c OMAHA DAILiT BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , JULY 2 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS Wednesday Mornin July 2 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. -20 osnti r r > ec Ilr Carrier - - - - - - - By Mail - - - - . . - - - $10.00 per jci OFFICE : No. 7 Poatl Btreot , Near Broadway. H1NOB MENTION , See J. Roller's spring goods. See Brackott , 224 and 220 Broadway for fire works * The Y. M. 0. A. , had a pleasant musi cal entertainment last evening. Work has begun on the building of ai addition to Eisoman it Co.'s store. Wm. Bolin yesterday pleaded guilty t < disturbing the peace and was fined. Dr. Ellis , of Wcston , is in the city am \ reports the storm as having cut the con badly. A farmer In the city yesterday report bugs as quite bothersome , and that then Is a lively demand for Paris green. Mrs. Amy has boon complained of f o putting up a wooden building inside tin fire limits. The coso will bo inquired in to to-day. Deputy Sheriff Clattorbuck last nigh * took to the Mt. Pleasant asylum , Car H Oarlton , Iho Swede who was found or the stroota hero , n atrangor and iuaano. A chair car will bo put on the Siouj City route to Spirit Like without change , Hi i the fitart to bo made Thursday night. ' The faro will bo only § 9.00 for the round i trip.Tho The Kansas City it St. Jo road in threatened with a washout about forty miles down the road , and arrangements are being made to set the tra k further back from the rivor. The now bids for the building improvements monts at the institution for the deaf and dumb were opened by the trustees yesterday - torday , but no award made , the figure * being held under advisement. Win. 'Anderson , "humpy , " vrho hai been away from hero , was so glad to go back from Crawford county , that ho celebrated bratod it In the old way. It cost hln $7.CO , and ho promised to leave town a once. Ttvo women quarrelling over a higli chair , have had their cases before almosl every tribunal in the city , it being dis missed every time , f.nd now it pops u ] before Judge Aylosworth. That chaii will cost the county about ? 50. It is said that novel arrangements an made to inaugurate the prohibitory lav at Mlndon. A largo number of kegs o boor are to bo placed in the main stroo at midnight , with a faucet in each , am all thrown open to the publio froo. John Johnson was brought before Justice tico Vaughnn yesterday on ohargo o ; boating Joseph Kirk out of a board bill. . Johnson's attorney filed a domurroi which was sustained , and Kirk afterward tried to got satisfaction in another way by slapping Johnson's faco. Kirk was then arrested and fined. Yesterday a young man named Kolloj was arrested for stealing a pair of glovei and a ring from a second hand dealer noai iho Northwestern depot. Instead of being ing cent across the elate ho got oil by fit teen days' imprisonment in jail , tin promise being made that at the end o : that time ho would okip the city. There was oomo sort of a neighborhood row on the bottoms between the Fitz Patricks and the MoLaughlins , and abou fifteen warrants issued for the nrrost o all in the households from the babies up , Each family wanted the ether put through , and hnally all were dischargee by Justice Vaughan on the promise tc quit quarrelling. It is said that Fairvlow cemetery , al though the sacred city of the dead , hai boon the ucono lately of a number of von indecent uots. Not content with stoalinj flowers from the graves , the vicious have boon indulging in lewd conduct there ono informant stating that at ono tinu there were five couples In the groundf acting very unseemly. It is. proposed tc now arrest any and all such parties ot sight. / The brother of E. P. Geiger was lien to-day , and Boomed very unlike the fath < or-iu-law , who would not otay oven tc tko poor fellow's funeral. The brothei seemed quito grateful for what the 0. A , R , boys hud done for the unfortunate , and said that in the fall ho shall remove the body oait , ho being a poor man and it being necessary first to sell his crop tc accuro the needed monoy. The paving on Main otroot is non completed to below the 0. B. it Q. do pot. The work of paving on Broadwaj will commence at Madison etroot and proceed west , just ON fast an the sewer , ago can bo got out of the way. The old i street railway track will bo used In ex tending the track up Broadway to near the old Babbitt place. The now flat rail will bo laid as far as Broadway Metho dist church. S. Hanson , of Norwalk township , was in the city yesterday and reported to TUB BEK the storm of Monday afternoon was a terror in that vicinity. There wai a high wind and the air was black mil dust. It rained for about ton minutot then it hailed for a half hour , breaking glass out of windows , aid cutting folingi badly for a Btrip of about a mile in width The atorni traveled from the north , go inKcouth and utruck therebetween Dtt : ( o'clock and 7 o'clock. The storm caused much damage Co hay and corn , Buslmoll tells railroad ticVota cheap tc fcjli points , SABIN'S ' SAY-SO. The School SflDerlnlcnilcnt of Clintoi Qiyos an inlereslins L'.clnre ' on "The Old anfl New , " Oilier Doings ot the Etlucfttlonn AflHoclntlon , The mooting of the southwestern low educational association continued yesterday day , and was qulto well attended. Tin principal fcaturo of the morning oessiei was the lecture delivered by Professo Sftbin , the superintendent of iho school at Clinton , Iowa , This Iccturo was t < have bcon given iho previous evening but on account of the severe stern it was postponed. The lecture re coivcd an attentive consideration and the theme was a very intcrcfltiiij ono , it being a comparison of the old education cation with the now. The speaker in hii introduction'prosontod an extended arraj of facto and iiguros allowing the wonder ful growth of this country , and its future posibilitics. From theao figures ho drew some very couiplimontary comparison * for Iowa. Ho touched upon the great influx of foreigners coming hero with the ideas and customs of the old world , and ho dwelt upon the difficulties of the problem of how those varied moasuroa could bo moulded , and the necessity for its solution. The free school system was ono of the most essen tial methods to bo used. In comparing the old and the now Mr. Sabiti presented such views as would bo expected from an old and very coneervntivn toachor. Heave > ave a passing fling at the present move x ) lessen the importance of the study of 3rook and Latin , and saw danger in what 10 termed to bo an aristocracy growing up composed of the higher educational natifutionn , as opposed to the free schools. Ho saw in the present , ns com- wired with the past , a demand for n prac- ical money-making education , whereas ho old-time education justly valued leani ng for loarning'a sake. Ho believed that .own should have Bomb wise compulsory educational law , as there are too many children idling away their days. To him it seemed that Iowa needed inoro reform schools , rather than moro normal schools. There should also bo laws by which every district chould bo com pelled to provide not only sohool accom modation , but ouch houses as would con form with sanitary laws , and that those should bo subject to oflicial inspection. Under the old education a distinction was made between work and play , but under the now this distinction wus being done away. The present system was too exclusively intellectual. II o saw in in dustrial education a possible way out of this diflioulty. lie touched up also the present urging of "natural'1 ' methods of teaching and of study. Ho gave some excellent suggestions as to reading , and the importance of teaching children not only what to road but how to road. There should also bo instruction given in all the schools as to the cilbcts of alcohol and of narcotics , and teachers should bo examined in the matters , and the consideration of those made a part of the convention and institute work. The schools were ono of the moans to strengthen up the morals of the rising generation. Among the other papers 'given was ono " Educational Literature " . on , by Supt. 3. E. Wilson , of Page county , and ono on "Rocoss , or No Recess , " by Mrs. 0. B. Stay t , of Afton. The afternoon's programme consisted of a paper by L. B. Avery , of Onawa , on "The High School ; " by W. M. Moore , of Mills county , on "School Room Econo my ; " and by Professor MoNaughton , of this city , on "Incidental Instruction. " Today's programme consists of : Paper. "Diacritical Marking in the Sentence and Word Methods in Primary Instruction , " by Mrs. J. F. Ware , Coun cil Bluffs. Paper "Natural Science in the Pub- lie Scholls , " Professor J. E. Tobb , Tabor College. Paper "What Inducements are offer ed to Men of Ability Permanently toEn- tor the Profession of Teaching ? " Presi dent F. L. Parks , Indianola , Iowa. ONHIS"MUSOLE , A Young Man's Ktporlonco at the Y. Bit O. A. Ilooms. To UioKditorof THKBKE. My early lifo was spent on n farm whore I had plenty of fresh air and was ongiged in out door work. There I enjoyed the best of health , hardlyknow what sickness meant , My shoulders were eriuaro and chest full , ray face was sunburnt and muscles hard. Three years ago I bade adieu to the old farm and wont to the city. Since that time my work has boon almost en tirely indoors. Bonding over writing d oaks for hours { at a time until I felt that i was growing weak , had not my old-tlmo health and vigor. I found that over-work , without proper exercise , was sapping my constitution , and I began to lonij once moro for the green hills ot the old farm. Tin other day a friend of mine said to mo , "Young man , yon need a courseot practical gymnaatio exorcise , " and suggested that 1 go up and look at : ho Y. M. 0. A. gymnasium , I listened to the advioo and at once lowk advantage of it. 1 was kindly wel comed by the young man who had charge of the institution , Ho showed mo through the whole suit of rooms. The reading room 1 found bright and cheerful md was well supplied with reading mat ter. Fromihis 1 was conducted through two neat liltlu rooms which I was told were to bo used for committees and cov- ning" classes , when wo came into an el egantly furnished parlor. Into this par lor young mim como in the evening and entertain each other in social conversa tion and playing harmless games. I was was very much pleased with the rooms and then I thought of the hundreds of young men living in our city like myself , in boarding houses who night avail themselves of the privileges icro offered , where they can iind neat ooins , reading matter and kind friend * to greet them. Every young man in our city should visit thcso rooms and learn 'or himself of the advantages thoro. I Had hoard of this auiwiaUou through the japora but hadn't much of an idea of the ork Hint was being quietly done there until I had visited and soon for inyeelf. From the social rooms I was next con- hictod into the physical department and hero I BOOH found the apparatus for the. lovelopmont of the body of which I was o much in need "Try all the fixtures said the young man and see what vou think of then , I mounted the her izontal bar where I spend some time ii turning , swinging , &o. Then I tcstei the parallel bars , next I battled with th striking bag , swung the Indian club one us d the dumb bolls ranging in weigh all the way from three to fifty pounds Tried the elegant chest machine an walked with my hands back and forth o Iho trianptlar ladder. I looked at th boxing gloves longingly and the youn man inked mo if I'd like to put them on I told him I would next time I came As wo were passing out I saw a fine pai of fencing foih and masks. I have mad up my mind to join that gymnasium an the association , and how much I wish a ; the sunken chest , round-shouldcrc young men of Council Blufls would d the same. The rooms are located at Ne 12 North Main street where young mo ; will always bo welcomed. Something For Nothing. Until further nolico wo give to cad twentieth customer his purchase , whatever over the price or value of the uamo ma ; bo. Our cashier will keep an accurat record of every transaction , and whoi the twentieth Bale of any amount is mad the purchaser will bo presented with th samo. Wo have adopted for the prcson this system of advertising because i gives our patrons instead of the news papers the five per cent , which it cos us. Clothing retailed at wholosal prices. Hats retailed at case prices Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , umbrol as , etc. , etc. Every twentieth customer presented with his purchase. MKTOALF Bnos. or N. C. Tobacoo fmest in thi land. COMMEKOIAIi. COUNCIL DLurrs MABKGT. Whoat-No. 1 milling 75@80 ; No. 3 GG@ rO ; rejected 50. Corn Local purposes , 40 ® 15. Oats For local purposes , 30@40. liny 310 00@11S 00 per ton ; baled. 50G < Kyo 40@15a. Corn Monl 1 30 per 100 pound * . Wood Good supply ; prices nt yardj , 6 00(8 ( 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft C 00 per ton Lard FalrbanU's , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LtVB STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 7B@4"2o. Butchoi steers 4 G0@0 00. Hogs 4 00@4 25. ruonuoE AND rnurra. Quotations by J , M. St. Jolm & Co. , com- mlfinion merchants , 538 Broadway. Live 1'oultry Chlckona , C@8c ; turkeys lOc. lOc.I'caches Inu. bcx , 1 00. Oranges 5 00@0 01) per box. Lemons 5 00@G 00 per box. Bananas 3 50@1 00 per bunch litittor Creamery i 20c ; rolls , choice 9@10c , Ejrgs 13o po * dozen. Cherries § li fiO per bushel. Vegetables I'otatoea , 3GO@1I > 0 ; onions 75c ; cnbbogo , 4 cents per pound ; npploi inno in market ; Beans , 3 50@2 25 poi juuhol. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. Special a vcrtlsomonts , HO aa Lost found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board , og , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column at the lo\ rate of TEN CENTS PEH LINE for the flrtt Inaortloi and FIVK CENTS I'Ell LINK for each subsequent E sortlon. Leave adtorttsemonta atouroffloo , No. Pearl Street , near JlroiJwav WANTS. . WANT tt. Flvo hundred pieces ot ( Jrstchw nccoiul lianil carpet and two hundred boatlni stores. . A. J. MANDKl , 3J6 Broadway f\I3) PAPERS For ealo at B office , at 25 cent \J a hundred. Every body In Council Bluffs to tak WANTED . Dollrerod by carrier at only twont oonti a week. PUNY PIOTURKS-Boys and plrla so to Barko' JL Kxcclslor Gallery , ICO Main Street , and get phc 'ographcd pu the Shetland pony's back. A GENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make RIB Xidosa wages by selling the "Champion Boson Btrccthor and ronlne Board. " Retails at 11.00 Any lady can do up * line Bblrt without a wrlnkl tnd gloss It as nlcolyaathobcstlaundrloscan.Addresi lorpaitlcularg 0. B. S. & L Co. , BBS. ollloe , ( or oni month. T. n. TATK. WAIHIEN WHITE 1 ! A-TE < Sc W JdLITIE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , I'ractlco In State and I'odoral Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Hooiu 0 , Schugart's liuildin , COUNCIL ULUia'-S , IOWA. ICE ! ICE I ! ICE ! ! For pure river lee patrocUo the blue wagong tat Isttctlon guaranteed. Leave orders at No. 45 Soutl Main street. Telephone No , 84. MULIIOlAAKI ) & KIOIIOLA8. ACOB SIMS. K. P. CADWKLL 8IWS& CADV/ELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Hhngurt & Mo lUhon'i Block. Will practice In BUto aud edert lourtj Mrs , HJ , HiltOff.M. D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Middle BroHlv y , council Blufla. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTIFIC ) AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFFS . . . . jotfA. Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complcto course for teachers and those desiring higher llncll'h txtucatlon , a ( ull buslucus course , ivlth traliilrg In octinl butlocis imctiro and geuer- oorropondvnro , ihort lianj , orniwental | < cnn au < ihlp , flocullon , German and music. Splendid rooms , arge , light and well furnished , charitc * > ery moder- kte , contof IhlngroanoiiaUe , society KOO < | , expert. meed teachers for further | rtlcnlir , Inimlru ol BKAUWL&Y & l'AUI.SON , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ROLLER RINK IOE OREAM PAtttOR. Faught by PROF. SOIINOOU Tuesday and Friday ovoninga from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. UINK VOH HUNT AT $16.00 1'EH NIOUT. EarLAHGCST FLOOR IN TOWN , P. H. MARTENS. Prop'r. K. Eice M. D. or other tumors rcmovoJ without thi knlia or ilnwlog a blood. DISEASES < "ynd.rou r. Uter lilrtyyeart iiractlcal experliuoe OUlce No I'nr Itrtet , Ouuucll Bluff * jTiTConculUtlca Iron New and Beautiful Attractions -X2XT- Dry Goods HARKN Having just purchased in Eastern Markets very cnoice stock oJ Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc. , we are prepared to ofler nn excellent selection o beautiful fabrics , and shall do so at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , and comprise the latest designs and novelties of the season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS wo are offering : K . Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. These are special bargains and cannot bo duplicated. Good black silk at 5 Oc , worth 75c Choice black Radzimor silk , 81.00 , usual price , $1.30. Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at $1.75 , worth $2.26. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinuo at 51.75. All grades of the fnmouf Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co. , and Antoine Guinet & Co. , at Lowest Prices. ' Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc. . Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table at 40c. Choice al linen table at GOc. Very fine all linen table at S1.50 , worth 82 50 Table crasli 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels at 12c each. , Good Bleached Muslin , ' 5c. Good unbleached muslin , Gc. A fine assortment of beautiful spring Shawls .it popular prices. Full stock ol Domestic Paper Patterns. OS Catalogues free. Prices reduced on Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets Moquettes , Axminsteis , &c. , to reduce stock. Call and get prices before elsewhere. elsewhere.Harkiress Brothers * 401 Broadway COUHCIL BLUFFS , WHOLESALE . . . Jl VTlllJLWJ. JJ JL * ll ii W * W ltft.WWJj.JJ COUNCIL BLUFFSl IOWA , jCTSpoclal attention to orders by mall. 4th of J AT WHOLESALE Our "Bee , " and "Eival" Cigars Speak for Themselves , WIRT & DUQUETTE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA OVCOIsTJESTO ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA ! LOWEST IUTE8. O "TTtT /r J PEARL STRECT. mar TERMS , u. VV , OC , ) council B\UBI \ , iow GRESTON HOUSE EVERVTHINa1R8TCLAS3. . Nos , 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS IOE OREAM. WATER ICES RESTAURANT AND CAFE T. to 3E = xtl3lio. Uroaduar , I J Ketli it kll Ilourt. Council BluffI P4rtle Bj > claltjr. H.H. HORNE & CO , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN m laars * & Wo rnftko a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA wid YARA 010ARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own nianufaoturo and warranted ns represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , H. H. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. IE. STOOIKIIERT & CO MANUFACTURERS or CARPETS , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURE3 , and RUPAIRINQ . vrxcl NO. 309 BROADWAY - .A spcc.lalty' . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SMITH &TOMJEB , Afits , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. IV , urtalns , in Lace , f lib , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths.iMattlngs , Linoleums Eto hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all Roods in our line , hcapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the City. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care iETSOME OF Feifcct Fitting , Best and Cheapest. Pine Linen Collars and Caffa. No : 71 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. Furniture and , appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff Waves 95c , Ooquetts 25c each..Switches $1 to $20each , Hair ornaments at OUST. All kinds of hair w&rk promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' comhinsa f at 50c per inch , - if ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. d GOOD 29 Main MRS , S. J. NOBRIS , 105 Main St.j 50i Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OP , VALIdkb , ANU CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed WHOLESALE DEALE.US IN HATSOAFS BUCKGLOYESJ and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and AND WOOD , DDI.K AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OE1IENT , UICmOAN PLASTEK.tl AIR J o , 030 Broadway , - ANDBEWKlll'H'K. . . . , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ventilated Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LACE , Only Seventy - Five Gents J 3oquotts , 12Ac each. Switches , ( all long hnir ) § 2,00 $4.00 , $8 , < JF and upwards. Hair Ornaments Given Away. MBS. B. A. BENEDICT , S'o. 837 Broadway Council Blusj UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! ! ] Italic Caste and V/oodln / Coffins of all Kinds * / CELEQRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY A1VENDED TO. OPEN DAY ANDWGl { | 3XTo. 1 3XT. ixxoiX 331ix TtJ. TLr * KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY" 220 South Mmn Streo , Countil Bluffs , Town. Wo guarantee our work n ( irat-clau in over manner and style at low P . . _ iVo make a npecialty of Gtoupcs , Fuiniliea. and especially children , wlb'j ] vc take quicker than a wink. COME AND SBK US. ( f SCHMIDT & RILEY proprietorLi E U.I I C : 0 : M 12 : 10 : 8 : 6 : D : Oil 7 : : 0S 4:6 : 6 ? I'M 8:0 : 7 : * Ul : Ix 8:30 : te 1 1N 0 ] GAI 3 = TV/ Ir Cre