo. . ) from tlio commlttoo on labor , reported two joint renolutlmu , wliicli ucro placed on the hoifso calendar , proposing conitttutlonal anicndineuts conferring on con gress the power to limit the hours of labor in tnxtilo and other manufacturing establish ments and prohibiting states from hiring con vict labor. The donate amendments In the fortification appropriation bill ViPrononconcurrcd in. The opponents of the Mexican pension bill resorted to fitlbjstoring tactic * , and loft the hou ( i without a quorum. Itoccsa taken until 10 a.m. to-morruwt AVASniNGTOX NOTES. T1IK rOKTiriCATION lltLti WASHINGTON , July n. The senate fortifica tion bill patscd the tonato without dcbatopra cisely ns it caino fnnnltho senate approprtatlmi committee. The most Important clmngo made liy tlio commlttsoTj an increaKont $200,000 In the house item for the tea coast fortifications. NdMlNATIONH. John W , Lacy , of Indiana , chief justice of the Miprorao cou t of Wyoming. Felix (5. ( Clark , of lown , ivgister of thu laud utlico at 1) Mulnes. Consuls of the United States-George T. Bromloy , of California , to Tien Tsin ; lloury May , liront , O.kllas ; Archibald JC , Drown , New JcrsoyAlgicr ! Itobeitll. Da\Is , I'onn- nylvania , St. Paul Jo Loandsi F. W. Horse- feld , lonn , Tricstj .lames A , Jones , Mas a- chusotts , Aden ; Alnoi F. Ijcarned , Now York , Sidney , Now South Wales ; H. A. Shackol- ford. Pennsylvania , Nantes } Leonard B. Smith , Malup , Curacoa , Uepresontativo Behnont has been author ized by the house committee on foreign alfalrs to rcjMjit the following ivRolutions as a _ substi- tutu lor Ueprcsentativo Majbury's Joint resolution elution , iu ttoducod nemo time since , directing the president to open negotiations for the to nowal of the Canadian leclprocity treaty of 1651. That in the opinion of the house , closer commercial relations with other states ) f the American continent would bu a mutual ailvantago , and should the executive BOO fit to consider n proposition for freer commerce with thu Dominion of Cannda , such nogolia- .ions would bo renewed with favor. TDK OKUMIOMA OU1I.AW8. The president has issued n proclamation warning all persons intending to take forcible mssessloii of the Oklahoma lands In thu In- Han territory , tlmt the military ( forcesuf thu Jnitod States will bo used , if necessary , to remove nil such Intruders. TIIK MICHIGAN AND MIS'ilHSUTI , Senator Jones , of Nevada , i eportod tu thu onato to day , with amendments , ablll intro duced by Senator Oulloin to provide for the construction of thu L.xku Michigan and Mis sissippi river canal. CONTENT ! ! ! ) II.ncTIONH. In the contested election case of Craig vs. Shelley , of Alabama , the house commlttoo on elections to-day decided to report in favor of > aig ; it also agreed to report in favor of \tcGinnis in thu contested case of B.illtiiiH . Mediums , of Montana. Shelley and McGln- nis are thu ittlng members. MINNESOTA cnOI'H , The Minneneta state statlscal ajrent of the LTnltcd States department of agriculture , in "iis report to the d > ) partmont , pives the follow- ng as reprcsentint the condition of the prin ciple crops of the ute July lut : Corn ( lores go couilAlelwitli ; J8S3 ' . 02J Corn , avenigu condition . , . 10.1 W inter Wheat , av crago condition . . . . i)3 ) Spring Wheat , avdrago condition. . . . 10'2 winter Ilyo , nverfge condition . 100 Spring Hyo. avcrago condition . 10.1 Barley , avoraga condition . 102 Potatoes , acreage compared with 1883 1010-10 " average condition . H5 Beans , acreage compared with 1883 , . 00 ' average condition . 102 Wool , amount compared with 1883. . . 10 ! ) Clover , average condition . 103 Timothy , average condition . 100 Pasture , average condition . 102 Apples , average condition . ( H ) Grapes , aver gi ) condition . 05 The area planted in corn Is 072 018 acres , which is 7J per cent loss than was planted last year. This vvai owing wholly to the fact that jood seed corn was very scarce in Homo parts of the stato. Thcro is a blight IncrcaJ-o in the number of acres planted in potatoes , Thu urea planted in sorghum has fallen four per cent below - low that of lust year , The condition of the crops generally is considerably bolter than usual at this date , and far aheadof the general condition this time last year. The reason is fully three wesks eailior than in 1881Die ! weather during Juno was , on the whole , hitjhly propitious , though in some limited locahites .hero was too much rain , and inst is icpoitnd n whoat. Potatoes uro suffering from the ravages of bugs , TIIK AD.IOUUNMKNT IMtOIIAIH.V 11Y MONDAY NOON , 'WAHHINOTON , July II. It seems tolerably certain that congress will cluso thu present session by noon of Monday next ; the last egular appropriation bill having been passed y thosoimto to-uay , all tlio absolutely notes- lary work ( if congress remaining nnfin shed snow in tlio conference committees. It in thought by loading members uf the homo it will bu possible to elono up this iiiillniHliud jusiness by Saturday evening , and If this is done thu programmu will bu to take n recess until Monday at noon , that Interval hclni ; iiilllciout tu ullow the oiirulllngof the appro- .iriiition bills , and then tomiet only fur thu ; > urpOho of signing thoao bills. A iiraposlliun has bcon under consideration to uko a recess from Saturday for ton days , ID as tu cover tlio convention period , but this ias been set asidu as impracticable. It was concluded that if a recess of that louKth of .lino wcro tu bu taken them would bo diflicul- .y in getting enough membeis back tu Wash- ngtonlto iiiuko a/iuorum in either house ; that t would bu impoeiug unccccnury oxpoimo on nembers. anil that If coiigrons WITH to a - icmblo iiftor thu Convention the scanum would > o proloneed imli'fitiltely , Under thoau cir > cumttanLOS it was dcuiucd best to hurry h rough the npiiropriatlou bills and get away is soon as possible , Uiitler , rJuiOAOO. July JI.TJio repreKentativcs of lifferont labor oigaiilzatioris of the city held a bocrol meeting to-ulght and appointed a ro- cuptlon coinmitteo to go out anil uieot Geiior- d Butler oi | Ills vay to the city. Arrange- nonts word also niadn for a munster demon- itratlon on hit arrival , It is reported tun thousand men are expected to bu In line. BRAGED-UP BULLS , The Tossers np of Higliff Prices Have llic Upr Hand Ytslcrflay , The Fooling in Ohiongo Finn , Though Only a Fair Activity , Oorn Active and Stronger , and a Fraction Higher , Pork Marked up a Dollar a Bar rel in the Afternoon , Solid Oorn Fed Oattlo Selling Quickly at Stronger Prices , Severn ! IIOH of Oinnlm Cattle Bold Market Aotlvo. CHICAGO'S ONLY A > 'Ain AOTlVirV. Special Dispatch to TUB DDK. CIIICAOO , JulyS. The markets displayed only a'fair activity to-day , but the fcellngwas jcncrAlly linn. No now fottuim dev eloped in wheat , ami prices fluctuated within n small range. The strength sliovvn iu stocks par- .tally tended to sustain prices. Tlio nmrkot opened easier , 1 to § o lower , declined io moro under frco offerings , then steadily improved lc , declined > Jc , nnd llunlly closed nt jj to Jo indory yesteidny ; On the afternoon board .hero wat very llttlo dinngo , July closing nt Silo , Augut at 85jjc , September nt SGJo mid Oc- .ober nt 8"jc. COIIN Vnitlv nctivo nnd stronger ; opened I'ltxy , de clined Jo , then ndvmiced Jlu nbovo Insulo irices , oosod off n trillo niul closed ic over ves- torday. On the atturnnon board the fcoltim was firm. July closed nt 5L'Jc ; August t 3ioaud 3eptoniberut03jc. | OATS A slindo i'a ierj July closed at ! i9jc ; B c ; September llc. ! ! Pork Dull but firm nn the regular board , mt during the nftornuon "ntuiton prices \\ero narked up about n dollar n barrel ; July closed it 11 00 ; August at 20 25 and'Orptcmlwc t .0 . OL > . Iini-d Firm and a shade higher. The latest imitations were 7 I2i for July , 7 05 for Aug- nt , and 7 Cli ! for September. OATTU : . There was a fair run of Toxain , and also a - ' inly of Btlllors for mi Into iu the week. fJood uolid com fed sold iiulckly , and at a shade stronger prices. A lot of ordlimiy rnngu cattlu from thu Omaha diHtillory made ! CO nnd n load of fancy half ; brood Hereford * rom thosamu plnco made 7 00. The regular run ufTexansnromaking I li"i to 500 , onu lot of chclco making 5 fiO. Native biitchei s1 stuck tc.uly , but pour and inferior grades aro. in ale- ng very low llguros. Sttickeis and feeders iru selling in a small way nt from it DO to ! IH ) ur light lisan stock , nnd i DO Iu C 10 for guod a choice feeders ; good to chuicu shipping , 200 tu 11130 pmuuK ( i OO'tn (150 ( ; common to iiedium. 1000 tu 1200 pound * , G 00 to 0 110 ; gra s fed Texans , 750 tu ! IOJ ptiundH , U 1)0 ) tu 600. nous. The innrkoliwas ultvt > to Uui extent of the supply , which , it will bo nuonms light. At nn early hour about all were sold , the market clotting firm and 5 to lOo higher. Sales at I 70 ® j 75 for skips nnd throwouts , 5 00535 15 or assorted light , and 5 10@5 50 fur chuico leavy packers and skippers ; light 180 tu 210 bs103. . TUB OHOLKU/1. ProgrcBH at Toulon ami Marseilles. WABHINOTON , July : . The secretary of tatu to-day received n cable mesfcago from jOMBiil Mason , at Marseille" , as follows : 1 Thu situation in worse at Toulon. The deaths average 10 daily i 1. ! yoaterday. It Is con- eiled to bo Asiatic cholera , and epidemic , t is vtntlonniy at Mnrsolllcs ; six deaths 'riday , eight rJaturday , four Sunday , five ilonday , Tuesday and Wednesday. Some axes apparently Asiatic cholura , and the ro- nainilor infuntinu or sporadic. Twelve cases t thu special hoxpltal. Many thiiusaiids have oft fur the Interior The steamer Burgumlta ailed fur Now York Sunday without jiassun- ; en ) . No emigrants to thu Htiite-i aru ro- tortcd. " AIJUIDGIO OK DI5A.TH , Already Hlx Dead Mon From tlio ' .Train Trn cdy liiiin , l , Afo , , July it. Six bodies weiu out to-day from the wreck on the Gun- ilngham it Burloigh load , where the tinin vent through the bridgu Saturday night lost , t was given out at that time that no lives vero lost. The ecunu uf thu wreck It unr ounded by n big crowd uf pouplu. und there is nuoh excitement. _ lt is nuppusad several other bodies are buried under the cars. Dakota Crops , YANKTON , July ! l , Crop prospects nro suf- iciont to uviiku thuhlghoHtcnthusliiHiii , They luvor looked better , jlalit ban been abundant and well distributed , Thu small acruigo this car Is about enough for homo consumption , i'hu incroiso of ncroogo in corn and fhu is fifty icrcent. Corn stundillvofeotun nil average uid flux is strong und vigorous. Outs and mrloy very promlmng. Ityulu loadylo cut , L'ho yield of overytlmiK ia much larger per icru than last year , The report , from J''nru | .iy the crops in the Itcd river valley aru line. L'ho condition Is ten par cent betterthan ut hosainu tinmlast , The ncrcngo is leu lorcent gieater. PAIIIH , July 3 , Chamber dejiutles to-day , after rojuoting by 2H1 to JiOU nn amendment u wposing to abolish thu right Iho president llsfolvu parliament , luloptcd n bill fur thu revision uf thu constitution by n volu of HI to lit ) . Bale of Northern HT. 1'Aur , , July 3. 'J'ho Northoru Pacific sold il'i70 ) ; acres af laud during the month of Tiinu at nvorugo of ) ? 5 ! )3 ) per acu1. 1-nKi.VSTATIO.f 70-nAT TUB . . - , .TmiifS. The following * for lcgwpli bolwcrnFrclirijhli- ( con , necreUry of stafj ; and Morton , th American miAtrr ( nt Pn/T ! , in rrgnrd to th lircsentnlion bVranco < t the -Ith of Jtil ; to this couuliy of the rolcwal tironrt tatuo of "Liberty Hnllghtcnf tT ( the World,1 which has recently -on completed nt Pnriai , Juno 28 Tim Vrrnch ,70vernii , nt ir toasswiito ll tf with the undertaking of the I'ranco American Union Comiiiittej- , the president of thu c iimril proposes to jo/ / with the prosidenl of Iho committco In n formal transfer of the stnlv.w of liberty to mo njtr ] | > rcKcnlntivo of the VroMdnnt nf the UnltoU St ilci pursuant to Um rcBohitSm of congr , March 1877. This Fren h minister of limtino nl o pruix > ses to fuminh a war vcsnel for its traniporUtlon to the United Slutt > s. 1 lin corcmony of prwontnllon I fixed fur the July. mKUNflllVASUN TO M34ITON. WAMIIINOTON , ilunoao. I M * dlroctod I , Ihoipu-iidiint to instruct you IM thorcprescn- tntixoiif the United Stntts government to at tend the ceremonies nt Paris on the fourth o ? July incident to the presentation to this country of rtcoloswnl brotizo nUtiie. "Liberty KnllRhtunliig the World , " niulon bnbnlf of the prCnldunt make known its ncccptaiico. You will nv il yourself of this opportunity to ex press the. thanks of tlio govcrumunt nud people ple , of tliu United States for thostntuoai a work of art ami a n monument ot the abiding friendship o f the ptcplo of Franco. You \v ill uiaura thoTronco-Amcricnii Uuluncoinmittoc , the pregidont cf thu council , nnd thu oitirons of tlio Kionch republic. . Hint thu American people - plo letting moit heartily the filundly conti nent which promiHcd thin tmblo gift to America. _ EUMMIiUt Hl'OKTS. niul Sulky. , Ohio , July It. 2:10 class Syn licato won in str ight heats , William T. eco- ind , Brovvnwuod third : beat time , 2ii : : : , 2:2,1 clasiTom. . llodgrra won In straight lents , Whtrhvitul second , Stranger thlixl ; > eet time , 2:251. : DHIOIITON HACKS. BHIOIITON BKAOII , July 3. Seven furlongs -lo sio 1) . won , Tentitrilto 2d , Ulddlo 3d ; imo , 1:31. : Three ( piarlers uf a mlle ScHlng Pllforor vyon , Fauh-n-B\llagh ; 'Mt Tuny Pastor ltd j " imo , 1:1" : . Coney J eland Staki-n Thrco-year-olds Mixs Broiighton won , lloyal Arch 2d , Tattler Ird ; time , 2:11 : } . Handicap All oges Milo and a fmlong 'jaily Donn won , \Vavo o1 Light 2d , Ilicltory llmjtrd ; tliiiu , l:5flj. : ililo jMaidciH of all ngos Wamolntawon , Amoricaii 2d , KJoronce 1. , ! ) d ; time , 1-II : ( , CHICAdO HACKS , CiiH'Ano , July it. The nttoiulancu at the \ \ cGHittVniihliitjUm i > aik In-day was largo. L'ho weather > \ ai u arm nnd sultry , nnd uib rack iu an Improved coiulitiun. l'ir t men , fur Il-year-olds nnd upward J ulloChunco wonNii > liun secuud , Jlnriiuoii thinl ; tliiii' . 1.-17J. Sicond linen IJnglowood Slakes Sweep- takes for Kllhei thrno-yoai'-oldH ( foals tit 881) ) I mlle Starters ! Modesty , Monn , 'iaster. ' Savanna , Bennett , Vno Sliulln , Mala- lannd Jlnnnah. JMnlnria got away badly , , nd JCantcr was loft at the post. Munn won IV half n length , Bunuctt 2d ami Malaria 'M ; line 1IBJ Third i acu Boulevard Stoket Sweepstakes itr ull nge Mlln ntid a quarter Starters ; Jnuu , I'rooland , Long Knight. Tliady. ' 'reolandwon , Long Kninht"2d , Tliudy 3d ; Fourth raeo P rne SROO AVinnor to bo sold at auctionKor three year oldn aiiiliipwurd Onu mllo--Towauls the clonouf thoiacu Gus Matthews , cnnia out well nnd won ; Hurry J , nilmoru I'd , Wedding Day 3d ; time Irltj. Fifth race Mlle and ono-eiuhth Heate .at lioat Lo'iian and Sovereign Pat lima dead loat for the fltst place ; Mnttio Itaiittiro 3d ; linu 1M : { ' id heat. Suverolgn Pat won ; /nngtinrd ld ! , Edwin A. 3d ; TaOuthorer llstanccd ; tiniii l5li ; ! , 3d heat , Sovoruign 'at won as hu liked , time i:0,1. ! Ilnso Hall. ( lAllirl : YIWTiUIAV. ) At Chicago Chicngus , 11 ; riiiladolphlas , 5. 5.At At St. Pnul-St. 1'aul , 0 , MinneuiKillH , n. At llalllmoro Unions of Cincinnati , 18 ; laltimoioa , 7. At Louisv illo Loulsvllles , 2 ; Athletics , ( I. Anotnorli'lHtlo Faroe. ( lOOIi : VH , KILIIAIN. CIIICAQO , July 3-pTum Ooodu. tlio ICngliHli jgilltt , nnd Jack Kilraln , of llOHtun , went hrouli ( five rounds of n love content , Mar- ills of Qucunshiiry rules , nt battery I ) urmory anight , in n very tame nnd uninteresting jininier. The iilfalr was declared n draw. L'hcru WAS a largo nudlonco , Jny-Kyc-Sno. ClllOAno , July II The special purno of < iUOO , for a match on July il between Cling- tonu nud Jny-J'lyu-See , off red by thu man- igoinont of thu Chicago driving park , in plncu il thu upcclul puino fur Jvy-1'.yo-Suo ' , all tlio noney tu gi ) tu thu winner , has been declined y ( lOtdou nn behalf of Cllngutuun , owing to 10 want uf preparation , iilthounh Mr , Case , ur Jay-lCyo-Sce , nccopkd thu offer at uiico. JCxposltlon. A COHl'KTITIVB IJXAIIINATION riOUiHVii > r.iiful/JTJio : oxpoaitlon inanngors lave offend liberal pii/cs for competitive hills of infiiiitiy to take place during the lat ter part of AtiRtmt. A very low rate of trans- lortatloii will Im secured and tents nnd ipiipaga fnrnbihud fico to all companies , and rco luimlxnioii to thu oxpositlon nnd drill ; roiuuU given them during their slay. It U ixpuctcd ) that u number of crack companion vll. 1 enter. XIJI'J I > . & II. G. icivcjoy SOVCTH tliu OonnootlouVlth tlio Utah July 'I. The nuwa v/as wired lure to-day that the Lovcjoy intercut had iikvii tip onu milo of the ] ) , k It. U , track list eastward from thu Colorado line and thp uiincctlon between that and thu Utah linen is louiplutulv severed , It U said that Lovulor liriutunotl this whuu huiu If the luling uf the i id go was against him iu the injunction unit as t tuinud out to bo. Pommirlt'd Jiiidot. Tin : ITAOUK , July , ' ) . Tliq pjkrllaiiicnt has silted to loan 00.000,000 , tlorinj to cover thu lolicit iu the biulgot , THE FURIES AT FREMONT. rcat Destrnclioii of Pronerly by VfcflnestoY Niglit's ' Slorm , The Oourfr House and Other Prom inent Bnildings Unroofed , Tlio Htrcols lllocitca tir M'Kh Drolccn- TrccB The r rlc Itnlncd OftoMnn icn < V , tiki tlftrotch to TIIK DUE. FBBVONV ; Neb , , July a. A towlbld wind nndTalustorsi poojod over I romont foot night , The treotn and aMovvnlks nro blocked with trees btokon ( invn nnd torn up by the roots. The pr-rle is noncly ikttroycd , ml the court ; hrunroofoi and consider bly damaged other wnjs. Tlio ( tout ; rl J. i ! . Hick's law of- lies was smashed fa by t > io roof from the court houio. luio's hoteV is xrarcofod nad nn old1 vvftrohouso * f BoberV.lvtttli's is completely de - rrolUhod. Several houacs were struck by lightning nnd dnmngod ccusldorab'y. iu - . AndoMon. cUrkforll. Jl Leo , waa so U S frlithtonoii that ho dropped dead. Nnrn . _ , uutbutldliigs and foucos are toppled over. w city proaonts a sad spectacle this morning [ H Tlio Slorni ncStnart. SpccalDJspstcMoTiiR Bmtr cf. _ - SIUAIIT > Neb , July 3. A torablo ralnj wind storm pnis&vl lioro lasV ulftht nt l { Tlio imbllo school building trw badly stroyod. All furniture waa lest nnd o ! Jfc bulhUiips-woro blown to atoms. A small t was pickodinp and blown half a mllo. Sta , were blovn down , horses crlppled'and the pee - plo honrly oscaplm ; with their Hvco. FOREIGN NKAVS. China anil Franco. . PAHIH , Jaly 3. At the cabinet council to- lay 1'ei-ry sSatod that the Cliiues ? foreign loarddki nntdomnnd the notion of the Chi- lese regular tronpi nt Liuigsdtui. The board admitted that thn Chlnumi army obeyed orders o ruUlu possesnon of that city , though this is lontrnry to thu second nrUclo of tlio 1'ranco- jhlnoso treaty. Thu French minister hat levn oitlered to go to IVkiu immoJlatoly , and. uaintaiii the rights of Franco : Irliili , KnKllsli nnd tlio Proprindn. LONliON , Jtdy 3. The Irish Cntholio ilshiips have nskod the English gouornniont to > nt'irvono to presorvu the rights of British'sub- uct3 which they claim are threatened by the ) iro.o | ( ' < l spoliatinii of real property of thu pro * agnnda by Italy. AVIfo'H Sistcr'a Bllf. Lc lON ) , July 3 , Atn conleronco meeting- f tbo members of thu lords and commons to ny , it was unanimously resolved to Intro- nca the doconsod wife's sister's bill into' the IOUSQ of lords at onco.J Cholera Kavn ca. M AWtn.i.r.s ) , July 3. Eight new canei of reported uincu noon to-day. No > itrthor deaths hero. TOUION , July 3. Sevan persons vvero at- ncked with cholera sliicoH o'clock this tnoni- ug. 1'ive. deaths siuco that houiv v Blatters. OAIUCV July 3 , Tho.jjreno/tKl . cnptnTo _ ot ' by the rebels iS'tllh'ciaWy douicd. Ib a rumored that Kl Alahdi , who' had startinl 'or Khartoum , was obliged to retrace his stop * in account of the movements of n nval of Mahdt'ii in Darfour. Tlio Hnmuh tribe stopped W Alahdl on his return journey , juiifl'alo Bill's ArlHtnoratlo Audience * WAHHINOTON , July ? , President Arthur , i ! son and daughter , Mrs. Sheridan , General tucker , Mrs. Davis , and a party of fricnda lumbering about fifty , attended to-day the iftornoon purformancu of W. P. Cody's ( Buf- nlu Bill ) truupu of Indians , Mexicans , and low boys , who are Illustrating nt Athletic park ifu In thu "wild west. " Xlio Newspaper Train. BAt.Tivioni ! . July 3. A special train on the Jaltlmoro & Ohio road , conveying Dovvspa- ior correstiondonts to the national convention t Chicago , loft this morninc at 8.30. Hepro- onttttlvos of all the dailies in this city were laBsongors , and nt Washington about -tOcon- lemon representing the loading papers of tbo lountry will join the train , which will roach. Chicago to-morrow forenoon. A Oyolonn at Dayton. DAYTON , O. , July 3.-7-A violent wind storm olluwod by heavy rain passed through the imthcrn portion of Dayton this evening , iirooting [ tiocs and unrooting houses , RYlMOTOIIOlDBCWh EArtLDAKIKOPOWOE ITAMOOUNDTOniSC ; CREABA TARTR. SIOO.O. Given [ fnliimorniiylnJurlouHHiljUiniccscau . to founrt In Andrews' fcivrl Ualcing J'owdcr. Is PC * . hclyPURE. HcliiKeudoneil.nnatotlmonlala rt'W fvwlTroui such olwnitntflasH. JwiiaHaysllos- onj Jl. Dclafuntulnc , of Chicago ; nnd Uustavua [ lode , ilflwaiiUco. Never told iu bulk. reeogaizeel W,1 , . .ft .ftn