Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , July 3.
The work of laying tlio asphalt
on Dodge street was begun ycitorday and wi
bo rapidly pushed to completion.
The Kmmott Monument MsoclttUon an
IholriiHnnics will rusticate at Pat McArdlo
July 4th.
The first Iron post In the 1'ailon bulldlnf
corner of IWtoonth and Varnam streets , w
erected and placed In position yesterday.
of hi
Kfl'ollcainan Matza was relieved
watch yesterday whllo engaged In painting a
Mots'i brewery. It was found shortly nftei
ward In n Tenth atroot pawn shop.
A dispatch wan received In Ihia clt
ntating that Mrs. StrMsborpor , c
Omalm , yi Tuesday night robbed of ? 3,0
worth of diamonds In Buffalo , Now York.
The storm of Tuesday night was the thin
heavy wind storm which hai visited thin clt
within ono week. The wind blow at n torrlfi
rate nnd the rain fell In torrents. No darn
ngo has M yet been reported.
Mr. K. J. Oalloway entered upon hla dt
Urn Tuesday as assistant to President Adair
of the Union 1'aafic. Mr. Galloway has bee
In this city Mnco Monday and during th
nhort time haa inado many friends
The annual ple-nlo of the South-woi
Presbyterian Sunday School wllltakoplac
on the church grounds this nftcrnooi
beginning at 2 o'clock. The members of th
Castcllar street Sunday school are Invited t
attend ,
In pollco court yesterday Mike Cur
iilnglum , Nell lloblnson , , Tns. Henderson , 1 !
Vonoss , V. L. Martin nnd .1. K. Porter wor
each fined $5 and costs for being drunk. I'oi
tor cashed up whllo the other fuo took n wall
over the hill.
Ground was broken Tuesday for th
erection of the buildings of the Croat Western
orn Carbon works , below the old fortilMnj
Institution on the IJ. &M. road. Ton o ;
twelve tonias and a number of men nro nov
employed there.
Mr. Frank E. Cutler , of Auditor Taylor'i
force at Union Padfio hondquartors in thii
city , wan married Tuesday morning to Misi
Hmtn.1 Bain of Buffalo , N. Y. The ceremony
mony took place at the homo of the brldo'i
mother , 103 South Ph intern street , Buffalo
'from which place they started Tuesday noot
for their now home In tins city.
A monthly drawing for n box of cigars
among the boarders of the Omaha HOUHO , fur
nlshed gratis by the genial proprietor , laa
night , resulted In favor of No. 63 , Mr. I ) , A
Iluseoll , nnd the drawing for the second bo :
rcflultod in favor of Mr. Henry Thomas , No
133. This house has 175 boanlora , but snmi
not being present , only 157 participated.
Mr. Thoa. Swobo , the genial and accomodat
inglhost of thoJMillard hotel returned last ovoii'
inr , accompanied by.hfs wife , from Chorokoi
Springs , Iowa , where ho has boon Bojournln ;
for a few weeks in ( moat of health. Ho I
still looking somewhat thin but Bays that hi
fooling much [ stronger and bettor thai
when ho took his departure , which fact hii
legion of friends will rejoice to hoar.
The following oIliccrH of Beacon Lodgi
No,23I.O.O.V.wcro Tuesday evening installed
od by If , W. Manvlllo , acting grand mt > stoi
N. G. ' J. J. llardln ; V. 0. , W. G. Clegg
SeivJ. B. Hpor ; If. K. N , G. , M. It. Prow
UL. ; B. N. O. , W , L. Mattlce ; 11. S. V. G.
I' . Spores L. 8. V. G. , N. C. Peterson ; II. S
S. , L. Ifaist ; L. S , S. , AV. A. Kelly ; O. G.
It. JO. Llvcsoyj I. G. , Win. Anderson.
Some persons will Insist in sending com *
munlcattons without signatures to this olllci
nnd accompanying them wlthn uoto request
Ing publication. Tbo latest Is In regard tc
sorno slaughter house. If the parties writing
communications have not luilkiont courage tc
nlgn their names M a guarantee of good faith ,
their communication Is fit only for the waste
basket. And then , too , If the slaughter-house
mentioned is a nuisance why. do not the per
none living In that locality lay the matter before
fore the city council ? The editor of a nowa <
I > spor cannot go down and pitch the slaughter
house into the river ,
Pleasant Pastime ,
List evening a very pleasant ptirty wai
given at the residence of Mr. and Mra ,
Prank Duncll , on Walnut street , Soutl
Omaha. Dancing wna indulged in unti
an early hour this morning. Fine ro
froshmentu were Borvod. .Following is
a partial list of tkoso present : Mr. nuc
Mrs. Sherwood , Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith ,
Mr. and Mrs. Webster , Mr. nnd Mrs ,
"Woodward , Mr. nnd Mra. Shop , Mlas
Aunlo Quigley , Ilannah , nnd Maggie
McCarthy , Sarah McGavook , Minnie
TVInblo and Lulu Woodward , hulu Olurk ,
Tilliu Andoraon , Mortlo Kites , Kiln Lo <
Ran , Lillie Woods ; Mr. Lon. Pinnoll ,
.Mike Fl > nn , Mike MeOarthy , J. J.
Wyora , D. M. Mollus , John Umnhorson ,
O. Doyle , Jerry Louolr , Jerry tlngarty ,
II , L. Jones , U. S. Woodward , Olmrlio
Stout , John Harden , I. llamlott , IS , M ,
! Yrniuo nud Emll. Kotohmark.
! t ! !
Ilonl 1C
The fdllowing transfora were filed for
record in the county clerks ofllco July 1 ,
and. reported for the UEI : by Amos' real
Jn . O. Mogcath nnd wife to School
district No. 87 wd , lota 35 nnd 'M , Chrl
place , $750.v
i Jtttnoa Jfllrown nnd wife to Woodmni
Xuiaodd OilfWorks wd.ldta i ) and -l.blocl
8ipinahBj10lH)0. )
; 'John 54 > Uprbach nnd wifa to Augua
Kelson wd. lot 7 , block C , 1'urkora add ,
§ 300.
Byron Hoed and wife to Wm. nm
Ohrmtian Potoroon wd , lot C , block ' . )
* John OapbollnudLSyronRooilnnd wive
to Kunt K. JJaydun wd. lot 4 , llsed's 2 >
add. , § 1,000.
. ' ' f TliQ $ l.)0 ) ( ) ituUbury ,
* * ' ' '
TJw Monday uight robbery promise
to bo Bomothing of a myth. It ( Cora
Ihat the man Lunnon , wlio is in ja
charged with robbing Kincaid , is righl
fully entitled to nil thq money found i
hie poatoeeion. Ho is still in jail and i
quite ill from an attack of delorlum trc
menu , and as soon as ha ia able to have a
f examination will dpubtlogs prpvo that h
ia all right.
- " C i f
-A * jneoting of the State Firomou' '
Tournauiout committee waa held lai
.crying in | hp police court room to tak
Uui preparatory for the ooinina pvenl
The bid of glOO by 15 J. Lcr er , f r bsot
privllegu was ticeopttd by thu eomniittei ,
A committee waa also appointed to put i
order the race track on the utato fa
grpunds which will bo done as noun f
the coining racei hard closed ,
The Stftto Delegation on their "Via
to Clilcnjjo to Attend tlio
Yesterday's morning train brought int
this city thrco Pullman alcepingjcani occi
plod by the California democratic del <
gation nnd their friends on route to tli
national domocratio convention whic
coiivonca In Chicago on Tuesday next.
The delegates xvoro complaining iomc
what bncauso they had not boon mot
cordially locoivcd at the various stoppln
p luces through this atnto nnd particular !
In this city , where they had anticipate
being mot by n brass band and the load
ing democrats of Uio placo. The Call
fornia folks roust boar In mind that 7:4 :
in the morning is a little early for Onfall
The delegates from California are u
follows :
Delegates Alternates
William Uunphy , F. 1 1. Williams ,
0. ] ' . roster , T. G. Hill ,
T. .T , Clunlo , W. W. Lymnn ,
II. M. Larno , II. J. Mohan.
1. Dennis Spencer , I. .T. Yell ,
II. 0. Wilson , W. K McConncil ,
2. .T. W.Brcckonrldgo,2. W. K. Klcholratli ,
Nlles Soariiw , B. A. Hugtr ,
3. W. B. English , 3. Dr. Dobbins ,
M. T. Torpoy , IF. II. Hood ,
1. .T. A. Wright , 4. Samuel Newman ,
Louis Holt/ , 15. B. Stonohill ,
5. Maurlco Schmidt , C. JOSHO Cope ,
Lnurenca Archer , G. W. McDonald ,
0. L. .T. lloso , C. .T. T. Arnold ,
A. B. Butler , T. B. Ferguson ,
Mr. F. J. Clunio , who prccodud tin
delegation aayfl that they will go into th
convention solid for Tildon ana that the ;
believe Tildon will accopc if ho is noini
natod by acclamation. After Tildon the ;
willcoBolid for Thurman. "Wo thin !
ho can poll moro votcn in this countr ;
than nny other man. IIo is very papula
in California. And tLon wo will try am
liavo our Qov. Slonoman put upon th
ticket for vico-nrosidont.
Summary ,
Following is a meteorological uumtrmr
for the month of Juno , as iurninhod b ;
Alexander Pollock , of the signal service
lllghcst barometer , DO. ICO ; date , 28th
Lowest barometer , 29.080 ; date , 8th.
Monthly range of barometer , 0.480.
nighost temperature , 034 ; date 30th
Lowest temperature , C2.8 ; date , 10th.
Greatest daily range of temperature
Least daily range of temperature , 11.8
Moan daily range of temperature , 20.1
Mean daily dew point , 03.3 ,
Mean daily relative humidity , 75.4.
Prevailing direction of wind , south.
Total movement of wind , 5285 miles
Highest velocity of wind and diroctioi
50 , north , 25th.
Number of foggy days , 0.
Number of clear daya , 7.
Number of fair days , 10.
Number of cloudy days , 4.
Number of days on which snow or rait
foil , 14-
Depth of unmoltod snow on ground a
end of month , 0.
Dates of auroras , 0 ,
Dates ef solar haloa , 0.
Dates of lunar halos , 0 ,
Dates of frosts , 0.
Year , Degrees. Year. Degree !
1871 . 7r .8 1878 . CO.
1872 . 1870 . 72.
1873 . 7-1.1 1880 . 73.
1874 . 73.1 1881 . 74.
187C . 70.0 1882 . 71.
1870 . C8.2 1R83 . CO.
1877 . 07.1 1881 .
Year. Inches. Yoar. Inches
1871 . 2.05 Inches 1878 . 8.18 Indus
1872 . 3.01 inches 1870 . 4 09 incite'
1873 . 5.80 inches 1880. , . 3.14 India
187 J . 0.03 Inches 1881 . fi.50 India
187B . 10.05 Inches 1882 . 12.05 India
1870 . 3.47 Inchon 1883 . 12.70 India
1877 . 8.30 Inches 1881 .
Sergeant , Signal Corps , U. S. A
A. I'lonsntit Social Tliuo nt the En
Iiutliornn Oliuroh
Tuesday Evening ,
The lociuro room of the Englah Lutheran
oran church waa well filled with mombori
nnd frionda of the congregation Tuosdai
evening to parttcipnto in a sociablo. Tin
young people of the church had proparoi
nn excellent progrannuo ns tollows :
Prayer IVstoi
L'iiiiui polo Mlna MnrRia Jlumbrlk-hl
Vocal duot. . . . , Tlio Mlaiot Itoctloi
ItcnJlng Miss J.lzzlo Lolsonrlnt
Vocal solo Mr. KusI
tcadliiR llov. ,1.8. Uotwlloi
Vocal solo Mlsg Kotllo Vnpoi
tending. MIta J Izzlu l < ol onrtnf
I'luno Hiilo Oscar Goodman
KoadliiK Hey ; . J , 8. Dotwllei
The programme wna very well rondoroc
.hrougliou t. Tlio Boluctiona worthy o :
mrticular mention trcru the duet by UK
Vliaaca Uoedor and the rondiug of Misi
[ loiaonring.
After the proRrammo ice cream am
cake woio served ia abundance. A col
oction was taken and the treasury of tin
Young Pooplo's society was enriohoc
nearly $25 thereby.
Everybody present went in for a gooi
, imo and had it. It ia the intention o
kho young people to give a sociable p
this charnoter nt loust once a mouth ii
the futuro.
The AllCKOd Cnuuo of a Butoiilo It
Ooiiuoll IJliiITa.
The O'Noil Tribune lvos the followini
explanation of the nuicido of Eli Oigo :
in the Council Blud * jail two wuoki
ago :
A short tinio ago n man named El
Qigor coming from llosuvillo. 111. and
looking for land , landed at Kuarnoy.Nob
Stopping thcro a ahort time ho bought i
toaiu and traveling outfit and etartod fo
Ainsworth acrota the country. Arrivinj
there and botng of a aouiowhat timid nature
turo ho waa thu victim of what waa con
eidored n good joUp. Several men pro
tondinit to bo vigilantea arrested him
hold a mock trial and lined him § 70
telling him to leave the country as eooi
at ho could got awny or they would lyncl
him. The man wont u > Stuart am
was almost scared to doath. Jlo wanto
to soil hia ( earn and got tuvny from th
vi ilantora whom he uild vroro purauin ;
him. It looma the people tried to quiu
him and nssuro him that ho wna eafo , bu
the poor follow waa uu ucared tlmt b
would not bo pacified. After Bulling hi
team ho telegraphed to Nory Ellis t
rorno up to Stuart end take him t
Omaha. Arriving in Omaha that da
and atill laboring under the halluclnutio
that ho waa being pursued , ho cut hi
throat from the oflbcta of which ho died
Wo understand the parlies who cauaoc
the auicido have boon arroatcd at Alns
A Don of Nlfiht Workers UroiiRlit ti
In Shlnn'n Addition.
On Tuesday night , during the prevalence
lonco of the furious rainstorm , Doroci
Jonoa , who lives in Shinn's addition
was unfortunate enough to have atoloi
a not of harness , nix ono hundred poum
sacks of meal , two hundred pounds o
bran , nnd other such articles.
Dotoctlvo 0. J. Emory was given tin
caao , nnd by a simple mule track waa enabled
ablod to successfully hunt down the
midnight maurndors. Mra. Barrett , noa
whoto house a mule was found whosi
foot fitted the trncka loading awny frorr
Jonea' barn , was arrested with her eon ,
Upon searching the house , barn am
yard n great many articles thought to hav
boon stolen were found. Among then
xroro a carpenters chest filled with tools
clothcB'linos atrung with clothes , and al
tlio goods missed by Mr. Jonoa.
A warrant was sworn out before Justice
tico Bartlett , and Mrs. Barrett , with ho
son , were tirrestrd on the charge of gram
larceny. Fred Barrett , another son o
Mrs. Barrott , was indicted at the laa
term of court and is still at largo.
CofTco and llontllngllooni ,
The W. 0. T. U. Cofloo nnd Roadinj
llooms on corner Fifteenth atroot nni
Capital avenue do not seem to bo a failure
uro an the following- statement will apeal
for itself. The ladies solicited to bogi.
with and assumed a debt of § 100 the firs
of April ; siuco that time to JulyJat-
three months the receipts have bcoi
§ 1,032.95. All dobls nro paid nnd the ;
have a small bank account. Large
rooms are necessary as their patronage i
increasing so fast ; business men ant
ladies from all parts of the city and coun
try enjoy the clean homo cooking f 3un <
there. Their register shows names fron
the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.1 * Surol ;
the ladles should bo thanked and wol
encouraged by the citizens of Omaha foi
their undertaking.
School Apportionment.
LINCOLN , NEIJ. Juno 20 , 1881.
Tbo apportionment for Juno , 188 J , is as fol
Int. U. S. Bonds S 3000 !
" State bonds 13,0500 |
StatoTox 60,820 51
Int. on Co. Bonds 7,20141
" Unp'd Triii. School Lands , . . . 118.1C8 21
Loose of School Lnnda 104.81191
Fract. Item 93 !
TOTAL § 303,4121 !
Whole No. Children 200,387 tl
Apportioned § 303,1013 !
KractKom * 78
Hiitol'or Scholar 141 !
No of children In Douglas county 13,301.
The share of Douglas county la $10,301.10
W. W. W. JONES ,
Supt. Pub Instruction ,
Omaha's Orators.
Below ia a partial list of gentlemen !
residents of this city , who will orate al
different points in the state on Julj
4th :
Julius S. Oooloy , of Judge Wakoley'i
office , will deliver the oration of the da )
nt his old homo at Cedar Greek , Casi
H. W. Bcckonridgo , at Albion.
Mr. Gurley , of Thurston and Hall's ,
at Auburn , Nomahn , county.
John L. Wobator , at Grand Island. .
DELOK In this city , nt St. Joseph's hospt.
tnl , July 1 , 1881 , at about 0:30 : p. in , , Eliza
beth Dolor ; ogod 22 years.
Ifunoral July 3d , at 9 a. m. from residence
Twenty-third and Pacllio streets.
MINOGU13 Mnry , daughter of Anna anil
John Mlnoguo , July 2 , aged 11 months and
10 days.
I'unoral will take place July 3 , at 2 o'clock
p. rn. , from the roaidonco on Twelfth street ,
between PaclGo and Pierce. Friends are in-
. T. V. Notice.
Mooting of Woman's : Christian Tem
perance union , Thursday , July U , in the
First M.E. church , at 2:00 : p. m. B ;
order of the president.
L. G. CHAULTOK , Soo'y.
Thl j powder net f r \ rlcs. A nun el of inirences ,
strength and vtholcscinouoi * . Jloio economical tine
tlioiraUury klnJ , and cannot bo B Id In oorapotltlo'-
with tliu multltudo ol low tiut , thoit weight alum 01
powder * . Hold only In cant , * 110VA1
crspoolals will roBlttvelynot toe Inserted
unless paid in advance ,
TO LOAN-Monoy.
TVTONF.VloiueJ on cliattcll , notci bouiht. cut raU
1V1 tlckcU BJlJ. A. I'ctmiu. tl3 ti. IStli fit.038lM
038lM _
TlfONEVTOLOAN-TUolowm mUl ol Intaieil
1 > JL llciult1 Loui A enor , 1Kb * Dourl * Ut-U
TO LOAN In iumi ot 1300. nd upward
MONUY IHvU and Co. , lkl KnUte nd Lou
Aecnti , 1(05 V ruuu M. BSB-tl
\\7AN1KU-A ( food nooond CO > k t ouo . Bloady
work mil RO d ! to nolxif , rclUble uhlti
Ulan. Atldrom "l' rkiii lloute , ' riittumcutb , Ht\ \ >
68 f > p
WANTUD-A girl for U'emrul houiework Oni
ttmt c&n w ham ) Iron prulerrod , Un. Wm.U !
QrnnDlaum , SCtU itreet , nt r Bt. llary' * ateouii.
! \ \ , ANTKO Mr t dum girl lor nencriU hou c-woil
\ T Ai > : > ly Mr , J. It butoo leg sjth ( tiwt.
A food girl for gtntnl hoaie work ti
WANTED . Good wagei ind iteady pUee
In ( iul re 24 15 D vcppett St. 8i-4p
" \X7ANrEO Two ( rirli to go to tno country , ooot
W jtuftt , expcntei pud , C ll on Mrs. Cl&rkson
corner St. JUry ' trenua and 20th street. S8S-Sp
T o dlthwftthcn and two dlnini
WANTED ( Inrnedlateljr. 0 od wtffei p ld a
1603 Ftmtm itrtet. _ EOT-gp
AX/ANTED A gill lor homework at SClSCa'Ifornti
W trcet. 378-lp
- gill lor homework. Sirs. W. W
WANTllD-A elclo 16th ittcct , * th hounornutl
ol Learenworth. _ 870-3
- ( l for itcncrnl houie work In imal
WANTED-(1l . 1215 N. 10th St. S91-4 |
-A dining room girl and a laundry ( fltl
WANTED , noston rtostiurint , 141S Dausl.i !
fit. 8Q3. p
\T7ANTED-A barber , 706 S. lotnttreet , Omaha.
V > OlO-Tp
A boy who can Bprak German lor Ren
WANTED work at 216 12th St. 340 Sp
- ctrl tor cooking , wanhlntt am
WANTKO-Ona . IMttcc , S , K. cor. 0thand Cnll
tomla ttreck 34T.Jp
A Rlrl to cook , 211 north 14th ftrcct
WANTED C'jpitol at nito and Dart nport. 352-2 [
A Kitl lor liotiMwork and onototnki
WANTED nnilt child at D31 Plcimnt St 202 2 |
A clrl ( orgcncril house work at 210 !
A competent ( flrl lor general houno
WANTFD Wages ? 20. a month. N. W. cor 18tt
and Davenport , 314-tf
Tt7ANTEI > Oocxl ribbk , washerand Ironer. ( Noni
VV other need apply. ) Wages $5. per neck. Ap
plyl9031)MonportHt. 316-4
. An IntolllKcnt and responsible bo ;
WANTF.U , to carry oninR lioe. Call 8 a , m
Girl lor house-workOlf > south ISth St
" \TTANTKD-A Klrt to do general house-work a
VV 1813 Webster ttroct. E03-6p
TlTANTKD A good actUe uoman to do dtnlni
I ? room work. Wages J4 per week. Apply a
012 Douglas St. M8.U
TX7AN1 ED A girl wlio understands Rcn'ral houn
V work , atS. W.Corner Harnoy and 20th 22th St
Tno dining room girls at 101 flout ]
WANTED . 308 3p
TTlfANTKI ) To hlro a gill tor general house work
\ \ Gcrmati preferred. Inquire ot S. Lehman , 110 !
FanmmBt. B30 tl
Olrl lor goncral honse-work. Appl ;
WANTED . S32-2p
Olrl lor gcner&l housework. Inqutri
WANTED & Erickson's. 31-1
T 1VE Agents lor best 10 cent campaign medal
JLj ! 'crfcctlkcno ! 3. Wrlto at on o tor oxcluslvi
Tonitory. 0. N. Busby & Co1 , 617 Market St. , I'h'l ' ;
A girl to do general house work a
WANTED Mary'a avc. 323 tl
ANTED--A cltl In family of two , 1001 Farn n
W Bt. 283 tl
TKTANTED Good frl'lat Ummct House , llth , bet.
W Farnam and Uarnoy. 235-3i
VV countrytotnkonlcolUhtandplca8antworka <
their own homes ; 82 to $5 a day easily and quietly
made ; work sent by mall ; no canvasslnir ; no utann
lor reply. I'lo&so addicss llollablo Jlan'/V Co , I'lll-
aJcIphU , Ta. 149 Imo
Qlrl or general hcuso-work 217 north
WAN1ED 100-3p
ANTEO Girl at 1610 blicrman nvenuc. Mrs ,
J. M. Connaman 018 tt
ANTED-Glrl tor housework at 2227 Dodge St
- dressmaker , lately from Now Yorl
city , would give her time daring the next month
for beard and loom. A. U. Beootllcc. 851-2p
"XT'OUNQ OIRL would llko position at once. Un <
JL dcrstands drensraaklng thoroughly. Would at
tend In stoic or wait on table in a hotelor restaurant
Addresi "A. U " Bco offlco. 356-2p
"IT ANTBD-Sltuition aa sWrt ironing or work bj
VV the day. Call at 810 Jackson Bt. 310 4p
By a lady , a position on coojist or cor
responding dork In olllco. Address "SI" Bee
offlco , 819 tf
ouns ; marilod man wants situation as book
keeper , In wholcsalo establishment in Omaha.
Address ' ' 0. " care lifco. 808-tf
AND FOUND-Tlio best bargains In
WANTED , at 010 10th street. Mis. Lummli , the
Milliner. 3f7-tf
TTTANTED Largo furnished bed room by twc
Vr gentlemen , llont luadtanco and noijuoitions
aiked. Address "X. M. " Ieo olllcc. S03 St
TIT 113. LEAH HOPE , 803 } a 10th . hating lost hci
1VJL child , ono day old , would llko another child tc
nurta Not particular about pay. 303 2t
"IIT'ANTED Acquaintance with a discreet prepos'
V > ing young lidy or widow dependent upon her-
soli , lend oil raveling and genteel amuiemcuts , anil
ono th t would appreciate a valuable Iileml , ba
gentleman who passes much of his time In tlio city.
Address appointing Interview on the 3d. Addrosi
"Dr , C. " D to , Omaha Bee. 822-2p
ANTED-To sell the bent barber fihop In North-
v cstcru Nubratka. Address Lock Box 29 , Nor
folk , Nob. 205-Ip
VH7ANTED A low tlrst-clas * table boarders at 1718
VV UodgeBt. 2S'3i (
To teach Goiman In a prUate eamlly ,
WANTED - who bos tiugn In the schools ol
the old country- Address "F.V. . " Uco olllcv.
\\JV- otter In lota to suit purchaior , elglit hundred
VV choice Iowa steers. .One hall > oar olds , balance
.wo and tliroo voarJ old , and n good smooth bunch.
219-lm BTIlANUi : llUO'a , Bloux City , loua.
\17AJ < TED Boardora to know the St. Charles Ho.
> V tel on Harnoy St.l tiveoi 12th and 13th will
itt up the best table board for $100 per week of any
louse In the city of a oorretpondlp" price. 238-tf
FOR BBHT Honoea ana Lota.
T OlUtKNT Three rooms , 311 N. 13th street.3WS
TT'Oll KENT Two now six room cotlagcH , two
JL1 blooks from I'irk a\uiuocura. $22.COper mouth.
S72-/ AMK3 , 1607 Farnam street
UENT House ol 3 rooms 20th and Harnoy ,
IIIOll 1 07. Well and clitcrn. Wm. L. llonrco , Dili
and Douglio. f SO 8 | )
17'Olt UENT Furnished and unfurnlincd rooms for
JL light housekuplog , 014 N. 18th Bt. 80 ; 4)i )
RENT For gentlemen. 2100 Fatnam street ,
FOIl Mity nice roou.ii , furnltlivd or imfurul'hod , Jotuu , 11SO Farnaiu btri'ct , 301 3p
11BNT Nuwly Hnlihed tt\o room house with
IriOlt 1 lUr and clutern , on Davuupott , near 10th bt.
Apply to K. K. Mllls augh , CUrksou I'laco.St. Mar/n
venuc. 373 3p
ll NT Nicely turulihod room for gentleman
1 at 421 riemnt street. 3:3 4
| > ( ) U lU'.NT Two unlurulthod rooms suitable toi
I ' lljht houte-kcejilng , 1017 Otilcu o. 384 tt
Oil UKNT-FuniUhed room 1417 Howard St.
JIKNT Now tli rooiaoJ houst , 30. Tlirce
FOIl new cottajos , { 18 each Ballsu Bro * . ,
317 B. 13th street. 3188
TTUm KENT Front room with board , suitable foi
JL' two gentlemen , UOSCupltot avcnno. S.'iO-Sp
pOli UENT-Nlcely turnlshod rooms without
1 board 1814 Davenpoit St. 18-7p
011 UENT KuniUtied ro"in , ] > Ieii > antlr located
1 1 and ueatlj furnlihed 322 ti. lUlh street oornei
iUrncy , 33J 2p
JiKNT Store room Uth anil Jones struct ,
FOIt per month lUrUr & Ma ) no. 833 tf
HKAT House. N'o. 2106 Harnoy ttrect , S
FOIl , cittern , well and stable Applv on i > re-
uil o . 1) . B. BALL ' BW-Sp
UENT Thrco or 0 room housr , cloiet. dtv
FOIl tcr. Jnqulr * at 05S North ISth bt. a31-5i |
HEN 1' Ono coed six loom houto Si5 per mo.
a.M.UItehcock , iftJS tl
| ) UUNT-No 511 Diunpoitgt , eoioti rooms.
\ O. F. llMll & Co. , UCS Farnam Bt 00-4
OItllENT-AploaiantfurnUheil room at ItOS
J 1 Capitol ava. _ f _ a34-8y
UENT With beard , an elegant ( umUbcJ
FOIl bed room , SyOO C ss Bt , 10.- |
1J\OU HE.NT Fmnl heJ room * KMO Dodge Street.
I1EKT Two ioniii iu4uewl ) lurolthtuNc
FOIl 10th SI , bct ceu Chicago and lacnporl. ) .
The Organization or the Ilopnblloar
Club Completed l.nst Evening.
About ono hundred were present Ins
evening at the adjourned mooting of thi
Blaine nnd Logan club , nt Falconer' )
hall. The meeting was called to ordoi
by its president , John Hush , who statec
the object of the meeting was to complete
iU organization.
Mr. Hush then road the names of those
appointed by him to servo as members ol
the executive committee. John Rosysky ,
Ed. W. Simoral , W. B. Payton , W. J.
Droatch , John T. Clarke nnd Williarr
Ooburn , wore the appointed members.
Mr. Stonborg objected to ono mcmboi
on the committee who , the objcctoi
stated , had said ho would not support
the ticket of the club.
Mr. Clark then moved that Mr. Rosy-
sky , the member referred to , bo soon ,
nnd his attitude toward the ticket be
learned , and n report bo made to the
club nt its next mooting.
A motion that E , M , Stenberg bo np
pointed to servo in place of Mr. llosyskj
incase ho could not borvo was tabled , ni
being premature.
A motion was made nnd carried that s
committee of six , ono from each ward , be
appointed to select the names of twelve
to servo as vice-presidents of the club.
The committee , consisting of Judge
Stonberc , Dan 0. Shelly , Lou Livcsey ,
Frank Walton , J. T. Olarko , and J. D ,
Phillips , reported the names of 11. G.
JonkinsonJ. W.Westborg , J. S. Hnscall ,
E. A. O'Brien , John II. Sahlor , Mali
Hoover , Gustavo Anderson , G. M , Hitch
cock , Henry Estabrook , Joe Redman , J.
B. Furay , and D. B. Sargent.
On motion a cominitteo of two frorr
each ward was appointed to solicit members -
bors to the club. The committee was
appointed by the chair.
A motion that it in the scnao of the
mooting that G. M. Hitchcock nerve at
president in the absence of Mr , Rush
from the meeting was withdrawn by the
mover. A motion that the vice-presi
dents act as president in the nbaonco of
Mr. Ruah in the order in which they are
named , was carried.
The club then adjourned to moot next
Monday evening.
NESS DIRECTORY to bo issued in July ,
8b4 , price § 4 50. J. M. WOLFE , pub-
her 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
flOll RENT With hoard largo front room with
1 bay window , gas and bath room , 1718 Dodge at.
I Oil HEJiT-Furnlshcd rooms 105 N. IRth St.
F 200 Sp
HUNT Two furnished or unfurnished rooms
FOIl board , centrally located , goad references ,
references required. Call or address 421 Content St.
11 blocks from St. Mar } 'B aro. 240 Sji
RENT A cottnjo 20th street , ono hq-aro
FOR St. Mary'a aro. 'J rooms and summer
Mtchon $12.60 a month. Warren Swltzler. 141 tl
RENT House 5 ( corns Rood repair. Nlos
FOK , cistern water. Kent $ Ib per month 1411
1'irk Wlldo nvo. Apply to Jno. W. Bell , Druggist ,
10th fit. 166-tt
TTWH IlKNT Houto 6 roomscorner Formleton and
JD bheridan Sts. , S10.EO per month. Barker and
Ma } ne , ISth and Faroain. 187-tf
KENT Furnished ro.im3 1319 Dodge Street.
RENT One Btoro in Crounso * Block , G. M.
FOR . 039 tt
IOR ItK > T 4 good rooms south-cast corner 20th
F and Cutnlrig. 070 tf
"TOOK IlENT Six room house on etrcct car line and
JD convenient to business. Address immediately ,
"Q. X. " Bee office. 760 tt
RBNT-Plano. Inquire at Edholm & Enck.
FOR ' . 033 tt :
trull IlENT llooms in Nebraska Nation * ! Bank
JD Building. Most desirable offices In the city.
Supplied itfi hydraulic olev atorand hcatod by steam.
Apply at Bank. 020-11
OR niKT : Elegant residence 10 rooms , furnace
F hot and cold water , bath rooms ic. Suitable for
Brut-class boarding house or piivate residence $70 per
Fourteen room house new , 14th St. , near Jnne3M
per month. BARKER & ilAY.NE , ISth and Farnam.
OR UENT-In R-dlok'8 block. Store rooii 120
feet deep and good olllco room. 1'aulten , t Co. ,
1C09 Farnam , room 3. 7Ud-tf
RENT Furnished rooms on the north wist
FOR . 13th and Capitol avenue , formerly Crclgh-
ton House , 139 tf
SAM ! A selMnkini ; lover prictlne press
FOR Rxl2 Inchoj , cheap. Address W , J. I'aul ,
1141 K. 10th street. 857-3p
SALE 135 acres Sarpy county lands 12 miles
FOK Omaha Will take nmaha property In part
payment Call on or audrcisll M Farlsn , tapllllon.
39J Sp
SALE Lota $5 dounj a month 0 per cent
FOIl . AMES , 161)7 ) Fainam. 371-7
TtOR SALE-Choap. a nice light road wagon with
F top , Hoggs & llfll. 33S-3p
SALE 1IOU904 rooms , barn , cistern , will ,
FOU trcoo , lauu&a. . nil now , just cumpletcd ,
f rlco $1,400. "lid lllondo , near Saundcrfl
At a bargain , 50 oordi dry bar ! wooil.
FOHSALH : lluggafc Kill ,
OIt SAIiK Ono miull di'nn ot njulcs , harness and
WHKOCI , suitable ( or delivery outfit. Inquire at
uruin'a ' b rn , Curulng btrccf 2S1-4
SAtE A Rood milch cow , In'iulroon Convent
FOR , the third uouso from Harnoy , J. Klruur.
87011 _
BALE CHUAI' Uenl citato buameBS In town
FOR 60) ] > oulat'on ] ' on Itcpuulam Valley Rail-
riad , Kxcallcnt location , flue county , largo IUt , twst
i > ( rcasoni ( or Bulllu ; , n eplondld | > orlunlty , books
ihow LuslrRBd. Addro 8 ' Q , W. L. IIco olllco ,
HVLK Tliroa of the be t Iot4 In Ilansooin
FOK nt a bargain K aold toon. 1'ottor & Uobb ,
031-t !
SALE Sheep , n lot ol line Colorado gradca
FOR ; ol boo DV.UH , 2,3 and -1 yoari old ,
iboutUW ) curling aid ECMhinlis. Tlio en od will
ahuar nlioutO IIOUII.IB Forfurthur lulormatlon ad-
ilreiu Mlday Co. , Ualglor , II. H M , U. It , Neb.
DJ3 Imp
Oil 8 AIKulco cottiiro an > full lot , half block
* uth n [ Hilton Hoctr'd residence , on 19Ui street.
Inquire oU. Uc , Gtcctr.'JM and Leal eu worth.
At a bargain , a Qnt-clau Zither. Ad-
FORSALU / IJ. " BJU olllco ,
8AT.K The Otmhik Dtki ry , ratablUhcd 1674
FOK nil a nooj ttotkof Kanoy ( iiods andothor
flituii'Ji , wa on , etc. Location grtt-clasi. Cheap lot
cub. Apply 618 Uth.itrcet , botwecn Jackton and
Howard 701 lui
T710R BALK Two second hand plariQj , at Edholm
X1 A. Erlckson'i Uuilo Btoro on 10th St. 93 tt
SALE Tno coziest and inoit deslrabla res-
FOIl on Cajiltol IMI. House contaloi 9 r"oin
biildci clocot and store roomi , good cellar , city water ,
and all modern Impio\cmonU. Good bain anil nut-
buddltiga. Kcrj thing in Srt-clau tbape. l-'ulllot.
Inquire of T. K , Lioaoa tiruinlwu. Sl'i9 Capitol a e ,
HALK HEAL VSTATi-A great bargain In
FOR lot In Keora' < Place , n St Uar > ' a e. St
par line , at tery low price tar 30 doj * . Apply to
Jcteph M. Ueete. 211 South Ittli etrcet. OU Hop
SALE The g < xxl will and fixturci ot tbo
FOR Huuie. Kaiy tornn. _
8Al.U-T o oponnccond hand bugjliM and
POU delnery wagoa , cheap , at JC19 lUrucy St.
| 70R HAT B Cheapvit houie and lot In Omiha , In
I1 I'ottcr'i addition , h rooirj , n l , 20) birrel cU-
tern , en two lot * , 10J lo t front by ISO test Jeep , lor
< i,0 0 i'olter & Cobb , 1615 Kurnjm itlcct. 409-tl
r/Oll SALK-Cheip lot * In Hhlno'l J.I adJItlod ,
l1KUk oodandI'laUl vr. Totter A. Cobb , 1516
rarnainitroet. 42S-U
BOY AL ( Absolutely Pure ) . . . . ,
GIUNrSAlumrwd r ) * . . .
nUMFORD'S ( Thoiph&te ) frith.
i fresh. . . . . . .
C1URU ( Alum Powder ) *
AMAZON ( Alum Powder ) *
PIONEER ( San Francisco )
SNOW FUKE ( Qroff' , St. Paul ) ;
lUNFOHD'S , when not frftsli
AMHIEWBACO. ( contains alum1
( Milwaukee. ) " llcgal. " #
BULK ( Powder sold loose ) . .
BUMFORD'S , when not fresh. . . & $
rAs to Purity ami "YVliolosomcness of the Koynl Baking Powder.
' * "Ihavo tested a package of Royal Baking Powder , which I purchased In the
open market , nnd flnu It composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It lo a cream
of tartar powdcnof n high degree of merit , and docs not contain cither alum
phosphates , or other Injurious substances. E. G. LOVK , Ph.D. "
"It It a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder Is absolutely puro. "
"H. A. MOTT , Ph.D. "
" I have examined a package of Roynl Baking Powder , purchased by myself In
lh& markct , I find It entirely free from nluni , terra alba , or any other Injurious eub-
etfaco. HENIIY MOIITOK , Ph.D. , President of Stevens lustftute of Technology. "
" * " I have analyzed a package of Rojal BnklngPowder. The materials of which
It Is composed are pure and wholesome. S. DANA IlAYEs , stale Assaycr , Muss. "
The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over nil competitors fit
the Vienna World's Imposition , 1873 ; nt the Centennial , Philadelphia , 13 0 ; nt the
American Institute , and nt State Fairs throughout the country.
No other article of human-food has over received such high , emphatic , ancl uni
versal endorsement from cmlncut chemists , physicians , eclcntlste , aud Boards of
Health all over the world.
NOTE. The above DUGIUM illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking
Powders , ns shown by Chemical Analysis nnd experiments made by Prof. Schcdlcr.
A ono pound can of each powder was token , the total leavening pow&r or volume In
each can calculated , the result being aa indicated. This practical test for worth by
Prof. Schcdlcr only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Bnklug
Powder knows by practical experience , that , whllo jo costs a few cents per pound
moro than ordinary kinds , it is far more economical , and , besides , affords the advan
tage of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convince any
fair minded person of these facts.
* "While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to bo of a higher degree
of strength than other powders ranked below them , it is not to bo taken as Indica
ting thai they have any value. All alum powders , no matter how high their trcn tjj ,
we to bo avoided as dangerous.
And is now in Use by the United States Government.
.REPAIR SHOPS Scales of all kinds repaired and sealed by U. S
standard weights.
aST"YVrite for Estimates.
1405 Douglas Street.
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
8TOItK8HAi > . :3 : 1515 Douglas Slrd. Omaha , c
F OR CALK-Twenty acres ol the OrllTen farm , 3 ;
miles from the iiobtolllcc , and only two blocks ;
roml'ratt'8 aub dhlsion. Will bo Bold in I ) , 6 or 10 ;
Or clots. Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1611 DouptUu ;
trcct. 270 tl
10RSAIU Atabargaln , a Brut class Zither. Ad
F dress "X. Z. Q" Dee offlco. 670-tf
TT OR BALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1874
1 ? Contains a good stcck ot Fancy Uooda and other
Ixturca , wagon , etc. Location first-class. Cheap for
cash. Apply 610 10th street , bet. Jackson and How
ard. 704-lm
Two tooond hind nltnoi , at Fdholm
FORSALE ' Miielu Htoro on 16th St. EOO-tl
BALK The coz'cst and most desirable real-
FOR 03 Capitol Hill. House contains 0 rooms
besides ciosits and btoro rooms , good cellar , city
water , and all modern Improvements. Good barn
and outbuildings. b > crythlnln liist-cla 8 Bhajw.
Elliot Inquire olT. r. Ljon ou prciulew , 2423
Capital avenue. '
8ALK-UEAL F8TATK-A great bargain In
IpOR 1 lots In KecBo's I'lace , ouSt , Mai > ' < avenue
trcot car line , t very low price lor SO daj t. Apply
South 14th street. 674-lrop
o Joseph M. Itceic , 211
l BALK Tli < good will and flxturcn ol the
F CrotRhton Home. KMV torim. _ B33 tt
SALE Two open neoond-nand bugglo tnJ
FOIt delivery wagon , cteap , at 1S19 Ilarney St.
JIUHUAY has good pasturing. Spring water.
Ul'-Juno 20th , brlndlo cow with throa
TAKEN W. Mirbam , near Deal & Dumb Intit
ule , 370 Sp
ClUAVEDOIlKTOLEN-Agrey horse with colltr
Zuiarki on back and houldcrs. t Indor will ylcife
etiiMtoF , Hcliurlch , Uthttreet , bttwten Mtitha
and Castollar. 313-2p
) . \ tldjdayiold my Interest In the coal buai.
i.tH carried on by ILO at 14 south , ! 3th uttcct ,
cd lie til noUs and accounts bclonfltlr therttu to
Viu. M. Foitcr , ho Villl contliuitJ the hlnlneii
Juno 28tli. 1SB4. 303-2p
plllVV > aults , lnV , and coMpoolt cleaned with
L ia > llary cleaner , batl'factlon guaranteed by K.
U Abel , ( ucco > * or to J , U , Smith , ) box 378.
irUKlNUP-OntheJ4thln t at l' i . i r
I JL HI/IDOW , alight bay ninewhite oui i nd ! u > ,
4je is old , lightly shod , brtcdcd b t'uaiter.
Outer can lecuter by fa > tnglcr ttilBi.irtiwnicnt
and othei O'MJH aud prorUg ownertblp. l'rU
13roi.Ilorcucf ,
Are prepared to do wor
in any branch ,
On Short Notice
rpAKEN UIM y 24th , 1834 , at my p acjjl
Xeenolonlor , ana ouopwiy bay uuro , "tliack la
brand mark on hip Owner can nava en-no by pro -
Ing iiroterty and pajlog charges. Phillip Cassldy.
STRAYED On Juno 21th , black pony , whlto fnoo ,
had on halter. Liberal reward , 20,4 Pierce Kt.
F , Jladannah ,
"VTOTIOK A man with amoral y La a operlcnco la
JLl the uraln Business wants a position In iwmo small
good grain point In this fitatu , cun keep thobaolis and
1s fully capubl * of managlni ; an olllco and elevator.
Eneigetla and full of business. Can furnish littt cf
references. Addietsfor furtber particulars "Y" raio
lice olllce.
Business ,
Traveling ,
Dress and
Drtulnrs. New Summer hotltle * .