The Nebraska National Bank OP OMAHA , NEB. raid up $200,000 surplna Fund , NOT. IB tt 18.000 DtnKCTons. H. W. YATE3 , President , for many years Cashier of the Pint NntlonM Bank of Omaha. A , K. TOU55ALIN , Vlco President , Boston , W V. MOUSE , of W , V. Mono & Co. JOHN S , COLLINS , of O. II. & J , a Col' ins , J. M. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor auditor- noy at Law. L. S , HEED , of Byron Kood & Co. K K. IIAYDEN , Assistant Cashier. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 ( 1882. ITS DIRKOTOHS AND STOCKHOLM EIIS nro Among the loading business of Omn. ha , and Its business Is conducted wtthospoclnl ra/oronco / to tlio best and Increasing interests Its tnorcautilo patrons. COLLECTIONS rocolvo special attention nnd chargoa lowest obtainable hero or else > rrhoro. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon nvorablo terms and upon accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and(0ounty ( and Clt ysecurities bought and sold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANOIA.IJ NEW YORKJuly 1. Money Easy at 2@3 ; closed offered ! . Prlmo paper B@C percent. Sterling 13ills-Quiot nt 482 ; ' demand 481. Governments Strong and in demand. Ilailways l irm. Stocks Opened barely steady , soon declined 4@ljc on tlio fear that some railroad compnn- ics would default on interest payments. When it became known that the Northern Pacific and other companies wcro mealing their in terest charges promptly and that the Denver & IliolGrando was thb.only roadof importune which had defaulted , a buoyant fooling pre vailed , The fact that the Wnbash receivers were paying interest on a larger number o bonds than expectotl , also had .1 favorable of feet. Considerable stock was taken for loii | account. Prices rose i@4J per cent. Then wcro reactions nt Intervals , but each dcclin brought in now buying orders , The niarke closed strong compared with last night. Tin closing prices are 4 < s)4J ) higher except Nev Jersey Central , which is lower. OODEONO 8's . 100 4Vs Coupons . 111 U. S. now , Vi . 118 Pacific 6 a of ' 95 . 123 STOCKS AND BONDS. ) American Express . . 87 BnrL , Cedar Itapids & Northern . E'J Central Pacific . 34 Chicago & Alton . 120 do do pfd . . . 138 Ohl. , Bnrl. & Quincy . do pfd . Fort Wayne & Chicago . 120 Hannibal & St. Joseph . 3&J do do do pfd . . * 88i $ Illinois Control . Xnd , , Bloom , & Western . lit Kansas & Texas . litm Lake Shore & Michigan So . 734 Michigan Contra ! . 04 Minneapolis & St , Louis . 10 do do do pfd . . 211 Missouri Pacific . 07 Northern Pacific . . 10 do do pfd . „ . 42 Northwestern . . . . . . 871 do pfd . 124 New York Control . 199 = ' Ohio & Mississippi . 10 do do pfd . ZPeoria , Decatnr isEvansvillo . Bock Island . 105. Chicago , MUwaukoo & Bt. Paul . 02 ] do do do pfd . Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba . . Bt Paul & Omaha . ( do do pfd . 83 Texas , Pacific . Union Pacific . W abash , St. L. & Pacific. . : . do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . Western "Union Telegraph . . . . . . CG Asked. CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHIOAQO CHICAGO , " July 1. Flour Dull , weak and unchanged. Wheat Regular active and unsettled ; open ed very weak and J@jo lower ; fluctuated , de clined Ic , rallied and closed steady and 1J@ l c below tlio latest figures on the afternoon board yesterday ; cash 8282July { , 823 ® 82J ; August , 8Jg@81i ; September , bO@801 ; October 87. Winter , nominal , spring quiet ; No. 2 rod sold at 82@82 | . Corn Active and eak ; opened JfS'jo ' lower ; rallied ; fluctuated within range of fie ; rlobed i@ c below the final quotations on tlio afternoon board yesterday ; cash , 5H@'iO'/ ( / : July. EOi ; AuRiistC2J@524 ; September 02g < g52i ; October 51J ; refected , 41 J. O ts Fairly active , cash and July weak ; tloclined l@lc ; longer dollvcrlea tolerably Bteady and a shade under yfsterday. Cam and July 20 } ; August 2Jg@2Gtf ( ; September 2Tif ; year 238. Jtyo Dull at COo. Barley Quiet at C2@Cle. Seeds Timothy Firm ; good to prime , 12fi@12G. l''lax ' Sold sparingly at 1 55 , I'orl : Dull and about unchanged ; cash nominal ( July , 1)25@10CO ! ) ; August , 1875 : September , 17 70@17 75 ; October 1050 ® 1C 70. Lard Somewhat irregular ; fairly active ; declined 10C 15c , rallied C@7ic , closed steady ; cash and July 7 I0@7 124 ; Auq-ust7 80@7 32J ; Sejitpmber 7 5a7 ( 17i : October 7C5@7 67J. JJulk Meats -Shouldero. 5 75 ; short riba , 7 40 : short clear. 7 'JO. Whisky Unchanged at 1 10 , liuttcr- Steady and not quotably lower. Chuesor-I'asy ; for full cream choddnra and flats n moderate demand at 8@8jo ; eltimmed Cheddars dull ut2S.5c. ( l gs-Kasy atlli@151. Hidea Moderate demand and unchanged , Tallow Unchanged. CALL BOAIID Wheat-July , August and September Ao higher ; October rfo higher. Corn July and October Jo higher , August and September Ic higher. Oats- July and August io higher ; Septem ber Jo higher , Pork July 15e higher ; August unchanged ; September 5o higher. Lard July , August and September 60 higher , TOLEDO. TOLEDO , July 1. Wheat Quiet , firm ; No. 2 red , cash 871@E8. Com Dull ; No , 2 , cash and July 53. Oats Quiet , weak ; No. 2 cash , 30 asked. LIVEKPOOL , July l. 15road tu -Steady , fair ilemind , Wheat Spring , 7s 2d@"s 4d ; winter , 7 Cd @ 7a lOd. Corn 6s 3id , MEW vonic ruonocE. NKW YoitK , Julj ; 1. Wheat Spot declin ed lJ@2 ojcloKe < lwith some recovery : options , opened depressed , broke lJ@2Jc , alterwanU utroiiKor ; cloeod showing a recovery , J@U. No. 2 Chicago , J2@l)3 ) ; No. 2 crot ) In field J3 zKJ ! ) ; ungraded red 72@1 03J No. 3 red , 7S@88jNo , 2 red , 'J September elos- in if 09 , Corn Spot 1J@3 lower , heavy ; options opened weak ; declined 1 @ 2J , clo wl with re covery g1/ / ! ungradedISgS'J , No. 2 57@58 ; Septemlx r COJ. Oats ttatj lower ; more active ; clotting de cline pa'rtly recovered ; unfed western il@3tj ! white 30(5 ( la , * Western , fresh , demand fair , firm ; . 1'ork Dull , nominal. Laid Wrm ; Mtwtcrn bit-am jwt , 7 iuttcr Dull , drooping ; 8@20J. OIKOJNNATI , Jul/ 1. Wheat Dull ; nominal ; No , 2 rcJ W , Corn Dull ; lower ; No. 2 mixed , 53. HOats-Diill ! lower : No. 2 mixed 32@32J. Kye Dull ; No. 2 ml 01. Pork-Quiet and stead nt 15 Ti' Lurd Demand fair ; firm at 7 00. Hulk meats -Dull ; nominal , Whisky-Steady , nt I 07. KAX9A9 CITT. CITT , 1 , Wheat lower ; 70 bid CAsh ; 70J Auguct ; 71 bid September. Corn Lower t 40 } @ 10 ? C.Mbj10i@irj AuRiiitj U September. Oats Lower ; K > \ . sr. ST. Irfinta , July I. Wheat Strong ; hlghor ; 'JOJg'JOi July ; 8S | August ; 89i Sep tember. Corn- Higher NOj for July ; -ini@194 , AuRust ; 4iy September. Oats-1'lrmtr ; 2G'J"io for caih ; 2i3@20Jlo for July : 23Jo for August. Kyo Nominal , Barley Nominal , Butter Unchangoildalry ; 12@17cj creamery 1'ifRS Unchanged ; lOc. liay-UnchauKcd : timothy , 10 00@11 00. lirau Uiichaiigod ; COc. Corn meal 2 ! M. Whisky 1 08. NKW OHLVAK3. NEW OULEAKS , July 1. Corn Quiet. weak ; mixed , C8. Oats Ui otl demand ; choice , 41 , Corn Meal Dull , lower ; 2 W. Pork-Quiet , Heady ; 18 00. Cheese Unchanged. Lard Finn ; tierce refined , 8 2. ; kcff , 9 00. Whlskv Steady and unchanged. Kyo Dull , nominal : No. 1 , 1 > I. Barley Dull and lower ; No. 3 spring , September C-l MILWAUKKK , MtiAVAUKKR , July 1. Wlicat Strong er ; No. 2 , and July , 823 ! August , 85jj ; September , 80J. Corn Quiet and unchangedlNo. ; 2 , 65 ; re jected , CO. Oats Hauler ; No , 2 , 32 , delivered. Rye Dull , weaker ; No. 1 , 6l ! bid. Barley Nominally unchanged ; neglected , No. U spring , , 08. IlAI.TlMOlin. BALTIMORE , .July 1. Wheat pstcrn lower ; fairly active , No. 2 wiuterred , spot , 'Jl@l)45. ) Corn -Western lower , closing dull ; mixed spot , 55@60. Oats Western Lower , closing dull. white , 38@41 ; mixed , 38if ( Si ) . Hyo Quiet at C8@70. Kegs -Lower and dull at 15 , Whiskey -Steady at 1 14. _ Spot wheat to day roichcd the lowest point since organization of the corn and flour ox change. The bid was 01 cents and tlio mar ket closed dull. The absence of foreign de mand and thoiucomiiig ho ivy crop is attribu ted as the cause. This Is the , lowest price for more than than thirty years. MVE STOCK. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. I { CHICAGO , July 1. Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Steady ; best firm ; rough packing and shipping , 4 85@5 15 ; packing and shining , } 16@5 40 ; light , 4 70 < g5 30 ; skips , 3 00 © 175. 175.Cattlo Cattle Active , 5@10o higher ; common to : hoico shipping , 61030 50 ; inferior to peed : owa , 2 2o4 50 ; stockers and feeders , 3 00 ® 5 40. Sheep - Active for best ; Inferior to fair , J25@350 ; medium to good , 3 75@5 23 ; : hoico so extra , 4 50@5 50. BT. LOUIH LIVK STOCK , ST. Louis , July 1. Cattle Active , firm ; luality of supply poor ; common to choice ihipplng , 525(0,050. ( , fahcep Good grades scarce , winter poor , lot wanted ; common to choice , 2 20 ® 160 ; [ oed to choice lambs , 4 00@5 00. Hogs Active , higher ; Yorkers , 515@530 ; ackiinr , 4 00@5 25 ; heavy 0 25@510. KANSAS CITT LIVK STOCK. KANSAS CITT , July 1 , Cattle Good , toady : common , quiet ; natives , 4 76@G 20 ; air to good native cows , 3 25@4 00. Hogs Light , vMjaker ; heavy , firmer ; 4 70 5J500. Sheep Quiet ; natives , 2 80. TKAFPIO. LOCTB AND DRAIN. OBIOAQO , July J. Receipts f nnd1 ship- nonta of flour and grain for the past 48 hours lave been aa follows Receipts. Shlp'ta. Honr , bTls 13,000 11,000 rThoat , bushels 24,000 39,000 3orn , bushels [ 198,000 180,000 ) nts , bushehi 153,000 174,000 Iyobn8hela 0,000 18,000 Jorloy , bushels 2,000 2,000 NawJ YORK , July 1. Receipts nnd bipmenta of flour and grain for the past 24 hears lava been as follows : Receipts Bhlp'ta. Vhoat , bushels 10,000 77,000 Jora , bushels 100,050 IfiU.OOO > ata , bushels llo.OuO 1,000,000 LIVB STOCK. CHICAGO , July 1 , Rocelpta nnd ship- lonta of live stock for the post 24 houra have eon aa follown : Rncolpts , Bhlp'ta. laltlo fi,500 , [ oga 11,000 hoop. . , 1,000 , . . . . KANIAS OITT , July 1. Rocolpta and ilpmenta of hvo stock for the paat 24 hours ave been aa follows : Receipt * . * Shlp'tf. lattlo. . , 1,400 togs 7,090 hoop 825 . . . . Sr , Louis , July 1 , Receipts and ship- lent i of live stock for the pant 24 hours have eon aa follows : Receipt ! , Bhlp'ts. lattlo 1,300 Cogs 3,200 hoop 1'JOO OMAHA MAKKEI8 Wholesale Prices ) . OrrioE or TUB OMAHA BIN , 1 Tuesday Evening , July 1 , f The following prices are charged retailers y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer- taiita , with the exception of grain , which is uoted at the prices furnished by the elevators ad other local buyers : Urnln , Wheat Cosh No. 2 , COC7io. ( Barley Oaah No. 2 , 45@50c. Ryo-Cosh , No. 3 , 43@lDc. Corn No. 2 , 3Si@3o. ! ) Oata No. 2 , H21@33c. II Id CB. Steady ; green butchers , 5igCgreen ( ) ; Baited , l@8c ; dry flint. 12l/c ; dry salt 10@lllc imaged laden , two-thirds price. Tallow 54@0c. Shetp Pelts' 25c@81 00 , liivo cttock. STEKBS 4 25(5)5 ( ) 50. " VAT Cows-3 00@4 00 , . Hoa8-100@4fO. BHEKP 3 50@4 00 , OALVC3-0 00@7 00. 8 l Wool , Light fine 1417. Heavy finp 10@13. Medium rlOir. Coarro 10 ® 13. Burry 2 to Co off. PBKSEBVEB { In 20-lb pulUJ Btawborry , apberry , blackberry , per Hi , ISc ; poach en lerrles , pluma , apricots , lijri , porlb , 12oj anborry sauce , per Ib , 80. I'liovjBioNH Ham , 13oi n , bacon , 12 ! Jo s. bacon , no ; d. . sldo.1lOf o ; ehort rib i lies , lOJc : BhoulderH , 8Jcj inoaa jKirlt. per il. $ l8.tX ) . Dried beef , 13e. Lard , 0@10o. VEOBTADLES Spinach , per bbl , 82 00 ; new , bbafo , j > cr doz 80@100 ; lettuce , pet > z.,25c ; redinhaa , per doz. , 25c : turnlpa ir 1m , COc. beet * , l > er bu , 76ci icuuibors , per doz. . $1 00 ; I'io , plant sr Ib. 2o , cauliflower per doz , $100 ; > w carroU. per Ib. , So , TomutoM. bu. box , 75@1 00 : < reen pea per Uuihel ix , 81.00 : btring beana per bushel box , $2,00 HUALI , FI.UIIH Stra l)0rrica , pcr21-nuart ! S3 00 , Black raipborrios , 83 00 i. lU'd nied , tier 12-quatt caw ; , SI 00 , Ruoitu > l < srries , per bushel , $1 00 , Wild plamB , per iy case $3 50. Now apples | i > er box BO1 OC KASTFHV CiiKimiKS Plentiful and All kinds of packages are ont to market , soil ing at the rate of about § a W ) per bu h. Dry Gooili. DROWN SnKKTiNoa Atlantic A , 74o ; Atlnr tlo 1' , Gc ; Atlantlo LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc Beaver Dam LL. 0o | Lawrence LL. 6Jc ; Pacl fie II , 7fc ; Royal Standard , So ; Indian Iloai A , 8c ) Wauclunott A , 7o. FINE BROWN SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 7ic ; Pop peroll R , 7c ; Salisbury 11 , GJo. Bi.KACHKi ) COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GJo ; Bal loti 7-8 , fijc Cumberland 4-1 , So ; Davoli 1)1) 8Jc ; rairmonnt , 4lcFruIt ; of the Loom -1--I ! to : Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-Vic ; Lmudalo SicjNow V k Mills , lljo ; Wmnsutta , lOJo. DCCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz , , 11 Jo ; BOB. ton , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 0 oz , , He ; Fall Rlvor , 8Jc. DOCKS ( Gray ) Went Point , 8 oz. , lie West Point , 10 oz. , 1 Io ; Boston Boar , 8 or. , lie. lie.TICKINGS Ainogkoag. He ; Continental Fancy , Me ; Cordis , lUJo ; Pearl Rl\or , Ho ; York , 12Jo ; llamloton Awnings. IL'Je. DENIMS Amoakoag , Ho ; Beaver Crook AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook Ml ) , lie ; Beaver Crook CC. 10 ; Haymakers So ; Jaffroy D & T. 12jc ; Jaltroy XXX , 12Jo ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) , 12o ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Wnmn CO ( brown ) , lOc. 0AMnmoa Fifth avenue glove finish , fie ; Keystone glove finish , fije. COIISKT.JKANB Amory , 7ic ( HancocV , 80 ; Koarsayor , 81o ; Roekport , 7c. PRINTS Allen j5icAmorican,5Jo ; ; Arnolds , Go ; Cochoeo , Gc ; Harmony , 4o { Indigo , "io ; Indigo 7-8,11 Jc ; Indigo 4-1,12jo ; cheap sale 4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PIUNTB SHIRTINGS American , 6c ; Cochoeo , 5o ; GloucostorCcSouthbrldgo : , 4Ic ; Wavorlyn , 4jcj [ Roaodalo , 4 jc. \ GINGHAMS Amoskoag staples , 8o : Batoa staples , 8e ; Lancaster staplu , 80 ; Plnnkot plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoskoag Persians , OJc. DRESS Goons Atlantlo alpacca , OJo : Per- slano cashmor , 23Jo ; llamloton cashmere , 151c ; llamloton Fancus , 114o ; llamloton bro- cadosj , 15o ; Arlington brocade , 18o. Iilqnnra. AtOOHOt 188 wiuu alcohol , 2 20 per wine gallon extra California spirits , 1H3 proof , 1 13 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; ro-dtstlllod ivhlstdo.1 1 00@1 60 ; line blended , 1 60@2 CO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; IContuck- xud Pennsylvania ryos. 2 00@7 CO. BRANDIES Imported , 0 00@1G 00 ; domestic ) I 40@4 00. GINQ Imported , 4 DO@G 00 ; domostlo , 1 4 KniiB Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; Now England , ! 004 00 ; domostlo , 1 60@3 50 , PEACH AND ATPLE BRANDY ! 7C@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 23 00@ U 00 ; AmoTicanpor ; coso , 12 00@10 00. Orooora Iilet. CANNED GOODS Uystors ( ijtandardpor ) casi I 70@S 80 ; strawborrlos , 2 Ib , per case , 2 CO ® ! 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; liartlo ' ( oars , per cose , 2 10 ; wnortloborrlos , per cosi ; 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib. per cose , 2 IX ) ; grooi ; agC8 , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 11 icr coso , 4 80(25 ( CO. ROPE Sisal j inch nnd larger , Ole , 9 Inch cj ; i inch , lOlc. CANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8s , 15o ; loxos 40 Ibs , 10 oi. , Cs , IDo , MATOIIES Per caddie , 85o ; round , oaBoa , 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUOAIIS Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 8io ; ranulatod , 7fic ; confoctlonoru' A , 73c : Stand' ' rd extra O , 6Jc ; extra O , Gjjo ; modluin yol aw , Cic ; dark yellow , o. OOFIPEKS Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fair 1. $13ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15&c ; cliolco G@17c ; fancy green nndyollow.lG@lG&colcJ ovommont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng'a roosted 7c : Arbucklo's roahtod , 15jc ; McLaughlln'i XXX roasted , 15 jo ; mltatlon Java , 1C ; J18 c ; Clark's Aurora , IGJc. BICE Louisiana prime to choice , 7o ; fair Jo ; Patmn , GJa FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; Ni mackerel , Kits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , hal rls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95o ; No. " rhlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. STBUP Standard Com. . SOc , bnls ; Standari o , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon 078 137. SODA In Ib papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib , ! jc. PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; d i half barrows , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 25 ; d i half barrels , 5 25 ; Rhorklns In barrels , 10 25 a In half barrols. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GC 375c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60G5c Hyson , good , _ 86@50c ; choice , 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 800 ; Japan hoico , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong aoico , 10@55c ; Souchong- , good , 3 @ 40c ioico , 35@45c. WooDBNWAnD Two hoop palls , 1 iroo hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo eor waahboaras , 185 ; Double Crown 2 00 Tellbuokets. 3 05. SOAPB Klrk-s Savon Imperial , S 45 ; Kirk's ktlnet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 8 76 ; Kirk'g hito Russian , 525 ; Kirks outoca , 215 Irk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's .ognolla , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case 85 ; Babbitts ball 2 doz. in case , 190 ; Anchor Ul , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 1213c ; [ stick , Ho ; twist Ick.lOio , VINEOAB NowTJorkappIo IGo ; Ohio np o. lc ! ! , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , ! i cks , S CO ; bbis dairy GO , 5a , 3 80. STABOU Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Con ; arch , So ; ExcolsIorGloss. 7o ; Corn , 7Jo. SriOES Popper , 17o ; allspice , 15o ; doves , io ; cassia loo. LTB American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 , 'ootora , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 65 ; Jovrolllyo , 275 , ToDaccoa PLUQ TOBACCO Climax , 50o ; Bullion GOo orsoBhoo , 50c ; Star. 50o ; Ruddy , 45o ; Her- ya [ , 40c ; Black , S8@40c. FINK CDT Common. 2030c ; good , 45@ c ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c ; Diamond rown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , KOc. SMOICINQ O , B. , 22c ; MoorBclmum , SOo ; Dur ua , 8 oz , , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , fi7c ; Durban1 az. , C5o ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , C5c sal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o orth Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , 4 . , 28c ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Undo od , i'o 25o ; Tom and Jerry , 2io ! , nruica , DncaB AND CHEMICALS Add , carbolic , 35o id. tartarlc , C3c ; balsam capabla , per lib. c ; bark sassafras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , peril ) c ; cinohonldia , per oz. , 80.G5 ; chloroform , ir Ib. , 8110 ; Dovors powder , l > or Ib. , $1.25 | som salts , per Ib. , SJc ; glycerine , pure , per . , 28c ; load acetate , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor , o 1 per gal , , 81.55 ; t oil , castor , No. 3 per ,1,81,40 , ; oil , olive , tergal. , 81,40 ; oil orl- , num , fiOo ; opium , sl.r 0 ; nulnlno , P. A ; W ; id R. & 8. . per oz. , 8L40 ; potassium , . ilno , per Ib , , 81,50 ; salltln , perez , , 40c ; sul- latoof moriihluo , per oz , , 33,50 ; sulphur > ur , per Ib , , 4c ; ntrychnlno , per oz , , 8L35 , Oak JOB , 88c42o ! hernfocksolo28c@85c | in lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner 05o to 80c ; mlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22c 24c ; oak upper. 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 CO : If kid , 3235 ; Grolsen kid , 2 CO to 2 75 ; oak n , 80o to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 180 ; 1'rencb p 110 to 1C5 ; ICronch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- U. B CO to 7 CO ; lining. 6 00 to 8 CO ; top. ngs , 9 00 to 10 CO ; B , L , Morocco. SOo to 35ci bble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c ; eimon , 2 CO to 8 00 , HAnNBas No. 1 star oak , 87o ; No a : No. 1 Ohio oak , 3lc ; No , 2 do , B3oj No , Milwaukee 84o : No 2 do 83c. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 87c ; No , B Pitts oak r , 860. Z'alntB.Olla unrt V rnlalic . DILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 18Jo ; 1BO" ullight , per gallon , 14 ic ; 170 ° headlight , t gallon , 18c ; 160 ° water white , 17c ; lln id , raw , ; pr g lion.C9c ; llnsood , belled , per Ion , G2oLard , winter str'd , per gallon , BOc : i , 1 , 70cNo.B ; 2 , GOo castor , XXX , per gal' i , 1 GO ; No. 8,1 40 ; aweet , per gallon 100 irm W.B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fish. W. B. , gallon , G5o : noaUfootoxtra , per gallon , IKJo ; ' , 1 , 7Co ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; amor , ICe ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal > , 35o ; No. 2 , 2Hc ; sperm , signal , per gallon : ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; tiaptha 71 ° , ' gallon , IGc. , 'AINTB IN OIL Whlto load , Omalia P , P , i ; whlto load. St , I ouis , pure , C Jo ; Mareoillos on 1 to & Ib cans , We ; Frendi zlno , green J , 12c * . French zinc , rod seal , He ; French o , In varnish uut , 20c ) Fionch zlno. In oil t , ICc : raw and burnt umberj 1 tt > cans , lOo ; 1 and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown , n refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , and pry black , IGo ; drop black , IGc ; Woe , iOc ! nltrumftHno bh , 18c ; chromo ( rroon1 it. M. D. , ICcj blind nnd nhuttor green , L' ' M. AD. , lCcPnrl ; grocn , 18c ; Indian rod , 15oj VonotUn rod , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amor ) , CAM Vennllllon. I. P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow L. M. , O. k D. 0. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc : golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 80 ; colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , DrT Vnlutn. Whlto load , 8cj l rench tine , lOflJ Parli whiting , 2Jo ; whltlnR gilders , IJcj whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , ( Sormantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordim\ry , 10c ; Pruvilan blno , B5o nUratnarino , 18c ; vnndyko , brown , 8c ; umber 70c ; vormllllon , American , 18c ! Indian rod , 10o ; nwo pink , 14o | vcnotlnn rod , Cooknon's , 2c ; Venetian rwl , American , IJcj rod load , "Jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo yel low , 1C , 12ci ochre rwchollo , So1 ochro. Kronen , 2Jo ; ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mineral , 2ic ; lohigh brown , 21o ; Hpul h brown , 2Jo ; Prince's mineral , So , VAIWlSHKa Barrels. p < w galloni Furnl turo , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , Pli coach , extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. ] , $1 20Damar ; extra , ? 1 76 ; Japan , 70o ! Miihaltum , extra , 85o ; sholUo , S3 50 : hard oil finish 8160. UOATT Hardware Iron , rntos , 2 CO ; plow stool special east , Go crudblo , 7o ; apodal cr Gorman , He ; coat too ; do , 15@20 | wagon spokes , pot , 2 25 < a3 00) ) hubs per sot , 125 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40itonguew , iach.70@85cj wtlos each , 7Pc ; square nuts per b , 7@llc : washora crlb.8@18c ; rivets , per b , Ho ; coil ohalu , per lt > , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Go : crowbars , Gc : harrow tooth lo ; spring tool , 7@8o ; Burden's honohoo * 4 70 Jurilon's innloshoos C 70 , BAHDED Wins In car lots. 4 85 per 100 , NAILS Rotes , 10 to GO , 2 05. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental ) owdor , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 85 ; fuse , > or 100 foot We. ' LEAD Bar , 1G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rls run Blossburg , 1000 ; Whltobroaat lump ; 5 00 ; Whitobroast nut , C 00 ; Iowa lump , f > 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Authra cite , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton tiu inner. Wo qnoto lumber , lath and shlng es , on oars at Omaha at tlio following prlcos ; JOIST AND SoANTLwa 10 ft. and nndor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50 , TIMBEIUI 1C foot and under , 22.00. TIMDKB AND Joisr-18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 CO ; 22 ft , 20 CO ; 21ft , 20 50. ITitNoiNa No. 1 , 4 and Gin. , 2100 ; No. 2. ' 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK BoAnoa A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 05 00. FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 SiniNQ , cloor 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , CEILING J , 37 00 ; 8 , 23 00. SIHNOLE8 , best 150 ; standard , 8 50. LATH 8 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , S5o ; coraont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 CO ; hair per bu. COc ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , 8 50 ; straw board,8 60. DENVKIt MAllILKT. LIVE STOCK Boot Cattle , 100 Ib. 5 50@5 75 ; dressed 9 00@10 00 ; sheep 300@3 25 } hogs. live , 5 00@5 35 ; dressed 7 00@7 25. Hides. Dry Flint , Ili@l2o. ; green 45o. green calf 810c ; ehoopskins , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. 6@Gc. Wool. Colorado ll@15e. ; Now Mexico 7@ lOc. Ftonn-Colorido. 100 Ibs. 1 85@2 25 ; pat ent , 400 Ibs. , 2 85@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; ito , 100 Ibf. . 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 10 00@10 60 , bran , ton , 12 00@11 00 ; corn meal. 100 Ibs. 145(51175. ( CJiiAlN Wheat , 100 His , 1 40 ; corn , In sacks 100 Ibs , 1 OS@l 12 : oats , 100 Ibs , 135 @ 1 45 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 35. HAT Baled , upland. 20 00@2G 00 ; bottom tom straw , 1200 ( 10,00. JiUTTEn Finest , 25@2(5c ( : Nebraska dairy choice , ll(315c ( ; common , G@8c. Eoas Fresh , 23@21c ; ranch , doz , fresh 2830o. CHEESE Full cream , ll15c ( ; LImburger , 18c : S\viss , Imported , 3l'o. PotlLinT Live , chickens old , 50@G ; 00 jprlng chickens , 3 6o@l 60 ; dressed Ib , 18@19c. POTATOES Grooloy , lOOlbs.l 00@110 : Now 22fl@2G5. VEaBTADLEB Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 DO ® 2 75 cabbage , new , 100 Iba , 3 00 ; now boots , Ibs 2 50. f Fnniis Oranga Messina box , 000 ; lemons , choice Messina. 4 50@ C 00 ; apples , California , bbl , 3 00@3 25 ; bananas , bunch , I G0@1.00 ; poaches per box 2 G0@2 70 ; Texas plums 100 per box , MEATS llama , Ib , 13i@14o ; bacon , break- F&st , 12y@13c : lard , m tierces , Ib , lOc ; iry salt sides , 9i@10o. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1GO , kit , IIICBH , L 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 CO ; Holland horrin ? , ko7 , 1 GO1 75 ; trout , per b. 17@18o. [ HE BRUNSWICK , OALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCKSSOHS TO THK J. If. U. It K. 00. ] THE MONARCH Tliu moit oxtonslvo manufacturers of IN THE WOULD. 09 S. Tenth Street , OUAHA , NEII. /JTPrlcos ot Illlllril anil Tool Tables and material ) urnlahcil on application. DOCTOR 17 St. Cliorlcs S ( . , SI. Loiili , Mo. l rrgnlur irttatliKtifa Medlenl Collnci , kii Imdi lonier DK.K dlo lli p ltllr lmtul f OIIKO IC , M vov > jH M ml Ill-ecu Dniiiullinn mnr ullicr I'liTllclinlii HI. Loull , j cllr r l'eri ibo wand all did rnldtuli know. Nervous Prostration , Dcblilly , Mental and 'hyslcal Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec- Ions ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Olood Poisoning , > td Sores and Ulcers , * ro irrtud witti unp > iiiicl < 4 Mteettttu utcittrtrntltlo | irloeli In. f * 'flr , 1'ihaUly , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exco&S , IVCr.lUU .u , IID .UCI/ V , irlll.l. . , VUM.UI , . wt , U H , VMta , ndcrlne Marrlaito Improper or unhappy , > rii crmiucilljrcurwl , l' ni | tltlSn ( | xcijoullm .Loveitut n iMled eurtlope , frrMto ftojaddre. ! . Cuoiulutloaalol * ) ceork/iu IUri. < , aodluTlifl. Wrllo farqueitlcui. Positive Writren Guarantee Klrt In all curiUacim , XI Jlcln i icot evcrj ljcri. ramplilati , lncll : h or Oerinan , O4 pa i , de. tcrlbliiiabovedlaeaiMIn waloor fowuloifllUE. MARRIAGE GU8DEI Jtti | uti , Ooi pl > le > , llluilriteil la tloih aid ( lit tlmllur , W , uiuneTl o.uc * i ikuiiIJK ) tt corrri , 7 0. TLIi L ok Boutifoi all U curloui , douttrul tir luiiul.lilrt vint 14 knew. X keel ( f licit lulcreil Io all , JUllUi , U l'.lnC4l | arg JnuietiJ If 1U ulrlct. SCJIMELING & J3ELSCJ1NEU , DBALEKB IN 021 South JBtb , between Jaclison and Jonoa BU Job Woilc u UooSnt ; . auttcrluf , Kto. , [ > rom | > tly done. HAMBUBG-AMERIOAN ZP'/xolx.ot C7oaoa.j3M-xi.75r. [ IlKUt LINK FOR KNUT.ANI ) , KRAKOB AND OKItMAKY. Hie stoamshliu ot thli well-known line arc hullt ol > n , In waUr'tliflit oumiiaituionti , ami are InriiUli- wltU every rc'iuwito to make fie iia , nio loth le and agr i tlo. 'Jliev carry tlio l/iiltoil Htatoi J Xim > i > uii nmlU , ami | f vt > Now York * 'Ilium- , ) > and natiirdain for I'lymuuth ( I.ONUON ) Clar- nine. ( l > AltlBan < l HAVIIUMa. lUtci ; Klut Cabin , WJ , $70 and 930. Btocril0,820. Henry I'undt , lluk Haiiitcii. K. K. Jlonrua.ll. Toft , ( inUIn Oiimlin. OroiiowkL'iHcliotntgtiiaiHUilii ) mucll llluir * . V , U : UlUlfAKU tt ( JO , Umi. I'nwi cucr&l Vi'utcJil Asjnts , 107 Wasliluxkiii m. . t'hla ) | U1 < Railway Time Tablo. n Hftect July 1 , llicMtcntlon Pf the triulllnff jiuWlo l filloit t tlio ( ct that tht li the only complete and absolute Iy correct time table pudllhlicd In the city. All tMlMfcrtlw at Mirt ilqntt Irom Om < h 01 ContrM Standard Time , which ll 24 niltmtrs f te than dun tlm . t Kxcrpt Sftliirdir , Except Sunday , J r.iftfi Mon Kroiu.UnlnnlPnclllu Depot ; Tenth St. v. r. v. n. , MAIN ifalland Kivlt:40 | : iktn . . .7Kntt : ) 1'acino Rxp. . Mall and Kii.,4 | 00 p u r.v DIVISION. LfttVR. I ARRhR , Lincoln Kxp..13:65 : p m | Lincoln KxplS.S p m DUMMY TKA1NS-HU1DOK DIVISION. Leave Omaha : 0 40 , 8 00,8:00,10:00,11:16 : : : A m. . 1CO : , S:00 : , S.OO , 4:00,11:00 : : , 0.00 , lO.Si p.m. OnS mlaj- 8.40,9:0 : } , UM6 a. in ; 1:00 : , S 00,6,00 , 8.00,10.SS t ) in ArthoattiMiffrrdfi-otlS mlnutm fitter ; BroadVaj dciiotCouncil llltiflu , SO minute * later. t/ea\ Council HIiiR * , llrcailway ilciKit , 7SO : , 8:30 : , 9.30,10:30,11:40 : : am ; 1:30 : , 9 : . < tO , S.SO. 4 30,6:30,8 : 85 , 11:05 : p.m OnSundays : 7:10,9.30 : , 11:40a. : in. ; 1:80 : , 3.SO , 4:30 : , 8.35,11:05 : pm. Artlro atTran ( or 7 mln < ute later , I av Council ninffi Transfer ilcpot ! 7S5 : , 8,57 , O.S7,10.37,11S47 n ml 1:37 , S'S7 , S 87 , 4:40 : , 6.37 , 8:45 : , 11:15 : p , m. Arrive Omikna 13 minutes later , TIlANSmi THAWS. 1.1UVR. ARIUYK. Paw. No. S . B:1R : urn 1'iws. No. 51. . . . 0:45 : am ' ' M 10 05 a m iV..lsissp m 4.,4:26 : pm " R 7SSpm 8 MO ) > m " l 3:15 : pm 10..8.55 pm pmDal V. UISSOUllI PACIFIC , tlUVm. I ARR1TH. Mall' . 10 35 km I Omaha Kxp,60 Mil St. Louis Kip. . . , 8.35 pm Mall * . 6.10 1 > to B. 0. H V. H. tt. WAV * . I ARR1VH. Ifall 8:40 : a mlfit. Pau > Kip , . 0:45 : K m BtTaulKip a65pinUall | 7:35 : p ni Dully. * o. , R. i A r. u n. , MUV1. I AltRIVR. Des > IolncaAoo,0.40nm Rsprrnt 0:45 : n m Uall * Silft Kiul lo Molnoj Aoo'B:50 : p m Rtpiorat 4:25 : pmlUall * , 7:35 ii ni O.JkN. W. . . L1CAVI. Uall * 8:15 : am Kzprosst Rsprout 4:25pm : Mall' . 7.35pm 0. , M. & ! fcl'.K. K. LnlVR. ARRIVB. Uallk Ki1 R:15atn : Paclflo Kip ) , . . . D'45 m AtlantloKslIA5pra Mall * Rip7:55 : 11 m O. , 11 k 11 H. It , > ! A Council Illulls. ) LIAVR. I Aniinn. Uall R:15 : a m I Kiiircw 0:45 : am KijircM ,4:25 : p m I Uall , , . 7:35 : p m Pullv. [ Koto. ) Tlio 0:00 : a m ntul (1:00 ( : p in dummy trains nlto [ Minncrt willi rnnt'liouuil tralnn on tlio Uock-lsUnd , Uuilln ton , Nottli.Western nnd Vlll\\n\iki'o ruaita. WA11A81I.8T. LOUIS & l-ACIl'IO. Amur * . Cannon 1U1I.l:00'pm : | Cannon liall.8:50nm : Daily. K. 0. , UT. JOB ft 0. U. ( v In Council Hinds. ) MIAMI. I AUIUVH. UMI . . . . . . , ,0:00nm : KxprnaJ 7:60am : l'.iirc | 3t 0.65p in | Mall , 7:86pin : AKKANOKMKNTOr SUNDAY TUAtNH Durlii ) , ' July Saturday , Bttmlay and Mondny Chicago tralnalllrotata astollowH ; Satimlay ornlnKtrains lew9 July Btli and 20thl 3. M. & St. 1' ; July 10thU the North.Wcstcrn ; July ItthIn the Hock Iilnml Arrl\a In tha uniiio irilcr tlio llonilay following. SundaymornhiRtrolns tlojurt and Sunday melting Tallin nrrt > o July fith nnd 27th > ln tlio Huck lulaiul , I uly \lAtlioNurth-Winttrii , and July Mtlila haOM&Stl1. From B , & M. Uopot ; Tcmir.Stroor , B. & IfnAILHOAD-MAINLINE. DRIMIH mrnsan. WIUT HOUND , IAST BOUND. LXAVK. AHRIVS. ) mah * . . . 0:10 : pm 7:50 : am 7:00 : pm 10.05 am \nhlanil. . 8:27 : pm 10:08 : am 4:52 : pm 8:12 : am jlncoln. . . 10.00 pm 12.Com [ 0:60 : pm 7t5 : am Truto 11:17 : pm l:540pm : z:41 : pm Boi : an . . 6:16 : am 4:15 : pm 11:65 : urn 10.50 pn led Cloud. 8. CO am 0.0 ] pm 10.25 am 8:25 : pn : ifcCooli..10.65 am Dlfi ; jim 0.15 am 4:10 : pui Ikran . . . . 3:45 : pm 2:10 : am 12:50 : am 11:05 : am Jomor. . . . 7:25 : pm 0 15 am B:25 : pm 7:30 : am Daily. * OMAHA AND PLATTTMOUTU THA1N8 : .r. Omalm nt 7:50 : , ami 8:40 : a in ; 4:50,0:10,7:45 : : : p n ir. Omaha tO:25,8.40 : niul 10.05 a m ; 7:00,7:30 : : p ir Dolly. 0. H. & Q. It. UlariatUmouth. . ) IRAVB. I AnitlVH ) r.xp,8'45 a m flmalmnxp 8:40n : n llip.,4:60p : in Western Kxp..7:30 : p in Dally. K. O. , RT. J. & C. 11.U 1'latUmouth. ) LIU Ml. AIUUVR. lall 8:45 : a m Kxnrcust 0:25 : Exprcsst 7:45 pm Mall 7:30 p from O , Bt. P. M. &O. Depot , lltli nnd \VolBtor StrootH. o. , si. r. u. a o. M1AVB. ABniTR. Jo2raBsonsor..8.10 m I No8 MUod 10:30 : a { o 4 Mixed 3:30 : pm | No 1 I'aMongcr. 6:30 : p m Sundays KxcojitoJ. WITE -lid your work is done for all time to corao. WE CHALLENGE World ) produce n more durable material k for fitrcofc pnvoniont fclmn the i Sioux Fulls Grauito. -OR MACADAM led promptly. Samples eont and istiinateB given upon application. WM.MoBATN&CO. , Sioux Fulls , Dakota. T. H , HANCHETT , M , D , , [ HQMEOPATHXST , TKlKVHOHtt NO , 1B1. JIIlco Itooini 1 and 2 Jamb'H Illook , Ibth B { , Ml J pltol Avc , lUtldoDM , 2 22 St. Mary'd Aro. . THE MURRAY IRON WORKS , ASMtl tt > K mt HYATT P ftisMAtie wants , tWO : MW ( IStlMATti SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , K CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. ItlAtho beat ml cheapest food tor ntook < it any klnd.TCno pound Is equal to three pounds of corn took to I with Or on ml Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instead of running down , will Incroww In weight anil bo In good marketable aond.tlon In the uprlni. Dftlrinen. n xoll us others , who use It can teitlfy t Its menu. Try It and ] UIR < for youraolrcj. Trice t2E.ou pot ton * no charge for ueVt. Address WOODMAN UNSEED OIL COMPANY , OrnMi * Neb. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock FffiE AND BUBGLAB PBOOf J. A , WAKEFIELD , WUOLKSALB AMD UKTAII. DEAI.F.n IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMBNT , PLASTER , SO- BTATK AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , Wholesale Grocers E. B. LOOKWOOD ( formerly of Loclcwood & Draper ) Chicago , Manager - agor of tlio Ton , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of nil grades of above ; also pipes nnd smokers1 articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open. orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE HE OVER DOOR Fet flalo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. OLAKKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , BUCCESflOUa TO KENNAllD BROS , fe CO. ) 1 ! I DEALBIIS IN PaintsOils. . Btrushas * Classes. NEBRASKA. LAGER FRANZ FALK BREWING GO. Milwaukee , Wis. BEER. . QUNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M.HELLMAN & GO , , Wholesale OlotMers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. fflh HA.HA. . SLOMAN BROTHERS , HEOENTLYFROM FREMONT , NEB. ilVHOLESALELEATHER , SADDLERY SADDJLE11Y HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. ] WE TBE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ! ? or Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , mid cpnsignnients made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 1 3th Street , Bet. DGdge and Capitol Ave. , - - OMAHA , NEB ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) AND Office and Yard.iGth and Douglas ts , , Q HI all 3