Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1884, Image 2

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TRADE MARK n UMW fcsw-i nnjK MAB
LtintUMiDT. An "
unfailing cure tot
, Seminal Weak-
< now , Spermatorr
hoih , Impotonoy ,
and 11 DUouea
that follow M ft
tcqnence of Self.
Abuse ;
In the Dark , Dlmn M Vl lon , Preraa
and jnuiy other diseases that lead to IDS
gumption and Premature Oravo.
BXWAIU of tuIreittMmcnti to rtfnni mney , whe
droirgirt * from whom the medlclna Is bou da n <
reimf , but refer you to the manufacturers , And U
requirement * ro such th t they are trltfom , V *
compiled with , See tholrwrlttcn guarantee. Atrl
of ono single package of Oray's SpeclQo will oonvlni
the most skeptical o ( Its ml merits. '
On account o ( counterfeiters , we hare adopted tt
Tellnw Wrapper ; the only genuine.
7Fnll particulars1 In OUT pamphlet , which wed
tire to tend free by mMl to every one. t JTThe 8p
dflo Modi lae la told by all dnigglrta at f 1 per pad
age , or MX packages for ? 5 , or will bo vent tree I
mall on the receipt of the money , by addrcmln ;
THK ailAYMEDICINKUO. , liu&alo , N. T.
gold n Omaha t * * * * . Jy IPmt
"Kidney-Wort U the most tuocceiful remedy
I ever used. " Dr. r. O. Hallou , Monkton , Vt.
"Kldney-Wort is always reliable. "
Dr. Jl. IT. Clark. 80. Hrro , Vt.
"Kidney-Wort has cured ray n Ifo after two years
Bujleriiig. " DrO. . IT. Summcrlin , Sun Hill , Qa.
it cured where nil elio had fulled. It in mild ,
Imt efficient , CHKTAIN IX ITS ACTION , but
harmless in nil cases.
IVI t clennitu t ho Illood nail Slrcnslbcnii nnd
B\rt \ * New Ufa to all the important oraana of
thobodjr. The natural action of the Kidneys is
reitond. The Liver is cleaiuod of all dlwiasa ,
and the Bowels move freely and healthfully.
In this way the wont dlnases are eradicated
from the system. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
rmcx , f LOO LIQUID on our , SOLO Bt DDCGCISTS.
Cry can bo sent by nail.
WF.LLB , niOlIARDROIT A CO.nurllnirtnn Vt.
$11,950 ,
All contestants for the 25 premiums njrirrceat-
ing above amount , offered oy Ulackwcil a Dur-
1mm Tobacco Co. , must observe tlio following
i conditions on which the premiums are to bo
awarded : All ban must bear our original
Dull Durham label. U. 8. Revenue Stamp , and
Caution Notice. Tlio bugs must bo ilono up
securely In n package with name and address
ofecntlcr.and numbcrofbncscontained plain
ly marked on the outside. Charges must bq
prepaid. Oantett data ffovemlier SOth. Allpnck-
ogcs should bo forwarded December Jst , nml
must reach us at Durham not later than Decem
ber UUi. No matter whcro you reside , send
your package , ndviso usby rnnll that you have
done so , and state the number of bag < i sent.
Names of successful contestants , with number
of bagsVctiirncd. will ha published , Dec. 22. In
Boston , Herald ; Now York , Herald ; 1'hllndcl-
phla , Timai Durham , N. C. , 1\ibaeeo J'lant ;
New Orleans , Tunet-ficmocrat ; Cincinnati , fn-
vutrcr : Chicago , -Daily Kevn ; Ban Frtacbco ,
Girontde. Aildro'w ,
DuniUM , N. c.
Every genuine package lias picture of Bull ,
our next announcemcnt.6 :
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
- > ? J V . Will euro NiTtouiiicn ,
HOiUnSTLunibagii.HliPunmlimi , Tar.
-VfiNSSSNPcS "lr l . Ni'iiralulu , Hcl tlcn.
K'dniy ' , Hpin mu iivcr
'lMll" ' ; ' , " 3r'J1 < 'l1 l . U nm-
I'jllon. lry : fH.lo | , . Cnland ,
y/rr 111 * * , Eiilloinr , Impoloncy ,
Damb/i-ui. . rrolniisui Ulorl.rlc , Only m'lrntmo Woo-
tno Kelt In Ai'i'-hca Hint twmli the r.lrclrMljf anil limp
nctlim tlirouRh thu boUr , anil can to rcdjanriU In wi In-
8I.OOO Would Not Buv It.
DR. noRXit I was aOllctod with rheiiraatlim and
cured by Ujlac a belt To any one mulcted with
Uiat disease , I would t r , buy llorne's Klcctrlo Bolt ,
Any ono can confer with mo by writing colling
t my ( tore , 1420 Douglas etroet. Omaha , NuK
MAIN OFFJCE-OjipoalU poitofflro , room i Fren.
OTForiAlentO. F. Ooodman1 ! Drug'Storo" 1110
aintm Ut , Onuhi.
Orders fllloa 0.0 D
Corner l' th nucl Capitol Avenue ,
- - 3NT33O3.
In all their forms.
YOUNG MEN. who are lufforlnp from the rffocti
ol Youthful Indticrotloni , would do well to atoll
themselves ol Hill , the greatest boon rer laid at tlio
altar of luttarluir hununlty. Dr. I'auntr will au r-
ante * to forfeit IMJ for every case of Uomlnal Weak-
ne i or rrlvato Dlietto , of any kind or character.
which ho undertake i and falls to cure ,
MIDDLE AOEU JIEN-Mwiy men between the
wiesofSIand CO , are troubled with a too frequent
deiiro to evacuate tb > bladder , o.ten accompanied
liyaillxbt mail ting and burning sensation , and a
weakening of the iritem In a manner that thei -
( lent cannot aooount tor. On eiamlnmg the urinary
depotlu a ropy ledimeot will ellen bo found , and
ometlmesiaall particle * of albumen will appear ,
or the color will be of a thin , hue , Kaln
changlnK to a daikandton > ld appearance. Theroaro
oauyn > tn hodlocf thit dlfflculy , Ignorant of the
cau ii. U 1 the iwcund ttage of letulnal wcakncm.
Dr. Tanner will fuaranteo a purloct cure In atl mch
cote , and a healthy roitoratlon of the Gcnlto-uflnary
Organs. Cull oraudrnti as above , Dr. Tanner.
BooCowaand clfera. oo Ona-year Bteeis.
Tbeaboio described cattle are all well bred , na.
t4ve Nturnika and lovta.
Tliww oattle will be toll In lots ii tult purchaser ,
for former inrticulars call on or ad Irom ,
Albion , Neb.
'IlocUe * ' . ITnxl bt liftDlt bM
A yleuia ol earlr irapruaence. cnulug UKTOUS
* * ' " - - * tn J
eta , hitlDii 10
UIHTJ knowo n iu dltooteriHi. * tlrapla
* of * * 4r- La will sendJ'BljE 0
Tlio FdVorUo Ilcaort of Wonricil Proa
1'lnco ,
Itlonts-A Glmrmlng
Washington Cor. St. Jxmta Post-UIspftlch.
The president has gene to the Soldlora
homo. The "coltngo" which has Btooc
tonautlcas since his return from tha
sylvan retreat in the early nutumn of las
year , haa boon put in order , find will b <
occupied during most of the summer bj
the president nnd his son and daughter ,
For twenty years or more Una has boot
a favorite resort for the presidents of thi
United States. The "prcsidont's cottage
tago , " as it is termed , is not n prosidont'i
cottage. It is simply a part of tin
Soldiers' homo , and is only occupied bj
the president on the invitation of the
governor of that institution. The Sol
diors' homo in Washington is not of tin
same class as the homos scattered
throughout ) the country , It was cstab
lishcd originally from a "pillago fund,1
levied by General Scott upon the inhabi
tnnts of the city of Mexico , becaUse thoj
stoned the American troops from the
roofs of the houses vrhou tlioy ontoroc
the city. It was Intended solely for veterans
orans of the Mexican war. Later ,
though , the scope of the institution wai
enlarged , and it was made to take in the
disabled and worn-out veterans of the
regular army. It's largo farm , hundrcdc
of acres in extent , numerous
costly buildings tor quarters
for the retired soldiers , hospital ,
and ofUcors' homos , make it on object of
great attention among thouo interested in
matters of this character , while its drives
winding through the wooded hills which
surround the homo like a huge park ,
make it the most attractive spot in the
District of Columbia at this season of the
year. The grounds surrounding the
iiomo contain many hundred acres of
wild wooded hills , ravines and well kept
roads , which wind in most picturesque
and bewildering fashion through them.
Hero in the cool of the afternoon and
evening , you may BOO on any and all oc
casions dignified statesmen , army and
navy ofllcors in uniform , and wealthy
and retired citizens of the United States
who have como to makoWashington their
homo , accompanied by their families ,
luxurating in the cool shade and the comfortable -
fortablo drives of this facbionablo after
noon resort. It is fashionable at all times
while the loaves are upon the trees , but
especially so after the "president' cot
tage" is occupied. It has boon popular
with president and people for a quarter
of a century. Franklin is said ,
was the first to make this his summer
homo. His oxaraplo was followed by
Buchanan and Lincoln , and so on down.
President Grant IB thu only ono who did
not take kindly to this sylvan retreat.
Ho appears to have had a liking for the
sound of the sea , and turned his atten
tion to Long Branch rather than to the
leafy quiet of the Soldiers' Homo.
The president's cottage is only a
"cottago" in name. It is in fact a solid ,
substantial atone structure , two and a
half stories high , largo as an ordinary
gentleman's rcsidonco , and by no moans
entitled to the term of cotiago. It was
built Berne fifteen or twenty years ago to
bo used for the rcsidonco of the governor
pr sonio other oflicor of the homo. Af tor
its completion , the olcganco of the build
ing and its surroundings suggested the
propriety of inviting the president to
ipond the summer in it , the propriety of
the president spending the summer away
from Washington having not yet downed
upon the minds of the statesmen of that
day. The example then sot has boon fol
lowed almost every summer since , until
now the cottage is sot apart as sacred to
the president , whatever his namo. It
stands tpnantloss between the close of the
loauon , in autumn , and return of the hot
iravo in spring or summer. The drive
'rom the white house to the cottage is a
iharming ono. From the front of the
vhito house , Sixteenth street , ono of the
iroadost and most beautiful in the city ,
trotchcs directly north to the boundary ,
rhoncp a finely macadamized road runs
ivor hill and dale through the thick ahado
if the well-kept forests , and fifteen min-
itcs' drive takes you to the door of the
lottago. From an open space a few stops
rom the cottage you look down upon
iVaahlngton , lying in the volley below , a
iharming picture , with the blue Potomac
is a background , and framed by the Vir-
; iniu hills where sleep the nation's dead
it Arlington. '
IIorsiVml'B Acid riioni > Imtc ,
Advantageous In Dyspovsla.
Dr. G. V. Donsuv , Pique , Ohio , says :
'I have used it in dyspepsia with very
narkod benefit. If there is deficiency of
icid in the stomach , nothing affords moro
ol'of ' , while the action on the nervous
ystoin is ducidedly beneficial.
IcliolIcotloiiH of the Han Who I'ut ,
llnrnell on the lloatl to Fame ,
" remember Poole well "
t"I Henry very ,
aid n gentleman to n Philadelphia
L'imos reporter. "Ho was a fine , tall ,
mndsomo inanovor six foot in height ,
vitli bushy blond whiskers. Ho uioasur-
orty-two inches round the chest. There
ras no mistaking the man when you saw
lim ; ho walked the streets as if London
YDS his own private property , Henry
? eel was the second eon of the old tail-
> r of that namo. Ho was educated at
Cambridge and graduated with a bach-
ilor of arta degree. Ho might never
mvo taken to the tailoring business , but
ils brother died and then Henry thought
10 saw his way to make a big thing of it. '
irou sco , the largo connection ho had
imong his college friends helped him.
lo was a man who always dressed with
; reat taste , and not only expected but
misted on all his employes dressing well ,
oo. When Henry Poole took the busi-
loss in hand first there were not moro
him n hundred men employed ; In ton
'ear ' there were nearer a thousand. "
"Is there any truth in the story of
loolo's patronage of Disraeli ? "
"Oh , yes. Dlsraol was in very poor
ircumstancoa when lie first obtained the
lorkship in the homo ofllco , Poole , who
iua always in and out of every place
rhoro the young men congregated , saw
lim , took a fancy to him , and believed
hero was Boniothinjj great in him. Ho
ook Disraeli out with him ono evening
o dinner and proposed that ho should
upply him with clothes suitable to the
losltion ii society which Diraoli ought to
icld. The future prime minister jump-
d at tlio offer and there is little doubt
hat ho also received pecuniary assistance
rom the ulirowd and generous tailor. "
"Did ho not assist the late ompororor
if the French in the satno way ? "
"Yes ; but there wau a reason for that
rou know. "
"Oh , yes. You refer to the story of
? oolo'si wife. "
"No , no ; there un't a word of truth
u that. It was Miss Howard. Showas
t cousin of Poolo'a. Ilor mother kept a
cry. fashionable little hotel on Dover
itr < et , Piccadilly , juit behind the Wnlto
Horse collars. She was created Duchess
do Bofturorno by Napoleon on his mat
risgo to the present empress , on tcondl
tiou that she loft Franco. Ho also sot
tied a very Rood income on her. Paol
did not marry until late in Hfo His wif <
was a lady with whom ho had fallen ii
love while qulto a ycung man at college. '
"Ho was very strict , was ho not , ii
business ) "
"I should think ho was , indeed. Hi
never allowed anything to go out of hi :
shop that had not boon tried on and fit
ted over and over again. Ho woulc
employ a man and keep him in his em
ploy for the simple roaoon that ho was o
the snmo siza and build as a good cus
tomor. I have known a man to sit foi
A couolo of hours on a saddle-block , onlj
having the crcano in a pair of ridinf
brooches rectified. Ho reduced tailoring
to a sclonco. "
"Did ho do any cutting or measuring
himself ? "
"No , strl There is a story told of Lord
Hardcastlp mooting Poole on the chair
pier at Brighton. Ho sloped him ani
said : 'Look hero Poole , I got this coal
of you and BOO how badly it fits. ' Pooh
took a bit of chalk out of his waistcoal
pocket and marked his lordships coat al !
over and said : 'Tako that coat to inj
cutter , my lord , and ho will make the
necessary alterations. ' "
"Ho was very extravagant in his habits ,
was ho not ? ' *
"Vory. Ho had a house at Brighton ,
another on Burlington street near hie
store , was a perfect mine of art , and on
the Thames , at Hammersmith , ho had a
regular palaco. His champagne lunch
eons must have cost him a fortune. He
ono ot the finest hunting studs in Great
Britain , Ho never cared what ho paid
for a horflo , and though ho was such a
big man ho was a magnificent crosscoun
try rider. "
"Ho did not die rich , did ho ? "
"No , ho waa worth about 25,000
when ho died , and the result of the sale
of his houses and horses barely settled
the claims of his creditors' . Ho was gen
erous to a fault. Ho never could pass a
beggar , and many a -Bovoroiirn he's
given away to people who , perhaps ,
didn't dcsorvo his charity. Ho was the
best of employers and ho kept men with
him for years , but there was never the
least mistake who was master on his
promises. " _ !
"What causes the eroat rush nt Bchroter &
Docht's Drug Storor The free distribution
rf sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and
Lung Syrup , the most popular remedy for
Doughs , Colds , Consumption nnd Bronchitis
now on the market , llogular size CO coats and
$ .00
Should bo a Philosopher ,
iVrkansaw Traveller.
The president of a railroad corporation
having heard that his system of manage
ment did not please the public , and that
many uncomplimentary remarks were
being made concerning him , became de
pressed. His mind was so wrought upon
that while walking along the street ho
, vould mutter to himself ns though ho
nroro answering the charges. Ono day ,
, vhilo pacing the iloor of his room , an
icquaintanco called.
" My goodness , Colonel , I never saw a
nan wear such an expression of trouble.
What is the matter ? ' '
" I am vilified and slandered until my
Ifo Is nearly worn out. No matter which
ray I turn I hoar remarks that have
icon made about mn. My lifo is a
jurdon. "
" Who makes the remarks ? "
" Nearly everybody. "
" Draw your salary , I suppose ? "
" Oh , yes. "
" Enjoy a good meal now and then , 1
eckon f"
"Yes. "
' Well , then , believe I'd rook along
it a moro easy gate. Your situation is
iloasant compared to the ono I have just
oft. I was president of the Grub
ounty bank , you know. "
" Yes , but have you resigned ? " asked
ho railroad man.
"No , I didn't resign. Toll you how it
ras. The public began to talk about mo ,
nd I soon discovered that the closer I
istoncd the moro I hoard , The other
lay several of the stockholders ciuno into
ho bank and shot at mo throe times. "
"My graciousl"
"Yes , but I was fortunate , for they got
o close to mo that had the fourth shot
icon fired , I should have boon killed. I
in a fort unato man. Go ahead and lethe
ho people talk. Eat and don't forgot
'our ' salary ; but , in case they begin to
hoot at you , take a lay-cfT , Every pub-
io man should bo a philosopher. "
Detectives uudjPrivnto Olllccra
Ten ally wonr tlioir badges of authority con-
Baloil umlor tlioir clothing , but Dr. 27iowni'
( electric Oil wears it badges la the form of
irlutod labels attached to anch nnd every but-
lo , BO that all may know its mission , It is
tvou full uml complete authority to arrest nil
choa and pains , and clooa Its duty every time.
Appearances arc Deceitful.
few York Sun.
A very tall girl , wearing a Mother
lubbard dross , stopped on n platform
calcs at Coney Island , and informed the
iropriotor that eho wished to bo weighed.
Ho placed a 200-pound weight on the
look , and the suddenness with which it
amo down frightened him. Then ho
riod a 150-pound weight with the same
"Strange , " ho muttered , with a per-
loxod look at the girl ; "something must
o the matter with the scales. "
"Finally , after repeated attempt * , "ho
iformed nor , in a dubious tone of voice ,
liat she weighed just eighty-nine
'Thank you , " she said , handing him
10 nickel. "I seem to bo gaining , ' and
iio tripped away.
Then the amazed acaloman looked after
or and remnrkod :
"Somo young follow will got terribly
) olcd by that Mother Hubbard dross. "
Wlint Three Applications Did.
"I was troubled vo y much with uoro foot.
'Ar ajtjilieatloni of Thoma * ' Xcltetrio Oil on-
rely cured them. Notlilnjc bettor lu tha mar-
et.11 Jacob lltitler , lloadlutf , Pa.
ICoostcrs ,
an l'ranct co Chronicle ,
By the steamship Oily of Tokio there
rrivod at San Francisco from China four-
Don coops of fancy chickens lor the Xoo-
jgical Gardens at London. Those fowls
ave boon procured at great expense , and
omo of strains of great antiquity , aomo
f them , it is claimed , having boon in the
amily of a Mandarin in Control China
or over throe hundred years , and none
'f ' them have over before been sold to any
no. They cost § 75 each.Tho birds
ary greatly in size and color , but the
uost strikiug feature is the length of the
ail feathers of the cocks , some of them
icing eight foot long. These feathers are
olded in a roll and wrapped with ribbon
o prevent injury while on route ,
Purify your blood , tone up the system ,
nd regulate the digestive organs by
aking Hood's Sarsaporilla. Sold by all
now General Scott's IMfo ivna Save
and How Ills Driver Cwlco
Escaped Death ,
The traveller of the present day , as h
is hurried along by the lightning oxprct
in its buffet cars and palace sleepers , seldom
dom revert * in thought to the hmo who
the stage coach audjmckot were the enl ;
moans of communication between di (
tant points , It is rare that ono of th
real old time starve drivers is mot wit
now-a-days and when the write
recently ran across Fayotto Haskoll , o
Lockport , N. Y , , ho felt like a biblic
graphor over the discovery of some rar
volume of "forgotton loro. " Mr. Hot
koll , although ono of the pioneers ii
stage driving ( ho formerly ran fror
Lewiston to Niagra Falls and Buffalo ) , 5
halo and hearty and bids fair to live fo
many years. The strange stories of hi
early adventures would fill a volume
At ono time when going down amountaii
with no less a personage than Genera
Scott as a passenger the brakes gav
way and the conch came on the heels o
the wheel horses. The only remedy wa
to whip the loaders to a gallop. Galnin
additional momentum with each revolution
tion of the whonls the coach swayed am
pitched down the mountain side and Int
the streets of Lowiston. Straight ahoai
at the foot of the stoop hill flowed th
Niagara river , towards which the foil
horses dashed , apparently- certaii
death. Yet the firm hand never rclaxot
ils hold nor the clear brain its concoptioi
of what must bo done in the emergency
On dashed the horses until the narrow
dock was reached on the river bankwhet
by a masterly exhibition of nerve anc
daring , the coach was turned in scarce iti
own length and the horses brought to
stand still before the palo lookors-or
could realize what had occurred. A purse
was raised by General Scott and pre
sented to Mr. Haskoll with high compli
incuts for his skill and bravery.
Nothwitstanding all his strength and
his robust constitution the strain of con <
tinuous work and exposure proved to
much for Mr. Haskoll's constitution.
end , ana at times ho was obliged tc
abandon driving altogether.
Speaking of this period ho said :
"I found it almost impossible to nloof
at night ; my appetite -loft mo ontirolj
and I had a tired fooling which I novel
know before and could not accounl
for. "
"Did you'givo up driving entirely ? "
' No. I tried to keep up but it wai
only with the greatest effort. Thii
state of things continued for nearly twen <
ty years until last October when I wonl
all to pieces' "
"In what way ? "
"Oh , I doubled all up ; could not walk
without a cano and was incapable of anj
effort or exertion. I had a constant de >
sire to urinate both day and night and
although I felt like passing a gallon eve <
ry ton minutes only a few drops could
escape and they thick with sediment.
Finally it ceased to flow entirely
and I thought death was very near. "
"What did you do then ? "
"What I should have done long before :
listen to my wifo. Under her advice I
began a now treatment. "
' And with what result ? "
"Wonderful. It unstopped the closed
passages aud what was still moro wonder
ful regulated tho' flow. The sediment
vanished ; "my appetite returned and I am
now well and good for'twenty moro years
wholly through the aid of 'Warners' Safe
Cure that has done wonders for mo as
well as for so many others. "
Mr. Haskoll's experience is repeated
uvory day in the lives of thousands of
American men and women. An unknown
pvil is undermining the existence of an
innumerable number who do not realize
: ho danger they are in until health has
mtiroly departed and death perhaps
itarcs them in the faco. 'f o neglect such
mportont matters is like drifting in the
iurront of Niagara above the Falls.
iVhnc was Soon In a Voyage from Sa
vannah to New York Interest-
Monsters that Stood
cm their Tails ,
The schooner , M. B. Millon , arrived
it port last week from Savannah. Her
nastor , Captain Young , makes the fol-
owiug report of an Incident of the voy-
igo :
"Juno 20 , lat. 31.50 , long. 7-1.14 , while
n a dsad calm and smooth sea , waa sur-
ounduil by a school of whales , as far as
ho eye could roach ; they were soon com-
ug to _ the surface and blowing ; they
: amo in such close proximity with the
ossol that they could bo reached from
ho dock with a common harpoon , and in
ovoral instances within two foot of the
csaora side , spurting the water against
ho side and lying perfectly still for sov-
ral minutoa at a tune ; then they turned
oisur ly over and sank down tail foro-
riost , until they would stand porpon-
icular in the water , BO that their full
ungth and size could bo as nearly csti-
latcd as though they had been on dry
ind ; they swam around the vessel for
bout three hours , and seemed to bo hold-
ig a complete survey of her , and did
.ot seem to bo in the least shy as wo
lirow several pieces of wood at thorn
nd in ono instance a heavy chunk of
ak was thrown at ono and struck him
n the end of his nose ; ho throw his
ukcs high tn the air , and made a grand
isplay of foaming water as ho wont un-
or , but came up immediately after and
warn clear to the side and lay for some
ainutos , then rolling over several times
culled leisurely away to the eastward ; it
ras a magnificent sight , the ocean being
a clear as a mirror and not a rlpplo to
batruot the view.
The whales were in slzo about thirty-
vo foot in length ; square blunt head ,
yes small , about three feotbolow the top
f the head , and well bark from the end
f the nose , near the jaw , Their blow
ras , low and somewhat roaetnbled water
hrown from a sprinkler ; a small round
in on the lack , and square fluke ; the
eada were about five to six feet in
opth , and the after parts much smaller
: i proportion. Wo could have harpoon-
d a dozen or moro of those monsters ,
ut after our experience with the piece
f oak , wo feared to wound any of them ,
s I am satisfied that ono clip of their
ukoi against the side of the vessel
rould have shaken us up considerably ,
iftor watching their movements for
bout three hours , .1 light breeze sprang
p , and wo sailed away homo from tlio
chool , which did not seem to bo making
uy headway to either point of the com.
'I'lirflUno anil the Gray ,
ntor Ocean.
"Beg pardon , stranger , but I heard
crtakiu1 with the kid about that fight
oforo Petersburg. I was there , too.1
"You were , were you ? , ' * aid thouol _
dier , with a look oi interest. "Wha
regiment wore"
"Oran'pal hero they come. " exclaimed
the child ; and then , to the inspiring
strains of "Marching thro' Georgia , " a
division of the 0 rand Army of the Re
publio came into view. At its hoac
marched two veterans carrying tattered
and shot-riddled flags.
"Yes , there's Mr. Davison carrying
the flag ; but my , what a ragged olc
thingl'Y continued the child. "Whj
don't they got nice now ones , like th (
ones wo saw before ? "
The old soldier had drawn himself uj
to his full height and now stood erect
and proud , with his ono arm raised tc
hia hat in military saluto.
"Ltok at that flag , Kiltie , " ho said
'I can't BOO It now , but I carried it once ,
I caught it before it fell. Your UncU
Jim was killed carrying it before the col
umn. Look at it well , n1 think of whaj
it's been through , n'of them that carried
it. Then don't over lot mo hear any.
thing about them bran now flags then
fancy fellora had. "
_ Ho drew the back of his hand across
his eyes , and then turned to the man beside
side him and said : "I toll yer it kind'oi
brings the water to a man's eyes to sec
the old flag po by. So you were at Forl
Stcdman ? That was a sharp fight while
it lasted. If I remember rightly wo tool
nicjh on to 3.001) ) prisoners that day ,
What regiment "
"I'm a going out in the country a piece
this aftornoon.said the man , evading
the soldier's question , "I'vo got a broth
er burricd over there , n' and they toll me
hia grave's goin' to bo decorated as well
as the rest. "
"Where's ho buried ? "
"Along with the othora in the confed
erate plot. Stranger , I waa ono of them
prisoners you took that day. "
"You don't say so , " replied the Union
soldier. "Woll , the war's over , n' now
the parade's over so far as I'm concerned
so we can move along , but I swear I'd
"ike it if you'd como m somewhere and
take a drink with mo just to show wo'vc
no hard feoli'ns.1'
"I'll bo mighty glad n' proud to drink
with you , " said the southerner , as he
clasped his old fee warmly by the hand.
I saw them going off together , the blue
and the gray , enemies no longer , to talk
over the thrilling events of twenty years
Onuses Astonishment
"Completely prostrated for days with indi
gestion and bilious fovcr- The effects of two
bottles of Jlunlock lilood Hitters astonished mo ;
visible Improvement right off. " Mr. Noah
Hates. Elrnlrq , N. Y.
PcaUody Bottoinfall Wins a Medal
Detroit Free Press.
"Am do Hon. Peabody Bottomfall 'in
do hall dis ovcnin' ? " blandly inquired
Brother Gardner as the mooting opened.
Ho w s. Ho came forward with an
expression of humility covering him like
a blanket , and when ho had taken his
station before the desk the { .resident
continued :
"Bruddor Bottomfall , I am about to
present you , on behalf of our organiza
tion , wid a dilvcr medal , You am do
fust an' only member ob do Lirno Kiln
Club ebor recoivin" sirh a gift , an" eomo
oxplananashuns may bo in order. You
has bin a member for do las' three y'ors ,
an * your conduc' in on" out -Paradise
Hall has boon sich as to call for constant
praiso. Wo who hov watched you do
cluaost hov obaarved dat.
"What you lacked in flower-pots in do
front yard haa bin made good Toy a big
crop of cabbages in do back garden.
"Your lack of eddicashun has bin
made good by your industry.
'Whar' your integrity haa caused you
to hunt up do owner of a lost dollar bill
your luck has made you a two-dollar
friend obory timo.
"You hov carried no motto on your
back fur do world to read , but your pew
rent has allus bin paid in advance , an'
your cupboard am nobor empty.
"You has not demanded to bo sent to
do Legislachur , as a member , but your
nayLorhood respecs you , an' co'ner gro
cer smile to BOO you walk in.
"Your prayera hov not prevented your
nayburs from gointr to sleep , but mo * don
ono obdom _ of 'em would depend on
your kindness in case of misfortune.
"Your voice has not bin heard from
do stump or rostrum , but your hull fam
ily w'ars woolen undorshirta durin' do
winior , an haa ice cream obory third
Sunday in do summer.
"You hov writ no poetry , but when
you sign your name to a note it's as solid
aa a rock.
"Brudder Bottomsall , wo am all of ua
pleased to obsarvo doao praiseful traits
in your oboryday character , an * in pro
aontin' you dis modal wo assure you of
our great esteem an * continued friend
ship. "
The member was completely surprised
and so great was hie ombarrcssment after
receiving the medal that ho walked over
to the water pail and wauld have sat
ilpwn in it had not Elder Dawson barked
Ilia nhiu with a vigorous kick.
Mr. J. II. Stownrt , of Mncon , Ua , , a well
nown and trustworthy pontlcmnn , makes the
olluwlnt ; statement : "My sou , who was bo-
twoeu thrco anil four yearn old , waa oil drawn
ip with rheumatism. 1IU bones were twlstod ,
ind ho was all doubled out of ehapo. Ho suf-
'erod intense pain , had lost hla appetite , was
: rois aud fretful. Ho waa reduced to a nioJo
skeleton , and had to Iio carried about on a
illlow. As thosocaso ) of rheumatism , where
the bonoa were twisted nnd the joints were all
: reeked , had for years baflled the skill of the
nest eminent physicians , I dotermtno > l to nso
Swlft'a Specific , M I had seen testimonials
rom whom I know to bo trustworthy , of elml-
ar cases It hai ) curod. I used two largo size
lottlos of S. 8. S. according to directions ,
vith the moat satisfactory roaulta. My son
: ommoncod improving with the first dose of
ho niedicino. Ilia sufferings diminished dolly
ml hla nppotito Increased ; he became clioer-
ul and in peed spirits. Gradually ho regained
lie of his limbs , the twisted bones and joints
tralglitonod out aud In less than two months
10 was entirely cured , oud could walk and got
ibout as well aa any child of hia ago.
Trcatiso on blood and akin diseases mailed
reo.THK SWIVT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlan
a , Go. , 160 W. 23d St. , N , Y. and 1205
Hiastnut Bt , I'lillB.
L Panualco Griddle Ton Fcot
To ilvo an idea as to the quantity con-
mined by such a largo family , says the
Jew York Times , the following list of a
ow of the loading articles furnished Vas-
ar during the school year now about to
lese is appended :
'reih ' mc t , Iti..06.1M Milk , nuirts . S5.6J1 ) > M.fXU KgL'i . , . 02,000
luttor , Hi 14,887 Canned \ugeUblcr ,
ug rlbi 26,181 can * . . . . .6,917
'olleu ' , lut ' . ' .BSS 23 , 6M
bitkfflrll. lb , 10& S1.10S
IcItU Iruittl , lb 5.5 < 8 C'ttiiu ' . 88.230
! uU , Ibs. I,6ir HcLlcj , botlle . . . . 'J
The largest item of expense was for
neat , $16,5-10,52 , aud tha next largest ,
M,01-1,05 for milk. But if there ia ono
hing moro than another that the average
, rassar student yearns after , it is a nice-
y browned pancake. Vassar's pancake
; riddle ia 10 foot 'ong and 3 foot wide ,
ud 2,400 pancakes are consumed at
The Klml AVe Idko.
The moJicluo we most like ia that which
oca ita work quick and well. Jlunlock lllaod
tiUert uro the quickest kind of a cure for dje-
l > iia rtd liver and kidticj au"ttott3 ,
Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder
Does neb contain Ammonia , Lime , Potash. That it is n PURE , CLEAN find
WHOLESOME Powder for raising light and digestible bread. That it is su
perior to the Royal IN EVERY RESPECT.
That the Royal contains Ammonia. That Ammonia is retained in
the food. That Ammonia is injurious. The Royal Company dare neb
deny it.
National Board of Health , Washington , D. C.
N&tional Board of Health Bulletin , Supplement No. G , page 88.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder heads the entire list for purity and
Prof. II. Ogden Doremus , M. D.LL. D. , College of the City o New
Prof , R. C. Ked/.ie , Michigan State College , Lansing , Mich.
Prof. H. M. Scheficr , SI. Louis , Mo.
Prof. Charles C. Boynton , Brandon , Vt.
Prof. James F. Bahcock , State Assayer , Boston , Mass.
Dr. Blias H. Bartloy , B. 3. , Board of Health , Brooklyn , N Y.
Prof. Curtis C. Howard , M. Sc. < Starling Medical College , Columbus , .
Prof. M. Delafontaine , Chicago , 111.
Prof. G. A. Mariner , Chicago , 111.
Prof. John M. Ordwny , Mass. lush , of Technology , Boston.
Prof. R. A. Witthaus , A. M.M. D. , University of Buffalo , N. Y.
A million families that have used it for a quarter of a century.
It in an old trick of the Royal Co. to throw dirt , crying limo and potash , trans
posing dates , parading mack lines , and alleged Government Chemists , in order
to detract public notice from the disgusting drug ammonia in their powder. They
know that Dr. Price's does nut- contain ammonia , limo or potash.
Do Not Take Our Word for It , Let Every Housekeeper Prove It ,
Headquarters for the Celebrated Wrought-Jron
615 and 617 North 16th St. , bet. California and Webster.
may 23 d eod-w eo\v-2m
BOSTON , March let , 1831.
E N PIANO CO. OBTrutsiBS Tour Instruments , Grand , Square and Upright , are really noble
and u Ki/ujl c > , - beauty of tone and Bnlsh. Allow mo to congratulate ) you on your sterling
In1519 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb
) ormcr Windows , Finlals , Window Caps , Iron Crestlnze , Metallic Sky-lights , &c. Tin , Iron and Slate Root
era , 310 South 12th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Plans , gpoclOcatlons and estimates of coat ot laying
out new or remodeling old lawns , grading , sodding ,
etc. . will bo lurnlahod on application. Or oner and
dealer in all kinds ot Klon era , Shrubs , Ornamental
and Shade Trees. Just tlio thing ( or Cemetery or
Lawn Decoration. Green Homo and Nursery
Street , near Fort Omaha. Cut Flonirsand Flower
ing Plants In pots for ealo at all seasons , and any
Floral Designs or Banquets raado up on the shortest
notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to.
dress P. 0. Box 035 Omaha , Neb ,
Is warranted to wear longer , 81
the form neater , anil rlvo lull ? '
' satisfaction tlian any other Caret :
n the market , or prlco paid vll
_ M refunded , The Indorsements ol
Chicago's lott pbjrtlclai' ; , accott
> any c eh Cortet. Price , licit HjUrea Jean. Postage
irtpald , 51. MlA : 'JF. * < 2r ! ? "T. ' ! .n' 'OT them.
M TiSCHItn , J CO. .
n , utO J : Uia i BL.C'alctB-o.
Imported Beer
Erlangor , . Bavnria.
Culmbacher , . . - Bavana
Pilsner . . . . < . .t'Bohemian.
Kaiser Bremen.
Budweiser St. Louis.
Anhauser St. Louis.
Best's _ MiHaukec.
Sclilitz-Pilsnor Milwaukee.
Kr uc's Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
vVine. ED. MAU11ER.
12iai < 'arnamSt. '
( JtECTHO-VOLTJlIO BELT on ! oilier ELtcmia
\4 ArruiM'it nra cent on a ] Pari * Trial TO
EN ONLV. 10UNO Oil OLD , wb'o'arVsuffcr :
Brina WiuKxicsaxs , and all tnoso dlseaie * of a
j'Httsonii , NiTUug , rciultlnit from ABUSES acd
uruzn CACSt Speedy relief and complete
lutoratlon ta fltu-ru , VIOOB anil UmuooD
uuijuKtEM ) . Bend at ODCO for Illustrated
PampWf I f rt > e. Aaorcss
AaorcssCO. . , tfiirsbnll , Dllch.
Agents wanted for authentic' '
ndltlon of hla life. Published
at Augusta , his homo. Jjug.
- - - cat , handsomest , cheapest ,
best. By the renowned historian and biographer.
Col. Conucll , whOBO Hie of Garflcld , published by U9 ,
out-sold the twenty others by CO.COO. Outsells et cry
book over published In this world ; many agents are
selllnc fifty dally. Agents are making fortunes. All
new h glnnera successful ; giand chance for them ;
$48.DO ° mndo by n Udy agent thellretday. Tcrma
mobt beral Particulars free , better Bend 25 cento
orp ( ago , etc. , on free outfit , now ready , Includ-
nc largo prospectus book , and tavo \ alnabla timo.
10-lw ALLEN & 00. , Augusta , lie.
Ttia ueo ol the term " Bboi
Lino" In connection with the
corpor&to name ol a great road *
: convejaan Idenot ustwbat
required by the traveling pub
lic Short Line , Quick limo
anil the beet ol accomtncdi-
tlons til oi which are loin *
she J by the greatest railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
It own ! and operate ! over 4,600 mllcaot
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , loira
Dakota ; and aa ta main lines , branches and connw-
tlons reach all the great business centres of the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thu
description of Short Line , and Best Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChicagoMilwaukee , La Crosse aud Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and Btlllwiter
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wautau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oihkosb.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Ooonomowoe.i
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Chlect
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonnaand Falrlbault ,
Clilcago. Belolt JaneaviHa and Mineral Point.
Cliloago , Elgin , Kockford and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , IlocV Island and Cedar lUpIde.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman 8 eepers and the Finest Dining Can In
the urld are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO.
attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employe *
ol the Company ,
S. & MERRILL , Qcn'I Manager.
. . .uAv ' 1. " ' CAWKKTER , Oen' Pass. Agt.
T m „ *
J.T , CLAIIK , Qen'l Hjpt.
QEO. H. JIEAKrORD , Asa't Genl. Paw. Agt ,
Chartered by theStateof III ! *
Inols ( of thcexpreBspurpoce \
'of ' ElvinBlmmedlate reliella
'all chronic , urinary and private -
; vate disecsco. Oonorrhcea ,
Gleet andSyphilis in all their
complicated forms' , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved anil
pcrmanentlycured by reme
diestcstcdln a f'orCyl'tdr *
. -T a- - - a < _ - kpettal2'ractlce. Seminal
Weakness. tJlciu Losses by Dreams , Pimples or >
the FaceLost Manhood , > o5UfiT/l/rtim/'l7fr < ,
ij no cjjifrlmettittttit Ths appropriate r . . ? .cd
jotoncc used In each case. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Hed-
.clnes sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
pacnace to indicate contents or sender. Address.
iMfcMES.No. aOWasl.lnfiton . Si..ChlCTfoll | ) ,
sfil" ii jiijjtJliii _ fc JIW f iiiifsHnsf'ii'