Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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end Liver DUcura ,
, Oravelimd ne tent Ion ot
| ' It cmrM BUloutnow , Headache , Jaundloo. Oonr
> Stomach , Dyvpepsla , Constipation nnd Moo. f/
ad curca Intompcronoe , Nerrou * Dlaomaos ,
O ncral Debility. Eiccssoa and
It restorca the KlUNnYS , LTVEH and DOW.
ELS , to a healthy octlon and CUUE3 when all
ctherjaodlclncsmil. Iluntlredshavobccunivcd
who have been clvca up todla
1'rlcctl.SS. SonaforniUBtratojrorapUotto
.HUM'S RKMEDY CO. , 1'rotldcncc , It. I.
c soi.n IJY AM ,
"Kldnc7-Wort la the most aucoeuftil remedy
I over used. " Dr. r.c.Bollou.Monkton.Vt.
"Kldney-Wort la lwaya reliable. "
Dr. B. N. Clark , So. Hero. Vt.
"Kidney-Wort baa cured my w Ifo after two yoara
aufltrlnc. " Dr. C. M. Summorlln , Sun Hill , Oa.
U baa cured where all el o had failed. It la mild ,
but efficient. CEISTAUI IJf ITS ACTION' , but
harmlcoa in aU oases.
tSTIt cleunira the Blood nn l Strcnethena and
Circa New Life to all the important orcana of
the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is
restored. The IJvcr la cleansed of alldlseuo ,
and the Bowels move freely and healthfully.
In this way the worst diseases are eradicated
from the cystom.
rmcE , ti.oo rjQcm on onr ,
Dry can bo sent by mall.
WELLS , RICHARnsO.V ACO.nurllnclon Vt.
Coal Kline Companies , Trnv'ft iiinnouroiiiri
nnd Jlcnnscrlcs. and others Tiandtlng atoct
Ivlth perfect 4UCCCSO. .
llumplircya' Veterinary Mnnnnl , CM ) PP.
lent tree by mall on receipt of price. ) cents
Siri'nmphlcls sent frco on nppllcotlon
109 Fulton Street. Kcw YoiK. '
Vital Weakness and Pro *
tratlon from overwork : or
iiUlEribftTUIP 1 Is i radically
I cured by It.
Been In uio SO yenrs , ?
la HID mot BuiiessOF Lull III l Ui iva
f ul remctly known. Trice t\ per vfcl , or a vials < nS
liiriw vl l o' powder for tl. sent post f roe on r
c llit of price. IllitnphrryV llnmro. Mrd. ( 'o ,
lUiut , Cutulosuo free , J 1(19 fultan tj t. . JY. Y .
In another column will bo found the
nouncoment of Messrs.TUOS. COOK&SON
Tourist Agents , 201 Broadwny , Now York ,
relative to tbo vorr complete arrangcmonfcj
they have mndo for tours in Kurops the
coming Sprinp nnd Summer. "Cook's Excur
sionist , " containing map * and lull particular * ,
will lie mailed to any address on receipt of 10
© X
Miracles of Jloallt/n / Unparalleled in
Medical History.
"I have been afflicted for twenty jears with an
oHtlnito skin dUiasc , calloJI by bomo il. D.B 1'icr-
la&U.and others , leprosy , oommonehu on my scalp ,
and In ijpltoof all I could do , with the help of the
meet rullful doctors , it elowly but surely extended ;
until a jear no Ill's ' winter It covered my oiitlro per
son Inform of dry ecaloa. For the bit three years I
have been uiniLle to do any labor , and suffering In
tensely all tha tlnio Kvcry morning there could bo
nearly a dusipantul of scales taken from the sheet on
my bed , sumo ul thorn half as lario an tbo envelops
" "f llll'itf ' thl > letter. In the Utter part of winter ,
/my bkiiicomme'nct.dcracking open , I tried every-
thins , almost thit could bo thought of without any
relief. The 12lh of Juoe I started West , In hopes I
could ri'ich thu Hot Springs. I rcacbed Detroit and
\vai BO low thought 1 tihould have to fro to the hos-
pltil but finally ( rot as far as Lanelnff , MI"h. , vthero
1 hid a olntcr llvlnu. Ono Ur. Ircatcl mo about
two weeks , but did mo no pooj. All thought I had
but a short tine to live. I earnestly pra } ud to die.
Cracked through the skin all over my back , across
my > ll > 9 , aams. bands , limbs , feet badly swollun , toenails -
nails came off , Hnfrernalls dead and bard as hone , hair
deaddry , and llfclevsas old strav. O , my Qodl how
I did sutler.
"My sister bad a small part of a box of Cut'cnra ' In
the house. She woulden't give up ; said , 'we will
tryCutlcura. 8 me was applied on one hand and
arm. Eureka ! there was rullet ; stopped the terrible
burnlop sensation from the word go. They Immed
iately got the CutlcuraHeiolvent Cutloura and CutU
curaSoap I commenced by taking one tablespoonful -
ful of Ke olvcntthrce times a day , after meals : had
a bath onoe a day , * ater about blood beat , lined Cut I-
curaBatp freely ; appllej Cutlcura morning and even.
Ilag . Result , mturued to mi home In lust six weeks
1 from tlmo I left , aud my skin a smooth as this sheet
I of paper. IIIHAM K. CAIll'KNTEll ,
Jlenderson , Jcfforson County , N Y.
"H orn to before me this nineteenth day of Jan
uary , 1830. "A. M , LKmNCIWEr.T. ,
Juttlea of the I'foco. "
Cutlcura Retohent , the now blood purser , Inter ,
nally , and Cutlcura , and Cutlcura Heap , the tjroit
kin cures , cstcrnslly , clear ths Comrleslou , cloariie
> the Skin and So'lp , and purify the Illood of utery
\ ipeclea of Itching , Bcaly , I'lmplj , Scrofulous. Men.u-
; la ) , and Cinceroui Jliiorom , and Bklu Torture *
I hen phjslclnus , hnepltaU , and all other means fall.
' Jold everywhere.
( Potter DrUK and Chemical Co. , Boeton ,
? A TTTTT" F ° r Itnnirli , Chapnod and Ol'y '
JJiAU JL X. skin IlKckbeadi.andBklnlilem
/'q April , May and June , mi. I'ASSAQB TICKE1H
r V aft ATLANTIC BTKAMKU3. Special facWtle * icr
raveltnln EUROl'E , by a't routes , at reduced nUi.
COOK'H EXCUltSIONIST , with mara and Jull par
articulara , by roatl 10 cento. A'lJroM
TU08. CITS & hOK , ' .IB y adwa ,
iTo those suflerlnefrom tn
f IT1MI1BUUC ± i ap..u.aK
" " " "
Va"lo. "uoodTetc. 1 willeerul roa utrtlcnlsrs of
Jmplo and certain inrtni ! of f > ' e-im. frsoolo iarr
-J . .w
Preside Hnrphy Anoints Clark
Woodman Member of Board of
PnWic Works ,
Two Koports by the Committee on
the Farnam Street Gutter
Or own !
Tlio Matter to bo Disposed of by tlio
1'roportj BOvrncre ,
At the regular mooting of the city
council last evening roll call found
members Anderson , Bcohol , Bohm , Ford ,
Furay , Hascall , Knufnnnn , Hodfiold ,
Woodworth and Murphy prosont. The
journal of the previous meeting was road
and approved.
From acting mayor , giving notice- that
ho had approved the Hconso money or
dinance. Filed.
From oamo , appointing Clixrk Wood
man member of the board of public
works , vice Joseph Barkoro term expir
ed. Confirmed.
From city treasurer , stating what had
boon done by him in the matter of the
tender of damages arising from the ex
tension of a branch of north Omaha BOW-
or. " Filod.
From gas company , giving statement of
now and lighted lamps for the month of
Juno. Iloforrcd.
From sity treasurer , giving statement
of taxes paid under protest. Filod.
From the same , stating that for the dis
trict paving bonds of districts No. G , 7 , 8 2
and 3 , to the amount of $7,000 , the
board of education had made a bid at
par. Accoptod.
From 0. F. Goodman and others , re
questing that the Omaha & Southwestern
railway bo required to cross Tenth and
Eleventh states at thogradoof the Union
Pacific , Referred.
From the Barber Asj halt company ,
asking the co-operation of the council
and board of public works to cause the
street car company to lay its track on
North Thirteenth and Curaing streets ,
[ loforred.
From commission appointo d to as
BOSS damages resulting from change of
jrado of St. Mary's avenue , reporting
.hat . there is'no damage. Approved.
From J. H. Butler , stating-that ho had
iroparod a plan for a hose house on
Dlovonlh and Dorcas streets. The pro
> osed building is 3 IxGG. Referred to
city engineer to proceed with its erection.
The bond of Policeman Kuboc waffap-
From William H. Ijams stating Chris-
ian Anderson had recovered a judgment
igainst the city for § 250 and costs. To
: o paid out of the judgment fund.
From A. D. Jones , calling attention to
ho dangerous condition of the bell tower
n engine house No. 3. Referred.
The plata of Hillside additions Kos. 1 ,
2 and 3 , were referred.
From city treasurer stating F. G. Ur-
au had boon assessed twice on the same
iroperty for tho" current year , and that
Jrlau wished the tax cancelled. Re-
From 0. H. Frederick and others , pro-
esting against the establishment of the
rado of alloy in block G , Kountzo and
luth'fl addition. Referred.
Thegbonds of Patrick Morns , James
Duffy , 0. F. Williams , A. W. Oloson And
quires Morrison and Kent , grading con
tactors , wore approved.
From James Croighton presenting ap-
iroved estimate of the city engineer.
From the same , presenting the final
stimato of the curbing and guttering
[ one by B. Molquist & Co. Approved.
The proposals for the city printing by
, ho BEE , Republican , llcrald and
Dispatch , were road and roforred.
By Kaullman , that the committee on
viaducts interview Charles Francis Ad
ams regarding the constriction of a vla-
[ uct on Eleventh street , at 3 p. in.
Thursday. Adopted.
By Anderson , that n gas lamp bo
iroctod in front of tlio Gorman Presby-
orian church. Referred.
By Bochol , that the two rooms of the
nayor's oflicos bo vacated , anil one
icroaftor bo occupied by the acting
mayor , and the eocond by the chief of
ho tire department. Adopted.
By Ford , that the city marshal bo
nstructod to remove all houses of pros-
itution within two blocks of any public
chool house in the city of Omaha.
By Woodworth , that the board of
lublic works advertise for $1,000 worth
if grading on Ed. Oroighton avonuo.
By Behra , that the board of public
vorka cause the work on St. Mary's
venue to bo done as soon as possible.
Finance and Claims Recommending
liat the reports of the board of educa-
Ion and the public library board to the
ouncil bo placed on file. Filod.
Streets and Grades Recommending
hat the city engineer bo instructed to
urvoy and report proGlo for the rado of
saac's street from Coburn to Farnam.
Public Property and Improvements
lecommonding that the petition of the
Womaus' Chrintian Aid Society bo placed
on ( ilo , Filod.
The contract of A. R. IIool for clean-
tig the streets was approved.
Paving , Curbing and Guttering on the
niaunderstanding between some of the
members of the board of public works ,
wo reports were made , the majority rec
ommending that the matter bo referred
back to the council , and signed by Red-
field and Woodworth ; the minority re
port , signed by Fred Bohm , recommend
ing the plan suggested by Engineer Rote-
water , bo adopted , ai ho is responsible
for the proper formation of the grade of
streets , Laid over.
By KaufTman , making a levy of taxes
for the year 1881. Passed.
By fluscall , extending Jcflorzon street
north to Cats. Passed.
By Turay , creating sewer districts 20
and 21 in the city of Omaha. Road
twice and referred.
An ordinance declaring the width of
TVotitieth street , between Farnam and
D S" s'oets , and esubl's'- ' "j its curb
lines. Read twice , and referred to committee
mittoo on streets and grades.
An ordinance , changing the grade o
St. Mary's avenue from Seventeenth t
Nineteenth , and of Eighteenth from SI
Mary's to Jackson stroot.
An ordinance regulating telephone exchanges
changes and telephone wires in the cit ;
of Omaha. Road twice and referred.
The council then adjourned.
The Uonril of Public Works Awim
Contracts lor Gnullng Twenty.
Four Streets ,
At the joint mooting of the state
boards of agriculture and horticulture
with Governor D.wos , in ] the Paxtoi
hotel last evening , to rniao funds to have
Nebraska properly represented at the
world's exhibition in Now Orleans nox
winter. Both boards were well repre
sented. Of the atnto board of agriculture
J. B. Diusmoor , president ; R. Daniel ,
first vice-president ; Chris. Hartman ,
treasurer ; Ilobort W. Furnas , secretary
William R. Bowen , general suporin-
toudont of gates and tickets , as also S.
M. Barker , Ed. Mclntyro , W. B. White.
J. Jcnuon and L. A. Ksnt , of the board
of managers , were present.
Of the Horticultural socinty , Samuel
Barnard , president , J. II. Masters , first
vice president , and W. H. Dillor of the
board of directors.
Governor Dawca presented the matter
of Nebraska's representation nt the
World's exposition at Now Orleans.
This representation was strongly urged by
iho Governor , and was concurred in by
every inombor of either board present
and several of Nebraska's prominent citi
zens who were present strongly favored
the project.
The question of 'raising tlio $5,000 nec
essary to secure the contingent $5,000
promised by the exposition , was next
discussed. Ex-Gov. Furnaa stated the
exposition would givp Nebraska $5,000
to-aid her in her exhibits , provided the
state would raise $5,000 , or more , The
Horticultural society agreed to loan
thostato commission $1,000 , and the
agricultural society did the same. The
officers and members of tlio five boards
present and several prominent Nebraskans -
kans then executed , their two individual
notes headed by Gov. Dawcs and J. B.
Dinsmoor , for 81,500 each , thus raising
the $3,000 balance , and enabling Neb
raska to tuako a first-class showing at
this great exposition.
President Dinampor stated the result
of his conference with the various rail
roads in Iowa. The 0. B. & Q. will soil
excursion tickets at 11-5 faro for the
round trip. The 0. II. I. & P. vrill
charge two cents per mile. It was
thought the other lines would give the
same rates as the 0. B.'tfc Q. This road
will charge full freight to Omaha and
will return it to its destination free.
The president reported that E. P.
Davis had boon given the booth privili-
gcsfor § 1,000 , and the award was con
curred in by the society.
After the transaction of business of
minor importance the board adjourned to
10 o'clock ; this morning , to dispose of
matters relating to the atato fair.
They IKalso [ $5OOO to Ent'tlo Tholr
State to bo Represented nt
Now Orleans.
The board of public works , after duo
consideration nnd calculation in the matter -
tor of bids received last Saturday evening
for grading twenty-four streets and parts
of streets in this city , decided to award
the bolovr named contracts to the parties
mentioned. The contracts and bonds
were presented to the council at its regu
lar session last evening , and were ap
Below are the names of the successful
bidders , the streets to bo graded and the
price per cubic yard for removing the
Contractor. Street Per cubic ynnl
Tamoa Dully , Willlarna , 18 cents
" Vlnton "
, 17
" Hickory , 21J "
" Arbor. ] li "
I'at. Moore , South 17th , lit "
" Clark , I0 ! "
Squires & Co. , South 18tb , ail "
" South 1'Jtli , 214 "
" ' ' "
" Leavenw'th from
12th to UOtli , 22
" ISth to city Urn 23 :
Timothy Ryan , 20lh ,
li'nnmin ,
" North 18th ,
C. P. WlHlnmH , Izwpl ,
" WliPiUon , IHY
" Division "
, 1M
" North 17th , 1U } "
" North 18th , W "
" Contri ; , 10 ! "
" Montana "
, lltj
" Alley in bl 101 , 23 "
A. W. Oloson , Wedge , 1(5 ( "
City Engineer Jlosowntcr on the basis
of twenty cents per cubis yard estimated
the aggregate cost of these twenty-four
contracts at $120,000 , but the actual ex
pense will fall a little below. The con
tracts provide the dirt shall bo hauled to
any place not moro than DOO foot from
where the earth is excavated , and for every
additional 100 feet ono cent per cubic yard
shall bo added.
A Youne Gorman Cfonfldoncod Out of
$ ! Jl ) by an $ IHOO Oncolr.
Fred Morclm , a youthful Gorman , of
Cedar Rapids , Iowa , arrived in Omaha
yoatordny morning. Young Morcha wan
on hia way west ta take up the Ufa of a
cowboy on aomo of the western ranges.
Ilo mot on Tenth street , Boon after ho
had loft the depot , a > young man who told
him ho owned n range , and engaged the
services of the Toulon. Morcha who was
on his way up town after a cheap meal
was persuaded to retrace his stops fiouth
past the dopot. Hero the stranger mot
his confederate and the conspirators suc
ceeded in corifidcncing Morclm out of
$30 , all ho had. To secure the loan the
youthful Gorman was given n chock for
$ lt800)on ) the Prario } Loan nndjTrust com
pany of Logan , 111 , , and signed N. T.
Winchon , Kinchor. .Morcha then parted
from his comrads to moot them again at
the Millard hotel. Becoming weary from
waiting ho told his groviancen to an cili
ce r , but the conflduntcH had sometime "be
fore placed the Missouri river between
themselves and danger.
A Bt. Jjoulw
Hr , LOUIH , July I Gainall d. Co. , manu
facturers of picUlen , jellltHitc. hnvo iMigned
ta John T. Uuuuvna for thu benulit of
Tha llal'tlltluj are rojioited at
Rnlacd to $ 100.
Jerome Pontzoll received ft tolcgran
yesterday from Walter V. Iloyt , chief o
thofiro department of Santa Fo , Nou
Mexico , stAtiug that Iho ptizo in th
froo-for-nll had boon raised to $400
The tournament will bo held July Oth
10th , and llth. The John M , Thurs
tons , of this city , for whom the priz
has been raised , have not 03 yet decide *
what to do in the promises.
Sulclilcil Among Strangers.
The following tclogrnm was rocoivot
at Tin : VEF. ofllco last evening :
HELENA , Mont , , Julv 1. G. W. Dean , o
Omaha , aulciiloil nt the IntornatlonM liotc
tliia morninp , with morphine. Ho loft A note
saying nobotiy was to blame , boAS tlrcil o
Diligent search about the town at a late
liour last night , failed to find any ono
who had known the deceased in Omaha
Street 1'roporty Owners.
You are hereby requested to moot will
the city council in the city hall at 8
o'clock this evening to decide upon the
brm of crown and gutter for the pave
ment of Farnam street. „ , . t 10
J" . J , L' 0. JRWBTP ,
t _ City Olork.
Now York oniclnls UnonrlH Another
orihOHO Horrors , H
Yonic , July 1. Another baliy farming
sUblishment hn9 boon dlniovcrod hero. Tlio
loputy coroner made an investigation of the
aso of the dontli of A child there , nnd g.\id it
vn3 n Romiino case of bnby fnrniinp. St. Vln-
cut ilcl'nul Nursery is tno nnino ( ivcn. It is
copt by n colored woman untncd Alary Jose-
> hmo ward. The child , Jcscpliino Crop' * ,
, -us fearfully oinniicintod , iJmost n skeleton ,
trg. Wnrd oxplnincd Unit the child hnd been
) oni prematurely nnd that its mother wonicd
: o havubecn tha victim of malpractice. Two
octors were the ndviacru of tlio nursery anil
mother iloctor was its president. Vomon
reiuently | go to this nnrsury to bo confined.
The Wnbash ManuKorslitp.
ST. Louis. July 1 , 0. IL Clmtipoll , of the
/hicngo k Alton , who wan offered the
nanaRorahip of tlio Wabash tnilrond , has do-
lined the position.
loivn II o.i els OoiiBOIIdntc ,
DBS MOINKS , July 1. The llcRlstor will
ivo full details to-iuorrow morning of 'thu
oiiHoliJaUon of the WJHConsin , Town & Neb-
taka and the DCH i\oincs \ , Oscooln & South-
rn railroads , with li. L. Hnrdlntr , of this
iy , as general manapfor of the ontlro HVBtpin ,
ith headquarters hero. The D M. O. & S.
md will bo made n slumlord gunga and ex-
ctiilod t St. Joseph , Mo , The work \\ill bo
ontlnucd both north and nontli.
The Sunclny Iiaxv in Milwaukee ,
MIIWAUKBV , July 1. The Citizens' Loagno
ecidod to nttomut the enforcement of the
undny law , which domnnds that all enloons
> a cloned on that day. The move will necoa-
arily Include n dozen largo parkti uudor tha
manngomont of lending broworlosand thoGor-
ians will reniflt the move , together with 10,003
nloon koopora noxv llooneed. The law Ima
leretoforo been disref Jinlod , every form of
imor intoreat ruunlng wide open. The first
nd test caao will bo that of a saloon called
10 ' 'Y. M. C. A. " which opened last week ,
ext door to the Young Men's Christian As-
oclntton and took that name. The nnnocia-
oii'incmboiH were strenuous In opposition to
muting a lleonso to this saloon , but the couu-
1 Bided with the saloon keeper.
Eastern ( Montana Indians tprouV > lc-
MILES Cut , Montana , July 1 , The com-
nittco appointed by the citizaus of eastern
Ion tana , to-day , telegraphed Secretary Teller
rging the immediate removal of the northern
lioj'enno Indians , now on the Tongue and
.oselmd. There are now moro than nine
iiiodred without rations t.trvlng , with noth-
ig to subsist on except iitingo cattle , which
ley nro kllliug in Jargo numbers. The stockmen -
men will mnko armed resistance if ttioynra
ot removed The rotult will bo serious
rouble with the Indiana , who are Independent
nd ugly. The Indians are renegades from
* ino lUcIgp , and have no atroncy or agent hero ,
'he situation is serious.
AGlrl OtitrnKOd on Now York StrcotH.
NEW Yonic , July 1. Miss Lizzie Koinn ,
iB ing thr6ugh east 2 ith street to-night
jout 10 o'clock , was seized by two 'colored
men and dragged into n stable yard and out-
aged. She struggled and fought desperately ,
int In vain. Thu sconndreln were about to
ecapu when the girl toro the bandage from
icr mouth nnd raifcd an outcry which
irought assistance. Ono of the men wan
npturod and gave the mimu of Charles
alriBon , but the other go to If. Miss Kemp
as taken to the hospital , whereulie lieu in n
ritical condlton.
July 1. Tlio secretary of the
ntoriiir hxs received letters from cattle men
; Iodgo City , Knn a , complnining that the
'horohoo cjtrck nmociatiou , who have loaned a
.tip of land in Indian Territory , trnvoraod by
10 estublislud cattle trail hetwi'on TexiiH and
"nii.'fiH , have cloned the trails with wird feno-
, nnd offcrntl iinncd roM'ntanco to the pro-
; resa of cattle droviH. The Hocrotary hai in-
'tructoil ' In 9 ] > oc tor Jloncilict to go ininicdlaUi-
y to the region of ( he distinbunce and taliu
ctive moasuroi to open and to keep open all
Htubllehed cuttle trallH.
A Itrokon Jlrldco on the O. I ) , &K. O ,
KKOKUIC , Ju'y 1. In a wreck of n coimtrnc-
on train on the Chicngi , liurlliigton & Run-
IH City railway by fulling through Grand
ver biidgo last nipht , from twenty to twenty-
vo men were precipitated Into the stniam , the
all being from forty to lifty feet , nnd from ten
.0 fifteen men were moro or IOHH Injured. Sov-
rnl of these may dou ! J'Vod ' Young , of Mi
an , Mo , , nnd John Jiogan , of Sunnier were
tilled , audit in reported that threu other
jodies were taken from the wreck by divers at
vork to-duv.
The IVonthor To-IJny.
.WASIIIKUTO.V , July 1. For the Upper Mis.
ssippi vnlloys Fair , followed by partly
oii.'y weather , local ralni , variabl
lifting to oust and smith , slightly warmer iu
iu northern part , and stationary temperature
n the Himthern part ,
For thu Miunourl valley : Partly cloudy ,
ocal'dhowen , southerly winds , slight rise In
ornperature in the northern part , stationary
n tile southern part.
The CoiiHorvatlvo Policy.
IXJNDOS , July 1. The couservatlvo m ot-
ng at rialijbnry'H unanimously decided to
npport Carnarvon's motion cnniuting the
; ovornmout'd ICgyptlan policy. Tbo qnoBtlon
; taking a division on the motion will depend
lo-vever on Grnuvillo'd reply The jiollcy to
io pursued towards the franchise bill was loft
o party leaders.
Cr-Hpcakcr JMIIIOH W. Hunted , or the
Mow York
"You did not go lo Florida for your
ough and cold , as you proposed ! "
"Not I found the necessary ozone
nd plno aroma in four Allcock's Porous
Masters , two on my back and two on my
liest. I was quickly cured ; they proved
i perfect shield uguinst pneumonia.
'hcso plasters also cured my son of rhou-
mtism in thu shoulder , which for months
clied medical skill. I huvo found thorn
ory quick to euro and absolutely pain-
csi. Ii | bruiina no oxtenial remedies
can bo moro cilectivo. "
"Allcock's" h the only gonuinpVorous
Plaster ; buy no other nud you will not bo
Horsford'H Acid riiosplmtc ,
A valuable llomcdy for Q ravel.
Dr. T. II. NKWLANI > , Jr. . St. Louis
Mo. , says : "I have used it in diseases o
the urinary organs , euch as gravel , am
particularly spormatorrha a , with vor ;
good result , nud think it very valunbl
remedy iu those diseases. "
Matrimony In Illinois.
Chicago husband "I am shocked , in ;
dear , that you should waltz with tha
stranger ; the idea of allowing n man yen
never saw before to put his arm aroum
you in that stylo. "
Wife "I should not have done it , love
only I found after n few momenta convor
Ration that I formerly know him. "
"Yes ; ho ia ono of my early hus
bnnds- "
"Mono In . " "A
ana corpora unno. nonnt
mind in n .sound body" is the trade mark o
Allen's Drain Food , nnd wo nature our reader
that , if dissatisfied with either woaknns.1 o
Brain or bodily powers , this remedy w 111 pc
mnnontly strengthen both , 81. At dm )
L'iNKHAM llAMSAT Tuesday evening , Jnn
"I ) at the panonngo , by Uov. J. J , Itounnrr
pnBtor of the Kloventh street North DaptU
church , Mr. Frank 0. 1'inkhnm and Mln
Knto C. llamsay , both of New York city.
To the nonla ( the
tiurldt , coinmcrcl.a
trnclcr nnilnow irt
tlfr , Itosletlrr'sStj
much Hitter * laircit |
Hath mhptoJ , slnc
It ttroiiKllicn * the
illKP tl\imri ; ri"iin (
brnwa the jilijoira
( ul lilliicncoi. Itro
nun cs ninl ( ircvoiils
malarial lover , con.
1 ) sH'i. | | l ,
healthfully ttimti *
1'l.nlilor ' ninl enriches
\\ollanimrinra the
blood. When DMT-
o o in o by fatigue ,
whether mental or
nlijtiioul , the \vrnty
tul ilobllltatotl find
t a tollable ponrro of renew eJ strength and romfott ,
V'orsalo by lliltiiKK'l ts and dcalora generally.
ro the changes that , in n few years , have
taken place iu the manufacture of
Improvement nftor improvement hoa
x boon made , until to-day the clothing
offered by Sohlank it Prince , 1210
Farnam street , is equal in every
roapoct to the beat '
Custom Work !
Vhilo at the Bamo time the lownosa of
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle ia no leas aatoniah-
iui7 than the
Perfection of Fit !
210 Farnam Street , 1210
find radical euro by my
I method , bused on recent HCI-
Icntific researches , even in Iho
uioat desperate cases without
nny trouble to the functions.
i F euro equnlly the sad con-
| conscquonclB ! o the sins o
lyoulh , nervousncsa nnd im-
Frtyor to send the Exact description of the Hlckncs ! .
Member of SovorarSciontilio Sociotioa.
0 , Vlnoo do Itt Nation 0 , PAKlS.
mio wod&sat
When 1 my mm mriiimnf niu rnyln ioiiiu u > io
itlmonniltlieiilnvotliimruiMrn " ' " *
calcuro. I Imvn nmito tlio illMiua of
. ' ' uily.
( "roedto euro Iho wont ru.o. . Ilicnuw " " ' " ' ' '
fiillcxj is no romnn for Hoi now roc lrlue cur * . IHB4 W
3 : M'&ris wssysA
j JEW fflaCTiWuiBu xwwm.
Science of Life , Only $1,00 ,
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline ID Man. Errors of Youth , an the
untold miseries esultlng from Indlscietlnns or ex
cesses. A book for every man , young , mlddls-sged ,
and old , H contains 125 prescriptions for all acute
and chronic diseases each one of which Is Invaluable
Bo found by the Author , whose experience for 23
fears Is such as probably never befoie fell to the let
of any physio an 200 pages , bound In beautlfn
French musllo m oossed covers , full gilt , guaranteed
o be a Oner work n every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country for f2.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance , I'rlceonly (1.00 by moll , pott-
paid. Illustrative sample 6 oents. Rend now. Oo d
medal awarded tbo author br the National Medical
Association , iu the officers oi which he refers.
The Hcleuso of Life should be read by tbe young
Instruction , and by the atfflotod foi relief. It
will benefit alt London Lancet.
There Is no member ot society to whom The Bol-
coco of Life Hill not be useful , whether youth , par
ent , miardUn , Initruotoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabodr Medical Institute , or Vt. Vt.
0. 1'arkpr , No. t Bulflnch Btreel , Ikmton Mass. , who
may Do consulted on all diseases reiUlr'lg | skill and
nxpeilenco. unronloaridobutluatedlseai is that have
baffled the skill of all other phyi-IIPa I dans
a specialty ) Uacb Heated uonowntmfully
without an Instance failure.
S , H , ATWOOD ,
Plnttsmoutli , - ' - - - Nob.
uo 8or TiiocouautBiu KD man OBAUI
t3f\Wjl ( teal : for lalv. C3ir:5pondcnol ! tf'
The Largest Stock in Omaha andlMakes tlio Lowest Prices *
J" l rooolvod an assortment far surpassing anything In this market , comprising
the latest and most tasty doalgna manufacturodgfor this spring's trade and covorir/
n range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now rendy for tlio inspection of cus- Complete stock of nil the latest
tomevfl , the nowcab novelties iu styles iu Turcoman , Madras and
Suits mid Odd Pieces. Lnco Curtnins , Etc. , Etc.
Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
1206,1208 and 1210 Fnrnnm Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB ,
J. H. MILLAED , President. WM. "WALLACE , Casino * .
Capital and Surplus. S45O.OOO.
Fire and Burolar Proof Safes for Rent at f m $5 to $50 per annum.
1/1 „ UD
03 A _ T ta to g a" s f s
S J3 El * " " o
8 rt rt o .9 = 3 } -S c3 02 K C §
3 K ! -g ta p g D
s M r/ >
409 and 1411 Dodge St. , \ } , Omaha
) ormor Wlndoua , riulali , Window Onpn.Iron Cresting , Jlrtalllo filiy-llRhtu , &o , Tin , Iron and SUto Itcof.
oru , S10 South mil fitted , OmMia , Nebraika.
0 * . A. , !
1206 Farnam Street , Omalia'Neb ,
Stylish Suitings in florksorews , Worsteds and Oheviots
tSF"Au inspection of our Goods and Prices , tolls tlio story. cj2 2
< U19and llftO Uaruty Btreol and 103 0. 18th6Uro ! l , | I
nitrate < l Otltlaru ) faittlrtil fr uooi - - - " - -