OMAHA DAILF BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY , JULY 3 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Mornin . July 3 , sonsoniraoN RATES. . nr ! Carrier - _ - _ - _ - . . - . . - . . - SO cents 10.00 pe'.week per jcar OFFICE : No. T Pearl Street , Near Broadway. M1NOK MENTION , See J. Rcitor'a spring goods. Bushnoll Bolls railroad tickota cheap to 11 points. George Blaxim ia raising his residence on Main street. W. A. Stewart has removed hia piano wnrorooms to 329 Broadway , Four drunks were disposed of ' nt the police court yesterday , nnd ono vngrnnt. A good many pigeons nro being eont down to the driving park for the shoot on the Fourth. The alley south of Broadway running from Mnin to Bincroft street , is in n rory unhealthy condition. Justice Schurz yesterday married John M. Killion to Miss Elizabeth E , Frnost , both parties of this county. Several narrow gauge dirt cars being drawn through tlio streets yesterday , attracted considerable attention. Thomas Ball has commenced action for a divorce from Sarah J. Ball , claim ing oho has not boon true to her vown. W. S. Mayno has boon appointed ad ministrator of Thomas Gowdoy's ' estate which is valued ns not exceeding § 10- 000. Conrad Thompson , who was arrested lor obtaining § L.G5 under false pretences , was discharged by Judge Aylosworthyos- torday. * The caao of Mrs. Amy , complained offer for putting up n frame building intido the city limits , haa been continued until next Monday. To-morrow Barrel's circus shows up here and ] will draw a big crowd with out doubt , ns it is well worth sooing'nnd people know it. Mike . .Nolanwhile , tearing awny par titions in lib old place yesterday , mot with'an accident , n board falling on him f and cutting hia face badly. A suit of clothoa now being made nt ono of Council Bluffs' fashionable talor- ing establishments , has on the coat buckles and straps instead of buttons. 1.1 A largo excursion will leave Omaha to morrow morning at 0 o'clock for Council Bluffi ) , and will bo received on nrrivnl at the depot here by the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Count Yon Bulow , who has n half a dozen aliases , wns yesterday hold under $000 bail to the grand jury on the charge of stealing n suit of clothes and a watch from 0. W. Hart. With the shooting matches , Barrett's ' big circus , the Hibernian picnic , the ex cursion from Omaha and the starting in of the prohibitory law Council Bluffs will Jiavo quito n Fourth. , , 21. North , arrested for an assault on Ifia brother Nophi North , is * to have a hearing before Judge Aylosworth to-day The trouble Boonut to have boon aboul the possession of a house. Doris' ohow , which got blown flat by the storm here , was struck by a stil worse storm nt Orostcn Monday evening , during a performance , the crowd gottinj out just in time to save themselves , The Dunknrda nro holding servlcci every evening nt 8 o'clock , coruor Sixtl avenue and Blufla street , nnd on Sunda ; next there will bo two meetings , ono a 10 o'clock a. m. nnd another nt 7:30p : * in. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. The Young Mon'a shooting club wil celebrate to-morrow afternoon by a side shoot between the democrats aud ropub licans. There ivill also bo a match between twoon the club and the Council Bluffs gun club , and another match with the Sportsmen's club. St. Alban'a lodge , No. 17 , K. of P. liavo elected E. J. Abbott , 0. 0. ; W. N. Young , V. 0. ; J. Darnell , Prelate ; 0. Wesley , M. of F. ; 0. Johson , M. of E. O. Tibbils , K. ot 11. and S. ; F. B , Pat tont/M.of A.J. ; B. Ooon , I. G. E. J. Abbott , representative to grand lodge , Mrs. Elam Clark has jut received iinoly finished portrait of her Ute hus band , done in crayon by the celebrated artist * , Moshor & Marxaon , of Chicago It is enlarged from ono lolt there by Lira. Clark on her way east a few weeks ngo. Mr. MarzEou ia ono of the finest workmen in crayon in Chicago. Tho'bida for the building of the nddi tion of ttio institution for the deaf and dumb have boon considered and the work lot toStraub & Herman for $ : )0,64l ) , The other bids being J. " V. Murphy , § 39,575 Weaver & Lawaon , 830,012 ; B , .1. Col lins , § 38,744 ; Wickbaui Bros. , § 38,500 . "John Hammer. S39f > pO ; J. H , Percivnl § 30,035. The Crawford county Bulletin has navod the democrat * the trouble of hold ingo judicial convention. It favoraa. ticket with JudgAylesworth for district judge , ft. O , Phelps for circuit judge and K , 0. Jlly for di lrict attorney. 11 Shawvan , of * DenUon , who is nn uipi rantfor nomination as district attorney , u loft ell' the Bulletin. Claries Jacob * , tlio night yardman for 1 the ( J , M. & St. Paul , while cutting oft _ car of atock Tuesday night , got hia foot caught , and the whcoli pauod over it crushing it that to amputation was ueccs- nary. Dr. Macrae and Dr , Houston took the foot off just above the ankle. Mr , Jacob * was jiroinotod only a few days before the nccidimt , nnd is n worthy man who has many friends who sympa thize deeply with him In his trouble. Yesterday ho was reported us getting along aa well as could bo expected. A "STILL" HUNT. How ta Prohibitory Law will tafc Hold To-Morrow , Much Fcnr nnil Trembling. This is the best day for the aaloons at least BO it is supposed. The prohibi- ory law goes into effect at 12 o'clock to-night , and no intoxicating liquors nro supposed to bo sold nftor that hour. Everybody is asking what is going to bo done ? Nobody Booms to know. . The irohibitionista have intimated that they will prosecute all offenders , nnd ns the penalties nro severe , this makes the oa ooniats tremble , yet so far this throat las boon in the form of a hint , rather han decided organized preparations. Sotno of the saloon men say they intend o obey the law strictly , but still hero nro Bomo who propose going richt along as if nothing had happened , rely'J ng on pormjts from the county board or icenscs from the city council. The fact is , each side is uncertain which is the best o do , nnd no uniform plans have boon doptcd. The saloon men seem to have hope that the storm will soon blow over , t now aooms that on to-morrow all aloona will ccaao soiling such drinks na re prohibited by state law. Ono after nether will probably in time , got to put- ing in "a ntick" into some temperance rink , or seeking to evade the matter in omo other way , and gradually growing ) elder , if no organized prosecution ap- ) oars , will slowly got Into the old way of oing business. The penalties nro DO BO- ore that for n time at least there will bo ow , if any , who will care to run the isk of openly violating the law , until some expression of public opinion is man- Tested in other waya. TIIK BKI : man asked a saloonist yesterday what was go ng to bo done , nnd immediately the [ uostion was fired back. "What nro nro ou prohibitionists going to do ? You tell no that and I'll toll you what the saloon non are going to do. " That seems to > o the condition in which most are placed. A largo majority seem against taking out the evasive license proposed by the city council. They do not want to pay J-100 for permit to sell lemonade and so da water , when in return they got no > rotoction. On the other hand the pro- libitioniats , of course , think atill inoro unfavorably of the council for thus nt- ; ompting to ovndo the state law. It seems pretty certain'that ' it will bo didicult to got intoxicating drinks to morrow over any bar , but how long it will remain so Is a conundrum which makes them all stagger. BALANCE ALL , The Oltl/.oiiB and tlio City Have n Cotillion About the Scales. There promises to bo n lively war about the scales nt the junction of Main and Pearl otroota. The scales were establish cd there about two years ago at the In' atanco and with the financial support of a number of businessmen in that vicinity the cost of the scales being $350. The city council gave permit for the scales to bo located there , although it was on the street and public property. Thus it has gone nlong , the regular license being paid for the scales. The oily woighmastor has scales on Bryant street , next to the city buildings , but business is very light there and ho also has made oomo nrrnngomoul for scales near the ones now in contro- very , but business there is light too , tlio junction Bcalos seeming to got the cream in spite of everything. After the paving WM put down , it became apparent that the scattered hay from , the witgous , which had heretofore been trampled into the mud , giving n barn yard appearance to that part of Main street , was proving n great nuisance although it could bo swept off the pave- mont. It was also discovered that although the street had not shrunk any , yet the teams down there by the scales were nn interference with travel , and the marshal tried to keep them from going there. Some of the men doing business in that vicinity then signed n petition to have the scales removed , and others wanted n fountain where the scales now stand. The license for scales was raised from 810 to $50 , but this did not causa the scales to bo moved , for the $50 was forthcoming. The council ordered the marshal to remove the scales , nnd yester day the other aide consisting of 0. E Ilonn , T. J' , Evans , John Morgan , James Havorstock , claiming to bo the majority of the owners of the scales , filed n petition asking for on injunction to restrain the city from carrying out this order of removal , They claim that a $50 license was paid covering the time from May 1884 to May 1885 , nnd tlnt | the city having permitted the scales to fltand there , nnd the capital having boon invested on account of this permit , that it is not for the city to keep the § 50 and move the ecalos too. Judge Loofbour- row has granted n temporary injunction and the bonds have boon placed nt 5100. Tlio There has been much Inquiry ns to how the runaway young couple managed to secure a marriage license. It is said that they sent down to the clerk n note , nsking for a license to bo given them and staling In thle note that they were both over ago. To satUfy the curiosity of these who have no opportunity to examine the records , THE BKB gives it as It appears on the jooka at the court house : Cluirlci Chkfiiu ) tci I nttloK : Wdney.J Tlio umleriilRnnl applicant for a nmrrltigo oiibC , beloff nworii , * ti\to that - ig uf tlivageof ' . ' 5 j-oar tttul upwin and a mi. nt uf 1'axu county and utatu of - , nnd that is of thaaxum 18 joirn utul iim-iiuls | , mid \ lOfrutidvnt of 1'ugu county and etnto n ( { that Bald parties mo both unnmtriod , aiiii frou from physical Inllrmltlcn , anil tint m kffttl iinpudiinvnt oshtt to tlio murrlago of uld i > artlvj UKeilly I buliuvu. . V' . M. Hi'KTiii. huMcrllwd anil HU'orn to bofoto mu tliU aath Atyot June , 18S1. R. 1) . STIIKET , Cloik Circuit Court. 1'EUSONA.I/ . M. J. Michaels yesterday moved to Omaha. Tohn Epcnctcr yesterday went to Olcnwood A. K. UOTK , ol Silver City , la stopping at KfolV Hotel. Mm , W. H , M. rtincy and dnufrhtcr , Mi Ivnto Puioy , have returned from AVnuhlngton 0. K. Tnylor , bu ine s mannger Cftllondcr'a minstrel company , wa in tlio city yesterday. ( lusUv llpenolor lias gone e.nt on a two weeks' visit to Chicago , Milwaukee nnd Cleveland , Irving 1'arsons , Ron of A. A , Parsons , wont yculordiiy on a two montlia' recreation tirp to Iho Allegheny mountains. Chan. W. Lyman , of Iho Omaha Herald , who han been In the east for several months , IIM returned , and yesterday was taking a peep at the Bluffs. AV. H. 'Vaughan , ,7. , T. Frainoy and Win. Oalvla' have arranged to go to the Chicago convention. They will Btart Sunday night. I1' . Darrah will act as welihma { terpro tern. Something for Nothing. Until further notice wo giro to each twentieth cuatomor his purchase , what ever the price or valup of the same may t > o. Our cashier will keep nn accurate record of every transaction , and when , ho twentieth sale of any amount is made the ' purclmscr will bo presented with the same. Wo have adopted for the present .hifl oystoin of advertising because it jivco our patrons instead of the news- oaporn the five per cent , which it cost ia. Clothing retailed nt wholesale iricco. Hats retailed at case prices. furnishing goods , trunks , bags , umbrel- ns , etc. , etc. Every twentieth customer ireaontod with his purchase. METCALF Bnos. ALL creditors of the late Chris 3chvrengor will please present their bills nt o'nco , to J. W. Adolph , who hasohnrgo of the business , at the old stand , No. 108 South Main street. COMMERCIAL , OOCNCIL BLUrrS IfAnKET. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 70 ; rejected CO. Corn Local pnrpoaoa10@45. Oats For local purposes , 35@10. Hey S10 00@la 00 per ton ; baled , CO@CO llyo 40@45o. Corn Bloal 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; pricoa at yards , C 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft , > 00 per ton Lard Fatrbank'a , wholesaling at 9c. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Itrooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVK BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 " 5@1 25. Butcher stoora 4 C0@5 00. Hogs 1 00@4 25. moDDCK AND ramrs. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com mission merchants , 538 Broadway , Live Poultry Chickens , C@8c ; turkeys , lOc. lOc.Poaches Poaches A bus. box , 1 00. Oranges G 00@0 00 per box. Lemons 5 00@G 00 per box. Bananas 3 50 ® 1 00 per bunch Butter Creamery , 20o ; rolls , choice 9@10c. Upgs 13o pe dozen. Cherrioa 82 CO per bushel. Vegetables 1'otatoea , 3CO@450 ; onions , 7Pc ; cabbage , 4 cents per pound ; apples 10110 in market ; Beans , ] fjO@2 25 per jushol. SKAL OP N. 0. Tobacoo finest in the land. SPECIAL 15 NOTICES. NOTICE. Special & vcrtlscmonts , tua as Logl , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eta , will bo inserted In this column ai tbo low tate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n Eortlon. Leave advertlaemonta at our offloe , No. Poatl Street , near Broadway WANTS. WANTED Flvo hundred pieces of flrjtclass second hand carpet and two hundred beating itovcs. A. J. MANDUL , 3JS Broadway. OLD PAPKUS For sale at On offlco , at 25 centa a hunilred. WANTED Every body In Council Bluffs to take Tun HUH. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. " 17011 * SALE. A ROlJen opportunity to got Into a JL' legitimate and profitable business on easy terms. Atoll oHUbllinod bakery In Council Blulls for sain. Oood ruasona for selling. Address 0. II. J. , BKB cilice , Council Uluffs. FOIl SALK-Or will rent bv ficptomlicr lit , to a Umlly without children , n now house , with bam. cliturn , eta Enquire of Frank Cook , room 0 , Bhugnrt'a block. 4 ( hn AOENTS Ladles ami Kontlomon can make first daen wages by soiling the "Champion Bosom Strecthor and roulnff Board. " HoUlU at 81.00. Any lady can do un n flno shirt without a wrlnltls and filPsa It M nicely as tliobcstlaun'lrloscan.Addrcso for [ Mitlculars 0. B. S. & I. Co. , B offlco , for one ino'ith. J. R. TATK. WAIU1KN W1IITK T A.TEI < Sc "Vx ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In State and Fsdoril Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Kooni ! > , Schugart's Uuilding , COUNCIL WLUFl'S , IOWA. ICE ! ICE ! ! XCKti ! For pure river ko pat tor I to the blue wagons tat- Islactlcn nuaranteed. Leave orders at No. IS South Main street. Telephone No , 81. MUL1IOLLAN1) ) & NICHOLAS. ACOll BISIS. K. P. CADWKLL SIMS & CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ORlce , Main ytroot. Itooms 1 Anil Bliug rt & Ita. Uahou't lllock. Will practloo In SUU ked tdoitl Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M , fl , PHYSICIAN & SURGfcON , 322 Middle Bro 4ny. . Council Blutts , ROLLER RINK IOE OREAM PARLOR. Taught by Puor1. SOIINOOII Tuesday nnd Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. ' IUN1C roil KENT AT $15.00 1'Bll NIOI1T. ftTLARGEST FLOOR IN TOWN , F. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. E. Rice M , D , 'other tumors removed wltboutths knlioorduwluffo Hood. CHRONIC liTOonculUtiou Iroe THE ONLY BIG SHOW , Coming to Gouncil Bluffs , is the BARRETT BIG SHOW , JULY FOURTH An Innovation in the World of Amusement En terprises. TBCE3 STT . The Greatest , the Grandest and the very best. The God of Day , on the morning of Fridayjuly 4fh , at Council Bluffs. Will [ pale bcforcitlio rival tplenclor.ol Barrett & Co.'a gorgcom , glllletlng- , glowing , shimmering , 'magnlfl- cent and bewildering As the re-echoing cannon proclaims the approich o ( cnfftnjrulned , mighty War , so docs this Grand Street Pcijeant ( "lilcli , Ilko the cannon , powerful In ItselJ , Is ttlll but tlia Instrument of war ) proclaim the com- log Of thl < VAST , OIQKNT1C lENTUlU'USK , whoso moving masses jara the trembling oar th ; whoso inljhty canvass , greater than the tent of liars , unfold only under the outspread chadeof wh I to-winded Peace , and brlnifsjjy , pleasure nnd ammomcnt from the fair plains of Wonderland , and curiosities of Natura and ot Art never Dcforo equaled by any Show or number ol Shows In America. Beneath Our Grand Arenic Tent we Introduce 150 Star Performers. STARS OP FIRST MAGNITUDE ALL ! First In order and Jnlstcllular merit wo name the celebrated Artist , MADAME DOCKRILL , The laurel-crowned "Empress of Equestrians. " She proudly wears the tltlo unrtlspateil and untarnished. This famous lady U the most fearless , Intrepid and dashing Bareback lUder la the entire world to-day. MISS EMMA LAKE. Who holds a Ilko proud and deservedly bestowed tlllo ns the "Queen o ! the BlJo-nadcllo. " A u t ItchlnKly beautiful and graceful rider w ho has no equal as a horsewoman. MISS JENNIE EWERS , Australia's artist daughter , who with her 111 Ins steeds , brought from her homo In the Antldoa. awakens wonder nnildclij'h % is also without an equal In her specialties. MR. ROBERT STICKNEY , the Impcralor of the oiena ; the wonderful Master of tlio borso , the boat General Athlete and most Versatile Performer 111 Ing. Graceful and daring , outrivaling all rivalry. A host of others too numerous to mention Athletes , Uvmnasts , Contortionists , Wrc < tlcrs , Posers , Glad iators. Antlpodeanlsts. Equhbrlsts , Acrobats , Aorlallsts. Uiilcyclists , Bricycllsts , &c.&c. Together with the Itoyal Japanese Circus ol twenty troops , a larger number of Star Artists than any other Ton Show a. IV1R. CHAS. EWERS , the wonderful ol the antipodes , In hlsfoirlcs ) rldmg leaping and Tum bling , and his entire nil star nlrcus composed of a host ot artists Irom tlio other hemisphere. Our Mam- mouth Mcnagoilo , contains 100 cages ot living wild animals and numerous specimens never before exhibited has had added this year , at an enormous oxpccsc , a Gigantic Doep-sci Aquarium the like uf which v as nov- cr before exhibited In the world , containing Monsters ol the Deep , and rare Amphibia ot wondorous form , habits aud slzo. THE G-IANT ELEPHANT , ZEEXES Weight , ten tons. Carries on hU back a band of twenty musicians , ff JTDrovm of Zebras , Hyenas , Giraffes Elands , Camels , Dromedaries , and scvtral other strange and larelicaata. Elephants in harness. Three the smallest Elephant over been. Trained ( Jlrallcs , Trained Camels , Trained Zebras. Two Huge Hippopotami , the lirjrest In fact the only pilrmalo and female over exhibited In the world. A school of Giants , Kctenao , ( ho Zulu Giant ( the 'largest man living , aGlant Ox ( as large an an ordinary Elephant ) , a Olant Ostrich , a Giant Glraflo , a Gcant tlorso and fourteen thoroughly trained thorough-bred Kentucky llorso. almost as Intelligent as a human. OUR GRAND STREET PAGEANT Cutvlctlng In splendor the grandest oriental fetes. Aecenoof Hegal splendor , Bright , Radiant , and Glo rious , wltb 0 bands ol music , 100 Golden Chariots. Band Cars and Golden Cages , Pages , Knights , Ladles , Kquorrioi" , < Vo , ic ; ten largo dens of Ferocious , Wild living Animals oped In the streets. uccurtlona on all Uallroads at reduced rates. Do not fall to sea It It Is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH ! WILL ALSO EXHIIUT AT 9 COCKE & MORGAN. BA 1 JF i if In Wo have begun this week a Special Sale of Children's Dresses. To close this stock out wo have marked thorn 25 per cent less than Regular Market Prices. ' You can buy a good Scotch Gingham Dress , well made , fast colors , from 75 ots. up. The stock consists of Gingham , Ohambray , Seersucker and Linen Suits , made in the Latest Styles and Cheaper than the goods alone can bo bought for. Towels ! Towels 1 Towels ! QooJ all Linen Towel , ICc , worth ? Co. Qootl all Linen Damask Towel , 12jo woith 22lc. Qood all Linen Hnck Towel 23c , worth SOo. Good all Linen Honey Comb Sic , worth < 0c. Qood oil Llqcn Huck Towel 25c , worth 40o. V Good all Linen Oat Meal Towel 25o , worth 40o. Good all Linen DamasV Towtl , 0 In-lies long and 21 Inches "Ho at S6o. This towel would bo very cheap at COO. Come early and get BOIIIO of them before { they are all gone , as wo cannot replace the goods. Great Bargains In Tatlo Covers , Nauklni and Stand Covers , Table Covers In lied , Gorman and Damask , beautiful patterns , S yards loug and 2)'ardsldo , 82 , < 0 , worth double the money. Bargains In Bed Siireadi. A full line of Ladles' and Hisses' Rubber Circulars. fiom 81.26 up to the \cry beat goods manufactured by the Sterling Ilubber Co. Ladles' lu tvn. Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Thlu week cheaper than over. Como and look at the etock aud convince jourscll that wo are ottering the greatest bargains In hosiery over shown n Council Bluffs. , Our line of Gtnts * Qoods Is complete and cheaper than tbo same goods can to bought west ot Chi cago. Kent'and Boys' Phlrtslth nlnforccJ llacn bosom , linen bnndd , and well made , CCc. dents' Llalo Thread Shirts , Gents' Halhrlggan Shirts. Gents' India Oaiuo ghirts , S5o and up. Cleri's' Socks , Collars , Cuffs , Tics , and liandkor chiefs. Handkerchiefs from 2a | aplcco up. Fast colors. A good colored bordercdi handkerchief 5C. A good colored bordered banclerchlef , loo. Wn have a pure linen Ladlea' Handkerchief , hemstitched - stitched , fast rolors , 15c. , snd the bist bandkcr. chief oxr wld forMo. A full line of i'oarl Buttons jn sizes from 18 up to 23 , from B to 103 per dozen. Tliena buttons aru of oed clear pearls and not chipped. WE RECEIVE GOODS DAILY AND OFFER TEE at tlie Lowest Prices ! COCKE & MORGAN , NEW. OPERA HOUSE BAZAR. Ventilatepl Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LACE , Only Seventy - Five Cents ! Coquotts , I2jc each. Switches , ( all long luiir ) § 2,00 84,00 , $8,00 aud upwards. Ilair Ornaments Given Away. . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , No , S37 Ilroadway Council Blutls. y H. H. HORNE & CO , , . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN INars Wo mnko n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA/fad / YAHA 01GA11S. All Cigars sold by us arc of our own manufacture and warranted as represented , OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , H. U. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. SMITH & TOMjEB , Agfa. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLVFFS , IOWA. ASADV , ORGUTT & RENGH urtalns , In Lace , Fltfc , . Turcoman , Etc. OUcloths.iMattinBS , Linoleums Eta hoicest and Best Selected STOOE in the WEST , * ? [ omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , honpost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains nnd House Furnishings in the C-ty. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE % - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Cnro tETSOME or Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Una Linen Collars and Cuffs. HOJ 71 Fourth Street Council Blufs , Icwa. ' NEUMAYEB'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff J. Waves 95c , Ooquotts 25c each. Switches $1 to $20aaoh. Hair ornaments at OUST , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to , Waves made of ladies' combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Streetlj MRS. S. J. NOEEIS , 105 Main St. 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF SAHPLI : CASES a specialty. ' Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed WHOLESALE DEAXEUS.IN aud 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW AND WOOD , 11ULK AND BAIUIEI. LIME , LOUISVtttK AND PORTLAND CKJIEOT , UIOmOAN -f No , DSD Broadway , - AND . SEWEll . PIPE. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWAON K I IIATKS , TTTT ? fin SO PKAIHi 9T11EKT , t VV. OC UU. Council Bluffs , Iowa | E . KVERYTHINO jflHSTCLASS.- Nos. 217 and 210 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS lOE OREAM. WATER IOES BEST AUR ANT AND CAFE "VST. 1 ? . < M IJraadnay , 1 / Moils t ll Hours. Council Ulaffs. f i I'artlesaHpecUUy , C. F. GOODMAN , Wholes ! AUD DEALER IN .OMAHA , NEBRASKA , [ any tndii luttl Us The rtur 11UV 635 p 0:40 : a fi:45 a I , 12:30 : p pI JotfS & 18:05 : p lfi:25 : p | g16 ; i H6Mp : | 7:20p ? B:6Sa : : ! 4:60pi : < 630 p , :25 : a ! 8:00 : pi 11:00 : a > 7:40 : a i r 12:10 : a I , Leave 3:30-4 : { a.m. 1 : : Ite befu ! Ne ! In CO