Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1884, Image 4

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Omaha Office , No. * tO FAroitm Sf
ConncUBlnflViOmco , No. 7 1'catl St. ,
fctrcct. Near llroadwuy.
i Now York Office , lloom 05 Tribune
Culldlng. _
every rornlnji" etoopl BondAyt The
One Ym . io.oo I Three Month ! . 13.00
TMXS roarrAiD.
. ' . . W.OO I Thro Vtonlhl . I
BUHoaths. . 1.00 1 Ono Month.
America * New * Company , Sole Agent * , X w deal
tl In the United State * .
AD Oomnranl < nllon relating to New * arviEdltorla
Matter * tbould ba tddre m4 Vo the Kcirott Of Till
icsunsa unmu.
AH Easiness Letter * hnd Remittance * 'ihonldtb
ddrewed to Tn * Bin PcruitniKa COMMKT , nHAHA
Draft * , Chock * and IVxrtoflloo order * to be nude pay
ble to the order ot the oompany.
A. n.Fltoh. Manapor Dally Circulation r. 0. , Bo
< 53 Omaha , Keb.
THE day wo do not celebrate in Omaha
Is near nt hand.
, is the Bcoson of the year when on
appointment to Alnskn ought to bo ap
predated moro than nt any ether time.
IF there are any noticablo number of
now saloons oponcd during the next few
weeks in Omaha , it will bo nafo to say the
keepers are emigrants from the prohibi
tion state of Iowa.
WE nro not surprised that Harry Ool
richs , a Wyoming cattle kinglms followed
the Jersey Lily nil the wny to San Frnn
cisco. Ho wants to introduce tho.Torsoy
among his long-horns.
Now that oxyqon has boon discovorcc
to bo a Buro euro for cholera the democratic
party is onfo. A dose of oxygen may ro
atoro Sam Tilden to vitality before the
democratic national convention meets.
PAUKEII , of No TV Jor
eay , has not declined the democratic
presidential nomination. Ho very son
ibly says that ho Is not a candidate ;
and cannot nccopt anything which has
.not boon tendered him.
IF Ex-Mayor Chase could aot a change
of venue to Lancaster county nnd got the
editor of the Lincoln Journal on the jury
Jio could rest assured as to the result.
The Journal man , who is a champion ol
the ex-mayor's cause , would hang the
jury. Mr. Gore has always had n sym
pithotio fooling for bribo-takors ,
CHAIRMAN Donsnv , of the atato ropub-
Jican committee , has oponcd the cam
paign by an urgent appeal to all county
republican committees to organize
Ulaino and Logan club in each town and
village at once , and rnako Nebraska the
banner state in the union. It is to bo
Jiopcd that Mr. Dorsoy'B efforts will bo
seconded by all loyal republicans , in
every part of the state.
THE cable brings us the important intelligence
telligenco that Minister Lowell has , ou
account of the gout , rf decided to
' .give up his anticipated swell Fourth ol
'J July dinner. This is a great sacrifice on
the part of Minister Lowell , and ho
ivill have the sympathy of the American
people , who the day bofojo wore informed
that ho concluded not to abandon his din
ner. If ho again changes his mind with
in the next twenty-four hours the Ameri
can public will of course bo informed by
-tho cablo.
TIIE now anti-Chinese bill , which has
already passed the house , will probably
bo brought up in the sonata this week
It is a very stringent measure , and gives
Additional powers to ofliciaU for the en
forcemeat of necessary regulations. The
democrats allege that the reason fur tok
ing it up at this late day is to strengthen
Blaine on the Pacific coast. They scorn
to forget , however , that the California
dojpgation was the most enthusiastic in
its support of Blaine , and fought for him
first , last and all the timo. Ho will have
10 difficulty in carrying the Pacific CORB
toy a largo majority , as ho is a great favorite
vorito t aero.
THE continued depression in the stoo
industry has compelled tlio managers ol
the Pennsylvania steel works , near Har
zisburg , to give notice of a reduction in
yagcs of 10 per cent. Ai the altornativi
is a reduction or a suspension , 10 poi
ont. leas wages or none at all , it is hard
ly probable tlio workmen vfill resist thi
reduction , however disagreeable to then
iho step which the company is obliged t <
tako. [ P/iiladcljMu ffcss.
This is another confession that pro
tection , applied in its most protcctiv
form , does not protect the workingman
gioit low wages. It b a powerful ar
gurnent in favor of a revision of the tar
iff , and a material reduction of impor
r. 0. P. Huntington ia rio
quite BO bard up as ho has boon reported
He has presented to the Young Women's
Christian association , of San Franclsoo
check for ono thousand doll are
This fact has been flashed eve
the land by the telegraph and
Mr. Huntington
has received moro
than one thousand dollars worth of ad
vertising. Mr. Iluntington can afford to
t liberal with other people's money
Highwaymen are generally generoui
with their plunder , Whenever Canada
Bill , the three-card monte king , pluckc <
rich vio'im ho always spent the mono ;
ina lavish wanner , and thus acquired tin
reputation of being generous.
OuiEf JUSTICE DISAKK , of tbo court o
claims , is a very particular man. Hi
obj&cla to baing called judge , Ho in
H i U upon bsinjj failed chief juatico , and
iliat Ids name inuit bo signed 0. D.
fln jDfke. He recently refused to endorse
\n \ riwck lye hit salary f.-am Uio IKU
ury department because it
was mode out to Charles D.
) rako. His eminence was accordingly
lormittoA to cndorao it with the signature
Chief Justice 0. D. Drake. " The
) ropon thing to have done under the cir
cumstances was to lot the chief justice of
the court of claims keep the chock as n
louvonir unlll ho endorsed it in accord
ance with the addroes on the fnco.
THEIIE is nt Chicago , in the Briggs
house , a crank by the nnmo of Shivoloy ,
who pretends to carry In his pocket Uio
entire anti-monopoly p rty In his trow-
ser-loons pocket. This brilliant genius
assures the political mugwumpswho
are working up a Blato for Bon 'Butler
that Nebraska would bo ono of the ulatos
that Butler could carry if ho is endorsed
by the democrats. A striking illustra
tion of the valuable fund of political in
formation possorsod by this man
Shivoloy , is afforded by his
reference to Senator Vnn Wyck ,
who ho says was elected two years by the
republicans , as a compromlsu candidate
in order to prevent the election of nn
out and out monopolist. What Shivoloy
does not know about Nebraska politics
would Dll BOV oral volumes.
Tin : cholera in Franco is being pretty
well hold in check. So far it has boon
confined principally to Toulon and Mar-
soillo3.grho most Important ploco of news
regarding the epidemic is the cable an
nouncement that five cmes of cholera
have boon cured by Inhaling pure oxy.
gen. The effect of the inhalation oxy <
gen , it is stated , is immediate , nnd con
sists in restoring warmth to the system ,
making the pulse normal. Oxygen being -
ing ono of thoolomonts of the atmosphere
and essential to vitality , it is reasonable
to presume that the introduction of pure
oxygen will destroy the germs
of the disease. The trouble
with the patient is that ho
dies from exhaustion , the disintegration
of the vital forces being very rapid.
The disease ia probably of miasmatio
origin , and local conditions may favor or
check ita local development ; but whether
; } io disease ought to bo called contagious
or not is ono of the most warmly disputed
points in medicine. It is certain that
labitunl personal contact with the sick
is often not followed by the disease. It is
bold by many that the diaoaao is propa
; atod by drinking water ; by others , that
its germs are taken up from the air
the patient breathes. Tlio discovery
of the oxygen treatment is , if it proves a
success , a greater discovery than that of
vaccination , the latter being a proven
tlvo and the former a cure. The lending
physicians of Franco nnd the French
Acadomy'of Medicine will no doubt fully
investigate the oxygen treatment , and
render a definite decision as to its
Under the lend of the notorious Jnoni
Lowiewho was recently elected president
of the Omaha Typographical union in
place of Kellogg 0. Gould , another gene
ral printers' strike is shortly to bo precip
itated in all the newspaper offices ol
Omaha. As a prelude to this programme
permits hnvo boon iisuod by the union tea
a number of printers to work in the Biu
oflico , nnd they have from time to time
boon employed hero. Some of these
printers , as wo are reliably informed ,
have boon imported from ether cities for
the solo purpose of creating discord
and trouble , and the scheme is
to have another walk-out from this oflico
whllo the democratic national convention
is in session. Wo hnvp never objopted to
union printers so long as they behaved
thomuolvca nnd accepted positions In
good faith , bub being forewarned wo
don't propose to allow the mlsdhiof
makers to disturb the workings of tin
oflico. They will hardly succeed pt this
time in roping-in the mon who are
thoroughly satisQod with thnir places nnc
wages. So far as wo are concerned wo
say to the printers' union that we know
that our patrons will bo satisfied if wo
don't publish a paper larger than n poata
card during any trouble that may bo un
juatly nnd maliciously precipitated upon
us by the union , nnd believe that the
patrona of nil tlio Omaha dailies fool the
same way. *
What excuse is there for n strike ai
this time for higher wages ) With the
commerce and industry prostrated al
over the land , with hundreds of thousands
of mechanics and laborers out of employ'
mont , with manufacturers ecarcoly able
to keep their heads above water , the
newspapers of the country are in no con
dition to advance the wages of their cm-
ployoa. In Omaha , notwithstandingtho
public improvements and the various
enterprises of the business men ,
the depression ia more or loss
felt. Moro than 1000 mon have boon
thrown out of employment during the
last six months in the Union Pacific shops.
They would gladly resume work at their
old wages , bu.t they cannot'du BO as there
is no work for them , and they are com
pelled to seek employment in ether
channels. Labor every where has boon
compelled to succumb to the inevitable.
The cost of food and clothing and all
commodities hns boon steadily declining
for the past two or throe yean. In the
face of all this the printers in the BEK
office are earning from ten to fifteen per
cent moro than they wore five years
ago , when they wore satiified.
The 'scab" wages which wo pay will en.
able any competent printer to earn from
52.CO to 81.00 per dor , year in and year
out. Our printers' pay-roll to-day ia
a week more than it was two years ago.
But these facts luwo
no weight with a
gang of hoodlums and tramps who came
hero to organize strikes and create
trouble. Their conduct during the
recent strike , and over since , has boon
such as ta soarlacs every iottut
air treatment nnd good wages nro no
what they want. They want fight rtnd
the sooner they begin the bettor. They
wnnt strikes , and they want tontribu-
Ions from the labor of others to support
horn during their idleness. Wo appio-
tend that the contributions will not bo
eery numerous.
Before another year rolls round Omaha
will bo confronted with the problem of
low to raise sufficient revenue , under the
present system of assessment , to moot
ho current expenses , which ore constant-
y increasing with the growth nnd im
provement of the city. Before the
water works wore put in , TTO wore posi
tively assured that when the works wore
completed the fire department expenses
would bo cut down three-fourths , as wo
would have a jmfllclont number of fire
tiydranta to protect property.
At that time , nbout tliroo years
ago , the fire department expanses
wore about $15,000 a year. The waterworks -
works have boon completed , nnd we nro
paying a tax of over 822,000 a year for
hydrant rental , but the fire department
expenses have not boon cut down. Wo
have , in four years , incrooaod our police
force from eight mon to thirty ; and the
expense of this department from 87,200
to 827,000 n year. Other departments
in the city have boon increased proper
tionately. Wo nro levying n tax for
ntreot sprinklingnnd we have juatlotacon-
tract for street cleaning vrhich will add
$10,000 to the aggregate yearly munici
pal expenses. Whore is all this money
to como from , if the present system
of ridiculously low assessment is
continued ? How ia it practical under
the limitations imposed by the state con
stitution nnd the city charter in the
levying of taxes to raise n revenue that
will moot all those expenses and leave
us besides a reasonable amount for
ordinary improvements , such as grading ,
curbing , guttering , Boworago , and re
pairs ? There must bo a halt called on
the constant increase of municipal ex
penses , or wo must have some way of
levying a revenue to moot these expenses.
Our expenses ara bound to increase , nnd
the only wny to do is to increase our as
sessments to n reasonable figure. It
ia an outrage to longer con
tinue our property valuation at
$7,000,000 which is considerably less
than it was ton years ago. Docs nny sane
man suppose for ono moment that our
property has not increased in value
in ton years ? Yet the assessors continuo -
tinuo to assess property nt the same
old figures , when it is nn undeniable fact
that property has increased all the way
from five to ton fold in valuo. Are they
going to keep on assessing nt the old fig-
urcs , while Omaha is growing to bo n
largo city of 100,000 people a city of
over five times the size of , what it wan in
1870 ? What wo need and must have is
immediate reform in our assessments.
TIIK question whether n railroad com
pany is responsible for the acts of its
employes is being pretty definitely an-
aworcd in the affirmative by the supreme
courts of the various states. The latest
decision on this point has heon rendered
by the Bupromo court of Massachusetts.
The ticket seller of the Boston & Albany
railroad at North Adams , Bold to a pas
senger two tickets , ono from North
Adams to Chester , and the other , which
was punched twice , nnd which the agent
represented vraa good , for the remainder
of the journey from Cheater to Spring-
Gold , When tha passenger tendered
the plintmed ticket to the con-
dtiotot it was refused on the
ground that it was worthless. Ho also
refused to telegraph to thu agent nt
North Adams to luurn whether it waa
good. The pnBsongor , who would pay the
seventy cents faro demanded by the con
ductor , was forcibly ejected from thot
ait nt Pittsfiold , whore he was handed
ever to a policeman nnd detained in the
lock-up ever night. In the morning ho
was released , no charge being preferred
against him by the company. Tlio
North Adnma ticket seller subsequently
aont an apology the purchaser of the
ticket for his blunder. This gentleman ,
however , thought that ho was entitled to
BOinothitii ; more substantial than nn apology
elegy , nnd brought suit agaiuat the
company for dnmagoa.Tho jury
give him n verdict for ? 1,500. Judge
Soulo , counsel for the road , naked the
court to rule that the conductor had n
right to net ns ho did Binco the ticket
proffered was not good. The mistake ot
the ticket seller hoclaimod was something
that tlio conductor was not responsible
for , The court declined so to rule , but
instructed Uio jury that if Uio purchaser
exorcised reasonable care in the purchase
of his ticket and bought it in qood faith
ho was entitled to recover. The defen
dant appealed to thu supreme court , and
this tribunal has overruled the exceptions
sustaining the ruling of the lower court.
Thia Bottles the fact thnt a railroad com
pany must bo responsible for the negli
gence of B employes whether Uiey are
ticket BO i n T others.
THE dimlmtivo Harrison , who continu
es to bo called "tho boy preacher , " al
though ho is about thirty-five years of
ago , is carrying on n successful revival in
Lincoln , According to the Journal "an
altar overflowed with weeping ponitonta"
nt Tuesday night's .mooting.
OlIlucH mill OlUcortf ,
WASHINGTON. July 2. Confirinatlonc
\VflUou 0. Bmjfre. ol Washington territory ,
Kovcruorof Washington territory ; Gllbsrt A.
1'ierco , IlllnoU , governor of Dakota ! Hunry S ,
, ot Ohio , solicitor of tlio treasury ; Sain
uel A. Loach , of I'onuBylvanla , oocrotury of v
Now Moxlooi David 1MJ. 1'rlde , ol Idaho , n
Docrotary of Idaho.
SKL of North Carolina Tobacco ia the ll
just. Jb
WEST OF 1111 ! JlffSSOlTKT.
"Tho Hilllop Highway to Lhicoln and
Lho mountains" is the title given to the
now D. & M. cut-off between Omaha and
Ashland. The work of grading the route
is now under way for n distance of four or
five miles from this city. The hilltops are
dotted with the tonta and the
camp equipments of the graders.
The line will run , acres * the Union Paci
fic at the Summit mid strike the now
slock yards at the northwest corner.
The route takes a southwestern course
from this point and will again cross the
Union Pacific somewhere between Pap-
pilion and Millard. There are a largo
number of mon and teams employed and
the intontien is to push it to completion
before anew flies.
The Ohoyonno papers joyfully report
that the "sinews of war" have been
secured to push the construction of tbo
railroad from Choycnno to the Yellow-
Btono park. The capitalists who are to
furnish ' tha funds are coming Treat to
Investigate tbo road and perfect plans
for its construction. The building of
thia much talkod-of line , which now
scorns assured , will work a wonderful
transformation in that region of Wyoming
now almost uninhabited , opening up
now Holds of enterprise , and furnishing
transportation facilities for the stock nnd
mineral industries of the interior. The
Swootwntcr nnd Big Horn vnlloya rank
among the host grazing fields of the torritl
tory < while the mineral wealth of the
various dlatricts contiguous to the pro-
poaod line will received a much needed
"A railroad to the northwest , " says the
Sun , "which will combine the routes of
the : Cheyenne , Black Hills & Montana
survey and also a line westward from
Fort Laramie through the rich mineral
sections of Albany , Carbon and Fremont
counties , with a branch line tapping the
stock country in Swootwntor county , nnd
finally extending to the great national
pleasure grounds , will open Wyoming's
resources to the world and make her the
greatest territory in the woat.
"A somewhat significant fact in this
connection is. the recent filing by Prof.
Samuel Aughoy on thirty-one placer oil
claims , for the Bothwoll syndicate , in
township 41 , range 81. This township is
in the southern line of townships n
Johnson county , on the nouth park of
Powder river , and but fifty miles from a
very fcasablo route for a railroad west
ward from Fort Laramio. "
The negotiations which have been in
progress for some time between a com
mittee of the citizens of Laramie and
Btockmon of Albany county , Wyoming ,
and the land department of the Union
Pacific , did not result In a definite settle
ment of the question at issue the pur.
chase price of GOO , 000 acres of land in
the county mentioned. Commissioner
Burnham , of the land department , at
first offered to sell the land in bulk at
loss than $1 per acre , provided no bettor
terms could bo had frppij outside parties
vrlio wore at the time negotiating for the
same land. Befora the Laramie syndi
cate had concluded to purchase a dispatch
was received from the commlBsionorput-
ting thoprico _ at $1 per acre. This rather
demoralized the syndicate. The conflict-
ing ; Interests of the ranchmen caused a
deli ay fatal to the reduced prlco , and a
failure to accept oven the terms of $1 per
aero will result in stillhigh'or ; prices.
The atmosphere of Mormondom is at
present streaked with the sulphurous
fumes of profanity , the like of which has
not boon equalled since the day of Til-
don's declination. The dispatches put it
mildly when they stated that the npos-
ties , bishops and aiders and their angelic
following wore hot because congress had
passed the anti-polygamy bill , The Mor
mon press have ransacked the histories
of ancient and modern persecutions and
culled from their teeming pages a sufli-
cionoy of adjectives to feebly express
their contempt for the authors and sup
porters of the bill. "Wo are compelled , "
says the Ogdcn Pilot , "to refer again to
that infamous piece of Torquoraadn juris
prudence , to that rocking resuscitation of
Now England blua-lnwo , which bears the
name of Hoar. Tins is the law which
the : gontilca say is a stop in the rijjht
direction , which moana , in the direction
of the fagots the flames of which wore
extinguished only by the blood of the
1a tUbigeiiBos 1 ; in tho'direction of the stakes
at which HUBS fell a victim to papal tyr
rany ; in the direction at which Sorvotua
found his flaming goal through Calvin's
cruelty ; in the direction of tlio fires of
Smithfield ; In the direction of the funeral d
pyres on which Mr. Hoar's pious progen
itors burned the witches of Massachus
etts ; in the direction of Carthage , 111 , ,
whore , forty yotira ago , Joseph Smith , the
prophet , and Hyram Smith , the patri
arch , of tbo church of Jesus Christ of
latter-day saints , wore ruthlessly mur
dered by a mob mauoouvorod by Meth
odist ministers and other hypocritical
professors of the religion of the meek a
and lowly Jesus. "
The Pilot spilled its wrath over several
columns , and rasped the gentiles in every
paragraph and between linos. The cam
paign in the Jordan valley Is at a white
heat , and something Is liable to bo singed. tl a
The blistering July sun and the waning
dog days of August are .frigid topics
compared with the wealth of warmth dis'
played by the editorial purlsta and poly-
gamista of Utah , and the mud-batteries
of presidential campaign aro' Insignificant
compared with the unmasked Krupps Of
the endowment house.
The Denver & Rio Grande road , the
narrow guago giant of Colorado , is on
the ragged cdgo of bankruptcy. Its career
from its birth has boon a continuous bat
tle with obstacle ! bundling and operating
ing , It scaled mountain sides only to
strew them with dismantled engines and
splinters of wrecked can. Mountain
torrents and bewildering canyons were
spanned with costly bridges , to become
playthings in the besom of summer
floods. In the past winter Ita energies
and treasury wore taxed to dig its way
through hugh snow drifts , a clear hall
million dollars being spent in that work ,
and scarcely had the snow shovels boon pul
away than the summer thaws sot in ,
washing away mile after mile of the track
and blockading business for weeks , To
add to "the full and rounded measure"of
the road's troubles liaraxsuig litigation \
bcg u , tUUchincaU. iuuod , uud ovury ef-j I
fort was mods to swamp what was loft
by the flood.
It is hardly possible In the present
condition of the company's finances to
save the road from a receiver. Even if
the vat damage which the road has BUS
taincd had not occurred , the business of
mining camps and mountain towns , bare
ly a fraction of what it was a year ago ,
failed to offset the drain on the treasury
f Tor repairs , leaving stockholders to whis
tle for a dividend ,
The blockade of business bywashouts
on the Salt Lake extension of the Denver
& Rte Grande has forced the Burlington
management to look around for a safer
and bettor route through the mountains
to Salt Lake City. The Denver Tribune ,
speaking 1 of the movement , says : "Thn
Burlington is surveying anew rou'o from
Denver to Bolt Sake through Boulder
canyon and Middle Park. This is not
conclusive | evidence , however , that it has
decided to build an extension It has
had surveying parties out between this
point and Salt Lake for two years. All
the routes have boon rejected as too
costly. But a road through northwest
Colorado would pay from its local traffic.
It would open a virgin country that is
full of varied resources. "
The Engineering News reports that the
Union Pacific has completed the surveys
of a line to the Yellowstone National
park. The route is from China Point ,
Idaho , on the Utah & Nevada division ,
eastward via Dry and Comas crooka to
and : up Snake river to Henry's lakoj
thence two lines across the Rocky moun
tains . via Tahgoo and Rim's passes , at an
elevation of 7,125 and 6,000 foot reapcc-
lively ; thence to Madison river and up
that stream and Fire Hole river to Lower
3oysor basin ; thence down the Madison
rivur to the head of the Wisconsin below
Gallalin City. Maximum grade 1 per
cent. < , except crossing the range , \rhcn 2
Dor ( cent. , was used ; distance 275 miles.
The company has issued orders to locate and
Duild an extension of Wood river branch ,
Oregon Short line from Hailoy to Ketch-
urn ] , Idaho , thirteen miles , and the con-
ti : ract for grading has boon lot.
Whitolnw Held Is a sort ot American Jingo.
Logan ia said to "swonr like a pirate" when
10 gets mad.
Klnj ( Kalnknua wears a straw hat when ho
5003 swimming.
Horace Greoloy is editor of a weekly paper
nt Hedrlck , Town.
Mrs. Oscar Wlldo takes great interest in
tame sunflowers.
David Davis invariably carries n fan around
with him whoa he is homo.
James G. Blalno , Jr. , the third son of the
turned knight , is the black sheep of the
: amily.
John P. Jonea , of Nevada , wears a "slack
ing bnd tilo" of well-worn felt , and does not
care who knows it.
.Mrs. Proweru , a beautiful widow of West
Las Animas , Now Mexico , is worth § 15,000-
000 , mostly in cattle.
President Arthur will hnva more fun In
fishing thia year than ho did last. Ho will not
liavo E many lines out.
Mrs. .Too Buzzard , whoso husband belouRed
.o the Pennsylvania pang of outlaws and was
sent to prison , has got a divorce.
Plumb , of Kansas , looks llko a prnsporous
stock-raiser who was east on n business trip and
lad Rot a now suit for the occasion.
The correspondent ot the Now York Trib-
urio deecrlbes Joseph Modill as having the
appearance of a typical mormon older.
O'Donovan liosea will now doubtless claim
complicity in tin. attack of acute gout that has
laid Minister Lowell upon his back at the
court of the hated Saxon.
Gen. I-1. 13. Spinner will this summer decorate - *
cerate with his onintio and familiar autograph
the registers of White Mountain hotels , lie is
now at his homo in Mohawk.
Mr. Vanderhilt has cut off his mutton-chop
whiskers. This is ono of the first effects of
the defeat of Mr. Arthur , and others equally
deplorable are quite likely to follow.
Miss Maud C. Major , a girl ia her "teens , "
lias started r. paper at Norfolk , Sully county ,
Dakota. And heaven help the women in that
town who dresses better than Maud , Boston
If wo understand Mr. Franklin McVoagh
correctly he has joined tha ealvation nrmy ( la
politics. ) Will the brethren please give him n
respectful hearing when ho rises to address the
' "No , " said Miss Do Cook whoso father
wrecked n bank nnd whoso grandfather was
lianged , ' 'Miss Smith may bo a very nlca sort
of a person , but she doesn't como of a respect
able family. "
Few children have at their birth reflected an
widespread rnnown upon their grandfathers
ta the infant grandson of Mr. II. A. Hunt , of
Flat Creek , Buncomb county , N. C. , lias upon
his by making him a grandfather at the early
ago of 31 years ,
"IU "Ii , Oecnr Clark , nn Ann Arbor medical grad
uate ! , went to St. Paul , where , falling to got
any practice , ho went * .iwlrie wood. When
that ! gave out ho found himself penniless , nnd
in the piosonco of his family ho cut nn artery
mid bled to death in a few minutes ,
A bright nud interesting Indian girl , named
Lizzie Spider , la one of the pupils ut Lincoln
Institution in Cheater . " "
irir , county. "Fly" young
men want to look a little out when Mia * Spi
der Mngs "Will You Wftlk Into My Parlor } "
or they may lose their hearts if not their :
Alexander Mltcnoll , Uio acotcu banker ot I\
Milwaukee , who is believed to bo worth nuyn
where from SL'3,000,000 to 850,0007000 , is n
thick-sot , 200-pound man of sixty , very hasci
pitnblo , nnd famous for his hot-house fruits Bt
rod llowcr-gardons , claimed to ba the finest in
the west. \y
General Grant's son Jesse must have mndu n
ratso , for the arrivul of himself nnd family
In San Frnnciico ia announced. Some time
ngo , it will ba remembered , tha general dotl
Glared that tha whole Grant family did not !
possess money enough to nay the passage of
one of 1U members .to Canada.
When Arthur Orton , or Castro , Is released
foolish English manager wanta him to go on
thostwoas JJobBriorly , in "Tho Tlcket-of-
Lonvo-Man"but Ortou propesea to vigorounly
do nothing on the money given to him by
fools who persist lu believing that ho is Sir
linger Tichboruo.
Lllla N. Cuihman writes : "I strain my
oyoa through the luminous mist to behold the
faces , the lips I have kissed. " Well , Lllla ,
many another old maid hai looked back
through the year < with similar foollupa , and
couldn't recall a solitary recollection of oecu-
latory blim , Tnko what comfort you can from
this. [ Boston Times. „
Black Fox , ono of a number of WarmSpricp
Indians ou exhibition lu Baltimore , in a lit ol
frollcnomenesu the other night threw a lamplighter -
lighter down from hia ladder. Ills joke \\ta
not appreciated , nud at this ho showed roeont-
inout , striking bis victim a tremendous blow.
Ilia arrest followed , and an Indian summer
will bo passed in jail.
Mm , Blalno , according to a Washington
corretpondmit , looks most imposing when she
ii not excited. She is n largo woman who ulU
bolt upright In her corner of the cartage.
Ilor fttco Is a strong oue. Her features nro
large , aud nra so disposed as to convey a sanio
of power. They al > vaya wear tha saina proud
expression. Like mauy other ladles nho Id
said to have been always averse to luting her
photograpu taken , and tha illiutratsd newi-
papers find it impassible to gho her picture to
iho public. Mrs. BIftlne has M many enemies
in Washington na Mr. Blalno has frluuds.
The Traveling Salesman
IB an irresistible fellow , brim full of stnrlcu ,
jokca , courcgo , telf-asaurauca ouderlt. He is
ory taking w I thai. JJurJotl ; Jllo&i llitttn ara
vt ry toklnc ; nnvllctnn ; th-y take of erywhtie
and wo sola everywhere. I
Onl will nound the fire-alarm nn a 750 pound
The tax levy In Adam county Ia fifty-six
Scwurd has organized n Blalno nnd Logan
ThocAtllo bminoes nt OgnllMn averages
$3,000 ft day.
The treasury of Adams county Is flush with
Tlio Brown county Agricultural associ.Vion
has bcon organized ht Ains worth.
The Miles ranch and clock , in Ouster
county , was rcccnt'y ' sold for 912,310.
BcatrlcoIs trying to _ demolish Fremont's
claim to "tho prettiest city in the state. "
Tha railroads in Thuyer county nro assessed
$262,075 nnd the telegraph lines nt $10,079.73.
Harrison is wrestling with the wicked in
Lincoln , Ho is n Whistler from Bitter
Lait week's rain in Tliayer county was
equivalent to a windfall of $37,291.13 to the
A Swede working in the quarry at Louis
villa was scalped by n falling rock , producing
concussion of the brain ,
The opening of the land office in Nortl
Platte was signalized by the receipt of $10,000
in government fees tlio first day.
Oakland ia threatened with n democrat !
paper. The greenback organ is authority for
the statement that Oakland is n good town to
starve in.
Doctor Schullzy. n wielder of the scalpel in
veterinary cases , died from n BUpornbimdftnco
of budge in Kearney last week. Ho was
burned out
Tlio Fairmount creamery turns out 301
pounds of butter a d.iy. for which a _ ready
market is found. All the creameries in the
state are doint n rushing business.
The U'Mno nnd fnmp of Browster la Bccurei
to posterity. The origin il nnd only , _
Washington hai planted his patronymic on thi
bordois of Brown nnd Ouster counties am
marked it with n 10x2I doby.
The Ulysses Dispatch claims "no finer pros
pccts for n bountiful harvest of nil kinds o
cereals was ever scan In this section of Nobras
kn , than nt this very timo. Hurrah for Neb
raska and hcrfiuo crops. "
The fat men of Hastings hove organized i
base ball club consisting of nine men weighing
from 210 to 275 pounds each. They say they
are open to challenge from any pan
of the world. Is this n waist of breath ?
Tha sports of Shelton recently backed nn
Omaha man named Snundor to run against a
Heat-footed Grand Islander. Tha pot .con
tained $1,200 of .Sholton cash , which was
raked in by tbo Islanders. The SheltoncerH
claim the Omahoss sold the race.
"In n few day * , " says the Beaver City
Times , "tho click of the harvester will bo
heard in many n field in Thayer county , Rye
which , put to n bad use , downs so manyt will
bo thetirst to full before the sickle. Formers
nro busy already arranging for him oat. "
Plattamouth Journal : "A monster bug ,
seinbling somewhat a locust , but fully two and
a half inches lon , was found clinging to nn
engine this morning , and was picked up by
the telegraph boya. No one could tell what it
was , and it was'christened an 'Oreapolis mos
quito. " It has been preserved in alcohol. "
The Wymoro Eagle says "the Cold of colden
ijrain now ripeniu ? for the sickle , causes us to
rise and remark that this portion of the great
American desert has fields of wheat that will
thresh not less than forty bushels per acre ,
oats will probably yield from sixty-five to
sevcnty-hvo bushels per acre , nnd earn and
other grain in proportion. "
Stromsburg Republicans "Philip Unitt
sold 150 head of two-year-old steers to P. P.
Johnson , afew days ago , which had made nn
average gain eince January 27th to Juno Kith
of 355 Ibs per head. Ono was weighed on
February 15th and again on Juno 15th aud
ihowed a gain of 557 Ibs. Who can beat it. "
The new Free Will Baptist house of wor-
ihip at Keneaaw , Adams county , will bo dedi
cated Sunday , July 13th , 1SS'at 11 o'clock
a. in. Sermon by Prof. Ransom Dunn , D. D.
of Hilhdala college. Prof Dunn is one of the
ablest and most eloquent preachers in all the
country , and no ouu will regret making much
illort to hear him.
An attempt was recently made to wreck the
> t. Paul train bstwoon Lmorson and Hub-
jard. A pile of ties was placed on the track
and bridge , but the engineer discovered the
obstruction ! ! time to prevent a _ wreck. If the
engineer and firemen wore parmitted to informally
mally mangle a few of these train wreckers ,
't would dispose of "a long felt want , "
O'Neill Tribune : "Fanners are feeling very
jubilant over the crop _ outlook. Reports from
norrly every precinct in the county , say wheat ,
oats $ and corn are farther advanced than ever
cnown before and the property is very good.
Corn is looking especially line aud soinu claim
t is the best ever soon in the county at this
imo of year , "
The Republican Valley Sentinel announces
.hat "theharvest will soon begin and the farm
ers will bo head nnd cars in business , as noth *
ng whatever has stood in the way of the larg-
' 8t crop Nebraska has over reaped. In the
tfew England states , nnd a few others ,
loth the drouth nnd frost have seriously in
ured the crops. Now , if prices will como up
,1ns fail in grain our farmers will bo on the
top heap. "
The investigation by the coroner's jury into
.ho'killing of Patrick Jordan , the livery stable
ceeper , was concluded on Friday nt Fremont.
The affray was In some respects a peculiar one ,
n that the -victim was shot down while in a
it of delirium tremens , andlcoiisequently ut
eri y uncoils iousof what ho was doing. The
axe with which ho threatened to brain tlio
illiccM ho secured for the purpose of defend-
ng himself ot'ijmt iinagiunry enemies , rats
ind snakes , which ho fancied ho saw in his
118110 ra\ingi Thirty persons eaid to Imvo
on "oyo witnesses" to the alf Jir , wera uxam-
ncd , after which the jury returned a verdict
n the effect that Jordan "cumo to his death
rein the effects of a pistol shot by tha hand of
JUicer McKlnney in the execution ot his duty
vhilu making nn arrest. "
Wei ilo
It It now undisputed that "Wlo Pie Moy-
-'K Ofttarrli Cure ia the only treatment
hat will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or
Chronic , "Vary efficacious. Snuil Gould ,
Weeping Water , Nob. " Ono box cured mo ,
Mrs. Mary Koiiyon , Bismarck , Dakota. " "It
rontcrcd mo to the jralpit , Rsv. George U.
Kola , Coblovlllo , N. Y. " "Onn box radically
cured mo , Rev. 0 , H. Tahlor , 140 Noble
street , Brooklyn' " "A perfot euro nftor 30
years . puffiriucr , J. D. McDonald , 710 Broad
way , N. Y , , & & , &c , Thousands of testlmo.-
nials : are recolvod from all Darts of the worldl-
Delivered , $1.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Iby
lustrntitd Xrimtlcv , " with statements of
rho cured , mailed free. D. B , Dewey & Co. ,
112 iFulton Street , N.Y
tue-t.hurs & sat-m&Sein
Tuo Now York Plumbers' Strike
NEW YOTIK , July 2. The lock-out of the I.
plumbers lias ended. Each side are satisfied.
_ anu MALARIA ;
Irom thcso , v
sources nrlso throe-fourths ot
llio diseases of the human race.lliceo
> yinUoiiislnillcatotholrc3(8tciicoT-oiio ] ( ; <
.Appetite , HutvcU coillve , Slclt Head
ache , fullneii niter catliipavcrtlou ta
Bxerilon of body or luluU , Eructation B'
of food , 'IrrKnblllly of temper- tow "I
jplrlti , A feeling or linvliiff ueRlectecI
( nine duly , I > lzzliieiiI > Uuttcrliiirntlio
ttrnrt , Doll before ( liocyfnlililily col-
ore a Urlnr , COIVSTIPATIO.V ; anil do-
tiuim ! tlio use of a roniocly that acts directly
on the I.Ivor. AsaLlvcrmodlctnaTUIT'M
t'ltii.H have no oaunl. Tliclr notloiion tha
.Kldnoyaiiml Skin la nlso prompt ; removing
nil Impuiltlca throueli thceo tliroo < * srar-
nRcr * of the yattni , " producing nppo *
tlte.KOinul dlgoauonrciulnf f tools , a clear
aklnuudiivlgoroushoay. TUT T'.s i-jr.r.fJ
cause no jmusca or kMplntf nor interlero
\vlth dally worlc and nro u imrfcct cr
buWoTfrrwlicro.a.'Io. OlUco. UJlurraytit.N.V.
GitAT IlAili on AVuisitims clmngca in-
Biantly tu a uuissr IlLAnc liy iiKlnfilu mi.
jillcatloii of tills Drii. Bold by Drui'ulsts ,
or sent liyoxiirossciiircctilptof SI.
ort1" , ' ! Mori-iy f'r i tx > r Y'--- .
Among the mnny symptoms of
Dyspepsia or indigestion the most'
prominent nro : Varinblo appetite ;
fnint , gnawing feeling nt pit of the
stomach , with umntisficd craving
forfoodheartbumfeoling ; of weight
and wind in the stomach , bnd breath ,
bad taste in the luouth , low spirits ,
general prostration , headache and
constipation. Ihero is no form of !
disease more prevalent than dyspep
sia , and none so peculiar to the high-
livinK nnd rapid-eating American
people. Alchohol nnd tobacco pro
duce Dyspepsia ; also , bnd nir , rapid
eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD
BITTERS will euro the worst case ,
by regulating the bowels and toning
up the digestive organs. Sold every
Science of Life , Only $1.00 ,
KihiuatcJ Vitality , Nervous and Fhvatoal Debility , .
Prumituro Decline In Man , Errorsof Youth , an the
antoM miseries ocultlng from. Indlocrotlons or ex-
ccsrcs. A book for every man , youngmiddleaged , .
tndold. It contains 125 prescriptions for nil acnto
tntt chronic diseases cadi on ? ol which Is Invaluable-
So found by tbo Author , whose experience for 23
years Is snob cs probably never before fell to the let
of ny phyelcan SCO pages , bound In bcnntlfa
French muslin moosscdcovere , full gllt.Ruaruitood
o bo a flner work n every sense , mochanloal , lit *
erary and professional , than any other work cold Im
this country for $2.50 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall , poet-
pilJ. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Go d
modal awarded the author by the National Modlcal.
Association , t the officer * of which ho rotero.
The Sclouse of Life should bo road by the yonnff
Instruction , and by the afflicted ( ot relief. Il
will benefit alt London Lanoot.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Life will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , irnirdlan , Inetructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. Vf ,
H. Parker , No. 4 Bulflnch Street , Boston Uatu. , who <
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and'
experience. Chronic nndobsilnatedlseaustbat have
baffled Iho skill of all other phya-UCA I
a epcclnltyi Saoh treated ouoooea-llCHL folly
without an Inetamo failure. TUVQCJ C
TIIIS CELTor Kcgcnra-c-
torts made expressly for
the cure of derangements
of the generative organa.
Thre Is no mlatake about
this Instrument , the con
tinuous stream of ELECT -
T RIVIT Y permeating
through the parts must res
tore them to healthy notion
Do not confound tula with
_ . , Electric Belts advertised to-
: uro all alls from head to o o. It Is for the ONU spec
ific purpose. For olrcul rs giving full information ,
address Chcover Ucctrlo Belt Co. , 183 Washington
St. , Chi
OonncctliiK In Union Depots nt Knnsas OHy ,
Onmliu nna Denver with tlnough trains lor
And nil points in the Great West.
GS-OXIKTCV- & . & 1 ? .
Connecting ill Grand Union Depot ut Chlciigo
with through tnilns for
Anil nil Eastern Cities.
At 1'poria with tlmiush trains lor Indlnimp.
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tlioSouth-Kast. At St. Louis with tluuucU
tmlns lor nil poinis South.
Kleg.uit Unv Conchi-s , Parlor Cars , with Io- !
cllnlng Clialis ( s-eats trco ) , Smokins Cms with
tovolvlng Cluilra , Pullman. I'aluco Sluoiilntr
L'ara nnd the lumous O. It. &Q. Dining Curd
rim dally toniul fiom Chicago nnd Kansas City ,
31ilcngonml Council lllullu : Ciilcaso iinil Ucs
Molnes ' , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atchlson anil
JL'npokn. without ehaiiBo. Only thiouRh line
milling their own trains between Chicago ,
Mncohi anil Denver , anil Chicago , ICimsiia
Jllv mill Denver. Thiough cars botweoii
lnitlniiaiolls { anil Council Jllulfa , vlu 1'eoilu.
Solid Tinlna of Uloguiit Day Coaches and
Piillnian PahicoSleoplnu'CaiH nio utii dully tt >
nnd fipm tit. Loula ; vTn Hnnnlbal ; Quhicy.
Ccokulc , ItiulIiiKKiu , Cedar Itanlcis and Albeit
Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis ; Parlor Cora
with liccllnlnir Clmli-s to and liom St. XouH
Hid Pcoriu. Only nno change of cars between
3t. Louis nnd DCH Jlolncs , lown , Lincoln , Ne
braska , mid Denver , Colorado.
It is also the only Thiough Line Ijfclwcen
It Is known ns tlio creat TIIBOUGH OAK-
LINK of America , and Is universally admit
ted to bo the
Finest Equipped Bailroad In the World for
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Through Tickets via this line far Bale ntoj-
. It. coupon ticket unices In the UnitedStutos
dad Canada.
Vlce-l'rti. * Q a.JUoitfr. Otn
Graham Co.
Paper . , .
117 Mid no North lf ln Bt , St. Ionia.
rCaih raid ( or Ran of
i ur iui > eauieriy totoptem tt
theu hire thera return RKuln. I u i.n krAJi-
ctl cure. I have Hilda Ilia < liea ! ul I'll * . bflLKruf
MU.INdalCKNLalu llto lonjB'uiljIw ru cr.
tmeUto care the want CMC * . lU'caui * otlt < n Dircv"
Ull 4 > no ronoii ( jr uol now recelrlug t car * . MulM
COM tor a treatlM nl 4 fr liottle or nir Inuu u
Ulvo Eiproi tad I'mt oiue . U tuna jvx
for a trliL nd I lll rut * T.- = .
; u. o , UOOT , ii/r iBt..v w > - * '
To tbeta uB rlpB Item tn /
of youthful