Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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IW ( raarantoo the euro of the follow UK named dls-
rtHnttotno py ! Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcen ,
Catarrh , all mood and skin dlsealos , DT peralaLtve
e pt lnt , Kidney amLDIaddcr Diseases. Gout , Neil
" ' and Asthma , Tntso Springs are the favoilU
I ol the tlrod an.l debllltatad , and are the
1 hotel , livery and bathing accomoJatlon bet :
and summer , l/x llty nigljly piuturcmiu
withy. Accessible by Wabash railway , *
3T iaorC.B. A ft. at Albany. Oetr | .oud.n
1 MWted , 11KV. M. M. THOMPSON.
" Manager.
Albany , SUoam Springs , [ Gentry Ca , Mo.
, . .i Gravity *
r r. * y .
lleaetlon i N utr
lOarbonlo Acid Gas SUIn. per ffallon
KCarbonato Calcium M.OM Grain
PCarbonato Iron . . . .7,011 ! '
| ulphato Magnesia , i B.Kfl '
SSalpnato Calolum . .1,149 " ,
h Chloride Sodium 7SM
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
it AlnmlnkV.V. V.V. V.V..V. . . . . . . . . . loloi 8
\Organlcand Volatile matter and los9..1,4S9 "
Mollda per gallon 87,174 '
- - Chcmhts
of tie Peace
lission Merchant
F.S9 Toarl Street Council Bluffs. lown.
Justice of the Peace.
| f'4 Omaha and Council Bluffr.
i < Itcal cstato collection agency , Odd Fellows Block
, > ; over Savings Bank.
n. M. rvair.
bouncll Bluffi to.
Estab/isfiea 1856
Dealers In Foreign and omestlo Ezchango an Eerurttt
As there are many
' \ * *
; 'So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons
jln this city , who are practicing their quackery on
Sour people , I deem It but Justice to say that I dely
Tony of them to produce a diploma , or credentials ,
( indicating that they nro graduates nf any \ctcrinarv
institute , and I do hereby caution the publU mjalns *
J uch quacks , at
[ | f am the Only Known Gradual e
) ffico & Pharmacy , 125 B'dway ' ,
P. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S.
the well-known Establishment
. , . ,
209 "tfPP61 Broadway , the
m ,
f fOt " Council Blufls. Notleo our reduced Prlco List.
We give
_ ids Extra C Sugar for ? 1 00
11 pounds Granulated Sugar 1 00
f i 25 pounds Choice Oatmeal . .100
fW 25 pounds Navy Beans 100
j T. SO pounds B st Bulk Starch 1 00
plOiZ pounds Carolina Itlco 1 00
L JJ2 pounds Choice Prunes 100
K j 25 bars Buffalo Soap 1 00
/ ' Extra Lake Trout , porpound 09
| Ixjrrlhard's Plug per Ib 40
1 ' 1 dozen Mackerel 16
Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt Z BO
ilO pounds Ginger Snaps 1 00
" 40 pounds hcmioy 1 00
't-S ' gallon keg Sjrup 1 70
iWliito FJeh , per kit go
Mackerel , perklt 85
Bates , per pound 10
ilO S pound cans StinJard Tomatoes 1 00
'All ' kinds California Fruits
pound Lusk'a Standard 4 ( or 1 00
All grades , according to quality , 15o to 800 per
f pound.
t Wo also carry a ( ull line of MOD'S , Ladles' and
[ Children's One Shoes and Mcn' Flno Boots at very
[ low prlccu. Also a full line 01 Tiuwaro and general
i merchandise. Call on us and be convinced thai you
Jconsavomonoy V > y dealing with us , Goods delivered
' ( roe In any part of the cltv ,
lu a word , we are bound to sell and challenge all
midaDlocompotltlonlu this county.
20111 , ortBroadway
Railway Time Table.
The JolloivIns are the times of the arrival and departure -
parturo of trains by central standard tlrao , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot too mill-
: L"earlier and arrho ten minutes latrr.
11UVB/ 4HH1VM.
6:35 : n m Chicago Express ] 0:00 : a rn
0:40 am Kant Mall. 7:09 p ro
: < S a ra I "Hull and express , 7 : ' I p m
i 12:30 : p m Accommodation. 2.40 p m
'At local depot only.
0.-05 a m .Mall and Express , J7:05 : p ra
8:05 : p m I'acUo Express , 6:60 p m
6:25 : p m Uxpress , 0:06 a m
B16 ; a m Express , 6:65 : p m
6:30 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:05 : a m
0:25 : a m Day Expreis , 8B4 : p m
7:20 p m I'Dsa Uolnes Accommodation , 0.06 p m
"At local depot only , 1
} 9:55am : 5 Mall , 4:45 : p'm
! ! 4:60pin : Oinnon Ball 11:15am :
"At Transfer
630 p m Express , 8:50 : p m
P'25 a m Paclflo Express , 0,06 a m
irMO p m St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m
IJ'EOam Pay Expreis 0.60pm
tmioM Memo.
S'OO p m Western Express , 8:55 : a m
illooam : Paclfla Express , 4:40 : p m
7:40 : a m Local Express , 6:64 : a m
} IZ'10 a m Lincoln Exprcsa ,
At Trantfer only.
Leave 7:20-8:80-0:30-10:30-11:40 : : : : a. m. 1:30-2:3 : :
I 3-SO-430-6ao-4J:30-ll:05 : p. m Sunday 930-11:40 :
I * in. 1:30-3SO-6:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : : p , m. Aritve 10 rain
} te befuraleatliiRtlme
Nebraska Cornice
ro Efi Fe ncin % I ;
es , itelustrailM , Vtrandas , Office and I5 pk *
fltifs , Window aB'jCj Ounl" , Me. ' "
0. AND ttu BTllEIT , LUi'COLN NUB. 1
Tlio Council HluflVi Driving 1'Ark
A aicl tlon M ISCB nn
nut Statement ,
At a mooting of the bonrd cf director
of the driving park nssocintion the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted :
NYiiEiiEAS , Grcnt pecuniary loss hn
boon sustained by the Council Bluff
Driving Park and Fair association by
reason of the destructive wind and r ti
dtorin occurring during the progress o
the last mooting thereof , whereby sixic
association was unable to fully carry ou
the programme adopted for the racoa a
said mooting , and during which storm
the exposition building of the associatioi
was completely destroyed which loss am
destruction has rendered it both imprac
tlcablo and impossible ) for the nssociatioi
to hold its annual fair the coming fall
imlcs38ubstantialaid shalljbo tendered b ;
and obtained from the citizens of on
city , Therefore bo it
Resolved , That the following plan _ bo
at once submitted to the public splritec
citizens of Council Bluffs , to the OIK
that no change of programme may bo
necessary from the ono adopted arty it
the season by the board to hold its thirc
annual fair in August next , viz :
1. That ono thousand live dollar fam
ily tickets , or an equivalent of
entry tickets , bo subscribed or sold lor
said August mooting in order to insure
.ho full payment of all oxpcnsos.iucurrcc
'or and premiums to bo paid at such
2. That if sufficient money can bo
c * jed , say five thousand dollars for ro
juildiug the exposition building , the asso
ciation will rebuild the same either upon
ta grounds or in the business part of the
city. The location of said building , if
milt in the city , to bo determined by the
subscribers to the fund , ono vote for
each twenty-five dollars subscribed.
3. That the society complete the premium
mium lists for said mooting , but no dis
ribution of the same bo inadp until the
lumber of tickets specified in the first
tern of this notice , bo cither sold or sub-
cribod for , aa therein contemplated.
They Close Their 13xolmtigo of AVIa-
doiu and Depart for Home.
The mooting of the educational osso
iation of Southwestern Iowa closed yes-
orday. The sessions have not been so
argoly attended as they ought to have
> cun , but still the attendance has corn
ered favorably with tbat of previous
pcars. Many teachers at this time of
oar are wearied , and the weather is
warm , so that inducements to remain at
lomo seem stronger than these to attend
uch meetings.
There were many interesting addresses
nd valuable papers given , and the dis-
ussions drew forth many hints which
an bo well used in the school room.
The following have been chosen oflicors
or the ensuing year : James McNaugh-
* > n ; Council BlufTa , president ; 0. B.
iayt , Afton , vice president ; L. B.
ivory , Onawa , secretary ; Mrs. L. E.
granger , Shenandoah , treasurer ; Geo.
I. Houphton , Tabor , W. 0. Davis , Areca ,
nd W. M. M.ooro , Glenwood , executive
The address by President Brooks , of
'abpr College , was among the host of the
ession , and very valuable as a compila-
lon of many interesting facts concerning
io history of education in southwestern
Yesterday's closing session consisted of
paper by Mrs. J. M. Ware , of this city ,
n the "Diacritical Working in the Son-
* mco and "Word Methods in Primary In-
; raction. " The paper called forth an
ntorostiug discussion.
President E. L. Parks , of Simpson
ollego , Indianola , gave an interesting
ddress , pointing out some of the induce
ments ofl'ored to men of ability to engage
lormanontly in the profession of tcach-
ng.Tho next place of meeting was not
ocided upon , but will probably bo
rilio Till ley H Letter. ]
ro the Editor of The Bco :
I BOO that the genial Col. Tulloya gon-
rously thanka the "Christian" for spoak-
ng on Sunday morning. For this ad
mission that ho has jumped over the
dash board , " and entered the arena as
no of the great martyro , at the suggcs-
on of "Voritas" ho is entitled to a
rown. Ills act wan a noble
no , and while ho insists on oxplain-
ng his reasons and positions ,
' the nation still lives. " So does the
Council Blufls Driving Park association ,
.gain , I say , thank God that fanaticism
OCD not rule America , the homo of the
> rave and the country ot the free , If 1
csiro to patronize a liorso race , or attend
no , I don't know , as a froo-born Amu- >
can citizen , whether it becomes the
msinoss of Lord Chesterfield Tulloya , or
ly own. If I cheese to go , I
link , as a fruo moral agent , on-
owad with God-given instincts , I have
perfect right to go. If I do not do-
ro to attend an equine contest , and
lioooo to remain within' the sanctity of
my homo , that is my own affair , apd I
ertalnly have no business to reflect upon
10 intelligence or doslro of those who
oe through , perhaps , a more enlightened
lass than 1. Until th'a ' idea of the
ghts of American citizenship is rocog-
ized , 1 rest in peace and prayerful
ope. RIGHT.
How They .Enjoyed It.
The following notice , which wo clip
rom the columns of an exchange , is
ertainly a good word at the right time.
Iho big Barrett show , to which it refers ,
will soon bo among us. Read it , The
larrott show will exhibit at Council
31ufls , on Friday , July 4 :
. II. JUHUKTX it C'08 ' JlO.NbTKU KX1I1I1I-
Saturday , the occasion of S. II. Bar-
ott & Co'a exhibition in this city , was a
voly day. At an early hour people
roai all parts of the country filled our
treots , anxious to eoe tliis colossal circus
nd menagerie make its grand entree or
troot parade. The parade was a superb
no , and met with approval on every
[ do. At the afternoon exhibition the
argo circui tone was crowded with anx-
ous spectators to BOO the wonderful rid
ing , tumbling and slack-rope perform
ances done in the ring by the Barrett
show Fvery'Wnq ' w * rcDrosnntod ,
and the Urge audience was inttcscnbably
delighted with the afternoon entertain
ment. The fame of the afternoon's en
tertainment was heralded all oror the
city by its witnesses and created n great
desire to see it among these who were
not able to got Uioro in the afternoon.
Ilonl Kstnto aYniiafbrs.
The following transfers were filed for
record in the olllco of the county clerk ,
July 2 , 188 J , and reported for THE BEE
by P. J. McMahon :
Princess II. Ellis to T. D. Wnunflnd ,
lot 14 , block 0 , Oakland add. $1,516.
T. D. Waunfind to Lewis W. Ifazon ,
lot 14 , block 0 , Oakland add. $1DOO.
Mary J. Ilubbard'to Harriet B. Tay
lor , part of lota14 and 45 , original plat.
Irene Toboy to Maggie I. Scoficld ,
part s hf , aw qr 1G , also part B hf aw qr
20 , and part uw qr 21 , 76 , 43. $1,000.
E. Laskowski to Thomas GriflHh , lot
3 , block 1 , Eubanks first add. $075.
0. N. Prudon ot al to Amelia N. Pru-
don , part of no qr aw qr 27 , 74 , 40.
William J. Gavin ot al to W. Siodon-
toph , lot 7 , block 5 , Ferry add. $20.
Total solos , $7,378.20.
The following nnmoa were drawn yes
terday to form the petit jury for the
next term of the circuit court :
John Thomas , Boomer.
D. W. BorulF , Macedonia.
Jamus Flynti , York.
V. V. Perry , Ilardin.
GC.O. M. Putimm , Grovo.
J. II. Love , City.
John Short , City.
Jamoa Oalor , Grovo.
D. T. Connor , City.
F. A. Stoppol , Ilardin.
Satnuol Price , Ilnzol Doll.
W. O. Bane , Jamca.
AV. II. Brown , City.
Thomaa Jeilbrson , James.
II. G. P. Ohlingor , City.
F. M. Maroy , City.
S. B. McKay , Keg Creok.
0. H. Chirk , Moroland.
A. Kittor , City.
Cyrua True , Knox.
M. J. Cheney , Washington.
B. Straht. City.
John Stuho , Mindon.
Charles Morau , City.
Tlio Ofllclnla Invited.
The A. 0. H. , the St. Patrick's Socie
ty , tbo Catholic Knights of America , and
the entire Catholic congregation of this
city , hereby cordially extend to the lion-
oiablo mayor and councilman of Council
Bluffs an invitation to attend their picnic
in Glendale on the 4th mat.- the glorious
anniversary of American independence.
B. P. McMENOMY , Pros.
Stock Shipments.
The following were the shipments at
Jnion stock-yards yesterday ;
W. B. Smith , ono car hogs , GO head ,
o Chicago via N. W.
Rosa & Brown , ono car hogs , 02 head ,
, o Chicago via N. W.
Ballaud , ono car horses , 18 head , to
lastings via U. P.
The Sioux City linseed oil mill will
eon bo rpady for business.
Woit Union , Custor county , claims to
> o a good location for a creamery.
The now Methodist church at Rolfo ,
'ocahontas county , waa dedicated on the
Dos Moines is building more sewers
nd many of the principal streets are all
; orn up.
A. A. Moshor , of Spirit Lake , has boon
ppointod to take charge of a fish depart-
nont at the world's exposition at Now
rleans next winter.
Albert Albortson , a deaf man 01 years
f age , unmarried , was killed Friday
lorning on the Wintcrsot branch , near
iVvon , by being run down by a freight
Tho'cornor stone for the now Methodist
mrcfi at Solon , Johnson county , was
aid on the 21th. The building is under
ontract to bo ready for occupancy in No-
The Peterson coal company has sold its
ntorest in a coal plant to the Ohio coal
ompany for $1GO,000. The Ohio corn-
any , which is composed of Ohio and
Chicago men , was represented by John
Morris , its superintendent , who closed
10 deal. The lucky company haa an
bundanco of capital and will immcdiato-
' proceed with the work. ,
Hon. Alex. Clark , of Muacatino , the
troll known colored man who lias just >
raduated from the university law school /
b Iowa City , saia to a Cedar Rapids
lepublican reporter the other day : "I
would not take § 0,000 for my diploma
oin the state university law school. )
'hat is , I would not exchange what L
lave learned fer that amount. It hurries
man to got through 150 pages of law a .
ay , and that is the way they rusli us
own thoro. But it is a good school. I '
ill probably vibrato between Muasalino i
nd Chicago this bummer and pick up the
nethods of procedure as soon in law
Ilicos , and then settle down to practice ;
i Muscatinq , I think there is a big
old for mo in this state , though I do
egin at an ago when most men give up
work. Fif ty.spvon yoara that is the ago
\ which I begin the practice of law. "
AndorHonvlllo HovmltccJ.
orrcflpondonco Iowa State Register. t
Twenty years have coma and gene
nco the enactment of the great tragedy
t Andorsonvillo that will forever aaso-
ate this obscure little town with bor
ers indescribable. The driving rains of ;
wenty winters have beaten upon the .
andy elopes of the old enclosure where
icro was cooped up within its walla
more of human misery than was over
loforo found on an equal area of earth's )
urfaco. I have traced out the throe
; ockado walls by the continuous ridges
f decaying palisades that marked the
nes they occupied. On the west aide
lany of the palisades have been cut
own and epllt into rails , while most of >
10 others have rotted oft' and Ho in do-
tying masses on the ground. Ilere and
lore a firo-blackened Eontinel still
jinds in the place it waa planted in
301. On the east aldo the main line
I palisades remains in n fair Btato of
iruaervatioti , showing the height and
Tongth of this formidable wooden wall ,
'ho old ditch that surrounded the [
tockado is still plainly visible
n the south , went and east
des although in places'it is nearly filled
y wanhing and caving in. On the north t
nd south sides the timbers of the stock- [
do huvo been removed in clearing up
10 ground for colt"ii planting. Two
ogroes with a mule cash wcro marking
ut the ground for the rows of cotton on
10 south aide of the crook. On the .
cirth side many of the old wells remain
n a good etato of preservation. I count-
d over 20 of them ranging in depth
rom 10 to 30 foot. Youni ; pine , oaku
ud blackberry buahud huvo cu > m up
Ihicldy all over this eido. The mounds
and depressions where coves were dug
by the perishing prisoners nro plainly to
bo soon all over this sandy eldo hill , The
massive old gates at the west ontranc
hftvo fallen down , and the owner of th
land is working the Urabors of whlc1
they were constructed into catioa to b
sold as relics of the old stockade.
Outaido of these gates on the roiul to
wards Andorsonvillo nro the ruins
Wirtz'a old bakery , where the unboltei
corn meal and fat bacon were f cooked foi
the prisoners. Leading from Uio store
house at the railroad station to the stockade
ado is the old corduroy road along whlcl
the teams transported the meal and bncoi
to the bakery. The ground waa BI
swampy Hint logs had to bo cut and hii
eido for n quarter of a inilo to make a rom
that would bear up n team and wagon , li
looking for relics i found n scantling , tw
by four , sticking in an old well , that was
once a part of the "dead lino. " My guide
was Dr. Harrison , who waa n surgeon in
the confederate service stationed here
during these deadly months , to aid it :
treating the federal prisoners in that hos
pital lined , where so many thousand
perished. Ho pointed out the places o
intorcstand gave mo many Hems relating
to the prison-keeper , Wirtz.
On the west side of tno atockado nca
the north gate is the noted "providential
spring , " that broke outono August morn
ing whan the water in the crook lud
become BO filthy as to bo no lonaoi
endurable. The 'story aa told is Urn
oiio day there came n torrifio _ storm o ;
thunder , lightning , wind and rain , which
suddenly raised tno water in the crook
BO high as to swoop down the walls of
the atockado on the west aide , where
the crook enters the i jlosuro. Tha
when the flood subsided ii was discovered
that a soring of clear , pure water had
gushed out of the hill-sido near the
"dead line , " which flowed from that time
forward in such abundance as to supply
the entire army of moro than 30,000
inmates with pure wator. Many of the
famishing soldiers looked , upon this as a
direct Interposition of the Almighty to
save them from the liorora of the polluted
crook. That no spring was visible up to
this time all the inmates of the atockado
agrco in declaring ,
That such a spring did burst from the
sand of the hillside ia as clearly _ estab
lished by thousands of grateful wituo&soa ,
I , too , saw its clear crystal waters boil
up from the sand in a stream largo
enough to supply the city of Doa Moines
with drinking water ; but not being dis
posed to acccgt the "special providence"
theory without a thorough investigation ,
I sought out the oldest resident of the
place , M. P. Subor , the station agent ,
who has lived hero 30 years , and asked
him to tell mo what ho know of the origin
of this spring. Ho informed mo that ho
had known the spring for morp than 30
years. That when this region was an
unbroken forest , this spring was a favor
ite resort fcr deer. That when the stockade -
ado was erected in February , 1804 , the
workmen in excavating the trench fdlod
up the bpritig so that the water oozed
through the sand to the crook below
without rising to the surface. The flood
that swept the atockado walla nway dur
ing that terrible August storm washed the
earth f.tom over tlio spring , and it again
burst out clear and strong as of old. The
famishing prisoners , knowing nothing of
its existence heretofore , naturally regard
ed it aa an especial gift for their benefit.
Prohibition In Iowa.
St. Louis Glebe Democrat.
The prohibitionists have everything
their own way in Iowa , and evidently understand
dorstand that fact and are making the
boat possible use of their knowledge. The
law is BO exceedingly strict and has boon
drawn up with so determined at hand ,
that it may bo said to roach every case
of liquor-dealing that is at all likely to
uriso in the state. As the statutes orn
interpreted it is alleged that not only is
it unlawful to sell and buy , but oven to
have any business dealings in which the
unclean thing may bo in the remotest do-
iroo concerned. ' 'Touch not , taste not ,
handle not , " is the motto , and the pro
mpts it convoys are "carried out to their
fullest extent. The druggists may not
jell it , the railroads may not carry it , to
keep it in the house ia an unlawful act ,
to glvo it to a friend is qrimnal , and so
tightly have the lines boon drawn that it
is said a traveler passing through may
jiavo his baitgago overhauled and bo pun
ished for being found the possessor of
jvon so much aa an old-fashioned pocket-
pistol. I
The Town people are evidently of the
jpinlon that whatever is worth doing at
ill is worth doing well , and so , since
lioy have entered on the prohibition ex
periment , they are resolved to nco that
rohibition does prohibit , in npito of the
/cry earnest declaration of not a few of
ts opponents that it docs not. The progr
ess of the experiment will bo watched
vith no little interest , for on the succoau
f the movement in IOWA may bo said to
rest tha f uturo of prohibition in the west.
L'lio friends of the causa seem to know
.bis fact as well as anybody , and hnnco
ho tremendous efforts that are being put
'orth. If it fail , prohibition will receive
backset from which it will bo alow to
ocover ; if it succeed , not many years will
ilapso ore other states will bo found in
ho wako of Iowa and Kansas , and prohi-
jition will have a boom that may carry it
nuch further than its advocates at pro-
lent imagine.
It may well bo imagined , therefore ,
bat the party of prohibition in Iowa
ooks upon its work with extreme appro-
jation. It eot itself to do a certain task ,
has prevailed in obtaining a popular
tanction of its object , It has passed the
loccssary statutes to carry on the work
10 auspiciously begun , and , no doubt ,
ooka upon ita work and pronounces it
ood. But there are certain indications
.hat , instead of being done , the actual
vorkof prohibition in Iowa has only juat
jogun. Statutes do not usually execute
homsolvos , and such statutes as have t
eon passed in Iowa are never executed
vithout the most earnest , faithful efforts
in the part of all interested to carry them
tut. It is difllcult enough to execute
uws when the vast majority of tha cltl-
ions are on the side of the law-makers ,
ut when the effort ia made to place near *
one-half _ the citizens of a great com-
uonwoalth in the position of law-broakpra
limply becnuso they tic not agree with 0
ho majority , the difficulty of the task
jccomea increased tenfold.
The opponents of the prohibition
novoment , therefore , are believed to
ook upon the attempt to enforce the
owa laws with no ess imtisfaction than
ho prohibitionists , The people of thin
iountry have never taken kindly to ea
Kiinago'of uny kind or in any form , and
is safe to Bay that the present laws of
owa can not bo enforced without a good
leal of private information given by
iitizcn ngaiimt citizen , by neighbor
igainat neighbor. When laws of this
and and needing such co-operation na
.his are passed by any community , the
encloncy to bo restive under their work-
ngs will bo too ntrong to bo concealed ,
aid when the local ollicers are elective ,
lathcynrnin moat Mated , tlio privata '
uuUa Uiul null uituiiily Hjuitig un nlil iu't
productive of more disorder mid ba <
fooling than the people of lowadroan
of or will care to toll About.
Mho True I'roblem of Feeding.
South And West.
A great number of experiments in feed
Ing have been conducted of late , am
much Retention has boon directed to Un
subject. By those experiments and thi
interest qood linn been done ; but it ap
pears to mo that in a majority of In
atanqoi the chief labor haa boon cxpondct
on outeiilo problems , while tlio into
problem hns not boon touched , except ii
rare instances. Fat-stock shows have
induced farmora and breeders to labor
for the production of mountains of boo
and tallow. Rivalry among the admirer
of different breeds of swine haa causec
them to crowd their animnls to enormous
weights , and to put upon the market mil
mated lard barrels. Wo have had butler
to U and milk testa , and under the
influence of stimulating food yields of
butter and milk have boon repeatedly
obtained which n few years ago would
have boon regarded na fabulous. Bui
the majority of these testa have booi
elmply curiosities and have had no prac
tical value to the average farmer. Many
of tlio enormously ovorfattod nnlmals
have boon made BO nt a cost that far ex
ceeded their actual value , and in many ,
probably in moat , of the butter tests the
butter would have had to sold at $1 a
pound to pay for the food the cow con
sumed while producing it. The average
farmer carries on his business for the
sixko of supporting his family. Money
may bo a low and sordid object , but it is
MI object most of us are compelled to ro.
gard. Possibilities nf production may
bo interesting , but they don't pay store
bills , and tlio problem , therefore , thut is
the most important in all questions of
hooding is : How shall wo produce meat ,
milk or butter at the smallest coat per
pound ) If n scrawny cow with neither
points nor pedlgroo will make moro gallons
lens of milk out of a ton of hay than n
cqw which takes all the premiums at tlio
show , the scrawny cow is the ono the
farmer who follows farming for a living
wants , oven though the pedigreed cow
might give twice aa much milk in n BOS-
SOU. If a farmer , by feeding straw and
clover and whole corn , can make a steer
ready for the market at loss cost per
pound than by feeding corn meal and lin
seed cade , then atraw , clover and whole
corn ta the food that farmer wants to
use , oven though his neighbor , who uses
the more expensive food , turns off moro
showy stock. Of course , the comparative
value in the market of the animals differ
ently fed would have to bo considered.
It ia not my purpose in this article to at
tempt to aolvo this problem , but simply
to draw attention to it , that farmers and
experimenters may moro generally enter
into its solution ; and I think farmers will
generally agree with mo that the ques
tion in feeding ia not how to produce the
best show stock or the most wonderful
records , but how to accuro the largest
profit on the food consumed.
Homo Other Time.
Chicago Herald ,
A loan man with an illuminated uoso
ran hurridly into a Madison street ualoon
mid , leaning far over the bar , oaid to the
individual in white :
"My wife in on my troll , and she
swears no man will give mo another
drink aa long aa I live. I swear that
there will , Now make haste , for she ia
llablo to bo in hero at any moment and
smash things. "
"I'd ' like for to BOO 'or smnuh things in
'ore. Th' way for to do wid auch is tor
drlnfc all yor wanta. "
"Of course , " said the lean man.
That's what I say. You are going to
give mo the drink , of course ? "
"Ef yor has fifteen cents yor'll ' got the
drink. That is an old game down in
Nee York , where I came from. Try it
ton a Wost-sidor. "
Western Cornice-Ms ,
1111 DouglM Si. Omaha , Neb ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices
fjHTDonnor Windows , Klntiln , Tin , Iron and RUto
Uoollntr , Speclit'B 1'atont Metallic Skylight , talent
adjuatod lUtchct liar and Bracket Slielvlnu. I atn
tlio iianoral agent ( nr the above line otifoodi. Ire
Crestlngs , Fencing , Baluitrados , Vurondos , Iron Kto
OoxiTliat Ifi a.d ' -A.ta.arirut.
Until olllcos arc repaired ( rom icmilt of lire , oHl
with Di. IMrker , Kuota S , Crol hton lllock 1Mb
mil DoiiK i tr ecu
-aio xatix estx-oot ,
men "Poisoned with 1'otath. " Tlili I ) the
MAY with hundreds who have been iiHwJuo
enough to take Bamaparlllas , Potash rnuturis. eta ,
until dlircstlon I * almost fatally tinpmd , Hwlft i
BpeclAo Is a vvgctablortmedy , and runtores the j -
m to health and lullJs up tlio wa to made by thebo
"I w i suffering with Ilbod Potion , ami treated
loivral months with Mercury and Poland , only to
make mo worst , The I'oUii tunk away my apixtlt
and L-avn me dy i > eiisla , arid both nave ma rliMima-
tlim , I then toot Harsiparllli , vte. All theiiu inado
me still worse , asltdrovo thopolson fiirtborInto my
lyitem. A ( rlenil liulttcd I should Uko HnlH'sHjiecl-
fie , and It cured rte of the llloixl I'olnoii , drove Iho
Mercury and Poiaih out of myiiBtcm , aiidtiichyl
am as well an I over was. " QKO , O.WKU.HAN , Jr
Balum , Maun.
John A , Hinllli , the largest merchant In U lii ( . vlllc
, i r : " 1 > fftero < l for j ears ( rom the combined
tlfeotsof Krjslptlas aiiJ Eczema , I umtlnuid to
glow woriHi under medical trtatmeut and by taking
medicine rontaliilni ; I'utaih , H. H i ) , cured mo thor
oughly and absolutely , My amiotlto ttrtiiKth and
flesh returnud us I uai cured with It. "
Our Treatise on Illood and HUn UUemos malleil free
to applicant , .
Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa.
H 7. OIRra , 160 W. 23d fL ) , but Bill and 7th ayenuus
I'lllladelphla olllne , I2M ( 'hotnut Ht.
lUttcr ut Application nt John frank ( or U'juor '
Kotlra In lurtby L'lven that John Frank dlil iiwii
tbu 2nd div ol July A. D. lbtJ4 , file lilt ap.
iillcatlon tu the mayor end city council ut Omulm ,
lor llcinno to mil malt , milrlttious and vliioiin ll'iuorn ,
at cor. llth & | iouitl.n Btre t,8rd ward.Ouuiha , Nib. ,
from the 11th day of April , IMt , to the llth day t.f
April , I88S.
If Uioru bo no otjucllon , reinonttrancu or proUut
nicd within two HtoLu ( ruin July InJ , A. I ) . IbSI ,
tlio wild Ilcviiso will Ui L'runtwl.
Jiiliw Klt'NK. ApMll irt
i.iO t p. J , J. L. 0. JliWr.'l'i' , Ui ;
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ?
to select from ,
North-Western Electric Light'Go ,
E'BCtric Arc and Incandescent IMts !
Adopted by the U. S. Government and most of the loading steamship conipanlol
and Hotels , Regarded as the
For Rates Inquire nt oflico , N. W. Cor. Fifteenth and Fnrnnm Streets
Pure Air & Water !
And nil of the good nnd plcasnnt things that go to rnnko up a complete
ploto and happy existence.
The town of South Omaha ia situated south of the city of Omalm
on the line of the U. P. llnihvay. and it is less than 2 miles from the
hmilut post ofiico to the north liuo of the town site.
South Omaha is nearly l miles north and south by 2J east and
vest , and covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are nt the extreme southern limit.
Nearly 150 lots have been sold find tlio demand is on the increase
) ho yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The § BO,000 Water Works are keeping pace with the other im
omonts , and tho'IIotol uiul Excluingo Building will bo creeled at once
The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways havo" largo fowo of men at
vork and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depot
iear the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will bo
lurnisheu for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
) o cheaper than they are to-day.
jJ57"Apply at tlio Company's ollico , cor. of IJJth and Douglas [ streets
vor the Omaha Saving's Bunk.
Assistant Secretary ,
108 and 103 South 14th Street , Omaha , Nebraska , "Corrcspondouco Solicited. " 1
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
o TrirnminL" ) , Mining Machinery , Boiling , IIoBO , Braes and Iron Fittltca ,
cam Paokiiifj at wholoealo nntl retail. HALLADAYVIND.mLLS , 01ID11C U
Oornor 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
The Pnlnco Uotel of Denver.
Oor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sts
Uoorrn 76o to } 2.00 per day , Special Halts by tbo Month ,
Conducted on Iho Amfcrican and European Plans.
Bonrd $7 per wcclr.