Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday Morning July 2.
During the wind storm Monday evening
largo pllo of granlto piled upon the eldownl
on Fnrnam street was bluwn o\er.
In police court yesterday , J , Broplo
jxnd F. Schneider were each ( sentenced to ted
d y In the county Jail on broad and water h
vagrancy. _
A very heavy wind-storm prevailed Honda ;
evening about 7 o'clock. For thirty minute
tha wind blow a gale and a number of fence
and trooa were blown down.
A man boarding at the California noun
last night lost a note ior$200 and $103 In cash
The above amounts were stolen from hli
tmnk. No complaint has boon entered.
out of 83 !
A yonng man was confidonced
at the Union Pacific depot yesterday. He
hired ont to two mon and they then borrewed
533 of him , giving him as onirity ( a chocl
for 81,800.
Coroner Mnul has received a letter from
Mr. Oaks , brother of the man who was taken
from the river a week elnco. Ho lives In
Pennsylvania , and says ho will corns on alter
his brother's body.
The Amorlco Voipuccl Is the name of an
Italian paper published In Now Vork , the
firit number of which bus Ju t boon laid on
our dcik , It Is the only Italian paper pub
lished In the United States ,
fi It was rumored yesterday that the
largo brick warehouse being built at the cor
ner of Thirteenth nud Loaonworth streets
Lad boon blown down by the heavy wind last
evening. \ Investigation proved the inmor
without foundation.
An alarm was turned In from box Cl about
12:30 yesterday. The fire was In a small frame
dwelling at the corner of Tenth and Daven
port streets , owned by a Mr. Van Orman.
The fire originated In the trunk of a boarder.
The damage Is estimated at $ fi ! > .
Mr. S. Kalz having purchased tho'grocory
homo formerly owned by A , II. Gladstone ,
in vltes all his customers to call In and BOO the
fine stock now on hand. It Is the Intention
of Air. Katzto keep tip the reputation of the
houfto , and as ho Is a gentleman and a good
business man ho will certainly succeed.
John Hactor , the unfortunate man who
waa killed at Waterloo , will bo taken to his
homo at Amboy , 111. , by two brothers who
have boon working at the stock yards south
of this city. They will start this mornIng -
Ing at 8 o'clock. The brothers express tholr
thanks to the citlzons of Waterloo for their
kindness iu caring for the unfortunate man.
Coster Post , Q. A. R. . will celebrate the
Fourth of July at Glcnwood , Iowa , The Iowa
boys furnish refreshments. Members desir
ing to go will report to the commander , BO ample transposition may ba secured.
Hound trip81.10. Train starts from B. & M.
depot at 8:10 a. m. Members will assemble
at tha hall on the morning of the Fourth , at
8 o'clock and march to the depot , 8. Bloom ,
Archie McComb , formerly of * Ban Fran
cisco , but now of the Rescue hose team , of
Council Bluffs , and P. M. Duffy , of Iho
Tuurston'a , of this city , will run a race of
100 yards for $250 a eldo , nt the bate ball
l > ark next Sunday. A fcr/ott / of SSO each is
already in the hands of Mr. J. A. Wood and
the remainder of the money will bo put up
next Friday. Both men are considered the
fastest runners in tholr respective teams , and
a spirited contest is looked for.
Moro care should bo exorcised .by the
drivers of vehicles at time of fire , The drivers
of the hose carts and ot the hook aud ladder
truck are very careful , and keep tholr gongs
Bounding to give warning to all and yet some
drivers will insist on stopping their teams In
the mlddlo of the fltroot , and there alt with
mouths wide open until the fire department is
just upon thorn , and then they try to got out
of the way. Ono wagon narrowly escaped demolishment -
molishmont on DouglaBjitroot yesterday , Give
the firo-boys a chance as a great deal depends
upon their getting to the scene of the fire
speedily , and this they cannot do if they are
hindered by incompetent or careless drivers ,
The firo-boys always give proper warning of
tholr approach. Hood It.
Notice to Colored Voters.
There will bo a mans mooting of color
ed citizens , hold at Lytlo'e hall , on Fur-
nam street , between Eleventh and
Twelfth streets , Wednesday evening ,
July 2nd , at 8 o'clock , p.m. , for the
purpose of organizing a Blaine and Logan
campaign club. Wo hope to BOO all that
are interested in our political welfare
present , By order of the committee of
the call : W. A. Vomborzoo , W. U , Porter
ter , W , H. 0 , Stophonaon , Price San-
dera , E. R. Overall , William Butler. A.
W. Parker.
Real Estate Xranafbra.
The following transfers were Clod for
record iu the county clorka ofllco Juno 80 ,
and reported for tbo BEB by Amos' real
estate agency.
. -United Presbyterian church to Frank
A Hultmau wd , lot 2 , block 45 , Omaha.
Goo. H.Boggs ct nl Atossa S. Hall wd ,
lot 10 , block 0 , Omaha view , $350.
Fred Nye and wife to S. G. Ohaso wd ,
lot 4 , block 3-10 , Omaha , 52,700.
K , B. Olmndlor to Jennie A. Latson
wd , lota G , 0 , 7. 8,1) ) , 10 and 11 , block 1 ,
Milroso Hill , gl,7CO.
Goo. E , Barker and wifo'to Jno. U
Ring wait wd , lots 12 , 13,14,1G and 10 ,
block 4 , Thornburg place , $700.
James Gilbert and wife to Fr. Murphy
and Geo. IS. Barker wd , lot 15 , block 0 ,
Kountzo 3rd add. , ? 2f 00.
There was a largo attendance at the
floral concert given on Sunday evening
last at the Union "Sunday school. The
programme was well carried out , the
iloral decorations were excellent. The
speakers ulatform was gaily decked with
an abundance of cholco llower * , vroy ar
tistically arranged. Owing to the post
ponement of the concert in consequence
of bid weather , the llev. A. F. Shcrrill
WM unable to bo jirosnnt on Sunday and
his place waa kindly filled by Rev. Goo ,
Pultonfho delivered a very interesting
nud appropriate address.
BOK03KIJMJIItD-On Juno 23 , Mr.
Jiufcuklo un I Mini MUsourl K Hlrd wore
united in Inly inttrimony at the brldex
fhllJbnocY home , 10 , mile * northwett of
Ouitha ,
KTATK ( UzhrniKii & Bus-
PIIIEUTOUY to bo haut-d in July , j
Ib4 , p'rloa $1 50. * J. M. Woivu , pub-
I er 120-S. 14th St. , Omaha. {
The Case Of the Stale. .H , Roger C
QnlhrieRosnmcilThisMorDiDg ,
The Interest Somowlint on the Docllni
Tliol'rococdlnsn tip to tlio
Noon Ailjoiirnmont.
When the dislrist court opened at hal
past nine this forenoon before Judge Neville
villo , his counsel and Defendant Outline
looking somewhat palo from hla roconl
illness , being present , ( ho court itnmodi
atoly took up his case , ndjournod frorr
yesterday morning , Mr. Baldwin requested
quested the right to ask Smith , the lasl
witness on the stand for the utato , a fan
question * on cross-examination before the
prosecution rested ita case. Ilia rcquoal
was granted.
wan the next witness called. Witncsf
iiad lived in OmohA ono year during
which time he wa * running a gambling
louao , llo first run it private and latoi
opened it to the public. Ho had a con
versation with Guthrie about his right to
open before ho did so , it took place on
Farnam atrcot. There was considerable
opposition to his opening was why ho saw
Guthrio. Guthrie said If the others run
ho would bo entitled to the aamo right.
Tiio next tlmo ho saw the defendant in
his office , witness had boon troubled by
policemen making nightly visits to his
rooms and breaking up his gatno. Ho
asked defendant if ho could not do some
thing for him. Ho stated to defendant
that his business was poor.but when it got
butter ho would
"l > 0 80MKTHINO , "
the name aa others had dono. Guthrie
told witness it would bo all right. Uo
told Guthrie ho was ready to do aa ho
promised and asked how it ahpuld bo
paid. Ho objected to receiving the
money at that place aa defendant said ,
"witness was too sharp for him. " Ho
later in the sumo day eont Guthrie
through the mails $100. For about four
weeks ho ran unmolested. Ho was soon
thereafter disturbed frequently. Ho was
nont for by the marshal who ordered him
to open lua doors as the other houses did.
Ho rofunod to do so , and his house
Ono night they catno up without a
warrant but did not gain entrance. Next
night they came with a warrant and entered -
torod his house. On the first of Novem
ber ho throw his doora open. At that
time ho sent Guthrie through the mail
$50 moro. Ho 'was not molested up to
the 10th of December from which time
to the 10th of May ho nont the marshal
through the mails $50 per month. Had
a talk with Branch who oaid they wonted
$100 from each house , afterward raised
it to $100 par month , than wanted $100
for two months after which each houao
was to pay $50 per mouth. Also had a
talk with Smith , in his club room.
Witness had paid all this tlmo monthly
fines into the police court.
Witness came from Lincoln to Omaha
to open a private olub room. Ho did not
throw open his doora from choice , but because -
cause the police interfered with him. Ho
did not know that Guthrie interfered
with hira. Ho talked with Guthrie about
running a respectable house , and wan told
by him that ho would bo allowed to run
the same as the others. It was under
stood in the conversation with Guthrie
on Fifteenth and Farnam that the mar
shal was to receive something. Ho sent
the money to Guthrie to keep from being
interfered with in his , business , or to bo
allowed to run his house open. Ho had
Riven the money to Guthrie to purchase
freedom from arrest.
At twelve o'clock Mr. Baldwin , after
cross-examining the witness for nearly an
hour , stated ho had just begun , and the
court thereupon adjourned to two p. m.
1 Altcruoon'a Session.
When court vras called iu the after
noon Sodorotrom again took the stand
and continued hia testimony. Witness
raado his own arrangements and refused
to go into a pool as was reported had boon
done ; Guthrie had made a promise to wit
ness that ho would not close his place in
consideration of thosu payments made.
This vras said at the second conversation ,
in Guthrio'Bollico. lie told Guthrie the
police were raiding him every night , that
ho had been to a great expense in fixing
up his rooms ; ho told Mr. Guthrie ho
( witness ) would do what was right if ho
would keep away the police ; "All right , "
said the marshal , "I will
Witness concluded that his agreement
was for himself , and for himself alone.
On the redirect examination , the wit
ness stated that when ho wont to BOO
Quthrio the aocond time it was for the
purpose of protecting himself from the
bad people of the city , by whom it was
Mr. Baldwin was next recalled by the
itato. Ho had lived iu Omaha four years ,
ind kept a saloon and sporting house at
1,300 Douglas utroot. For the last twelve
months ho had boon running thorn. Had
no talk with the dofoudant before the
houses were closed , but afterwards ho did
hold a conversation with him on the
corner of Twelfth and Douglas. Witness
lold Guthrie , who said tnoy would bo
closed about three week * , that ho would
ilo whatever the rest of the sporting mun
Jld. Ho wont away from Omaha , and
in a short time received a telegram that
and ho came back to the city. Ho had
a conversation with Branch who said the
gambling houses would have to clone or
pay for keeping open , and in pursuance
of this agreement ho gave Morrison $50
to bo given to Branch , This was in Aug
ust. Again in September ho gave either
Urucker or Morrison $50 moro. After
ward there was a quarrel among the
gamblers about the receiver , and from
October to April they had paid out $50
per month to Cap. Smith instead ot
praneh. The conversation took place
with Branch a few days after they were
cloaod up , All thU time his house was
ptving the customary Una of $10 per
month to the city. The money paid to
Quthrio was for the purpose of being
allowed to keen open house. At the
laino time ho paid for himself ho
On crjss-oxamination witness stated
that ho never had paid or BOOH paid to
Guthrie n dollar in the world. Ho had
ttatcd to Guthrie ho would do what wrfs
right. Ho was going to Philade.phia
und while ho was ijono his partner Ken
nedy would act for him. lip said to the
marshal ho would hko to keep his place ,
iiiid city fruo from bid people , and would
( five moat anything to tea it dono. In
November Smith aunt witueas word that
ho , Smith , would do buiincss with him.
The payment of the $50 per month had
in no way interfered with the payment of
$10 rr.n MONTirTO inn POLICE count.
This money had boon paid for the pur
pose of keeping his business opon. Ho
was a witness before the grand jury. In
the ro-dlroct examination hbsaid : From
July 1883 to April 1884 there wore
some bad people in Omaha and quite a
number , the witness added.
was next called. Know Higgins and
Smith. Uiggins had loft n couple of
xnvolopcs at his place of business , This
was in the winter. Captain Smith took
thorn away. Branch also got ono. The
envelopes that Iliggins gave him were
put in the plgoon-holo of the desk and
given to the parties directed. Ha was
directed to give them to Captain Smith.
Smith was told they were in the pigeonhole -
hole and afterward they were gone.
The witness stated ho had given James
Smith money in pursuance of the agree
ment to run their houses unmolested
Stopped payment to Smith in February.
Uo liad paid several times to Mr. Bald
win. At the name tlmo witness paid Mr.
Smith for himself ho also paid him for
Baldwin txnd Kennedy. His business
had not boon interfered with from the
time ho began to pay until payment
ceased. Uo all this time was paying a
fine in the police court. Ho noyor had
soon the gambling houses closed boforo.
Paid Smith money but did not know
what ho did with it. Never paid Guth-
io any. Don't know that Branch or
Smith were authorized by the marshal to
receive it.
Ho paid money other than the first
5100 to Branch. Also paid Mr. Smith.
Began to leovo raonoy at McNamara &
Duncan's after ho had made the second
) ayr ont to Branch. Ho would take $50
> ut it In an envelope leave it with Mr.
Duncan for delivery to some ono who
would call for it. Ilo loft it as stated for
ho purpose of keeping opon.
On being cross-examined by Mr. Bald-
vin : Ho was arrested last August for
cooping his house open but ho had paid
its fine and never was brought before the
> olco ! court.
On the ro-diroot examination by Mr.
Godwin : Ho never had paid a dollar to
my oflicial in any other administration
than that of Ohaao and Guthrio.
Ho was in the city when the houses
were closed. Mr. Guthrie had asked
iim before they had closed whether , or
not they ought to pay and if so how
much. Witness told him that depended
upon the size of the game. Guthrie
ranted him to BOO the houses about it
Hit ho waa called away from the city and
when ho returned to the city ho saw
Juthrio who said it had boon fixed by
branch. Ho was here last Bummer for
ho purpose of organizing a merchants'
police force but
.0 swear them in that the scheme foil
.hrough. On cross-examination , ho said
10 came here and organized a merchants"
lolico forco. The mon were afterwards
arrested , but witness was not. The mar-
hal had come to him last summer and
skod him whether or not those houses
ought not to pay. Witness told him
nuch depended upon the size of the
jamo. Witness said to Guthrie , on his
oturn to the city , "You got Branch to
is it for you ? " " 1 wanted you to do it
'or mo , " said thomarshal , "but you were
out of town. "
Godwin stated to the court that ho had
nly ono moro witness for the state who
ould not bo produced until morning ,
nd thereupon court ndjournod for tbo
mo *
Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of
Volglit In the back , loins and lower port of the
bdoinoncauahif ? the patient to suppose ha has
Bomo affection of the kidneys or neighboring
organx. At times , sym toins of Indigestion
are present , ns llatuoncy , uneasiness of the
Btomnch , etc. A molstcro Hko perspiration ,
producing a Aory disagreeable itching particu
larly at night tutor potting warm In bed , Its
very common attendant Internal. External
and Itching Piles ylold at once to the applica
tion of Dr. llostuiko's 1'ilo Homody , which acts
directly ur-n tlio parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , nlliiylng the intense Itchlntr , and ef
fecting n permanent euro wlioro other reme
dies have failed. Uo not delay until the drain
on the system produces permanent disability ,
but trv it and bo cured. Schroter & Becht
"Trado supplied by 0. i1 Goodman. "
Coroner Maul Holds nu Inquest Upon
the Iloiiinlits of John Hactor
Killed at Waterloo.
Coroner Maul wont to Waterloo yesterday
day and hold an inquest upon the remains
of John llnctor who was killed near
there by falling bouoath a moving freight
The testimony of the witnesses before
the jury was conllictiug , some stating
ho was pushed off the train , others that
ho fell oil after the brakeman had ordered
him off. Thos , Hactor , a cousin of the
deceased , says the deceased was not drunk
when the accident occurred in fact ho
had drank nonp at all that day. Ho
wont from Waterloo to Elkhorn on the
3 o'clock train , remained about the sta
tion there until the 0 o'clock freight
: amo along. Uo boarded the train and
itood on the bumpers , three or four
: ars from the caboose. After the train
iturted , the brakeman , who saw him get
ting on , came up and ordered him off.
Hactor replied that ho was only going to
Waterloo , where ho worked , and that ho
: ouldnot got oil' while the train was
uoving because ho was a cripple. The
arakoman thou told him to got on top of
.ho cars , and it is possible that in so
loing ho slipped and fell under the
.vhoels. .
The remains were picked up
> y the section gang an hour after
ho accident. The loft Jeg was cut in
hroo places and the right through the
The jury returned a verdict to the
ifleot that the deceased came to his
loath by being run over by the cars and
hat they were uuablo to ascertain
vhothor ho fell under or waa pushed
Tlio Volco of the People.
The people , na a whole , eoldom make
uistakcs , aim the unanimous voice of
iraiso which comes from those who have
isod Hood's Sarsnparilht , fully justifies
ho claims of the proprietors of this great
ncdiolno. Indeed , theao very claims are
msod entirely on what the people say
[ lord's Saraaparilh has dono. Send to
1.1. Hood & Co. , LowollMaas. , for book
outlining ( statements of many cures.
Col , A. Ci Dawe * , of St. Joe , i in town.
1) . A. Fryc , of Lincoln , Is at the Slotropo !
D. Graven , of ttr < Mmw , Is at the Mvtropol
I tan.
Wt T. Crane , ot Chicago , is at the Metro
politan ,
Rf Ion. T , M. Marquette , of Lincoln , is at th
Mr . JL , M. Flcmtnlng of Fremont , is a
the Metropolitan.
J. 13. Hodgson , of Chicago , in stopping a
Iho Metropolitan ,
Oco. E. Sanders , of Schuyler , Is rcgistorec
at the Metropolitan.
Win. Kyder , of Dunbar , Nob. , is stopping
at tlio Metropolitan ,
C. H. Williams , of Waterloo. Is registers
nt the Metropolitan.
Mrs. John Pournii , of North Flatte , is j
guest of the Mctrojralitan.
General Manager T. J , Potter , of" the Bur
lington road , is at the Paxton.
Mr * . Julia Schroder , tlio clairvoyant mag'
notio healer , fa ( topping nt the Metropoll-
tan ,
Col. Fred Crocker , of the Central Pacific ,
accompanied by his family , passed through
the city last evening , homeward bound.
John P. Williams , Lincoln , M. B. C. True
and P , R. Johnson , Crete , and lion. J. II ,
McCall , Dawson county , registered yesterday
at the Millard.
Mr. Til , E. McConaughy , a h oavy lumber
dea1 ref Stromsburg.ivau In this city yesterday
Hn la accompanied by his newly made wife
and they will malco a tour of the eastern states
before returning to their homo , I'd. has mot
with unbounded success In his business enter ,
prises in the west and it is to bo hoped that
his matrimonial venture will prove equally
M successful , and tint his cup of joy maybe
bo bvor filled , and that ho may never taste
the bitter drcga of disappointment ,
Ladies should reflect before using any
preparation that is applied to so delicate
sumco ns the akin. Any coamotio will
at first impart a beautifying effect and not
apparently injure the skin , but in a very
short time little , blotches and discoloso
tions appear on the face which conclusively
sivoly show the poisonous drugs in that
composition. It can bo safely said the
moro than two thirds of the face powder
contain these injurious ingredients Poz
zoni's medicated complexion power is not
only absolutely free from all dolotoriour
matter , but its principal ingredient is an
active curative for all diseases of the
skin. It has stood the test of years. Sold
by all druggists. mo-oodyl
Absolutely P&sr ® .
Thl powder never'varies. A marvel ot purcnesa ,
trengtn and wholcsomonosi lloio economical than
ho i ralnary kindsandcannotbo a ild In competition
rlth the multitude of low test , short weight alum or
ihosplmto powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL
srSpeclals will Posltlvolynot bo inaortod
inioBU paid la advance ,
TO LOAN Monov.
I4TONKYloaned on chattels , notes bouzht , cut rate
LV1 tickets a-Id. A. Forman , { 13 S. 13th St.
033 1m
[ ITONEY Loaned on chattel mortgage , by"C , R.
LVJL Woo Hey , room 20Omaha National Bank.
HyfONEY TO LOAN-Th lowest rates ol interest
LTJ. Bemls' Loan Agonoy , 16th A Douf 1 SSl-tf
(4 ( TONEY TO LOAN In fluma of $300. and upward
LV1 O. F. Davla and Co. , lloal Estate and Loan
kgents , 160 ! Farnam St. 898-tf.
II ANTBD A Qcrronuclrlfor gcnnral housownrk ,
2355 Leaven worth , bet A con 22d and 23d 8U
( is. Fiorclll. 342 lp
riTANTKD-A barber , 700 S. 10th street , Oinalia.
ITtrANTKI ) A boy who can speak German for gen <
YY oral kitchen work at 2lfS 12th St. 310 Sp
[ \r ANTED Qlrlforgeneralhouao-work 1714 Doug-
> > las. 4Mp
rT7"ANTii : ) Oiu girl for cooking , washing and
YY Ironlnir. Mrs. Puttee , S. E , car. 20th and Call
Drnla strrvts. 347.p
Auian to repair roof of Presbyterian
WANTED Ulliand Dodge. N. T. SA11UL.K.
[ TTANTED A good girl for general houiouorl at
V > 012 a 18th otreut. lies * wajca paid. 351 1
PfJANTED A gill to co k , 211 north 14th utrcct ,
> betweenC pltolanuaand Davi inport 352-2p
rarANTCD A girl for hi ustwork and ono to take
> Y care ot small child at 631 Pleasant St 302 "P
ntTANTKD Acompotent girl for central houM *
YY work. W gcii iO. mouth , N. W. cor 18ttj
nd Dm import. 314 U
D A girl for general housework at S103
( ChlcaeoBt. .1135
[ \TANTEU Good nook , waiherand Ironer. ( None
k t other need apply , ) Wage ! $5.1 cr weok. Ap >
ly 1903 lUvenport St. 315-4
fSTANTKD-An Intelllgoni and retponttble boy
IT with horse , to carry uiealug Bee. Call 8 a , m.
TANT D-airl lor home-work 016 south 18th St.
A girl to do general houie work at
\fANTKD itreet. 03 5p
L \7ANTKD Immediately , kitchen girl ami ice
r > oud girl 14CQ PlviSt , , uorth Omaha.
\fANTBU-A good actlvo wouuiii to do dlnlnjr
IT roomMork , Wajtsjlper weak. Apply at
12 Douglas 8t. 2)g. tf
fXTANTED A ulrl who umlcnUndj gen'ra ! houio
i > work , at a W. Corner llarney and 20th S8th St.
27Mp _ J MF8KV1I.I.V. .
ANTKD A good woman cook. W.gos IO a
mouth , C'bu , Fleck , 8,14th 8L , Eo le home.
A/ANTED-Two dlnlox room glrlitt 101
( > IWhhttett. SOSSp
To I Ire a glil ( or gtnorol house work.
It Germanpreleiied. InquliaolS , LcLuian. 1108
iruam St. SWU
FnctH From Fremont ,
To the OmMin UKK.
* FREMONT , Nob. , Juno 30.
The hot days and nights ha vo not cause
any perceptible stagnation in buoinese
The town is on the incroaso.
T. ETuotto & Son's fine business blocl
has reached the second story.
Merrill t East , a uovr drug firm fron
Denver , have opened n neat store on Gil
The telephone company is oxtondinj
its wires in the city eo as to reach man ;
now subacrlbars.
A great deal of merited praise ha
boon bestowed upon our opera house
The decorations are certainly very artis
tic. Since its opening thcro has boon i
spirited demand for its occupancy. Ou :
homo talent Trill present "Fnnchon , tin
Cricket. " on July 2d , with a well soloctoc
cast and Mrs Frank Smith as the Cricket
Mra. Smith has a host of friends nmonj
thoatro-going people , which speaks vol
umes for her dramatic ability. In hoi
present character of Fanchon wo prcdic
a most interesting presentation. Bon.
Tlio Fourth nt Fort Onlhoun ,
To the Editor of THE BEB.
FORT CALHOUN , Juno 30. Please in
form the readers of TUB Ben that the
Fort Calhoun brasa and string band wll
fnrnish the music at the Fourth of Julj
celebration at Horseshoe Lake , noai
Fort Galhoun. Several boat races will
come off , but the greatest interest is tat
en between the Florcnco nnd Fort Cal
houn , If Omaha or Blair wants to trj
Oalhoun , the chance is opon. Dancing ,
boat-riding , horse raciijg , foot racing ,
foot ball and any innocent amusomontc
devised by the crowd will bo in order. Itie
fun , amusement and a jolly good time
wo are after , and if all coino with thai
determination , under their hats , and the
weather is good , wo will have it.NEALB.
SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco is the
Girl for goncral honso-w ork. Aoply
2122 Diucnport. 332 2p
Q Irl for general housework. Inqulro
WANTED & Erlckson's. 31-1
"ATf ANTED first-class hort order cook for first-
I T class restaurant at St. Jullcn'e , 15th and Capitol
a\onuo. 324-tf
Agents for best 10-ccnt campaign mcdali
Perfect llkonew , Write at on o for exclusive
Tenltory. a. N. Busby & Co617 Market St. , I'li'la '
" | \7ANTED A girl to do general house work at
> Y l)21St.Mar8ft\c. 320 tf
TX7ANTKD Tn o girls , ono for chamber maid nnd
Y.V waiting the othur for cooking , wishing and
Ironing. Mrs. Pattcc , S. E. corner 2oth and Califor
nia St. 2S9-lp
W ANTED-.A Rlrl In family of two , 1004 Farnam
St. 233 tf
WANTKD-Good girl at Emmet House , llth , bet
Farnam and Harney. 235-3p
-Young man to take care of private llv-
cry and d general work. Experience iicocosa-
ry. References required. Address by letter "U , " Bco
office. 108-1
\X7ANTSD-Glrl at Pacific House , Tenth and Dav-
V > enport. 173 tf
countrj'i to take rice , light ondplcasant work at
their own homes ; $2 to $5 a day easily and quietly
made ; ork sent by mall ; no cantasslne ; no stamp
for reply. Please address Reliable JIan'f 'g Co. , Pill-
adelphla , Pa , 149 Imo
First clans girl for general house-work
WANTED . J. R. Shnno 103 25th street
WAOTED Qirl or general huso-n orfc 217 north
16 th St. 100 3p
- at 1610 Sherman avenue. Mrs.
WANTEU-OIrl . 043 tf
WANTED airl for housework at 2227 Dodge SL
WANTED-SItuatlon 03 shirt Ironing orJwork by
the day. Call at 310 Jackson St , 3KMp
V\7 ANTED By a lady , a position as cop } 1st or cor
TT responding clerk In oQlce. Address " 21" Boo
office. 819 tf
Aioung married man \tants situation as book
Peeper , In wholesale establishment in Omaha.
Address " 0. " care Bee. 838 tf
MRS. LEAH ROPE , 3031 S. 10th. having lout her
child , ono day old , would like another child to
nurse. Not particular about pay. 303 2t
TT7ANTED-Boarders with or without room In prl
T vale family SI 7 12th street , between Howard
ind Jackson. 321-lp
" \\7ANTED Acquaintance with a discreet prep03
T T ing > oung Udy or widow dependent upon her
iclf , fond of traveling and gentotl amur-ements , and
ono that would appreciate a valuable filond , by
gentleman who passes much of his time In the city.
Address appointing Interview on the 3d. Address
"Dr. C. " Date , Omaha Boo. 82. ! 2p
WANTED To sell the best barber shop In North
cstorn Nebraska. Address Lock Box 29 , Nor
folk , > cb. 205-ip
Tno rooms furnished sultablo for
llfcht house tccplnp , within 10 blocks of Tenth
ind Faruam. Address "II. O. L. " care of Deo.
263 lp
WANTED An eight to nine room hoiuo , with
city water , gas If possible. Within ten
minutes wain of the pontoUlco. Please addros "S.r
: hU olllco. 113 tf
TTTANTED A tow lint-class table boarders at 1713
VV DodgoSt. 233 3p
WANTED To teach German In a private samlly ,
by a youn < man who has Uugb In the schools of
.ho old country. Address "If , W. " Bco olllco.
TT7E offer In loU to suit purchaser , eight hundred
\ I choice Iowa steers. One half viar olds , balance
.wo and three > oar old , and a good smooth bunch.
210 1m STRANUE BUG'S , Sioux ( jitv , Iowa.
"ANTED Boarders to know the St. Charles Ho
W tel on Harnuy St. , between 12th and 13th Kill
n t up the best table board for tl 00 per week of any
ipuau In the city of o corrcsponillp" price. 23K-tf
FOR UENT Honueo ana Lots.
RENT-FuruUhgd room 1417 Howard St.
234 Sp
FOR RENT Now six roomed house , 30. Three
nearly cow cottages , { IS each Ballou Bros ,
117 8.13ih struct. SIS 3
17011 HENT-Front room with board , suitable for
L' two gentlemen , U05Capitol avcnno. S50-3 | >
RENT Nicely furnished rooms without
board 1SI4 Davenport St. 104-7p
KENT FtirnUheJ rc > "rn , pleasantly located
FOR neatly fufiilshcd S12 S. llith street corner
larncy , 339 2p
f7 > OU hENT Store room 14th and Jones street ,
L1 fill per month Barker t Maj no. 333 tf
TOOR HEAT House , No. 2404 Harnoy itreet , S
L' roomscittern , well andsUble. Apply on pro-
lite * . D. a BALL 326 ° p
rpOH RENT To lady only , nloely furnished front
L' room onl'arka\onue , 3d cottage from car barn ,
ujxulte Hansuom lark , 810 per mouth. One who
Icrku durlnghe | day preferred. 310 p
311 RENT Thre * or B room home , closet , city
uater. Inquire at 008 North 13th bt. 331-Gp
[ TfOR RENT One f ooa six loom house | U ] r mo.
L1Q.M.UItchiXKk. : 235 U
HAOU RENT No 521 DtveuportBt , seven rooms.
L1 O , F , Da\lt & Co. , 1(03 Farnam St 90-4
rr OR RENT Aploa.antfuinUhod room at U09
L1 Capitol avu. 234-5p
[ TtOR RENT-Furi.lihed room IVOt Faroam Kt.
L1 S78 lp
rpOR RENT With board , an elegant furuUbed
L' parlor bed room , 2009 Cau St. lDj-3p
RENT NlcoootUse otfl roonn north-we.t
corner Hth Bud Cju . Inquiio atSUO C ' Ht.
430-1 p
UUXT-Kurnl hed icorai 8209Dodge Btreet
I Imvo several times exnminttt baking powderaiu Uio market to de
termine their purity , raisiug i.&wcier nnd inlluencoon the health of these
using thorn. I huvo uniformly toimd DB. PHIOE'S CREAM BAKING
POWDER the best in nil there respects.
I Imvo JHst _ rnwlo nnqther oxnmiiintion o tlio "Roynl , " "Andrews *
" ! " .lho SfJu ! ° ns , ? prmor-
an ALKALINE reaction , which LEADS to DYSPEPSIA.
pure , clean nnd elegant proportion of Cream of Turtei aud Bicarbonate
of Soda , and there docs "in no WHO enter into it anything that defilcth
neither whatsoever worketh abomination , or miikoth a lie.
In raising power "price's stands at the hend
The relative amount of Carbonic Acid Gas given off by the same
weight (10 ( grammes of these powders , heated in the same way is as fol
lows :
Dr. Price's Cream BakingPowdcr | - - G5\ ( cubic centimeters
Thelloynl - - . - i i - (500 ( cubic centimeters
Andrews'Pearl - - - ' ' - 513 cubic centimeters
I have used PRICE'S in iny family for years. "Even if the price is
higher PRICE'S is always the best.
Lansing , June 3,1 SSL [ C ] ] *
tt > * T : '
ousekeeper can test Baking Powders containing the disgust-
ngd MONI A by placing n can'of "Royal" or "Pearl" top dowa
on a h until heated. Then move the cover and smell.
MERGELL & ROSENZWEIG , Are prepared to do work
Practical Painters & Decorators In any brunch ,
, On Short Notice
E3 1515 Donglas Sireet. Dinaha. PAINTING DECORATING ,
TTlOR RENT Two front rooms new h furnished W
JD 817 16th St. , between Chicago and Davenport.
240 3p
OR RENT With board.Iargo front room with ba ;
window , gas and bath room , 1718 Dodge St.
212 3p
10R REJ : > T Furnished rooms 105 S. lEth street
200-3p ;
lOIl UENT Two furnished or unfurnished roomi
F nlth board , centrally located , good references
reference required. Call or address 421 Convent St.
1 } bbcks from St Mary's avo. 240 Sp
FOR KKNT A cottage. 28th etroet , ono squari
north St. Mary's me. 3 rooas and tumnici
kitchen $12.60 a month. Warren Switzlcr. 1411 :
TiAOR RENT IlousaS rooms In eood repair. NIci
JL1 > a < d , cletcrn uatcr. Hent 25 pcrm"ntb. 1411
I'fltk Wl.doavc. Apply to Jno. W Bell Druggist lOtl
Street. 185 tf
RENT House 6 rooms , corner 1'oDplcton nni
Sfierldan Sta , 310,50 ptr mouth. Barker nnd
Haync , 13th and Famam. 187.U
.OR . RUNT Furnished rooms with board , 181 !
Dodfro. ISO-lp
FOR RENT Furnished looms 1818 Dodge Street.
835 2p
1710R RENT One otoroln Crounso' Block. O. II
llltchcock. (96 tt
F I OR RENT 4 good rooms Bouth cost corner 20th
and Cumlcfr. 070-tf
Sliroom houjoon streetcar line and
convenient to business. Address Immediately ,
"Q. X. " Dee office. _ 766 tf
J71OR RENT First-class 0 room cottage S. T
J ? Peterson , south east corner 16th and Douglas.
T7 > OK RENT Rooms In Nebraska National Bank
J ? bulldlnpr. lion desirable ufflces in the city.
Supplied with hydraulic elevator and heated by
steam. Apply at Bank. 623 U
FOR RENT Elegant residence 10 rooms , turnaco
hot and cold water , bath rooms iVo. dultiblo
Drat class boarding house or private residence $70
per month.
Fourteen room house now , 14th St. near Jono ? iO
per month. BARKER &JIAYNE.
t 887-tf _ 13th and rarnam.
ipou HUNT In ilcdUk's block. Storeroom 120
JC feet deep and good offloo room. Paulson & Co. ,
6 > 3 Farnam , room 3 , 708-tf
10U KEN f piano. Inquire atMholmfc Krlck-
son's. 693-tf
TT1OU HUNT furnished rooms oa the nonhwe
aor , IBIhanaCapltoIavtnuo , formerly Crelzotoo
FOR SALK Cheap , a men light road wazon with
top. Doggs & lilll. 333 3p
IfOHSALE-Thoswlllof thoCozions House. In
quire at the olllco. 244.1
POK S AU-HOUEO 4 rooms , barn , cistern , well ,
. .i B"etr , e8i' ' nfco1 , nil now , just completed.
I'rlce 81,400. 2HO Blonde , near Saunders. 338 3p
TT\OR8LU \ At a bargain , 60 cords dry hard wood.
* J87-D BOQOS&
- & HILL.
F > 011 SALK Ono small enan ot mules , harness and
waiton , sultabl , for delivery outnt. Inqulro t
Duruln'obarn. CumlngHL 231.4
I pOR ' SALE Agooi milch cow.Inqairo on foment
'street , the third house from Harncy. J. Klrner
IpOlt 1 S ALL Two choice timber claims in Rrown
County , near rail road town. Oood neil and
running ; water on land. Address Dr. David TallchlS
Uasaett. ilroun County Nfb. 108 lp
Ii".ViAll'S ' CIJEAl' Itcal uttatu uuslncoa In town
J. of600 population on Republican galley Hall ,
road. Exccllsnt location , nne country , Urea list
beit os reasons for nelllnir , a splendid opportunity
looksBhowbuslnces. Address ' -a. W. L.oee ' ! offlce '
, 172.4p
11 .j.XAV. . th8 , " 08t Iota " ' "arncoir
. i i
J. at
place a bargain II sold soon. Potter & Cobb
lolo rarnanj. 831 > tf
POU SALII-SIIEH'-A lot or fine Colorado crud
-coniUtlngof 800ev c , 2 , 8 and 4 je u M ,
ibout Bto } earll g8 and LOO Iambi The owes w II
ihear about fl iwunds. For further Information ad
* y ' UlBler' | B < * MNob. .
030 1
FOR HALFj-llrlnk , on south 16th St. , neir the
uall aorks by Bailey and 1'roake loi-lp
F2JliM.AJfBiiii nl cott'.IJOIlnaiu11 lot'h " Wock
, . . '
south of Hilton -
Roge-s' tesidenca , en 13tn street ,
.unuir. of M. Leo , Grocer , 2 < d ani Lea > onworth'
° LS.A " v . 2.Q'B t fr eofflca. aln. ' B flret clasa zlther- 878-tf * !
IT.K SAtB-Tlwi Ornah * Bakery , established 1874
Contalni a good sttck of Fancy Goods And othet
litUKi , gon. etp. Location flr.t-cUs . Cheap foj
ash. Apply 618 loth .trcot , bet. Jackson and flow'
" " TIU.l .
F'OH SALE Two second hand il noj , it Edholm
k Eilclqon1 * Muslabtore on lith SL 00 tt
FOR BALK The coziest nd most desirable rej
lynce o Capitol Jlill. House contains 0 room
resided cloitu and tore rooms , good cellar
> tef. ' "JolI modem Improvement * . '
ad outbulldlnss. K > } flret
° CtTL > ° ° 00 "
JK - great bantola In
L1 ' ' '
Mlotiln Reiw' . I'lice , on Bt Mary'rSvcBue
tr t car line , .t ry low price fr M days
o Jo. . , * M. iteese , Sll South Uth str f
l lliSA KrrTh' K l Mill and flxtiir * . n | tr
V Ortlgl.ton Home. lUiy terms. , .Jj f ,
FiOR SALE Two open secoad-aacu t irulM nt
M doUvory wajoo , chcip , V1819Utro'y 6 |
TT'OR SALE-Chcapost house and lot In Omaha , In
JC Potter's addition , 8 seems , well , 300 barrel cis
tern on two lots , ll0 foot front by 130 feet deep , for
82.050. POTTER &OOBB.1C15 Tarnam St. 488 tf
poll SALE Cheap lots In fahlnn's 2nd addition
1 Klrkwood and 1'lalnvlcw. POTTER & COBU
1616 Farnam street. 433 tf
FOR SALE Tncnty acres of the Griden farm , 3 |
miles from the PostoIIicc , and tnly two blocks
from Pratt'asub-dhlslon. Will bo sold in 2 } , 6 or
10 aero lots. Inqulro Omaha Carpet Co. , 16n
Douglaa "trcct 270 tf
FOR SALE Form 8 miles from city , near Union
Stock jards. Inquire at Mrs. Mover , over Ros
dcr'a Drugstore , 16th and Webster. S72-
STRAYED Juno I7th , from 1915 Webster streetf
ono dark chestnut colored J.-reoy cow. Any in
formation leanlrirto her recovery wilt be suitable re-
warded. T V. Brady. 315.5
STOLEN A grey horse with collar
tnarks on back and shoulders Finder will please
return to F Heimrlcb 15th street between Martha
and C&stcllar. 3iJ 2p
I have this day sold my Interest In the coal bus-
Incea carried on by me at 213 south Thirteeenth St ,
aud also all notes and accounts belonging thereto to
Wm. IT. ' Foster , who will continue the business.
Jane , 23th l Sl. 3 ( o 2p
T > RIVY > ult , sinks , and cesspools cleaned with
JL sanitary cleaner. Satisfaction guaranteed by F.
Q. Abel , ( Successor to J. M. Smith , ) box 378.
STRAYED Juno 2lst , sorrel mare with white strip
in face , two white feet and one partially so. JIci-
lean brand on loft hind ley , bush of tall cut off , full
ihod. Had distemper where last seen. Finder , or
giving Information will bo suitably rewarded. Harris
and Fisher. 200-tf
rriAKEN UP On 2Hh inst. at Pries Lake near Flo'
JL rcnco. A light bay mare , white on face and legs
4 j ears old , lightly shod , branded on leit quarter.
Owner can recover by paying this advertisement and
other charges and proving ownership. Pries Bros. ,
Florence Nob. 223-lew5w
TAKEN UP May 24th , 1884 , at my place one horsa
torrcl color and one pony mare bay , black tail ,
irand mark on hip , Owner can have same by prov
ng property and paying charges. Phillip Cossldy.
B936 oow
STRAYED-OnJuno 24th , black pony white face ,
had on halter. Liberal reward , 2014 Pierce St.
' . Jlabannah ,
IX A man with several jears oiperieucu in
X the grain buslmss , wants a pooltlonln some small
cocdKrain point In tl Is state , can keep the books and
is fully capable of manafjliig an ofHco and elevator ,
tncrgetio nnd full of buslncu. Con furnish best of
references. Address for further partlculais"Y."caro
Bee ofllco. 15t.d7tw2tH
The Pioneer aiid Still Ahead.
, IXL TJo o.
laitsupereedlng the largest old fashlonad sto\
andrango It ha. the simplest and most etllcloa
' " " 1 "n n < ! W Improva
to. Abwlutcly safe wit .
for Catalogue , Price List , Eto.
. . ,
Hotel Block !
'or Business ,
Traveling ,
Orass and
XSTNeck Drtnlnw. New Bummer NtTtt